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effort to stabilize soaring prices. but there are fears the decision may have the opposite effects. seeking to hold tech giants accountable, the u. unveiled new rules to keep illegal and offensive content off their platforms . and similar to the school, so just a few hours before time computer defends the heavyweight boxing titles against philly and white and the premium e majesty united have mr. penalty and fellow know who on track to become, reclaim full thing the welcome to the news, our ukraine's president. his warning, euro brushes war in his country is just a start if a wider plan to invade other nations, while others landscape comments come after a top russian general side. it's forces one to take control of ukraine, southern and eastern regions. and the aim is to link that area with russian annex crimea. or moscow also wants to open a land corridor all the way to transmit trio. that's a russian back breakaway region of mold over daily money, which is a hope with ease to create. the invasion to ukraine can be considered just the beginning. they will want to invade other countries. of course, we will resist for as long as possible to break this ambition of the russian federation also of the nations, they believe in the victory of life over a devil. they have to fight together with us. they have to help us enough, samuel romani is a geopolitical analyst from the royal united services institute. he says rushes new advances in ukraine could have significant impact on nearby moldova. mother was very concerned about this because this follows along the trajectory and asked literary rhetoric for marcia tours. moldova was the russians have been warning that they could cut off gas, tomato cans model, but does not have the funds should be able to pay for it. there was a major gas dispute that unfolded over the course of the fall. also, there were $1000.00 troops and transistors that how the drill right before the invasion of ukraine and ukraine is repeatedly warned that transistor has major city curious hall could be a staging ground for aerial operations and how the new cell model was very, very concerned about this was a history, a is an occupied region, the de facto by russia, basically since the middle of the 1990 is significant because of his logistical proximity towards the black sea and also towards the ukrainian city of a desa, which is vital for schools of conquering south in ukraine and potentially landmarking your homeowner ways, walking over a fine line here. it's also unusual countries and part of nato, right. and it's vowed to keep that to appease russia. also, it has progression elements like for president e road, only one closer economic interaction with russia. so when dad, the united states is tell him aldo, which divest from russia, it's not as easy as it looks because his elements, you believe that engaging with russia is the best way to protect model for security . but there's been some small movements right? model has been removed from the russian power grad, much like you can move towards european paragraphs as the positive side. troll stratford is near the frontline of conflict atlas chance can easter ukraine. we arrived dispose about half an hour ago. the checkpoints were telling us that things had been com so far this morning them describing the shilling is being sporadic. suddenly that seems to be the case. yeah, i can hear shelling now. and as we came in, there were 2 shells that landed very close to us. what's incredible, though, as we've been reporting throughout, since this invasion is still people living in areas like this, this particular street doesn't seem to be shelled to st. back very much. it's very different indeed, with respect to that sir corridor or from burial pal, where we know that they're around or certainly reported around a 1000 civilians trapped underneath that still works in the city. we have no details as to whether there has been any real movement there. there was no confirmation from the russian side in our understanding. ukraine's deputy prime minister has said that she is hearing wind or rumors. all that the russians are trying to organize some sort of parallel card or if that would be the right term. we'll certainly alternative card or taking those civilians potentially out towards russia and not into ukraine. we know that there are least a 1000 possibly more ukrainian military and ukranian fighters inside that still works as well. we don't know how many exactly how many civilians there are under under that building. but we know that they've been there a very long time indeed. and as i say, we also hear that there is ongoing fighting as the gradients defend that position. ukraine presidents at on friday allies have finally delivered much needed to weapons for dr. hamid's is in boucher outside the capital. keith, where there are signs of the damage local forces inflicted on russian tanks. now i just want to show you where i am now. i'm in a sort of a graveyard of military equipment. look at all this file of twisted metals. we are told that all of this is russian ties and russian armored vehicles that were heads while waiting to try to reach keith. if you remember that there was that very low convoy that was stopped by d ukrainian. it shows you that ukraine is off putting up a fight, but president zelinski himself is say, at the shooting point, we cannot deny the strength of russia. we could be out numbered, we could be out a gun, which is basically what's happening. for example, with those ukranian forces that have now hunker down in that factory south of you for president zaleski says to avoid so situations we need to have more and more weapons to be able to defend of. so because this is not all of russia strength, yes, ukraine is able to hurt russia, but it's not able to and it's military power pressure that you have among them. for example, there's this church and just here on this, you can see it's written had the wrong. that's the name of the judge and leader. a lot of this equipment had a v written en route white on it. that's also the as an indication that the checks were approaching key will be those fighters known to be fear as fighters. so ukraine needs as much help as possible. the head of the u. n. is due to travel to ukraine on thursday to meet president villa. rosa lensky. but 1st on 20, the terrors will have to moscow for talk to the russians. while we're putin. our diplomatic editor james bay's reports from the united nations. the un secretary general antonio terrace is now going to involve himself directly in an effort to solve the ukraine war. on tuesday, he called for tris, over the dogs easter something that russia has not agreed to sell. but on the same day, he also sent 2 letters, one to the russians, and the other to the ukrainians, requesting that he should visit moscow and keep the 1st of those trips will now be on tuesday. all we have on the agenda is his working lunch and meeting with the foreign minister and then his reception on later on, on the same day by president putin. you know, as he said in his letters to both presidents and he hopes to talk about what can be done to bring peace to ukraine urgently. diplomat speaking to me before the moscow visit was officially confirmed. welcome, the secretary general's new piece initiative for any effort to add to address this ongoing problem. but i think the big issue is to ensure that the russians abide by cease fire that they also allow for access to, to civilians. but any effort to in the carnage is, well, you are absolutely delighted to see the sector general step forward. he has been very strong in his remarks to date. we now need to see action. and i think the suggestions that he's put out there in terms of engaging both parties brings the you entered into the role that it properly assumes in its responsibility for international peace and security. before the start of the war, the secretary general had try to meet president putin. they were both at the winter olympics and china at the same time. then russian officials said it was impossible to arrange a meeting. now the 2nd general finds himself possibly involved in shuttle diplomacy between moscow and care. without doubt, this is the most important and probably the most difficult trip of his 5 years in office. james bay's al jazeera of the united nations. once more had on the al jazeera in his hour, including disney loses its special status and florida. find out why the state governor has cancel the entertainment ions decades old privilege. and gabriel's on doing new york, one of the world's biggest antique book fairs. coming up all introduce you to one book that was written by a child that is selling for more than $1000000.00. orders and looting and the tale for the miami to the atlanta hawks denied them another victory and the n b a playoff. ah, but 1st the israeli government has closed the gaza border crossing to workers following hamas rocket attacks. they targeted southern israel after repeated is really raids on palestinian worshippers at the exxon, los compound and occupied east jerusalem is really a raids also attacked various areas of the gaza strip twice last week. you must say it is that the gaza israel border palestinians in god's a consider this decision to be a dangerous decision that may lead to further escalation because of the deteriorating economy conditions that people are living in. and how this decision greatly affects them. the decision of allowing or easing manager of allowing workers to work in the occupied territories came as part of a ceasefire agreement that was brokered by egypt after the latest may 20, 241. a war between godsa and israel. and since september 2020 to one, only 12000 workers were allowed to enter and work in the occupied territories out of the total number of the 20000 workers that were granted these permits. this decision now comes in a time or a very critical time for palestinians in the gaza strip as we are approaching aiden foot to the season, which is a festival season for muslims around the world. it's a season where people get to buy new clothes, special kinds of foods, decorations, and, and people hearing garza are desperately waiting for these workers to enter. as the markets are filled with the old kinds of products for eat and goods and the little money, our source of the money or, or income that comes into the gaza strip, is a going to be a flourishing for the economy and the markets in the upcoming or at the upcoming weeks in regards this trip is early roads in the north of the occupied west bank have intensified in recent weeks after 2 palestinians from jeanine killed 8 as release and separate attacks. hundreds of fighters live in the janine refugee camp, which has become a strong hold for resistance against that is really occupation. the but i him was allowed inside and spoke to the fighters. in a largely unarmed society sees like these standout gunmen participating in a military career in the genie and refugee camp in northern occupied westbank. they're taking part in a memorial foot 14 palestinians killed in jeannine during the past 2 months. at least half of the 14 were killed in an exchange of fire. with these regular army, including 2 gunmen who shot 8 people dead into separate attacks inside israel. these really army said it wants family members of one of the gunmen, but they're taking refuge in the camp. were dozens of fighters live, even though these fighters are wanted by the israeli army. they're here in the show, a force that is filled with symbolism. one of the headbands here says the wasps nest. this is how was really media refers to the camp. armed men speaking exclusively to al jazeera, say they're reclaiming that description badge, number alert, or that will live on the occupation. they confiscate our lines, rate our homes and kill our people. what should we do? remain silent. even those who are not fighting the occupation yet give them some time and they will fight. the flags of different palestinian factions. show the collaboration between groups here, but outside the camp. this kind of agreement is hard to find. one gunmen told al jazeera that fighters feel let down by palestinian and other arab leaders hobbin. how can we don't have real support given the current internal palestinian divisions . those menu see now in jeanine refugee camp and some other places are just lone wolves who believe in the justice of their cause. a lot of fighters weren't even born when the israeli army carried a violent rate in the camp 20 years ago. but they were had bands remembering what is known here. as the jeannine battled 52 palestinians and 23 israeli soldiers were killed during the 2002 incursion into the camp. many years. see, while that battle is now over, the war is not german whale was a fighter in the janine camp during that battle. these are archive videos of him 20 years ago. his book about the janine battle was just released last month, frankly. and jimmy, if he came, he did show that we have a lot of people who were killed or detained. there's not one house in the camp that doesn't have a personal story for the struggle against the occupation. young children grow up with pictures of relatives killed by israeli forces. this affects the generations conscious and subconscious. somebody told me this is a motor bike. sorry for the palestinian who was killed by the israeli forces fired in early march. and we were talking to many people who say they were inspired by him. we're seeing some of the are men carrying pictures of seniors who are new wire. it's not hard to tell me how the personal revenge of your patients. many of the gunman here acknowledge these really army has the military advantage. but they say they want to create a reality where the strongest army, the middle east, pays a price for its occupation. they say is re left them with 2 choices, surrender or fight, and they're not surrendering. neither of raheem al jazeera jeanene refugee camp, occupied west bank. the lincoln prime minister has lost an ally as he faces growing cold to step down the media minister and luck. i go to hell was announced his support for the ongoing anti government protests. it comes with demonstrations continue against the handling of the economic crisis. for testers also want the entire cabinet out. and in the nearby china, from boo khana a funeral has been held for a man who has killed when police fired at protesters. his killing on tuesday provoked outrage. police on soldiers were sent to the town to guard the funeral. michelle fernandez in a rumble. connor with more the people, many of them will come to the funeral. a while we were here have expressed anger, essentially that of protest demanding, not for anything, not handouts, but basically to be given fuel that allows him to get on with his livelihood. and come in the locks on the man who was killed in police gunfire in that sort of clash with the police. a was looking for him. he'd been waiting for 4 days for fuel for his laurie. he's someone who apparently supplies the elephant alternate, which is also down the road, which is the same area where his residence is down. that road behind me. you can see banners, white flag and bunting oil in preparation for the funeral. and he had been unable to do his job for days and days because of the fuel shortage. so people sort of raising the fact that this is not right that the government has got things completely wrong. and one of the killing things with this kind of thing. you generally see politicians are coming through 3rd funerals during such crises, trying to make mileage. and i can pretty much see across the board. there was hardly a political face in the crowd. on the contrary, they were about a 100 buddhist monks who came to assist in the final rides. and one very outspoken priest said this government has lost the ability to define between good and bad. and that's why these kinds of things are happening. florida is stripping the walt disney company of the right to self govern. critics say governor rhonda santos is retaliating against disney's opposition to a law which limits the teaching of issues on gender identity and sexual orientation in schools. alexia bryan reports. oh, florida's magic kingdom no longer the happiest place on earth for disney. after the states governor rhonda santas signed legislature and dissolving the company's so called spatial status, they're going to pay more taxes as a result of it. since the 960, the disney world resort had been effectively its own city controlling everything on its sprawling property from roads to rubbish collection. the move to change that could have huge financial implications for disney who series of theme parks of transformed orlando to one of the world's most popular tourist destinations. could also cause big problems for the cities where disney properties are located. since they'll now have to offer those services. but critics say it's less about tax than tit for tat. after disney, one of the state's largest employers spoke out against a new law passed by the governor and a states republican controlled legislature. it bars teaching on gender identity and sexual orientation, and schools. the children aged between 5 and 9 years old and makes it more difficult for schools to raise the topic with all the children. we believe an important component of freedom is that in the state of florida, is the freedom from having oppressive idiology opposed upon you without your can said, whether it be in the classroom or whether it be in the workplace. and we decided to do something about it. opponent school at the don't say, gained or warning. it could hurt l. g b, t students or their families. they criticize disney for initially staying quiet, but the public outcry and walk out my staff nationwide. so management condemned the law as a challenge to basic human rights fire. i'd activist and support as a former president, donald trump have rallied against disney, referring to florida, as dissenters land is always one school officers negotiated or to get disney the star getting involved. these cultural war issues are because up until recently, disney in the republican already had a really strong relationship. it's unclear exactly how the legislation could hurt disney's profit. it's 80000 workers in florida or as millions of customers. some analysts have called it a political tantrum by de santis. he's a potential presidential candidate in 2024 warning. it could backfire. think of all the other businesses that rely on whether they're restaurants, rental cars, hotels, everything's connected, and when you take a stance like this, you don't merely affect that one company you at all those other companies, the changes it to come into force in june next year so far, the company is famous for mickey mouse and coke has declined to comment and exert brian al jazeera you has agreed on new rules that will require internet and social media companies to remove and legal and harmful content from their platforms. the regulation will also been advertising aimed at children or based on sensitive data, such as religion, gender, and race companies could face hefty fines for violating the new rules. so under the new regulations, governments can request companies to remove content that promotes terrorism, child sexual abuse on commercial scans, social media platforms, such as facebook and twitter, we'll have to make it easier for users to flag harmful content that also apply to e commerce companies like amazon for counterfeit or unsafe products and companies will be banned from using deceptive techniques for a sign up for services, repeated breaches could see them banned from trading in the you. let's speak about this with you harnessed bar k. he's the you commission spokesman for the digital economy. he's joining us by skype from brussels. welcome to al jazeera. so from, from your perspective, just tell us how this makes user safer in practical terms, really? yeah, good afternoon. thank you so much for having me. i think given an excellent account of the, of the new law which has been negotiated last last night. and look, i mean that there are several elements. i mean, what is important? first of all is that this is a set of laws or like one law that is basically governing the online sphere, indian tire you. so this is what i did for all on that forms reaching 450000000 u. p. as so with this is one appointment by then, this is the obligations of the go good size. so size matters in that term. so if you reach more than 10 percent of the populations would have been $45.00 mean uses you have, you are very long on that platforms by to finish it all and then do you have additional requirements? and death, for example, includes a risk assessment that is done regularly every year. and you have to check what was do you have in this not only relate that say to illegal content. so hed speech, but also harmful content. so think about teenagers and eating disorders. so it's something that is not, let's say, per se illegal, but harmful to people, all this information and the risks to not only have to be assessed but also mitigated. and then of course, if they are, if you get it and that can be fine, you just mentioned that as 6 percent of those white group, the turnover is, is the capital fine does is quite a lot of money. and even if that's done doesn't bird. and left, you were to mirage. you wouldn't even be a ben off about form, but it was in extreme cases. all right, that's what i wanted to ask you about. in fact, you know, in theory, and this is a good step forward. but what about the enforcement mechanism and what are the challenges for you to implement and actually enforce the flaw? yes, look, the enforcement is, it depends a bit on the sizes about one because on the one hand you want to really target to be platforms that have a big societal impact and want to play it without it say, be harmful to, to innovation or small or just the different enforcement or the forms maybe but the commission. so we have one enforcement out of one hand for the entire us using the market all for the hands on the teams. and of course, we will be relying also on that are $41.00 uses right now. what i mean, for example, from step to make it easier for content. it is the bigger one foot deflect. the low for trust. it's like us is it's clear that it, that form is liable from the moment when left on those above. so, okay, let me ask you about some of the reaction. may i say about some of the iraqi, let's come through because we are, what do you say to those that, that say look, this is a good step at a doesn't go far enough. in fact, there's been reaction from amnesty international describing this really as a watershed moment and internet regulation, but also saying that perhaps it's a missed opportunity that the d. s. a did not go further and phase out all invasive surveillance based advertising practices. look, i mean it, yeah it, when it comes out it has been is really up to you is i mean what libby forbidden as targeting international on the on sensitive data like religion or 6 orientation and targeting of minus. then of course, you will also always need to have an option not to be targeted. so there is an important obligation callback, but some users might want to be targeted because to services better for them, like context of, for example. and didn't we do not want to be a prescriptive leader. i think 2 actions have been limited positive. this is really a lint marker that legislation and also international from us. for example, that will be clinton palmer that many people who, who spoke there was a fee about this new law. and i think it's considered standard the other way. you set a standard video with data collection, either at the board level. and this can be the next, i will send that if you want. when it comes to platform regulation. ok, we thank you so much. johan is back here for speaking to us from brussels. you're welcome, sam, for a check on the world. whether it's jeff, let's go with your weather update for the middle east and africa here for one. good to see you. so some showers are zip in across saudi into iraq and also dropping down in q 8. so let's go in for a closer look around the gulf states. keep in mind the blue on the map that set shower activities, so we see it through q 8 and we made power up. some thunderstorms in the days become really unsettled weather pattern is setting up here. we have seen some deadly flooding just south of the capital. it was becca, stand about for people killed after mud sites were triggered by an intense amount of rain about a months worth of rain in the span of a few hours and still more rain in the forecast around tashkent, him further toward the south on sunday, also seen some showers for cobble, but fairly settled for pockets down, but we could see some heat of the day storms flare up here. next. stop or go into turkey and it's looking pretty stellar here. a lot of sunshine, it's stumbled $22.00 also in the south on talia coming in at $29.00 degrees. central africa. it's our usual plentiful storms here, but i want to get your rate to the south because this disturbance in the moves and be channeled. i think this is going to develop into a psychotic storm. it's going to spread a lot of rain and wind for northern and central parts of most and be and then we've also got a wet forecast for the eastern cape on sunday season. thanks jeff. so i'll just renew our, we'll tell you why a press to booth. the number of women in the workforce put help improve india's economy. world champion, tyson, theory weighs in for saturdays, heavy weights. show down peter. as the 14th a little later, ah, the say just set and it's time for a different approach. one that is going to challenge the way you thing was wor, inevitable. i just want to started to please know that they're not doing the right thing. let's leave simplicity into the headlines, join me as i take on the la, dismantled misconceptions and debate the contradiction. do we have a real democracy here in the united states? so it's not a political florida. it's a wrote a cool. insurgency are mark lamond hill, and it's time to get up front right here on out 0. the latest news as it breaks down estimated 20000 li gold miners just because the younger mom, the reservation with detailed coverage. the government says it's taking action, but doctors are desperate. thing lives are being put in danger. from around the world. presidents the landscape says the coming days will be crucial for ukraine with the expected renew defensive in the east. oh, i get here with the news. our on just a reminder up the top story. the current was an invalid landscape warning rushes invasion is just sort of a wider plan for war in europe. the top russian general has said his army wants to control ukraine, felt an eastern region. the israeli government was close the gods border crossing to workers following come us rocket attack. they targeted israel, after repeated is really raised on palestinians of san last in occupied east jerusalem. lincoln minister and some senior party officials have announced their support for ongoing anti government demonstrations for testers. once a president of step down over his handling the country and the phenomena palms coast guards has a for a tour boat excuse me, with $26.00 people on board is missing. after issuing the stress call that it was thinking because one issued the call on saturday afternoon when i was traveling off the western coast of the northern island of hawkeye do. high waves and strong winds had already caused fishing boats to return support because of bad weather. food prices worldwide could soar even higher after indonesia bands, palm oil exports from thursday. the most widely used vegetable oil is an ingredient for many products ranging from takes to cosmetics, the world's biggest palm oil producer, often blame for deforestation, says that it wants to ensure the availability of food products for indonesians rushes. invasion of ukraine has already caused record high prices. in many countries, i think to joseph for schmid tuber he's a principal officer with the food and agriculture organization of the united nations. he's joining us from room welcome to al jazeera sir. so to what extent will this ban by indonesia actually stabilize prices in the country itself? in the 1st question is actually where they will work on. so it was quite often the case in the past and commodities flow out of the country out of the mission to a particular of the us economies. so leakage is not common, but if it works, it will certainly keep in chick crisis at a domestic level. but it will give an added push to international prices and not only palmer, i says, bitches go well, prices and generally ok. let's talk about the final price isn't particular before we move on to the other vegetable prices. i mean, how will it impact those prices in other countries that imports this or like top i or india, for example? yeah, absolutely. so countries like india and pakistan will be called as to the day of the we give him a normal, almost from not only indonesia, malaysia, and the high tide lifts all ships. so prices will go up not only for the need for you and, and package them practically for all the importance of vegetables and poland. okay . and what impact is this going to have on the vegetable oil sector as a whole? yeah, this is vivian. i substitute ability between the various vegetables, so it will essentially lift up crisis will sunflower for received a lot of soybean oil and eventually even full for wonderful. so all, all that, all prices will go up. there's nothing that can stop them now. is there any other country that can fill the gap, the void that will be left by indonesia? nazzo calling it so that malaysia and indonesia are counting for more than 80 percent of all of the exports. and else is the plant problems in malaysia. so it is practically impossible than any other countries that steps up to the table and makes good for the missing experts. now what about the, the demand for plant based a biofuels? because we've seen that increase somewhat. there certainly is demand, but what would be the challenge is there for ramping up production in the short term? at least. yeah, actually i would like to turn that around, but it's really good question. i think what indonesia should have done is rather than banning export banning it's the misty biofuels program that would have left the international markets and fixed it largely. and at the same time when it brought down prices domestically. so that is essentially did the measure that, that should have been taken. unfortunately, the government decided to, to been expert. so. mm hm. and do you foresee other export or is resorting to the same measure? and if so, what does that mean for the global supply chain? yeah, that will be the total catastrophe. this is the thing to avoid that so that they can become patient not only within the vegetable sector but also to the entire food . so if other countries take similar measures for commodities like we would, we also have very high prices. then we could see essentially a situation where international trade news is it's role as a key provider of food. and that would be tantamount to real fast. ok, we'll leave it there. thank you so much for joining us from rome. inches economy is picking up pace now that most of the cobra, 1000 restrictions have been lifted. and that's helping to improve unemployment figures, but not among women. elizabeth toronto, i was more from new delhi students of the university of delhi lineup for interviews at a job fair around $20000.00 have registered to attend, in the hopes of finding work that includes 20 year old chief in them. i'll hold tra who's doing a bachelor of commerce. after graduation it is impossible to get off the brewing because there's nothing in the margaret to me, $1.00 and $5.00 university graduates in india unemployed because of a lack of jobs. if chief mac can find one, she will join an even smaller percentage of indian women who are employed, the international neighbor organization ranks and the a $171.00 out of $180.00 countries for participation. a woman in the workforce, the center for monitoring indian economies is only around 10 percent of indian women are employed. women also face family and societal pressures. india has was highest ratio of woman doing unpaid domestic work compared to men. 22 year old consume ansari's studying education and the hopes of becoming a teacher in the future to be secure. i can secure my future and support my family . we are 4 sisters and our father has put in a lot of effort to educate all of us. so i want to support my family and do something for myself. but calls him father says her future isn't in her hands alone . don't of anybody may be cutting my 2 daughters were doing the bachelor in education that they want to study and i want them to. hopefully they'll get a job when they get mad at the in laws will decide about whether they can continue with this studies or what they do. it's up to them. they cannot jobs. economists say, attitude towards women working aren't as big a barrier as a lack of jobs, a safe working environment and transportation. the problem is not a lie. women are more than happy to come up to what the problem is that a good job. so the government obviously does need to provide more jobs because it has to provide the services if only the people of india, indian government promised to create 6000000 jobs the next 5 years when it released its latest budget. experts say prioritizing women in that plan would dramatically improve the wools fist, largest economy. elizabeth per on m al jazeera, new delhi. early voting has begun, and france as presidential run off for citizens living abroad. these are the pictures from montreal, canada, it's home to a large french population, and you can see long queues forming the main pulling station before it even opened at 8 am. voting is underway in french overseas territories. holes will open on the mainland, however, on sunday, voters are choosing between the incumbent to my new and my call and the challenger and i read the pen. it's now less than a month until elections in the philippines were $67000000.00 voters will choose their next president. it's shaping up to be a contest between ferdinand market, junior and incumbent, vice president, maria leonor. lenny roberto, the current president rodrigo, to charity counter again. because of the term limits. richard, hey, dorion is a professor of political science. he's based in manila and he says the election will shape the future of democracy in the philippines. this is the most consequential since at least 1969 when the former philippine a dictator. marcos for the marcos won a reelection and that essentially paved the way for him to set the tone and that the feature of the country for decades to come in. yes, the dictatorship fell 3 decades ago, but the science of the market dictatorships are with us. and by the way, 1st the non market junior is now the front runner, ought to be the next president of the philippines over the past 6 years. president desert that kind of undermined the foundations of the film in democracy, but he never had them where we though nor did time and energy and focus to really change the political system. whoever becomes the next president will be in a very unique and distinct position to do that, and shouldn't be an author marcus. then perhaps with the repeat of what we saw after 969, when in order marcus was now, should the opposition, when the hemorrhage actually change the direction of the country and restored democratic institutions service i've been clear through and through that really it's got issues threat, inflation, employment, education issues. and of course, because of the pandemic recovery from depend they make all health care. these are very important issues. but you see the front runner right now mr. mark was didn't even bother to attend that single public debate of note. and that tells you that for a lot of voters, as much as they care about issues, they also care about personnel care about whether it's certain candidate can provide the kind of decisive leadership that is necessary to get the country to very difficult times. now explosions in a coal mine and poland have halted the search for survivors of initial blas. 3 days ago, at least 10 searchers were injured as they looked for 7 missing miners and rescuers . 5 miners were killed by a series of methane gas explosions. a 1000 meters underground. on wednesday, a restaurant has ordered the former honduran president, one orlando hernandez to be detained, pending a possible bale application. the order came at hernandez, his 1st appearance in new york court a day after being extradited to the u. s. prosecutor's accuse him of receiving millions of dollars from drug traffickers, while in office from 2014 to january. this year. he denies the allegations. leaders in latin america finalize an agreement that guarantees the protection of environmentalists on their right to information. as our latin america editor, lucille newman reports from the capital of chili b agreement, prioritizes indigenous groups whose lives are threatened for sounding the alarm. and that will not. now do you know couple chap low let be a washer and me gave you my dice, represent environmental defenders who live in the amazon rain forest in 9 latin american countries that come to the united nations headquarters in chile for the inaugural meeting of the escrow. so accord latin america's 1st finding environmental agreement, but also to represent them with emma they, we represent more than $500.00 tribes of the day to tells us that every 2 days an indigenous archivist is murdered under amazon basin for defending their territories . yes. what is one of the latest was 14 year old colombian bryan? no. david goodman, i mean a member of an indigenous environmental guard. in the last decade alone, an estimated 1000 activists have been killed in latin america. the majority in conflicts with mining land and agricultural interests. 6 yeskis who accord aims to provide a mechanism for access to information, public participation and justice on environmental matters. if that would have been us going on with this agreement was born as a response to an urgent needs of our region. lucas, at the time, fortunately, had become the most dangerous region in the world than one go for those who decide the bar, little sort of have been valiant governor. the accord includes providing protection for those who denounced grade violations, but a dozen latin american countries have yet to ratify the schedule. a chord including brazil, columbia, and peru, 3 of the most dangerous countries for environmentalists. the reason is the belief that a binding agreement would hurt economic interests and 3, s and wish argues that discuss who is in fact and contribution is not a threat to the private sector. and the answer is from us, is that know that this will provide more channels, 2 channels in those conflicts, environmental conference, that they are already there, that we have a lot. fittingly, the 1st is conseula board meeting ended on earth day with a message that safeguarding the environment is not a choice, but an act of survival. is he in human al jazeera santiago, still ahead on the al jazeera news hour, shutting light on the nature of dark bladder will tell you what a sign to start hoping to find. after powering up the world's largest science experiment. and say bizarre middle in a pitcher interferes with proceedings up in the world. smith for championships. peter will have more love story after the break. ah. when the news breaks, still your came through the building trying to see if there's anybody else chopped inside when people need to be heard. and the story told, i feel like i wasn't really awake until i went to morocco. it definitely changed my life in a good way with exclusive interviews and in depth reports of not hardly him, but he left her because al jazeera has teens on the ground to bring you more award winning documentary and lied nice. the climate has changed every year for millions of years, decades of talk, but little action. it's all about distract, create confusion to crate, smoke and mirrors. the shocking truth about how the climate debate has been systematically referred to the oil industry was a made bank roller or opposition to clock back to campaign against the climate. do you think that's a bad thing? more to, to a did, which here's the thing. absolutely. on. on jesse lou . ah, so a miniature book unseen for more than a century has gone on sale in new york. it's part of a major book fair that showcasing everything from novels to math, even handwritten notes, as long as their old gabriel is on the has the details. at the new york international antiquarian book fair. it's all about books in their original paper form. one of the highlights this year is also one of the smallest items. this never published, manuscript written as a child by charlotte bronte whose 19th century novels are considered classics of english literature. a series of 10 poems, only one copy exists, bound together by hand. the last time it was seen was 1916. it's selling for $1200000.00. it was rediscovered talked inside and on below, inside of book. that's really it's so fragile, so huge that that's the only reason that survive in washington has a great happened with 185 exhibitors. this is one of the largest antique book fairs, anywhere in the world. organizers say between $5.00 and $15000000.00 will change hands over the 4 day event. while the focus is on books, there are also other rare collectibles for sale. the thing about this show that has a wide variety of deal is from all over the world. i think we have something like 13 or 14 different countries here this year. just last year, around 825000000 books were sold around the world. and we're not talking about digital books that you find on your phone or a tablet. we're talking about paper books. sales jumped nearly 8 percent in one year. and during the pandemic book, sales jumped nearly 20 percent. there's also plenty to keep younger people interested like this collection of books that belong to the english singer and songwriter in the white house. where shocked to see that she was working on song lyrics in the book. why house was really famous as a song writer, as a lyricist, you can see here a window into her process in a completely unexpected place. she believes age should be no barrier to starting a collection, whatever you're interested in. there's a book about it and there's probably more than one. and so you can explore that passion through books in a world that is quickly moving all things digital. this is a place where book levers can marvel at unique written words on something other than a screen. gabriel's condo, alger, zita, york. it's now time for the sports news years. peter, thank you very much. the scale very and hot job where he'd take serve. as mentioned, the united manager was made even clear in the last few hours as they were beaten 31 by our rule in the pretty. it took just 3 minutes for the home team to take the lead. when united defenders failed to clear across the kind of 2nd shot was saved by the hand by minutes of hours with the school he through the club also went through had such a score the some from the penalty but but back came united way. christina rinaldo, pulling on to the side of the newborn baby boy. it was the 100 in the printing, but he felt good fernandez. must have been taken off and increase the size of granite shaka, with the result beyond the sun and gold, 21 some time the 3 point slipped off the back of his talk. them you say bring food later. united all 6. now 6 of the leaders, manchester says he will be an actual later against watford. both papers, the earl, and those who cannot afford any slip ups. they need liverpool by just one point ahead of that match less than an hour until the sprint race at the amelia romania grand prix. will champion acts for stoppin, came through tricky conditions to quantify, to secure poll williams rob alex alban, how things up when he breaks, cold fire, causing his tired to explode as the rain poured down for our is call of science spun off into the wall. but a 5 times the marshals red flag schools, the delay, but the rebel all for stephan stayed out of trouble and who saw from the front in saturday, straight results of that will decide the grid for the grand prix on sunday. you know, was a hectic, long qualifying, but of course at the end, very happy to do it to be here. you know, it's an amazing track and it also really punish you if you make a mistake, you know, you can go on the wall. so that's what we like to make it really hard and difficult . so yeah, very please. of course, with, with full position now to the n b, a playoffs. the defending champion, milwaukee bucks enjoyed a comfortable window of the chicago bulls. chris paul led phoenix to victory over the pelicans. and it was a very late sting in the tail for the miami heat in atlanta. david stokes asked the action partners guarded, the atlanta hawks had been 16 points down against the miami heat, looking almost certain to go 3 nothing behind in the series, but they got themselves back in it and with less than 5 seconds on the clock treading by just one point troy young, did this not what i use it is. yeah. i mean miami at the top seeds and eastern conference and still have a chance to spoil the party, but they missed it for the hopes one by one and now have a chance to square up a series with another home game on sunday and things were nowhere near is tight over in chicago, where the defending champion, milwaukee bucks rolled over the bulls by 30 points for the pretty said alan grayson allen. that the way with $22.00, including $53.00 pointers. jonas entered the compo, had a loki game, but still came up with 18 or sunny boys and his younger brother chipped in to oh, well like scholarship boy, the books go to will up in the series with hitting their groove at just the right time. we chicago on the back football losses last or there was one or was 30 loss was a loss, you know, and what that we got to come back regardless. rather if we got a lot, we lost by 30 of law about one point we got to come back and to pete, protect the home floor, you know, try to stand up. so regardless, you know of loss is a loss. chris chris paul produced a stunning finishes the phoenix suns when a new will lean and he can versus white work for c p 3. the 36 year old school 19 of his $28.00 points in the 4th quarter against the pelican. like a drill out here for the veteran. he also had 1463 on one of the sons, one by 3, and go to one up over all the siri space in new orleans with game for coming up on sunday. david stokes al jazeera top seeds the fan of seats. the past has been knocked out of the barcelona, opened by spanish teenagers. carlos alcaraz. okay. as you won the miami open earlier this month was a set and a double break up before will. number 5, since he passed came back to force a decider. but the 18 year old took it 6 to to book the semi final place and make it 3 wins in 3 meetings against the great player, author, as is also guarantee to break into the wolf top 10 mason. there were no problems at all for the women's world. number one eager fiance who continued her remarkable run of form the pole saw off us open champion. emma radical new in the city got open quarter finals on friday that made for her 21st consecutive when she i'm take 16464 on this occasion about the silly final against ludmilla. some sal over, she is looking to win her full st. tournaments, world heavyweight boxing champion tyson furious, preparing to fight in front of his own fans in the you gave for the 1st time in 4 years. he weighed in for saturdays title, about with fellow brook 1000000000 white 5 kilos lighter than his last fight against dante wilder in october. the pyramid had wembley stadium in london with $94000.00 fans expected, which will break the european record for the biggest post war boxing crowd. i'm so happy to be back here fighting at wembley stadium. and you be paul, merely i'll put you all made up of every one is made up on an unwelcome intruder, caused a bit of a flap for yen being towel at the world, sneaky championships. the chinese player was waiting any seats between frames when the pigeon flew in for the arena and found that the way on to the table there. if revenge, that is to assure the bird out through exits. that's all the sports needs during. thank you so much, peter, and before we go, we'll just tell you about scientists. suv now began a new round of experiments to look beyond be visible and explore the dark matter that makes up most of the universe. the research is happening at the large hadron collie day in switzerland. the world's biggest particle accelerator has just been restarted after a 3 year refurbishment. sonya go reports deep within the alps, a hive of activity was into action. the large hadron collider known as the l h. c is the world's most advanced particle accelerator. it's a vast machine stretching for 27 kilometers, and it has taken 3 years to upgrade it. the l h. c has smashed atoms together to investigate what lies in them. now research is are hoping the revamp will unleash further discoveries that could unlock the secrets of the universe. for machine as complex as this, it's not a matter of just flipping a button. it involves a series of safety checks and tests to create enough energy that will produce data for experiments, a process that will take weeks. then the real work begins. and that includes the search for what lies beyond the visible universe. and even more exciting thing is to see if we can find dark matter because this is this cliche thing. if you look to the sky in evening, you see the 95 percent, you see this price percent of what's out there and 95 percent. you don't see, and he sees for us what we call the black and we hope to, to, to be able to discover of the existence and how to look for it. also with the lease . well, the next phase may bring about a discovery that could alter our perception of the universe. events on earth, having an impact on what strategy research is or having to take in light of rushes, invasion of ukraine. while son's council supports russian scientists who condemned the wor, no new collaborations with russia will take place. it has suspended the countries observe a status. because really quite important implications of the conflict in ukraine on material prices, energy prices. and of course, how we approach this strategically in the long term. so this, the things that there are concrete things to worry about and things that we really going to have to take seriously. and couldn't data affect our scientific program going forward. with so much anticipation, there was still the risk that scientists, that son may not uncover any new findings in the next round of experiments. even so it may be too early to lose heart. so far, only a 10th of the total data they plan to uncover has been found in a universe that has yet to violet self. sunday. diagonal, i'll just, sarah. that's it for the news hour. thanks for watching al jazeera, we will take a very short break and we'll be back right after the break with much more of today's use and all the latest headlines for you see you in a minute, but my for now ah, the stage is set and it's time for different approach. one that is going to challenge the way you think was wor, inevitable. i just want to started to please doing it. they're not doing the right thing. let's leave simplicity to the headlines. join me as i take on the lies this man with the misconceptions and to meet the contradictions. do we have a real democracy here in the united states, the smuggler political forwarded to rhoda cool insurgency, mark lamond hill, and it's time to get up front right here on out 0. from the al jazeera london, bro car center t people, unprompted and into updates. there is a form of knowledge which is kind of not acknowledged. so there isn't only one story to be told, even about colonialism, the other stories thought to of after, is that gonna? and then there are 3 out to 18 we can bring in. all of these other ecology are not necessarily struck in the ways that we've been taught them. i feel like that's potentially a really exciting prospect studio be unpredicted on al jazeera, it's rush hour at the local community center in lou batch of 15 kilometers from the board or ukraine. that know that got jack is a retired russian language teacher and is collecting goods donated by people from all over europe. thought i agree are helping people on the other side of the board . the ones who stayed behind who can plead since russia invaded ukraine, done to, has been driving across the border every day. crossing the border is always tricky, but the women say that today they have a lucky day because the border guard is someone they know and it's going to be hopefully much easier to bring the goods in done no to if we leave to find a less chaotic situation that in the past few days, people seem less exhausted. just i'm, i'm not crying. as you can see. the new dos mission has been accomplished for now, but you will return with more goods. as long as russia missiles and rockets forced people out of ukraine. ah, ukraine's president warren's europe that russia may invade other countries after a general says the russian army aim to take control of the south and east ah, walking al jazeera live from a headquarters in del honda you navigator. also ahead.

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