Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709

security forces in sudan have used t gas to disperse crowds of protesters demonstrate as gathered to remember 41 people kills, since most she take of last month. out as they are, as obtain satellite images that show the united arab emirates as providing military support to the ethiopian army investigation revealed the u. e. hide to private companies from europe to run military flights into ethiopia. person in france, the trading blame over who is responsible for the death of $27.00 refugees in migrants in the english channel is the west disaster there since the un started keeping record 7 years ago. the british homes actually pretty patel says more needs to be done to stop people making the dangerous crossing. there's no quick fix. what happened yesterday was a dreadful shock. it was not a surprise, but it is also a reminder of how vulnerable people up and put at paris when in the hands of criminal gangs. there is also madam deputy speaker, no quick fix. this is about addressing long tom poll factors smashing the criminal guns that treat human beings as cobbling and tapping in supply chains. elsewhere, some 300 migrants have been rescued at sea overnight by the italian coast guard. ruskie cru say the boat was in distress because of the large number of people on board and rough conditions out see, the boat was around 20 kilometers from the island of lamp. and do so, which is a frequent arrival point for migrants trying to reach you or japanese korean of ours. dest all has officially passed 100000 authorities recorded 351 deaths in the past 24 hours. gemini announced tougher restrictions last week to cab the outbreak. as the headlights inside stories next ah tension is going in a field yet to ryan rebels are they're all. i say they're advancing towards the capital. prime minister has joined the battlefield and many countries have told their citizens to leave so well addis ababa for and what would that mean for the fuel p as future this is inside story. ah hello, welcome to the program. i'm hashem, abala. if you'll be as year long conflict in the north is whitening to engulf it's a $115000000.00 people in a civil war. hundreds of volunteers are being listed to join the fight. they encouraged by prime minister abbey, i am at announcing who will lead the battle against a rebel alliance from the front lines into national and regional leaders are calling for a cease fire to allow a political solution. but even with thousands of people killed by the conflict, both sides are beating the drums of war. the roots of the conflicts between the national army and rebels intake re go back decades. the to gray people's liberation front or to peer laugh dominated ethiopian politics for nearly 30 years, despite its members making up just 6 percent of the population. but that changed when prime minister avia hammer took power in 2018. the t p a laugh rejected his attempt to centralize government and unite ethnic base political parties. and soon after tea, gray and rebels were cues of attack in an army basing the north and the prime minister sent in the army. since november last year, the to peer laugh and other groups, how falls and allies against prime minister abbey a hammered. and now they say, they have their eyes on the capitol, addis ababa? ah. we will talk to our guess in a moment, but 1st let's go to czar. dig albert aha. his if he appears minister for democratization and he joins us from addis ababa. bethesda eric, thank you for joining us. prime minister abbey armored is in the fall line, leaving the fight against a growing forces. could you give us a sense of what's happening on the ground? and the federal government is when new streaming collision and an office line in order forms are they are losing commanders are in disarray, following our claims to serve decision to resolve me from the for class that it was a memorial harkwriter saw things are to lead by the day or is it think something, reverse it. the time is on our side and deep it is moving big down. when you say that the tide is on your side. the, the rebels said that the captured a crucial area on the main quarry door, which is leading to the capita about 200 kilometers from addis ababa. and that is just about a matter of time before the take control of the capital. this does not seem to be good news for your army. i live it is for pain. there is simply a wish list. and then i've been there which is a day for 4 or 4. there was a whole then we add capacity to defending that is for any aggregation the limit to start using big time on the receipt. and if you have, if you happen to have india on the ground, you could have witnesses better. so this is changing by the date, the following types of decision to drain. i mean on the front line, things are changing. so the idea of capturing has only been changing into it into the un cheap, the u. s. special old voice of the horn of africa have been basically saying that all the parties need to stop the fighting and give diplomacy a chance. do you believe that that is still possible, a diplomatic way out of the crisis in if you're up here, the government will be yoga, has not problems said settling any differences between the problem is it is killing us citizens. and the way things happen when the crimes against humanity are being committed, the idea of hitting the defense, diplomatic. i mean it simply i mean this was on the ground. it all seem to be pretty much happy with the latest statements made by many leaders from the international committee barrier critical of addis ababa in a way or another. we kind of an example of us, we believe the critical will come to the will coming from the name from the lacking information. we'll wait for them with enough information. so that the base of the listing combination, those that are trying to port back us head on so that it was going to show k. if i didn't, after the rest of the international committee, we believe on our side times on our side, where on the right we're fighting for the vehicles that have been then taken in the national video of the country and that we need to come up with you know if you have the minister of for democratization. so basically the man in charge of reaching out to the different voices of the country to bring about a vibrant democracy in the country. the people at the normal liberation army are saying that instead of reaching out and building bridges with the communities, i'm a chose to consolidate his grip on power. and that he is, he could be anything but a unifying figure. and if you help you that's that's put on line government, the one that political business is government get a lot of and number of laws with one in the intelligence, the government, 197.8 percent of the seat. but charles, to share its power with a number of polishing ross, ranging from district level to the government. now they will position the member's needing figures in the position have that there is no reason under the sun to the government when it comes to the government. having to use a free form that has to change the position when it comes with the vision is to make it any thing to be mentioned about the government that stands in the democratic vision. vatike, a prime minister about a year ago said that the campaign in the gray area is going to be just a matter of a short trip before everything is settled a year later, the tier p l. f. along with the auto mall liberation on the, on the verge of capturing huge territory. and if you help you with, we're now in an in a position what is going to be difficult to defeat them. are you willing, at a moment to consider power sharing deal with all the different military factions operating in ethiopia? first that are from this in this war and we have down, we will have stopped much of the way push them back in, in 4 runs, talking about one point. so if you want to see the picture, the bigger picture of these warm white x, what are we having said that, you know, europe. yeah. for the 1st time and ones on the pilot becoming a democracy. we believe anything that comes to the mother will not be a way to do it to, to make it a, keep their essentially a dream which is making your democracy. so power sharing this group can only get by can only be $24.00 with them. that's what it is that i think for this government short power with those that are getting people that are trying to be possible with that to her feel p has been so for democratization. thank you very much indeed for your time. and now the time for our gas in london, martin plot, fellow university of london's institute of commonwealth studies in amsterdam. jerry kissed us giblet philosophy researcher and managers thought com website document in the war. in to greg martin, you must listen to the european melissa for democratization is basically saying that absolutely no way to negotiate with a t p. how do you see the the crisis moving forward, particularly with the army suffering major setbacks over the last few weeks? well, i thought what he told you was very interesting. i mean the 2 points that he made which are worth recalling. one is that he said that prime minister abbey won an election with 97.8 percent of the vote. i mean, do you know any genuine democracy, democratic election that has ever been won by that kind of number? i mean, it is that it alone should tell you that there was something wrong with the theme where he pointed out was that they have pushed back the 2 grand on forefront. and we're only talking about one front. but that in itself is extremely important statement because, i mean, i think it is accurate, not necessarily pushing them back, but that there are 5 fronts. i mean, for the firm in the military to be have to contend with 5 separate fronts that are advancing towards it. or even if that they're holding them is extremely difficult. and i think that that indicates just how hard this is for the military at the moment. just because this is quite interesting, the spectacular rise of the t p f over this year in particular. and one of the question is basically, how did they manage to outperform out flank one of the best trained armies in the african continent? well, let's look a little bit into how the war started. so the military was 1st d capacity dated by removing that, the gran members of the defense forces. we are talking about 70000 members of different forces this where capacity leaders and de remove them from their defense forces at the beginning of the. ready war and then they came to to try and integrate by the grand forces, withdrew to demand, and they viewed the army and they designated huge the vision of the media. and dan dot gave that the grand forces a lot of exercise if you will. and also a lot of weapons and ammunition. and we ducked the market forward. and remember that this if you can for, to have basically they haven't been told why they are even fighting. and they have very different inter they fight among each other. for example, the fight we the, if you again, different for the 3 and for the have either interested, they want to fight sometime. so it's just a huge assemblage of forces that share almost no common goal. and i think that's why they are being defeated in almost all fronts in martin, do you think that the involvement of the rhetoric army and the conflict was a turning point in the sense that it all righty of the and t stablish meant anti if the open army anti retreat and sentiment among the to ryans. well, it wasn't just the involvement of the, the era trends in the actual fight. and you're absolutely right. i mean, the 2 grams were hit from the north by the era trans, by the, from the east, and from the south by the ethiopian army, and the horrid militia plaza. full of course, don't forget they will. also somali troops past 3 to 5000 troops that also participated. there was a huge involvement on what's really interesting now, is that president of worky, the leader of era, is not involved in the war anymore. not he could loan shoot his military, which are still encamped wrong. the northern part of to gray entity gray back would relieve the pressure enormously on prime minister abbey, who is apparently on the front line. although we have seen no images of him on the front line fighting in the battle that his army are conducting. now if he did that, if the trends it became re involved again, it might change the shape of this war. but at the moment, it's not typically do you think that the fight over this strategic corey door, which is a vital lifeline for the sub of about 200 kilometers from the capitol, could be decisive in a way or another. it could pay the way for the rebels to take over the country. on the other hand, it could pay the for me to reverse all the gains for the g p l f. where that could change? i think a lot, but i don't think it's i mean it has other options as well. so it definitely is a big change if they capture it and i don't know their efforts towards capturing that. i think there have been attempts. but let's remember that the region is a very horse time slot area, not suited for the type of warfare that, that the grant is good at. but i think the just following the highland in so far, i think we have to remember that when they have a completion is an incredible. let's remember what the minister was saying. you know, this is going to be kind of like, you know, fine i thing and they were a snip. i did the grand forces and there's nothing new here because they had been saying the same thing when they were going to cry when they were in the world. yeah. and when they were in the most strategic cities of dessie and composure, and it had been defeated. so i think i, i don't know what the government or strategy here is. and i don't know why abby thinks that he can change things by going to the front. ok. and we like martin saying, we don't know if he's in the front. i think it's also possible to suspect, as of things, you know, if your guess is a tradition of, you know, taking leaders as copies or like you put them in a half hours and as a slow, a tradition of snow are cool. as we remember from the emperor, so i think we can also suspect other things, but it's, it's really clear or it's, i think, reason of the assume that the government has lost the war and is just in his final desperate a ditch towards us. you know, changing the advisors, but i don't see a future for them in this. not an entire army divisions were completely decimated in the past few months. the t p l f is battle hardened fighters her since 1975. they been on the ground. they were key players in overthrowing the government in 91 and the rest was history. they were basically involved in every aspect of political security and military life in ethiopia. could they be the realization that should happen now within the establishment? and i be mad in particular, that is absolutely no way to move forward or have this in a few years without that to be a life or though remain a minority. i mean, you're absolutely right to point out this as an issue. i mean, at the end of the day, the 2 grants are not going anywhere. if you is not going to move into a new area, so it is absolutely vital within the end all conflict and in negotiations. the question is, what the terms is that those negates negotiations will be? and they asked to be some kind of settlement that involved not just the, the 2 grands but the aroma and all the other nationalities that make up which make it such an extra re, rich, diverse, and wonderful country. and you know, some kind of settlement has to be achieved, but they are really only 2 visions on, on offer. there's the old imperial vision. we says that there's one country and everybody's in ethiopia. and who cares about the nationality? there's the other option which was offered by the 2 grands which says we are over a federation of ethnicities. and those are the 2 basic positions that everybody falls into in the end. and, you know, prime prime minister abbey started, should we say in one position, move towards the old imperial position. and i don't know how this is going to be resolved. in the end, it has to be resolved by the people of ethiopia. there's nobody else that can do it . they have to learn each other. jabber christ as do you think that the alliance between the t p l f and the overall more liberation army? the lay is tactical just to defeat abbey, or had it could turn into something strategic that could reach out to different communities in the near future. to build a new front against a be a habit. i think it is. it's both. i believe this 2 organizations are have a history and a relationship that good dates back, you know, to really tickets a gore. and the only problem is that they had a very bad relationship with people. if was part of the if you abby of coalition. unless this body relationship gets in the way, i think they are very much related in how they view, ethiopia, they are federalist is there, or confederacies. so this really, if they move from that type of, you know, acrimony, i think there's a chance that they can afford a stronger ideas and they can bring a lot of as a groups in ethiopia. let's remember that abby am it has a very small days or so he has made it impossible. you know, for this, a different ethnic groups and political groups express themselves. he has all the support in the a, d. s and e. i'm her region. i don't think he has my support in other areas. so these 2 organizations have a huge potential in bringing, you know, all these groups in the rest of it yoga to what is this federal federal type of view and vision for ethiopia. martin, this is a conflict that could lead to the disintegration of if you appear, if it continues for a longer period. and yet you get the sense that the international community, the americans in particular don't seem to be really willing to move forward aggressively to bring all the parties to the day she had a settlement. what more would you expect them to do? i mean, they have threatened sanctions against the open. they've already brought in sanctions against the error trends. i mean, they're not going to put troops on the ground except to evacuate and start from the embassy. i didn't really see what, what else the united states could do. they worked incredibly hard. prison biden have made this one of these really a major priority fame way beyond anything that president trump did. and you know, at the end of the day i'm, i'm still hopeful that appear will be able to hold together of the country. there were voices in washington that said that it could disintegrate. i think that is not particularly likely unit. it would be against the everything that the african union se, down for. and while it's entirely up to the people of, of, of ethiopia, ti gray or mia, everywhere to make up their own mind for outside them. how to after i, you know, come predict hard work. i think that if you will survive, but that's just the gut instinct. and based on looking at the past, maybe it won't job. okay. so what do you think would be the condition that would bring all the fashions to accept a political settlement? but i think we are, you know, in a new chapter here what i think should happen is, and also what the grad government has offered is that there would be an interim government if the abby ford they have also offered, you know, nobody shaded sentiment, but it has refuse it, but after the fall, they are thinking of forming an anti government and then bringing all political parties or interest groups, you need to deliberate on the future of the country. and i think this is what we can expect here is that if you're honest with the editor, all the different nations and, and groups in india will have the chance to really express their vision for 80 up. yeah. and on that basis, i think the future if we get there, can be decided, but there is here a little bit of a difference. i think to grade will be a will, will, will demand a different treatment. to gripe believes that genocide has been committed, are appointed to grant people. and i think a referendum will be caught on to guy on ways to guy will continue with or not. that is what i believe so, so that, that i'm ok. so this new chapter will decide the future of europe, and all events in the future will decide the outcome of what happens in a therapy at martin. 2018 people thought that this young man i met, would generate momentum, take the nation into a new uncharted territory. now the sentiment is that his reputation has been severely dented by this conflict to the point where many think that his presence with just continue to further undermine stability in a therapy are to you that of you. i think that he is finished. i don't think that there's much case for him continuing to play a major role. he's. he's made huge errors. i mean, you, you pointed to what he said, right? the beginning of the war, this would be a short policing operation. it would be over in a couple of weeks. he's made a huge areas. you know, frankly, the nobel peace prize was a ridiculous price to give him at that stage. but, you know, maybe the power has already actually transferred to the deputy prime minister. and maybe he is the real power in the land. now we just don't know. and you know, we'll have to see in the next few, few days and weeks walk the walk. what turns out, but the other priority that we haven't mentioned is absolutely vital aid. get to great, there are hundreds of thousands of people that are on the edge of starvation that cannot be allowed to happen. martin plots request us just a really appreciate your insight. thank you. and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website. i'll just, you know, dot com for further discussion with our facebook page. that's facebook dot com. forward slash ha inside story. can also join the conversation on twitter. i'll 100 is at a james. i saw it from hash about, about on the entire team here in don't like ah there was is i was a little boy in india. my dream was to make bollywood fence. so finally i was going to do it one man's quest to realize a lifelong ambition. the studio chose was off my own village and get permission going behind the lens as got him saying, brings his personal story to life. al jazeera correspondent, my own private bollywood. ah, mother nature's gift of colorful landscapes, a strong infrastructure governance arising where investments are waiting to flourish, where creepy, even supplied by tradition. boom. where beautiful possibilities are offered. ah, this is al jazeera ah. hello, i money inside. this is a nissan live from day are coming up in the next 60 minutes. an exclusive interview without 0, the deputy had of saddam sovereign counsels said last month's military take i've, i was the best available option. and that the prime minister was agreeable to it. out as era obtain, satellite imagery revealing the u e is supplying weapons to the e t. i can go.

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Japan , United States , United Kingdom , Paris , France General , France , Washington , United Arab Emirates , English Channel , United Kingdom General , Somalia , Ethiopia , London , City Of , Amsterdam , Noord Holland , Netherlands , Germany , India , Sudan , Italy , Bethesda , Pembrokeshire , Dessie , Amara , Italian , Americans , German , British , Ethiopian , Somali , Japanese , Isa Nissan , Addis Ababa , Addis Ababa Ina , Mohammed Hamden Douglas , Asa Margaret , Greg Martin , Abby Ford ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709

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security forces in sudan have used t gas to disperse crowds of protesters demonstrate as gathered to remember 41 people kills, since most she take of last month. out as they are, as obtain satellite images that show the united arab emirates as providing military support to the ethiopian army investigation revealed the u. e. hide to private companies from europe to run military flights into ethiopia. person in france, the trading blame over who is responsible for the death of $27.00 refugees in migrants in the english channel is the west disaster there since the un started keeping record 7 years ago. the british homes actually pretty patel says more needs to be done to stop people making the dangerous crossing. there's no quick fix. what happened yesterday was a dreadful shock. it was not a surprise, but it is also a reminder of how vulnerable people up and put at paris when in the hands of criminal gangs. there is also madam deputy speaker, no quick fix. this is about addressing long tom poll factors smashing the criminal guns that treat human beings as cobbling and tapping in supply chains. elsewhere, some 300 migrants have been rescued at sea overnight by the italian coast guard. ruskie cru say the boat was in distress because of the large number of people on board and rough conditions out see, the boat was around 20 kilometers from the island of lamp. and do so, which is a frequent arrival point for migrants trying to reach you or japanese korean of ours. dest all has officially passed 100000 authorities recorded 351 deaths in the past 24 hours. gemini announced tougher restrictions last week to cab the outbreak. as the headlights inside stories next ah tension is going in a field yet to ryan rebels are they're all. i say they're advancing towards the capital. prime minister has joined the battlefield and many countries have told their citizens to leave so well addis ababa for and what would that mean for the fuel p as future this is inside story. ah hello, welcome to the program. i'm hashem, abala. if you'll be as year long conflict in the north is whitening to engulf it's a $115000000.00 people in a civil war. hundreds of volunteers are being listed to join the fight. they encouraged by prime minister abbey, i am at announcing who will lead the battle against a rebel alliance from the front lines into national and regional leaders are calling for a cease fire to allow a political solution. but even with thousands of people killed by the conflict, both sides are beating the drums of war. the roots of the conflicts between the national army and rebels intake re go back decades. the to gray people's liberation front or to peer laugh dominated ethiopian politics for nearly 30 years, despite its members making up just 6 percent of the population. but that changed when prime minister avia hammer took power in 2018. the t p a laugh rejected his attempt to centralize government and unite ethnic base political parties. and soon after tea, gray and rebels were cues of attack in an army basing the north and the prime minister sent in the army. since november last year, the to peer laugh and other groups, how falls and allies against prime minister abbey a hammered. and now they say, they have their eyes on the capitol, addis ababa? ah. we will talk to our guess in a moment, but 1st let's go to czar. dig albert aha. his if he appears minister for democratization and he joins us from addis ababa. bethesda eric, thank you for joining us. prime minister abbey armored is in the fall line, leaving the fight against a growing forces. could you give us a sense of what's happening on the ground? and the federal government is when new streaming collision and an office line in order forms are they are losing commanders are in disarray, following our claims to serve decision to resolve me from the for class that it was a memorial harkwriter saw things are to lead by the day or is it think something, reverse it. the time is on our side and deep it is moving big down. when you say that the tide is on your side. the, the rebels said that the captured a crucial area on the main quarry door, which is leading to the capita about 200 kilometers from addis ababa. and that is just about a matter of time before the take control of the capital. this does not seem to be good news for your army. i live it is for pain. there is simply a wish list. and then i've been there which is a day for 4 or 4. there was a whole then we add capacity to defending that is for any aggregation the limit to start using big time on the receipt. and if you have, if you happen to have india on the ground, you could have witnesses better. so this is changing by the date, the following types of decision to drain. i mean on the front line, things are changing. so the idea of capturing has only been changing into it into the un cheap, the u. s. special old voice of the horn of africa have been basically saying that all the parties need to stop the fighting and give diplomacy a chance. do you believe that that is still possible, a diplomatic way out of the crisis in if you're up here, the government will be yoga, has not problems said settling any differences between the problem is it is killing us citizens. and the way things happen when the crimes against humanity are being committed, the idea of hitting the defense, diplomatic. i mean it simply i mean this was on the ground. it all seem to be pretty much happy with the latest statements made by many leaders from the international committee barrier critical of addis ababa in a way or another. we kind of an example of us, we believe the critical will come to the will coming from the name from the lacking information. we'll wait for them with enough information. so that the base of the listing combination, those that are trying to port back us head on so that it was going to show k. if i didn't, after the rest of the international committee, we believe on our side times on our side, where on the right we're fighting for the vehicles that have been then taken in the national video of the country and that we need to come up with you know if you have the minister of for democratization. so basically the man in charge of reaching out to the different voices of the country to bring about a vibrant democracy in the country. the people at the normal liberation army are saying that instead of reaching out and building bridges with the communities, i'm a chose to consolidate his grip on power. and that he is, he could be anything but a unifying figure. and if you help you that's that's put on line government, the one that political business is government get a lot of and number of laws with one in the intelligence, the government, 197.8 percent of the seat. but charles, to share its power with a number of polishing ross, ranging from district level to the government. now they will position the member's needing figures in the position have that there is no reason under the sun to the government when it comes to the government. having to use a free form that has to change the position when it comes with the vision is to make it any thing to be mentioned about the government that stands in the democratic vision. vatike, a prime minister about a year ago said that the campaign in the gray area is going to be just a matter of a short trip before everything is settled a year later, the tier p l. f. along with the auto mall liberation on the, on the verge of capturing huge territory. and if you help you with, we're now in an in a position what is going to be difficult to defeat them. are you willing, at a moment to consider power sharing deal with all the different military factions operating in ethiopia? first that are from this in this war and we have down, we will have stopped much of the way push them back in, in 4 runs, talking about one point. so if you want to see the picture, the bigger picture of these warm white x, what are we having said that, you know, europe. yeah. for the 1st time and ones on the pilot becoming a democracy. we believe anything that comes to the mother will not be a way to do it to, to make it a, keep their essentially a dream which is making your democracy. so power sharing this group can only get by can only be $24.00 with them. that's what it is that i think for this government short power with those that are getting people that are trying to be possible with that to her feel p has been so for democratization. thank you very much indeed for your time. and now the time for our gas in london, martin plot, fellow university of london's institute of commonwealth studies in amsterdam. jerry kissed us giblet philosophy researcher and managers thought com website document in the war. in to greg martin, you must listen to the european melissa for democratization is basically saying that absolutely no way to negotiate with a t p. how do you see the the crisis moving forward, particularly with the army suffering major setbacks over the last few weeks? well, i thought what he told you was very interesting. i mean the 2 points that he made which are worth recalling. one is that he said that prime minister abbey won an election with 97.8 percent of the vote. i mean, do you know any genuine democracy, democratic election that has ever been won by that kind of number? i mean, it is that it alone should tell you that there was something wrong with the theme where he pointed out was that they have pushed back the 2 grand on forefront. and we're only talking about one front. but that in itself is extremely important statement because, i mean, i think it is accurate, not necessarily pushing them back, but that there are 5 fronts. i mean, for the firm in the military to be have to contend with 5 separate fronts that are advancing towards it. or even if that they're holding them is extremely difficult. and i think that that indicates just how hard this is for the military at the moment. just because this is quite interesting, the spectacular rise of the t p f over this year in particular. and one of the question is basically, how did they manage to outperform out flank one of the best trained armies in the african continent? well, let's look a little bit into how the war started. so the military was 1st d capacity dated by removing that, the gran members of the defense forces. we are talking about 70000 members of different forces this where capacity leaders and de remove them from their defense forces at the beginning of the. ready war and then they came to to try and integrate by the grand forces, withdrew to demand, and they viewed the army and they designated huge the vision of the media. and dan dot gave that the grand forces a lot of exercise if you will. and also a lot of weapons and ammunition. and we ducked the market forward. and remember that this if you can for, to have basically they haven't been told why they are even fighting. and they have very different inter they fight among each other. for example, the fight we the, if you again, different for the 3 and for the have either interested, they want to fight sometime. so it's just a huge assemblage of forces that share almost no common goal. and i think that's why they are being defeated in almost all fronts in martin, do you think that the involvement of the rhetoric army and the conflict was a turning point in the sense that it all righty of the and t stablish meant anti if the open army anti retreat and sentiment among the to ryans. well, it wasn't just the involvement of the, the era trends in the actual fight. and you're absolutely right. i mean, the 2 grams were hit from the north by the era trans, by the, from the east, and from the south by the ethiopian army, and the horrid militia plaza. full of course, don't forget they will. also somali troops past 3 to 5000 troops that also participated. there was a huge involvement on what's really interesting now, is that president of worky, the leader of era, is not involved in the war anymore. not he could loan shoot his military, which are still encamped wrong. the northern part of to gray entity gray back would relieve the pressure enormously on prime minister abbey, who is apparently on the front line. although we have seen no images of him on the front line fighting in the battle that his army are conducting. now if he did that, if the trends it became re involved again, it might change the shape of this war. but at the moment, it's not typically do you think that the fight over this strategic corey door, which is a vital lifeline for the sub of about 200 kilometers from the capitol, could be decisive in a way or another. it could pay the way for the rebels to take over the country. on the other hand, it could pay the for me to reverse all the gains for the g p l f. where that could change? i think a lot, but i don't think it's i mean it has other options as well. so it definitely is a big change if they capture it and i don't know their efforts towards capturing that. i think there have been attempts. but let's remember that the region is a very horse time slot area, not suited for the type of warfare that, that the grant is good at. but i think the just following the highland in so far, i think we have to remember that when they have a completion is an incredible. let's remember what the minister was saying. you know, this is going to be kind of like, you know, fine i thing and they were a snip. i did the grand forces and there's nothing new here because they had been saying the same thing when they were going to cry when they were in the world. yeah. and when they were in the most strategic cities of dessie and composure, and it had been defeated. so i think i, i don't know what the government or strategy here is. and i don't know why abby thinks that he can change things by going to the front. ok. and we like martin saying, we don't know if he's in the front. i think it's also possible to suspect, as of things, you know, if your guess is a tradition of, you know, taking leaders as copies or like you put them in a half hours and as a slow, a tradition of snow are cool. as we remember from the emperor, so i think we can also suspect other things, but it's, it's really clear or it's, i think, reason of the assume that the government has lost the war and is just in his final desperate a ditch towards us. you know, changing the advisors, but i don't see a future for them in this. not an entire army divisions were completely decimated in the past few months. the t p l f is battle hardened fighters her since 1975. they been on the ground. they were key players in overthrowing the government in 91 and the rest was history. they were basically involved in every aspect of political security and military life in ethiopia. could they be the realization that should happen now within the establishment? and i be mad in particular, that is absolutely no way to move forward or have this in a few years without that to be a life or though remain a minority. i mean, you're absolutely right to point out this as an issue. i mean, at the end of the day, the 2 grants are not going anywhere. if you is not going to move into a new area, so it is absolutely vital within the end all conflict and in negotiations. the question is, what the terms is that those negates negotiations will be? and they asked to be some kind of settlement that involved not just the, the 2 grands but the aroma and all the other nationalities that make up which make it such an extra re, rich, diverse, and wonderful country. and you know, some kind of settlement has to be achieved, but they are really only 2 visions on, on offer. there's the old imperial vision. we says that there's one country and everybody's in ethiopia. and who cares about the nationality? there's the other option which was offered by the 2 grands which says we are over a federation of ethnicities. and those are the 2 basic positions that everybody falls into in the end. and, you know, prime prime minister abbey started, should we say in one position, move towards the old imperial position. and i don't know how this is going to be resolved. in the end, it has to be resolved by the people of ethiopia. there's nobody else that can do it . they have to learn each other. jabber christ as do you think that the alliance between the t p l f and the overall more liberation army? the lay is tactical just to defeat abbey, or had it could turn into something strategic that could reach out to different communities in the near future. to build a new front against a be a habit. i think it is. it's both. i believe this 2 organizations are have a history and a relationship that good dates back, you know, to really tickets a gore. and the only problem is that they had a very bad relationship with people. if was part of the if you abby of coalition. unless this body relationship gets in the way, i think they are very much related in how they view, ethiopia, they are federalist is there, or confederacies. so this really, if they move from that type of, you know, acrimony, i think there's a chance that they can afford a stronger ideas and they can bring a lot of as a groups in ethiopia. let's remember that abby am it has a very small days or so he has made it impossible. you know, for this, a different ethnic groups and political groups express themselves. he has all the support in the a, d. s and e. i'm her region. i don't think he has my support in other areas. so these 2 organizations have a huge potential in bringing, you know, all these groups in the rest of it yoga to what is this federal federal type of view and vision for ethiopia. martin, this is a conflict that could lead to the disintegration of if you appear, if it continues for a longer period. and yet you get the sense that the international community, the americans in particular don't seem to be really willing to move forward aggressively to bring all the parties to the day she had a settlement. what more would you expect them to do? i mean, they have threatened sanctions against the open. they've already brought in sanctions against the error trends. i mean, they're not going to put troops on the ground except to evacuate and start from the embassy. i didn't really see what, what else the united states could do. they worked incredibly hard. prison biden have made this one of these really a major priority fame way beyond anything that president trump did. and you know, at the end of the day i'm, i'm still hopeful that appear will be able to hold together of the country. there were voices in washington that said that it could disintegrate. i think that is not particularly likely unit. it would be against the everything that the african union se, down for. and while it's entirely up to the people of, of, of ethiopia, ti gray or mia, everywhere to make up their own mind for outside them. how to after i, you know, come predict hard work. i think that if you will survive, but that's just the gut instinct. and based on looking at the past, maybe it won't job. okay. so what do you think would be the condition that would bring all the fashions to accept a political settlement? but i think we are, you know, in a new chapter here what i think should happen is, and also what the grad government has offered is that there would be an interim government if the abby ford they have also offered, you know, nobody shaded sentiment, but it has refuse it, but after the fall, they are thinking of forming an anti government and then bringing all political parties or interest groups, you need to deliberate on the future of the country. and i think this is what we can expect here is that if you're honest with the editor, all the different nations and, and groups in india will have the chance to really express their vision for 80 up. yeah. and on that basis, i think the future if we get there, can be decided, but there is here a little bit of a difference. i think to grade will be a will, will, will demand a different treatment. to gripe believes that genocide has been committed, are appointed to grant people. and i think a referendum will be caught on to guy on ways to guy will continue with or not. that is what i believe so, so that, that i'm ok. so this new chapter will decide the future of europe, and all events in the future will decide the outcome of what happens in a therapy at martin. 2018 people thought that this young man i met, would generate momentum, take the nation into a new uncharted territory. now the sentiment is that his reputation has been severely dented by this conflict to the point where many think that his presence with just continue to further undermine stability in a therapy are to you that of you. i think that he is finished. i don't think that there's much case for him continuing to play a major role. he's. he's made huge errors. i mean, you, you pointed to what he said, right? the beginning of the war, this would be a short policing operation. it would be over in a couple of weeks. he's made a huge areas. you know, frankly, the nobel peace prize was a ridiculous price to give him at that stage. but, you know, maybe the power has already actually transferred to the deputy prime minister. and maybe he is the real power in the land. now we just don't know. and you know, we'll have to see in the next few, few days and weeks walk the walk. what turns out, but the other priority that we haven't mentioned is absolutely vital aid. get to great, there are hundreds of thousands of people that are on the edge of starvation that cannot be allowed to happen. martin plots request us just a really appreciate your insight. thank you. and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website. i'll just, you know, dot com for further discussion with our facebook page. that's facebook dot com. forward slash ha inside story. can also join the conversation on twitter. i'll 100 is at a james. i saw it from hash about, about on the entire team here in don't like ah there was is i was a little boy in india. my dream was to make bollywood fence. so finally i was going to do it one man's quest to realize a lifelong ambition. the studio chose was off my own village and get permission going behind the lens as got him saying, brings his personal story to life. al jazeera correspondent, my own private bollywood. ah, mother nature's gift of colorful landscapes, a strong infrastructure governance arising where investments are waiting to flourish, where creepy, even supplied by tradition. boom. where beautiful possibilities are offered. ah, this is al jazeera ah. hello, i money inside. this is a nissan live from day are coming up in the next 60 minutes. an exclusive interview without 0, the deputy had of saddam sovereign counsels said last month's military take i've, i was the best available option. and that the prime minister was agreeable to it. out as era obtain, satellite imagery revealing the u e is supplying weapons to the e t. i can go.

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