Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708

alexia the valley, and some of his allies to its list of terrorists. also, police in the u. k. say they'll investigate events held at the prime minister's office after report. parties took place, join the cove at 19 lockdown. ah, welcome to the program, the un secretary general, antonio guitar rushes condemned. the military coup, bikini, fafsa, crowds gathered in the capital one could do to celebrate after a group of soldiers announced on state television, the removal of president rock, cowboy. the military says the government failed to contain are groups that have killed thousands of people. now the que leaders have suspended the constitution and imposed a night time curfew. some medic has reaction from the capital yesterday, there was a lot of anticipation as people who are waiting for this new military junta to make an announcement. but once they did, and even before that people took to the streets, they were honking their horns. they were cheering, and the people that i spoke to said that some of them said this was overdue. they were really happy about this. they were hoping that this would change the time people have been dying civilians are displayed, the military has been struggling to fight and you haven't insurgency and the population just that they're fed up with the government. and really, really hoping that haven't military and young military in charge of the country will change the situation. so people seem optimistic, but of course they say these guys need to show a track record what they were. so what i was hearing from people is that expect them to be honest and having peg ready and to really fight and that they think having military people in charge at a time right now will be the key. however, the military has been ill equipped, they're under train, and they have been struggling to stem this insurgency. they say that they can't fight, did you? how did they use guerrilla warfare tactics that you had in the military, which is not used to fighting, is really having a hard time attacking them. they're spreading their growing. so i so it'll, it'll really, it's sort of like wait and see right now in terms of whether this will change anything or not, at least a people have been killed at a stampede during africa's top football talent. now dozens more injured in the crush of the africa cup of nations, game between host cameroon and the cameras. it happened outside the stadium, north of the capitol, yonder, alexia bryan, reports. yvette desperate grief outside. what should have been a fun family evening at a football match. instead, this woman is crying out for her father and asking god why several people were killed when crowd surged at the entrance to the africa cup of nations match between hosts, cameroon, and cameras. who is going to know, i don't know what people behind you said push i was among them. and when i saw that i left to enter from the north west. they stayed there. and that's when someone left to open the barrier. so someone pulled it by push like that, some fell on top of others, but there were even babies in norway, bama, napoleon, fair meadow as the police closed the gate, a crowd of people came from behind and i was stuck in it, so i couldn't go back i was below, and god spared me now gone. i d, as in apple, red ha, was seen lying motionless near an entrance to the stadium. one person mount next to one of the victims and appeared to be trying to resuscitate them. i just now there were 50 people, i saw nearly 50 people on the ground. the african for bull confederation says it's investigating the incident. crisis talks are reported to have been cold over widest security issues. a limit stadium can hold 6000 people. the capacities been limited to just 60 percent, because of coven 19 capacities increase to 80 percent. when the home team cameron's in thomasville lions play me. i can tell you that tonight there was absolutely more than 80 percent that the stadium that was nearly full. i'm assuming that's because of the barriers that hold up sort of rustin. but from what i can tell you is that going into the stadium, there's a very serpentine corridor that's not very wide. it's maybe 2 or 3 meters in which and that people are going increasingly frustrated. so you know, mama was meant to host africans biggest football tournament in 2019. but the event was taken away from them and handed to egypt. after concern stadiums were not ready for the games. they were question marks of about construction and security. elim bay is the main stadium for the african tournament. it's a to stage 3 more games, including the final on february 6th, alexia brian al jazeera russian authorities of other jailed kremlin critic alexi the valley in some of his allies to its list of terrorists and extremists. moscow van valley's political network as an extremist last year during a sweeping crackdown rally is imprisoned for violating the terms of a previous sentence for fraud. puzzled, elegant high is a defense and military on the list. he says the latest move shows the valley still poses a problem for the rational forties is organization has being already listed, banned as extremist, and that he's were tenants who are abroad a happy know. so even the status of extremists and terrorist, the mouth he has to means his assets will be frozen and also more much more importantly, he will not be eligible for parole. because right now he's jailed on that minor offense, actually pantry, stuff, but it's on the business kind of a regularity. but now he has a much more serious status. and when right now the tensions are really getting higher and higher. there's the threat of confrontation, open confrontation with the west, very important for the russian authorities to keep it under wraps. he was the person who managed to organize really serious street protests and know at west street protests and the war movement. when russia goes into a confrontation with the west coast, if there's already a confrontation with the west western protest about my bias, me right now will not be that important when they're a smart, serious issue. the police in london have opened an investigation into government event held during crow virus lockdown. it comes on the u. k. prime minister faces new allegations. now, the reports of boris johnson's wife threw him a surprise birthday party during the 1st lockdown in june 2020 senior civil servants to grace expected to release her inquiry. very soon. let's speak to andrew simmons, who joins us now side, the prime minister's official residence at dining street and an andrew we've been having for weeks now that the police may investigate these downing street parties confirmation now, but they are. so this has been taken very seriously. it certainly is crescent a dick the metropolitan police commissioner has been coming under pressure over being equitable about sir gatherings. parties during the suspicious, specifically, the 1st lockdown in 2020 an others. now that has been confirmation by herself her before the police and crime committee of the london authority. she said that all parties are being looked at in downing street investigated. and evidence has been presented by the captain's office. now that is likely to be the senior civil servants inquiry, su gray into the parsons and there has been confirmation bats. one of the parties being investigated was unknown until now and that was a birthday party, a very brief one. it has to be said in the a cabinet room on. busy june 19th in 2020 and that was said to have been organized by the prime minister's wife. that is being denied by downing street, which is mounting a major defense campaign to try to keep a barnes johnson's position safe. but this latest moved by the police is certainly going to be negative in terms of his prospects for holding on to the job. and of course, all of this all hinges, as you just alluded to, was the su, gray report, a senior civil servant. so the pressure is really on downing street and it has been for, you know, that the past few weeks, but more so now most certainly, yes sir. there's been a series of revelations and even when this report comes out, it's likely that will be a drip feet of more revelations. valley's latest one has caused the presto splash over the headlines yet again. another party, one of the tabloids papers is saying, and the sensor, the slightly humorous take by the sun newspaper. but the more serious papers also are here. johnson held a locked down birthday party number 10 and you can see this birthday cake. it's a birthday cake, not the birthday cake. i hasten to add. this was a birthday cake at our school that was presented to the prime minister on that same day. you'll see also that sir. there is all the newspapers leading with this new story. most of them anyway, and the defense is along these lines that the prime minister was taken by surprise, that it was only brief. it was 10 minutes that he was in the cabinet room. they sang happy birthday and the staff amounted to less than 30 years, reported her there is a lot of anger amongst a m p. 's. and also the public of the politics may have short memories, but the public won't forget this. and forrest johnson's really seriously marked by it, he is a could possibly face a vote of no confidence. there is more support for this. it seems even m p saying they'll support him privately. that may not do that. and so he is facing at a very serious challenge. it would seem to his office when it would be gimme a very close eye on that story. as the days progress for the moment under thank you . the 2000000 people in beijing have in order to get tested for k with 19 the decision came after a series of break the head of the winter olympics, which is a post open next week. now those invasion neighborhoods considered high risk for infection have been told not to leave the city. trina, you has more from beijing. this is not the picture they would have wanted so close to the winter game to opens and only 10 days. but we've had reported in china $3400.00 cases around about since the beginning of december, this outbreak has spread to 6 regions, including some major cities such as shanghai and change. and but of course, what is really alarming authorities is these clusters. now, in the capital beijing, now there were 2 separate clusters that they've been trying to get under control. the 1st was about 6 cases of the highly infectious on the con variant. now authority say that they have seemed to contain that, but what they are still struggling to really fight is this cluster of the delta varied, which seems to center around a cold food storage plant in the district of fung tie. now, the 2000000 people living in fung tied district have been asked on tuesday to underground to undergo a 2nd round of mass testing. they're not allowed to leave their homes unless they can show a negative curve and test result. but the entire city really is on high alert. other districts are also asking residents to get tested just as a precaution. our team here engaging were asked all get scramble and get some kind of a test earlier today. even though we live on the other side of the city and they're really strictly enforcing things like mosque wearing scanning of health codes and a new measure that they've put in place. so that if you go to a pharmacy and you by any medicines that are related to headaches, sore throats, fevers, or allergies. it will be noted in a database and you will be asked to immediately go get a covered 1900 test. while still had he all al jazeera, 20 years after the civil war ended in sierra land, let's be some recovery. but the country remains one of the poorest in africa around the world. like when he says new figures reading the scale of levels, economic collapse, their stories after the break. ah ah, look forward to brighter skies the winter sponsored my cattle airways. and away we go with your weather report for asia. hello, everyone. nice to see you. beginning in the philippines for the bottom line here is we've just got way too much rain falling in. so as a result, there are severe flight advisories in play at the bulk of the rain, the dark of the color, the more intense the rain is falling is around pure told princess or on wednesday. and this is all being amplified as well by the ne monsoon. so look at that band that saw the band of rain over lose on island. so speaking of the ne monsoon pepin up again, we're seen an increase in shower activity, cross coastal vietnam. but nothing major here. batch of rain and snow running across the yangtze river valley, we've got a ne, when so that's press down the temperature in shanghai. and once again we're seeing that c effects snow turn on through japan. so some snow over the hills of western areas of han shoe after the bay been gone right now. some showers around town on the do stretching right across the be a, been gone into pretty close that border with b and mar and bangladesh. and then for the north, west of india is still cool conditions here, temperatures are low, well below average. and in fact, we do have some weather alerts in play in this is impacting westmount to pradesh or cold wave alert and some cooler air for more by as well that 26 degrees that's below average seal later take her o. whether sponsored by casara, always a journey of personal discovery, my great grandfather, he was a slave of lee property al jazeera, is james gannon, excludes his family's legacy as slave ownership. you know, like my family's status and wealth has benefited from their choice. translated people and america's debt to the black people to day. so over so, so we have a scale to speak out. this is bradley al jazeera correspondence, a moral debt. ah, the me up and you're watching out there with me. so he'll run the reminder of our top stories. the military came, became offensive history international condemnation. with the u. s. u eco. us calling for the immediate release of president rock about a group of soldiers deposed him on monday, and his whereabouts are still on the stage football fans having killed us after a couple of nations gave and cameron, they were crushed in a sam fee that they tried to add to the stadium outside of the capitol, young police in london opened the investigation into government during code virus lockdown that comes on the prime minister fixes new allocation that he ignored restriction by attending parties. south korea says north korea has 5 to projectiles. believe to be cruise missiles into the sea or eastern coast, the south korean military says is assessing the logins to determine the nature of the projectiles. is the 5th such long since the start of the year. and you shipment of aid from the united states as arrived in ukraine. the pentagon says it's also put 8 and a half 1000 troops on high alert. it says that prior to deploy, if needed, along with other nato forces in eastern europe. this comes and says, continue to grow of a possible russian invasion of ukraine. in some cases, some of these forces were already on a heightened posture, readiness to deploy posture, and the secretary decided to make it even more short and a tether even more. so in some cases, units would go from say, 10 days prepared to deploy. now there, at 5 days, the world bank says the lebanese government's revenue fell by nearly half last year . the financial institute says gdp declined by more than 10 percent. but testers have been keeping up the pressure on the government, the local currency, last 90 percent of its value in 2019. hi, co women is a project director for lebanon international crisis group. he says levels lead as remain in denial about how bad the situation has become. i'm talking to you now about over a network and internet network that i, that i hope will hold up. i've just switched for before the program from one to the other. because we are at the point where the tim comes, providers don't have diesel to run generators, which they need to, to uphold the system or the network because there's only 2 hours of state electricity per day. now, imagine you have 2 hours of state tricity per day. how is any lebanese industrialist or producer going to compete in the international market? how are they going to exports, how they going to convince their lines abroad that they can deliver on whatever trade, whatever business agreements they have? the situation that local economy is facing is the total collapse of interest infrastructure, which makes it extremely difficult to work, to produce and to earn money and to, to earn dollars that are required to pay for the claim ports. the political leadership would have to let go of their control over the state of the systems of systematic plunder. really of the state and public resources. and their power is built on the systematic founder of the quietest resources of the holding them out to support us and controlling institutions. and as long as they don't change, this is not going to be any money coming. and we're not going to move forward. a fire or a life club in indonesia has killed at least 19 people. blaze for contouring, fighting between rival gangs, please in west papa province are investigate whether or not the club was deliberately set on fire. but more than 20 s trailyn sailors all the military aid vessel on its way to tongue. i have tested positive for 19 the pacific island nation hasn't reported any infections so far, but the government is worried about the flow of aid. also, bringing an outward and outbreak of paper 19 tundra is dealing with the aftermath of a devastating volcanic eruption unseen. i'll be more than a week ago. wait a report from new zealand. the h. m a s. adelaide left australia on friday carrying much needed aid supplies to tong up. but as the ship near its destination, the australian government confirmed there had been a covert 19 outbreak on board or can report to the to 23 personnel on hi to myers adeline, which the part of brisbin a matter of days ago, have been, have tested positive for with cove ignorance on there, of those people obviously, and others on board who are in isolation of the moment. tongue that desperately needs outside assistance after the volcanic eruption and to nami more than a week ago. but doesn't want to risk an outbreak of coven 19 brought by 8 workers. it's insisting that all supplies must be delivered contactless. at this stage, the adelaide will complete its mission. as some communication is restored and toner, more images are coming out showing how devastating the disaster was. these are from the island of no mac up one of the closest to the volcano, and one of the most effective. the red cross estimates waves as high as 15 meters smashed into num, luca and nearby islands. really, nobody knew that there was a wave coming. i'm so we had all in every household that was on the road like we just shouted out soon army soon army you know get to higher ground. most people here have been moved to the main island of toma top oo. they're a long, clean up as underway and power has been restored, but livelihoods in this tiny island nation will take a long time to rebuild. i have a bakery when i called eva opens. now, because of the ash in the bakery, my whole tongue is economy was already in trouble before the disaster. now, the outlook is even more grim and basic supplies may become hard to get when we're talking about crops. and it was severely damage due to the dust covering the farms. a yan and the crops you managed to survive. you with our, our shoot, we're talking about teen and corn beef in the short term assistance will continue to arrive at the tone, means will need long term help to rebuild and recover. wayne, hey, al jazeera, towed on easy ellen's. now hundreds of business owners in south gray have shave their heads to protest against quote virus restrictions, damaging trade, restaurants and shopping, and have to limit the number of banks and the customers to 6 at a time. infection rate there has to record high with cases topping more than 8000 a day. for the 1st time he did, he 10000000 students in columbia have returned to in person classes after 2 years of disruption. coincides with record corona virus infections nationwide. and the search in daily death and incentive on pietro reports from the capital bucket home . oh, much fun fare. schools across most at columbia. open their doors on monday, receiving all of their students for the 1st time since the start of depend damage for friends and classmates. long separated a day to rejoice with him because i don't know whether or not the truth is you don't learn much at home. it's not the same as being in class with teachers that can answer your doubts. and i miss being with my friends having somebody to share a joke, an activity. schools in latin america have been closed for an average of $231.00 days longer than any other part of the world. and many lower income students have been particularly affected by the lack of internet connection or computers at home . for working parents like single mama to cat and could be at the reopening, could it become sooner? i couldn't be happier. i work and had to stop to take care of the kids. my daughter last year because we only have a cell phone at home. my son was in 5th grade and my daughter in 1st class is at the same time. so i had to sacrifice a younger one in been hard and i missed the reopening of happening despite the countries experiencing another major surge of covered cases. some cities postponed reopening schools for a week as they pushed to increase the number of vaccinated food in that in the capital book or tad. the reopening went on planned at least 64 percent of public school students have received. at least one don't have the vaccine. tomas today is much more than simply returning to face to face schooling. it's the beginning of a new form of life and education. we all need to learn. it's the beauty of education for climate change on the pandemic forces to live and learn in new ways that many professors and unions remain weary of the decision. saying little has been done to deal with overcrowded classrooms, lack of infirmary, and promised hygiene kits in many public schools. in the last, within a year, it's evident that all the bio security tool has little support. in reality. if you look at the, the crowning or the students in a small space, it's dangerous for them. and for us, we saw on one hand was satisfied that we continue to wife, epidemiological situation. no, the government says it well closely monitored the impact of the reopening an infection data, but that schools will not close again for the joy of friends and colleagues finally reunited allison and dizzy and with the that it was of all infamous for its cruelty mutilations and child soldiers paid for by exports of cycled la diamond's mind by slave labor. and it's 20 years since the end of the civil war in sierra leone. the recovery has seen some progress and reconciliation, but as emma did the supports now from the capital free town, despite vast mineral riches its 8000000 people remains some of the poorest in africa. this factory on the outskirts of free town is one of dozens of small and medium industries that grows from the ashes of several young civil war. it refines an export to palm oil and byproduct. and in the past 2 years has been able to expand its reach to market in west africa and asia, 45 percent goes in the local market. and the balance we are exporting to countries like gun on senegal. iberia. is it like they go to more and more countries the government says focusing on the country strength is key to industrial growth. and one of the areas which we have tried to focus on is our culture. because our culture is one area where we can have whole lot of raw materials for industry development, but recovery, so on many fronts from rescuing the economy to tackling corruption and reconciling it's b one the one on the juice's jerica has his hands chopped off by rebels jordan, the war because of the truth recklessly shall commission that we will forget that we will forgive, but we will never forget because we at karen did they did, did it? did they off house all day activities, which was not doors 11 years of civil war killed at least 50000 people enforced half a 1000000 from their homes. one of the bloodiest conflicts started on rebels attempted to overthrow the government. as well as rape mutilations enforced used of charge. soldiers fighting was often funded by so called blood diamonds. mind with slave labor, one of the toughest bottles of the ferry or civil war was $41.00, west african food by the local horses. yeah. do you have then, in control of that you stop result. i tend to pull west this moment and the bridge over there, which is now called the police bridge, stand as reminders of some of the doctors, doctors, instead of you rebels, so forth in the war. i also still struggling to dictates own most of my colleagues, some of them are not calling again to legally such as societies because why they have wanted to be little they did with the assets. you angels, i don't think them. but like me, i just, i said missile sites in and all the government admits the reconciliation process is slow. do want more speed. but under this administration, i think we have addressed more theatrical mandy shells not any order mister shown before before president bill. several years has been stable politically for the past 20 years. but divisions remain. for now, the biggest concern for the government of citizens alike is competing corruption. improving infrastructure and reducing unemployment. all require a huge amount of money. something several young doesn't have despite it's vast mineral wealth. i'm and edris al jazeera pre town, said leon, well, the part to our series on life in fairly and we look at the devastating abolla brake, how all the victims faring now and what lessons have been learned if that's another break that's on wednesday here on ultra 0 the trailer has paid $14000000.00 for the copyrights of an aboriginal flag. it was created in 1971 and become the official flag of australia's indigenous communities. we ought to create this lease the right would charge for teeth, but organizations that you're straining football league use the flag, but refused to pay for it. the minister for indigenous australians says, now the flag belongs to everyone. ah, don't you all just bear with me the whole rom, the reminder of our top stories. the military kid became a strict international condemnation with the u. s. u and echoes calling for the immediate release of present rock about a, a group of soldiers deposed the board. on monday and his whereabouts are known, some medic has more from the capital people took to the they were honking their horns, they were tearing, and the people that i spoke to said that some of them said this is.

Related Keywords

Norway , Yangtze River , China General , China , Australia , Japan , Philippines , Shanghai , United States , Lebanon , Vietnam , Republic Of , Beijing , Indonesia , Russia , Kremlin , Moskva , Adelaide , South Australia , Jordan , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Ukraine , Bangladesh , New Zealand , India , Egypt , Cameroon , North Korea , South Korea , Senegal , Australian , America , Russian , Australians , Lebanese , Han , South Korean , Bradley Al Jazeera , Alexia Bryan , Edris Al Jazeera , Barnes Johnson , Forrest Johnson , James Gannon , Alexia Brian Al Jazeera , Ina Sam , Boris Johnson ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708

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alexia the valley, and some of his allies to its list of terrorists. also, police in the u. k. say they'll investigate events held at the prime minister's office after report. parties took place, join the cove at 19 lockdown. ah, welcome to the program, the un secretary general, antonio guitar rushes condemned. the military coup, bikini, fafsa, crowds gathered in the capital one could do to celebrate after a group of soldiers announced on state television, the removal of president rock, cowboy. the military says the government failed to contain are groups that have killed thousands of people. now the que leaders have suspended the constitution and imposed a night time curfew. some medic has reaction from the capital yesterday, there was a lot of anticipation as people who are waiting for this new military junta to make an announcement. but once they did, and even before that people took to the streets, they were honking their horns. they were cheering, and the people that i spoke to said that some of them said this was overdue. they were really happy about this. they were hoping that this would change the time people have been dying civilians are displayed, the military has been struggling to fight and you haven't insurgency and the population just that they're fed up with the government. and really, really hoping that haven't military and young military in charge of the country will change the situation. so people seem optimistic, but of course they say these guys need to show a track record what they were. so what i was hearing from people is that expect them to be honest and having peg ready and to really fight and that they think having military people in charge at a time right now will be the key. however, the military has been ill equipped, they're under train, and they have been struggling to stem this insurgency. they say that they can't fight, did you? how did they use guerrilla warfare tactics that you had in the military, which is not used to fighting, is really having a hard time attacking them. they're spreading their growing. so i so it'll, it'll really, it's sort of like wait and see right now in terms of whether this will change anything or not, at least a people have been killed at a stampede during africa's top football talent. now dozens more injured in the crush of the africa cup of nations, game between host cameroon and the cameras. it happened outside the stadium, north of the capitol, yonder, alexia bryan, reports. yvette desperate grief outside. what should have been a fun family evening at a football match. instead, this woman is crying out for her father and asking god why several people were killed when crowd surged at the entrance to the africa cup of nations match between hosts, cameroon, and cameras. who is going to know, i don't know what people behind you said push i was among them. and when i saw that i left to enter from the north west. they stayed there. and that's when someone left to open the barrier. so someone pulled it by push like that, some fell on top of others, but there were even babies in norway, bama, napoleon, fair meadow as the police closed the gate, a crowd of people came from behind and i was stuck in it, so i couldn't go back i was below, and god spared me now gone. i d, as in apple, red ha, was seen lying motionless near an entrance to the stadium. one person mount next to one of the victims and appeared to be trying to resuscitate them. i just now there were 50 people, i saw nearly 50 people on the ground. the african for bull confederation says it's investigating the incident. crisis talks are reported to have been cold over widest security issues. a limit stadium can hold 6000 people. the capacities been limited to just 60 percent, because of coven 19 capacities increase to 80 percent. when the home team cameron's in thomasville lions play me. i can tell you that tonight there was absolutely more than 80 percent that the stadium that was nearly full. i'm assuming that's because of the barriers that hold up sort of rustin. but from what i can tell you is that going into the stadium, there's a very serpentine corridor that's not very wide. it's maybe 2 or 3 meters in which and that people are going increasingly frustrated. so you know, mama was meant to host africans biggest football tournament in 2019. but the event was taken away from them and handed to egypt. after concern stadiums were not ready for the games. they were question marks of about construction and security. elim bay is the main stadium for the african tournament. it's a to stage 3 more games, including the final on february 6th, alexia brian al jazeera russian authorities of other jailed kremlin critic alexi the valley in some of his allies to its list of terrorists and extremists. moscow van valley's political network as an extremist last year during a sweeping crackdown rally is imprisoned for violating the terms of a previous sentence for fraud. puzzled, elegant high is a defense and military on the list. he says the latest move shows the valley still poses a problem for the rational forties is organization has being already listed, banned as extremist, and that he's were tenants who are abroad a happy know. so even the status of extremists and terrorist, the mouth he has to means his assets will be frozen and also more much more importantly, he will not be eligible for parole. because right now he's jailed on that minor offense, actually pantry, stuff, but it's on the business kind of a regularity. but now he has a much more serious status. and when right now the tensions are really getting higher and higher. there's the threat of confrontation, open confrontation with the west, very important for the russian authorities to keep it under wraps. he was the person who managed to organize really serious street protests and know at west street protests and the war movement. when russia goes into a confrontation with the west coast, if there's already a confrontation with the west western protest about my bias, me right now will not be that important when they're a smart, serious issue. the police in london have opened an investigation into government event held during crow virus lockdown. it comes on the u. k. prime minister faces new allegations. now, the reports of boris johnson's wife threw him a surprise birthday party during the 1st lockdown in june 2020 senior civil servants to grace expected to release her inquiry. very soon. let's speak to andrew simmons, who joins us now side, the prime minister's official residence at dining street and an andrew we've been having for weeks now that the police may investigate these downing street parties confirmation now, but they are. so this has been taken very seriously. it certainly is crescent a dick the metropolitan police commissioner has been coming under pressure over being equitable about sir gatherings. parties during the suspicious, specifically, the 1st lockdown in 2020 an others. now that has been confirmation by herself her before the police and crime committee of the london authority. she said that all parties are being looked at in downing street investigated. and evidence has been presented by the captain's office. now that is likely to be the senior civil servants inquiry, su gray into the parsons and there has been confirmation bats. one of the parties being investigated was unknown until now and that was a birthday party, a very brief one. it has to be said in the a cabinet room on. busy june 19th in 2020 and that was said to have been organized by the prime minister's wife. that is being denied by downing street, which is mounting a major defense campaign to try to keep a barnes johnson's position safe. but this latest moved by the police is certainly going to be negative in terms of his prospects for holding on to the job. and of course, all of this all hinges, as you just alluded to, was the su, gray report, a senior civil servant. so the pressure is really on downing street and it has been for, you know, that the past few weeks, but more so now most certainly, yes sir. there's been a series of revelations and even when this report comes out, it's likely that will be a drip feet of more revelations. valley's latest one has caused the presto splash over the headlines yet again. another party, one of the tabloids papers is saying, and the sensor, the slightly humorous take by the sun newspaper. but the more serious papers also are here. johnson held a locked down birthday party number 10 and you can see this birthday cake. it's a birthday cake, not the birthday cake. i hasten to add. this was a birthday cake at our school that was presented to the prime minister on that same day. you'll see also that sir. there is all the newspapers leading with this new story. most of them anyway, and the defense is along these lines that the prime minister was taken by surprise, that it was only brief. it was 10 minutes that he was in the cabinet room. they sang happy birthday and the staff amounted to less than 30 years, reported her there is a lot of anger amongst a m p. 's. and also the public of the politics may have short memories, but the public won't forget this. and forrest johnson's really seriously marked by it, he is a could possibly face a vote of no confidence. there is more support for this. it seems even m p saying they'll support him privately. that may not do that. and so he is facing at a very serious challenge. it would seem to his office when it would be gimme a very close eye on that story. as the days progress for the moment under thank you . the 2000000 people in beijing have in order to get tested for k with 19 the decision came after a series of break the head of the winter olympics, which is a post open next week. now those invasion neighborhoods considered high risk for infection have been told not to leave the city. trina, you has more from beijing. this is not the picture they would have wanted so close to the winter game to opens and only 10 days. but we've had reported in china $3400.00 cases around about since the beginning of december, this outbreak has spread to 6 regions, including some major cities such as shanghai and change. and but of course, what is really alarming authorities is these clusters. now, in the capital beijing, now there were 2 separate clusters that they've been trying to get under control. the 1st was about 6 cases of the highly infectious on the con variant. now authority say that they have seemed to contain that, but what they are still struggling to really fight is this cluster of the delta varied, which seems to center around a cold food storage plant in the district of fung tie. now, the 2000000 people living in fung tied district have been asked on tuesday to underground to undergo a 2nd round of mass testing. they're not allowed to leave their homes unless they can show a negative curve and test result. but the entire city really is on high alert. other districts are also asking residents to get tested just as a precaution. our team here engaging were asked all get scramble and get some kind of a test earlier today. even though we live on the other side of the city and they're really strictly enforcing things like mosque wearing scanning of health codes and a new measure that they've put in place. so that if you go to a pharmacy and you by any medicines that are related to headaches, sore throats, fevers, or allergies. it will be noted in a database and you will be asked to immediately go get a covered 1900 test. while still had he all al jazeera, 20 years after the civil war ended in sierra land, let's be some recovery. but the country remains one of the poorest in africa around the world. like when he says new figures reading the scale of levels, economic collapse, their stories after the break. ah ah, look forward to brighter skies the winter sponsored my cattle airways. and away we go with your weather report for asia. hello, everyone. nice to see you. beginning in the philippines for the bottom line here is we've just got way too much rain falling in. so as a result, there are severe flight advisories in play at the bulk of the rain, the dark of the color, the more intense the rain is falling is around pure told princess or on wednesday. and this is all being amplified as well by the ne monsoon. so look at that band that saw the band of rain over lose on island. so speaking of the ne monsoon pepin up again, we're seen an increase in shower activity, cross coastal vietnam. but nothing major here. batch of rain and snow running across the yangtze river valley, we've got a ne, when so that's press down the temperature in shanghai. and once again we're seeing that c effects snow turn on through japan. so some snow over the hills of western areas of han shoe after the bay been gone right now. some showers around town on the do stretching right across the be a, been gone into pretty close that border with b and mar and bangladesh. and then for the north, west of india is still cool conditions here, temperatures are low, well below average. and in fact, we do have some weather alerts in play in this is impacting westmount to pradesh or cold wave alert and some cooler air for more by as well that 26 degrees that's below average seal later take her o. whether sponsored by casara, always a journey of personal discovery, my great grandfather, he was a slave of lee property al jazeera, is james gannon, excludes his family's legacy as slave ownership. you know, like my family's status and wealth has benefited from their choice. translated people and america's debt to the black people to day. so over so, so we have a scale to speak out. this is bradley al jazeera correspondence, a moral debt. ah, the me up and you're watching out there with me. so he'll run the reminder of our top stories. the military came, became offensive history international condemnation. with the u. s. u eco. us calling for the immediate release of president rock about a group of soldiers deposed him on monday, and his whereabouts are still on the stage football fans having killed us after a couple of nations gave and cameron, they were crushed in a sam fee that they tried to add to the stadium outside of the capitol, young police in london opened the investigation into government during code virus lockdown that comes on the prime minister fixes new allocation that he ignored restriction by attending parties. south korea says north korea has 5 to projectiles. believe to be cruise missiles into the sea or eastern coast, the south korean military says is assessing the logins to determine the nature of the projectiles. is the 5th such long since the start of the year. and you shipment of aid from the united states as arrived in ukraine. the pentagon says it's also put 8 and a half 1000 troops on high alert. it says that prior to deploy, if needed, along with other nato forces in eastern europe. this comes and says, continue to grow of a possible russian invasion of ukraine. in some cases, some of these forces were already on a heightened posture, readiness to deploy posture, and the secretary decided to make it even more short and a tether even more. so in some cases, units would go from say, 10 days prepared to deploy. now there, at 5 days, the world bank says the lebanese government's revenue fell by nearly half last year . the financial institute says gdp declined by more than 10 percent. but testers have been keeping up the pressure on the government, the local currency, last 90 percent of its value in 2019. hi, co women is a project director for lebanon international crisis group. he says levels lead as remain in denial about how bad the situation has become. i'm talking to you now about over a network and internet network that i, that i hope will hold up. i've just switched for before the program from one to the other. because we are at the point where the tim comes, providers don't have diesel to run generators, which they need to, to uphold the system or the network because there's only 2 hours of state electricity per day. now, imagine you have 2 hours of state tricity per day. how is any lebanese industrialist or producer going to compete in the international market? how are they going to exports, how they going to convince their lines abroad that they can deliver on whatever trade, whatever business agreements they have? the situation that local economy is facing is the total collapse of interest infrastructure, which makes it extremely difficult to work, to produce and to earn money and to, to earn dollars that are required to pay for the claim ports. the political leadership would have to let go of their control over the state of the systems of systematic plunder. really of the state and public resources. and their power is built on the systematic founder of the quietest resources of the holding them out to support us and controlling institutions. and as long as they don't change, this is not going to be any money coming. and we're not going to move forward. a fire or a life club in indonesia has killed at least 19 people. blaze for contouring, fighting between rival gangs, please in west papa province are investigate whether or not the club was deliberately set on fire. but more than 20 s trailyn sailors all the military aid vessel on its way to tongue. i have tested positive for 19 the pacific island nation hasn't reported any infections so far, but the government is worried about the flow of aid. also, bringing an outward and outbreak of paper 19 tundra is dealing with the aftermath of a devastating volcanic eruption unseen. i'll be more than a week ago. wait a report from new zealand. the h. m a s. adelaide left australia on friday carrying much needed aid supplies to tong up. but as the ship near its destination, the australian government confirmed there had been a covert 19 outbreak on board or can report to the to 23 personnel on hi to myers adeline, which the part of brisbin a matter of days ago, have been, have tested positive for with cove ignorance on there, of those people obviously, and others on board who are in isolation of the moment. tongue that desperately needs outside assistance after the volcanic eruption and to nami more than a week ago. but doesn't want to risk an outbreak of coven 19 brought by 8 workers. it's insisting that all supplies must be delivered contactless. at this stage, the adelaide will complete its mission. as some communication is restored and toner, more images are coming out showing how devastating the disaster was. these are from the island of no mac up one of the closest to the volcano, and one of the most effective. the red cross estimates waves as high as 15 meters smashed into num, luca and nearby islands. really, nobody knew that there was a wave coming. i'm so we had all in every household that was on the road like we just shouted out soon army soon army you know get to higher ground. most people here have been moved to the main island of toma top oo. they're a long, clean up as underway and power has been restored, but livelihoods in this tiny island nation will take a long time to rebuild. i have a bakery when i called eva opens. now, because of the ash in the bakery, my whole tongue is economy was already in trouble before the disaster. now, the outlook is even more grim and basic supplies may become hard to get when we're talking about crops. and it was severely damage due to the dust covering the farms. a yan and the crops you managed to survive. you with our, our shoot, we're talking about teen and corn beef in the short term assistance will continue to arrive at the tone, means will need long term help to rebuild and recover. wayne, hey, al jazeera, towed on easy ellen's. now hundreds of business owners in south gray have shave their heads to protest against quote virus restrictions, damaging trade, restaurants and shopping, and have to limit the number of banks and the customers to 6 at a time. infection rate there has to record high with cases topping more than 8000 a day. for the 1st time he did, he 10000000 students in columbia have returned to in person classes after 2 years of disruption. coincides with record corona virus infections nationwide. and the search in daily death and incentive on pietro reports from the capital bucket home . oh, much fun fare. schools across most at columbia. open their doors on monday, receiving all of their students for the 1st time since the start of depend damage for friends and classmates. long separated a day to rejoice with him because i don't know whether or not the truth is you don't learn much at home. it's not the same as being in class with teachers that can answer your doubts. and i miss being with my friends having somebody to share a joke, an activity. schools in latin america have been closed for an average of $231.00 days longer than any other part of the world. and many lower income students have been particularly affected by the lack of internet connection or computers at home . for working parents like single mama to cat and could be at the reopening, could it become sooner? i couldn't be happier. i work and had to stop to take care of the kids. my daughter last year because we only have a cell phone at home. my son was in 5th grade and my daughter in 1st class is at the same time. so i had to sacrifice a younger one in been hard and i missed the reopening of happening despite the countries experiencing another major surge of covered cases. some cities postponed reopening schools for a week as they pushed to increase the number of vaccinated food in that in the capital book or tad. the reopening went on planned at least 64 percent of public school students have received. at least one don't have the vaccine. tomas today is much more than simply returning to face to face schooling. it's the beginning of a new form of life and education. we all need to learn. it's the beauty of education for climate change on the pandemic forces to live and learn in new ways that many professors and unions remain weary of the decision. saying little has been done to deal with overcrowded classrooms, lack of infirmary, and promised hygiene kits in many public schools. in the last, within a year, it's evident that all the bio security tool has little support. in reality. if you look at the, the crowning or the students in a small space, it's dangerous for them. and for us, we saw on one hand was satisfied that we continue to wife, epidemiological situation. no, the government says it well closely monitored the impact of the reopening an infection data, but that schools will not close again for the joy of friends and colleagues finally reunited allison and dizzy and with the that it was of all infamous for its cruelty mutilations and child soldiers paid for by exports of cycled la diamond's mind by slave labor. and it's 20 years since the end of the civil war in sierra leone. the recovery has seen some progress and reconciliation, but as emma did the supports now from the capital free town, despite vast mineral riches its 8000000 people remains some of the poorest in africa. this factory on the outskirts of free town is one of dozens of small and medium industries that grows from the ashes of several young civil war. it refines an export to palm oil and byproduct. and in the past 2 years has been able to expand its reach to market in west africa and asia, 45 percent goes in the local market. and the balance we are exporting to countries like gun on senegal. iberia. is it like they go to more and more countries the government says focusing on the country strength is key to industrial growth. and one of the areas which we have tried to focus on is our culture. because our culture is one area where we can have whole lot of raw materials for industry development, but recovery, so on many fronts from rescuing the economy to tackling corruption and reconciling it's b one the one on the juice's jerica has his hands chopped off by rebels jordan, the war because of the truth recklessly shall commission that we will forget that we will forgive, but we will never forget because we at karen did they did, did it? did they off house all day activities, which was not doors 11 years of civil war killed at least 50000 people enforced half a 1000000 from their homes. one of the bloodiest conflicts started on rebels attempted to overthrow the government. as well as rape mutilations enforced used of charge. soldiers fighting was often funded by so called blood diamonds. mind with slave labor, one of the toughest bottles of the ferry or civil war was $41.00, west african food by the local horses. yeah. do you have then, in control of that you stop result. i tend to pull west this moment and the bridge over there, which is now called the police bridge, stand as reminders of some of the doctors, doctors, instead of you rebels, so forth in the war. i also still struggling to dictates own most of my colleagues, some of them are not calling again to legally such as societies because why they have wanted to be little they did with the assets. you angels, i don't think them. but like me, i just, i said missile sites in and all the government admits the reconciliation process is slow. do want more speed. but under this administration, i think we have addressed more theatrical mandy shells not any order mister shown before before president bill. several years has been stable politically for the past 20 years. but divisions remain. for now, the biggest concern for the government of citizens alike is competing corruption. improving infrastructure and reducing unemployment. all require a huge amount of money. something several young doesn't have despite it's vast mineral wealth. i'm and edris al jazeera pre town, said leon, well, the part to our series on life in fairly and we look at the devastating abolla brake, how all the victims faring now and what lessons have been learned if that's another break that's on wednesday here on ultra 0 the trailer has paid $14000000.00 for the copyrights of an aboriginal flag. it was created in 1971 and become the official flag of australia's indigenous communities. we ought to create this lease the right would charge for teeth, but organizations that you're straining football league use the flag, but refused to pay for it. the minister for indigenous australians says, now the flag belongs to everyone. ah, don't you all just bear with me the whole rom, the reminder of our top stories. the military kid became a strict international condemnation with the u. s. u and echoes calling for the immediate release of present rock about a, a group of soldiers deposed the board. on monday and his whereabouts are known, some medic has more from the capital people took to the they were honking their horns, they were tearing, and the people that i spoke to said that some of them said this is.

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