Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera Correspondent A Moral Debt

Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera Correspondent A Moral Debt The Legacy Of Slavery In The U.S.A. 20240708

not only in terms of economic consequences, in political consequences, by enormous consequences worldwide, this would be the largest, if you were to move in with all those forced to be the largest invasion since world war 2. it would change the world weapons that are already being shipped to keep part of a $200000000.00 us aid package. and more marines are being sent to protect the embassy in the city. if ross decides to come into play, it will be a disaster for russia. it $1500.00 us troops that are on hiking stand by ready to move at short. notice if you need to, allies need back up the won't be going to ukraine. joe biden held a video conference with european allies to europe support for diplomatic and economic responses. his actions, getting a surprise would have confidence from republicans on capitol hill. they're prepared to take steps for an encouragement. afterwards, i've not been near the news this morning, so i'm not sure what additionally may have occurred, but it appears to me ministration, moving in the right direction. but there are colds for stronger action against russia. no. seeing this acts as a warning to others. so sanction him now build up nato in not do not give into this bully. if we get ukraine right. it can reset the world. if we get it wrong, god help taiwan white house says it will continue to give classified briefings on the hill as the situation develops. biden determined to put on the united front in the 1st real big foreign policy test of his presidency. our fisher, i'll do 0, washington. the u. s. coast guard is searching for survivors after report sort of boat capsized. a man was found clinging to a boat about 70 kilometers from fort pierce inlet in florida. its rescue as at 39, others were on the boat when it left the bahamas on saturday night. the coast guard says they are treating it as a suspected case. if human smuggling has been international condemnation of the military coup in between paso, the united nations, in the u. s. according for the immediate release of deposed president rock mark border, ah, yes. hundreds of people celebrated in the streets of the capital on tuesday to show support for the military. soldiers say they took part because of the government's failure to contain attacks from armed groups. while many australians are celebrating their national day with friends and family crowds, a gathering to protest against what they call invasion day january. the 26th marks the landing of the 1st fleet from britain in what's now sydney in 1788, and the establishment of a penal colony, a growing number of australian se colonization led to oppression abuse and genocide of the indigenous people, and should not be celebrated some one, the date changed. a police in london have opened an investigation in 2 parties, held that government offices that allegedly violated covert 19 lockdown rules. u. k prime minister bras johnson is undergoing pressure to step down his most recently been accused of attending a birthday party organized by his wife during the 1st looked on in june 2020 the international monetary fund at once el salvador to stop using bitcoin as legal, tender i am f directed say use of the crypto currency poses risks to financial stability, integrity and consumer protection of el salvador president at night. kelly supported the adoption of the coin as legal tender in september to date headlines next up. it is correspondence, my friend ah ah ah, i'm james gannon, a news editor for al jazeera. i grew up in this house in virginia, in the southern united states. my childhood here was a happy one. my family weren't rich, but we were comfortable. oh, i was particularly close to my grandmother, mary hamilton lee. it was she that told me about my lee family history. my most famous ancestor general robert lee, led the confederate army against the union during the american civil war in the mid 19th century. i was proud that this man considered one of virginia's greatest heroes, was a relative. i wasn't told that he fought to defend slavery. ah, on the 12th of august 2017, these pictures of racial hatred in charlottesville in virginia were particularly shocking. the cause at white supremacists were rallying around, was the preservation of a statue of my ancestor. property li. i felt outraged that my family name was associated with the k k. k, and neo nazis. what happened in charlottesville made me consider for the 1st time, the true legacy of my slave owning ancestors. i want to know why people in my home state of virginia are so divided on the subject of confederate monuments and what they represent. and i want to find out how much the oppression of enslaved people by my ancestors, has had an impact on black lives in america. today. what i'm told will at times make me deeply uncomfortable. but these conversations for me are long overdue leg bow ah saw ah, richmond, virginia is the former capital of the confederacy. the 11 southern states that fought the union in the american civil war. ah, the statue of my ancestor, robert e. lee is one to 5 confederate statues on monument avenue, the grandest street in richmond. it stands 18 meters tall and dominates the cities landscape. for over a 100 years richmond has honored lee as one of its greatest heroes. until recently . in 2015, 9 black churchgoers and south carolina were shot by a white supremacist. the killer was photographed with a confederate flag, a symbol for races of white supremacy. soon after the city council in new orleans voted for their confederate statutes to be removed. the state of louisiana was once a major center for the slave trade in richmond, many of the public consultations took place in virginia, which once had the largest and slave population and america in richmond, the debate over the monument avenue statues was heated. now is the time for us to tear down participation trophies for the losing side of a war. you loss. all right, all ready with let's remember, kid, after the war lea get all he could to help reconcile and rebuild relationships to a north and south. how can anyone say this great leader is a symbol of hey, an evil in whites the periphery. what additional statute would you like to see? well, no, my good afternoon, better at memorial. this is not to say anyone who is all there for any of them. move in, right? oh no. i want to know why opinions and richmond are so deeply divided by us. how are you? glad to say you, martha rollins is also a cousin of robert. he leaves you now yet. you look likely. do i? yeah, i don't want a horse, and martha helps run the richmond chapter of an organization named coming to the table after it was set up to help realized one of the dreams of doctor martin luther king junior. that the children of former slaves and slave owners would one day sit down together at the same table. it, i think just the action of bringing 2 people together. they don't go to the same church. they don't shop in the same place and don't live in the same neighborhood and don't look alike. i say that we'll leave and go out and public. we are the, the marching pair here. we've been on every civil rights and woman's march. there is even just seeing us to gather models, what is possible that in itself i love some people say that's really small, but i think is huge mish coming is hable, which is to heal the wounds of the what the legacy of incitement really is out onward measuring our purpose 1st reg is uncovering and teaching truth in history. yeah. any one will give you a lot of homework. and mrs. martin avenue, in martha waste, no time in starting her 1st lesson on the true history of the american civil war. okay. next, when they coming to is on jefferson davis. so jefferson davis was the president of the confederacy. when any day we'd, what's written on his money mart it's, it's appalling. the words on the statute paid for by the daughters of the confederacy, gives a now discredited view of history that the civil war was not fought to defend slavery, but a heroic struggle to preserve the southern way of life from northern interference. what is that was that you told me that so it says not to injure any section of the country, not even for our own security benefit, but the high and solemn motive of defending and protecting the rights we inherited, which it is our duty to transmit on shore and to our children. what rights we inherited were the right to own slavery. and ours taught and still good. we were not defending slavery, we were just defending ours self on the northern aggression. well, that's a lie. next we visit the statue of our common ancestor. it's very painful to remember the legacy evans dr. martin. my great grandmother was 2nd cousin. her laugh anyway. so it's painful. yeah. it's painful to know which family is not perfect, right? for our queen? i would, i would take some day on the defense of slavery was not something to be honored. gary flowers is a local radio host and custodian of black history in richmond. and he wants to show me a statue that he fought to get erected in 2017. so this is mrs. maggie lena walker, born to and enslaved mother maggie walker was the 1st black woman to charter a bank in the united states, the st. luke penny savings, bank statues, say to the community and say to the world, this is someone who's vaulted and put on a on a literal pedestal. that is a woman to be honored and that is a woman to be memorialized. so that's what is. so, this heartening and despicable about the confederate statutes because they fought for slavery, sedition, secession, and racial segregation. and so those are not honorable virtues for which to fight, nor are they american. there is no other country on the planet that honors in statuary. the losers of a civil war and so forth. my ancestors who were burned, beaten, brutalize, raped by confederates and confederate thinkers. that is a constant symbol to me. the confederate statute that we are now honoring a dishonorable man and a dishonourable cause in a dishonorable confederacy. to statues means that there are others in richmond who are adamant, the statues should remain. the organisation, sons, of confederate veterans, has spent tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees to prevent the removal of statues in charlottesville and elsewhere. mr. moorehead, mr. gannon, andrew moorehead. hey, getting to meet you. yes sir. welcome to richmond in hollywood cemetery. i might have told you i'm a relative of robert e. lee. absolutely. and with a beard, with a reddish beard. you look more like job steward. yeah. but that's excellent. let's take a look at a few things. okay, great. these are the dead from gettysburg. we visit the confederate section of the cemetery with the graves of around 2000 soldiers who died in gettysburg. a battle lost by robert e. lee in 18. 63. it was arguably the turning point, the war on heavy casualties around $50000.00 soldiers from both sides died in that battle. there are a lot of people that i feel that those statues need to come down. when you look at these monuments just on a pure abstract view, there, beautiful works of ord beautiful works board. and then you've got the military brilliance of robbery lee, which is still studied. bob, military theorist today. the passion for this issue. we is descendants of confederate ancestors. there our family we revere the fact that we feel, in our opinion, they fought for a noble cause to over throw in overbearing federal government. would you want any body to talk badly about your family? just the notion of family, you know, brings up a lot of emotions in me. but at the same time, if there is a member of one's family, that is doing something that you don't agree with. you have a responsibility, i'm for them. sure. and we're responsible for the legacy of our ancestors as far as telling the truth. as we see it, robert lee didn't say i'm going to fight for slavery. no, what he said is i cannot turn my sword against virginia. so that tells you that the war was not about slavery. there are some things we're not gonna agree on. sure, i appreciate your time and i've given you our, your point of view. absolutely. now andrew's view that the civil war wasn't primarily fought to preserve. slavery has been debunked by the vast majority of scholars. i'm curious to find out why so many millions of virginia still believe hello mr. can. and it is can literally christy coleman is an expert on the american civil war and had the museum and richmond specially devoted to the subject. so christie, here we are 150 years after the civil war. oh, it seems like a lot of the history and perspectives are still unsettled, though. why is it still such a hot button to day? i think part of the reason is that we spent a 150 years lying to each other about what this war was about. we've been a 150 years lying and trying to reinforce the lie. and the truth is, and i had daughters of the confederacy there, historian of the organization, home and by the name of notary rutherford makes it hor, business to frame the narrative that must be in every school or textbook. and if it's not there, she tells the you must reject it from your home, and you must reject it from your school. and that's exactly what they do. so he wonder why america has such a divergent view about this. so it was crafted that way. the way i see it is that robert e lee fought for slavery and that's what the civil war was about. but, ah, along the way, you know, i've heard an alternate opinion. the reality is men, women, and children were bought and sold from their families by lee. okay, at arlington. and in the other properties that you know, he comes from a family that 4 generations has bought and sold human beings this way. but i'm convinced that the weight of his choices um the death tolls and the casualties being so high, i think, weighed on his soul. and i think that that is why he was so in his last years was so adamant to tell others don't put up statues, don't re live this. let's just let's just be you have the intensity that i see and his image is within your eyes. i really, i think that might be a family trait. it's probably just a beard. maybe i see what people think i look like is good. ah, ah, my own views that the statue should be removed because it glorifies a shameful cause. the fight to preserve slavery. over 700000 soldiers died in the american civil war. the equivalent of 7000000 today. i guess it gives me some small comfort to know that my ancestor also didn't want any monument to this dark period in our history. it's time for me to face up to the sins of my ancestors. this church in peters they'll. maryland was built by black people, my ancestors and slave. ah, my grandmother used to bring me here as a child. ah, i've come to see 2 of her friends. i've known them since i was young, lord, have mercy. laura may almighty god have mercy on us to give us our sins and bring us to everlasting life. clarice and estelle are both descendants of the people, my family enslaved. i want to know how they feel about that. it's not something my family ever discussed. oh yeah. all right. i feel uncomfortable about bringing up the subject of enslavement. i don't want to upset them fun, clarice, and i'm wondering if you could tell me about the picture on this book here. this is mom, mom, maryland anderson. and i'm clever, is friend this. and she was a nurse of this little girl. and mom's mother used to work for the lease, so your mom's mother was born in slave movie fan. yeah. right. oh tower. howard see he was a slave. my great grandfather of the li property. i feel kind of strange about that. so i'm wondering how, how you feel about that. i just live in a present time and i know that i can go anywhere i want to go and do anything i want to is. and i don't have to bow down to nobody. she bets this me in this present time, and that's where i am. what i wanted to do was go on the journey that where i figure out what i can do to make sure that you know, we don't start slipping backwards. you should just try to make sure that you treat people right. don't don't harbor thinking about what your great great grandfather did. i don't have no hard feelings with you, but i'm proud that you wanna do something. but make sure you do something. yeah, i don't know what you're gonna do if. if you win the lottery, you can give me a couple dollars. okay. i could do that. but other than that, yeah, i hope we've gone dark on them to get here and help you in, in your endeavor, if you really have it. i hope i have because i think you got a wonderful family. ah, i feel humbled that a stelling terese don't hold any grudge against my ancestors for what theirs and dirt. but i want to honor their call to action. i need to know how much closer we are to racial equality and in my great grandfather's death, baltimore, the largest city in maryland is just one hour away. it has a population of 3000000 with a high proportion to were black. in 2015, there were st. protests in baltimore, triggered by the death of a 25 year old black man. freddie grey spine was severed while in police custody. no officer was ever convicted i meet up with kwame, rose a young, political activists who hit the headlines during the protest. kwame was film berating a well known t. v host for failing to report the underlying race related issues, viewing the unrest. i want you in fox news to get out of baltimore signal, right? because you're not, you're reporting about the board, the board of what you're here for, the black. why you think things are, are better they any better? we have a white supremacist in office now who may be just as bad as robert e. lee was with donald trump promotes and praise on the races. ideologies that exist inside of american society. we black people built this country from on our hands are blood sweat, tears, and we haven't got one ounce of compensation, reparation, or even acknowledgement of the contribution we did. what is it that i should know about baltimore or people should know about baltimore, is that we are majority black population. 63 percent black. most of our elected officials of black. yet the disparity between income between white families and black families is still one of the highest in america. this is felice point. they is very white neighborhood. kwame wants to show me that even after racial segregation officially ended, baltimore is still divided into rich white and poor black areas. i ain't here, you know, drink here. i'm actually that restaurant right there. during opening day of the baseball season, i was actually called a nigger. there i come here knowing that me being here is kind of a disruption to like the everyday whiteness i love doing. and i love making people uncomfortable with my present. you see the way the police patrols certain blocks, so there's a neighborhood as a way to protect and you go up couple blocks up the street. the police are there to enforce. you. can you tell the difference? you can tell the difference because the police here, this is a space where drunken white people are allowed to have a good time be drunk and it's written off up the street. standing on a corner, the police are there. they'll come out and disperse the crowds. if com, right, and there's nothing wrong with that. the fact that the city is 63 percent black in the amount of people represented in certain communities like this aren't here. i'll take you to a part of baltimore. pretty grey grew up once across the slide, essentially, you'll be able to tell the difference from where we just came from. do you notice all the vacant businesses taken homes? there are over 30000 vacant homes in baltimore. the majority concentrated in black neighborhoods. ah, the inequality and wealthier start 3 times more black people than white with below the poverty line. and blacks are 4 times more likely to be unemployed. this is america, or just nation in the world right? now this is going more homes. this is where a pretty great lived so this is a neighborhood flooded with poverty, inadequate public housing, lack of opportunity and jobs. yeah. for a pretty, pretty much of your born in this community. you're stuck here. most kids i grew up in poverty in baltimore city. don't have the chance to leave within 5 blocks there where they were born at really 5 block. what's the situation with the police? yes. you can be someone like philander castillo, who had a weapon that was legally purchased and still killed, even though he followed all the rules. you can be a freddy grey who ran away as so many examples of black people who did nothing wrong with just were killed because like ice cream said their skin was their sin. in the united states, black people are 3 times more likely than whites to be killed by the police. how do we make sure these people in gilmer homes, have the same access to quality of life that the people who fell sparnhead? well, it seems to me like before we can fix anything. we have to acknowledge the truth of the situation. more than acknowledgement, there has to be some type of compensations as if which surely the greatest nation on earth than the people who made the greatest contributions should have access to the quality of life. for those who oppressed them and slave, this with freshmen. i've never really taken the idea of reparation seriously before, but meeting with kwame has made me reconsider. i need to learn more about the inequality. the black people continue to experience. i'm ready to face more uncomfortable truths. teaching and you can watch out to say we're english streaming light on like you to channels plus thousands of all programs. award winning documentaries and debt supports subscribe. take you choose dot com. forward slash al. jazeera english. lou. europe's grand capitals are littered with monuments loading their imperial policies, and their museums filled with artifacts, spoils of war and occupation uprooted from their places of origin. people in power explores the heated debate their own right from ownership, admits activists taking matters into their own. out of africa on a just a, you know, the story of zimbabwe. in her words, history is always told from the perspective off, the great man, whether it's david livingston, all robot mcgarvey. my responsibility is to tell, is involved in story, in a way that it hasn't really been told before. ordinary, everyday life was involved with the people. i'm writing about patina, kappa, out of darkness. my zimbabwe on al jazeera ah, on the clock in there, on the top stories here on al jazeera and the u. s. is working on plans to reduce europe's dependence on rush and gas. as tension builds over ukraine, washington and its european allies or scarring global markets for alternative sources in case moscow squeezes supplies, retaliation for possible sanctions. and russia is holding a week of military drills in the region and in our next crimea in ukraine. the 3rd shipment of american weapons and ammunition has arrived, it's aimed at showing up ukrainian defenses against the threat of russian invasion . an official has more from washington dc. it's interesting that he is trying to get a united front across the u. s. at one of the things he insists on doing is putting his 8500 troops on, heightened stand by. none of them will be going to ukraine. he says. but of course, if there were any need to allies like in poland or romania countries bordering ukraine, he'd be more than happy to send them there if there was a need. or the u. s. coast guard is searching for survivors. aft reports sort of boat capsized, a man was run clinging to a boat, about 70 kilometers from fort pierce inlet in florida. he taught rescuers that 39 others were on the boat when it left the bahamas on saturday night. the coast guard says they are treating it as a suspected case of human smuggling. there's been international condemnation of the military q in between of faso hundreds of been celebrating the capital on tuesday in support of the army. soldiers say they took part because of the government's failure to contain attacks from arms, groups, or many australians or celebrating the national day with friends and family crowds gathering to protest against what they call invasion day. january the 26th marks the landing of the 1st fleet from britain, and what's now sydney in 1788, and the establishment of a penal colony, a growing number of australian se colonization led to oppression abuse and genocide if the indigenous people and should not be celebrated some one, the date change. place in london have opened an investigation into parties held at government offices that allegedly violated coven, 19 locked on. you k prime minister prose johnson is under growing pressure. 2 step dumb. he's most recently been accused of attending a birthday party, organized by his wife during the 1st looked on june 2020 just open headlines. small news coming up right off to al jazeera correspondent. ah, we're in baltimore, maryland. black people are 3 times more likely than white to be living in poverty. i want to know what that means for the people living in. brick fontaine works for the city. he grew up in a public housing project and has been helping disadvantaged youths in baltimore for over 10 years. and donal heights or projects is primarily black. okay. out of the, you know, thousands of people who may be like 10 white people that live in the projects is no resources you ever since you haven't saw store yet. oh, somebody good. they call them, you know i so for my household, this james james, for when i mr. rick felt the soldier. somebody killed squeegee and they earned money that way, but a lot of kids are they sell bottle waters and bottle drinks were dollar me one more bottle. thank you. thank you. he. he with the legal houses, i lieberman sometimes i just pull kids off corners i mentored them. i help them. good job. rick takes me to the parking lot. were demonte howard a youth mentored was shot dead just 2 months before a lot of the drugs an activity happens right here in this parking lot. and this is where, unfortunately, a lot of the homicides and robberies take place. the c r i p diesel baby that was the amante's nickname. his mother was struggling a single mom, 3 children by herself. and he did the fastest thing to help her. and that was get involved with the drug tree here. he was just getting enough to help his mom and some guys from another neighbourhood came here to rob them and ended up killing them. really good kid though, man, he always was trying to do better. we got him in wilberforce college and the day we were supposed to present him with his certificate to go to college. he was, he was murdered right here. really sorry to hear it. this is the prison. was elbows leaving a man on this. oh boy, it's a good. do we just gotta survive? oh, what would you like for this community? all these kids take them out. the trips? spurious wolves, this ali? no, right. it's no methodical. then bomb me like idea. it's a data feature. the rows are trouble. we're yeah, lots of robin, somebody. these kids feel like they're forced to do that to survive. they're not doing it to be driving mercedes in bentley's and things like that. they're doing it because if i don't do this i won't eat tonight. people in these neighborhoods are not asking for anything but opportunity. the same equal playing field that the rest of america is. are, you know, this is my was over which lever. lemme see how you dawn. so there's a, this is james to lose a child. it hurts, you know, i always see how, you know, of the, you know, the news and everything and how, you know, they, everybody feel so sad for parents who lose their baby and especially through the streets. and then now, hey, i am i one of them. i'm so sorry for your long. thank you so much. thank you. i appreciate it was. there were 343 homicides in baltimore in 2017. more than 90 percent of these people were black color. shan wallace is a baltimore photographer who uses her craft to combat racial stereotyping. so i use photography as a form of activism like black labs matter, and this will we are and this is, will we are outside of they gaze of whiteness. this guy right here, i see blackman saying he had a chance all the time, but i see how the world continues to perpetuate that these moments moments like this don't happen. sometimes i photograph black men, and by time i have the photograph printed ready, give it to them, they locked up. you have to, so i went back to go give him a copy, but he dawson, time. we've indoors so much pain in have these mom is where we'd have anybody to tell you know, but a lot of people tell me about those moments when i take their photograph and talk about our trauma and talk about the injustices we go through. what can i do? what can wipe people do to kind of shift the way that they think? oh, i think that for white people, his thoughts were just simply caring about black people and, and envisioning ah, more equal society allies. i don't think that an allied job is to go in and dictate and tell people what to do and give directions is listen and to and take notes. mm. jan has arranged a photo shoot in the area of baltimore where she grew up. mm. she photographs, her brother does men and cousin quality in front of 2 generations. aquatic families still live on the street. does many quality have served time in prison. one and 3 black men in the u. s. has a felony conviction who i just came home to serve the 60 of prism been brought up in ascom room. i heard that i was i was forced to come outside and had the subaru and try to provide away from our grandmother. my in my mother 0. so my little brother by we, we force the tutors. we don't have an option with room is may the 4th of the vom m street. and basically, you know, with every devil. oh fit. if my kid is going without pay, if i would though, i'm not even, this is the i could bring my son up as community my family, my whole family stuck in this community. when you look back across the generations, the advantages that white people have put in position for themselves and a little black, the room, the and the disadvantages i might be was wanting to see why you shouldn't have a bed up during the me. i don't think so, but as hard even as i am and then think about his phone and then his follow. it always was a disadvantage. right. so for black person and be successful, re tell me the truth. i get mad sometimes bang about it, but i try not to bang about them. we just want a voice more from our to put the spotlight will not give us a little bit of help. and then let us determine what we will do with the help we don't head out to some over. so score we have a scale to speak out, does a surprise, but we for trade is as if the school would what we not we so scored that we only want to speak out cuz we afraid of them next. first of all. okay. guys, i can take this with me and you know, transferred that message. oh, i mean, i came here to listen and to learn, you know, and it seems like such a small thing. just to hear these stories is, is not small because quality he, he got emotional. and even my brother got emotional because now have people listen at home. you know, like, people really felt like it now matter. we don't really talk about it because it happens so much is not news is not new. quality at no he bit wetness, 8 stuff or ro long time. he got kids. he guy, family, you know, and they all live in poverty. his dad is still living in poverty these, this is not the dream for us. ah, i later discovered that the continuing existence of rich white neighborhoods and poor black neighborhoods in baltimore is not accidental, but a legacy of decades of deliberate racial discrimination. in the mid 19th thirty's, the u. s. government was encouraging people to buy their own homes by offering federal loans. however, most black people were systematically refused mortgages. in addition, government and financial institutions drew up maps, disqualifying some areas for subsidies. red line zone, usually defined as neighborhoods were black people. ah, there's deliberate denial, if equal opportunities for black people to buy real estate is a major reason for the wealth gap between blacks and whites that exist today. my efforts to educate myself in america's hidden history, lead me to to academics who have spent years researching the racial wealth gap in america and the reasons for it. hello, i am james. hi james. i'm say good to me to person. what does that inequality look like? in the aftermath of the civil war, blacks may have owned less than one percent of the american wealth. what's particularly striking and disturbing about the figure is that if we look at the comparable measure today, it's about 2 percent. so we have a wealth position for black americans to day that in a relative sense is not very different from what it was at the end of slavery. is there an unpaid debt that is still owed to, to black people in america? yes, the estimates can run as high as 17 trillion dollars. there was an opportunity to reverse the consequences of slavery. instead, the formerly enslaved folk never received the 40 acres and a mule that they were promised if that type of land reform it actually taken place . it would have completely altered the trajectory of wealth and equality by race in the united states. we got the destruction of black communities that had developed some measure of prosperity through white massacres. that took place from the period of about 1880 up through about 940 i. the midwestern community of greenwood in tulsa, oklahoma was the most absolute black community in america, with over 300 black on businesses known as black wall street. in maine, 1921. the whole 35 block neighborhood was obliterated by a white mob, triggered by a false rumor that a black man had raped a white girl, homes, businesses, schools, and churches were burned and bar. and over 100 people died. one massacre after another and just sort of rolled across the country. all of these riots were thousands of black people were killed. if you study history, you see that this has been a continuous, a continuous assault on by people. yeah. we, we think there, there is a giant that and we think it needs to be met. because i think it is a just response to american sister it. my family's in status and, and wealth as says, has been, has benefited from, from my, their, their choice to enslaved people. the total number is staggering, of white, so owned at least one black body would have been at least half when at least had up with her white population. i actually, i met recently the descent descendants of one of the people my family enslaved and found out that i had actually known this woman estella whose 90 years old. now most of my life, what is her full name? i. her name is her. i'm sorry, i'm blanking on her last name. estella. oh, it's telling you know that she's many years you're senior. and yet you referred to her by her 1st name. there it is right there. i mean, i don't mean any disrespect to check. well apparently no one else in your family has referred to her by any other lo refer, or we correct. oh yeah, no. yeah. now you're absolutely right. i think it probably made both of us uncomfortable in our free for you to, to call me out there. i may remember maybe not, maybe not so ah, i had no idea that the wealth gap between whites and blacks is still so huge to day . sandy and kirsten have convinced me that the case for reparations is overwhelming . i wonder if more white americans would agree with me if they knew how much of their wealth advantage is stolen and unearned. i'm in houston, texas to meet a group of people whose views i'd like to understand black separatist. oh, a new black panther party has been described is apparently racist organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites and police. yeah. can and been yeah, one of its former leaders is now chairman of a new organization, the people's new black panther party that claims to disavow hatred. oh, is it right here you, you should the one thing bargain i grew up in virginia. oh yeah, i've shak hands before the right. yeah. ok. i don't own any myself. right. really? yeah, you know all in a good while in virginia anymore. or little bit. the panthers are planning a patrol in the south west of the city where there have been some recent shooty. you read romance era. we don't like the police coming to town with neighborhoods patrol in our neighborhoods. and so we should give an example of how we can be self determining the police out here, killing our, you know, people on a home and we will patrol in our own neighborhoods. we wouldn't have these situations occur. so yeah, we have a message of separation. we don't want to continue to live with white america anymore. it hasn't worked out. we've tried everything we've worked. we've served we've big, you know, full equal rights and we continue to be in the same situations. all right, so this is the group for tonight. how you know, of you know, in a day is going on with our people who won't want to call to police on one another and stuff like that. when we're dealing with young boys these days in the household will single mothers and things like that. yeah, the number. yeah. yeah, yeah, i'm a number now. so that's what we don't have. i have a couple of mutually, jo, i just like is it? well, but it seems like when you come out here, people are pretty interested in what you're doing. you know, we come out in the community and people see of, it excites on your course. he'll go to college now. yeah, we got a call on here. so we are to say, i would always help. are they met, go on all we told within our legal rights. we're not doing that wrong. we're all right. you have a good day. all right, all right, we're going to do a quick safety check. it takes us through the open care state long as you don't have any felonies on your record or anything like that. it's okay for your local care is leaking. the u e. p. newton gun club is the defense arm of the party. there's a lot of different ways to, to fight racial and injustice right. why do you think, you know, armed patrols is, is the way to go. we had bustling black towns and we were very strong economically . what will happen was we lack the weapon and we're gonna have to defend ourselves . and there's, that's the bottom line of self defense. what role do you think white people have in, in working towards more equality? a lot of people are afraid to say it is the word reparations. the bad word is going to be associated with things like welfare and government handouts and stuff like that is not a government handle. i think reparations as well over do. let's go ahead and move out a few weeks ago, ma, trey is confir compensation may have surprised me, but i'm starting to notice a pattern amongst a diverse range of activists. oh, sure. it's off greatly. oh, sure. oh wow. wow. wow. wow. wow. wow. wow. as a white person, i'm way out of my comforts. oh, good of people. i don't agree with their separate is message in our patrols, but i don't feel any hatred from all through black to sprawl. oh, so just to be clear, those those views hate against wides anti some anti semitism. you don't identify with that? no, no, no, we're a different organization. we're under different leadership. oh, we're not a hate group. we don't hate anybody. our way actions show we don't have anybody. so how did you feel about the our deal was one the little separate. do you think will i totally out of our mind? will you think we can all get along? i, i've got hope that we can get along, you know, especially if white people are going to come around to the idea of reparations. and, and, you know, trying to make a more fair, an equal society. because if this doesn't change at some point, is not going to be pretty, is going good bad to a point where we've begun at some point a race was the land of breaking up, and desta porn double store in the get so mad is given hopeless. nothing is changing. hopefully you see i'm coming from a good place and i just want was best for my children and my grandchildren is coming after me. we'll look them in. i think there's a couple things that we don't agree on, but i think i'm starting to understand where you're coming from. i hope we both learn some things. always try to take things away from the conversation. flag bow ah, not far from houston is where the last american slaves were finally freed. in 1865 . it's depressing to realize that after a 150 years, some black people feel so let down that they think separation is their only option . making a difference seems almost impossible, but i am determined to do something with a denita. i hear the see you thank you for coming. denita invites me to the national gathering of coming to the table where this year steam is reparations. over the next 2 days, i attend several discussions on what white people can do to help these range from scholarship funds for african americans to tips on how to talk to other white people about racial inequality. the conference gives me a lot of good ideas to take away their someone from the coming to the table gathering that i want to meet again. joe stephen. i need to apologize for something thoughtless. i said earlier. yeah, yes. i meet up with steven at a historic house in harrisonburg virginia stephens trying to raise the funds to save it. of the hands the construct, his whole were hands that will formerly held in bondage we were talking and you said, you know, that's what it's like. i've been a black man in virginia, and i said, i could imagine i immediately felt pretty foolish for saying that. no, i don't think you could even imagine. i would like to be a black made in the state of virginia. i have to be mindful of every single thing that i say, every single place that i go, every single thing that i do on my body language. my, you know, mannerisms are my tongue. i mean, you know, it's, it's, it's, it's not lost upon me that i have never experienced what a truly means to be free. black people in the united states of america aren't anywhere near free. ah, when you consider, ah, that with one false mo. ah that with one ah, violation of the fragility of the feelings of white people. ah, our very lives can be taken away from us and ended in an instant. what else can you know a white person like me do? i want you to see on that, despite the best efforts of your ancestors despite ah, on the most cunning and conniving and destructive of plots and plans there were devised by your ancestors. my ancestors overcame what i'm saying is i'm hoping that you can recognize. then that we are equal. ah, because there was a time not that long ago, but where your people didn't see mind that way. i think it's up to people such as yourself and myself as together to charge the whatever is necessary to may, shall we don't perpetuate these lies. would you agree? absolutely. mama can not agree one i am. could you follow us? on the last night of the national gathering, denita asked me to join her at the james river in richmond to walk the same trail as her and slave ancestors. with beckdolt, lived in the saplings of bondage and at the legacy i made the leg before cor society or staging a reenactment, specially for coming to the table della i o. africans captured trade. it dragged from their mother land and the odor. after 910 weeks at sea thought fit. this concealed cargo did embarked only at night to the crack of the whip in the shadows and shame them ha! is all mine me. ha, ha ha! oh what i hear your mouth shut. no head. now let's go. oh oh, oh, for over an hour i walked the same dirt path that hundreds of thousands of slaves africans were forced to follow them. as i think about the magnitude of their suffering and sacrifice, i feel a deepened sense of shame and sorrow that their descendants have never received a formal apology or a penny and compensation from the u. s. government. so that was really intense. it was absolutely humbling on and i just kept thinking about everything that had been taken away from the people that arrived on those shores and how there's no way that that could ever be given back to them. i decide to join the fight for reparations. not just because of my ancestors, but because morally it's the right thing to do. all of us must take responsibility for repaying the vast debt. owed to black people so that future generations can finally have an equal share of the opportunities and wealth of this nation. they works news, news, news, news, news. the still arctic air over the us and canada. this very obvious is purple bit here. now does walmart studies in the west? the teens get it coming through as a series of cold spell. the latest real different temperatures will be on wednesday in auto and quebec. that cold window makes minus 3 in new york feel pretty roll, but the sun's above to compensate. now the cloud comes across, tempt his tend to rise, and then it starts to snow's has been a series of cold and less cold events. this is no exception. chicago shows it from miles 12 on wednesday. go down to minus one, but it snows by the evening and that last at least into friday when he gets cold, once again. if the article has not left and indeed has been felt all the way down south to the gulf coast, but doesn't produce much snow, been in the rockies further west pacific coast. and the wind has been a problem. but the sun is out in the wind 10th the di down may be helping the firefighters during fisting pretty settled weather throughout the caribbean and the gulf apartment or baseline there, which will bring significant rain to florida. maybe perhaps the bahamas and a few showers in your catan and the seasonal ryan is through ecuador, wherever it is. part of western brazil. quite possibly the moon b, a flash subtle to from batman to rain. ah, fully. ok. she to says he will bring a new form of capitalism. what does this mean? we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in. less than one percent of poor vaccines have gone to poor countries. why is counting the cost on al jazeera ah the u. s. cents more military a to ukraine and seeks to bolster europe's energy supply and 5th of a rush of invasion, grow. ah, hello nick loud, this is al 0 life. doha also coming up support on the streets for the military q in between of fafsa, the u. n. and usa, the countries deposed president rock boy must be released as a stray ins, monogram, national de thousands of de.

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Charlottesville , Virginia , United States , Louisiana , Australia , Taiwan , United Kingdom , James River , Brazil , Russia , Quebec , Canada , Hollywood Cemetery , Richmond , Ukraine , South Carolina , Fort Pierce , Florida , Zimbabwe , Ecuador , Chicago , Illinois , New York , Moscow , Moskva , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Texas , Washington , El Salvador , London , City Of , Oklahoma , Maine , Sydney , New South Wales , Maryland , Houston , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , Romania , Bahamas , The , Americans , Australian , America , Russian , Australians , Britain , Ukrainian , American , Robert Lee , Bea Freddy , Philander Castillo , Martin Luther King , Alan Fisher , Martha Rollins , Shan Wallace Isa Baltimore , Jefferson Davis , Maggie Walker , Joe Biden , David Livingston , Andrew Moorehead , James Gannon , Maggie Lena Walker , James ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera Correspondent A Moral Debt The Legacy Of Slavery In The U.S.A. 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera Correspondent A Moral Debt The Legacy Of Slavery In The U.S.A. 20240708

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not only in terms of economic consequences, in political consequences, by enormous consequences worldwide, this would be the largest, if you were to move in with all those forced to be the largest invasion since world war 2. it would change the world weapons that are already being shipped to keep part of a $200000000.00 us aid package. and more marines are being sent to protect the embassy in the city. if ross decides to come into play, it will be a disaster for russia. it $1500.00 us troops that are on hiking stand by ready to move at short. notice if you need to, allies need back up the won't be going to ukraine. joe biden held a video conference with european allies to europe support for diplomatic and economic responses. his actions, getting a surprise would have confidence from republicans on capitol hill. they're prepared to take steps for an encouragement. afterwards, i've not been near the news this morning, so i'm not sure what additionally may have occurred, but it appears to me ministration, moving in the right direction. but there are colds for stronger action against russia. no. seeing this acts as a warning to others. so sanction him now build up nato in not do not give into this bully. if we get ukraine right. it can reset the world. if we get it wrong, god help taiwan white house says it will continue to give classified briefings on the hill as the situation develops. biden determined to put on the united front in the 1st real big foreign policy test of his presidency. our fisher, i'll do 0, washington. the u. s. coast guard is searching for survivors after report sort of boat capsized. a man was found clinging to a boat about 70 kilometers from fort pierce inlet in florida. its rescue as at 39, others were on the boat when it left the bahamas on saturday night. the coast guard says they are treating it as a suspected case. if human smuggling has been international condemnation of the military coup in between paso, the united nations, in the u. s. according for the immediate release of deposed president rock mark border, ah, yes. hundreds of people celebrated in the streets of the capital on tuesday to show support for the military. soldiers say they took part because of the government's failure to contain attacks from armed groups. while many australians are celebrating their national day with friends and family crowds, a gathering to protest against what they call invasion day january. the 26th marks the landing of the 1st fleet from britain in what's now sydney in 1788, and the establishment of a penal colony, a growing number of australian se colonization led to oppression abuse and genocide of the indigenous people, and should not be celebrated some one, the date changed. a police in london have opened an investigation in 2 parties, held that government offices that allegedly violated covert 19 lockdown rules. u. k prime minister bras johnson is undergoing pressure to step down his most recently been accused of attending a birthday party organized by his wife during the 1st looked on in june 2020 the international monetary fund at once el salvador to stop using bitcoin as legal, tender i am f directed say use of the crypto currency poses risks to financial stability, integrity and consumer protection of el salvador president at night. kelly supported the adoption of the coin as legal tender in september to date headlines next up. it is correspondence, my friend ah ah ah, i'm james gannon, a news editor for al jazeera. i grew up in this house in virginia, in the southern united states. my childhood here was a happy one. my family weren't rich, but we were comfortable. oh, i was particularly close to my grandmother, mary hamilton lee. it was she that told me about my lee family history. my most famous ancestor general robert lee, led the confederate army against the union during the american civil war in the mid 19th century. i was proud that this man considered one of virginia's greatest heroes, was a relative. i wasn't told that he fought to defend slavery. ah, on the 12th of august 2017, these pictures of racial hatred in charlottesville in virginia were particularly shocking. the cause at white supremacists were rallying around, was the preservation of a statue of my ancestor. property li. i felt outraged that my family name was associated with the k k. k, and neo nazis. what happened in charlottesville made me consider for the 1st time, the true legacy of my slave owning ancestors. i want to know why people in my home state of virginia are so divided on the subject of confederate monuments and what they represent. and i want to find out how much the oppression of enslaved people by my ancestors, has had an impact on black lives in america. today. what i'm told will at times make me deeply uncomfortable. but these conversations for me are long overdue leg bow ah saw ah, richmond, virginia is the former capital of the confederacy. the 11 southern states that fought the union in the american civil war. ah, the statue of my ancestor, robert e. lee is one to 5 confederate statues on monument avenue, the grandest street in richmond. it stands 18 meters tall and dominates the cities landscape. for over a 100 years richmond has honored lee as one of its greatest heroes. until recently . in 2015, 9 black churchgoers and south carolina were shot by a white supremacist. the killer was photographed with a confederate flag, a symbol for races of white supremacy. soon after the city council in new orleans voted for their confederate statutes to be removed. the state of louisiana was once a major center for the slave trade in richmond, many of the public consultations took place in virginia, which once had the largest and slave population and america in richmond, the debate over the monument avenue statues was heated. now is the time for us to tear down participation trophies for the losing side of a war. you loss. all right, all ready with let's remember, kid, after the war lea get all he could to help reconcile and rebuild relationships to a north and south. how can anyone say this great leader is a symbol of hey, an evil in whites the periphery. what additional statute would you like to see? well, no, my good afternoon, better at memorial. this is not to say anyone who is all there for any of them. move in, right? oh no. i want to know why opinions and richmond are so deeply divided by us. how are you? glad to say you, martha rollins is also a cousin of robert. he leaves you now yet. you look likely. do i? yeah, i don't want a horse, and martha helps run the richmond chapter of an organization named coming to the table after it was set up to help realized one of the dreams of doctor martin luther king junior. that the children of former slaves and slave owners would one day sit down together at the same table. it, i think just the action of bringing 2 people together. they don't go to the same church. they don't shop in the same place and don't live in the same neighborhood and don't look alike. i say that we'll leave and go out and public. we are the, the marching pair here. we've been on every civil rights and woman's march. there is even just seeing us to gather models, what is possible that in itself i love some people say that's really small, but i think is huge mish coming is hable, which is to heal the wounds of the what the legacy of incitement really is out onward measuring our purpose 1st reg is uncovering and teaching truth in history. yeah. any one will give you a lot of homework. and mrs. martin avenue, in martha waste, no time in starting her 1st lesson on the true history of the american civil war. okay. next, when they coming to is on jefferson davis. so jefferson davis was the president of the confederacy. when any day we'd, what's written on his money mart it's, it's appalling. the words on the statute paid for by the daughters of the confederacy, gives a now discredited view of history that the civil war was not fought to defend slavery, but a heroic struggle to preserve the southern way of life from northern interference. what is that was that you told me that so it says not to injure any section of the country, not even for our own security benefit, but the high and solemn motive of defending and protecting the rights we inherited, which it is our duty to transmit on shore and to our children. what rights we inherited were the right to own slavery. and ours taught and still good. we were not defending slavery, we were just defending ours self on the northern aggression. well, that's a lie. next we visit the statue of our common ancestor. it's very painful to remember the legacy evans dr. martin. my great grandmother was 2nd cousin. her laugh anyway. so it's painful. yeah. it's painful to know which family is not perfect, right? for our queen? i would, i would take some day on the defense of slavery was not something to be honored. gary flowers is a local radio host and custodian of black history in richmond. and he wants to show me a statue that he fought to get erected in 2017. so this is mrs. maggie lena walker, born to and enslaved mother maggie walker was the 1st black woman to charter a bank in the united states, the st. luke penny savings, bank statues, say to the community and say to the world, this is someone who's vaulted and put on a on a literal pedestal. that is a woman to be honored and that is a woman to be memorialized. so that's what is. so, this heartening and despicable about the confederate statutes because they fought for slavery, sedition, secession, and racial segregation. and so those are not honorable virtues for which to fight, nor are they american. there is no other country on the planet that honors in statuary. the losers of a civil war and so forth. my ancestors who were burned, beaten, brutalize, raped by confederates and confederate thinkers. that is a constant symbol to me. the confederate statute that we are now honoring a dishonorable man and a dishonourable cause in a dishonorable confederacy. to statues means that there are others in richmond who are adamant, the statues should remain. the organisation, sons, of confederate veterans, has spent tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees to prevent the removal of statues in charlottesville and elsewhere. mr. moorehead, mr. gannon, andrew moorehead. hey, getting to meet you. yes sir. welcome to richmond in hollywood cemetery. i might have told you i'm a relative of robert e. lee. absolutely. and with a beard, with a reddish beard. you look more like job steward. yeah. but that's excellent. let's take a look at a few things. okay, great. these are the dead from gettysburg. we visit the confederate section of the cemetery with the graves of around 2000 soldiers who died in gettysburg. a battle lost by robert e. lee in 18. 63. it was arguably the turning point, the war on heavy casualties around $50000.00 soldiers from both sides died in that battle. there are a lot of people that i feel that those statues need to come down. when you look at these monuments just on a pure abstract view, there, beautiful works of ord beautiful works board. and then you've got the military brilliance of robbery lee, which is still studied. bob, military theorist today. the passion for this issue. we is descendants of confederate ancestors. there our family we revere the fact that we feel, in our opinion, they fought for a noble cause to over throw in overbearing federal government. would you want any body to talk badly about your family? just the notion of family, you know, brings up a lot of emotions in me. but at the same time, if there is a member of one's family, that is doing something that you don't agree with. you have a responsibility, i'm for them. sure. and we're responsible for the legacy of our ancestors as far as telling the truth. as we see it, robert lee didn't say i'm going to fight for slavery. no, what he said is i cannot turn my sword against virginia. so that tells you that the war was not about slavery. there are some things we're not gonna agree on. sure, i appreciate your time and i've given you our, your point of view. absolutely. now andrew's view that the civil war wasn't primarily fought to preserve. slavery has been debunked by the vast majority of scholars. i'm curious to find out why so many millions of virginia still believe hello mr. can. and it is can literally christy coleman is an expert on the american civil war and had the museum and richmond specially devoted to the subject. so christie, here we are 150 years after the civil war. oh, it seems like a lot of the history and perspectives are still unsettled, though. why is it still such a hot button to day? i think part of the reason is that we spent a 150 years lying to each other about what this war was about. we've been a 150 years lying and trying to reinforce the lie. and the truth is, and i had daughters of the confederacy there, historian of the organization, home and by the name of notary rutherford makes it hor, business to frame the narrative that must be in every school or textbook. and if it's not there, she tells the you must reject it from your home, and you must reject it from your school. and that's exactly what they do. so he wonder why america has such a divergent view about this. so it was crafted that way. the way i see it is that robert e lee fought for slavery and that's what the civil war was about. but, ah, along the way, you know, i've heard an alternate opinion. the reality is men, women, and children were bought and sold from their families by lee. okay, at arlington. and in the other properties that you know, he comes from a family that 4 generations has bought and sold human beings this way. but i'm convinced that the weight of his choices um the death tolls and the casualties being so high, i think, weighed on his soul. and i think that that is why he was so in his last years was so adamant to tell others don't put up statues, don't re live this. let's just let's just be you have the intensity that i see and his image is within your eyes. i really, i think that might be a family trait. it's probably just a beard. maybe i see what people think i look like is good. ah, ah, my own views that the statue should be removed because it glorifies a shameful cause. the fight to preserve slavery. over 700000 soldiers died in the american civil war. the equivalent of 7000000 today. i guess it gives me some small comfort to know that my ancestor also didn't want any monument to this dark period in our history. it's time for me to face up to the sins of my ancestors. this church in peters they'll. maryland was built by black people, my ancestors and slave. ah, my grandmother used to bring me here as a child. ah, i've come to see 2 of her friends. i've known them since i was young, lord, have mercy. laura may almighty god have mercy on us to give us our sins and bring us to everlasting life. clarice and estelle are both descendants of the people, my family enslaved. i want to know how they feel about that. it's not something my family ever discussed. oh yeah. all right. i feel uncomfortable about bringing up the subject of enslavement. i don't want to upset them fun, clarice, and i'm wondering if you could tell me about the picture on this book here. this is mom, mom, maryland anderson. and i'm clever, is friend this. and she was a nurse of this little girl. and mom's mother used to work for the lease, so your mom's mother was born in slave movie fan. yeah. right. oh tower. howard see he was a slave. my great grandfather of the li property. i feel kind of strange about that. so i'm wondering how, how you feel about that. i just live in a present time and i know that i can go anywhere i want to go and do anything i want to is. and i don't have to bow down to nobody. she bets this me in this present time, and that's where i am. what i wanted to do was go on the journey that where i figure out what i can do to make sure that you know, we don't start slipping backwards. you should just try to make sure that you treat people right. don't don't harbor thinking about what your great great grandfather did. i don't have no hard feelings with you, but i'm proud that you wanna do something. but make sure you do something. yeah, i don't know what you're gonna do if. if you win the lottery, you can give me a couple dollars. okay. i could do that. but other than that, yeah, i hope we've gone dark on them to get here and help you in, in your endeavor, if you really have it. i hope i have because i think you got a wonderful family. ah, i feel humbled that a stelling terese don't hold any grudge against my ancestors for what theirs and dirt. but i want to honor their call to action. i need to know how much closer we are to racial equality and in my great grandfather's death, baltimore, the largest city in maryland is just one hour away. it has a population of 3000000 with a high proportion to were black. in 2015, there were st. protests in baltimore, triggered by the death of a 25 year old black man. freddie grey spine was severed while in police custody. no officer was ever convicted i meet up with kwame, rose a young, political activists who hit the headlines during the protest. kwame was film berating a well known t. v host for failing to report the underlying race related issues, viewing the unrest. i want you in fox news to get out of baltimore signal, right? because you're not, you're reporting about the board, the board of what you're here for, the black. why you think things are, are better they any better? we have a white supremacist in office now who may be just as bad as robert e. lee was with donald trump promotes and praise on the races. ideologies that exist inside of american society. we black people built this country from on our hands are blood sweat, tears, and we haven't got one ounce of compensation, reparation, or even acknowledgement of the contribution we did. what is it that i should know about baltimore or people should know about baltimore, is that we are majority black population. 63 percent black. most of our elected officials of black. yet the disparity between income between white families and black families is still one of the highest in america. this is felice point. they is very white neighborhood. kwame wants to show me that even after racial segregation officially ended, baltimore is still divided into rich white and poor black areas. i ain't here, you know, drink here. i'm actually that restaurant right there. during opening day of the baseball season, i was actually called a nigger. there i come here knowing that me being here is kind of a disruption to like the everyday whiteness i love doing. and i love making people uncomfortable with my present. you see the way the police patrols certain blocks, so there's a neighborhood as a way to protect and you go up couple blocks up the street. the police are there to enforce. you. can you tell the difference? you can tell the difference because the police here, this is a space where drunken white people are allowed to have a good time be drunk and it's written off up the street. standing on a corner, the police are there. they'll come out and disperse the crowds. if com, right, and there's nothing wrong with that. the fact that the city is 63 percent black in the amount of people represented in certain communities like this aren't here. i'll take you to a part of baltimore. pretty grey grew up once across the slide, essentially, you'll be able to tell the difference from where we just came from. do you notice all the vacant businesses taken homes? there are over 30000 vacant homes in baltimore. the majority concentrated in black neighborhoods. ah, the inequality and wealthier start 3 times more black people than white with below the poverty line. and blacks are 4 times more likely to be unemployed. this is america, or just nation in the world right? now this is going more homes. this is where a pretty great lived so this is a neighborhood flooded with poverty, inadequate public housing, lack of opportunity and jobs. yeah. for a pretty, pretty much of your born in this community. you're stuck here. most kids i grew up in poverty in baltimore city. don't have the chance to leave within 5 blocks there where they were born at really 5 block. what's the situation with the police? yes. you can be someone like philander castillo, who had a weapon that was legally purchased and still killed, even though he followed all the rules. you can be a freddy grey who ran away as so many examples of black people who did nothing wrong with just were killed because like ice cream said their skin was their sin. in the united states, black people are 3 times more likely than whites to be killed by the police. how do we make sure these people in gilmer homes, have the same access to quality of life that the people who fell sparnhead? well, it seems to me like before we can fix anything. we have to acknowledge the truth of the situation. more than acknowledgement, there has to be some type of compensations as if which surely the greatest nation on earth than the people who made the greatest contributions should have access to the quality of life. for those who oppressed them and slave, this with freshmen. i've never really taken the idea of reparation seriously before, but meeting with kwame has made me reconsider. i need to learn more about the inequality. the black people continue to experience. i'm ready to face more uncomfortable truths. teaching and you can watch out to say we're english streaming light on like you to channels plus thousands of all programs. award winning documentaries and debt supports subscribe. take you choose dot com. forward slash al. jazeera english. lou. europe's grand capitals are littered with monuments loading their imperial policies, and their museums filled with artifacts, spoils of war and occupation uprooted from their places of origin. people in power explores the heated debate their own right from ownership, admits activists taking matters into their own. out of africa on a just a, you know, the story of zimbabwe. in her words, history is always told from the perspective off, the great man, whether it's david livingston, all robot mcgarvey. my responsibility is to tell, is involved in story, in a way that it hasn't really been told before. ordinary, everyday life was involved with the people. i'm writing about patina, kappa, out of darkness. my zimbabwe on al jazeera ah, on the clock in there, on the top stories here on al jazeera and the u. s. is working on plans to reduce europe's dependence on rush and gas. as tension builds over ukraine, washington and its european allies or scarring global markets for alternative sources in case moscow squeezes supplies, retaliation for possible sanctions. and russia is holding a week of military drills in the region and in our next crimea in ukraine. the 3rd shipment of american weapons and ammunition has arrived, it's aimed at showing up ukrainian defenses against the threat of russian invasion . an official has more from washington dc. it's interesting that he is trying to get a united front across the u. s. at one of the things he insists on doing is putting his 8500 troops on, heightened stand by. none of them will be going to ukraine. he says. but of course, if there were any need to allies like in poland or romania countries bordering ukraine, he'd be more than happy to send them there if there was a need. or the u. s. coast guard is searching for survivors. aft reports sort of boat capsized, a man was run clinging to a boat, about 70 kilometers from fort pierce inlet in florida. he taught rescuers that 39 others were on the boat when it left the bahamas on saturday night. the coast guard says they are treating it as a suspected case of human smuggling. there's been international condemnation of the military q in between of faso hundreds of been celebrating the capital on tuesday in support of the army. soldiers say they took part because of the government's failure to contain attacks from arms, groups, or many australians or celebrating the national day with friends and family crowds gathering to protest against what they call invasion day. january the 26th marks the landing of the 1st fleet from britain, and what's now sydney in 1788, and the establishment of a penal colony, a growing number of australian se colonization led to oppression abuse and genocide if the indigenous people and should not be celebrated some one, the date change. place in london have opened an investigation into parties held at government offices that allegedly violated coven, 19 locked on. you k prime minister prose johnson is under growing pressure. 2 step dumb. he's most recently been accused of attending a birthday party, organized by his wife during the 1st looked on june 2020 just open headlines. small news coming up right off to al jazeera correspondent. ah, we're in baltimore, maryland. black people are 3 times more likely than white to be living in poverty. i want to know what that means for the people living in. brick fontaine works for the city. he grew up in a public housing project and has been helping disadvantaged youths in baltimore for over 10 years. and donal heights or projects is primarily black. okay. out of the, you know, thousands of people who may be like 10 white people that live in the projects is no resources you ever since you haven't saw store yet. oh, somebody good. they call them, you know i so for my household, this james james, for when i mr. rick felt the soldier. somebody killed squeegee and they earned money that way, but a lot of kids are they sell bottle waters and bottle drinks were dollar me one more bottle. thank you. thank you. he. he with the legal houses, i lieberman sometimes i just pull kids off corners i mentored them. i help them. good job. rick takes me to the parking lot. were demonte howard a youth mentored was shot dead just 2 months before a lot of the drugs an activity happens right here in this parking lot. and this is where, unfortunately, a lot of the homicides and robberies take place. the c r i p diesel baby that was the amante's nickname. his mother was struggling a single mom, 3 children by herself. and he did the fastest thing to help her. and that was get involved with the drug tree here. he was just getting enough to help his mom and some guys from another neighbourhood came here to rob them and ended up killing them. really good kid though, man, he always was trying to do better. we got him in wilberforce college and the day we were supposed to present him with his certificate to go to college. he was, he was murdered right here. really sorry to hear it. this is the prison. was elbows leaving a man on this. oh boy, it's a good. do we just gotta survive? oh, what would you like for this community? all these kids take them out. the trips? spurious wolves, this ali? no, right. it's no methodical. then bomb me like idea. it's a data feature. the rows are trouble. we're yeah, lots of robin, somebody. these kids feel like they're forced to do that to survive. they're not doing it to be driving mercedes in bentley's and things like that. they're doing it because if i don't do this i won't eat tonight. people in these neighborhoods are not asking for anything but opportunity. the same equal playing field that the rest of america is. are, you know, this is my was over which lever. lemme see how you dawn. so there's a, this is james to lose a child. it hurts, you know, i always see how, you know, of the, you know, the news and everything and how, you know, they, everybody feel so sad for parents who lose their baby and especially through the streets. and then now, hey, i am i one of them. i'm so sorry for your long. thank you so much. thank you. i appreciate it was. there were 343 homicides in baltimore in 2017. more than 90 percent of these people were black color. shan wallace is a baltimore photographer who uses her craft to combat racial stereotyping. so i use photography as a form of activism like black labs matter, and this will we are and this is, will we are outside of they gaze of whiteness. this guy right here, i see blackman saying he had a chance all the time, but i see how the world continues to perpetuate that these moments moments like this don't happen. sometimes i photograph black men, and by time i have the photograph printed ready, give it to them, they locked up. you have to, so i went back to go give him a copy, but he dawson, time. we've indoors so much pain in have these mom is where we'd have anybody to tell you know, but a lot of people tell me about those moments when i take their photograph and talk about our trauma and talk about the injustices we go through. what can i do? what can wipe people do to kind of shift the way that they think? oh, i think that for white people, his thoughts were just simply caring about black people and, and envisioning ah, more equal society allies. i don't think that an allied job is to go in and dictate and tell people what to do and give directions is listen and to and take notes. mm. jan has arranged a photo shoot in the area of baltimore where she grew up. mm. she photographs, her brother does men and cousin quality in front of 2 generations. aquatic families still live on the street. does many quality have served time in prison. one and 3 black men in the u. s. has a felony conviction who i just came home to serve the 60 of prism been brought up in ascom room. i heard that i was i was forced to come outside and had the subaru and try to provide away from our grandmother. my in my mother 0. so my little brother by we, we force the tutors. we don't have an option with room is may the 4th of the vom m street. and basically, you know, with every devil. oh fit. if my kid is going without pay, if i would though, i'm not even, this is the i could bring my son up as community my family, my whole family stuck in this community. when you look back across the generations, the advantages that white people have put in position for themselves and a little black, the room, the and the disadvantages i might be was wanting to see why you shouldn't have a bed up during the me. i don't think so, but as hard even as i am and then think about his phone and then his follow. it always was a disadvantage. right. so for black person and be successful, re tell me the truth. i get mad sometimes bang about it, but i try not to bang about them. we just want a voice more from our to put the spotlight will not give us a little bit of help. and then let us determine what we will do with the help we don't head out to some over. so score we have a scale to speak out, does a surprise, but we for trade is as if the school would what we not we so scored that we only want to speak out cuz we afraid of them next. first of all. okay. guys, i can take this with me and you know, transferred that message. oh, i mean, i came here to listen and to learn, you know, and it seems like such a small thing. just to hear these stories is, is not small because quality he, he got emotional. and even my brother got emotional because now have people listen at home. you know, like, people really felt like it now matter. we don't really talk about it because it happens so much is not news is not new. quality at no he bit wetness, 8 stuff or ro long time. he got kids. he guy, family, you know, and they all live in poverty. his dad is still living in poverty these, this is not the dream for us. ah, i later discovered that the continuing existence of rich white neighborhoods and poor black neighborhoods in baltimore is not accidental, but a legacy of decades of deliberate racial discrimination. in the mid 19th thirty's, the u. s. government was encouraging people to buy their own homes by offering federal loans. however, most black people were systematically refused mortgages. in addition, government and financial institutions drew up maps, disqualifying some areas for subsidies. red line zone, usually defined as neighborhoods were black people. ah, there's deliberate denial, if equal opportunities for black people to buy real estate is a major reason for the wealth gap between blacks and whites that exist today. my efforts to educate myself in america's hidden history, lead me to to academics who have spent years researching the racial wealth gap in america and the reasons for it. hello, i am james. hi james. i'm say good to me to person. what does that inequality look like? in the aftermath of the civil war, blacks may have owned less than one percent of the american wealth. what's particularly striking and disturbing about the figure is that if we look at the comparable measure today, it's about 2 percent. so we have a wealth position for black americans to day that in a relative sense is not very different from what it was at the end of slavery. is there an unpaid debt that is still owed to, to black people in america? yes, the estimates can run as high as 17 trillion dollars. there was an opportunity to reverse the consequences of slavery. instead, the formerly enslaved folk never received the 40 acres and a mule that they were promised if that type of land reform it actually taken place . it would have completely altered the trajectory of wealth and equality by race in the united states. we got the destruction of black communities that had developed some measure of prosperity through white massacres. that took place from the period of about 1880 up through about 940 i. the midwestern community of greenwood in tulsa, oklahoma was the most absolute black community in america, with over 300 black on businesses known as black wall street. in maine, 1921. the whole 35 block neighborhood was obliterated by a white mob, triggered by a false rumor that a black man had raped a white girl, homes, businesses, schools, and churches were burned and bar. and over 100 people died. one massacre after another and just sort of rolled across the country. all of these riots were thousands of black people were killed. if you study history, you see that this has been a continuous, a continuous assault on by people. yeah. we, we think there, there is a giant that and we think it needs to be met. because i think it is a just response to american sister it. my family's in status and, and wealth as says, has been, has benefited from, from my, their, their choice to enslaved people. the total number is staggering, of white, so owned at least one black body would have been at least half when at least had up with her white population. i actually, i met recently the descent descendants of one of the people my family enslaved and found out that i had actually known this woman estella whose 90 years old. now most of my life, what is her full name? i. her name is her. i'm sorry, i'm blanking on her last name. estella. oh, it's telling you know that she's many years you're senior. and yet you referred to her by her 1st name. there it is right there. i mean, i don't mean any disrespect to check. well apparently no one else in your family has referred to her by any other lo refer, or we correct. oh yeah, no. yeah. now you're absolutely right. i think it probably made both of us uncomfortable in our free for you to, to call me out there. i may remember maybe not, maybe not so ah, i had no idea that the wealth gap between whites and blacks is still so huge to day . sandy and kirsten have convinced me that the case for reparations is overwhelming . i wonder if more white americans would agree with me if they knew how much of their wealth advantage is stolen and unearned. i'm in houston, texas to meet a group of people whose views i'd like to understand black separatist. oh, a new black panther party has been described is apparently racist organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites and police. yeah. can and been yeah, one of its former leaders is now chairman of a new organization, the people's new black panther party that claims to disavow hatred. oh, is it right here you, you should the one thing bargain i grew up in virginia. oh yeah, i've shak hands before the right. yeah. ok. i don't own any myself. right. really? yeah, you know all in a good while in virginia anymore. or little bit. the panthers are planning a patrol in the south west of the city where there have been some recent shooty. you read romance era. we don't like the police coming to town with neighborhoods patrol in our neighborhoods. and so we should give an example of how we can be self determining the police out here, killing our, you know, people on a home and we will patrol in our own neighborhoods. we wouldn't have these situations occur. so yeah, we have a message of separation. we don't want to continue to live with white america anymore. it hasn't worked out. we've tried everything we've worked. we've served we've big, you know, full equal rights and we continue to be in the same situations. all right, so this is the group for tonight. how you know, of you know, in a day is going on with our people who won't want to call to police on one another and stuff like that. when we're dealing with young boys these days in the household will single mothers and things like that. yeah, the number. yeah. yeah, yeah, i'm a number now. so that's what we don't have. i have a couple of mutually, jo, i just like is it? well, but it seems like when you come out here, people are pretty interested in what you're doing. you know, we come out in the community and people see of, it excites on your course. he'll go to college now. yeah, we got a call on here. so we are to say, i would always help. are they met, go on all we told within our legal rights. we're not doing that wrong. we're all right. you have a good day. all right, all right, we're going to do a quick safety check. it takes us through the open care state long as you don't have any felonies on your record or anything like that. it's okay for your local care is leaking. the u e. p. newton gun club is the defense arm of the party. there's a lot of different ways to, to fight racial and injustice right. why do you think, you know, armed patrols is, is the way to go. we had bustling black towns and we were very strong economically . what will happen was we lack the weapon and we're gonna have to defend ourselves . and there's, that's the bottom line of self defense. what role do you think white people have in, in working towards more equality? a lot of people are afraid to say it is the word reparations. the bad word is going to be associated with things like welfare and government handouts and stuff like that is not a government handle. i think reparations as well over do. let's go ahead and move out a few weeks ago, ma, trey is confir compensation may have surprised me, but i'm starting to notice a pattern amongst a diverse range of activists. oh, sure. it's off greatly. oh, sure. oh wow. wow. wow. wow. wow. wow. wow. as a white person, i'm way out of my comforts. oh, good of people. i don't agree with their separate is message in our patrols, but i don't feel any hatred from all through black to sprawl. oh, so just to be clear, those those views hate against wides anti some anti semitism. you don't identify with that? no, no, no, we're a different organization. we're under different leadership. oh, we're not a hate group. we don't hate anybody. our way actions show we don't have anybody. so how did you feel about the our deal was one the little separate. do you think will i totally out of our mind? will you think we can all get along? i, i've got hope that we can get along, you know, especially if white people are going to come around to the idea of reparations. and, and, you know, trying to make a more fair, an equal society. because if this doesn't change at some point, is not going to be pretty, is going good bad to a point where we've begun at some point a race was the land of breaking up, and desta porn double store in the get so mad is given hopeless. nothing is changing. hopefully you see i'm coming from a good place and i just want was best for my children and my grandchildren is coming after me. we'll look them in. i think there's a couple things that we don't agree on, but i think i'm starting to understand where you're coming from. i hope we both learn some things. always try to take things away from the conversation. flag bow ah, not far from houston is where the last american slaves were finally freed. in 1865 . it's depressing to realize that after a 150 years, some black people feel so let down that they think separation is their only option . making a difference seems almost impossible, but i am determined to do something with a denita. i hear the see you thank you for coming. denita invites me to the national gathering of coming to the table where this year steam is reparations. over the next 2 days, i attend several discussions on what white people can do to help these range from scholarship funds for african americans to tips on how to talk to other white people about racial inequality. the conference gives me a lot of good ideas to take away their someone from the coming to the table gathering that i want to meet again. joe stephen. i need to apologize for something thoughtless. i said earlier. yeah, yes. i meet up with steven at a historic house in harrisonburg virginia stephens trying to raise the funds to save it. of the hands the construct, his whole were hands that will formerly held in bondage we were talking and you said, you know, that's what it's like. i've been a black man in virginia, and i said, i could imagine i immediately felt pretty foolish for saying that. no, i don't think you could even imagine. i would like to be a black made in the state of virginia. i have to be mindful of every single thing that i say, every single place that i go, every single thing that i do on my body language. my, you know, mannerisms are my tongue. i mean, you know, it's, it's, it's, it's not lost upon me that i have never experienced what a truly means to be free. black people in the united states of america aren't anywhere near free. ah, when you consider, ah, that with one false mo. ah that with one ah, violation of the fragility of the feelings of white people. ah, our very lives can be taken away from us and ended in an instant. what else can you know a white person like me do? i want you to see on that, despite the best efforts of your ancestors despite ah, on the most cunning and conniving and destructive of plots and plans there were devised by your ancestors. my ancestors overcame what i'm saying is i'm hoping that you can recognize. then that we are equal. ah, because there was a time not that long ago, but where your people didn't see mind that way. i think it's up to people such as yourself and myself as together to charge the whatever is necessary to may, shall we don't perpetuate these lies. would you agree? absolutely. mama can not agree one i am. could you follow us? on the last night of the national gathering, denita asked me to join her at the james river in richmond to walk the same trail as her and slave ancestors. with beckdolt, lived in the saplings of bondage and at the legacy i made the leg before cor society or staging a reenactment, specially for coming to the table della i o. africans captured trade. it dragged from their mother land and the odor. after 910 weeks at sea thought fit. this concealed cargo did embarked only at night to the crack of the whip in the shadows and shame them ha! is all mine me. ha, ha ha! oh what i hear your mouth shut. no head. now let's go. oh oh, oh, for over an hour i walked the same dirt path that hundreds of thousands of slaves africans were forced to follow them. as i think about the magnitude of their suffering and sacrifice, i feel a deepened sense of shame and sorrow that their descendants have never received a formal apology or a penny and compensation from the u. s. government. so that was really intense. it was absolutely humbling on and i just kept thinking about everything that had been taken away from the people that arrived on those shores and how there's no way that that could ever be given back to them. i decide to join the fight for reparations. not just because of my ancestors, but because morally it's the right thing to do. all of us must take responsibility for repaying the vast debt. owed to black people so that future generations can finally have an equal share of the opportunities and wealth of this nation. they works news, news, news, news, news. the still arctic air over the us and canada. this very obvious is purple bit here. now does walmart studies in the west? the teens get it coming through as a series of cold spell. the latest real different temperatures will be on wednesday in auto and quebec. that cold window makes minus 3 in new york feel pretty roll, but the sun's above to compensate. now the cloud comes across, tempt his tend to rise, and then it starts to snow's has been a series of cold and less cold events. this is no exception. chicago shows it from miles 12 on wednesday. go down to minus one, but it snows by the evening and that last at least into friday when he gets cold, once again. if the article has not left and indeed has been felt all the way down south to the gulf coast, but doesn't produce much snow, been in the rockies further west pacific coast. and the wind has been a problem. but the sun is out in the wind 10th the di down may be helping the firefighters during fisting pretty settled weather throughout the caribbean and the gulf apartment or baseline there, which will bring significant rain to florida. maybe perhaps the bahamas and a few showers in your catan and the seasonal ryan is through ecuador, wherever it is. part of western brazil. quite possibly the moon b, a flash subtle to from batman to rain. ah, fully. ok. she to says he will bring a new form of capitalism. what does this mean? we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in. less than one percent of poor vaccines have gone to poor countries. why is counting the cost on al jazeera ah the u. s. cents more military a to ukraine and seeks to bolster europe's energy supply and 5th of a rush of invasion, grow. ah, hello nick loud, this is al 0 life. doha also coming up support on the streets for the military q in between of fafsa, the u. n. and usa, the countries deposed president rock boy must be released as a stray ins, monogram, national de thousands of de.

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