Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera Correspondent Who Owns Yog

Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera Correspondent Who Owns Yoga 20240709

a lot of questions. sorry, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on guys. his remarks included another warning to president vladimir putin. russia will face severe penalties if it chooses to invade ukraine, i guess, as he will be. it's biden's most definitive statement yet on putin's intentions. but his comment spark criticism, when he suggested a lesser response. if russia launches a small scale invasion, if it invades, it depends on what it does. it's one thing if richard, minor corrosion, and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do, et cetera, that forced the white house to issue a clarification. saying any invasion will be met with a swift and severe response. biden spoke on the eve of the anniversary of his 1st year in office. at times he was defensive. for what many c as foreign policy blunders like his decision to withdraw us troops from afghanistan. i make no polish religion, nor am i do i feel badly. what's happening to we as a consequence, to the incompetence of the tale more? yes, i do, i feel barely bought a whole range of things around the world that we can solve every problem. on the issue of yemen biden says the u. s. is considering restoring its designation of yemen, who thes as a terrorist group following a cross border strike this week, that killed 3 people in the united arab emirates. it's under consideration. and in the warren, yemen takes the 2 parties to be involved, the do it. and it's going to be very difficult domestically by then, have promised to eradicate covey 19. but with the pandemic entering his 3rd year, he acknowledged he could have done more to stop infections. should we have done more testing earlier? yes. oh, we're doing more now. biden also pleaded for patience, promising he'll fulfill his pledge to black voters by not abandoning voting rights reform legislation. have had their back have had their back where entire career president biden's challenge is to prove that his approval ratings have been dropping with each month. and his, he marks his 1st year, an office voter satisfaction is among the worst of his presidency. kimberly, how can al jazeera the white house. meanwhile, the u. s. secretary of state as hell talks in ukraine to reaffirm american support . and to me, blink and warned, russia could invade at very short notice. he will meet russian foreign minister, sir gay. love in geneva, on friday aid, flying some australia, new zealand. and now lambert antola. it's the 1st since saturdays volcanic eruption of an army. the island has been cut off from the world since the disaster. india is recorded its highest any number of corona virus infections in 8 months, more than 317000 new cases were reported on thursday. cities across the country and brought back restrictions to try and spend the surge britton's plan. and mister has again told parliament he won't be resigning over the so called party gates scandal, bars johnson critics to wait for the outcome of an inquiry into parties and his downing street residence during corona virus locked down and aid workers warning winter storms in syria. jordan and lebanon are endangering the lives of millions of refugees. care international says it's particularly worried about syria, a snow storm and the northwest is raising fear. some people could freeze to death. but those are the headlines and continues here on our to 0 after our 0 correspondence spectrum. thanks for watching bye. for now. i the ah had scored hm. with my name is bonnie put knocker, and i'm in london for the 11th annual competition of the international yoga sports federation, whose goal is to make yoga and olympic sport. i've always thought of yoga as part of my indian heritage. i understand it to be about transformation, personal transformation, but yoga itself seems to be transforming and being appropriate, both culturally and financially. as it spreads all over the world, a job international yoga. the way that we're a use. so it's really easy from the outside and spirituality and he'll say, when you come here it's almost like it was well, years ago i was the only guy that completed for our 1st 2nd, 3rd, 4th by default. right. within this year to was i think it was 8 or 9. got a defending champion. uh huh. yeah. 2013. yeah. gonna have the crown over this year . so i'm gonna hold on. i don't like a spiritual enlightenment. i'm out of my body saying, you know, i think the way there is through here. this is matthew on her, joseph oh. most concentration and involves balance at most strength and involves flexibility and mental focus. and that's why i think yoga, especially the austin aspect of yoga, can be displayed as a competitive sport. what is the new international, a man, yoga with zag not about getting up there and competing with other people in beating them. it's demonstrating that total present nights and finding it on stage through a 3 minute routine. yoga. it's an olympic sport to represent just one way that is changing and a lot of world don't appreciate the physical beauty of the postures. i'm still not comfortable with the idea of yoga as a competition. it feels very far from what yoga means to me. to where here at the other place in london, i used to live just down the street from hair and mr. walker to practice my yoga. 6 years ago, i have good memory for the studio. did you hear about the yoga sport championships? oh, make it up on stage and may perform a series of of houses some of them difficult. some of them not so difficult. and they are judged as we did so that i was gonna, i was gonna ask you, what are your thoughts are with a person about them looking within themselves, not being compared to other people besides for the usual things that you would expect, yoga to do like if grounds me at center is me, it comes me. it also reminds me that i'm trying to say something about that. i'm not the center of the universe, but i am as well you know, to reminds me. but if i just am fighting custody of my breath, the problems that keep going around and around in my head, none of it is real. that none of that is true. i committed to fabrication an illusion until i was in my twenties. i had no interest in yoga, i came to it as a form of exercise. but as i got better at the physical pastures known as often as i wanted to deepen my practice by learning more about yoga philosophy and learning how to meditate. i took a teacher training course in thailand and it was there that something occurred to me as i looked around the room at the other students. i was the only indian my instructor knew more about yoga and indian heritage than i did. i do consider myself a mix of east and west, born in sweden and having lived in india as a teenager. but my yoga teacher training made me think about yoga in the modern world. how is it changing? does it belong to india? does it belong to anyone? and does it even matter? right arm comes over into your off wall thing. i think of london is my 2nd homes, and it's exploding the trendy hybrid forms of yoga. one of them boxing yoga mix is traditional boxing moves with a yoga, often a practice. we don't use any salad for it and we make very accessible to people. it's better to take just the physical aspect of it. if that's what the want or just the focused training fest with vulgar is well voting and yoga gang. it's a fucking agency in the truck for the same, and i've used the 2 together the homage to voting it from c as in tote to dojo. it was very gang, lead it up. although i'll get it. less of marcus data teaches rocky agree rocket because in the words of it, san francisco founder, it's yoga. if it gets you there, faster people are looking into more different forms of mind. body exercise and meditation and yoga is just coming off and up or not. cuz people realize it's good for the whole of iraq than just wanna say. thank you. i think i have a lot staring at you hiring. i used to be a d. j for 10 years. and then every one in every club, every now i'm yoga teacher and everyone's a yoga teacher and my son 21st century version with oh. 6 6 for me, radio is possibly the most unusual traditional yoga mixed with race culture minus the drugs and alcohol nowadays, yoga is pot, hiding them along with others. seeing the beauty and others a i don't, we wanted to achieve that will. we're building up that was very traditional in jasa yoga, and then we'll start to kind of get off with all these new forms of yoga aren't just a fringe. they represent a massive growth in the yoga market with international apparel companies like lemon athletic, a opening, and downtown london to grab a piece. i think, you know, western mentality is, is a lot about business and how to promote and sell certain things. right. and that's very different him in eastern tradition and what yoga was originally meant to me. but even, you know, being here for a month earlier in the year, you can figure that there, you know, they're very much adapting the western sense in, in a way it's going to be seen making it, how it shifting and evolving them. and it's a matter of, if we can mean the integrity has what it was originally, but what was yoga meant to be originally. and how is it moving away from that? i went to speak with steward gilchrist, who teaches a traditional and physically rigorous form of yoga. really simple, really straightforward. in the in your life. it's not like civility, gymnastic progress. it's about life. it's what we're doing years in the highways. what you, your life, your friends and your families, what you're like in the restaurant. you are in the bicycle. so you are at your work everyday, but you're probably not just what happens in that studio or another and a half every day. it's often you'll get all of that. i think i was involved in one in the most violent pregnancy, both of them, i didn't drop a catholic drop. it moved them and brought the heat from the races. i had a very serious i did. and i go back and i had to be buying an injury and i was pretty much mobilized to stagger. they got me. and then i opened my eyes up to draw a picture of what you'll get really like your good detachment from everything in mental and physical, your possession and your desires, your senses, everyone's attaching to where you get to their studios in jimmy, what have you. there's all kinds of hybrid yoga coming out, boxing, yoga, cycling, yoga, make yoga, all kinds of stuff. what's your opinions on a quote for a new consumer edition of your good. for him it's become so much of a business and so much of a profit had been repaired to the revenues by us. my unique ploy was, i'm 50500 my dread locks in the year. then i've got a very style of teaching suicide that interested in obviously wanted to be on the route of a class. i wasn't really tough last because it was really about the mysteries of the universe is i think we're kind of commercializing the mystery with the privacy. oh absolutely. that's what i do about it with. so i'm headed to the u. s. where yogurt was 1st popularized in the west. it's one of the biggest yoga markets in the world. it's mainstream, fashionable, cool, glossy. it's well american hair styles, and i'm all about working hard. and playing harder. i apply the same philosophy, doing yoga, sang town, and looking good. i believe in making my own rules and injecting fun into everything. i do, tara style, the symbolic of the modern transformation of yoga in america. she's created her own form of yoga stroller and has marketing campaigns for the w hotel and re bach. showing me a li, forget about being then and start getting fabulous. ah, well 1st person to put the 2 videos with yoga line like 2006 and all my friends were like a little crazy. like what are you doing? and i'm like, my friends like home like i back they and i have idea of stress. what do i do, and i'm like here. somebody can do to help you out with your palms. the other bringing thumbs right up into your heartbeat. here the new york times describe you as an yoga rebel. they did you, do you see yourself on the other level? so the whole rebel yoga idea, i think, really came out of the rebelling against the fact that it has to be in sounds great . or it has to be super serious or it has to be has to be a certain way. but if you look at the approach of why we are doing it, it doesn't look are about a so it looks very simple and off and it's all by ease and finding what works for you. and it's very soft a 1st time you're just doing your yearly or you're quoted as saying why be used when you can be fabulous or is that correct? quote? well, part of the w can. yeah. and definitely gotta talk. yeah. they did. i mean, i think the point is to get everybody talking. it's like, you know, being then i think is the point of yoga to be like, like you said, connected with yourself. i would think being then is fabulous. you know, it's the same thing. but then you say that you didn't say you can, let's be then and fabulous. sure. you know, fine, i think, but i think it's changing the perception and speaking to the people that have had abuse from the over community like, oh, you went in and they said you're not. and then today let me put a blanket over you. i mean, people have been and like, humiliated by the yoga community thing. these are the little bit of sense in the yoga industry. i'm sort of holier than thou. how? yeah. yeah. you know, i don't not going to sit around like, complain about it for i just think it's more important to, you know, help people to feel better like so. your thing is like stripping out, i don't know the hand script the indian nest, the spirituality may be, i don't know if that is true and how would you i took the name out of my company a couple of years ago. nobody noticed. so it's a strong but you to feel. sure. so what about why did you pick it up? i think it's a new definition. it's an abolition of, of you know, that, you know, i mean, who are we really answering to? who are we ultimately answering to india ancient yoga? can india still claim yoga as it's modern cultural heritage people shot of the hindu american foundation seems to think so. in 2010, they launched a take back yoga campaign to raise awareness about yoga roots. office is obviously, but i'll be joyce in consider the father of shonda. this is the shiva section of the monday, or for a lot of years he's considered by the supreme yoga the master. muster one day a day, a day need shift. why does it matter that people should recognize yoga as a hindu practice? is that a 1st thing to say? i like the term rooted in hindu thought. because when you say for him to practice, it gives the impression that people have to convert, you know, your average person thinks of hinduism as cast cows in karma and they have multiple arms and multiple heads. what yoga espouses is this pluralistic view. you know that anybody can do it the same way that hinduism has this pluralistic view of anybody can reach divine. what's happened is that people have forgotten. that yoga means much more than just an exercise. we have seen so many manifestations, i guess, yoga, and we're seeing it in the kind of society we live in now. when does something stop becoming yoga? i think that a lot of the new forms of yoga or they're not, yoga america is great at like taking what it likes from different cultures and then just like making it its own. and i feel like that's a little bit of what's happened with the over like it's kind of made it into its own version of yoga. so who owns yoga? nobody owns. yeah. yoga is for everyone. but with him do routes. it is rooted in him. the philosophy i'm just like confused because i'm a hindu. i'm a him to buy mame and because of the way i was raised and i believe in, you know, the general teachings of hinduism. but i'm a very open minded individual. but i can understand what she was saying. i really understood it, that a lot of what yoga teaches us is what him. the wisdom teaches us, they're the same thing. so i'm conflicted now because i want yoga to be a secular thing. the problem is if yoga is seen as a hindu practice, it might drive people away from it. i think it's the variety and diversity of yoga that makes it so popular. it fits the practitioner barstow population $23000.00 halfway between los angeles and las vegas in the heart of the california desert. it's an unlikely place to be doing yoga, but i'm not here to do just any yoga. i'm meeting the ladies of praise moves. a christian alternative to yoga. this is the very church, my husband and i got married an huh. never. thank he, he would be a pastor ito. yeah. i went to yoga class in kansas. okay. and i can do any of the moves. you know what i mean? it's such a work. yeah. it is hard. i came and i asked my husband, i don't want to offend you in any. yeah, you know, but i said, dave, can i do a yoga class and barstow? i know that you have home. can i do it? and he said, wait a minute, it our students from a religious a loss of the, you know, hand do it. so, you know, we're not, we're not, yeah, we respect you guys. sure. we're just not. yeah, absolutely, yeah. and so he got on the internet and he found this. lauren willis. praise moves where you do similar positions, but we quote scripture. your body is the temple of the holy spirit who is in you whom you have received. god, you are not your own. you are bought at a price there for honor. god with your body. first print in 619. that's fine. we're pretty good. yeah. we have a great weekend take care of our bodies and learn scripture and get it in the on is going to do in our class today. so that's really exciting. it's definitely going to be for ok. we're going to start with mount zion posture and let's roll or shoulders . we've been sitting for a while. let's try the movements of the arm over here to get in. nice movements back and forth. they're going to come forward, reaching down, kind of like a windmill. good, and it's good if you could, although the same way the effect of fervent prayer for track of a righteous man avails much available to change 516 change by 16. i'm doing yoga poses while reciting. biblical scripture. i don't have any problem with the exercise, but i find the whole situation rather odd. it look and feels like you know about it, but is it job 3344. we certainly aware that it looks like yoga, you know, that's totally fine. if people say that, but we believe yoga is a spiritual practice and we're not doing out there. laura, thank you. dear. learn a thing we can operate. i we the thank you. that's really all we have to say you're awesome god. and we appreciate you giving us your word so we can move our bodies and stay healthy. the debate over whether yoga is religious isn't just limited to the walls of churches and temples in america. it found its way into the courtrooms to the parents and anthony to california have their own warrior stands on free yoga classes being taught in their school district. saying yoga is a form of doctrinaire parents in this room that don't want yoga taught and practiced in the entity. the school district say that it cannot be separated from religion. sovereign were being led through some salutation while being asked questions about why they were thankful to the sun. they were being asked to thank the sun for things they were lad and something called a number stay circle, where they were asked to acknowledge the light in each other. and what i found was that they were not at all talking just about exercise. they were talking about teaching children life skills based and you'll get philosophy that's almost a direct quote. yoga philosophy is a very specifically religious philosophy. the big story here is that america's been sold ally yoga is being marketed deceptively deem. broyles is a lawyer who represented the parents in their lawsuit against the anthony to school district. american sorry to say, oh i can adopt this has exercise because we like to be healthy. and they think that by removing the meditation that sanskrit terms that that suddenly transforms yoga into a non religious practice. but social science research has proven that just during the poses and just doing yoga breathing as enough to to cause spiritual transformation. so have you ever done yoga before by accident? actually i how is that possible? well, if it was just to move, i think it a p 90 video that i realized later were or i think one of them was a downward dog. and i think one pose was a warrior pose and i realize later that does where yoga poses. and so i don't do that anymore. but do you guys just oppose it isn't gonna take you away from god. i do that because i know i'm not gonna find that out because i stop doing it. but if you asked hindus in india, if yoga is religious, what do you think they're tell you? i think you get a mixture of answers to be honest with you. well, i think the vast majority would say yes, it is, children all over in city that are spontaneously at birthday parties play grounds on weekdays and weekends getting into the lotus position. putting their hands in the genre, madura and, and meditating. it seems to me the deem broyles and the anthony to school case is part of a larger culture of war in america. and it's hard for me to see yoga dragged into that battle. back in a lay my friend, karen invited me to her neighbors. 4th of july party and i suspect dean would have had a problem with what was going on there. first thing in july in america, and i could mastering american kids do with great print fridge, raising. and kids are be ultimately of living in the moment. as for and do, i can learn a lot with eating eco friendly solutions to combat threats to our planet. on al jazeera, for quite a few decades casa, has been dealing with political and economic turmoil. and its people struggle to access essential needs, like adequate quantities of potable water, a sufficient number of beds for a pregnant mothers, and limited access to up to date information for students. and in the hasa, the ground water is not sufficient to meet the daily needs of all of its residents . this led to the development of the new water treatment facility and hun eunice slowing down further pollution. the extension of, as if, as medical facilities was accomplished to provide expectant mothers with a safe and reliable opportunity to get the care they needed. the kuwait library at the university college of science and technology is not only a repository of knowledge but an access point to the world beyond ah hello, i'm darn jordan and go out of the program out of the top stories here. now does, there are the u. s president says he thinks russia will make a military incursion into ukraine, but believes as counterpart vladimir putin doesn't want a full scale conflict. speaking at a press conference mocking his 1st year in office, joe biden won't tough sanctions will be imposed on moscow in the event of an invasion. to i think you jest, west just united states and nato as she gives music here. yes, i think you will let the co pay a serious and dear price for that he doesn't think now of course the one is going to cost and i think you regret having done, you know, the effective state has held talks in ukraine to reaffirm american support anthony blinked and warned russia could invade very short notice. he'll meet russian foreign minister survey lab robes in geneva on friday. a flight from austria new zealand of landed intolerance the 1st since saturdays volcanic eruption on synonymy . the island doesn't cut off from the world since the disaster. when he has more from auckland, new zealand plane has landed and will now begin all floating it's a supplies has to be done. we have to remember it and contactless fashion, that is a, according to the tongue and government protocol because the tongue and authorities are very concerned about cov 19. i've only had one case since the pandemic began. that was in october last year. so of course they're going through so much at the moment. the last thing they want is to deal with an outbreak of cove at 1900. so all aid deliveries must be done in a contactless fashion from now on. india has recorded its highest daily number of corona, virus infections, and 8 months. cities across the country have brought back restrictions to feminist surge, driven by the on the chrome various. britton's prime minister has once again told parliament he won't be resigning over the so called party gate scandal bar as johnson edge critics to wait for the outcome of an inquiry into parties and his downing street residence during corona virus locked down a workers warning winter storms in syria, jordan, and 11 or 9 danger and the lives of millions of refugees. karen's national says it's particularly worried about syria. a snow storm in the northwest is raising fears. some people could freeze to death. so those are the headlines and he's continues here now. does he are opt out? is there a correspondence statement that's a watching bye for now. diamond dallas page is a former w, w. f wrestler, and he's created his own brand of yoga, dd, pos, flexibilities, one thing. course strength is a whole. moran won't do focus on your breath and lock it out. duty viagra, baby. it ain't your mama's, yo yo. i wonder how flexible he is. how are you read it to me if i am a very good to me, would you personally find him? i know guess my mano banu? yes, exactly. how are you? i'm a guy who wouldn't be caught dead doing yoga for the 1st 42 years of my life. you know, with the guys and i was brought up live. yeah. what was it seems like pansy abdel bad and feminine. it's so far from the truth. my younger wasn't going to do it until i blew my back out. i would just find a multi 1000000 dollar 3 year deal. wow. so i'll try anything at that point. so then i started to figure out, okay, let me see if i clicked here in a pool here, i just pull it just like i'm engaging, just like i'm currently with my heart rate right now. 115116, just pulling from just so what mike watch like. so my gluten, i'm going to pull you in help you feel better and then you're gonna want to do more . and then you really excited. what's all bro? hey, go back. that's a d d p yoga is at any level anyone can do this a half and i take all the spiritual stuff out of that. i call spiritual mumbo jumbo . not that there's anything wrong with that. it's just, it's not for you. it doesn't work with my people, you inhale, touched out i develop is for guys originally. accel. real thought poor can hear you. 32, why and hold it up. down at back 5 or 321 i told the only old is over here will do in order to pretend yoga. cool. julie miracle over here though. now because they're going to love the energy. i'll that like i would if i saw someone do what i was doing. i to come over here because i was, i want to be a part of that makes it, ah, her joy at i me a lot of money into such a rustling, really towards the end of my career and my getting in the beginning for years. but the p o has already doubled everything i've made there. i'm not trying to change yoga in any way. i'm trying to change the way people look at the word yoga. that's it. it ain't joe mama's yoga. and ha, one thing is for sure. the opportunity for money and yoga is changing the way people think about yoga and maybe even the way they're practicing at work. according to a recent yoga journal study, there are 20000000 yoga practitioners in america. and over 40 percent of adults say they want to practice at a yoga journal. conference in san diego. business is booming. hello, cool. what did it says? late kat award on the water. right, well we just do it in for say, i am attracted to growth industry that's. we're going to expand and you're going to make some money. yoga is obviously one of those it is because you remember when he can go out dough. yeah, gotta go in down. this appears to research a booth where i can get my picture taken and put on the hummer of yoga journal. it's kind of cool. when i came here i was like, oh, lot of people is no big. you know too much, but now i'm like a kid in a candy. i'm totally falling for, you know, all is like products in there. you know, yoga paraphernalia, spiritual materialism, saffron am we donate for every night. so those people are that they're not in this necessarily to, you know, to make money. there are no, they're trying to spread the joy of yoga for the same time. for us to exist. we have to be a business. going to get more and more people kept lies on the growth of yoga. that means being competitive in the business world. one area hotly contested today is intellectual property, ownership. in the yoga world, the battle over intellectual property started in 2002. when victim showed that he tried to copyright his sequence of $26.00 poses in a heated room. big room is arguably one of the most influential and controversial names in yoga today with over $900.00 affiliated studios around the world. he's facing allegations of sexual misconduct from former students and criticism over his efforts to copyright his secret meditation. but i want to mark drove is a former student who spent many years teaching at the big school and lay when he left to start his own studio. he was sued by big room, and he sued us and many different friends, many false charges, but the core of it, the goal of it was to get much tied up in court on the issue of the sequence. and a summary judgement was one in our part to dismiss that idea because it's very clear that there is no such thing as a copyright protection for a yoga sequence in the united states law. one company that successfully got a patent for its approach to yoga is yoga glo, a leader and online yoga classes. patented the way in which their classes are filmed. derek males is yoga close founder. this is a nice, this is where we hold our classes. we have this set up such that the camera is at the back of the room. uh huh. we wanted to create an experience that was not like a stoning studio or recording studio. is it the placement of the camera and the height is that it is actually relevant? yeah, yeah, the, there are a variety of specifications or the can replacement, the high, the court or the details of the court or, and there are other specifications as well. ok. you know them off the top, your head. right. i don't know for sure. i would, i leave a lot of numbers involved. i leave that to the intellectual property attorney. a lot of work goes into the entire class creation process to make sure that you know what people experience online is a high quality, safe experience. it's a look and feel that people have associated with you and to look and feel that we we certainly plan to protect. last year glo did set out to enforce its intellectual property rights. they informed a competitor international that some of the yoga videos would be in violation of their pending patent. we received a letter from, from legal firm who was representing an organization called yoga gloves. a letter essentially said that we were in violation of their pending patent is come to our attention. the yogi international operates the website, you'll get a national dot com which streams an online fitness classes that minix the method hand technique set forth. and you know, it was us patent application which has been closed for your reference. the patent is pretty straightforward. i mean, they've patented putting a camera in the back of the classroom, having an aisle down the center, which seems fairly obvious, because now you wouldn't be able to, to the teacher and pressing why. and that doesn't seem to a lot of people like a particularly novel idea or something that's really worthy of an invention, which is what patents are for protecting intellectual property rights of inventor's . are you trying to patent your own style of shooting a class? now here at this organization, the truth is we've thought about whether it's prudent to seek to patent our own camera angles because what happens if those get taken up? i mean, it leads to those types of questions. how do we know what's going to be left? if we don't do it, what you would think would be the most important thing is, what is the quality of the teaching that you're giving? are you doing something that's, that's helping people are you doing something is not helping people. but this doesn't even look at that. this is looking at what camera angle you feeling from. it's not even about yoga at all. it's really about this core business. but it has deep reaching implications into what the future of yoga is going to look like. yoga glo has an impressive repertoire of classes and teachers, but owning a camera angle and stopping others from building a certain way seems to me like it could prevent people from sharing yoga. and besides, people have been filming yoga this way for more than 20 years. i showed derek a video of the topic joyce, teaching yoga media which i didn't $993.00 clear central. i'll, as you can see, obviously the matcher in a different place, but i don't see how that's different from your patent. so the matcher or configure differently, well they are configured different bit. so basically what you're telling me is the difference is the configuration of your map correct with the mat facing forward and you know, in parallel to the corridor, you are transformed. you're, you're taken into the studio with, with real students. there may be other differences relative to what you can understand people thing. how is that an invention? can you, can you understand how people would ask that question going encourage you to go look at the specifications of that? and because there are, there are, you know, variety of them. a few weeks after filming this interview, derek published a blog post saying that yogurt lo has forfeited its patent. however, he says they will continue to protect the look and feel of their online classes. which to me sounds like just another approach to owning yoga. not everyone who's contributed to the evolution of yoga feels they need to protect it. brazilian born time, a metro is a respected yoga teacher in new york city. he's been practicing yoga postures for decades, and he's even created some of his own offering them as a gift to the world. and it's a pleasure to meet you. i'm busy doing like, my headstand practice. so might be quite long for you. uh huh. i have hundreds of pounds that like i'm not saying i create but due to lots of black snow the variation came but i don't say it belongs to diamond meet today. this is universe. so is from yoga not from darma. i don't have any ego here. e, griffin, the 2nd cause pena shove thing. is that a yes and good to escape everything i do. i don't think it's that perfect. you understand? i think here in this physical plane is impossible to do something perfectly. but of course, the inside you have your good intention to do it perfectly and do your best. so that's the main thing i don't care about. very so. so heard on a firm related did you go to study in india or where did you, who do you consider? i know the day in india in my life. what department? i love one day to see oh this holy places. but there is a fine can yoga and you find something inside the in your i do what i the lions got a lion wine and i was heading to india to the roots of yoga. before going i spent an afternoon with sharon gannon and david life at their home in upstate new york. were looking for a cat told him, so we've been told if you do, yoga you've most likely heard of them. they're the founders of given lucky a widely practice yoga method. look us, i'm a star suki. no bob on to means may all beans each and everyone everywhere be happy and free. and may the thoughts, words and actions of our own life contribute in some way. when we started teaching yoga was not a career, in fact it was seen as kind of where losers might have a possible last chance. do something in their life. you know, because they didn't have anything else going. and it's not that now it's a big business. it's a big business is a career of choice traditionalists on the one hand and innovators on the other. david and sharon have turned a yoga into activism, animal rights, and veganism in particular, yogi is someone who is striving to live in harmony with the earth, with the environment, with other animals like a very hot you are going to yogi, we're not supposed to come involved in politics or activism of any sort, they should be passive, self satisfied, and content in their load is hut, right? our students come to class. yeah. and they find peace, but then they go out and they make these all over the west. yoga has turned into a purely physical practice. what are your thoughts on that? and do you think even the physical practices is, is a good place. so there is no such thing as a purely physical practice. that's the 1st error. we need to have a new perspective. so that no longer is spirituality in opposition to physicality. but that nature and the world the earth is seen as a spiritual place as well. and mother oak trees nectar. oh yeah. for what an on your face. grandmother, oak tree. i speak on behalf of humanity. me you forgive our bumbling nurse. may you guide us so that we can live more kindly on this planet and enhance all of life on this earth? yes, we're, we're tree huggers into. we're not ashamed. lou . for many in the yoga community. india isn't just a country. it's a place to find yourself to find wisdom, the birthplace of yoga. for me, india is all of those things and a part of my heritage. oh, you would think yoga has always been popular in india, but like in the west, yoga has experienced a resurgence in recent years. and no one epitomizes that revival more than swanny rom, dave. he's a household name and his yoga is a political one. he's an outspoken supporter of the nationalist party, a jump to party and prime minister that under moody who himself, practices, yoga, and recently spoke about his benefits at the united nations job id put on. i'm body ammonia in the b j. p. when a landslide victory in the last general election, swami ram dave was credited with bringing people out to vote. could on this the guy that the valet yorker anthy wheat. who asked about them, nick of a jedi, currently we don't get v dot m nicola with a fellow what, but he was gonna give them in the article or, or so kinda kids on the ground. the article that was sees dish me, it could have genetic grunt, thebuilding, i genetic but you are, can build it. ah, good yoga is facing the same political battles in india is in america. the supreme court in india is now considering whether yoga is secular and should be taught in schools. so on the round they've thinks it should yoga see honey get yogis johan. equilibrium in a yoke is seek on my 70 brother. the yorg 100 percent secular order is secular wrecked hiscock on him up with the get. the battle isn't only over the secular nature of yoga is also about national heritage in response to u. s. copyright claims the indian government has taken steps to create a traditional knowledge database of yoga poses to prevent anyone from trying to own yoga. yoga gilbert, you see cockpit adenine was that you can think of of what the nick is exactly a methodist. yeah. okay. are there is have kick alone kalia yoga, make a cb prosperity paid? didn't car process yog make? is he beat the regular oldie? so i'm, it was caught up and i'm gonna ye again that you'd put that in nice. that are a yeah, a man of yet i are ye, yoga, casey, done talk. it kill up swami, ram dave has shown that yoga can bring about political change. but i'm concerned that politics can change yoga to. and that, using yoga in politics, could be just another way that people try to own it. hump of come to southern india to meet that group, jackie vasa, dave who describes himself as a mystic and yogi. and his followers around the world. yo, yo, yo again in her i'm drawing to set glue. he appeals to the young and urban middle classes of india. he speaks their language. he speaks to me. oh john paul, 0 festival of group or numer said crew and there's a new satchel shiver. also known as the, are the yogi, the 1st, every yogi, the whole system of how to yoga is just this to bring your system to a certain level of symmetry. where it is a certain genetic perfection to you. that if you sit or stand here, everything is at least ah, how do you think india is changing today? and is that having an impact on yoga, india, the to not just india, the whole world. the moment human to human intellect starts asking pertinent relevant questions, beliefs systems will start call thing. they will look for something more sensible, more scientific, which appeals to that logic and a bow or something that works. so is that why you think yoga is becoming as popular as it is, or other reasons it makes sense and it works. you know, there is, there's a lot of innovation in yoga. is that a good thing is that there's this part of the that is the most painful part. okay. explain that to me. you don't have a garland, but instead you wear it for your flowers. but there is never a garland without a thread. it is the most wide thing, so you can add whatever you want, but you don't distort the fact. you cannot do innovations in the fundamental dimension of yoga. but from your experience, you can add weight dimensions, do it without distorting the fundamental nature of what it is. has yoga moved beyond being indian, just because son touches indian shores before it touches doha, can re claims on his indian. because yoga is just like that. it's, it's a certain light that arose here. fust, this does not mean it's in, in, in indian, in any sense, india and identity. today's a national and a political identity. yogurt does not belong to that identity at all. it is the sickness of modern societies to day that if i discover something in nature, i must own it. intellectual property. what i'm saying is the nature of this culture has always been. if something is for the well being of human beings, nobody can ever own it, did must belong to everybody ah . busy busy busy ah, i agree with such yoga should belong to every one. but i'm afraid that simple truth is getting lost in a world that so commercialized and politicized. i set out to ask who owns yoga, but i'm finding the question and impossible one to answer. what i have found in my journey is that no matter how much people try to own it, yoga remains deeply personal. it is all about intention. it doesn't matter whether you can stand on your head or, or you can do a hand stand or something like that. it's the intention that you come with to the math. and so the intention that you come to the ganges or any other places, a sort of pilgrimage, is a beautiful thing. before heading back home, i went to meet an old high school friend of mine who is now living in deli, i'm at and i both practice yoga, but we've had very different journeys. i came to yoga as a physical exercise. um it came to yoga as a last resort. he's a recovering cancer patient who turned his life around when the doctors said there was no hope. he brought it all home to me. yoga meditation was such a key part of getting me mentally to the right place to not only fight the disease but to accept it. and then one step further to embrace it. oh, i'm here, i'm a product of having tried so many different things and finding the right combination that worked for me. and i think we all need to be on those journeys of self exploration to find what works for us. ah, because that is what's going to get us there. ah, i'm back and doha, back to my life, working in a fast paced newsroom and teaching yoga with come to realize that there are as many yoga in the world as there are people. when i see the diversity of yoga today and a lot of fascinating people, i've spoken to even those i disagree with. i can't help but feel proud that this ancient indian science of the soul is relevant and applicable even now. no matter where i am in the world, i think by virtue of connecting your breath with your body, i think it profoundly powerful activity. it sounds so simple, but i do try live my life or see the world 3. okay guys. and i kind of feel like my own life could be a metaphor for what's happening to yoga indian, but not indian spiritual, but not religious. and on that point, i feel that yoga has become a more spiritual undertaking for me more so than before. but i'm coming to realize that my yoga journey is just beginning, and that journey is unique to me. a journey of personal discovery. my great grandfather, he was a slave of the li property al jazeera is james gannon, explores his family's legacy of slave ownership. you know, like my family's status and wealth has benefited from their choice translate people and america's debt to the black people today. some of us. so scott, we've, excuse me, joe. this is the bradley al jazeera correspondence, a moral debt with the it's about to get cold. now bear in mind, all things are relative. but in this part of the world, cold doesn't happen that often. and by that i mean the radiant british this quarter wind blowing during 30, that's the shamal, but 21. and they're hot of them about a told the same is true. included with this is the hint here, yet more snow for northern iraq and, and or western iran. and that's those caught out some pretty cold air. came for a long way north, and it blows even harder on friday. these are high temperatures. di, ma'am, 10 degrees q 812 to half his team. and you could even think of when should you stand in that it's kind of feel pretty cold, but maybe worse is to come at night. in land, in particularly where the wind is light. as a friday's big picture means you do see the sand picked up in the empty quarter, but when it starts off, it's not too dusty. when that when dies down at night, react could go below freezing to minus one the record to read about minus 2 in a bit. so we're close to that and that code extends all way through rock bank tools, 11 time cosen down towards yemen. sun or down to about 6 degrees, this is going to be unpleasant. stuff in the breeze. keep going through counter during saturday thing start to is a little bit temperature. start to rise a little bit, but it is a little bit. in madagascar, the writing is still falling and i have not got good news. it's going to get wet, wet this weekend. ah, polio, cuz she says he will bring you 4 of capitalism. what does this mean? we bring you the stories and developments for to rapidly changing the world we live in less than one percent of full vaccines have gone to poor countries. why is that? counting the cost on al jazeera, the latest news, as it breaks, a new man with added a void of these giant jobs. ross having more bullying power. these being able to extract more goal more quickly with detail coverage. everywhere you look, there is this struction, the food survive you're telling like will never be the same again for them from around the world. he fell to the ground and cried out. i'm going to prison. the question the jury has to decide now he should she ah, you crane tension america's tom diplomat is said to make his european allies. president joe bought and warns a russian invasion is imminent. ah . other given l. this is al jazeera while i from doha. also coming up, rushing aids to tomba, plains from australia and new zealand carry tons of relief. supplies of the volcanic ash is cleared from the airport. the bulb when help officials battle age.

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Madagascar , Australia , Afghanistan , United States , United Kingdom , Brazil , California , Yemen , San Diego , Syria , Russia , Ukraine , San Francisco , Rock Bank , Victoria , New Zealand , India , Kuwait , New York , Moscow , Moskva , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Iran , Lebanon , Mame , At Ta Mim , Iraq , United Arab Emirates , London , City Of , Jordan , Thailand , Mount Zion , Queensland , Geneva , Genè , Switzerland , Sweden , Kansas , Russian , Brazilian , British , American , Bradley Al Jazeera , Broyles Isa , Lauren Willis , Las Vegas , Joe Biden , Los Angeles , James Gannon , Metro Isa , Vladimir Putin , John Paul , Ram Dave , America Tom ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera Correspondent Who Owns Yoga 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera Correspondent Who Owns Yoga 20240709

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a lot of questions. sorry, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on guys. his remarks included another warning to president vladimir putin. russia will face severe penalties if it chooses to invade ukraine, i guess, as he will be. it's biden's most definitive statement yet on putin's intentions. but his comment spark criticism, when he suggested a lesser response. if russia launches a small scale invasion, if it invades, it depends on what it does. it's one thing if richard, minor corrosion, and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do, et cetera, that forced the white house to issue a clarification. saying any invasion will be met with a swift and severe response. biden spoke on the eve of the anniversary of his 1st year in office. at times he was defensive. for what many c as foreign policy blunders like his decision to withdraw us troops from afghanistan. i make no polish religion, nor am i do i feel badly. what's happening to we as a consequence, to the incompetence of the tale more? yes, i do, i feel barely bought a whole range of things around the world that we can solve every problem. on the issue of yemen biden says the u. s. is considering restoring its designation of yemen, who thes as a terrorist group following a cross border strike this week, that killed 3 people in the united arab emirates. it's under consideration. and in the warren, yemen takes the 2 parties to be involved, the do it. and it's going to be very difficult domestically by then, have promised to eradicate covey 19. but with the pandemic entering his 3rd year, he acknowledged he could have done more to stop infections. should we have done more testing earlier? yes. oh, we're doing more now. biden also pleaded for patience, promising he'll fulfill his pledge to black voters by not abandoning voting rights reform legislation. have had their back have had their back where entire career president biden's challenge is to prove that his approval ratings have been dropping with each month. and his, he marks his 1st year, an office voter satisfaction is among the worst of his presidency. kimberly, how can al jazeera the white house. meanwhile, the u. s. secretary of state as hell talks in ukraine to reaffirm american support . and to me, blink and warned, russia could invade at very short notice. he will meet russian foreign minister, sir gay. love in geneva, on friday aid, flying some australia, new zealand. and now lambert antola. it's the 1st since saturdays volcanic eruption of an army. the island has been cut off from the world since the disaster. india is recorded its highest any number of corona virus infections in 8 months, more than 317000 new cases were reported on thursday. cities across the country and brought back restrictions to try and spend the surge britton's plan. and mister has again told parliament he won't be resigning over the so called party gates scandal, bars johnson critics to wait for the outcome of an inquiry into parties and his downing street residence during corona virus locked down and aid workers warning winter storms in syria. jordan and lebanon are endangering the lives of millions of refugees. care international says it's particularly worried about syria, a snow storm and the northwest is raising fear. some people could freeze to death. but those are the headlines and continues here on our to 0 after our 0 correspondence spectrum. thanks for watching bye. for now. i the ah had scored hm. with my name is bonnie put knocker, and i'm in london for the 11th annual competition of the international yoga sports federation, whose goal is to make yoga and olympic sport. i've always thought of yoga as part of my indian heritage. i understand it to be about transformation, personal transformation, but yoga itself seems to be transforming and being appropriate, both culturally and financially. as it spreads all over the world, a job international yoga. the way that we're a use. so it's really easy from the outside and spirituality and he'll say, when you come here it's almost like it was well, years ago i was the only guy that completed for our 1st 2nd, 3rd, 4th by default. right. within this year to was i think it was 8 or 9. got a defending champion. uh huh. yeah. 2013. yeah. gonna have the crown over this year . so i'm gonna hold on. i don't like a spiritual enlightenment. i'm out of my body saying, you know, i think the way there is through here. this is matthew on her, joseph oh. most concentration and involves balance at most strength and involves flexibility and mental focus. and that's why i think yoga, especially the austin aspect of yoga, can be displayed as a competitive sport. what is the new international, a man, yoga with zag not about getting up there and competing with other people in beating them. it's demonstrating that total present nights and finding it on stage through a 3 minute routine. yoga. it's an olympic sport to represent just one way that is changing and a lot of world don't appreciate the physical beauty of the postures. i'm still not comfortable with the idea of yoga as a competition. it feels very far from what yoga means to me. to where here at the other place in london, i used to live just down the street from hair and mr. walker to practice my yoga. 6 years ago, i have good memory for the studio. did you hear about the yoga sport championships? oh, make it up on stage and may perform a series of of houses some of them difficult. some of them not so difficult. and they are judged as we did so that i was gonna, i was gonna ask you, what are your thoughts are with a person about them looking within themselves, not being compared to other people besides for the usual things that you would expect, yoga to do like if grounds me at center is me, it comes me. it also reminds me that i'm trying to say something about that. i'm not the center of the universe, but i am as well you know, to reminds me. but if i just am fighting custody of my breath, the problems that keep going around and around in my head, none of it is real. that none of that is true. i committed to fabrication an illusion until i was in my twenties. i had no interest in yoga, i came to it as a form of exercise. but as i got better at the physical pastures known as often as i wanted to deepen my practice by learning more about yoga philosophy and learning how to meditate. i took a teacher training course in thailand and it was there that something occurred to me as i looked around the room at the other students. i was the only indian my instructor knew more about yoga and indian heritage than i did. i do consider myself a mix of east and west, born in sweden and having lived in india as a teenager. but my yoga teacher training made me think about yoga in the modern world. how is it changing? does it belong to india? does it belong to anyone? and does it even matter? right arm comes over into your off wall thing. i think of london is my 2nd homes, and it's exploding the trendy hybrid forms of yoga. one of them boxing yoga mix is traditional boxing moves with a yoga, often a practice. we don't use any salad for it and we make very accessible to people. it's better to take just the physical aspect of it. if that's what the want or just the focused training fest with vulgar is well voting and yoga gang. it's a fucking agency in the truck for the same, and i've used the 2 together the homage to voting it from c as in tote to dojo. it was very gang, lead it up. although i'll get it. less of marcus data teaches rocky agree rocket because in the words of it, san francisco founder, it's yoga. if it gets you there, faster people are looking into more different forms of mind. body exercise and meditation and yoga is just coming off and up or not. cuz people realize it's good for the whole of iraq than just wanna say. thank you. i think i have a lot staring at you hiring. i used to be a d. j for 10 years. and then every one in every club, every now i'm yoga teacher and everyone's a yoga teacher and my son 21st century version with oh. 6 6 for me, radio is possibly the most unusual traditional yoga mixed with race culture minus the drugs and alcohol nowadays, yoga is pot, hiding them along with others. seeing the beauty and others a i don't, we wanted to achieve that will. we're building up that was very traditional in jasa yoga, and then we'll start to kind of get off with all these new forms of yoga aren't just a fringe. they represent a massive growth in the yoga market with international apparel companies like lemon athletic, a opening, and downtown london to grab a piece. i think, you know, western mentality is, is a lot about business and how to promote and sell certain things. right. and that's very different him in eastern tradition and what yoga was originally meant to me. but even, you know, being here for a month earlier in the year, you can figure that there, you know, they're very much adapting the western sense in, in a way it's going to be seen making it, how it shifting and evolving them. and it's a matter of, if we can mean the integrity has what it was originally, but what was yoga meant to be originally. and how is it moving away from that? i went to speak with steward gilchrist, who teaches a traditional and physically rigorous form of yoga. really simple, really straightforward. in the in your life. it's not like civility, gymnastic progress. it's about life. it's what we're doing years in the highways. what you, your life, your friends and your families, what you're like in the restaurant. you are in the bicycle. so you are at your work everyday, but you're probably not just what happens in that studio or another and a half every day. it's often you'll get all of that. i think i was involved in one in the most violent pregnancy, both of them, i didn't drop a catholic drop. it moved them and brought the heat from the races. i had a very serious i did. and i go back and i had to be buying an injury and i was pretty much mobilized to stagger. they got me. and then i opened my eyes up to draw a picture of what you'll get really like your good detachment from everything in mental and physical, your possession and your desires, your senses, everyone's attaching to where you get to their studios in jimmy, what have you. there's all kinds of hybrid yoga coming out, boxing, yoga, cycling, yoga, make yoga, all kinds of stuff. what's your opinions on a quote for a new consumer edition of your good. for him it's become so much of a business and so much of a profit had been repaired to the revenues by us. my unique ploy was, i'm 50500 my dread locks in the year. then i've got a very style of teaching suicide that interested in obviously wanted to be on the route of a class. i wasn't really tough last because it was really about the mysteries of the universe is i think we're kind of commercializing the mystery with the privacy. oh absolutely. that's what i do about it with. so i'm headed to the u. s. where yogurt was 1st popularized in the west. it's one of the biggest yoga markets in the world. it's mainstream, fashionable, cool, glossy. it's well american hair styles, and i'm all about working hard. and playing harder. i apply the same philosophy, doing yoga, sang town, and looking good. i believe in making my own rules and injecting fun into everything. i do, tara style, the symbolic of the modern transformation of yoga in america. she's created her own form of yoga stroller and has marketing campaigns for the w hotel and re bach. showing me a li, forget about being then and start getting fabulous. ah, well 1st person to put the 2 videos with yoga line like 2006 and all my friends were like a little crazy. like what are you doing? and i'm like, my friends like home like i back they and i have idea of stress. what do i do, and i'm like here. somebody can do to help you out with your palms. the other bringing thumbs right up into your heartbeat. here the new york times describe you as an yoga rebel. they did you, do you see yourself on the other level? so the whole rebel yoga idea, i think, really came out of the rebelling against the fact that it has to be in sounds great . or it has to be super serious or it has to be has to be a certain way. but if you look at the approach of why we are doing it, it doesn't look are about a so it looks very simple and off and it's all by ease and finding what works for you. and it's very soft a 1st time you're just doing your yearly or you're quoted as saying why be used when you can be fabulous or is that correct? quote? well, part of the w can. yeah. and definitely gotta talk. yeah. they did. i mean, i think the point is to get everybody talking. it's like, you know, being then i think is the point of yoga to be like, like you said, connected with yourself. i would think being then is fabulous. you know, it's the same thing. but then you say that you didn't say you can, let's be then and fabulous. sure. you know, fine, i think, but i think it's changing the perception and speaking to the people that have had abuse from the over community like, oh, you went in and they said you're not. and then today let me put a blanket over you. i mean, people have been and like, humiliated by the yoga community thing. these are the little bit of sense in the yoga industry. i'm sort of holier than thou. how? yeah. yeah. you know, i don't not going to sit around like, complain about it for i just think it's more important to, you know, help people to feel better like so. your thing is like stripping out, i don't know the hand script the indian nest, the spirituality may be, i don't know if that is true and how would you i took the name out of my company a couple of years ago. nobody noticed. so it's a strong but you to feel. sure. so what about why did you pick it up? i think it's a new definition. it's an abolition of, of you know, that, you know, i mean, who are we really answering to? who are we ultimately answering to india ancient yoga? can india still claim yoga as it's modern cultural heritage people shot of the hindu american foundation seems to think so. in 2010, they launched a take back yoga campaign to raise awareness about yoga roots. office is obviously, but i'll be joyce in consider the father of shonda. this is the shiva section of the monday, or for a lot of years he's considered by the supreme yoga the master. muster one day a day, a day need shift. why does it matter that people should recognize yoga as a hindu practice? is that a 1st thing to say? i like the term rooted in hindu thought. because when you say for him to practice, it gives the impression that people have to convert, you know, your average person thinks of hinduism as cast cows in karma and they have multiple arms and multiple heads. what yoga espouses is this pluralistic view. you know that anybody can do it the same way that hinduism has this pluralistic view of anybody can reach divine. what's happened is that people have forgotten. that yoga means much more than just an exercise. we have seen so many manifestations, i guess, yoga, and we're seeing it in the kind of society we live in now. when does something stop becoming yoga? i think that a lot of the new forms of yoga or they're not, yoga america is great at like taking what it likes from different cultures and then just like making it its own. and i feel like that's a little bit of what's happened with the over like it's kind of made it into its own version of yoga. so who owns yoga? nobody owns. yeah. yoga is for everyone. but with him do routes. it is rooted in him. the philosophy i'm just like confused because i'm a hindu. i'm a him to buy mame and because of the way i was raised and i believe in, you know, the general teachings of hinduism. but i'm a very open minded individual. but i can understand what she was saying. i really understood it, that a lot of what yoga teaches us is what him. the wisdom teaches us, they're the same thing. so i'm conflicted now because i want yoga to be a secular thing. the problem is if yoga is seen as a hindu practice, it might drive people away from it. i think it's the variety and diversity of yoga that makes it so popular. it fits the practitioner barstow population $23000.00 halfway between los angeles and las vegas in the heart of the california desert. it's an unlikely place to be doing yoga, but i'm not here to do just any yoga. i'm meeting the ladies of praise moves. a christian alternative to yoga. this is the very church, my husband and i got married an huh. never. thank he, he would be a pastor ito. yeah. i went to yoga class in kansas. okay. and i can do any of the moves. you know what i mean? it's such a work. yeah. it is hard. i came and i asked my husband, i don't want to offend you in any. yeah, you know, but i said, dave, can i do a yoga class and barstow? i know that you have home. can i do it? and he said, wait a minute, it our students from a religious a loss of the, you know, hand do it. so, you know, we're not, we're not, yeah, we respect you guys. sure. we're just not. yeah, absolutely, yeah. and so he got on the internet and he found this. lauren willis. praise moves where you do similar positions, but we quote scripture. your body is the temple of the holy spirit who is in you whom you have received. god, you are not your own. you are bought at a price there for honor. god with your body. first print in 619. that's fine. we're pretty good. yeah. we have a great weekend take care of our bodies and learn scripture and get it in the on is going to do in our class today. so that's really exciting. it's definitely going to be for ok. we're going to start with mount zion posture and let's roll or shoulders . we've been sitting for a while. let's try the movements of the arm over here to get in. nice movements back and forth. they're going to come forward, reaching down, kind of like a windmill. good, and it's good if you could, although the same way the effect of fervent prayer for track of a righteous man avails much available to change 516 change by 16. i'm doing yoga poses while reciting. biblical scripture. i don't have any problem with the exercise, but i find the whole situation rather odd. it look and feels like you know about it, but is it job 3344. we certainly aware that it looks like yoga, you know, that's totally fine. if people say that, but we believe yoga is a spiritual practice and we're not doing out there. laura, thank you. dear. learn a thing we can operate. i we the thank you. that's really all we have to say you're awesome god. and we appreciate you giving us your word so we can move our bodies and stay healthy. the debate over whether yoga is religious isn't just limited to the walls of churches and temples in america. it found its way into the courtrooms to the parents and anthony to california have their own warrior stands on free yoga classes being taught in their school district. saying yoga is a form of doctrinaire parents in this room that don't want yoga taught and practiced in the entity. the school district say that it cannot be separated from religion. sovereign were being led through some salutation while being asked questions about why they were thankful to the sun. they were being asked to thank the sun for things they were lad and something called a number stay circle, where they were asked to acknowledge the light in each other. and what i found was that they were not at all talking just about exercise. they were talking about teaching children life skills based and you'll get philosophy that's almost a direct quote. yoga philosophy is a very specifically religious philosophy. the big story here is that america's been sold ally yoga is being marketed deceptively deem. broyles is a lawyer who represented the parents in their lawsuit against the anthony to school district. american sorry to say, oh i can adopt this has exercise because we like to be healthy. and they think that by removing the meditation that sanskrit terms that that suddenly transforms yoga into a non religious practice. but social science research has proven that just during the poses and just doing yoga breathing as enough to to cause spiritual transformation. so have you ever done yoga before by accident? actually i how is that possible? well, if it was just to move, i think it a p 90 video that i realized later were or i think one of them was a downward dog. and i think one pose was a warrior pose and i realize later that does where yoga poses. and so i don't do that anymore. but do you guys just oppose it isn't gonna take you away from god. i do that because i know i'm not gonna find that out because i stop doing it. but if you asked hindus in india, if yoga is religious, what do you think they're tell you? i think you get a mixture of answers to be honest with you. well, i think the vast majority would say yes, it is, children all over in city that are spontaneously at birthday parties play grounds on weekdays and weekends getting into the lotus position. putting their hands in the genre, madura and, and meditating. it seems to me the deem broyles and the anthony to school case is part of a larger culture of war in america. and it's hard for me to see yoga dragged into that battle. back in a lay my friend, karen invited me to her neighbors. 4th of july party and i suspect dean would have had a problem with what was going on there. first thing in july in america, and i could mastering american kids do with great print fridge, raising. and kids are be ultimately of living in the moment. as for and do, i can learn a lot with eating eco friendly solutions to combat threats to our planet. on al jazeera, for quite a few decades casa, has been dealing with political and economic turmoil. and its people struggle to access essential needs, like adequate quantities of potable water, a sufficient number of beds for a pregnant mothers, and limited access to up to date information for students. and in the hasa, the ground water is not sufficient to meet the daily needs of all of its residents . this led to the development of the new water treatment facility and hun eunice slowing down further pollution. the extension of, as if, as medical facilities was accomplished to provide expectant mothers with a safe and reliable opportunity to get the care they needed. the kuwait library at the university college of science and technology is not only a repository of knowledge but an access point to the world beyond ah hello, i'm darn jordan and go out of the program out of the top stories here. now does, there are the u. s president says he thinks russia will make a military incursion into ukraine, but believes as counterpart vladimir putin doesn't want a full scale conflict. speaking at a press conference mocking his 1st year in office, joe biden won't tough sanctions will be imposed on moscow in the event of an invasion. to i think you jest, west just united states and nato as she gives music here. yes, i think you will let the co pay a serious and dear price for that he doesn't think now of course the one is going to cost and i think you regret having done, you know, the effective state has held talks in ukraine to reaffirm american support anthony blinked and warned russia could invade very short notice. he'll meet russian foreign minister survey lab robes in geneva on friday. a flight from austria new zealand of landed intolerance the 1st since saturdays volcanic eruption on synonymy . the island doesn't cut off from the world since the disaster. when he has more from auckland, new zealand plane has landed and will now begin all floating it's a supplies has to be done. we have to remember it and contactless fashion, that is a, according to the tongue and government protocol because the tongue and authorities are very concerned about cov 19. i've only had one case since the pandemic began. that was in october last year. so of course they're going through so much at the moment. the last thing they want is to deal with an outbreak of cove at 1900. so all aid deliveries must be done in a contactless fashion from now on. india has recorded its highest daily number of corona, virus infections, and 8 months. cities across the country have brought back restrictions to feminist surge, driven by the on the chrome various. britton's prime minister has once again told parliament he won't be resigning over the so called party gate scandal bar as johnson edge critics to wait for the outcome of an inquiry into parties and his downing street residence during corona virus locked down a workers warning winter storms in syria, jordan, and 11 or 9 danger and the lives of millions of refugees. karen's national says it's particularly worried about syria. a snow storm in the northwest is raising fears. some people could freeze to death. so those are the headlines and he's continues here now. does he are opt out? is there a correspondence statement that's a watching bye for now. diamond dallas page is a former w, w. f wrestler, and he's created his own brand of yoga, dd, pos, flexibilities, one thing. course strength is a whole. moran won't do focus on your breath and lock it out. duty viagra, baby. it ain't your mama's, yo yo. i wonder how flexible he is. how are you read it to me if i am a very good to me, would you personally find him? i know guess my mano banu? yes, exactly. how are you? i'm a guy who wouldn't be caught dead doing yoga for the 1st 42 years of my life. you know, with the guys and i was brought up live. yeah. what was it seems like pansy abdel bad and feminine. it's so far from the truth. my younger wasn't going to do it until i blew my back out. i would just find a multi 1000000 dollar 3 year deal. wow. so i'll try anything at that point. so then i started to figure out, okay, let me see if i clicked here in a pool here, i just pull it just like i'm engaging, just like i'm currently with my heart rate right now. 115116, just pulling from just so what mike watch like. so my gluten, i'm going to pull you in help you feel better and then you're gonna want to do more . and then you really excited. what's all bro? hey, go back. that's a d d p yoga is at any level anyone can do this a half and i take all the spiritual stuff out of that. i call spiritual mumbo jumbo . not that there's anything wrong with that. it's just, it's not for you. it doesn't work with my people, you inhale, touched out i develop is for guys originally. accel. real thought poor can hear you. 32, why and hold it up. down at back 5 or 321 i told the only old is over here will do in order to pretend yoga. cool. julie miracle over here though. now because they're going to love the energy. i'll that like i would if i saw someone do what i was doing. i to come over here because i was, i want to be a part of that makes it, ah, her joy at i me a lot of money into such a rustling, really towards the end of my career and my getting in the beginning for years. but the p o has already doubled everything i've made there. i'm not trying to change yoga in any way. i'm trying to change the way people look at the word yoga. that's it. it ain't joe mama's yoga. and ha, one thing is for sure. the opportunity for money and yoga is changing the way people think about yoga and maybe even the way they're practicing at work. according to a recent yoga journal study, there are 20000000 yoga practitioners in america. and over 40 percent of adults say they want to practice at a yoga journal. conference in san diego. business is booming. hello, cool. what did it says? late kat award on the water. right, well we just do it in for say, i am attracted to growth industry that's. we're going to expand and you're going to make some money. yoga is obviously one of those it is because you remember when he can go out dough. yeah, gotta go in down. this appears to research a booth where i can get my picture taken and put on the hummer of yoga journal. it's kind of cool. when i came here i was like, oh, lot of people is no big. you know too much, but now i'm like a kid in a candy. i'm totally falling for, you know, all is like products in there. you know, yoga paraphernalia, spiritual materialism, saffron am we donate for every night. so those people are that they're not in this necessarily to, you know, to make money. there are no, they're trying to spread the joy of yoga for the same time. for us to exist. we have to be a business. going to get more and more people kept lies on the growth of yoga. that means being competitive in the business world. one area hotly contested today is intellectual property, ownership. in the yoga world, the battle over intellectual property started in 2002. when victim showed that he tried to copyright his sequence of $26.00 poses in a heated room. big room is arguably one of the most influential and controversial names in yoga today with over $900.00 affiliated studios around the world. he's facing allegations of sexual misconduct from former students and criticism over his efforts to copyright his secret meditation. but i want to mark drove is a former student who spent many years teaching at the big school and lay when he left to start his own studio. he was sued by big room, and he sued us and many different friends, many false charges, but the core of it, the goal of it was to get much tied up in court on the issue of the sequence. and a summary judgement was one in our part to dismiss that idea because it's very clear that there is no such thing as a copyright protection for a yoga sequence in the united states law. one company that successfully got a patent for its approach to yoga is yoga glo, a leader and online yoga classes. patented the way in which their classes are filmed. derek males is yoga close founder. this is a nice, this is where we hold our classes. we have this set up such that the camera is at the back of the room. uh huh. we wanted to create an experience that was not like a stoning studio or recording studio. is it the placement of the camera and the height is that it is actually relevant? yeah, yeah, the, there are a variety of specifications or the can replacement, the high, the court or the details of the court or, and there are other specifications as well. ok. you know them off the top, your head. right. i don't know for sure. i would, i leave a lot of numbers involved. i leave that to the intellectual property attorney. a lot of work goes into the entire class creation process to make sure that you know what people experience online is a high quality, safe experience. it's a look and feel that people have associated with you and to look and feel that we we certainly plan to protect. last year glo did set out to enforce its intellectual property rights. they informed a competitor international that some of the yoga videos would be in violation of their pending patent. we received a letter from, from legal firm who was representing an organization called yoga gloves. a letter essentially said that we were in violation of their pending patent is come to our attention. the yogi international operates the website, you'll get a national dot com which streams an online fitness classes that minix the method hand technique set forth. and you know, it was us patent application which has been closed for your reference. the patent is pretty straightforward. i mean, they've patented putting a camera in the back of the classroom, having an aisle down the center, which seems fairly obvious, because now you wouldn't be able to, to the teacher and pressing why. and that doesn't seem to a lot of people like a particularly novel idea or something that's really worthy of an invention, which is what patents are for protecting intellectual property rights of inventor's . are you trying to patent your own style of shooting a class? now here at this organization, the truth is we've thought about whether it's prudent to seek to patent our own camera angles because what happens if those get taken up? i mean, it leads to those types of questions. how do we know what's going to be left? if we don't do it, what you would think would be the most important thing is, what is the quality of the teaching that you're giving? are you doing something that's, that's helping people are you doing something is not helping people. but this doesn't even look at that. this is looking at what camera angle you feeling from. it's not even about yoga at all. it's really about this core business. but it has deep reaching implications into what the future of yoga is going to look like. yoga glo has an impressive repertoire of classes and teachers, but owning a camera angle and stopping others from building a certain way seems to me like it could prevent people from sharing yoga. and besides, people have been filming yoga this way for more than 20 years. i showed derek a video of the topic joyce, teaching yoga media which i didn't $993.00 clear central. i'll, as you can see, obviously the matcher in a different place, but i don't see how that's different from your patent. so the matcher or configure differently, well they are configured different bit. so basically what you're telling me is the difference is the configuration of your map correct with the mat facing forward and you know, in parallel to the corridor, you are transformed. you're, you're taken into the studio with, with real students. there may be other differences relative to what you can understand people thing. how is that an invention? can you, can you understand how people would ask that question going encourage you to go look at the specifications of that? and because there are, there are, you know, variety of them. a few weeks after filming this interview, derek published a blog post saying that yogurt lo has forfeited its patent. however, he says they will continue to protect the look and feel of their online classes. which to me sounds like just another approach to owning yoga. not everyone who's contributed to the evolution of yoga feels they need to protect it. brazilian born time, a metro is a respected yoga teacher in new york city. he's been practicing yoga postures for decades, and he's even created some of his own offering them as a gift to the world. and it's a pleasure to meet you. i'm busy doing like, my headstand practice. so might be quite long for you. uh huh. i have hundreds of pounds that like i'm not saying i create but due to lots of black snow the variation came but i don't say it belongs to diamond meet today. this is universe. so is from yoga not from darma. i don't have any ego here. e, griffin, the 2nd cause pena shove thing. is that a yes and good to escape everything i do. i don't think it's that perfect. you understand? i think here in this physical plane is impossible to do something perfectly. but of course, the inside you have your good intention to do it perfectly and do your best. so that's the main thing i don't care about. very so. so heard on a firm related did you go to study in india or where did you, who do you consider? i know the day in india in my life. what department? i love one day to see oh this holy places. but there is a fine can yoga and you find something inside the in your i do what i the lions got a lion wine and i was heading to india to the roots of yoga. before going i spent an afternoon with sharon gannon and david life at their home in upstate new york. were looking for a cat told him, so we've been told if you do, yoga you've most likely heard of them. they're the founders of given lucky a widely practice yoga method. look us, i'm a star suki. no bob on to means may all beans each and everyone everywhere be happy and free. and may the thoughts, words and actions of our own life contribute in some way. when we started teaching yoga was not a career, in fact it was seen as kind of where losers might have a possible last chance. do something in their life. you know, because they didn't have anything else going. and it's not that now it's a big business. it's a big business is a career of choice traditionalists on the one hand and innovators on the other. david and sharon have turned a yoga into activism, animal rights, and veganism in particular, yogi is someone who is striving to live in harmony with the earth, with the environment, with other animals like a very hot you are going to yogi, we're not supposed to come involved in politics or activism of any sort, they should be passive, self satisfied, and content in their load is hut, right? our students come to class. yeah. and they find peace, but then they go out and they make these all over the west. yoga has turned into a purely physical practice. what are your thoughts on that? and do you think even the physical practices is, is a good place. so there is no such thing as a purely physical practice. that's the 1st error. we need to have a new perspective. so that no longer is spirituality in opposition to physicality. but that nature and the world the earth is seen as a spiritual place as well. and mother oak trees nectar. oh yeah. for what an on your face. grandmother, oak tree. i speak on behalf of humanity. me you forgive our bumbling nurse. may you guide us so that we can live more kindly on this planet and enhance all of life on this earth? yes, we're, we're tree huggers into. we're not ashamed. lou . for many in the yoga community. india isn't just a country. it's a place to find yourself to find wisdom, the birthplace of yoga. for me, india is all of those things and a part of my heritage. oh, you would think yoga has always been popular in india, but like in the west, yoga has experienced a resurgence in recent years. and no one epitomizes that revival more than swanny rom, dave. he's a household name and his yoga is a political one. he's an outspoken supporter of the nationalist party, a jump to party and prime minister that under moody who himself, practices, yoga, and recently spoke about his benefits at the united nations job id put on. i'm body ammonia in the b j. p. when a landslide victory in the last general election, swami ram dave was credited with bringing people out to vote. could on this the guy that the valet yorker anthy wheat. who asked about them, nick of a jedi, currently we don't get v dot m nicola with a fellow what, but he was gonna give them in the article or, or so kinda kids on the ground. the article that was sees dish me, it could have genetic grunt, thebuilding, i genetic but you are, can build it. ah, good yoga is facing the same political battles in india is in america. the supreme court in india is now considering whether yoga is secular and should be taught in schools. so on the round they've thinks it should yoga see honey get yogis johan. equilibrium in a yoke is seek on my 70 brother. the yorg 100 percent secular order is secular wrecked hiscock on him up with the get. the battle isn't only over the secular nature of yoga is also about national heritage in response to u. s. copyright claims the indian government has taken steps to create a traditional knowledge database of yoga poses to prevent anyone from trying to own yoga. yoga gilbert, you see cockpit adenine was that you can think of of what the nick is exactly a methodist. yeah. okay. are there is have kick alone kalia yoga, make a cb prosperity paid? didn't car process yog make? is he beat the regular oldie? so i'm, it was caught up and i'm gonna ye again that you'd put that in nice. that are a yeah, a man of yet i are ye, yoga, casey, done talk. it kill up swami, ram dave has shown that yoga can bring about political change. but i'm concerned that politics can change yoga to. and that, using yoga in politics, could be just another way that people try to own it. hump of come to southern india to meet that group, jackie vasa, dave who describes himself as a mystic and yogi. and his followers around the world. yo, yo, yo again in her i'm drawing to set glue. he appeals to the young and urban middle classes of india. he speaks their language. he speaks to me. oh john paul, 0 festival of group or numer said crew and there's a new satchel shiver. also known as the, are the yogi, the 1st, every yogi, the whole system of how to yoga is just this to bring your system to a certain level of symmetry. where it is a certain genetic perfection to you. that if you sit or stand here, everything is at least ah, how do you think india is changing today? and is that having an impact on yoga, india, the to not just india, the whole world. the moment human to human intellect starts asking pertinent relevant questions, beliefs systems will start call thing. they will look for something more sensible, more scientific, which appeals to that logic and a bow or something that works. so is that why you think yoga is becoming as popular as it is, or other reasons it makes sense and it works. you know, there is, there's a lot of innovation in yoga. is that a good thing is that there's this part of the that is the most painful part. okay. explain that to me. you don't have a garland, but instead you wear it for your flowers. but there is never a garland without a thread. it is the most wide thing, so you can add whatever you want, but you don't distort the fact. you cannot do innovations in the fundamental dimension of yoga. but from your experience, you can add weight dimensions, do it without distorting the fundamental nature of what it is. has yoga moved beyond being indian, just because son touches indian shores before it touches doha, can re claims on his indian. because yoga is just like that. it's, it's a certain light that arose here. fust, this does not mean it's in, in, in indian, in any sense, india and identity. today's a national and a political identity. yogurt does not belong to that identity at all. it is the sickness of modern societies to day that if i discover something in nature, i must own it. intellectual property. what i'm saying is the nature of this culture has always been. if something is for the well being of human beings, nobody can ever own it, did must belong to everybody ah . busy busy busy ah, i agree with such yoga should belong to every one. but i'm afraid that simple truth is getting lost in a world that so commercialized and politicized. i set out to ask who owns yoga, but i'm finding the question and impossible one to answer. what i have found in my journey is that no matter how much people try to own it, yoga remains deeply personal. it is all about intention. it doesn't matter whether you can stand on your head or, or you can do a hand stand or something like that. it's the intention that you come with to the math. and so the intention that you come to the ganges or any other places, a sort of pilgrimage, is a beautiful thing. before heading back home, i went to meet an old high school friend of mine who is now living in deli, i'm at and i both practice yoga, but we've had very different journeys. i came to yoga as a physical exercise. um it came to yoga as a last resort. he's a recovering cancer patient who turned his life around when the doctors said there was no hope. he brought it all home to me. yoga meditation was such a key part of getting me mentally to the right place to not only fight the disease but to accept it. and then one step further to embrace it. oh, i'm here, i'm a product of having tried so many different things and finding the right combination that worked for me. and i think we all need to be on those journeys of self exploration to find what works for us. ah, because that is what's going to get us there. ah, i'm back and doha, back to my life, working in a fast paced newsroom and teaching yoga with come to realize that there are as many yoga in the world as there are people. when i see the diversity of yoga today and a lot of fascinating people, i've spoken to even those i disagree with. i can't help but feel proud that this ancient indian science of the soul is relevant and applicable even now. no matter where i am in the world, i think by virtue of connecting your breath with your body, i think it profoundly powerful activity. it sounds so simple, but i do try live my life or see the world 3. okay guys. and i kind of feel like my own life could be a metaphor for what's happening to yoga indian, but not indian spiritual, but not religious. and on that point, i feel that yoga has become a more spiritual undertaking for me more so than before. but i'm coming to realize that my yoga journey is just beginning, and that journey is unique to me. a journey of personal discovery. my great grandfather, he was a slave of the li property al jazeera is james gannon, explores his family's legacy of slave ownership. you know, like my family's status and wealth has benefited from their choice translate people and america's debt to the black people today. some of us. so scott, we've, excuse me, joe. this is the bradley al jazeera correspondence, a moral debt with the it's about to get cold. now bear in mind, all things are relative. but in this part of the world, cold doesn't happen that often. and by that i mean the radiant british this quarter wind blowing during 30, that's the shamal, but 21. and they're hot of them about a told the same is true. included with this is the hint here, yet more snow for northern iraq and, and or western iran. and that's those caught out some pretty cold air. came for a long way north, and it blows even harder on friday. these are high temperatures. di, ma'am, 10 degrees q 812 to half his team. and you could even think of when should you stand in that it's kind of feel pretty cold, but maybe worse is to come at night. in land, in particularly where the wind is light. as a friday's big picture means you do see the sand picked up in the empty quarter, but when it starts off, it's not too dusty. when that when dies down at night, react could go below freezing to minus one the record to read about minus 2 in a bit. so we're close to that and that code extends all way through rock bank tools, 11 time cosen down towards yemen. sun or down to about 6 degrees, this is going to be unpleasant. stuff in the breeze. keep going through counter during saturday thing start to is a little bit temperature. start to rise a little bit, but it is a little bit. in madagascar, the writing is still falling and i have not got good news. it's going to get wet, wet this weekend. ah, polio, cuz she says he will bring you 4 of capitalism. what does this mean? we bring you the stories and developments for to rapidly changing the world we live in less than one percent of full vaccines have gone to poor countries. why is that? counting the cost on al jazeera, the latest news, as it breaks, a new man with added a void of these giant jobs. ross having more bullying power. these being able to extract more goal more quickly with detail coverage. everywhere you look, there is this struction, the food survive you're telling like will never be the same again for them from around the world. he fell to the ground and cried out. i'm going to prison. the question the jury has to decide now he should she ah, you crane tension america's tom diplomat is said to make his european allies. president joe bought and warns a russian invasion is imminent. ah . other given l. this is al jazeera while i from doha. also coming up, rushing aids to tomba, plains from australia and new zealand carry tons of relief. supplies of the volcanic ash is cleared from the airport. the bulb when help officials battle age.

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