Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709

convenient. i promise you which saves lives. asked the godly, but you patriot duty in israel is set to offer a 4th dose of the cove at vaccine to people over the age of 60 prime minister natalie bennett says it will help overcome the spread of the omicron variance. the decision comes after israel reported its 1st death related to on the crown on tuesday, and the u. k. governments announced to $1300000000.00 support package for businesses affected by the slightest outbreak. prime minister barak johnson says title corona virus measures will be considered, but only after christmas. in other news, sedans. prime ministers reported the close to stepping down. abdullah ham doc was removed and a military takeover in october, but was then reinstated last month after signing a deal with the military protest as cool lead agreement of a trailer. zoey forces have shot dead, a young palestinian man after claims. he tried to run over soldiers in the occupied west bank. the military says he crashed his car into a jeep after being shot. 2 israeli soldiers were wounded. libby as presidential elections likely to be postponed after a dispute over rules and regulations has been no official announcements, but friday's vote will be delayed. but the head of the election commission has dissolved the electoral committees and polling station workers have been told to stop their work. they say a 160 people have drowned in the mediterranean. in the past week in 2 separate shipwrecks, they were migrants trying to make their way from libya to europe. and the jury and the trial of a former police officer charged with killing a black motorist has been told to carry on with deliberations. if they fail to reach a consensus on a verdict, came potter is pleaded not guilty to manslaughter, saying she meant to use her taser, but instead drew her gun by mistake and shot dante wright's up to date with the headline spec. now, to al jazeera correspondence, ah, it says that bosnia is the land of storytellers, and with top has to naturally allister life, often imitated. oh, if we made the joke for the political aspect point of view, i am the one who will make it. if we made the joke of something crazy, certainly stick a story about our country, men or our our, you know, people in the magazine. i was society, then it was a brilliant each of us. does the offer to you more echoed it. or no matter what to do or sure either. kosovo were them all night. when you said i remember i came in and he was laying him in his bed. his room was full of smoke and he gave me a piece of paper on which he wrote the screenplay, but the screen play was just once in the group of people are giving a bull to each other. talking funny words. i'm like, oh i'm in the moment when some of them say hook to jewish. he is the the winner and the young hip thing that dad is a, is a loses, you know? and it's amazing joke. it's a joke about mentality we built then he would then tell it which is the best way. how to paint something. oh, with very, very struck by was the sketch about where the family is getting divorced of a to class or is that right? yes. my program specialties to divide the lobby on both a but it's not good, you know, very got so about about getting that. so what i did go back, does my good bad? he's done it. go out. no one, not given them with it was shocked for it. was 6 or 7 months before the they are doing exactly the think what we show them. and i will joke, you know, a sketch. i don't, i mean a lot of years when you spend a child with somebody, it's a biggest gift and then it is a part of the most beautiful part of my life. a, a young lady name with a, with a actually that i'm searching for every young girl that's involved. i watch tv. so when you kill it's funny and what you said, something said when you realize what she's talking about, our countries are ex, with countries need that shell continue. ah ah, what was it that prompted you to leave a line? i have to go out because i did not agree with the rules that history made during the century that in that that system, that nationality and religion has to be the thing that kind of mean a thing. i remember an early stage when i met my k inside a for that they were talking a lot about a tv interview they gave to belgrade tv when you arrived and they were asking you about all the bosnian serb refugees who came to serbia. you made a joke, you said it's good every now and again to have a mixing of blogs. i just wanted to encourage 200000 serbs who left sarah you. that is the point because a friend of mine, they do not talk to you that 200000 serbs left. sorry. they took that. i said something for, for a new blood in belgrade. yeah. it will be new blood in belgrade. i was born in sara . you so if i have to move from there, i the only think what those people who, who, who sold me out from my hometown, the only thing what they have to give me as a, as, as opportunities to choose enough. see. my, my, you didn't say you was throwing that you said you chose to leave your own town because he didn't, you know, no, no, i said, i said i choose of course. so i think it was thrown out i, i, i'm throwing out because because i notice that another $19999.00 persons of same religion or whatever left the town on the same way as i did. if 200000 serbs decide to go back to set a let's say, 2nd of november, 2021. i will be the 1st of all, i will be the leader. because i think that study in the town were subs has to live . but unfortunately, it is not possible. so anyways, just a fiction is that you, you you top in idea and it was a great idea, but unfortunately we failed then it a new mexican 97. and i know because i sent him, it was a project for the school. and when he met you, he said he didn't recognize you. he said that you had changed and he had remained the same thing. no, no, no. i the he made a big mistake. she came at the moment when i was very angry about them. came about everybody who said, you know, mother, because i told them 1000000000 times that you'll be reward and they made they chose the way to the war and he said no, no, no, no, but it's not me. our friends, we are no, no, no, we are not friends. bishop double check who was right. and that is why is in it than me. we had that misunderstanding. and i was, i was very sad after that because of 245 years later i noticed that the only problem was that he came to build it too early. you know, because i was the hook of it we saw a few days ago and he's very keen to meet up with you and he wants to see you again . and he knows my telephone number here. he knows where i am. what is the problem? are you willing to meet him? you know, if we arrange you, of course, why not, john? we have a look. we have a nice bar in belgrade. we can feed shudder, and we can kiss each other, cry, whatever you will should that. but maybe if you will be a lie, i believe in the, in the, in the all the forgiveness between them to me. absolutely. but not in front of coming absolves is it so why has that not already been reconciliation or forgiveness? i don't know. maybe it will be, i live if you my book i waiting for his gone, we have a different interpretation of the war. i say that it is civil war and i don't owe any thought whoever, on another side thinks that it was aggression. it cannot be 2 truths, it can be only one. and i know that my interpretation is right because the future will show them. they will see how deep i am, right. i think giving a lot of thought to the time i spent with nelly yesterday still processing really the conversations we had, what shot may i have my from that come to faith and was that in nelly's mind that he was right and everyone else was wrong. and it was just this inability, it seems to accept the idea that he wanted to serbian people. could there any kind of responsibility for what happened either in terms of his personal story or in terms of what happened in the country? ah isn't it to me? we should only one big mistake, both of us, the place of birth. we are just the mistake of history. so why we need to pretend that everything is fine when it did not. ah, with my hopes fighting of getting these one time friends to meet, i go back to, sorry. i thought to talk to sent it again in the hope of reaching a compromise. ah, harry or her? i thought it was a kind of surreal place close to the long terms of the rear national excite. mm hm . we're well here. so look, we've been talking to nelly trying to figure out if this meeting is going to be possible. and the only suggestion we have now is that they've apparently got this book. it's not his book. it's a book about gabrielle prince sipp. that's going to be launched in this monastery somewhere in the serbian country side. a chance of us dragging you to the sir pin code to sewed with you in any other circumstances, it will be quite okay for me to go there. but is it at the moment, do you know some political issues, real political? are we talking about? no later than it politics? this is the politics we're talking about, right? we are, i don't know. i mean, unfortunately we are parked off of some official politics. so even if i don't want to be far from that, i really don't want them to be part of the we sat up with nellie till about 2 30 in the morning. we suggested tim lip liana budapest, we suggested to him the montenegrin coast because all of those would be fine for sure. you longer go on pay on the funds in japan, somethings looked like if you came with us, if we didn't even tell him that we were coming, we could kind of spring a surprise when i was trying to persuade you. i am afraid she said, am i that transparent? so i'm do. rick has a come on. come on. i'm not. but i think the story actually i'm, i'm not do i'm who don't want to go somewhere in all i all of the been in bel. good . i met him and i asked him about it smoked my turn differently. my last hope of getting everyone together is jerome. he still lives in louisiana, the capital of slovenia, where he fled to during the war of all the original members of topless, to he's been the most successful. he started an oscar winning movie, no man's land about the bosnian war. i know a surreal entry. i wouldn't expect, i think a junky nice to meet with the closure. my. how are you? i'm good. all the better for seeing you and this interesting a contraption. can i have a go? whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, we do this a 2nd to pull from? it will no more. there we go. yes, we're on a roll. let's go. so, are you very nice to me too. what a pleasant day it is to come here often. we must stop meeting like this one. so tell me jerome, how did you get involved and toughness to naturally stuff? oh i, i was actually, i was very home. we were, i'm a 1st we were younger and furious and relive really how can i say fast lives? it was kind of magic was kind of kind of chemistry in those times because we were really group of young people who stick together and go over there. we just try to, to make something what you like to do, you know, it was so naive and so spontaneous, you know, when was it exactly that you left sarah ever left there in august 22. i was almost 6 months or so. what was it that prompted you to leave? and so are most heavy in question for me always. you know, i'm from mixed breeds. my mother's, she's a muslim my father. he was sort of, i was in the middle of something, you know, and i never divide people like, like serbs and muslims. my, my grand father. he was, he died 2 months after or sad, but he, he gave me the most difficult question. when we were in cedar federal, he asked me who were those guys who bombed us? i said, i don't know, it's kind of bad guys. and he said, but i heard the serbs because he he was so i said, yeah. and, and he asked me the most difficult question, who are ours? and i said, i don't know in this war. maybe we don't have hours for hours and nobody. so that was one of the reasons and i decided to move somewhere. maybe this is why you find me healing blown up. i'm not in belgrade and nothing vagabond here. and i'm, if you know the movie no man's land. so i'm, i'm kind of nolan smith, his that great scene isn't there where he points to, can his hail, you started it. now he started this whole, are going to quote a fiddler that i forgot all nipples. emily, you'll be with us. you'll get on with us to meet us through the roster apathy in his lumala, but news for me opinions so that i am an ebay. but for norma does not tell us, all men will cut to be pushing it up. but here's the part to love you said a 3rd volleyball, a serious report to me. not quite a lot. you're not gonna watch a lot, but the punch or that because that seems to be something that still people won't agree on. i mean, in your view, how did the war start? was it a civil war? was it an external aggression? don't ask me about that because you won't have answer for me about it because i don't know, maybe you can ask nearly he's, he's always better in that kind of stuff. and so for you, that doesn't matter. it actually doesn't matter. and they had an idea about working together again, didn't he came with a proposal to visit you in who piano? can you tell us about what his proposal was? we were talking about maybe let's do something again. and then i said, maybe we can do more. you know, but now i said, we have to do that stuff in belgrade. then it said we should do it in several. and i said, we should do it in belgrade and federal, or dana, or barry's, or copier, or area. that was my statement, and it is to my staff and maybe does the main main difference between us. so you would be willing to meet up with nelly again and discuss possibly, and not really no, not really. why not? how do you said when you warm or cold dish again you know why to warm call dish. if you can do a new one, do you feel that it's not relevant to your life anymore? you've moved on? i really don't think about that kind of, you know, i understand you're doing a story about top police and all that. but this is one of the 1000 project i have in my life and we are not quite friends. i can say we didn't see each other for 20 years, so everybody has his own life. good . well that com shell dotted on the line is wood filled with vio committed some here with some of these wood student vehicle. it, you know, they can, i get some is with yog south mode. is it me sauced a 1000000? if, when you see with water jordan, which is east dallas check ahmad nevada. mm hm. no, i will. i mean, oh, there is no way so i yeah, i'm immortal. storage cool. you know there too. yeah. so you know i was gonna that's it. awesome. 0, one good need for that. it was, it was probably, you know, there was a job with i guess i'm facing up to the fact that i was overly optimistic. maybe if natural, naive and thinking that it was possible for these 3 guys to come together. the fact that they won't even come together to talk about old times to talk about all or humor refund about possible future collaborations is very disappointing. sarajevo is at peace now, but the ethnic divisions that lead to the war still alive. the whole system of government in policy is organized along ethnic lines. what was once a single language has not been transformed into 3 separate ones, the latest can't even agree on how the national museum should present history. the country is paralyzed. it's hard for people to see a way forward, but the thought we've asked senate to make a new version of the famous wall sketch to reflect how he sees the situation in sarajevo to day. he's recruited 2 of his old top just friends who still live in the city. their meeting at tito's cafe was to be included in the sketch. this is the crowd to schedule a call a buster about a for to get a loan sort of look at it at the field trip with the carrier with those has all the process done with others. honestly, it was super easy when i talk with the shopping trip to buy props was also part of the comic performance. they even recruited an al jazeera camera man to film on which he with true name. i mean really, to be dirty. i mean, monday to him dirty with thought and found that's o b o o, o, o, o, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, we are meeting again after the 25 year and he, he's asking me, oh, what's up, what's new are so not the new everything rolled, you know, in the, in the garbage bag, you know, my son in law mother fell under mass mass mites nested china photos, neurons. you, molly, ammunition for dinner. cooper, yard relay mckee, dan. called out none on the alarm. that's fully new chief lockout, milky mo or none through all my was supposed on anonymous us guns in our lives that we're an honest means something different on or not. what do you think about us? yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. and then he said, anacio know about, does nobody care days, no money, they're only ranada israel election. yeah. unless someone could, could put a burglar to cut the ones to placido. god knows who is, what is the sharpie about those to did so little the for goes, you will to, to let her know her fuck at mother more than you. so i see a job and upload all of to provide to her. i know well me with my worry, i am all even though me will you still, when i set out on this journey, i wanted to find out whether the personal stories of zen, it's nearly into route reflected what has happened to their country. and i think those stories due to a large extent, mira recent history, the question is whether bosnians can in the future discover once again. but what they share, including their sense of humor, is more important than what divides them. pretty thought. ah, why i've always been fascinated by space, but the story, the space race isn't just about the men who wish their lives to travel and see i know. but the ones who held those lives in their hands. your grandfather and his colleagues worked on the space suits they designing space suit. polo 11 was his triumph or a program, and the perfectly design space suits for his legacy. putting man on the moon on al jazeera ah and hello, welcome to look at the international forecast. we have an alberta clipper making yes. why they quickly across parts of canada, easing over towards hudson bay, that's his area of low pressure, with his trailing where the front just around the northern plains of the u. s. through the canadian prairies and pushing back up towards the pacific northwest. it strikes the fair bit of cloud fair to wind, few weather as well, some lake effect, snow for time, just around the great lakes, but eastern parts of canada. seeing some more that snow is to go on into wednesday, then we got more snow gathering over towards the west. so british columbia, seeing it increasingly snowy in those winfrey weather, or slow to so sliding down across the north, west pacific into northern parts of california. it becomes more widespread, it moves across the cascades, the sierra nevada's right the way across into the rockies. so some disruptive snow coming in to make our way towards christmas. central parts, generally dry and clear. charles system showers, winter in nature, up towards the northeast. dry weather coming in across southern parts of the u. s. or say dry because we are looking at some store we conditions over the next 24 hours or so is where, where the sweeps across the panhandle cloud and range raping its way across cuba, jamaica. and much of hispaniola ah, the steps beyond the comfort zone were assumptions or challenge travel to the ends of the earth and further experience the unimaginable of the people who live it. witness award winning documentaries on a just a, you know, we understand the differences and similarities have cultures across the world. so no matter how you take it out, you 0. we're bringing the news and current to fast matter to you. countess era. ah, if you're not fully vaccinated, you have good reason to be concerned. president joe biden urge as americans to get the coven jabs as he unveils plans to fight the rapidly spreading. all micron buried ah. loaded on come all santa maria here, and doug ha, this is the world news from al jazeera hundreds have been killed. thousands displaced, strollman flooding of devastated logic, parts of southeast asia. we will have live updates for you also reports that sudan .

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Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709

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convenient. i promise you which saves lives. asked the godly, but you patriot duty in israel is set to offer a 4th dose of the cove at vaccine to people over the age of 60 prime minister natalie bennett says it will help overcome the spread of the omicron variance. the decision comes after israel reported its 1st death related to on the crown on tuesday, and the u. k. governments announced to $1300000000.00 support package for businesses affected by the slightest outbreak. prime minister barak johnson says title corona virus measures will be considered, but only after christmas. in other news, sedans. prime ministers reported the close to stepping down. abdullah ham doc was removed and a military takeover in october, but was then reinstated last month after signing a deal with the military protest as cool lead agreement of a trailer. zoey forces have shot dead, a young palestinian man after claims. he tried to run over soldiers in the occupied west bank. the military says he crashed his car into a jeep after being shot. 2 israeli soldiers were wounded. libby as presidential elections likely to be postponed after a dispute over rules and regulations has been no official announcements, but friday's vote will be delayed. but the head of the election commission has dissolved the electoral committees and polling station workers have been told to stop their work. they say a 160 people have drowned in the mediterranean. in the past week in 2 separate shipwrecks, they were migrants trying to make their way from libya to europe. and the jury and the trial of a former police officer charged with killing a black motorist has been told to carry on with deliberations. if they fail to reach a consensus on a verdict, came potter is pleaded not guilty to manslaughter, saying she meant to use her taser, but instead drew her gun by mistake and shot dante wright's up to date with the headline spec. now, to al jazeera correspondence, ah, it says that bosnia is the land of storytellers, and with top has to naturally allister life, often imitated. oh, if we made the joke for the political aspect point of view, i am the one who will make it. if we made the joke of something crazy, certainly stick a story about our country, men or our our, you know, people in the magazine. i was society, then it was a brilliant each of us. does the offer to you more echoed it. or no matter what to do or sure either. kosovo were them all night. when you said i remember i came in and he was laying him in his bed. his room was full of smoke and he gave me a piece of paper on which he wrote the screenplay, but the screen play was just once in the group of people are giving a bull to each other. talking funny words. i'm like, oh i'm in the moment when some of them say hook to jewish. he is the the winner and the young hip thing that dad is a, is a loses, you know? and it's amazing joke. it's a joke about mentality we built then he would then tell it which is the best way. how to paint something. oh, with very, very struck by was the sketch about where the family is getting divorced of a to class or is that right? yes. my program specialties to divide the lobby on both a but it's not good, you know, very got so about about getting that. so what i did go back, does my good bad? he's done it. go out. no one, not given them with it was shocked for it. was 6 or 7 months before the they are doing exactly the think what we show them. and i will joke, you know, a sketch. i don't, i mean a lot of years when you spend a child with somebody, it's a biggest gift and then it is a part of the most beautiful part of my life. a, a young lady name with a, with a actually that i'm searching for every young girl that's involved. i watch tv. so when you kill it's funny and what you said, something said when you realize what she's talking about, our countries are ex, with countries need that shell continue. ah ah, what was it that prompted you to leave a line? i have to go out because i did not agree with the rules that history made during the century that in that that system, that nationality and religion has to be the thing that kind of mean a thing. i remember an early stage when i met my k inside a for that they were talking a lot about a tv interview they gave to belgrade tv when you arrived and they were asking you about all the bosnian serb refugees who came to serbia. you made a joke, you said it's good every now and again to have a mixing of blogs. i just wanted to encourage 200000 serbs who left sarah you. that is the point because a friend of mine, they do not talk to you that 200000 serbs left. sorry. they took that. i said something for, for a new blood in belgrade. yeah. it will be new blood in belgrade. i was born in sara . you so if i have to move from there, i the only think what those people who, who, who sold me out from my hometown, the only thing what they have to give me as a, as, as opportunities to choose enough. see. my, my, you didn't say you was throwing that you said you chose to leave your own town because he didn't, you know, no, no, i said, i said i choose of course. so i think it was thrown out i, i, i'm throwing out because because i notice that another $19999.00 persons of same religion or whatever left the town on the same way as i did. if 200000 serbs decide to go back to set a let's say, 2nd of november, 2021. i will be the 1st of all, i will be the leader. because i think that study in the town were subs has to live . but unfortunately, it is not possible. so anyways, just a fiction is that you, you you top in idea and it was a great idea, but unfortunately we failed then it a new mexican 97. and i know because i sent him, it was a project for the school. and when he met you, he said he didn't recognize you. he said that you had changed and he had remained the same thing. no, no, no. i the he made a big mistake. she came at the moment when i was very angry about them. came about everybody who said, you know, mother, because i told them 1000000000 times that you'll be reward and they made they chose the way to the war and he said no, no, no, no, but it's not me. our friends, we are no, no, no, we are not friends. bishop double check who was right. and that is why is in it than me. we had that misunderstanding. and i was, i was very sad after that because of 245 years later i noticed that the only problem was that he came to build it too early. you know, because i was the hook of it we saw a few days ago and he's very keen to meet up with you and he wants to see you again . and he knows my telephone number here. he knows where i am. what is the problem? are you willing to meet him? you know, if we arrange you, of course, why not, john? we have a look. we have a nice bar in belgrade. we can feed shudder, and we can kiss each other, cry, whatever you will should that. but maybe if you will be a lie, i believe in the, in the, in the all the forgiveness between them to me. absolutely. but not in front of coming absolves is it so why has that not already been reconciliation or forgiveness? i don't know. maybe it will be, i live if you my book i waiting for his gone, we have a different interpretation of the war. i say that it is civil war and i don't owe any thought whoever, on another side thinks that it was aggression. it cannot be 2 truths, it can be only one. and i know that my interpretation is right because the future will show them. they will see how deep i am, right. i think giving a lot of thought to the time i spent with nelly yesterday still processing really the conversations we had, what shot may i have my from that come to faith and was that in nelly's mind that he was right and everyone else was wrong. and it was just this inability, it seems to accept the idea that he wanted to serbian people. could there any kind of responsibility for what happened either in terms of his personal story or in terms of what happened in the country? ah isn't it to me? we should only one big mistake, both of us, the place of birth. we are just the mistake of history. so why we need to pretend that everything is fine when it did not. ah, with my hopes fighting of getting these one time friends to meet, i go back to, sorry. i thought to talk to sent it again in the hope of reaching a compromise. ah, harry or her? i thought it was a kind of surreal place close to the long terms of the rear national excite. mm hm . we're well here. so look, we've been talking to nelly trying to figure out if this meeting is going to be possible. and the only suggestion we have now is that they've apparently got this book. it's not his book. it's a book about gabrielle prince sipp. that's going to be launched in this monastery somewhere in the serbian country side. a chance of us dragging you to the sir pin code to sewed with you in any other circumstances, it will be quite okay for me to go there. but is it at the moment, do you know some political issues, real political? are we talking about? no later than it politics? this is the politics we're talking about, right? we are, i don't know. i mean, unfortunately we are parked off of some official politics. so even if i don't want to be far from that, i really don't want them to be part of the we sat up with nellie till about 2 30 in the morning. we suggested tim lip liana budapest, we suggested to him the montenegrin coast because all of those would be fine for sure. you longer go on pay on the funds in japan, somethings looked like if you came with us, if we didn't even tell him that we were coming, we could kind of spring a surprise when i was trying to persuade you. i am afraid she said, am i that transparent? so i'm do. rick has a come on. come on. i'm not. but i think the story actually i'm, i'm not do i'm who don't want to go somewhere in all i all of the been in bel. good . i met him and i asked him about it smoked my turn differently. my last hope of getting everyone together is jerome. he still lives in louisiana, the capital of slovenia, where he fled to during the war of all the original members of topless, to he's been the most successful. he started an oscar winning movie, no man's land about the bosnian war. i know a surreal entry. i wouldn't expect, i think a junky nice to meet with the closure. my. how are you? i'm good. all the better for seeing you and this interesting a contraption. can i have a go? whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, we do this a 2nd to pull from? it will no more. there we go. yes, we're on a roll. let's go. so, are you very nice to me too. what a pleasant day it is to come here often. we must stop meeting like this one. so tell me jerome, how did you get involved and toughness to naturally stuff? oh i, i was actually, i was very home. we were, i'm a 1st we were younger and furious and relive really how can i say fast lives? it was kind of magic was kind of kind of chemistry in those times because we were really group of young people who stick together and go over there. we just try to, to make something what you like to do, you know, it was so naive and so spontaneous, you know, when was it exactly that you left sarah ever left there in august 22. i was almost 6 months or so. what was it that prompted you to leave? and so are most heavy in question for me always. you know, i'm from mixed breeds. my mother's, she's a muslim my father. he was sort of, i was in the middle of something, you know, and i never divide people like, like serbs and muslims. my, my grand father. he was, he died 2 months after or sad, but he, he gave me the most difficult question. when we were in cedar federal, he asked me who were those guys who bombed us? i said, i don't know, it's kind of bad guys. and he said, but i heard the serbs because he he was so i said, yeah. and, and he asked me the most difficult question, who are ours? and i said, i don't know in this war. maybe we don't have hours for hours and nobody. so that was one of the reasons and i decided to move somewhere. maybe this is why you find me healing blown up. i'm not in belgrade and nothing vagabond here. and i'm, if you know the movie no man's land. so i'm, i'm kind of nolan smith, his that great scene isn't there where he points to, can his hail, you started it. now he started this whole, are going to quote a fiddler that i forgot all nipples. emily, you'll be with us. you'll get on with us to meet us through the roster apathy in his lumala, but news for me opinions so that i am an ebay. but for norma does not tell us, all men will cut to be pushing it up. but here's the part to love you said a 3rd volleyball, a serious report to me. not quite a lot. you're not gonna watch a lot, but the punch or that because that seems to be something that still people won't agree on. i mean, in your view, how did the war start? was it a civil war? was it an external aggression? don't ask me about that because you won't have answer for me about it because i don't know, maybe you can ask nearly he's, he's always better in that kind of stuff. and so for you, that doesn't matter. it actually doesn't matter. and they had an idea about working together again, didn't he came with a proposal to visit you in who piano? can you tell us about what his proposal was? we were talking about maybe let's do something again. and then i said, maybe we can do more. you know, but now i said, we have to do that stuff in belgrade. then it said we should do it in several. and i said, we should do it in belgrade and federal, or dana, or barry's, or copier, or area. that was my statement, and it is to my staff and maybe does the main main difference between us. so you would be willing to meet up with nelly again and discuss possibly, and not really no, not really. why not? how do you said when you warm or cold dish again you know why to warm call dish. if you can do a new one, do you feel that it's not relevant to your life anymore? you've moved on? i really don't think about that kind of, you know, i understand you're doing a story about top police and all that. but this is one of the 1000 project i have in my life and we are not quite friends. i can say we didn't see each other for 20 years, so everybody has his own life. good . well that com shell dotted on the line is wood filled with vio committed some here with some of these wood student vehicle. it, you know, they can, i get some is with yog south mode. is it me sauced a 1000000? if, when you see with water jordan, which is east dallas check ahmad nevada. mm hm. no, i will. i mean, oh, there is no way so i yeah, i'm immortal. storage cool. you know there too. yeah. so you know i was gonna that's it. awesome. 0, one good need for that. it was, it was probably, you know, there was a job with i guess i'm facing up to the fact that i was overly optimistic. maybe if natural, naive and thinking that it was possible for these 3 guys to come together. the fact that they won't even come together to talk about old times to talk about all or humor refund about possible future collaborations is very disappointing. sarajevo is at peace now, but the ethnic divisions that lead to the war still alive. the whole system of government in policy is organized along ethnic lines. what was once a single language has not been transformed into 3 separate ones, the latest can't even agree on how the national museum should present history. the country is paralyzed. it's hard for people to see a way forward, but the thought we've asked senate to make a new version of the famous wall sketch to reflect how he sees the situation in sarajevo to day. he's recruited 2 of his old top just friends who still live in the city. their meeting at tito's cafe was to be included in the sketch. this is the crowd to schedule a call a buster about a for to get a loan sort of look at it at the field trip with the carrier with those has all the process done with others. honestly, it was super easy when i talk with the shopping trip to buy props was also part of the comic performance. they even recruited an al jazeera camera man to film on which he with true name. i mean really, to be dirty. i mean, monday to him dirty with thought and found that's o b o o, o, o, o, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, we are meeting again after the 25 year and he, he's asking me, oh, what's up, what's new are so not the new everything rolled, you know, in the, in the garbage bag, you know, my son in law mother fell under mass mass mites nested china photos, neurons. you, molly, ammunition for dinner. cooper, yard relay mckee, dan. called out none on the alarm. that's fully new chief lockout, milky mo or none through all my was supposed on anonymous us guns in our lives that we're an honest means something different on or not. what do you think about us? yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. and then he said, anacio know about, does nobody care days, no money, they're only ranada israel election. yeah. unless someone could, could put a burglar to cut the ones to placido. god knows who is, what is the sharpie about those to did so little the for goes, you will to, to let her know her fuck at mother more than you. so i see a job and upload all of to provide to her. i know well me with my worry, i am all even though me will you still, when i set out on this journey, i wanted to find out whether the personal stories of zen, it's nearly into route reflected what has happened to their country. and i think those stories due to a large extent, mira recent history, the question is whether bosnians can in the future discover once again. but what they share, including their sense of humor, is more important than what divides them. pretty thought. ah, why i've always been fascinated by space, but the story, the space race isn't just about the men who wish their lives to travel and see i know. but the ones who held those lives in their hands. your grandfather and his colleagues worked on the space suits they designing space suit. polo 11 was his triumph or a program, and the perfectly design space suits for his legacy. putting man on the moon on al jazeera ah and hello, welcome to look at the international forecast. we have an alberta clipper making yes. why they quickly across parts of canada, easing over towards hudson bay, that's his area of low pressure, with his trailing where the front just around the northern plains of the u. s. through the canadian prairies and pushing back up towards the pacific northwest. it strikes the fair bit of cloud fair to wind, few weather as well, some lake effect, snow for time, just around the great lakes, but eastern parts of canada. seeing some more that snow is to go on into wednesday, then we got more snow gathering over towards the west. so british columbia, seeing it increasingly snowy in those winfrey weather, or slow to so sliding down across the north, west pacific into northern parts of california. it becomes more widespread, it moves across the cascades, the sierra nevada's right the way across into the rockies. so some disruptive snow coming in to make our way towards christmas. central parts, generally dry and clear. charles system showers, winter in nature, up towards the northeast. dry weather coming in across southern parts of the u. s. or say dry because we are looking at some store we conditions over the next 24 hours or so is where, where the sweeps across the panhandle cloud and range raping its way across cuba, jamaica. and much of hispaniola ah, the steps beyond the comfort zone were assumptions or challenge travel to the ends of the earth and further experience the unimaginable of the people who live it. witness award winning documentaries on a just a, you know, we understand the differences and similarities have cultures across the world. so no matter how you take it out, you 0. we're bringing the news and current to fast matter to you. countess era. ah, if you're not fully vaccinated, you have good reason to be concerned. president joe biden urge as americans to get the coven jabs as he unveils plans to fight the rapidly spreading. all micron buried ah. loaded on come all santa maria here, and doug ha, this is the world news from al jazeera hundreds have been killed. thousands displaced, strollman flooding of devastated logic, parts of southeast asia. we will have live updates for you also reports that sudan .

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