Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera Correspondent The Crying F

Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera Correspondent The Crying Forest 20240708

to the east. and place him of a sort equipment which can represent danger for the russian federation. alan fisher has more from washington, dc. all of us of the phone call with her. the euclidean president is this the 1st step in a number of meetings that are going to be held over the next few days that will come significant and important such as the category amir. he's going to be here. on monday there joe biden says that they will talk about afghanistan, which is important obviously. but they're also going to talk about the, the, that producing more natural gas for places like germany in the canal speaking to customers in asia. but clearly you're buying wants to make sure that the catalogs on board, so that can provide the biggest economy in europe. should there be any problem with supply coming from russia? and of course, we've already had the united states warrant says lot stream to that pipeline project will end if russian troops across the border. and then on the 7th of the february, there's going to be a meeting at the white house again with the german chancellor. clearly joe biden says they're going to talk about matters of interest, which will include ukraine, and it could be at that point. the german chancellor has had other conversations with european leaders and he can bring some feedback back to the white house. there are confidential briefings going on on capitol hill and national security advisor, jim sullivan, and tony blinking. the secretary of state have been involved in some of those. but other members of congress are being briefed as well. and of course, in the next 72 hours, maybe less, joe biden is expected to make a decision about the $1500.00 troops that he put on heightened standby here in the united states. the intention is that if required, they will head to eastern europe, not on to ukrainian soil, but they'll go to shore up natal operations elsewhere. akin if i says new military rule as have warned former government ministers not to leave the capital or obstruct offices. 3 days after taking control of the west african nation in a qu, that you to address the nation. this, our situation in a faster will be discussed by west african leaders, an emergency meeting of the regional alliance echo worse. on friday. the 1st female president of honduras has been sworn in to ceremony in the capital to goose tegucigalpa. tomorrow, castro takes over from to turn president on our orlando and unders. yes, president joe biden has confirmed. he'll nominate the 1st black woman to the supreme court. after justice stephen bryer announced he's stepping down this year. prior is one of 3 liberal justices in the conservative majority court. choosing someone to sit in the supreme court, i believe is one of the most serious constitution responsible of your president, that our process is going to be rigorous. i will select the nominee worthy of judges, briars, legacy of excellence and decency. all i've been studying, candidate backgrounds and roads. i've made no decision except one person i will nominate will be some of the extraordinary qualifications, character, experience and integrity. and that personal be the 1st black woman ever nominated united states supreme court. poland has started building a 180 kilometer wall on its border with bella roost. rights groups have criticize the construction, a 5 and a half metre high barrier is in response to a stand off with minsk over illegal migrants. those lit up stories do stay with us out there. a correspondent the trying forest is coming out. next one is for you after that ah. ready ah, with this involving dance, i've had to go off with keep noise as i am going to say. you don't know the same on may 24th, 20116 months after predicting his own death, the rain forest activists. josie claudio, he beto desilva, and his wife maria, were executed near their home, and the brazilian amazon, their brutal murders, made headlines all over the world. inside this home or 2 coffins, one lies the body of mister, he battle and next to it, his wife maria. this sign outside the family house says the forest is crying today . mm. i covered dozens of stories in the amazon reporting from across his beautiful but often violent region. but few stories had effected me like this. one. a 2 voices viciously silenced, 2 families destroying these deaths came down to what was in economic dispute between those who want it to protect the rain forest and listed to profit from hacking it down. what hope was there of saving the amazon? if this was the price you paid for defending it with so po, airport, 6 weeks after the funerals, i am headed back to the amazon. i wanted to know more about the environmental, his lives, and their battle to save the rain forest, who had been behind the killings. why? and what did the murder say about the white or fight to protect the environment? recent years i've seen the brazilian government dramatically reduced the rate of amazon d 4 station, but the destruction continues with over 6000 square kilometers last, last year alone. if standing up to those interested in profiting from the forest destruction meant being executed, what hope was there for its future? my 1st stop was a family home in matter. bah, where the wake had been held in may a gritty amazon mining town might have been the nearest major city to the rural settlement. where's those a claudio known as zach claudio and mighty i lived since their murders terrified relatives have been in hiding here. father is through the way to the rear. hello. oh, thank lisa with his related story. smithville amber allowed us face samantha thrice with a financial keena to do it just said he tele fish. chad with 4 inside. i mean, try to leases 2 young daughters close along with daddy, richie. mm hm. daughter to book it, elena sale. no, miss no. on the key conflict on the market and then landlord, thank you. it was ovalia's yap k a lot. the nail and one with them went to piracy, the quality of the blue mound, american ad not from media northeast ang was an american nun who was murdered. not far from here in 2005 likes a cloud. you and maria, she dedicated her life to defending the amazon. and ultimately she died for any beth i if i was in the cloud yet am would divide those who i key and you missed that it abode, said then be glad. i q. swale them on mine aly and yet a more to sort of issue the ghost of a more did you falafel a van out? mm hm. ah. but she also wanted to show me a collection of newspapers, detailing years of threats against her brother and sister in law. i, law ma chelsea, ada analisia, and that is all now kenya, cassandra and yeah, shad l d f. on passing your champ, i met you. the pi any feed, she'll know you had discussed sound you sick and it was a more to daily. not that is concerned. nobody's casa, went as you. she said, no for faith i. in the garden, i met the rest of z, claudio's family. among his mother i was battling to put on a brave face despite having been forced to abandon her home for fear of also being murdered. i never use i. e d lab moved mama, let's see where somebody says happy or learned that the most of the law there was the whole the same is the same for him. a new movie had you think the last most like then awful. de la focus. we're still rest. no, no body, your home mom walking my bottom, your budget, my budget so me magical. say no backlog o'clock in the mail there. the most of them if you could like them, if it's not on my bills, i need to get that to you. so call me before vision, it was your so called get them sr. you gave me your feed the next day i set off from my boss port towards a prior out repeating yet a settlement was a cloudy or many. a had lived located around 55 kilometers down river from catawba, in the municipality of novi. be sooner the settlement was created in 1997 as part of a government land reform program. pieces of the 22000 hector settlement were set aside for impoverished brazilians. who it was hoped could make a living from the forest. by harvesting its nuts, rather than cutting it down, just a batista, a local human rights lawyer was a driving force behind the settlements creation had been friends with se claudia medea since 1996 when he travelled to their home to discuss the plans. 15 years on we retraced his journey. i expect that to you. 2 with just decades ago, the river was flanked by virgin rain forest. but the arrival of lockers cattle ranchers and charcoal producers had seen much of it disappeared. z cloudy, and medea dedicated their lives to slowing this and that my thoughts rather than that, it wasn't that much. 3 hours later we arrived at one of a dozen small villages within the settlement. where's a cloudy maddie had lived in la z, claudio had tried to teach the settlements 500 or so families, that it was possible to live from the forest without destroying it. but faced with financial hardship and little government support, many either sold their land or ranchers, or allowed the loggers to move in origin office balance, i gotta, but this is what golf we owns and all should go moves ogles, on that, that ice zack out that but as an inch cronin that's who's aimless i hear noonish lacoff was finished. one job must be made attorneys in the i don't want a space. so as you french ages, you gauge foxes. i stop, i wanna know who went with them, who kept by this is so what proportion i can assist you with t y spots is daya. i view went through the 4th. did you my did use he always pleasant music nation was. will probably my sad to keep track of allison from you get old posey, so those my videos be fuzzy, the it is kasia. she'll ingram i've been put on the hinge fuzzy always for the new school year. he was in command want enough human. she got home my dad heroes, you fuzzy out of it, but there will be a you set up with your knees 13 at home when she just going to school for us. there has, in the aftermath of the murders, news reports largely focused on se claudio's fight against the loggers. but in truth, this is just as much as story about his wife maria, who had fought side by side with her husband in the battle to save the forest law of a block in the north korea shack in the muddy bulky l. a. ga, the receiver. in the i was a blue, but i'm already a kill is ample g. get here to jewel g g, g, l, a chance, illinois, hicho. but he is sister lisa wanted to take me back to the settlement to have a look and feel out. she had lived there long side, se claudio and maria, and worked as a primary school teacher. but with the killer still on the loose, it was a journey that left her and her children deeply apprehensive. i don't watch them are they more continual on north central may not be able to handle my ski the stage a little bit more of these calls are made more intimate isn't just the mon you got for the simple process focusing on they'll get almost visiting the fish, man, oh, you made the best of them made the seen the kitchen. no savvy. why? so was it a bit? is amusing, tinkle here. it's really sad actually because she she's in her home literally, but she can't even show her face dirt neighbors because she's so scared. anyway. just passed another motorcycle and some people on a motorcycle. she's covered, her face families, her stuff. linda, full day news, doesn't to say the cost with my name is jackie at a so they put a key camila akira me is odella clock. i wasn't even there like 6 weeks on from the murders they, claudia maddie is home seemed to have been frozen in time everywhere signs of life interrupted unfinished conversations. unfulfilled dreams. outback was the centerpiece of the couple sustainable revolution, a green house, where they dried amazon nuts before using them to make foils and soaps that could be sold. and the project was a direct challenge to those who believed the only way to profit from the rain forest was by destroying it. it was ample, just so stent of any badge. there's involvement switched and bad will say viva duff lot. i asked the sag reggie list for it was like their laboratory. all of these nuts come from the amazon, and this is why it was so important for them to keep the forest preserved. because the only way for them to do their job was by keeping the forest standing. ah, my dear hughes, a cloud you up in g o d cola. but as for martha hayley badge back in, i saw some coffee humor defending a fitting. and i put it at the f one at the beach. got a peach oak, i'd be lucky, bobby. oh, good. today much of the settlements native forest has been decimated, hacked down by loggers and ranchers. but they, cloudy and muddy as land is still covered by thick jungle. lisa led me into the forest to show me their pride, their joy, and their inspiration, a towering brazil met tree known in portugal castaneda. they called it her majesty e m guy lou damages that i like it. i got a food guy did that. so i can read over with content that gave us configure it up. told to put on tv. no episode babies. yes. hello, proposal no 2222 days. yep, i just paid it. yes. so not that i la chioma niel saying fuzzy. soccer 7, just 3. yo, cathy. okay, well um i just paid for kina northeast and i thought, oh, i see a key for some cash stella, a doll or the thorny my z austell gal am i is the time to discuss with ethan. i cannot bear the magic 3rd, you know, elko siegel. this. our man knows more man to just. this is kathy, that i mean labor day phone is fully finest for food. ah, within days of the murders, a team of environmental protection officers and police operators were deployed into the settlement as part of a government crackdown. 12 illegal sawmills were closed. ah, now the environmental protection forces known here is the bomber, have moved to another part of the amazon to attack the latest devastation hotspot. i joined the bomb a chief marco v dial as he headed into a remote region of the amazon called the middle with the sprawling patchwork of conservation units in indigenous reserves. the middle land is now a major target for loggers and cattle ranchers looking for new land to expand their empower with . we flew into a remote jungle sawmill that the dolls team had closed his weeks earlier. he wanted to show me exactly the kind of devastation that say claudia and maria had been fighting the but he was taking no chances. he carried an assault rifle to ward off any threat from the regent's gunman and warned me that we would be watched the little symbol, the luther feel. it's a visa symbol, luther political movement system. this is a cast in year 3. it's really a symbol of the amazon. it's illegal to cut it anywhere. and this was really a symbol for z, claudio, maria, se claudia used to say that when he used to see a tree like this cut is like seeing a dead body. his, you know, a kid unless momentum in the front seat of the device, the phone. hell, a bustle allowing the closure, my dear, what awful. he should work. he thought it 100. if i saw something on the internet to help me, i just finance this little guy is o'clock monday morning i've already for as a sonata, can someone get a kilogram mises? a lot of the key thing, different sort of friday. so there's defense, there's a flash. so for the waters, no sugar test, you view open, you can call them and it's any v, as in their suggest home use re p c. suzie, you set them. it said you will, this place was closed down just within the last couple months. but because it's so remote, it's hard for a bomb and a patrol this area, the wood cutters, most likely will be back. and i think places like this exist all over the amazon. as more and more loggers set their sights on the settlements for us hoping to make huge profits on trees. they've got for next to nothing. they claudio and media became increasingly vocal. they were letter after letter to authorities and passed information to officers such as beat out. but by speaking out, they put themselves on a collision course with those who stood the profit from the force destruction. in this notoriously lawless corner of brazil, with some of the highest homicide rates in the country, they immediately became target. was that club, you have them on the asked for october, katie, inter saga history on monday to go with you via the cost of the it is the loop or quantity mark them. if my kid not be shawna, which my did, you has ever jamal, but i can also give you money. a 1000 thoughts as monday, the june of additional present or social my thought was do you my bid aid basis job or thought you follow the brain? the chevy side by board. by that you didn't find that was a book, it provide movie on october 31st, 2004 mighty a wrote this letter to brazil's environment minister writing a silver, a world renowned rain forest defender. in the letter she wrote, we would like to inform you that we are being threatened with death because we do not agree with what is happening. nature's enemies are working night and day. just 2 weeks later, maria sent a 2nd letter warning that more loggers were arriving. we can no longer stay here risking our lives. we have tried to confront the loggers, but we have no strength left. but the couple didn't back down. the threats and the ongoing destruction only made them more determined. they began inviting journalists to the settlement to witness the destruction and transmit their message to the world. to keep it up in the middle of beekeepers, it was thinking that they also purchased a camera to document the settlements problems themselves. and oh, my god, it all seem to come out to me for them to get no money in his book in his locker. wonderful, he'll excuse me. any buffering you got a guy had dad did you catch the in the bad as will die? what money to that love thought de la la, i go down, get no bonds in my maiden said k. okay. so to help out with a sub mundane and a da 0 god and alright, best on them, your voice, it will most die in the pos could able gained up on the v death, yackino you his yeast to don't foresee that you want to novi mill v then in late 2010 with word about the couples battle spreading and death threats mounting. se claudia was invited to speak at an international environmental conference. it would give him his greatest platform to date, a new only babylon made to be so bold. well being by little board boy whose map would be the needed plain folk was anything jazz's z. claudio's message was direct. you want me with you 6 months later z claudio and maria set off from home on their motorbike. his prediction came true. ah . americans are increasingly saying authoritarianism might not be so bad. there were several steps along the way where the chain of command, if you'd like to cover what's your take on why they've gotten this so wrong. that means political malpractice, the bottom line on us politics and policies, and the impact on the world on al jazeera. the corona virus has been indiscriminate in selecting its victims. it's devastating effects of plague ever corner of the globe, transcending class creed and color. but in britain, a disproportionately high percentage of the fallen have been black or brown skins. the big picture traces the economic disparities and institutional racism that is seen united kingdom fail, it citizens britain's true colors, part one on al jazeera. this one's feared warlord during lay barriers. decade long civil war says he's now fighting a drug epidemic. the work that the former warlord joshua, why he has done with treat children has attracted to how black sin and that's protected in effects from public crawl situation. despite the recommendation is made by the action and reconciliation, permission for this former warlord liberia has become the frontline of a drug war. it cannot afford to lose. he says it's a battle he will fight out of responsibility and killed for his past crimes. and for his country with hello and learned taylor and london was a top stories on al jazeera, he as president joe biden, and his ukrainian counterpart of a lot of messy lensky, are holding a cool as tensions rise with russia. everts troop build up near ukraine. more russian military jets have landed in belarus for drills as the kremlin says, the u. s. and nato have failed to address that security concerns. washington has formerly rejected moscow's demand to have ukraine banned from joining the military alliance. a criminal spokesman says that leaves little grandfather to msm insists it doesn't want to go to war. and fisher has more from washington dc. all of us with a phone call with the ukranian president, is this the 1st step in a number of meetings that are going to be held over the next few days that will come significant and important such as the category amir who is going to be here on monday, a beer joe biden says that they will talk about afghanistan, which is important, obviously, but they're also going to talk about the, the bird producing more natural gas for places like germany, a mctavish speaking to customers in asia. but clearly, joe biden wants to make sure that the catalogs on board, so that can provide the biggest economy in europe. should there be any problem with supply coming from russia? burkina faso is new military leader says the country will return to constitutional order when the conditions are right. at an kernel polar, he de amoeba has addressed the nation for the 1st time since seizing power in a qu on monday. former government ministers of a wound not to leave the capital obstruct officers. situation in beacon, if i say, will be discussed by west african leaders at an emergency meeting of the regional alliance echo us on friday. the 1st female president of honduras has been sworn in at a ceremony in the capital tegucigalpa jamara, castro. take sober from 2 to em. president on orlando and unders be 62 year old faces high expectations to turn around. a dispute over who will lead the newly elected congress? yes, president joe biden has confirmed. he'll nominate the 1st black woman to the supreme court. after justice see stephen briar announced. he stepping down this year. 83 year old says you'll retire from air, america's highest court in the us. some of those with dr. is do. stay with us out there. a correspondent the crying forest continues next. i'm about the news hour after that. ah yes, i do see that one by the other i late 2010. the threats against a claudio and maria had reached fever pitch relatives pleaded with them to flee the settlement live idiot. the issue, the mice that was inactive as you read those and you had some of the morning father that came my venal at the crack of dawn on may 24th, 2011 is a cloudy, empty i left home on a motorbike and took the road to might have been watching for fear inject back cheap to control company. me lamazzo. we knew this gable to move some wonderful books for country green. this is just where we will proceed. your luxury shauna had a per voltagio to quite in that maria telephone talk. where do we see the meal here? challenger for hebrew cheese. so they're nice, but you stay there for my cell, which is who did the dish punch and die before you leave for denise it. not that issue said i, i'm only of you miss, i'll get it back. my bad mail, you know me to but i mean for the me, oh no my own will say by doing the same with merger doors. really eager melma deserve all the, the more those noise it was on a visitor who was back or for a little so say a left a supply. so i'm wanting to do with a dollars. like i said i was supposed to. so we perform, we put in a phone with us for source to see the facility. we went to police vehicle, us and i was like all the stuff i used to love the day today, rather long before is that considered a form you want? please allow me somewhat than social media to cover my fast. no, any that oh boy, oh boy there's a digit little guy there. ringback going to go me for them away. well, you know that, but now i with the know my i every kid who are all until i was a great a for a simple ami ford on more mantle, skid fish godaddy up toward the pen capacity. you'll let me see. did you not bad at all, philip. right there. some can see. cheer a fuck aaliyah's. now gilmore, mental illness. chill, miser, came back alone. could have seen her in salim to gold, your payment is seen or made my pocket to me. they sure dean says i bill closer, i must as i saw g to the bowl. and what the answer did you will say sobbing what of all new star the orgy auto skin that i can. i mean, up it is a for the, i want to say it was sales had almost as i saw g, you bought the answer. ginger egan, us. so g, u, mog, y g, b, sarky. what that, answer your french does it, she has forgot. dish walker through the bud, see bud. sheila ford specializes but you some miles mom was i know the plaintiff ira mediating he akin nicholas who has orders classic um, really fast and furious in america. ms. hernandez, which was the same as my supplies lose, which was kept those young coach, quincy. and i was lean but as a specifies for on past them year kabir sir, ah g noise via con to say don't vehicle us m he jack of up a bed of near night, a daughter, sac order. fair design, the see them in argue my power. i do think that is, maintain that image get more? no, did boggle, glenville that you of all in order to be used to could well, would the coil ah oh, leave free o n g, a thought? fearless, music, loud medea? to heard him key in there because jimmy knew ye of unless he died to the mob t o. jimmy lee. it was special later j stovall, wonky. this alarm went bad. this mckinney ball the in the club will have latham believe. orange overshown me in in was that glowed your car. you were key. look, i miss air a key, ill figure your marquee elizabeth fear, or glitch, the olivera key. i q, c, u i c h k, but other key in this viet on a hush that on or for b, e you shall garden as opposed to sovereignty. party for core for the mighty. oh boy, hollow car, gladly. i could do the c. kelly's been out and you my back ye, apple kitchen we to saying there is at the mention. if he bought application, can you find more fearless bag? i don't core. he does said o, clock. i don't. they're supposed to sound joke either. i'm been in a book and then i e. e. o. fic albert a sponge bond is available on the fatty moine, been wasted biology the 3rd. but at jamal a scene to la grange, you have more than the hey d, e l is husky, don't measure no more traditionally, for just long as in february 30 are police investigators and matter bah, were refusing to talk publicly about their search for the killers, but josie, i goes to androgen. he chief forensics officer on the murder case agreed to talk me through what he believed happened that day. lou karl from july to be sure no for cover to pistol large or much from causal. actually people get fruit. you to robert shipping guy la, monica for. kimberly. before lunch at ocean, she was all that much catholic bristol and military of a profile much cost a little bit there with what we saw present for example groups the help of. so my question is that it was for abolish level the hotel. i'm only in a binding fittest on chicago in a few 6. so marble from cream include you for me and the whole building. jacob always follow him with a capital. but if they don't want to call you, they gotta speak up with dish by putting me on, she's useless pick, i work with quite a letter from others, which is a college isn't your 6th is going to have a more old fia individual. this one will be up a might eligible. so typically you do a couple of issues that are starting to spend money each campus. each with the push was like a physical problem. you feel like you took off each. i'm going to put a good image piece. i come up with that on multiple supposed to put fish on because it's been 40 days since the murders and it's hard to tell what progress if any, has been made by police trying to track down the killers. but federal authorities tell me off the record, they might be closing in on some suspects and could be making arrest soon. but up until now, at least all police have to show for their efforts. are these 2 artists impressions of the suspected gunman or killings? 8 claudio medea they were apparently paid about $3000.00. while police continued their manheim. i went to join environmental authorities on another mission into the jungle. their target was a region around south felix to sion group, a major cattle ranching town and a place and not a miss with deforestation and violence in the region that we're going to is home to some of the largest herds of cattle anywhere in the amazon. as you can see, as we're driving to get there, there they are, it's rush hour. they're taking these cattle to to a fire or by hello. andrea is me, don't let me get in your way. ah, the rapid advance of cattle ranching into the amazon has helped brazil become the world's 2nd largest producer of beef and the top, exploiter brazilian beef. now stock shelves in europe. the middle east and russia. ah, but beef production is also the greatest driver of amazon rain, forest destruction. after loggers have removed the most valuable trees, the ranchers move in replacing the forest with pasture for cattle. large scale cattle ranching may of help bolster brazil's current economic boom, but it went against everything. se claudio immediate believed it ah my visit had coincided with one of the town's most important events. daniel cattle show an auction you as a rock as beer. so, celebration of cowboy wife wilton, batista, president of the local ranchers association. and the events organizer was keen to paint a more flattering picture of the amazon farmers feel feeling that was india because it's roger ga. describe, woke up about the door or something, give you a key, queer, say, intended choreography, solving, kidney stuff. i was in for that boys. yoga it fast. i like those things that i feel is the kind in the muslim standard. you are kind of get the human left answer to that either give them but wilma was also eager to share some thoughts on the murder . as a claudio and media is all 5 of us in this, mice is thing for myself. somebody decade garzo, the more dad you're the quicker sola. i got a can legally job. the lad. 14 my toys. i commanded the least, didn't feel good enough. i wasn't here whenever the actual buffalo sitting monthly go. father got him on the origin with jackie. but i forgot i am. i am out of his well. alba, his unengaged, i got my oil i was shocked to hear that a 73 year old nun who had been killed in her battle to protect the rain forest was now being accused of being in arms dealer. but environmental activists, federal government officials and journalists were clearly not welcome in this corner of brazil. the next morning we woke up at dawn fareed balmy's latest operation. they were accompanied by a dozen heavily armed policemen. almost almost so you can always do some alexio's and lots of you still need a photo. they thought of them. so father plays in jail. he's a really powerful need. we were headed into one of the most remote corners of the amazon along roads. it don't officially exist. any brazilians call this region. their country's wild west. a land of adventurers were gunmen operate with almost total impunity. the bomb i had received a tip off that illegal loggers were at work in the rain forest. they hoped to catch them red hand it was before before it was a little this is louise with with blankly newby was cigna, oklahoma book. have you got the model that we worked with there? see what a class on of what i, what else can i do? businesses, you know, so the whole of them are they are supposed to have one more than 4, but i think this is very much an active camp. it's terrible conditions, but these guys work here for 7 days a week, sometimes months at a time to cut the forest. but illegal logging was not the only crime being committed here. between 20052010, brazil's government free nearly 18000 modern day slaves. dirt poor migrant workers often forced to clear the rain forest in order to pay off debts with their employers. we had just found 2 more. this man claimed he had not been paid 7 years. this amount of a lot of you could i bought a give you a squad little for them. i did it. probably little man. oh god. way anything further ahead. another surprise, a growling bulldozer that the workers had been using to tear down the forest. they're trying to get it out of here. so can't do any more damage, but this is the main tool used by lovers to clear away passing in the forest. find yes, dine roads, and then they can send men in with chainsaws to cut everything else down. he prom officials seemed pleased with their find, but in an area larger than the whole of western europe. these 2 men were a drop in the ocean stopping deforestation, and the amazon is a herculean task from one back in mad about there was news. after weeks of silence, police had finally named 3 prime suspects. i believe that the usual was forced long as you said, that was fall out of those arkansas does do very much god, because i would use that to reset the bombing issue on nipples. think, wendy, why did you make that point? you said the last one that was that you brought out of the school don't let me see . 2 already brought me to quantify kind of job. i will get more data to product. they designers home. my learn to don't believe me, any montalvo you buy jose, how to do that would be just young back to la la samantha because it was already come on in the meantime. use of this. so for venus, i just want to go up with some possible out. so what are you called a lease was far from convinced that these were the only 3 men involved in the murder strictly esop, aren't the glass baker, a slap or a mice? going to put it that you blended the pistol laid okey matt, say a me and that god they last sold about my change in glenn lisa, but i didn't pick a size so math or better. i sense that sounds like what they're saying that he some that we've mowing if we either can william because it is the sensor. so we can now my cell shot with enough enough with the next day i drove back to the settlement to the home of the police, his prime suspect jose a hoodie. yes, lived not far from said cloudy police it 100 again was an aspiring cattle rancher from the southeast of brazil. would purchase 3 plots of land on the settlement in mid 2010. but buying or selling land on a government settlement created for the poor was illegal and whole dirty gets his arrival, angered, se, claudio and maria. he was a start of a bitter feud that pitted 2 opposing models have economic development against each other, preservation or destruction with profit or long term sustainability. it was a clash of values, cultures and business models. and according to police, he was this clash that had ultimately led to the murders. there was a hell did he has had disappeared. but his wife denied that he had been behind the killings and claimed he had fled because local gunmen were planning to kill him to police, saw his disappearance as an admission of guilt. on my final night, the amazon is a cloudy on many. his sisters invited me back to lays his home on the settlement. when i'm sending a defiant message to the killers, they would not be intimidated. some day they would return for good. ah, if does id that's going to leave florida? oh got go get legally my lia, as ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. i busy a day afforded the keel ill, ill dental my no cost to gain mattea. no me ash said book inc i the flowing car the new mile. he c o m idea does utilizes into keel veal bought, ordered the ceiling. now you can review, i can do the same, but i mean, voltage, a boy this in mesmer anthony omega davis, and also be gained abroad. mccain, talbot, that honda's, missouri, we seem to be met. now the came out about putting cubic about, is it while out? but i li, but ask at the van me my milk when they have a quad doors, my vailable, but the florida deadline, but us from the bulky, kil, covalent denies snap. i was leaving with mixed emotions. i had come to admire the courage in dignity of these 2 women. they had welcomed me into their lives at the most difficult at times. but i also felt angry and sad. z, cloudy, and immediate, didn't deserve to die. their lives had been taken because they dared to oppose the illegal economic forces that are threatening the amazon perhaps here. money really does speak louder than life. oh, yes. oh, i feel you was in death. zach. how do you and many became environmental martyrs. but with them gone, what would become of their families and the rain forest and the jungle settlement they so dearly loved hundreds of environmental activists in brazil, still face death threats. how many more lives will be lost? will this be the last time i report an activist murdered in the amazon? sadly, i think i know the answer to that question. but i can't bear to say it out loud. ah ah. hello there. let's look at the weather across australia. there's more wet weather to come across the north. you can see those storms rolling across the top and into queensland. we could see some flooding here. and it's a similar story across the southeast corner. we've got storms rolling in across victoria on pots of new south wales. we could see some flooding hair. it's going to be rainy and sydney on sunday. in contrast to that, across the south and the west, we still got hot, dry conditions persisting. if we have a look at the temperature in part, we're going to see it pick up to 9040 degrees. once again. by the time we get into saturday, dips down 30 on sunday, but very hot conditions here. now that's in contrast to what's happening in melbourne on saturday. we're going to see the temperature dipped down. it's going to be very wet, but it does get more settled by sunday. now, as we hope across the tasman see to new zealand, it's looking largely settled fine and dry. thanks to high pressure that's in charge . on saturday, we're going to see the temperature pick up in christ church, but there is the weather. weather looking further to the south now was moved to southeast asia. it's looking largely fine and white as well with nice condition. so much of indo china. 32 degrees in bangkok with plenty of fun shine, that should weather update. ah, with with this is al jazeera. ah, hello, i'm north taylor. this is down here. news i live from london. coming up. russia says it's left with little room for optimism on ukraine. it still exists, it doesn't want to go to war. ok if i so new military ruler vows to restore constitutional order. but only when certain conditions are met on years. whereas in its 1st.

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Arkansas , United States , Honduras , Australia , Afghanistan , Tegucigalpa , Francisco Morazáho , United Kingdom , Belarus , Brazil , Russia , Ukraine , Amazon As , Bahia , Glenville , New Zealand , Nowa , Vitsyebskaya Voblasts , India , Minsk , Belarus General , Poland , Moscow , Moskva , Missouri , Washington , Florida , Illinois , South Africa , Liberia , Kremlin , London , City Of , Germany , Oklahoma , Kenya , Sydney , New South Wales , Bangkok , Krung Thep Mahanakhon , Thailand , North Korea , Orlando , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , France , Smithville , Brazilians , Americans , America , Russian , Britain , Natal , French , Ukrainian , Brazilian , German , Russian Federation , American , Jim Sullivan , Joe Biden , Ma Chelsea , Stephen Briar , Anthony Omega Davis , Catholic Bristol , Maria Senta , Okey Matt , Chioma Niel , Josie Claudio , Claudio Medea , Martha Hayley , Zach Claudio , Claudia Maddie , Sheila Ford , Elko Siegel , Camila Akira , O Jimmy Lee , Lou Karl ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera Correspondent The Crying Forest 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera Correspondent The Crying Forest 20240708

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to the east. and place him of a sort equipment which can represent danger for the russian federation. alan fisher has more from washington, dc. all of us of the phone call with her. the euclidean president is this the 1st step in a number of meetings that are going to be held over the next few days that will come significant and important such as the category amir. he's going to be here. on monday there joe biden says that they will talk about afghanistan, which is important obviously. but they're also going to talk about the, the, that producing more natural gas for places like germany in the canal speaking to customers in asia. but clearly you're buying wants to make sure that the catalogs on board, so that can provide the biggest economy in europe. should there be any problem with supply coming from russia? and of course, we've already had the united states warrant says lot stream to that pipeline project will end if russian troops across the border. and then on the 7th of the february, there's going to be a meeting at the white house again with the german chancellor. clearly joe biden says they're going to talk about matters of interest, which will include ukraine, and it could be at that point. the german chancellor has had other conversations with european leaders and he can bring some feedback back to the white house. there are confidential briefings going on on capitol hill and national security advisor, jim sullivan, and tony blinking. the secretary of state have been involved in some of those. but other members of congress are being briefed as well. and of course, in the next 72 hours, maybe less, joe biden is expected to make a decision about the $1500.00 troops that he put on heightened standby here in the united states. the intention is that if required, they will head to eastern europe, not on to ukrainian soil, but they'll go to shore up natal operations elsewhere. akin if i says new military rule as have warned former government ministers not to leave the capital or obstruct offices. 3 days after taking control of the west african nation in a qu, that you to address the nation. this, our situation in a faster will be discussed by west african leaders, an emergency meeting of the regional alliance echo worse. on friday. the 1st female president of honduras has been sworn in to ceremony in the capital to goose tegucigalpa. tomorrow, castro takes over from to turn president on our orlando and unders. yes, president joe biden has confirmed. he'll nominate the 1st black woman to the supreme court. after justice stephen bryer announced he's stepping down this year. prior is one of 3 liberal justices in the conservative majority court. choosing someone to sit in the supreme court, i believe is one of the most serious constitution responsible of your president, that our process is going to be rigorous. i will select the nominee worthy of judges, briars, legacy of excellence and decency. all i've been studying, candidate backgrounds and roads. i've made no decision except one person i will nominate will be some of the extraordinary qualifications, character, experience and integrity. and that personal be the 1st black woman ever nominated united states supreme court. poland has started building a 180 kilometer wall on its border with bella roost. rights groups have criticize the construction, a 5 and a half metre high barrier is in response to a stand off with minsk over illegal migrants. those lit up stories do stay with us out there. a correspondent the trying forest is coming out. next one is for you after that ah. ready ah, with this involving dance, i've had to go off with keep noise as i am going to say. you don't know the same on may 24th, 20116 months after predicting his own death, the rain forest activists. josie claudio, he beto desilva, and his wife maria, were executed near their home, and the brazilian amazon, their brutal murders, made headlines all over the world. inside this home or 2 coffins, one lies the body of mister, he battle and next to it, his wife maria. this sign outside the family house says the forest is crying today . mm. i covered dozens of stories in the amazon reporting from across his beautiful but often violent region. but few stories had effected me like this. one. a 2 voices viciously silenced, 2 families destroying these deaths came down to what was in economic dispute between those who want it to protect the rain forest and listed to profit from hacking it down. what hope was there of saving the amazon? if this was the price you paid for defending it with so po, airport, 6 weeks after the funerals, i am headed back to the amazon. i wanted to know more about the environmental, his lives, and their battle to save the rain forest, who had been behind the killings. why? and what did the murder say about the white or fight to protect the environment? recent years i've seen the brazilian government dramatically reduced the rate of amazon d 4 station, but the destruction continues with over 6000 square kilometers last, last year alone. if standing up to those interested in profiting from the forest destruction meant being executed, what hope was there for its future? my 1st stop was a family home in matter. bah, where the wake had been held in may a gritty amazon mining town might have been the nearest major city to the rural settlement. where's those a claudio known as zach claudio and mighty i lived since their murders terrified relatives have been in hiding here. father is through the way to the rear. hello. oh, thank lisa with his related story. smithville amber allowed us face samantha thrice with a financial keena to do it just said he tele fish. chad with 4 inside. i mean, try to leases 2 young daughters close along with daddy, richie. mm hm. daughter to book it, elena sale. no, miss no. on the key conflict on the market and then landlord, thank you. it was ovalia's yap k a lot. the nail and one with them went to piracy, the quality of the blue mound, american ad not from media northeast ang was an american nun who was murdered. not far from here in 2005 likes a cloud. you and maria, she dedicated her life to defending the amazon. and ultimately she died for any beth i if i was in the cloud yet am would divide those who i key and you missed that it abode, said then be glad. i q. swale them on mine aly and yet a more to sort of issue the ghost of a more did you falafel a van out? mm hm. ah. but she also wanted to show me a collection of newspapers, detailing years of threats against her brother and sister in law. i, law ma chelsea, ada analisia, and that is all now kenya, cassandra and yeah, shad l d f. on passing your champ, i met you. the pi any feed, she'll know you had discussed sound you sick and it was a more to daily. not that is concerned. nobody's casa, went as you. she said, no for faith i. in the garden, i met the rest of z, claudio's family. among his mother i was battling to put on a brave face despite having been forced to abandon her home for fear of also being murdered. i never use i. e d lab moved mama, let's see where somebody says happy or learned that the most of the law there was the whole the same is the same for him. a new movie had you think the last most like then awful. de la focus. we're still rest. no, no body, your home mom walking my bottom, your budget, my budget so me magical. say no backlog o'clock in the mail there. the most of them if you could like them, if it's not on my bills, i need to get that to you. so call me before vision, it was your so called get them sr. you gave me your feed the next day i set off from my boss port towards a prior out repeating yet a settlement was a cloudy or many. a had lived located around 55 kilometers down river from catawba, in the municipality of novi. be sooner the settlement was created in 1997 as part of a government land reform program. pieces of the 22000 hector settlement were set aside for impoverished brazilians. who it was hoped could make a living from the forest. by harvesting its nuts, rather than cutting it down, just a batista, a local human rights lawyer was a driving force behind the settlements creation had been friends with se claudia medea since 1996 when he travelled to their home to discuss the plans. 15 years on we retraced his journey. i expect that to you. 2 with just decades ago, the river was flanked by virgin rain forest. but the arrival of lockers cattle ranchers and charcoal producers had seen much of it disappeared. z cloudy, and medea dedicated their lives to slowing this and that my thoughts rather than that, it wasn't that much. 3 hours later we arrived at one of a dozen small villages within the settlement. where's a cloudy maddie had lived in la z, claudio had tried to teach the settlements 500 or so families, that it was possible to live from the forest without destroying it. but faced with financial hardship and little government support, many either sold their land or ranchers, or allowed the loggers to move in origin office balance, i gotta, but this is what golf we owns and all should go moves ogles, on that, that ice zack out that but as an inch cronin that's who's aimless i hear noonish lacoff was finished. one job must be made attorneys in the i don't want a space. so as you french ages, you gauge foxes. i stop, i wanna know who went with them, who kept by this is so what proportion i can assist you with t y spots is daya. i view went through the 4th. did you my did use he always pleasant music nation was. will probably my sad to keep track of allison from you get old posey, so those my videos be fuzzy, the it is kasia. she'll ingram i've been put on the hinge fuzzy always for the new school year. he was in command want enough human. she got home my dad heroes, you fuzzy out of it, but there will be a you set up with your knees 13 at home when she just going to school for us. there has, in the aftermath of the murders, news reports largely focused on se claudio's fight against the loggers. but in truth, this is just as much as story about his wife maria, who had fought side by side with her husband in the battle to save the forest law of a block in the north korea shack in the muddy bulky l. a. ga, the receiver. in the i was a blue, but i'm already a kill is ample g. get here to jewel g g, g, l, a chance, illinois, hicho. but he is sister lisa wanted to take me back to the settlement to have a look and feel out. she had lived there long side, se claudio and maria, and worked as a primary school teacher. but with the killer still on the loose, it was a journey that left her and her children deeply apprehensive. i don't watch them are they more continual on north central may not be able to handle my ski the stage a little bit more of these calls are made more intimate isn't just the mon you got for the simple process focusing on they'll get almost visiting the fish, man, oh, you made the best of them made the seen the kitchen. no savvy. why? so was it a bit? is amusing, tinkle here. it's really sad actually because she she's in her home literally, but she can't even show her face dirt neighbors because she's so scared. anyway. just passed another motorcycle and some people on a motorcycle. she's covered, her face families, her stuff. linda, full day news, doesn't to say the cost with my name is jackie at a so they put a key camila akira me is odella clock. i wasn't even there like 6 weeks on from the murders they, claudia maddie is home seemed to have been frozen in time everywhere signs of life interrupted unfinished conversations. unfulfilled dreams. outback was the centerpiece of the couple sustainable revolution, a green house, where they dried amazon nuts before using them to make foils and soaps that could be sold. and the project was a direct challenge to those who believed the only way to profit from the rain forest was by destroying it. it was ample, just so stent of any badge. there's involvement switched and bad will say viva duff lot. i asked the sag reggie list for it was like their laboratory. all of these nuts come from the amazon, and this is why it was so important for them to keep the forest preserved. because the only way for them to do their job was by keeping the forest standing. ah, my dear hughes, a cloud you up in g o d cola. but as for martha hayley badge back in, i saw some coffee humor defending a fitting. and i put it at the f one at the beach. got a peach oak, i'd be lucky, bobby. oh, good. today much of the settlements native forest has been decimated, hacked down by loggers and ranchers. but they, cloudy and muddy as land is still covered by thick jungle. lisa led me into the forest to show me their pride, their joy, and their inspiration, a towering brazil met tree known in portugal castaneda. they called it her majesty e m guy lou damages that i like it. i got a food guy did that. so i can read over with content that gave us configure it up. told to put on tv. no episode babies. yes. hello, proposal no 2222 days. yep, i just paid it. yes. so not that i la chioma niel saying fuzzy. soccer 7, just 3. yo, cathy. okay, well um i just paid for kina northeast and i thought, oh, i see a key for some cash stella, a doll or the thorny my z austell gal am i is the time to discuss with ethan. i cannot bear the magic 3rd, you know, elko siegel. this. our man knows more man to just. this is kathy, that i mean labor day phone is fully finest for food. ah, within days of the murders, a team of environmental protection officers and police operators were deployed into the settlement as part of a government crackdown. 12 illegal sawmills were closed. ah, now the environmental protection forces known here is the bomber, have moved to another part of the amazon to attack the latest devastation hotspot. i joined the bomb a chief marco v dial as he headed into a remote region of the amazon called the middle with the sprawling patchwork of conservation units in indigenous reserves. the middle land is now a major target for loggers and cattle ranchers looking for new land to expand their empower with . we flew into a remote jungle sawmill that the dolls team had closed his weeks earlier. he wanted to show me exactly the kind of devastation that say claudia and maria had been fighting the but he was taking no chances. he carried an assault rifle to ward off any threat from the regent's gunman and warned me that we would be watched the little symbol, the luther feel. it's a visa symbol, luther political movement system. this is a cast in year 3. it's really a symbol of the amazon. it's illegal to cut it anywhere. and this was really a symbol for z, claudio, maria, se claudia used to say that when he used to see a tree like this cut is like seeing a dead body. his, you know, a kid unless momentum in the front seat of the device, the phone. hell, a bustle allowing the closure, my dear, what awful. he should work. he thought it 100. if i saw something on the internet to help me, i just finance this little guy is o'clock monday morning i've already for as a sonata, can someone get a kilogram mises? a lot of the key thing, different sort of friday. so there's defense, there's a flash. so for the waters, no sugar test, you view open, you can call them and it's any v, as in their suggest home use re p c. suzie, you set them. it said you will, this place was closed down just within the last couple months. but because it's so remote, it's hard for a bomb and a patrol this area, the wood cutters, most likely will be back. and i think places like this exist all over the amazon. as more and more loggers set their sights on the settlements for us hoping to make huge profits on trees. they've got for next to nothing. they claudio and media became increasingly vocal. they were letter after letter to authorities and passed information to officers such as beat out. but by speaking out, they put themselves on a collision course with those who stood the profit from the force destruction. in this notoriously lawless corner of brazil, with some of the highest homicide rates in the country, they immediately became target. was that club, you have them on the asked for october, katie, inter saga history on monday to go with you via the cost of the it is the loop or quantity mark them. if my kid not be shawna, which my did, you has ever jamal, but i can also give you money. a 1000 thoughts as monday, the june of additional present or social my thought was do you my bid aid basis job or thought you follow the brain? the chevy side by board. by that you didn't find that was a book, it provide movie on october 31st, 2004 mighty a wrote this letter to brazil's environment minister writing a silver, a world renowned rain forest defender. in the letter she wrote, we would like to inform you that we are being threatened with death because we do not agree with what is happening. nature's enemies are working night and day. just 2 weeks later, maria sent a 2nd letter warning that more loggers were arriving. we can no longer stay here risking our lives. we have tried to confront the loggers, but we have no strength left. but the couple didn't back down. the threats and the ongoing destruction only made them more determined. they began inviting journalists to the settlement to witness the destruction and transmit their message to the world. to keep it up in the middle of beekeepers, it was thinking that they also purchased a camera to document the settlements problems themselves. and oh, my god, it all seem to come out to me for them to get no money in his book in his locker. wonderful, he'll excuse me. any buffering you got a guy had dad did you catch the in the bad as will die? what money to that love thought de la la, i go down, get no bonds in my maiden said k. okay. so to help out with a sub mundane and a da 0 god and alright, best on them, your voice, it will most die in the pos could able gained up on the v death, yackino you his yeast to don't foresee that you want to novi mill v then in late 2010 with word about the couples battle spreading and death threats mounting. se claudia was invited to speak at an international environmental conference. it would give him his greatest platform to date, a new only babylon made to be so bold. well being by little board boy whose map would be the needed plain folk was anything jazz's z. claudio's message was direct. you want me with you 6 months later z claudio and maria set off from home on their motorbike. his prediction came true. ah . americans are increasingly saying authoritarianism might not be so bad. there were several steps along the way where the chain of command, if you'd like to cover what's your take on why they've gotten this so wrong. that means political malpractice, the bottom line on us politics and policies, and the impact on the world on al jazeera. the corona virus has been indiscriminate in selecting its victims. it's devastating effects of plague ever corner of the globe, transcending class creed and color. but in britain, a disproportionately high percentage of the fallen have been black or brown skins. the big picture traces the economic disparities and institutional racism that is seen united kingdom fail, it citizens britain's true colors, part one on al jazeera. this one's feared warlord during lay barriers. decade long civil war says he's now fighting a drug epidemic. the work that the former warlord joshua, why he has done with treat children has attracted to how black sin and that's protected in effects from public crawl situation. despite the recommendation is made by the action and reconciliation, permission for this former warlord liberia has become the frontline of a drug war. it cannot afford to lose. he says it's a battle he will fight out of responsibility and killed for his past crimes. and for his country with hello and learned taylor and london was a top stories on al jazeera, he as president joe biden, and his ukrainian counterpart of a lot of messy lensky, are holding a cool as tensions rise with russia. everts troop build up near ukraine. more russian military jets have landed in belarus for drills as the kremlin says, the u. s. and nato have failed to address that security concerns. washington has formerly rejected moscow's demand to have ukraine banned from joining the military alliance. a criminal spokesman says that leaves little grandfather to msm insists it doesn't want to go to war. and fisher has more from washington dc. all of us with a phone call with the ukranian president, is this the 1st step in a number of meetings that are going to be held over the next few days that will come significant and important such as the category amir who is going to be here on monday, a beer joe biden says that they will talk about afghanistan, which is important, obviously, but they're also going to talk about the, the bird producing more natural gas for places like germany, a mctavish speaking to customers in asia. but clearly, joe biden wants to make sure that the catalogs on board, so that can provide the biggest economy in europe. should there be any problem with supply coming from russia? burkina faso is new military leader says the country will return to constitutional order when the conditions are right. at an kernel polar, he de amoeba has addressed the nation for the 1st time since seizing power in a qu on monday. former government ministers of a wound not to leave the capital obstruct officers. situation in beacon, if i say, will be discussed by west african leaders at an emergency meeting of the regional alliance echo us on friday. the 1st female president of honduras has been sworn in at a ceremony in the capital tegucigalpa jamara, castro. take sober from 2 to em. president on orlando and unders be 62 year old faces high expectations to turn around. a dispute over who will lead the newly elected congress? yes, president joe biden has confirmed. he'll nominate the 1st black woman to the supreme court. after justice see stephen briar announced. he stepping down this year. 83 year old says you'll retire from air, america's highest court in the us. some of those with dr. is do. stay with us out there. a correspondent the crying forest continues next. i'm about the news hour after that. ah yes, i do see that one by the other i late 2010. the threats against a claudio and maria had reached fever pitch relatives pleaded with them to flee the settlement live idiot. the issue, the mice that was inactive as you read those and you had some of the morning father that came my venal at the crack of dawn on may 24th, 2011 is a cloudy, empty i left home on a motorbike and took the road to might have been watching for fear inject back cheap to control company. me lamazzo. we knew this gable to move some wonderful books for country green. this is just where we will proceed. your luxury shauna had a per voltagio to quite in that maria telephone talk. where do we see the meal here? challenger for hebrew cheese. so they're nice, but you stay there for my cell, which is who did the dish punch and die before you leave for denise it. not that issue said i, i'm only of you miss, i'll get it back. my bad mail, you know me to but i mean for the me, oh no my own will say by doing the same with merger doors. really eager melma deserve all the, the more those noise it was on a visitor who was back or for a little so say a left a supply. so i'm wanting to do with a dollars. like i said i was supposed to. so we perform, we put in a phone with us for source to see the facility. we went to police vehicle, us and i was like all the stuff i used to love the day today, rather long before is that considered a form you want? please allow me somewhat than social media to cover my fast. no, any that oh boy, oh boy there's a digit little guy there. ringback going to go me for them away. well, you know that, but now i with the know my i every kid who are all until i was a great a for a simple ami ford on more mantle, skid fish godaddy up toward the pen capacity. you'll let me see. did you not bad at all, philip. right there. some can see. cheer a fuck aaliyah's. now gilmore, mental illness. chill, miser, came back alone. could have seen her in salim to gold, your payment is seen or made my pocket to me. they sure dean says i bill closer, i must as i saw g to the bowl. and what the answer did you will say sobbing what of all new star the orgy auto skin that i can. i mean, up it is a for the, i want to say it was sales had almost as i saw g, you bought the answer. ginger egan, us. so g, u, mog, y g, b, sarky. what that, answer your french does it, she has forgot. dish walker through the bud, see bud. sheila ford specializes but you some miles mom was i know the plaintiff ira mediating he akin nicholas who has orders classic um, really fast and furious in america. ms. hernandez, which was the same as my supplies lose, which was kept those young coach, quincy. and i was lean but as a specifies for on past them year kabir sir, ah g noise via con to say don't vehicle us m he jack of up a bed of near night, a daughter, sac order. fair design, the see them in argue my power. i do think that is, maintain that image get more? no, did boggle, glenville that you of all in order to be used to could well, would the coil ah oh, leave free o n g, a thought? fearless, music, loud medea? to heard him key in there because jimmy knew ye of unless he died to the mob t o. jimmy lee. it was special later j stovall, wonky. this alarm went bad. this mckinney ball the in the club will have latham believe. orange overshown me in in was that glowed your car. you were key. look, i miss air a key, ill figure your marquee elizabeth fear, or glitch, the olivera key. i q, c, u i c h k, but other key in this viet on a hush that on or for b, e you shall garden as opposed to sovereignty. party for core for the mighty. oh boy, hollow car, gladly. i could do the c. kelly's been out and you my back ye, apple kitchen we to saying there is at the mention. if he bought application, can you find more fearless bag? i don't core. he does said o, clock. i don't. they're supposed to sound joke either. i'm been in a book and then i e. e. o. fic albert a sponge bond is available on the fatty moine, been wasted biology the 3rd. but at jamal a scene to la grange, you have more than the hey d, e l is husky, don't measure no more traditionally, for just long as in february 30 are police investigators and matter bah, were refusing to talk publicly about their search for the killers, but josie, i goes to androgen. he chief forensics officer on the murder case agreed to talk me through what he believed happened that day. lou karl from july to be sure no for cover to pistol large or much from causal. actually people get fruit. you to robert shipping guy la, monica for. kimberly. before lunch at ocean, she was all that much catholic bristol and military of a profile much cost a little bit there with what we saw present for example groups the help of. so my question is that it was for abolish level the hotel. i'm only in a binding fittest on chicago in a few 6. so marble from cream include you for me and the whole building. jacob always follow him with a capital. but if they don't want to call you, they gotta speak up with dish by putting me on, she's useless pick, i work with quite a letter from others, which is a college isn't your 6th is going to have a more old fia individual. this one will be up a might eligible. so typically you do a couple of issues that are starting to spend money each campus. each with the push was like a physical problem. you feel like you took off each. i'm going to put a good image piece. i come up with that on multiple supposed to put fish on because it's been 40 days since the murders and it's hard to tell what progress if any, has been made by police trying to track down the killers. but federal authorities tell me off the record, they might be closing in on some suspects and could be making arrest soon. but up until now, at least all police have to show for their efforts. are these 2 artists impressions of the suspected gunman or killings? 8 claudio medea they were apparently paid about $3000.00. while police continued their manheim. i went to join environmental authorities on another mission into the jungle. their target was a region around south felix to sion group, a major cattle ranching town and a place and not a miss with deforestation and violence in the region that we're going to is home to some of the largest herds of cattle anywhere in the amazon. as you can see, as we're driving to get there, there they are, it's rush hour. they're taking these cattle to to a fire or by hello. andrea is me, don't let me get in your way. ah, the rapid advance of cattle ranching into the amazon has helped brazil become the world's 2nd largest producer of beef and the top, exploiter brazilian beef. now stock shelves in europe. the middle east and russia. ah, but beef production is also the greatest driver of amazon rain, forest destruction. after loggers have removed the most valuable trees, the ranchers move in replacing the forest with pasture for cattle. large scale cattle ranching may of help bolster brazil's current economic boom, but it went against everything. se claudio immediate believed it ah my visit had coincided with one of the town's most important events. daniel cattle show an auction you as a rock as beer. so, celebration of cowboy wife wilton, batista, president of the local ranchers association. and the events organizer was keen to paint a more flattering picture of the amazon farmers feel feeling that was india because it's roger ga. describe, woke up about the door or something, give you a key, queer, say, intended choreography, solving, kidney stuff. i was in for that boys. yoga it fast. i like those things that i feel is the kind in the muslim standard. you are kind of get the human left answer to that either give them but wilma was also eager to share some thoughts on the murder . as a claudio and media is all 5 of us in this, mice is thing for myself. somebody decade garzo, the more dad you're the quicker sola. i got a can legally job. the lad. 14 my toys. i commanded the least, didn't feel good enough. i wasn't here whenever the actual buffalo sitting monthly go. father got him on the origin with jackie. but i forgot i am. i am out of his well. alba, his unengaged, i got my oil i was shocked to hear that a 73 year old nun who had been killed in her battle to protect the rain forest was now being accused of being in arms dealer. but environmental activists, federal government officials and journalists were clearly not welcome in this corner of brazil. the next morning we woke up at dawn fareed balmy's latest operation. they were accompanied by a dozen heavily armed policemen. almost almost so you can always do some alexio's and lots of you still need a photo. they thought of them. so father plays in jail. he's a really powerful need. we were headed into one of the most remote corners of the amazon along roads. it don't officially exist. any brazilians call this region. their country's wild west. a land of adventurers were gunmen operate with almost total impunity. the bomb i had received a tip off that illegal loggers were at work in the rain forest. they hoped to catch them red hand it was before before it was a little this is louise with with blankly newby was cigna, oklahoma book. have you got the model that we worked with there? see what a class on of what i, what else can i do? businesses, you know, so the whole of them are they are supposed to have one more than 4, but i think this is very much an active camp. it's terrible conditions, but these guys work here for 7 days a week, sometimes months at a time to cut the forest. but illegal logging was not the only crime being committed here. between 20052010, brazil's government free nearly 18000 modern day slaves. dirt poor migrant workers often forced to clear the rain forest in order to pay off debts with their employers. we had just found 2 more. this man claimed he had not been paid 7 years. this amount of a lot of you could i bought a give you a squad little for them. i did it. probably little man. oh god. way anything further ahead. another surprise, a growling bulldozer that the workers had been using to tear down the forest. they're trying to get it out of here. so can't do any more damage, but this is the main tool used by lovers to clear away passing in the forest. find yes, dine roads, and then they can send men in with chainsaws to cut everything else down. he prom officials seemed pleased with their find, but in an area larger than the whole of western europe. these 2 men were a drop in the ocean stopping deforestation, and the amazon is a herculean task from one back in mad about there was news. after weeks of silence, police had finally named 3 prime suspects. i believe that the usual was forced long as you said, that was fall out of those arkansas does do very much god, because i would use that to reset the bombing issue on nipples. think, wendy, why did you make that point? you said the last one that was that you brought out of the school don't let me see . 2 already brought me to quantify kind of job. i will get more data to product. they designers home. my learn to don't believe me, any montalvo you buy jose, how to do that would be just young back to la la samantha because it was already come on in the meantime. use of this. so for venus, i just want to go up with some possible out. so what are you called a lease was far from convinced that these were the only 3 men involved in the murder strictly esop, aren't the glass baker, a slap or a mice? going to put it that you blended the pistol laid okey matt, say a me and that god they last sold about my change in glenn lisa, but i didn't pick a size so math or better. i sense that sounds like what they're saying that he some that we've mowing if we either can william because it is the sensor. so we can now my cell shot with enough enough with the next day i drove back to the settlement to the home of the police, his prime suspect jose a hoodie. yes, lived not far from said cloudy police it 100 again was an aspiring cattle rancher from the southeast of brazil. would purchase 3 plots of land on the settlement in mid 2010. but buying or selling land on a government settlement created for the poor was illegal and whole dirty gets his arrival, angered, se, claudio and maria. he was a start of a bitter feud that pitted 2 opposing models have economic development against each other, preservation or destruction with profit or long term sustainability. it was a clash of values, cultures and business models. and according to police, he was this clash that had ultimately led to the murders. there was a hell did he has had disappeared. but his wife denied that he had been behind the killings and claimed he had fled because local gunmen were planning to kill him to police, saw his disappearance as an admission of guilt. on my final night, the amazon is a cloudy on many. his sisters invited me back to lays his home on the settlement. when i'm sending a defiant message to the killers, they would not be intimidated. some day they would return for good. ah, if does id that's going to leave florida? oh got go get legally my lia, as ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. i busy a day afforded the keel ill, ill dental my no cost to gain mattea. no me ash said book inc i the flowing car the new mile. he c o m idea does utilizes into keel veal bought, ordered the ceiling. now you can review, i can do the same, but i mean, voltage, a boy this in mesmer anthony omega davis, and also be gained abroad. mccain, talbot, that honda's, missouri, we seem to be met. now the came out about putting cubic about, is it while out? but i li, but ask at the van me my milk when they have a quad doors, my vailable, but the florida deadline, but us from the bulky, kil, covalent denies snap. i was leaving with mixed emotions. i had come to admire the courage in dignity of these 2 women. they had welcomed me into their lives at the most difficult at times. but i also felt angry and sad. z, cloudy, and immediate, didn't deserve to die. their lives had been taken because they dared to oppose the illegal economic forces that are threatening the amazon perhaps here. money really does speak louder than life. oh, yes. oh, i feel you was in death. zach. how do you and many became environmental martyrs. but with them gone, what would become of their families and the rain forest and the jungle settlement they so dearly loved hundreds of environmental activists in brazil, still face death threats. how many more lives will be lost? will this be the last time i report an activist murdered in the amazon? sadly, i think i know the answer to that question. but i can't bear to say it out loud. ah ah. hello there. let's look at the weather across australia. there's more wet weather to come across the north. you can see those storms rolling across the top and into queensland. we could see some flooding here. and it's a similar story across the southeast corner. we've got storms rolling in across victoria on pots of new south wales. we could see some flooding hair. it's going to be rainy and sydney on sunday. in contrast to that, across the south and the west, we still got hot, dry conditions persisting. if we have a look at the temperature in part, we're going to see it pick up to 9040 degrees. once again. by the time we get into saturday, dips down 30 on sunday, but very hot conditions here. now that's in contrast to what's happening in melbourne on saturday. we're going to see the temperature dipped down. it's going to be very wet, but it does get more settled by sunday. now, as we hope across the tasman see to new zealand, it's looking largely settled fine and dry. thanks to high pressure that's in charge . on saturday, we're going to see the temperature pick up in christ church, but there is the weather. weather looking further to the south now was moved to southeast asia. it's looking largely fine and white as well with nice condition. so much of indo china. 32 degrees in bangkok with plenty of fun shine, that should weather update. ah, with with this is al jazeera. ah, hello, i'm north taylor. this is down here. news i live from london. coming up. russia says it's left with little room for optimism on ukraine. it still exists, it doesn't want to go to war. ok if i so new military ruler vows to restore constitutional order. but only when certain conditions are met on years. whereas in its 1st.

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Arkansas , United States , Honduras , Australia , Afghanistan , Tegucigalpa , Francisco Morazáho , United Kingdom , Belarus , Brazil , Russia , Ukraine , Amazon As , Bahia , Glenville , New Zealand , Nowa , Vitsyebskaya Voblasts , India , Minsk , Belarus General , Poland , Moscow , Moskva , Missouri , Washington , Florida , Illinois , South Africa , Liberia , Kremlin , London , City Of , Germany , Oklahoma , Kenya , Sydney , New South Wales , Bangkok , Krung Thep Mahanakhon , Thailand , North Korea , Orlando , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , France , Smithville , Brazilians , Americans , America , Russian , Britain , Natal , French , Ukrainian , Brazilian , German , Russian Federation , American , Jim Sullivan , Joe Biden , Ma Chelsea , Stephen Briar , Anthony Omega Davis , Catholic Bristol , Maria Senta , Okey Matt , Chioma Niel , Josie Claudio , Claudio Medea , Martha Hayley , Zach Claudio , Claudia Maddie , Sheila Ford , Elko Siegel , Camila Akira , O Jimmy Lee , Lou Karl ,

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