Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709

the national unity government, which is effectively a government in excel which has been established for the point when the military coup can be overturn. as we approached the adverse, the one year anniversary of that who it seems, the military of very keen to stamped down their authority. and these are areas along the board with thailand that they traditionally don't have a lot of control. there are ethnic on groups that operate relatively freely in these areas. security forces in sudan have fire tear gas that protesters in the capital cartoon, tens of thousands rally to call on the military to stay out of politics. it was a tense, major demonstration since october. the palestinian red crescent says, is there any forces of injure? 240 protesters near novice tension has been escalating since to palestinian skill and he's daily settler. on december 16th, they have been emotional scenes in northern iraq after the bodies of 16 migraines were returned home from france. the victims were among a group of people who drowned last month trying to reach britain and age group has filed a lawsuit against frank. jen, you care, authorities accusing them of ignoring distress calls. dozens of survivors of another thinking have arrived on the greek island of perils. at least 16 people drowned when their boat capsized in the j and c late friday. it's the 3rd french disaster in greek waters in as many days. many u. s. hospitals are severely understaffed and unable to cope with a surgeon corona via cases. about 70000 americans were in hospital with cold at 19 as of friday. that trigger is up about 50 percent from early november and from fatally and the u. k. have reported the highest number of current of eyes cases since the pandemic began. experts are wanting that one in 10 people in london could be infected in the coming days. i'll just hear a correspondence continues next day with this news . ah, ah, the my grandfather matthew read not with well known for working with the contract and he competed for the charge design and build the new apollo space. one company, i'll see dover when to great lengths with the publicity stunt. they show death suit playing, american football, and winning the nasa contract by a touchdown. nicholas moore show has extensively research the development of the season, his book space suit fashioning apollo. he tells me the in the early sixty's, i also was a comparatively small company, best known for making women's underwear under the brand name. plato. even at the time people in nasa, coldplay takes out, i'll see partially as a, as a, like we call someone by their nickname, partly as a kind of like can you believe we're dealing with plato fears despite the company's lack of experience making protective clothing the flexible and highly intricate design made the clear winner and incredibly after they won the nasa contract. skill seamstresses who had previously been sewing broaden girdles can move to the painstaking job of assembling the apollo space. because the suit ended up being put together out of $21.00 layers. of fabric, i know like $21.00 layers of fabric just cut or cut out like like a sandwich and phone together. but actually 21. and seats put one inside of the other, like a russian doll and then a sofa to a 64 inch tolerance without any pins, because the pins high puncture the pressure layer. this was a kind of a barclay, and nor olympic feet of sewing and to find people who could do it. they looked to the so, or as they were called, that they already employed her. of course, on that bronze girdle side. i even, i was like 2 side to the same warehouse and then these women were the ones who put the suits together and actually figured it out. and there were no drawings all the students. there was no kind of schematic drawing that told you how to put to put it together. the knowledge was really only in the fingertips of these women. nicholas says that during the research for his book and my grandfather's name came that the people from does that doesn't come up. is it something that was it? was it matlab knox case something that that seem to be very influential. yeah. oh. because in fact, the particular role that my reading of all these documents is, is that there to people kind of people in any organization. there are the people who, for the roles and other people who get things done. and allow for rules to be mostly followed. and i think that your grandfather's seems to me to be definitely in the latter camp. i mean, he was in this, the conflict and the egos around us were, i mean, planetary scale you had with most public geopolitical event of the late 1960, you had all of national prestige on her, on the line. nobody want to be the person to screw it, are you sorry? my impression is that he was an absolute pain in the ass when he needed to be. and that he was a charming when he needed to be. and as i say in, in these situations who need these ring master fingers who are able to, to channel and shepherd, the energies of organizations to produce productive results. and your grandfather definitely seems like one of the most important ones when it came to all the things which actually kept us shorts alive. which in many ways were the most important things. well, many of my here is from the apollo program and no longer with us. so finding people he can tell me what it was like to design the suit. man, roar to walk on the moon isn't easy. but for my, i'll see engineer john shibel still has an extraordinarily bright mind and a passion for engineering. he's kept a mandate that he liberated from. i'll see when he retired. and it's amazing. come face to face with such an iconic object is exactly what you guys design manager by neil armstrong and basil jin young. she walked on the me this is the apollo move in your mall. lou, listen and various pictures on the footprint on the moon. when it came to the big moments in apollo, i'm talking about obviously the moon landing when, when everyone, when i guess that was the real test wasn't at the e v. a in apollo 11 of the suit that you guys had designed every one of our employees was in the plant and washed the landing on a television every, every person, every person that worked there was midnight. and we were all in the plan. now, after the landing, i remember is kind of sentimental for me, but after the lanny law over at his private 2 o'clock in the morning or how looked up with the lyrics. so and that was like i said, that was an emotional but, and it was proof that we did it right. or john hasn't seen his still my boss. hannah ream sits there space today. so i've taken the opportunity to get them together. when i me high match, took lot, his experiences, while he on the apollo program. how did you feel when that moment came, when buzz neal stepped out of the spacecraft. we saw what this was. i mean, this is the world looking at all i all see suit and the thing that that dead was difficult. is it the power love? it was a systems test to suit had been run through door building testing here at our, in our laboratories. we were confident of the store building the systems test was apollo loven, emily, problem one. it was real and it was on the moon and i just couldn't wait for it to get over. it all worked out pretty good except they got a hit on the timeline and buzz all on barrow daredevil as he is. he decides to reinvent some more stuff and he's jumping around out there and i'm thinking get it back to inside. i mean, this is over glenda success and get back and lemme, lemme, you know, he's out there doing some more stuff. he was just caught up in a moment, but it all, it all worked out. ok. phone a, crew systems, engineers, jenny mcmahon and larry bell vividly remember what it was like to walk hung side grampa his body. my discovery of an i kept him from an old b, b. c documentary about nasa, coupled with joe and larry, stories have gives him my fast insight into what grandpa is like to have round the office. matthew red, no ski, that space suit design and we have to define how he's going outside in the event that the man were to go outside on a completely self contained quote of a life support system. then some changes would have to be made. you have to have a pack on his back would have to have a pack on his back on the pack would have to be contained ah, devices, chemicals to tell me what it was like to work we had met, right. not ski. my grandpa was he, i met. yeah. tell me a little bit about him. he was a character and let me start there. really interesting. we sometimes referred to me as the mad rush and this because he'd get all upset. somebody didn't do what he wanted or do it as well. i was telling you earlier this piece a 4 by 4 would laying on his desk in a big survival machete. he got upset with me to start chopping on that block people downstairs calling us would you knock it off? man? i can't hear down. i had an experience in the same gemini program when with the crewman complained that their communication system would slide around. and in the helmet, they couldn't get to it to just it. and i was having a meeting in the office but how we can fix it and he walks in as to which annisa. i don't know what the number was like a p, j 7. what a british communications cap he knew about these british flying calves, because he'd been over there in the war and had flown with him and knew what it was . we took it apart, uses a pattern to make what was referred to later as the snoopy cap could had the brown, the earth, white spandex down the middle. so kind of look like a snoopy dog from the cartoon, and referred to an apollo programs, a snoopy cat. but he was want to got that in started tell us that what we needed. tell me what it was like at the time. then to be working kristin's, what was grandpa like? when matt walked into a room, he totally filled it. he was single minded, he was totally focused. and anybody around, no matter who you worked for by the organization chart. if matt had a job or do you work for matt, and one thing about him, he could break into the most. be a terrific smile. he had the greatest smile i ever saw. it was just, it was like the sun coming up behind the cloud was unbelieving, who changed from his photo. totally focused driven guy. oh, somewhat somewhat strike him. and his voice would soften and he had a smile. so he was, it was a, a volatile guy. he was a genius. it was a james and he, i don't think his contributions will ever be fully appreciated. the styles of the space race, of course, with the asking, the american public records he followed every detail, thankful, amorous, lifestyles. but the glare of the media spotlight often obscured the dangers of traveling in the space and crucial partnership between the men who built the seats and the ones he wore them asked, you know, jim lovell is better than anybody was. it was like to trust the crew systems team with his life, or what he shows me around next submission of artifacts from his 3 flights into space. he tells me how he and his crew port, his most famous missions, apollo 13 back from the brink of disaster of lawn. thanks in part to the ingenuity of the nasa engineers on the ground. one of our big graces was the fact that all of their 3 people had to live in the lunar module because the command module was dead in the lunar module. environmental system had only a couple of canisters to remove the carbon dioxide because the lamazzo was designed only to be powered up once we're in lunar orbit. and it was designed to last only 2 days. i for only 2 people. and of course, when they explosion occurred, there was least a 4 day flight ah ad. there were 3 people and casually the canisters to remove the carbon dioxide we're becoming saturated. and therefore we had to go into the dead command module and get the canisters so that environmental system to try to see if we could recall jury rig those canisters to work in the little module system. unfortunately, the casters in the command module were square. the ones that were using the little modul war route and we did it with duck table, a piece of plastic cardboard cover from a flight manual animal soc. and that's how we got that thing in to live our battle system, all the little modules so that i will remove the carbon dioxide, which is a perfect example of the ingenuity of the over people of crew systems is qu, systems that done that people working together to figure out how that had to be done. ready there were only 8 human beings still alive, who set foot on the moon is an incredible privilege to get to meet one of them. charlie g. lunar module pilots, apollo 16. he spent more than 20 hours on the lunar surface. with his fellow astronaut john young. put us in your, in your boots as it were, when you walk on the man, can you feel, for example, the texture of the surface they walk you on can you feel any he or do you really feel very isolated? well, once she got outside, you couldn't feel this fixture. in fact, you, i don't even recall my, my, me seeking in. but when you turned around, you saw your footprint she left around our landing site. probably an inch, maybe 2 inches depression. but with the moon boot on an a suit boot, you could not feel the texture was not like walking on the beach in barefooted. the worry in the space suit on the, on the moon is heat stroke, body heat. and you have to illuminate that body heat through our liquid cool garment that we had. and that worked really good. and so we had minimum cooling, intermediate cooling, and maximum coolie when you were riding in the rover. intermediate cooling was to calling a glitch like freezing in the soup. so you had to turn back to what minimum. but when you got out and you started working, you had to go back to the medium setting. i felt secure, i never had a fearful fell out except once, and when i fell over backwards towards the end of our stay on the moon and we were excited, we'd done a good job and accomplished everything except for one experiment. and so john and i were going to do the moon olympics in broad jump in the hygiene. so john said, well, we're running behind houston and we're going away. we're gonna do the moon olympic . so he starts to bales. and so i start to bounce and then and then i gave a big jump. and when i did unfortunately, i straightened out in my center of gravity, went backwards, and i were a nuclear seen real to be just going over backups like it's very scary because if i land the backpack brakes, i done for i got a barish goes a tv camera was pointed right at me and so they'd seen this stupid high job. they were very upset by the way. so that ended the moon olympics. i said no more that get back in gas. and so john park, the rover, i climbed in and that was an our stay being one of them. i think just a dozen people ever have the chance. ready to stand on the man and, and the copyright did that change your perspective of life on earth, where we stood on the moon. the earth was directly overhead. and my 1st thought, when we 1st got dear was we're a long way from home. there. if you're just out there and it's you covered over with your hand in those views of earth, hung up in the blackness, the space for no borders, no countries, no continents. and then you do have some time to reflect well, the engine is designing the space suit may be didn't realize was that they were also crazy. a cultural icon. today, the image of the apollo astronauts has become instantly recognizable the wild over like me, author nasa, consultant and space flight historian. amy title wasn't even born yet during the polar project, but she's captured a 21st century audience. detention with her popular youtube videos would exclude aspects of what she calls the vintage space sat that we're looking at today on vintage space. i want to get amy's take a life space systems such a big part of the public imagination. and why the space suit was found everywhere, from advertising, to even fancy dress. and we'll to take your own to frontier that you hand in boy that you may, i did. yeah, i don't know if i'm gonna dress caroline up in from funds bases here with the space her graham has had a massive impact on modern culture and it is exactly that sort of the prevalence of the image of the astronaut. you see everywhere affiliated with anything, it's sort of become the one thing like everyone recognizes an answer in a big, bulky space. you usually the apollo era white one and everyone recognizes a rocket, but somehow those 2, those 2 things. and really mainly the suit because it's that human, like we, we see we can see ourselves in a c, right? you can put, you can put that on you. good yesterday. but what i want to do now is get inside a real space, eat and feel for myself, what it's actually like as an independent company in new york. what final frontier design is run by american ted southern and his russian colleague, nickel. i'm we see that creating a suit that she has some technology with the current russian saved the so called sate, which is you last notes travelling to the international space station. canadian national come on to chris hatfield. will the so called see during his file ship into space where he became famous for his city on board, the international space station to sleep. mm. you say he shows me around a circle say like the one he flew in. well, i'm a bit nervous about being completely enclosed inside a precious seat. so i want to know from his perspective, what a space suit is actually like to where the russian suit is varies very elegantly simple, very purpose designed. the suit that i wore on the shuttle much more robust because you have to actually be able to jump out and come down under a parachute in it. so it has to be a little more rugged suit than, than the, than the russian suit. but they both do their job well, i wouldn't where either of them recreation please. there. they are uncomfortable, hot rubber. no non compliant. garments to work. so it's not too much difference say to putting on a big heavy, wet suit and a scuba tank and a snorkel and fins and mask, you know, that's an ungainly thing to be wearing and you wouldn't want to be wearing and walking around right here. but once you go into the water, it feels different but natural, and it allows you to spend an hour under water that otherwise would be completely denied you. so there's sort of that girding your loins feeling of putting all this stuff on. so that then you can go do battle with something that otherwise would, would defeat you at last, the time has come to try out the final frontier seats. this is one of the key moment in this journey for me and understanding what it feels like. you can look at it, i can look at it, lay down in the table, space you as an tops and material as many times as you like. but when you are in it, you, your body is covered once and visor in front of you. i think that is over the face, these experience and the moment when you can understand what people like my grandfather were working for creating i feel like a little kid. i'm like like chris hatfield ah me. oh, i came to me through a series of physical challenges, some of which i probably struggled with at the best of times. i'm beginning to understand the engineering challenge involved in making a suit of fabric, but to naples, a person to walk on the moon, especially given the technology of the 1960 looking back at everything that was required to make the states nicholas, marcia was right when he said that grandpa was a ring master, all the different engineering goes at port themselves into that effort. it takes a big personality to be able to thrive in that environment. i think he sounds like a bit of a mentalist sometimes. and i like that because it makes me feel a bit crap that you know, that makes me feel close to him. realizing that actually he to be kind of pay him. yeah. and he was a bit. wait, sometimes i'm here. cool. people in the middle, the nights because he was really excited and wants to quit right now. and i love that because that's sort of the person i am a bit as well. and that's what makes me feel close to him. not realizing that i want someone to tell me that he was actually really irritating, sometimes because i'm really irritating sometimes. and that makes me feel close to him. much right, not his daughter, mountie barbara, still lives in houston, texas. out say later on as part of the research to this film and she's been looking to old paperwork and photographs from that time. and i grandpa died when he was 68 years old. just 3 years after i was born in the u. k. he only saw me twice and wanted to visit again. but his how finally failed him. i wish i could have interviewed him to this film. what you don't know is that your effort to do this, your effort, caroline, to find out about your grandfather is exactly the way matt would act and would hope and dream that you would act because we spoke a lot the weeks before he died and he knew that he was not well, and he was 68 and he felt his time was coming. he really wanted a heart transplant but couldn't qualify. and so he was planning a trip with me to see you when he died. and your actions in learning about him is just what he'd want. that was his that was his great love and you're the youngest. and he really wanted you to know about it. he really wanted to visit you as i come close to the end of my journey of discovery about grandpa and the space seeps. i've got a new understanding and respect the work of nasa and all those who played that part in putting man on the moon. for me and my family. we have one ensuring personal legacy to remember grandpa by an icon of the 20th century. this is the apollo, see it? this is pretty much the real deal. i mean, this is the re, this is what my grandfather and his colleagues design. what i'll see days a made and what the crew of the apollo's water walk on the moon. in many ways, this was graham pause, my famous legacy. this was his child, the man who came back to us safely. and that was because of the matter cru system over grandma, on a rite of passage present to the generation, my cousin was laying down, there was claiming she was helpless. the woman who, after indoors it goes to cycle of pain for what fatima night meets, the women affected my f g m, those re shaping perception. do you think people will abandon the eventually but to please take al jazeera correspond the con ah hello, thank you for joining in the rain risk is still there for us on sunday, across some of the golf. let's go over those details right now. all has to do with this ribbon of cloud. the could very well generate some showers. let's go in for a closer look. try and pinpoint where this will be. and i also wanted to mention this risk when coming down from iraq, a shamal. so we'll see when gus and go i to about 50 kilometers per hour. there are some of their showers could work into re add into bahrain into northern portions of cats. or these could be some thunder downpours as while and temperatures in riyadh . well below the average of $22.00 degrees, thanks to that cloud cover. really putting a cap on things. lot of clouds and also showers working across the pakistan. the hor, at 16 degrees is lama bod. 17. and off we go to turkey. those winds will be winding up through the boss for about 50 kilometers per hour. is stumble has a higher 14 degrees storms once again, bubbling up around kinshasa into congo. a gab on southern portions of cameroon, lagos, exceptional heat at 36, pretty close or record you may get there. so we'll keep tabs on that. also seen storms through botswana, zimbabwe, eastern portions of south africa, cape town at 29 degrees, but prepare for your temperatures. are on the way down. that's it soon. ah frank assessments, this crisis is continued to weaken luca shenker, even though perhaps he believes in the beginning there have what's been informed opinions. i think politicians will now be under incredible pressure from their young people. that is one of the most helpful things to come out of this critical debate. do you think it should be facilitated? not sure. okay, it's a great, it's a really simple question. let's give samuel a child wants that inside story on al jazeera, from the, from dallas of correct us. so the battle fields around most of our job is to get to the truth and empower people through knowledge. ah, human rights groups accuse me of miles military of a massacre after dozens of burn bodies are found in k. how states ah, i'm so rahman your challenge is there a lot of my headquarters here in doug also coming up, hundreds of palestinian presents does are injured and the occupied west bank is tension escalates over time.

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Lagos , Nigeria , Kinshasa , Democratic Republic Of The Congo , United Kingdom , Dover , Kent , Texas , West Bank , Congo , Cape Town , Western Cape , South Africa , Greek Island , Riyadh , Ar Riya , Saudi Arabia , Russia , Pakistan , Bahrain , London , City Of , Iraq , Thailand , Israel , Sudan , Zimbabwe , Cameroon , Botswana , Bangkok , Krung Thep Mahanakhon , Houston , Dallas , France , Turkey , Greece , Americans , Russian , Greek , Britain , British , Palestinian , American , Jim Lovell , States Nicholas , John Park , Larry Bell , Nicholas Moore , Matlab Knox , Jenny Mcmahon , Tony Chang , Chris Hatfield ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709

Card image cap

the national unity government, which is effectively a government in excel which has been established for the point when the military coup can be overturn. as we approached the adverse, the one year anniversary of that who it seems, the military of very keen to stamped down their authority. and these are areas along the board with thailand that they traditionally don't have a lot of control. there are ethnic on groups that operate relatively freely in these areas. security forces in sudan have fire tear gas that protesters in the capital cartoon, tens of thousands rally to call on the military to stay out of politics. it was a tense, major demonstration since october. the palestinian red crescent says, is there any forces of injure? 240 protesters near novice tension has been escalating since to palestinian skill and he's daily settler. on december 16th, they have been emotional scenes in northern iraq after the bodies of 16 migraines were returned home from france. the victims were among a group of people who drowned last month trying to reach britain and age group has filed a lawsuit against frank. jen, you care, authorities accusing them of ignoring distress calls. dozens of survivors of another thinking have arrived on the greek island of perils. at least 16 people drowned when their boat capsized in the j and c late friday. it's the 3rd french disaster in greek waters in as many days. many u. s. hospitals are severely understaffed and unable to cope with a surgeon corona via cases. about 70000 americans were in hospital with cold at 19 as of friday. that trigger is up about 50 percent from early november and from fatally and the u. k. have reported the highest number of current of eyes cases since the pandemic began. experts are wanting that one in 10 people in london could be infected in the coming days. i'll just hear a correspondence continues next day with this news . ah, ah, the my grandfather matthew read not with well known for working with the contract and he competed for the charge design and build the new apollo space. one company, i'll see dover when to great lengths with the publicity stunt. they show death suit playing, american football, and winning the nasa contract by a touchdown. nicholas moore show has extensively research the development of the season, his book space suit fashioning apollo. he tells me the in the early sixty's, i also was a comparatively small company, best known for making women's underwear under the brand name. plato. even at the time people in nasa, coldplay takes out, i'll see partially as a, as a, like we call someone by their nickname, partly as a kind of like can you believe we're dealing with plato fears despite the company's lack of experience making protective clothing the flexible and highly intricate design made the clear winner and incredibly after they won the nasa contract. skill seamstresses who had previously been sewing broaden girdles can move to the painstaking job of assembling the apollo space. because the suit ended up being put together out of $21.00 layers. of fabric, i know like $21.00 layers of fabric just cut or cut out like like a sandwich and phone together. but actually 21. and seats put one inside of the other, like a russian doll and then a sofa to a 64 inch tolerance without any pins, because the pins high puncture the pressure layer. this was a kind of a barclay, and nor olympic feet of sewing and to find people who could do it. they looked to the so, or as they were called, that they already employed her. of course, on that bronze girdle side. i even, i was like 2 side to the same warehouse and then these women were the ones who put the suits together and actually figured it out. and there were no drawings all the students. there was no kind of schematic drawing that told you how to put to put it together. the knowledge was really only in the fingertips of these women. nicholas says that during the research for his book and my grandfather's name came that the people from does that doesn't come up. is it something that was it? was it matlab knox case something that that seem to be very influential. yeah. oh. because in fact, the particular role that my reading of all these documents is, is that there to people kind of people in any organization. there are the people who, for the roles and other people who get things done. and allow for rules to be mostly followed. and i think that your grandfather's seems to me to be definitely in the latter camp. i mean, he was in this, the conflict and the egos around us were, i mean, planetary scale you had with most public geopolitical event of the late 1960, you had all of national prestige on her, on the line. nobody want to be the person to screw it, are you sorry? my impression is that he was an absolute pain in the ass when he needed to be. and that he was a charming when he needed to be. and as i say in, in these situations who need these ring master fingers who are able to, to channel and shepherd, the energies of organizations to produce productive results. and your grandfather definitely seems like one of the most important ones when it came to all the things which actually kept us shorts alive. which in many ways were the most important things. well, many of my here is from the apollo program and no longer with us. so finding people he can tell me what it was like to design the suit. man, roar to walk on the moon isn't easy. but for my, i'll see engineer john shibel still has an extraordinarily bright mind and a passion for engineering. he's kept a mandate that he liberated from. i'll see when he retired. and it's amazing. come face to face with such an iconic object is exactly what you guys design manager by neil armstrong and basil jin young. she walked on the me this is the apollo move in your mall. lou, listen and various pictures on the footprint on the moon. when it came to the big moments in apollo, i'm talking about obviously the moon landing when, when everyone, when i guess that was the real test wasn't at the e v. a in apollo 11 of the suit that you guys had designed every one of our employees was in the plant and washed the landing on a television every, every person, every person that worked there was midnight. and we were all in the plan. now, after the landing, i remember is kind of sentimental for me, but after the lanny law over at his private 2 o'clock in the morning or how looked up with the lyrics. so and that was like i said, that was an emotional but, and it was proof that we did it right. or john hasn't seen his still my boss. hannah ream sits there space today. so i've taken the opportunity to get them together. when i me high match, took lot, his experiences, while he on the apollo program. how did you feel when that moment came, when buzz neal stepped out of the spacecraft. we saw what this was. i mean, this is the world looking at all i all see suit and the thing that that dead was difficult. is it the power love? it was a systems test to suit had been run through door building testing here at our, in our laboratories. we were confident of the store building the systems test was apollo loven, emily, problem one. it was real and it was on the moon and i just couldn't wait for it to get over. it all worked out pretty good except they got a hit on the timeline and buzz all on barrow daredevil as he is. he decides to reinvent some more stuff and he's jumping around out there and i'm thinking get it back to inside. i mean, this is over glenda success and get back and lemme, lemme, you know, he's out there doing some more stuff. he was just caught up in a moment, but it all, it all worked out. ok. phone a, crew systems, engineers, jenny mcmahon and larry bell vividly remember what it was like to walk hung side grampa his body. my discovery of an i kept him from an old b, b. c documentary about nasa, coupled with joe and larry, stories have gives him my fast insight into what grandpa is like to have round the office. matthew red, no ski, that space suit design and we have to define how he's going outside in the event that the man were to go outside on a completely self contained quote of a life support system. then some changes would have to be made. you have to have a pack on his back would have to have a pack on his back on the pack would have to be contained ah, devices, chemicals to tell me what it was like to work we had met, right. not ski. my grandpa was he, i met. yeah. tell me a little bit about him. he was a character and let me start there. really interesting. we sometimes referred to me as the mad rush and this because he'd get all upset. somebody didn't do what he wanted or do it as well. i was telling you earlier this piece a 4 by 4 would laying on his desk in a big survival machete. he got upset with me to start chopping on that block people downstairs calling us would you knock it off? man? i can't hear down. i had an experience in the same gemini program when with the crewman complained that their communication system would slide around. and in the helmet, they couldn't get to it to just it. and i was having a meeting in the office but how we can fix it and he walks in as to which annisa. i don't know what the number was like a p, j 7. what a british communications cap he knew about these british flying calves, because he'd been over there in the war and had flown with him and knew what it was . we took it apart, uses a pattern to make what was referred to later as the snoopy cap could had the brown, the earth, white spandex down the middle. so kind of look like a snoopy dog from the cartoon, and referred to an apollo programs, a snoopy cat. but he was want to got that in started tell us that what we needed. tell me what it was like at the time. then to be working kristin's, what was grandpa like? when matt walked into a room, he totally filled it. he was single minded, he was totally focused. and anybody around, no matter who you worked for by the organization chart. if matt had a job or do you work for matt, and one thing about him, he could break into the most. be a terrific smile. he had the greatest smile i ever saw. it was just, it was like the sun coming up behind the cloud was unbelieving, who changed from his photo. totally focused driven guy. oh, somewhat somewhat strike him. and his voice would soften and he had a smile. so he was, it was a, a volatile guy. he was a genius. it was a james and he, i don't think his contributions will ever be fully appreciated. the styles of the space race, of course, with the asking, the american public records he followed every detail, thankful, amorous, lifestyles. but the glare of the media spotlight often obscured the dangers of traveling in the space and crucial partnership between the men who built the seats and the ones he wore them asked, you know, jim lovell is better than anybody was. it was like to trust the crew systems team with his life, or what he shows me around next submission of artifacts from his 3 flights into space. he tells me how he and his crew port, his most famous missions, apollo 13 back from the brink of disaster of lawn. thanks in part to the ingenuity of the nasa engineers on the ground. one of our big graces was the fact that all of their 3 people had to live in the lunar module because the command module was dead in the lunar module. environmental system had only a couple of canisters to remove the carbon dioxide because the lamazzo was designed only to be powered up once we're in lunar orbit. and it was designed to last only 2 days. i for only 2 people. and of course, when they explosion occurred, there was least a 4 day flight ah ad. there were 3 people and casually the canisters to remove the carbon dioxide we're becoming saturated. and therefore we had to go into the dead command module and get the canisters so that environmental system to try to see if we could recall jury rig those canisters to work in the little module system. unfortunately, the casters in the command module were square. the ones that were using the little modul war route and we did it with duck table, a piece of plastic cardboard cover from a flight manual animal soc. and that's how we got that thing in to live our battle system, all the little modules so that i will remove the carbon dioxide, which is a perfect example of the ingenuity of the over people of crew systems is qu, systems that done that people working together to figure out how that had to be done. ready there were only 8 human beings still alive, who set foot on the moon is an incredible privilege to get to meet one of them. charlie g. lunar module pilots, apollo 16. he spent more than 20 hours on the lunar surface. with his fellow astronaut john young. put us in your, in your boots as it were, when you walk on the man, can you feel, for example, the texture of the surface they walk you on can you feel any he or do you really feel very isolated? well, once she got outside, you couldn't feel this fixture. in fact, you, i don't even recall my, my, me seeking in. but when you turned around, you saw your footprint she left around our landing site. probably an inch, maybe 2 inches depression. but with the moon boot on an a suit boot, you could not feel the texture was not like walking on the beach in barefooted. the worry in the space suit on the, on the moon is heat stroke, body heat. and you have to illuminate that body heat through our liquid cool garment that we had. and that worked really good. and so we had minimum cooling, intermediate cooling, and maximum coolie when you were riding in the rover. intermediate cooling was to calling a glitch like freezing in the soup. so you had to turn back to what minimum. but when you got out and you started working, you had to go back to the medium setting. i felt secure, i never had a fearful fell out except once, and when i fell over backwards towards the end of our stay on the moon and we were excited, we'd done a good job and accomplished everything except for one experiment. and so john and i were going to do the moon olympics in broad jump in the hygiene. so john said, well, we're running behind houston and we're going away. we're gonna do the moon olympic . so he starts to bales. and so i start to bounce and then and then i gave a big jump. and when i did unfortunately, i straightened out in my center of gravity, went backwards, and i were a nuclear seen real to be just going over backups like it's very scary because if i land the backpack brakes, i done for i got a barish goes a tv camera was pointed right at me and so they'd seen this stupid high job. they were very upset by the way. so that ended the moon olympics. i said no more that get back in gas. and so john park, the rover, i climbed in and that was an our stay being one of them. i think just a dozen people ever have the chance. ready to stand on the man and, and the copyright did that change your perspective of life on earth, where we stood on the moon. the earth was directly overhead. and my 1st thought, when we 1st got dear was we're a long way from home. there. if you're just out there and it's you covered over with your hand in those views of earth, hung up in the blackness, the space for no borders, no countries, no continents. and then you do have some time to reflect well, the engine is designing the space suit may be didn't realize was that they were also crazy. a cultural icon. today, the image of the apollo astronauts has become instantly recognizable the wild over like me, author nasa, consultant and space flight historian. amy title wasn't even born yet during the polar project, but she's captured a 21st century audience. detention with her popular youtube videos would exclude aspects of what she calls the vintage space sat that we're looking at today on vintage space. i want to get amy's take a life space systems such a big part of the public imagination. and why the space suit was found everywhere, from advertising, to even fancy dress. and we'll to take your own to frontier that you hand in boy that you may, i did. yeah, i don't know if i'm gonna dress caroline up in from funds bases here with the space her graham has had a massive impact on modern culture and it is exactly that sort of the prevalence of the image of the astronaut. you see everywhere affiliated with anything, it's sort of become the one thing like everyone recognizes an answer in a big, bulky space. you usually the apollo era white one and everyone recognizes a rocket, but somehow those 2, those 2 things. and really mainly the suit because it's that human, like we, we see we can see ourselves in a c, right? you can put, you can put that on you. good yesterday. but what i want to do now is get inside a real space, eat and feel for myself, what it's actually like as an independent company in new york. what final frontier design is run by american ted southern and his russian colleague, nickel. i'm we see that creating a suit that she has some technology with the current russian saved the so called sate, which is you last notes travelling to the international space station. canadian national come on to chris hatfield. will the so called see during his file ship into space where he became famous for his city on board, the international space station to sleep. mm. you say he shows me around a circle say like the one he flew in. well, i'm a bit nervous about being completely enclosed inside a precious seat. so i want to know from his perspective, what a space suit is actually like to where the russian suit is varies very elegantly simple, very purpose designed. the suit that i wore on the shuttle much more robust because you have to actually be able to jump out and come down under a parachute in it. so it has to be a little more rugged suit than, than the, than the russian suit. but they both do their job well, i wouldn't where either of them recreation please. there. they are uncomfortable, hot rubber. no non compliant. garments to work. so it's not too much difference say to putting on a big heavy, wet suit and a scuba tank and a snorkel and fins and mask, you know, that's an ungainly thing to be wearing and you wouldn't want to be wearing and walking around right here. but once you go into the water, it feels different but natural, and it allows you to spend an hour under water that otherwise would be completely denied you. so there's sort of that girding your loins feeling of putting all this stuff on. so that then you can go do battle with something that otherwise would, would defeat you at last, the time has come to try out the final frontier seats. this is one of the key moment in this journey for me and understanding what it feels like. you can look at it, i can look at it, lay down in the table, space you as an tops and material as many times as you like. but when you are in it, you, your body is covered once and visor in front of you. i think that is over the face, these experience and the moment when you can understand what people like my grandfather were working for creating i feel like a little kid. i'm like like chris hatfield ah me. oh, i came to me through a series of physical challenges, some of which i probably struggled with at the best of times. i'm beginning to understand the engineering challenge involved in making a suit of fabric, but to naples, a person to walk on the moon, especially given the technology of the 1960 looking back at everything that was required to make the states nicholas, marcia was right when he said that grandpa was a ring master, all the different engineering goes at port themselves into that effort. it takes a big personality to be able to thrive in that environment. i think he sounds like a bit of a mentalist sometimes. and i like that because it makes me feel a bit crap that you know, that makes me feel close to him. realizing that actually he to be kind of pay him. yeah. and he was a bit. wait, sometimes i'm here. cool. people in the middle, the nights because he was really excited and wants to quit right now. and i love that because that's sort of the person i am a bit as well. and that's what makes me feel close to him. not realizing that i want someone to tell me that he was actually really irritating, sometimes because i'm really irritating sometimes. and that makes me feel close to him. much right, not his daughter, mountie barbara, still lives in houston, texas. out say later on as part of the research to this film and she's been looking to old paperwork and photographs from that time. and i grandpa died when he was 68 years old. just 3 years after i was born in the u. k. he only saw me twice and wanted to visit again. but his how finally failed him. i wish i could have interviewed him to this film. what you don't know is that your effort to do this, your effort, caroline, to find out about your grandfather is exactly the way matt would act and would hope and dream that you would act because we spoke a lot the weeks before he died and he knew that he was not well, and he was 68 and he felt his time was coming. he really wanted a heart transplant but couldn't qualify. and so he was planning a trip with me to see you when he died. and your actions in learning about him is just what he'd want. that was his that was his great love and you're the youngest. and he really wanted you to know about it. he really wanted to visit you as i come close to the end of my journey of discovery about grandpa and the space seeps. i've got a new understanding and respect the work of nasa and all those who played that part in putting man on the moon. for me and my family. we have one ensuring personal legacy to remember grandpa by an icon of the 20th century. this is the apollo, see it? this is pretty much the real deal. i mean, this is the re, this is what my grandfather and his colleagues design. what i'll see days a made and what the crew of the apollo's water walk on the moon. in many ways, this was graham pause, my famous legacy. this was his child, the man who came back to us safely. and that was because of the matter cru system over grandma, on a rite of passage present to the generation, my cousin was laying down, there was claiming she was helpless. the woman who, after indoors it goes to cycle of pain for what fatima night meets, the women affected my f g m, those re shaping perception. do you think people will abandon the eventually but to please take al jazeera correspond the con ah hello, thank you for joining in the rain risk is still there for us on sunday, across some of the golf. let's go over those details right now. all has to do with this ribbon of cloud. the could very well generate some showers. let's go in for a closer look. try and pinpoint where this will be. and i also wanted to mention this risk when coming down from iraq, a shamal. so we'll see when gus and go i to about 50 kilometers per hour. there are some of their showers could work into re add into bahrain into northern portions of cats. or these could be some thunder downpours as while and temperatures in riyadh . well below the average of $22.00 degrees, thanks to that cloud cover. really putting a cap on things. lot of clouds and also showers working across the pakistan. the hor, at 16 degrees is lama bod. 17. and off we go to turkey. those winds will be winding up through the boss for about 50 kilometers per hour. is stumble has a higher 14 degrees storms once again, bubbling up around kinshasa into congo. a gab on southern portions of cameroon, lagos, exceptional heat at 36, pretty close or record you may get there. so we'll keep tabs on that. also seen storms through botswana, zimbabwe, eastern portions of south africa, cape town at 29 degrees, but prepare for your temperatures. are on the way down. that's it soon. ah frank assessments, this crisis is continued to weaken luca shenker, even though perhaps he believes in the beginning there have what's been informed opinions. i think politicians will now be under incredible pressure from their young people. that is one of the most helpful things to come out of this critical debate. do you think it should be facilitated? not sure. okay, it's a great, it's a really simple question. let's give samuel a child wants that inside story on al jazeera, from the, from dallas of correct us. so the battle fields around most of our job is to get to the truth and empower people through knowledge. ah, human rights groups accuse me of miles military of a massacre after dozens of burn bodies are found in k. how states ah, i'm so rahman your challenge is there a lot of my headquarters here in doug also coming up, hundreds of palestinian presents does are injured and the occupied west bank is tension escalates over time.

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