Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240709

internally displaced an unfolding space. the world's most powerful telescope is now fully deployed as it pres one. what was secrets of all universe with so china has reported its 1st locally transmitted omicron cases in the northern coastal city of change in which borders beijing, health officials say at least 2 people ever have been infected with the highly transmissible barrett authorities have begun mass testing in the city of 14000000, the winter olympic games are due to begin in beijing and near by venues in less than 4 weeks. katrina, you is in beijing and has more on china's latest cases. the main problem for chinese authorities is it's book cemetery to beijing. it's only about 3 hours drive a whale one hour by high speed rail. there is a loss of frequent commuting between the 2 cities and aging authorities are on high alert that anxious to make sure that there is no outbreak in the capital before the beginning of the beijing winter olympics on february the 4th. so as i mentioned, change residents have an order not to leave their homes until they are tested and then they cannot leave their city unless absolutely necessary. those who work and aging the work from harm and all of those in aging, who have traveled to the affected areas, inch engine, and recent weeks, must begin home quarantine. now this outbreak that we know so far with these 2 confirmed on the con cases, the 1st locally transmitted cases of the, on the called, the variance have been centered around a school community. and this is really going to test china 0 tolerance approach to curve at 19. there are already about 14000000 people in china under severe lockdown in the provinces of sun sheet in hearne and province. and these infections are continuing to spread to other areas as well. now this is really going to be a test of china's current locked down policy, that mass testing reactions here. and we're going to have to see whether this on the kron varied is going to spread here. what is concerning to authority so far is that they have not nailed down the origin of the virus. when it comes to these cases, intention to india, which is reported another 160000 new cases in the last 24 hours. that's a 7 month high. cities have introduced restrictions including night curfews in the country battle of the surgeon, oma, cron infractions capital new delhi a mom by among the worst hit optima to live in new delhi and has more as if now we have a weekend cuff, you that's in place. so the week restrictions continue, there's a nice coffee place. schools have also those on to saw the notice restaurant capacities have been slashed cinema halls and a gyms have also been closed. the big and rather welcome development is that authorities have suspended election rallies for at least a week. now this had become a big talking point in india, which is headed for key state elections that start in a month from now. or, you know, political leaders were being called out and criticized for having these double standard, imposing restrictions on people in that state wide hosting these massive rallies, you know, hundreds and thousands of people not following coven 19 told to call like what, like wearing mosques and a social distancing, in fact, off late, many political parties had had to cancel their own rallies because their own leaders were coming down with covey 19. so the authority said they will take a call next week, or depending on where the cobra 19 situation is. but for now, for the 1st time electioneering in in dow, we'll go virtual as of now all states have said that hospitals and debts are comparatively low. so there will be no lockdown as of now. and israel is ria pre toy vaccinated foreigners despite battling a record number of infections. but from sunday schools will have tied to restrictions. stephanie decker has more now from west drew's, from as kept his borders close to foreigners. for most of the pandemic really close them again in november. but what it says now, and it's, it's, it's interesting really because ironically, the numbers are all time high here in terms of daily infections. but what they're saying is that simply the spread is so among the community that travel in and out is not really going to make them a huge difference. as of today, the borders are open to vaccinated, foreigners, i'm israel is really at pushing the idea that it is the vaccine. and the booster that is at the best bet against this virus. they were the 1st country to to use a 3rd booster last year. they're now already administrating the 4th booster to those over 60 years of age, there's research going on whether this is going to be effectively administered to the entire population. but it is a situation where you have high numbers testing centers. i think as in other countries are, you know, really at breaking point. that's why it's also changed some of its demands in terms of p c. r testing. now, if you have been exposed to someone with the corona virus, the armoire con variant, if you are vaccinated, you only need to take advantage and test. also, they're cutting down on quarantine time whether you have it or not. because they say simply a, the very end doesn't seem to be as serious in terms of causing illness, particularly to those vaccinated. and also they don't want to have hundreds of thousands of israelis in quarantine when it comes to the economy. so i think, you know, this is how they're deciding to move forward. there simply isn't any proof at this point in time that closing borders and closing restrictions and increasing quarantined times, it's actually going to limit the spread of this variant. the usaa seeing a further rise in hospital admissions, driven by the armor chron variance, while the 900000 cases were recorded in the past 24 hours. and there were multi, $2600.00 deaths, health regulators awarding more children under the age of 5 who are not yet eligible to be transmitted, or being admitted hospitals. thousands of people have protested in the french capital against governments move their to tightened restrictions on on vaccinated people or propose cobit password allow only those who are fully vaccinated to enter public places. parliament bikes a plan, it'll go into effect next saturday. and italy's new pandemic laws have prompted demonstrations or hundreds of people protested, insuring against monday, 3 vaccines for any one above the age of 50. tougher laws are also coming into force for unfortunate people. for monday, they can no longer use public transport or visit restaurants. now, does extern has confirmed the rest of more than 5000 people after days of violent anti government protest? the former security services chief cut him asimov is among those detained. he is charged with high treason for his suspect of role in this week's demonstrations. robin forest walker reports on a possible struggle for control of the oil rich country, long queues for fuel and the food. as the public comes to terms with reality after the abreast. a picture is emerging of a power struggle within cassock, stones, political elite. in protests this week, anger was directed at independence, as it stands, 1st president, 81 year old, nor so 10 as a buyer. old man, get out, they taunted with those protests turned violent in our mattie as a by of was removed from the powerful position he still occupied chair of the security council. now his loyal associate kerry must seem off fired from his role as chief of national security has been charged with high treason. this is michael nazzo by hand picked cassie jermarta took i have as his successor in 2019, but did not relinquish power. both men played a leadership role attending international meetings together as recently as last month we're that has now changed we now entry the took i era. ready like it, this guy is gonna be in charge because he's not going to put his shown man in charge of his own government in jobs. so he got to read over all the people who were hanging over for the chrysler jeep the swift deployments of c s. t o security forces. $3600.00 russian lead troops is a clear sign to kind of has moscow's backing. they are now helping to strengthen his position in north, so turn the capital renamed after now that by of state media no longer mentioned his name. intimate blackouts have made it difficult to gauge public reaction. i finally reached a political activist by a telegram. he didn't want to be named just informational chairs. but i know last because we have a lot of rumors. it was said as are there, as with his reality lead angie, there's an hour shift. all the stories and here is i'm based on this lack of information. rumors, unofficial propaganda. those rumors only adding to the uncertainty that dominates life kazakstan robin 1st year walker out here the, the other states is condemned and strike in northern ethiopia. that is reportedly killed at least 56 people in the grey region. 8 workers say the strike hit a camp for internally displaced people in the village of that of it near the or a trend border. you can, government has not responded to the report or the attack came shortly after the european government released a number of high profile. political presidents include members of the to grow and rebel forces. government officials say it was said, it was time to promote a national dialogue. after a year of conflicts in the north, like michael is writer for dot com which documents war crimes into grey. he says the government pardon is a piano move. some numbers in the international community went into party mode, saying that this is pip in the right direction. and that the price that they have been, they have been mounting will be hot bone out truit on about this was positive news and i get signal. and what is to come? but i go to ruined the party a couple of hours later, which was that he sent his newly acquired drones into weston, to grey and rain bombs, dealings 56 people and wounding war done. i think 80 people in the strike. i think it's important to see that we list of the political prisoners and his papa contests over the past month. tens of thousands of grounds and around was being j. something about unknown by releasing about i think 6 people 73 yesterday he tried. busy to create a positive environment around him to kind of rude to that international community that he was interested in. the go see ation on resolution does a complete why in fact it continue doing what had been doing, which is bombing on trying to advance about, terribly interested, right. as we speak, troops are trying to enter into to write just that the grant of money is due to want to resist. go ahead here and there are a re run election in the venezuelan say to buy and yes becomes a battlefield between government and opposition. kind of it will tell you why these people brought traffic to a standstill on sub is highways. ah, ah, look forward to burritos guys. with sponsored by capital airways. hey there way we go with your weather update for europe and africa, we got a lot of action going on in the mediterranean. that's to see by the way, what that means is outbreaks of rain across italy, it's going to be breezy for sardinia, and also sicily, as while rain across greece and look at a steady stream of rain coming in to southern areas of turkey. that includes fraud, talia, so a soggy forecasts to be sure on sunday, off to the other end of the mediterranean right now and we had some soaking rains. it was for the north of spain, snow around the parent as well. so let's break it down by the numbers, expecting about 40 millimeters of rain over 12 hours. that's enough to produce some flash flooding and then 30 plus centimeters of snow as we head toward elevation. 1300 meters and above temperature is above average and madrid at 15 and same goes for valencia. it's a high 21 degrees. pleasant weather there. up to the northwest right now, and we may see a few spits of rain across the republic of ireland. northern ireland, south west of england and western areas of france, 6 years a bit low now, but they'll pop up as we hit toward monday. we do have a belt of heat, so i put the colors on the dark or the red, the hard, the temperature, hard to me rate into engine mean bungie and buddha, 37 degrees boucher could set a new all time january temperature record. that's it. we'll see again soon the weather sponsored by katara ways to algebra while the weaknesses are making serious effort in order to disrupt the trend. we need stories that play an important role protecting human. ringback face in, ah, ah ah, okay, you know what you out there remind about top stories this out and china has reported it 1st locally. transmitted on the kron casey in the northern coastal city, a change in which borders beijing, the winter, and the games due to begin in the capital and nearby venues. under 4 weeks. india has reported another $160000.00 new cases in the last 24 hours, which is the 7 month time cities have introduced restrictions, including night curfews, as a country battle of the surgeon on the after week of antique government unrest has its don. his detain more than $5000.00 and protested the detention of former security serves the chief cutting mot is also confirmed. shooting speculations of a power struggle in the country. the bodies of 9 of the 22 victims of the snow storm and pakistan had been brought to his love that they died after getting trapped in their vehicles overnight or get me. this report. moon is line the streets in islamabad, as ambulances, carrying the bodies of 8 members of the same family drive past friends of nevada, at ball, or in shock. they say the police officer and his family were well liked members of the community. come on, good, and would you put the laguna? i still can't believe it. even after i heard about this tragic incident, the whole country is grieving along with the family mavita. if paul was a very nice person, this is a kilometers day. but albuquerque, you're comfortable temperatures fell to minus 8 degrees celsius overnight on friday, in the mount in town of murray, around 30 kilometers northeast of islam, about thousands of people had traveled to the resort to see the unusually heavy snow, ignoring extreme weather warnings. some reportedly died of hypothermia after being trapped in their vehicles. overnight. witnesses say others were crushed by falling trees. lord, god, you can lodger. we'll do it on board. some tourist zyden cars. trees fell on the cars and calls their deaths. i'm just back from the area on monday. the army is doing rescue work for the highway. police and the army would have to spend another day completing the rescue work was for the traffic jams are bad even while the military's been called in to help whiskey, thousands of people who is still stranded. that bad weather is making their job difficult. pakistan's interior minister arrived in murray on saturday to see the rescue operation for himself. he promised that every one still stranded would be rescued soon. with all government rest houses have opened on the instructions of the chief minister of punjab. we are starting a helicopter service as soon as the weather clears, but still the weather is bad. if some people are strand in forests, we will rescue them. prime minister in wrong con says he is shocked and upset. he is ordered an inquiry and is promising to introduce new regulations to prevent a tragedy like this happening again. victoria gate and b al jazeera in iraq nearly 3 months after october's elections. the new parliament is scheduled to meet for the 1st time. uncertainty revolves around the nomination of the speaker and 2 deputies. the 329 c. parliament will form a new government within 30 days. so take a look at the main players. you salarous movement swept victory with 73 seats. it lead lead by mc tod asada, a cheerleader who rejects foreign presence in iraq. the attacker duma party has 37 seats. it's led by a former parliamentary speaker and gain support from the city majority, north and west of iraq. at the state of law coalition took 33 seats. it's led by a former prime minister, who has been widely blamed for fueling corruption, the kurdistan democratic party, $131.00 seats, had as many as a mix of kurdish, an arab candidates, and with 17 seats each as the foster lance, which is linked to iran. and the curtis donnie coalition, which is a nationalist party calling for self determination for kurds. i let's go log now to mark root. otherwise had our course wanted him by david mahmoud up a lot of uncertainty. here was one of the expectations when i was now at the headquarters of the parliament to the press center at the parliament, the parliament members had been arriving for this on a funeral session to be convened. very shortly. 301-0329. parliament members are expected to be sworn in here to day and then vote and elect a speaker. oh, the parliament and 2 deputies through direct a secret ballot. now as you know, this has been a long awaited decision and it has just come after 3 months since the election, the general election was conducted back in october at the maturity of the it seats has been given to this address token led by the shia cleric move to the assembly. so today, according to the protocol to be followed, the speaker of the parliament and 2 deputies will be chosen and then a after choosing the speaker of the poem and 2 deputies according to iraq's constitution, the parliament members should elect a president of the state within 30 days now, the blocks have been meeting their political blocks and parties have been meeting over the past 2 months in order to form the majority of the biggest to block and the government in the, in the parliament in order to form the government by virtue of the constitution of iraq's constitution that was written in 2005, the speaker of the parliament shall vizzini. the prime minister, shall be she and the president of the state shall be a kurdish margaret times rotten margaret. otherwise, as therefore, as in bite and egyptian policy, an act was detained in egypt more than 2 years. as arrived in france, rummy shove, was forced to renounce his egyptian citizenship before he was released into ported on thursday. there was a co founder of a pro palestinian group and accused of having ties with an outlaw organization. 2 and a half years later, i still have all my dissolved and my determination to continue. i am continuing my way, i am insisting on freeing my friends and my comrades in from egyptian jails. i'm insisting on human rights in egypt, and insisting for a free palestine. i am insisting that this will continue and they will not stop us through what happened. a slab of rock has fallen from a cliff on to near by boats in the southeast, in brazil, killing at least 7 people. the fire department says dozens more have been injured, and several, a missing. the navy has deployed divers and helicopters, officials say heavy rains may have contributed to the rock coming loose. the man, his wayland said the brain yes, has become the basis battlefield between the government of nicholas madeira and the opposition. a re run vote for state governor will take place later on sunday. it's the result of a dispute from elections there november threatened by reports. now, on what's at stake, it's the home a former socialist president who watches a place of enormous value for the government of nicola mother. that's why hold here. yes. how. what ones? venezuela foreign minister is hoping to become the new governor of readiness. hey, we are making a commitment together because we are going to govern together, right? we're going to govern together. you can't leave me alone. we're not going to walk away anymore. we're not going to disconnect from the people ever again. to be out of. yes, i kissed a copy of the sort of independence he will see mom while you are and brought the power of the state to help him went on sunday. during last november's local elections in which the governing party won in most states voters, the money now showed ample support for the opposition candidates to venezuela. supreme court, we true actively disqualified him and called for a new election after an apparent defeat of the governing parties. candidate, chavis' brother out of his chavez. now both parties have elected new candidates, said hillary though, is hoping to become the 1st governor of bad enough in more than 20 years. who does not bear the chavis last name. this is a massive demonstration from the people who are enough and we're going to win january the 9th. in spite of the differences we have, the government has all the resources of the state money resources coming from drug trafficking. even we have the people on with the people who are in us. we are going to win january the 9th. be assured, this would be the case. god is with us. for the update of the election in november . when wanting toi, by the european union, for the 1st time in 15 years, your position ran divided and was unable to defeat the governing socialist party, most states. but in buddy enough, the situation was different. the government was desperate to gain some credibility internationally to try to get the reduction of some sanctions to be able to sit and be able to maneuver in some crucial offices internationally. but they still went ahead and dismissed the past election in between us. in spite of it all, it could become an inflection on whether elections are way out of the current crisis in the country. many feelings have been struggling with a devastating economic crisis that has affected every aspect of their lives. this sunday voters embody nath will test once again the countries electoral system . the results will show whether the balance will help them in the fight for change . i will. i guess, eda, serbia prime minister says she's close to canceling any deal with the global minor group. we're going to to extract lithium after environmental protest is blocked road to gain. despite the rain and cold weather 7 straight is hold that traffic in the capital on saturday, as well as in other areas. they want the government to guarantee that no company can begin mining projects. say they won't stop until that demand is met. or, you know, so you know, it shows more now from the northern city of novi. sad environmental groups are protesting across serbia this saturday as well. activities are blocking growth and for the 1st time in history, the highway in the largest city in serbia, navi side activists, are protesting against 3 a dental company and it's planned lead. you mind project there against any project that will lead to pollution of land and water. the prime minister of the country on the burnett beach said that they are close to for feeling their demand. and the activists are planning to continue with the process until company re a team. leads there be a broad does that there are serbia started in november last year. fight isn't minister. i'm have a big dropped it in putting out of gas fire, which has been burning for 50 is the 70 me to dove. as a gas crater is known as the gateway to hell. a fall was started deliberately during a soviet drilling accident to prevent dangerous fuse from spreading. the amount of stones present so far must be extinguished because it's a waste of natural resources which could be making a profit. instead. the most powerful telescope ever launched into space has successfully completed a 2 week deployment phase. the james web telescope is so big and had to be folded to fit into the rocker that carried it into orbit. unfolding the mirrors was a crucial milestone. $10000000000.00 telescope will attempt to capture the 1st stars and galaxies for more than 30000000 years ago. is now moving to its orbital point, about one and a half 1000000 kilometers from a oh, i'm emotional about it. what an amazing milestone receipt. beautiful pattern out there in the sky and out. almost complete, of course it needs to latch but what an amazing mouse don't just the head of it. a 178 out of 178 of these. you know actuators that had to fire the right way and just so amazed about this teen emmy lynn thompson is a florida based space in science to unless he writes foot space dot com and she explains the significance of what's been achieved so far. it's incredibly huge. achievement, this telescope has been 25 years and the making and scientists are so ready for it to get to the point where it can actually send back pictures. and these were the crucial stops that had to happen to make sure that that works. it has a sun shield which is basically the size of a tennis court and that has 5 different ultra thin layers to it. so just those alone had to a unfurl and b tension. so that way it would actually keep the telescope cool enough to complete at science objectives. and then on top of that you had the mirror unfolding. and all of that is just a significant achievement. so it is going to look very far back into the universe as maybe about a 100000000 years after the big bang. and what it's going to do is look at in for red light. and so that's like the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that we feel as heat. and so stars and galaxies, planets whenever they form are very, very hot. so the telescope is going to look for those heat signatures as far back, you know, as a 100000000 years after the big bang, which is incredible. so we could not only see some of the 1st stars and galaxies, but it can also do things as sniff out x o planet atmospheres to see what kinds of chemicals are in there. maybe even to find, you know, other, habitable po, habitable planets out in the universe. ah, so this is out 0. these all the top stories on china has reported its 1st locally transmitted omar con cases in the northern coastal city of trojan with borders bay during the winter olympic games which are to begin in the capital and nearby renewed it under 4 weeks. katrina has more from richard nuff context. he engine is a very important port city in the main problem for chinese authorities is it's book cemetery to beijing. it's only about 3 hours drive away. 0, one allen by high speed rail. there is a lot of frequent commuting between the 2 city.

Related Keywords

Serbia , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Katara , Perifereia Ipeirou , Greece , Nevada , United States , Iran , Valencia , Carabobo , Venezuela , New Delhi , Delhi , India , Islamabad , Pakistan , Brazil , Madrid , Spain , Florida , Beijing , China , Ethiopia , Iraq , Egypt , Israel , Italy , Ireland , South Korea , France , Turkey , Venezuelan , Chosen , Chinese , Russian , Egyptian , Israelis , Soviet , Palestinian , Mattie Asa , Oma Kron , Nicholas Madeira , Kazakstan Robin , Emmy Lynn , Stephanie Decker , Tasha Ina , Curtis Donnie , Mc Tod Asada , Kron Casey ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240709

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internally displaced an unfolding space. the world's most powerful telescope is now fully deployed as it pres one. what was secrets of all universe with so china has reported its 1st locally transmitted omicron cases in the northern coastal city of change in which borders beijing, health officials say at least 2 people ever have been infected with the highly transmissible barrett authorities have begun mass testing in the city of 14000000, the winter olympic games are due to begin in beijing and near by venues in less than 4 weeks. katrina, you is in beijing and has more on china's latest cases. the main problem for chinese authorities is it's book cemetery to beijing. it's only about 3 hours drive a whale one hour by high speed rail. there is a loss of frequent commuting between the 2 cities and aging authorities are on high alert that anxious to make sure that there is no outbreak in the capital before the beginning of the beijing winter olympics on february the 4th. so as i mentioned, change residents have an order not to leave their homes until they are tested and then they cannot leave their city unless absolutely necessary. those who work and aging the work from harm and all of those in aging, who have traveled to the affected areas, inch engine, and recent weeks, must begin home quarantine. now this outbreak that we know so far with these 2 confirmed on the con cases, the 1st locally transmitted cases of the, on the called, the variance have been centered around a school community. and this is really going to test china 0 tolerance approach to curve at 19. there are already about 14000000 people in china under severe lockdown in the provinces of sun sheet in hearne and province. and these infections are continuing to spread to other areas as well. now this is really going to be a test of china's current locked down policy, that mass testing reactions here. and we're going to have to see whether this on the kron varied is going to spread here. what is concerning to authority so far is that they have not nailed down the origin of the virus. when it comes to these cases, intention to india, which is reported another 160000 new cases in the last 24 hours. that's a 7 month high. cities have introduced restrictions including night curfews in the country battle of the surgeon, oma, cron infractions capital new delhi a mom by among the worst hit optima to live in new delhi and has more as if now we have a weekend cuff, you that's in place. so the week restrictions continue, there's a nice coffee place. schools have also those on to saw the notice restaurant capacities have been slashed cinema halls and a gyms have also been closed. the big and rather welcome development is that authorities have suspended election rallies for at least a week. now this had become a big talking point in india, which is headed for key state elections that start in a month from now. or, you know, political leaders were being called out and criticized for having these double standard, imposing restrictions on people in that state wide hosting these massive rallies, you know, hundreds and thousands of people not following coven 19 told to call like what, like wearing mosques and a social distancing, in fact, off late, many political parties had had to cancel their own rallies because their own leaders were coming down with covey 19. so the authority said they will take a call next week, or depending on where the cobra 19 situation is. but for now, for the 1st time electioneering in in dow, we'll go virtual as of now all states have said that hospitals and debts are comparatively low. so there will be no lockdown as of now. and israel is ria pre toy vaccinated foreigners despite battling a record number of infections. but from sunday schools will have tied to restrictions. stephanie decker has more now from west drew's, from as kept his borders close to foreigners. for most of the pandemic really close them again in november. but what it says now, and it's, it's, it's interesting really because ironically, the numbers are all time high here in terms of daily infections. but what they're saying is that simply the spread is so among the community that travel in and out is not really going to make them a huge difference. as of today, the borders are open to vaccinated, foreigners, i'm israel is really at pushing the idea that it is the vaccine. and the booster that is at the best bet against this virus. they were the 1st country to to use a 3rd booster last year. they're now already administrating the 4th booster to those over 60 years of age, there's research going on whether this is going to be effectively administered to the entire population. but it is a situation where you have high numbers testing centers. i think as in other countries are, you know, really at breaking point. that's why it's also changed some of its demands in terms of p c. r testing. now, if you have been exposed to someone with the corona virus, the armoire con variant, if you are vaccinated, you only need to take advantage and test. also, they're cutting down on quarantine time whether you have it or not. because they say simply a, the very end doesn't seem to be as serious in terms of causing illness, particularly to those vaccinated. and also they don't want to have hundreds of thousands of israelis in quarantine when it comes to the economy. so i think, you know, this is how they're deciding to move forward. there simply isn't any proof at this point in time that closing borders and closing restrictions and increasing quarantined times, it's actually going to limit the spread of this variant. the usaa seeing a further rise in hospital admissions, driven by the armor chron variance, while the 900000 cases were recorded in the past 24 hours. and there were multi, $2600.00 deaths, health regulators awarding more children under the age of 5 who are not yet eligible to be transmitted, or being admitted hospitals. thousands of people have protested in the french capital against governments move their to tightened restrictions on on vaccinated people or propose cobit password allow only those who are fully vaccinated to enter public places. parliament bikes a plan, it'll go into effect next saturday. and italy's new pandemic laws have prompted demonstrations or hundreds of people protested, insuring against monday, 3 vaccines for any one above the age of 50. tougher laws are also coming into force for unfortunate people. for monday, they can no longer use public transport or visit restaurants. now, does extern has confirmed the rest of more than 5000 people after days of violent anti government protest? the former security services chief cut him asimov is among those detained. he is charged with high treason for his suspect of role in this week's demonstrations. robin forest walker reports on a possible struggle for control of the oil rich country, long queues for fuel and the food. as the public comes to terms with reality after the abreast. a picture is emerging of a power struggle within cassock, stones, political elite. in protests this week, anger was directed at independence, as it stands, 1st president, 81 year old, nor so 10 as a buyer. old man, get out, they taunted with those protests turned violent in our mattie as a by of was removed from the powerful position he still occupied chair of the security council. now his loyal associate kerry must seem off fired from his role as chief of national security has been charged with high treason. this is michael nazzo by hand picked cassie jermarta took i have as his successor in 2019, but did not relinquish power. both men played a leadership role attending international meetings together as recently as last month we're that has now changed we now entry the took i era. ready like it, this guy is gonna be in charge because he's not going to put his shown man in charge of his own government in jobs. so he got to read over all the people who were hanging over for the chrysler jeep the swift deployments of c s. t o security forces. $3600.00 russian lead troops is a clear sign to kind of has moscow's backing. they are now helping to strengthen his position in north, so turn the capital renamed after now that by of state media no longer mentioned his name. intimate blackouts have made it difficult to gauge public reaction. i finally reached a political activist by a telegram. he didn't want to be named just informational chairs. but i know last because we have a lot of rumors. it was said as are there, as with his reality lead angie, there's an hour shift. all the stories and here is i'm based on this lack of information. rumors, unofficial propaganda. those rumors only adding to the uncertainty that dominates life kazakstan robin 1st year walker out here the, the other states is condemned and strike in northern ethiopia. that is reportedly killed at least 56 people in the grey region. 8 workers say the strike hit a camp for internally displaced people in the village of that of it near the or a trend border. you can, government has not responded to the report or the attack came shortly after the european government released a number of high profile. political presidents include members of the to grow and rebel forces. government officials say it was said, it was time to promote a national dialogue. after a year of conflicts in the north, like michael is writer for dot com which documents war crimes into grey. he says the government pardon is a piano move. some numbers in the international community went into party mode, saying that this is pip in the right direction. and that the price that they have been, they have been mounting will be hot bone out truit on about this was positive news and i get signal. and what is to come? but i go to ruined the party a couple of hours later, which was that he sent his newly acquired drones into weston, to grey and rain bombs, dealings 56 people and wounding war done. i think 80 people in the strike. i think it's important to see that we list of the political prisoners and his papa contests over the past month. tens of thousands of grounds and around was being j. something about unknown by releasing about i think 6 people 73 yesterday he tried. busy to create a positive environment around him to kind of rude to that international community that he was interested in. the go see ation on resolution does a complete why in fact it continue doing what had been doing, which is bombing on trying to advance about, terribly interested, right. as we speak, troops are trying to enter into to write just that the grant of money is due to want to resist. go ahead here and there are a re run election in the venezuelan say to buy and yes becomes a battlefield between government and opposition. kind of it will tell you why these people brought traffic to a standstill on sub is highways. ah, ah, look forward to burritos guys. with sponsored by capital airways. hey there way we go with your weather update for europe and africa, we got a lot of action going on in the mediterranean. that's to see by the way, what that means is outbreaks of rain across italy, it's going to be breezy for sardinia, and also sicily, as while rain across greece and look at a steady stream of rain coming in to southern areas of turkey. that includes fraud, talia, so a soggy forecasts to be sure on sunday, off to the other end of the mediterranean right now and we had some soaking rains. it was for the north of spain, snow around the parent as well. so let's break it down by the numbers, expecting about 40 millimeters of rain over 12 hours. that's enough to produce some flash flooding and then 30 plus centimeters of snow as we head toward elevation. 1300 meters and above temperature is above average and madrid at 15 and same goes for valencia. it's a high 21 degrees. pleasant weather there. up to the northwest right now, and we may see a few spits of rain across the republic of ireland. northern ireland, south west of england and western areas of france, 6 years a bit low now, but they'll pop up as we hit toward monday. we do have a belt of heat, so i put the colors on the dark or the red, the hard, the temperature, hard to me rate into engine mean bungie and buddha, 37 degrees boucher could set a new all time january temperature record. that's it. we'll see again soon the weather sponsored by katara ways to algebra while the weaknesses are making serious effort in order to disrupt the trend. we need stories that play an important role protecting human. ringback face in, ah, ah ah, okay, you know what you out there remind about top stories this out and china has reported it 1st locally. transmitted on the kron casey in the northern coastal city, a change in which borders beijing, the winter, and the games due to begin in the capital and nearby venues. under 4 weeks. india has reported another $160000.00 new cases in the last 24 hours, which is the 7 month time cities have introduced restrictions, including night curfews, as a country battle of the surgeon on the after week of antique government unrest has its don. his detain more than $5000.00 and protested the detention of former security serves the chief cutting mot is also confirmed. shooting speculations of a power struggle in the country. the bodies of 9 of the 22 victims of the snow storm and pakistan had been brought to his love that they died after getting trapped in their vehicles overnight or get me. this report. moon is line the streets in islamabad, as ambulances, carrying the bodies of 8 members of the same family drive past friends of nevada, at ball, or in shock. they say the police officer and his family were well liked members of the community. come on, good, and would you put the laguna? i still can't believe it. even after i heard about this tragic incident, the whole country is grieving along with the family mavita. if paul was a very nice person, this is a kilometers day. but albuquerque, you're comfortable temperatures fell to minus 8 degrees celsius overnight on friday, in the mount in town of murray, around 30 kilometers northeast of islam, about thousands of people had traveled to the resort to see the unusually heavy snow, ignoring extreme weather warnings. some reportedly died of hypothermia after being trapped in their vehicles. overnight. witnesses say others were crushed by falling trees. lord, god, you can lodger. we'll do it on board. some tourist zyden cars. trees fell on the cars and calls their deaths. i'm just back from the area on monday. the army is doing rescue work for the highway. police and the army would have to spend another day completing the rescue work was for the traffic jams are bad even while the military's been called in to help whiskey, thousands of people who is still stranded. that bad weather is making their job difficult. pakistan's interior minister arrived in murray on saturday to see the rescue operation for himself. he promised that every one still stranded would be rescued soon. with all government rest houses have opened on the instructions of the chief minister of punjab. we are starting a helicopter service as soon as the weather clears, but still the weather is bad. if some people are strand in forests, we will rescue them. prime minister in wrong con says he is shocked and upset. he is ordered an inquiry and is promising to introduce new regulations to prevent a tragedy like this happening again. victoria gate and b al jazeera in iraq nearly 3 months after october's elections. the new parliament is scheduled to meet for the 1st time. uncertainty revolves around the nomination of the speaker and 2 deputies. the 329 c. parliament will form a new government within 30 days. so take a look at the main players. you salarous movement swept victory with 73 seats. it lead lead by mc tod asada, a cheerleader who rejects foreign presence in iraq. the attacker duma party has 37 seats. it's led by a former parliamentary speaker and gain support from the city majority, north and west of iraq. at the state of law coalition took 33 seats. it's led by a former prime minister, who has been widely blamed for fueling corruption, the kurdistan democratic party, $131.00 seats, had as many as a mix of kurdish, an arab candidates, and with 17 seats each as the foster lance, which is linked to iran. and the curtis donnie coalition, which is a nationalist party calling for self determination for kurds. i let's go log now to mark root. otherwise had our course wanted him by david mahmoud up a lot of uncertainty. here was one of the expectations when i was now at the headquarters of the parliament to the press center at the parliament, the parliament members had been arriving for this on a funeral session to be convened. very shortly. 301-0329. parliament members are expected to be sworn in here to day and then vote and elect a speaker. oh, the parliament and 2 deputies through direct a secret ballot. now as you know, this has been a long awaited decision and it has just come after 3 months since the election, the general election was conducted back in october at the maturity of the it seats has been given to this address token led by the shia cleric move to the assembly. so today, according to the protocol to be followed, the speaker of the parliament and 2 deputies will be chosen and then a after choosing the speaker of the poem and 2 deputies according to iraq's constitution, the parliament members should elect a president of the state within 30 days now, the blocks have been meeting their political blocks and parties have been meeting over the past 2 months in order to form the majority of the biggest to block and the government in the, in the parliament in order to form the government by virtue of the constitution of iraq's constitution that was written in 2005, the speaker of the parliament shall vizzini. the prime minister, shall be she and the president of the state shall be a kurdish margaret times rotten margaret. otherwise, as therefore, as in bite and egyptian policy, an act was detained in egypt more than 2 years. as arrived in france, rummy shove, was forced to renounce his egyptian citizenship before he was released into ported on thursday. there was a co founder of a pro palestinian group and accused of having ties with an outlaw organization. 2 and a half years later, i still have all my dissolved and my determination to continue. i am continuing my way, i am insisting on freeing my friends and my comrades in from egyptian jails. i'm insisting on human rights in egypt, and insisting for a free palestine. i am insisting that this will continue and they will not stop us through what happened. a slab of rock has fallen from a cliff on to near by boats in the southeast, in brazil, killing at least 7 people. the fire department says dozens more have been injured, and several, a missing. the navy has deployed divers and helicopters, officials say heavy rains may have contributed to the rock coming loose. the man, his wayland said the brain yes, has become the basis battlefield between the government of nicholas madeira and the opposition. a re run vote for state governor will take place later on sunday. it's the result of a dispute from elections there november threatened by reports. now, on what's at stake, it's the home a former socialist president who watches a place of enormous value for the government of nicola mother. that's why hold here. yes. how. what ones? venezuela foreign minister is hoping to become the new governor of readiness. hey, we are making a commitment together because we are going to govern together, right? we're going to govern together. you can't leave me alone. we're not going to walk away anymore. we're not going to disconnect from the people ever again. to be out of. yes, i kissed a copy of the sort of independence he will see mom while you are and brought the power of the state to help him went on sunday. during last november's local elections in which the governing party won in most states voters, the money now showed ample support for the opposition candidates to venezuela. supreme court, we true actively disqualified him and called for a new election after an apparent defeat of the governing parties. candidate, chavis' brother out of his chavez. now both parties have elected new candidates, said hillary though, is hoping to become the 1st governor of bad enough in more than 20 years. who does not bear the chavis last name. this is a massive demonstration from the people who are enough and we're going to win january the 9th. in spite of the differences we have, the government has all the resources of the state money resources coming from drug trafficking. even we have the people on with the people who are in us. we are going to win january the 9th. be assured, this would be the case. god is with us. for the update of the election in november . when wanting toi, by the european union, for the 1st time in 15 years, your position ran divided and was unable to defeat the governing socialist party, most states. but in buddy enough, the situation was different. the government was desperate to gain some credibility internationally to try to get the reduction of some sanctions to be able to sit and be able to maneuver in some crucial offices internationally. but they still went ahead and dismissed the past election in between us. in spite of it all, it could become an inflection on whether elections are way out of the current crisis in the country. many feelings have been struggling with a devastating economic crisis that has affected every aspect of their lives. this sunday voters embody nath will test once again the countries electoral system . the results will show whether the balance will help them in the fight for change . i will. i guess, eda, serbia prime minister says she's close to canceling any deal with the global minor group. we're going to to extract lithium after environmental protest is blocked road to gain. despite the rain and cold weather 7 straight is hold that traffic in the capital on saturday, as well as in other areas. they want the government to guarantee that no company can begin mining projects. say they won't stop until that demand is met. or, you know, so you know, it shows more now from the northern city of novi. sad environmental groups are protesting across serbia this saturday as well. activities are blocking growth and for the 1st time in history, the highway in the largest city in serbia, navi side activists, are protesting against 3 a dental company and it's planned lead. you mind project there against any project that will lead to pollution of land and water. the prime minister of the country on the burnett beach said that they are close to for feeling their demand. and the activists are planning to continue with the process until company re a team. leads there be a broad does that there are serbia started in november last year. fight isn't minister. i'm have a big dropped it in putting out of gas fire, which has been burning for 50 is the 70 me to dove. as a gas crater is known as the gateway to hell. a fall was started deliberately during a soviet drilling accident to prevent dangerous fuse from spreading. the amount of stones present so far must be extinguished because it's a waste of natural resources which could be making a profit. instead. the most powerful telescope ever launched into space has successfully completed a 2 week deployment phase. the james web telescope is so big and had to be folded to fit into the rocker that carried it into orbit. unfolding the mirrors was a crucial milestone. $10000000000.00 telescope will attempt to capture the 1st stars and galaxies for more than 30000000 years ago. is now moving to its orbital point, about one and a half 1000000 kilometers from a oh, i'm emotional about it. what an amazing milestone receipt. beautiful pattern out there in the sky and out. almost complete, of course it needs to latch but what an amazing mouse don't just the head of it. a 178 out of 178 of these. you know actuators that had to fire the right way and just so amazed about this teen emmy lynn thompson is a florida based space in science to unless he writes foot space dot com and she explains the significance of what's been achieved so far. it's incredibly huge. achievement, this telescope has been 25 years and the making and scientists are so ready for it to get to the point where it can actually send back pictures. and these were the crucial stops that had to happen to make sure that that works. it has a sun shield which is basically the size of a tennis court and that has 5 different ultra thin layers to it. so just those alone had to a unfurl and b tension. so that way it would actually keep the telescope cool enough to complete at science objectives. and then on top of that you had the mirror unfolding. and all of that is just a significant achievement. so it is going to look very far back into the universe as maybe about a 100000000 years after the big bang. and what it's going to do is look at in for red light. and so that's like the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that we feel as heat. and so stars and galaxies, planets whenever they form are very, very hot. so the telescope is going to look for those heat signatures as far back, you know, as a 100000000 years after the big bang, which is incredible. so we could not only see some of the 1st stars and galaxies, but it can also do things as sniff out x o planet atmospheres to see what kinds of chemicals are in there. maybe even to find, you know, other, habitable po, habitable planets out in the universe. ah, so this is out 0. these all the top stories on china has reported its 1st locally transmitted omar con cases in the northern coastal city of trojan with borders bay during the winter olympic games which are to begin in the capital and nearby renewed it under 4 weeks. katrina has more from richard nuff context. he engine is a very important port city in the main problem for chinese authorities is it's book cemetery to beijing. it's only about 3 hours drive away. 0, one allen by high speed rail. there is a lot of frequent commuting between the 2 city.

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