Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240709

the honor con variant remains dangerous despite its mild symptoms. as countries continue to set new case records and in lebanon, public transport operate is on strike blocking roads demanding the government address, rising fuel prices and a d valued currency on his phone of a joke of which has been included in the drawer for the 1st round of the australian open australia's government, no, still deciding whether or not to revoke his visa for a 2nd time and for i'm out of the country. ah, starting in germany this hour and the 1st ever conviction for crimes against humanity for a former syrian government official, a german court has sentenced unwatched ross on to life in prison. ross son was the head of an intelligence office and i, damascus detention center. prosecute is a that is where he oversaw the killing of 58 people and the torture of 4000 others . this is from 2011 to 20. 12 ross on trial began 2 years ago after he defected and sought asylum in germany. don't it came covering the story from berlin for us. very significant ruling given the i'm just the sheer number of people involved in the fact that really no one's been held to account. yes. very significant indeed that this is the 1st time that a high ranking officer from the previous security forces of president bashar assad . he was a colonel unwell. aslan was a colonel, that is a senior army position and he had responsibility for the prison and do money, damascus. it was that the offences which he has been convicted off were carried out multiple mother sexual violence, torture over the period the 1st year. ready also the syrian civil war, the interesting thing is that after he had carried out these offences, ruslan defected from the forces of russia, such to the opposition. and that a few years later found his way to jordan, where he convinced the german authorities to give him refugee status to allow him to come to germany in 2014 and then to claim asylum. and he was given a file and quite quickly, and it was only 4 years later, but he came to the attention of the police, who investigated sam decided there was evidence to, to prosecute him. what's interesting here, this is the 1st time that somebody who so high in the syrian security forces at the time, has been convicted not in syria in another country in germany. that's what makes this really stand out. can you explain that a little more within? dominic, i'm trying to keep up with that he seeks asylum. he is granted asylum and then gets put on trial. just go into the little more for us face. ok, so in 2014, he makes his way to george that he goes to the german embassy and asks if it's possible for him to be fast tracked with his font with his family, to come to germany as a refugee to seek protection and gain asylum as he does now that is suggested by certain elements in the german news media that at the time they said to representatives at the german embassy in mama, this man has lots of issues you should look into his past. don't take his word for it, but nevertheless he was, he came to germany. and the interesting thing here is that it is alleged, but it was he himself went to the police in 2018 and said to them, i think i'm being followed. and he spoke to the police about parts of the things that he done in syria. they then investigated that and we're able to build a case against him. and then the decision was taken to prosecute him. and what facts about that decision is, remember, this is not a german, his victims were not german, and the crimes he committed did not take place in germany. what the revenue authority of done is apply the principle of universal jurisdiction. in other words, there are some crimes, but also serious, but it doesn't matter who did them who the victims were, where they took place, they must be prosecuted. and because he was in germany, the juvenile parties felt they could prosecute, and they have done so. the dusty and suing question is, what about the others who may be prosecuted this some suggestion last human rights campaign is that they should be, as it were, the chance to open the floodgates to the journals. horace each could then start to issue warrants against all manner of previous high up people in the asset security forces they believed could be prosecuted for similar offences. while an extraordinary case for so many reasons, isn't it. thank you for that dominant, came with the background, and now we're going to speak to help me. and her brother has been trained in syria since 2012, who is also the media coordinator for a group called families for freedom. but thank you so much for your time today. i want to hear about off mid. that's 10 years. he's been detained. why was he arrested in the 1st place? i thank you very much for hosting made today. ah, my brother, man, i was detained by the cdn regime and that was the intelligence forces on the 19th of main, 2012 from our home when they broke into our house at 12 30 am and be arrested him. there were no, i'm no documents in their hands, no reason why the under arresting him and no m documents or authorizations for them to search the house where they sat and all of us and they were fully armed and they took him and they were like, i i can recall they were down, sir. g soldiers will bring her into our house of that night, or why they arrested hamburg no reason. but he was part of it like, hey, participated in the civil demonstrations against that. a jim ram. when does it end of lucian? started and he was doing his master's degree in macroeconomy, damascus university back them. so have you, you know? yeah, look too sorry to interrupt. you got a lot of questions. how one to ask. have you been able to have any level of contact with him in these 10 years? never melvin with never heard from him or about him in the past in to be honest. so what, what can you do? what i mean? i know you're, you're working with a group of families for freedom, but what efforts can be actually made to even just get in contact with them to find out i mean, i have been parents any, any as rude stew to know where he is at even reached out to be don't cross, i like a like a prisoner dimension. she put me in touch with someone in damascus and she's like unfortunately we cannot do anything. then a jim is not giving them the chance to search the detention sometimes i'm the only thing is that we are left in limbo like we don't know where the he for he is. if he is alive or dead and he's fine or not like you just like for the past and he has, we don't know it's, he's me than the life. so i and there's no way that we can know. i mean, all our efforts are in vain to be honest. so. so the thing is clued i was gonna ask you if today's verdict of the heaven and germany effect, you know, gave you any hope at all. but i'm starting to think it probably doesn't cause that is obviously such one isolated case. it's happened in germany. it's happened under some pretty extraordinary circumstances. and for your brother and full, countless others like him. there is no justice. i mean, it gave me a little behold to be honest, it's not like that. but um, the thing is bad. it happened outside the sir yards, n m a country which is which believes in human rights, that's why they started the process. but in science video, we still have hundreds of thousands of g. jamie, is that we don't know where they are, they are alive or dead, their families, they are denied the the basic crimes of knowing where they are or if they are fine or not. and then a, jim's is still the head don't. celia? his was still mr. president of, of celia. the security council is thinking no action and the. ringback other international organizations, the big organizations that they are fully started to do to search the prisons forward. prisons if we may say not for political detainees and they have no right to us. as the prisons, i still have no hope for my brother's case, but i still cling to the hold that one day. maybe we can reach just as but it just like it gave me a little bit of assurance that we will be there when and how i dont know but we will be there what day. oh, how may i thank you so much for your time. it's important we hear stories like yours and i appreciate you giving us your time today to talk about or i'm sure it's a very difficult thing. thank you and give very much right. let's move on to some of the news. russian lead forces have started withdrawing from kazakhstan following the worst unrest in decades. the pull out is set to be complete within 10 days because like president costumes, yamato chi if it asked for their help to quell days of anti government protests. more than a 160 people were killed, nearly 10000 were detained during those demonstrations. following this story for us from tbilisi from foresee walker, the c s t o wasn't in, in cars, extensive very long. i mean, it will take another 1010 days we'll say before they will gone. but there were concerns from observing people in the country about the mandate of this military force, how long they would stay, whether they would themselves have liked to kill ordinary cause act civilians could have been caught up in difficult situations and because at rest and we should be on the rise in the country in recent years. could a cruise for the president if, if they had out state, they're welcome. but it seems as if it's been largely. busy symbolic deployments, the president has said that they played a huge psychological influence in ending the unrest, and that's why they're on their way home. these truths, most of them, russian in the end, just a couple of thousands deployed because it's done. we were expecting 3600 people looking further afield. what needs to the c s t o is the big success for the security talk organization led by moscow. and it could conceivably be used again in other countries that a member of this organization, whenever there's an unrest or a challenge to the authorities, some forward civil unrest, the csp could be deployed. that's catholic. sound is another potential flash one involving russia. and they talks to diffuse the crisis in east in ukraine. they continue in vienna this time involving the s c e. the organization for security and cooperation in europe. poland. foreign ministers chairing the meeting and warned the region is closer to war than at any time in the last 30 years. dosage of already following the sun from moscow. according to the polish foreign minister, he said that the risk of war in, oh, i see area is now greater than any time in the last 30 years. so very strong words . he said that for the last few weeks we've been facing the prospect of major military escalation, eastern europe, of course, talking about the russian to build up along its border with ukraine. this is something that is very much a concern to this organization. and of course, this is the 3rd meeting that is taking place this week about the security concerns the europeans have and the united states about russia. ukraine relations at the 1st one, but in geneva, monday. and then there was a meeting yesterday, brussels with nato. and then today in vienna, but we've just been hearing from the kremlin spokesperson, who has said, according to the kremlin, they've called this week of talks between russia and the west, quote unsuccessful. and that talks with the west show that disagreements on fundamental issues continue. and they also have the strong warning for the americans. they said that's for the us to impose sanctions against. russian president vladimir, put in that would be comparable to severing ties. the criminal spokesperson also went on to say that they're not interested in the process for the sake of process. there must be concrete results in that nato can't dictate to us where to deploy our own troops within our own territory. right off to oxford in the u. k, we go, samuel romani with us and associate fellow at received the royal united services institute. always good to see samuel. these talks the 3rd lot. so it's russia and the o. s. c, e. there was russia and nice how there was russia and the u. s. i've never talked so much about talks, which don't seem to be bringing anything. in fact, the russians seem to be saying, it's all been very disappointing and we've achieved nothing. do you think anything's been achieved even just by getting in the same room together? well, the over see, 1st of all has the mixed bag record. and the one hand, it's been an effective institution for european countries and russia in particular to engage on the escalation. and it happened in the cold war in belgrade, madrid, and vienna, but does not have much of a track record in terms of resolving actual crises like chechnya. so now when ukraine it's repeating that it's a platform for dialogue, but not really much in terms of compet resolution. but even today, the russians are wanting that they could deploy troops to cuba and venezuela in response to you as provocation. so tension seem to be escalating and not going down . exactly, and i'm keep looking for a way where there might be room to deescalate. but the fact is, you've got very well, you've got a very headstrong president, obviously in the form of vladimir putin and, you know, even if you just look at the nice hotels yesterday night, i was in no mood, no mood to move on any of its fundamentals either will ada certainly is not going to move and the fundamental guarantee that the russians want, which is basically you ensure that the book rests. i might have 2008 kath nullified and needle makes an agreement not to loop georgia, a crane into the alliance. get anita is also unwilling to remove shops from rushes waters and given that that the polish foreign minister, i know russia hock is showing the o se summit is unlikely he's going to be compromising on those issues either. and he's saying that the region is that it's close is point to war in 30 years. would you, would you go along with that assessment was difficult to say whether this is going to lead to an outright war. russia is mobilized, engaging brinkman ship in ukraine without leading to that kind of that more expensive compet. for example, there was a lot of concern in 2014, in 2015 and russia's annexation of crimea will lead to a russian offensive in the baltic states. that didn't happen. rushes in kurt straight in 2018 in the spring, also escalated in ukraine. but that generally job broader war, so that might be hyperbole, but the risk is very high of a conflict if these talks do not lead to the escalation or of russia does expand its military intervention ukraine in the weeks ahead. so that's an interesting point, and it's a strange question to ask you, but why does it keep not leading to war if there are at least provocations and annexations and only sorts of things. it's almost surprising in a way that it hasn't tipped over. what's been the fact of it's that's kept it, kept that happening well beyond the at nuclear issue and as well as the policies of the last been deterrence. rush has been counter deterrence, which implies brinkman ship instead of actual conflict. there are several other factors that play. first of all, russia's intervention, ukraine in 2014 in 2015 was very effective at a low cost insecure and control over crimea and on bass. but they were unable to achieve their broader goals, which is to so called liberate their ethnic russian regions. or an actor regime change in kev by occupying the capital. and that was because there were high casualties and because there were setbacks in the battlefield. so russia's military, mike might not be as strong as buster, might suggest. and moreover, brinkman ship now getting concessions from the last, at least symbolically plays much better to a russian domestic audience. and a costly complet, especially given the fact that russia is dealing with the cova 19 pandemic, and so many others. so she can, um, because she's right now, samuel romani with his analysis on the situation with russia and ukraine. great talking to samuel. thank you. thank you. very much or at 17 minutes past the hour, his what's coming up schools out for teachers in france, protesting against the government handling all current of iris roofs, us inflation. it's a 40 year high. we're going to look at what that means for the global economy. plus your sports news. this referees watch managed to play a starring role of the africa combinations, and you will have your sport at around 10 to the good right round the world. the current of our new starting in the us were president joe biden is expected to announce the deployment of military medics to help the hospitals hottest hit by corona virus. he'll be giving a briefing alongside the defense secretary, lloyd austin, in the coming hours. the white house has recently announced to bow raft of measures, including a plan to expand, testing for coven 19 into schools. wood 8000 this report from john hendrick. chicago's on again off again. schools are once again back in session. across the us, many public schools began the new year in the classroom with students and staff alike braving the omicron outbreak. but here schools delivered a lesson in whiplash. we just never know from day to day, week to week. how things are going to be and, and it doesn't allow our children to feel, feel secure, safe, and what's going on. chicago's public schools opened then closed for a week as union teachers battled mayor laurie lightfoot over covered safety measures voting then opened again on wednesday for dave and andrea roofing 2 years of cove. it has taken its toll, my 8 year old. ah, she's because she's missed out so much. she now she has anxieties about going to school and this past week in particular, when there is i school closure. we didn't know what was happening day to day. there was, there were a lot of emotional breakdowns here and elsewhere. a big enough outbreak will still shutter individual schools with you as hitting a new record for daily coven cases this week. the biden administration and out new measures to keep classrooms open. they include dramatically expanding testing for the virus in schools. the additional tests would improve access to an increasingly scarce commodity. these $10000000.00 additional test available each month will allow schools to double the volume of testing they were performing. in november, the president is clear, the nation schools can and should be open. even so keeping schools open remains a challenge. in new york city, students walked out in protest of what they called unsafe covered conditions in fort worth, texas. so many teachers are sick or quarantined that classrooms are being combined everywhere. it seems education in the covey or a remains of struggle. but in chicago, the battle between the city and union teachers has made the classroom an emotional rollercoaster. parents to thing on the sideline, not having a voice, just our faith in the hands of others has been incredibly frustrating. and to be honest, it's probably going to be the reason why we leave chicago. the real things might find a school district with a more predictable schedule, but with coven entering its 3rd year more contagious than ever. for the foreseeable future, there's no escaping the global pandemic. john henderson, l g 0, chicago. let's keep talking about this white 20 in the morning on the u. s. east coast. we say good morning to our white house correspondent. kimberly, how can kimberly the surgeon cases this is what we keep hearing. everything going up. can you give us sort of a breakdown of a procedure of, of how bad things are currently in the u. s. yeah, well we're, as we've been talking in the last few moments and john henderson for it there, there is a record that the united states didn't want to hit and that is the highest daily average in terms of cases more than $1350000.00 in just the last 24 hours that's the highest around the world. now to put it in context, this is a country of both $360000000.00 plus people. so you have to kind of remember that it does sound like an alarming number and it is very high, and in fact, it's the highest in the world. but in terms of context, what we're seeing is also some record high hospitalizations. but again, we're starting to get a better idea of the numbers now, knowing that a lot of these people didn't go to the hospital and get covered, they caught it or contract of the inside the hospital. and so the cdc is doing a better job of parsing those numbers, if you will. but the bottom line is they're still high. and what we know about alma crohn is that it is in fact highly contagious, even if the illness itself is relatively mild. and that has led to a lot of fear. and also a lot of frustration in the united states because you have to remember that you as president joe biden was elected to get a handle on all of this. and many americans are feeling that that is not the case. ok, so joe biden's due to make an announcement in a couple of hours time. i guess he has to balance everything you just pointed out there behind numbers, but with the context as well. yeah, he has to balance that out. but the challenge for this white house has been a messaging issue that is being widely acknowledged. now, we have to point out that this announcement of the about this deployment of troops is not a new announcement. in fact, it came a month ago. so this is not new information, this is just now the announcement that is actually happening. and this is not sitting well with ordinary americans who are finding their schools have been closed and then are re opening their can't find access to tasks as they were promised. and they feel that the messaging about the guidelines itself, whether it's isolation, or whether it's a positive test versus a negative test. whether you should take a p, c r. whether you should take a rapid test, there is mass confusion in the united states that's led to a lot of frustration. so people are looking to the president to see what more he might have to say about how this white house plans to get a handle of the coven pit covent pandemic. as he promised 1530 gmc, we're expecting to hear from president bard, and we will bring you that live and of course speak to. kimberly help them again. thank you. kimberly want to go to france now where teachers of walked out in a nationwide strike in protest against the government's handling of outbreaks and schools. hundreds marching in the streets of the capital. more than 300000 cases have been recorded in france or each of the past 7 days. teachers want more protective measures in schools to combat the army kron variance, and amongst all for us, is natasha butler. tell us more about what the teachers are demanding. yes, there are 2000 pages here, walking 3 hours, walking from one paul to the education ministry. now what that grip i, we've been talking to several of them. they say that they i agree with the french government for imposing what they say all complicated and unmanageable. and cozy to restrictions and rules on tools, they say those rules to change a long time to prepare. they also say that they feel the need some far more exposed to the higher is what is really circulating in front of records infection patients. oh no my faith is just to get you an example. at the end of last year there was one kind of taking the class in the whole coffee shop. everyone would have to isolate for 7 days. now. 3rd, there is one case in the pupil as always, late, but everyone else in the policy keeps going to school as long as they keep having negative. that sort of thing. the teachers all saying it's putting them in a very precarious position in terms of how they want simple rules rules more time to prepare and more protection they say. and how is the french government reacting tools? natasha? we know that president micron has been in a combative mood recently. well, of the french government, faith, hello. yes, the rules have been changing. often the last minute re, re say, backed up, reflects the fact that the cobra prices so unpredictable they all having so data on the problem really changed because it might have been not what everyone needs to be flexible. they say they also have made up keeping schools have power seats in the beginning of the funds i make. in fact the schools have been shut off 2 months since march 2024 tried to put the important key. they've been the rules of the moment. they will allow, as many as possible to continue to function. you can be having major cation and up to now that's really been very widely pul paid in the population government just 3 months before presidential election. they will be very happy to strike like this. joshua butler is that a teacher's rally in paris today. thank you for that report. natasha india now which has reported its highest number of cases since may of last year, almost 250000 of them. in the last 24 hours. it's followed the global trend of increases in on the current infections, particularly, but hospital admissions and deaths are lower than previous waves. 380 people have died in the past day. that is compared to a peak of more than 4000 last year. and over in pakistan, cases are also setting records daily infections of heater a 4 month high. more than 3000. the health system is under strain from the search caused by on a cron. come all harder with more from us on the bottom budget on it, in the grape of the 5th wave of the corona wire. they have been 3000 cases in the large 24 eyes. that guards is a dangerous sign because countries while your dignity date now stands at 6 point dreads, but said, and according to the world health organization guidelines that mean that they should be more testing, they have been reported cases of people having contracted the omi chrome radiad most of them are going to have a home, the advisory from the government, and that be pretty much not strong. again, i know reading the march and also decided that we have to build up our health system to be prepared for this casualty. and numbers have started growing of hospitalization in boxed on as well. so in karachi, for example, there it is, it has spread the most. the reports are that the positivity percentage of all those being tested has gone very high. it has, it is beyond 15 percent. now, but people are larger and focused on are oblivious to the threat of the 5th wave. despite the government warning, the education miniature of the country will also be deciding today. where did it didn't safe to keep the educational institutions open. the government had won debris by mistake this very seriously because it and now the looming thread of their delta kron which had been reported in cyprus. and i had a ministry saying it was a matter of time before dad radiated also lounge on august on shore. you know, all up the world health organization is now saying more than 15000000 people contract kind of during the past week, which is higher than any point during the pandemic. it is more than 50 percent up from just the previous 7 days. and the w h o says the number of deaths is also on the rice. let's be clear. why loamy con cause less severe? this is done delta. it remains a dangerous bias, particularly for those who are unvaccinated, almost $50000.00 dead. so weak is $50000.00 does too many. right before we hit the break, there is another blast of cold arctic air heading to north america. jeff has the details now in your world whether update. hey, there is a good news, bad news type situation for the eastern slice of north america. so 1st, the good news. we've got temperatures here above where they should be for this year, but don't get too used to it. let's put this for to saturday. we'll paint on the colors the dark of the purple, the lower the temperature. we're opening up the door to colder air, freezer, weather, new york minus 6 toronto mine. it's 12 in montreal minus 16 to the west. we go. the rainfall warning has been drops for vancouver. your temperature is above average at 10 degrees, but some burst of heavy rain to be expected around portland. now south of that into california. smooth sailing here. los angeles, the height of 22 degrees and for the u. s. gulf coast the southeast. it's also fairly calm here. maybe a few showers or thunderstorms for southern florida. we've got it slug in the bay of can pet shay that's moving into southern and eastern portions of mexico on thursday after brazil and the flooding here and minister rice that we've been seen at least 10 people have died over the past 2 days. these are training storms, they park themselves in an area and just keep running back and forth. and so we've still got it coming around rio de janeiro with the hiv. 31 south of this. we could have some record breaking heats. and baya blanca, if you get up to 44 degrees, stay cool, so you can soon jeff. still ahead on this new south. i'm christian salumi and mayfield kentucky where one month after a deadly tornado. there is still a lot of cleaning up to do. and in sports, non joke of ich tennis news. in fact, bad news for a player who's hoping to have a big impact at next week's australia ah, pick take to ships to democracies, activists to corporations, control of the message is crucial. oil companies have become very good at recognizing ways to phrase what they want into here. we care about the environment you do to you should buy our oil plea for public opinion or profit. once you make people afraid, you can use that to justify stripping away basic civil liberties. listening post examined the vested interest behind the content you could see on al jazeera. when the news great site is tornado, destroyed everything. it touched in mayfield. when people need to be heard and the story home, he has done his job to tell us what's going on with exclusive interviews and in depth reports i get on my right to win. b, j 0 has teens on the ground to where you are award winning documentary and lives on air and don't lie lou ah, you're on the news. i hear it al jazeera and these are the top story stuff on the syrian intelligence office has been sentenced to life in prison by german court. on funds. conviction for crimes against humanity is the 1st of its kind anywhere in the world. russian led forth as a started drawing from context on following the worst unrest fair in decades. they are to complete the pull out by the end of next week. for the 160 people were killed and 10000 detained during days of violence. anti government protests and the talks refused. the crisis in a new crime. they continue in vienna. russian troops have been gathering in ukrainian border, raising fields of an invasion. these talks with the, the, the latest round of negotiations just this week in lebanon, public transport workers are on strike. the country struggles with, with an economic crisis drive, as have been blocking roads across the capital, bay route, angry of increasing fuel prices and a shop devaluation of the currency. this report is from santa whether they tried to paralyze the country, public transport workers blocked roads across lebanon, and the hope the authorities will improve their living conditions and international increase in fuel costs as adding pressure to their financial challenges. but it's the rapid depreciation of the local currency that made petrol unaffordable for many is the phone a lot going on as we demand, they fix the dollar rates, so we can live, we can survive with the fuel prices. we can't feed our children, we are in pain, lebanon inflation has reached triple digits, and is among the highest in the world that lead to fuel consumption, falling by nearly half as many people are no longer able to afford using their cars, filling them with fuel costs more than their monthly minimum wage that's now worth $20.00 us dollars. he kinda went to work is cheaper than using my car, but i still have to pay one ford of my salary for transportation. a few months ago, they nearly bankrupt, the government lifted subsidies on fuel because of a lack of foreign reserves. and public transport costs increased by 400 percent le mama. i know people who walk in for kilometers because they can't afford to pay for the ride. everything is too expensive. the economic crisis is likely to worse than as politicians blame for years of corruption. don't have a recovery plan needed to unlock international financial aid. much i'm going to talk, we have to beg for money to survive. we are dying slowly. the situation is drastic . many people are also struggling with power outages, lasting 22 hours a day because the state can't afford to buy enough fuel. on this phone i pay 1000000 600000 mirrors for private electricity. that is more than an average salary . what about the other bills? food inflation and lebanon is among the highest in the world. most people in lebanon are paid, and the local currency at the official exchange rate of $1500.00 to the u. s. dollar, but the prices of goods and commodities are based on a power low market rates. that's now more than $30000.00 lire us. there doesn't seem to be a clear way out of the crisis. the government hasn't convened in 3 months because a political infighting. all the while desperation among many is increasing in what was once a middle class country, santa for their elders. eda beirut nice from nigeria, now festival. 60 people confirmed dead following raids on villages by gunman in the north search teams are looking for more bodies. these attacks come after government and strikes target at the high doubts of criminal gangs. madras has travelled, tourism for a state where these attacks have been happening. as dusk approaches these displaced women pound greys to prepare the meal, this families open kitchen is busy, which means its members will get to eat. but 10000 of others were fled. the violets of little food or shelter in north myrtle returned to our family. empty handed, how for children will go hungry to day. so when at our may, as i mean, there's nothing i can do about it. i have no options, but to break my heart to see them in such a situation. some members of our family are still missing more than a week after the massacres. there's been no contract, nor demand for runs. they are presumed dead. their bodies have not been recovered. mohammed is yet to overcome his grief. he lost 4 children, and 10 of the relatives in the attacks lovable bubby old to show no mercy women children. the elderly were knocked down shelter, slaughtered children were yanked off their mother's backs and thrown into fire. wonder all holmes and granaries were burnt down. some forested governor says the time for negotiations with the criminal gangs is over. some of them are pushing put a dialogue. but let us allow the cabinet to go on fast. it would be our foolish. don't come up with genuine requests leashes that pu, now we are not a to for eat the conflictions and for i began this dispute over land and water resources between farmers and herd is but successive governments ignored the digit sides. it's now spread to most part of the country with criminal gangs and even book or um, caching in thousands have been kidnapped for ransom, including school children, hundreds of whom are still being held by gunman. many villages, like these in nigeria, north are forced to make difficult choices, cooperating with criminal gangs, results in long prison terms. but helping security forces means death at the hands of the bandits for many poor vulnerable families. their reality is there isn't anywhere else to run to in december last year than our geron government declared those responsible for the deadly attacks terrorists and says they're committing more troops and equipment to end the bloodshed. oh, lou. oh, okay. it is a sunday a but that's little comfort for survivors of the massacres. in the villages in nigeria, north was priority. now we survival while trying to find crozier. our losses that don't seem to stop edris al jazeera is on twitter, northwest nigeria. yet the story from nigeria is that the countries lifted its ban on twitter. the government blocked the social media sites 7 months ago after it had deleted a post. twitter deleted a post by president mohammed barry, twitter. i get the message should threatened violence against secessionist. now was a part of a deal to reinstate twitter. it has agreed to open a local office, spoke to come here, adama about this managing director of beacon consulting, a security risk management firm in nigeria. it says the decision to lift the band was likely fill by a need to do online campaigning for the general election next year. and tens of them. the social media penetration, the nigeria, the available see goes to the about 2021 to 23 percent. and it's growing by especially on mobile devices, a broadband. busy is a very lou reed and boot positive as well as negative mobilization takes place within that faith. and among b, u population. the embrace the technology including ai and several other technological platforms, including payment platforms as meet this to be very, very favorable to the youth. now wanted to come on the line, they have to go, you know, we didn't, that's been a lot of them on several of them. and you are a part of the reason why the government listed this bomb is because you're probably aware of a general election next year. and the government not been able to use the platform or it's in mobilization. and now that it realizes that, are you interested, are you the not platform? and it was a well, did a lot of give and take on both sides. now, inflation in the united states has hit levels not seen in 40 years. there's been a 7 percent increase on the previous year. the white house plains global supply chain disruptions due to the pandemic, but other se, stimulus program. so the main reason for the search and prices more on this with my can are in washington prices for groceries rent another needed items continue to saw the own. the small shops are particularly hard hit as they see their customers beginning to treat. what were every day purchases as luxuries you can see had the money flows you can seeing when people are not getting the extras when they're getting copy trip coffee instead of capital, you can see it. you can see how they pay. they're paying in coins, be increased in prices, is now being felt at every gas station and in every grocery store. i just think for a little more careful, i notice it in almost every product. fruits, vegetables, which we buy a lot of daily products. i can't really see anywhere that the prices have gone down, but they've gone up bottlenecks in the supply chains of distributors or the primary reason. and these in turn, the direct result of stopping shortages. as the pandemic continues to rage worldwide. at the stage, though, the head of the federal reserve insists there's no need for panic. that this is a temporary situation. we will use our tools to support the economy and a strong labor market and to prevent higher inflation from becoming entrenched. it's a similar message coming from the white house, which points to a dropping unemployment rate as evidence that economic recovery is underway and is adamant that the supply chain issue will be resolved. we are well positioned to attack the challenges of prices and cos had on, and that's exactly what the president i and this administration are doing. but republicans continue to blame stimulus measures for overheating the economy. one thing is clear, it's impossible to predict the ongoing economic impact of the on the crone varian surge, which the nation continues to face. i don't believe we've seen that peak yet here in the united states. the rise in price increases reflect a harsh reality. that in the pandemic, it's not just people who get sick, but the economy as well. my cana auto 0 washington last year was one of the most costly for whether disasters in the united states must string of unseasonal tornadoes. right across the midwest and december, particularly expensive, but it's estimated for the year as a whole at least a $145000000000.00 worth of damage was caused just by weather events. kristin salumi has gone back to mayfield, kentucky. one of the hardest hit regions, the destruction stretches for miles, house after house, business after business, even the county court house and mayfield kentucky is damage seemingly beyond repair . the tornadoes that rip through the state and december, killing 77 people destroyed more than a 1000 structures. now the biggest challenge for us was trying to find a new place to live, you know, finding some place to rent, not possible. now if we went to stay in mayfield, everything has gone clean up crews, however, are everywhere. with so much destruction cleanup is not going to be quicker easy. they estimate that it will take another 160000 truckloads to carry away all of the debris. throughout the state, local volunteers have sprung into action. helping provide everything from clothing to toiletries while fema, the federal emergency management agency, doors out cash to those who qualify for emergency housing assistance of the $9500000.00. the famous disburse so far, 2 families, 6800000 of that is for housing assistance that that is the 1st option for families to find a place to live in the interim while they're rebuilding and finding that that permanent solution. the mayfield green company is among the many businesses that were destroyed, taking jobs with them. but duncan's pharmacy was able to reopen quickly, and a new location were getting phone calls the day after the tornado. people calling, i apologize, not trying to be insensitive. i'm not a medicine. why do i do? the store has been part of may field for over 100 years and its current owner has no intention of leaving or things used to be a certain way. they're not like that right now. just have patience and in love for each other and with time i think would be able to grow back maybe not like who were before, hopefully stronger, but what least be able to to rebuild, rebuild. they must, but it won't be easy. and the spring tornado season is just months away. kristen salumi al jazeera mayfield. kentucky. sports news is a head on this news. our one of his main rivals says novak joke of inches, behavior is made fools of all the other places. and he is here in a month with with mm pool. ah ah no, a property crisis in china is deepening with a growing number of developers in debt. firms have come under intense pressure off to beijing curbs. they're borrowing the real estate giant ever grounded, struggling to pay back $300000000000.00 and lots and it's katrina, you reports from don joe and i'm on province. company now fighting the demolition of dozens of apartment buildings. some call it china is hawaii. the island province in the south, a tracks tens of millions of visitors every year. and property developers have flocked here to accommodate them. real estate giant ever grad constructed this artificial island, complete with hotels and theme parks. but a debt crisis has caused many of its projects to come to a halt. these $39.00 unfinished apartment buildings would you to be completed soon? now the local government has called for them to be demolished, citing environmental concerns. the order has sparked confusion among local people. general jay holla, these buildings have already been constructed lodges and now they want to demolish down to love a personally, i think is a big waste of resources getting clover young's eyes. you, you thought isn't what if you tear down these buildings, it will just create more pollution. it also causing the owners of other apartments here to panic because they're afraid this will be next. the unfinished project was backed by a former marriage, john chee, who is now serving life in prison for bribery. there are almost $3000.00 apartments worth more than $1000000000.00 there. it's just one of hundreds of stoled ever ground projects in china. but the demolition of those $39.00 buildings would deal. another major blow to the already embattled developer ever grant is $300000000000.00 in debt and defaulted on offshore bonds last month. regional governments have taken control of the developers projects in some areas and confiscated land and others. it's far from alone. in recent months, the chinese government has begun curbing over borrowing in the property sector. and a growing number of firms are now in distress. shamal keiser modern land and gong jo r n f are among those struggling with loan re payments. analysts say beijing is sending a message, it looks like they are more concerned about that and a sustainable growth. so i guess in the long term, this is more of a change for the better on and i guess it's safe to say on the kind of aggressive expansion period has basically ended from china. the crisis in the property sector is weighing on china's economic growth. and experts expect to slow down to continue for months, possibly years. every grant is doing all it can to keep its business and projects here afloat. it's paid more than $30000000.00 in fines to the local government and is appealing against the demolition of these $39.00 buildings. katrina, you ought to 0 dan joe, china for anything with sport. the question is, can you play in a tournament that you might get thrown out of? i think we're about find out. it looks as though it's possible at the moment. another truck that has been included in the draw for the 1st round of the australian open box australia government still deciding whether not to provoke his visa for a 2nd time. that's where i'm out of the country. we start with our number one seed . the tournament novak jock of which there is he's been drawn against fellow served my men kits. man of ich, in round one of the year's 1st grand slam, the drill was delayed by more than an hour heightening speculation at the time that a final decision on joke of it. she's immediate future was about to be made. australian immigration minister is still assessing the validity of shock of it. she's medical exemption from being vaccinated against harvard 90. you have to be frank. the vast majority of australians said didn't like the id that another individual, whether they're a tennis pyre older. yeah. can your spine, all the queen of england can come up he and have a different set of rules to what everybody else has to deal with with. i agree with the rules will not by believe i should have a bought by the rules. law report to sara clark has been following this story for as spain is also now investigating, where the joint commission said that country illegally in the days before his arrival in australia, 3 days after a federal court reinstated the visa of the world. number one means tennis player, the federal government, is yet to make a ruling a whether or not, no joke of it can stay in australia. the immigration, mr. alex hawk holds a discretionary power to cancel his visa and to pull him from australia job. it's continued his training in the rod laver arena ahead of next week's australian open . after initially delaying the draw ceremony tournament organize is named him top seat even though his visa status is still in question. the immigration minister is now reviewing new evidence provided by dr. which the tennis champion has acknowledged that his travel declaration did contain false information after a member of his team take the wrong box study he had not traveled in the last 14 days prior to his arrival in australia. when he had travelling from serbia to spine . he also confirmed that he attended an event in his home country after he tested positive joke, which is now under investigation in spine. the government there is checking whether the unvaccinated play entered the country a legally, in light december. since september citizens from serbia, native vaccine certificate or special exemption to enter spanish territory authority site, i didn't receive a request. prime minister scott morrison declined to comment on the visa stash when after at a press conference in camera. if the federal government does decide to deport novick doc, which no doubt his lawyers will appeal astray and tournament begins on monday. but wilma, before the font sits a pass isn't holding back with his opinion on the matter. he says, joker, which has put a grand slam tournament at risk and has taken the majority of players for fools. no one would have really thought, you know, i can, i can just come to australia and vaccinated and not having to follow the protocol that they gave me, which is just it takes a lot of it takes a lot of bearing to do, i think and putting a ground slung, kind of a risk seems like not everyone on his playing and by the rules. a very small majority of, of that percentage chose to follow their own way, which kind of makes the rest that the so the majority makes the majority look like i don't know, like they're all fools or something. or one definitive decision that was made on says they concerned crowd size is it the tournaments? australian open organizes have said the venue will be canceled 50 percent capacity due to carbon 19 face masks will also be mandatory for all fans except when eating or drinking. now bad news for play be looking in good form ahead of the open chin as use honesty. boy was foster of her in her sydney tennis class, quarter final, a back injury brought an early in the world number ten's much against and at concert it's you, paul has also just recovered from a balance of code 19, but she is still set to compete. next week's grand slam in melbourne, sal complete chaos at the aska cup of nations in the game between shanicea and molly. on wednesday, molly were leading one nail when the referee mistakenly blew for full time. in the 86 minutes. the match did restart after a few protests on you for the raft, then once again and again before 90 minutes was out about 20 minutes later tournaments organizers had the game should be played to a conclusion. but by then chooses players had decided to refuse to return to the pitch, and molly were declared when his ah, unexpectedly muted seemed to have martinez matched against tournament davidson's gambia. either with 2 failed attempts to play martinez national anthem seem to leave the players looking slightly less than impressed. and things didn't get much better than one's play started with a stunning strike coming up from abby jello and gambia, a maiden cup of nations victory, egypt. mammon, sally, one of the star names competing out that tournament, there's been some speculation about his future at liverpool with his contract expiring next year. livable boss though young cop says he's not worried about the situation. i know, but we'll want to stay. we want more to stay. that's good. while where we are. so, and of these things take time. i cannot change, sorry. but it's em. i think it's all in a good place. nothing else was a. okay, studies high school is looking for now. thank you for that, andy. coming back in a couple of minutes time with more news, the latest from the teachers, protests and powers, and changes to covered restrictions in england. ah, killing the debates, 90 percent of the world's refugees have come from of common impacted country. the climate emergency is putting more pressure on across the world and amplify your voice. it's not really the future 8. now, this is not a lock. concrete is this completed. we cannot lose hope. we know what to do and we have the tools to do to get back with all these patients. this screen on al jazeera, my name is bonnie put malcolm. i've always thought of yoga as part of my indian heritage. i understand it to be about transformation, but yoga itself seems to be transforming. western mentality is, is a lot about this and that's very different from the eastern tradition and what yoga was originally, yoga should belong to everyone. but i'm afraid that simple truth is getting lost in a world that so commercialized. literacy owns yoga analogies in free fall precision. these athletes are experts in the art of jumping out of planes . more than 40 military, parachuting teams have descended here to the desert of guitar. to compete for the world championship title, the competitors are all active military members and have been training for years to get here. most have tens of thousands of jumps to their names. each country will compete in 3 disciplines. freefall skydive accuracy, landing and 4 way formation. men and women compete separately, but under the same flag. you know, i can't do a story about parachuting and not jump out of a plane as we climb up. the teams mentally prepare for their jam. i try to do the same then minutes later, once the earth is just a blur below, it's time to free fall. ah, a form of syrian official sentenced to life in prison, charged with crimes against humanity, and will prosecute aside the 1st conviction of its kind. well, what a fellow did on come all santa maria here and done how this is the world news from al jazeera, declaring mission accomplished. russian led forces begin withdrawing from context on after their deployment to help contain violence. anti government protests in lebanon, public transport operate as go on strike blocking road.

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Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240709

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the honor con variant remains dangerous despite its mild symptoms. as countries continue to set new case records and in lebanon, public transport operate is on strike blocking roads demanding the government address, rising fuel prices and a d valued currency on his phone of a joke of which has been included in the drawer for the 1st round of the australian open australia's government, no, still deciding whether or not to revoke his visa for a 2nd time and for i'm out of the country. ah, starting in germany this hour and the 1st ever conviction for crimes against humanity for a former syrian government official, a german court has sentenced unwatched ross on to life in prison. ross son was the head of an intelligence office and i, damascus detention center. prosecute is a that is where he oversaw the killing of 58 people and the torture of 4000 others . this is from 2011 to 20. 12 ross on trial began 2 years ago after he defected and sought asylum in germany. don't it came covering the story from berlin for us. very significant ruling given the i'm just the sheer number of people involved in the fact that really no one's been held to account. yes. very significant indeed that this is the 1st time that a high ranking officer from the previous security forces of president bashar assad . he was a colonel unwell. aslan was a colonel, that is a senior army position and he had responsibility for the prison and do money, damascus. it was that the offences which he has been convicted off were carried out multiple mother sexual violence, torture over the period the 1st year. ready also the syrian civil war, the interesting thing is that after he had carried out these offences, ruslan defected from the forces of russia, such to the opposition. and that a few years later found his way to jordan, where he convinced the german authorities to give him refugee status to allow him to come to germany in 2014 and then to claim asylum. and he was given a file and quite quickly, and it was only 4 years later, but he came to the attention of the police, who investigated sam decided there was evidence to, to prosecute him. what's interesting here, this is the 1st time that somebody who so high in the syrian security forces at the time, has been convicted not in syria in another country in germany. that's what makes this really stand out. can you explain that a little more within? dominic, i'm trying to keep up with that he seeks asylum. he is granted asylum and then gets put on trial. just go into the little more for us face. ok, so in 2014, he makes his way to george that he goes to the german embassy and asks if it's possible for him to be fast tracked with his font with his family, to come to germany as a refugee to seek protection and gain asylum as he does now that is suggested by certain elements in the german news media that at the time they said to representatives at the german embassy in mama, this man has lots of issues you should look into his past. don't take his word for it, but nevertheless he was, he came to germany. and the interesting thing here is that it is alleged, but it was he himself went to the police in 2018 and said to them, i think i'm being followed. and he spoke to the police about parts of the things that he done in syria. they then investigated that and we're able to build a case against him. and then the decision was taken to prosecute him. and what facts about that decision is, remember, this is not a german, his victims were not german, and the crimes he committed did not take place in germany. what the revenue authority of done is apply the principle of universal jurisdiction. in other words, there are some crimes, but also serious, but it doesn't matter who did them who the victims were, where they took place, they must be prosecuted. and because he was in germany, the juvenile parties felt they could prosecute, and they have done so. the dusty and suing question is, what about the others who may be prosecuted this some suggestion last human rights campaign is that they should be, as it were, the chance to open the floodgates to the journals. horace each could then start to issue warrants against all manner of previous high up people in the asset security forces they believed could be prosecuted for similar offences. while an extraordinary case for so many reasons, isn't it. thank you for that dominant, came with the background, and now we're going to speak to help me. and her brother has been trained in syria since 2012, who is also the media coordinator for a group called families for freedom. but thank you so much for your time today. i want to hear about off mid. that's 10 years. he's been detained. why was he arrested in the 1st place? i thank you very much for hosting made today. ah, my brother, man, i was detained by the cdn regime and that was the intelligence forces on the 19th of main, 2012 from our home when they broke into our house at 12 30 am and be arrested him. there were no, i'm no documents in their hands, no reason why the under arresting him and no m documents or authorizations for them to search the house where they sat and all of us and they were fully armed and they took him and they were like, i i can recall they were down, sir. g soldiers will bring her into our house of that night, or why they arrested hamburg no reason. but he was part of it like, hey, participated in the civil demonstrations against that. a jim ram. when does it end of lucian? started and he was doing his master's degree in macroeconomy, damascus university back them. so have you, you know? yeah, look too sorry to interrupt. you got a lot of questions. how one to ask. have you been able to have any level of contact with him in these 10 years? never melvin with never heard from him or about him in the past in to be honest. so what, what can you do? what i mean? i know you're, you're working with a group of families for freedom, but what efforts can be actually made to even just get in contact with them to find out i mean, i have been parents any, any as rude stew to know where he is at even reached out to be don't cross, i like a like a prisoner dimension. she put me in touch with someone in damascus and she's like unfortunately we cannot do anything. then a jim is not giving them the chance to search the detention sometimes i'm the only thing is that we are left in limbo like we don't know where the he for he is. if he is alive or dead and he's fine or not like you just like for the past and he has, we don't know it's, he's me than the life. so i and there's no way that we can know. i mean, all our efforts are in vain to be honest. so. so the thing is clued i was gonna ask you if today's verdict of the heaven and germany effect, you know, gave you any hope at all. but i'm starting to think it probably doesn't cause that is obviously such one isolated case. it's happened in germany. it's happened under some pretty extraordinary circumstances. and for your brother and full, countless others like him. there is no justice. i mean, it gave me a little behold to be honest, it's not like that. but um, the thing is bad. it happened outside the sir yards, n m a country which is which believes in human rights, that's why they started the process. but in science video, we still have hundreds of thousands of g. jamie, is that we don't know where they are, they are alive or dead, their families, they are denied the the basic crimes of knowing where they are or if they are fine or not. and then a, jim's is still the head don't. celia? his was still mr. president of, of celia. the security council is thinking no action and the. ringback other international organizations, the big organizations that they are fully started to do to search the prisons forward. prisons if we may say not for political detainees and they have no right to us. as the prisons, i still have no hope for my brother's case, but i still cling to the hold that one day. maybe we can reach just as but it just like it gave me a little bit of assurance that we will be there when and how i dont know but we will be there what day. oh, how may i thank you so much for your time. it's important we hear stories like yours and i appreciate you giving us your time today to talk about or i'm sure it's a very difficult thing. thank you and give very much right. let's move on to some of the news. russian lead forces have started withdrawing from kazakhstan following the worst unrest in decades. the pull out is set to be complete within 10 days because like president costumes, yamato chi if it asked for their help to quell days of anti government protests. more than a 160 people were killed, nearly 10000 were detained during those demonstrations. following this story for us from tbilisi from foresee walker, the c s t o wasn't in, in cars, extensive very long. i mean, it will take another 1010 days we'll say before they will gone. but there were concerns from observing people in the country about the mandate of this military force, how long they would stay, whether they would themselves have liked to kill ordinary cause act civilians could have been caught up in difficult situations and because at rest and we should be on the rise in the country in recent years. could a cruise for the president if, if they had out state, they're welcome. but it seems as if it's been largely. busy symbolic deployments, the president has said that they played a huge psychological influence in ending the unrest, and that's why they're on their way home. these truths, most of them, russian in the end, just a couple of thousands deployed because it's done. we were expecting 3600 people looking further afield. what needs to the c s t o is the big success for the security talk organization led by moscow. and it could conceivably be used again in other countries that a member of this organization, whenever there's an unrest or a challenge to the authorities, some forward civil unrest, the csp could be deployed. that's catholic. sound is another potential flash one involving russia. and they talks to diffuse the crisis in east in ukraine. they continue in vienna this time involving the s c e. the organization for security and cooperation in europe. poland. foreign ministers chairing the meeting and warned the region is closer to war than at any time in the last 30 years. dosage of already following the sun from moscow. according to the polish foreign minister, he said that the risk of war in, oh, i see area is now greater than any time in the last 30 years. so very strong words . he said that for the last few weeks we've been facing the prospect of major military escalation, eastern europe, of course, talking about the russian to build up along its border with ukraine. this is something that is very much a concern to this organization. and of course, this is the 3rd meeting that is taking place this week about the security concerns the europeans have and the united states about russia. ukraine relations at the 1st one, but in geneva, monday. and then there was a meeting yesterday, brussels with nato. and then today in vienna, but we've just been hearing from the kremlin spokesperson, who has said, according to the kremlin, they've called this week of talks between russia and the west, quote unsuccessful. and that talks with the west show that disagreements on fundamental issues continue. and they also have the strong warning for the americans. they said that's for the us to impose sanctions against. russian president vladimir, put in that would be comparable to severing ties. the criminal spokesperson also went on to say that they're not interested in the process for the sake of process. there must be concrete results in that nato can't dictate to us where to deploy our own troops within our own territory. right off to oxford in the u. k, we go, samuel romani with us and associate fellow at received the royal united services institute. always good to see samuel. these talks the 3rd lot. so it's russia and the o. s. c, e. there was russia and nice how there was russia and the u. s. i've never talked so much about talks, which don't seem to be bringing anything. in fact, the russians seem to be saying, it's all been very disappointing and we've achieved nothing. do you think anything's been achieved even just by getting in the same room together? well, the over see, 1st of all has the mixed bag record. and the one hand, it's been an effective institution for european countries and russia in particular to engage on the escalation. and it happened in the cold war in belgrade, madrid, and vienna, but does not have much of a track record in terms of resolving actual crises like chechnya. so now when ukraine it's repeating that it's a platform for dialogue, but not really much in terms of compet resolution. but even today, the russians are wanting that they could deploy troops to cuba and venezuela in response to you as provocation. so tension seem to be escalating and not going down . exactly, and i'm keep looking for a way where there might be room to deescalate. but the fact is, you've got very well, you've got a very headstrong president, obviously in the form of vladimir putin and, you know, even if you just look at the nice hotels yesterday night, i was in no mood, no mood to move on any of its fundamentals either will ada certainly is not going to move and the fundamental guarantee that the russians want, which is basically you ensure that the book rests. i might have 2008 kath nullified and needle makes an agreement not to loop georgia, a crane into the alliance. get anita is also unwilling to remove shops from rushes waters and given that that the polish foreign minister, i know russia hock is showing the o se summit is unlikely he's going to be compromising on those issues either. and he's saying that the region is that it's close is point to war in 30 years. would you, would you go along with that assessment was difficult to say whether this is going to lead to an outright war. russia is mobilized, engaging brinkman ship in ukraine without leading to that kind of that more expensive compet. for example, there was a lot of concern in 2014, in 2015 and russia's annexation of crimea will lead to a russian offensive in the baltic states. that didn't happen. rushes in kurt straight in 2018 in the spring, also escalated in ukraine. but that generally job broader war, so that might be hyperbole, but the risk is very high of a conflict if these talks do not lead to the escalation or of russia does expand its military intervention ukraine in the weeks ahead. so that's an interesting point, and it's a strange question to ask you, but why does it keep not leading to war if there are at least provocations and annexations and only sorts of things. it's almost surprising in a way that it hasn't tipped over. what's been the fact of it's that's kept it, kept that happening well beyond the at nuclear issue and as well as the policies of the last been deterrence. rush has been counter deterrence, which implies brinkman ship instead of actual conflict. there are several other factors that play. first of all, russia's intervention, ukraine in 2014 in 2015 was very effective at a low cost insecure and control over crimea and on bass. but they were unable to achieve their broader goals, which is to so called liberate their ethnic russian regions. or an actor regime change in kev by occupying the capital. and that was because there were high casualties and because there were setbacks in the battlefield. so russia's military, mike might not be as strong as buster, might suggest. and moreover, brinkman ship now getting concessions from the last, at least symbolically plays much better to a russian domestic audience. and a costly complet, especially given the fact that russia is dealing with the cova 19 pandemic, and so many others. so she can, um, because she's right now, samuel romani with his analysis on the situation with russia and ukraine. great talking to samuel. thank you. thank you. very much or at 17 minutes past the hour, his what's coming up schools out for teachers in france, protesting against the government handling all current of iris roofs, us inflation. it's a 40 year high. we're going to look at what that means for the global economy. plus your sports news. this referees watch managed to play a starring role of the africa combinations, and you will have your sport at around 10 to the good right round the world. the current of our new starting in the us were president joe biden is expected to announce the deployment of military medics to help the hospitals hottest hit by corona virus. he'll be giving a briefing alongside the defense secretary, lloyd austin, in the coming hours. the white house has recently announced to bow raft of measures, including a plan to expand, testing for coven 19 into schools. wood 8000 this report from john hendrick. chicago's on again off again. schools are once again back in session. across the us, many public schools began the new year in the classroom with students and staff alike braving the omicron outbreak. but here schools delivered a lesson in whiplash. we just never know from day to day, week to week. how things are going to be and, and it doesn't allow our children to feel, feel secure, safe, and what's going on. chicago's public schools opened then closed for a week as union teachers battled mayor laurie lightfoot over covered safety measures voting then opened again on wednesday for dave and andrea roofing 2 years of cove. it has taken its toll, my 8 year old. ah, she's because she's missed out so much. she now she has anxieties about going to school and this past week in particular, when there is i school closure. we didn't know what was happening day to day. there was, there were a lot of emotional breakdowns here and elsewhere. a big enough outbreak will still shutter individual schools with you as hitting a new record for daily coven cases this week. the biden administration and out new measures to keep classrooms open. they include dramatically expanding testing for the virus in schools. the additional tests would improve access to an increasingly scarce commodity. these $10000000.00 additional test available each month will allow schools to double the volume of testing they were performing. in november, the president is clear, the nation schools can and should be open. even so keeping schools open remains a challenge. in new york city, students walked out in protest of what they called unsafe covered conditions in fort worth, texas. so many teachers are sick or quarantined that classrooms are being combined everywhere. it seems education in the covey or a remains of struggle. but in chicago, the battle between the city and union teachers has made the classroom an emotional rollercoaster. parents to thing on the sideline, not having a voice, just our faith in the hands of others has been incredibly frustrating. and to be honest, it's probably going to be the reason why we leave chicago. the real things might find a school district with a more predictable schedule, but with coven entering its 3rd year more contagious than ever. for the foreseeable future, there's no escaping the global pandemic. john henderson, l g 0, chicago. let's keep talking about this white 20 in the morning on the u. s. east coast. we say good morning to our white house correspondent. kimberly, how can kimberly the surgeon cases this is what we keep hearing. everything going up. can you give us sort of a breakdown of a procedure of, of how bad things are currently in the u. s. yeah, well we're, as we've been talking in the last few moments and john henderson for it there, there is a record that the united states didn't want to hit and that is the highest daily average in terms of cases more than $1350000.00 in just the last 24 hours that's the highest around the world. now to put it in context, this is a country of both $360000000.00 plus people. so you have to kind of remember that it does sound like an alarming number and it is very high, and in fact, it's the highest in the world. but in terms of context, what we're seeing is also some record high hospitalizations. but again, we're starting to get a better idea of the numbers now, knowing that a lot of these people didn't go to the hospital and get covered, they caught it or contract of the inside the hospital. and so the cdc is doing a better job of parsing those numbers, if you will. but the bottom line is they're still high. and what we know about alma crohn is that it is in fact highly contagious, even if the illness itself is relatively mild. and that has led to a lot of fear. and also a lot of frustration in the united states because you have to remember that you as president joe biden was elected to get a handle on all of this. and many americans are feeling that that is not the case. ok, so joe biden's due to make an announcement in a couple of hours time. i guess he has to balance everything you just pointed out there behind numbers, but with the context as well. yeah, he has to balance that out. but the challenge for this white house has been a messaging issue that is being widely acknowledged. now, we have to point out that this announcement of the about this deployment of troops is not a new announcement. in fact, it came a month ago. so this is not new information, this is just now the announcement that is actually happening. and this is not sitting well with ordinary americans who are finding their schools have been closed and then are re opening their can't find access to tasks as they were promised. and they feel that the messaging about the guidelines itself, whether it's isolation, or whether it's a positive test versus a negative test. whether you should take a p, c r. whether you should take a rapid test, there is mass confusion in the united states that's led to a lot of frustration. so people are looking to the president to see what more he might have to say about how this white house plans to get a handle of the coven pit covent pandemic. as he promised 1530 gmc, we're expecting to hear from president bard, and we will bring you that live and of course speak to. kimberly help them again. thank you. kimberly want to go to france now where teachers of walked out in a nationwide strike in protest against the government's handling of outbreaks and schools. hundreds marching in the streets of the capital. more than 300000 cases have been recorded in france or each of the past 7 days. teachers want more protective measures in schools to combat the army kron variance, and amongst all for us, is natasha butler. tell us more about what the teachers are demanding. yes, there are 2000 pages here, walking 3 hours, walking from one paul to the education ministry. now what that grip i, we've been talking to several of them. they say that they i agree with the french government for imposing what they say all complicated and unmanageable. and cozy to restrictions and rules on tools, they say those rules to change a long time to prepare. they also say that they feel the need some far more exposed to the higher is what is really circulating in front of records infection patients. oh no my faith is just to get you an example. at the end of last year there was one kind of taking the class in the whole coffee shop. everyone would have to isolate for 7 days. now. 3rd, there is one case in the pupil as always, late, but everyone else in the policy keeps going to school as long as they keep having negative. that sort of thing. the teachers all saying it's putting them in a very precarious position in terms of how they want simple rules rules more time to prepare and more protection they say. and how is the french government reacting tools? natasha? we know that president micron has been in a combative mood recently. well, of the french government, faith, hello. yes, the rules have been changing. often the last minute re, re say, backed up, reflects the fact that the cobra prices so unpredictable they all having so data on the problem really changed because it might have been not what everyone needs to be flexible. they say they also have made up keeping schools have power seats in the beginning of the funds i make. in fact the schools have been shut off 2 months since march 2024 tried to put the important key. they've been the rules of the moment. they will allow, as many as possible to continue to function. you can be having major cation and up to now that's really been very widely pul paid in the population government just 3 months before presidential election. they will be very happy to strike like this. joshua butler is that a teacher's rally in paris today. thank you for that report. natasha india now which has reported its highest number of cases since may of last year, almost 250000 of them. in the last 24 hours. it's followed the global trend of increases in on the current infections, particularly, but hospital admissions and deaths are lower than previous waves. 380 people have died in the past day. that is compared to a peak of more than 4000 last year. and over in pakistan, cases are also setting records daily infections of heater a 4 month high. more than 3000. the health system is under strain from the search caused by on a cron. come all harder with more from us on the bottom budget on it, in the grape of the 5th wave of the corona wire. they have been 3000 cases in the large 24 eyes. that guards is a dangerous sign because countries while your dignity date now stands at 6 point dreads, but said, and according to the world health organization guidelines that mean that they should be more testing, they have been reported cases of people having contracted the omi chrome radiad most of them are going to have a home, the advisory from the government, and that be pretty much not strong. again, i know reading the march and also decided that we have to build up our health system to be prepared for this casualty. and numbers have started growing of hospitalization in boxed on as well. so in karachi, for example, there it is, it has spread the most. the reports are that the positivity percentage of all those being tested has gone very high. it has, it is beyond 15 percent. now, but people are larger and focused on are oblivious to the threat of the 5th wave. despite the government warning, the education miniature of the country will also be deciding today. where did it didn't safe to keep the educational institutions open. the government had won debris by mistake this very seriously because it and now the looming thread of their delta kron which had been reported in cyprus. and i had a ministry saying it was a matter of time before dad radiated also lounge on august on shore. you know, all up the world health organization is now saying more than 15000000 people contract kind of during the past week, which is higher than any point during the pandemic. it is more than 50 percent up from just the previous 7 days. and the w h o says the number of deaths is also on the rice. let's be clear. why loamy con cause less severe? this is done delta. it remains a dangerous bias, particularly for those who are unvaccinated, almost $50000.00 dead. so weak is $50000.00 does too many. right before we hit the break, there is another blast of cold arctic air heading to north america. jeff has the details now in your world whether update. hey, there is a good news, bad news type situation for the eastern slice of north america. so 1st, the good news. we've got temperatures here above where they should be for this year, but don't get too used to it. let's put this for to saturday. we'll paint on the colors the dark of the purple, the lower the temperature. we're opening up the door to colder air, freezer, weather, new york minus 6 toronto mine. it's 12 in montreal minus 16 to the west. we go. the rainfall warning has been drops for vancouver. your temperature is above average at 10 degrees, but some burst of heavy rain to be expected around portland. now south of that into california. smooth sailing here. los angeles, the height of 22 degrees and for the u. s. gulf coast the southeast. it's also fairly calm here. maybe a few showers or thunderstorms for southern florida. we've got it slug in the bay of can pet shay that's moving into southern and eastern portions of mexico on thursday after brazil and the flooding here and minister rice that we've been seen at least 10 people have died over the past 2 days. these are training storms, they park themselves in an area and just keep running back and forth. and so we've still got it coming around rio de janeiro with the hiv. 31 south of this. we could have some record breaking heats. and baya blanca, if you get up to 44 degrees, stay cool, so you can soon jeff. still ahead on this new south. i'm christian salumi and mayfield kentucky where one month after a deadly tornado. there is still a lot of cleaning up to do. and in sports, non joke of ich tennis news. in fact, bad news for a player who's hoping to have a big impact at next week's australia ah, pick take to ships to democracies, activists to corporations, control of the message is crucial. oil companies have become very good at recognizing ways to phrase what they want into here. we care about the environment you do to you should buy our oil plea for public opinion or profit. once you make people afraid, you can use that to justify stripping away basic civil liberties. listening post examined the vested interest behind the content you could see on al jazeera. when the news great site is tornado, destroyed everything. it touched in mayfield. when people need to be heard and the story home, he has done his job to tell us what's going on with exclusive interviews and in depth reports i get on my right to win. b, j 0 has teens on the ground to where you are award winning documentary and lives on air and don't lie lou ah, you're on the news. i hear it al jazeera and these are the top story stuff on the syrian intelligence office has been sentenced to life in prison by german court. on funds. conviction for crimes against humanity is the 1st of its kind anywhere in the world. russian led forth as a started drawing from context on following the worst unrest fair in decades. they are to complete the pull out by the end of next week. for the 160 people were killed and 10000 detained during days of violence. anti government protests and the talks refused. the crisis in a new crime. they continue in vienna. russian troops have been gathering in ukrainian border, raising fields of an invasion. these talks with the, the, the latest round of negotiations just this week in lebanon, public transport workers are on strike. the country struggles with, with an economic crisis drive, as have been blocking roads across the capital, bay route, angry of increasing fuel prices and a shop devaluation of the currency. this report is from santa whether they tried to paralyze the country, public transport workers blocked roads across lebanon, and the hope the authorities will improve their living conditions and international increase in fuel costs as adding pressure to their financial challenges. but it's the rapid depreciation of the local currency that made petrol unaffordable for many is the phone a lot going on as we demand, they fix the dollar rates, so we can live, we can survive with the fuel prices. we can't feed our children, we are in pain, lebanon inflation has reached triple digits, and is among the highest in the world that lead to fuel consumption, falling by nearly half as many people are no longer able to afford using their cars, filling them with fuel costs more than their monthly minimum wage that's now worth $20.00 us dollars. he kinda went to work is cheaper than using my car, but i still have to pay one ford of my salary for transportation. a few months ago, they nearly bankrupt, the government lifted subsidies on fuel because of a lack of foreign reserves. and public transport costs increased by 400 percent le mama. i know people who walk in for kilometers because they can't afford to pay for the ride. everything is too expensive. the economic crisis is likely to worse than as politicians blame for years of corruption. don't have a recovery plan needed to unlock international financial aid. much i'm going to talk, we have to beg for money to survive. we are dying slowly. the situation is drastic . many people are also struggling with power outages, lasting 22 hours a day because the state can't afford to buy enough fuel. on this phone i pay 1000000 600000 mirrors for private electricity. that is more than an average salary . what about the other bills? food inflation and lebanon is among the highest in the world. most people in lebanon are paid, and the local currency at the official exchange rate of $1500.00 to the u. s. dollar, but the prices of goods and commodities are based on a power low market rates. that's now more than $30000.00 lire us. there doesn't seem to be a clear way out of the crisis. the government hasn't convened in 3 months because a political infighting. all the while desperation among many is increasing in what was once a middle class country, santa for their elders. eda beirut nice from nigeria, now festival. 60 people confirmed dead following raids on villages by gunman in the north search teams are looking for more bodies. these attacks come after government and strikes target at the high doubts of criminal gangs. madras has travelled, tourism for a state where these attacks have been happening. as dusk approaches these displaced women pound greys to prepare the meal, this families open kitchen is busy, which means its members will get to eat. but 10000 of others were fled. the violets of little food or shelter in north myrtle returned to our family. empty handed, how for children will go hungry to day. so when at our may, as i mean, there's nothing i can do about it. i have no options, but to break my heart to see them in such a situation. some members of our family are still missing more than a week after the massacres. there's been no contract, nor demand for runs. they are presumed dead. their bodies have not been recovered. mohammed is yet to overcome his grief. he lost 4 children, and 10 of the relatives in the attacks lovable bubby old to show no mercy women children. the elderly were knocked down shelter, slaughtered children were yanked off their mother's backs and thrown into fire. wonder all holmes and granaries were burnt down. some forested governor says the time for negotiations with the criminal gangs is over. some of them are pushing put a dialogue. but let us allow the cabinet to go on fast. it would be our foolish. don't come up with genuine requests leashes that pu, now we are not a to for eat the conflictions and for i began this dispute over land and water resources between farmers and herd is but successive governments ignored the digit sides. it's now spread to most part of the country with criminal gangs and even book or um, caching in thousands have been kidnapped for ransom, including school children, hundreds of whom are still being held by gunman. many villages, like these in nigeria, north are forced to make difficult choices, cooperating with criminal gangs, results in long prison terms. but helping security forces means death at the hands of the bandits for many poor vulnerable families. their reality is there isn't anywhere else to run to in december last year than our geron government declared those responsible for the deadly attacks terrorists and says they're committing more troops and equipment to end the bloodshed. oh, lou. oh, okay. it is a sunday a but that's little comfort for survivors of the massacres. in the villages in nigeria, north was priority. now we survival while trying to find crozier. our losses that don't seem to stop edris al jazeera is on twitter, northwest nigeria. yet the story from nigeria is that the countries lifted its ban on twitter. the government blocked the social media sites 7 months ago after it had deleted a post. twitter deleted a post by president mohammed barry, twitter. i get the message should threatened violence against secessionist. now was a part of a deal to reinstate twitter. it has agreed to open a local office, spoke to come here, adama about this managing director of beacon consulting, a security risk management firm in nigeria. it says the decision to lift the band was likely fill by a need to do online campaigning for the general election next year. and tens of them. the social media penetration, the nigeria, the available see goes to the about 2021 to 23 percent. and it's growing by especially on mobile devices, a broadband. busy is a very lou reed and boot positive as well as negative mobilization takes place within that faith. and among b, u population. the embrace the technology including ai and several other technological platforms, including payment platforms as meet this to be very, very favorable to the youth. now wanted to come on the line, they have to go, you know, we didn't, that's been a lot of them on several of them. and you are a part of the reason why the government listed this bomb is because you're probably aware of a general election next year. and the government not been able to use the platform or it's in mobilization. and now that it realizes that, are you interested, are you the not platform? and it was a well, did a lot of give and take on both sides. now, inflation in the united states has hit levels not seen in 40 years. there's been a 7 percent increase on the previous year. the white house plains global supply chain disruptions due to the pandemic, but other se, stimulus program. so the main reason for the search and prices more on this with my can are in washington prices for groceries rent another needed items continue to saw the own. the small shops are particularly hard hit as they see their customers beginning to treat. what were every day purchases as luxuries you can see had the money flows you can seeing when people are not getting the extras when they're getting copy trip coffee instead of capital, you can see it. you can see how they pay. they're paying in coins, be increased in prices, is now being felt at every gas station and in every grocery store. i just think for a little more careful, i notice it in almost every product. fruits, vegetables, which we buy a lot of daily products. i can't really see anywhere that the prices have gone down, but they've gone up bottlenecks in the supply chains of distributors or the primary reason. and these in turn, the direct result of stopping shortages. as the pandemic continues to rage worldwide. at the stage, though, the head of the federal reserve insists there's no need for panic. that this is a temporary situation. we will use our tools to support the economy and a strong labor market and to prevent higher inflation from becoming entrenched. it's a similar message coming from the white house, which points to a dropping unemployment rate as evidence that economic recovery is underway and is adamant that the supply chain issue will be resolved. we are well positioned to attack the challenges of prices and cos had on, and that's exactly what the president i and this administration are doing. but republicans continue to blame stimulus measures for overheating the economy. one thing is clear, it's impossible to predict the ongoing economic impact of the on the crone varian surge, which the nation continues to face. i don't believe we've seen that peak yet here in the united states. the rise in price increases reflect a harsh reality. that in the pandemic, it's not just people who get sick, but the economy as well. my cana auto 0 washington last year was one of the most costly for whether disasters in the united states must string of unseasonal tornadoes. right across the midwest and december, particularly expensive, but it's estimated for the year as a whole at least a $145000000000.00 worth of damage was caused just by weather events. kristin salumi has gone back to mayfield, kentucky. one of the hardest hit regions, the destruction stretches for miles, house after house, business after business, even the county court house and mayfield kentucky is damage seemingly beyond repair . the tornadoes that rip through the state and december, killing 77 people destroyed more than a 1000 structures. now the biggest challenge for us was trying to find a new place to live, you know, finding some place to rent, not possible. now if we went to stay in mayfield, everything has gone clean up crews, however, are everywhere. with so much destruction cleanup is not going to be quicker easy. they estimate that it will take another 160000 truckloads to carry away all of the debris. throughout the state, local volunteers have sprung into action. helping provide everything from clothing to toiletries while fema, the federal emergency management agency, doors out cash to those who qualify for emergency housing assistance of the $9500000.00. the famous disburse so far, 2 families, 6800000 of that is for housing assistance that that is the 1st option for families to find a place to live in the interim while they're rebuilding and finding that that permanent solution. the mayfield green company is among the many businesses that were destroyed, taking jobs with them. but duncan's pharmacy was able to reopen quickly, and a new location were getting phone calls the day after the tornado. people calling, i apologize, not trying to be insensitive. i'm not a medicine. why do i do? the store has been part of may field for over 100 years and its current owner has no intention of leaving or things used to be a certain way. they're not like that right now. just have patience and in love for each other and with time i think would be able to grow back maybe not like who were before, hopefully stronger, but what least be able to to rebuild, rebuild. they must, but it won't be easy. and the spring tornado season is just months away. kristen salumi al jazeera mayfield. kentucky. sports news is a head on this news. our one of his main rivals says novak joke of inches, behavior is made fools of all the other places. and he is here in a month with with mm pool. ah ah no, a property crisis in china is deepening with a growing number of developers in debt. firms have come under intense pressure off to beijing curbs. they're borrowing the real estate giant ever grounded, struggling to pay back $300000000000.00 and lots and it's katrina, you reports from don joe and i'm on province. company now fighting the demolition of dozens of apartment buildings. some call it china is hawaii. the island province in the south, a tracks tens of millions of visitors every year. and property developers have flocked here to accommodate them. real estate giant ever grad constructed this artificial island, complete with hotels and theme parks. but a debt crisis has caused many of its projects to come to a halt. these $39.00 unfinished apartment buildings would you to be completed soon? now the local government has called for them to be demolished, citing environmental concerns. the order has sparked confusion among local people. general jay holla, these buildings have already been constructed lodges and now they want to demolish down to love a personally, i think is a big waste of resources getting clover young's eyes. you, you thought isn't what if you tear down these buildings, it will just create more pollution. it also causing the owners of other apartments here to panic because they're afraid this will be next. the unfinished project was backed by a former marriage, john chee, who is now serving life in prison for bribery. there are almost $3000.00 apartments worth more than $1000000000.00 there. it's just one of hundreds of stoled ever ground projects in china. but the demolition of those $39.00 buildings would deal. another major blow to the already embattled developer ever grant is $300000000000.00 in debt and defaulted on offshore bonds last month. regional governments have taken control of the developers projects in some areas and confiscated land and others. it's far from alone. in recent months, the chinese government has begun curbing over borrowing in the property sector. and a growing number of firms are now in distress. shamal keiser modern land and gong jo r n f are among those struggling with loan re payments. analysts say beijing is sending a message, it looks like they are more concerned about that and a sustainable growth. so i guess in the long term, this is more of a change for the better on and i guess it's safe to say on the kind of aggressive expansion period has basically ended from china. the crisis in the property sector is weighing on china's economic growth. and experts expect to slow down to continue for months, possibly years. every grant is doing all it can to keep its business and projects here afloat. it's paid more than $30000000.00 in fines to the local government and is appealing against the demolition of these $39.00 buildings. katrina, you ought to 0 dan joe, china for anything with sport. the question is, can you play in a tournament that you might get thrown out of? i think we're about find out. it looks as though it's possible at the moment. another truck that has been included in the draw for the 1st round of the australian open box australia government still deciding whether not to provoke his visa for a 2nd time. that's where i'm out of the country. we start with our number one seed . the tournament novak jock of which there is he's been drawn against fellow served my men kits. man of ich, in round one of the year's 1st grand slam, the drill was delayed by more than an hour heightening speculation at the time that a final decision on joke of it. she's immediate future was about to be made. australian immigration minister is still assessing the validity of shock of it. she's medical exemption from being vaccinated against harvard 90. you have to be frank. the vast majority of australians said didn't like the id that another individual, whether they're a tennis pyre older. yeah. can your spine, all the queen of england can come up he and have a different set of rules to what everybody else has to deal with with. i agree with the rules will not by believe i should have a bought by the rules. law report to sara clark has been following this story for as spain is also now investigating, where the joint commission said that country illegally in the days before his arrival in australia, 3 days after a federal court reinstated the visa of the world. number one means tennis player, the federal government, is yet to make a ruling a whether or not, no joke of it can stay in australia. the immigration, mr. alex hawk holds a discretionary power to cancel his visa and to pull him from australia job. it's continued his training in the rod laver arena ahead of next week's australian open . after initially delaying the draw ceremony tournament organize is named him top seat even though his visa status is still in question. the immigration minister is now reviewing new evidence provided by dr. which the tennis champion has acknowledged that his travel declaration did contain false information after a member of his team take the wrong box study he had not traveled in the last 14 days prior to his arrival in australia. when he had travelling from serbia to spine . he also confirmed that he attended an event in his home country after he tested positive joke, which is now under investigation in spine. the government there is checking whether the unvaccinated play entered the country a legally, in light december. since september citizens from serbia, native vaccine certificate or special exemption to enter spanish territory authority site, i didn't receive a request. prime minister scott morrison declined to comment on the visa stash when after at a press conference in camera. if the federal government does decide to deport novick doc, which no doubt his lawyers will appeal astray and tournament begins on monday. but wilma, before the font sits a pass isn't holding back with his opinion on the matter. he says, joker, which has put a grand slam tournament at risk and has taken the majority of players for fools. no one would have really thought, you know, i can, i can just come to australia and vaccinated and not having to follow the protocol that they gave me, which is just it takes a lot of it takes a lot of bearing to do, i think and putting a ground slung, kind of a risk seems like not everyone on his playing and by the rules. a very small majority of, of that percentage chose to follow their own way, which kind of makes the rest that the so the majority makes the majority look like i don't know, like they're all fools or something. or one definitive decision that was made on says they concerned crowd size is it the tournaments? australian open organizes have said the venue will be canceled 50 percent capacity due to carbon 19 face masks will also be mandatory for all fans except when eating or drinking. now bad news for play be looking in good form ahead of the open chin as use honesty. boy was foster of her in her sydney tennis class, quarter final, a back injury brought an early in the world number ten's much against and at concert it's you, paul has also just recovered from a balance of code 19, but she is still set to compete. next week's grand slam in melbourne, sal complete chaos at the aska cup of nations in the game between shanicea and molly. on wednesday, molly were leading one nail when the referee mistakenly blew for full time. in the 86 minutes. the match did restart after a few protests on you for the raft, then once again and again before 90 minutes was out about 20 minutes later tournaments organizers had the game should be played to a conclusion. but by then chooses players had decided to refuse to return to the pitch, and molly were declared when his ah, unexpectedly muted seemed to have martinez matched against tournament davidson's gambia. either with 2 failed attempts to play martinez national anthem seem to leave the players looking slightly less than impressed. and things didn't get much better than one's play started with a stunning strike coming up from abby jello and gambia, a maiden cup of nations victory, egypt. mammon, sally, one of the star names competing out that tournament, there's been some speculation about his future at liverpool with his contract expiring next year. livable boss though young cop says he's not worried about the situation. i know, but we'll want to stay. we want more to stay. that's good. while where we are. so, and of these things take time. i cannot change, sorry. but it's em. i think it's all in a good place. nothing else was a. okay, studies high school is looking for now. thank you for that, andy. coming back in a couple of minutes time with more news, the latest from the teachers, protests and powers, and changes to covered restrictions in england. ah, killing the debates, 90 percent of the world's refugees have come from of common impacted country. the climate emergency is putting more pressure on across the world and amplify your voice. it's not really the future 8. now, this is not a lock. concrete is this completed. we cannot lose hope. we know what to do and we have the tools to do to get back with all these patients. this screen on al jazeera, my name is bonnie put malcolm. i've always thought of yoga as part of my indian heritage. i understand it to be about transformation, but yoga itself seems to be transforming. western mentality is, is a lot about this and that's very different from the eastern tradition and what yoga was originally, yoga should belong to everyone. but i'm afraid that simple truth is getting lost in a world that so commercialized. literacy owns yoga analogies in free fall precision. these athletes are experts in the art of jumping out of planes . more than 40 military, parachuting teams have descended here to the desert of guitar. to compete for the world championship title, the competitors are all active military members and have been training for years to get here. most have tens of thousands of jumps to their names. each country will compete in 3 disciplines. freefall skydive accuracy, landing and 4 way formation. men and women compete separately, but under the same flag. you know, i can't do a story about parachuting and not jump out of a plane as we climb up. the teams mentally prepare for their jam. i try to do the same then minutes later, once the earth is just a blur below, it's time to free fall. ah, a form of syrian official sentenced to life in prison, charged with crimes against humanity, and will prosecute aside the 1st conviction of its kind. well, what a fellow did on come all santa maria here and done how this is the world news from al jazeera, declaring mission accomplished. russian led forces begin withdrawing from context on after their deployment to help contain violence. anti government protests in lebanon, public transport operate as go on strike blocking road.

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