Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240709

space there, not as strike spot a saudi led coalition killer based 60 people in yemen and trigger a nation wide internet blackout. a powerful explosion leaves a giant crater on flatness, hundreds of homes, and gonna dozens of fear debt. bringing a refugee stranded in indonesia, off to harrowing boat, jody share their plight with al jazeera and ah, but i'm po, walk, and roll. legend meatloaf dies at the age of $74.00, and in sport, naomi or sagas, australian open tile defense is over. the reigning capitalist, they knocked out in round 3 by amanda, am so over at the united states. ah ah, the stakes were high and talks between the top diplomats of russia and the u. s. over ukraine, but a near 90 minutes meeting between antony blinkin and so gay lover of ended in geneva without resolution. but with the hope of future negotiations, moscow was still sticking to its demands that nato should not allow membership to ukraine. at other former soviet states and blanket reiterated america, its european allies position that those demands cannot be met. based on our discussion, i believe we can carry forward this work of developing understanding agreements together that ensure arnett, our mutual security. but that's contingent on russia stopping its aggression toward ukraine. so that's the choice, the grocer faces. now, you can choose the path of diplomacy that can lead to peace and security, or the path that will lead only to conflict, severe consequences and international condemnation. still mom would, would love to publish. at the end of our meeting, we agreed that next week the us is going to present us with written answers to all of our proposals. and you also said that in particular, that ukraine as no way we present effects to russia. and i would like to once again remind every friend who analyzes our public state men's and our analysis. and i would like to say that never before has russia designed to it's a visual represent is the ukranian people to go out there a correspondence covering all sides of the story will live in moscow with dawson jabari. kimberly, how could his in washington dc with the latest from the white house, but 1st let speak to natasha butler, who's in geneva, where those talks took place. the sasha, what was the mood surrounding these talks today? well, i think that mood was set at the beginning of when these 2 men arrive to you as secretary of state and sleep, lincoln said that there would be no quick fixes. the russian foreign minister set a gay lover off saying that there would be no breakthroughs. and they were right after many, 2 hours of talks, they came out and it was clear that night the quick fixes or breakthroughs all there was in the end, i was a commitment by these 2 men to pursue diplomacy, to see if they continued with talks a lot for off said that he had asked antony blinkin to request that the us respond in writing to some of moscow's demands that some of those demands include, for example, that ukraine never become a member of nato blink. and said clearly that it is non negotiable, a non starter it does, is it, it is up to the alliance of who they admit and who they do not at made a very different positions. indeed, blinkin saying, warning once again, moscow that they would be a swift and severe response if moscow wants to invade ukraine. what is clear after these meeting is that these 2 sides remained firmly entrenched in very different opposing positions. natasha bought alive and should even, let's go to moscow then. docile jibari of there for a store. so russia get what it wanted from these talks to very well, the foreign minister called these negotiate these talks open and useful. and he said that they got a verbal understanding from what the americans are thinking about, and they'll wait for the written response. it was very much a gauging of the mood by the russians about where the americans stand about the security proposals that they put forth about what they expect the american government to do and about nato's further expansion. the russian foreign minister said that there is currently a lot of hysteria that russia is not interested in invading ukraine. and all this talk is a false narrative that's been created by the western powers to give them an excuse to put more nato troops alongside the border with russia. and that is something this country cannot accept. he said they will wait to find out a written proposal in a written answer by the u. s. government next week, where the u. s. stands on what the russians are asking for, and they will decide how to proceed from that point forward. he said that it is not an out of the question to continue the dialogue and it was not worthy to hear the us as secretary of state saying these are not negotiations there, just discussions. and i think it's important to highlight that because each side, as this hasha mentioned, they are very much entrenched in their demands and that is not likely to change. but what is now clear is that the dialogue and the diplomacy is not dead. both sides are eager to continue dialogue about the differences they have when it comes to the looming crisis. and not just ukraine, but also nato and its role in this part of the world. and the same brush and foreign minister said that they will study carefully, they're written answer from the u. s. and then decide how to proceed for their part . this is what they want to hear, that they will get a written response. and they know it got a time frame for that from the u. s. government of next week, and they will decide how to proceed from that point on monday. thanks very door. so from moscow, there, let's go, lives a washing, took our white house correspondent, kimberly how could to is that force kimberly's? what extent that is the pool now firmly in washington's court? well, the united states has been pretty clear about how it plans to proceed if russia is to move in any way and invade ukraine. the white house press secretary to the president of the united states and antony blanket have said repeatedly, if there's an evasion, the united states with its partners and allies will respond to in appropriate force . and there have been a range of tools. they've said that they have been prepared to utilize including punishing financial sanctions. so there are a number of options at the ready. they secretary of state, also saying at his press conference following that meeting with the foreign minister of russia's survey, laugh rob that they've seen the plans that russia does have the plans in place to invade ukraine. and we've also heard from the u. s. president this week that he believes that vladimir putin will at some point task the west and we'll take some sort of action. so as it's now, is this sort of pause, we know that there have been production productive discussions that have taken place. each side is going back, looking at these respective proposals. we know that secretary blanket will be consulting with the national security council. whether or not there is going to be this window of opportunity for diplomacy is really up to both sides. there is this hope, and we're going to watch very carefully in the coming hours to see what the u. s. president may say about this. he will be before the cameras as well as the white house press secretary. so while we're watching and waiting to see what more the united states might have to say on white house, correspondent, kimberly, how could they live in washington kimberly manufactured in yemen. at least 60 people are reported have been killed in an air strike that hit a temporary detention center who the rebels say that the saudi led coalition struck the facility and saw the province. the area is a who the stronghold rescue operations are underway to find survivors who may be buried under the rubble level. also airstrikes targeting yelman's, port, city, or data. at least 4 people were killed and 17 wounded. who the rebels say that the saudi led forces struck a telecommunications building that triggered a nationwide internet blackouts which continued for hours. the web monitoring group . net blocks says that connectivity dropped the route one a. m on saturday and under see fiber optic called the falcon cable system provides connectivity for parts of asia and africa. the cable runs under the gulf of aidan and into her data, which came under attack on friday. let's bring in our zeros mohammed. i'll add up who's in the emmons capital center. tell us more about the aftermath of both of these attacks today, ma'am it yes sir, the i couldn't go to what you have said earlier that these attacks have resulted into the killing of at least 60 people in the air detention center. i'll also the killing of at least 4 people at the end near the telecommunication center where the this has resulted into the o nationwide blackout of internet and people's access to internet, which is very vital and important for the people on their livelihoods. and their works also the, these are the, the, the, the cellular quotient says that this a, these kinds of attacks are aiming to, and mine the how these capabilities are a militarily. but so far what the, how these are, who are turned out to the streets of the many capitals and, and also in other cities, we have a chance and come down to the such attacks that have target big gatherings of civilians. they say that there is these kinds of our air strikes, wouldn't weaken their well, and also there are resilience to words continuing their what the say they're fired against the saudi lit coalition. and also that the, this of these attacks according to the whole thes official spokesperson, who says that these attacks wouldn't also weaken here. mentioned that wouldn't weaken the moneys or resilience we have are and under gun. and these are down for nearly 7 years. and that the are on the opposite side, that the contrary, they are care military care capable. these, our goods are getting stronger the beer. they have become able to attack at different cities like what the, or have a carrier. they like the attack that has been carried out against the united arab emirates when they have attacked the airport and also that the are wanting also and threatening to attack the cali thought our in case the a u. e continued its participation in this outlet quality war i can, according to the words and these demonstrations you, you talked about in saturday in the capital. i mean that there are regular occurrence, but they were pretty sizable today. what they, what sad about yes sir. the people have turned out and then began be gathering zanna and in their thousands an order to, to chant and condemned. and the attacks against civilians as the air, the, the lea, a layla. alas, per you'd have witness an increasing air. saudi air strikes on what the saudi with quality and says as the, as the attacks against the a whole thes gear, military capabilities and also air leaders, gatherings. but so far, what is with it in the ground or the, the, the said, the whole, the protest or say our civilians who are losing their lives in the either the attack in the li, libyan city. or which resulted in the death of at least $212.00 people. now to the day early morning we have witnessed also they the death of athlete the defend injury of at least 400 people. so people are outraged by these attacks. they thee say that the who are the, the want such her attacks and he restricts to be a full further or carried out on the battlefield. not on the civilian areas as the situation couldn't be resolved, according to observers or military lead. so we are where i've witnessed this war for nearly 70 years. no part in this conflict has, has, it has been able to, to take care matters and into his hands. so the, the, the situation could be resolved peacefully as negotiating table mohammed al, our sub reporting live there from yeoman's capital sentiment infection did, ma'am, at 11 iraqi soldiers have been killed in an attack by iso fighters, had happened at night at an army barracks in allah zim north of baghdad. it's one of the worst salts on the iraqi military. in recent months, out 0 mottled up the washer reports from baghdad. the attack, according to iraqi security sources, was carried out by isolate militants in the area in indiana province, north of the capital by the debt. the attack targeted the headquarters of an iraqi army battalion in the area. a number of iraqi soldiers were killed. the security associates added that isis militants use light weapons along with hand grenades. now security measures security measures have been tightened in the area. security enforcement has been sent to allegedly area for longer. the attack and prime minister must call me has ordered an investigation into the attack at local sources. an eye witnesses in the area say that the battalion has been suffering from lack of equipment. in fact, it is very poorly equipped specially it lacks night vision which helped isolate militants infiltrate the area. now, elaine area is not far from this disputed areas at between iraqi government, a control and control of the kurdistan region. a government, those areas are suffering from security vacuum in, in many extended areas which help ice militants move around and infiltrate the area ice. the militants, all sleeper cells have been recently the surgeon, due to lack of security in those areas, was also been an eyesore attack. in neighboring syria, the fighters stone to detention center and soccer, and briefly fried some of the fighters. kurdish forces who control the area. so car bombs struck at the prison gates as detainees began a riot. security forces killed at least 40 gunman around 90 isis fighters who escaped. were recaptured by kurdish forces. still to come here. all these are displaced. syrians struggle to stay warm. a snow storms hit their camps and bury their tents. please remember our tongue pains that kind and this time of need, and remember the menu please. more appeals for help for tama, as flights carrying relief supplies reached the pacific island nation that was hit by a tsunami. and in sport, liverpool set up an english li comp. final date with chelsea ah, the 17 people have died in an exclusion in western ghana that happened in the small town api that's near the city of bogo. so just west of the capital, a crop videos from the scene posted on social media show the extent of the damage. police said the blas happened what a truck carrying explosives between 2 gold mines collided with a motorcycle. dozens of buildings were destroyed. dozens of people were injured, most victims of now been moved to hospitals in the bogo. so district people have been advised to leave the area near by towns of open shelters and churches in schools and schools. that gentleman is with constable bully, bully, all the medical bills and everything with heated, with yet. tolerance in new zealand of come out of big numbers to send aid supplies back home following saturdays, volcanic eruption, and soon army more. government aid is also arriving in toner. from new zealand and australia, aunt is here, is wayne hay reports. oakland is the world's largest polynesian city, and tomlins came out in big numbers to support their relatives and friends. back home and aid center has been set up for people to send food, water, and other items to toner, and to show unity and resilience muscles remo and bring all little country down. you know, pretty on, i guess we have a lot of, i was a middle. what we face of smells refis together. war of the come in for the opening day of this relief drive was so popular that many had to be turned away. what tomlins a beast that is when disaster, hence we come together unite, and we give one little we have, we give it out of love. we give it to our own family, back home. its hope, the 1st of the containers will be sent to tanya early. next week, governments are also sending 8 new zealand and australian air force planes landed at the international airport near the capital local ofa. despite some ash from the volcano, still being on the runway. and to new zealand navy ships arrived, carrying supplies, divers and underwater survey equipment to check for any damage to shipping lanes and the port. while the world focuses on the flow of aid and helping the people of tongue recover, scientists are also hard at work. and with each day, they're learning more about how significant the eruption was. scientists believe around one cubic kilometer of material was spewed from the volcano and sent at least 30 kilometers into the atmosphere. so to put that into some kind of perspective, when we fly and gets across pacific, we're probably flying at about 10 kilometers, with some communication being restored slowly. many tongue ins and new zealand have been able to speak to relatives at home. now the focus of those here is to come together to do what they can to support their homeland from afar. wayne, hey, al jazeera auckland's, for an athlete. peter tough a tougher was a flag bearer for his nation at the summer 2020 olympics. just before speaking to al jazeera, it heard that his father was safe. he's been on quite the adventure. straight up to the straight up to the sonata, it ended up on the navy vessel. went out at the age of $74.00 on earth. contact 1st aid out to the island and then found his way back just but i, i created a goes by page thomas and i'll be released by peter and i created that with been i had within, within an hour of seeing the footage of the snobby actually just before communication was cut, the soon as i saw the point is i went, this is the got. this is not going to be good. it's going to be a lot of damage. i didn't know the exact amounts of damage at that time, but we started that fundraiser. and initially it was about schools and hospitals. and now seeing what the need is in other areas where we're looking at how we can provide initial aid, but also rebuilding aid over the next coming months. and it looks like it's so we reached out to people in up by the hop islands, which were most affected. and we've offered initially to, you know, to cover the costs of bread of your, but i just heard as well that that's the short term flower, the short shorts on food. and this one bakery has only 60 readers worth of fuel it. peru is tackling a large oil spill. i had shaws that have been linked to the volcanic eruption near toner. the environmental agency said that 6000 barrels of oil was spilled and 21 beaches affected its blamed on unusual swells in the ocean, caused by the undersea erection. thousands of kilometers weighed. a harsh winter has but made life even more miserable for thousands of syrians displaced by a devastating civil war. in northwestern syria, frost. heavy rain and snow fall of damaged, more than 70 camps for internally displaced people almost 3000 tents, a damaged, leaving thousands of families struggling to find shelter. let alone stay warm. let's talk to sylvia and dana. she's the deputy director of programs for syria response at the international rescue committee. she joins us now via skype from among tele, with us. so we tell us something more about the conditions that these people are living in and what your agency in particular is doing to try to help them. yes, good afternoon everyone. and so yeah, see day is experiencing right now. these are low temperatures are very complicated situation for people living in there. i just wanna remind you that are around 6700000 people. displacing the whole of city are with 2.2 people or a 1000000 people living in the northwest part to where it currently that he's active. conflict and even basically an informal camps. so intense we ever just recently received received their un report, which says that around 66000 tents have been damage weeds around 200000 families, basically left with nothing we ever heard of the from one person, one man specific, insidious thing. basically they're left with nothing little money they need to choose if to buy one more clothes for their children or, or food to. so this is a particularly difficult situation and we're, they are see together with our partners in, in c, they are really working to try and speed up support. winsted is ation kits. normally we try and support the population by replacing tens, bringing them warm clothes and ad plastic, maybe to call, that'll stop of their houses or tense. we try to also support to with cassia, that gives them the possibility to choose what they really want, what they really need, that to support their families. few well stoves. i mean there's a number of way we can, we can support them. unfortunately, right now the, the need is high and we're really trying to do our best with the resources we have . why do people continue to suffer like this? i spread an offer. they live in the conditions, but they do. but these are, these people are long term displaced. winter comes every year. it's not as if the agencies didn't know, but the accommodation was going to be adequate, inadequate to see them through winter. yeah, yeah. i know it, that's a very good question. we have the same problem every year. unfortunately, there needs in seat out a huge. it's, it's, i mean, yeah, you can see from those images, they need these huge. we really try our best to prioritize. and you need to concede that of that. they need these not only shelter they need is also hospital. they need is protection that are huge protection needs in syria. denise is related to child protection for food, the security where a lot of people are still do not have food to eat every day. so we, we try to balance all of us, we try to balance and definitely we call the international community. and donors to concede that have to concede that these because there's a, there's a lot more that we could do. if more resources will be dedicated to c d r support and are you optimistic? are you going to get those resources late though? they all i mean, yes we're, i'm, i'm really hoping that we will because we need it to. as of now we are calling to all our credit donors to help us in responding to these emergency why continue responding? get in all the different data of sita, where do we work? and yeah, i mean i, i really hope that will get something that can help us respond even more to these is the need is huge. so obviously are, we are really trying our best to use the resources we have in the most effective way. really good structure, sylvia, but it's actually for being with a sylvia and dana, that frame of the international rescue committee. we'll get a weather update next here on al jazeera, then the un appeals formal financial support for the philippines of the typhoon. ry left many families homeless will report from the poll, which is struggling as covet. 19 infection serge. let it support misery for algeria of the africa compensations. the rating champions have been knocked out of the tour . ah get ready for it? sub 0 temperatures come into the golf. hello, everyone, good to see you. let me show those details right off the bat. this is what you're going to wake up to on saturday morning. re add minus one single digits. doha minima. just 9 degrees and look at those winds will still see them howling at about 60 to 70 kilometers per hour. here, saturday afternoon, you're temperatures will recover some re at, at 12 and dos 16 degrees. but again, the wind still going to be a factor of the pakistan garage. you've also been dealing with some pretty stiff, wins a height 26 degrees. and we've got a lot of activity. we've been cross afghanistan into northern parts of pakistan, so snow to be expected. cobble about 5 to 10 centimeters rain for his law, but we know not too far away from the city. you'll get into the snow. also dealing with snow for turkey, i think it's stan bull can see about 5 centimeters and for central areas over that higher ground $20.00 to $30.00, to be expected. here, off to south africa, think more flooding in the cards for madagascar, we could see a tropical cyclone cook up this weekend. so that's going to amplify rain fall amounts, extreme heat warnings in play for the western and northern cape. as those temperatures approach 40 degrees. stickle cso ah, with americans are increasingly saying authoritarianism might not be so bad. there were several steps along the way where the chain of command, if you like, tried to cover it up. what's your take on why they've gotten this so wrong? that to me is political malpractice, the bottom line on us politics and policies and the impact on the world on al jazeera, february on al jazeera, china host, the winter olympics, but will diplomatic boycott and the corona vibrate. overshadow the rigorous debate . them unflinching questions up front cuts through the headlights to challenge conventional wisdom. al jazeera keeps you up to date of mation, tackle the over. com barrier amid continued vaccine inequality. one 0, one east investigates. how breaths it the pandemic and changing taste are causing the great british curry crisis. the african union hope it's 30 pace ordinary session. the 1st with israel as an observer state, with several nations campaigning against israel status and person issues across the continent. there is much to discuss february on a jazeera ah, ah, again, it's good to have with us adrian something here in doha, with the news out from out 0, the headlines talks between washer and the us over mounting tension and ukraine of concluded without resolution u. s. secretary of state antony lincoln has been meeting washes foreign minister. so gay law firm in yemen, at least 60 people of reportedly been killed in an air strike that hit our temporary detention center who to rebel say that the saudi led coalition struck the facility and saw the province. the area is a healthy stronghold, aid from around the world is being sent to the toner, was the pacific island nation cleans up after a major volcanic eruption and tsunami. at least 3 people died following the russians on saturday. with japan is expanding its corona virus restrictions in an effort to beat a surgeon cases caused by the oma, kron variant restaurants and bars will close, early in tokyo and a dozen other areas starting friday. the restrictions are set to be in place until february, 13th. people entering australia will no longer have to present proof of a negative p c. r test. as of sunday. instead, passengers will be able to do a rapid on the gym test. within 24 hours of departure, and people have contracted coven 19 will now have to wait 7 days before being cleared for travel. rather than 14. the poll is reporting more than 9000 new infections each day, its highest number. since the start of the pandemic, the vaccination rate is low. that on the government worries with cases could double by the end of the month, from y'all to limbo reports from cup bandu. where on the premises of the cut monday district administration office on a normal day, you'd see crowds of people lining up here for government documents like citizenship cards. birth certificate and national id is unusually quiet today, with the surgeon covey cases this week, the administration office has suspended most of its major services, as many of it doth have covered, including the chief district officer, the government projects, the daily infections could double by the end of the month, it is announced several measures to curb the surge and urge the public to who operate. schools have been shut down till the end of january. and most of those is, are being provided to frontline workers as of midnight to day gatherings of more than 20 people are banned. moss, a mandatory outdoors, and people will need vaccination cards to enter public spaces to access public services. latin america is struggling to contain the latest wave of cobra 19 infections since the on the chrome variant was 1st detected in the region in early december. cases in many countries have hit an all time high al jazeera, manuel rap below reports. national elections are just around the corner in costa rica with fast rising cobit 19 infections. have put a damper on campaign season. we have to take very good care of ourselves and each other. keep our distance, you sanitizer. we're a mosque, but everyone should be out to vote on february 6th. that's what's most important. everyone to vote. alarmingly high case numbers are not only being reported in costa rica, health officials war. they're also seeing a rise in new infections elsewhere in latin america. as the army. kron variance spreads, panama, costa rica, i'm honduras. are you watching? the highest number of new cold cases in central america was case is more than doubling over the last week. the infections in mexico have also, spite hospitals. asians have doubled in the past 2 weeks. origin. tina is seeing new cases at a record high as well, placing the country just behind brazil for the highest infection rate in all of latin america. as governments scramble to meet the challenges of this latest wave of corona, virus infections, health officials say testing is still a major problem. the man for testing is higher than ever, especially as many countries in our region. also experiencing an app to flu season. so it is critical that countries use smart, okay, though several latin american countries have managed to vaccinate a large percentage of their populations. many poor nations like hon. doris and guatemala, have fallen behind. international health experts say equal access to vaccines remains a major obstacles in the regions fight against the pandemic. manuel rap alone al jazeera. in south korea, buddhist monks and clergy are rallying against what they call religious fires within the government. and the demanding an apology from the president for remarks made by a member of his government last year. julian wolf report, ah, thousands of buddhist gathered outside the duke asap temple and saul, the center for the country's largest buddhist order. it's the 1st big rally against discrimination in more than a decade and held mainly in silence. the protesters claim president moon j in a devout catholic, shows religious bias when it comes to some government policies. and that they say causes friction. i, at the heart of this development is the government opportunities were unequal. processes were unfair and outcomes were unjust. the government, which should preserve and in her a traditional culture is taking the lead in providing in encouraging the causes of, into religious conflicts and shifting responsibility. oh, ah coven 19 restrictions put a limit on the number of people allowed to gather outside? good or bad organizers say this was a religious event and subject to more relaxed rules, you know? yeah. oh, but not everyone agreed, pointing out. there is a presidential election in march to go on time to go 20, don't want it. it's politically driven. i came out as a buddhist and i would, i want the media to keep in mind that there were opposing voices. not all birders, so like this isn't a movie. many people were outraged last year when a member of the national assembly culture, sports and tourism committee criticize the buddhist temples for charging visitor as an entrance fee to cultural sites. or he compared their heritage administration to a fictional con, man from korean folklore. the temple say they use the money to manage or maintain the properties and they found the comments offensive. good, i mean i'm thinking that i know the nation's leader is also a human. so he can have a religion to believe him. however, the leader should treat all religions equally without favoring a particular religion in order to prevent an event like this from happening again. oh, the ruling democratic party has apologized multiple times, but the buddhist say that's not enough. they want president moon to personally say, sorry, and for the member of government who made the remarks to be sacked. gillian wolf, aldo 0 ringo refugees from bangladesh who arrived in indonesia last month, the told al jazeera of their hurrying journey by boat among the group of children who made the trip alone noticed there was jessica washington met some of them in indonesia as ha province. good luck, somali in north archie, his children are now safe after surviving a dangerous journey at sea for more than a month. many of them miss their loved ones. some asked if they could use our phones to call home. this young girl tells her family about a fellow passenger who died on the boat. i saw them put her body in a sack with a heavy rock. she says, i saw them throw her into the seal of the 105 ro hanger. refugees staying here, nearly half our children. around 2 weeks after their arrival in indonesia, the rank of refugees had been vaccinated and completed their initial health checks with their daily needs being met. the focus is now on trying to gain a clearer picture of the individuals in this group and helping them make contact with their families. of to spending 10 days in quarantine, they are now able to share their stories. this 13 year old says the journey was terrifying. now sometimes the bows were tilt so much, we felt like we were drowning, but she says her parents wanted her to leave the refugee camp in cox's bazaar in bangladesh. so she could get an education. oh, i miss my parents. i feel like crying for them. some here are children who are married to ringer, men in malaysia or engaged to be married. i got married 7 months ago. my husband works in malaysia. she is only 15 officials an uncanny say they are trying to keep the refugees safe and are providing counseling. 3, just want to make sure that all aspect of their protections is provided for this little experts say these children could be targeted by smugglers again or crucial. there are people who are, who would potentially prey on these children and use them or exploit them in this way and try to move them voluntarily or not across borders. no, it is for now. marian says she's just happy to be on land and out of immediate danger. i believe. good days come after bad ones. she says they've come here looking for them. jessica, washington, out a 0. look somali ha! the resignations, appealing for support to speed up recovery efforts in the philippines after the devastation caused by typhoon roy last month. the storm killed more than 400 people . and now that a warnings about disease. armstrong, vision, general alan dorgan report. typhoon ry caused extensive damage in the vis sayas and the men to now regent in december, known locally as a debt. it killed at least $400.00 people and displaced millions survivors. see the damage is comparable to that of so port type. we're now young in 2013 the world's strongest storm on record. according to the united nations, more than 2000000 people are still in dire need of assistance and access to food, shelter and medicine remains limited. hundreds of towns are still without power and warning water. in the province of southern liter, around 90 percent of 2 prison facilities have been damaged. the situation of the island of sher gao, another to his destination, is no different the devastation, the real, the recovery of communities that were slowly bouncing back from the economic recession brought about by the pandemic. the crisis with in crisis, and it's on pop. one on top of the other is like compounded the more we, we do the analyses, the more we find out that there are more needs that there are more people who are affected of making matters worse. a new search in cove cases throughout the country has made relief operations even more difficult and a senate bill seeking to set aside reconstruction funds could take months to clear congress. many communities are dependent on local groups, scenting 8 like this when the feeling, oh, hopelessness. knowing when, when you look at the massive destruction that part of the response should be psycho social support. now, because that's all that's been done, you will pardon. no, it again is, asians also warned the population hit by the typhoon are likely to experience outbreaks of diseases and the rise of coven 19 cases that live in our you may be unprecedented and many fear this may, julie says the so called resilience of people, even in a country often battered by natural disasters, jamal alan bergan al jazeera manila. the funeral for molly's former president, abraham bouquets has taken place in the capital bama co. he died on sunday at the age of 76 k, to lead molly for 7 years, but was forced from power in 2020 by the military, following huge antique government protests. i'm 0 is nicholas hark reports are from decoy and neighboring synagogue. his body is being transported in this military camp where he's receiving the national honors, ironically by the military and that had toppled him in 2020 and had kept and kept him in house to arrest. now he suffered a minor stroke just after he was toppled. he allen similitude didn't to leave the country for for treatment. and it seems that there's been some complication in his health, but but lead to his death for 76 year old. was a contested figure in his time in office. remember before his toppling, there were tens of thousands of people in the streets of miko asking for his resignation. he's been accused of corruption in his time and office. in fact, his son bay kate, who is a former defense minister with an self imposed exile in ivory coast, is under currently under investigation for embezzling funds from the military men to equip the army. while he was back in the country, his back in the country to address this funeral, where he said that his father was a man. that meant no harm to anyone. but his legacy, of course, will be question, given the situation in which molly is currently absent in this memorial, is the military gentle leader himself as see me goin? none of the military were there present when his body was brought to the place of, of memorial still to come here only as well as depend on a continuous drive. so, mold in, says online the sundance film festival fors virtual and in sport wolf on that one is, i mean to stay on course for victory at a home at grand slam. ah, for quite a few decades casa, has been dealing with political and economic turmoil. and its people struggle to access essential needs, like adequate quantities of possible water, a sufficient number of beds for a pregnant mothers, and limited access to up to date information for students. and in huzzah. the ground water is not sufficient to meet the daily needs of all of its residents. this led to the development of the new water treatment facility and han eunice slowing down further pollution. the extension of, as if, as medical facilities was accomplished to provide expectant mothers with a safe and reliable opportunity to get the care they needed. the kuwait library at the university college of science and technology is not only a repository of knowledge but an access point to the world beyond. lou ah, hello again. the singer and actor meatloaf has died at the age of $74.00. the grammy went up for marvin lea. a day played eddie and the rocky horror picture show of sold more than 100000000 albums. world wise, world wide rock, of course, death has not been made public alter serious andrew chappelle takes a look back at his life. oh, but i oh. what is the forming on stage or in front of camera? remote, what type of entertainer who always left an impression he roared on screen at edison walking home picture. so the 1st and many cult classic could be associated with always in character and overly dramatic stage performance is evolved into a soon career. oh, with collaborated with songwriter jim steinman on that out of hell. if he's released 1977 of the credits didn't know what to do with it. rolling stone magazine gave it 0 start. audiences, however, love. it's mindy anthem's. it's one of the top selling albums of all time. more than 43000000 copies. ah, the overweight singer became one of the biggest rock stars in the world. the fact that they have bought tickets come to shows. and the majority of my loved one, i'm done. that's been the best present then you can ever get. and that term that they've that they've loved. they've loved fortune, done, and they've been vans and they stay fence. oh wow. success continued into the 96 years younger audiences were introduced to him through his film and television appearances. who strain, oh, bad out of hell was later adapted into an over the top award when musical, which is currently touring united kingdom, the reserve study and himself, he was a character meatloaf, obviously was not the stage. it was his stage name, but there was a character that inhabited absolutely larger than life. ah, and earth and, and, and big in all diamond in all department. and i think he was forever proving himself to the world that he was bigger than all of them. and he could survive and he could, he could swing against any tide. and that was his sir. upon his appeal, i think that's what resonated with people. you know, they, they would go to the shows and he would put on this rampaging performance in defiance as it were of everybody else. and that was part of his appeal. he went on to sell more than a 100000000 albums, morbidly a day, better known as meatloaf was 74 years old. under chappelle, on the life of me clever sport than his farro. thank you so much. adrian reigning champion nail neal saga has been knocked out of the australian open osaka was beaten in a 3rd set tie break by amanda anna some over the united states. the japanese player is a 2 time winner of this grand slam and did win the 1st fat of this 3rd round match . but her 20 year old opponent fought back and, and his mother held her nerve and the ty gray. she survived too much points before securing a spot in 16 i thought for every point and i can't be said about the, you know, i'm not god, i can't win every match. you know. so i just have to like, take that into account and know that it would be nice to in the tournament, but that's like really special, you know, and i can, can think of myself to try to win the grand slam at the start of the year. every time and next that for anna some over is home favorite. ashley bardy the world of a one b if her glorious right 3 to reach a last 16 bardy is a need to come. the 1st australian woman in melbourne says chris o'neill, achieve the fees back in 1978. i would have loved to have had the opportunity to plan. i mean, i love to test myself against the very best, but in the position that we're in and is part of fantastic. told him and she deserves her spot in the round of 16. and i think the match that will play will be exciting. it'll be it'll be good for both of us to get out there and test ourselves against each other. robin adel had a longer than expected outing against karen. catching off the 20 time grand slam champion, lost a 3rd sat against his russian opponent. but no dial him back to win the 4th and advanced into the last 16. the spaniards still in with a chance of winning a record breaking 21st major title is only previous championship when in melbourne was back in 2009. it's a very special way, carmina coming back after from when i'm coming every single time that i am able to play here, just a very special thing, not to neither bled. oh, i'm glad to get a great blue. and i think it would friend on doors. so had been, i think, my best match without a doubt so far as his eye seems like a mug. it took more than 4 hours to play to separate carlos alto wrath, and mateo. barry teenie out for a thought back from being to set down to take the match into with it. fact, it went to a tie break with the spanish teenager losing on a double fault. italian 7 see to bear a teeny move into round writing champions. algeria had been knocked out of the africa cup of nations. it were well beaten in their final group game by ivory coast were advancing to the last 16 peg of the goals coming from ourselves. nicholas happy to make things worse. algerians star player road morris. mister panels, he went on to finish 31 we've been target, you african football, a writer, my, her mazacco. he who's in cameron for their tournament. he sells algeria. his focus will quickly shift to marches. world cup playoffs, the new africa a couple of nations in 2014 formats and others, 24 teams on the 8th are eliminated after the group stages. so for the jury of the defending champion for the eliminated just after the group stages is a massive surprise. especially considering that this team came into this tournament on a 35 match and the street. and that there were the competence was an all time high after winning the air that was hosted. and so it is a massive surprise. and as for what went wrong, the court said it's difficult to make a rational analysis, you know, just a day or 2 after the competition that he's gonna have to go back to years and analyze what went wrong. let's for sure that the coach will not be fired, which will not be going anywhere. and that is probably the most popular men and all gerry or men or women and i was area. he is absolutely be loved by everyone, not just football fans, but literally everyone. so he'll be sticking around. but one of the, i think valid criticisms of the coach has been that he's tend to, he tends to stick to his the same group of players. you know, the 23, that 12900 combinations. he has a lot of trust that group and that people say that sometimes is a little bit slow to integrate new players into the national team into sort of plug them in. and so now it's going to be a fair question because the world cup laugh is only a month and a half away. will you have the time to bring in new players and or will he prefer? it's actually just play the play off with his usual group and then perhaps to that before the world cup should all jury and make it so far. liverpool faced chelsea next month's english li cup final liverpool be to pretty strong are so line up 0 daughter's going twice to seal a to now i get when liverpool through to the final for the 1st time since 2016 may haven't won this trophy for a jackie and a lucky escape for 2 competitors at the 1st world rally championship of van to the season. french driver adrian foam or hitting a rock during the monte carlo rallying that sent his car, rolling down a hill into a valley. both he and his co driver emerged unscathed from the wreckage. okay, and that is all your sport for now each and back to you friday. thanks. dave. the sundance film festival of eagerly awaited event. showcasing the best of independent films is underway, but because of widespread cove at 19 infections, the festival weren't beheld in person this year. i'll just say it was rob reynolds report independent filmmaker april maxie short subject work premieres at this years. all virtual sundance film festival. i like back back with us the film storing mary salazar bato explores themes of loneliness, break up and isolation. maxie says pandemic experiences influenced the work going through a break of. a i had to move um and there were a lot of times i felt very isolating. and so i just changed my script. i was like, i can't make this lake speak. love story i. i poured what i was like feeling into the script and updated it. independent filmmakers are used to working on very tight budgets and are highly resilience. i've seen the business pivot multiple times during the panoramic. oh, it started off as everyone thought the sky was falling. oh, the sky didn't fall streaming services like netflix, h, b o and amazon demanded more pandemic era content. giving independent filmmakers a lot of work. i think it's a golden age. and the respect that tv has become such a massive cultural force. during the pandemic box office revenues have dwindled drastically. and some of the art house cinemas, where independent film found their audiences were forced to close. even with all the disruptions caused by the coven pandemic, declining ticket sales, and the rise of streaming services industry observers say, independent filmmakers will continue to do what they've always done, adapt and roll with the punches. every in the film has some kind of jaw dropping story attached to it in terms of what it took to make it. you've got to be nimble, you've got to be quick, you've got to be passionate, and quite frankly, you've got to work harder and longer and not quit, not give up. that's why maxi is looking on the bright side. the virtual festival thing is interesting because it opens up the access more. whereas if it was in person, it would have been a few select screenings. it's so i'm hoping that you know more people will see it. the sundance festival will announce it's prize winning films virtually. on january 28th, robert olds, al jazeera, long beach, california is not the time we come to the end of another news hour, but of course, but he is not a stops. i'll be back in just a moment, but more of the days that top story seen about ah extraordinary men and women who are breaking the mold from the taxi drivers investing everything they have in to their mini bus. only to face extreme danger on the suit is rough. his tracks to the jokey turned paramedics saving lives, transporting the sick and elderly for medical health policy to whisking. it's all on al jazeera, as the oma con, very, and sweeps across the globe nations rates to stem the spread. but vaccine inequality between developed and developing countries remains no country, no community and no individual is safe. until we are all safe. as long as transmission is allowed to continue the course of the phantom, it is going to be very, very unpredictable. stay with al jazeera, for all the latest updates, americans are increasingly saying authoritarianism might not be so bad. there were several steps along the way where the chain of command, it seemed like tried to cover what's your take on why they've gotten this so wrong . that to me is political malpractice, the bottom line on us politics and policy, and the impact on the world on al jazeera, the athletes a margin in life. but the world of sumo wrestling is shrouded in secrecy. one on one east get to re rec, safe. inside a sport where ancient traditions meet modern scandal on l. g 0. ah . agreeing to disagree crisis talks between the u. s. and russia over ukraine and without a breakthrough. fundamental principles that the united states in our partisan allies are committed to defense. that includes those that would impede the sovereign right of the ukrainian people to write their own future. there is no trade space, they're not.

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Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240709

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space there, not as strike spot a saudi led coalition killer based 60 people in yemen and trigger a nation wide internet blackout. a powerful explosion leaves a giant crater on flatness, hundreds of homes, and gonna dozens of fear debt. bringing a refugee stranded in indonesia, off to harrowing boat, jody share their plight with al jazeera and ah, but i'm po, walk, and roll. legend meatloaf dies at the age of $74.00, and in sport, naomi or sagas, australian open tile defense is over. the reigning capitalist, they knocked out in round 3 by amanda, am so over at the united states. ah ah, the stakes were high and talks between the top diplomats of russia and the u. s. over ukraine, but a near 90 minutes meeting between antony blinkin and so gay lover of ended in geneva without resolution. but with the hope of future negotiations, moscow was still sticking to its demands that nato should not allow membership to ukraine. at other former soviet states and blanket reiterated america, its european allies position that those demands cannot be met. based on our discussion, i believe we can carry forward this work of developing understanding agreements together that ensure arnett, our mutual security. but that's contingent on russia stopping its aggression toward ukraine. so that's the choice, the grocer faces. now, you can choose the path of diplomacy that can lead to peace and security, or the path that will lead only to conflict, severe consequences and international condemnation. still mom would, would love to publish. at the end of our meeting, we agreed that next week the us is going to present us with written answers to all of our proposals. and you also said that in particular, that ukraine as no way we present effects to russia. and i would like to once again remind every friend who analyzes our public state men's and our analysis. and i would like to say that never before has russia designed to it's a visual represent is the ukranian people to go out there a correspondence covering all sides of the story will live in moscow with dawson jabari. kimberly, how could his in washington dc with the latest from the white house, but 1st let speak to natasha butler, who's in geneva, where those talks took place. the sasha, what was the mood surrounding these talks today? well, i think that mood was set at the beginning of when these 2 men arrive to you as secretary of state and sleep, lincoln said that there would be no quick fixes. the russian foreign minister set a gay lover off saying that there would be no breakthroughs. and they were right after many, 2 hours of talks, they came out and it was clear that night the quick fixes or breakthroughs all there was in the end, i was a commitment by these 2 men to pursue diplomacy, to see if they continued with talks a lot for off said that he had asked antony blinkin to request that the us respond in writing to some of moscow's demands that some of those demands include, for example, that ukraine never become a member of nato blink. and said clearly that it is non negotiable, a non starter it does, is it, it is up to the alliance of who they admit and who they do not at made a very different positions. indeed, blinkin saying, warning once again, moscow that they would be a swift and severe response if moscow wants to invade ukraine. what is clear after these meeting is that these 2 sides remained firmly entrenched in very different opposing positions. natasha bought alive and should even, let's go to moscow then. docile jibari of there for a store. so russia get what it wanted from these talks to very well, the foreign minister called these negotiate these talks open and useful. and he said that they got a verbal understanding from what the americans are thinking about, and they'll wait for the written response. it was very much a gauging of the mood by the russians about where the americans stand about the security proposals that they put forth about what they expect the american government to do and about nato's further expansion. the russian foreign minister said that there is currently a lot of hysteria that russia is not interested in invading ukraine. and all this talk is a false narrative that's been created by the western powers to give them an excuse to put more nato troops alongside the border with russia. and that is something this country cannot accept. he said they will wait to find out a written proposal in a written answer by the u. s. government next week, where the u. s. stands on what the russians are asking for, and they will decide how to proceed from that point forward. he said that it is not an out of the question to continue the dialogue and it was not worthy to hear the us as secretary of state saying these are not negotiations there, just discussions. and i think it's important to highlight that because each side, as this hasha mentioned, they are very much entrenched in their demands and that is not likely to change. but what is now clear is that the dialogue and the diplomacy is not dead. both sides are eager to continue dialogue about the differences they have when it comes to the looming crisis. and not just ukraine, but also nato and its role in this part of the world. and the same brush and foreign minister said that they will study carefully, they're written answer from the u. s. and then decide how to proceed for their part . this is what they want to hear, that they will get a written response. and they know it got a time frame for that from the u. s. government of next week, and they will decide how to proceed from that point on monday. thanks very door. so from moscow, there, let's go, lives a washing, took our white house correspondent, kimberly how could to is that force kimberly's? what extent that is the pool now firmly in washington's court? well, the united states has been pretty clear about how it plans to proceed if russia is to move in any way and invade ukraine. the white house press secretary to the president of the united states and antony blanket have said repeatedly, if there's an evasion, the united states with its partners and allies will respond to in appropriate force . and there have been a range of tools. they've said that they have been prepared to utilize including punishing financial sanctions. so there are a number of options at the ready. they secretary of state, also saying at his press conference following that meeting with the foreign minister of russia's survey, laugh rob that they've seen the plans that russia does have the plans in place to invade ukraine. and we've also heard from the u. s. president this week that he believes that vladimir putin will at some point task the west and we'll take some sort of action. so as it's now, is this sort of pause, we know that there have been production productive discussions that have taken place. each side is going back, looking at these respective proposals. we know that secretary blanket will be consulting with the national security council. whether or not there is going to be this window of opportunity for diplomacy is really up to both sides. there is this hope, and we're going to watch very carefully in the coming hours to see what the u. s. president may say about this. he will be before the cameras as well as the white house press secretary. so while we're watching and waiting to see what more the united states might have to say on white house, correspondent, kimberly, how could they live in washington kimberly manufactured in yemen. at least 60 people are reported have been killed in an air strike that hit a temporary detention center who the rebels say that the saudi led coalition struck the facility and saw the province. the area is a who the stronghold rescue operations are underway to find survivors who may be buried under the rubble level. also airstrikes targeting yelman's, port, city, or data. at least 4 people were killed and 17 wounded. who the rebels say that the saudi led forces struck a telecommunications building that triggered a nationwide internet blackouts which continued for hours. the web monitoring group . net blocks says that connectivity dropped the route one a. m on saturday and under see fiber optic called the falcon cable system provides connectivity for parts of asia and africa. the cable runs under the gulf of aidan and into her data, which came under attack on friday. let's bring in our zeros mohammed. i'll add up who's in the emmons capital center. tell us more about the aftermath of both of these attacks today, ma'am it yes sir, the i couldn't go to what you have said earlier that these attacks have resulted into the killing of at least 60 people in the air detention center. i'll also the killing of at least 4 people at the end near the telecommunication center where the this has resulted into the o nationwide blackout of internet and people's access to internet, which is very vital and important for the people on their livelihoods. and their works also the, these are the, the, the, the cellular quotient says that this a, these kinds of attacks are aiming to, and mine the how these capabilities are a militarily. but so far what the, how these are, who are turned out to the streets of the many capitals and, and also in other cities, we have a chance and come down to the such attacks that have target big gatherings of civilians. they say that there is these kinds of our air strikes, wouldn't weaken their well, and also there are resilience to words continuing their what the say they're fired against the saudi lit coalition. and also that the, this of these attacks according to the whole thes official spokesperson, who says that these attacks wouldn't also weaken here. mentioned that wouldn't weaken the moneys or resilience we have are and under gun. and these are down for nearly 7 years. and that the are on the opposite side, that the contrary, they are care military care capable. these, our goods are getting stronger the beer. they have become able to attack at different cities like what the, or have a carrier. they like the attack that has been carried out against the united arab emirates when they have attacked the airport and also that the are wanting also and threatening to attack the cali thought our in case the a u. e continued its participation in this outlet quality war i can, according to the words and these demonstrations you, you talked about in saturday in the capital. i mean that there are regular occurrence, but they were pretty sizable today. what they, what sad about yes sir. the people have turned out and then began be gathering zanna and in their thousands an order to, to chant and condemned. and the attacks against civilians as the air, the, the lea, a layla. alas, per you'd have witness an increasing air. saudi air strikes on what the saudi with quality and says as the, as the attacks against the a whole thes gear, military capabilities and also air leaders, gatherings. but so far, what is with it in the ground or the, the, the said, the whole, the protest or say our civilians who are losing their lives in the either the attack in the li, libyan city. or which resulted in the death of at least $212.00 people. now to the day early morning we have witnessed also they the death of athlete the defend injury of at least 400 people. so people are outraged by these attacks. they thee say that the who are the, the want such her attacks and he restricts to be a full further or carried out on the battlefield. not on the civilian areas as the situation couldn't be resolved, according to observers or military lead. so we are where i've witnessed this war for nearly 70 years. no part in this conflict has, has, it has been able to, to take care matters and into his hands. so the, the, the situation could be resolved peacefully as negotiating table mohammed al, our sub reporting live there from yeoman's capital sentiment infection did, ma'am, at 11 iraqi soldiers have been killed in an attack by iso fighters, had happened at night at an army barracks in allah zim north of baghdad. it's one of the worst salts on the iraqi military. in recent months, out 0 mottled up the washer reports from baghdad. the attack, according to iraqi security sources, was carried out by isolate militants in the area in indiana province, north of the capital by the debt. the attack targeted the headquarters of an iraqi army battalion in the area. a number of iraqi soldiers were killed. the security associates added that isis militants use light weapons along with hand grenades. now security measures security measures have been tightened in the area. security enforcement has been sent to allegedly area for longer. the attack and prime minister must call me has ordered an investigation into the attack at local sources. an eye witnesses in the area say that the battalion has been suffering from lack of equipment. in fact, it is very poorly equipped specially it lacks night vision which helped isolate militants infiltrate the area. now, elaine area is not far from this disputed areas at between iraqi government, a control and control of the kurdistan region. a government, those areas are suffering from security vacuum in, in many extended areas which help ice militants move around and infiltrate the area ice. the militants, all sleeper cells have been recently the surgeon, due to lack of security in those areas, was also been an eyesore attack. in neighboring syria, the fighters stone to detention center and soccer, and briefly fried some of the fighters. kurdish forces who control the area. so car bombs struck at the prison gates as detainees began a riot. security forces killed at least 40 gunman around 90 isis fighters who escaped. were recaptured by kurdish forces. still to come here. all these are displaced. syrians struggle to stay warm. a snow storms hit their camps and bury their tents. please remember our tongue pains that kind and this time of need, and remember the menu please. more appeals for help for tama, as flights carrying relief supplies reached the pacific island nation that was hit by a tsunami. and in sport, liverpool set up an english li comp. final date with chelsea ah, the 17 people have died in an exclusion in western ghana that happened in the small town api that's near the city of bogo. so just west of the capital, a crop videos from the scene posted on social media show the extent of the damage. police said the blas happened what a truck carrying explosives between 2 gold mines collided with a motorcycle. dozens of buildings were destroyed. dozens of people were injured, most victims of now been moved to hospitals in the bogo. so district people have been advised to leave the area near by towns of open shelters and churches in schools and schools. that gentleman is with constable bully, bully, all the medical bills and everything with heated, with yet. tolerance in new zealand of come out of big numbers to send aid supplies back home following saturdays, volcanic eruption, and soon army more. government aid is also arriving in toner. from new zealand and australia, aunt is here, is wayne hay reports. oakland is the world's largest polynesian city, and tomlins came out in big numbers to support their relatives and friends. back home and aid center has been set up for people to send food, water, and other items to toner, and to show unity and resilience muscles remo and bring all little country down. you know, pretty on, i guess we have a lot of, i was a middle. what we face of smells refis together. war of the come in for the opening day of this relief drive was so popular that many had to be turned away. what tomlins a beast that is when disaster, hence we come together unite, and we give one little we have, we give it out of love. we give it to our own family, back home. its hope, the 1st of the containers will be sent to tanya early. next week, governments are also sending 8 new zealand and australian air force planes landed at the international airport near the capital local ofa. despite some ash from the volcano, still being on the runway. and to new zealand navy ships arrived, carrying supplies, divers and underwater survey equipment to check for any damage to shipping lanes and the port. while the world focuses on the flow of aid and helping the people of tongue recover, scientists are also hard at work. and with each day, they're learning more about how significant the eruption was. scientists believe around one cubic kilometer of material was spewed from the volcano and sent at least 30 kilometers into the atmosphere. so to put that into some kind of perspective, when we fly and gets across pacific, we're probably flying at about 10 kilometers, with some communication being restored slowly. many tongue ins and new zealand have been able to speak to relatives at home. now the focus of those here is to come together to do what they can to support their homeland from afar. wayne, hey, al jazeera auckland's, for an athlete. peter tough a tougher was a flag bearer for his nation at the summer 2020 olympics. just before speaking to al jazeera, it heard that his father was safe. he's been on quite the adventure. straight up to the straight up to the sonata, it ended up on the navy vessel. went out at the age of $74.00 on earth. contact 1st aid out to the island and then found his way back just but i, i created a goes by page thomas and i'll be released by peter and i created that with been i had within, within an hour of seeing the footage of the snobby actually just before communication was cut, the soon as i saw the point is i went, this is the got. this is not going to be good. it's going to be a lot of damage. i didn't know the exact amounts of damage at that time, but we started that fundraiser. and initially it was about schools and hospitals. and now seeing what the need is in other areas where we're looking at how we can provide initial aid, but also rebuilding aid over the next coming months. and it looks like it's so we reached out to people in up by the hop islands, which were most affected. and we've offered initially to, you know, to cover the costs of bread of your, but i just heard as well that that's the short term flower, the short shorts on food. and this one bakery has only 60 readers worth of fuel it. peru is tackling a large oil spill. i had shaws that have been linked to the volcanic eruption near toner. the environmental agency said that 6000 barrels of oil was spilled and 21 beaches affected its blamed on unusual swells in the ocean, caused by the undersea erection. thousands of kilometers weighed. a harsh winter has but made life even more miserable for thousands of syrians displaced by a devastating civil war. in northwestern syria, frost. heavy rain and snow fall of damaged, more than 70 camps for internally displaced people almost 3000 tents, a damaged, leaving thousands of families struggling to find shelter. let alone stay warm. let's talk to sylvia and dana. she's the deputy director of programs for syria response at the international rescue committee. she joins us now via skype from among tele, with us. so we tell us something more about the conditions that these people are living in and what your agency in particular is doing to try to help them. yes, good afternoon everyone. and so yeah, see day is experiencing right now. these are low temperatures are very complicated situation for people living in there. i just wanna remind you that are around 6700000 people. displacing the whole of city are with 2.2 people or a 1000000 people living in the northwest part to where it currently that he's active. conflict and even basically an informal camps. so intense we ever just recently received received their un report, which says that around 66000 tents have been damage weeds around 200000 families, basically left with nothing we ever heard of the from one person, one man specific, insidious thing. basically they're left with nothing little money they need to choose if to buy one more clothes for their children or, or food to. so this is a particularly difficult situation and we're, they are see together with our partners in, in c, they are really working to try and speed up support. winsted is ation kits. normally we try and support the population by replacing tens, bringing them warm clothes and ad plastic, maybe to call, that'll stop of their houses or tense. we try to also support to with cassia, that gives them the possibility to choose what they really want, what they really need, that to support their families. few well stoves. i mean there's a number of way we can, we can support them. unfortunately, right now the, the need is high and we're really trying to do our best with the resources we have . why do people continue to suffer like this? i spread an offer. they live in the conditions, but they do. but these are, these people are long term displaced. winter comes every year. it's not as if the agencies didn't know, but the accommodation was going to be adequate, inadequate to see them through winter. yeah, yeah. i know it, that's a very good question. we have the same problem every year. unfortunately, there needs in seat out a huge. it's, it's, i mean, yeah, you can see from those images, they need these huge. we really try our best to prioritize. and you need to concede that of that. they need these not only shelter they need is also hospital. they need is protection that are huge protection needs in syria. denise is related to child protection for food, the security where a lot of people are still do not have food to eat every day. so we, we try to balance all of us, we try to balance and definitely we call the international community. and donors to concede that have to concede that these because there's a, there's a lot more that we could do. if more resources will be dedicated to c d r support and are you optimistic? are you going to get those resources late though? they all i mean, yes we're, i'm, i'm really hoping that we will because we need it to. as of now we are calling to all our credit donors to help us in responding to these emergency why continue responding? get in all the different data of sita, where do we work? and yeah, i mean i, i really hope that will get something that can help us respond even more to these is the need is huge. so obviously are, we are really trying our best to use the resources we have in the most effective way. really good structure, sylvia, but it's actually for being with a sylvia and dana, that frame of the international rescue committee. we'll get a weather update next here on al jazeera, then the un appeals formal financial support for the philippines of the typhoon. ry left many families homeless will report from the poll, which is struggling as covet. 19 infection serge. let it support misery for algeria of the africa compensations. the rating champions have been knocked out of the tour . ah get ready for it? sub 0 temperatures come into the golf. hello, everyone, good to see you. let me show those details right off the bat. this is what you're going to wake up to on saturday morning. re add minus one single digits. doha minima. just 9 degrees and look at those winds will still see them howling at about 60 to 70 kilometers per hour. here, saturday afternoon, you're temperatures will recover some re at, at 12 and dos 16 degrees. but again, the wind still going to be a factor of the pakistan garage. you've also been dealing with some pretty stiff, wins a height 26 degrees. and we've got a lot of activity. we've been cross afghanistan into northern parts of pakistan, so snow to be expected. cobble about 5 to 10 centimeters rain for his law, but we know not too far away from the city. you'll get into the snow. also dealing with snow for turkey, i think it's stan bull can see about 5 centimeters and for central areas over that higher ground $20.00 to $30.00, to be expected. here, off to south africa, think more flooding in the cards for madagascar, we could see a tropical cyclone cook up this weekend. so that's going to amplify rain fall amounts, extreme heat warnings in play for the western and northern cape. as those temperatures approach 40 degrees. stickle cso ah, with americans are increasingly saying authoritarianism might not be so bad. there were several steps along the way where the chain of command, if you like, tried to cover it up. what's your take on why they've gotten this so wrong? that to me is political malpractice, the bottom line on us politics and policies and the impact on the world on al jazeera, february on al jazeera, china host, the winter olympics, but will diplomatic boycott and the corona vibrate. overshadow the rigorous debate . them unflinching questions up front cuts through the headlights to challenge conventional wisdom. al jazeera keeps you up to date of mation, tackle the over. com barrier amid continued vaccine inequality. one 0, one east investigates. how breaths it the pandemic and changing taste are causing the great british curry crisis. the african union hope it's 30 pace ordinary session. the 1st with israel as an observer state, with several nations campaigning against israel status and person issues across the continent. there is much to discuss february on a jazeera ah, ah, again, it's good to have with us adrian something here in doha, with the news out from out 0, the headlines talks between washer and the us over mounting tension and ukraine of concluded without resolution u. s. secretary of state antony lincoln has been meeting washes foreign minister. so gay law firm in yemen, at least 60 people of reportedly been killed in an air strike that hit our temporary detention center who to rebel say that the saudi led coalition struck the facility and saw the province. the area is a healthy stronghold, aid from around the world is being sent to the toner, was the pacific island nation cleans up after a major volcanic eruption and tsunami. at least 3 people died following the russians on saturday. with japan is expanding its corona virus restrictions in an effort to beat a surgeon cases caused by the oma, kron variant restaurants and bars will close, early in tokyo and a dozen other areas starting friday. the restrictions are set to be in place until february, 13th. people entering australia will no longer have to present proof of a negative p c. r test. as of sunday. instead, passengers will be able to do a rapid on the gym test. within 24 hours of departure, and people have contracted coven 19 will now have to wait 7 days before being cleared for travel. rather than 14. the poll is reporting more than 9000 new infections each day, its highest number. since the start of the pandemic, the vaccination rate is low. that on the government worries with cases could double by the end of the month, from y'all to limbo reports from cup bandu. where on the premises of the cut monday district administration office on a normal day, you'd see crowds of people lining up here for government documents like citizenship cards. birth certificate and national id is unusually quiet today, with the surgeon covey cases this week, the administration office has suspended most of its major services, as many of it doth have covered, including the chief district officer, the government projects, the daily infections could double by the end of the month, it is announced several measures to curb the surge and urge the public to who operate. schools have been shut down till the end of january. and most of those is, are being provided to frontline workers as of midnight to day gatherings of more than 20 people are banned. moss, a mandatory outdoors, and people will need vaccination cards to enter public spaces to access public services. latin america is struggling to contain the latest wave of cobra 19 infections since the on the chrome variant was 1st detected in the region in early december. cases in many countries have hit an all time high al jazeera, manuel rap below reports. national elections are just around the corner in costa rica with fast rising cobit 19 infections. have put a damper on campaign season. we have to take very good care of ourselves and each other. keep our distance, you sanitizer. we're a mosque, but everyone should be out to vote on february 6th. that's what's most important. everyone to vote. alarmingly high case numbers are not only being reported in costa rica, health officials war. they're also seeing a rise in new infections elsewhere in latin america. as the army. kron variance spreads, panama, costa rica, i'm honduras. are you watching? the highest number of new cold cases in central america was case is more than doubling over the last week. the infections in mexico have also, spite hospitals. asians have doubled in the past 2 weeks. origin. tina is seeing new cases at a record high as well, placing the country just behind brazil for the highest infection rate in all of latin america. as governments scramble to meet the challenges of this latest wave of corona, virus infections, health officials say testing is still a major problem. the man for testing is higher than ever, especially as many countries in our region. also experiencing an app to flu season. so it is critical that countries use smart, okay, though several latin american countries have managed to vaccinate a large percentage of their populations. many poor nations like hon. doris and guatemala, have fallen behind. international health experts say equal access to vaccines remains a major obstacles in the regions fight against the pandemic. manuel rap alone al jazeera. in south korea, buddhist monks and clergy are rallying against what they call religious fires within the government. and the demanding an apology from the president for remarks made by a member of his government last year. julian wolf report, ah, thousands of buddhist gathered outside the duke asap temple and saul, the center for the country's largest buddhist order. it's the 1st big rally against discrimination in more than a decade and held mainly in silence. the protesters claim president moon j in a devout catholic, shows religious bias when it comes to some government policies. and that they say causes friction. i, at the heart of this development is the government opportunities were unequal. processes were unfair and outcomes were unjust. the government, which should preserve and in her a traditional culture is taking the lead in providing in encouraging the causes of, into religious conflicts and shifting responsibility. oh, ah coven 19 restrictions put a limit on the number of people allowed to gather outside? good or bad organizers say this was a religious event and subject to more relaxed rules, you know? yeah. oh, but not everyone agreed, pointing out. there is a presidential election in march to go on time to go 20, don't want it. it's politically driven. i came out as a buddhist and i would, i want the media to keep in mind that there were opposing voices. not all birders, so like this isn't a movie. many people were outraged last year when a member of the national assembly culture, sports and tourism committee criticize the buddhist temples for charging visitor as an entrance fee to cultural sites. or he compared their heritage administration to a fictional con, man from korean folklore. the temple say they use the money to manage or maintain the properties and they found the comments offensive. good, i mean i'm thinking that i know the nation's leader is also a human. so he can have a religion to believe him. however, the leader should treat all religions equally without favoring a particular religion in order to prevent an event like this from happening again. oh, the ruling democratic party has apologized multiple times, but the buddhist say that's not enough. they want president moon to personally say, sorry, and for the member of government who made the remarks to be sacked. gillian wolf, aldo 0 ringo refugees from bangladesh who arrived in indonesia last month, the told al jazeera of their hurrying journey by boat among the group of children who made the trip alone noticed there was jessica washington met some of them in indonesia as ha province. good luck, somali in north archie, his children are now safe after surviving a dangerous journey at sea for more than a month. many of them miss their loved ones. some asked if they could use our phones to call home. this young girl tells her family about a fellow passenger who died on the boat. i saw them put her body in a sack with a heavy rock. she says, i saw them throw her into the seal of the 105 ro hanger. refugees staying here, nearly half our children. around 2 weeks after their arrival in indonesia, the rank of refugees had been vaccinated and completed their initial health checks with their daily needs being met. the focus is now on trying to gain a clearer picture of the individuals in this group and helping them make contact with their families. of to spending 10 days in quarantine, they are now able to share their stories. this 13 year old says the journey was terrifying. now sometimes the bows were tilt so much, we felt like we were drowning, but she says her parents wanted her to leave the refugee camp in cox's bazaar in bangladesh. so she could get an education. oh, i miss my parents. i feel like crying for them. some here are children who are married to ringer, men in malaysia or engaged to be married. i got married 7 months ago. my husband works in malaysia. she is only 15 officials an uncanny say they are trying to keep the refugees safe and are providing counseling. 3, just want to make sure that all aspect of their protections is provided for this little experts say these children could be targeted by smugglers again or crucial. there are people who are, who would potentially prey on these children and use them or exploit them in this way and try to move them voluntarily or not across borders. no, it is for now. marian says she's just happy to be on land and out of immediate danger. i believe. good days come after bad ones. she says they've come here looking for them. jessica, washington, out a 0. look somali ha! the resignations, appealing for support to speed up recovery efforts in the philippines after the devastation caused by typhoon roy last month. the storm killed more than 400 people . and now that a warnings about disease. armstrong, vision, general alan dorgan report. typhoon ry caused extensive damage in the vis sayas and the men to now regent in december, known locally as a debt. it killed at least $400.00 people and displaced millions survivors. see the damage is comparable to that of so port type. we're now young in 2013 the world's strongest storm on record. according to the united nations, more than 2000000 people are still in dire need of assistance and access to food, shelter and medicine remains limited. hundreds of towns are still without power and warning water. in the province of southern liter, around 90 percent of 2 prison facilities have been damaged. the situation of the island of sher gao, another to his destination, is no different the devastation, the real, the recovery of communities that were slowly bouncing back from the economic recession brought about by the pandemic. the crisis with in crisis, and it's on pop. one on top of the other is like compounded the more we, we do the analyses, the more we find out that there are more needs that there are more people who are affected of making matters worse. a new search in cove cases throughout the country has made relief operations even more difficult and a senate bill seeking to set aside reconstruction funds could take months to clear congress. many communities are dependent on local groups, scenting 8 like this when the feeling, oh, hopelessness. knowing when, when you look at the massive destruction that part of the response should be psycho social support. now, because that's all that's been done, you will pardon. no, it again is, asians also warned the population hit by the typhoon are likely to experience outbreaks of diseases and the rise of coven 19 cases that live in our you may be unprecedented and many fear this may, julie says the so called resilience of people, even in a country often battered by natural disasters, jamal alan bergan al jazeera manila. the funeral for molly's former president, abraham bouquets has taken place in the capital bama co. he died on sunday at the age of 76 k, to lead molly for 7 years, but was forced from power in 2020 by the military, following huge antique government protests. i'm 0 is nicholas hark reports are from decoy and neighboring synagogue. his body is being transported in this military camp where he's receiving the national honors, ironically by the military and that had toppled him in 2020 and had kept and kept him in house to arrest. now he suffered a minor stroke just after he was toppled. he allen similitude didn't to leave the country for for treatment. and it seems that there's been some complication in his health, but but lead to his death for 76 year old. was a contested figure in his time in office. remember before his toppling, there were tens of thousands of people in the streets of miko asking for his resignation. he's been accused of corruption in his time and office. in fact, his son bay kate, who is a former defense minister with an self imposed exile in ivory coast, is under currently under investigation for embezzling funds from the military men to equip the army. while he was back in the country, his back in the country to address this funeral, where he said that his father was a man. that meant no harm to anyone. but his legacy, of course, will be question, given the situation in which molly is currently absent in this memorial, is the military gentle leader himself as see me goin? none of the military were there present when his body was brought to the place of, of memorial still to come here only as well as depend on a continuous drive. so, mold in, says online the sundance film festival fors virtual and in sport wolf on that one is, i mean to stay on course for victory at a home at grand slam. ah, for quite a few decades casa, has been dealing with political and economic turmoil. and its people struggle to access essential needs, like adequate quantities of possible water, a sufficient number of beds for a pregnant mothers, and limited access to up to date information for students. and in huzzah. the ground water is not sufficient to meet the daily needs of all of its residents. this led to the development of the new water treatment facility and han eunice slowing down further pollution. the extension of, as if, as medical facilities was accomplished to provide expectant mothers with a safe and reliable opportunity to get the care they needed. the kuwait library at the university college of science and technology is not only a repository of knowledge but an access point to the world beyond. lou ah, hello again. the singer and actor meatloaf has died at the age of $74.00. the grammy went up for marvin lea. a day played eddie and the rocky horror picture show of sold more than 100000000 albums. world wise, world wide rock, of course, death has not been made public alter serious andrew chappelle takes a look back at his life. oh, but i oh. what is the forming on stage or in front of camera? remote, what type of entertainer who always left an impression he roared on screen at edison walking home picture. so the 1st and many cult classic could be associated with always in character and overly dramatic stage performance is evolved into a soon career. oh, with collaborated with songwriter jim steinman on that out of hell. if he's released 1977 of the credits didn't know what to do with it. rolling stone magazine gave it 0 start. audiences, however, love. it's mindy anthem's. it's one of the top selling albums of all time. more than 43000000 copies. ah, the overweight singer became one of the biggest rock stars in the world. the fact that they have bought tickets come to shows. and the majority of my loved one, i'm done. that's been the best present then you can ever get. and that term that they've that they've loved. they've loved fortune, done, and they've been vans and they stay fence. oh wow. success continued into the 96 years younger audiences were introduced to him through his film and television appearances. who strain, oh, bad out of hell was later adapted into an over the top award when musical, which is currently touring united kingdom, the reserve study and himself, he was a character meatloaf, obviously was not the stage. it was his stage name, but there was a character that inhabited absolutely larger than life. ah, and earth and, and, and big in all diamond in all department. and i think he was forever proving himself to the world that he was bigger than all of them. and he could survive and he could, he could swing against any tide. and that was his sir. upon his appeal, i think that's what resonated with people. you know, they, they would go to the shows and he would put on this rampaging performance in defiance as it were of everybody else. and that was part of his appeal. he went on to sell more than a 100000000 albums, morbidly a day, better known as meatloaf was 74 years old. under chappelle, on the life of me clever sport than his farro. thank you so much. adrian reigning champion nail neal saga has been knocked out of the australian open osaka was beaten in a 3rd set tie break by amanda anna some over the united states. the japanese player is a 2 time winner of this grand slam and did win the 1st fat of this 3rd round match . but her 20 year old opponent fought back and, and his mother held her nerve and the ty gray. she survived too much points before securing a spot in 16 i thought for every point and i can't be said about the, you know, i'm not god, i can't win every match. you know. so i just have to like, take that into account and know that it would be nice to in the tournament, but that's like really special, you know, and i can, can think of myself to try to win the grand slam at the start of the year. every time and next that for anna some over is home favorite. ashley bardy the world of a one b if her glorious right 3 to reach a last 16 bardy is a need to come. the 1st australian woman in melbourne says chris o'neill, achieve the fees back in 1978. i would have loved to have had the opportunity to plan. i mean, i love to test myself against the very best, but in the position that we're in and is part of fantastic. told him and she deserves her spot in the round of 16. and i think the match that will play will be exciting. it'll be it'll be good for both of us to get out there and test ourselves against each other. robin adel had a longer than expected outing against karen. catching off the 20 time grand slam champion, lost a 3rd sat against his russian opponent. but no dial him back to win the 4th and advanced into the last 16. the spaniards still in with a chance of winning a record breaking 21st major title is only previous championship when in melbourne was back in 2009. it's a very special way, carmina coming back after from when i'm coming every single time that i am able to play here, just a very special thing, not to neither bled. oh, i'm glad to get a great blue. and i think it would friend on doors. so had been, i think, my best match without a doubt so far as his eye seems like a mug. it took more than 4 hours to play to separate carlos alto wrath, and mateo. barry teenie out for a thought back from being to set down to take the match into with it. fact, it went to a tie break with the spanish teenager losing on a double fault. italian 7 see to bear a teeny move into round writing champions. algeria had been knocked out of the africa cup of nations. it were well beaten in their final group game by ivory coast were advancing to the last 16 peg of the goals coming from ourselves. nicholas happy to make things worse. algerians star player road morris. mister panels, he went on to finish 31 we've been target, you african football, a writer, my, her mazacco. he who's in cameron for their tournament. he sells algeria. his focus will quickly shift to marches. world cup playoffs, the new africa a couple of nations in 2014 formats and others, 24 teams on the 8th are eliminated after the group stages. so for the jury of the defending champion for the eliminated just after the group stages is a massive surprise. especially considering that this team came into this tournament on a 35 match and the street. and that there were the competence was an all time high after winning the air that was hosted. and so it is a massive surprise. and as for what went wrong, the court said it's difficult to make a rational analysis, you know, just a day or 2 after the competition that he's gonna have to go back to years and analyze what went wrong. let's for sure that the coach will not be fired, which will not be going anywhere. and that is probably the most popular men and all gerry or men or women and i was area. he is absolutely be loved by everyone, not just football fans, but literally everyone. so he'll be sticking around. but one of the, i think valid criticisms of the coach has been that he's tend to, he tends to stick to his the same group of players. you know, the 23, that 12900 combinations. he has a lot of trust that group and that people say that sometimes is a little bit slow to integrate new players into the national team into sort of plug them in. and so now it's going to be a fair question because the world cup laugh is only a month and a half away. will you have the time to bring in new players and or will he prefer? it's actually just play the play off with his usual group and then perhaps to that before the world cup should all jury and make it so far. liverpool faced chelsea next month's english li cup final liverpool be to pretty strong are so line up 0 daughter's going twice to seal a to now i get when liverpool through to the final for the 1st time since 2016 may haven't won this trophy for a jackie and a lucky escape for 2 competitors at the 1st world rally championship of van to the season. french driver adrian foam or hitting a rock during the monte carlo rallying that sent his car, rolling down a hill into a valley. both he and his co driver emerged unscathed from the wreckage. okay, and that is all your sport for now each and back to you friday. thanks. dave. the sundance film festival of eagerly awaited event. showcasing the best of independent films is underway, but because of widespread cove at 19 infections, the festival weren't beheld in person this year. i'll just say it was rob reynolds report independent filmmaker april maxie short subject work premieres at this years. all virtual sundance film festival. i like back back with us the film storing mary salazar bato explores themes of loneliness, break up and isolation. maxie says pandemic experiences influenced the work going through a break of. a i had to move um and there were a lot of times i felt very isolating. and so i just changed my script. i was like, i can't make this lake speak. love story i. i poured what i was like feeling into the script and updated it. independent filmmakers are used to working on very tight budgets and are highly resilience. i've seen the business pivot multiple times during the panoramic. oh, it started off as everyone thought the sky was falling. oh, the sky didn't fall streaming services like netflix, h, b o and amazon demanded more pandemic era content. giving independent filmmakers a lot of work. i think it's a golden age. and the respect that tv has become such a massive cultural force. during the pandemic box office revenues have dwindled drastically. and some of the art house cinemas, where independent film found their audiences were forced to close. even with all the disruptions caused by the coven pandemic, declining ticket sales, and the rise of streaming services industry observers say, independent filmmakers will continue to do what they've always done, adapt and roll with the punches. every in the film has some kind of jaw dropping story attached to it in terms of what it took to make it. you've got to be nimble, you've got to be quick, you've got to be passionate, and quite frankly, you've got to work harder and longer and not quit, not give up. that's why maxi is looking on the bright side. the virtual festival thing is interesting because it opens up the access more. whereas if it was in person, it would have been a few select screenings. it's so i'm hoping that you know more people will see it. the sundance festival will announce it's prize winning films virtually. on january 28th, robert olds, al jazeera, long beach, california is not the time we come to the end of another news hour, but of course, but he is not a stops. i'll be back in just a moment, but more of the days that top story seen about ah extraordinary men and women who are breaking the mold from the taxi drivers investing everything they have in to their mini bus. only to face extreme danger on the suit is rough. his tracks to the jokey turned paramedics saving lives, transporting the sick and elderly for medical health policy to whisking. it's all on al jazeera, as the oma con, very, and sweeps across the globe nations rates to stem the spread. but vaccine inequality between developed and developing countries remains no country, no community and no individual is safe. until we are all safe. as long as transmission is allowed to continue the course of the phantom, it is going to be very, very unpredictable. stay with al jazeera, for all the latest updates, americans are increasingly saying authoritarianism might not be so bad. there were several steps along the way where the chain of command, it seemed like tried to cover what's your take on why they've gotten this so wrong . that to me is political malpractice, the bottom line on us politics and policy, and the impact on the world on al jazeera, the athletes a margin in life. but the world of sumo wrestling is shrouded in secrecy. one on one east get to re rec, safe. inside a sport where ancient traditions meet modern scandal on l. g 0. ah . agreeing to disagree crisis talks between the u. s. and russia over ukraine and without a breakthrough. fundamental principles that the united states in our partisan allies are committed to defense. that includes those that would impede the sovereign right of the ukrainian people to write their own future. there is no trade space, they're not.

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