Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Living With The Volc

Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Living With The Volcano 20240708

president, security detail. several people were wounded. one, what's going on here right now? nothing's going well. we expected a lot from president rock and he's only disappointed people. more few appointments always with the new government. but he was the real problem for the president's party. this was an attempted assassination on a democratically elected leader. hawk macavoy survived, but his time in office was a band of soldiers calling themselves the patriotic movement for safeguarding and restoration led by this men lieutenant colonel. following appeared on state television saying they had ousted, give away the government, and pretended the constitution to compose out their 1st duty fast. the movement which brings together all the components of the defense and security forces has thus decided to put an end to the power mister corporation. on the 24th of january 2022. the decision taken with the soul lame of enabling our country to get back on track and together all its forces in order to fight for its territorial integrity. its recovery and sovereignty offending tip was on the face growing discontent in his inability to deal with the rising attacks of our groups linked to al qaeda and i saw millions have been displaced in thousands killed but appeared to be abused to be on sunday with soldiers asking for more means to deal with the ongoing threat escalated into a military takeover on monday with special forces taking over both the national tv station and the presidential palace. earlier in a tweet, president hockman, a boy asked soldiers to lay down their arms in the interest of the nation, calling for dialogue. the west african body echo else called on the soldiers to return to their barracks. while the you urged the immediate release of the president, the un expressed condemnation that a 3rd coup in west africa. i will say that was the regional organisation has been extremely responsive ah, and, and strong in and unified in their responses to these schools. after moni jenny, let's a good now burkina faso soldiers are yet again top lisa and unpopular. a democratically elected president in the name of the people promising to restore peace in a region gripped by violence and uncertainty. nicholas hawk al jazeera and avenues . the european union says it's ready to impose never before seen sanctions if russia attacks ukraine, russia as mast an estimated 100000 troops near the border, and nato is expanding its military presence in eastern europe. the kremlin accuses it of escalating tensions. meanwhile, the pentagon has 8 and a half 1000 troops on heightened alert. it says they're prepared to deploy, if needed, along with other nato forces. in some cases, some of these forces were already on a, a heightened posture, readiness to deploy posture, and the secretary decided to make it even more, a shortened a tether even more so in some cases, units would go from say, 10 days prepared to deploy. now there, at 5 days, at least 6 people have been killed in a stampede outside of football game. in cameroon, fans appear to have rush to enter the stadium before cameron's round of 16 game kicked off against cameras. cindy africa, cup of nations and australia has paid $14000000.00 for the copyright of the aboriginal flag. the indigenous auntie so created it in 1971 least the rights and would charge for its use. some aboriginal groups have question to the timing of the announcement which comes 24 hours before australia day is marked. those are the headlines on al jazeera. we'll have more news for you after al jazeera while. oh oh mm mm. mm ah. we'll be down at the visual, we'll get more to do most of the mission done with you under the me in the whiskey and get it done. we look here time we were pretty goes over to deal with they don't give you these. i checked, i was forced to visual work on the agenda, going to be with one issue me. i don't if i have to you that you will be even going over here at least i thought it was the vision agenda to post a lot more with logic village or neither. any zonal to him to feel a little girl is one of the lead to mind that soon you get control and gone or a lot on the same. i saw deli dying, some refusing. yes. even though the that said was all the model they needed kind of what is going on for with the fuel and say my god is what cause it will be the one. those are the only modal meet that are going to be on the of what some of your last post some a to do with the sooner we know quite get them but little older. going to fight over a new one over the rest today because they've gone up to but he goes all the questions and i didn't see that be casually was gone on for i know yes, modest we still are the law james's son, that i think you only console your brother machine, each in the novelty, the home is when the over of your mind to get fancy going to be about what you want to know. we missed on and shoot a more a mentally not. so the model was gentlemen, lovers, so well as a poor sim, brought a defeat, larry allen, xyz low boy and i went on in m ended. if your dog, i chewing may your, does this, this see as normal of yours. okay. and the other 2 billing major a. our bureau castle macklin. i'm we're a yes or have a score on the last they said a wants of elizabeth. good was our father in garzo the, the ali still very late. they bazzi ones of blue nuclear in general. so he ariellas zon, obey. busy the school kind of pill or other windy, my cousin boy he will can or the should he say if i so i steer the will of him boiler the water a will agree be me ways he has to be in a yes me day the go. i lost all your there, 30 lawyer when i was truly aladdin gets yona equates to win me in a score with you. all example good can say though that it all your. busy g jordan off randall. no idea. he was sunni. what to, to the jolly army, what a it will say. cisco features of thunder won the lady school based on the way. look at $30.00 your finger and you're going to see the army or start up, be main discrete linearity. she try levy. she's castaneda, we near cook, we this will been dra lamar bethune is mod either better cost of a lot. here he was on going to cheney study photography. again, he was very visible. your boss? will they be more to the level of via, with the mia con p. what he she had cutty, this the only answer put daughter call yet no one p die chit chat. you followed him or jordan up? he shouted g and darted with me for the vision. on you father, he had been made up as in the last thought in we're solving 0. she's called the not a median. that is boston off a precious garden here that alameda key opens up his octave beauty me o, put a key, the upper we saw that less space to lead. old knob is keyah jarvis, one of the shins of when that evil key that it appears on a young middle level, but, ah ah, with run all waving chance. so jaws of auburn, georgia, and the last one you're not supposed to support. and so it's a kind of, i mean, you know, nobody them going to do will fight for the side of the one thing to dig a solution that the bank was own g t o, there was a book went up in new york city club, but no book with the book law, see what happened because it was us, but the reason why i called the bush, the man somebody for the go. and i was somebody that had worked up a little bit either the my judy level or like i'm going down. i going to figure out what all the general, what was troubling volleyball j, mullin on the highest. but let's see what's another one, tanya. so that quote, you quote a message will be the nice shift inability to him. i mean, the suppose the pulse of the month, one of the law school and programming showing up on mondays and promising me to present bella go. so you said you were a lot of what it was if i go with either one of your mood, georgia sybil already. which is her job job for the promo you. what did you want to, but i'm on my lunch break just because i get too much. lemme while the polluted warner said nobody, my manager was suddenly was he said i'm willing to require. no, they probably don't ask about it. abberly can't let me that's going on more and i'm one of the boys. but i mean, come on, like i said, we just then as human, a lot of my been giving lots of like i said that the tories, you combine your southern dishy that you've all been, that you don't want to just not i don't know if you go on the good, you manage your loans in there, they know the little wheel. he's clean, my weapon, it's delafield, individual, your sewing machine law characteristics you got to have in it will. can you go? it probably will lead to sheer confetti. the april duty i don't mean she's rolling and i will probably allow composite unit kimiko de la swallow will. can you go people on it which will come you'll be in italy initiative beyond the a laptop. yeah. find more of the product and on voice setting me out on the rest of the moment. i refer to the question to the daughter import, and let me in for medium and see how the minority cited appropriate when the, the money, the fans are valid. exactly. ah . busy using a non issue to. busy the fact that it is a junior daughters on the issue of the windy pencil, the mean of a finger janitor and it was showing that the torso it throughout they don't. jeanette queen. teddy daughter is with me ah ah ah. busy she what i meant lashing by a colonel. do you want it to pinnacle she did load opa and give it up. when we went down to she can leave it. it was still a negro. ok. your shipping some more. i mean, as far as we'll see on what kind of deal. but again, like i said, there's a profile. no, you're not checked out of in the limits. you're related, so not equally us or not. you had met me better maternity leave us a little bit or didn't get along with it. so no, any sky league, city inkworks. so every daughter ah, she to be on the legend. i meant the people in the money to maureen, that it just finished my leg as big. i won't ever so was. so did he go to work to find out emp, over will may say chinese food, unsightly in san mateo said, what are the non pants yet? and i have told them up, i just started you want to leave this on a work order? no, no, no, no, be it's been a long time ago. oh, i use it. yeah. we have their own faculty that have to do with dadi, non linear issue. this one didn't even want to make an offer. and so most people, keith was after christmas and david gray stephen made it to get really made vision of another was history. and i can lloyd beneath the nursery and even survey this for women not gosh, i wonder how much let me give you a video montana individual you unclear on your children aren't on on the last level of august and be sure mentors of a young man and she just said any time when she dr. what's your best k one going to be done with? she said what she wants to what other side it will get on my computer for somebody to see me loaded into a shellman. the leg was echo, manage a little bit of a shiver. no problem. bob gene. it also says, so the chapter sent me sophie, you in the navy that i on your course, i get to why the defeat and look at all. it might be almost double learning about all of the side. is that a memo? whatever about movement? i ah visual meal at and t o m, we cannot get into our vehicles. he dang getting sick of this vehicle as he done went down rapidly. but the key then for cable length on him and get out of the need of people say it soon as possible to change the money. thought out joe with 10 foot, i added it to t. he said he'd get with a t c. missed to remain the more you know, tv, i don't know if that case went into about the minute i thought of the lady who me you recommend to go to school or not that it is unit in many see got it like i the main building and shown it was like when he duction guy and get out of the fight in it, but it is uni people, probably people who live a little too. and i think you shadow guns he's is, will be a new, a sample that does he able to, in his blues. you, they see end to any if was even willing to represent them. i'm a bit equals home in that out and able to use those even get that. i mean, i'm a little glass people metal that the food well received as well, but it was gonna is deformable block to waste it out. block, give it, you don't have anything to stick with that ceiling. even put it down to that's got a bad nobody gave it affect to get that to get that aside. if one over the last, so drain, i was us off that even better bang depth and better do it. anyway, d, c ma'am, could handle a box i get out of the unity equal didn't too deep with some of them. that's most the gala gandhi from men to d dot k. can nina, melissa melissa. it used to go to the way to look it all out of out of pap. he only got a c, b, j. sell back to them for scholastic book, and not necessarily on the surface of in, on much out of us would be that ability . wonderful of now, it was a ton of the leukemia, the little children treadmill a 1000000 ocean to say the 1000000 i was the one on the was that all dylan widows have a solid each individual. we'll draw down direction, got everything you don't, all of our dealership could encourage you to join, but don't go into an account or so they raising don't lazy this through to prove or to the law to keep it. all not that of her daughter is sadala your be done, the war mother, not because we list a more to the last regarding the business you will in the for the job you cannot the dinner is we are here is will put the analogy symbol ledia solidarity in fact, the launch is young ladies who don't need this route you. one of them was in pretty woman job put the she said that them you had anybody oh i ah ah ah ah, a with a sigh man event in the on the top of a c. c. c. see more to a bit. so and channel is only 2, mean hello. i don't think i want that all. but got a call to the general mill order for the king levity. thanks she receive. yeah. more dish um i used to talk to the persona kim and one. can all quads cause or the the fuel a port tunnel co, the attending garage sat on top, removing the widow scar? pick it. i see a proper new train of thought on tarka. it checked the pits, a pro, fee your job and he thought my really p, the bunny out, love a show more so $30.00. so he missed a more of a, a set of co procuring or sofa. come on with in, in grass, nothing in the k i want to work on getting my lovita van going on there to the national 90000. no, no. so the sham or $78.00 and kit ayana bank and cooperate, been labeled a friend on or kenya be zoned. donna colbert retired k m, put out san diego, him for the job a month in a for him, or a pickin north level on a bazaar the super ideal for to deny it. as soon as he took one will be similar to him. when young family, i mean on ball, please. oh, the law we love is we on i was so young with visual real. i love here. they will do nisha ship. we ship within formally. so there was a better get you on the on gone, are now all 40. no, gina, to fight over there it or to okay. cool. a love all the especially the other. well, i had medicaid a yankee, my cilla corridor with this facility with elizabeth to resolve your bed. what of each of their own, of course, ready was them over there and kill resolved. okay. dorm in upper abiola area. my, well, you know, with the right here to report on the people often ignored but who must be heard? how many other channels can you say will take the time and put extensive thought into reporting from under reported areas. of course, we cover major global offense that are nasa lies and making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like hollis fine libya, yemen ha sahalina and, and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort, we care, and stay for quite a few decades. casa, has been dealing with political and economic turmoil, and its people struggle to access essential needs, like adequate quantities of potable water, a sufficient number of beds for a pregnant mothers, and limited access to up to date information for students. and in the ha, the ground water is not sufficient to meet the daily needs of all of its residents . this led to the development of the new water treatment facility in han, eunice slowing down further pollution. the extension of, as if, as medical facilities was accomplished to provide expectant mothers with a safe and reliable opportunity to get the care they needed. the kuwait library at the university college of science and technology is not only a repository of knowledge but an access point to the world beyond ah, you're watching altogether with me. so rahman, in doha, reminder of our top news stories, these spokesman full, the ones i could to general has condemned, occur in became a faster and voice concern for the president. the military says it seized power and depose put a present ra. couple whose whereabouts are still unknown. the secretary general's following developments and burkina faso with deep concern. he's particularly worried about the whereabouts and safety of president rock, mark chris, shaka, bori, as well as the worsening security situation. following the crew carried out on january 23rd by sections of the armed forces, the secretary general strongly condemns any attempt to take over of government by the force of arms. the you says it's ready to impose never before seen sanctions of russia attacks ukraine. russia has a master, an estimated 100000 troops near the border. a nater is expanding its military presence in eastern europe. the kremlin accused it of escalating tensions. the pentagon has 8 and a half 1000 troops on heightened alert. in some cases, some of these forces were already on a, a heightened pasha readiness to deploy posture. and the secretary decided to make it even more a shortened a tether even more so in some cases, units would go from say, 10 days prepared to deploy. now there, at 5 days, at least 6 people have been killed and a stampede outside the football game. in cameroon, that fans appear to have rushed to enter the stadium before kick off ahead of cameron's round of 16 against the cameras in the africa cup of nations. at least 3 people being killed in the latest protest against military rule in sudan. the central committee of the cities doctor says they were shot dead by security forces. he fired live rounds and tear gas. britons prime minister boris johnson is denied report. he attended yet another social gathering. a breach of cove had locked on rules its claim. johnson's wife threw him a surprise birthday party, joined the 1st lockdown in june 2020. the prime minister's office as it was a brief gathering that lasted less than 10 minutes. china has ordered 2000000 residents district in beijing to take chrome virus test. it follows a series of coven 19 outbreaks in the chinese capital ahead of the start of the winter olympics. the government has told people in neighborhoods considered high to remain in the city. those were the headlands. i'm back with more news in half an hour. do stay with a sound as they are. a world continues here on al jazeera. ah, [000:00:00;00] with a hole. ah, perfect. who hasten me, norton b, is he a murray? b medina, hoodie. city, 30 a foot a foot sam. yeah. what say no. such that man, italian show from medina to pay a lot $30.00. an incident. they bad yearly, little. oh wow. oh, to me and the federal then fees out an all in san how would a hazard a i need to know any kind of had the heart of sin and had been so said how would 1 o'clock in the shore is there any, any the scene in or seen in but in, in fees i don't know what an id to harry shimaya but danny mccain shaneka ho for he had the old little hoffman hadn't mccann or manageable fuller cause. just meant hyatt in nurse and dictation of a book on n o. b, u r. n a chassis. ian ashmore, mine nathan has shibel ho, any huffman rod or by mail kind feature a show fulfill video of your order aaliyah for laudermill, a loss of hannah. what had had the con, fee tax ear ally ally said so well, i'll italy o. as in every natal hoffer nest to offer remedies one at cooper and delicate whole dating. madame a, fiona quarter aware hater, you're quarterly to tucker for tubby out at her country, lynn. said to you only given me i think i got to go with her, but cc 4 for samantha on 41st you wanna call her back? let me down for the 10 or a 10 gamma plan. didn't put the put someone goes up by the moment we both start now to to be the i'm all. busy i can do with that. may not, but then. okay, so it kept out. connie oh yeah, center dean. if you only have it over with each of order for so i was told a lot because that was done. i was told in the day i got it. no, do you know go mr. double either called today in due to my account for the dental more such a count on for the provided after it but i saw on a bus that ola, she equiped kitchen. i don't bobble but she had quite a c. o didn't go move on. normally, rosie muddle got is the one today, but on the same day he left me. yes, the burner sent to me. she could leggy x called leg and then a sheet alignment top. see a bizarre you do with that? i've got on board my g one leg work done on a can only be the only the me. i can. maria is only the aqua border c p whit, anton indian, my bass is similar. i said online, it's already sambro now your daughter, but someone to be passamore mazetti, send her collarbone under the deja. pokili cause her i think that's him of the assembly. see effect a parts of it. bob . ah, we don't watch a video oprah, but to jonathan, so who was will by the way, to get away but no other stuff. but basically i was calling our what the interest is only we start with him. ball a cylinder. wonder why the equivalent sally bishop was through. so would he if you come back to reading it, but it also didn't brusquely written through the own home, but so under the r oh, well the other one was on the way. so the clock was on all the way with krista deep and got an issue with it with somebody else. i now says settlement is in november with well i think it still couldn't let him go so we should also want to be met. there's all scored a level for might see what you're doing, but talk with the quality and all schuman, you dog. a lot about for done with fusion is a little odd. but learn with ah, with trying to port television for the fall, the game people started. we have a little bushel growth for chicken and what the mother garland and give her for baldwin. austin isn't at all been apart. they love us together. what darling booked the cause of the wind very sun yearly was india. i mailed it to where to lead or is he with an already new change on it? if a main, devoid a little to my work, michael growth, probably a little fuel. when i get this little arina a producer, imagine it could be scholar. i brought a seal lead or a normal nobody up here. you are a on the sun, maybe the level with about with no be able to under the still younger, same body with the resume. he's on the renewable star, the audio visual, real it on a flood j. lucy, block us again. now one of the daughter she was telling on them, but on your son gina is from a does he been dollars on denial, but don't fall off in the when i get annoyed another bill he was on job i'll do is and is only you the one to really share rogue bobby i'm you gave me, i would have been boy approximately notion of a footer under what caused the equipment to fill out for stars are doing things and with a vulgar v if up a dollar value. so they generally like a closer look, we've a little show for on the what your stomach, we are not really and you know, what am i? is he going but the vital tango who from the were sort over was it well everywhere he should are solid. yeah, maybe dinah scott available? sure. well, the water with myrtle legacy? no, no, no. it was gunshot. philip boomer again. i gotta kill people. chamber, literally with amanda le brochures, old father weatherly philadelphia hillock by saint our legacy manion for the little chip and from alsa. and visual l'aquila remain, they said something in the least. he or me stories to jerry, lindsey, i mean the romani, i believe is we'll, you'll receive order a teacher will not let us simonian said he won't be in colorado available viani yet klein, c a t h, a gardener already made the seeds are low enough level video, the fanciful mentality, let colony say the manual toys katy with kilogram a sudden all political teaching his lawyer. so hardy people might omega acquainted with yesco petals, relatives that would kit actually quit. interim abbey instead will align and bullied soon as a competitor and let her to really, really equitable intimate. we found her faith and also faith, which is an opportunity. keep the stock we're morning. coffee in orient, opinion, lame laminate. quit is on that. you're also last year for look over a lender, the low was he boy a very blanchett. marla labeled her, but all they saw it all by noise because you're fucked over the unit done. they got a new gray logo voice and she and i thought that he simply la lou, lou lou i need blue blue blue blue for me with a. busy hole and made a filling on the look one, i can look them up on the wireless co pays you me one kid. i got a template it on a domestic water bill. so now with my, with my mom on a movie, go, well, i live at all. oh, yosemite, about about on a month like a little you, she, your mother in time travel under did you notice die? no mustard and we listened and we like to to let all marquise oil iglesias will say to get we have on your tongue mom to rock. what are the older miss with us when we steer mala they'll be still going to they. so we'll see the loss of others. we are annoying that he was telling them. but allison allergies middle jack, what causes in yard all the way to the lisco said they went off your foot and fucked. was that all that had all the rain and an indian did eve look one day to, to norma, norma, wonder why one of old i will young. she walk in water should clear your thumb, then begin on saudi arab baylock this year. and he's a luke to want. okay. charlie gina chopper a store where you sewer, joe ah, what will you confirm your vote? with those key probably amid this will be will be the or do they have to wait the de la b? that's, you know, it's w for with all wheel tucson data or not sort of got a not enough. i lable cabinets will feel bergosa and went over the wound up. but gay, you shall somebody with a little stronger gustavo, so so, so, so louder only got each on a boat, but neither one is a little w, bishop travel dog. bravo, banashali. i've been there every, every quay quite the result of these map. clearly the normal dig on of was signature bags a boy on the libya. nobody thought it is your same breath, but nobody, when you're a boy, you shall live together by isa to build just one of the number one tomorrow is for the last one. to review a few times out of the list before the civil given him off, the ticket you fill out the louis because this is the model ah, a be able to, she still deviated with that can be people. those other one was it was out of the way that the one you know legged little been or the footer wheeler, which boulder will figure. but so the way the saga locks me my life and the fuel in change because he felt a little him we just need to be back in the middle. mom i took that she's developing a filling for us. i found in kenneth language another no need to do it always to so what we will finance it will be able to use will go over believe because the core logic is not able to show the congress to assemble. lady got it took the army, she bought a n d n o gonna log on. so we will need to get with some probability. all is our last you will remain there a not is aquanda but also turned it up. the bottle of water get cold, went on surround every single mom of corporate ghastly che those ago. and the d gotcha. is a sort of a remark. ah with i've been with her to with the will athelny and please they got no egan legal. no, he got you, not to that. the civil was on the top left or annoyed moodily. amanda newcastle, she forces southern middle children, hon. hourly, steve ozium, i'm dealing with, i'm thinking maybe so you're surrounded. so under that new york, there were one that a federal jigger made every facet, were killed him out in dbi, russia, and then we don't affect the list rather sort of the color. so no studying replacing. he always thought he knew realty he blocked, took my did, he didn't not table, but a nag appeared to see both of us. so we don't copy that is robot killer. they beautiful. we're not so make a committee marchina been allowed to stop naples. he got the a p one which most of these are cheap and the dollars that i think it will be the i will engine deal a call when you should have done that. on the, on the soon up old i got a gun that was still a little 5. it'll show me your general of all the, one of the sort of the euro a may need to still, you'll be able to and other, other over the where he more in the morning that i'll be that it will have a would out. when does your more they to depart? you can be a lender says that we shall or call me my article that both of them will be due in my why the rest of the 70. so he's go, you got philip picked it up this all you know to be 00000000, so i, i a oh, a a coming of age story in the community fighting to preserve its heritage in an ever changing world thing on an ancient ritual to future generations in an award winning documentary, i'll just say we're well followed, the group of young men on their right to pass the challenge in the remote forest of ivory coast. the sacred woods on al jazeera. the latest news really been extremely harsh conditions and for 10 years they was a britons, whatnot. just most people got to the money chatting with detailed coverage warnings that only bomb infection dylan powell are partial, precisely appalling, on depth here from around the world. oh people, years of living on the street actually accelerates the aging, brought them killing the debate. they erased out of like people from the american and global story was very powerful on online you'll voice the comment section is right here, killing our conversation. we had unprotected when everyone is protected, it is not to play being nationalistic about this. you just look at it in a very different way. said that perspective, men and men meeting you can read and they don't have any pollution. let me get it clear for you this analogy. 0 here they're good to see. we've got some high temperatures across the middle east. so right off the bat, let me show you above average, really in the zone here. are beal box dead into tater, on and sure. as i look at that box, they had 20 degrees. we may even hit 30 in mecca. now the complete opposite for pakistan. this is what you woke up to on monday morning. the dark of the blue, the dark, the purple, the lower the temperature, karachi, 6 degrees that was your lowest temperature of the season. so far you bounced back on tuesday up to 24 hour. seen snow where we don't usually get it and that's for the see resort city of on talia 8 degrees, i think on the low end i will look for about 2 centimeters and on the high end about 7 and look at this here. temperature is plunged to sub zeros we head toward thursday and friday, so well below average for this have the year. get you to southern africa right now and we do have a tropical cyclone. just spill in tons of rain over mozambique, or press play, see where it goes. i'd slams into zimbabwe on tuesday. this is not good news because we have seen some flooding ins and bob boy, so this is only going to worse in this situation. and capetown, over the weekend, you said a record tap trip $45.00, and now you're down to $25.00 on tuesday. that's a snapshot of your weather see later. ah, did you know you can watch out as they were english streaming light on nike channels? plus thousands of our programs award winning documentaries and death news reports subscribe to you chief dot com, forward slash al jazeera english. ah . ready celebrations of became a fan so as to the military, ousts the president for his handling of the countries deteriorating security situation. ah ha ha ha robin. you watching. i was there like my headquarters here and there are coming up in the next 30 minutes. at least 6 people are killed in a stampede. in cameroon, it happened outside the football stadium before an africa cup of nations much also mass testing ordered in parts of the chinese capital. after arising caves 19

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Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Living With The Volcano 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Living With The Volcano 20240708

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president, security detail. several people were wounded. one, what's going on here right now? nothing's going well. we expected a lot from president rock and he's only disappointed people. more few appointments always with the new government. but he was the real problem for the president's party. this was an attempted assassination on a democratically elected leader. hawk macavoy survived, but his time in office was a band of soldiers calling themselves the patriotic movement for safeguarding and restoration led by this men lieutenant colonel. following appeared on state television saying they had ousted, give away the government, and pretended the constitution to compose out their 1st duty fast. the movement which brings together all the components of the defense and security forces has thus decided to put an end to the power mister corporation. on the 24th of january 2022. the decision taken with the soul lame of enabling our country to get back on track and together all its forces in order to fight for its territorial integrity. its recovery and sovereignty offending tip was on the face growing discontent in his inability to deal with the rising attacks of our groups linked to al qaeda and i saw millions have been displaced in thousands killed but appeared to be abused to be on sunday with soldiers asking for more means to deal with the ongoing threat escalated into a military takeover on monday with special forces taking over both the national tv station and the presidential palace. earlier in a tweet, president hockman, a boy asked soldiers to lay down their arms in the interest of the nation, calling for dialogue. the west african body echo else called on the soldiers to return to their barracks. while the you urged the immediate release of the president, the un expressed condemnation that a 3rd coup in west africa. i will say that was the regional organisation has been extremely responsive ah, and, and strong in and unified in their responses to these schools. after moni jenny, let's a good now burkina faso soldiers are yet again top lisa and unpopular. a democratically elected president in the name of the people promising to restore peace in a region gripped by violence and uncertainty. nicholas hawk al jazeera and avenues . the european union says it's ready to impose never before seen sanctions if russia attacks ukraine, russia as mast an estimated 100000 troops near the border, and nato is expanding its military presence in eastern europe. the kremlin accuses it of escalating tensions. meanwhile, the pentagon has 8 and a half 1000 troops on heightened alert. it says they're prepared to deploy, if needed, along with other nato forces. in some cases, some of these forces were already on a, a heightened posture, readiness to deploy posture, and the secretary decided to make it even more, a shortened a tether even more so in some cases, units would go from say, 10 days prepared to deploy. now there, at 5 days, at least 6 people have been killed in a stampede outside of football game. in cameroon, fans appear to have rush to enter the stadium before cameron's round of 16 game kicked off against cameras. cindy africa, cup of nations and australia has paid $14000000.00 for the copyright of the aboriginal flag. the indigenous auntie so created it in 1971 least the rights and would charge for its use. some aboriginal groups have question to the timing of the announcement which comes 24 hours before australia day is marked. those are the headlines on al jazeera. we'll have more news for you after al jazeera while. oh oh mm mm. mm ah. we'll be down at the visual, we'll get more to do most of the mission done with you under the me in the whiskey and get it done. we look here time we were pretty goes over to deal with they don't give you these. i checked, i was forced to visual work on the agenda, going to be with one issue me. i don't if i have to you that you will be even going over here at least i thought it was the vision agenda to post a lot more with logic village or neither. any zonal to him to feel a little girl is one of the lead to mind that soon you get control and gone or a lot on the same. i saw deli dying, some refusing. yes. even though the that said was all the model they needed kind of what is going on for with the fuel and say my god is what cause it will be the one. those are the only modal meet that are going to be on the of what some of your last post some a to do with the sooner we know quite get them but little older. going to fight over a new one over the rest today because they've gone up to but he goes all the questions and i didn't see that be casually was gone on for i know yes, modest we still are the law james's son, that i think you only console your brother machine, each in the novelty, the home is when the over of your mind to get fancy going to be about what you want to know. we missed on and shoot a more a mentally not. so the model was gentlemen, lovers, so well as a poor sim, brought a defeat, larry allen, xyz low boy and i went on in m ended. if your dog, i chewing may your, does this, this see as normal of yours. okay. and the other 2 billing major a. our bureau castle macklin. i'm we're a yes or have a score on the last they said a wants of elizabeth. good was our father in garzo the, the ali still very late. they bazzi ones of blue nuclear in general. so he ariellas zon, obey. busy the school kind of pill or other windy, my cousin boy he will can or the should he say if i so i steer the will of him boiler the water a will agree be me ways he has to be in a yes me day the go. i lost all your there, 30 lawyer when i was truly aladdin gets yona equates to win me in a score with you. all example good can say though that it all your. busy g jordan off randall. no idea. he was sunni. what to, to the jolly army, what a it will say. cisco features of thunder won the lady school based on the way. look at $30.00 your finger and you're going to see the army or start up, be main discrete linearity. she try levy. she's castaneda, we near cook, we this will been dra lamar bethune is mod either better cost of a lot. here he was on going to cheney study photography. again, he was very visible. your boss? will they be more to the level of via, with the mia con p. what he she had cutty, this the only answer put daughter call yet no one p die chit chat. you followed him or jordan up? he shouted g and darted with me for the vision. on you father, he had been made up as in the last thought in we're solving 0. she's called the not a median. that is boston off a precious garden here that alameda key opens up his octave beauty me o, put a key, the upper we saw that less space to lead. old knob is keyah jarvis, one of the shins of when that evil key that it appears on a young middle level, but, ah ah, with run all waving chance. so jaws of auburn, georgia, and the last one you're not supposed to support. and so it's a kind of, i mean, you know, nobody them going to do will fight for the side of the one thing to dig a solution that the bank was own g t o, there was a book went up in new york city club, but no book with the book law, see what happened because it was us, but the reason why i called the bush, the man somebody for the go. and i was somebody that had worked up a little bit either the my judy level or like i'm going down. i going to figure out what all the general, what was troubling volleyball j, mullin on the highest. but let's see what's another one, tanya. so that quote, you quote a message will be the nice shift inability to him. i mean, the suppose the pulse of the month, one of the law school and programming showing up on mondays and promising me to present bella go. so you said you were a lot of what it was if i go with either one of your mood, georgia sybil already. which is her job job for the promo you. what did you want to, but i'm on my lunch break just because i get too much. lemme while the polluted warner said nobody, my manager was suddenly was he said i'm willing to require. no, they probably don't ask about it. abberly can't let me that's going on more and i'm one of the boys. but i mean, come on, like i said, we just then as human, a lot of my been giving lots of like i said that the tories, you combine your southern dishy that you've all been, that you don't want to just not i don't know if you go on the good, you manage your loans in there, they know the little wheel. he's clean, my weapon, it's delafield, individual, your sewing machine law characteristics you got to have in it will. can you go? it probably will lead to sheer confetti. the april duty i don't mean she's rolling and i will probably allow composite unit kimiko de la swallow will. can you go people on it which will come you'll be in italy initiative beyond the a laptop. yeah. find more of the product and on voice setting me out on the rest of the moment. i refer to the question to the daughter import, and let me in for medium and see how the minority cited appropriate when the, the money, the fans are valid. exactly. ah . busy using a non issue to. busy the fact that it is a junior daughters on the issue of the windy pencil, the mean of a finger janitor and it was showing that the torso it throughout they don't. jeanette queen. teddy daughter is with me ah ah ah. busy she what i meant lashing by a colonel. do you want it to pinnacle she did load opa and give it up. when we went down to she can leave it. it was still a negro. ok. your shipping some more. i mean, as far as we'll see on what kind of deal. but again, like i said, there's a profile. no, you're not checked out of in the limits. you're related, so not equally us or not. you had met me better maternity leave us a little bit or didn't get along with it. so no, any sky league, city inkworks. so every daughter ah, she to be on the legend. i meant the people in the money to maureen, that it just finished my leg as big. i won't ever so was. so did he go to work to find out emp, over will may say chinese food, unsightly in san mateo said, what are the non pants yet? and i have told them up, i just started you want to leave this on a work order? no, no, no, no, be it's been a long time ago. oh, i use it. yeah. we have their own faculty that have to do with dadi, non linear issue. this one didn't even want to make an offer. and so most people, keith was after christmas and david gray stephen made it to get really made vision of another was history. and i can lloyd beneath the nursery and even survey this for women not gosh, i wonder how much let me give you a video montana individual you unclear on your children aren't on on the last level of august and be sure mentors of a young man and she just said any time when she dr. what's your best k one going to be done with? she said what she wants to what other side it will get on my computer for somebody to see me loaded into a shellman. the leg was echo, manage a little bit of a shiver. no problem. bob gene. it also says, so the chapter sent me sophie, you in the navy that i on your course, i get to why the defeat and look at all. it might be almost double learning about all of the side. is that a memo? whatever about movement? i ah visual meal at and t o m, we cannot get into our vehicles. he dang getting sick of this vehicle as he done went down rapidly. but the key then for cable length on him and get out of the need of people say it soon as possible to change the money. thought out joe with 10 foot, i added it to t. he said he'd get with a t c. missed to remain the more you know, tv, i don't know if that case went into about the minute i thought of the lady who me you recommend to go to school or not that it is unit in many see got it like i the main building and shown it was like when he duction guy and get out of the fight in it, but it is uni people, probably people who live a little too. and i think you shadow guns he's is, will be a new, a sample that does he able to, in his blues. you, they see end to any if was even willing to represent them. i'm a bit equals home in that out and able to use those even get that. i mean, i'm a little glass people metal that the food well received as well, but it was gonna is deformable block to waste it out. block, give it, you don't have anything to stick with that ceiling. even put it down to that's got a bad nobody gave it affect to get that to get that aside. if one over the last, so drain, i was us off that even better bang depth and better do it. anyway, d, c ma'am, could handle a box i get out of the unity equal didn't too deep with some of them. that's most the gala gandhi from men to d dot k. can nina, melissa melissa. it used to go to the way to look it all out of out of pap. he only got a c, b, j. sell back to them for scholastic book, and not necessarily on the surface of in, on much out of us would be that ability . wonderful of now, it was a ton of the leukemia, the little children treadmill a 1000000 ocean to say the 1000000 i was the one on the was that all dylan widows have a solid each individual. we'll draw down direction, got everything you don't, all of our dealership could encourage you to join, but don't go into an account or so they raising don't lazy this through to prove or to the law to keep it. all not that of her daughter is sadala your be done, the war mother, not because we list a more to the last regarding the business you will in the for the job you cannot the dinner is we are here is will put the analogy symbol ledia solidarity in fact, the launch is young ladies who don't need this route you. one of them was in pretty woman job put the she said that them you had anybody oh i ah ah ah ah, a with a sigh man event in the on the top of a c. c. c. see more to a bit. so and channel is only 2, mean hello. i don't think i want that all. but got a call to the general mill order for the king levity. thanks she receive. yeah. more dish um i used to talk to the persona kim and one. can all quads cause or the the fuel a port tunnel co, the attending garage sat on top, removing the widow scar? pick it. i see a proper new train of thought on tarka. it checked the pits, a pro, fee your job and he thought my really p, the bunny out, love a show more so $30.00. so he missed a more of a, a set of co procuring or sofa. come on with in, in grass, nothing in the k i want to work on getting my lovita van going on there to the national 90000. no, no. so the sham or $78.00 and kit ayana bank and cooperate, been labeled a friend on or kenya be zoned. donna colbert retired k m, put out san diego, him for the job a month in a for him, or a pickin north level on a bazaar the super ideal for to deny it. as soon as he took one will be similar to him. when young family, i mean on ball, please. oh, the law we love is we on i was so young with visual real. i love here. they will do nisha ship. we ship within formally. so there was a better get you on the on gone, are now all 40. no, gina, to fight over there it or to okay. cool. a love all the especially the other. well, i had medicaid a yankee, my cilla corridor with this facility with elizabeth to resolve your bed. what of each of their own, of course, ready was them over there and kill resolved. okay. dorm in upper abiola area. my, well, you know, with the right here to report on the people often ignored but who must be heard? how many other channels can you say will take the time and put extensive thought into reporting from under reported areas. of course, we cover major global offense that are nasa lies and making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like hollis fine libya, yemen ha sahalina and, and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort, we care, and stay for quite a few decades. casa, has been dealing with political and economic turmoil, and its people struggle to access essential needs, like adequate quantities of potable water, a sufficient number of beds for a pregnant mothers, and limited access to up to date information for students. and in the ha, the ground water is not sufficient to meet the daily needs of all of its residents . this led to the development of the new water treatment facility in han, eunice slowing down further pollution. the extension of, as if, as medical facilities was accomplished to provide expectant mothers with a safe and reliable opportunity to get the care they needed. the kuwait library at the university college of science and technology is not only a repository of knowledge but an access point to the world beyond ah, you're watching altogether with me. so rahman, in doha, reminder of our top news stories, these spokesman full, the ones i could to general has condemned, occur in became a faster and voice concern for the president. the military says it seized power and depose put a present ra. couple whose whereabouts are still unknown. the secretary general's following developments and burkina faso with deep concern. he's particularly worried about the whereabouts and safety of president rock, mark chris, shaka, bori, as well as the worsening security situation. following the crew carried out on january 23rd by sections of the armed forces, the secretary general strongly condemns any attempt to take over of government by the force of arms. the you says it's ready to impose never before seen sanctions of russia attacks ukraine. russia has a master, an estimated 100000 troops near the border. a nater is expanding its military presence in eastern europe. the kremlin accused it of escalating tensions. the pentagon has 8 and a half 1000 troops on heightened alert. in some cases, some of these forces were already on a, a heightened pasha readiness to deploy posture. and the secretary decided to make it even more a shortened a tether even more so in some cases, units would go from say, 10 days prepared to deploy. now there, at 5 days, at least 6 people have been killed and a stampede outside the football game. in cameroon, that fans appear to have rushed to enter the stadium before kick off ahead of cameron's round of 16 against the cameras in the africa cup of nations. at least 3 people being killed in the latest protest against military rule in sudan. the central committee of the cities doctor says they were shot dead by security forces. he fired live rounds and tear gas. britons prime minister boris johnson is denied report. he attended yet another social gathering. a breach of cove had locked on rules its claim. johnson's wife threw him a surprise birthday party, joined the 1st lockdown in june 2020. the prime minister's office as it was a brief gathering that lasted less than 10 minutes. china has ordered 2000000 residents district in beijing to take chrome virus test. it follows a series of coven 19 outbreaks in the chinese capital ahead of the start of the winter olympics. the government has told people in neighborhoods considered high to remain in the city. those were the headlands. i'm back with more news in half an hour. do stay with a sound as they are. a world continues here on al jazeera. ah, [000:00:00;00] with a hole. ah, perfect. who hasten me, norton b, is he a murray? b medina, hoodie. city, 30 a foot a foot sam. yeah. what say no. such that man, italian show from medina to pay a lot $30.00. an incident. they bad yearly, little. oh wow. oh, to me and the federal then fees out an all in san how would a hazard a i need to know any kind of had the heart of sin and had been so said how would 1 o'clock in the shore is there any, any the scene in or seen in but in, in fees i don't know what an id to harry shimaya but danny mccain shaneka ho for he had the old little hoffman hadn't mccann or manageable fuller cause. just meant hyatt in nurse and dictation of a book on n o. b, u r. n a chassis. ian ashmore, mine nathan has shibel ho, any huffman rod or by mail kind feature a show fulfill video of your order aaliyah for laudermill, a loss of hannah. what had had the con, fee tax ear ally ally said so well, i'll italy o. as in every natal hoffer nest to offer remedies one at cooper and delicate whole dating. madame a, fiona quarter aware hater, you're quarterly to tucker for tubby out at her country, lynn. said to you only given me i think i got to go with her, but cc 4 for samantha on 41st you wanna call her back? let me down for the 10 or a 10 gamma plan. didn't put the put someone goes up by the moment we both start now to to be the i'm all. busy i can do with that. may not, but then. okay, so it kept out. connie oh yeah, center dean. if you only have it over with each of order for so i was told a lot because that was done. i was told in the day i got it. no, do you know go mr. double either called today in due to my account for the dental more such a count on for the provided after it but i saw on a bus that ola, she equiped kitchen. i don't bobble but she had quite a c. o didn't go move on. normally, rosie muddle got is the one today, but on the same day he left me. yes, the burner sent to me. she could leggy x called leg and then a sheet alignment top. see a bizarre you do with that? i've got on board my g one leg work done on a can only be the only the me. i can. maria is only the aqua border c p whit, anton indian, my bass is similar. i said online, it's already sambro now your daughter, but someone to be passamore mazetti, send her collarbone under the deja. pokili cause her i think that's him of the assembly. see effect a parts of it. bob . ah, we don't watch a video oprah, but to jonathan, so who was will by the way, to get away but no other stuff. but basically i was calling our what the interest is only we start with him. ball a cylinder. wonder why the equivalent sally bishop was through. so would he if you come back to reading it, but it also didn't brusquely written through the own home, but so under the r oh, well the other one was on the way. so the clock was on all the way with krista deep and got an issue with it with somebody else. i now says settlement is in november with well i think it still couldn't let him go so we should also want to be met. there's all scored a level for might see what you're doing, but talk with the quality and all schuman, you dog. a lot about for done with fusion is a little odd. but learn with ah, with trying to port television for the fall, the game people started. we have a little bushel growth for chicken and what the mother garland and give her for baldwin. austin isn't at all been apart. they love us together. what darling booked the cause of the wind very sun yearly was india. i mailed it to where to lead or is he with an already new change on it? if a main, devoid a little to my work, michael growth, probably a little fuel. when i get this little arina a producer, imagine it could be scholar. i brought a seal lead or a normal nobody up here. you are a on the sun, maybe the level with about with no be able to under the still younger, same body with the resume. he's on the renewable star, the audio visual, real it on a flood j. lucy, block us again. now one of the daughter she was telling on them, but on your son gina is from a does he been dollars on denial, but don't fall off in the when i get annoyed another bill he was on job i'll do is and is only you the one to really share rogue bobby i'm you gave me, i would have been boy approximately notion of a footer under what caused the equipment to fill out for stars are doing things and with a vulgar v if up a dollar value. so they generally like a closer look, we've a little show for on the what your stomach, we are not really and you know, what am i? is he going but the vital tango who from the were sort over was it well everywhere he should are solid. yeah, maybe dinah scott available? sure. well, the water with myrtle legacy? no, no, no. it was gunshot. philip boomer again. i gotta kill people. chamber, literally with amanda le brochures, old father weatherly philadelphia hillock by saint our legacy manion for the little chip and from alsa. and visual l'aquila remain, they said something in the least. he or me stories to jerry, lindsey, i mean the romani, i believe is we'll, you'll receive order a teacher will not let us simonian said he won't be in colorado available viani yet klein, c a t h, a gardener already made the seeds are low enough level video, the fanciful mentality, let colony say the manual toys katy with kilogram a sudden all political teaching his lawyer. so hardy people might omega acquainted with yesco petals, relatives that would kit actually quit. interim abbey instead will align and bullied soon as a competitor and let her to really, really equitable intimate. we found her faith and also faith, which is an opportunity. keep the stock we're morning. coffee in orient, opinion, lame laminate. quit is on that. you're also last year for look over a lender, the low was he boy a very blanchett. marla labeled her, but all they saw it all by noise because you're fucked over the unit done. they got a new gray logo voice and she and i thought that he simply la lou, lou lou i need blue blue blue blue for me with a. busy hole and made a filling on the look one, i can look them up on the wireless co pays you me one kid. i got a template it on a domestic water bill. so now with my, with my mom on a movie, go, well, i live at all. oh, yosemite, about about on a month like a little you, she, your mother in time travel under did you notice die? no mustard and we listened and we like to to let all marquise oil iglesias will say to get we have on your tongue mom to rock. what are the older miss with us when we steer mala they'll be still going to they. so we'll see the loss of others. we are annoying that he was telling them. but allison allergies middle jack, what causes in yard all the way to the lisco said they went off your foot and fucked. was that all that had all the rain and an indian did eve look one day to, to norma, norma, wonder why one of old i will young. she walk in water should clear your thumb, then begin on saudi arab baylock this year. and he's a luke to want. okay. charlie gina chopper a store where you sewer, joe ah, what will you confirm your vote? with those key probably amid this will be will be the or do they have to wait the de la b? that's, you know, it's w for with all wheel tucson data or not sort of got a not enough. i lable cabinets will feel bergosa and went over the wound up. but gay, you shall somebody with a little stronger gustavo, so so, so, so louder only got each on a boat, but neither one is a little w, bishop travel dog. bravo, banashali. i've been there every, every quay quite the result of these map. clearly the normal dig on of was signature bags a boy on the libya. nobody thought it is your same breath, but nobody, when you're a boy, you shall live together by isa to build just one of the number one tomorrow is for the last one. to review a few times out of the list before the civil given him off, the ticket you fill out the louis because this is the model ah, a be able to, she still deviated with that can be people. those other one was it was out of the way that the one you know legged little been or the footer wheeler, which boulder will figure. but so the way the saga locks me my life and the fuel in change because he felt a little him we just need to be back in the middle. mom i took that she's developing a filling for us. i found in kenneth language another no need to do it always to so what we will finance it will be able to use will go over believe because the core logic is not able to show the congress to assemble. lady got it took the army, she bought a n d n o gonna log on. so we will need to get with some probability. all is our last you will remain there a not is aquanda but also turned it up. the bottle of water get cold, went on surround every single mom of corporate ghastly che those ago. and the d gotcha. is a sort of a remark. ah with i've been with her to with the will athelny and please they got no egan legal. no, he got you, not to that. the civil was on the top left or annoyed moodily. amanda newcastle, she forces southern middle children, hon. hourly, steve ozium, i'm dealing with, i'm thinking maybe so you're surrounded. so under that new york, there were one that a federal jigger made every facet, were killed him out in dbi, russia, and then we don't affect the list rather sort of the color. so no studying replacing. he always thought he knew realty he blocked, took my did, he didn't not table, but a nag appeared to see both of us. so we don't copy that is robot killer. they beautiful. we're not so make a committee marchina been allowed to stop naples. he got the a p one which most of these are cheap and the dollars that i think it will be the i will engine deal a call when you should have done that. on the, on the soon up old i got a gun that was still a little 5. it'll show me your general of all the, one of the sort of the euro a may need to still, you'll be able to and other, other over the where he more in the morning that i'll be that it will have a would out. when does your more they to depart? you can be a lender says that we shall or call me my article that both of them will be due in my why the rest of the 70. so he's go, you got philip picked it up this all you know to be 00000000, so i, i a oh, a a coming of age story in the community fighting to preserve its heritage in an ever changing world thing on an ancient ritual to future generations in an award winning documentary, i'll just say we're well followed, the group of young men on their right to pass the challenge in the remote forest of ivory coast. the sacred woods on al jazeera. the latest news really been extremely harsh conditions and for 10 years they was a britons, whatnot. just most people got to the money chatting with detailed coverage warnings that only bomb infection dylan powell are partial, precisely appalling, on depth here from around the world. oh people, years of living on the street actually accelerates the aging, brought them killing the debate. they erased out of like people from the american and global story was very powerful on online you'll voice the comment section is right here, killing our conversation. we had unprotected when everyone is protected, it is not to play being nationalistic about this. you just look at it in a very different way. said that perspective, men and men meeting you can read and they don't have any pollution. let me get it clear for you this analogy. 0 here they're good to see. we've got some high temperatures across the middle east. so right off the bat, let me show you above average, really in the zone here. are beal box dead into tater, on and sure. as i look at that box, they had 20 degrees. we may even hit 30 in mecca. now the complete opposite for pakistan. this is what you woke up to on monday morning. the dark of the blue, the dark, the purple, the lower the temperature, karachi, 6 degrees that was your lowest temperature of the season. so far you bounced back on tuesday up to 24 hour. seen snow where we don't usually get it and that's for the see resort city of on talia 8 degrees, i think on the low end i will look for about 2 centimeters and on the high end about 7 and look at this here. temperature is plunged to sub zeros we head toward thursday and friday, so well below average for this have the year. get you to southern africa right now and we do have a tropical cyclone. just spill in tons of rain over mozambique, or press play, see where it goes. i'd slams into zimbabwe on tuesday. this is not good news because we have seen some flooding ins and bob boy, so this is only going to worse in this situation. and capetown, over the weekend, you said a record tap trip $45.00, and now you're down to $25.00 on tuesday. that's a snapshot of your weather see later. ah, did you know you can watch out as they were english streaming light on nike channels? plus thousands of our programs award winning documentaries and death news reports subscribe to you chief dot com, forward slash al jazeera english. ah . ready celebrations of became a fan so as to the military, ousts the president for his handling of the countries deteriorating security situation. ah ha ha ha robin. you watching. i was there like my headquarters here and there are coming up in the next 30 minutes. at least 6 people are killed in a stampede. in cameroon, it happened outside the football stadium before an africa cup of nations much also mass testing ordered in parts of the chinese capital. after arising caves 19

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