Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240708

a volcanic eruption. and how china is trying to extend its influence and spilling out of control gun violence has become a huge problem in sweden, and it is affecting certain communities the most and in school. well, number 2, dynamic for them is to move to the last 16 at the australian open us open champion, is aiming to win his 2nd straight made to title ah, so the un secretary general is calling for an investigation after a saudi coalition, as strike in yemen, targeted a detention center holding migrants, aid agencies on how the officials, disabled and 70 people were killed in the capitol sought the city. i'm sorry, of saba diplomatic editor james spies starts us off with this report from you in headquarters in new york. i suppose you asked likes have been carried out on who's the hell territory in yemen all week, but this one was by far the most dead. i'm the main target seems to have been a detention center in the healthy stronghold of saddam in northern yemen. the death toll continues to rise as they find bodies many believe to be migrants, while searching for any survivors. bombardment this week by the saudi led coalition follows a brazen attack by the hu thies, using drones on the capital of the united arab emirates, abu dhabi on monday, which killed 3 people in new york. the un, the security council met behind closed doors to discuss that attack, but not the attacks on who the controlled areas. the current president of the council is no way i asked is ambassador mona jewel, for her country's reaction to the scale of the death toll in sedar. it's, it's, it's not acceptable. and andy, absolutely. i called for an for a strength on old. finally, after the meeting, the ambassador of the united arab emirates flanked by representatives of 6 other council members, including the permanent members, the u. k. france, and the u. s. gave a statement that this agree just aggression by the her thies as well as the proliferation of missile and other technology that enabled the terrorist attack. she made no mention of the saddam attack by the coalition of which the u. a is one of the 2 main members. so i pressed the ambassadors, your defense under law has to be proportionate. does it not? and the president of the council, no way speaking in a national cack capacity, said the attack that took place and saddam was on except to what you have heard to day. and you will know, following the work of the council that this is rec, what you have heard today is the unanimous condemnation by the security council against the terrorist attack against the united arab emirates on monday, the 17th johnny, i'm not asking you about that. i'm asking about your response and whether it was proportionate given that at least 60 people have died, maybe as many as i'd like to refer you to the coalition statement on that matter. but i also like to affirm here that the coalition undertakes to abide by international law and proportionate response in all its military operations. human rights groups have criticize the security council's approach as one sided. the council did issue a statement, but again, only on the drone attack on abu dhabi, the secretary general of the united nations, antonio terrace, has addressed the cottage and saddam and other attacks and who controlled areas. he's called for prompt, effective and transparent investigations. james bowes al jazeera at the united nations. well, the saudi coalition is blaming hope, the officials for not reporting the site as somebody that needed protection, but the who, the state civilians were deliberately targeted national anom, judy microbiology. then we are looking at a very big crime and there's a green light from the americans to kill civilians. that's what we see by the targeting of attention center inside the province and the continuous killing of civilians, war criminals escape prosecution. and consider this war crime against humanity, but the new world should take responsibility at this critical moment in human history. we are witnessing many victims in the like us out with our others. and so now 1st $100.00. is there any clarity yet on this center? who was in it, what it was being used for. yes, it's, it's has been, have been told the, the says detention center is used to people who are still waiting for reasons for this intensive. so it's, it's into a temporary prison for people are waiting for this, and this is also for, for president, for the mag when so usually take the past 2 words, saudi arabia, the to, to have the luxury of living there. because in yemen, the situation is difficult, but the take yemen as a, as a 2 to 3, to, to cross to, to the borders of saudi arabia. and then from there, maybe the to travel to europe or america. so the nice migrants have been there, some of them, and also you have any inmates who have been this present, which was targeted by the saudi lit qualston that resulted according to the latest goes, we are, we have received so far, 8585 people have been killed according to the to the latest figures. so it's $87.00 according to this latest we're just dug under the debrief. followed another 5 buddies from under the breeze. the 2266 where inside the prison. so the 2 of those, $66.00 injured and killed. and inside this present, this has drew ne, nationwide condemnation by the who these by different groups of human rights groups, india and yemen are also the human rights. melissa, which is run by the whole these the condenser, the attack, and also called for an investigation into this into this attack that has resulted to be this big, big death among civilians. also the, the why the, why the warning sides i was still adamant to continue their war and also to use to, to, to achieve their targets military, despite the, all of the human italian impacts on civilians and a laptop with that update from center. thank you. this is one event in a civil war that is turned into the world's worst humanitarian crisis. the united nations estimates 377000 people died by the end of last year from violence, hunger entities, around half the population that doesn't have enough food. more than 5000000 of those are on the brink of famine, and 4 and a half 1000000 you havanese have been forced from their homes. although saudi coalition has caused much of the devastation to who these are accused of using child soldiers and placing landmines across the country, toward the calhoun bri about this regional meteor advisor for east africa and yemen with the n r c. the norwegian refugee council with us from nairobi today. thank you for your time. those numbers that i read that it's a shocking reminder, isn't it? because yemen is one of those stories and one of those situations which can fall off the radar. and then you hear those numbers and you realize just how bad it is. well, you know, come on, i could tell you that last night. air stripes were one of the deadliest, done the work done that we've reached wrong, but them, but the figures you've mentioned. those have been accumulating over 7 years and every time which we have reached wrong bottom and it just gets worse. we've been in a race to the bottom for the last 7 years, where the international powers, with a lot of influence on the, on the, on the conflicts on the parties to this conflict, have done nothing to ease on. stop this, this catastrophe that keeps on falling in front of us. there is the lack of funding which, which is never enough to do to keep up with, with unfolding monetary and disaster. that is the arms on the use that are going on that are arming weapon, ising both parties. so there's conflict without any accountability. them is the issue. that's what lex, yeah, that's what today gets us to talk about over 80, people killed, including creature that i'm playing football. imagine that. so where's the disconnect then, if everyone's outraged and people always say that this is terrible, yet nothing actually happens. and as you say, there's no accountability, whereas the disconnect there, why is that happening? what it is and the political level that we mean that, that level of willing and that's accountability and that, and their commitment to human rights to, to, to, to were protecting civilians. my colleagues on the ground are just just doing whatever they can just to keep people surviving. and the most basic of conditions the, the big decisions that can really make a change. long lasting change happen at the un security council behind closed doors behind between, between the powers that be when they are meeting with the, with the parties of this conflict. that's where dillion change can happen and, and, and that's where at yes, that is outraged. that is, that people, people across the world feel that this is, this is a daughter gross injustice, but it is acting mentally those in power. that again, can make real change our work as humanitarians is merely trying to keep p. m and he's afloat. let's talk about that humanitarian level just as he were answering that we were looking at some images. they are so confronting of babies and toddlers, just their emaciated, basically. and it makes me think about the future of a country. if this is happening to the young people, so these images are really, really difficult to look at if, if this is happening to, to the young people of the country, then that's the whole future of the country at risk. and it's people at risk. oh, absolutely. i, i, i've seen live in saw not being there, my sense having, i've been, had the privilege to trevor their scene babies who are, who are just about to die with very little that can be done for them. the doctors do whatever they can, they recommend to conceptualize they like they like electricity. they like everything and the country is that the back by a case 20 years and its development because of these last 7 years of conflict and what's been going on at children that you know, some of them are at risk not only of dropping out of school that's now that's already happening. joining, joining the front lines of being lost forever. so. so. so yes, the future is extremely bleak, but so is the present right now? a lot of people with yemen makes the headlines. one that is and that's like like yesterday, but a lot of people die anonymously when never hear of them because they come to get out of sign out of sun iron board because it's closed for them and they need medical treatment. i've seen cancer patients dying slowly on shortly after i interviewed them. they were dead because they needed urgent medical treatment that brought some higher port is close for that. they would have to travel 20 hours through the front line, through the mountains, through on groups to try and get hopefully alive to get out of it. that's just 111 fraction of the population, of course. but just to give you an idea that people are dying the day me, and whenever i hear of them, we don't know their names. we don't know how many calls can be. thank you for joining us. it's so important. we do keep talking about the 7 years into the civil war. thank you for your time today. thank you for having we are 12 minutes past this news of his what's coming up. one of america's most wanted men speaks to al jazeera afghanistan's interior minister calls for an end to you, a sanction desperate cleanup has an oil spill blamed on. last week's pacific tsunami ravages the coast of her route. and in sports, we will hear from the female football referee, cooling time on inequality at the africa cup of nations. ah, well us military aid has arrived in ukraine's capital key of the 1st shipment of an additional $200000000.00 worth of equipment. in addition to that, hundreds of people have been out rallying in kiev, calling for a d escalation on saturday rusher. and you as hell talks and agree to continued steps to diffuse the crisis. but all the people out there forming a almost human chain over the bridge over the river to talk about or to highlight their concerns. because there are an estimated 100000 russian troops deployed near ukraine's border. and it's bringing back memories of 2014 for those people when russia annex crimea. we've got a report coming up on that, but the concerns of those ukrainians. but i just wanted a little geographical context 1st because you know, we keep talking about troops on the border. and we said in a very generic way, 1st of all, just so you know, the 2 capitals, moscow and he had 750 kilometers separating those 2. but if we go down here to the actual border region itself, and these are just some of the locations that were russian soldier has there been, have been seen places like a cream over. and so let's see here as well. bare any 30 to 40 kilometers from the border. pogue over just to the north. there that is a 170 kilometers away. and actually we've got satellite imagery from there showing as you see some of the formations there, of the troops and the hardware that have been assembled. and similarly we can see in claim ovo and yelena yonah, that's still 250 kilometers away from the border there. but clearly there are a lot of resources at russia's disposal and they could move at a moment's notice. all of this, of course, very concerning for the people ukraine. hot abdul hamid has some of their stories from kiff. i know how many she's come to pay her respects. not to forget friends lost since the war broke out in the east of the country in 2014 in millsboro got sca was a volunteer back then providing support to the soldiers on the front line. the idea of possible renewed fighting worries her me of course, i think her the words going on and on from 2014. ah, i don't know where we have a big we're but we held guns and we already talk of war and a possible russian invasion concerns many ukrainians. but people here feel things could be different this time around many a grateful of the support. some western countries have provided ukraine some publicly thanking the u. k for its recent delivery of midway to weapons. but elsewhere around here, people are going about their daily lives. wondering if war is as imminent as the leaders. i have been warning. there's also a offense among people here that the situation is made more complicated because of the competition between russia and the west. over influence in this part of the world. ukraine being at the center of it. dmitri sokolov and his wife or lynn, i left crimea soon after russia next to peninsula in 2014. like many, he thinks that ukraine has come a long way since we are different in mentality the road difference. we are very much different now from, from russia, and via very much different from ukrainians. that war, you know, 2014, more than 50 percent v v v. believe that this is just a part of game. like, let's say a kind of trade in, you know, we would sure what states we'll provide to rashanda brochure, et cetera. so we hope it, sol, blowup unethical. but for catchy i'll push nan skia. the problems also come from within. she hasn't returned to her home, dumb of la guns since pro russian separatist took over me. i thought she summed up to do the problem is not only russia, sometimes i don't feel part of this country. sometimes my friends and colleagues make the point that we are guilty of provoking this conflict. i really don't understand where i belong. 8 years on ukrainians have learned to live with the threat from their big neighbor. many say is become part of their lives. but what they fear now is that any move by russia order us could bring more divisions among ukrainians. put up the meat elder zillah give ambassador matthew browser with us. now from his stumble, he's now a non resident senior fellow at the atlantic councils eurasia center. i'm thank you for your time just, i want to get a better idea about the, the russian military capability. we showed some of the satellite images which just give you that little snapshot. the fact is there is a huge military machine here, which could presumably just be deployed just like that. yes, kim. all that's true. i mean, this is an unprecedented piece time military build up by russia. i, scott, he knows it's about to have $200000.00 plus troops of which doubles the standing military of ukraine. not only that, you know, our rush has already deployed armor now. now air defense systems and bella, luce, in crimea as well. so. so russia is encircling ukraine now on 3 sides militarily. and not only that, but it's moving up ammunition and fuel and, and fuel hospitals from the interior of russia, toward the border with ukraine via so, you know, russia is sending every signal that it's intense on a serious military offensive that with markets. second invasion of ukraine in the past 8 years, but i, i don't think that's president hooton's preferred outcome because a full scale invasion is costly. it's risky because there will be a lot of russian casualties as well. ukrainian military is much better equipped than in 2014 and as you heard in that last report, ukrainian civilians are ready to fight. and there would be a partisan or a potential for years that would inflict heavy casualties on russian forces, which would be a serious political concern for president putin at home in russia. just got back to that point. would you mind matthew, about how well equipped ukraine is? we know it's got the support. all it's, it's western allies who will move again at a moment's notice if something happens. but for the initial, a, if, if something happens, what, what's ukraine got to, to defend itself will to be clear. i mean, that, you know, ukraine's western friends will up bring their own military forces on the ground during our, in conflict with russia. ah, the, in the aftermath, of course, it would be huge support in further nato deployments. the thing a putin doesn't want, and further natal appliance and pole in the baltic states and all sorts of new military equipment to ukraine after the hostility. so the key is, what does it take to deter president putin now and to show him it's not the costs are not worth whatever benefits he thinks so. well, ukraine has increased its military capabilities significantly dramatically since 2014. and i think that's why we haven't seen much of a change in eastern ukraine and don us in terms of where the front lines lie. because the ukranian armed forces are much better trained and much better equipped . and they've gotten hundreds of millions of dollars and assistance from united states and nato allies. and even just in the last few days, estonia spent all of its anti tank javelin warhead. so those are american weapons that were transferred to ukraine, all of them to ukraine. and you having run a think tank in estonia, i know how nervous, even paranoid estonians are about their own defense. so they did this nonetheless to show solidarity. the similarly latvia in lithuania, has sent our shoulder launched anti air defense stinger systems to make it harder for the russian air forces to be able to destroy ukrainian forces. and i think the 1st phase of any full scale conflict would be a massive russian aerosol by aircraft and by ballistic missiles to try to destroy as much of the ukrainian military as possible. it would be utterly brutal cache. ah, this might be a really simplistic question, but something that struck me when we looked at all a satellite images and we saw our reporter in cameras. it's cold and it's snowing. i checked to temperatures like minus 10 degrees or something. yeah, i mean, is that a factor in warfare? our old age troops completely trained and ready for that? it's a factor, but not, not a good one. it's exactly what russia needs for the ground to be frozen. so the tanks can operate until the ground froze. it wasn't really feasible for a large scale tank offensive because the tanks will sink in a month. and now the grounds frozen and, and it's, it's like driving, you know, on concrete. so if it's an ominous situation, but again, this is not the preferred outcome for him to. he is negotiating. we have to remember that the threat of the use of force, even though russia sign up in the 1975, a helsinki of course not to use the threat of force as a diplomatic tool throughout history. the threat of force has been a diplomatic tool, and putin is using it now to try to, i think, destabilize ukraine politically and make ukraine unacceptable to become a nato member. and also to, to frighten the nato alliance and split it and well and elicit what present macaroni france did this week, which is to say, maybe here, needs its own negotiating track, separate from nato in the united states. if the solidarity of nato, it looks like it's wavering, that is an invitation for booting to do what he did in 2008 in georgia and 2014 and ukraine, which is in vain. last went watch out for the opening ceremonies of the olympics. coming up in b g. russia invaded during the opening ceremonies, imaging 2008 invaded georgia and russia invaded ukraine during the so she olympics opening ceremonies. 2014 fascinating. so informative talking to you today. matthew bry, though, is a pleasure. thank you. thanks kim. all, well, it's been a week now since the volcanic eruption and sin, amina tongue destroyed large parts of the south pacific nation for several days, and were cut off from the rest of the world. but aid is now heading in and when her reports there may be more than just good will. behind the donations much needed clean drinking water is now flowing into tong, a navy ship, the outer roa, carried 250000 liters of water from new zealand along with a desalination planned to make more. it's a life saving delivery after ash from the volcano blanketed the islands of tongue a week ago and contaminated the water supply in oakland there was another show of pacific island generosity as a delegation from sophomore handed over supplies to the speaker of tongue as parliament who says his people are doing the best they can, but still need help. i think people are trying to get back to work or restore some sense of morality, but the same time they're disruptions, the services, water services, power arms, communication store, intermittent. at a government level, there's been a rush to help tanya, which analysts believe has been motivated by humanitarianism and geopolitical strategic goals. for years, western regional powers, new zealand and australia have been worried about china's growing influence among the smaller pacific island nations, including tawna, is clearly being plenty of generosity on display here as there has been at government level. but after any natural disaster, attention inevitably turns towards the recovery and rebuilding phase. how will that happen? and most importantly, who'll pay tongue a thanked china for being the 1st to donate money and supplies. but before the eruption tongue is economy was amiss with the government struggling to pay back more than a $100000000.00. that was lent by china after damaging riots in 2006, 8. beijing has refused to write the debt off. and some believe last week's natural disaster may provide new zealand with an opportunity. i would say that. and wellington, particularly the priests, are coming in from united states, a straight for somebody to be looking after the south pacific is very strong. now, tony's parliamentary speaker says it's important that any future aid money benefits the people turner, this very sensitive topic. but ah, you know, ty, except a lot of foreign aid from, from many different places around the world. and we just need to ensure that that aid is funneled in a sustainable fashion. at the moment the aid is flowing in the form of donations, but longer term rebuilding may be a more complicated affair. wayne, hey, al jazeera or claims me my peru is tackling a large oil spill on its shores, which is linked to the volcanic eruption. etomo freak waves caused by the, under the rupture struck an oil tanker as it was unloading its congo and pitch 6000 barrels. of oil into the sea and support for marianna sanchez. it's been declared an environmental emergency crude oil washing assure after a devastating spill along the peruvian coast, lima. the sooner the course by the will can the corruption near that on january 15th, apparently ruptured an underwater pipeline. as a spanish retro oil tanker with them loading crude at a refinery, causing the disaster. and the investigation is underway. a 40 see the challenge to contain and clean the estimated $6000.00 barrels dumped the be impossible to accomplish 15. so volunteers have that kind of a to beach near the main spill area. are doing their best a few kilometers away at the bay. of course, another team is recovery only 20 barrels of the per day by market size, but what's really not much just a grain of sand. the attention on the clean up campaigns should be more aggressive . concerns university students up up to see some fish. but for now, we are cleaning and seeing what we can do with this credit because we are not going to be so heartless and have them their environmental authorities say the damage. now extend 3000 square kilometers affecting and con base, which biodiversity from the fisherman's protected islands to the coastline. for now, we're about 4 kilometers of the coast of the bay if i'm gone and here the water is completely under a blanket of oil. the ocean current is helping to spread it even further, making it more difficult to clean to contain it. advance environmental authorities have called enough the small bay area fishermen. i really not. i mean this has more than 800 families who need it for their living now. have nothing to sell said borrowed though a door, everything stopped and no one is going out to see because we know that the fish is unusable and will be contaminated. it's surprising that reptiles has not had a contingency plan on thursday, proceeded to look. i see you declared the environmental emergency describing the oil spill at the most touring ecological disaster in recent times. some are blaming whistle, but the company says it has no warning of the phenomena and is not responsible. while judicial authorities open that investigation, experts say reversing the damage is impossible, especially with so much to be done with so few will and to some work on the ground . but you know, frontier. so just need to get ahead of you on this news out how education has become the latest victim of lebanon, economic collapse, or for the man behind the mindfulness movement of di will have more on his life coming out and in specific timing, from one basketball full time great son, i will be here with that story. ah seen some of the worst ice build up in about 20 years across the carolinas. hello everyone. so states of emergency declared in both north and south carolina. this is the 2nd winter storm to strike within a week, but conditions are improving on saturday, but still this north when dragging down temperatures rally just a high of one degrees. so the bulk of that energy out toward the atlantic. but it is going to swipe st. john's, as we head towards sunday, generating about $10.00 to $20.00 centimeters of snow off to the west, we go. a warm breeze has popped up the temperature in calgary to 8. we can follow that warm wind down to the northern plains billings a high of 8 degrees. and you know, edmonton at 7, you should be about minus 6 with his sub. the years had him pretty good off to the desert. southwest could get a sprits of some showers for phoenix with the hiv 21 degrees. and we do have a lot of what weather around the yucatan peninsula. this will be driving rain at times. of course, there has been flooding through the paid ruffian andes, near much repeat you, and still plentiful storms here through the amazon basin. another place we could see some rock in storms is the river plate region. so the potential for more flooding in montevideo and for the southeast of brazil, porto allegra could set a new record temperature on saturday soon. ah, oh, mount vesuvius is one of the most dangerous active volcanoes in the world. would not everyone fears living in its shadow? this get food for thought is there something magnetic about lascivious, that the people who don't live or she 0 will those to the red zone near naples. to understand this unusual for living with the volcano on al jazeera, a journey, a journey of bays, and one of necessity, a 3 different missions that all facing the challenge of driving on nicaragua was unpaid roads at the mercy of its unpredictable tropical weather. risking it all the bleaker rack you are on the al jazeera ah, ah, ah, on the news are here at al jazeera and these are the top stories more than 70 people killed by a saudi coalition, as strike in yemen, that is, according to doctors without borders, and haughty officials, the un secretary general is called for an investigation. u. s. military aids arrived in ukraine's capital care. the 1st shipment of a $200000000.00 package. tensions escalating as russian forces mobilized near ukraine's border. and 250000 leaders of drinking water delivered by the new zealand navy is being distributed across the toner, the largest delivery of fresh water to the islands. a week after a volcanic eruption. and soon, army can go to sweden now, which is battling a wave of gang violence. in fact, it now has the highest rates of gun deaths in europe and with people of immigrant backgrounds. disproportionately affected issues providing more fuel to the right wing parties ahead of national elections poorest has recalled it's a typical winter's day in lyn shipping, a delicate snow and a relatively safe corner of the world. but a surgeon gun crime here and nationwide has made sweden one of the worst countries in europe for gangland shootings. the whole half tone include thing in shopping on the surface again, last year and in shipping. but we had 12 shootings and 5 killing. previously we had one shooting a year of the situation in sweden as being driven by drugs and money and a totally different way to how it used to be. the other police say 15 gun conflicts from the way in stock home alone, mainly in the suburbs. a report from the national crime prevention council has shown sweden as the only country in europe. what gun deaths, arising with 4 killings per 1000000 people against the continental average of one point? 6 in 2021. there were $342.00 shootings and $46.00 deaths in the southern city of malmo, 6 months of police rates. 2 years ago began a period of calm, but with drugs and guns flowing into my over the bridge from denmark, a solution to the violence seems a long way off. some whoa, as a former high ranking gang member in mile, my. now he works with young people to try and keep them out of criminal gangs. we meet in van him, scene of a triple murder in 2018 and where there was another deadly shooting. last week. to whom am i going to come? i said, the mentor, young gang members, don't realize what they're getting into all the things escalate quickly. they don't have trust in d o 2 warranties. they don't have other opportunities through the study. wait for a good job. they don't have patients for them. would it cost money to count this novel paying the law? this isn't only affecting people in the criminal underworld in 2019 a young mother was shot dead here on the streets in mamo. a year later, a 12 year old girl was caught in cross fire in stock. for the most part, it's young men often teenagers who are killing and being killed. prime is now a major electoral issue under sensitive one, after national studies linked it with immigration. most of the individuals in sweden using for our as our method of violence, our immigrants, 2nd generation immigrants. but we also know that the victims of such crimes are also immigrants. people are being afraid for being called the races. if we do not talk about this, then we cannot solve the problem. new prime minister magdalena under sean has already toughened rhetoric on immigration and sweden's open door policy for refugees is long gone. that's partly in response to the right wing suite, and democrats becoming an integral part of the opposition with an election this year suite and must now why it's traditionally tolerant values against the death toll on its streets. full rece algae is era. mama, fascinating story. and we're going to talk to dillman sally, who about as he is a crime reporter and author of until everyone dies and expose a on the gang culture in sweden with his friends stock. how can i ask you about that title? first of all, until everyone dies. some frightening, quite frankly yes, it was actually one of the guys robbery, one of the answer that was asked her from a police officer. how long with this, the conflict continue when there are children, each other? that was his response until everyone dies illness i. so i would never have thought that sweden would have such a bad air violence that gun violence problem in particular. can you tell us more about what's driving it in our report? we heard about drugs. we heard about our arms as we're coming across from denmark. yeah, we were actually in your in the last case he was problems with smuggling over the borders more more and our call to the police officers even believed themselves. now i think one number that has been mentioned that they thought that was before the top of them are context was coming to sweden, but now they hadn't updated the number 250 tons different narcotics. so it's much more than anyone believe. and we have also a lot of arms spreading around in the criminal environments. fully stocked all recent number and study that was mentioned wrong, 1300 arms. and they think that there around 1300 or 1500 men in the criminal environments. so it means that everybody has one or 2 to use, which is very, very problematic. yeah. i think we, we sort of think of places like sweden and scandinavia as, as tolerant and prosperous as well. here we've got immigrant communities, they all swedish, they from immigrant backgrounds, but they are swedish. but there's clearly a huge disconnect and huge disparity. is that something which politicians and policymakers acknowledge and trying to actually fix yes more and more the recent years because there's something increasing and also as you mentioned and the court also children not being hit by the farms and also women carrying their, their child. this house, i mean people are really angry about this and want to stop this in the way. and most of these conflicts have been arriving in our suburbs where we have a majority with migrant background. it's very thing, a gated areas. in some communities there's a huge isolation because you have a more whole group of people from several specific countries. and people there doesn't feel that they belong to the majority of them. because some of the people go to the central park. they're never been there because they're isolated in their own narratives from any sort of stories and then on sally, who with us from stock home today on the story. thank you so much appreciate your time. thank you. the united states says it will continue to use sanctions against leaders. it accuses the undermining. peace in bosnia herzegovina. comments are made by the head of the us agency for international development, softer a visit to the country. early this month, washington announced sanctions against miller. miller rod, though dick bosnian serv representative in the country's remember presidency. i've got a son's interior minister says employees of the previous government on not being targeted by the taliban. this was in his 1st sit down, interview, sit out just in the hall, county told out 0, the new administration is keeping its word on the issue. he requested that we blow his face a momentum, the college blue circus. the supreme leader announced a general amnesty for all of the employees of the previous government, and on that basis we should not discriminate against any of them. so no one can data promises. there are some elements of ill intentioned individuals who conduct sabotage operations in afghanistan and seek to destabilize the security situation to lebanon, where most public schools will remain closed after the holiday break. teachers are demanding better pay to cope with the country's economic collapse. and it's not clear when many of the countries, 1200000 children will even get back to school as reported something harder. it's early morning on a weekday. these children are supposed to be at school, but education is the latest casualty of lebanon's, economic collapse, paper and stuff. i'm worried about my education. i haven't been to school for a month. the teachers are on strike because they're demanding day, right. public schools were supposed to reopen after the winter holidays, but it may be a while before classes resume. teachers have been demanding an increase in their salaries to cope with rising inflation and the collapsing currency. adoptable a says mock, i'm in, i'm because our salaries lost 85 percent of their value, but the half of it is for transportation calls. also, the government is not covering all our hospital bill. it costs us 4 times our salary to pay for and nights in hospital. the government is nearly broke 2 years into a severe financial crisis that many blame on decades of corruption and mismanagement . and so for this year, state budget, which is you have to be approved by government, doesn't include a pay rise for teachers. government will be approving a temporary compensation package for teachers. and then it will discuss the draft state budget because we can't increase teachers pay without doing the same, but army officers, soldiers, judges, and other public sector employees. the public sector has been under resource by successive governments. now it is under strain because an estimated $100000.00 students transferred to the public system. my kids used to be in the private schools, but according to the crisis we are facing it because i work here in the bottom. we have economy problems. so i, i thought them there has also been an increase in children working to support their families. the economic meltdown has impoverished 80 percent of the population, forcing many families to choose how to spend their limited income. it's not just tuition fees that have become affordable for many, but also school related costs including transportation. the united nation says 50 percent of households have had to cut spending on education with nearly a 3rd of those actually pulling their children out of school. about 1200000 children in lebanon have already experienced 2 years of disruption because of nationwide protests and the corona virus pandemic. but then it came on to the teachers have legitimate demand, spotwood, expecting there is no state. the state has all but collapsed. it's nearly bankrupt, and the consequence is, the future of lebanon, which has never looked more uncertain. santa could their ultra 0 rescue teams in western garner, searching the sight of a huge explosion, but killed at least 13 people. on thursday, dozens of houses and buildings were reduced to rubble on a vehicle carrying mining explosives blew up after colliding with a motorcycle. this is in the town of up yet, that in barbara has more. ah, this crater hints at the size of the explosion in western gonna. the blast happened on thursday when a truck collided with a motorbike, the truck was carrying explosives to a gold mine. the result was shocking. as filmed by eye witnesses, yes, yes. ah . dozens of homes were destroyed in this village near the town of bogo, so 300 kilometers west of the capital, a cra on friday morning gone as vice president mohammed by women visited a shelter as food age started to arrive. he assured the community his government would help them recover and rebuild embezzlement. isley to be re constable. fully fully, all the medical everything. the gone, a in government says it's investigating the explosion. i witnesses say after the collision, the truck driver jumped out of the vehicle, which was on fire and shouted at people to stay away. a police spokesperson has said the truck did have a police escort who also helped alert people. but with so many dead ghanaians, doubtless wondering how this could have happened. nadine baba al jazeera with more than a 130000 debts due to the pandemic. no country in the middle east has fed worse than iraq. and now is the amazon variance spreads officials warning, and now the wife is imminent. wrestler sought our reports. often tara, the number of coin, 19 cases had been fallen in iran, but the downward trend didn't last long. and there has been another spike in infections despite a better than average rate of explanations. more than 70 percent of the company's eligible population of 72000000 has received 2 doses. of course, 19 vaccines and nearly 13000000 have had their 3rd shot. men, jeffrey, is among them. oh job. in considering the tough past 2 years, it's recommended to receive the vaccine to become immune so that we can protect ourselves in case of facing another wave. i am very concerned about another way of infections. in august last year, iran recorded it's worth daily tally with around 50000 infections and more than 700 debts. oh, but thanks to a mess, vaccination campaign, by the middle of this month, the daily debt tool stood around 20 the lowest in nearly 2 years. but the situation now seems to be changed again. the omega invariant 1st detective in the company last month is boosting the daily infections. total provinces, iran, iran, or reporting of to it to fall, increase in active cases and the number of iranians neither hospital treatment is also on the rise from the manager of economy. experts are warning the number of infections by the end of february could go up to a total of 600000 is called at the moment v r in of a bad economic situation. the worry about medication shortage because of the sanction or hospital bed shortage. what the prospect vill face on it. crises a disaster. the avoid lot the disaster because and then you face to for example, 1000000 cases. we have not enough physicians, enough nurses, enough hospital bills to serve these patients for a country order the suffering from the effects of international sanctions. iran's health care system has been on the immense pressure and will struggle to sort of buy a new wave. of course, 19 percent of that i'll just iraq to her on setting landslides in peru has cut off access to the ancient city of not repeat your mud and the flood water, excuse me. a submerged roads and rail tracks in and around the unesco well heritage site tourists stranded in the area are being moved out. your sports news is coming up on the snooze. owls and trick shots on showed at the australian open replacer. mm. to reach the 2nd week of the choice ah, charged with crimes against humanity, 4000 counts of torture and 58 cases of murder, rape, and sexual violence. people in power trucks, the 1st ever walk harms trial of a syrian high ranking officer. i am taking part of this trial because he did something bad to me and to others as verizon. i don't, i focus above jobs as part of that. he's in the trial of on walsman or to on i just ita for from the al jazeera london pool card center to special guest in conversation. when you say a lie, a 1000000 times, it becomes a fact. you then can create whatever narrative you want on prompted uninterrupted. you know, i realized i was working for something evil, you know, being a part of actually creating at maria right. meet christopher wiley. the death of journalism is only the 1st signal for the death of democracy studio. b unscripted on al jazeera ah ah. time for looking to sport with santa thank you very much. come our wall number to damage the death is through to the law. 16 at the australian open, the russian is aiming to win this title for the 1st time. and he's also doing his best to win over the melbourne crowd. andy richardson reports with another joke of ich otherwise engaged. daniel met the dev has a big chance of winning his 2nd straight major title. his main challenge in australia so far has been dealing with rowdy spectators. he accused the melvin paul crowd of having a low i. q. during his went against hung pie and the curiosity route to the russian was in more diplomatic mood after this straight sets victory of a boat vanderson ship of the netherlands. how put it this way says or to play a guy from netherlands on a guy from australia in this thread in melbourne? i think the crowd, he loves you though. we were all. hm. he never good relationship must have its ups and downs. so i think is getting annoyed sites entertaining and it's so it's real, you know, it's not like something. yeah. hey guys, bye. okay, whatever. now see you next time it, sir. you know, it's, so there is some relationship going on or think, isn't francis been wor, pair produced some stunning moments in his match up with full seats to find a sit to pass. but the great player did go on to win in full sets, sit to pass, hoping this will be the tournaments that brings him his 1st grand slam title, benoit someone that i would say is one of the biggest challenge. and in our game, a lot of talents are a lot of feel for the game. ah, so yeah, i was very, very important victory for me today to time grand slam champion simona how it spent most of last year dealing with a variety of injuries. the romanian has looked back to something like her best for in melbourne. the 2018 finalised beating thank a covenant montenegro to reach the last 16 a mentally. i'm confident in the also strong. i would say i'm feeling the game feeling her joy ha! out there and i think that that helps me to be positive and the to be confident that i have a chance every time i step on the court. ah mixed up for how it is. elisa corny, the french player, celebrated her birthday by reaching the 4th round at this events for the 1st time in more than a decade. andy richardson out here near curious is out of the singles a drawer, but the home favorite is still making head. life cares claims that his latest a doubles match almost finished in a fight curious. and that tennessee who cannot his beat the world at number one, pang of matchup of each and cola mc. teach in front of a lively crowd. australian said his opponent fuck up the fact that when one of them was hit by a boy curious and that is that the coach and trainer of the creation do threatened to fight him in the locker room where he treated just letting you know after yesterday's at chub fest and doubles that my opponent's coach and trainer proceeded to threaten at to fight in the play. as jim tennis is a soft, soft sport all because i moved to and hit them with a tennis ball. taja ranieri was furious with his walked hood team as they slid that further into relegation danger. they were beaten at 3 now by norwich. on friday it was sold that lives out of the bottom 3 for the 1st time at this season. what would happen last at 10 of their last hurricane mom he's just still going to do it doesn't blame for me. they though they played for live for the club, for the friends, for everybody. but the more important thing, because they have to play for the school knowing either we do away not selfish. i don't want these kind of the players and africa, couple nations reverie that made history at the time. and it says that she hopes her example will help women in their fight for quality fella. mom, o'con sango rolanda took charge of the zimbabwe versus guinea game on tuesday to become the 1st woman, the history to officiate a match at the event. we are here not because we hud favor to be here. it's just chance. it's no because we deserve to be. here. we have a bug groaned in from dead background is a passion, if from dad passion is hud walk in from that had to walk his the foot a lot. say we men they can't run at to piece of men says speed in to whatever. yes i, we can't be men, but we can do our best to be on the same level to basketball. now the los angeles lakers have one away from home for the 1st time since the end of december. the bron james called 29 points as a lake as a rally that form an 8 point half time deficit to beat the orlando magic. the lakers sit 7th in the western conference as desk i hit a game winning saw that the jeff beat, the final buzzer, who fell home crowd a going into a frenzy as the golden state warriors a graph, the 105 to 103. when over the system walk it eyes aiming to win his forth and be title with the warriors and basses. but for me, i had you back to ca. thanks on i was egan. later on i finally we're going to take some time to talk about mindfulness, which you probably heard about the discipline of looking within and connecting with your true self. sadly, the man has been praised for developing the practice to not hum has died, but his work lives on as the hot reports. ah, it takes discipline to so ah, to listen. understand. breathing. ah, these are all principals, vietnamese, buddhist monk kicked me out, hunt devoted his life to sharing with others. you don't have to remove all your pig, your sorrow in yourself in order to begin to be happy. ah, much of his work came to be known as mindfulness. and help to place him on an international stage able to influence world leaders in global politics. take me a ton, was exiled from vietnam after opposing the war. in the 1960 s, he campaigned for the united states to stop dropping bombs here meeting the late martin luther king junior, who later nominated him for nobel peace prize. you've said that the only way we can begin to in wars b is, is due to communication between people. yes. and we should be able to say like, this is not our intention to make your suffer more. it is opposite. so please tell us about your suffering, your difficulties. i'm eager to learn. understand. mindfulness has fast become a pillar of the more than 5 trillion dollar wellness industry. many major companies like google have adopted his practices as a way to keep employees happy. we don't need to buy a train to get to home. we need to ride on our invest life or in grant allow granted none through them. oh good god. monks all over the world have gathered to pay homage to one of their greatest leaders are a man devoted to listening. breathing and letting go. oh ah, and on that note i will see you again the 1300 hours gmc, that's about 2 hours from now. kimberly, i got your latest news like right after the break. ah frank assessments, this crisis is continue to weaken lucas shanker, even though perhaps he believed in the beginning. that thing was spinning for her informed opinions. i think politicians will now be under incredible pressure from their young people. that is one of the most helpful things to come out of this critical debate. do you think a should be facilitated? not sure. okay, it's a great. it's a really simple question. let's give samuel a child once the inside story on al jazeera dictatorships, to democracies. activists to corporations, control of the message is crucial oil companies and become very good at recognizing ways to phrase what they want you to hear. we care about the environment you do to, you should buy our oil cleared for public opinion or profit. once you make people afraid, you can use that to justify stripping away basic civil liberties. the listening post examined the vested interest behind the content you consume. on al jazeera, foster clearings and now taking over what you to be pristine forest, where giant trees once too tall and cheap quincy, you scroll conservationist say they are yes. warming with ego. tim below g. as in porches, 4 years ago, the government do sitting in the, on the east, the ban on the timber trade. that decision only open a floodgate of uncontrolled illegal looking sierra leone is home to more than $5000.00 was, did you possess more than $1500.00 of them? i found them the normal to range and on their prop procedures. because the vision is under pressure to save them after the resumption of looking and the return of ah alpha jump to a saudi coalition as dry kits, a detention center in yemen, the 70 people are killed, according to doctors without borders. ah, by them can be now this is l g 0 live from dull ha, also coming up, ukrainians worry about their future while the us and russia fail to break a deadlock on the military build up on the border. race to help, tomkins, recovering from the devastation caused by a volcanic.

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Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240708

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a volcanic eruption. and how china is trying to extend its influence and spilling out of control gun violence has become a huge problem in sweden, and it is affecting certain communities the most and in school. well, number 2, dynamic for them is to move to the last 16 at the australian open us open champion, is aiming to win his 2nd straight made to title ah, so the un secretary general is calling for an investigation after a saudi coalition, as strike in yemen, targeted a detention center holding migrants, aid agencies on how the officials, disabled and 70 people were killed in the capitol sought the city. i'm sorry, of saba diplomatic editor james spies starts us off with this report from you in headquarters in new york. i suppose you asked likes have been carried out on who's the hell territory in yemen all week, but this one was by far the most dead. i'm the main target seems to have been a detention center in the healthy stronghold of saddam in northern yemen. the death toll continues to rise as they find bodies many believe to be migrants, while searching for any survivors. bombardment this week by the saudi led coalition follows a brazen attack by the hu thies, using drones on the capital of the united arab emirates, abu dhabi on monday, which killed 3 people in new york. the un, the security council met behind closed doors to discuss that attack, but not the attacks on who the controlled areas. the current president of the council is no way i asked is ambassador mona jewel, for her country's reaction to the scale of the death toll in sedar. it's, it's, it's not acceptable. and andy, absolutely. i called for an for a strength on old. finally, after the meeting, the ambassador of the united arab emirates flanked by representatives of 6 other council members, including the permanent members, the u. k. france, and the u. s. gave a statement that this agree just aggression by the her thies as well as the proliferation of missile and other technology that enabled the terrorist attack. she made no mention of the saddam attack by the coalition of which the u. a is one of the 2 main members. so i pressed the ambassadors, your defense under law has to be proportionate. does it not? and the president of the council, no way speaking in a national cack capacity, said the attack that took place and saddam was on except to what you have heard to day. and you will know, following the work of the council that this is rec, what you have heard today is the unanimous condemnation by the security council against the terrorist attack against the united arab emirates on monday, the 17th johnny, i'm not asking you about that. i'm asking about your response and whether it was proportionate given that at least 60 people have died, maybe as many as i'd like to refer you to the coalition statement on that matter. but i also like to affirm here that the coalition undertakes to abide by international law and proportionate response in all its military operations. human rights groups have criticize the security council's approach as one sided. the council did issue a statement, but again, only on the drone attack on abu dhabi, the secretary general of the united nations, antonio terrace, has addressed the cottage and saddam and other attacks and who controlled areas. he's called for prompt, effective and transparent investigations. james bowes al jazeera at the united nations. well, the saudi coalition is blaming hope, the officials for not reporting the site as somebody that needed protection, but the who, the state civilians were deliberately targeted national anom, judy microbiology. then we are looking at a very big crime and there's a green light from the americans to kill civilians. that's what we see by the targeting of attention center inside the province and the continuous killing of civilians, war criminals escape prosecution. and consider this war crime against humanity, but the new world should take responsibility at this critical moment in human history. we are witnessing many victims in the like us out with our others. and so now 1st $100.00. is there any clarity yet on this center? who was in it, what it was being used for. yes, it's, it's has been, have been told the, the says detention center is used to people who are still waiting for reasons for this intensive. so it's, it's into a temporary prison for people are waiting for this, and this is also for, for president, for the mag when so usually take the past 2 words, saudi arabia, the to, to have the luxury of living there. because in yemen, the situation is difficult, but the take yemen as a, as a 2 to 3, to, to cross to, to the borders of saudi arabia. and then from there, maybe the to travel to europe or america. so the nice migrants have been there, some of them, and also you have any inmates who have been this present, which was targeted by the saudi lit qualston that resulted according to the latest goes, we are, we have received so far, 8585 people have been killed according to the to the latest figures. so it's $87.00 according to this latest we're just dug under the debrief. followed another 5 buddies from under the breeze. the 2266 where inside the prison. so the 2 of those, $66.00 injured and killed. and inside this present, this has drew ne, nationwide condemnation by the who these by different groups of human rights groups, india and yemen are also the human rights. melissa, which is run by the whole these the condenser, the attack, and also called for an investigation into this into this attack that has resulted to be this big, big death among civilians. also the, the why the, why the warning sides i was still adamant to continue their war and also to use to, to, to achieve their targets military, despite the, all of the human italian impacts on civilians and a laptop with that update from center. thank you. this is one event in a civil war that is turned into the world's worst humanitarian crisis. the united nations estimates 377000 people died by the end of last year from violence, hunger entities, around half the population that doesn't have enough food. more than 5000000 of those are on the brink of famine, and 4 and a half 1000000 you havanese have been forced from their homes. although saudi coalition has caused much of the devastation to who these are accused of using child soldiers and placing landmines across the country, toward the calhoun bri about this regional meteor advisor for east africa and yemen with the n r c. the norwegian refugee council with us from nairobi today. thank you for your time. those numbers that i read that it's a shocking reminder, isn't it? because yemen is one of those stories and one of those situations which can fall off the radar. and then you hear those numbers and you realize just how bad it is. well, you know, come on, i could tell you that last night. air stripes were one of the deadliest, done the work done that we've reached wrong, but them, but the figures you've mentioned. those have been accumulating over 7 years and every time which we have reached wrong bottom and it just gets worse. we've been in a race to the bottom for the last 7 years, where the international powers, with a lot of influence on the, on the, on the conflicts on the parties to this conflict, have done nothing to ease on. stop this, this catastrophe that keeps on falling in front of us. there is the lack of funding which, which is never enough to do to keep up with, with unfolding monetary and disaster. that is the arms on the use that are going on that are arming weapon, ising both parties. so there's conflict without any accountability. them is the issue. that's what lex, yeah, that's what today gets us to talk about over 80, people killed, including creature that i'm playing football. imagine that. so where's the disconnect then, if everyone's outraged and people always say that this is terrible, yet nothing actually happens. and as you say, there's no accountability, whereas the disconnect there, why is that happening? what it is and the political level that we mean that, that level of willing and that's accountability and that, and their commitment to human rights to, to, to, to were protecting civilians. my colleagues on the ground are just just doing whatever they can just to keep people surviving. and the most basic of conditions the, the big decisions that can really make a change. long lasting change happen at the un security council behind closed doors behind between, between the powers that be when they are meeting with the, with the parties of this conflict. that's where dillion change can happen and, and, and that's where at yes, that is outraged. that is, that people, people across the world feel that this is, this is a daughter gross injustice, but it is acting mentally those in power. that again, can make real change our work as humanitarians is merely trying to keep p. m and he's afloat. let's talk about that humanitarian level just as he were answering that we were looking at some images. they are so confronting of babies and toddlers, just their emaciated, basically. and it makes me think about the future of a country. if this is happening to the young people, so these images are really, really difficult to look at if, if this is happening to, to the young people of the country, then that's the whole future of the country at risk. and it's people at risk. oh, absolutely. i, i, i've seen live in saw not being there, my sense having, i've been, had the privilege to trevor their scene babies who are, who are just about to die with very little that can be done for them. the doctors do whatever they can, they recommend to conceptualize they like they like electricity. they like everything and the country is that the back by a case 20 years and its development because of these last 7 years of conflict and what's been going on at children that you know, some of them are at risk not only of dropping out of school that's now that's already happening. joining, joining the front lines of being lost forever. so. so. so yes, the future is extremely bleak, but so is the present right now? a lot of people with yemen makes the headlines. one that is and that's like like yesterday, but a lot of people die anonymously when never hear of them because they come to get out of sign out of sun iron board because it's closed for them and they need medical treatment. i've seen cancer patients dying slowly on shortly after i interviewed them. they were dead because they needed urgent medical treatment that brought some higher port is close for that. they would have to travel 20 hours through the front line, through the mountains, through on groups to try and get hopefully alive to get out of it. that's just 111 fraction of the population, of course. but just to give you an idea that people are dying the day me, and whenever i hear of them, we don't know their names. we don't know how many calls can be. thank you for joining us. it's so important. we do keep talking about the 7 years into the civil war. thank you for your time today. thank you for having we are 12 minutes past this news of his what's coming up. one of america's most wanted men speaks to al jazeera afghanistan's interior minister calls for an end to you, a sanction desperate cleanup has an oil spill blamed on. last week's pacific tsunami ravages the coast of her route. and in sports, we will hear from the female football referee, cooling time on inequality at the africa cup of nations. ah, well us military aid has arrived in ukraine's capital key of the 1st shipment of an additional $200000000.00 worth of equipment. in addition to that, hundreds of people have been out rallying in kiev, calling for a d escalation on saturday rusher. and you as hell talks and agree to continued steps to diffuse the crisis. but all the people out there forming a almost human chain over the bridge over the river to talk about or to highlight their concerns. because there are an estimated 100000 russian troops deployed near ukraine's border. and it's bringing back memories of 2014 for those people when russia annex crimea. we've got a report coming up on that, but the concerns of those ukrainians. but i just wanted a little geographical context 1st because you know, we keep talking about troops on the border. and we said in a very generic way, 1st of all, just so you know, the 2 capitals, moscow and he had 750 kilometers separating those 2. but if we go down here to the actual border region itself, and these are just some of the locations that were russian soldier has there been, have been seen places like a cream over. and so let's see here as well. bare any 30 to 40 kilometers from the border. pogue over just to the north. there that is a 170 kilometers away. and actually we've got satellite imagery from there showing as you see some of the formations there, of the troops and the hardware that have been assembled. and similarly we can see in claim ovo and yelena yonah, that's still 250 kilometers away from the border there. but clearly there are a lot of resources at russia's disposal and they could move at a moment's notice. all of this, of course, very concerning for the people ukraine. hot abdul hamid has some of their stories from kiff. i know how many she's come to pay her respects. not to forget friends lost since the war broke out in the east of the country in 2014 in millsboro got sca was a volunteer back then providing support to the soldiers on the front line. the idea of possible renewed fighting worries her me of course, i think her the words going on and on from 2014. ah, i don't know where we have a big we're but we held guns and we already talk of war and a possible russian invasion concerns many ukrainians. but people here feel things could be different this time around many a grateful of the support. some western countries have provided ukraine some publicly thanking the u. k for its recent delivery of midway to weapons. but elsewhere around here, people are going about their daily lives. wondering if war is as imminent as the leaders. i have been warning. there's also a offense among people here that the situation is made more complicated because of the competition between russia and the west. over influence in this part of the world. ukraine being at the center of it. dmitri sokolov and his wife or lynn, i left crimea soon after russia next to peninsula in 2014. like many, he thinks that ukraine has come a long way since we are different in mentality the road difference. we are very much different now from, from russia, and via very much different from ukrainians. that war, you know, 2014, more than 50 percent v v v. believe that this is just a part of game. like, let's say a kind of trade in, you know, we would sure what states we'll provide to rashanda brochure, et cetera. so we hope it, sol, blowup unethical. but for catchy i'll push nan skia. the problems also come from within. she hasn't returned to her home, dumb of la guns since pro russian separatist took over me. i thought she summed up to do the problem is not only russia, sometimes i don't feel part of this country. sometimes my friends and colleagues make the point that we are guilty of provoking this conflict. i really don't understand where i belong. 8 years on ukrainians have learned to live with the threat from their big neighbor. many say is become part of their lives. but what they fear now is that any move by russia order us could bring more divisions among ukrainians. put up the meat elder zillah give ambassador matthew browser with us. now from his stumble, he's now a non resident senior fellow at the atlantic councils eurasia center. i'm thank you for your time just, i want to get a better idea about the, the russian military capability. we showed some of the satellite images which just give you that little snapshot. the fact is there is a huge military machine here, which could presumably just be deployed just like that. yes, kim. all that's true. i mean, this is an unprecedented piece time military build up by russia. i, scott, he knows it's about to have $200000.00 plus troops of which doubles the standing military of ukraine. not only that, you know, our rush has already deployed armor now. now air defense systems and bella, luce, in crimea as well. so. so russia is encircling ukraine now on 3 sides militarily. and not only that, but it's moving up ammunition and fuel and, and fuel hospitals from the interior of russia, toward the border with ukraine via so, you know, russia is sending every signal that it's intense on a serious military offensive that with markets. second invasion of ukraine in the past 8 years, but i, i don't think that's president hooton's preferred outcome because a full scale invasion is costly. it's risky because there will be a lot of russian casualties as well. ukrainian military is much better equipped than in 2014 and as you heard in that last report, ukrainian civilians are ready to fight. and there would be a partisan or a potential for years that would inflict heavy casualties on russian forces, which would be a serious political concern for president putin at home in russia. just got back to that point. would you mind matthew, about how well equipped ukraine is? we know it's got the support. all it's, it's western allies who will move again at a moment's notice if something happens. but for the initial, a, if, if something happens, what, what's ukraine got to, to defend itself will to be clear. i mean, that, you know, ukraine's western friends will up bring their own military forces on the ground during our, in conflict with russia. ah, the, in the aftermath, of course, it would be huge support in further nato deployments. the thing a putin doesn't want, and further natal appliance and pole in the baltic states and all sorts of new military equipment to ukraine after the hostility. so the key is, what does it take to deter president putin now and to show him it's not the costs are not worth whatever benefits he thinks so. well, ukraine has increased its military capabilities significantly dramatically since 2014. and i think that's why we haven't seen much of a change in eastern ukraine and don us in terms of where the front lines lie. because the ukranian armed forces are much better trained and much better equipped . and they've gotten hundreds of millions of dollars and assistance from united states and nato allies. and even just in the last few days, estonia spent all of its anti tank javelin warhead. so those are american weapons that were transferred to ukraine, all of them to ukraine. and you having run a think tank in estonia, i know how nervous, even paranoid estonians are about their own defense. so they did this nonetheless to show solidarity. the similarly latvia in lithuania, has sent our shoulder launched anti air defense stinger systems to make it harder for the russian air forces to be able to destroy ukrainian forces. and i think the 1st phase of any full scale conflict would be a massive russian aerosol by aircraft and by ballistic missiles to try to destroy as much of the ukrainian military as possible. it would be utterly brutal cache. ah, this might be a really simplistic question, but something that struck me when we looked at all a satellite images and we saw our reporter in cameras. it's cold and it's snowing. i checked to temperatures like minus 10 degrees or something. yeah, i mean, is that a factor in warfare? our old age troops completely trained and ready for that? it's a factor, but not, not a good one. it's exactly what russia needs for the ground to be frozen. so the tanks can operate until the ground froze. it wasn't really feasible for a large scale tank offensive because the tanks will sink in a month. and now the grounds frozen and, and it's, it's like driving, you know, on concrete. so if it's an ominous situation, but again, this is not the preferred outcome for him to. he is negotiating. we have to remember that the threat of the use of force, even though russia sign up in the 1975, a helsinki of course not to use the threat of force as a diplomatic tool throughout history. the threat of force has been a diplomatic tool, and putin is using it now to try to, i think, destabilize ukraine politically and make ukraine unacceptable to become a nato member. and also to, to frighten the nato alliance and split it and well and elicit what present macaroni france did this week, which is to say, maybe here, needs its own negotiating track, separate from nato in the united states. if the solidarity of nato, it looks like it's wavering, that is an invitation for booting to do what he did in 2008 in georgia and 2014 and ukraine, which is in vain. last went watch out for the opening ceremonies of the olympics. coming up in b g. russia invaded during the opening ceremonies, imaging 2008 invaded georgia and russia invaded ukraine during the so she olympics opening ceremonies. 2014 fascinating. so informative talking to you today. matthew bry, though, is a pleasure. thank you. thanks kim. all, well, it's been a week now since the volcanic eruption and sin, amina tongue destroyed large parts of the south pacific nation for several days, and were cut off from the rest of the world. but aid is now heading in and when her reports there may be more than just good will. behind the donations much needed clean drinking water is now flowing into tong, a navy ship, the outer roa, carried 250000 liters of water from new zealand along with a desalination planned to make more. it's a life saving delivery after ash from the volcano blanketed the islands of tongue a week ago and contaminated the water supply in oakland there was another show of pacific island generosity as a delegation from sophomore handed over supplies to the speaker of tongue as parliament who says his people are doing the best they can, but still need help. i think people are trying to get back to work or restore some sense of morality, but the same time they're disruptions, the services, water services, power arms, communication store, intermittent. at a government level, there's been a rush to help tanya, which analysts believe has been motivated by humanitarianism and geopolitical strategic goals. for years, western regional powers, new zealand and australia have been worried about china's growing influence among the smaller pacific island nations, including tawna, is clearly being plenty of generosity on display here as there has been at government level. but after any natural disaster, attention inevitably turns towards the recovery and rebuilding phase. how will that happen? and most importantly, who'll pay tongue a thanked china for being the 1st to donate money and supplies. but before the eruption tongue is economy was amiss with the government struggling to pay back more than a $100000000.00. that was lent by china after damaging riots in 2006, 8. beijing has refused to write the debt off. and some believe last week's natural disaster may provide new zealand with an opportunity. i would say that. and wellington, particularly the priests, are coming in from united states, a straight for somebody to be looking after the south pacific is very strong. now, tony's parliamentary speaker says it's important that any future aid money benefits the people turner, this very sensitive topic. but ah, you know, ty, except a lot of foreign aid from, from many different places around the world. and we just need to ensure that that aid is funneled in a sustainable fashion. at the moment the aid is flowing in the form of donations, but longer term rebuilding may be a more complicated affair. wayne, hey, al jazeera or claims me my peru is tackling a large oil spill on its shores, which is linked to the volcanic eruption. etomo freak waves caused by the, under the rupture struck an oil tanker as it was unloading its congo and pitch 6000 barrels. of oil into the sea and support for marianna sanchez. it's been declared an environmental emergency crude oil washing assure after a devastating spill along the peruvian coast, lima. the sooner the course by the will can the corruption near that on january 15th, apparently ruptured an underwater pipeline. as a spanish retro oil tanker with them loading crude at a refinery, causing the disaster. and the investigation is underway. a 40 see the challenge to contain and clean the estimated $6000.00 barrels dumped the be impossible to accomplish 15. so volunteers have that kind of a to beach near the main spill area. are doing their best a few kilometers away at the bay. of course, another team is recovery only 20 barrels of the per day by market size, but what's really not much just a grain of sand. the attention on the clean up campaigns should be more aggressive . concerns university students up up to see some fish. but for now, we are cleaning and seeing what we can do with this credit because we are not going to be so heartless and have them their environmental authorities say the damage. now extend 3000 square kilometers affecting and con base, which biodiversity from the fisherman's protected islands to the coastline. for now, we're about 4 kilometers of the coast of the bay if i'm gone and here the water is completely under a blanket of oil. the ocean current is helping to spread it even further, making it more difficult to clean to contain it. advance environmental authorities have called enough the small bay area fishermen. i really not. i mean this has more than 800 families who need it for their living now. have nothing to sell said borrowed though a door, everything stopped and no one is going out to see because we know that the fish is unusable and will be contaminated. it's surprising that reptiles has not had a contingency plan on thursday, proceeded to look. i see you declared the environmental emergency describing the oil spill at the most touring ecological disaster in recent times. some are blaming whistle, but the company says it has no warning of the phenomena and is not responsible. while judicial authorities open that investigation, experts say reversing the damage is impossible, especially with so much to be done with so few will and to some work on the ground . but you know, frontier. so just need to get ahead of you on this news out how education has become the latest victim of lebanon, economic collapse, or for the man behind the mindfulness movement of di will have more on his life coming out and in specific timing, from one basketball full time great son, i will be here with that story. ah seen some of the worst ice build up in about 20 years across the carolinas. hello everyone. so states of emergency declared in both north and south carolina. this is the 2nd winter storm to strike within a week, but conditions are improving on saturday, but still this north when dragging down temperatures rally just a high of one degrees. so the bulk of that energy out toward the atlantic. but it is going to swipe st. john's, as we head towards sunday, generating about $10.00 to $20.00 centimeters of snow off to the west, we go. a warm breeze has popped up the temperature in calgary to 8. we can follow that warm wind down to the northern plains billings a high of 8 degrees. and you know, edmonton at 7, you should be about minus 6 with his sub. the years had him pretty good off to the desert. southwest could get a sprits of some showers for phoenix with the hiv 21 degrees. and we do have a lot of what weather around the yucatan peninsula. this will be driving rain at times. of course, there has been flooding through the paid ruffian andes, near much repeat you, and still plentiful storms here through the amazon basin. another place we could see some rock in storms is the river plate region. so the potential for more flooding in montevideo and for the southeast of brazil, porto allegra could set a new record temperature on saturday soon. ah, oh, mount vesuvius is one of the most dangerous active volcanoes in the world. would not everyone fears living in its shadow? this get food for thought is there something magnetic about lascivious, that the people who don't live or she 0 will those to the red zone near naples. to understand this unusual for living with the volcano on al jazeera, a journey, a journey of bays, and one of necessity, a 3 different missions that all facing the challenge of driving on nicaragua was unpaid roads at the mercy of its unpredictable tropical weather. risking it all the bleaker rack you are on the al jazeera ah, ah, ah, on the news are here at al jazeera and these are the top stories more than 70 people killed by a saudi coalition, as strike in yemen, that is, according to doctors without borders, and haughty officials, the un secretary general is called for an investigation. u. s. military aids arrived in ukraine's capital care. the 1st shipment of a $200000000.00 package. tensions escalating as russian forces mobilized near ukraine's border. and 250000 leaders of drinking water delivered by the new zealand navy is being distributed across the toner, the largest delivery of fresh water to the islands. a week after a volcanic eruption. and soon, army can go to sweden now, which is battling a wave of gang violence. in fact, it now has the highest rates of gun deaths in europe and with people of immigrant backgrounds. disproportionately affected issues providing more fuel to the right wing parties ahead of national elections poorest has recalled it's a typical winter's day in lyn shipping, a delicate snow and a relatively safe corner of the world. but a surgeon gun crime here and nationwide has made sweden one of the worst countries in europe for gangland shootings. the whole half tone include thing in shopping on the surface again, last year and in shipping. but we had 12 shootings and 5 killing. previously we had one shooting a year of the situation in sweden as being driven by drugs and money and a totally different way to how it used to be. the other police say 15 gun conflicts from the way in stock home alone, mainly in the suburbs. a report from the national crime prevention council has shown sweden as the only country in europe. what gun deaths, arising with 4 killings per 1000000 people against the continental average of one point? 6 in 2021. there were $342.00 shootings and $46.00 deaths in the southern city of malmo, 6 months of police rates. 2 years ago began a period of calm, but with drugs and guns flowing into my over the bridge from denmark, a solution to the violence seems a long way off. some whoa, as a former high ranking gang member in mile, my. now he works with young people to try and keep them out of criminal gangs. we meet in van him, scene of a triple murder in 2018 and where there was another deadly shooting. last week. to whom am i going to come? i said, the mentor, young gang members, don't realize what they're getting into all the things escalate quickly. they don't have trust in d o 2 warranties. they don't have other opportunities through the study. wait for a good job. they don't have patients for them. would it cost money to count this novel paying the law? this isn't only affecting people in the criminal underworld in 2019 a young mother was shot dead here on the streets in mamo. a year later, a 12 year old girl was caught in cross fire in stock. for the most part, it's young men often teenagers who are killing and being killed. prime is now a major electoral issue under sensitive one, after national studies linked it with immigration. most of the individuals in sweden using for our as our method of violence, our immigrants, 2nd generation immigrants. but we also know that the victims of such crimes are also immigrants. people are being afraid for being called the races. if we do not talk about this, then we cannot solve the problem. new prime minister magdalena under sean has already toughened rhetoric on immigration and sweden's open door policy for refugees is long gone. that's partly in response to the right wing suite, and democrats becoming an integral part of the opposition with an election this year suite and must now why it's traditionally tolerant values against the death toll on its streets. full rece algae is era. mama, fascinating story. and we're going to talk to dillman sally, who about as he is a crime reporter and author of until everyone dies and expose a on the gang culture in sweden with his friends stock. how can i ask you about that title? first of all, until everyone dies. some frightening, quite frankly yes, it was actually one of the guys robbery, one of the answer that was asked her from a police officer. how long with this, the conflict continue when there are children, each other? that was his response until everyone dies illness i. so i would never have thought that sweden would have such a bad air violence that gun violence problem in particular. can you tell us more about what's driving it in our report? we heard about drugs. we heard about our arms as we're coming across from denmark. yeah, we were actually in your in the last case he was problems with smuggling over the borders more more and our call to the police officers even believed themselves. now i think one number that has been mentioned that they thought that was before the top of them are context was coming to sweden, but now they hadn't updated the number 250 tons different narcotics. so it's much more than anyone believe. and we have also a lot of arms spreading around in the criminal environments. fully stocked all recent number and study that was mentioned wrong, 1300 arms. and they think that there around 1300 or 1500 men in the criminal environments. so it means that everybody has one or 2 to use, which is very, very problematic. yeah. i think we, we sort of think of places like sweden and scandinavia as, as tolerant and prosperous as well. here we've got immigrant communities, they all swedish, they from immigrant backgrounds, but they are swedish. but there's clearly a huge disconnect and huge disparity. is that something which politicians and policymakers acknowledge and trying to actually fix yes more and more the recent years because there's something increasing and also as you mentioned and the court also children not being hit by the farms and also women carrying their, their child. this house, i mean people are really angry about this and want to stop this in the way. and most of these conflicts have been arriving in our suburbs where we have a majority with migrant background. it's very thing, a gated areas. in some communities there's a huge isolation because you have a more whole group of people from several specific countries. and people there doesn't feel that they belong to the majority of them. because some of the people go to the central park. they're never been there because they're isolated in their own narratives from any sort of stories and then on sally, who with us from stock home today on the story. thank you so much appreciate your time. thank you. the united states says it will continue to use sanctions against leaders. it accuses the undermining. peace in bosnia herzegovina. comments are made by the head of the us agency for international development, softer a visit to the country. early this month, washington announced sanctions against miller. miller rod, though dick bosnian serv representative in the country's remember presidency. i've got a son's interior minister says employees of the previous government on not being targeted by the taliban. this was in his 1st sit down, interview, sit out just in the hall, county told out 0, the new administration is keeping its word on the issue. he requested that we blow his face a momentum, the college blue circus. the supreme leader announced a general amnesty for all of the employees of the previous government, and on that basis we should not discriminate against any of them. so no one can data promises. there are some elements of ill intentioned individuals who conduct sabotage operations in afghanistan and seek to destabilize the security situation to lebanon, where most public schools will remain closed after the holiday break. teachers are demanding better pay to cope with the country's economic collapse. and it's not clear when many of the countries, 1200000 children will even get back to school as reported something harder. it's early morning on a weekday. these children are supposed to be at school, but education is the latest casualty of lebanon's, economic collapse, paper and stuff. i'm worried about my education. i haven't been to school for a month. the teachers are on strike because they're demanding day, right. public schools were supposed to reopen after the winter holidays, but it may be a while before classes resume. teachers have been demanding an increase in their salaries to cope with rising inflation and the collapsing currency. adoptable a says mock, i'm in, i'm because our salaries lost 85 percent of their value, but the half of it is for transportation calls. also, the government is not covering all our hospital bill. it costs us 4 times our salary to pay for and nights in hospital. the government is nearly broke 2 years into a severe financial crisis that many blame on decades of corruption and mismanagement . and so for this year, state budget, which is you have to be approved by government, doesn't include a pay rise for teachers. government will be approving a temporary compensation package for teachers. and then it will discuss the draft state budget because we can't increase teachers pay without doing the same, but army officers, soldiers, judges, and other public sector employees. the public sector has been under resource by successive governments. now it is under strain because an estimated $100000.00 students transferred to the public system. my kids used to be in the private schools, but according to the crisis we are facing it because i work here in the bottom. we have economy problems. so i, i thought them there has also been an increase in children working to support their families. the economic meltdown has impoverished 80 percent of the population, forcing many families to choose how to spend their limited income. it's not just tuition fees that have become affordable for many, but also school related costs including transportation. the united nation says 50 percent of households have had to cut spending on education with nearly a 3rd of those actually pulling their children out of school. about 1200000 children in lebanon have already experienced 2 years of disruption because of nationwide protests and the corona virus pandemic. but then it came on to the teachers have legitimate demand, spotwood, expecting there is no state. the state has all but collapsed. it's nearly bankrupt, and the consequence is, the future of lebanon, which has never looked more uncertain. santa could their ultra 0 rescue teams in western garner, searching the sight of a huge explosion, but killed at least 13 people. on thursday, dozens of houses and buildings were reduced to rubble on a vehicle carrying mining explosives blew up after colliding with a motorcycle. this is in the town of up yet, that in barbara has more. ah, this crater hints at the size of the explosion in western gonna. the blast happened on thursday when a truck collided with a motorbike, the truck was carrying explosives to a gold mine. the result was shocking. as filmed by eye witnesses, yes, yes. ah . dozens of homes were destroyed in this village near the town of bogo, so 300 kilometers west of the capital, a cra on friday morning gone as vice president mohammed by women visited a shelter as food age started to arrive. he assured the community his government would help them recover and rebuild embezzlement. isley to be re constable. fully fully, all the medical everything. the gone, a in government says it's investigating the explosion. i witnesses say after the collision, the truck driver jumped out of the vehicle, which was on fire and shouted at people to stay away. a police spokesperson has said the truck did have a police escort who also helped alert people. but with so many dead ghanaians, doubtless wondering how this could have happened. nadine baba al jazeera with more than a 130000 debts due to the pandemic. no country in the middle east has fed worse than iraq. and now is the amazon variance spreads officials warning, and now the wife is imminent. wrestler sought our reports. often tara, the number of coin, 19 cases had been fallen in iran, but the downward trend didn't last long. and there has been another spike in infections despite a better than average rate of explanations. more than 70 percent of the company's eligible population of 72000000 has received 2 doses. of course, 19 vaccines and nearly 13000000 have had their 3rd shot. men, jeffrey, is among them. oh job. in considering the tough past 2 years, it's recommended to receive the vaccine to become immune so that we can protect ourselves in case of facing another wave. i am very concerned about another way of infections. in august last year, iran recorded it's worth daily tally with around 50000 infections and more than 700 debts. oh, but thanks to a mess, vaccination campaign, by the middle of this month, the daily debt tool stood around 20 the lowest in nearly 2 years. but the situation now seems to be changed again. the omega invariant 1st detective in the company last month is boosting the daily infections. total provinces, iran, iran, or reporting of to it to fall, increase in active cases and the number of iranians neither hospital treatment is also on the rise from the manager of economy. experts are warning the number of infections by the end of february could go up to a total of 600000 is called at the moment v r in of a bad economic situation. the worry about medication shortage because of the sanction or hospital bed shortage. what the prospect vill face on it. crises a disaster. the avoid lot the disaster because and then you face to for example, 1000000 cases. we have not enough physicians, enough nurses, enough hospital bills to serve these patients for a country order the suffering from the effects of international sanctions. iran's health care system has been on the immense pressure and will struggle to sort of buy a new wave. of course, 19 percent of that i'll just iraq to her on setting landslides in peru has cut off access to the ancient city of not repeat your mud and the flood water, excuse me. a submerged roads and rail tracks in and around the unesco well heritage site tourists stranded in the area are being moved out. your sports news is coming up on the snooze. owls and trick shots on showed at the australian open replacer. mm. to reach the 2nd week of the choice ah, charged with crimes against humanity, 4000 counts of torture and 58 cases of murder, rape, and sexual violence. people in power trucks, the 1st ever walk harms trial of a syrian high ranking officer. i am taking part of this trial because he did something bad to me and to others as verizon. i don't, i focus above jobs as part of that. he's in the trial of on walsman or to on i just ita for from the al jazeera london pool card center to special guest in conversation. when you say a lie, a 1000000 times, it becomes a fact. you then can create whatever narrative you want on prompted uninterrupted. you know, i realized i was working for something evil, you know, being a part of actually creating at maria right. meet christopher wiley. the death of journalism is only the 1st signal for the death of democracy studio. b unscripted on al jazeera ah ah. time for looking to sport with santa thank you very much. come our wall number to damage the death is through to the law. 16 at the australian open, the russian is aiming to win this title for the 1st time. and he's also doing his best to win over the melbourne crowd. andy richardson reports with another joke of ich otherwise engaged. daniel met the dev has a big chance of winning his 2nd straight major title. his main challenge in australia so far has been dealing with rowdy spectators. he accused the melvin paul crowd of having a low i. q. during his went against hung pie and the curiosity route to the russian was in more diplomatic mood after this straight sets victory of a boat vanderson ship of the netherlands. how put it this way says or to play a guy from netherlands on a guy from australia in this thread in melbourne? i think the crowd, he loves you though. we were all. hm. he never good relationship must have its ups and downs. so i think is getting annoyed sites entertaining and it's so it's real, you know, it's not like something. yeah. hey guys, bye. okay, whatever. now see you next time it, sir. you know, it's, so there is some relationship going on or think, isn't francis been wor, pair produced some stunning moments in his match up with full seats to find a sit to pass. but the great player did go on to win in full sets, sit to pass, hoping this will be the tournaments that brings him his 1st grand slam title, benoit someone that i would say is one of the biggest challenge. and in our game, a lot of talents are a lot of feel for the game. ah, so yeah, i was very, very important victory for me today to time grand slam champion simona how it spent most of last year dealing with a variety of injuries. the romanian has looked back to something like her best for in melbourne. the 2018 finalised beating thank a covenant montenegro to reach the last 16 a mentally. i'm confident in the also strong. i would say i'm feeling the game feeling her joy ha! out there and i think that that helps me to be positive and the to be confident that i have a chance every time i step on the court. ah mixed up for how it is. elisa corny, the french player, celebrated her birthday by reaching the 4th round at this events for the 1st time in more than a decade. andy richardson out here near curious is out of the singles a drawer, but the home favorite is still making head. life cares claims that his latest a doubles match almost finished in a fight curious. and that tennessee who cannot his beat the world at number one, pang of matchup of each and cola mc. teach in front of a lively crowd. australian said his opponent fuck up the fact that when one of them was hit by a boy curious and that is that the coach and trainer of the creation do threatened to fight him in the locker room where he treated just letting you know after yesterday's at chub fest and doubles that my opponent's coach and trainer proceeded to threaten at to fight in the play. as jim tennis is a soft, soft sport all because i moved to and hit them with a tennis ball. taja ranieri was furious with his walked hood team as they slid that further into relegation danger. they were beaten at 3 now by norwich. on friday it was sold that lives out of the bottom 3 for the 1st time at this season. what would happen last at 10 of their last hurricane mom he's just still going to do it doesn't blame for me. they though they played for live for the club, for the friends, for everybody. but the more important thing, because they have to play for the school knowing either we do away not selfish. i don't want these kind of the players and africa, couple nations reverie that made history at the time. and it says that she hopes her example will help women in their fight for quality fella. mom, o'con sango rolanda took charge of the zimbabwe versus guinea game on tuesday to become the 1st woman, the history to officiate a match at the event. we are here not because we hud favor to be here. it's just chance. it's no because we deserve to be. here. we have a bug groaned in from dead background is a passion, if from dad passion is hud walk in from that had to walk his the foot a lot. say we men they can't run at to piece of men says speed in to whatever. yes i, we can't be men, but we can do our best to be on the same level to basketball. now the los angeles lakers have one away from home for the 1st time since the end of december. the bron james called 29 points as a lake as a rally that form an 8 point half time deficit to beat the orlando magic. the lakers sit 7th in the western conference as desk i hit a game winning saw that the jeff beat, the final buzzer, who fell home crowd a going into a frenzy as the golden state warriors a graph, the 105 to 103. when over the system walk it eyes aiming to win his forth and be title with the warriors and basses. but for me, i had you back to ca. thanks on i was egan. later on i finally we're going to take some time to talk about mindfulness, which you probably heard about the discipline of looking within and connecting with your true self. sadly, the man has been praised for developing the practice to not hum has died, but his work lives on as the hot reports. ah, it takes discipline to so ah, to listen. understand. breathing. ah, these are all principals, vietnamese, buddhist monk kicked me out, hunt devoted his life to sharing with others. you don't have to remove all your pig, your sorrow in yourself in order to begin to be happy. ah, much of his work came to be known as mindfulness. and help to place him on an international stage able to influence world leaders in global politics. take me a ton, was exiled from vietnam after opposing the war. in the 1960 s, he campaigned for the united states to stop dropping bombs here meeting the late martin luther king junior, who later nominated him for nobel peace prize. you've said that the only way we can begin to in wars b is, is due to communication between people. yes. and we should be able to say like, this is not our intention to make your suffer more. it is opposite. so please tell us about your suffering, your difficulties. i'm eager to learn. understand. mindfulness has fast become a pillar of the more than 5 trillion dollar wellness industry. many major companies like google have adopted his practices as a way to keep employees happy. we don't need to buy a train to get to home. we need to ride on our invest life or in grant allow granted none through them. oh good god. monks all over the world have gathered to pay homage to one of their greatest leaders are a man devoted to listening. breathing and letting go. oh ah, and on that note i will see you again the 1300 hours gmc, that's about 2 hours from now. kimberly, i got your latest news like right after the break. ah frank assessments, this crisis is continue to weaken lucas shanker, even though perhaps he believed in the beginning. that thing was spinning for her informed opinions. i think politicians will now be under incredible pressure from their young people. that is one of the most helpful things to come out of this critical debate. do you think a should be facilitated? not sure. okay, it's a great. it's a really simple question. let's give samuel a child once the inside story on al jazeera dictatorships, to democracies. activists to corporations, control of the message is crucial oil companies and become very good at recognizing ways to phrase what they want you to hear. we care about the environment you do to, you should buy our oil cleared for public opinion or profit. once you make people afraid, you can use that to justify stripping away basic civil liberties. the listening post examined the vested interest behind the content you consume. on al jazeera, foster clearings and now taking over what you to be pristine forest, where giant trees once too tall and cheap quincy, you scroll conservationist say they are yes. warming with ego. tim below g. as in porches, 4 years ago, the government do sitting in the, on the east, the ban on the timber trade. that decision only open a floodgate of uncontrolled illegal looking sierra leone is home to more than $5000.00 was, did you possess more than $1500.00 of them? i found them the normal to range and on their prop procedures. because the vision is under pressure to save them after the resumption of looking and the return of ah alpha jump to a saudi coalition as dry kits, a detention center in yemen, the 70 people are killed, according to doctors without borders. ah, by them can be now this is l g 0 live from dull ha, also coming up, ukrainians worry about their future while the us and russia fail to break a deadlock on the military build up on the border. race to help, tomkins, recovering from the devastation caused by a volcanic.

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