Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20220423 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20220423

a mosque in northern afghanistan kills more than 30 people. the latest in a series of attacks across the country. and disney loses its decades old, special status. and florida, after a dispute with the states governor about a new law on sexual orientation and on he stammered with your sport hopa may have played his last game for manchester, united as injury forces him to sit out the rest of the season and his late stinging the tail to miami heat, as the atlanta hawks deny them, another victory in the n b a. playoffs. welcome to the news. our ukraine's president is warning europe or russia's war and his country is just the start of a wider plan to invade other nations. well, other marizza lensky, his comments come after a top russian general said it's forces wanted to take control of ukraine, southern and eastern regions. and the aim is to link that area with russian annex crimea. or moscow also wants to open a land corridor all the way to transmits trio. that's a russian back breaker we region off moldova. i dial it, let me hope, hope redeem, secrete. the invasion to ukraine can be considered just the beginning. they will want to invade other countries. of course, we will resist for as long as possible to break this ambition of the russian federation. but also the nations that believe in the victory of life over a devil, they have to fight together with us. they have to help us move on the grounds. ukraine's military says it's repelled 8 russian attacks and don't boss in the past 24 hours or the public. just putting in the russian federation continues to conduct a full scale armed aggression against ukraine. the enemy is carrying out offensive operations in the east and operational zone to defeat the joint forces. grouping, establish full control over the territory of the next screens and ensure the mandrake between those territories in the occupied crimea. the greatest activity of the enemy is absurd in the slumbers, hunker and the next directions. the enemy divisions are regrouping. the enemy does not stop inflicting nissan and bump strikes on military and civilian infrastructure . alright, let's get the situation latest rather on the situation in eastern ukraine and bringing charl stratford. he's joining us from near the city of boston dots in the dawn by region. so charles, update us on the fighting on the grounds. well yes you join us here enlisted chance which is one of the main contested areas in the east. we arrived dispose about half an hour ago. the checkpoints were telling us that things had been com so far this morning them describing the shelling as being sporadic. it certainly that seems to be the case m. yeah, i can hear shelling now. and as we came in there were 2 shells that landed very close to us. what's incredible though, as we've been reporting throughout, since this invasion is that there are still people living in areas like this. this particular straight doesn't seem to been shelled to streets back very much it's. it's very different indeed with what we understand. it are things being targeted. the reason why lisa chanced is important is because, just beyond it, the town of camina is occupied, uncontrolled by the russians. there is another town close to it. rubbish now, which is contested. the russians also are in control. we understand. i'm to my right as well beyond the city limits and they are trying to push towards the strategic city of slab, dance not only from this direction, but also from north of slavery answer. this is probably one of the most easterly points that is still controlled by the ukrainians with respect to that corridor, all from mariel pal where we know that they're around. oh, certainly reported around a 1000 civilians trapped underneath that still works in the city. we have no details as to whether it has been any real movement there. there was no confirmation from the russian side in our understanding. ukraine's deputy prime minister has said that she is hearing window room resolved, that the russians are trying to organize some sort of parallel corridor. if that would be the right chair, we'll certainly alternative cordele taking those civilians potentially out towards russia and not into ukraine. we know that there are least a 1000 possibly more ukrainian military and ukranian fighters inside that still works as well. we've seen some incredible pictures that have been released in the last 24 hours. one, showing a fighter walking down a series of stairs, through layer upon layer of thick concrete just showing you how well fortified that bunker is. and he then comes out in amongst families building. we don't know how many exactly how many civilians there are under under that building. but we know that they been there a very long time indeed. and as i say, we also hear that there is ongoing fighting as the ukrainians defend that position . so big fears, deep fears continue for the as a say estimate to the 1000 or so people under that building. and in this wide region, those that are remaining, as i say, certainly in this area around lucy, james, where shelling is ongoing. okay, charles, we'll let you go for now. thank you so much for that reporting from the eastern regions. let's not bring in her that. i mean, she's joining us from boots, which are, that's just outside the capital itself. cuban hood that president lensky on friday said that allies were finally delivering weapons that keith had asked for. tell us more about what he had to say, what he means by this while he means that finally, the allies from his point of view, are sending him offensive weapons, which was, which is what he has been asking for. since before the war. so far, the military aid has much concentrated on defensive weapons, but the nature of the war itself is now changing its not anymore in the towns surrounding a kid, for example. but there's a low front line in the east of the country. and from what we heard from moscow, it might also expand to the south of the country all the way to the border with more of a president that he has been asking for offensive weapons. well, now he is getting that he's getting, for example, the how it shows which are sort of long range artillery weapons. he's also getting more of these anti tank and anti aircraft missiles which are very much needed. that's and then you have europe and that's coming from the u. s. but then you also have europe in countries are also providing more with vehicles, more tanks, more guided missiles, for example, coming from france. maybe eventually we're hearing also that you might get more drones from turkey. now apparently those drones played a huge role in this thinking of the flagship most, but in the black sea, apparently they were flown over that ship as a diversion while the ukrainians hits it from the other side. now i just want to show you where i am now. i'm in a sort of a graveyard of military equipment. look at all this file of twisted metals. we are told that all of this is russian ties and russian armored vehicles that were heads while waiting to try to reach key. if you remember that there was that very low convoy that was stopped by to ukraine if it shows you that ukrainians are putting up a fight. but president lensky himself is say, at the shooting point, we cannot deny the strengths of russia. we could be out numbered, we could be out the gun, which is basically what's happening, for example, with those ukranian forces that are now hung could doubt that the factory south of you were president lensky says to avoid so situations we need to have more and more weapons to be able to defend. so because this is not all of russian strength. yes, ukraine is able to hurt russia, but it's just not able to and a military power was that you have among them for example, the church and just see on the status. you can see written had the wrong, that's the name of the judge and leader, a lot of this equipment had a v written in white on it. that's also the, as an indication that the chechens were approaching, keep those fighters known to be fears fighters. so you create, need as much help as possible to heed of these warnings coming from russia that they will take over the whole of the don't but region done yes and look at. and that may be also expand south may be heading toward the keyboard of odessa, right validated ukraine can financially collapse. so it is certainly what president lensky needs. thank you so much for that. and how many is reporting from bucetti? while russia has admitted for the 1st time that people died on its flagship, moscow would sank off the coast of southern ukraine last week. its defense ministry says one sailor was killed and 27 are missing. moscow says nearly 400 crew members were rescued. the kremlin insists the vessel sank after and i'm munition fire, but ukraine says it hit the ship with cruise missiles. israel has close the gospel border crossing to workers and businesses citing rock hurts, fired by hamas. the rockets targeted southern israel after a week of raids by israeli police and to the oxide moss compounds and occupied east jerusalem. israel then carried out air raids and different areas of the gaza strip twice last week. is really military has not given a date for when it will reopen the crossings for workers crossing over to gaza and were speaking to you in the say it was joining us from the border crossing and both honeymoon to tell us how this is going to affect people living in gaza, you know, yesterday in the people in got that configured, this measured to be a very dangerous decision, a decision that could cause for their escalation between god's that and israel. this easing measure where we're good now to work in the occupied territories from guns came as an agreement or a ceasefire agreement that was broken by egypt after the nate. this may 2021 war and measure the measure started in september of 2021. until today, only 12000 workers have been allowed to work in the occupied territories, although 20000 where it proved to wear it, but only 12000 of them, according to economy experts here aid because it's true that we have spoken to about over 3000000. shake hills are entered by these workers per day to the gaza strip, which is over. are almost a $1000000.00. this amount of money is it's finally helping in the flourishing of the economy in the economy in the gaza strip. and as we approach 8 foot, which is a very important season for muslims around the earl, the workers and the traders in god's there are waiting for these workers to enter with some money in order to move the economy a little bit in order to bring in some money bring and improve the humanitarian and living conditions of many of the residents in ga, the traders here. so this decision by israel that we don't know when will be or until further notice, as they said, we're going to is going to for sure be, are our compound region on the residents of the gaza strip. and me lead definitely to a further escalation with godsa. thank you so much. say ed's reporting from garza. well, it's really raids in the north of the occupied westbank have intensified in recent weeks after 2 palestinians from jeanine killed 8 israel leaves in separate attacks . hundreds of fighters live in the janine refugee camp, which has become a strong hold for resistance against the israeli occupation. he was allowed inside and spoke to some of the fighters in a largely unarmed society seized like these sand gunman, participating in a military parade in the genie and refugee camp in northern occupied westbank. they're taking part in a memorial for the 14 palestinians killed in jeanine during the past 2 months. at least half of the 14 were killed in an exchange of fire. with these rady army, including 2 gunmen who shot 8 people dead into separate attacks inside israel. he is really army, said it once, family members of one of the gunman, but they're taking refuge in the camp where dozens of fighters live, even though these fighters are wanted by the israeli army. they're here in a show, a 4th. that is filled with symbolism. one of the had been here says the wasps nest . this is how was really media refers to the camp. armed men speaking exclusively to just say they're reclaiming the description. rational bar we live on the patients. they confiscate our lands rate, our homes, and kill our people. what should we do? remain silent, even those who are not fighting occupation yet, give them some time and they will fight the flags of different palestinian fractions. show the collaboration between groups here, but outside the camp. this kind of agreement is hard to find. one gunmen told al jazeera that fighters feel let down by palestinian and other leaders hobbling happen. we don't have real support given the current internal palestinian divisions, those menu see now in jeanine refugee camp and some other places are just lone wolves who believe in the justice of their cause. a lot of fighters weren't even born when these railey army carried a violent reed in the camp 20 years ago, but they were headbands, remembering what is known here as the janine battled 52 palestinians and 23 israeli soldiers were killed during the 2002, encouraging into the camp. many here see why that battle is now over. the war is not jamal will was a fighter in the janine camp during that battle. these are archived videos of him 20 years ago. his book about the janine battle was just released last month, frankly. and jimmy, if he came, he did that to show that we have a lot of people who were killed or detained. there's not one house in the camp that doesn't have a personal story for the struggle against the occupation. young children grow up with pictures of relatives killed by israeli forces. this affects the generations conscious and subconscious money. coming from the motor bike bellagio saudi vineyard was killed by the israeli forces fired in early march. and we were talking to many people who say they were inspired by him. were seeing some of the armed men carrying pictures of seniors who are new on the wire. it's not hard to tell me that they have a personal revenge of your patients. many of the gunman here acknowledge these really army has the military advantage, but they say they want to create a reality where the strongest, the army, the middle east pays a price for its occupation. they say is re left them with 2 choices, surrender or fight. and they're not surrendering. neither raheem al jazeera jeannie refugee camp, occupied west bank, plenty more head on the altar. there were news our including holding the tech giant accountable. the you unveils new rules to ban illegal and offensive content, and tricky conditions for the formula. one qualifying molar, but not the 1st step and set out a trouble to take full for the spring break. ah, but 1st, the explosion in the somali capital has killed at least 6 people. gunman, storm the hotel and the leader beach area of mogadishu. after detonating a bomb, the police chief was at the hotel but was not injured. and shabby attack in the same area and 2020 killed 16 people on the bombing at a mosque and religious school. and i'm gonna stand, has killed at least 33 people. and injured dozens, the boston conduit province follows a series of eyesore attacks and other parts of the country on thursday. laura burton manly reports this was filmed by an eye witness movements after a bomb whit true. as she r mosque, it happened in northern afghanistan's. couldn't tooth province applause, so powerful, it tore out was and killed many in what should have been a place of peace and worship. in the islamic holy month of ramadan. many more were rushed to a local hospital. basically with mg accumulates and we were worshiping outside when suddenly there was an explosion on the 2nd floor and people were thrown everywhere . many were killed and wounded from that, and we brought victims to the hospital and conduce the monkeys army. afghanistan must try to prevent these attacks. saw people are not targeted in the mosques, schools and places of worship. i don't want this. new group is claimed immediate responsibility for the attack taliban spokesman's other holla, masha had condemned the attack and says, serious efforts being made to arrests and punish the perpetrators. afghanistan's i sl affiliate had claimed for bombings a day earlier that included an attack on say to can she are moss and mazar. i sharif, less than a 100 kilometers west. at least 12 people were killed. although there has been a string of attacks by isolate affiliated groups since the taliban came to power last august. is it's booth he targeted minority communities including shia and has ara setting, major security challenges for the taliban. one of the claims that the taliban made was that they had brought these 2 up on a son. unfortunately, others used to say that it wasn't peace that had arrived. it was just the absence of war and that could only stay for so long. the idea is that the vacuum available, the feeling state right now, are all contributors to the situation that are being exploited by groups such as ice, kate, backing, conduce a community less shaken, living and fear of more tax law about money out of your plot. so speak to fatima galani who's a joining us in london foss, him as a former member of the afghan piece negotiation team, and previously served as president of the afghan red crescent society. welcome to al jazeera, so no currently responsibility yet after fridays attack, but it was one of the biggest attack since the taliban effectively took a power in august last year. what's the message that's being sent? well, i mean, this is going to be a to be the situation in afghanistan. if we don't have a comprehensive, inclusive piece process piece process means as a political process that political process, which includes all the outlines. so the people have on his ground will have a support at the government to day and what we are seeing it has been seen for the last 43 years. but to day the countries in one hand, what is their excuse, what, why a proper political process doesn't start. ok, let me get to the issue of the political process in a moment 1st just, just on the issue of the attacks. i mean, why is there an increase, seemingly increased in attacks, especially over the past few weeks or so because the attack on the sushi mosque was the seconds in the northern city in his miley and many days. and there were 4 attacks across i've got to start on thursday. why are we seeing this? this is what i'm seeing, that even before the coming of taliban, this was happening. and the claim of trial about was that they will bring peace and stability to the country. and where is that peace and stability? my argument is that after 43 years, the country is in one hand. so they are in the best place to start actually picking a process. they are in the best place to prevent all what is happening. it has gone for to lang. and when i have one group is in the command and the government, they are responsible for the, for the people. if i want to on it, you cation health or anything, being responsible might be one thing. but do you think that the taliban is, is up to the challenge to, to fill this security void, vacuum as being described by some look when the whole of nato was there. this same attacks were happening. so it is happening now. why it is happening? it is happening because the whole country is not united because everyone can see themselves in the government. that's why i'm insisting and insisting not in bon was the only political process we saw in 43 years and only charlie bond, we're not presence only tyler bond. so he has a little little or a balance laying out what, what are you calling out for? what would you like to see right now? it is, it is, it is in the hands of taliban to head to call on people are for honest on we have traditional way to, to convene a lawyer, joe, get an take a control of the country because now we are happy that okay, people could travel from one city to either city to laurel, we don't know what will happen because the same people could go and attack people on the roads to. okay, so do you think the taliban has the political will to do so? do they want to be part of this inclusive piece that you speak off? it is not question of wanting or not wanting is question of this, is it either you do it or the countries don't and every one is doomed in it? in no, i mean, selfishness doesn't help us when we think that i can win the war and i can win everything. we have tried several times in 43 years. it doesn't happen. what was lacking all this time was a proper meaningful, inclusive process. and they are in the best place to do it. why not? okay, we thank you so much for mark galani for speaking to us from london. thank. while the sharon been held in stir lanka for the professor who was killed when police fired anti government demonstrators on tuesday. so this killing provoked outrage in the country grappling with its worst economic crisis and independence more than 70 years ago. police and soldiers were sent to the china from buchanan to guard that funeral. that is where michelle fernandez is joining us from l u r. act the funeral in. rambo khan. i just talk to us about what you saw on what people have been telling you. overall the people, many of them who have come to the funeral a while we've were here, have expressed anger, essentially that and protest her demanding you know, not for anything or you know, not handouts, but basically to be given fuel that allows him to get on with his livelihood and chum in the lock, john, the man who was killed in police gunfire in that sort of clash with the police. a was looking for full. he'd been waiting for 4 days a field for his laurie. he someone who apparently supplies the elephant orphanage, which is also down the road, which is the same area where his residence is down. that road behind me. you can see banners, white flag, and bunting, all in preparation for the funeral. and he had been unable to do his job for days and days because of the fuel shortage. so people sort of raising the fact that this is not right that the government has got things completely wrong. and one of the telling things with this kind of thing. you generally see politicians are coming to such funerals during such crises, trying to make mileage. and i can pretty much see across the boards. there was hardly a political face in the crowd. on the contrary, they were about a 100 buddhist monks who came to assist in the final rights and one very outspoken priest said this government has lost the ability to define between good and bad. and that's why these kinds of things are happening that the, that the law enforcement officials officers, the military should all be there to protect the public and not as not to be the reason for the loss of life wrangler was very feeling it only now that anything very frustrated. yeah. so is there a feeling that anything will change or anything has changed? well, it seems to be a resolve that this will only sort of strengthen their fight to ask for the government to go. they say that there is no way that this government has any credibility left. they don't have the confidence of the people. in fact, if you just look behind me, i don't know how clear it is, but there's a big banner at the top of that road. a centrally a for time in the election, and you know, with flowers, the national flag and like a scribbled little poor. so on the side that says, go to go home. and this is very much the overarching sort of pray. they say that no matter what the government is trying to do, bring in new cabinets, start talking to the i, m f for the dollar. all things it's been told for months to do that. the situation of the ordinary man is still dia, and that it is the fault of the government for its mismanagement, and they're not convinced they just said there's no other option, but that the government has to go. all right, thank you so much. michelle fernandez reported from lucon. us. roland, co. your were the news, our head? how post to increase the number of women in the workforce could help improve india's economy on world champion? tyson? sherry, ways in for saturdays, heavy weight show down theater on that story and ah, it's the weekend, here's her forecasts for europe and africa. have her on good to see you. so pulses of rain across iberia. we're also going to see that snow over higher ground through the parent east as well, and that stretching into the else it's really piling up over the else. see it on our weather map here, may power up some thunderstorms for the south of france. this could lead to some localized flooding. ok, let's see what else we got going on. some cloud cover through the balkans temperature is doing pretty much what they should for this sunday. you're eastern med, pleasant stretch of weather a here a bit more cloud cover though for is stumble that could generate some showers, but in the south suns out in on talia with the high of 28 degrees. well cool breeze coming off the north sea. so that's going to be felt in the northwest of england. not so bad in london though, with a high of 17 degrees off to the top end of africa, the northwest unsettled, some showers over the atlas mountains. looking good in the northeast in cairo with the high 31 degrees. and it looks like this disturbance is going to form into a tropical cyclone over the next little bit. as it spreads a lot of rain and wind and to northern and central portions of most and be in san for south africa, there is a warning of destructive rain for the eastern cape. and some of the weather is pushing into port zulu at all. and now you're in the no, ah, the stage is set and it's time for a different approach. one that is going to challenge the way you think was wor, inevitable. i just want to started the plays doing it. they're not doing the right thing. let's leave simplicity to the headlines. join me as i take on the lies this man with the misconceptions. and to meet the contradictions. do we have a real democracy here in the united states? this not a political party. that's a radical insurgency. are mark lamond hill and it's time to get up front right here on out 0. ah, allow government al jazeera with know, what is one of thailand's most decorated cops, lee, the country in fear of his life. in a 2 party investigation, one 0, one east revealed explosive allegation. a police corruption on out to 0. 0, a probably on the top floors in the else. is there a new tower? the is really government says close the gaza border crossing to workers indefinitely because of rockets fired by us. they targeted southern israel after repeated is really rate on palestinian worshippers almost compounds and occupied east jerusalem. the taliban. these 33 people have been killed in an explosion at a mock down school and i'm gone, it's gone. it happened to him for news problems. so things 43 people were injured. ukraine president followed the landscape warning, rushes invasion, and just a sort of a wider plan for war in europe. a top russian general has said his army wants to control ukraine, chose on eastern region. so as we mentioned earlier, moscow was hoping to open a land corridor all the way to trans net street dots or russian back breaker we region off moldova. and for more on this, we're doing by skype, by samuel romani, who's an oxford, he's a geopolitical analyst with the royal united services institute in britain, welcome child to 0. so moldova has registered its discontent somewhat by summoning the russian ambassador as a result of the comments that were made by the russian general. how worried do you think move over is her mother was very concerned about that because this follows along that trajectory and ask literary rhetoric for marcia towards moldova, with the russians have been warning that they could cut off gas tomato cans model. but does not have the funds to be able to pay for it. there was a major gas dispute that unfolded over the course of the fall. also, there were 1000 troops and transistors that how the drill right before the invasion of ukraine and ukraine is repeatedly warned. the transistor has major city curious . hall could be a staging ground for aerial operations and solving ukraine. right now. mother was very, very concerned about that. ok, so that is what the ukrainians are warning. but what about a rush? i mean, tell us how important trans this trans mistrial is for russia itself. was history a is an occupied region, the de facto by russia, basically since the middle of the 1990 s is significant because of a logistical proximity towards the black sea. and also towards the 20th to be of a data which is vital for schools of conquering, so the new grade and potentially landmarking your grant. you were mentioning just a moment ago that mold over depends heavily on russian gas. and just a couple of months ago i do remember when the u. s. secretary state anthony blank and visited moldova, and he said that they want to help the country achieve greater energy security to bolster its independence. so what most of us walking quite a fine line here isn't, isn't it from other ways while here, a fine line here and also unusual countries, not part of nato, right? it's valid to keep that to appease russia. also, it has progression elements like for president e road on one closer economic interaction with russia. so when the united states is telling me, aldo which divest from russia is not as easy as it looks because it's elements you believe that engaging with russia is the best way to protect model security. but there isn't from small movements, right? busy mother has been removed from the russian power grad, much like you can move towards european paragraphs. that's the positive side. and how do you explain that mold over is now formerly applying, or it has rather its form the apply to join the e. u. as you're saying, it's not a member of nato, this is significant for the country. this is very significant, right? because the mother's, you remember your prospects nationally, georgia and even, arguably, ukraine's before this war were very slim. so mother was arguing that it's economic integration that is presumed with europe, europe, sports country. it's touchy deal disproportionately, obviously with the refugee writers as only been getting piecemeal assistance from germany and some other european countries. and that has nothing to do with their security orientation of being anti russia. but obviously russia has had a tendency to view economic integration with the last as a prelude to security integration, and therefore is reacting quite unpredictably towards mother. what do you think question? go actually is when it comes to old, over and trans mystery, a because we have heard official comment from the kremlin while there hadn't been individual college in the combine on this desire from the central military district, commander chiefs, comments as well as the marsh m. p. 's, who have emphasized that they want to draw their boundaries of control over ukraine to the borders of history, but not to include it. so they're keeping a bit of an am b, u. s. line here. but i think in the long run, they definitely want to make sure them all over remains firmly with driven forms. and also painfully david talking a lot about these narratives about the discrimination towards ethnic rations in this area. and even pushing for transition to move towards independence. marsh. i didn't ask them to have like what they've tried to do. so perhaps integrating dentistry in a more formal way is on the cards to all right, thank you so much for speaking to us from oxford. thank you. new explosions in coal mine and poland have halted the search for survivors of initial block 3 days ago. at least 10 searchers were injured as they looked for 7 missing miners and rescuers . 5 miners were killed by a series of methane gas explosions. a 1000 meters underground. on wednesday, you has agreed on new rules that will require internet and social media companies to remove illegal and harmful content from their platforms. the regulation will also ban advertising aimed at children, or based on sensitive data such as religion, gender, and race. the companies could face hefty fines for violating the new rules. so under the new regulations, governments can request companies to remove content that promotes terrorism, child sexual abuse on commercial scans, social media platforms like facebook and twitter, we'll have to make it easier for users to flag harmful content that will also apply to e commerce companies like amazon for counselor, faith, an unsafe product. companies will also be banned from using deceptive techniques for a sign up for services and repeated breaches could see them banned from trading in the you altogether. adrian wexler is the tech editor of the irish independence. he explains what this new regulation means for the safety of internet users. the repeating union effectively become the world's kitchenette regulator. and this is a collection of new rules and regulations, but as you say, will actually force them to clean up some of the rock. i mean, some of the measures here are very, very angel, and it shouldn't be underestimated that it's 6 percent of global revenue, fine if they don't complex and that would be billions and billions of dollars non profit revenue. and so the idea behind this digital service is essentially to make the internet safer, particularly for kids, but also for the rest of us using it on a day to day basis. often we don't know how they get our profiles, how they make advertising decisions, all of that should become a lot clearer. the biggest challenge, ultimately in the long term, is our own inability to agree with ourselves what the edge cases are for what is offensive. why does have speech? why does this information was unacceptable? in germany, for example, they have very, very tight laws on discussing 2nd world war the holocaust. they're much much tighter than they are in some other countries. it's going to be very interesting to see how those laws, for example, are negotiated through this new digital services. so ultimately, this is going to be something that we'll have to settle down over the next 5 to 10 years. it's now less than a month until elections in the philippines were $67000000.00 voters will choose their next president. it's shaping up to be a contest between further on marco's, junior and incumbent vice president, maria leonor, lenny radio, the current presidential, rodriguez, terrence a cancer and a gun again because of term limits. let's discuss this and bring in richard. hey dorion, who's joining via skype. he's a manila, he's also a professor political science and the philippines. welcome child to 0. you've described the upcoming votes as the most consequential election in modern philippine history. tell us why. oh, without the question, i would say that this is the most consequential since at least 1969 when the former philippine a dictator marquess for denmark was one there reelection. and that essentially paved the way for him to set the tone and that the feature of the country for decades to come in. yes, to dictate or she fell 3 decades ago. but the science of the mark is dictator. she are with us. and by the way, ferdinand marcus junior is now the front runner, ought to be gone. the next president of the philippines over the past 6 years, president, the 3rd that kind of undermined the foundations of the philippine democracy. but he never had them where we, though, nor the time and energy and hope was to really change the political system, whoever becomes the next president will be in a very unique and distinct position to do that. and shouldn't be an author marcus, then perhaps was the repeat of what we saw after $969.00. when an audit mark is what now for the position, we can stop the hemorrhage and actually change the direction of the country and just start democratic institution. ok, we'll talk about what this means for democracy, but for voters, what are the key issues that they're that are important to them? what i mean? no service. i've been clear when through that really it's got issues, threat, inflation, employment, education issues. and of course, because of the pandemic recovery from depend demik health care, these are very important issues. but you see the frontrunner right now mr. mark was didn't even bother to attend that single public debate of note. and that tells you that for a lot of voters, as much as they care about issues, they also care about personnel care about whether it's certain candidate can provide the kind of decisive leadership that is necessary to get the country to very difficult time. so very much is the personality driven, and it's a narrative, easy, logical, even prevent election then in policy it should be ok and just saying, you know, for the benefit of her international viewers as well. i do like to ask you about the implications of this election on foreign policy issues for the philippines. oh, absolutely. i mean the philippines is at the heart of the ongoing scramble for day in the pacific. it's one of the major claimants in the south china sea. it's a u. s. treaty like yet in recent years under president deterred the it has been engaged in strategic flirtation we try now. so the question is, what will the next be president do whether he or she tries to continue to work towards china or try to restore relationship with america? and of course, marcus, this are known as generally being more friendly to china, while the opposition candidate you are bred, is known to be more amenable to restoring our alliance with the united states and our other traditional partners. so wherever we got the next president will be also in a unique position to shape the philippines orientations, where the super powers and by experience john shaped the emerging geopolitical landscape in asia. you were mentioning this a moment ago and you were talking about what this means for the state of democracy in the philippines. so just expand on that thought a little bit for, for us. yeah, i mean, definitely, i mean over the past few years we have seen massive human rights violations, assaults on judicial independence. institutional checks and balances have been in limbo. what they said, present in furnace to him is not technically going to be a dictator. he's respecting his term limits, he's stepping in college, but nonetheless, a lot of damage has already been done to the philippines besieging solutions. so if the next president is a little bit more of a bargain or authority by an adventurous, he or she will be in a very good position to complete, introduce a new political resume. busy together, meanwhile, if the opposition we and they have a lot of cleaning up, they have a lot of mess to clean up, and a lot of institution repaired to do in the years. it's not generations to go ok when they get there. thank you so much for 2nd to us from manila richard. hey dar young now in just economy is picking up pace now that most of the cobra, 1900 restrictions have been lifted and that's helping to improve unemployment figure is but not among women. elizabeth per item has more from new delhi students to the university of delhi line up for interviews at a job fair around $20000.00 have registered to attend. in the hopes of finding work that includes 20 year old chain. the mal halter who's doing a bachelor of commerce. after graduation it is impossible to get a job after going be calmly. there's nothing in the market for this $1.00 and $5.00 university graduates in india unemployed because of a lack of jobs. if chief mac can find one, she will join an even smaller percentage of indian women who are employed, the international labor organization ranks and the a $171.00 out of $180.00 countries for participation of women in the workforce. the center for monitoring india and economies is only around 10 percent of indian women are employed. women also face family and societal pressures. india has the wolves, highest ratio of women doing unpaid domestic work compared to men. 22 year old consume ansari's studying education and the hopes of becoming a teacher in the future be secure. i can secure my future and support my family. we are 4 sisters and our father has put in a lot of effort to educate all of us. so i want to support my family and do something for myself, but calls him father says her future isn't in her hands alone. don't need me to be covering you. my 2 daughters were doing the bachelor's in education that they want to study and i want them to. hopefully they'll get a job. when to get married in law will decide about whether they can continue with this studies or what they do. it's up to them. they cannot jobs. economists say, attitudes towards women working aren't as big a barrier as a lack of jobs, a safe working environment and public transportation. the problem is not a supply. women are more than happy to come out to what the problem is. that ain't enough good jobs. so the government obviously does need to provide more jobs because it is ailing to provide the services all of the people of india. the indian government promised to create $6000000.00 jobs in the next 5 years when it released its latest budget expert, say, prioritizing women in that plan would dramatically improve the world's 5th largest economy. elizabeth, poor on m al jazeera, new delhi of florida, is stripping the walt disney company of the right to self govern. critics say governor rhonda santos is retaliating against disney's opposition to a law limiting the teaching of l. g b t issues in schools, alexia bryan reports ha florida's magic kingdom no longer the happiest place on earth for disney. after the states governor rhonda santas signed legislation dissolving the company so called spatial status, they're going to pay more taxes as a result of ever since the 1960, the disney world resort had been effectively its own city controlling everything on its sprawling property from roads to rubbish collection, the moved to change that could have huge financial implications for disney who series of theme parks of transformed orlando to one of the world's most popular tourist destinations. could also cause big problems for the cities where disney properties are located. since they'll now have to offer those services. but critics say it's less about tax than tit for tat. after disney, one of the state's largest employers spoke out against a new law passed by the governor and the states republican controlled legislature. it bars teaching on gender identity and sexual orientation, and schools. the children aged between 5 and 9 years old and makes it more difficult for schools to raise the top with all the children. we believe an important component of freedom is this in the state of florida is the freedom from having oppressive idiology opposed upon you without your consent, whether it be in the classroom or whether it be in the workplace. and we decided to do something about it. upon in school at the don't say gainesville warning, it could hurt l g b, t students or their families. they criticize disney for initially staying quiet, but the public outcry and walk out my staff nationwide. so management condemned the law as a challenge to basic human rights fire, right activist and support is a former president. donald trump have rallied against disney, referring to florida, as dissenters land is always one school august says negotiating or to get disney the star getting and ball these culture were issues i because up until recently, disney in the republican already had a really strong relationship. it's unclear exactly how the legislation could hurt disney's profit. it's 80000 workers in florida. oh, it's millions of customers. some analysts have called it a political tantrum by de santis. he's a potential presidential candidate in 2020 full warning. it could backfire. think of all the other businesses that rely on whether they're restaurants, rental cars, hotels, everything's connected, and when you take a stance like this, you don't merely affect that one company. you are all those other companies, the changes it to come into force in june next year. so far, the company famous the mickey mouse and co has declined to comment. alex o'brien al jazeera still had on the out. is there a news our the sports is and peter will be here with action from an eventful f one qualifying susanna m. o ah, ah, full of struggles, my eligible husband. you know, morale would not allow me to what i mean all on. all of them want either one of them full of pleasure. we go halo martin on the getting where am i roma? he barava with an intimate look at life in cuba today. as it was an one walk on. for a young lord, daniel, i give it a manageable my cuba on al jazeera. from the front lines al jazeera correspondence continue to report every angle of the war . cray been given access to this special unit, making sure there's no threats behind those front lines. there is almost nic complete destruction fighting back a russian assault, holding background forces. the scale of destruction is just now being revealed as we arrived. nikolai, as there is panic, a russian warplane is suspected of being closed by stay with al jazeera. for the latest developments. lou ah, for the sports his years, peter very thank you very much. we'll start with the n b a. playoffs the defending champion, milwaukee bucks. and to uncomfortable when the chicago bulls, chris paul laid phoenix to victory over the pelicans. and there was a very late sting in the tail for the miami heat, in atlanta. david stokes, as the action bombers got boy started, the atlanta hawks had been 16 points down against the miami heat. looking almost certain to go 3 nothing behind in the series, but they got themselves back in it and with less than 5 seconds on the clock trotting by just one points. troy young did they? i my army at the top seeds in eastern conference and still have a chance to spoil the party. but they missed it before. the hopes, one by one, and now have a chance to square up the series with another home game on sunday. things were nowhere near is tight over in chicago, where the defending champion, milwaukee bucks rolled over the bulls by 30 points. i pretty said alan grayson. alan, that the way be $22.00, including $53.00 pointers unit, enter the compo, had a low key game, but still came up with 18. a sunny glazer offer and his younger brother chipped in to oh like still they support the books. he went up in the series and hitting a groove at just the right time. we chicago on the back football losses lost, or there was one or was 30 loss was a lot, you know. and with that we got to come back regardless. rather if we got a lot, we lost by 30 of law by one point we, we got to come back to peak, protect the home floor, you know, try to stand up. so regardless, you know, a loss is a loss. chris chris paul produced a stunning finishes the phoenix suns when a new will lean and he can versus white work for c p 3. the 36 year old school 19 of his $28.00 points in the 4th quarter against the pelican. like a drill out there for the veteran. he also had 14 assistance on the sons one by 3 and go to one up over all the series space in new orleans with game for coming up on sunday when they get stokes out 0. manchester united midfielder poor pog but may very well have played his last game for the club. the frenchman is expected to be out for the remainder of the season of suffering. a cough injury from both contract that old trafford expires at the end of the current campaign. united face awful in the early premium. the match on saturday. meanwhile, lead leaders mentioned for said he will be in action later against watford boss. pick the theme, canada for any slip of lady liverpool, but just one points ahead of the match against watford. we cannot point but they cannot drum point in so we have a different deployment. oh it, we were in this position before and they'll have to in to, you know, to be fresh and especially in your head and mine and will champion extra stuff and came through tricky conditions in qualifying to secure poll position for the sprint race. at the immediate romani growing pre williams, dr. alex album held up the 1st section with he's break. catching fire. cool. he's tied to explode. of the rain pulled down for his call. assign, spun off into the wall when a 5 times, the marshals red flag delayed the ribbon for something that out of trouble. and we saw from the front in fact that a sprint race. the results of that will decide the grid for the grand prix on sunday. the hectic, long qualifying, but because at the end, very happy to do it to be here. you know, it's an amazing track and it also really punished you if you make a mistake and you can go in the wall. so that's what we like it to make it really hard and difficult. so yeah, very nice. of course we would pull position top seed stefan. now since the past has been knocked on the barcelona open by spanish, teenager carlos alcaraz alcaraz who won the miami open earlier this month was a sit and a double break up before will. number 5 seats he passed, came back to force decided, but the 18 year old it took it 6 to to book the 3rd final place and make it 3 wins in 3 meetings against the greek player. alcaraz is also guaranteed to break into the woods top 10 next week. there were no problems at all for the women's world. number one eager fiance to continue her remarkable run for the pole saw of us open champion m a radical new in the stuttgart open quarter finals on friday had made for her 21st consecutive when she on tech 16464. on this occasion. the book, a semi final against ludmilla sent some over. she's looking to get her full straight tournament world heavyweight boxing champion tyson furious, preparing to fight in front of his home fans in the u. k. for the 1st time in 4 years. he weighed in for saturdays title bout with fellow brick de leon whites 5 kilo's lighter and his last fight against dionte wilder in october. the pair meet at wembley stadium in london with $94000.00 fans expected, which will break the european record for biggest post war boxing crowd. i'm so happy to be back here fighting at wembley stadium and you people may upload. you all may happen. everyone is made up on and an unwelcome intruder caused a bit of a flap for yan being tau at the world sneaker championships. the chinese play was waiting any seat between frames. when the pigeon flew into the arena and found its way onto the table, the referee eventually managed to assure the bird out through an exit okay, we're going to leave or they've been albia again with most both these last day. we'll see you later. thank you. so much peter, and thanks for watching than his, our on al jazeera holly back to budget in just a moment with much more patients. but by for now, ah may own which is era frontline reporting and in depth analysis. we bring you the latest on the ukraine mall and the unfolding humanitarian crisis. documentary that inspire whitney springs world issues into focus through compelling human stories. 61 years after fidel castro's proclamation of the communist republic of cuba, what does the future hold for the country? al jazeera investigative program fault lines were time with a special theories on abuse in the boy scouts of america. lebanon goes to the polls, but will political change help the country find its way out of its crippling economic crisis may on al jazeera or china, m. u. s. sleepwalking their way to war in the struggle over ukraine. here is the test for president joe biden from is really trying to do is rewrite the security architecture in europe. it's your personal united states. you, sir, if you go to walking through gum at the same time, you're weekly, take on us politics and society. that's the bottom line. radicalism is on the rise across the globe. were told it's everywhere. we're told we're supposed to be highly suspicious of everybody at every fake but our government policies aimed at tackling radicalization. in fact, pushing youngsters to the fringes of society. the impact is you don't, we don't have any so much have you can take before you say. okay, let me re thinking radicalization. part of the radicalized huge series on al jazeera ah, to. ready ukraine's president warner moscow may invade other european countries after a general saved russia's army aims to take control of the south indies. ah, are you watching al jazeera live from to how with me for the back table also ahead . israel close as it's only border crossing to the gaza strip for workers off to rockets were fired from the territory. a bombing at a mosque in northern africa.

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Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20220423 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20220423

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a mosque in northern afghanistan kills more than 30 people. the latest in a series of attacks across the country. and disney loses its decades old, special status. and florida, after a dispute with the states governor about a new law on sexual orientation and on he stammered with your sport hopa may have played his last game for manchester, united as injury forces him to sit out the rest of the season and his late stinging the tail to miami heat, as the atlanta hawks deny them, another victory in the n b a. playoffs. welcome to the news. our ukraine's president is warning europe or russia's war and his country is just the start of a wider plan to invade other nations. well, other marizza lensky, his comments come after a top russian general said it's forces wanted to take control of ukraine, southern and eastern regions. and the aim is to link that area with russian annex crimea. or moscow also wants to open a land corridor all the way to transmits trio. that's a russian back breaker we region off moldova. i dial it, let me hope, hope redeem, secrete. the invasion to ukraine can be considered just the beginning. they will want to invade other countries. of course, we will resist for as long as possible to break this ambition of the russian federation. but also the nations that believe in the victory of life over a devil, they have to fight together with us. they have to help us move on the grounds. ukraine's military says it's repelled 8 russian attacks and don't boss in the past 24 hours or the public. just putting in the russian federation continues to conduct a full scale armed aggression against ukraine. the enemy is carrying out offensive operations in the east and operational zone to defeat the joint forces. grouping, establish full control over the territory of the next screens and ensure the mandrake between those territories in the occupied crimea. the greatest activity of the enemy is absurd in the slumbers, hunker and the next directions. the enemy divisions are regrouping. the enemy does not stop inflicting nissan and bump strikes on military and civilian infrastructure . alright, let's get the situation latest rather on the situation in eastern ukraine and bringing charl stratford. he's joining us from near the city of boston dots in the dawn by region. so charles, update us on the fighting on the grounds. well yes you join us here enlisted chance which is one of the main contested areas in the east. we arrived dispose about half an hour ago. the checkpoints were telling us that things had been com so far this morning them describing the shelling as being sporadic. it certainly that seems to be the case m. yeah, i can hear shelling now. and as we came in there were 2 shells that landed very close to us. what's incredible though, as we've been reporting throughout, since this invasion is that there are still people living in areas like this. this particular straight doesn't seem to been shelled to streets back very much it's. it's very different indeed with what we understand. it are things being targeted. the reason why lisa chanced is important is because, just beyond it, the town of camina is occupied, uncontrolled by the russians. there is another town close to it. rubbish now, which is contested. the russians also are in control. we understand. i'm to my right as well beyond the city limits and they are trying to push towards the strategic city of slab, dance not only from this direction, but also from north of slavery answer. this is probably one of the most easterly points that is still controlled by the ukrainians with respect to that corridor, all from mariel pal where we know that they're around. oh, certainly reported around a 1000 civilians trapped underneath that still works in the city. we have no details as to whether it has been any real movement there. there was no confirmation from the russian side in our understanding. ukraine's deputy prime minister has said that she is hearing window room resolved, that the russians are trying to organize some sort of parallel corridor. if that would be the right chair, we'll certainly alternative cordele taking those civilians potentially out towards russia and not into ukraine. we know that there are least a 1000 possibly more ukrainian military and ukranian fighters inside that still works as well. we've seen some incredible pictures that have been released in the last 24 hours. one, showing a fighter walking down a series of stairs, through layer upon layer of thick concrete just showing you how well fortified that bunker is. and he then comes out in amongst families building. we don't know how many exactly how many civilians there are under under that building. but we know that they been there a very long time indeed. and as i say, we also hear that there is ongoing fighting as the ukrainians defend that position . so big fears, deep fears continue for the as a say estimate to the 1000 or so people under that building. and in this wide region, those that are remaining, as i say, certainly in this area around lucy, james, where shelling is ongoing. okay, charles, we'll let you go for now. thank you so much for that reporting from the eastern regions. let's not bring in her that. i mean, she's joining us from boots, which are, that's just outside the capital itself. cuban hood that president lensky on friday said that allies were finally delivering weapons that keith had asked for. tell us more about what he had to say, what he means by this while he means that finally, the allies from his point of view, are sending him offensive weapons, which was, which is what he has been asking for. since before the war. so far, the military aid has much concentrated on defensive weapons, but the nature of the war itself is now changing its not anymore in the towns surrounding a kid, for example. but there's a low front line in the east of the country. and from what we heard from moscow, it might also expand to the south of the country all the way to the border with more of a president that he has been asking for offensive weapons. well, now he is getting that he's getting, for example, the how it shows which are sort of long range artillery weapons. he's also getting more of these anti tank and anti aircraft missiles which are very much needed. that's and then you have europe and that's coming from the u. s. but then you also have europe in countries are also providing more with vehicles, more tanks, more guided missiles, for example, coming from france. maybe eventually we're hearing also that you might get more drones from turkey. now apparently those drones played a huge role in this thinking of the flagship most, but in the black sea, apparently they were flown over that ship as a diversion while the ukrainians hits it from the other side. now i just want to show you where i am now. i'm in a sort of a graveyard of military equipment. look at all this file of twisted metals. we are told that all of this is russian ties and russian armored vehicles that were heads while waiting to try to reach key. if you remember that there was that very low convoy that was stopped by to ukraine if it shows you that ukrainians are putting up a fight. but president lensky himself is say, at the shooting point, we cannot deny the strengths of russia. we could be out numbered, we could be out the gun, which is basically what's happening, for example, with those ukranian forces that are now hung could doubt that the factory south of you were president lensky says to avoid so situations we need to have more and more weapons to be able to defend. so because this is not all of russian strength. yes, ukraine is able to hurt russia, but it's just not able to and a military power was that you have among them for example, the church and just see on the status. you can see written had the wrong, that's the name of the judge and leader, a lot of this equipment had a v written in white on it. that's also the, as an indication that the chechens were approaching, keep those fighters known to be fears fighters. so you create, need as much help as possible to heed of these warnings coming from russia that they will take over the whole of the don't but region done yes and look at. and that may be also expand south may be heading toward the keyboard of odessa, right validated ukraine can financially collapse. so it is certainly what president lensky needs. thank you so much for that. and how many is reporting from bucetti? while russia has admitted for the 1st time that people died on its flagship, moscow would sank off the coast of southern ukraine last week. its defense ministry says one sailor was killed and 27 are missing. moscow says nearly 400 crew members were rescued. the kremlin insists the vessel sank after and i'm munition fire, but ukraine says it hit the ship with cruise missiles. israel has close the gospel border crossing to workers and businesses citing rock hurts, fired by hamas. the rockets targeted southern israel after a week of raids by israeli police and to the oxide moss compounds and occupied east jerusalem. israel then carried out air raids and different areas of the gaza strip twice last week. is really military has not given a date for when it will reopen the crossings for workers crossing over to gaza and were speaking to you in the say it was joining us from the border crossing and both honeymoon to tell us how this is going to affect people living in gaza, you know, yesterday in the people in got that configured, this measured to be a very dangerous decision, a decision that could cause for their escalation between god's that and israel. this easing measure where we're good now to work in the occupied territories from guns came as an agreement or a ceasefire agreement that was broken by egypt after the nate. this may 2021 war and measure the measure started in september of 2021. until today, only 12000 workers have been allowed to work in the occupied territories, although 20000 where it proved to wear it, but only 12000 of them, according to economy experts here aid because it's true that we have spoken to about over 3000000. shake hills are entered by these workers per day to the gaza strip, which is over. are almost a $1000000.00. this amount of money is it's finally helping in the flourishing of the economy in the economy in the gaza strip. and as we approach 8 foot, which is a very important season for muslims around the earl, the workers and the traders in god's there are waiting for these workers to enter with some money in order to move the economy a little bit in order to bring in some money bring and improve the humanitarian and living conditions of many of the residents in ga, the traders here. so this decision by israel that we don't know when will be or until further notice, as they said, we're going to is going to for sure be, are our compound region on the residents of the gaza strip. and me lead definitely to a further escalation with godsa. thank you so much. say ed's reporting from garza. well, it's really raids in the north of the occupied westbank have intensified in recent weeks after 2 palestinians from jeanine killed 8 israel leaves in separate attacks . hundreds of fighters live in the janine refugee camp, which has become a strong hold for resistance against the israeli occupation. he was allowed inside and spoke to some of the fighters in a largely unarmed society seized like these sand gunman, participating in a military parade in the genie and refugee camp in northern occupied westbank. they're taking part in a memorial for the 14 palestinians killed in jeanine during the past 2 months. at least half of the 14 were killed in an exchange of fire. with these rady army, including 2 gunmen who shot 8 people dead into separate attacks inside israel. he is really army, said it once, family members of one of the gunman, but they're taking refuge in the camp where dozens of fighters live, even though these fighters are wanted by the israeli army. they're here in a show, a 4th. that is filled with symbolism. one of the had been here says the wasps nest . this is how was really media refers to the camp. armed men speaking exclusively to just say they're reclaiming the description. rational bar we live on the patients. they confiscate our lands rate, our homes, and kill our people. what should we do? remain silent, even those who are not fighting occupation yet, give them some time and they will fight the flags of different palestinian fractions. show the collaboration between groups here, but outside the camp. this kind of agreement is hard to find. one gunmen told al jazeera that fighters feel let down by palestinian and other leaders hobbling happen. we don't have real support given the current internal palestinian divisions, those menu see now in jeanine refugee camp and some other places are just lone wolves who believe in the justice of their cause. a lot of fighters weren't even born when these railey army carried a violent reed in the camp 20 years ago, but they were headbands, remembering what is known here as the janine battled 52 palestinians and 23 israeli soldiers were killed during the 2002, encouraging into the camp. many here see why that battle is now over. the war is not jamal will was a fighter in the janine camp during that battle. these are archived videos of him 20 years ago. his book about the janine battle was just released last month, frankly. and jimmy, if he came, he did that to show that we have a lot of people who were killed or detained. there's not one house in the camp that doesn't have a personal story for the struggle against the occupation. young children grow up with pictures of relatives killed by israeli forces. this affects the generations conscious and subconscious money. coming from the motor bike bellagio saudi vineyard was killed by the israeli forces fired in early march. and we were talking to many people who say they were inspired by him. were seeing some of the armed men carrying pictures of seniors who are new on the wire. it's not hard to tell me that they have a personal revenge of your patients. many of the gunman here acknowledge these really army has the military advantage, but they say they want to create a reality where the strongest, the army, the middle east pays a price for its occupation. they say is re left them with 2 choices, surrender or fight. and they're not surrendering. neither raheem al jazeera jeannie refugee camp, occupied west bank, plenty more head on the altar. there were news our including holding the tech giant accountable. the you unveils new rules to ban illegal and offensive content, and tricky conditions for the formula. one qualifying molar, but not the 1st step and set out a trouble to take full for the spring break. ah, but 1st, the explosion in the somali capital has killed at least 6 people. gunman, storm the hotel and the leader beach area of mogadishu. after detonating a bomb, the police chief was at the hotel but was not injured. and shabby attack in the same area and 2020 killed 16 people on the bombing at a mosque and religious school. and i'm gonna stand, has killed at least 33 people. and injured dozens, the boston conduit province follows a series of eyesore attacks and other parts of the country on thursday. laura burton manly reports this was filmed by an eye witness movements after a bomb whit true. as she r mosque, it happened in northern afghanistan's. couldn't tooth province applause, so powerful, it tore out was and killed many in what should have been a place of peace and worship. in the islamic holy month of ramadan. many more were rushed to a local hospital. basically with mg accumulates and we were worshiping outside when suddenly there was an explosion on the 2nd floor and people were thrown everywhere . many were killed and wounded from that, and we brought victims to the hospital and conduce the monkeys army. afghanistan must try to prevent these attacks. saw people are not targeted in the mosques, schools and places of worship. i don't want this. new group is claimed immediate responsibility for the attack taliban spokesman's other holla, masha had condemned the attack and says, serious efforts being made to arrests and punish the perpetrators. afghanistan's i sl affiliate had claimed for bombings a day earlier that included an attack on say to can she are moss and mazar. i sharif, less than a 100 kilometers west. at least 12 people were killed. although there has been a string of attacks by isolate affiliated groups since the taliban came to power last august. is it's booth he targeted minority communities including shia and has ara setting, major security challenges for the taliban. one of the claims that the taliban made was that they had brought these 2 up on a son. unfortunately, others used to say that it wasn't peace that had arrived. it was just the absence of war and that could only stay for so long. the idea is that the vacuum available, the feeling state right now, are all contributors to the situation that are being exploited by groups such as ice, kate, backing, conduce a community less shaken, living and fear of more tax law about money out of your plot. so speak to fatima galani who's a joining us in london foss, him as a former member of the afghan piece negotiation team, and previously served as president of the afghan red crescent society. welcome to al jazeera, so no currently responsibility yet after fridays attack, but it was one of the biggest attack since the taliban effectively took a power in august last year. what's the message that's being sent? well, i mean, this is going to be a to be the situation in afghanistan. if we don't have a comprehensive, inclusive piece process piece process means as a political process that political process, which includes all the outlines. so the people have on his ground will have a support at the government to day and what we are seeing it has been seen for the last 43 years. but to day the countries in one hand, what is their excuse, what, why a proper political process doesn't start. ok, let me get to the issue of the political process in a moment 1st just, just on the issue of the attacks. i mean, why is there an increase, seemingly increased in attacks, especially over the past few weeks or so because the attack on the sushi mosque was the seconds in the northern city in his miley and many days. and there were 4 attacks across i've got to start on thursday. why are we seeing this? this is what i'm seeing, that even before the coming of taliban, this was happening. and the claim of trial about was that they will bring peace and stability to the country. and where is that peace and stability? my argument is that after 43 years, the country is in one hand. so they are in the best place to start actually picking a process. they are in the best place to prevent all what is happening. it has gone for to lang. and when i have one group is in the command and the government, they are responsible for the, for the people. if i want to on it, you cation health or anything, being responsible might be one thing. but do you think that the taliban is, is up to the challenge to, to fill this security void, vacuum as being described by some look when the whole of nato was there. this same attacks were happening. so it is happening now. why it is happening? it is happening because the whole country is not united because everyone can see themselves in the government. that's why i'm insisting and insisting not in bon was the only political process we saw in 43 years and only charlie bond, we're not presence only tyler bond. so he has a little little or a balance laying out what, what are you calling out for? what would you like to see right now? it is, it is, it is in the hands of taliban to head to call on people are for honest on we have traditional way to, to convene a lawyer, joe, get an take a control of the country because now we are happy that okay, people could travel from one city to either city to laurel, we don't know what will happen because the same people could go and attack people on the roads to. okay, so do you think the taliban has the political will to do so? do they want to be part of this inclusive piece that you speak off? it is not question of wanting or not wanting is question of this, is it either you do it or the countries don't and every one is doomed in it? in no, i mean, selfishness doesn't help us when we think that i can win the war and i can win everything. we have tried several times in 43 years. it doesn't happen. what was lacking all this time was a proper meaningful, inclusive process. and they are in the best place to do it. why not? okay, we thank you so much for mark galani for speaking to us from london. thank. while the sharon been held in stir lanka for the professor who was killed when police fired anti government demonstrators on tuesday. so this killing provoked outrage in the country grappling with its worst economic crisis and independence more than 70 years ago. police and soldiers were sent to the china from buchanan to guard that funeral. that is where michelle fernandez is joining us from l u r. act the funeral in. rambo khan. i just talk to us about what you saw on what people have been telling you. overall the people, many of them who have come to the funeral a while we've were here, have expressed anger, essentially that and protest her demanding you know, not for anything or you know, not handouts, but basically to be given fuel that allows him to get on with his livelihood and chum in the lock, john, the man who was killed in police gunfire in that sort of clash with the police. a was looking for full. he'd been waiting for 4 days a field for his laurie. he someone who apparently supplies the elephant orphanage, which is also down the road, which is the same area where his residence is down. that road behind me. you can see banners, white flag, and bunting, all in preparation for the funeral. and he had been unable to do his job for days and days because of the fuel shortage. so people sort of raising the fact that this is not right that the government has got things completely wrong. and one of the telling things with this kind of thing. you generally see politicians are coming to such funerals during such crises, trying to make mileage. and i can pretty much see across the boards. there was hardly a political face in the crowd. on the contrary, they were about a 100 buddhist monks who came to assist in the final rights and one very outspoken priest said this government has lost the ability to define between good and bad. and that's why these kinds of things are happening that the, that the law enforcement officials officers, the military should all be there to protect the public and not as not to be the reason for the loss of life wrangler was very feeling it only now that anything very frustrated. yeah. so is there a feeling that anything will change or anything has changed? well, it seems to be a resolve that this will only sort of strengthen their fight to ask for the government to go. they say that there is no way that this government has any credibility left. they don't have the confidence of the people. in fact, if you just look behind me, i don't know how clear it is, but there's a big banner at the top of that road. a centrally a for time in the election, and you know, with flowers, the national flag and like a scribbled little poor. so on the side that says, go to go home. and this is very much the overarching sort of pray. they say that no matter what the government is trying to do, bring in new cabinets, start talking to the i, m f for the dollar. all things it's been told for months to do that. the situation of the ordinary man is still dia, and that it is the fault of the government for its mismanagement, and they're not convinced they just said there's no other option, but that the government has to go. all right, thank you so much. michelle fernandez reported from lucon. us. roland, co. your were the news, our head? how post to increase the number of women in the workforce could help improve india's economy on world champion? tyson? sherry, ways in for saturdays, heavy weight show down theater on that story and ah, it's the weekend, here's her forecasts for europe and africa. have her on good to see you. so pulses of rain across iberia. we're also going to see that snow over higher ground through the parent east as well, and that stretching into the else it's really piling up over the else. see it on our weather map here, may power up some thunderstorms for the south of france. this could lead to some localized flooding. ok, let's see what else we got going on. some cloud cover through the balkans temperature is doing pretty much what they should for this sunday. you're eastern med, pleasant stretch of weather a here a bit more cloud cover though for is stumble that could generate some showers, but in the south suns out in on talia with the high of 28 degrees. well cool breeze coming off the north sea. so that's going to be felt in the northwest of england. not so bad in london though, with a high of 17 degrees off to the top end of africa, the northwest unsettled, some showers over the atlas mountains. looking good in the northeast in cairo with the high 31 degrees. and it looks like this disturbance is going to form into a tropical cyclone over the next little bit. as it spreads a lot of rain and wind and to northern and central portions of most and be in san for south africa, there is a warning of destructive rain for the eastern cape. and some of the weather is pushing into port zulu at all. and now you're in the no, ah, the stage is set and it's time for a different approach. one that is going to challenge the way you think was wor, inevitable. i just want to started the plays doing it. they're not doing the right thing. let's leave simplicity to the headlines. join me as i take on the lies this man with the misconceptions. and to meet the contradictions. do we have a real democracy here in the united states? this not a political party. that's a radical insurgency. are mark lamond hill and it's time to get up front right here on out 0. ah, allow government al jazeera with know, what is one of thailand's most decorated cops, lee, the country in fear of his life. in a 2 party investigation, one 0, one east revealed explosive allegation. a police corruption on out to 0. 0, a probably on the top floors in the else. is there a new tower? the is really government says close the gaza border crossing to workers indefinitely because of rockets fired by us. they targeted southern israel after repeated is really rate on palestinian worshippers almost compounds and occupied east jerusalem. the taliban. these 33 people have been killed in an explosion at a mock down school and i'm gone, it's gone. it happened to him for news problems. so things 43 people were injured. ukraine president followed the landscape warning, rushes invasion, and just a sort of a wider plan for war in europe. a top russian general has said his army wants to control ukraine, chose on eastern region. so as we mentioned earlier, moscow was hoping to open a land corridor all the way to trans net street dots or russian back breaker we region off moldova. and for more on this, we're doing by skype, by samuel romani, who's an oxford, he's a geopolitical analyst with the royal united services institute in britain, welcome child to 0. so moldova has registered its discontent somewhat by summoning the russian ambassador as a result of the comments that were made by the russian general. how worried do you think move over is her mother was very concerned about that because this follows along that trajectory and ask literary rhetoric for marcia towards moldova, with the russians have been warning that they could cut off gas tomato cans model. but does not have the funds to be able to pay for it. there was a major gas dispute that unfolded over the course of the fall. also, there were 1000 troops and transistors that how the drill right before the invasion of ukraine and ukraine is repeatedly warned. the transistor has major city curious . hall could be a staging ground for aerial operations and solving ukraine. right now. mother was very, very concerned about that. ok, so that is what the ukrainians are warning. but what about a rush? i mean, tell us how important trans this trans mistrial is for russia itself. was history a is an occupied region, the de facto by russia, basically since the middle of the 1990 s is significant because of a logistical proximity towards the black sea. and also towards the 20th to be of a data which is vital for schools of conquering, so the new grade and potentially landmarking your grant. you were mentioning just a moment ago that mold over depends heavily on russian gas. and just a couple of months ago i do remember when the u. s. secretary state anthony blank and visited moldova, and he said that they want to help the country achieve greater energy security to bolster its independence. so what most of us walking quite a fine line here isn't, isn't it from other ways while here, a fine line here and also unusual countries, not part of nato, right? it's valid to keep that to appease russia. also, it has progression elements like for president e road on one closer economic interaction with russia. so when the united states is telling me, aldo which divest from russia is not as easy as it looks because it's elements you believe that engaging with russia is the best way to protect model security. but there isn't from small movements, right? busy mother has been removed from the russian power grad, much like you can move towards european paragraphs. that's the positive side. and how do you explain that mold over is now formerly applying, or it has rather its form the apply to join the e. u. as you're saying, it's not a member of nato, this is significant for the country. this is very significant, right? because the mother's, you remember your prospects nationally, georgia and even, arguably, ukraine's before this war were very slim. so mother was arguing that it's economic integration that is presumed with europe, europe, sports country. it's touchy deal disproportionately, obviously with the refugee writers as only been getting piecemeal assistance from germany and some other european countries. and that has nothing to do with their security orientation of being anti russia. but obviously russia has had a tendency to view economic integration with the last as a prelude to security integration, and therefore is reacting quite unpredictably towards mother. what do you think question? go actually is when it comes to old, over and trans mystery, a because we have heard official comment from the kremlin while there hadn't been individual college in the combine on this desire from the central military district, commander chiefs, comments as well as the marsh m. p. 's, who have emphasized that they want to draw their boundaries of control over ukraine to the borders of history, but not to include it. so they're keeping a bit of an am b, u. s. line here. but i think in the long run, they definitely want to make sure them all over remains firmly with driven forms. and also painfully david talking a lot about these narratives about the discrimination towards ethnic rations in this area. and even pushing for transition to move towards independence. marsh. i didn't ask them to have like what they've tried to do. so perhaps integrating dentistry in a more formal way is on the cards to all right, thank you so much for speaking to us from oxford. thank you. new explosions in coal mine and poland have halted the search for survivors of initial block 3 days ago. at least 10 searchers were injured as they looked for 7 missing miners and rescuers . 5 miners were killed by a series of methane gas explosions. a 1000 meters underground. on wednesday, you has agreed on new rules that will require internet and social media companies to remove illegal and harmful content from their platforms. the regulation will also ban advertising aimed at children, or based on sensitive data such as religion, gender, and race. the companies could face hefty fines for violating the new rules. so under the new regulations, governments can request companies to remove content that promotes terrorism, child sexual abuse on commercial scans, social media platforms like facebook and twitter, we'll have to make it easier for users to flag harmful content that will also apply to e commerce companies like amazon for counselor, faith, an unsafe product. companies will also be banned from using deceptive techniques for a sign up for services and repeated breaches could see them banned from trading in the you altogether. adrian wexler is the tech editor of the irish independence. he explains what this new regulation means for the safety of internet users. the repeating union effectively become the world's kitchenette regulator. and this is a collection of new rules and regulations, but as you say, will actually force them to clean up some of the rock. i mean, some of the measures here are very, very angel, and it shouldn't be underestimated that it's 6 percent of global revenue, fine if they don't complex and that would be billions and billions of dollars non profit revenue. and so the idea behind this digital service is essentially to make the internet safer, particularly for kids, but also for the rest of us using it on a day to day basis. often we don't know how they get our profiles, how they make advertising decisions, all of that should become a lot clearer. the biggest challenge, ultimately in the long term, is our own inability to agree with ourselves what the edge cases are for what is offensive. why does have speech? why does this information was unacceptable? in germany, for example, they have very, very tight laws on discussing 2nd world war the holocaust. they're much much tighter than they are in some other countries. it's going to be very interesting to see how those laws, for example, are negotiated through this new digital services. so ultimately, this is going to be something that we'll have to settle down over the next 5 to 10 years. it's now less than a month until elections in the philippines were $67000000.00 voters will choose their next president. it's shaping up to be a contest between further on marco's, junior and incumbent vice president, maria leonor, lenny radio, the current presidential, rodriguez, terrence a cancer and a gun again because of term limits. let's discuss this and bring in richard. hey dorion, who's joining via skype. he's a manila, he's also a professor political science and the philippines. welcome child to 0. you've described the upcoming votes as the most consequential election in modern philippine history. tell us why. oh, without the question, i would say that this is the most consequential since at least 1969 when the former philippine a dictator marquess for denmark was one there reelection. and that essentially paved the way for him to set the tone and that the feature of the country for decades to come in. yes, to dictate or she fell 3 decades ago. but the science of the mark is dictator. she are with us. and by the way, ferdinand marcus junior is now the front runner, ought to be gone. the next president of the philippines over the past 6 years, president, the 3rd that kind of undermined the foundations of the philippine democracy. but he never had them where we, though, nor the time and energy and hope was to really change the political system, whoever becomes the next president will be in a very unique and distinct position to do that. and shouldn't be an author marcus, then perhaps was the repeat of what we saw after $969.00. when an audit mark is what now for the position, we can stop the hemorrhage and actually change the direction of the country and just start democratic institution. ok, we'll talk about what this means for democracy, but for voters, what are the key issues that they're that are important to them? what i mean? no service. i've been clear when through that really it's got issues, threat, inflation, employment, education issues. and of course, because of the pandemic recovery from depend demik health care, these are very important issues. but you see the frontrunner right now mr. mark was didn't even bother to attend that single public debate of note. and that tells you that for a lot of voters, as much as they care about issues, they also care about personnel care about whether it's certain candidate can provide the kind of decisive leadership that is necessary to get the country to very difficult time. so very much is the personality driven, and it's a narrative, easy, logical, even prevent election then in policy it should be ok and just saying, you know, for the benefit of her international viewers as well. i do like to ask you about the implications of this election on foreign policy issues for the philippines. oh, absolutely. i mean the philippines is at the heart of the ongoing scramble for day in the pacific. it's one of the major claimants in the south china sea. it's a u. s. treaty like yet in recent years under president deterred the it has been engaged in strategic flirtation we try now. so the question is, what will the next be president do whether he or she tries to continue to work towards china or try to restore relationship with america? and of course, marcus, this are known as generally being more friendly to china, while the opposition candidate you are bred, is known to be more amenable to restoring our alliance with the united states and our other traditional partners. so wherever we got the next president will be also in a unique position to shape the philippines orientations, where the super powers and by experience john shaped the emerging geopolitical landscape in asia. you were mentioning this a moment ago and you were talking about what this means for the state of democracy in the philippines. so just expand on that thought a little bit for, for us. yeah, i mean, definitely, i mean over the past few years we have seen massive human rights violations, assaults on judicial independence. institutional checks and balances have been in limbo. what they said, present in furnace to him is not technically going to be a dictator. he's respecting his term limits, he's stepping in college, but nonetheless, a lot of damage has already been done to the philippines besieging solutions. so if the next president is a little bit more of a bargain or authority by an adventurous, he or she will be in a very good position to complete, introduce a new political resume. busy together, meanwhile, if the opposition we and they have a lot of cleaning up, they have a lot of mess to clean up, and a lot of institution repaired to do in the years. it's not generations to go ok when they get there. thank you so much for 2nd to us from manila richard. hey dar young now in just economy is picking up pace now that most of the cobra, 1900 restrictions have been lifted and that's helping to improve unemployment figure is but not among women. elizabeth per item has more from new delhi students to the university of delhi line up for interviews at a job fair around $20000.00 have registered to attend. in the hopes of finding work that includes 20 year old chain. the mal halter who's doing a bachelor of commerce. after graduation it is impossible to get a job after going be calmly. there's nothing in the market for this $1.00 and $5.00 university graduates in india unemployed because of a lack of jobs. if chief mac can find one, she will join an even smaller percentage of indian women who are employed, the international labor organization ranks and the a $171.00 out of $180.00 countries for participation of women in the workforce. the center for monitoring india and economies is only around 10 percent of indian women are employed. women also face family and societal pressures. india has the wolves, highest ratio of women doing unpaid domestic work compared to men. 22 year old consume ansari's studying education and the hopes of becoming a teacher in the future be secure. i can secure my future and support my family. we are 4 sisters and our father has put in a lot of effort to educate all of us. so i want to support my family and do something for myself, but calls him father says her future isn't in her hands alone. don't need me to be covering you. my 2 daughters were doing the bachelor's in education that they want to study and i want them to. hopefully they'll get a job. when to get married in law will decide about whether they can continue with this studies or what they do. it's up to them. they cannot jobs. economists say, attitudes towards women working aren't as big a barrier as a lack of jobs, a safe working environment and public transportation. the problem is not a supply. women are more than happy to come out to what the problem is. that ain't enough good jobs. so the government obviously does need to provide more jobs because it is ailing to provide the services all of the people of india. the indian government promised to create $6000000.00 jobs in the next 5 years when it released its latest budget expert, say, prioritizing women in that plan would dramatically improve the world's 5th largest economy. elizabeth, poor on m al jazeera, new delhi of florida, is stripping the walt disney company of the right to self govern. critics say governor rhonda santos is retaliating against disney's opposition to a law limiting the teaching of l. g b t issues in schools, alexia bryan reports ha florida's magic kingdom no longer the happiest place on earth for disney. after the states governor rhonda santas signed legislation dissolving the company so called spatial status, they're going to pay more taxes as a result of ever since the 1960, the disney world resort had been effectively its own city controlling everything on its sprawling property from roads to rubbish collection, the moved to change that could have huge financial implications for disney who series of theme parks of transformed orlando to one of the world's most popular tourist destinations. could also cause big problems for the cities where disney properties are located. since they'll now have to offer those services. but critics say it's less about tax than tit for tat. after disney, one of the state's largest employers spoke out against a new law passed by the governor and the states republican controlled legislature. it bars teaching on gender identity and sexual orientation, and schools. the children aged between 5 and 9 years old and makes it more difficult for schools to raise the top with all the children. we believe an important component of freedom is this in the state of florida is the freedom from having oppressive idiology opposed upon you without your consent, whether it be in the classroom or whether it be in the workplace. and we decided to do something about it. upon in school at the don't say gainesville warning, it could hurt l g b, t students or their families. they criticize disney for initially staying quiet, but the public outcry and walk out my staff nationwide. so management condemned the law as a challenge to basic human rights fire, right activist and support is a former president. donald trump have rallied against disney, referring to florida, as dissenters land is always one school august says negotiating or to get disney the star getting and ball these culture were issues i because up until recently, disney in the republican already had a really strong relationship. it's unclear exactly how the legislation could hurt disney's profit. it's 80000 workers in florida. oh, it's millions of customers. some analysts have called it a political tantrum by de santis. he's a potential presidential candidate in 2020 full warning. it could backfire. think of all the other businesses that rely on whether they're restaurants, rental cars, hotels, everything's connected, and when you take a stance like this, you don't merely affect that one company. you are all those other companies, the changes it to come into force in june next year. so far, the company famous the mickey mouse and co has declined to comment. alex o'brien al jazeera still had on the out. is there a news our the sports is and peter will be here with action from an eventful f one qualifying susanna m. o ah, ah, full of struggles, my eligible husband. you know, morale would not allow me to what i mean all on. all of them want either one of them full of pleasure. we go halo martin on the getting where am i roma? he barava with an intimate look at life in cuba today. as it was an one walk on. for a young lord, daniel, i give it a manageable my cuba on al jazeera. from the front lines al jazeera correspondence continue to report every angle of the war . cray been given access to this special unit, making sure there's no threats behind those front lines. there is almost nic complete destruction fighting back a russian assault, holding background forces. the scale of destruction is just now being revealed as we arrived. nikolai, as there is panic, a russian warplane is suspected of being closed by stay with al jazeera. for the latest developments. lou ah, for the sports his years, peter very thank you very much. we'll start with the n b a. playoffs the defending champion, milwaukee bucks. and to uncomfortable when the chicago bulls, chris paul laid phoenix to victory over the pelicans. and there was a very late sting in the tail for the miami heat, in atlanta. david stokes, as the action bombers got boy started, the atlanta hawks had been 16 points down against the miami heat. looking almost certain to go 3 nothing behind in the series, but they got themselves back in it and with less than 5 seconds on the clock trotting by just one points. troy young did they? i my army at the top seeds in eastern conference and still have a chance to spoil the party. but they missed it before. the hopes, one by one, and now have a chance to square up the series with another home game on sunday. things were nowhere near is tight over in chicago, where the defending champion, milwaukee bucks rolled over the bulls by 30 points. i pretty said alan grayson. alan, that the way be $22.00, including $53.00 pointers unit, enter the compo, had a low key game, but still came up with 18. a sunny glazer offer and his younger brother chipped in to oh like still they support the books. he went up in the series and hitting a groove at just the right time. we chicago on the back football losses lost, or there was one or was 30 loss was a lot, you know. and with that we got to come back regardless. rather if we got a lot, we lost by 30 of law by one point we, we got to come back to peak, protect the home floor, you know, try to stand up. so regardless, you know, a loss is a loss. chris chris paul produced a stunning finishes the phoenix suns when a new will lean and he can versus white work for c p 3. the 36 year old school 19 of his $28.00 points in the 4th quarter against the pelican. like a drill out there for the veteran. he also had 14 assistance on the sons one by 3 and go to one up over all the series space in new orleans with game for coming up on sunday when they get stokes out 0. manchester united midfielder poor pog but may very well have played his last game for the club. the frenchman is expected to be out for the remainder of the season of suffering. a cough injury from both contract that old trafford expires at the end of the current campaign. united face awful in the early premium. the match on saturday. meanwhile, lead leaders mentioned for said he will be in action later against watford boss. pick the theme, canada for any slip of lady liverpool, but just one points ahead of the match against watford. we cannot point but they cannot drum point in so we have a different deployment. oh it, we were in this position before and they'll have to in to, you know, to be fresh and especially in your head and mine and will champion extra stuff and came through tricky conditions in qualifying to secure poll position for the sprint race. at the immediate romani growing pre williams, dr. alex album held up the 1st section with he's break. catching fire. cool. he's tied to explode. of the rain pulled down for his call. assign, spun off into the wall when a 5 times, the marshals red flag delayed the ribbon for something that out of trouble. and we saw from the front in fact that a sprint race. the results of that will decide the grid for the grand prix on sunday. the hectic, long qualifying, but because at the end, very happy to do it to be here. you know, it's an amazing track and it also really punished you if you make a mistake and you can go in the wall. so that's what we like it to make it really hard and difficult. so yeah, very nice. of course we would pull position top seed stefan. now since the past has been knocked on the barcelona open by spanish, teenager carlos alcaraz alcaraz who won the miami open earlier this month was a sit and a double break up before will. number 5 seats he passed, came back to force decided, but the 18 year old it took it 6 to to book the 3rd final place and make it 3 wins in 3 meetings against the greek player. alcaraz is also guaranteed to break into the woods top 10 next week. there were no problems at all for the women's world. number one eager fiance to continue her remarkable run for the pole saw of us open champion m a radical new in the stuttgart open quarter finals on friday had made for her 21st consecutive when she on tech 16464. on this occasion. the book, a semi final against ludmilla sent some over. she's looking to get her full straight tournament world heavyweight boxing champion tyson furious, preparing to fight in front of his home fans in the u. k. for the 1st time in 4 years. he weighed in for saturdays title bout with fellow brick de leon whites 5 kilo's lighter and his last fight against dionte wilder in october. the pair meet at wembley stadium in london with $94000.00 fans expected, which will break the european record for biggest post war boxing crowd. i'm so happy to be back here fighting at wembley stadium and you people may upload. you all may happen. everyone is made up on and an unwelcome intruder caused a bit of a flap for yan being tau at the world sneaker championships. the chinese play was waiting any seat between frames. when the pigeon flew into the arena and found its way onto the table, the referee eventually managed to assure the bird out through an exit okay, we're going to leave or they've been albia again with most both these last day. we'll see you later. thank you. so much peter, and thanks for watching than his, our on al jazeera holly back to budget in just a moment with much more patients. but by for now, ah may own which is era frontline reporting and in depth analysis. we bring you the latest on the ukraine mall and the unfolding humanitarian crisis. documentary that inspire whitney springs world issues into focus through compelling human stories. 61 years after fidel castro's proclamation of the communist republic of cuba, what does the future hold for the country? al jazeera investigative program fault lines were time with a special theories on abuse in the boy scouts of america. lebanon goes to the polls, but will political change help the country find its way out of its crippling economic crisis may on al jazeera or china, m. u. s. sleepwalking their way to war in the struggle over ukraine. here is the test for president joe biden from is really trying to do is rewrite the security architecture in europe. it's your personal united states. you, sir, if you go to walking through gum at the same time, you're weekly, take on us politics and society. that's the bottom line. radicalism is on the rise across the globe. were told it's everywhere. we're told we're supposed to be highly suspicious of everybody at every fake but our government policies aimed at tackling radicalization. in fact, pushing youngsters to the fringes of society. the impact is you don't, we don't have any so much have you can take before you say. okay, let me re thinking radicalization. part of the radicalized huge series on al jazeera ah, to. ready ukraine's president warner moscow may invade other european countries after a general saved russia's army aims to take control of the south indies. ah, are you watching al jazeera live from to how with me for the back table also ahead . israel close as it's only border crossing to the gaza strip for workers off to rockets were fired from the territory. a bombing at a mosque in northern africa.

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