Transcripts For ALJAZ The Listening Post 20240709 : comparem

Transcripts For ALJAZ The Listening Post 20240709

a supplies that are so desperately needed in situations like this. clean water, medical supplies, shelter, things like that. but crucially, pieces of equipment as well will be vital in this recovery effort if it going forward. one is the dissemination plant on one of the ships that will enable them to continue manufacturing fresh water over the next few days and weeks. and the other piece of equipment that will be crucial is special a surveying equipment which will allow the new zealand navy to assess the damage beneath the water, particularly around the pool area in the capital nicole loafer. now that will be vital, of course, going forward to enable more ships to go in there and deliver aid to the tollman people. the white house is warned, russia could attack you crane at any moment. it's also the voice concerned about russian forces deployed berries for joint war games. more than 100000 russian soldiers, a mass on the border with ukraine. us telecom giants, a t and t and verizon have agreed to partially delay activating their 5 g networks near some airports. it comes after major airlines warned the rollout could cause catastrophic disruption to flight. some international airlines have already canceled flight. the trial of cambodian opposition leader cam soccer on charges of treason is resuming after 2 years delay proceedings began in 2020, but were postponed due to the pandemic. soccer is accused of conspiring with the us to overthrow the government of hanson. the u. s. says the case is politically motivated. edward leon has become the 1st pro democracy figure to be released from jail in hong kong since beijing's crackdown in 2020. the youngest said to have a popularized rallying called liberate hong kong revolution of our times. got to do with her lines. more news coming up right after. but listening post by from extraordinary men and women who are breaking the mold from the taxi drivers, investing everything they have in to their mini bus only to face extreme danger on the suit is rough. his tracks to the jokey, turned paramedics saving lives, transporting the sick and elderly for medical health policy to risking it's all on al jazeera, the stair down on russia's border with ukraine. the story gets the cold war treatment and needs an update election season is coming in from the president. and one of his challenges have messages for the meat grease, the growing issue of feminism and the patriarchal problem. news outlets need to get pass plus how a problematic tennis player put the spotlight on australia's mistreatment of refugees. hello, i'm richard gilbert and you're at the listening post where we dig into the coverage and look at how news is reported. nor has been described as politics by other means . russia has been preparing for one of those things while practicing the other. with nearly 100000 russian troops perched on the border with ukraine, it's diplomats met with officials from the u. s. and nato. they're out to prevent ukraine from joining the western military alliance. the prospect of another russian invasion of the former soviet state along the lines of the one in 2014 is very real . with both moscow and washington drawing lines in the sand on nato's expansion. to the east president vladimir putin has long claimed that historically, ukraine is part of russia. he has allies on the russian air waves echoing that position. western media coverage tends to default to language that's reminiscent of the cold war. when states like ukraine were soviet republics caught in the middle, their futures decided in places like washington and moscow. our starting point this week is the border that lies between russia and ukraine. 100000 russian chiefs a mast on or near the border with ukraine. moscow and washington, both sticking to their positions in negotiations over nato, expanding to the east, out of the west, headlights, reminding us the stakes are ha and rushes state approved. if not beating, at least passing the drums of war on the surface, it all sounds very 2014. when russian forces invaded ukraine and annexed to crimea . only a lot of things have changed since then. absolutely, you don't have the sort of war frenzy by you did in 2014 when the state dd hosts are really propping at the mouth overview franklin. and there are a few reasons for that. firstly, the, the magic crimea dust or that works well for the son, his approval ratings. her record levels for a time is really, we're not because of the circumstances have changed, was much more of a focus on the rising inflation falling and comes and the pandemic. this whole mess around you played around your planes so called integration to nature. is that in my opinion, connected with internal popularity and his ratings, which are not very good as funny how russian stake media covers the situation. because to them, the main goal is to cover anything except internal. anything except the violation of human rights or chilling of sleep press. go back to the old playbook, unhappy of 2008 with georgia. right. when you look at anything bad happening in russia, whether it be astronomy, whether it could be a wide range, the best thing to do is to read nationalist. and so if he can, jerome of rhetoric that would drive support for him in that regard will do it if it's not broke up. you know, why not continue to use it. the russian president signaled his intentions on ukraine last in july, and not even by conventional means, if he has been issuing a press release or holding a news conference, the kremlin posted a 5000 word essay that it said was written by vladimir putin himself. on the historical unity of russians and ukrainian, that essay was posted in 3 languages aimed at 3 audiences. russian ukrainian and english speakers essay did history lesson about where he says was ukrainian, and russian unity. but in reality, it was the essay of business for mason. component language for unity is basically we were united because we colonize you. and because we subject you to our power, it had nothing to do it. throughout the centuries in which you have in moscow has had a relationship. it's been one of russia is here in, in, in there and president put himself in his essay last summer. he wrote that you pay ukrainians, and russians are one people. so the russian position is that basically a denial of ukraine sovereignty over here, you can go to the he wanted by the role russian, russian, they actually say, well, ukraine, there is no such country. and it's just like a historical mistake. that should be corrected. the ukrainian president, a lot of meters, the landscape is a former comedian whose response to treatments, se came laced with sarcasm. first on numerous, john was seen a whole water more broad muscle loosed, and she nozzles fish, miss, present them all that she's of that actually not a she was never change as well over a number he emerson is, i'm sure that that a chance the just is not as much as we start. the lensky made his name, playing a fictitious ukrainian precedent on television before getting elected to the real job in 2000. yeah, the under zalinski, kiev has taken a hands on approach to the news media. it cannot stop russian news channels like r t from bmo into the country. but early last year it took 3 ukrainian news channels off the airways, $11.00 to ukraine, news one and zip. we're all linked to the same pro russian oligarch. victor medford, chuck are ukranian. so i, i understand when you have a war with the country, you can't have dep it on the machine of that country in, in your home. still, i think it was a mistake decision. i am against any kind of shut down. anyway, i am again shutting down r t in europe in spite of the fact that they are up again, the machine is this is not a democracy. this is not a european way of development. this is how the freedom of speech works. well, i tend to disagree with this assessment because ukraine's probably one a bit countries along it's most heavily by any formation agenda, a part of russian so called hybrid war against ukraine, along with military tactics. russia to use this information till we get new crank resilience and to which n ukraine's a support in the west. zalinski government was conspicuously absent from this week's talks on ukraine's future and not by choice. first, the russians met with the americans in geneva than with nato in brussels. as a former soviet republic. ukraine is accustomed to having its fate determined in distant characters. this week's talks would have felt all too familiar by, you know, this is a 21st century stored and flooded with a 20th century cold war county christian that shapes the coverage and the terminology from the headlines on down. and that does the ukrainian people no favors. mistake about the key negotiators. yep. job. and you have like they are babies or the cold war. so it makes it for them to look at this political framework through that ms. so it's not completely wrong. you have reporters who lately refer to that because that's something that a lot of americans can relate to, right. when you look at tv, you're sure you allow them or not millennia to might. and so you're going to use reference that people can relate to, even though there are many cases, the contextual like what the contemporary issues are. so basically the challenge is how do you move beyond that? it takes a, it takes the intellectual and a political paradigm shift. well, i think this is how russia wants to present it to wash and rationally can russian actions, they are aimed to frame all the debates, wrong ukraine, in the context of job political struggle between the right followers. and that's actually worrying the talk this weeks are held without ukraine's presence, and that was the rush of all to exclude ukraine. the fact the whole situation is sometimes portrayed in the media in terms of the of the faculty. while we're saying this cold war optics plays into the hands of russia because that's called called like c. as for how this conflict will play out, one does not have to go back centuries. as vladimir putin would suggest to see what may be coming or even back to the 1990s when the soviet union fell apart. there is some more recent history made in 2008 another conflict between russia and one of its former republics that provides a model that the kremlin, and its se, explained chief probably had been marked. one that eager people to mitchell was in russia is the georgia war in 2008, which was only 4 days long. but it was, it was efficient to essentially and georgia euro atlantic aspirations. and what happened in georgia after the war is very much what russ would like to see happen in ukraine. florida. i limited. i, military campaign that takes out ukraine's a military capabilities. gracie back on the ground, forces you brain to make more concessions. ultimately, just like in georgia, you have some sort of book acceptable. russia friendly oligarchy. france is on our radar this week elections. there are just 3 months away and 2 candidates for the presidency began the year speaking to the media about the media, tara nava has been following the story. thanks richard. this past week president emmanuel macaroni set out how he intends to stop the spread of disinformation and conspiracy theories and frauds. he pledged to hold online platforms on influences accountable in the same way that john the saw. soon as possible, cause the source it puzzle hit billable to you. this key is akina devoted into it on it, hold on them. but to said it is certainly produced diffusion of fullness. you microns commons came off the back of a government to mission, study into how to deal with online propaganda. the recommendations include a teaching children how to question what they see on social media, as well as suggestions on how to discipline those, the spread fake news. micron also talks about the role of the mainstream media and debunking disinformation someplace sonnet. have a deville, if she gets shown, is a form, as shown. if was a former shaw nacory dupree preoccupation, those little girl. so my question, the sincerity of those complimentary remarks, given microns fractious relationship with the media. the french president has only held 2 press conferences during the pandemic. he proposed to deliver speeches from behind a desk where he can go unchallenged one man, challenging my crown for the presidency, former journalist and pundit eric the more also have a pretty dim view of the media. this week. the mod berated his former colleagues, describing them as the most hated people in the country shall be shred to sheila, the theater at reader at diaz, sweat, the holy b or 8. that was the year he dealership the posse, offer, or chat more powerful men, saw say the api so last seen on to confirm his little sweat. big, sexy lamita's. pre zix dog moved civil sweat de paula shawnee. eric the more there . a man who made his name, puddling, racist, and toxic ideas, offering advice to reporters. he also claims his election would somehow signal to renee, thoughts of french journalism extract. it took a while, but exactly one year ago. the me to movement finally came to the forefront in greece since then, issues faced by women from sexual harassment to domestic violence have been making headlines, including the ultimate form of gender violence, fantasy. the intentional killing of women simply because their women are most often at the hands of current or ex partners in 2021. grease reported 18 cases of sam aside, a 50 percent rise over 2020 grease is one of europe's most patriarchal societies. in ranks dead last in the e used gender equality index and that is reflected in the countries news media which has placed the mainstream media's coverage of these stories under the microscope that lets me post flo phillips now on fem aside in greece. and the sometimes detrimental role that journalism has played there in the way such crimes are see. first came the pictures, a family in morning. then came the words spoken by the widowed husband. that's awesome. oh, wow. good. a funeral tribute from a young father to his murdered wife as he held the baby. the baby's mother was a woman named caroline crouch. and as the story went, she was beaten and strangled to death in happens home by a gang of ruthless foreign robins. it was a crime story made for television with elements of glamour and go almost to script and to be believed. and the greek media feasted on it. it can be also let the still to lead to study nicky say to learn it satisfied all of greek society stereotypes. a beautiful family, the bread winner, babe's handsome, successful pilot, and his wife, caroline get this. i mean, i mean, i know it, well, that was the thing that they did this book of elliot, grandma, all they lived in a beautiful mesa, naturally where they were bringing up their beautiful baby daughter, or that would be enough to fulfill all societal norms of what a family should look like, but then this perfect family is under attack by who, by armed flooring burglars with the family members know of the greek media turned that material into juicy contents and the viewers into collective mourners based on all yep, the scene then everything came crashing down it took $37.00 days for the real story to come out. and the lawyers are supersonic. will be a. do you know she know a little harmless. the weather mention of crouch was in fact murdered by her own husband, left greeks wheeling. and yet the mainstream media, they weren't ready to let go of their narrative. so what offices the coverage of the facts was problematic. there was a reported on sky t v who after bobby side confessed to the murder steel referred to him as the alleged suspect hippo, the federal versus the acid. easy, good fashion. very good. better. because did he say, selina, your leg over? yeah, i'm, i'm awful. she stated that at least he didn't talk to rob. he was almost like he was given the suspect to nanda by, instead of calling him out for these heinous crime uncles ethan. yet and in that happened, because bobby's was the son in law that every one in greek society wanted to have. it's just that he turned out to be a murderer. the more conservative wing of the greek media, we're eager to justify his actions. no, no, he doesn't go to line because you know, checked off on unlimited recalls. hema ordered them to support us from your german dark. i give it to sada steve jo, bobby. suddenly tara line was depicted as a foreign woman way to dynamic and vocally that he did me a weight 50 people should be good with it. if it gives you space to follow or more . and according to a tv psychologist, bobbies was the one who had the ideal online profile. that would get him many followers. the lipsy, hollow horse, the $3.00 oh $9.00 gender determines how the media research and report on a story. and ends up being entirely confusing. it feels like mainstream media here often focus more on the woman, forgetting the actual criminal. the victim was pretty. she was a kind person, a young mother, greek television, usually chooses to stick to journalistic cliches, will put it in a deliberate. my daughter is going to say, man, my dad and by choosing not to refer to these killings and some sides, we end up with coverage that murders of the victim for a 2nd time as the god. it's called all the family of if that a florida he given a book to louise in one of the impact of famous side goes beyond the loss of life. these are crimes, they tap into a collective fear. so how the media treat them really matters. unfortunately for many years now, the greek media heaven helped to bring about a 0 tolerance coach, f agenda violence. just the opposite. uh, we're gonna refer like sound bites that a sympathetic to the murderer coming from the police department, the duty staff ross, police gas is a senior officer on the caroline crouch case. a black box sound bite came to be known as the last gas doctrine. advice delivered on camera, on how to escape true justice. a life sentence. if you muddy a wife, just call the police and confess right away. there was no follow up from the journalist. no push back. was it any coincidence then, that in the weeks after more men came forward confessing to killing their partners? oh ma'am me afford ours, then we'll be up test the kia is yet another example of us journalists being caught by surprise. we weren't aware of the incredible social impact the statement we have and we should have emphasized how important it was to address it. the journalist never questioned the statement or even triggered a dialog. me a message to be alone in the murder of caroline crouch should not be seen in isolation. feminist groups estimate that over the past 10 years, gender based violence has tripled in greece. and currently, at least one woman died at the hands of a man most often her partner, ex partner, every monkey. like, got a shot akhil pushed up the full leg on the cliff by her boyfriend, neck tardy, not akees stab 16 times by her strange husband. or daughter had gone down by her former partner on the island and put off bonds shewn into any of grace's many popular tv shows. and you'd be left guessing as to who the real victims are. submitted the sheep in the case of thora, the suspect uncle got a lot of time to enhance the keyless profile. maybe if you could give me a kiss or give me i guess, i guess the vote, i'm not going to see the greek media reflect the gender inequality that exist in society at large. and they always emphasize the fact that the suspect has never been in trouble. with the authority capitalistic said, here's the only place for the young girl was publicly expressing the other side of the story. he came on my soul and blamed the woman, saying that her moral was questionable. and he can guess he now molly thought because you know, it's a relief for those of us who present so like mine to be able to so viewers both sides of the argument no matter how difficult a deal for us. certainly not because the coin always has to sign. the accused means his own to xena control. he doesn't minutes. how was she? the host, hostile channel, and one of the country's most famous faces for more than 3 decades. she has been part of the greek media establishment in the country were entrenched. patriarchal views have been slow to change or thought all what i believe that the old women unite and support the tar their men will follow to some extent. but we are to blame for this current situation when i present them aside when my so do you know what they observe? i observe that if the blame is blazed on the woman, women stop walking well, men continue. women don't have the strength of character at face their own tools. it's very important to be able to look yourself in the eye and tell yourself, it's your fault that you are picking up with your husband on the lease. let's not blame everything on the pay too. but godaddy tacoma de la la la, la copa, her cell phone number. but when we talk about patriarchy sexism, toxic masculine, in greece, there's always a strange reaction. sometimes it's still after, but some women get abused for bringing these issues up. and they're never mentioned on greek television. i actually don't think i've heard the word patriarchy used, hungry tv, in years. yeah. as it happens, the word patriarchy comes for grief. happy i hear it means rule of the father uncovering women. the violence they suffer, remains a challenge for greek news organizations with their culture of male dominance to this day. and finally, novak's jock of edge, the tennis player who's been causing such a coven commotion, jock of it, showed up in melbourne, unvaccinated to defend this is trail you open title, he had a vaccine exemption certificate, then had that exemption taken away. he had a visa and then did not do to his dodgy paper work and an ever changing story on whether he had tested positive and when not a fun week for the number one seed. now imagine spending 9 years in that kind of limbo, nasty ali is a 24 year old iranian who scooped up at the same melbourne hotel jock of which was . he's among the more than 1400 refugees and migrants currently stuck in australian detention alleys. been tweeting, giving interviews to get those stories. the news organizations that seem far more interested in celebrities like shock events than the larger issue and immigration system that's broken and needs fixing. what's the next time here at the listening post were joined by mattie ali. and i'm ronnie in refugee who's been held in detention by a strategy and authorities for 9 years luck sticking out, protesting against their cruelty and against the unjust treatments of authority. kind of sat that's up to 9 years jacoby. she's been to take all these cameras out and trying to get in touch, especially generally she's trying to get in touch on the media. take attention about circumstances and our situation because we've been so misery. maybe what do you make of all the media attention so that if you could call like facebook can switch and they can be reached and they found out about our circumstance and they were shot hope to detract, in fact, the addition and that she's talking about that keep attention on about our situation. i really hope i don't want to be away. thompson goes frank assessments. he's continue to, we can look a shank or even though perhaps he believes in the beginning that it was informed opinions like the politicians will now be under incredible pressure from the young people. that is one of the most types of things come out of this critical debate. do you think a should be facilitated? not sure. okay, i think, right? it's a really simple question. let give me a chance. want inside story on our jazeera news . ah, ah. mount vesuvius is one of the most dangerous active volcanoes in the world. but not everyone fears living in its shadow. this gifts. so it's something that medic about the severe assume that the people who don't live champ, understand, she's the real world, goes to the red zone near naples to understand this unusual level, living with the bulky, no one else you're hearing. ah, al jazeera. when ever oh i love mclaughlin there all the top stories here on al jazeera and you images who revealed the scale of destruction in tongue following subsidies. volcanic eruptions, unami large parts of the pacific nation are covered in ash. the government says several small islands where nearly all hopes were destroyed to being evacuated tor again, because this report satellite images show a thick layer of ash on the wrong way of tongue is main airport on the left is how it looked before the eruption. the ashes, delaying deliveries of international aid flights the ashes proving.

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Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Georgia , United States , Australia , Hong Kong , Iran , Kiev , Ukraine General , Ukraine , Washington , Florida , Beijing , China , Melbourne , Victoria , Kremlin , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Cambodia , Geneva , Genè , Switzerland , France , Greece , Americans , Iranian , French , Greeks , Ukrainian , Soviet , Russian , Cambodian , Greek , Russians , Mattie Ali , Heidi Jo , Paula Shawnee , Tara Nava , Victor Medford , Flo Phillips , Ali Isa , Vladimir Putin , Richard Gilbert , Sada Steve Jo ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ The Listening Post 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ The Listening Post 20240709

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a supplies that are so desperately needed in situations like this. clean water, medical supplies, shelter, things like that. but crucially, pieces of equipment as well will be vital in this recovery effort if it going forward. one is the dissemination plant on one of the ships that will enable them to continue manufacturing fresh water over the next few days and weeks. and the other piece of equipment that will be crucial is special a surveying equipment which will allow the new zealand navy to assess the damage beneath the water, particularly around the pool area in the capital nicole loafer. now that will be vital, of course, going forward to enable more ships to go in there and deliver aid to the tollman people. the white house is warned, russia could attack you crane at any moment. it's also the voice concerned about russian forces deployed berries for joint war games. more than 100000 russian soldiers, a mass on the border with ukraine. us telecom giants, a t and t and verizon have agreed to partially delay activating their 5 g networks near some airports. it comes after major airlines warned the rollout could cause catastrophic disruption to flight. some international airlines have already canceled flight. the trial of cambodian opposition leader cam soccer on charges of treason is resuming after 2 years delay proceedings began in 2020, but were postponed due to the pandemic. soccer is accused of conspiring with the us to overthrow the government of hanson. the u. s. says the case is politically motivated. edward leon has become the 1st pro democracy figure to be released from jail in hong kong since beijing's crackdown in 2020. the youngest said to have a popularized rallying called liberate hong kong revolution of our times. got to do with her lines. more news coming up right after. but listening post by from extraordinary men and women who are breaking the mold from the taxi drivers, investing everything they have in to their mini bus only to face extreme danger on the suit is rough. his tracks to the jokey, turned paramedics saving lives, transporting the sick and elderly for medical health policy to risking it's all on al jazeera, the stair down on russia's border with ukraine. the story gets the cold war treatment and needs an update election season is coming in from the president. and one of his challenges have messages for the meat grease, the growing issue of feminism and the patriarchal problem. news outlets need to get pass plus how a problematic tennis player put the spotlight on australia's mistreatment of refugees. hello, i'm richard gilbert and you're at the listening post where we dig into the coverage and look at how news is reported. nor has been described as politics by other means . russia has been preparing for one of those things while practicing the other. with nearly 100000 russian troops perched on the border with ukraine, it's diplomats met with officials from the u. s. and nato. they're out to prevent ukraine from joining the western military alliance. the prospect of another russian invasion of the former soviet state along the lines of the one in 2014 is very real . with both moscow and washington drawing lines in the sand on nato's expansion. to the east president vladimir putin has long claimed that historically, ukraine is part of russia. he has allies on the russian air waves echoing that position. western media coverage tends to default to language that's reminiscent of the cold war. when states like ukraine were soviet republics caught in the middle, their futures decided in places like washington and moscow. our starting point this week is the border that lies between russia and ukraine. 100000 russian chiefs a mast on or near the border with ukraine. moscow and washington, both sticking to their positions in negotiations over nato, expanding to the east, out of the west, headlights, reminding us the stakes are ha and rushes state approved. if not beating, at least passing the drums of war on the surface, it all sounds very 2014. when russian forces invaded ukraine and annexed to crimea . only a lot of things have changed since then. absolutely, you don't have the sort of war frenzy by you did in 2014 when the state dd hosts are really propping at the mouth overview franklin. and there are a few reasons for that. firstly, the, the magic crimea dust or that works well for the son, his approval ratings. her record levels for a time is really, we're not because of the circumstances have changed, was much more of a focus on the rising inflation falling and comes and the pandemic. this whole mess around you played around your planes so called integration to nature. is that in my opinion, connected with internal popularity and his ratings, which are not very good as funny how russian stake media covers the situation. because to them, the main goal is to cover anything except internal. anything except the violation of human rights or chilling of sleep press. go back to the old playbook, unhappy of 2008 with georgia. right. when you look at anything bad happening in russia, whether it be astronomy, whether it could be a wide range, the best thing to do is to read nationalist. and so if he can, jerome of rhetoric that would drive support for him in that regard will do it if it's not broke up. you know, why not continue to use it. the russian president signaled his intentions on ukraine last in july, and not even by conventional means, if he has been issuing a press release or holding a news conference, the kremlin posted a 5000 word essay that it said was written by vladimir putin himself. on the historical unity of russians and ukrainian, that essay was posted in 3 languages aimed at 3 audiences. russian ukrainian and english speakers essay did history lesson about where he says was ukrainian, and russian unity. but in reality, it was the essay of business for mason. component language for unity is basically we were united because we colonize you. and because we subject you to our power, it had nothing to do it. throughout the centuries in which you have in moscow has had a relationship. it's been one of russia is here in, in, in there and president put himself in his essay last summer. he wrote that you pay ukrainians, and russians are one people. so the russian position is that basically a denial of ukraine sovereignty over here, you can go to the he wanted by the role russian, russian, they actually say, well, ukraine, there is no such country. and it's just like a historical mistake. that should be corrected. the ukrainian president, a lot of meters, the landscape is a former comedian whose response to treatments, se came laced with sarcasm. first on numerous, john was seen a whole water more broad muscle loosed, and she nozzles fish, miss, present them all that she's of that actually not a she was never change as well over a number he emerson is, i'm sure that that a chance the just is not as much as we start. the lensky made his name, playing a fictitious ukrainian precedent on television before getting elected to the real job in 2000. yeah, the under zalinski, kiev has taken a hands on approach to the news media. it cannot stop russian news channels like r t from bmo into the country. but early last year it took 3 ukrainian news channels off the airways, $11.00 to ukraine, news one and zip. we're all linked to the same pro russian oligarch. victor medford, chuck are ukranian. so i, i understand when you have a war with the country, you can't have dep it on the machine of that country in, in your home. still, i think it was a mistake decision. i am against any kind of shut down. anyway, i am again shutting down r t in europe in spite of the fact that they are up again, the machine is this is not a democracy. this is not a european way of development. this is how the freedom of speech works. well, i tend to disagree with this assessment because ukraine's probably one a bit countries along it's most heavily by any formation agenda, a part of russian so called hybrid war against ukraine, along with military tactics. russia to use this information till we get new crank resilience and to which n ukraine's a support in the west. zalinski government was conspicuously absent from this week's talks on ukraine's future and not by choice. first, the russians met with the americans in geneva than with nato in brussels. as a former soviet republic. ukraine is accustomed to having its fate determined in distant characters. this week's talks would have felt all too familiar by, you know, this is a 21st century stored and flooded with a 20th century cold war county christian that shapes the coverage and the terminology from the headlines on down. and that does the ukrainian people no favors. mistake about the key negotiators. yep. job. and you have like they are babies or the cold war. so it makes it for them to look at this political framework through that ms. so it's not completely wrong. you have reporters who lately refer to that because that's something that a lot of americans can relate to, right. when you look at tv, you're sure you allow them or not millennia to might. and so you're going to use reference that people can relate to, even though there are many cases, the contextual like what the contemporary issues are. so basically the challenge is how do you move beyond that? it takes a, it takes the intellectual and a political paradigm shift. well, i think this is how russia wants to present it to wash and rationally can russian actions, they are aimed to frame all the debates, wrong ukraine, in the context of job political struggle between the right followers. and that's actually worrying the talk this weeks are held without ukraine's presence, and that was the rush of all to exclude ukraine. the fact the whole situation is sometimes portrayed in the media in terms of the of the faculty. while we're saying this cold war optics plays into the hands of russia because that's called called like c. as for how this conflict will play out, one does not have to go back centuries. as vladimir putin would suggest to see what may be coming or even back to the 1990s when the soviet union fell apart. there is some more recent history made in 2008 another conflict between russia and one of its former republics that provides a model that the kremlin, and its se, explained chief probably had been marked. one that eager people to mitchell was in russia is the georgia war in 2008, which was only 4 days long. but it was, it was efficient to essentially and georgia euro atlantic aspirations. and what happened in georgia after the war is very much what russ would like to see happen in ukraine. florida. i limited. i, military campaign that takes out ukraine's a military capabilities. gracie back on the ground, forces you brain to make more concessions. ultimately, just like in georgia, you have some sort of book acceptable. russia friendly oligarchy. france is on our radar this week elections. there are just 3 months away and 2 candidates for the presidency began the year speaking to the media about the media, tara nava has been following the story. thanks richard. this past week president emmanuel macaroni set out how he intends to stop the spread of disinformation and conspiracy theories and frauds. he pledged to hold online platforms on influences accountable in the same way that john the saw. soon as possible, cause the source it puzzle hit billable to you. this key is akina devoted into it on it, hold on them. but to said it is certainly produced diffusion of fullness. you microns commons came off the back of a government to mission, study into how to deal with online propaganda. the recommendations include a teaching children how to question what they see on social media, as well as suggestions on how to discipline those, the spread fake news. micron also talks about the role of the mainstream media and debunking disinformation someplace sonnet. have a deville, if she gets shown, is a form, as shown. if was a former shaw nacory dupree preoccupation, those little girl. so my question, the sincerity of those complimentary remarks, given microns fractious relationship with the media. the french president has only held 2 press conferences during the pandemic. he proposed to deliver speeches from behind a desk where he can go unchallenged one man, challenging my crown for the presidency, former journalist and pundit eric the more also have a pretty dim view of the media. this week. the mod berated his former colleagues, describing them as the most hated people in the country shall be shred to sheila, the theater at reader at diaz, sweat, the holy b or 8. that was the year he dealership the posse, offer, or chat more powerful men, saw say the api so last seen on to confirm his little sweat. big, sexy lamita's. pre zix dog moved civil sweat de paula shawnee. eric the more there . a man who made his name, puddling, racist, and toxic ideas, offering advice to reporters. he also claims his election would somehow signal to renee, thoughts of french journalism extract. it took a while, but exactly one year ago. the me to movement finally came to the forefront in greece since then, issues faced by women from sexual harassment to domestic violence have been making headlines, including the ultimate form of gender violence, fantasy. the intentional killing of women simply because their women are most often at the hands of current or ex partners in 2021. grease reported 18 cases of sam aside, a 50 percent rise over 2020 grease is one of europe's most patriarchal societies. in ranks dead last in the e used gender equality index and that is reflected in the countries news media which has placed the mainstream media's coverage of these stories under the microscope that lets me post flo phillips now on fem aside in greece. and the sometimes detrimental role that journalism has played there in the way such crimes are see. first came the pictures, a family in morning. then came the words spoken by the widowed husband. that's awesome. oh, wow. good. a funeral tribute from a young father to his murdered wife as he held the baby. the baby's mother was a woman named caroline crouch. and as the story went, she was beaten and strangled to death in happens home by a gang of ruthless foreign robins. it was a crime story made for television with elements of glamour and go almost to script and to be believed. and the greek media feasted on it. it can be also let the still to lead to study nicky say to learn it satisfied all of greek society stereotypes. a beautiful family, the bread winner, babe's handsome, successful pilot, and his wife, caroline get this. i mean, i mean, i know it, well, that was the thing that they did this book of elliot, grandma, all they lived in a beautiful mesa, naturally where they were bringing up their beautiful baby daughter, or that would be enough to fulfill all societal norms of what a family should look like, but then this perfect family is under attack by who, by armed flooring burglars with the family members know of the greek media turned that material into juicy contents and the viewers into collective mourners based on all yep, the scene then everything came crashing down it took $37.00 days for the real story to come out. and the lawyers are supersonic. will be a. do you know she know a little harmless. the weather mention of crouch was in fact murdered by her own husband, left greeks wheeling. and yet the mainstream media, they weren't ready to let go of their narrative. so what offices the coverage of the facts was problematic. there was a reported on sky t v who after bobby side confessed to the murder steel referred to him as the alleged suspect hippo, the federal versus the acid. easy, good fashion. very good. better. because did he say, selina, your leg over? yeah, i'm, i'm awful. she stated that at least he didn't talk to rob. he was almost like he was given the suspect to nanda by, instead of calling him out for these heinous crime uncles ethan. yet and in that happened, because bobby's was the son in law that every one in greek society wanted to have. it's just that he turned out to be a murderer. the more conservative wing of the greek media, we're eager to justify his actions. no, no, he doesn't go to line because you know, checked off on unlimited recalls. hema ordered them to support us from your german dark. i give it to sada steve jo, bobby. suddenly tara line was depicted as a foreign woman way to dynamic and vocally that he did me a weight 50 people should be good with it. if it gives you space to follow or more . and according to a tv psychologist, bobbies was the one who had the ideal online profile. that would get him many followers. the lipsy, hollow horse, the $3.00 oh $9.00 gender determines how the media research and report on a story. and ends up being entirely confusing. it feels like mainstream media here often focus more on the woman, forgetting the actual criminal. the victim was pretty. she was a kind person, a young mother, greek television, usually chooses to stick to journalistic cliches, will put it in a deliberate. my daughter is going to say, man, my dad and by choosing not to refer to these killings and some sides, we end up with coverage that murders of the victim for a 2nd time as the god. it's called all the family of if that a florida he given a book to louise in one of the impact of famous side goes beyond the loss of life. these are crimes, they tap into a collective fear. so how the media treat them really matters. unfortunately for many years now, the greek media heaven helped to bring about a 0 tolerance coach, f agenda violence. just the opposite. uh, we're gonna refer like sound bites that a sympathetic to the murderer coming from the police department, the duty staff ross, police gas is a senior officer on the caroline crouch case. a black box sound bite came to be known as the last gas doctrine. advice delivered on camera, on how to escape true justice. a life sentence. if you muddy a wife, just call the police and confess right away. there was no follow up from the journalist. no push back. was it any coincidence then, that in the weeks after more men came forward confessing to killing their partners? oh ma'am me afford ours, then we'll be up test the kia is yet another example of us journalists being caught by surprise. we weren't aware of the incredible social impact the statement we have and we should have emphasized how important it was to address it. the journalist never questioned the statement or even triggered a dialog. me a message to be alone in the murder of caroline crouch should not be seen in isolation. feminist groups estimate that over the past 10 years, gender based violence has tripled in greece. and currently, at least one woman died at the hands of a man most often her partner, ex partner, every monkey. like, got a shot akhil pushed up the full leg on the cliff by her boyfriend, neck tardy, not akees stab 16 times by her strange husband. or daughter had gone down by her former partner on the island and put off bonds shewn into any of grace's many popular tv shows. and you'd be left guessing as to who the real victims are. submitted the sheep in the case of thora, the suspect uncle got a lot of time to enhance the keyless profile. maybe if you could give me a kiss or give me i guess, i guess the vote, i'm not going to see the greek media reflect the gender inequality that exist in society at large. and they always emphasize the fact that the suspect has never been in trouble. with the authority capitalistic said, here's the only place for the young girl was publicly expressing the other side of the story. he came on my soul and blamed the woman, saying that her moral was questionable. and he can guess he now molly thought because you know, it's a relief for those of us who present so like mine to be able to so viewers both sides of the argument no matter how difficult a deal for us. certainly not because the coin always has to sign. the accused means his own to xena control. he doesn't minutes. how was she? the host, hostile channel, and one of the country's most famous faces for more than 3 decades. she has been part of the greek media establishment in the country were entrenched. patriarchal views have been slow to change or thought all what i believe that the old women unite and support the tar their men will follow to some extent. but we are to blame for this current situation when i present them aside when my so do you know what they observe? i observe that if the blame is blazed on the woman, women stop walking well, men continue. women don't have the strength of character at face their own tools. it's very important to be able to look yourself in the eye and tell yourself, it's your fault that you are picking up with your husband on the lease. let's not blame everything on the pay too. but godaddy tacoma de la la la, la copa, her cell phone number. but when we talk about patriarchy sexism, toxic masculine, in greece, there's always a strange reaction. sometimes it's still after, but some women get abused for bringing these issues up. and they're never mentioned on greek television. i actually don't think i've heard the word patriarchy used, hungry tv, in years. yeah. as it happens, the word patriarchy comes for grief. happy i hear it means rule of the father uncovering women. the violence they suffer, remains a challenge for greek news organizations with their culture of male dominance to this day. and finally, novak's jock of edge, the tennis player who's been causing such a coven commotion, jock of it, showed up in melbourne, unvaccinated to defend this is trail you open title, he had a vaccine exemption certificate, then had that exemption taken away. he had a visa and then did not do to his dodgy paper work and an ever changing story on whether he had tested positive and when not a fun week for the number one seed. now imagine spending 9 years in that kind of limbo, nasty ali is a 24 year old iranian who scooped up at the same melbourne hotel jock of which was . he's among the more than 1400 refugees and migrants currently stuck in australian detention alleys. been tweeting, giving interviews to get those stories. the news organizations that seem far more interested in celebrities like shock events than the larger issue and immigration system that's broken and needs fixing. what's the next time here at the listening post were joined by mattie ali. and i'm ronnie in refugee who's been held in detention by a strategy and authorities for 9 years luck sticking out, protesting against their cruelty and against the unjust treatments of authority. kind of sat that's up to 9 years jacoby. she's been to take all these cameras out and trying to get in touch, especially generally she's trying to get in touch on the media. take attention about circumstances and our situation because we've been so misery. maybe what do you make of all the media attention so that if you could call like facebook can switch and they can be reached and they found out about our circumstance and they were shot hope to detract, in fact, the addition and that she's talking about that keep attention on about our situation. i really hope i don't want to be away. thompson goes frank assessments. he's continue to, we can look a shank or even though perhaps he believes in the beginning that it was informed opinions like the politicians will now be under incredible pressure from the young people. that is one of the most types of things come out of this critical debate. do you think a should be facilitated? not sure. okay, i think, right? it's a really simple question. let give me a chance. want inside story on our jazeera news . ah, ah. mount vesuvius is one of the most dangerous active volcanoes in the world. but not everyone fears living in its shadow. this gifts. so it's something that medic about the severe assume that the people who don't live champ, understand, she's the real world, goes to the red zone near naples to understand this unusual level, living with the bulky, no one else you're hearing. ah, al jazeera. when ever oh i love mclaughlin there all the top stories here on al jazeera and you images who revealed the scale of destruction in tongue following subsidies. volcanic eruptions, unami large parts of the pacific nation are covered in ash. the government says several small islands where nearly all hopes were destroyed to being evacuated tor again, because this report satellite images show a thick layer of ash on the wrong way of tongue is main airport on the left is how it looked before the eruption. the ashes, delaying deliveries of international aid flights the ashes proving.

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