Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708

a legal showdown over the right to abortion in the u. s. ah, the united nations secretary general antonia good terrorist, his calling for an investigation after air strikes by the saudi led coalition killed more than 80 people in west and yemen. at least 3 children are among the dead. the strikes had a detention center in santa and the port city of her data drawing condemnation from the un. i diplomatic editor jane space reports from un headquarters in york. i have, as strikes, have been carried out on who the hell territory in yemen all week. but this one was, by far the most dead. i'm the main target seems to have been a detention center in the who the strong hold of sir dar in northern yemen. the death toll continues to rise as they find bodies many believe to be migrants, while searching for any survivors. bombardment this week by the saudi led coalition follows a brazen attack by the hu thies, using drones on the capital of the united arab emirates, abu dhabi on monday, which killed 3 people in new york. the un, the security council met behind closed doors to discuss that attack, but not the attacks on who think controlled areas. the current president of the council in norway, i asked some bassett, mon, a jewel, for her countries reaction to the scale of the death toll and saddam, it's not acceptable. and we absolutely call for for restraints. on the old 5, after the meeting, the ambassador of the united arab emirates flanked by representatives of 6 other council members, including the permanent members, the u. k. france, and the u. s. gave a statement that disagreed with aggression by the herpes, as well as the proliferation of miss fall and other technology that enabled the terrorist attack. she made no mention of the saddam attack by the coalition of which the he is one of the 2 main members. so i press the ambassador, your defense under the law has to be proportionate. does it not? and the president of the council, no way speaking in a national cack capacity said the attack that took place in saddam was on accept what you have heard today. and you will know, following the work of the council, that this is rare. what you have heard today is the unanimous condemnation by the security council against the terrorist attack against the united arab emirates on monday, the 17th of john, i'm not asking you about that. i'm asking about your response and whether it was proportionate given that at least 60 people have died, maybe as many as i'd like to refer to the coalition statement on that matter. but i also like to affirm here that the coalition undertakes to abide by international law and proportionate response in all its military operations. human rights groups have criticized the security council's approach as one sided. the council did issue a statement, but again, only on the drone attack, on abu dhabi, the secretary general of the united nations, antonio terrace, has addressed the cottage and saddam and other attacks and who he controlled areas . he's called for prompt, effective, and transparent investigations. james bowes al jazeera, at the united nation. him and civil war has turned into the world's worst humanitarian crisis. infrastructure has been ruined. the medical system has all but collapsed and millions are going hungry. and the eyeballs, forrest country, a report by the un development program estimates that the war killed 377000 people by the end of last year, both through violence and indirectly through hunger and disease. more than $5000000.00 people on the brink of famine and $50000.00 are living in famine like conditions around half the country doesn't have access to enough food. the conflict has also forced more than 4 and a half 1000000 year, many to fee their homes. nearly 3500 were disgrace in the 1st 2 weeks of this year alone. while the saudi led coalition has cause most of the devastation, though fees have used child soldiers and indiscriminately laid land mines across the country. while humans who the house minister has appealed to the international community for medical aid, he says the health system is struggling to cope with violence. and the coven 1900 pandemic. and he accused the saudi led coalition of deliberately targeting civilians, national. and i'm judy and i could be a resident, we are looking at a very big crime and there's a green light from the americans to kill civilians. you know, that's what we see. what the targeting of the attention center inside the province and the continuous killing of civilians, war criminals, escape prosecution. and consider this a war crime against humanity. but then the world should take responsibility at this critical moment in human history. we are witnessing many victims early i spoke to jamal benomar, who is a former us special envoy for yemen. he says, yes, right? so the latest in a series of war crimes committed by the sound you lead coalition. it is a sign of desperation, you know, from the, the saudi coalition side. and, you know, when they enter this one, they decided to launch this war. and yeah, man, you know, they promised to know that they will bring back their proxies or their clients to power. you know, within 3 weeks, 7 years have passed and they have not been able to achieve any of their objectives . they failed consistently to bring an end to this war. in fact, their intervention has only complicated an already complicate to situation political situation in, in yemen, there has been no, no accountability whatsoever since the start of this war. it's a failure from the not only do an estate side, but the, the permanent members of the school to counsel the realities that all the 5 members instead of cooperating to try and find a way on how to compel the saudis to end the war in yemen. and compelled the yamini sides in order to enter in good faith in a political process. you know, to end this strife um, they in fact have been competing for lucrative contracts with sod, ravia and the o e. um, so the highest body in the world and united nations, this us go to cancel it. the members have not been, have not played, i'm afraid. a positive role in the last few years. a, now the world news, the us and russia has what they say are frank talks, i say, trying to resolve their sand out for the ukraine. masculine says nato should not let ukraine join the military alliance that's been rejected by washington. it's european allies and natal. i ration to build up on the ukranian border, has healed weeks have tension and race years of a conflict. natasha battle every force from geneva at a hotel in geneva, the u. s. secretary of state and russian foreign minister arrived for crucial talks . ain't it diffusing tensions over ukraine? antony blinkin inside a laugh rav set the tone early. both said to break through was unlikely. we don't expect to resolve your late work. i do. as far as whether we also i'm off with wilson is doing very well because we are not expecting a break through this meeting either. we are expecting answers to our proposals after the meeting law for offset moscow wanted a written response from the us to its demands, including a guarantee that nato will not grant membership to ukraine. something blinkin has repeatedly called a non starter, but he said the u. s. would respond to russia if moscow addressed it's concerns and respected ukrainian sovereignty. we've been clear if any russian military forces move across ukraine's order, that's renewed invasion. it will be met with swift, severe, and the united response from united states, and our partners and allies, u. s. intelligence says russia has already amassed at least a 100000 troops on its western border and is moving weapons into allied belarus, north of ukraine. the u. s. and russian positions are clearly far apart to blink and allow for making very little real progress. but the 2 men did agree to continue to pursue diplomacy, as waived, the escalating a crisis which could lead to war. it was on the shores of lake geneva, the talks between the u. s. and russia led to the end of the cold war, decades on how old rivalries have resurfaced, both sides accused each other regression and relations of dangerously deteriorated . the outlook for the coming weeks is turbulent. natasha butler, al jazeera geneva, despite their differences in us and russia say they're open to further dialogue as door such a barry reports are muscle. the russian foreign minister said that there is currently a lot of hysteria that russia is not interested in invading ukraine. and all this talk is a false narrative that's been created by the western powers to give them an excuse to put more nato troops alongside the border, a with russia. and that is something this country cannot accept. he said they will wait to find out a written proposal in a written answer by the u. s. government next week, where the u. s. stands on what the russians are asking for, and they will decide how to proceed from that point forward. he said that it is not an out of the question to continue the dialogue and it was not worthy to hear the u . s. secretary of state saying these are not negotiations there. just discussions. and i think it's important to highlight that because each side, they are very much entrenched in their demands and that is not likely to change. but what is now clear is that the dialogue and diplomacy is not dead. both sides are eager to continue dialogue about the differences they have when it comes to the looming crisis and not just ukraine, but also nato, and its role in this part of the world. and the russian foreign minister said that they will study carefully, they're written answer from the u. s. and then decide how to proceed for their part . this is what they want to hear, that they will get a written response and they know it got a time frame for that from the u. s. government of next week, and they will decide how to proceed from that point on pesky teams in western ghana . i searching the site of a huge explosion that killed me 13 people that were injured in the glass in the western town of accurately a diem barber has the details. ah, this crater hints at the size of the explosion in western gonna blast happened on thursday when a truck collided with a motorbike, gather the truck was carrying explosives to a gold mine. the result was shocking. as filmed by eye witnesses, blue, dozens of homes were destroyed in this village near the town of bogo. so 300 kilometers west of the capital. a crow. on friday morning gunners, vice president mohammed dubai woodmere visited a shelter as food age started to arrive. he assured the community his government would help them recover and rebuild embezzlement. elizabeth constable, fully fully, all the medical everything. the gone, a in government says it's investigating the explosion. i witnesses say after the collision, the truck driver jumped out of the vehicle, which was on fire and shouted at people to stay away. a police spokesperson has said the truck did have a police escort who also helped alert people. but with so many dead ghanaians, doubtless wondering how this could have happened. nadine baba al jazeera, still ahead on al jazeera, thousands of display syrian struggle to stay warm and find shelter after snowstorm bridge through their tanks and a regulation route in time. and why the work of volunteers like these under threat from a new draft? ah, ah, look forward to brita scully's with sponsored point cutaways. this is your weather report for asia. hello, everyone. good to see you. some fresh, your air is on the way for the northwest of india. this includes for new delhi, we've got some showers, dance in in, and that is going to flush out the smog. now your temperature is by day are below average, but by night above average because we've got the rain and cloud hanging around. as we look around the bay been gone, it's almost like we flicked the switch off for the ne monsoon, plenty of sun for sure longer. and also for that southeast corner of india. while indonesia is java island, just being hammered buyers, seasonal rains. here is still more to come on saturday and i think an increased risk of flooding across west pop you while to be expected. as we look around inno, china, some showers that will dance into southern parts of china. so we'll pick up the store there. really soggy. forecast for central and eastern portions and look at taiwan, getting striked with some pretty solid bands of rain off to western japan. right now, this snow and wind has wind it down and for the korean peninsula, those winds have shifted around. so sawyer temperature is 5 degrees and get ready for it, some sub 0 temperatures in the golf, re add, waking up to minus one degree on saturday, bundle up. that's it. we'll see you soon. oh, the weather sponsored by katara always. ah, co cater culture of ne, open imperialism world want us to reward merit and excellence, and encourage creativity. the shape, tomato, ward for translation and international understanding was found to promote translation and honor translators, and acknowledged that road and strengthening the bonds of friendship and co operation between arab islamic and world coaches. ah, ah ah, you're watching al jazeera alive from doha reminder of our top stories more than 80 people, including children have been killed in 2 as tracks in yemen. the u. n. has condemned for me to satisfy the saudi led coalition and has called on old size in the conflict. to begin dialogue, the us and russia have held what they say are frank talks, as they try to resolve their stand off of the ukraine. a russian true build up on the ukranian border has sealed weeks of tension and raised fears of a conflict and an explosion in western gonna, huskily 13 people and reduced a mining town to revel. it happened when a truck carrying explosives collided with a motorbike in the town of our party. in the us, anti abortion activists have gathered in washington for the annual march for life. riley. it mocks the anniversary of a landmark rolling a supreme court ruling in 1973 that legalized abortion thousands march to the court, which is considering 2 state bands limiting access to abortions. if the justices upholders flaws their story ruling will be overturned. how does your custer was at the ronnie washington? it is the $49.00 anniversary of the roe vs wade court decision, which gave access to abortion to american women. and these marchers are adamant that access and immediately these are anti abortion activists. and they represent a minority of americans, only one in 5 say that all abortions should end in this country, but they are a vocal minority. and they believe right now they have the win behind their sales. that's because last year in conservative states, more than $100.00 new restrictions on abortion took effect. and just yesterday, the us supreme court again declined to immediately end them on abortions after 6 weeks in the state of texas. but the big cor case still pending before the us supreme court is the case of whether roe vs wade should be overturned altogether. in other words, whether or not to remove that rights to abortion in america. and these activists believe that with the conservative leaning on the user for thanks to those 3 new justices appointed by former president donald trump. they think that this is the moment when they will prevail. in order to and abortions when you was in northwest syria, frost heavy, rain and snow have damage more than 70 camps for internally disgrace people. almost 3000 tents have been effected, leaving many families struggling to find shelter or stay warm. the u. s. has warned flooding when the snow starts to melt. millions of people are displaced within syria because of the civil war. i'll just hear as oma. ronnie has more from football village, you know, levels northern country side. one though. so that's a young wants to can. you met you? how luna, is that a teddy a sewage on me? him the camps residence have been trying for the last 3 days to remove snow from their tents and to repair these tests that were damaged because the very bad weather in the area of bull beula in aleppo, countryside the whole amid fears of more snow to fall in the coming days that were that the camps, residents fear of the worst, and they been suffering enormously over the past few days. were cathedral, mental he, i'm so help us get heavy. and as you can see, this tent and many others have been damaged. lamar of that in a limb, sada we've heard 3 rough days, our turns have been damaged and our suffering of 2 news. we haven't received any help yet, isn't or may, would, would all be a no, had human was our that and had them. they said that the volume of assistance is not enough to meet the needs of the residence and because the bad situation, the suffering and humanitarian crisis in the area, the color, they fear the worst will happen because of the current weather situation and the miserable conditions. tone, the tense can't even provide the residence with the minimal safety. they need men and energy giants, chevron and total energies, have pulled out of a major gas project in myanmar, citing the worsening human rights situation. following last year, school rights groups have welcomed the decision. the energy sector has been the armies biggest source of foreign income human rights watch says military's can't down on descent amounts to crimes against humanity. alter time, energy and chevron. i'm the only companies to withdraw from me and mar in the wake of the military takeover. no, a fellow, nor is in the process of selling his myanmar subsidiary, which was one of the nation's largest mobile phone networks. and this week it sold at stake in a bernice digital payment service. british american tobacco pulled out in october and employed more than a 100000 people before the cool and auto giant, toyota has delayed plans to build cars in the city of young. gone and speak to myra da, guy poor about this. she's a senior partnership officer for justice and accountability at the university. unique in tarion, sir, sorry, universalist service committee, and is joining us from washington. thank you so much for being with us, myra. as well, how significant is this decision by total and chevron to, to exit this gas project in myanmar? how much will it hurt the agenda? well, i'm thank you for having me the server. and so tom pu bag is a very good step for the right direction, but i am also cautious the optimistic in terms of how the effect is going to come in. how soon and how, how begin holiday it is. but the good, the thing is that if the government in the world leaders wanted to see the effect to the better possibility is that they have to go further step in order to sort of like cut off the funds that will be going to the military bank account what for this reason i believe not with payment. yeah. and what further steps resize, lee? because as you said, this affects less than you know, total and chevron pull out effects less than 5 percent believe of the natural gas revenue or the gym to receives and total itself is said, it would handover its interest to other stakeholders. what else needs to happen then to ensure that gas revenues don't continued to fund the military's activities to have a real impact? well, the thing is that they can pull back. but then the problem is that the, if the, the military is still receiving money from either channel, not just only from server and to tall, then it's mean that the military still has the income from other countries, which going to be a whole lot of money. and that is why i am say they literally have to cut of the receiving of the payment by uh uh for the military only then they probably lost about a $1000000.00 a year, which is put a lot of money for that bonus military. and that is when they're going to lose the fund that can, can, can allow them to buy further. all kinds of sophisticated, strong weapons that there have been using to kill the people on daily basis. right now we've seen civil disobedience movements in myanmar since the military call and is fight this of repression has continues. just tell us about the human rights situation right now. how worse has it become? thank you for the question. the situation on the ground is getting worse than ever . i mean look from february 1st until now you have seen more than 7600. i'm counting on pleasures. and then the attacks on the civilians on the ground and now leading close to the february, 1st anniversary of the, the brutalization by the brooms ministry only get stronger. unlike before. now they're not really using the ground truths as me as much as they used to, but instead they use the aeroplanes in order to drop bombs to if i had the civilians, they use all kinds of big weapons. okay. and this is where it's getting so intense . okay, thank you so much for talking to us myra. about this will leave their myra dog, a part joining us in from washington. thank you for your time. thank you. and bes, in thailand have approved the 1st draft of a controversial new bill that will allow greatest scrutiny of non governmental organizations. the law would allow the government to monitor and jail communications. tony chang reports fresh vegetables unloaded into the office of a local charity in the coastal town of somewhat. second, the food is a lifeline for more than $10000.00 migrant workers. we've lost jobs in the seafood industry because of the coven. 19 crisis with a charity relies on donations mainly from overseas that will become almost impossible to manage under the new law. yet m w a. him locked up in go back to law will not allow organisations founded by marines to be registered. what might be very, if it becomes law, how will r and g o is founded by my rents survived. at b, as in international sanctions, were placed on thailand's fishing industry in 2015. as well as the legal fishing, non governmental organizations, orange years had exposed to polling working practices such as traffic, labor and slavery on fishing boats. the government has initiated reforms, but similar exposes would be illegal under the draft law. the new legislation would also allow the time government to scrutinize sensitive records and communications of organizations based in thailand, but operating in authoritarian regimes in the region amongst the country. and i, ah, yes, my can body are we have an allow they do not have a lot of c, the society and internet. so organizations has in bangkok that we are going to be next killed already very soon. in the past 18 months, there have been freakin protests against the government and the monarchy, but attempts to arrest and jail. the leaders have, in some cases, been frustrated by organization's representing their legal and constitutional rights. the former generals that lead the government, have made no secret of their disdain for such organizations. and their desire for more control. none the less, critics say the current draft is far too broad. even basic humanitarian work could be threatened by this new law. the organizes of these food donations for those people of sites by the coven, 19 downturn, concern. they could be shut down, because their work could be perceived to show thailand and the government in a bad light. for many who live on the margins of society, such as the homeless and yos, are providing help. where there's no government aid. ha, ha, ha mode. we mimic one, ha, this is a clear violation of our rights. our work is for the greater good and the people, and only society will judge us. even if the government's persuaded to make substantial revisions to his angio law. it's likely to be keeping a much closer eye on organizations such as this tony ching al jazeera banker and past capital has impulse tough, cone of eyes measures as the country battle of this biggest outbreak. yet the government fears daily case number's could doubled a $20000.00 by the end of the month as health workers continue to contract of it 19 from year to limbaugh, a for some katanen do. so she la committee owns a store in the heart of tommy gut mondo's tourist and business hub. she and her family have remained safe from cove it. but the virus has hit business hard veronica riddle and anybody else heard about here? hagen covered as hurt us. people are afraid to come out to know the bars and clubs or clothes. and even if there were open, people wouldn't come. can i veneer a dance for during the 2nd wave last year the delta variant was killing hundreds of people. hospitals were running out of oxygen cylinders and intensive care bay. this time, the only cron stream, which is more transmissible, is spreading to the community health experts say it is infecting nearly every household in the valley. but hospital admissions and fatalities are significantly lower nepalese is the sergeant koval cases this week, with more than 10000 people being infected every day is the record daily high for the country. since the start of the pandemic, the government projects, the daily infections made double by the end of this month and has implemented a series of measures to curb the 3rd. the cut monday district administration office suspended major services after a number of its stuff contracted cove. it including the chief district officer, because we're gonna be rather nuclear alone. and we are focused on discouraging mass gatherings and large crowds. and instead encouraging people to follow government health protocols. manosalvas, i only got her schools are shut till the end of the month, and fronting workers are receiving booster doses. gatherings of more than 20 people are banned and masks are mandatory outdoors. people will need vaccine cards to enter public spaces and to access public services. the 3rd wave has infected health workers in hospitals and health care facilities in large numbers. well aware of my bill, emily rather than the previous wave, left her health care system in shambles. we were unable to cope with the overwhelming number of patients. this time we have to look out for our health professionals who are the backbone of this. i saw that government was only 40 percent of nipples. 30000000 people are fully vaccinated. 50 percent have received a partial dose with a relatively low vaccination rate. experts say that halt should expand its vaccination drive, mosque up and maintain social distance revenue. the limbo al jazeera cut 20 ah login. i'm fully batty bo. with the headlines on al jazeera, more than 80 people, including children, have been killed in 2 airstrikes in yemen. the united nations has condemned the later sat by the sandy led coalition and has called on old sides in the conflicts to begin dialogue. no, any bombardment or their target civilians on the or that is not careful enough to.

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Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708

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a legal showdown over the right to abortion in the u. s. ah, the united nations secretary general antonia good terrorist, his calling for an investigation after air strikes by the saudi led coalition killed more than 80 people in west and yemen. at least 3 children are among the dead. the strikes had a detention center in santa and the port city of her data drawing condemnation from the un. i diplomatic editor jane space reports from un headquarters in york. i have, as strikes, have been carried out on who the hell territory in yemen all week. but this one was, by far the most dead. i'm the main target seems to have been a detention center in the who the strong hold of sir dar in northern yemen. the death toll continues to rise as they find bodies many believe to be migrants, while searching for any survivors. bombardment this week by the saudi led coalition follows a brazen attack by the hu thies, using drones on the capital of the united arab emirates, abu dhabi on monday, which killed 3 people in new york. the un, the security council met behind closed doors to discuss that attack, but not the attacks on who think controlled areas. the current president of the council in norway, i asked some bassett, mon, a jewel, for her countries reaction to the scale of the death toll and saddam, it's not acceptable. and we absolutely call for for restraints. on the old 5, after the meeting, the ambassador of the united arab emirates flanked by representatives of 6 other council members, including the permanent members, the u. k. france, and the u. s. gave a statement that disagreed with aggression by the herpes, as well as the proliferation of miss fall and other technology that enabled the terrorist attack. she made no mention of the saddam attack by the coalition of which the he is one of the 2 main members. so i press the ambassador, your defense under the law has to be proportionate. does it not? and the president of the council, no way speaking in a national cack capacity said the attack that took place in saddam was on accept what you have heard today. and you will know, following the work of the council, that this is rare. what you have heard today is the unanimous condemnation by the security council against the terrorist attack against the united arab emirates on monday, the 17th of john, i'm not asking you about that. i'm asking about your response and whether it was proportionate given that at least 60 people have died, maybe as many as i'd like to refer to the coalition statement on that matter. but i also like to affirm here that the coalition undertakes to abide by international law and proportionate response in all its military operations. human rights groups have criticized the security council's approach as one sided. the council did issue a statement, but again, only on the drone attack, on abu dhabi, the secretary general of the united nations, antonio terrace, has addressed the cottage and saddam and other attacks and who he controlled areas . he's called for prompt, effective, and transparent investigations. james bowes al jazeera, at the united nation. him and civil war has turned into the world's worst humanitarian crisis. infrastructure has been ruined. the medical system has all but collapsed and millions are going hungry. and the eyeballs, forrest country, a report by the un development program estimates that the war killed 377000 people by the end of last year, both through violence and indirectly through hunger and disease. more than $5000000.00 people on the brink of famine and $50000.00 are living in famine like conditions around half the country doesn't have access to enough food. the conflict has also forced more than 4 and a half 1000000 year, many to fee their homes. nearly 3500 were disgrace in the 1st 2 weeks of this year alone. while the saudi led coalition has cause most of the devastation, though fees have used child soldiers and indiscriminately laid land mines across the country. while humans who the house minister has appealed to the international community for medical aid, he says the health system is struggling to cope with violence. and the coven 1900 pandemic. and he accused the saudi led coalition of deliberately targeting civilians, national. and i'm judy and i could be a resident, we are looking at a very big crime and there's a green light from the americans to kill civilians. you know, that's what we see. what the targeting of the attention center inside the province and the continuous killing of civilians, war criminals, escape prosecution. and consider this a war crime against humanity. but then the world should take responsibility at this critical moment in human history. we are witnessing many victims early i spoke to jamal benomar, who is a former us special envoy for yemen. he says, yes, right? so the latest in a series of war crimes committed by the sound you lead coalition. it is a sign of desperation, you know, from the, the saudi coalition side. and, you know, when they enter this one, they decided to launch this war. and yeah, man, you know, they promised to know that they will bring back their proxies or their clients to power. you know, within 3 weeks, 7 years have passed and they have not been able to achieve any of their objectives . they failed consistently to bring an end to this war. in fact, their intervention has only complicated an already complicate to situation political situation in, in yemen, there has been no, no accountability whatsoever since the start of this war. it's a failure from the not only do an estate side, but the, the permanent members of the school to counsel the realities that all the 5 members instead of cooperating to try and find a way on how to compel the saudis to end the war in yemen. and compelled the yamini sides in order to enter in good faith in a political process. you know, to end this strife um, they in fact have been competing for lucrative contracts with sod, ravia and the o e. um, so the highest body in the world and united nations, this us go to cancel it. the members have not been, have not played, i'm afraid. a positive role in the last few years. a, now the world news, the us and russia has what they say are frank talks, i say, trying to resolve their sand out for the ukraine. masculine says nato should not let ukraine join the military alliance that's been rejected by washington. it's european allies and natal. i ration to build up on the ukranian border, has healed weeks have tension and race years of a conflict. natasha battle every force from geneva at a hotel in geneva, the u. s. secretary of state and russian foreign minister arrived for crucial talks . ain't it diffusing tensions over ukraine? antony blinkin inside a laugh rav set the tone early. both said to break through was unlikely. we don't expect to resolve your late work. i do. as far as whether we also i'm off with wilson is doing very well because we are not expecting a break through this meeting either. we are expecting answers to our proposals after the meeting law for offset moscow wanted a written response from the us to its demands, including a guarantee that nato will not grant membership to ukraine. something blinkin has repeatedly called a non starter, but he said the u. s. would respond to russia if moscow addressed it's concerns and respected ukrainian sovereignty. we've been clear if any russian military forces move across ukraine's order, that's renewed invasion. it will be met with swift, severe, and the united response from united states, and our partners and allies, u. s. intelligence says russia has already amassed at least a 100000 troops on its western border and is moving weapons into allied belarus, north of ukraine. the u. s. and russian positions are clearly far apart to blink and allow for making very little real progress. but the 2 men did agree to continue to pursue diplomacy, as waived, the escalating a crisis which could lead to war. it was on the shores of lake geneva, the talks between the u. s. and russia led to the end of the cold war, decades on how old rivalries have resurfaced, both sides accused each other regression and relations of dangerously deteriorated . the outlook for the coming weeks is turbulent. natasha butler, al jazeera geneva, despite their differences in us and russia say they're open to further dialogue as door such a barry reports are muscle. the russian foreign minister said that there is currently a lot of hysteria that russia is not interested in invading ukraine. and all this talk is a false narrative that's been created by the western powers to give them an excuse to put more nato troops alongside the border, a with russia. and that is something this country cannot accept. he said they will wait to find out a written proposal in a written answer by the u. s. government next week, where the u. s. stands on what the russians are asking for, and they will decide how to proceed from that point forward. he said that it is not an out of the question to continue the dialogue and it was not worthy to hear the u . s. secretary of state saying these are not negotiations there. just discussions. and i think it's important to highlight that because each side, they are very much entrenched in their demands and that is not likely to change. but what is now clear is that the dialogue and diplomacy is not dead. both sides are eager to continue dialogue about the differences they have when it comes to the looming crisis and not just ukraine, but also nato, and its role in this part of the world. and the russian foreign minister said that they will study carefully, they're written answer from the u. s. and then decide how to proceed for their part . this is what they want to hear, that they will get a written response and they know it got a time frame for that from the u. s. government of next week, and they will decide how to proceed from that point on pesky teams in western ghana . i searching the site of a huge explosion that killed me 13 people that were injured in the glass in the western town of accurately a diem barber has the details. ah, this crater hints at the size of the explosion in western gonna blast happened on thursday when a truck collided with a motorbike, gather the truck was carrying explosives to a gold mine. the result was shocking. as filmed by eye witnesses, blue, dozens of homes were destroyed in this village near the town of bogo. so 300 kilometers west of the capital. a crow. on friday morning gunners, vice president mohammed dubai woodmere visited a shelter as food age started to arrive. he assured the community his government would help them recover and rebuild embezzlement. elizabeth constable, fully fully, all the medical everything. the gone, a in government says it's investigating the explosion. i witnesses say after the collision, the truck driver jumped out of the vehicle, which was on fire and shouted at people to stay away. a police spokesperson has said the truck did have a police escort who also helped alert people. but with so many dead ghanaians, doubtless wondering how this could have happened. nadine baba al jazeera, still ahead on al jazeera, thousands of display syrian struggle to stay warm and find shelter after snowstorm bridge through their tanks and a regulation route in time. and why the work of volunteers like these under threat from a new draft? ah, ah, look forward to brita scully's with sponsored point cutaways. this is your weather report for asia. hello, everyone. good to see you. some fresh, your air is on the way for the northwest of india. this includes for new delhi, we've got some showers, dance in in, and that is going to flush out the smog. now your temperature is by day are below average, but by night above average because we've got the rain and cloud hanging around. as we look around the bay been gone, it's almost like we flicked the switch off for the ne monsoon, plenty of sun for sure longer. and also for that southeast corner of india. while indonesia is java island, just being hammered buyers, seasonal rains. here is still more to come on saturday and i think an increased risk of flooding across west pop you while to be expected. as we look around inno, china, some showers that will dance into southern parts of china. so we'll pick up the store there. really soggy. forecast for central and eastern portions and look at taiwan, getting striked with some pretty solid bands of rain off to western japan. right now, this snow and wind has wind it down and for the korean peninsula, those winds have shifted around. so sawyer temperature is 5 degrees and get ready for it, some sub 0 temperatures in the golf, re add, waking up to minus one degree on saturday, bundle up. that's it. we'll see you soon. oh, the weather sponsored by katara always. ah, co cater culture of ne, open imperialism world want us to reward merit and excellence, and encourage creativity. the shape, tomato, ward for translation and international understanding was found to promote translation and honor translators, and acknowledged that road and strengthening the bonds of friendship and co operation between arab islamic and world coaches. ah, ah ah, you're watching al jazeera alive from doha reminder of our top stories more than 80 people, including children have been killed in 2 as tracks in yemen. the u. n. has condemned for me to satisfy the saudi led coalition and has called on old size in the conflict. to begin dialogue, the us and russia have held what they say are frank talks, as they try to resolve their stand off of the ukraine. a russian true build up on the ukranian border has sealed weeks of tension and raised fears of a conflict and an explosion in western gonna, huskily 13 people and reduced a mining town to revel. it happened when a truck carrying explosives collided with a motorbike in the town of our party. in the us, anti abortion activists have gathered in washington for the annual march for life. riley. it mocks the anniversary of a landmark rolling a supreme court ruling in 1973 that legalized abortion thousands march to the court, which is considering 2 state bands limiting access to abortions. if the justices upholders flaws their story ruling will be overturned. how does your custer was at the ronnie washington? it is the $49.00 anniversary of the roe vs wade court decision, which gave access to abortion to american women. and these marchers are adamant that access and immediately these are anti abortion activists. and they represent a minority of americans, only one in 5 say that all abortions should end in this country, but they are a vocal minority. and they believe right now they have the win behind their sales. that's because last year in conservative states, more than $100.00 new restrictions on abortion took effect. and just yesterday, the us supreme court again declined to immediately end them on abortions after 6 weeks in the state of texas. but the big cor case still pending before the us supreme court is the case of whether roe vs wade should be overturned altogether. in other words, whether or not to remove that rights to abortion in america. and these activists believe that with the conservative leaning on the user for thanks to those 3 new justices appointed by former president donald trump. they think that this is the moment when they will prevail. in order to and abortions when you was in northwest syria, frost heavy, rain and snow have damage more than 70 camps for internally disgrace people. almost 3000 tents have been effected, leaving many families struggling to find shelter or stay warm. the u. s. has warned flooding when the snow starts to melt. millions of people are displaced within syria because of the civil war. i'll just hear as oma. ronnie has more from football village, you know, levels northern country side. one though. so that's a young wants to can. you met you? how luna, is that a teddy a sewage on me? him the camps residence have been trying for the last 3 days to remove snow from their tents and to repair these tests that were damaged because the very bad weather in the area of bull beula in aleppo, countryside the whole amid fears of more snow to fall in the coming days that were that the camps, residents fear of the worst, and they been suffering enormously over the past few days. were cathedral, mental he, i'm so help us get heavy. and as you can see, this tent and many others have been damaged. lamar of that in a limb, sada we've heard 3 rough days, our turns have been damaged and our suffering of 2 news. we haven't received any help yet, isn't or may, would, would all be a no, had human was our that and had them. they said that the volume of assistance is not enough to meet the needs of the residence and because the bad situation, the suffering and humanitarian crisis in the area, the color, they fear the worst will happen because of the current weather situation and the miserable conditions. tone, the tense can't even provide the residence with the minimal safety. they need men and energy giants, chevron and total energies, have pulled out of a major gas project in myanmar, citing the worsening human rights situation. following last year, school rights groups have welcomed the decision. the energy sector has been the armies biggest source of foreign income human rights watch says military's can't down on descent amounts to crimes against humanity. alter time, energy and chevron. i'm the only companies to withdraw from me and mar in the wake of the military takeover. no, a fellow, nor is in the process of selling his myanmar subsidiary, which was one of the nation's largest mobile phone networks. and this week it sold at stake in a bernice digital payment service. british american tobacco pulled out in october and employed more than a 100000 people before the cool and auto giant, toyota has delayed plans to build cars in the city of young. gone and speak to myra da, guy poor about this. she's a senior partnership officer for justice and accountability at the university. unique in tarion, sir, sorry, universalist service committee, and is joining us from washington. thank you so much for being with us, myra. as well, how significant is this decision by total and chevron to, to exit this gas project in myanmar? how much will it hurt the agenda? well, i'm thank you for having me the server. and so tom pu bag is a very good step for the right direction, but i am also cautious the optimistic in terms of how the effect is going to come in. how soon and how, how begin holiday it is. but the good, the thing is that if the government in the world leaders wanted to see the effect to the better possibility is that they have to go further step in order to sort of like cut off the funds that will be going to the military bank account what for this reason i believe not with payment. yeah. and what further steps resize, lee? because as you said, this affects less than you know, total and chevron pull out effects less than 5 percent believe of the natural gas revenue or the gym to receives and total itself is said, it would handover its interest to other stakeholders. what else needs to happen then to ensure that gas revenues don't continued to fund the military's activities to have a real impact? well, the thing is that they can pull back. but then the problem is that the, if the, the military is still receiving money from either channel, not just only from server and to tall, then it's mean that the military still has the income from other countries, which going to be a whole lot of money. and that is why i am say they literally have to cut of the receiving of the payment by uh uh for the military only then they probably lost about a $1000000.00 a year, which is put a lot of money for that bonus military. and that is when they're going to lose the fund that can, can, can allow them to buy further. all kinds of sophisticated, strong weapons that there have been using to kill the people on daily basis. right now we've seen civil disobedience movements in myanmar since the military call and is fight this of repression has continues. just tell us about the human rights situation right now. how worse has it become? thank you for the question. the situation on the ground is getting worse than ever . i mean look from february 1st until now you have seen more than 7600. i'm counting on pleasures. and then the attacks on the civilians on the ground and now leading close to the february, 1st anniversary of the, the brutalization by the brooms ministry only get stronger. unlike before. now they're not really using the ground truths as me as much as they used to, but instead they use the aeroplanes in order to drop bombs to if i had the civilians, they use all kinds of big weapons. okay. and this is where it's getting so intense . okay, thank you so much for talking to us myra. about this will leave their myra dog, a part joining us in from washington. thank you for your time. thank you. and bes, in thailand have approved the 1st draft of a controversial new bill that will allow greatest scrutiny of non governmental organizations. the law would allow the government to monitor and jail communications. tony chang reports fresh vegetables unloaded into the office of a local charity in the coastal town of somewhat. second, the food is a lifeline for more than $10000.00 migrant workers. we've lost jobs in the seafood industry because of the coven. 19 crisis with a charity relies on donations mainly from overseas that will become almost impossible to manage under the new law. yet m w a. him locked up in go back to law will not allow organisations founded by marines to be registered. what might be very, if it becomes law, how will r and g o is founded by my rents survived. at b, as in international sanctions, were placed on thailand's fishing industry in 2015. as well as the legal fishing, non governmental organizations, orange years had exposed to polling working practices such as traffic, labor and slavery on fishing boats. the government has initiated reforms, but similar exposes would be illegal under the draft law. the new legislation would also allow the time government to scrutinize sensitive records and communications of organizations based in thailand, but operating in authoritarian regimes in the region amongst the country. and i, ah, yes, my can body are we have an allow they do not have a lot of c, the society and internet. so organizations has in bangkok that we are going to be next killed already very soon. in the past 18 months, there have been freakin protests against the government and the monarchy, but attempts to arrest and jail. the leaders have, in some cases, been frustrated by organization's representing their legal and constitutional rights. the former generals that lead the government, have made no secret of their disdain for such organizations. and their desire for more control. none the less, critics say the current draft is far too broad. even basic humanitarian work could be threatened by this new law. the organizes of these food donations for those people of sites by the coven, 19 downturn, concern. they could be shut down, because their work could be perceived to show thailand and the government in a bad light. for many who live on the margins of society, such as the homeless and yos, are providing help. where there's no government aid. ha, ha, ha mode. we mimic one, ha, this is a clear violation of our rights. our work is for the greater good and the people, and only society will judge us. even if the government's persuaded to make substantial revisions to his angio law. it's likely to be keeping a much closer eye on organizations such as this tony ching al jazeera banker and past capital has impulse tough, cone of eyes measures as the country battle of this biggest outbreak. yet the government fears daily case number's could doubled a $20000.00 by the end of the month as health workers continue to contract of it 19 from year to limbaugh, a for some katanen do. so she la committee owns a store in the heart of tommy gut mondo's tourist and business hub. she and her family have remained safe from cove it. but the virus has hit business hard veronica riddle and anybody else heard about here? hagen covered as hurt us. people are afraid to come out to know the bars and clubs or clothes. and even if there were open, people wouldn't come. can i veneer a dance for during the 2nd wave last year the delta variant was killing hundreds of people. hospitals were running out of oxygen cylinders and intensive care bay. this time, the only cron stream, which is more transmissible, is spreading to the community health experts say it is infecting nearly every household in the valley. but hospital admissions and fatalities are significantly lower nepalese is the sergeant koval cases this week, with more than 10000 people being infected every day is the record daily high for the country. since the start of the pandemic, the government projects, the daily infections made double by the end of this month and has implemented a series of measures to curb the 3rd. the cut monday district administration office suspended major services after a number of its stuff contracted cove. it including the chief district officer, because we're gonna be rather nuclear alone. and we are focused on discouraging mass gatherings and large crowds. and instead encouraging people to follow government health protocols. manosalvas, i only got her schools are shut till the end of the month, and fronting workers are receiving booster doses. gatherings of more than 20 people are banned and masks are mandatory outdoors. people will need vaccine cards to enter public spaces and to access public services. the 3rd wave has infected health workers in hospitals and health care facilities in large numbers. well aware of my bill, emily rather than the previous wave, left her health care system in shambles. we were unable to cope with the overwhelming number of patients. this time we have to look out for our health professionals who are the backbone of this. i saw that government was only 40 percent of nipples. 30000000 people are fully vaccinated. 50 percent have received a partial dose with a relatively low vaccination rate. experts say that halt should expand its vaccination drive, mosque up and maintain social distance revenue. the limbo al jazeera cut 20 ah login. i'm fully batty bo. with the headlines on al jazeera, more than 80 people, including children, have been killed in 2 airstrikes in yemen. the united nations has condemned the later sat by the sandy led coalition and has called on old sides in the conflicts to begin dialogue. no, any bombardment or their target civilians on the or that is not careful enough to.

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