Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240708

no intention of stepping down despite revelations of possible locked i'm violations piling up. society coalition launch is a series of airstrikes on yemen, malta, who the rebels fired missiles into the united, out of balance and drop bitcoin. the i m f, says el salvador is risking it's financial stability by adopting the crypto currency as legal tender. and i'm p december to the sport a big game coming up in the african cup of nations as egypt faced the ivory coast in the last 16. and topsy daniel made the day and fights background. he sits down to reach the semi final. so he'll stray the an open. ah, russia says it's ready to take appropriate measures if it doesn't get a constructive answer from the west on that security demands. foreign minister love ro also said moscow doesn't want the e u or the organization for security and cooperation in europe involved and talks to ease tensions over ukraine. western powers are showing up defenses against a possible russian invasion. when that usually goes through, even though it's a constructive response, does not arrive and the west continues. it's aggressive course. moscow will, as president putin has said on more than one occasion, take the necessary retaliatory measures. so you just, there was to visit the security of russia and it citizens as an unconditional priority, and it will be reliably ensured in all circumstances the u. s. is working with gas exports as to limit to europe's dependence on russian gas caught us. the mirror is going to visit the white house on monday. the crisis has prompted one of the biggest mobilizations of western forces in europe. a 3rd shipment of american weapons and ammunition arrived in jeff on tuesday. and russia is holding a week of military drills near the border with ukraine and in annex crimea. but it says it has no plans to attack or dosage about his life for us in moscow. so russia is talking about these appropriate measures, any idea what those measures might be? well, certainly not clear from the foreign minister. they haven't specified in their keeping of course, their cards very close to their chest. as you can imagine that they just said that they're prepared for any scenario. the russian foreign minister was briefing the members of parliament and the do my here on wednesday where he gave them an update of where things stand. he also spoke to journalists following that meeting, where he stressed that the russians are awaiting a response from the americans, and that there is no reason to believe the americans will delay this response. and then they will decide how to proceed. that's the official line from here. the other line that we've heard from the government here is the kremlin who's respond the to the restate words from washington about sanctions that would come on president vladimir putin and the spokesperson for the kremlin to be true. pest golf said that they would be, quote, politically destructive was the word he used. and we've also heard from a number of m. p. 's in parliament today who for the 1st time said that it would be a good idea to arm the a to send weapons to a self proclaimed on bass republic, the separatist movement there. that is something we haven't heard from been here before. and it's certainly that if that were to be the case, there was change things very quickly and drastically in the equation that we have at the moments for their part, the russians have said that they will continue to carry out military drills and that they will wait for this response to the americans, until then, nothing as i expected to change, but the diplomatic efforts continue. we know that the russian foreign minister said that his british counterpart will visit moscow in the next 2 weeks, as well as the russian president vladimir putin will hold a phone called with a mouse in my cron. i'll france the french president on friday to discuss the current situation and try and find a way to de escalate tensions door. so thank you very much. dosage about a lot for us in moscow or the ukrainian fodder. missouri admits that the number of russian troops amassed at the border is a direct threat, but for now it's insufficient. he says, for a full scale attack. moreover, they of, they still lack some important military indicators. and. busy systems to conduct such a large, full scale offensive. it doesn't mean that they want to be able to build up. ah, this sir. this force up to the sufficient level within certain period of time. when many an eastern new crane have been living with conflict for years when estimated 14000 people have died and fighting between the russian backed separatists and ukrainian forces. and as the international stand of continues, prospects for peace in the region are looking even more fragile. what are the hamid reports from the if in the winter see the landscape but the frontline of this conflict seems frozen in time. the ukrainian army is entrenched just a few kilometers north of done, yet the stronghold of rushing back separatist. the enemy is not far away. and so indeed, all one phone with me. so as they can, their heroes to okay. the army has moved into what is left of the industrial area on the outskirts of, at the fca. the conflict also seems to be frozen in time, neither side making gains since the war broke out in 2014. few soldiers believed that the large scale russian invasion is imminent. even if they remain on alert. i shall play a jago sir, sir, door to them. i think this is all a move to the stabilize the situation inside. the country was been going on for 8 years now, but we trained, we have modern weapons and the hell from nato was arriving. but we feel the support and we are ready to fight and just don't q gunshots from the other side. in clear violation of disease by agreement, which international monitors say is regularly breached by both sides. but even of the conflict has been at as they made for several years now, life has never really fully recovered in the towns and villages along the contact line. people here feeling that their lives have also been put on hold. somehow the population of ad v fca is a 3rd smaller than before. the war started alena yohina, and yet in the us they love sky among the very few who never left their hometown. beneath the giggles in the tool of the conflict is apparent. their story is a reflection of the frontline in some way i am all in as ukrainian for them as i'm a close relative support to separatist im gonna stick after another sonya and they turned their back on us here. they have their own vision about what's happening and they say we are nazis. what are some even call to me an enemy and the full meaning of the wood and yelling i moved here from siberia. when the soviet union still existed, said no, my pleasure. my relatives are all over russia, and when the war started, they told me i had to return soon, but i had my house and family here. many of them mine the military. so for them, i betrayed my allegiance to russia. people here have learned to live, to the rhythm of the front line, but the devastating effect of this long sluggish war will impact their lives. many se, for several generations to come with at the law. me the edges era at v fca in eastern ukraine. the of the nations are concerned about how tensions with russia over ukraine could affect their supplies of gas. europe gets more than 40 percent of its natural gas from russia. about a 3rd of that passes through ukraine. moscow's already reduced the amount flowing into europe, causing shortages and pushing prices to record levels, rushes threatening to cut supplies further. if sanctions are imposed and they're not just on gas, but also on oil and metals. some countries depend on russia more than others. germany gets more than half of its gas supplies from russia, and that dependency would increase if the german government gives its final approval for the nord stream to pipeline. or cornelia myers, an oil and gas specialist. and she c e o, not my resources. she says, germany's new government is skeptical of moscow. what we seen so far is because of the cheer political sanction is also because reza wise, not just only in our storage, not just only in europe, but also in russia, were sort of made depleted after the harsh winter of last year. there was less gas flowing and burn so, but if there, if the russians really make good on their threat of sending even less gas, dad will send prices soaring. you know, europe gets gas a through l and g gets it wrong. them from the mediterranean. it also gets it from norway bar done. russia is very important. and if there is indeed there is more tension and that means prices are going to go up. north steam go is very important to germany. it's important to some other northern european countries as well. but it, it is and, and put in is certainly a honing in on that. but, you know, with the previous government to it was, it was, it was some, a no tough thing now that we have to greens and the german government who are much more skeptical is especially d. m. foreign minister under lina blair burbock are much more skeptical of russia. it's not quite as sacrosanct in the truman government any more, as it used to be. printed more out of the muse are including keeping it real why humans, fishermen say, is too dangerous and expensive to tackling. see. more on the plate of syrian refugees trapped in heavy snow. as eve, laurie's struggle to reach them and in sport, questions harassed. both boys all strike her so your moon was a low to play despite being can cause to the africa cup of nations. ah, promo, subarus johnson has continued to resist calls to resign if say sam p's in parliament, johnson refused to comment on an internal investigation and to whether his government held gatherings in breach of corporate 19 rules. a findings are expected to be published soon. these are also carrying out a separate investigation opposition leader care star, mom called on johnson to stand down suggesting he broke the ministerial code to speaking of like on the 1st of december. the promised to told this house in relation to parties doing locked down all guidance was followed completely in number 10 from that dispatch box. on the 8th of december, looks quizzical. he said it. on the 8th of december, the prime minister told this house, i have been repeatedly assured since these allegations of merge, the walls no party. so since he acknowledges the minister of quote applies to him, will he now resign? oh, cynthia, cynthia, survive until you bid restrictions. let me just remind the highest and indeed remind the country that he has been relentlessly opportunistic. ah, yes. he has. he has little from one side to the other and he would have kept us, he would get not knocked down in the summer. well, that's big now you're under simmons, he's joining us live from london. am under it was a boisterous and lively a prime minister question time. hard to imagine in the sense that this is a prime minister whose future is really under some scrutiny. and indeed, i got a lot of doubt. it certainly is sir raucous. i'd say the scenes are in the house of commons at with every turn, every possible issue that was put forward has tackled by kissed armor and the questions put. brandon? esther, will ye resign now? quite straightforwardly, boys, johnson has no intention of resigning but more interesting perhaps than the exchanges between these 2 figures is the mood amongst the conservative back benches as they're known because it would take $54.00 of them to write in suva. 1922 committee for m p. 's to actually bring about a leadership election that poised because really this is a holding pattern right now. out with the suit gray report definitely going to be passed on to downing street here. possibly later on today, but more likely at to morrow. and we will then see a situation whereby the prime minister will go to the commons make a statement. and then question is, if there is a big smoking gun there, is it going to be directed to the prime minister himself, even if it isn't that there's a likelihood, there will still be a lot of dissent amongst conservative m p 's, they could do that. they could trigger a leadership election, but right now, unless there is damning evidence under the less and somehow there is a winning over by kiersten on this issue of ministerial conduct. a boss johnson won't go without a fight. he will not stand out under. there's been allegations of these, these parties, these beaches of covered and regulations for several weeks now in the, in the british press, is there any indication why the police have got involved at this stage? well, this was a point that was put to the metropolitan police commissioner crescent, a dick and she was really more or less accused by london assembly members of, of really doing a usa by suddenly and out. since this inquiries please inquiry, or which will go ally to the so grey inquiry. now the point is this crust. dick made it quite clear that sir, normally they would not retrospectively and look into allegations of, of, of cove. it guidelines being breached. but she said that sir, these were serious and flagrant breaches being alleged, and therefore they had to be investigated. and they, they know also that sir, there was little ambiguity as she said about the absence of defense. so this just is that, that the officials, possibly the prime minister himself did knew that they were breaching the regulations, but went to head regard as the, with these parties under, we're talking about a number of them, of course, not only here in downing street, but white all as well and that they think this, this, this whole issue of hypocrisy of, of the, of the way the moral compass goes as well as breaking the law or is huge with the british public. but it is that person that, that chief police woman of the u. k. in the u. k. she has put the finger at this place down the street and the power of corridors of power. the question is, do they have evidence or on boards, johnson photographic evidence? possibly e mails that they have access to, to everything. the police are not. what is su? gray saying in her report is she pointing the finger at the prime minister and her summons in london? and her thank you when jonathan list is a political commentator and he says it's unclear whether johnson will survive this scandal. it's really hard to say. and the big question, kind of y'all to change is every day you like, i'm because the story moving, say past 2 weeks ago, he was completely gone. the last week is position seem to be a little bit stronger, really on the polls now very clear that people have lost trust and faith and voice johnson. and they don't like it. and they made their minds about him a most the public is made up its mind about appointments that they normally don't change it back again and say the break get the concept is that the longer they drive on the more the whole concert, the part, the brand will be dried on and that will make you like. and so i think it's in the interest of confessed that nothing else to envy and, and to leadership as well. the longer the gone, the better to the naval policy. you're enjoying the titles. it will be a leadership election and obviously, obviously they carry the rest the course. it does. is it periods of prolonged caled than the needy to have time to bed in really the time to do that is 2 years before an election rather than 6 months before an election. for example, when boys johnson has tainted the prime star, that really is they need to get rid of the time d, that is now not in their interest in the national interest. because boys johnson doesn't have the model. dorothy police said coalition fighting in yemen who launched air strikes, and the capitals enough to talk us included who the military as well as a national tv and radio tower that's up to who's the rebels who control the capital . far more myself towards abu dhabi in the united alabama. it's on monday, the u. e says it intercepted and destroyed them. well, how it all locked up has more from santa the ad as how did it quotient? airstrikes have namely targeted a number of areas in santa, especially the, or the radio and tv tower, which is situated in the north of the downtown of santa. this tower was head according to the ho caesar. soldiers, we have also went there, but the visit you saw a military site, we couldn't go there inside this area it's. it's used to be for the t, v and radio broadcast tower that it was that was of bir, covering the local areas. but so far after the satellites have been launch has been launched. the, the, the have transfer this kind of broadcast to the satellite, cham channels. but now we are also the, it's our unit quality. 0 strikes have continued or over the night of tuesday and continued until the early hours of wednesday. but fishing used to be a booming industry in yemen, particularly for selling abroad. but years of conflict of damage the industry. many fishermen say it's too dangerous and too expensive to continue going to seen catcher lockers. although young reports from above, the view appears to show a city unaffected by him to war and aiden's coastline tells a different story. one a fisherman struggling to make ends meet mohammed young is one of them. he remembers when thousands of fishing boats ventured on to the red sea coming back with tuna 30 last year. now there are fewer fishermen and fewer prospects. i divide my de la la la are at the price of thoughts and fisher materials have gone up to fighting and insecurities with affecting us economically. american life in general is more difficult, but the mother with a look before the war started seafood was among humans top expos bought with years of fighting it's ports and processing sites have been destroyed. fishermen had been killed and thousands more displaced. well olaja yeah, yeah man, i am. has that out. i am ready. i'll days. unpredictability. it all depends on supply and demand. sometimes we buy a good catch from the local fishermen and we make a profit. other days we lose money another most of humans, 30000000 people need something of humanitarian aid. buying fish has become a luxury. many can't afford. prices have doubled in some areas. so more fishermen are sensing their catch abroad for higher profits. about 500000 people worked in the fishing industry before the war. now it employs less than half with limited fuel. many can't afford higher petrol prices for their boats, and others can't get out of debt. about an mathematician. let's say i didn't, i'm got low math reports of fishermen who are killed a t aren't made public by of me, but we know some of them got shot because they got into restricted waters and got zones where fishing is off limits because of the conflict. the fly i did. but fisherman see the industry though damaged, is still a vital part of the community and their livelihoods. they hope in time, things will improve for them and their country. cassie lucas leanne al jazeera curry forces in northern syria, say the regain control of a prison. following a week, long as sold by i sold fighters around 200 inmates and 27 kurdish fighters were killed in nozzles, attempt to free commerce. the battle forced 45000 people from their homes and the city of ha saca the children. jackie said, some of the 700 boys detained in the prison were used as human shields. meanwhile, syrian refugees in the north west of traps in there, snow bound tents that are appealing for urgent help before the freeze to death. a lauri's are struggling to reach nearly a quarter of a 1000000 internally displaced people because of the weather. i said big reports a city of tents. this is life for around 250000 syrians force from their homes by the civil war. and now after 10 years of continued conflict, snow and rain is their latest enemy result. so a lot of the very cold weather, the massive volume snow and the bad condition of the camp have led to the tents, damages every way. we also allah and we urge those who are willing to help do the best for us. we don't have firewood and there is no heating. we burn some shoes and clothes just to offer some heat to the children. and a lot of traveling to the area was already difficult. the snow has made it impossible. agencies are struggling to get access. 10 have collapsed under the weight of the snow. the few that do have shovels do what they can. the rest i left to move snow with their hands in freezing temperature. on the whole camp does not have bread, we call upon the humanitarian organisation and all the authorities concerned to urgently help the camp and its residence. the un says more needs to be done, but for the people here, they need help. now multiply that with them, the whole camp is in real danger and we don't know what to do. we have spent the last 70 years intents and displays caps. they can't find us a flat. the camp, inadequate. at the best of times, the snow is only adding to the misery he's people face. i said big. i was just there. dozens of people having killed out a tropical storm and has swept through madagascar they brought heavy rain. the caused flooding homes have been swept away, forcing thousands of people to seek shelter or a burden manner reports. this is maddie guess because capitol and nano river. much of it submerged under water after days of unrelenting rainfall. to storm sent water rushing through these streets. resident pier michelle shows the damage left in the wake. law that buck aren't you. the power is cut in this area. we have to deal with that and the floods we're never at peace. every one is affected, not only my home, but all the houses in this neighborhood. neighbor vivian does her best to clear the water. her family, a thing for now, be enough fans. and yet the water came in and we didn't know how to get it out of the house. so we put the kids on the bunk bed. my husband and i then sorted through our south to see the damage. local officials are asking people to leave their homes and join thousands of others at establish shelters, position of hulu and any which i won't leave said of the 1st shelters to receive the victims and the municipality. we'll take care of them. we call on all disaster victims for leave their horns and go to the shelters. this school gymnasium is providing short to refuge. most of those who escaped, say their homes were swept away or destroyed in a implant in that part of our house has collapsed. we ask for help, we can't live at home because it's flooded. if we leave here, we have no way to go out. intend on bit thought i lay howard house was flooded twice the 1st time we stayed there. but this time we had to live because the mattresses i'd away. and now there may be, let's say it's not unusual to see heavy rain during the wet season. but this was exceptional. with more than a 100 millimeters of rainfall in just one day. 20 districts are now on high alert, and people living in impoverished areas with poor drainage a more vulnerable to flooding. let a rescue teams have now taken boats to navigate the high waters. others were organizing fresh water supplies, hygiene packs, and food. as many a now barbara bottle water borne diseases from the sky. it's clear how much work needs to be done. as thousands of homes remain submerged and the full car shows more rainfall now on the horizon. lore about a manly al jazeera. so had on all, does it a hong kong titans restrictions and 3 apartment blocks as its struggles to maintain a 0 coven policy. but as sinister area, as it celebrates national day, there's a growing cold for the public holiday to get a name change or based crowd on a baseballs grace is injected into the whole claim, details on the way in sport. ah hello, thank you for joining an we've got disturbed weather for the levant. here's the details. nice to see you. it's also going to bring in some cooler and fresh air here. so we've got warm and cooler, fighting it out, and we'll eventually see evidence of this around the golf, that wind blowing down from iraq and northerly wind. so that's going to press down the temperature mom and 19 degrees re i just 16 by the way, the darker the orange, the higher the temperature and these winds will be howling at time. so for doha, gusts of 55 kilometers per hour, that's going to swirl around that sand and does settle conditions for pakistan and hears more of those high temperatures through afghanistan, herat at 17 degrees, and sure, as coming in at 18, the snow has mostly stopped. so cross turkey, low temperature still though it stumble, a high of 5 degrees. we have seen some flash flooding in uganda, so these are the scenes after it days of some pretty intense rain and flash flooding also caused by a tropical storm ana, this was the scene in malawi as so here's where on it is right now is zip in across zambia, pushing into angola, northern parts of butt suassa meantime still high heat for the northern cape, upping to in a high of 39 degrees on thursday. thanks for joining and see soon ah . in a series of original documentary odyssey or correspondence, explore the stories which have marked their lives and careers. gabrielle is on the cover. the tragic story of 2 reinforced activities, brutally killed fighting. the devastation brought about by loggers and ranchers. returning to the amazon, gabriel learned how to campaign for sustainable development brought them on a collision course with those who sought to profit from the forest destruction. algeria correspondence the story of zimbabwe, in her words, here she is always told from the perspective off the great man, whether it's david livingston, all robot mcgarvey. my responsibility is to tell them all when story in a way that it hasn't really been told before. the ordinary everyday life was involved with is that people are writing about patina, kappa, out of darkness. my zimbabwe on al jazeera, ah ah, ga 0 might over top stories. this are russia's foreign minister, says appropriate measures will be taken if the u. s. fails to respond to security demands. masika ones guarantees that ukraine will not join nato and that the military alliance will not expand further into former soviet republics. ukrainian foreign minister admits the number of russian troops massed at the border is that direct threats. but he says it's an insufficient for a full scale attack. russia's military's been holding military drills to ensure the army is combat ready. you k prime ministers continue to resist called by m p. 's to resign. far as johnson refused to comment on an investigation into whether this government held parties during locked on, the findings are expected to be published very soon. the crisis between russia and ukraine has prompted one of the biggest mobilizations of western forces in europe in generations. but it's a delicate balancing act. the baka reports from london practiced drills over the baltic sea by british, french and danish pilots. western powers holding their response to russia's military, build up new ukraine with a display of combat readiness. the danes of also sent fighter jets and a frigate to join nato efforts, and the baltic. do too much. and the alliance risks being drawn into a conflict and a country, they have no treaty obligation to protect due to little and a potential russian invasion risk destabilizing, not just ukraine, but the entire region. if the worst happens in the destructive far carper of the russian army were to engulf ukraine's towns and cities, i shudder to contemplate the tragedy that would ins ha, and the bloodshed, comparable to the 1st rule in chechnya, or bosnia for thousands nato troops are on standby in the baltic states, as sonya levia and lithuania, once part of the soviet union, there now ardent nato members and thousands more reinforcements are ready to deploy their in ukraine itself, small contingents of american and british troops have been training local forces, a flow of military aides been arriving to this shipment of british anti tank weapons and these are boxes of american ammunition to help you crane defend itself . since 2014 the u. s. alone of spend 2 and a half $1000000000.00 arming the ukrainian military with defense systems and electric warfare units, all at no cost. and the e u says it's mobilizing or resources to fend off cyber attacks or the commission proposes and you emergency macro financial assistance package, agreeing also this week on a 1700000000 dollar financial aid package to help ukraine and importantly, ukrainians, whether any drawn out conflict, all this of course is what we know about covert and overt operations are happening simultaneously with the u. k. last week, claiming the russians was planning to install this man as a puppet president, following a successful takeover of the country. russia dismissed the claims, true or false, nato wants russia to know its joint intelligence efforts. the trained on moscow weston agencies that are analyzing this now, for instance, right now, the russian forces are really ready t conduct any kind of attack against ukraine, but they know that in 2 weeks they will be sorry about it as informed deterrence or comparisons. it's but signaling intent, but it may be the threat of never seen before. sanctions against russia by the e. u. u. s. and others to prove the most effective deterrent in the west arsenal. russia's 2014 annexation of ukraine's crimean peninsula court allied western forces off guard, with european security. once again at stake, the nato alliance. once its presence firmly felt. need barker, al, jazeera london, the head of the self proclaimed, done yet people's republican, southeastern ukraine, tells al jazeera he's not ruling out a military confrontation. he says that ukrainian government leaders in kia, have sent around a $120000.00 troops, close to the contested don bass region revenue. well, the moral was all my, it is possible it will, but unfortunately this possibility on the part of ukraine is in relation to nato. you see the west, the western countries and keith are shouting out about russian aggression. you but more than 120000 ukranian troops are concentrated in dawn. but all i've got us time is hanging by a thread with 1000000 suffering from extreme hunger. that's the wanting from the un secretary general as the security council meeting to discuss the humanitarian situation. in afghanistan, it follows 3 days of talks between western diplomats and the african taliban in norway. u. n. is working on a plan to provide aid and suspend sanctions. woman's rights are also on the agenda . a stable, prosperous and peaceful of galleys than is that inclusive of danny's done when in which all people can contribute to its future. these must think of the rights of women and girls. why once again being the allied, their rights to education, employment and equal justice. this is a tragedy for those women and girls who grew up believing that any dream was even rich. and now elk leslie watching those dreams sleep away. but he's also collective waste. his talent and skills are going to the needs as it navigates to pick out his future, or diplomatic added a james base life for us at the united nations james antonio terrace. they are painting a very bleak picture of a possible future for the african people. yeah, i think the security council is trying to get the world to take notice of where the situation is right now was meeting caught by the current president of the security council, norway, it's prime minister yonah gas. dora is here in new york for the meeting, sharing the meeting. he told me that the world needed to pay more attention, perhaps, currently distracted by the news from russia and the ukraine. because there is the real fear of a looming humanitarian crisis. as you said, the un secretary general says the countries hanging by a thread, he said daily life has become a frozen hell. he says, over half of all afghans face extreme levels of hunger, they say it's more than humanitarian problem. the whole economy of afghanistan is collapsing, they need to get liquidity into the economy. and there's pressure, i think, behind the scenes on the americans to try and sits on freeze some of those funds, or the taliban, or recently, or delegation of taliban more recent. recently in oslo, where they had discussions with the international community also with civil society representatives are the you and special representative in cobbled. deborah lyons said that was good news. ah, but she said there was some very worrying news as well. let me quote her, she says on the ground as compelling evidence of an emerging environment of intimidation and a deterioration of human rights. she says that the taliban may be a thinking that they can control the population by fear rather than understanding and responding to its needs. she also said there are increased reports of killings and enforced or detention and disappearances. and she said she was particularly concerned about recent disappearances of female activists. and she urged the taliban to take action as a diplomat. get her editor james bass at the united nations. james, thanks very much. it is recorded more than 285000 corona virus. infections in the last 24 hours cases in many regions have declined and some states are easing restrictions. but in the southern set of cala new cases of breaking records probably middle as more she jazz m. f has had a busy few weeks. he's had hundreds of corbin 19 patients for free in the southern city. of course, she, since the pandemic began demand for his services has increased since cases started rising a few weeks ago. and in about 1130 now and erica. now many covered visions and their families call me when they need any help, like digging them to hospital vaccination, getting food, et cetera. there are others who want you to help me do this. what in many locals have been didn't to help me with the expenses? the southern state of carola has recorded its high a single day increase since march 2020. every 2nd person testing for the virus in its capital is positive. the government has imposed new restrictions. more school classes are being held online. cinemas and jims have closed and public events have been banned. hospital admissions have gone up across the state, and its debt dole is one of the highest in india. to my dear reginald is mourning the loss of his father, who recently died from corbett 19 despite being fully vaccinated. we had a latin, we managed during the 1st wave, but the 2nd wave was difficult for poor people like us. now during the 3rd wave, we have lost our father when, like, we don't know what to do. my mother is really upset because of covert protocols. we barely got a glimpse of him. he took his body from cremation. other states are seeing new infections steadily decline in western india. my roster has reopened scores 2 weeks earlier than planned new cases in its capital. mom, i had talked to the lowest levels in weeks. right. thing is that the metropolis has already seen the beak and we are seeing a downward steady downward trend in most of the big cities. but what is still dead is the be class cities and the villages the cases have been really reported to be less. so what i am expecting is that the might be india as a country might peak in the next one or 2 weeks. new delhi has imposed the highest number of restrictions, but is expected to ease some soon. and later this week, authorities will decide whether to extend a ban on political rallies and public meetings as voters in several states. head for the polls have new methods, al jazeera, new deli travaras cases are going up in pakistan. and that's pointed officials in the northwestern city up a shower to impose a so called smart lockdown people in neighborhoods, i selectively restricted, depending on test results. last week, the country reported its highest number of daily infections. since the pandemic began, almost $3000.00 residents in one of hong kong, biggest housing estates are being locked down for an extra 2 days. hundreds of new infections have been detected despite the governments of 0 over policy. but planet has more anger and disappointment, the thousands of residents confined to their homes on the quite an estate. one of hong kong, largest public housing complexes. a 5 day lockdown was supposed to end wednesday until more infections were detected to play safe, protecting the residents as well as preventing the spread of their sod virus. we have no choice but to extend the a restricted testing declaration for another 2 days. those in lockdown say the government orders have been confusing. she had don quixote and all that government announced arrangement ferry late. we have no idea when to go for to matters rate us . i think the government's plan is without the vision. so it is inconvenient for our to like be, we are not familiar with smartphones. people living here say that the daily cues for testing make them anxious, because the area is overcrowded and waiting times can be too long. for hygiene conditions and piles of rubbish are all so a concern, fries on detail. very bell tangle. there is garbage in the staircases every day. the government's arrangement is very bad too. as you can see from this queue, it is much easier to get clothing. and many worry that the strict locked down will be extended beyond friday and into the chinese lunar new year holiday, which begins next week. the restrictions are part of hong kong goal of stamping out all cove transmission. yeah, i think the, the reason why we are adopting a dynamic 0 policies to minimize the stress on the health care system. or even though in the crime, we know there's very model disease. and then of course, currently del relative visual cases in hospital. and i think non in our to you right now, the strict locked down here at quite till the state is an unprecedented move by the hong kong government. it's similar to the strategies seen across the border and mainland china, which also takes a no tolerance approach to the virus concerned to in china's capital. the winter olympics are due to start next week in beijing, mass testing for 2000000 reh events is underway in the southern santi district of beijing. as infections there increase china hopes, mass testing and aggressive quarantine rules will contain the virus. but is it prepares to ring in the year of the tiger, ongoing restrictions of proving that army kron is tough to tame. great clearness, al jazeera hong kong south koreans are being urged not to be alarmed by another record rise in covert infections. the health minister records of 13000 new cases compared to about 8000 and tuesday, doctors say the expect the more transmissible amok on variant will cause further increases. but they also say the health system is prepared to respond because of high vaccination rates and rapid testing. germany is reporting a record 160000 new coverage 19 infections in the past 24 hours around one and a half 1000000 germans have the virus the highest total. since the pandemic started health experts say new infections driven by the omicron variant are likely to further increase over the next few weeks. in the netherlands, restaurants, theaters, museums, and cinemas are reopening despite a wave of infections blamed. and the alma khan variant by mister mark, rotors says the moves in response to what he called great tensions over to lockdown, imposed on december 18th. the restrictions sparked weeks of protests, cases have continued to rise, but about 60000 being recorded each day. the i m f once el salvador to stop using bitcoin as legal tender. it says the use of the crypto currency poses risks to financial stability and consumers. el salvador president supported the adoption of bitcoin as currency in september. john holman reports from san salvador last september and sat with the was a 1st country in the world to approve the use of big coin the crypto currency as legal tender along with the currency that have been used for some time in the country, which is the us dollar a to you can see one of the cash points behind me could chiva, which you can change bit coins into dollars. but this tuesday, the international monetary fund has said, has recommended that the contract you stop doing that. they stop using bitcoin as one of the legal currencies in the country. the reason for that, they say that it could impact the financial system in institutions that it could also carry a risk the consumers in the country because big coin goes up. but it also goes down, this is a pretty volatile crypto currency. now that could be a problem for salvador. and that's because the country is quite in debt. and it's been looking for a loan from the, from the international monetary fund to one of the things that the international monetary fund has been worried about, given that loan has been the use of bitcoin in the country. so now it seems, there's 2 ways that president naive bu kelly can go. he can even stop using it unlikely, and possibly get that help from the international monetary fund. or he can double down on big coin, which is actually planning to do at the moment. he's planning a big coin city in which bitcoin is mind. he's also planning so called volcano bones, which are about a volcano that can be mind whose energy can be used to my bitcoin. and he's aiming to sell those, those a link to help with bitcoin as well. so a sort of decision point is approaching for this country or salvador to really go with big coin these potentially lucrative or volt. but also volatile crypto currency, or perhaps to go with the help from the international monetary fund. australia is observing its national day with celebrations and protests. it's the date when the 1st british ships sailed into the present bay sydney. in 1788, an arrival that marked the start of colonization rallies had been taking place against the oppression of the indigenous people. sir clark has more from brisbin. ah, celebrations began at 1st light with his trailing flag raised alongside indigenous dances at a traditional smoking ceremony. january 26 is the country's official national di marketing the arrival of the 1st fleet of ships from britain in sidney cove. in 1788. effectively founding australia, despite all we have endured and the challenges that are still ahead, i'm just thankful to be an astride him and to live in australia with my family. this land we call home. but while some celebrated others chose to protest, demonstrations were held in most major cities. the protest is cold, january 26 invasion day. thy side marks the start of colonization and the genocide of aboriginal australians and people from the toast, right audience. and they won't events to focus on what they say are injustices faced by the nations. first people, i represent the diag morning for aboriginal and i think that it was celebrated january mclaughlin. i'm responsible for the way we put in place for so long a straight. i wasn't fully celebrated on january 26 until it became official in 1994, but many want this day changed or scrapped entirely to make. why for commemoration, the recognizes indigenous australians and a history of disposition indigenous laid it site. it's important to address the inequality faced by the aboriginal communities. for centuries. we do have to change attitudes about how 1st nations april i traded in structuring. we have to reduce the i incarceration rights and 1st nations people. there are way too many black get seen custody in our country. a inequality in the poverty and disadvantage is still quite large, between average sure, and more noble, general strengths and citizen mccarthy says australia. i should be an event that allows the country to reunite a view that supported by an increasing number of people in australia. sir, class al jazeera brisbin, australia still had an al jazeera, we're going to look, i had to a big match of the africa accommodations between egypt and ivory coast that's coming up in the sport. ah. ah ah, ah ah, his sport here is peter rub. thank you. we are mountains away from kickoff in a big game at the africa cup of nations between 2 continental power houses, egypt and ivory coast, egypt to a run as up in the group. while the i've organs finished top of there is no country has won the african more times than egypt to have 7 titles. but if they do at this time, it will be a 1st for captain mohammed fella. the stopping for me would be completely different, would be the closest one to my heart i. we were close before 2 in this african cup, but we were given everything but we were not lucky to win it, but it's ok. now we see it in the new one, we have to fight for it. we have to give everything to in it. questions all being asked about why cynical allowed they kept in saudi a money to play on for 10 minutes of to be knocked out on the pitch. he collided with the k bird. go keeper's school, the opening goal, but later complained of a headache and dizziness and was substituted. thankfully she had this picture on his instagram of him in hospital alongside the cape bird. keep virginia both of them in good spirits. it's still not clear though, if money will be fit to play the quarter final against the molly or equitable will guinea, who play later on wednesday. straightly are getting ready to take on vietnam in a must win world cup qualifier in asia. the sucker is currently 3rd in the qualifying group. the top 2 teams in each group qualified automatically for cut for 2022. and even though the australians are only one point behind japan in 2nd place, they all running out of matches to make sure of the place at the world cup. we're going to go from our own strengths, we know where, where they lie, we want to be on the front foot. we want to be aggressive. we want to play forward creating as many chances as we can ask as many questions at their defense can. and obviously want to school goes when the game is obviously the most important thing, focus on the performance and then it result would come elsewhere. iran can make sure of their place in cutter with a win over iraq. the iranians are the top of the qualifying group and a when will ensure they take the place that the world cup iraq have to win all the remaining games and hope the teams above them left off and south korea could clench their place of the woke up with a window of a lebanon, they would need other results to go their way, though. meanwhile, the lebanese are still in, with an outside chance of reaching the wolf, kept for the 1st time in their history. on to the australian open. now were russians, 2nd c daniel med with david secured a place in the semi final. but it wasn't easy for the us open champion, as he's canadian opponent felix. so she earlier scene took a to say it lead lead to they have rallied saving net point. and eventually clenching a 5 st when of the 4 hours and 15 minutes, russian remains on cost to become the 1st man in the open era to win back to back majors off to winning a maiden's slam. when i was not playing my best, then fedex was playing unbelievable sermon on the little girl. she was, you know, he was all over me to be honest all over the place. i didn't really know what to do . so i was like her actually. yeah. i don't know if people are gonna like it, but i told myself ha, what nala could do. oh and you know what? what came to my mind was that because she's one of the greatest champions or rough or roger to be honest, they weren't so many matches like this. and i just thought, okay, i'm gonna make him ward. maybe they've will now meet stefan also sits. he passed to raced into the semi finals earlier in the day. the greek beet, italian attic center in straight sets reached the last full in melbourne for the 3rd time. you'll be hoping it's the it's, i'm lucky if he chases. he's 1st grand slam title. in the women's draw, american, danielle collins has made it into the semi for the 2nd time, the 27 c beats leave the cool ne, in straight sets, 7561 for column. you had surgery last year of the being diagnosed with in the me to yoseph, which causes severe abdominal and back pain. feels incredible. i mean, i think especially after some of the health challenges that i've, i've had and to be able to get back to this level and be able to compete like the way i have been and being able to be as physical as i have been. and since so rewarding up. next collins is the form of french open when i iga fee on take the polish 7 feed food from a safe and a breakdown to be the, the new car. can it be the match the more than 3 hours. but take a 2nd grand slams. any final defends you open as a teenager in 2020 just 9 days before the paging winter. olympics and cove at 19 is throw in new ways team into chaos. and that's a delay. their departure by 4 days off the 2 members of the school and tested positive including cross country ski, heidi wing a bronze medalist from 2014. so clear if she'll now miss the games would pages room state that athletes must record their health status for at least 14 days before traveling to aging and provide to negative tests within 96 hours of arriving. in china, england's rugby team has been dealt a big blow ahead of the 6 nations they, captain i, when pharaoh will miss the entire tournament, the injured his ankle in training with his club last week. and since had surgery, the 6 nations starts on february 5th with england taking on scotland in their 1st game. and finally, david ortiz has been elected to the baseball hall of fame. the 10 time old star played for 20 seasons closely with the boston red sox. you want free will series with the team big puppy as he is known. it $541.00 home runs and he's just the 4th player born in the dominican republic to be inducted. and so that's where we will leave it for now. i'll be hearing headlights with mouthful these rob peter's eyes very much indeed. and i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with more in all these stories. jamica i ah, ah. and for alex, i'm a careful minutes and practice. ah. but to repeat that dream of becoming afghanistan's 1st ever went to an impedance, they will have to overcome many mountains, carving a path of hope and inspiration, where the light shines. witness on al jazeera, for quite a few decades casa, has been dealing with political and economic turmoil. and its people struggled to access essential needs, like adequate quantities of potable water, a sufficient number of bats for pregnant mothers, and limited access to up to date information for students. and in the has the, the ground water is not sufficient to meet the daily needs of all of its residents . this led to the device meant the new washer treatment facility in han, eunice slowing down further pollution. the extension of, as if, as medical facilities was accomplished to provide expectant mothers with a safe and reliable opportunity to get the care they needed. the kuwait library at the university college of science and technology is not only a repository of knowledge but an access point to the world beyond. there are some of the media stories a critical look at the global news media spread on al jazeera government shut off access to social media. russia warns of appropriate measures if the west doesn't respond to its request for security guarantees. ah, bothersome, this is audra 0 live from doe hob, also coming up, partying while the public suffolk, every moment he stays, he's dragging over the agony for families who reminded of the sacrifice is the mean . standing his ground, the u. k. prime minister tells i'm peace is good.

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Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240708

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no intention of stepping down despite revelations of possible locked i'm violations piling up. society coalition launch is a series of airstrikes on yemen, malta, who the rebels fired missiles into the united, out of balance and drop bitcoin. the i m f, says el salvador is risking it's financial stability by adopting the crypto currency as legal tender. and i'm p december to the sport a big game coming up in the african cup of nations as egypt faced the ivory coast in the last 16. and topsy daniel made the day and fights background. he sits down to reach the semi final. so he'll stray the an open. ah, russia says it's ready to take appropriate measures if it doesn't get a constructive answer from the west on that security demands. foreign minister love ro also said moscow doesn't want the e u or the organization for security and cooperation in europe involved and talks to ease tensions over ukraine. western powers are showing up defenses against a possible russian invasion. when that usually goes through, even though it's a constructive response, does not arrive and the west continues. it's aggressive course. moscow will, as president putin has said on more than one occasion, take the necessary retaliatory measures. so you just, there was to visit the security of russia and it citizens as an unconditional priority, and it will be reliably ensured in all circumstances the u. s. is working with gas exports as to limit to europe's dependence on russian gas caught us. the mirror is going to visit the white house on monday. the crisis has prompted one of the biggest mobilizations of western forces in europe. a 3rd shipment of american weapons and ammunition arrived in jeff on tuesday. and russia is holding a week of military drills near the border with ukraine and in annex crimea. but it says it has no plans to attack or dosage about his life for us in moscow. so russia is talking about these appropriate measures, any idea what those measures might be? well, certainly not clear from the foreign minister. they haven't specified in their keeping of course, their cards very close to their chest. as you can imagine that they just said that they're prepared for any scenario. the russian foreign minister was briefing the members of parliament and the do my here on wednesday where he gave them an update of where things stand. he also spoke to journalists following that meeting, where he stressed that the russians are awaiting a response from the americans, and that there is no reason to believe the americans will delay this response. and then they will decide how to proceed. that's the official line from here. the other line that we've heard from the government here is the kremlin who's respond the to the restate words from washington about sanctions that would come on president vladimir putin and the spokesperson for the kremlin to be true. pest golf said that they would be, quote, politically destructive was the word he used. and we've also heard from a number of m. p. 's in parliament today who for the 1st time said that it would be a good idea to arm the a to send weapons to a self proclaimed on bass republic, the separatist movement there. that is something we haven't heard from been here before. and it's certainly that if that were to be the case, there was change things very quickly and drastically in the equation that we have at the moments for their part, the russians have said that they will continue to carry out military drills and that they will wait for this response to the americans, until then, nothing as i expected to change, but the diplomatic efforts continue. we know that the russian foreign minister said that his british counterpart will visit moscow in the next 2 weeks, as well as the russian president vladimir putin will hold a phone called with a mouse in my cron. i'll france the french president on friday to discuss the current situation and try and find a way to de escalate tensions door. so thank you very much. dosage about a lot for us in moscow or the ukrainian fodder. missouri admits that the number of russian troops amassed at the border is a direct threat, but for now it's insufficient. he says, for a full scale attack. moreover, they of, they still lack some important military indicators. and. busy systems to conduct such a large, full scale offensive. it doesn't mean that they want to be able to build up. ah, this sir. this force up to the sufficient level within certain period of time. when many an eastern new crane have been living with conflict for years when estimated 14000 people have died and fighting between the russian backed separatists and ukrainian forces. and as the international stand of continues, prospects for peace in the region are looking even more fragile. what are the hamid reports from the if in the winter see the landscape but the frontline of this conflict seems frozen in time. the ukrainian army is entrenched just a few kilometers north of done, yet the stronghold of rushing back separatist. the enemy is not far away. and so indeed, all one phone with me. so as they can, their heroes to okay. the army has moved into what is left of the industrial area on the outskirts of, at the fca. the conflict also seems to be frozen in time, neither side making gains since the war broke out in 2014. few soldiers believed that the large scale russian invasion is imminent. even if they remain on alert. i shall play a jago sir, sir, door to them. i think this is all a move to the stabilize the situation inside. the country was been going on for 8 years now, but we trained, we have modern weapons and the hell from nato was arriving. but we feel the support and we are ready to fight and just don't q gunshots from the other side. in clear violation of disease by agreement, which international monitors say is regularly breached by both sides. but even of the conflict has been at as they made for several years now, life has never really fully recovered in the towns and villages along the contact line. people here feeling that their lives have also been put on hold. somehow the population of ad v fca is a 3rd smaller than before. the war started alena yohina, and yet in the us they love sky among the very few who never left their hometown. beneath the giggles in the tool of the conflict is apparent. their story is a reflection of the frontline in some way i am all in as ukrainian for them as i'm a close relative support to separatist im gonna stick after another sonya and they turned their back on us here. they have their own vision about what's happening and they say we are nazis. what are some even call to me an enemy and the full meaning of the wood and yelling i moved here from siberia. when the soviet union still existed, said no, my pleasure. my relatives are all over russia, and when the war started, they told me i had to return soon, but i had my house and family here. many of them mine the military. so for them, i betrayed my allegiance to russia. people here have learned to live, to the rhythm of the front line, but the devastating effect of this long sluggish war will impact their lives. many se, for several generations to come with at the law. me the edges era at v fca in eastern ukraine. the of the nations are concerned about how tensions with russia over ukraine could affect their supplies of gas. europe gets more than 40 percent of its natural gas from russia. about a 3rd of that passes through ukraine. moscow's already reduced the amount flowing into europe, causing shortages and pushing prices to record levels, rushes threatening to cut supplies further. if sanctions are imposed and they're not just on gas, but also on oil and metals. some countries depend on russia more than others. germany gets more than half of its gas supplies from russia, and that dependency would increase if the german government gives its final approval for the nord stream to pipeline. or cornelia myers, an oil and gas specialist. and she c e o, not my resources. she says, germany's new government is skeptical of moscow. what we seen so far is because of the cheer political sanction is also because reza wise, not just only in our storage, not just only in europe, but also in russia, were sort of made depleted after the harsh winter of last year. there was less gas flowing and burn so, but if there, if the russians really make good on their threat of sending even less gas, dad will send prices soaring. you know, europe gets gas a through l and g gets it wrong. them from the mediterranean. it also gets it from norway bar done. russia is very important. and if there is indeed there is more tension and that means prices are going to go up. north steam go is very important to germany. it's important to some other northern european countries as well. but it, it is and, and put in is certainly a honing in on that. but, you know, with the previous government to it was, it was, it was some, a no tough thing now that we have to greens and the german government who are much more skeptical is especially d. m. foreign minister under lina blair burbock are much more skeptical of russia. it's not quite as sacrosanct in the truman government any more, as it used to be. printed more out of the muse are including keeping it real why humans, fishermen say, is too dangerous and expensive to tackling. see. more on the plate of syrian refugees trapped in heavy snow. as eve, laurie's struggle to reach them and in sport, questions harassed. both boys all strike her so your moon was a low to play despite being can cause to the africa cup of nations. ah, promo, subarus johnson has continued to resist calls to resign if say sam p's in parliament, johnson refused to comment on an internal investigation and to whether his government held gatherings in breach of corporate 19 rules. a findings are expected to be published soon. these are also carrying out a separate investigation opposition leader care star, mom called on johnson to stand down suggesting he broke the ministerial code to speaking of like on the 1st of december. the promised to told this house in relation to parties doing locked down all guidance was followed completely in number 10 from that dispatch box. on the 8th of december, looks quizzical. he said it. on the 8th of december, the prime minister told this house, i have been repeatedly assured since these allegations of merge, the walls no party. so since he acknowledges the minister of quote applies to him, will he now resign? oh, cynthia, cynthia, survive until you bid restrictions. let me just remind the highest and indeed remind the country that he has been relentlessly opportunistic. ah, yes. he has. he has little from one side to the other and he would have kept us, he would get not knocked down in the summer. well, that's big now you're under simmons, he's joining us live from london. am under it was a boisterous and lively a prime minister question time. hard to imagine in the sense that this is a prime minister whose future is really under some scrutiny. and indeed, i got a lot of doubt. it certainly is sir raucous. i'd say the scenes are in the house of commons at with every turn, every possible issue that was put forward has tackled by kissed armor and the questions put. brandon? esther, will ye resign now? quite straightforwardly, boys, johnson has no intention of resigning but more interesting perhaps than the exchanges between these 2 figures is the mood amongst the conservative back benches as they're known because it would take $54.00 of them to write in suva. 1922 committee for m p. 's to actually bring about a leadership election that poised because really this is a holding pattern right now. out with the suit gray report definitely going to be passed on to downing street here. possibly later on today, but more likely at to morrow. and we will then see a situation whereby the prime minister will go to the commons make a statement. and then question is, if there is a big smoking gun there, is it going to be directed to the prime minister himself, even if it isn't that there's a likelihood, there will still be a lot of dissent amongst conservative m p 's, they could do that. they could trigger a leadership election, but right now, unless there is damning evidence under the less and somehow there is a winning over by kiersten on this issue of ministerial conduct. a boss johnson won't go without a fight. he will not stand out under. there's been allegations of these, these parties, these beaches of covered and regulations for several weeks now in the, in the british press, is there any indication why the police have got involved at this stage? well, this was a point that was put to the metropolitan police commissioner crescent, a dick and she was really more or less accused by london assembly members of, of really doing a usa by suddenly and out. since this inquiries please inquiry, or which will go ally to the so grey inquiry. now the point is this crust. dick made it quite clear that sir, normally they would not retrospectively and look into allegations of, of, of cove. it guidelines being breached. but she said that sir, these were serious and flagrant breaches being alleged, and therefore they had to be investigated. and they, they know also that sir, there was little ambiguity as she said about the absence of defense. so this just is that, that the officials, possibly the prime minister himself did knew that they were breaching the regulations, but went to head regard as the, with these parties under, we're talking about a number of them, of course, not only here in downing street, but white all as well and that they think this, this, this whole issue of hypocrisy of, of the, of the way the moral compass goes as well as breaking the law or is huge with the british public. but it is that person that, that chief police woman of the u. k. in the u. k. she has put the finger at this place down the street and the power of corridors of power. the question is, do they have evidence or on boards, johnson photographic evidence? possibly e mails that they have access to, to everything. the police are not. what is su? gray saying in her report is she pointing the finger at the prime minister and her summons in london? and her thank you when jonathan list is a political commentator and he says it's unclear whether johnson will survive this scandal. it's really hard to say. and the big question, kind of y'all to change is every day you like, i'm because the story moving, say past 2 weeks ago, he was completely gone. the last week is position seem to be a little bit stronger, really on the polls now very clear that people have lost trust and faith and voice johnson. and they don't like it. and they made their minds about him a most the public is made up its mind about appointments that they normally don't change it back again and say the break get the concept is that the longer they drive on the more the whole concert, the part, the brand will be dried on and that will make you like. and so i think it's in the interest of confessed that nothing else to envy and, and to leadership as well. the longer the gone, the better to the naval policy. you're enjoying the titles. it will be a leadership election and obviously, obviously they carry the rest the course. it does. is it periods of prolonged caled than the needy to have time to bed in really the time to do that is 2 years before an election rather than 6 months before an election. for example, when boys johnson has tainted the prime star, that really is they need to get rid of the time d, that is now not in their interest in the national interest. because boys johnson doesn't have the model. dorothy police said coalition fighting in yemen who launched air strikes, and the capitals enough to talk us included who the military as well as a national tv and radio tower that's up to who's the rebels who control the capital . far more myself towards abu dhabi in the united alabama. it's on monday, the u. e says it intercepted and destroyed them. well, how it all locked up has more from santa the ad as how did it quotient? airstrikes have namely targeted a number of areas in santa, especially the, or the radio and tv tower, which is situated in the north of the downtown of santa. this tower was head according to the ho caesar. soldiers, we have also went there, but the visit you saw a military site, we couldn't go there inside this area it's. it's used to be for the t, v and radio broadcast tower that it was that was of bir, covering the local areas. but so far after the satellites have been launch has been launched. the, the, the have transfer this kind of broadcast to the satellite, cham channels. but now we are also the, it's our unit quality. 0 strikes have continued or over the night of tuesday and continued until the early hours of wednesday. but fishing used to be a booming industry in yemen, particularly for selling abroad. but years of conflict of damage the industry. many fishermen say it's too dangerous and too expensive to continue going to seen catcher lockers. although young reports from above, the view appears to show a city unaffected by him to war and aiden's coastline tells a different story. one a fisherman struggling to make ends meet mohammed young is one of them. he remembers when thousands of fishing boats ventured on to the red sea coming back with tuna 30 last year. now there are fewer fishermen and fewer prospects. i divide my de la la la are at the price of thoughts and fisher materials have gone up to fighting and insecurities with affecting us economically. american life in general is more difficult, but the mother with a look before the war started seafood was among humans top expos bought with years of fighting it's ports and processing sites have been destroyed. fishermen had been killed and thousands more displaced. well olaja yeah, yeah man, i am. has that out. i am ready. i'll days. unpredictability. it all depends on supply and demand. sometimes we buy a good catch from the local fishermen and we make a profit. other days we lose money another most of humans, 30000000 people need something of humanitarian aid. buying fish has become a luxury. many can't afford. prices have doubled in some areas. so more fishermen are sensing their catch abroad for higher profits. about 500000 people worked in the fishing industry before the war. now it employs less than half with limited fuel. many can't afford higher petrol prices for their boats, and others can't get out of debt. about an mathematician. let's say i didn't, i'm got low math reports of fishermen who are killed a t aren't made public by of me, but we know some of them got shot because they got into restricted waters and got zones where fishing is off limits because of the conflict. the fly i did. but fisherman see the industry though damaged, is still a vital part of the community and their livelihoods. they hope in time, things will improve for them and their country. cassie lucas leanne al jazeera curry forces in northern syria, say the regain control of a prison. following a week, long as sold by i sold fighters around 200 inmates and 27 kurdish fighters were killed in nozzles, attempt to free commerce. the battle forced 45000 people from their homes and the city of ha saca the children. jackie said, some of the 700 boys detained in the prison were used as human shields. meanwhile, syrian refugees in the north west of traps in there, snow bound tents that are appealing for urgent help before the freeze to death. a lauri's are struggling to reach nearly a quarter of a 1000000 internally displaced people because of the weather. i said big reports a city of tents. this is life for around 250000 syrians force from their homes by the civil war. and now after 10 years of continued conflict, snow and rain is their latest enemy result. so a lot of the very cold weather, the massive volume snow and the bad condition of the camp have led to the tents, damages every way. we also allah and we urge those who are willing to help do the best for us. we don't have firewood and there is no heating. we burn some shoes and clothes just to offer some heat to the children. and a lot of traveling to the area was already difficult. the snow has made it impossible. agencies are struggling to get access. 10 have collapsed under the weight of the snow. the few that do have shovels do what they can. the rest i left to move snow with their hands in freezing temperature. on the whole camp does not have bread, we call upon the humanitarian organisation and all the authorities concerned to urgently help the camp and its residence. the un says more needs to be done, but for the people here, they need help. now multiply that with them, the whole camp is in real danger and we don't know what to do. we have spent the last 70 years intents and displays caps. they can't find us a flat. the camp, inadequate. at the best of times, the snow is only adding to the misery he's people face. i said big. i was just there. dozens of people having killed out a tropical storm and has swept through madagascar they brought heavy rain. the caused flooding homes have been swept away, forcing thousands of people to seek shelter or a burden manner reports. this is maddie guess because capitol and nano river. much of it submerged under water after days of unrelenting rainfall. to storm sent water rushing through these streets. resident pier michelle shows the damage left in the wake. law that buck aren't you. the power is cut in this area. we have to deal with that and the floods we're never at peace. every one is affected, not only my home, but all the houses in this neighborhood. neighbor vivian does her best to clear the water. her family, a thing for now, be enough fans. and yet the water came in and we didn't know how to get it out of the house. so we put the kids on the bunk bed. my husband and i then sorted through our south to see the damage. local officials are asking people to leave their homes and join thousands of others at establish shelters, position of hulu and any which i won't leave said of the 1st shelters to receive the victims and the municipality. we'll take care of them. we call on all disaster victims for leave their horns and go to the shelters. this school gymnasium is providing short to refuge. most of those who escaped, say their homes were swept away or destroyed in a implant in that part of our house has collapsed. we ask for help, we can't live at home because it's flooded. if we leave here, we have no way to go out. intend on bit thought i lay howard house was flooded twice the 1st time we stayed there. but this time we had to live because the mattresses i'd away. and now there may be, let's say it's not unusual to see heavy rain during the wet season. but this was exceptional. with more than a 100 millimeters of rainfall in just one day. 20 districts are now on high alert, and people living in impoverished areas with poor drainage a more vulnerable to flooding. let a rescue teams have now taken boats to navigate the high waters. others were organizing fresh water supplies, hygiene packs, and food. as many a now barbara bottle water borne diseases from the sky. it's clear how much work needs to be done. as thousands of homes remain submerged and the full car shows more rainfall now on the horizon. lore about a manly al jazeera. so had on all, does it a hong kong titans restrictions and 3 apartment blocks as its struggles to maintain a 0 coven policy. but as sinister area, as it celebrates national day, there's a growing cold for the public holiday to get a name change or based crowd on a baseballs grace is injected into the whole claim, details on the way in sport. ah hello, thank you for joining an we've got disturbed weather for the levant. here's the details. nice to see you. it's also going to bring in some cooler and fresh air here. so we've got warm and cooler, fighting it out, and we'll eventually see evidence of this around the golf, that wind blowing down from iraq and northerly wind. so that's going to press down the temperature mom and 19 degrees re i just 16 by the way, the darker the orange, the higher the temperature and these winds will be howling at time. so for doha, gusts of 55 kilometers per hour, that's going to swirl around that sand and does settle conditions for pakistan and hears more of those high temperatures through afghanistan, herat at 17 degrees, and sure, as coming in at 18, the snow has mostly stopped. so cross turkey, low temperature still though it stumble, a high of 5 degrees. we have seen some flash flooding in uganda, so these are the scenes after it days of some pretty intense rain and flash flooding also caused by a tropical storm ana, this was the scene in malawi as so here's where on it is right now is zip in across zambia, pushing into angola, northern parts of butt suassa meantime still high heat for the northern cape, upping to in a high of 39 degrees on thursday. thanks for joining and see soon ah . in a series of original documentary odyssey or correspondence, explore the stories which have marked their lives and careers. gabrielle is on the cover. the tragic story of 2 reinforced activities, brutally killed fighting. the devastation brought about by loggers and ranchers. returning to the amazon, gabriel learned how to campaign for sustainable development brought them on a collision course with those who sought to profit from the forest destruction. algeria correspondence the story of zimbabwe, in her words, here she is always told from the perspective off the great man, whether it's david livingston, all robot mcgarvey. my responsibility is to tell them all when story in a way that it hasn't really been told before. the ordinary everyday life was involved with is that people are writing about patina, kappa, out of darkness. my zimbabwe on al jazeera, ah ah, ga 0 might over top stories. this are russia's foreign minister, says appropriate measures will be taken if the u. s. fails to respond to security demands. masika ones guarantees that ukraine will not join nato and that the military alliance will not expand further into former soviet republics. ukrainian foreign minister admits the number of russian troops massed at the border is that direct threats. but he says it's an insufficient for a full scale attack. russia's military's been holding military drills to ensure the army is combat ready. you k prime ministers continue to resist called by m p. 's to resign. far as johnson refused to comment on an investigation into whether this government held parties during locked on, the findings are expected to be published very soon. the crisis between russia and ukraine has prompted one of the biggest mobilizations of western forces in europe in generations. but it's a delicate balancing act. the baka reports from london practiced drills over the baltic sea by british, french and danish pilots. western powers holding their response to russia's military, build up new ukraine with a display of combat readiness. the danes of also sent fighter jets and a frigate to join nato efforts, and the baltic. do too much. and the alliance risks being drawn into a conflict and a country, they have no treaty obligation to protect due to little and a potential russian invasion risk destabilizing, not just ukraine, but the entire region. if the worst happens in the destructive far carper of the russian army were to engulf ukraine's towns and cities, i shudder to contemplate the tragedy that would ins ha, and the bloodshed, comparable to the 1st rule in chechnya, or bosnia for thousands nato troops are on standby in the baltic states, as sonya levia and lithuania, once part of the soviet union, there now ardent nato members and thousands more reinforcements are ready to deploy their in ukraine itself, small contingents of american and british troops have been training local forces, a flow of military aides been arriving to this shipment of british anti tank weapons and these are boxes of american ammunition to help you crane defend itself . since 2014 the u. s. alone of spend 2 and a half $1000000000.00 arming the ukrainian military with defense systems and electric warfare units, all at no cost. and the e u says it's mobilizing or resources to fend off cyber attacks or the commission proposes and you emergency macro financial assistance package, agreeing also this week on a 1700000000 dollar financial aid package to help ukraine and importantly, ukrainians, whether any drawn out conflict, all this of course is what we know about covert and overt operations are happening simultaneously with the u. k. last week, claiming the russians was planning to install this man as a puppet president, following a successful takeover of the country. russia dismissed the claims, true or false, nato wants russia to know its joint intelligence efforts. the trained on moscow weston agencies that are analyzing this now, for instance, right now, the russian forces are really ready t conduct any kind of attack against ukraine, but they know that in 2 weeks they will be sorry about it as informed deterrence or comparisons. it's but signaling intent, but it may be the threat of never seen before. sanctions against russia by the e. u. u. s. and others to prove the most effective deterrent in the west arsenal. russia's 2014 annexation of ukraine's crimean peninsula court allied western forces off guard, with european security. once again at stake, the nato alliance. once its presence firmly felt. need barker, al, jazeera london, the head of the self proclaimed, done yet people's republican, southeastern ukraine, tells al jazeera he's not ruling out a military confrontation. he says that ukrainian government leaders in kia, have sent around a $120000.00 troops, close to the contested don bass region revenue. well, the moral was all my, it is possible it will, but unfortunately this possibility on the part of ukraine is in relation to nato. you see the west, the western countries and keith are shouting out about russian aggression. you but more than 120000 ukranian troops are concentrated in dawn. but all i've got us time is hanging by a thread with 1000000 suffering from extreme hunger. that's the wanting from the un secretary general as the security council meeting to discuss the humanitarian situation. in afghanistan, it follows 3 days of talks between western diplomats and the african taliban in norway. u. n. is working on a plan to provide aid and suspend sanctions. woman's rights are also on the agenda . a stable, prosperous and peaceful of galleys than is that inclusive of danny's done when in which all people can contribute to its future. these must think of the rights of women and girls. why once again being the allied, their rights to education, employment and equal justice. this is a tragedy for those women and girls who grew up believing that any dream was even rich. and now elk leslie watching those dreams sleep away. but he's also collective waste. his talent and skills are going to the needs as it navigates to pick out his future, or diplomatic added a james base life for us at the united nations james antonio terrace. they are painting a very bleak picture of a possible future for the african people. yeah, i think the security council is trying to get the world to take notice of where the situation is right now was meeting caught by the current president of the security council, norway, it's prime minister yonah gas. dora is here in new york for the meeting, sharing the meeting. he told me that the world needed to pay more attention, perhaps, currently distracted by the news from russia and the ukraine. because there is the real fear of a looming humanitarian crisis. as you said, the un secretary general says the countries hanging by a thread, he said daily life has become a frozen hell. he says, over half of all afghans face extreme levels of hunger, they say it's more than humanitarian problem. the whole economy of afghanistan is collapsing, they need to get liquidity into the economy. and there's pressure, i think, behind the scenes on the americans to try and sits on freeze some of those funds, or the taliban, or recently, or delegation of taliban more recent. recently in oslo, where they had discussions with the international community also with civil society representatives are the you and special representative in cobbled. deborah lyons said that was good news. ah, but she said there was some very worrying news as well. let me quote her, she says on the ground as compelling evidence of an emerging environment of intimidation and a deterioration of human rights. she says that the taliban may be a thinking that they can control the population by fear rather than understanding and responding to its needs. she also said there are increased reports of killings and enforced or detention and disappearances. and she said she was particularly concerned about recent disappearances of female activists. and she urged the taliban to take action as a diplomat. get her editor james bass at the united nations. james, thanks very much. it is recorded more than 285000 corona virus. infections in the last 24 hours cases in many regions have declined and some states are easing restrictions. but in the southern set of cala new cases of breaking records probably middle as more she jazz m. f has had a busy few weeks. he's had hundreds of corbin 19 patients for free in the southern city. of course, she, since the pandemic began demand for his services has increased since cases started rising a few weeks ago. and in about 1130 now and erica. now many covered visions and their families call me when they need any help, like digging them to hospital vaccination, getting food, et cetera. there are others who want you to help me do this. what in many locals have been didn't to help me with the expenses? the southern state of carola has recorded its high a single day increase since march 2020. every 2nd person testing for the virus in its capital is positive. the government has imposed new restrictions. more school classes are being held online. cinemas and jims have closed and public events have been banned. hospital admissions have gone up across the state, and its debt dole is one of the highest in india. to my dear reginald is mourning the loss of his father, who recently died from corbett 19 despite being fully vaccinated. we had a latin, we managed during the 1st wave, but the 2nd wave was difficult for poor people like us. now during the 3rd wave, we have lost our father when, like, we don't know what to do. my mother is really upset because of covert protocols. we barely got a glimpse of him. he took his body from cremation. other states are seeing new infections steadily decline in western india. my roster has reopened scores 2 weeks earlier than planned new cases in its capital. mom, i had talked to the lowest levels in weeks. right. thing is that the metropolis has already seen the beak and we are seeing a downward steady downward trend in most of the big cities. but what is still dead is the be class cities and the villages the cases have been really reported to be less. so what i am expecting is that the might be india as a country might peak in the next one or 2 weeks. new delhi has imposed the highest number of restrictions, but is expected to ease some soon. and later this week, authorities will decide whether to extend a ban on political rallies and public meetings as voters in several states. head for the polls have new methods, al jazeera, new deli travaras cases are going up in pakistan. and that's pointed officials in the northwestern city up a shower to impose a so called smart lockdown people in neighborhoods, i selectively restricted, depending on test results. last week, the country reported its highest number of daily infections. since the pandemic began, almost $3000.00 residents in one of hong kong, biggest housing estates are being locked down for an extra 2 days. hundreds of new infections have been detected despite the governments of 0 over policy. but planet has more anger and disappointment, the thousands of residents confined to their homes on the quite an estate. one of hong kong, largest public housing complexes. a 5 day lockdown was supposed to end wednesday until more infections were detected to play safe, protecting the residents as well as preventing the spread of their sod virus. we have no choice but to extend the a restricted testing declaration for another 2 days. those in lockdown say the government orders have been confusing. she had don quixote and all that government announced arrangement ferry late. we have no idea when to go for to matters rate us . i think the government's plan is without the vision. so it is inconvenient for our to like be, we are not familiar with smartphones. people living here say that the daily cues for testing make them anxious, because the area is overcrowded and waiting times can be too long. for hygiene conditions and piles of rubbish are all so a concern, fries on detail. very bell tangle. there is garbage in the staircases every day. the government's arrangement is very bad too. as you can see from this queue, it is much easier to get clothing. and many worry that the strict locked down will be extended beyond friday and into the chinese lunar new year holiday, which begins next week. the restrictions are part of hong kong goal of stamping out all cove transmission. yeah, i think the, the reason why we are adopting a dynamic 0 policies to minimize the stress on the health care system. or even though in the crime, we know there's very model disease. and then of course, currently del relative visual cases in hospital. and i think non in our to you right now, the strict locked down here at quite till the state is an unprecedented move by the hong kong government. it's similar to the strategies seen across the border and mainland china, which also takes a no tolerance approach to the virus concerned to in china's capital. the winter olympics are due to start next week in beijing, mass testing for 2000000 reh events is underway in the southern santi district of beijing. as infections there increase china hopes, mass testing and aggressive quarantine rules will contain the virus. but is it prepares to ring in the year of the tiger, ongoing restrictions of proving that army kron is tough to tame. great clearness, al jazeera hong kong south koreans are being urged not to be alarmed by another record rise in covert infections. the health minister records of 13000 new cases compared to about 8000 and tuesday, doctors say the expect the more transmissible amok on variant will cause further increases. but they also say the health system is prepared to respond because of high vaccination rates and rapid testing. germany is reporting a record 160000 new coverage 19 infections in the past 24 hours around one and a half 1000000 germans have the virus the highest total. since the pandemic started health experts say new infections driven by the omicron variant are likely to further increase over the next few weeks. in the netherlands, restaurants, theaters, museums, and cinemas are reopening despite a wave of infections blamed. and the alma khan variant by mister mark, rotors says the moves in response to what he called great tensions over to lockdown, imposed on december 18th. the restrictions sparked weeks of protests, cases have continued to rise, but about 60000 being recorded each day. the i m f once el salvador to stop using bitcoin as legal tender. it says the use of the crypto currency poses risks to financial stability and consumers. el salvador president supported the adoption of bitcoin as currency in september. john holman reports from san salvador last september and sat with the was a 1st country in the world to approve the use of big coin the crypto currency as legal tender along with the currency that have been used for some time in the country, which is the us dollar a to you can see one of the cash points behind me could chiva, which you can change bit coins into dollars. but this tuesday, the international monetary fund has said, has recommended that the contract you stop doing that. they stop using bitcoin as one of the legal currencies in the country. the reason for that, they say that it could impact the financial system in institutions that it could also carry a risk the consumers in the country because big coin goes up. but it also goes down, this is a pretty volatile crypto currency. now that could be a problem for salvador. and that's because the country is quite in debt. and it's been looking for a loan from the, from the international monetary fund to one of the things that the international monetary fund has been worried about, given that loan has been the use of bitcoin in the country. so now it seems, there's 2 ways that president naive bu kelly can go. he can even stop using it unlikely, and possibly get that help from the international monetary fund. or he can double down on big coin, which is actually planning to do at the moment. he's planning a big coin city in which bitcoin is mind. he's also planning so called volcano bones, which are about a volcano that can be mind whose energy can be used to my bitcoin. and he's aiming to sell those, those a link to help with bitcoin as well. so a sort of decision point is approaching for this country or salvador to really go with big coin these potentially lucrative or volt. but also volatile crypto currency, or perhaps to go with the help from the international monetary fund. australia is observing its national day with celebrations and protests. it's the date when the 1st british ships sailed into the present bay sydney. in 1788, an arrival that marked the start of colonization rallies had been taking place against the oppression of the indigenous people. sir clark has more from brisbin. ah, celebrations began at 1st light with his trailing flag raised alongside indigenous dances at a traditional smoking ceremony. january 26 is the country's official national di marketing the arrival of the 1st fleet of ships from britain in sidney cove. in 1788. effectively founding australia, despite all we have endured and the challenges that are still ahead, i'm just thankful to be an astride him and to live in australia with my family. this land we call home. but while some celebrated others chose to protest, demonstrations were held in most major cities. the protest is cold, january 26 invasion day. thy side marks the start of colonization and the genocide of aboriginal australians and people from the toast, right audience. and they won't events to focus on what they say are injustices faced by the nations. first people, i represent the diag morning for aboriginal and i think that it was celebrated january mclaughlin. i'm responsible for the way we put in place for so long a straight. i wasn't fully celebrated on january 26 until it became official in 1994, but many want this day changed or scrapped entirely to make. why for commemoration, the recognizes indigenous australians and a history of disposition indigenous laid it site. it's important to address the inequality faced by the aboriginal communities. for centuries. we do have to change attitudes about how 1st nations april i traded in structuring. we have to reduce the i incarceration rights and 1st nations people. there are way too many black get seen custody in our country. a inequality in the poverty and disadvantage is still quite large, between average sure, and more noble, general strengths and citizen mccarthy says australia. i should be an event that allows the country to reunite a view that supported by an increasing number of people in australia. sir, class al jazeera brisbin, australia still had an al jazeera, we're going to look, i had to a big match of the africa accommodations between egypt and ivory coast that's coming up in the sport. ah. ah ah, ah ah, his sport here is peter rub. thank you. we are mountains away from kickoff in a big game at the africa cup of nations between 2 continental power houses, egypt and ivory coast, egypt to a run as up in the group. while the i've organs finished top of there is no country has won the african more times than egypt to have 7 titles. but if they do at this time, it will be a 1st for captain mohammed fella. the stopping for me would be completely different, would be the closest one to my heart i. we were close before 2 in this african cup, but we were given everything but we were not lucky to win it, but it's ok. now we see it in the new one, we have to fight for it. we have to give everything to in it. questions all being asked about why cynical allowed they kept in saudi a money to play on for 10 minutes of to be knocked out on the pitch. he collided with the k bird. go keeper's school, the opening goal, but later complained of a headache and dizziness and was substituted. thankfully she had this picture on his instagram of him in hospital alongside the cape bird. keep virginia both of them in good spirits. it's still not clear though, if money will be fit to play the quarter final against the molly or equitable will guinea, who play later on wednesday. straightly are getting ready to take on vietnam in a must win world cup qualifier in asia. the sucker is currently 3rd in the qualifying group. the top 2 teams in each group qualified automatically for cut for 2022. and even though the australians are only one point behind japan in 2nd place, they all running out of matches to make sure of the place at the world cup. we're going to go from our own strengths, we know where, where they lie, we want to be on the front foot. we want to be aggressive. we want to play forward creating as many chances as we can ask as many questions at their defense can. and obviously want to school goes when the game is obviously the most important thing, focus on the performance and then it result would come elsewhere. iran can make sure of their place in cutter with a win over iraq. the iranians are the top of the qualifying group and a when will ensure they take the place that the world cup iraq have to win all the remaining games and hope the teams above them left off and south korea could clench their place of the woke up with a window of a lebanon, they would need other results to go their way, though. meanwhile, the lebanese are still in, with an outside chance of reaching the wolf, kept for the 1st time in their history. on to the australian open. now were russians, 2nd c daniel med with david secured a place in the semi final. but it wasn't easy for the us open champion, as he's canadian opponent felix. so she earlier scene took a to say it lead lead to they have rallied saving net point. and eventually clenching a 5 st when of the 4 hours and 15 minutes, russian remains on cost to become the 1st man in the open era to win back to back majors off to winning a maiden's slam. when i was not playing my best, then fedex was playing unbelievable sermon on the little girl. she was, you know, he was all over me to be honest all over the place. i didn't really know what to do . so i was like her actually. yeah. i don't know if people are gonna like it, but i told myself ha, what nala could do. oh and you know what? what came to my mind was that because she's one of the greatest champions or rough or roger to be honest, they weren't so many matches like this. and i just thought, okay, i'm gonna make him ward. maybe they've will now meet stefan also sits. he passed to raced into the semi finals earlier in the day. the greek beet, italian attic center in straight sets reached the last full in melbourne for the 3rd time. you'll be hoping it's the it's, i'm lucky if he chases. he's 1st grand slam title. in the women's draw, american, danielle collins has made it into the semi for the 2nd time, the 27 c beats leave the cool ne, in straight sets, 7561 for column. you had surgery last year of the being diagnosed with in the me to yoseph, which causes severe abdominal and back pain. feels incredible. i mean, i think especially after some of the health challenges that i've, i've had and to be able to get back to this level and be able to compete like the way i have been and being able to be as physical as i have been. and since so rewarding up. next collins is the form of french open when i iga fee on take the polish 7 feed food from a safe and a breakdown to be the, the new car. can it be the match the more than 3 hours. but take a 2nd grand slams. any final defends you open as a teenager in 2020 just 9 days before the paging winter. olympics and cove at 19 is throw in new ways team into chaos. and that's a delay. their departure by 4 days off the 2 members of the school and tested positive including cross country ski, heidi wing a bronze medalist from 2014. so clear if she'll now miss the games would pages room state that athletes must record their health status for at least 14 days before traveling to aging and provide to negative tests within 96 hours of arriving. in china, england's rugby team has been dealt a big blow ahead of the 6 nations they, captain i, when pharaoh will miss the entire tournament, the injured his ankle in training with his club last week. and since had surgery, the 6 nations starts on february 5th with england taking on scotland in their 1st game. and finally, david ortiz has been elected to the baseball hall of fame. the 10 time old star played for 20 seasons closely with the boston red sox. you want free will series with the team big puppy as he is known. it $541.00 home runs and he's just the 4th player born in the dominican republic to be inducted. and so that's where we will leave it for now. i'll be hearing headlights with mouthful these rob peter's eyes very much indeed. and i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with more in all these stories. jamica i ah, ah. and for alex, i'm a careful minutes and practice. ah. but to repeat that dream of becoming afghanistan's 1st ever went to an impedance, they will have to overcome many mountains, carving a path of hope and inspiration, where the light shines. witness on al jazeera, for quite a few decades casa, has been dealing with political and economic turmoil. and its people struggled to access essential needs, like adequate quantities of potable water, a sufficient number of bats for pregnant mothers, and limited access to up to date information for students. and in the has the, the ground water is not sufficient to meet the daily needs of all of its residents . this led to the device meant the new washer treatment facility in han, eunice slowing down further pollution. the extension of, as if, as medical facilities was accomplished to provide expectant mothers with a safe and reliable opportunity to get the care they needed. the kuwait library at the university college of science and technology is not only a repository of knowledge but an access point to the world beyond. there are some of the media stories a critical look at the global news media spread on al jazeera government shut off access to social media. russia warns of appropriate measures if the west doesn't respond to its request for security guarantees. ah, bothersome, this is audra 0 live from doe hob, also coming up, partying while the public suffolk, every moment he stays, he's dragging over the agony for families who reminded of the sacrifice is the mean . standing his ground, the u. k. prime minister tells i'm peace is good.

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Manya , Rakai , Uganda , Madagascar , Malta , Australia , Afghanistan , United States , Hong Kong , United Kingdom , New Delhi , Delhi , India , Beijing , China , Yemen , Angola , Herat , Syria , Russia , Ukraine , Malawi , Egypt , Netherlands , Zimbabwe , Kuwait , Italy , South Korea , University College , New South Wales , Greece , Norway , New York , Moscow , Moskva , Japan , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Missouri , Algeria , Iran , Washington , Lebanon , El Salvador , Boston , Massachusetts , San Salvador , Virginia , Melbourne , Victoria , Canada , Kremlin , London , City Of , Pakistan , Germany , Iraq , Denmark , Sydney , Gasa , Panjshir , Dominican Republic , Oslo , Suva , Central , Fiji , Lithuania , France , Turkey , Italian , Americans , Australian , Ukrainians , South Koreans , Salvador , Greek , Germans , Scotland , Australians , Iranians , French , British , Lebanese , Han , Russians , American , Canadian , Chinese , Russian , Syrians , Afghans , Britain , Ukrainian , Soviet , German , Danish , Syrian , Elk Leslie , Cassie Lucas Leanne Aljazeera , Al Jazeera Hong Kong , Baltic States , John Holman , David Livingston , Danielle Collins , Abu Dhabi , Lina Blair , David Ortiz , Cornelia Myers , Vladimir Putin , Al Jazeera , Sidney Cove , James Antonio ,

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