Transcripts For ALJAZ Witness Meet The Syrians 20240708 : c

Transcripts For ALJAZ Witness Meet The Syrians 20240708

here right now? nothing's going well. we expected a lot from president rock and he's only disappointed people. more do appointment always with the new government. but he was the real problem for the president's party. this was an attempted assassination on a democratically elected leader for my cab always survived. but his time in office was a band of soldiers calling themselves the patriotic movement for safeguarding and restoration led by this men. lieutenant colonel, following appeared on state television saying they had ousted, give away the government and pretended the constitution was out there for the defense, the movement which brings together all the components of the defense and security forces, has thus decided to put an end to the power mister collaborate on the 24th of january 2022. the decision taken with the soul lame of enabling our country to get back on track and together all its forces in order to fight for its territorial integrity. its recovery and sovereignty offending on gab, face growing discontent in his inability to deal with the rising attacks of our groups linked to al qaeda and i saw millions have been displaced in thousands killed appeared to be a view to the on sunday with soldiers asking for more to deal with the ongoing threat escalated into a military takeover on monday with special forces taking over both the national tv station and the presidential palace. earlier in a tweet, president hoc mac, a boy asked soldiers to lay down their arms in the interest of the nation, calling for dialogue. the west african body echo else called on the soldiers to return to their barracks. while the you urged the immediate relief of the press, didn't the un expressed condemnation that a 3rd qu in west africa. i will say that echo was the regional organization has been extremely responsive. ah, and, and, and strong in and unified in their responses to these schools. after molly, you guinea, if you're going to now burkina, faso soldiers are yet again toppling and unpopular, but democratically elected president in the name of the people. promising to restore peace in a region gripped by violence and uncertainty. nicholas hawk al jazeera, at least 6 people have been killed in a stampede outside. a football game in cameroon. friends appeared to have rushed the stadium before kickoff, where cameron was about to play camaros in the africa, a couple of nations. the european union says it's ready to impose never before seen sanctions if russia attacks ukraine. russia has mastered estimated 100000 troops near the border. nato is expanding his military presence in eastern europe, leading the kremlin to accuse it of escalates intentions. syrian kurdish fighters backed by the united states military se they're close to recapturing a prison. taken by iso forces, dozens of curtis finances and isaac members have been killed since he attacked on the prison 5 days ago. at least 3 people have been killed in the latest protest. gates, military rodents, who don the central committee of sued in these doctor says they were shot dead by security forces who fight live rounds and take us about 74 civilians have died in demonstrations since we need to take her in libra. britain's prime minister, both johnson has denied a report. he attended yet another social gathering and breach of covert looked on rules his claim. johnson's wife threw him the surprise party birthday party during the 1st time in june 2020 prime minister's office says it was a brief gathering that last less than there are still headlines. more news coming up here. one on 0. right off the witness. no. ah ah with with a high level haven't i'm having to play with them on order, but rough with it. when the police here we'll notify i'm sure you're not going to read to me a holler a shout back in. bob, a like a felon that via michelle. i mean keith it's, i'm just, i'm still, i'm is, did this. my mom not in a. took a look. i think i'm laughing. ah. to see yeah. a oh yeah. yeah. i mean it ha, ha, me to beard. hello. sierra nice hill. with a few more to find another how i la mckennan. he couldn't really either have book have wouldn't bunny ed bo insanity so been ah ah, to leave the helm. she with 0 one moment linen and his neck and all this in her mouth he won by then willard over then let it over. then there was a season in the day with a d, d belly colored, vintage eugene leon, let the kilowatt either halleck in team a candle or any mccaney and into heartburn of semester with him. a little bit caliah vegan. holding the girl and my toilet. quoting now he's the confused. thank you all and give you a live in the mike at least make with us, you will always done with a lot of africa. how about that might or psycho choice or sophia, multiple rom multiple. there's a line model of the technology, but what i did for a jada for couple of the north albany of our party here. let's see bob. yeah, i'm a 100 a year old. i wouldn't be able to get a feel for that. it's death that the brush i did or not, but i commend me of that. so the body know clark is thinking, ah well this is what i think i owe them but you know and then go and even when i try to put them on a moment. sure. yeah. and i see, and i just miss a, i think 2 amount of mileage daily, and he's on his way home. like when it comes on heck, and i want to send him. but the actor was all the mom you philadelphia and away with with a fill up. yeah. now do you want to do it on let them know? yeah. billing, gisela melendez and um, mom it was a billing. please grab a, ah well, that's why it shows mckinney medina, philadelphia a hello. which way was like a lot of fun with with hidden to bed with a with, with the how long to when those are the i have i i s i s a i as i, as in. uh huh. let me kind of a little percetti. oh, how does she put them aside? hey, let me help you. um hello, miss beaman. this to me that my son is on the me. i see him on some for both in the back on to the my mom. that's who i see the most about. anela mama said the mother told me and said, we think the mothers denied my for the last minute. this call there's some you come see me some i'm sure you're cutting me leaving. can you come see me from your home so much time you come see me like a couple of this will be this other the from somebody that law offices me or something to tell me you come see me here. my phone and the mom. so now going to see me on my neck, you must little part mrs. sure about my know how much room he and i haven't been able to be on the local and know on the fact that sure. what about for sure in macro or the not just to team i would love to have been loveless. is another on my list to look for the me my the he methodically i get on the bottom. i see my thought in on the, the mom, my foot, it was not, i mean, i mean, you know, lessons are looking on zillow. we saw that there was no him. and he said, hey, some of the actually in the that how that can be done and you can live and that must be dying to the for the mom, the corner of the, the home, the hub on you can have to be held. not in. know you a bad and even bad mama. a a a a temporary, a just me a call with? no, no. okay. so she has a team a team day. she will start off our 9th grade because we don't have any records for the how and i'm at, i'm looking for a cleaning because we have a school. i'll have a, a with a with, with a pedal to my mothers or the what i keep checking in column has it in have the beauty or fee i was, i was a wash out a loss of love a. busy wage form is very low, so the mom, the initial, held me the puppy. he has been upset with you and to on can bank on this a seal? see phones use with a home that's gone? what i think potentially when i buy short nonconsent, i want to watch a see how does that on how doesn't my oh my gosh, i would look to it as a 3rd to how much notice we only did our didn't you know if not enough, see how the bill will print out there won't be the lawyers are working on that. i'd love to learn that measure and a funny health care our maggie jeter has in, in a gina breakdown you and i teach at the law. oh, how big your hand? yeah. i mean, just not gina, gina, and silly a shondra. she's not here now. a lot of fun. it's wonderful to them and i don't understand. no less upset about that. no, i have the ability to have a sheet on ambia. he wants to be sure, and i'm additional from suddenly going on. what's it, what's on the mom? a look at them that these are these, i'm a clear fish way. it saying let me, let me do, i need to get a best. they just have to play with with it was of how to the high school this was on a higher last on there that actually no hello. i have a question, a thought our show in the face and was asking a j a non because i should be counseling. good with the office of president of the united states president, my will liability with your healthy god. what you'll let him drive with . ringback ringback a lot of them right with mom on the phone to one or this one is assuming it's it's a pleasure speaking with a one bedroom. oh i wonder what is it? oh yeah. i got a long in a back tomorrow with a 2. mm hm. mm. mm. hm and i still have a lemme that would be pending. begin. yes, we would have to look into some entry level at the factory and it may be called you might have to stand all day, but that be something we can have. it hasn't been here forever. and a lender will not take them. you can just a car did yeah. can i job one month, a woman to buy a job? i'm an actual, a fellow like a volunteer winning move a journey, a journey of faith and one of necessity in 3 different missions. that all facing the challenge of driving on nicaragua was unpaid, runs at the mercy of it's unpredictable tropical weather. risking in the curriculum on al jazeera ah, the latest news delivering extremely harsh. and for 10 years they was the victims of nigel. most people got to the monetary prices with detailed coverage warnings that overall impressions selling power large part of providing a polygon daft here from around the world on house people here. so living on the street actually accelerates the aging process. ah, the story of zimbabwe, in her words, history is always told from the perspective of the great men, whether it's david livingston, or rober to mcgarvey. my responsibility is to tell them well when story in a way that it hasn't really been told before. the ordinary. every day life was involved with is that people are writing about patina, kappa, out of darkness. my zimbabwe on al jazeera lazarus, the home of jesus christ, his long drawn pilgrims and visitors from around the world. hundreds of years, it's old city rang to the sounds of shopkeepers and crofts. people this century though, sounds of dwindled. a handful of businesses struggling on. but hearing that splashes of color show signs of a fight, resigns obese danny decided to renovate an old warehouse and to work and live in the old city with a mission. if me and another are open the work that he was talking organically. open my young palestinian is really designers and entrepreneurs have been moving in, inspired by earlier artists to let them on once that were 450 businesses operating in the old city. now there are just 50. the old cities always be in the heart of nazareth. now a growing group of residence wants to get it beating again. it will come back because the city still have very much for ah, i love nick log into how the top stores here on out to sara. and the spokesman for the un secretary general has condemned a q and between a faster and voice concern for the president. the military says it has seized power and deposed president brock, boy, whose whereabouts are unknown. secretary generals following developments and burkina faso with deep concern. he's particularly worried about the whereabouts and safety of president rock, mark christian corroborate, as well as the worsening security situation following the crew carried out on january 23rd by sections of the armed forces. the secretary general strongly condemns any attempt to take over of government by the force of arms. at least 6 people have been killed in a stampede outside. a football game in cameroon, happened to the stadium just north of the capitol. yolande fans appeared to rush the stadium before kickoff, where cameron was about to play morris in the africa nations. the african foot. we'll confederation says it is investigating the incident. the european union says it's ready to impose never before seen sanctions. if russia, thanks, ukraine. russia has massed an estimated 100000 troops near the border. the nato is expanded when she presence in eastern europe, leading the kremlin to accusative escalating. the pentagon has 8 and a half 1000 troops on heightened alert. in some cases, some of these forces were already on a, a heightened posture, readiness to deploy posture, and the secretary decided to make it even more a shortened a tether even more so in some cases, units would go from say, 10 days prepared to deploy. now, there at 5 days sir, and kurdish fighters backed by the united states military se the close to recapturing a prison taken by actual forces, dozens of kurdish fighters and nicely members have been killed since the attack on the prison 5 days ago. for my lebanese prime minister side, harry says he suspending his role in political life and will not run in the upcoming parliamentary elections or areas. also, as his political party to not to take part is leaving the sunni muslim community without clear political leadership. thousands of truck drivers from across canada converging on the capital ottawa to protest against a federal vaccine mandate for travel across the us border. i say the policy hurts businesses and drivers likely go today with headlines. more news coming up right after witness. ah ah. i know. i never hear any mama. he's a company, he's a soda mulligan, jamal gordon, cynthia glen up. i'm nina and holly clar, hey, give accounting. how can i help you? i'm, i'm a member. now let, let me mom did the mike and saw lama and saw love in it's morally yemen shaw law with more. hello shall added mister known beyond the d. i'm sion i did, i'm dick or he is a tom fellow caught up in the north, legit unit. so dean units on your cloud, we had that happen on him and them and need your la honey and have it and want financial badly not. and i to say to look out or he fish that the link that you scan sob. and indeed halleck, why abdulla do, but his semana on a many won't fit on big. and i feel as val mamacita as for your habit and not to make little a man to cont, is lyric into one thick. don't you be well attended? mad. you were doing a little bit of it. i never did it mentally. there should've been a ha, bullard, i believe, as early as like the yellow mess. you know, he, by all right, i'll be, i'll a meeting with you so that it, it only will feel i o lady, montana. i came to kind of a deal with your wife who oh w instead of judge him. and him had been a been healthy for mary with with a lady in the one to show them the love their ability to do is the hardest time ever sorry, sorry my positive and i close. they're not my clients anymore. so i explained to them they can stay at our program now you're going to be taken, know very gradually, or you need to motivate them all the time. and you know, since all of them refugees and they're coming from the, you know, awful situation and to the brazilians that they have is great. most of the group are from one church. and one of the reasons why we do this is because this is what god has done for us. he has given us what we don't deserve, and i know to monica, can a good love, you'll get a, a phenomenal job to be really clear with your investment, christina baton with a my alumni it as b o you, i'm yan gillman. i'm you said they lied, are bundled mom needs a little bit of love the go unique, murphy, no matter with man. my field, the call in my my, the south point bonanza from that up. i would have been shed blood committed with him a little later without in any last way the full army student added to a new field. oh, love that a little hand of the need for i was there like a 100 mark. i get modern buyers are good. mm hm. hi glenn, madame, i don't, i get a lot of them as you know, i'm happy with the other give under. huh. i'm eligible. i was, i don't i go down a little bit it almost like a month. hm. hm. mother mm hm. of the week. i'm home and sleep out of the n a good the to which other was law hold on a lot more a while for now. i yeah. i know a little of now alyssa. and so i'm ha, many like you're diana. motto center, michael, i good. i know i would, i would actually, i thought it was land cause i have to know you were lucky if not the not though. not a michelle michelle and i think are the majority of the hijackers. um, how about the molecule 2nd? now, who can i tell my husband lincoln on a desk? a a, a, a a company official, a not yet i've been home with a a financial a minute. i'm a thought hi. polish alleged to what i call you a sheet in there to value our office. i love what i choice. i'm not to tell them i can potentially with i know, you know, i'll do what they like to hear a word not feel bad a unless you want to come up with ah, it is me and i knew it for the local level. dual commence suited to learn, but the us oh and was hamburgers and really and yeah, and if you need alejandro, i had slipped into. yeah, i'm supposed to take him and then i'm better select that hearing. i'm virginia company amber was 11, i'm say your name. but then i remembered jackie, don't know, is the men like in the was a less did us why the, the more for you, i mean, and then human than me. verbal of yanine can no to him. oh yeah i, i, i, i am the listen again. i will law he an am urbanatto, be hired cb only emitter. learners have gone yerra higher. and d, matthew, it's like much out, a mob been chablis instead of him and my and i could have been one level one less. if it's, if it were layer high at one lush, if it were love at that lead, you're better or stupid beard though. i know a lot of it said the one lousy me gordon. jani. i is the bill of the leader. mr. darby. yes, the and no, but the m and i haven't even not gotten my ballot. and most of the warriors from dallas. i had another for la jam. what? alum and well, i don't know been either below his i've been may say, did i keep that kid yell a, what for ya, up on they will fall. we shall michela fall yesterday one a had that give me a now. so give me a, i don't have that. i know i'm a 100 farm center, but if i own the video line, you just, you know, so about most of us in the home say, hey, we should, we should, i won't the, i'd love to do a blessing because he didn't have a shannon. i believe so i can i show it from the nist. i go to, you know, from legal muscle directly that i have a small shop this one out about a year. i shot boys. let me, i blamed it over that mean i've been to the head solve it here in the us often. i shop a lot. yeah. i made a bit of a lot of the story optimization when the national math and i'm sorry i didn't actually, i want another military ruler. sylvia navigated on another before you show it amazon does. so again, that could come to that low. yes. not. so from this has to kill, to have them. so let's say that he has been defaming now. does that another valid, may thought not, not in the office does not let me get on that about shocked hannah does so i should wait. are you me to let him know that ah, i can, you can heal in ms. garcia. i've actually taken to a 100 and then we'll see that with i have god now order that and see yeah. do that and then secondly, i do not allow smith and i will order. heck, all of in t and no, not that of he had a in a lot of them elaborate. tom says mean a lot of them died up in north america, some of them. oh my know, my blue knowledge hardly on in the have you guys share a lease? yes and home. well, is it also a a good to have it i have with no but but for yeah. yeah. wow. like me i have got it. i you don't have to walk. yeah, no, no, no, i had a a couple of when i have it with a with ah no money for the for. i mean, can this with both one or the think those log a bank i met with a month. i mean like i'm yeah. yeah. with a lot of yeah. in the locked in. think pissy not to get here eventually when. uh no. no, no, no has been there. this is 0 again after the study of the phony ballast with a once again, it's monday i can go to with i can book the job. maybe 3 a lot that even more so you thought i know limber of he saw your full or done for head that hacky horn, hollis but no b r want fi america or oakland model? t g min by the philippines. i did this, you did happen. buffy did have been and a half of your mac and the paperless yet. ah man easier and it open of seattle. hey, you a list of up on a pallet in hand on this effort by the all of your men for plan of theory. lexi mom open from the lord done. so the hero, laughlin, walton and albany echo deal back in the attorney. i had an issue for america, lynn america, and an issue, fee of a po fee on that committee. how cool murphy bullies and not dumb up extra capella. and it was getting a bit of miss butler for addison horn and o'connor. i'm may eugena america article and happy had my lovely it was adequate life that my kid, i'm glad i thought i had the dog. i love the way i did it a you know what? her shirt short but no worries. let me even if you'll notice, come on to what looked about in a music. the future is female young. she the future is female. danny, it was bad. it was that bad about on a and then in there there wasn't a america neck wound and badly then you know daniel juana alicia her liana talk to mother. i was a jonathan, my kick in venice. martha dow next minute or the la jolla. what fi hampshire chimney help me also. they also had several doormen soil. yeah. the a lot of bad about mobile up. how to mobile machine a a and m and a half mile commodity of that normal day. aah! and a bazaar in with awe for our crime, for full minutes of practice. ah, but to exceed the dream of becoming afghanistan's 1st ever winter in the peons. they will have to overcome many mountains. come over your path of hope and inspiration, where the light shines. witness on algebra with from the al jazeera london pool cow center to special guest in conversation. when you say a lie, a 1000000 times, it becomes a fact. you then can create whatever narrative you won on from that uninterrupted. i realized i was working for something evil, you know, being a part of actually creating at maria. right. the meet christopher wiley, the death of journalism is only the 1st signal for the death of democracy. studio b unscripted on al jazeera with walk into your world's weather report, we're going to focus on the americas right now. nice to see you and still storm stuck around the river plate region plaguing month of the day. it's going to slide into the southeast of brazil over the next few days. so look at this porto lakeview . your temperature falls off big time. 27 degrees on thursday with heavy rain and strong winds to be expected. pulses of rain are moving wires from the amazon basin into the andes, and making its way into the capitol of ecuador, and quito, says some heavy days of rain to come central america. really, the big story is this rain in the gulf of mexico, so we'll pick up the story there. this is going to fly into central and southern portions of florida. the darker the color, the more intense the rain is we will likely see fighting as a result of this. temperatures have fallen off as we head around the great lakes. chicago might have to live in toronto just the high of minus 7 degrees and we do have that extreme cold weather alert across the canadian prairies. winnepeg mine is 21 for you on tuesday. those winds are now finally starting to back off south of san francisco. where the wild fire is burning and we've got some snow rolling across the u. s. state of colorado. this is plaguing denver with a high of minus one on tuesday. that your weather report see later. ah, the karone of iris has been indiscriminate in selecting its victims. it's devastating effects of plague, every corner of the globe, transcending class creed and color. but in britain, a disproportionately high percentage of the fallen have been black or brown skins. the big picture traces the economic disparities and institutional racism that is seen united kingdom fail, it citizens britain's true colors. part one on al jazeera with blue blue blue ah, the army sees is control a bikini fast. so president, rock, bori is removed from office, his government solved, and the constitution suspended. ah, hello mccloud, this is out 0 life and also come we up a stampede outside of football stadium kilted these 6.

Related Keywords

Montana , United States , Burkina Faso , Afghanistan , Philippines , United Kingdom , Lebanon , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Brazil , Florida , Syria , Russia , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Kremlin , Moskva , La Jolla , Chihuahua , Mexico , Nicaragua , Denver , Colorado , Ukraine , Quito , Pichincha , Ecuador , Ottawa , Israel , Zimbabwe , Nowa , Dolnoslaskie , Poland , Cameroon , Guinea , Chicago , Illinois , Polish , Brazilians , Canadian , Burkina , Britain , Lebanese , Syrian , Palestinian , Gisela Melendez , Mckinney Medina , Yan Gillman , Christopher Wiley , Ina Gina , Porto Lakeview , Sunni Muslim , Maggie Jeter , Michelle , Daniel Juana , Jamal Gordon , Lynn America , Al Qaeda , Jesus Christ , Al Jazeera Lazarus , David Livingston , Addison Horn , Martha Dow , Cynthia Glen ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ Witness Meet The Syrians 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ Witness Meet The Syrians 20240708

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here right now? nothing's going well. we expected a lot from president rock and he's only disappointed people. more do appointment always with the new government. but he was the real problem for the president's party. this was an attempted assassination on a democratically elected leader for my cab always survived. but his time in office was a band of soldiers calling themselves the patriotic movement for safeguarding and restoration led by this men. lieutenant colonel, following appeared on state television saying they had ousted, give away the government and pretended the constitution was out there for the defense, the movement which brings together all the components of the defense and security forces, has thus decided to put an end to the power mister collaborate on the 24th of january 2022. the decision taken with the soul lame of enabling our country to get back on track and together all its forces in order to fight for its territorial integrity. its recovery and sovereignty offending on gab, face growing discontent in his inability to deal with the rising attacks of our groups linked to al qaeda and i saw millions have been displaced in thousands killed appeared to be a view to the on sunday with soldiers asking for more to deal with the ongoing threat escalated into a military takeover on monday with special forces taking over both the national tv station and the presidential palace. earlier in a tweet, president hoc mac, a boy asked soldiers to lay down their arms in the interest of the nation, calling for dialogue. the west african body echo else called on the soldiers to return to their barracks. while the you urged the immediate relief of the press, didn't the un expressed condemnation that a 3rd qu in west africa. i will say that echo was the regional organization has been extremely responsive. ah, and, and, and strong in and unified in their responses to these schools. after molly, you guinea, if you're going to now burkina, faso soldiers are yet again toppling and unpopular, but democratically elected president in the name of the people. promising to restore peace in a region gripped by violence and uncertainty. nicholas hawk al jazeera, at least 6 people have been killed in a stampede outside. a football game in cameroon. friends appeared to have rushed the stadium before kickoff, where cameron was about to play camaros in the africa, a couple of nations. the european union says it's ready to impose never before seen sanctions if russia attacks ukraine. russia has mastered estimated 100000 troops near the border. nato is expanding his military presence in eastern europe, leading the kremlin to accuse it of escalates intentions. syrian kurdish fighters backed by the united states military se they're close to recapturing a prison. taken by iso forces, dozens of curtis finances and isaac members have been killed since he attacked on the prison 5 days ago. at least 3 people have been killed in the latest protest. gates, military rodents, who don the central committee of sued in these doctor says they were shot dead by security forces who fight live rounds and take us about 74 civilians have died in demonstrations since we need to take her in libra. britain's prime minister, both johnson has denied a report. he attended yet another social gathering and breach of covert looked on rules his claim. johnson's wife threw him the surprise party birthday party during the 1st time in june 2020 prime minister's office says it was a brief gathering that last less than there are still headlines. more news coming up here. one on 0. right off the witness. no. ah ah with with a high level haven't i'm having to play with them on order, but rough with it. when the police here we'll notify i'm sure you're not going to read to me a holler a shout back in. bob, a like a felon that via michelle. i mean keith it's, i'm just, i'm still, i'm is, did this. my mom not in a. took a look. i think i'm laughing. ah. to see yeah. a oh yeah. yeah. i mean it ha, ha, me to beard. hello. sierra nice hill. with a few more to find another how i la mckennan. he couldn't really either have book have wouldn't bunny ed bo insanity so been ah ah, to leave the helm. she with 0 one moment linen and his neck and all this in her mouth he won by then willard over then let it over. then there was a season in the day with a d, d belly colored, vintage eugene leon, let the kilowatt either halleck in team a candle or any mccaney and into heartburn of semester with him. a little bit caliah vegan. holding the girl and my toilet. quoting now he's the confused. thank you all and give you a live in the mike at least make with us, you will always done with a lot of africa. how about that might or psycho choice or sophia, multiple rom multiple. there's a line model of the technology, but what i did for a jada for couple of the north albany of our party here. let's see bob. yeah, i'm a 100 a year old. i wouldn't be able to get a feel for that. it's death that the brush i did or not, but i commend me of that. so the body know clark is thinking, ah well this is what i think i owe them but you know and then go and even when i try to put them on a moment. sure. yeah. and i see, and i just miss a, i think 2 amount of mileage daily, and he's on his way home. like when it comes on heck, and i want to send him. but the actor was all the mom you philadelphia and away with with a fill up. yeah. now do you want to do it on let them know? yeah. billing, gisela melendez and um, mom it was a billing. please grab a, ah well, that's why it shows mckinney medina, philadelphia a hello. which way was like a lot of fun with with hidden to bed with a with, with the how long to when those are the i have i i s i s a i as i, as in. uh huh. let me kind of a little percetti. oh, how does she put them aside? hey, let me help you. um hello, miss beaman. this to me that my son is on the me. i see him on some for both in the back on to the my mom. that's who i see the most about. anela mama said the mother told me and said, we think the mothers denied my for the last minute. this call there's some you come see me some i'm sure you're cutting me leaving. can you come see me from your home so much time you come see me like a couple of this will be this other the from somebody that law offices me or something to tell me you come see me here. my phone and the mom. so now going to see me on my neck, you must little part mrs. sure about my know how much room he and i haven't been able to be on the local and know on the fact that sure. what about for sure in macro or the not just to team i would love to have been loveless. is another on my list to look for the me my the he methodically i get on the bottom. i see my thought in on the, the mom, my foot, it was not, i mean, i mean, you know, lessons are looking on zillow. we saw that there was no him. and he said, hey, some of the actually in the that how that can be done and you can live and that must be dying to the for the mom, the corner of the, the home, the hub on you can have to be held. not in. know you a bad and even bad mama. a a a a temporary, a just me a call with? no, no. okay. so she has a team a team day. she will start off our 9th grade because we don't have any records for the how and i'm at, i'm looking for a cleaning because we have a school. i'll have a, a with a with, with a pedal to my mothers or the what i keep checking in column has it in have the beauty or fee i was, i was a wash out a loss of love a. busy wage form is very low, so the mom, the initial, held me the puppy. he has been upset with you and to on can bank on this a seal? see phones use with a home that's gone? what i think potentially when i buy short nonconsent, i want to watch a see how does that on how doesn't my oh my gosh, i would look to it as a 3rd to how much notice we only did our didn't you know if not enough, see how the bill will print out there won't be the lawyers are working on that. i'd love to learn that measure and a funny health care our maggie jeter has in, in a gina breakdown you and i teach at the law. oh, how big your hand? yeah. i mean, just not gina, gina, and silly a shondra. she's not here now. a lot of fun. it's wonderful to them and i don't understand. no less upset about that. no, i have the ability to have a sheet on ambia. he wants to be sure, and i'm additional from suddenly going on. what's it, what's on the mom? a look at them that these are these, i'm a clear fish way. it saying let me, let me do, i need to get a best. they just have to play with with it was of how to the high school this was on a higher last on there that actually no hello. i have a question, a thought our show in the face and was asking a j a non because i should be counseling. good with the office of president of the united states president, my will liability with your healthy god. what you'll let him drive with . ringback ringback a lot of them right with mom on the phone to one or this one is assuming it's it's a pleasure speaking with a one bedroom. oh i wonder what is it? oh yeah. i got a long in a back tomorrow with a 2. mm hm. mm. mm. hm and i still have a lemme that would be pending. begin. yes, we would have to look into some entry level at the factory and it may be called you might have to stand all day, but that be something we can have. it hasn't been here forever. and a lender will not take them. you can just a car did yeah. can i job one month, a woman to buy a job? i'm an actual, a fellow like a volunteer winning move a journey, a journey of faith and one of necessity in 3 different missions. that all facing the challenge of driving on nicaragua was unpaid, runs at the mercy of it's unpredictable tropical weather. risking in the curriculum on al jazeera ah, the latest news delivering extremely harsh. and for 10 years they was the victims of nigel. most people got to the monetary prices with detailed coverage warnings that overall impressions selling power large part of providing a polygon daft here from around the world on house people here. so living on the street actually accelerates the aging process. ah, the story of zimbabwe, in her words, history is always told from the perspective of the great men, whether it's david livingston, or rober to mcgarvey. my responsibility is to tell them well when story in a way that it hasn't really been told before. the ordinary. every day life was involved with is that people are writing about patina, kappa, out of darkness. my zimbabwe on al jazeera lazarus, the home of jesus christ, his long drawn pilgrims and visitors from around the world. hundreds of years, it's old city rang to the sounds of shopkeepers and crofts. people this century though, sounds of dwindled. a handful of businesses struggling on. but hearing that splashes of color show signs of a fight, resigns obese danny decided to renovate an old warehouse and to work and live in the old city with a mission. if me and another are open the work that he was talking organically. open my young palestinian is really designers and entrepreneurs have been moving in, inspired by earlier artists to let them on once that were 450 businesses operating in the old city. now there are just 50. the old cities always be in the heart of nazareth. now a growing group of residence wants to get it beating again. it will come back because the city still have very much for ah, i love nick log into how the top stores here on out to sara. and the spokesman for the un secretary general has condemned a q and between a faster and voice concern for the president. the military says it has seized power and deposed president brock, boy, whose whereabouts are unknown. secretary generals following developments and burkina faso with deep concern. he's particularly worried about the whereabouts and safety of president rock, mark christian corroborate, as well as the worsening security situation following the crew carried out on january 23rd by sections of the armed forces. the secretary general strongly condemns any attempt to take over of government by the force of arms. at least 6 people have been killed in a stampede outside. a football game in cameroon, happened to the stadium just north of the capitol. yolande fans appeared to rush the stadium before kickoff, where cameron was about to play morris in the africa nations. the african foot. we'll confederation says it is investigating the incident. the european union says it's ready to impose never before seen sanctions. if russia, thanks, ukraine. russia has massed an estimated 100000 troops near the border. the nato is expanded when she presence in eastern europe, leading the kremlin to accusative escalating. the pentagon has 8 and a half 1000 troops on heightened alert. in some cases, some of these forces were already on a, a heightened posture, readiness to deploy posture, and the secretary decided to make it even more a shortened a tether even more so in some cases, units would go from say, 10 days prepared to deploy. now, there at 5 days sir, and kurdish fighters backed by the united states military se the close to recapturing a prison taken by actual forces, dozens of kurdish fighters and nicely members have been killed since the attack on the prison 5 days ago. for my lebanese prime minister side, harry says he suspending his role in political life and will not run in the upcoming parliamentary elections or areas. also, as his political party to not to take part is leaving the sunni muslim community without clear political leadership. thousands of truck drivers from across canada converging on the capital ottawa to protest against a federal vaccine mandate for travel across the us border. i say the policy hurts businesses and drivers likely go today with headlines. more news coming up right after witness. ah ah. i know. i never hear any mama. he's a company, he's a soda mulligan, jamal gordon, cynthia glen up. i'm nina and holly clar, hey, give accounting. how can i help you? i'm, i'm a member. now let, let me mom did the mike and saw lama and saw love in it's morally yemen shaw law with more. hello shall added mister known beyond the d. i'm sion i did, i'm dick or he is a tom fellow caught up in the north, legit unit. so dean units on your cloud, we had that happen on him and them and need your la honey and have it and want financial badly not. and i to say to look out or he fish that the link that you scan sob. and indeed halleck, why abdulla do, but his semana on a many won't fit on big. and i feel as val mamacita as for your habit and not to make little a man to cont, is lyric into one thick. don't you be well attended? mad. you were doing a little bit of it. i never did it mentally. there should've been a ha, bullard, i believe, as early as like the yellow mess. you know, he, by all right, i'll be, i'll a meeting with you so that it, it only will feel i o lady, montana. i came to kind of a deal with your wife who oh w instead of judge him. and him had been a been healthy for mary with with a lady in the one to show them the love their ability to do is the hardest time ever sorry, sorry my positive and i close. they're not my clients anymore. so i explained to them they can stay at our program now you're going to be taken, know very gradually, or you need to motivate them all the time. and you know, since all of them refugees and they're coming from the, you know, awful situation and to the brazilians that they have is great. most of the group are from one church. and one of the reasons why we do this is because this is what god has done for us. he has given us what we don't deserve, and i know to monica, can a good love, you'll get a, a phenomenal job to be really clear with your investment, christina baton with a my alumni it as b o you, i'm yan gillman. i'm you said they lied, are bundled mom needs a little bit of love the go unique, murphy, no matter with man. my field, the call in my my, the south point bonanza from that up. i would have been shed blood committed with him a little later without in any last way the full army student added to a new field. oh, love that a little hand of the need for i was there like a 100 mark. i get modern buyers are good. mm hm. hi glenn, madame, i don't, i get a lot of them as you know, i'm happy with the other give under. huh. i'm eligible. i was, i don't i go down a little bit it almost like a month. hm. hm. mother mm hm. of the week. i'm home and sleep out of the n a good the to which other was law hold on a lot more a while for now. i yeah. i know a little of now alyssa. and so i'm ha, many like you're diana. motto center, michael, i good. i know i would, i would actually, i thought it was land cause i have to know you were lucky if not the not though. not a michelle michelle and i think are the majority of the hijackers. um, how about the molecule 2nd? now, who can i tell my husband lincoln on a desk? a a, a, a a company official, a not yet i've been home with a a financial a minute. i'm a thought hi. polish alleged to what i call you a sheet in there to value our office. i love what i choice. i'm not to tell them i can potentially with i know, you know, i'll do what they like to hear a word not feel bad a unless you want to come up with ah, it is me and i knew it for the local level. dual commence suited to learn, but the us oh and was hamburgers and really and yeah, and if you need alejandro, i had slipped into. yeah, i'm supposed to take him and then i'm better select that hearing. i'm virginia company amber was 11, i'm say your name. but then i remembered jackie, don't know, is the men like in the was a less did us why the, the more for you, i mean, and then human than me. verbal of yanine can no to him. oh yeah i, i, i, i am the listen again. i will law he an am urbanatto, be hired cb only emitter. learners have gone yerra higher. and d, matthew, it's like much out, a mob been chablis instead of him and my and i could have been one level one less. if it's, if it were layer high at one lush, if it were love at that lead, you're better or stupid beard though. i know a lot of it said the one lousy me gordon. jani. i is the bill of the leader. mr. darby. yes, the and no, but the m and i haven't even not gotten my ballot. and most of the warriors from dallas. i had another for la jam. what? alum and well, i don't know been either below his i've been may say, did i keep that kid yell a, what for ya, up on they will fall. we shall michela fall yesterday one a had that give me a now. so give me a, i don't have that. i know i'm a 100 farm center, but if i own the video line, you just, you know, so about most of us in the home say, hey, we should, we should, i won't the, i'd love to do a blessing because he didn't have a shannon. i believe so i can i show it from the nist. i go to, you know, from legal muscle directly that i have a small shop this one out about a year. i shot boys. let me, i blamed it over that mean i've been to the head solve it here in the us often. i shop a lot. yeah. i made a bit of a lot of the story optimization when the national math and i'm sorry i didn't actually, i want another military ruler. sylvia navigated on another before you show it amazon does. so again, that could come to that low. yes. not. so from this has to kill, to have them. so let's say that he has been defaming now. does that another valid, may thought not, not in the office does not let me get on that about shocked hannah does so i should wait. are you me to let him know that ah, i can, you can heal in ms. garcia. i've actually taken to a 100 and then we'll see that with i have god now order that and see yeah. do that and then secondly, i do not allow smith and i will order. heck, all of in t and no, not that of he had a in a lot of them elaborate. tom says mean a lot of them died up in north america, some of them. oh my know, my blue knowledge hardly on in the have you guys share a lease? yes and home. well, is it also a a good to have it i have with no but but for yeah. yeah. wow. like me i have got it. i you don't have to walk. yeah, no, no, no, i had a a couple of when i have it with a with ah no money for the for. i mean, can this with both one or the think those log a bank i met with a month. i mean like i'm yeah. yeah. with a lot of yeah. in the locked in. think pissy not to get here eventually when. uh no. no, no, no has been there. this is 0 again after the study of the phony ballast with a once again, it's monday i can go to with i can book the job. maybe 3 a lot that even more so you thought i know limber of he saw your full or done for head that hacky horn, hollis but no b r want fi america or oakland model? t g min by the philippines. i did this, you did happen. buffy did have been and a half of your mac and the paperless yet. ah man easier and it open of seattle. hey, you a list of up on a pallet in hand on this effort by the all of your men for plan of theory. lexi mom open from the lord done. so the hero, laughlin, walton and albany echo deal back in the attorney. i had an issue for america, lynn america, and an issue, fee of a po fee on that committee. how cool murphy bullies and not dumb up extra capella. and it was getting a bit of miss butler for addison horn and o'connor. i'm may eugena america article and happy had my lovely it was adequate life that my kid, i'm glad i thought i had the dog. i love the way i did it a you know what? her shirt short but no worries. let me even if you'll notice, come on to what looked about in a music. the future is female young. she the future is female. danny, it was bad. it was that bad about on a and then in there there wasn't a america neck wound and badly then you know daniel juana alicia her liana talk to mother. i was a jonathan, my kick in venice. martha dow next minute or the la jolla. what fi hampshire chimney help me also. they also had several doormen soil. yeah. the a lot of bad about mobile up. how to mobile machine a a and m and a half mile commodity of that normal day. aah! and a bazaar in with awe for our crime, for full minutes of practice. ah, but to exceed the dream of becoming afghanistan's 1st ever winter in the peons. they will have to overcome many mountains. come over your path of hope and inspiration, where the light shines. witness on algebra with from the al jazeera london pool cow center to special guest in conversation. when you say a lie, a 1000000 times, it becomes a fact. you then can create whatever narrative you won on from that uninterrupted. i realized i was working for something evil, you know, being a part of actually creating at maria. right. the meet christopher wiley, the death of journalism is only the 1st signal for the death of democracy. studio b unscripted on al jazeera with walk into your world's weather report, we're going to focus on the americas right now. nice to see you and still storm stuck around the river plate region plaguing month of the day. it's going to slide into the southeast of brazil over the next few days. so look at this porto lakeview . your temperature falls off big time. 27 degrees on thursday with heavy rain and strong winds to be expected. pulses of rain are moving wires from the amazon basin into the andes, and making its way into the capitol of ecuador, and quito, says some heavy days of rain to come central america. really, the big story is this rain in the gulf of mexico, so we'll pick up the story there. this is going to fly into central and southern portions of florida. the darker the color, the more intense the rain is we will likely see fighting as a result of this. temperatures have fallen off as we head around the great lakes. chicago might have to live in toronto just the high of minus 7 degrees and we do have that extreme cold weather alert across the canadian prairies. winnepeg mine is 21 for you on tuesday. those winds are now finally starting to back off south of san francisco. where the wild fire is burning and we've got some snow rolling across the u. s. state of colorado. this is plaguing denver with a high of minus one on tuesday. that your weather report see later. ah, the karone of iris has been indiscriminate in selecting its victims. it's devastating effects of plague, every corner of the globe, transcending class creed and color. but in britain, a disproportionately high percentage of the fallen have been black or brown skins. the big picture traces the economic disparities and institutional racism that is seen united kingdom fail, it citizens britain's true colors. part one on al jazeera with blue blue blue ah, the army sees is control a bikini fast. so president, rock, bori is removed from office, his government solved, and the constitution suspended. ah, hello mccloud, this is out 0 life and also come we up a stampede outside of football stadium kilted these 6.

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Montana , United States , Burkina Faso , Afghanistan , Philippines , United Kingdom , Lebanon , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Brazil , Florida , Syria , Russia , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Kremlin , Moskva , La Jolla , Chihuahua , Mexico , Nicaragua , Denver , Colorado , Ukraine , Quito , Pichincha , Ecuador , Ottawa , Israel , Zimbabwe , Nowa , Dolnoslaskie , Poland , Cameroon , Guinea , Chicago , Illinois , Polish , Brazilians , Canadian , Burkina , Britain , Lebanese , Syrian , Palestinian , Gisela Melendez , Mckinney Medina , Yan Gillman , Christopher Wiley , Ina Gina , Porto Lakeview , Sunni Muslim , Maggie Jeter , Michelle , Daniel Juana , Jamal Gordon , Lynn America , Al Qaeda , Jesus Christ , Al Jazeera Lazarus , David Livingston , Addison Horn , Martha Dow , Cynthia Glen ,

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