Transcripts For ALJAZ 101 East Inside Japans Sumo World 202

Transcripts For ALJAZ 101 East Inside Japans Sumo World 20240708

a 3rd shipment of america, weapons and ammunition has arrived. it's aimed at showing up. ukrainian defense is against the threat of russian invasion. the president is born, a russian invasion of ukraine would be a world changing event anon. fisher has more from washington dc. it's interesting that he is trying to get a united front across the u. s. one of the things he insists on doing is putting his 8500 troops on heightened standby. none of them will be going to ukraine. he says. but of course, if there were any need to allies like in poland or romania countries bordering ukraine, he'd be more than happy to send them there. if there was a need. the u. s. coast guard is searching for survivors off to report sort of boat capsized. the man was found clinging to a boat about 70 kilometers from fort pierce, in that in florida. it ought rescuers that 39 others were on the boat when it left the bahamas on saturday. night the coast guard says they're treating it as a suspected case of human smuggling. there has been international condemnation of the military queue and peculiar paso hundreds have been celebrating in the capital on tuesday in support of the army. soldiers say they took part because of the government's failure to contain attacks from armed groups. the international committee of the red cross, as it is deeply concerned about intense fighting around a prison seized by ice will fight as ne, in syria. about 45000 people have been displaced by the violent and has a city the i. c r. c is calling for immediate humanitarian accent. police in london have opened an investigation into parties, held a government offices that allegedly violated cobra, 1900 lockdown rules. u k. prime minister burst, johnson said he welcomes the investigation. all right, we're up to date headlines. more news coming up right after 116 life ah ah ah. ah, in japan's ancient and revered traditions, they considered jimmy gone. i thought i woke up with geico, auto mall. they got a ball on a little boy who knows you from the world of japanese. sumo wrestling is off limits to most outside is one with scandals, a heaton, even when it's life and death. i'm only a couple of more what ended up being cut off. i end up the more in my for one or one east goes inside the secretive world of japanese su mode. ah, ah, hey. in the south of japan, it is a unique state of the art jim. whoa, whoa. here children don't dream of being rock styles. football like their obsession is to become sumo champion. a at 8 years old. toki is the youngest of the team, but he doesn't get any special treatment from the coaches. to day toki has to repeat this exercise 100 times. good. you up with her mom. then it's time for wrestling. you're right. oh, good. what i'll do yet another defeat against one of these calls might exhausted and pushed through his head. he breaks down to the horses with it. within a day they went over to you. my horse in rome is aggressive lancaster with pulling up a day. i had a blue dog, no widows in ama store. this ne, during the demo stair. so you google those that are gonna look like the 1st sumo fights the believe to have taken place around 1500 years ago to bump the discipline has its foundation in shintoism, the indigenous religion of japan. pomp thanks to a new kind of supporter. the discipline of sumo wrestling has experienced a fresh revival in recent years. they called sumo joshua young girls who are sumo fans 50 year old merkel, is one of them. when you are good, when you're done to death, an avid collector of sumo cards, she knows all the restless statistics by heart, which isn't what i've been here quickly, or might the se dawson, hamilton, wasn't it buried in her collection? she also has some re gems. you'll cause a lot more capable of heavy they're. so what i was, jake was citizen guinea. i did thought it was in idaho. got it. they thought kick with beneath or had to hold the say you was there kiki, the obviously she macros. passion for sumo started young from the age of 5, she hasn't missed a tournament. ah, every summer, the best sumo wrestlers on the scene, 2 of the major japanese city to day macro and her mother travel 3 hours by train towards sancho in the center of japan. even though it's a friendly competition, it's sold out. ah, the tournament begins with an opening ceremony. a bowl before every match, a series of rituals must be performed in one whistling hit the ground with their feet to ward off evil spirits. they are funny from a small villa i have there or sell for. got it, kill me. i need it's got, i mean give them is it it or because even there to come on thought he says like, aren't in there so it will cover guys more legacy. god, this kid is the rules of the contest. a very simple make your opponent fool or push him out of the 4 and a half meter diameter ring. because she attends every tournament. mako is well known here and can even go backstage an area normally forbidden to the public. this is where the sumo wrestlers warm up marco asked a couple of them about their weight guys on my payday because it i know you have needlework and how can you do the same yonder knock on the word to day. there is a special star mako wants to see having $145.00 tournaments. how cool is the most successful, sumo wrestler in history? since 2007, he's been a yorker sooner. the highest rank in sue mo. the yorker sooners are the only ones to where this wrote belt a sacred symbol of the shinto religion. i am thinking uh huh. i think i think i'll be fine. okay. for me that gave them a high number. i know them. ah, looking on the left is 1.92 meters tall, and weighs a 154 kilograms. this afternoon he faces another yorker sooner. but for this exhibition match neither of the 2 champions. what was really hard to avoid injury there around 600 professional wrestlers in japan most are based in real. got couldn't the so mo, district in the heart of tokyo, with its huge stadium dedicated to the main tournament of the season. they lived together 24 hours a day ensued most stable. winter this close to lucy is almost impossible. but weeping bran official permission to film at no router's day. oh, it's 6 30 am and the whispers are already training. so. oh, the to me to to giant is the master of the stable an anomaly in the history of sumo . he's the 1st stable master from europe, a former bulgarian, he became a japanese national and a great sumo champion. his japanese name koto aust, you cut the norie with the training has been the same for century. the same exercises the same routines and above all the same suffering. these young wrestlers are between 17 and 23 years old. to join the stables, they must be in good physical condition, be at least a 174 cent. he's tall and way at least 75 kilograms. all you is the oldest member of the team. a year and a half ago he gave up everything to become a sumo wrestler. papa. yes, sir, i got up. ya, missouri. none more. coming. you better got, you might get a new though, some coach mackenzie by oh, oh, it was a this will all you put us affordably screaming, you know, humans thought that he switched to move to new orleans or the one you mucous because i use with dish. i e o, b i. e. o. at the end of each training session, they must see the sumo antello o. a after 2 and a half hours, a training with no break, the sumo wrestlers must clean the house from floor to ceiling. the rules inside are based on authority, hierarchy and respect for elders. apprentices must carry out all of the chores upstairs. others are all kitchen duty. every day, the restless prepare a gigantic meal, a column re face that takes hours to make life. all come with all of the magic recipe of sumo is called chunk on our bed. it's a high calorie stew with a few vegetables. and a lot of protein, meat, eggs, and fat. a lot of fat. on the menu of body board job little boy. peter with bob. bob. political good. you buy your hobby. i'm cody mother in law. me nice. ah. it's 11 o'clock. time for a feast. these sumo wrestlers consume around $10000.00 calories a day, 5 times more than the average man. give them a request for global wood, which is older than losing the weight gain is not without risk. diabetes, high cholesterol and cardiovascular problems have short and the average life expectancy of sumo wrestlers to 655, nearly 20 years. less than other japanese men. clinical update on a particular ship giblin, noodle, beecham. okay, to tell you what a good i got all the school do it. there are about 40 sumo stables in tokyo. in this $113.00 young men lived together. it's very crowded with 0 privacy. a large part of the afternoon is reserved for a nap. 2 and a half hours of sleep to recover from training and to store the fat from lunch mar, color looks good at them and it's among those can as it comes with. oh, bugging wellness. the last ones to have joined the stable sleep in the dining room . they arrive 3 months ago, most won't last year. the afternoon program is the same as the morning training house work and a meal. then bed at 10 p. m. it's a tough, isolated, almost monastic lifestyle. ah, yet children from across japan strive to join this to my stable children. like sure. i had a math at 13 years old, cheerfully is a 173 thing to be just tall and weighs a 124 kilograms. he's been practicing sumo since he was 9 and has many trophies that he might be a wrestling prodigy. but when faced with a mathematical equation, he struggles, fortunately, his classmates, helping with a case of warming up oh, cornel mar. begin with the could you see future? can we by february every day off to school? sure. scale goes to profit by san jose. jose, what would be better if i was in the market? oh, i gotta say good, but oh, i didn't get overstate in a few days, chose game will compete at a national tournament in tokyo against the country's best high school students. it is last training session before the competition is giving it his all as good to achieve success. so scale will have to sacrifice seeing friends having spare time and dating. sumo apprentices live in a world without women to nights. a special night in tokyo, apprentice restless from the router stable, a going out. aged 182023. they've been given special permission to be out after 10 p. m. they are on the morning in mother. i'll call the study to come with go outside the stable professional sumo wrestlers where the traditional chemo and it attracts attention yellow concert l i m i just as good of him the console and my little don't it from other humans are nice to meet salvage. i mean, i've heard with whatever was out of one of the damage i think on the, on the you know, to night they were at a karaoke night. the play list is full of romantic songs. oh oh. oh, she him. oh calories you fools, doctor. you are oh dick, start with more muslim. a thought on a bill. can you hold on line? haul stores, storage, road muscles. the higher the sumo world has long held traditions that exclude women in 2018 a scandal brought to light a mediaeval rule that is still followed to the letter by the federation, the mayor of a city nicky, auto collapse is in the middle of a speech on the door yelled, the ring where the fight take place. if no one helps he could die. a female medic rushes to give him cpr when 2 other women come to help, the referee ordered them all to leave the ring. i in accordance with shinto religious tradition, entering the door, yo is forbidden to women. they considered impure because of their menstrual cycle. the mayor survived that the affair stirred up a lot of controversy in japan. this woman wants a sumo federation to abandon this sexist tradition. she did, i was now staring at all scores on what the hell she there tama called knock a goa. is the mayor of tucker resumed. 2 days after the incident. she hosted a sumo tournament in her town. she spoke from the foot of the podium. ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha ha. b o. jonah blue that in japan sooner world punishment comes to any one who tarnishes the image of the national sport. the yorker, sooner with this sacred built, are supposed to show exemplary behavior. but this grand champion, harem fuji went from the status of demi god, to that of outcast in one false step. his career ended over a bar fight with another sumo wrestler at a karaoke club. oh, oh. oh. oh, going melissa? oh oh oh. 0. one was the mongolian wrestler was forced to retire. his career destroyed the biggest scandal of the decade, however, almost never came out. professor de la is a medical examiner in 2007, the corpse of a young sumo wrestler arrived on is the operating table. according to the sumo association to kashi, sideshow had suffered heart failure during training. it was house on fashion, an ocean anomaly. tuttleton morgan, frederick, what i looked in colorado. i hemmed up the moist on it. the police had closed the case and returned the body to his family, but when to catch his parents noticed heavy bruising and what appeared to be burns on his body, they demanded an investigation. the professor conducted an autopsy and concluded that the 17 year old was beaten to death. murray could i border, but either to the center is raqara or la time until committee thought she'd already know die. i know guys o'connell kennimore, so you got him. got all she not the one on him for nick i own i'm going over here to unit on the bus. and so the camera, i mean, you know, walking by donald pacano ne, a lot capsule know cause sits madness. his investigation revealed that to cause she was beaten with beer bottles or coroner cowell nauseous in this it. the cynic is not on the mush, they're one of the one on the external vocal. one attack is anonymous. it caught our we, our customer buell, been the non booking editor. jesus. oh, you are the must a seems another more pu betsel, mom. i want him. awesome. sions, or is raqara kohler. hi jacob. hi, you are johnny. good to steve. us. oh, cool. i shall go. go go down the road for almost there or tomorrow. the 3 wrestlers who beat to kashi were given suspended sentences. the stable trainer was sentenced to 6 years in prison. ah, despite the series of scandals, the centuries, all sport keeps attracting new recruits for sure. stay today is the big day. his tournament takes place in the park of a shinto shrine in tokyo, competing of the best 13 to 15 year olds from across the country. shows case 1st opponent doesn't stand a chance. oh in 3 seconds he's knocked to the ground. ah, biking continues all day long. injuries a common it's during these tournaments, the stable coaches pick their future students short savings to move funding but in the fall, he's out. with dream garden moultrie. ethan prefer, are you sure? the candy? all right. and you know you did a gun will ensure despite this defeat show, skate continues to believe in his destiny of joining a sumo. stable a world close to outside is of intense hardship and sacrifice scandals and secrets where wrestlers put it all on the line to reach japan's ultimate sporting glory. even india, a conspiracy theory claims muslim men are treating him to women. it's a marriage, and converting one at one aisd investigates would be love me. on out with you with a journey of personal discovery. my great grandfather, he was a slave of the li property al jazeera is james gannon, explores his family's legacy of slave ownership. you know, like my family's status and wealth has benefited from their choice translate people and america's debt to the black people today. some over. so story even scared us to be dropped because of the broadly out there a correspondence, a moral debt ah, revealing eco friendly solutions to combat threats to our planet. on al jazeera ah b u, i sends more military aid to ukraine and seeks to bolster europe's energy supply has fears of a russian invasion grow. ah, i'm to clog this is out, is there a life are also coming up support on the streets for the military? true and became a fast so the you and usa, the countries to place president rock bought a must be released as australians, martha national dave thousands right now.

Related Keywords

Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Australia , Mongolia , Japan , Tokyo , United States , United Kingdom , Missouri , Washington , Florida , Syria , London , City Of , Ukraine , India , Rome , Lazio , Italy , Sydney , New South Wales , Fort Pierce , Idaho , Guinea , Colorado , Bulgaria , Bahamas , The , Romania , Britain , Australian , America , Ukrainian , Russian , Australians , Japanese , Bulgarian , Mongolian , James Gannon , Yorker Sooners ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ 101 East Inside Japans Sumo World 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ 101 East Inside Japans Sumo World 20240708

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a 3rd shipment of america, weapons and ammunition has arrived. it's aimed at showing up. ukrainian defense is against the threat of russian invasion. the president is born, a russian invasion of ukraine would be a world changing event anon. fisher has more from washington dc. it's interesting that he is trying to get a united front across the u. s. one of the things he insists on doing is putting his 8500 troops on heightened standby. none of them will be going to ukraine. he says. but of course, if there were any need to allies like in poland or romania countries bordering ukraine, he'd be more than happy to send them there. if there was a need. the u. s. coast guard is searching for survivors off to report sort of boat capsized. the man was found clinging to a boat about 70 kilometers from fort pierce, in that in florida. it ought rescuers that 39 others were on the boat when it left the bahamas on saturday. night the coast guard says they're treating it as a suspected case of human smuggling. there has been international condemnation of the military queue and peculiar paso hundreds have been celebrating in the capital on tuesday in support of the army. soldiers say they took part because of the government's failure to contain attacks from armed groups. the international committee of the red cross, as it is deeply concerned about intense fighting around a prison seized by ice will fight as ne, in syria. about 45000 people have been displaced by the violent and has a city the i. c r. c is calling for immediate humanitarian accent. police in london have opened an investigation into parties, held a government offices that allegedly violated cobra, 1900 lockdown rules. u k. prime minister burst, johnson said he welcomes the investigation. all right, we're up to date headlines. more news coming up right after 116 life ah ah ah. ah, in japan's ancient and revered traditions, they considered jimmy gone. i thought i woke up with geico, auto mall. they got a ball on a little boy who knows you from the world of japanese. sumo wrestling is off limits to most outside is one with scandals, a heaton, even when it's life and death. i'm only a couple of more what ended up being cut off. i end up the more in my for one or one east goes inside the secretive world of japanese su mode. ah, ah, hey. in the south of japan, it is a unique state of the art jim. whoa, whoa. here children don't dream of being rock styles. football like their obsession is to become sumo champion. a at 8 years old. toki is the youngest of the team, but he doesn't get any special treatment from the coaches. to day toki has to repeat this exercise 100 times. good. you up with her mom. then it's time for wrestling. you're right. oh, good. what i'll do yet another defeat against one of these calls might exhausted and pushed through his head. he breaks down to the horses with it. within a day they went over to you. my horse in rome is aggressive lancaster with pulling up a day. i had a blue dog, no widows in ama store. this ne, during the demo stair. so you google those that are gonna look like the 1st sumo fights the believe to have taken place around 1500 years ago to bump the discipline has its foundation in shintoism, the indigenous religion of japan. pomp thanks to a new kind of supporter. the discipline of sumo wrestling has experienced a fresh revival in recent years. they called sumo joshua young girls who are sumo fans 50 year old merkel, is one of them. when you are good, when you're done to death, an avid collector of sumo cards, she knows all the restless statistics by heart, which isn't what i've been here quickly, or might the se dawson, hamilton, wasn't it buried in her collection? she also has some re gems. you'll cause a lot more capable of heavy they're. so what i was, jake was citizen guinea. i did thought it was in idaho. got it. they thought kick with beneath or had to hold the say you was there kiki, the obviously she macros. passion for sumo started young from the age of 5, she hasn't missed a tournament. ah, every summer, the best sumo wrestlers on the scene, 2 of the major japanese city to day macro and her mother travel 3 hours by train towards sancho in the center of japan. even though it's a friendly competition, it's sold out. ah, the tournament begins with an opening ceremony. a bowl before every match, a series of rituals must be performed in one whistling hit the ground with their feet to ward off evil spirits. they are funny from a small villa i have there or sell for. got it, kill me. i need it's got, i mean give them is it it or because even there to come on thought he says like, aren't in there so it will cover guys more legacy. god, this kid is the rules of the contest. a very simple make your opponent fool or push him out of the 4 and a half meter diameter ring. because she attends every tournament. mako is well known here and can even go backstage an area normally forbidden to the public. this is where the sumo wrestlers warm up marco asked a couple of them about their weight guys on my payday because it i know you have needlework and how can you do the same yonder knock on the word to day. there is a special star mako wants to see having $145.00 tournaments. how cool is the most successful, sumo wrestler in history? since 2007, he's been a yorker sooner. the highest rank in sue mo. the yorker sooners are the only ones to where this wrote belt a sacred symbol of the shinto religion. i am thinking uh huh. i think i think i'll be fine. okay. for me that gave them a high number. i know them. ah, looking on the left is 1.92 meters tall, and weighs a 154 kilograms. this afternoon he faces another yorker sooner. but for this exhibition match neither of the 2 champions. what was really hard to avoid injury there around 600 professional wrestlers in japan most are based in real. got couldn't the so mo, district in the heart of tokyo, with its huge stadium dedicated to the main tournament of the season. they lived together 24 hours a day ensued most stable. winter this close to lucy is almost impossible. but weeping bran official permission to film at no router's day. oh, it's 6 30 am and the whispers are already training. so. oh, the to me to to giant is the master of the stable an anomaly in the history of sumo . he's the 1st stable master from europe, a former bulgarian, he became a japanese national and a great sumo champion. his japanese name koto aust, you cut the norie with the training has been the same for century. the same exercises the same routines and above all the same suffering. these young wrestlers are between 17 and 23 years old. to join the stables, they must be in good physical condition, be at least a 174 cent. he's tall and way at least 75 kilograms. all you is the oldest member of the team. a year and a half ago he gave up everything to become a sumo wrestler. papa. yes, sir, i got up. ya, missouri. none more. coming. you better got, you might get a new though, some coach mackenzie by oh, oh, it was a this will all you put us affordably screaming, you know, humans thought that he switched to move to new orleans or the one you mucous because i use with dish. i e o, b i. e. o. at the end of each training session, they must see the sumo antello o. a after 2 and a half hours, a training with no break, the sumo wrestlers must clean the house from floor to ceiling. the rules inside are based on authority, hierarchy and respect for elders. apprentices must carry out all of the chores upstairs. others are all kitchen duty. every day, the restless prepare a gigantic meal, a column re face that takes hours to make life. all come with all of the magic recipe of sumo is called chunk on our bed. it's a high calorie stew with a few vegetables. and a lot of protein, meat, eggs, and fat. a lot of fat. on the menu of body board job little boy. peter with bob. bob. political good. you buy your hobby. i'm cody mother in law. me nice. ah. it's 11 o'clock. time for a feast. these sumo wrestlers consume around $10000.00 calories a day, 5 times more than the average man. give them a request for global wood, which is older than losing the weight gain is not without risk. diabetes, high cholesterol and cardiovascular problems have short and the average life expectancy of sumo wrestlers to 655, nearly 20 years. less than other japanese men. clinical update on a particular ship giblin, noodle, beecham. okay, to tell you what a good i got all the school do it. there are about 40 sumo stables in tokyo. in this $113.00 young men lived together. it's very crowded with 0 privacy. a large part of the afternoon is reserved for a nap. 2 and a half hours of sleep to recover from training and to store the fat from lunch mar, color looks good at them and it's among those can as it comes with. oh, bugging wellness. the last ones to have joined the stable sleep in the dining room . they arrive 3 months ago, most won't last year. the afternoon program is the same as the morning training house work and a meal. then bed at 10 p. m. it's a tough, isolated, almost monastic lifestyle. ah, yet children from across japan strive to join this to my stable children. like sure. i had a math at 13 years old, cheerfully is a 173 thing to be just tall and weighs a 124 kilograms. he's been practicing sumo since he was 9 and has many trophies that he might be a wrestling prodigy. but when faced with a mathematical equation, he struggles, fortunately, his classmates, helping with a case of warming up oh, cornel mar. begin with the could you see future? can we by february every day off to school? sure. scale goes to profit by san jose. jose, what would be better if i was in the market? oh, i gotta say good, but oh, i didn't get overstate in a few days, chose game will compete at a national tournament in tokyo against the country's best high school students. it is last training session before the competition is giving it his all as good to achieve success. so scale will have to sacrifice seeing friends having spare time and dating. sumo apprentices live in a world without women to nights. a special night in tokyo, apprentice restless from the router stable, a going out. aged 182023. they've been given special permission to be out after 10 p. m. they are on the morning in mother. i'll call the study to come with go outside the stable professional sumo wrestlers where the traditional chemo and it attracts attention yellow concert l i m i just as good of him the console and my little don't it from other humans are nice to meet salvage. i mean, i've heard with whatever was out of one of the damage i think on the, on the you know, to night they were at a karaoke night. the play list is full of romantic songs. oh oh. oh, she him. oh calories you fools, doctor. you are oh dick, start with more muslim. a thought on a bill. can you hold on line? haul stores, storage, road muscles. the higher the sumo world has long held traditions that exclude women in 2018 a scandal brought to light a mediaeval rule that is still followed to the letter by the federation, the mayor of a city nicky, auto collapse is in the middle of a speech on the door yelled, the ring where the fight take place. if no one helps he could die. a female medic rushes to give him cpr when 2 other women come to help, the referee ordered them all to leave the ring. i in accordance with shinto religious tradition, entering the door, yo is forbidden to women. they considered impure because of their menstrual cycle. the mayor survived that the affair stirred up a lot of controversy in japan. this woman wants a sumo federation to abandon this sexist tradition. she did, i was now staring at all scores on what the hell she there tama called knock a goa. is the mayor of tucker resumed. 2 days after the incident. she hosted a sumo tournament in her town. she spoke from the foot of the podium. ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha ha. b o. jonah blue that in japan sooner world punishment comes to any one who tarnishes the image of the national sport. the yorker, sooner with this sacred built, are supposed to show exemplary behavior. but this grand champion, harem fuji went from the status of demi god, to that of outcast in one false step. his career ended over a bar fight with another sumo wrestler at a karaoke club. oh, oh. oh. oh, going melissa? oh oh oh. 0. one was the mongolian wrestler was forced to retire. his career destroyed the biggest scandal of the decade, however, almost never came out. professor de la is a medical examiner in 2007, the corpse of a young sumo wrestler arrived on is the operating table. according to the sumo association to kashi, sideshow had suffered heart failure during training. it was house on fashion, an ocean anomaly. tuttleton morgan, frederick, what i looked in colorado. i hemmed up the moist on it. the police had closed the case and returned the body to his family, but when to catch his parents noticed heavy bruising and what appeared to be burns on his body, they demanded an investigation. the professor conducted an autopsy and concluded that the 17 year old was beaten to death. murray could i border, but either to the center is raqara or la time until committee thought she'd already know die. i know guys o'connell kennimore, so you got him. got all she not the one on him for nick i own i'm going over here to unit on the bus. and so the camera, i mean, you know, walking by donald pacano ne, a lot capsule know cause sits madness. his investigation revealed that to cause she was beaten with beer bottles or coroner cowell nauseous in this it. the cynic is not on the mush, they're one of the one on the external vocal. one attack is anonymous. it caught our we, our customer buell, been the non booking editor. jesus. oh, you are the must a seems another more pu betsel, mom. i want him. awesome. sions, or is raqara kohler. hi jacob. hi, you are johnny. good to steve. us. oh, cool. i shall go. go go down the road for almost there or tomorrow. the 3 wrestlers who beat to kashi were given suspended sentences. the stable trainer was sentenced to 6 years in prison. ah, despite the series of scandals, the centuries, all sport keeps attracting new recruits for sure. stay today is the big day. his tournament takes place in the park of a shinto shrine in tokyo, competing of the best 13 to 15 year olds from across the country. shows case 1st opponent doesn't stand a chance. oh in 3 seconds he's knocked to the ground. ah, biking continues all day long. injuries a common it's during these tournaments, the stable coaches pick their future students short savings to move funding but in the fall, he's out. with dream garden moultrie. ethan prefer, are you sure? the candy? all right. and you know you did a gun will ensure despite this defeat show, skate continues to believe in his destiny of joining a sumo. stable a world close to outside is of intense hardship and sacrifice scandals and secrets where wrestlers put it all on the line to reach japan's ultimate sporting glory. even india, a conspiracy theory claims muslim men are treating him to women. it's a marriage, and converting one at one aisd investigates would be love me. on out with you with a journey of personal discovery. my great grandfather, he was a slave of the li property al jazeera is james gannon, explores his family's legacy of slave ownership. you know, like my family's status and wealth has benefited from their choice translate people and america's debt to the black people today. some over. so story even scared us to be dropped because of the broadly out there a correspondence, a moral debt ah, revealing eco friendly solutions to combat threats to our planet. on al jazeera ah b u, i sends more military aid to ukraine and seeks to bolster europe's energy supply has fears of a russian invasion grow. ah, i'm to clog this is out, is there a life are also coming up support on the streets for the military? true and became a fast so the you and usa, the countries to place president rock bought a must be released as australians, martha national dave thousands right now.

Related Keywords

Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Australia , Mongolia , Japan , Tokyo , United States , United Kingdom , Missouri , Washington , Florida , Syria , London , City Of , Ukraine , India , Rome , Lazio , Italy , Sydney , New South Wales , Fort Pierce , Idaho , Guinea , Colorado , Bulgaria , Bahamas , The , Romania , Britain , Australian , America , Ukrainian , Russian , Australians , Japanese , Bulgarian , Mongolian , James Gannon , Yorker Sooners ,

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