Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708

continue searching the sides of the huge, accidental explosion, a killed at least 13 people. ah, you and 2nd, general antonio terrace is calling for an investigation of the air strikes by the saudi led coalition killed more than 80 people in western yemen. at least 3 children are among the dead. the strikes hit, a detention center and solder and the port city of her data drain condemnation. a statement from the saudi official news agency has denied that it's coalition forces targeted the facility or diplomatic editor james base reports on un headquarters in new york. i believe, as strikes had been carried out on who the hell territory in yemen all week, but this one was by far the most deadly. i'm the main target seems to have been a detention center in the healthy stronghold of saddam in northern yemen. the death toll continues to rise as they find bodies many believe to be migrants, while searching for any survivors. bombardment this week by the saudi led coalition follows a brazen attack by the hu thies, using drones on the capital of the united arab emirates, abu dhabi on monday, which killed 3 people in new york at the un. the security council met behind closed doors to discuss that attack, but not the attacks on who think controlled areas. the current president of the council in norway, i asked some basset mon, a jewel, for her countries reaction to the scale of the death toll and saddam, it's not acceptable. i'm be absolutely call for for restraints on all sides. after the meeting, the ambassador of the united arab emirates flanked by representatives of 6 other council members, including the permanent members, the u. k. france and the u. s. gave a statement that this agree just aggression by the who sees as well as the proliferation of mythology other technology that enabled the terrorist attack. she made no mention of the saddam attack by the coalition of which the you a is one of the 2 main members. so i press the ambassador. your defense under the law has to be proportionate. does it not? and the president of the council, no way speaking in a national crack capacity, said the attack that took place and saddam was on accept what you have heard today . and you will know following the work of the council that this is rare. what you have heard today is the unanimous condemnation by the security council against the terrorist attack against the united arab emirates on monday, the 17th of john, i'm not asking you about that. i'm asking about your response and whether it was proportionate given that at least 60 people have died, maybe as many as i'd like to refer to the coalition statement on that matter. but i also like to affirm here that the coalition undertakes to abide by international law and proportionate response in all its military operations. human rights groups have criticize the security council's approach as one sided. the council did issue a statement, but again, only on the drone attack, on abu dhabi, the secretary general of the united nations, antonio terrace, has addressed the cottage and saddam and other attacks and who he controlled areas . he's called for prompt, effective, and transparent investigations. james bays al jazeera at the united nations. well, humans who if he health minister, has appealed to the international community for medical aid. and he accuse these started the coalition of deliberately targeting civilians. national judy and i could be arrested then we are looking at a very big crime and there's a green light from the americans to kill civilians. you know, that's what we see. what the targeting of the attention center inside the province and the continuous killing of civilians, war criminals, escape prosecution. and consider this a war crime against humanity within the world should take responsibility at this critical moment in human history. we are witnessing many victims. well, jamal benomar is a former us special envoy for yet, and he says the strikes are the latest and series of war crimes committed by the saudi led coalition. it is a sign of desperation, you know, from the, the saudi coalition side, you know, when they enter this, when they decided to launch this war. and yeah, man, you know, they promised to know that they will bring back their proxies or their clients to power. you know, within 3 weeks, 7 years have passed and they have not been able to achieve any of their objectives . they failed consistently to bring an end to this war. in fact, their intervention has only complicated and already complicate to situation political situation in, in yemen. there has been no, no accountability whatsoever since the start of this war. it's a failure from the not only do need to state side, but the permanent members of the school to counsel the realities that all the 5 members instead of cooperating to try and find a way and how to compel the saudis to and the war in yemen. and compelled the m and the sides in order to enter in good faith in a political process. you know, to end this strife um, they in fact have been competing for lucrative contracts with certain ravia and o e. so the highest body in the world and united nations. this us go to council. you know, the members have not been, have not played, i'm afraid of positive role in the last few years. the us and russia. hell, what they say are frank talks as they try to resolve their standoff, either ukraine. moscow insist nato should not let ukraine join the alliance. but that's been rejected by washington. it's european allies and nato. natasha battle as mona, from geneva at a hotel in geneva, the u. a secretary of state and russian foreign minister, arrived for crucial talks into diffusing tensions over ukraine. antony blinkin and say last off, set the tone early. both said a breakthrough was unlikely, no mistake regarding your work i do as far as i know with hilton is doing very well, because we are not expecting a breakthrough at this meeting either. we are expecting answers to our proposals. after the meeting laugh said moscow wanted a written response from the us to its demands, including a guarantee that nato will not grant membership to ukraine, something blank and has repeatedly called a nonstarter. but he said the u. s. would respond to russia if moscow addressed it's concerns and respected ukrainian sovereignty. we've been clear if any russian military forces move across ukraine's order, that's renewed invasion. it will be met with swift, severe, and a united response from united states, and are partisan allies, u. s. intelligence says russia has already amassed at least a 100000 troops on its western border, and is moving weapons into allied bella roost north of ukraine. the u. s. and russian positions are clearly far apart to blink and allow for making very little real progress. but the 2 men did agree to continue to pursue diplomacy, as waived, the escalating a crisis which could lead to war. it was on the shores of lake geneva, the talks between the u. s. and russia led to the end of the cold war, decades on how old rivalries have resurfaced. both sides accuse each other. regression and relations are dangerously deteriorated. the outlook for the coming weeks is turbulent. natasha butler, al jazeera geneva well, despite that differences, the u. s. and russia say they're open to further dialogue as dosage. barry reports from oscar, the russian foreign minister said that there is currently a lot of hysteria that russia is not interested in evading ukraine. and all this talk is a false narrative that's been created by the western powers to give them an excuse to put more nato troops alongside the border, a with russia. and that is something this country cannot accept. he said they will wait to find out a written proposal in a written answer by the u. s. government next week, where the u. s. stands on what the russians are asking for, and they will decide how to proceed from that point forward. he said that it is not an out of the question to continue the dialogue and it was not worthy to hear the u . s. secretary of state saying these are not negotiations. they're just discussions . and i think it's important to highlight that because each side, they are very much entrenched in their demands and that is not likely to change. but what is now clear is that dialogue and diplomacy is not dead. both sides are eager to continue dialogue about the differences they have when it comes to the looming crisis. and not just ukraine, but also nato, and its role in this part of the world. and the russian foreign minister said that they will study carefully, they're written answer from the u. s. and then decide how to proceed for their part . this is what they want to hear, that they will get a written response, and they know it got a time frame for that from the u. s. government of next week, and they will decide how to proceed from that point on. 250000 liters of drinking water delivered by the new zealand navy of being distributed across taller. it comes 6 days after a devastating volcanic eruptions, tanami, water sources on the archipelago had been contaminated by ash and sea water. new zealand also sent equipment which can disseminate up to 70000 liters a day and peruse tackling a large oil spill on its short. that's been linked to the volcanic eruption of tongue, a 10000 kilometers away from waves caused by the undersea eruption struck an old tanka as it was unloading its cargo. pitching 6000 barrels of oil into the sea. magna functions ripple has been declared, an environmental emergency crude oil washing ashore after a devastating spill along the peruvian coast, lima. the sooner the cost by the will can corruption near, on january 15th, apparently butchered an underwater pipeline. as a standard retro oil tanker was loading crude at a refinery, causing the disaster. and the investigation is underway. a 40 see the challenge to contain and clean the estimated $6000.00 barrels dumped would be impossible to accomplish. but teens of volunteers have vito beach near the main spill area are doing their best. a few kilometers away at the bay of corn. another team is recovery only 20 barrels of the per day. market size, but what's really not much just the grain of sand. the attention on the clean up campaigns should be more aggressive. concerns university students up up to see some fish. but for now, we are cleaning and seeing what we can do with their credit because we are not going to be so heartless and leave them their environmental authorities say the damage. now extend 3000 square kilometers affecting and con base, which biodiversity from the fisherman's protected islands to the coastline. for now, we're about 4 kilometers of the coast of the bay. if i'm gone and here the water is completely under a blanket of oil. the ocean current is helping to spread it even further, making it more difficult to clean to contain its advance environmental authorities have called enough. the small bay area fishermen will not meet us, has more than $800.00 families need it for their living. now have nothing to sell. a borrowed the door said everything, a stop to no one is going out to see because we know that the fish is unusable and will be contaminated. it's surprising that wraps does not have a contingency plan. on thursday, proceed until august, the declared the environmental emergency describing the oil spill at the most touring ecological disaster in recent time, summer blending whistle, but the company says it had no warning of the phenomena and is not responsible. while judicial authorities open that investigation, experts say reversing the damage is impossible, especially with so much to be done. and so few will into some work on the ground. but you're not fun to. so just he does need to come here and i'll just say are including thousands of display syria and struggled to stay warm and find shelter. author, snowstorm ripped through their 10 and the pool of struggling to contain the biggest wave corona virus infection. some phone on a get ready for sub 0 temperatures come into the golf. hello, everyone. good to see you. let me share those details right off the bat. this is what you're going to wake up to on saturday morning. re add minus one single digits . doha minolta just 9 degrees and look at those winds will still see them howling at about 60 to 70 kilometers per hour. here's saturday afternoon, your temperature will recover some riyadh at $12.16 degrees. but again, the wind still going to be a factor of the pocket stock garage. you've also been dealing with some pretty stiff. when's a high 26 degrees and we've got a lot of activity. we've been cross off gonna stun into northern parts of pockets. done so snow to be expected. cobble about $5.00 to $10.00 centimeters. rain for his love of bob. but we know not too far away from the city. you'll get into the snow. also dealing with snow for turkey, i think is stan bull can see about 5 centimeters and for central areas over that higher ground $20.00 to $30.00, to be expected. here off to south africa, i think more flooding in the cards. for madagascar, we could see a tropical cyclone cook up this weekend, so that's going to amplify rainfall amounts, extreme heat warnings in play for the western and northern cape, as those temperatures approach 40 degrees. stay cool sir. so ah ah, be the refugee means starting again. but building a new life in a new country is no easy task. let him drive witness follows one of the loud refugee families from syria to be granted an american visa from their personal sacrifices to the families triumph. i meet the syrian on al jazeera. ah ah, welcome back. okay, from out of the top stories here, this a lot more than 80 people, including children, have been killed in 2 as strikes in yemen. you and asked condemned the latest act by the saudi coalition. and of called on all sides and the conflict to begin dialog . the u. s. and russian hill, what they say are frank talks, they trying to resolve their stand off over ukraine or russian troop build up. i'm ukranian border has few weeks of tension raised fears of a conflict. peru is tackling a large oil spill in its shores that's been linked to the volcanic eruption, mit toner freak waves caused by the undersea eruptions struck an oil tanker as it was unloading it's cargo o. back now to the crisis in ukraine and for many in the country. the build up of russian troops at the border has echoes of 2014, when war came to the east of their country. or the abdul hamid is in care where some bracing for more comfort. i know many of them she's come to pay her respects not to forget friends lost since the war broke out in the east of the country in 2014, in their sorrow. got sca was a volunteer back then providing support to the soldiers under frontline, the idea of possible renewed fighting worries her me of course i think her the words going on and on from 2014. ah, i don't know where we have a big world, but we held guns and we already talk of war and a possible russian invasion concerns many ukrainians. but people here feel things could be different this time around many a grateful of the support. some western countries have provided ukraine some publicly thank in the u. k, for its recent delivery of mid rage weapons. but elsewhere around give people are going about their daily lives. wondering if war is as imminent as their leaders have been warning. there's also a sense among people here that the situation is made more complicated because of the competition between russia and the west, over influence in this part of the world, ukraine being at the center of it. dmitri sokolov and his wife allan, i left claim me as soon after rush and next to peninsula in 2014. like many, he thinks that ukraine has come a long way since we are different in mentality the road different. we are very much different now from, from russia, and we are very much different from ukrainians. that war, you know, 2014, more than 50 percent v v v. believe that this is just a part of game, like, let's say you kind of trade in, you know, over which are what states we'll provide to rush on the brochure, et cetera. so we hope it sol, blip unethical. but for catchy i'll push ne and skia. the problems also come from within. she hasn't returned to her home, dumb of la guns since pro russian separatist took over. i thought she summed up to do the problem is not only russia, sometimes i don't feel part of this country. sometimes my friends and colleagues make the point that we are guilty of provoking this conflict. i really don't understand where i belong. 8 years on ukrainians have learned to live with the threat from their big neighbor, many say is become part of their lives. but what they fear now is that any move by russia order us could bring more divisions among ukrainians. hood up that hamid elder 0 kid 20 children in nigeria, missing after our men stormed their village and kidnapped them, happened in bono state, were armed groups of kind of hundreds of attacks. over the last decade, president said to fighters from iceland, affiliate in west africa, attack the village on thursday, killing 2 men, and setting homes on fire. the un humanitarian chief has been visiting the region, said, a group posed a clear and present danger. i think the insurgency very, very, very dangerous, very threatening. i'm every i spoke to often bono talked about this well being a very different animal, if you like, the different organization, obviously, for the garb, ah, with a view to administering territory and so forth. this is a very different kind of operation and very difficult also to deter fresca teams in western gone or are searching the site of a huge explosion on thursday. the kill at least 13 people. dozens were injured in the accidental blast and the western town of api arte not in baba reports. this crater hints at the size of the explosion in western gonna applause happened on thursday when a truck collided with a motorbike, get the truck was carrying explosives to a gold mine. the result was shocking. as filmed by eye witnesses. yeah. ah. blue dozens of homes were destroyed in this village near the town of bogo, so 300 kilometers west of the capital, a cra on friday morning, gone as vice president mohammed to buy women visited a shelter as food age started to arrive. he assured the community his government would help them recover and rebuild embezzlement. isley to be with one's will fully fully. all the i made a global everything. the gone, a government says it's investigating the explosion. i witnesses say off to the collision, the truck driver jumped out of the vehicle which was on fire and shouted at people to stay away. a police spokesperson has said the truck did have a police escort who also helped alert people. but with so many dead ghanaians, doubtless wondering how this could have happened. nadine baba al jazeera in no for syria, frost. heavy, rain and snow have damage more than 70 camps for internally displaced people. almost 3000 tents have been affected, leaving many families struggling to find shelter or stay warm. the you and i want a flooding when the snow starts to melt. millions displaced within syria, largely due to the ongoing civil war. there was a herani has more from bobo village, and i left her northern countryside. when the selected a young wants to can you met you? how luna is that a heavy sewage on him? the camps residents have been trying for the last 3 days to remove snow from their tents and to repair these tests that were damaged because the very bad weather in the area of bull beula in aleppo, countryside amid fears of more snow to fall in the coming day and that the camps residence fear the worst. and they've been suffering enormously over the past few days. get the middle, he had he and as you can see, this tense and many others have been damaged. we've had 3 of rough days. our tense has been damaged and our suffering close to noon. we haven't received any help yet. it may a little bit know how human was out of them. they said that the volume of assistance is not enough to meet the needs of the residents. and because the bad situation is suffering and humanitarian crisis in the area, they fear the worst will happen because the current weather situation and the miserable condition and the tense can't even provide the residents with the minimal safety. they need at least 11 migrants and refugees have drowned in a shipwrecked coffee, tennessee, and coast the group was attempting to cross the mediterranean to reach europe. 21. people are rescued by the coast guard. that's according to a spokesman for the chin is an army. and minister, some greece, poland, and italy have taken part in a border security conference. in lithuania, they say reinforcing frontiers and cracking down on people. smugglers will protect you citizens, and those who undertake perilous journeys to reach europe. the e. u. blame is bella luce, for helping provoke a crisis by leering migrants with false promises of easy entry into the block. and at least 305 migrants have been rescued from the mediterranean near the southern italian island, the blind producer. they were on board and overcrowded wooden boat, italian coast guard says the 15 meter long craft is at risk of capsizing and rough seas. more than 66000 people across the mediterranean to get to europe by italy in the last year. in nepal with capital as imposed tough corona virus measures as the country battles its biggest outbreak. yet the government fears daily case number's good, double the $20000.00 by the end of the month. but we are to limbo reports from a capital catman to so she la committee owns a store in the heart of tommy gut mondo's tourist and business hub. she and her family have remained safe from cove it. but the virus has hit business hard when the corporate linen body has had a body hang uncovered as hurt us. people are afraid to come out to know the bars and clubs or clothes. and even if there were open, people wouldn't come. can i believe a dance for during the 2nd wave last year, the delta variant was killing hundreds of people. hospitals were running out of oxygen cylinders, and intensive care. by this time, the army kron stream, which is more transmissible, is spreading to the community health experts say it is infecting nearly every household in the valley. but hospital admissions and fatalities are significantly lower nepalese is the sergeant corbet cases this week with more than 10000 people being infected every day. it's a record daily high for the country. since the start of the pandemic, the government projects, the daily infections made double by the end of this month and has implemented a series of measures for the 3rd. the cuts monday, district administration office suspended major services after a number of its stuff contracted cove it including the chief district officer. it's my business go to gonna be rather nuclear alone. and we are focused on discouraging mass gatherings and large crowds. and instead encouraging people to follow government health protocols, manosalvas algebra schools are shut till the end of the month. and fronting workers are receiving booster doses. gatherings of more than 20 people are banned and masks are mandatory outdoors. people will need vaccine cards to enter public spaces and to access public services. the 3rd wave has infected health workers in hospitals and healthcare facilities in large numbers by way of my bill, emily, rather than the previous wave, left her health care system in shambles. we were unable to cope with the overwhelming number of patients. this time we have to look out for our health professionals who are the backbone of the. i saw the staff not only 40 percent of nipples, 30000000 people, a fully packed and heated 50 percent. have received a partial dose by the with a relatively low vaccination rate. experts say that hall should expand its vaccination, dr. mosque, up and maintain social distance. remy at the liberal edges either cut 20, brazil's famous carnival parades in rio de janeiro on south palo have been postponed as covert 19 cases, sor, across the country. the celebrations are being moved from late february to april. health official say the on the conference, fueling a surge and infection. new daily record of a 137000 cases was recorded this week. molly's former president abraham rebecca cater has been buried in the capitol by marco. the ruling military judge had granted him a funeral with full honors, even though it deposed cater in a qu. in 2020. he died from a stroke 5 days ago. the age of 76 is nicholas hawk. full national honors for former molly and president ibrahim book our cater at his funeral, organized by the military giant that removed him from power in 2020 and kept him under house arrest for the occasion. returning home from self imposed exile, kate, her son, her former m. p who is now under investigation. he is accused of embezzling millions of dollars, met for the maryan army for the profit of the cater family. during his father's rule, we will like to thank in particular president assuming quitter, for letting us hold this friend row. 3 days of national morning was announced with flags across the country, flying half mast for a man that was toppled following mouse demonstrations against his rule. gestures accused keeta of corruption and doing little to stop attacks from arm groups affiliated to al qaeda. and i saw that displaced millions of margins since kate. i left office molly's new strong man. goiter says the army is gaining lost ground, especially since russian fighters were deployed to the country. much to the eye of the united states and france, the former colonial power, which has a $4000.00 troops stationed in the north. greta did not attend the memorial, nor did the west african heads of state. they've put sanctions on molly's regime for failing to organize elections and extending the giant as rule for another 5 years. air and land borders are shot access to the central bank and financial transactions. frozen. what we currently need for the country is to unite and not just a wart, but in action. a last good bye to 8 democratically elected president. this feels like the end of an era. there's a sense of uncertainty as to what lays ahead for country in search of peace and unity. nicholas hawk al jazeera. ah, norfolk of the headlines here in al jazeera, more than 80 people, including children, have been killed and 2 strikes in yemen. the u. n. has condemned the latest act by the saudi mad coalition, and as colon all sides and the conflict to begin garlock's. now any bombardment, death, target civilians on the or that he's not careful enough to protect civilians is of course also an acceptable.

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Madagascar , Manya , Khanty Mansiyskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug , Russia , United States , Brazil , Yemen , Syria , Aleppo , Lab , Ukraine , Iceland , Nigeria , Ghana , Nepal , Italy , Lima , Peru , Poland , Greece , Norway , New York , Moscow , Moskva , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , South Africa , United Arab Emirates , Riyadh , Ar Riya , Saudi Arabia , Washington , Tennessee , Abu Dhabi , Abu Z Aby , Lake Geneva , Lithuania , France , Turkey , Italian , Americans , Nepalese , Saudi , Ukrainians , Russian , Saudis , Ghanaians , Ukrainian , Syrian , Peruvian , Russians , American , Al Jazeera Geneva , Bella Luce , Al Qaeda , Dmitri Sokolov , Jamal Benomar , Nadine Baba Al Jazeera , Natasha Butler , Al Jazeera , Abdul Hamid ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708

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continue searching the sides of the huge, accidental explosion, a killed at least 13 people. ah, you and 2nd, general antonio terrace is calling for an investigation of the air strikes by the saudi led coalition killed more than 80 people in western yemen. at least 3 children are among the dead. the strikes hit, a detention center and solder and the port city of her data drain condemnation. a statement from the saudi official news agency has denied that it's coalition forces targeted the facility or diplomatic editor james base reports on un headquarters in new york. i believe, as strikes had been carried out on who the hell territory in yemen all week, but this one was by far the most deadly. i'm the main target seems to have been a detention center in the healthy stronghold of saddam in northern yemen. the death toll continues to rise as they find bodies many believe to be migrants, while searching for any survivors. bombardment this week by the saudi led coalition follows a brazen attack by the hu thies, using drones on the capital of the united arab emirates, abu dhabi on monday, which killed 3 people in new york at the un. the security council met behind closed doors to discuss that attack, but not the attacks on who think controlled areas. the current president of the council in norway, i asked some basset mon, a jewel, for her countries reaction to the scale of the death toll and saddam, it's not acceptable. i'm be absolutely call for for restraints on all sides. after the meeting, the ambassador of the united arab emirates flanked by representatives of 6 other council members, including the permanent members, the u. k. france and the u. s. gave a statement that this agree just aggression by the who sees as well as the proliferation of mythology other technology that enabled the terrorist attack. she made no mention of the saddam attack by the coalition of which the you a is one of the 2 main members. so i press the ambassador. your defense under the law has to be proportionate. does it not? and the president of the council, no way speaking in a national crack capacity, said the attack that took place and saddam was on accept what you have heard today . and you will know following the work of the council that this is rare. what you have heard today is the unanimous condemnation by the security council against the terrorist attack against the united arab emirates on monday, the 17th of john, i'm not asking you about that. i'm asking about your response and whether it was proportionate given that at least 60 people have died, maybe as many as i'd like to refer to the coalition statement on that matter. but i also like to affirm here that the coalition undertakes to abide by international law and proportionate response in all its military operations. human rights groups have criticize the security council's approach as one sided. the council did issue a statement, but again, only on the drone attack, on abu dhabi, the secretary general of the united nations, antonio terrace, has addressed the cottage and saddam and other attacks and who he controlled areas . he's called for prompt, effective, and transparent investigations. james bays al jazeera at the united nations. well, humans who if he health minister, has appealed to the international community for medical aid. and he accuse these started the coalition of deliberately targeting civilians. national judy and i could be arrested then we are looking at a very big crime and there's a green light from the americans to kill civilians. you know, that's what we see. what the targeting of the attention center inside the province and the continuous killing of civilians, war criminals, escape prosecution. and consider this a war crime against humanity within the world should take responsibility at this critical moment in human history. we are witnessing many victims. well, jamal benomar is a former us special envoy for yet, and he says the strikes are the latest and series of war crimes committed by the saudi led coalition. it is a sign of desperation, you know, from the, the saudi coalition side, you know, when they enter this, when they decided to launch this war. and yeah, man, you know, they promised to know that they will bring back their proxies or their clients to power. you know, within 3 weeks, 7 years have passed and they have not been able to achieve any of their objectives . they failed consistently to bring an end to this war. in fact, their intervention has only complicated and already complicate to situation political situation in, in yemen. there has been no, no accountability whatsoever since the start of this war. it's a failure from the not only do need to state side, but the permanent members of the school to counsel the realities that all the 5 members instead of cooperating to try and find a way and how to compel the saudis to and the war in yemen. and compelled the m and the sides in order to enter in good faith in a political process. you know, to end this strife um, they in fact have been competing for lucrative contracts with certain ravia and o e. so the highest body in the world and united nations. this us go to council. you know, the members have not been, have not played, i'm afraid of positive role in the last few years. the us and russia. hell, what they say are frank talks as they try to resolve their standoff, either ukraine. moscow insist nato should not let ukraine join the alliance. but that's been rejected by washington. it's european allies and nato. natasha battle as mona, from geneva at a hotel in geneva, the u. a secretary of state and russian foreign minister, arrived for crucial talks into diffusing tensions over ukraine. antony blinkin and say last off, set the tone early. both said a breakthrough was unlikely, no mistake regarding your work i do as far as i know with hilton is doing very well, because we are not expecting a breakthrough at this meeting either. we are expecting answers to our proposals. after the meeting laugh said moscow wanted a written response from the us to its demands, including a guarantee that nato will not grant membership to ukraine, something blank and has repeatedly called a nonstarter. but he said the u. s. would respond to russia if moscow addressed it's concerns and respected ukrainian sovereignty. we've been clear if any russian military forces move across ukraine's order, that's renewed invasion. it will be met with swift, severe, and a united response from united states, and are partisan allies, u. s. intelligence says russia has already amassed at least a 100000 troops on its western border, and is moving weapons into allied bella roost north of ukraine. the u. s. and russian positions are clearly far apart to blink and allow for making very little real progress. but the 2 men did agree to continue to pursue diplomacy, as waived, the escalating a crisis which could lead to war. it was on the shores of lake geneva, the talks between the u. s. and russia led to the end of the cold war, decades on how old rivalries have resurfaced. both sides accuse each other. regression and relations are dangerously deteriorated. the outlook for the coming weeks is turbulent. natasha butler, al jazeera geneva well, despite that differences, the u. s. and russia say they're open to further dialogue as dosage. barry reports from oscar, the russian foreign minister said that there is currently a lot of hysteria that russia is not interested in evading ukraine. and all this talk is a false narrative that's been created by the western powers to give them an excuse to put more nato troops alongside the border, a with russia. and that is something this country cannot accept. he said they will wait to find out a written proposal in a written answer by the u. s. government next week, where the u. s. stands on what the russians are asking for, and they will decide how to proceed from that point forward. he said that it is not an out of the question to continue the dialogue and it was not worthy to hear the u . s. secretary of state saying these are not negotiations. they're just discussions . and i think it's important to highlight that because each side, they are very much entrenched in their demands and that is not likely to change. but what is now clear is that dialogue and diplomacy is not dead. both sides are eager to continue dialogue about the differences they have when it comes to the looming crisis. and not just ukraine, but also nato, and its role in this part of the world. and the russian foreign minister said that they will study carefully, they're written answer from the u. s. and then decide how to proceed for their part . this is what they want to hear, that they will get a written response, and they know it got a time frame for that from the u. s. government of next week, and they will decide how to proceed from that point on. 250000 liters of drinking water delivered by the new zealand navy of being distributed across taller. it comes 6 days after a devastating volcanic eruptions, tanami, water sources on the archipelago had been contaminated by ash and sea water. new zealand also sent equipment which can disseminate up to 70000 liters a day and peruse tackling a large oil spill on its short. that's been linked to the volcanic eruption of tongue, a 10000 kilometers away from waves caused by the undersea eruption struck an old tanka as it was unloading its cargo. pitching 6000 barrels of oil into the sea. magna functions ripple has been declared, an environmental emergency crude oil washing ashore after a devastating spill along the peruvian coast, lima. the sooner the cost by the will can corruption near, on january 15th, apparently butchered an underwater pipeline. as a standard retro oil tanker was loading crude at a refinery, causing the disaster. and the investigation is underway. a 40 see the challenge to contain and clean the estimated $6000.00 barrels dumped would be impossible to accomplish. but teens of volunteers have vito beach near the main spill area are doing their best. a few kilometers away at the bay of corn. another team is recovery only 20 barrels of the per day. market size, but what's really not much just the grain of sand. the attention on the clean up campaigns should be more aggressive. concerns university students up up to see some fish. but for now, we are cleaning and seeing what we can do with their credit because we are not going to be so heartless and leave them their environmental authorities say the damage. now extend 3000 square kilometers affecting and con base, which biodiversity from the fisherman's protected islands to the coastline. for now, we're about 4 kilometers of the coast of the bay. if i'm gone and here the water is completely under a blanket of oil. the ocean current is helping to spread it even further, making it more difficult to clean to contain its advance environmental authorities have called enough. the small bay area fishermen will not meet us, has more than $800.00 families need it for their living. now have nothing to sell. a borrowed the door said everything, a stop to no one is going out to see because we know that the fish is unusable and will be contaminated. it's surprising that wraps does not have a contingency plan. on thursday, proceed until august, the declared the environmental emergency describing the oil spill at the most touring ecological disaster in recent time, summer blending whistle, but the company says it had no warning of the phenomena and is not responsible. while judicial authorities open that investigation, experts say reversing the damage is impossible, especially with so much to be done. and so few will into some work on the ground. but you're not fun to. so just he does need to come here and i'll just say are including thousands of display syria and struggled to stay warm and find shelter. author, snowstorm ripped through their 10 and the pool of struggling to contain the biggest wave corona virus infection. some phone on a get ready for sub 0 temperatures come into the golf. hello, everyone. good to see you. let me share those details right off the bat. this is what you're going to wake up to on saturday morning. re add minus one single digits . doha minolta just 9 degrees and look at those winds will still see them howling at about 60 to 70 kilometers per hour. here's saturday afternoon, your temperature will recover some riyadh at $12.16 degrees. but again, the wind still going to be a factor of the pocket stock garage. you've also been dealing with some pretty stiff. when's a high 26 degrees and we've got a lot of activity. we've been cross off gonna stun into northern parts of pockets. done so snow to be expected. cobble about $5.00 to $10.00 centimeters. rain for his love of bob. but we know not too far away from the city. you'll get into the snow. also dealing with snow for turkey, i think is stan bull can see about 5 centimeters and for central areas over that higher ground $20.00 to $30.00, to be expected. here off to south africa, i think more flooding in the cards. for madagascar, we could see a tropical cyclone cook up this weekend, so that's going to amplify rainfall amounts, extreme heat warnings in play for the western and northern cape, as those temperatures approach 40 degrees. stay cool sir. so ah ah, be the refugee means starting again. but building a new life in a new country is no easy task. let him drive witness follows one of the loud refugee families from syria to be granted an american visa from their personal sacrifices to the families triumph. i meet the syrian on al jazeera. ah ah, welcome back. okay, from out of the top stories here, this a lot more than 80 people, including children, have been killed in 2 as strikes in yemen. you and asked condemned the latest act by the saudi coalition. and of called on all sides and the conflict to begin dialog . the u. s. and russian hill, what they say are frank talks, they trying to resolve their stand off over ukraine or russian troop build up. i'm ukranian border has few weeks of tension raised fears of a conflict. peru is tackling a large oil spill in its shores that's been linked to the volcanic eruption, mit toner freak waves caused by the undersea eruptions struck an oil tanker as it was unloading it's cargo o. back now to the crisis in ukraine and for many in the country. the build up of russian troops at the border has echoes of 2014, when war came to the east of their country. or the abdul hamid is in care where some bracing for more comfort. i know many of them she's come to pay her respects not to forget friends lost since the war broke out in the east of the country in 2014, in their sorrow. got sca was a volunteer back then providing support to the soldiers under frontline, the idea of possible renewed fighting worries her me of course i think her the words going on and on from 2014. ah, i don't know where we have a big world, but we held guns and we already talk of war and a possible russian invasion concerns many ukrainians. but people here feel things could be different this time around many a grateful of the support. some western countries have provided ukraine some publicly thank in the u. k, for its recent delivery of mid rage weapons. but elsewhere around give people are going about their daily lives. wondering if war is as imminent as their leaders have been warning. there's also a sense among people here that the situation is made more complicated because of the competition between russia and the west, over influence in this part of the world, ukraine being at the center of it. dmitri sokolov and his wife allan, i left claim me as soon after rush and next to peninsula in 2014. like many, he thinks that ukraine has come a long way since we are different in mentality the road different. we are very much different now from, from russia, and we are very much different from ukrainians. that war, you know, 2014, more than 50 percent v v v. believe that this is just a part of game, like, let's say you kind of trade in, you know, over which are what states we'll provide to rush on the brochure, et cetera. so we hope it sol, blip unethical. but for catchy i'll push ne and skia. the problems also come from within. she hasn't returned to her home, dumb of la guns since pro russian separatist took over. i thought she summed up to do the problem is not only russia, sometimes i don't feel part of this country. sometimes my friends and colleagues make the point that we are guilty of provoking this conflict. i really don't understand where i belong. 8 years on ukrainians have learned to live with the threat from their big neighbor, many say is become part of their lives. but what they fear now is that any move by russia order us could bring more divisions among ukrainians. hood up that hamid elder 0 kid 20 children in nigeria, missing after our men stormed their village and kidnapped them, happened in bono state, were armed groups of kind of hundreds of attacks. over the last decade, president said to fighters from iceland, affiliate in west africa, attack the village on thursday, killing 2 men, and setting homes on fire. the un humanitarian chief has been visiting the region, said, a group posed a clear and present danger. i think the insurgency very, very, very dangerous, very threatening. i'm every i spoke to often bono talked about this well being a very different animal, if you like, the different organization, obviously, for the garb, ah, with a view to administering territory and so forth. this is a very different kind of operation and very difficult also to deter fresca teams in western gone or are searching the site of a huge explosion on thursday. the kill at least 13 people. dozens were injured in the accidental blast and the western town of api arte not in baba reports. this crater hints at the size of the explosion in western gonna applause happened on thursday when a truck collided with a motorbike, get the truck was carrying explosives to a gold mine. the result was shocking. as filmed by eye witnesses. yeah. ah. blue dozens of homes were destroyed in this village near the town of bogo, so 300 kilometers west of the capital, a cra on friday morning, gone as vice president mohammed to buy women visited a shelter as food age started to arrive. he assured the community his government would help them recover and rebuild embezzlement. isley to be with one's will fully fully. all the i made a global everything. the gone, a government says it's investigating the explosion. i witnesses say off to the collision, the truck driver jumped out of the vehicle which was on fire and shouted at people to stay away. a police spokesperson has said the truck did have a police escort who also helped alert people. but with so many dead ghanaians, doubtless wondering how this could have happened. nadine baba al jazeera in no for syria, frost. heavy, rain and snow have damage more than 70 camps for internally displaced people. almost 3000 tents have been affected, leaving many families struggling to find shelter or stay warm. the you and i want a flooding when the snow starts to melt. millions displaced within syria, largely due to the ongoing civil war. there was a herani has more from bobo village, and i left her northern countryside. when the selected a young wants to can you met you? how luna is that a heavy sewage on him? the camps residents have been trying for the last 3 days to remove snow from their tents and to repair these tests that were damaged because the very bad weather in the area of bull beula in aleppo, countryside amid fears of more snow to fall in the coming day and that the camps residence fear the worst. and they've been suffering enormously over the past few days. get the middle, he had he and as you can see, this tense and many others have been damaged. we've had 3 of rough days. our tense has been damaged and our suffering close to noon. we haven't received any help yet. it may a little bit know how human was out of them. they said that the volume of assistance is not enough to meet the needs of the residents. and because the bad situation is suffering and humanitarian crisis in the area, they fear the worst will happen because the current weather situation and the miserable condition and the tense can't even provide the residents with the minimal safety. they need at least 11 migrants and refugees have drowned in a shipwrecked coffee, tennessee, and coast the group was attempting to cross the mediterranean to reach europe. 21. people are rescued by the coast guard. that's according to a spokesman for the chin is an army. and minister, some greece, poland, and italy have taken part in a border security conference. in lithuania, they say reinforcing frontiers and cracking down on people. smugglers will protect you citizens, and those who undertake perilous journeys to reach europe. the e. u. blame is bella luce, for helping provoke a crisis by leering migrants with false promises of easy entry into the block. and at least 305 migrants have been rescued from the mediterranean near the southern italian island, the blind producer. they were on board and overcrowded wooden boat, italian coast guard says the 15 meter long craft is at risk of capsizing and rough seas. more than 66000 people across the mediterranean to get to europe by italy in the last year. in nepal with capital as imposed tough corona virus measures as the country battles its biggest outbreak. yet the government fears daily case number's good, double the $20000.00 by the end of the month. but we are to limbo reports from a capital catman to so she la committee owns a store in the heart of tommy gut mondo's tourist and business hub. she and her family have remained safe from cove it. but the virus has hit business hard when the corporate linen body has had a body hang uncovered as hurt us. people are afraid to come out to know the bars and clubs or clothes. and even if there were open, people wouldn't come. can i believe a dance for during the 2nd wave last year, the delta variant was killing hundreds of people. hospitals were running out of oxygen cylinders, and intensive care. by this time, the army kron stream, which is more transmissible, is spreading to the community health experts say it is infecting nearly every household in the valley. but hospital admissions and fatalities are significantly lower nepalese is the sergeant corbet cases this week with more than 10000 people being infected every day. it's a record daily high for the country. since the start of the pandemic, the government projects, the daily infections made double by the end of this month and has implemented a series of measures for the 3rd. the cuts monday, district administration office suspended major services after a number of its stuff contracted cove it including the chief district officer. it's my business go to gonna be rather nuclear alone. and we are focused on discouraging mass gatherings and large crowds. and instead encouraging people to follow government health protocols, manosalvas algebra schools are shut till the end of the month. and fronting workers are receiving booster doses. gatherings of more than 20 people are banned and masks are mandatory outdoors. people will need vaccine cards to enter public spaces and to access public services. the 3rd wave has infected health workers in hospitals and healthcare facilities in large numbers by way of my bill, emily, rather than the previous wave, left her health care system in shambles. we were unable to cope with the overwhelming number of patients. this time we have to look out for our health professionals who are the backbone of the. i saw the staff not only 40 percent of nipples, 30000000 people, a fully packed and heated 50 percent. have received a partial dose by the with a relatively low vaccination rate. experts say that hall should expand its vaccination, dr. mosque, up and maintain social distance. remy at the liberal edges either cut 20, brazil's famous carnival parades in rio de janeiro on south palo have been postponed as covert 19 cases, sor, across the country. the celebrations are being moved from late february to april. health official say the on the conference, fueling a surge and infection. new daily record of a 137000 cases was recorded this week. molly's former president abraham rebecca cater has been buried in the capitol by marco. the ruling military judge had granted him a funeral with full honors, even though it deposed cater in a qu. in 2020. he died from a stroke 5 days ago. the age of 76 is nicholas hawk. full national honors for former molly and president ibrahim book our cater at his funeral, organized by the military giant that removed him from power in 2020 and kept him under house arrest for the occasion. returning home from self imposed exile, kate, her son, her former m. p who is now under investigation. he is accused of embezzling millions of dollars, met for the maryan army for the profit of the cater family. during his father's rule, we will like to thank in particular president assuming quitter, for letting us hold this friend row. 3 days of national morning was announced with flags across the country, flying half mast for a man that was toppled following mouse demonstrations against his rule. gestures accused keeta of corruption and doing little to stop attacks from arm groups affiliated to al qaeda. and i saw that displaced millions of margins since kate. i left office molly's new strong man. goiter says the army is gaining lost ground, especially since russian fighters were deployed to the country. much to the eye of the united states and france, the former colonial power, which has a $4000.00 troops stationed in the north. greta did not attend the memorial, nor did the west african heads of state. they've put sanctions on molly's regime for failing to organize elections and extending the giant as rule for another 5 years. air and land borders are shot access to the central bank and financial transactions. frozen. what we currently need for the country is to unite and not just a wart, but in action. a last good bye to 8 democratically elected president. this feels like the end of an era. there's a sense of uncertainty as to what lays ahead for country in search of peace and unity. nicholas hawk al jazeera. ah, norfolk of the headlines here in al jazeera, more than 80 people, including children, have been killed and 2 strikes in yemen. the u. n. has condemned the latest act by the saudi mad coalition, and as colon all sides and the conflict to begin garlock's. now any bombardment, death, target civilians on the or that he's not careful enough to protect civilians is of course also an acceptable.

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