Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708

with belarus where construction has begun on a wall to keep my grants and refugees out. i know major australian energy farm pulls out of me and law citing the deteriorating human rights situation. ah, we're going to begin in moscow where the kremlin says the u. s. and nato have failed to properly address and security concerns. washington's rejected russia's demand to have ukraine barred from joining nato. a lack of progress has left several factors hanging in the balance. nato has about 4000 troops backed by tanks and air defenses, near russia. in estonia, lithuania, latvia, and poland, and more on high, a large, prepared to deploy russia, in turn, as about a 100000 troops near its border with ukraine, but it did not is it's planning to invade. russia's foreign minister says the idea of a war with ukraine is unacceptable, but at the same time, another official from the ministry warned a nuclear missile crisis with the u. s. is inevitable if checks aren't in place to turned on tensions. there also concerns that germany's reliance on gas from russia leaves europe's largest economy, vulnerable. b, u. s. has warned that the nord stream to pipeline project will not go ahead. if russia invades ukraine, the u. s. is in talks with energy producers, to temporarily diverge the suppliers dosage. a body has more from moscow. the russian foreign minister said that the americans have not a given a positive response to their main requests. and that is that nato not expand further, but that they have received positive responses grace under secondary requests and demands. and that is providing some optimism in room for talks in the future. we've also been hearing from the kremlin spokesperson, who said, there's really no reason to be optimistic at this stage. the spokesperson also said that the proposals now being studied by the russian president vladimir putin who will decide on the next steps and what they will be. i think it's important to point out that diplomacy is going to continue for how long it's not clear, but we do know that the norm in the format that is the 4 countries, including russia, ukraine, germany, france, will meet in berlin in 2 weeks time. they had a long session on wednesday in paris, and that lasted 8 hours about and this cease fire in ukraine and how they're all committed to that. so there is a sense that there's still a small window of opportunity for diplomacy to continue. how long that window will last remains to be seen. ok, let's bring in our white house correspondent kennedy hall. good. who's in washington, d. c for us. so the message has been delivered. the russians have responded. what does the white house do next? well, what we understand is that the u. s. president is set to have a telephone call with the ukrainian leaders, the landscape that is set to take place. we understand roughly around 20 g m t and aides clear that there are discussions about next steps. the united states has been very clear that it will support in conjunction with nato, any attempt by vladimir putin to invade ukraine, to that end, it would encompass a number of components that defense would be both military, as well as punishing financial sanctions. a how that would play out is still unclear. we know that the u. s. president has been gaming this with his national security council for some time, including this past weekend at camp david. we suspect those talks are still, i'm going in discussions as the white house prepares to move forward. but the white house press secretary very clear that in all communications, whether it be through the president, whether it be through the secretary of state, as he discussed a with in coordination and discussions with chinese counterparts overnight. the message is going to be one of diplomacy as a way to resolve the security differences and to if russia chooses another path, the united states and its allies will continue to lay out the consequences of bad. we're just seeing that in germany itself, food relies on, on just supplies from russia. that's puts in a particular situation. and we're to assume that in the past hour or so, the white house is confirming the new german chancellor. all of sholtes is going to meet president button next month. is this an indication that administration is still trying to rally its european allies? there's no question that there was some division amongst the european allies in recent weeks, even as the white house insisted. it had unity over its position to confront russia and what it calls russian aggression. namely, the posturing by russia, placing tens of thousands of its troops along its border, it's border with near ukraine. and so one of the big concerns, and the reason for that fracture is the fact that there was concern among some of these european allies about how they were going to supply their energy needs. given the fact that so much of it does come from russia, there were no alternatives. that's why you've seen the white house in recent days, scrambling to find these alternative sources. having conversations with nations like cutter and why you even saw, although it was done very diplomatically. an initial rejection by the german chancellor of a white house invitation to meet that has since been updated. the white house insisting this was not a rejection, merely a juggling of the calendar, but that simply is a diplomatic speak for. they weren't ready to talk. now it appears they are. but this just underscores the difficulty of this challenge and the fact that germany does have this conundrum before it. now the white house continues to insist that if russia is to invade ukraine, that the nordstrom to pipeline will not be turned on, even as it is already constructed. the united states is not elaborated on how it has that assurance, but it is clear that this is a friction point and shows just how fragile this unanimity that the white house says it has amongst it out its allies. a really is. kimberly, thanks very much indeed. kimberly hogan our white house correspondent dominic cane has more from berlin problem for the german government, as it has been full successive german governments stretching back decades now. is that in so far as rusher is concerned, the german government feels a historic sense of guilt for the actions of nazi germany during world war 2, where tens of millions of soviet citizens, which obviously includes russians ukrainians, bella russians, and many other nations. 2 who were part of the ussr, and as a consequence of that, when the german government wants to put pressure on the russian government, it will not be in the form of providing armaments to ukraine. what they will do, they say, and increasingly so is they will act to impose sanctions. the german government has said it is prepared to take the consequences of refusing to switch on the north stream to gas pipeline. it's going to cost the german government a considerable amount of money. it could cost the european economy a considerable amount of money. but the view here is that if russian gas supply was switched off completely, that would also cost the russian economy. $200000000.00 a day is piped in terms of revenue through natural gas pipe in to russia for what it pops to europe will that would dry up very quickly. and so the view here is no amendments to ukraine, but crippling sanctions on moscow, whatever the price may be, whether the german economy suffers or not, that's what they're prepared to do, but they won't arm the ukrainians. the 1st female president of hondas is due to be sworn in similar cost, so ticks over from to term president on orlando hernandez. my aunt apollo is the in the capital negotiate copa. and i know there are a lot of very high profile foreign guests which are expected for this ceremony. what is the international reaction to all of this? first of all, rom, at this point, we're just under an hour away from the actual swearing in ceremony. here in the 100 capital they will see alba, this is an historic day for the people of honduras. and as you mentioned, the sir, number of high profile guests that are in attendance highlights the, the importance of this day. among them, we're talking about some around 80 different international delegations that are going to be in attendance at the swearing in ceremony. among them, us, vice president, pamela harris, the king of spain, philip 6, who had already had an opportunity to speak and meet her person to person with the president elect, humana castile yesterday. there's also the vice president of argentina, the vice president of ty, one among others. now there are several different interests at play here when we're talking about the united states, u. s. vice president, pamela harris, is looking to strengthen that relationship between the united states and honduras. specifically, given just the number of hundreds who have fled in mass over the past few years to the u. s. southern border to seek asylum in the united states. the fact that the taiwanese vice president is in that l. honduras hoping to also secure a special relationship with honduras, given that the country is one of only about a dozen in the world that continue to they continue to recognize ty, ones, autonomy from mainland china. and even then we're looking at a, at a, at a triangle of, of, of meetings. this is an opportunity for the united states to sort of reiterate its commitment to supporting taiwan in itself, in this complicated, sorry, there's a, there's a fireworks taking place here. lot of excitement out on the streets as people are, are getting ready to, to watch the swearing in of president elect, humana. castro. this is however, happening in the middle of a political split in the country. how tough is it going to be for c m? i can't see a lot of castro and the government to get things done once we got past the inauguration right, again we're, we're talking about an integration that's taking place at a very difficult time in honduras as a sort of it continues to navigate its way through a political crisis that's taking place in the honduran legislature who are talking to many political analysts here over the course of the past few days. who tell us that they believe that the current crisis has been manufactured by the president elect, political opponents to undermine her presidency. even before it begins, but the crisis aside, the president is looking at the, at a very tall order when it comes to addressing the many challenges and problems facing honduras apart from the um, from from violence crippling poverty that affects upwards of 70 percent of the population here, the economic crisis that's been exacerbated by the coven, 19 pandemic. they're still the question of immigration. so this is one of the reasons that the vice president, pamela harris, is here. again looking to strengthen that relationship between the u. s. and honduras, hoping to find a multilateral approach to addressing the, the root causes of migration from central america. looking for a more secure partner in seal mont, castro, in the new president of honduras to really tackle those, those rou christ, that those root causes of immigration. we should note, honduras is a top country of origin for migrants who end up on the mexico, u. s. border seeking asylum in the united states. and it was when it comes again to that larger political crisis that continues to play out in the country. many are hoping that this visit by the u. s. vice president will help to smooth things over and secure a peaceful solution and a peaceful transition out of this political crisis. mirabella talking to us from dakota, called bon via manual. thank you very much. did poland had started building a $100.00 cologne and 80 kilometer wall on its border with bella, luce is expected to be completed by next summer. the construction of the 5 and a half meter high wall is in response to a stand off with bella luce b. u accuses minsk. i'm encouraging thousands of refugees to cross into poland illegally as a way to get into the e. u. john, how as more from kisa in poland, where the wall is going up, will it stop these illegal crossings of the border by migrants? refugees would be asylum seekers. on the bellow side into poland. busy at probably not particularly if they continue to have the helpers has been alleged since the beginning of this crisis of belarus and border guards. physically taking them to weak points along the border and physically cutting the fence or helping them through. i spoke in the last day or 2 with a kurdish immigration lawyer who provides assistance to people who do get across with their asylum claims. he said, look, nothing is going to stop this happening. people will simply find another way. and remember that as much as this is a physical barrier, it is also a political construct being built by a polish government, a right when government fiercely anti migrant. that knows only too well that this is a popular measure amongst its own supporters and still had an ard as it are getting less for their nearer why many people and turkey are cheesed off with rising inflation and higher food prices. ah, ah, look forward to brighter skies the weather sponsored my cattle airways. it seems to the, to the philippines. so the way, see, maybe barley east was to get the heaviest of the down. pause in southeast asia, the circulation that tries developing the south china sea heading maybe northwards towards taiwan. otherwise it's a good deal, a dry weather ram are so cute that dry. so it's where the down spells and winters also east off a bit in japan we sort of frequent showers, but light ish ones for home. sure. west coast of and also her cargo dry otherwise and cold, significant snow on its way out. this big finger stretching crossroads, shanghai, which give probably cold rain at the tail end of it. still give me a few shout ne, vin. the otherwise india is dry. i'm in the northeast fall, so it always gives a few shares, which i saw was for like a concentration maybe want to get in sri lanka, the cold wave conditions, temperatures below normal by day and night, and often overcast and 40 still there. northern plains indian northern pakistan, dell is seventy's below it, slowly warming up come this weekend, but he's only a slow process and i called the want to improve fine weather. for most part, back to rance office warms, it was in sure, as the winter is just missing the north of pakistan in northern afghan. and the sure miles picked up once again and through the gulf states for the weather sponsored by cats are always stepped beyond the comfort zone. were assumptions or challenge travel to the ends of the earth and further experience, the unimaginable. and the people who live with probably the most extreme situation i've been involved in how quickly things can chime award winning documentary. is that also a perception witness on a just either ah ah, you want to see that reminder of our top stories this are russia, says the u. s. and nato have failed to properly address its security concerns. though it is possible to continue with talks of western powers have refused moscow's demand to bar ukraine from the security lines. the 1st female president of honduras is due to be sworn in seal mark customer takes over to town president, one or london hernandez. the split in our party and congress is overshadowing the inauguration ceremony. poland has started building a 180 kilometer wall and it's board of wood, bella, luce, it's expected to be completed by next summer. the e u accuses men scrub, encouraging thousands of refugees to cross into poland illegally. as a way to get into the u. denmark is withdrawing soldiers from marley after military leaders demanded that they leave. the names were part of a french lead counter terrorism task force to combat armed groups linked to al qaeda and i saw denmark's for the minister said around a 100 soldiers were invited. molly's military government says that's not true. my sheet, nobody will come here by proxy anymore. that used to happen, but now it's finished. it won't happen any more under the authority of our semi go top. if someone has to come to molly, then we will come to an agreement. we will agree on what you will come here to do. coolie, it isn't burkina faso, have warned eggs ministers not to leave the capital or obstruct its military officers. they held a meeting with members of the us government on wednesday. the military crew is to be discussed at an emergency meeting of west african leaders and friday. a regional organization echo was, has condemned to take over the u. n. and the u. s. a demanding the immediate release of deposed president, rush, cavalry, political instability in burkina. faso has been driven by attacks from armed groups . the violence has pushed people from their homes and towards the capital, creating a humanitarian crisis. nicholas hock has more. wanted to go. we met with some recently displaced on the outskirts of rug, had to go from the region of lauren in the, in the year of tito, where they said that people men, especially a young boys as a aged 12 and above were killed. targeted by these armed groups and we're seeing mercy, young women and children fleeing towards the capital. now, joining me now from the international rescue committee is anna kevin. out now you've been operating in the north, in the areas where these arm groups are active. what are you seeing over there? what are the needs of the people on the ground? indeed, i'm in a full displaced people. i mean the, the, the situation he has started about 2 years ago when, when does of, when is on conflict, really escalated and we, so when we 1st came into this country in 2019, we heard about 87 cells and id please internally dismiss people and today we are what 1600000. so this is the staggering number. but most of the mostly the basic needs. and most of these displaced people need dignified shelter. the need access to basically basic services such as health a water and obviously a basic basic equipment to cook. so these are, these are the basic needs of the, of the population that is displaced. and why has it been so difficult for the government to give those basic needs that the state should be providing? well, i mean, this desert does a number at the moment. all are so staggering that there's a need for the international community as well. to show solidarity and step in and, and help us obviously the are the instances year and was canal faso to cope with such a, such a large displacement of people and, and such a situation. i think no country can be expected to actually cope with touch launch numbers, especially for countries. the european union is launching legal action against china, the world trade organization. it centers around tensions between china and e. u. member lithuania. it agreed, the taiwanese diplomatic office in the capital vilios would bear the name taiwan and not chinese taipei. beijing considers taiwan to be part of its territory. now the e. u is accusing china of holding up exports from lithuania at its border. these measures are a threat to the integrity of the eel, single market sale. fix that enter, you trade and you supply chains and say, hell, a negative effect on your industry. this is why we are stepping forward to defend a use rights. and to date, we are bringing the case of to the w t o julie today and the when he should come true. and he, the issue between china and lithuania is a political one not. and he cannot make one when the situation is the result of lithuania acting in bad faith. that hurts chinese interests. it's not a matter of china exerting pressure. on lithuania, it's a bilateral issue between the 2 countries and not something between china and the again, the shoppers in turkey can't look forward to lower prices anytime soon. the central banks forecasting a 23 percent inflation rate this year. since castillo reports from assemble, high inflation is a major talking point for all turn. the lira has lost nearly half of its value within the past year. as the central bank may steep cuts to interest rate. that also the policy costs prices to sor, including for energy and such as the ingredients for a turkish breakfast, was to make $1.00 kilo of this culture cheese, you need 11 liters of ra milk. the price of milk doubled with the increase on electricity, natural gas prices, arising or regular customers cut their consumption. nearly 40 percent turkey is inflation rate rocketed to 36 percent in december after a series of interest rate cuts demanded by president treasure type a drum. it's the highest inflation rate since the election 20 years ago. marcia was we used to buy in kilos last year. now in grams for more than half of our retirement salaries are being spent on gas, electricity phone bills. on the 1st day, high prices are like the domain of focus of stock market attention. the central bank is best for the seeking to rebuild foreign reserves, which fell more than 60 percent from mid december. so just $7500000000.00. years of further, inflation rises in the coming month. terrified turkey manage the latest increase to the minimum wage, and the pensions are not enough to make. and the central bank forecasts and inflation rate of 23 percent this here. some analysts thing that's optimistic and expect wars to come and we manage somehow we buy the cheapest things, but it's very difficult for larger families to manage. i don't know how things will work. responding to the economic challenges, government leaders in on cur, have implemented a series of measures during the past month to persuade savers, banks, and companies to hold more lira, rather than foreign currency. those measures studies to lira for now, but many fear the hopes of lower inflation have already left the station and they'll soon be paying an even bigger price for turkey is financial turmoil. seen because solo else's serious sambal soldiers in jordan say they've killed 27 drug smugglers trying to sneak across the border from syria. an army spokesman says the traffic is use heavy snow color to carry large amounts of illegal drugs. the military rules of engagement has reason to be tightened, to combat an increase in drug smuggling and other energy farmers pulling out a me and law because of human rights concerns. this trillion company woodside follows energy giant chevron and to tom and cutting off the armies largest source of foreign income. mister international says businesses have no excuse in continuing to deal with the regime. this is what businesses need to be doing that need to be wearing this up. this is the right thing to be doing. i mean, if we next tuesday, is the one year anniversary of the military cou. i mean, in that time, way of saying over 1400 people killed with st. thousands of people detained and we have st activists and journalists that are being part of like a bloody backlash where they've been detained in the, and often killed. so this is, i mean the military is, they are launching indiscriminate attacks that are killing civilians. there's life saving i that's been blocked to the country. this isn't a country, this isn't a right saying that i should be wandering into and doing business with basic gardeners. the director of human rights at australasian center for corporate responsibility. she says it's pressure from actors that are forced these firms into taking action. i think that this is being because of a variety of factors, but mostly it has been the shia persistence of civil society organizations, both here in australia, but also very brave activists. and, you know, in mamma, running the blood money campaign, who have really spoken to woodside a recent woodside and made them aware of the serious human rights violations here. and to the extent that woodside hasn't been out in a way, i think here in australia with seeing more and more energy companies be a bit more aware social losses to operate and more aware of the reputation operational impacts that can happen to the company as well. as financial impact, if they don't listen to people, society entities, risks that applies by types of operations saying is, you know, activists and civil society organizations really, you know, rushing to the ministers here in australia. the government's trying those channels as well as you know, directly to the company and raising this with k investors as a serious human rights violation. and, you know, i really think that would sides understand that we're coming in to a future where it's not possible just to ignore shareholders and to ignore civil society organizations when they saying that it's untenable. so they are working and operating in a country that has today made it up to 1501500 of its own civilians, men, women, and children are 6. people are serving the operators, the focus sheeman nuclear plant in japan. they say the developed cancer in the years following the 2011 nuclear disaster, victoria group porch luez representing the 6 cancer patients walk to fall their lawsuit at tokyo district court. they say tokyo electric power company holdings should pay more than $5000000.00 in compensation. after that, clients were exposed to radiation following the 2011 nuclear disaster in fukushima, one of the 6 plaintiffs who doesn't want to be identified says cancer has ruined her life or going out. got it. you've been anybody's ebony. i always wanted to be a career woman whacking hot in tokyo, but i was diagnosed with cancer and i still felt ill after i had surgery since then . i'm in a situation where i have to prioritize my health over everything. in march 2011, a magnitude 9 earthquake stroke japan's eastern coast, it triggered us unami that st. huge waves surging as far as tank element is inland . the fukushima nuclear power plant was also overwhelmed and see water flooded its react, his radiation leaked out, forcing more than a 150000 people to flee. the 6 people suing the operator, lived in fukushima in 2011 and later developed thyroid cancer. lawyers say cases at the disease in fuque ashima or significantly higher than the national average go, dolphin gone through, you know, all thyroid guns as a lab disease that only one and a 1000000 people get on average as a number of children fukushima around 30000, only one person would get it every few years, but after the nuclear disaster are 266, people have developed cancer in fukushima. a u m report last year found the nuclear disaster had not increased the risk of cancer. and the authorities and fukushima say the high detection rate is due to over diagnosis. below is se fukushima zone is should be held accountable for radiation exposures unless they can prove otherwise . victoria gates and be al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera, these are the top stories of russia, says the u. s. and nato have failed to properly address its security concerns. though it is possible to continue with talks of western powers of refuse moscow's demand to bar ukraine from the security lines. our white house correspondent, kimberly hoggard as more the u. s. president is set to have a telephone call with the ukranian leaders, the landscape.

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Latvia , Burkina Faso , Australia , Taiwan , Honduras , Afghanistan , Shanghai , China , United States , Paris , France General , France , Belarus , Beijing , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Syria , Russia , South China Sea , Brunei General , Brunei , Sri Lanka , Unami , Toyama , Japan , Ukraine , Mexico , India , Minsk , Belarus General , Poland , Spain , Moscow , Moskva , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Tokyo , Philippines , Argentina , Washington , Taipei , T Ai Pei , United Arab Emirates , Kremlin , Jordan , Pakistan , Germany , Kennedy Hall , Estonia , Denmark , Lithuania , Turkey , Berlin , Polish , Honduran , Americans , Australian , America , Ukrainians , Burkina , Chinese , Turkish , Russian , Afghan , French , Ukrainian , Soviet , German , Gulf States , Russians , Taiwanese , Kimberly Hogan , John Hall , Anna Kevin , Pamela Harris , Orlando Hernandez , Vladimir Putin , Canal Faso , Humana Castile ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708

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with belarus where construction has begun on a wall to keep my grants and refugees out. i know major australian energy farm pulls out of me and law citing the deteriorating human rights situation. ah, we're going to begin in moscow where the kremlin says the u. s. and nato have failed to properly address and security concerns. washington's rejected russia's demand to have ukraine barred from joining nato. a lack of progress has left several factors hanging in the balance. nato has about 4000 troops backed by tanks and air defenses, near russia. in estonia, lithuania, latvia, and poland, and more on high, a large, prepared to deploy russia, in turn, as about a 100000 troops near its border with ukraine, but it did not is it's planning to invade. russia's foreign minister says the idea of a war with ukraine is unacceptable, but at the same time, another official from the ministry warned a nuclear missile crisis with the u. s. is inevitable if checks aren't in place to turned on tensions. there also concerns that germany's reliance on gas from russia leaves europe's largest economy, vulnerable. b, u. s. has warned that the nord stream to pipeline project will not go ahead. if russia invades ukraine, the u. s. is in talks with energy producers, to temporarily diverge the suppliers dosage. a body has more from moscow. the russian foreign minister said that the americans have not a given a positive response to their main requests. and that is that nato not expand further, but that they have received positive responses grace under secondary requests and demands. and that is providing some optimism in room for talks in the future. we've also been hearing from the kremlin spokesperson, who said, there's really no reason to be optimistic at this stage. the spokesperson also said that the proposals now being studied by the russian president vladimir putin who will decide on the next steps and what they will be. i think it's important to point out that diplomacy is going to continue for how long it's not clear, but we do know that the norm in the format that is the 4 countries, including russia, ukraine, germany, france, will meet in berlin in 2 weeks time. they had a long session on wednesday in paris, and that lasted 8 hours about and this cease fire in ukraine and how they're all committed to that. so there is a sense that there's still a small window of opportunity for diplomacy to continue. how long that window will last remains to be seen. ok, let's bring in our white house correspondent kennedy hall. good. who's in washington, d. c for us. so the message has been delivered. the russians have responded. what does the white house do next? well, what we understand is that the u. s. president is set to have a telephone call with the ukrainian leaders, the landscape that is set to take place. we understand roughly around 20 g m t and aides clear that there are discussions about next steps. the united states has been very clear that it will support in conjunction with nato, any attempt by vladimir putin to invade ukraine, to that end, it would encompass a number of components that defense would be both military, as well as punishing financial sanctions. a how that would play out is still unclear. we know that the u. s. president has been gaming this with his national security council for some time, including this past weekend at camp david. we suspect those talks are still, i'm going in discussions as the white house prepares to move forward. but the white house press secretary very clear that in all communications, whether it be through the president, whether it be through the secretary of state, as he discussed a with in coordination and discussions with chinese counterparts overnight. the message is going to be one of diplomacy as a way to resolve the security differences and to if russia chooses another path, the united states and its allies will continue to lay out the consequences of bad. we're just seeing that in germany itself, food relies on, on just supplies from russia. that's puts in a particular situation. and we're to assume that in the past hour or so, the white house is confirming the new german chancellor. all of sholtes is going to meet president button next month. is this an indication that administration is still trying to rally its european allies? there's no question that there was some division amongst the european allies in recent weeks, even as the white house insisted. it had unity over its position to confront russia and what it calls russian aggression. namely, the posturing by russia, placing tens of thousands of its troops along its border, it's border with near ukraine. and so one of the big concerns, and the reason for that fracture is the fact that there was concern among some of these european allies about how they were going to supply their energy needs. given the fact that so much of it does come from russia, there were no alternatives. that's why you've seen the white house in recent days, scrambling to find these alternative sources. having conversations with nations like cutter and why you even saw, although it was done very diplomatically. an initial rejection by the german chancellor of a white house invitation to meet that has since been updated. the white house insisting this was not a rejection, merely a juggling of the calendar, but that simply is a diplomatic speak for. they weren't ready to talk. now it appears they are. but this just underscores the difficulty of this challenge and the fact that germany does have this conundrum before it. now the white house continues to insist that if russia is to invade ukraine, that the nordstrom to pipeline will not be turned on, even as it is already constructed. the united states is not elaborated on how it has that assurance, but it is clear that this is a friction point and shows just how fragile this unanimity that the white house says it has amongst it out its allies. a really is. kimberly, thanks very much indeed. kimberly hogan our white house correspondent dominic cane has more from berlin problem for the german government, as it has been full successive german governments stretching back decades now. is that in so far as rusher is concerned, the german government feels a historic sense of guilt for the actions of nazi germany during world war 2, where tens of millions of soviet citizens, which obviously includes russians ukrainians, bella russians, and many other nations. 2 who were part of the ussr, and as a consequence of that, when the german government wants to put pressure on the russian government, it will not be in the form of providing armaments to ukraine. what they will do, they say, and increasingly so is they will act to impose sanctions. the german government has said it is prepared to take the consequences of refusing to switch on the north stream to gas pipeline. it's going to cost the german government a considerable amount of money. it could cost the european economy a considerable amount of money. but the view here is that if russian gas supply was switched off completely, that would also cost the russian economy. $200000000.00 a day is piped in terms of revenue through natural gas pipe in to russia for what it pops to europe will that would dry up very quickly. and so the view here is no amendments to ukraine, but crippling sanctions on moscow, whatever the price may be, whether the german economy suffers or not, that's what they're prepared to do, but they won't arm the ukrainians. the 1st female president of hondas is due to be sworn in similar cost, so ticks over from to term president on orlando hernandez. my aunt apollo is the in the capital negotiate copa. and i know there are a lot of very high profile foreign guests which are expected for this ceremony. what is the international reaction to all of this? first of all, rom, at this point, we're just under an hour away from the actual swearing in ceremony. here in the 100 capital they will see alba, this is an historic day for the people of honduras. and as you mentioned, the sir, number of high profile guests that are in attendance highlights the, the importance of this day. among them, we're talking about some around 80 different international delegations that are going to be in attendance at the swearing in ceremony. among them, us, vice president, pamela harris, the king of spain, philip 6, who had already had an opportunity to speak and meet her person to person with the president elect, humana castile yesterday. there's also the vice president of argentina, the vice president of ty, one among others. now there are several different interests at play here when we're talking about the united states, u. s. vice president, pamela harris, is looking to strengthen that relationship between the united states and honduras. specifically, given just the number of hundreds who have fled in mass over the past few years to the u. s. southern border to seek asylum in the united states. the fact that the taiwanese vice president is in that l. honduras hoping to also secure a special relationship with honduras, given that the country is one of only about a dozen in the world that continue to they continue to recognize ty, ones, autonomy from mainland china. and even then we're looking at a, at a, at a triangle of, of, of meetings. this is an opportunity for the united states to sort of reiterate its commitment to supporting taiwan in itself, in this complicated, sorry, there's a, there's a fireworks taking place here. lot of excitement out on the streets as people are, are getting ready to, to watch the swearing in of president elect, humana. castro. this is however, happening in the middle of a political split in the country. how tough is it going to be for c m? i can't see a lot of castro and the government to get things done once we got past the inauguration right, again we're, we're talking about an integration that's taking place at a very difficult time in honduras as a sort of it continues to navigate its way through a political crisis that's taking place in the honduran legislature who are talking to many political analysts here over the course of the past few days. who tell us that they believe that the current crisis has been manufactured by the president elect, political opponents to undermine her presidency. even before it begins, but the crisis aside, the president is looking at the, at a very tall order when it comes to addressing the many challenges and problems facing honduras apart from the um, from from violence crippling poverty that affects upwards of 70 percent of the population here, the economic crisis that's been exacerbated by the coven, 19 pandemic. they're still the question of immigration. so this is one of the reasons that the vice president, pamela harris, is here. again looking to strengthen that relationship between the u. s. and honduras, hoping to find a multilateral approach to addressing the, the root causes of migration from central america. looking for a more secure partner in seal mont, castro, in the new president of honduras to really tackle those, those rou christ, that those root causes of immigration. we should note, honduras is a top country of origin for migrants who end up on the mexico, u. s. border seeking asylum in the united states. and it was when it comes again to that larger political crisis that continues to play out in the country. many are hoping that this visit by the u. s. vice president will help to smooth things over and secure a peaceful solution and a peaceful transition out of this political crisis. mirabella talking to us from dakota, called bon via manual. thank you very much. did poland had started building a $100.00 cologne and 80 kilometer wall on its border with bella, luce is expected to be completed by next summer. the construction of the 5 and a half meter high wall is in response to a stand off with bella luce b. u accuses minsk. i'm encouraging thousands of refugees to cross into poland illegally as a way to get into the e. u. john, how as more from kisa in poland, where the wall is going up, will it stop these illegal crossings of the border by migrants? refugees would be asylum seekers. on the bellow side into poland. busy at probably not particularly if they continue to have the helpers has been alleged since the beginning of this crisis of belarus and border guards. physically taking them to weak points along the border and physically cutting the fence or helping them through. i spoke in the last day or 2 with a kurdish immigration lawyer who provides assistance to people who do get across with their asylum claims. he said, look, nothing is going to stop this happening. people will simply find another way. and remember that as much as this is a physical barrier, it is also a political construct being built by a polish government, a right when government fiercely anti migrant. that knows only too well that this is a popular measure amongst its own supporters and still had an ard as it are getting less for their nearer why many people and turkey are cheesed off with rising inflation and higher food prices. ah, ah, look forward to brighter skies the weather sponsored my cattle airways. it seems to the, to the philippines. so the way, see, maybe barley east was to get the heaviest of the down. pause in southeast asia, the circulation that tries developing the south china sea heading maybe northwards towards taiwan. otherwise it's a good deal, a dry weather ram are so cute that dry. so it's where the down spells and winters also east off a bit in japan we sort of frequent showers, but light ish ones for home. sure. west coast of and also her cargo dry otherwise and cold, significant snow on its way out. this big finger stretching crossroads, shanghai, which give probably cold rain at the tail end of it. still give me a few shout ne, vin. the otherwise india is dry. i'm in the northeast fall, so it always gives a few shares, which i saw was for like a concentration maybe want to get in sri lanka, the cold wave conditions, temperatures below normal by day and night, and often overcast and 40 still there. northern plains indian northern pakistan, dell is seventy's below it, slowly warming up come this weekend, but he's only a slow process and i called the want to improve fine weather. for most part, back to rance office warms, it was in sure, as the winter is just missing the north of pakistan in northern afghan. and the sure miles picked up once again and through the gulf states for the weather sponsored by cats are always stepped beyond the comfort zone. were assumptions or challenge travel to the ends of the earth and further experience, the unimaginable. and the people who live with probably the most extreme situation i've been involved in how quickly things can chime award winning documentary. is that also a perception witness on a just either ah ah, you want to see that reminder of our top stories this are russia, says the u. s. and nato have failed to properly address its security concerns. though it is possible to continue with talks of western powers have refused moscow's demand to bar ukraine from the security lines. the 1st female president of honduras is due to be sworn in seal mark customer takes over to town president, one or london hernandez. the split in our party and congress is overshadowing the inauguration ceremony. poland has started building a 180 kilometer wall and it's board of wood, bella, luce, it's expected to be completed by next summer. the e u accuses men scrub, encouraging thousands of refugees to cross into poland illegally. as a way to get into the u. denmark is withdrawing soldiers from marley after military leaders demanded that they leave. the names were part of a french lead counter terrorism task force to combat armed groups linked to al qaeda and i saw denmark's for the minister said around a 100 soldiers were invited. molly's military government says that's not true. my sheet, nobody will come here by proxy anymore. that used to happen, but now it's finished. it won't happen any more under the authority of our semi go top. if someone has to come to molly, then we will come to an agreement. we will agree on what you will come here to do. coolie, it isn't burkina faso, have warned eggs ministers not to leave the capital or obstruct its military officers. they held a meeting with members of the us government on wednesday. the military crew is to be discussed at an emergency meeting of west african leaders and friday. a regional organization echo was, has condemned to take over the u. n. and the u. s. a demanding the immediate release of deposed president, rush, cavalry, political instability in burkina. faso has been driven by attacks from armed groups . the violence has pushed people from their homes and towards the capital, creating a humanitarian crisis. nicholas hock has more. wanted to go. we met with some recently displaced on the outskirts of rug, had to go from the region of lauren in the, in the year of tito, where they said that people men, especially a young boys as a aged 12 and above were killed. targeted by these armed groups and we're seeing mercy, young women and children fleeing towards the capital. now, joining me now from the international rescue committee is anna kevin. out now you've been operating in the north, in the areas where these arm groups are active. what are you seeing over there? what are the needs of the people on the ground? indeed, i'm in a full displaced people. i mean the, the, the situation he has started about 2 years ago when, when does of, when is on conflict, really escalated and we, so when we 1st came into this country in 2019, we heard about 87 cells and id please internally dismiss people and today we are what 1600000. so this is the staggering number. but most of the mostly the basic needs. and most of these displaced people need dignified shelter. the need access to basically basic services such as health a water and obviously a basic basic equipment to cook. so these are, these are the basic needs of the, of the population that is displaced. and why has it been so difficult for the government to give those basic needs that the state should be providing? well, i mean, this desert does a number at the moment. all are so staggering that there's a need for the international community as well. to show solidarity and step in and, and help us obviously the are the instances year and was canal faso to cope with such a, such a large displacement of people and, and such a situation. i think no country can be expected to actually cope with touch launch numbers, especially for countries. the european union is launching legal action against china, the world trade organization. it centers around tensions between china and e. u. member lithuania. it agreed, the taiwanese diplomatic office in the capital vilios would bear the name taiwan and not chinese taipei. beijing considers taiwan to be part of its territory. now the e. u is accusing china of holding up exports from lithuania at its border. these measures are a threat to the integrity of the eel, single market sale. fix that enter, you trade and you supply chains and say, hell, a negative effect on your industry. this is why we are stepping forward to defend a use rights. and to date, we are bringing the case of to the w t o julie today and the when he should come true. and he, the issue between china and lithuania is a political one not. and he cannot make one when the situation is the result of lithuania acting in bad faith. that hurts chinese interests. it's not a matter of china exerting pressure. on lithuania, it's a bilateral issue between the 2 countries and not something between china and the again, the shoppers in turkey can't look forward to lower prices anytime soon. the central banks forecasting a 23 percent inflation rate this year. since castillo reports from assemble, high inflation is a major talking point for all turn. the lira has lost nearly half of its value within the past year. as the central bank may steep cuts to interest rate. that also the policy costs prices to sor, including for energy and such as the ingredients for a turkish breakfast, was to make $1.00 kilo of this culture cheese, you need 11 liters of ra milk. the price of milk doubled with the increase on electricity, natural gas prices, arising or regular customers cut their consumption. nearly 40 percent turkey is inflation rate rocketed to 36 percent in december after a series of interest rate cuts demanded by president treasure type a drum. it's the highest inflation rate since the election 20 years ago. marcia was we used to buy in kilos last year. now in grams for more than half of our retirement salaries are being spent on gas, electricity phone bills. on the 1st day, high prices are like the domain of focus of stock market attention. the central bank is best for the seeking to rebuild foreign reserves, which fell more than 60 percent from mid december. so just $7500000000.00. years of further, inflation rises in the coming month. terrified turkey manage the latest increase to the minimum wage, and the pensions are not enough to make. and the central bank forecasts and inflation rate of 23 percent this here. some analysts thing that's optimistic and expect wars to come and we manage somehow we buy the cheapest things, but it's very difficult for larger families to manage. i don't know how things will work. responding to the economic challenges, government leaders in on cur, have implemented a series of measures during the past month to persuade savers, banks, and companies to hold more lira, rather than foreign currency. those measures studies to lira for now, but many fear the hopes of lower inflation have already left the station and they'll soon be paying an even bigger price for turkey is financial turmoil. seen because solo else's serious sambal soldiers in jordan say they've killed 27 drug smugglers trying to sneak across the border from syria. an army spokesman says the traffic is use heavy snow color to carry large amounts of illegal drugs. the military rules of engagement has reason to be tightened, to combat an increase in drug smuggling and other energy farmers pulling out a me and law because of human rights concerns. this trillion company woodside follows energy giant chevron and to tom and cutting off the armies largest source of foreign income. mister international says businesses have no excuse in continuing to deal with the regime. this is what businesses need to be doing that need to be wearing this up. this is the right thing to be doing. i mean, if we next tuesday, is the one year anniversary of the military cou. i mean, in that time, way of saying over 1400 people killed with st. thousands of people detained and we have st activists and journalists that are being part of like a bloody backlash where they've been detained in the, and often killed. so this is, i mean the military is, they are launching indiscriminate attacks that are killing civilians. there's life saving i that's been blocked to the country. this isn't a country, this isn't a right saying that i should be wandering into and doing business with basic gardeners. the director of human rights at australasian center for corporate responsibility. she says it's pressure from actors that are forced these firms into taking action. i think that this is being because of a variety of factors, but mostly it has been the shia persistence of civil society organizations, both here in australia, but also very brave activists. and, you know, in mamma, running the blood money campaign, who have really spoken to woodside a recent woodside and made them aware of the serious human rights violations here. and to the extent that woodside hasn't been out in a way, i think here in australia with seeing more and more energy companies be a bit more aware social losses to operate and more aware of the reputation operational impacts that can happen to the company as well. as financial impact, if they don't listen to people, society entities, risks that applies by types of operations saying is, you know, activists and civil society organizations really, you know, rushing to the ministers here in australia. the government's trying those channels as well as you know, directly to the company and raising this with k investors as a serious human rights violation. and, you know, i really think that would sides understand that we're coming in to a future where it's not possible just to ignore shareholders and to ignore civil society organizations when they saying that it's untenable. so they are working and operating in a country that has today made it up to 1501500 of its own civilians, men, women, and children are 6. people are serving the operators, the focus sheeman nuclear plant in japan. they say the developed cancer in the years following the 2011 nuclear disaster, victoria group porch luez representing the 6 cancer patients walk to fall their lawsuit at tokyo district court. they say tokyo electric power company holdings should pay more than $5000000.00 in compensation. after that, clients were exposed to radiation following the 2011 nuclear disaster in fukushima, one of the 6 plaintiffs who doesn't want to be identified says cancer has ruined her life or going out. got it. you've been anybody's ebony. i always wanted to be a career woman whacking hot in tokyo, but i was diagnosed with cancer and i still felt ill after i had surgery since then . i'm in a situation where i have to prioritize my health over everything. in march 2011, a magnitude 9 earthquake stroke japan's eastern coast, it triggered us unami that st. huge waves surging as far as tank element is inland . the fukushima nuclear power plant was also overwhelmed and see water flooded its react, his radiation leaked out, forcing more than a 150000 people to flee. the 6 people suing the operator, lived in fukushima in 2011 and later developed thyroid cancer. lawyers say cases at the disease in fuque ashima or significantly higher than the national average go, dolphin gone through, you know, all thyroid guns as a lab disease that only one and a 1000000 people get on average as a number of children fukushima around 30000, only one person would get it every few years, but after the nuclear disaster are 266, people have developed cancer in fukushima. a u m report last year found the nuclear disaster had not increased the risk of cancer. and the authorities and fukushima say the high detection rate is due to over diagnosis. below is se fukushima zone is should be held accountable for radiation exposures unless they can prove otherwise . victoria gates and be al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera, these are the top stories of russia, says the u. s. and nato have failed to properly address its security concerns. though it is possible to continue with talks of western powers of refuse moscow's demand to bar ukraine from the security lines. our white house correspondent, kimberly hoggard as more the u. s. president is set to have a telephone call with the ukranian leaders, the landscape.

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