Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709

port was b, the capital of pop getting is ranked one of the most dangerous things in the world . one a one east investigate the violent gains, instilling fear on the street. on l g 0 in the country with an abundance of results for the grade bar and walk indonesia whose firms forming we moved full to grow and frock. we balanced for green economy, blue economy, and the digital economy with the new job creation law, indonesia is progressively ensuring the policy reform to create quality jobs. invest let to be part when denise is growth and progress. invest indonesia now allow government algebra with all lulu. ah, this is sarah cook right off the top stories for you. this are full and the keys bell roofs of continuing to help asylum seekers cross into your territory to strike the bell russians clearing a makeshift camp on the port on thursday. austria has become the 1st country in western europe to re impose a fool called with 19 marked on the measures. we'll start on monday. in germany, the health minister says the country is facing a national emergency. the indian government has an instance with drawing 3 controversial phone loads, legislation, hand triggered nationwide protests that losses more than a year of the u. k. government is expected to designate hum us a terrorist organization after calling it's a fundamentally and rapidly anti semitic group. home secretary prissy patel is expected to outline the move in washington dc laser on friday. the have us military wing has already been banned in the u. k. since 2001. let's get more on this now from the far. he joins his wife from london and neve. what exactly has prompted this move from the u. k. government or when brito makes his key speech over in washington in a few hours time. the intention is to prescribe the entirety of half a mass as a band. terrorist organization, the united states has done that. the european union has done that in the united kingdom is now a following suit. it's military wing, though, has been designated as such since 2001 by the british government. but speaking to you as a journalist, say ahead of this speech, pretty patel said we've taken the view the we can no longer disaggregate a massive military and political side. and this move, she said, is vital in supporting the security and safety of jewish communities around the world. and as you touched upon that she is expected to say in this key speech that hamas is fundamentally and rapidly anti semitic. this view shaped she says by new intelligence around her masses capabilities and the iep. you touched on their needs that there's more than one bit of hamas and, and already the u. k. government says that the military wing is already bands. they've already been a designated a terrorist organization, was the other bits of hamis that the u. k. government wants to prescribe. what exactly do they do? we go, that's roy and i, massive already commented on the you case, impending judgment by saying that they feel that it's biased towards israel and potentially undermines the other dimensions to a mass as well. yes, of course the organization does have a military wing that we know all see well about it does have a political wing as well as govern the gaza strip since 2007 and a an elections that you there. but it also has a social services wing as well that has been responsible over the years for funneling large sums of money into graphs, roots projects. we're talking about clean water, project schools, orphanages, even providing rent relief for peoples whose houses are destroyed during a st. riley as strikes and the concern is that given this potential blind kids bands, this view that the entirety of hamas is a terrorist organization that it does potentially have the negative impacts on undermining the work of a mass. and us affiliated grass roots, organizations on the grounds, and that the end of the day could be potentially those in need that sofa. as a result of this new designation, pretty battelle though is determine, she's going to see this turn, it's low and hope to get it through parliament. it in the u. k. next week. a k, a need barker, john his lie from london. thank ye, neath a palestinian rights organisation has gold for an impartial investigation after a prisoner died in a hospital while in israeli custody from me. allah moore had spent 13 years behind bars, palestinian center for human rights says is extremely concerned. he had received adequate and timely medical care. you know, science reports form garza pictures of sammy alarm were hanging his home in gaza. and at his funeral, they were supposed to welcome his return after he was released from any really prison had been detained since 2008, and sentenced to 19 years and weapons smuggling charges. he died in hospital on thursday in israeli custody members of his family say they have been his shock since being told of his death record. who is the occupation to blame the neglected him? they detains him and he was perfectly fine. he didn't suffer anything. i was when i haven't seen him for long years, but they always denied or visit him. i just want them to send his body back to gaza . we want to see him. sammy suffered from congenital heart problem. his family and supporters say that was worse and by years of living in hard conditions in prison, the cues israeli authorities of deliberately neglecting his health. these are the b . as a result of medical negligence, that the occupation authorities practiced on the prisoner where he was left for over 14 hours in the crossing while being transported from napa present. the rocker hospital shows the deliberate and intentional medical neglect by the israeli authorities. tommy's fiance has waited for his release since 2008. she hoped they would marry soon after. we urge the united nations in the entire world to support the oppressed prisoners in their cases, they are dying and prisons and jails, and no one cares. sammy's family, say israeli authorities presented most and his mother only so him in prison a few times over his 14 years in prison. in a statement to elgin euro, israel's prison authority, said, all prisoners receive treatment according to the need. set alarm worse, death will be code looked into or checked almost 5000 policy. the prisoners are in is really prison. the ministry of palestinian prisoners does more than 500 of these prisoners suffer medical condition and some are cancer patients. while 227 of them had died in these really prison. since $967.00 sammy's relative say all the was now is to receive his body. but israeli officials have refused to release it until the end of the remaining 4 years of a sentence. in the c o z, iraq god's down in indian controls kashmir family is so put to rest, loved ones, they say, were murdered and buried secretly. on monday police say 4 people were killed in an attack on rebels in the city of srinagar. since then there has been outrage and protests followed by exclamations and promises of a proper investigation. natasha name reports. oh, this is mohammed altov bought 2nd burial in 5 days. on monday, police secretly buried him after his outraged family stage. days of protests, police exude bots, body, and on friday his family gave him a proper funeral. oh good. he was not a terrorist. he was a civilian and a respected businessman. 4 people were killed on monday in the city of srinagar. police in indian administered kashmir. describe a shoot out with rebels, but is one of 2 civilians killed. they were buried secretly in unmarked graves in a remote area. the indian government says it implemented this policy last year because of the pandemic. since then, hundreds of suspected rebels and their allies have been buried this way. fueling it . i government outrage here. ready in missouri from my message to kashmir, betsy anders or from any community is that if this happened to us, it may happen to you also. i want the people to join us and demanding justice because if we don't stand together, the storm will hit every one of us. oh, bats family says his death is part of a history of kashmiri civilians being targeted and branded as militants. so indian soldiers can get perks and promotions. the indian government dismisses any accusation of a pattern of misconduct as propaganda. in this case, police are promising to investigate. minor football arcos bought was killed in the crossfire to why we don't know who bullet has hit m, r's or militants. it is a matter of investigation. everything will be clear after the post mortem report is complete. what's painfully clear to god's family is that he is yet another casualty . oh, among the many thousands of people killed in the conflict in the disputed kashmir region. natasha good name al jazeera, 35 members of afghanistan's women for youth football team. i've arise in the u. k. after fleeing the taliban take over the plane, carrying them and their families landed at stance at airports. the fights was paid for by t. v star kim kadesh, in west members of the team, had been staying in pakistan in businesses are aggressively loving the government to impose tariffs and quality control checks. on tim ports. from the poll, they say the unregulated influx is hurting local brands. traders in the poll say their t is not only better, but fills a gap in the indian market saying this rather has more from in them districts in eastern poll. no soldiers, no guns, but it is paul's eastern border with india. tensions are simmering. an unlikely front line is where for years the 2 countries have been locked in quiet conflict. over one of the world's most precious and widely consumed commodities. for nepalese t plantations. it's a fight for survival. he is the goose that lays the golden egg. there is local production happening. we have local companies here worldwide, people drink tea and it's also good for health. we drink it and we call alarm district. the place to mine for tea in alarms markets, himalayan t is liquid gold fuel for the country's economic engine. but growers from the neighboring indian state of west bengal, or lobbying their government to impose terrorists and bureaucratic roadblocks to take their landlocked neighbors. t off the table where here at nepalese border with india now and dar dealing is just 30 minutes down this road past that checkpoint. now the terrain, the soil, even the plants that the t comes from. it's all the same in this area of indian grover say that there's is the original darjeeling branded only there. t should be allowed to carry the name, the seeds of what some nepalese have taken to calling the kettle. wars were planted more than a century ago when the british still ruled. india smuggled out of china and planted in darjeeling in the 18. hundreds indian growers say their t is the genuine article and importing from the paul is destroying a legacy brand. but indian traders routinely mix nepalese t with and sell it as darjeeling to make up for supply shortfalls and meet massive market demands. in fact, india is nepalese, biggest customer, half of the tea made here and almost all of the premium. great stuff. most similar to darjeeling is bought by india for nipple is owners, india stirring up trouble, is just about protecting market share. i pill that very, very big country with the 10 yard. we have a small, you're going to me and we have a 1000000000 and a 1000000000 defeated with india 1000000000 and 1000000000. and that we don't have anything to sell our product to india when the t is in a very small quantity that is not going to in any good. i mean nothing. but the big thing part, no bug brewing tensions steeped in history at risk of boiling over or a storm in a teacup indian concerns have merit. but no police say t should move as freely between boarders as their people. zane basra, the old euro alarm district, eastern newport, columbia. the constitutional court says for the hold on a debate to see abortion decriminalized proceedings don't because of a challenge, for instance, food. one of the judges spoke about abortion in the media, and other judge who may make a decision on how to move forwards. terminations are only allowed in cases of rape course. there stranger to the women's life or the features shows a severe disability. it's in front runners and to those presidential election have held final rallies before sundays foods, but one candidate was a total cost wants to bring down taxes and reduce the size of the governments less . this bill borage wants to do the exact opposite. if neither of them gets 50 percent of the votes, the 2 men will face self in another rides on december 19th and regional election campaigns have ended in venezuela, most opposition candidates running as part of a coalition. the 1st election, which the opposition agreed to participate in after 3 years boycotts, 2 men, wrongly convicted of murdering civil rights cedar. malcolm acts more than 50 years ago and had their convictions dismissed investigation found the f, b. i and police with held crucial evidence at their trial. phil lafelle reports for washington joint motion with your via red amazon. it has taken half a century from a hammer disease to stand in a new york court room. and here a judge finally claire. his name is elaine. 8 becky, the now 83 year old was convicted of murdering malcolm x in 1966 a year after the civil rights leaders assassination. oh, so i'm very blessed with my family. my friends threw up i think that we. ready have all the judge in new york, vacating his conviction on that of callian islam who was also jailed for murder. but he wasn't in court having died more than a decade ago. the fact that my father, my mother warrant here, i'm not here alive. to see this and her experience, i'm, the exoneration is painful because they suffered a lot and just than the gunfire went off, it is a case that has fascinated the us for years campaigners office documentary makers insisting tale. innocent men were locked up dangerous question as he's in his lamb's trial was ripe with misconduct and misdirection the f. b i and wiping day with held crucial evidence and the man had no connection to major heat. abdul helene, who confessed to the shooting still they would spend more than 40 years in prison between them with them to have had their fingers on the trigger of where the shattered tail mountain they weren't in the room. simply, investigations took betty 2 years and faced huge challenges. the witnesses and police officers involved are all dead and crucial evidence like the murder weapon no longer accessible this law. and most of the men who murder glass never face stuff, and they likely never will. now the question of who was truly behind malcolm x is killing, may never be answered phil laval al jazeera washington. still ahead. so on al jazeera, i'm far it's small, actually sale international circuit. the venue that's about to house tatters 1st ever formula, one grand prix. ah ah ah ah ah, ah, your sand star, serena williams has joined a growing number of people who are concerned about the safety of chinese tennis star pung choi. she hasn't been seen since she accused the high ranking chinese politician of sexually assaulting her rare chandry reports package wise, one of china's most successful tennis stars. she's a former doubles world number one, winning the french open and wimbledon. but she hasn't been seen in weeks. now the united nations and a growing number of her fellow players are speaking out. we would like actually to hear like a video from her or something like a real real prove that. yes that she's, she's all right and everything is fine. ah, yeah, it's a very strange situation and though we really want to hear song, some news, i'm really sad about a, i don't know what to say. we had to talk in the morning for half an hour. we're talking about these and i really hope she's okay and really waiting for some news from her. she's defeated top plays including venus williams, his sister serena express support, the sh. why? saying, i'm devastated and shocked to hear about the news of my peer punch. why? i hope she is safe and found as soon as possible. this must be investigated and we must not stay silent. she disappeared after accusing a top chinese government official of sexually assaulting her. the heads of the globe women's tennis association has questioned the centricity of an e mail, released by the chinese government this week, said to have been written by the missing 35 year old. the letter says she retracts the allegations and she is quote, resting at home. this case has not been reported by the chinese media and any online discussion as it has been censored or removed. or to respond to the mounting questions. china's foreign ministry spokesman had this to say, well, you know, i've not heard of the issue you raised well, this is not a diplomatic question. the us is threatening a diplomatic boy caught of the upcoming pacing lympics sighting china's human rights record. the head of the well tennis association has also said he's prepared to cut lucrative business ties with china. if tennis star punch, why remains missing her marriage? old 3, which is 0, saves the sport here. santa thank you very much to highlight well formula on time bishop leader max 1st stop and o'clock the fastest time in 1st practice ahead of the 1st ever cutoff complete, the red ball driver has a narrow lead over louis hamilton as the season enters its final stretch far a smile reports from the la salle international circuit. ah, a year before kat to her house, the middle east, 1st football world cup formula one is about to make it state you. appearance in the golf state. cat are seizing its opportunity after ra, press, and 5 other countries were cancelled due to coven 19000000000 sale. international circuit is an established venue on the moto g p calendar, but it's had just a few weeks to prepare for this race. the changes requested by formula one were very, very small. the rest of the changes are related to sponsors and you know, beautification, if you, if you will. so what will happen to the tires? what will happen to each corner? how teams will be ready and set up their cars. all these questions add to the excitement, and i think a lot of friends are waiting to see how things will happen here. which is 3 races. laughter sees in cats are kind of picked a better time to enter the sport. tens of thousands of fans will be here to witness the latest episode in one of the f one closest ever season. 7 time world champion, louis hamilton is locked in a title battle with red bulls. max for stop in for stop in is amy to win his 1st ever world title. going into this race. he leads his mercedes rival by just 14 points and the drivers standings. most of the races are really pushing like the whole race flat out. and that is something which not. it doesn't happen all the time in order. and so of course time management and stop it now you're constantly like under pressure or you are the one attacking right. and i think that's just great because it's nice to have leaves now to teams like fighting for when was the weekend. so i'm thinking this gets home weekend is not and not been here before. so we like everyone, not really knowing what to expect just hopeful that the car feels like it did last week. i think we learn some things about where to put the car and i hope that applies here, but it might not this will be just the 1st chapter encounters formula. one story. the country has signed a decade long deal to host a race every year from 2023. far as small al jazeera, doha, australia, cricket test captain tim payne is stepping down from the wall. after being investigated by chris austria for sending explicit text messages to female co worker back in 2017. and hughes comes as a huge blow to cricket, australia, 3 weeks ahead of the ashes series against england. if that 6 year old who was promoted to capt as captain falling the bull, tampering scandal in 2018 will continue to be part of the team. my actions in 2007, i do not meet the standard of an australian critic captain or the water community. i'm deeply sorry for the hurt and pain that i have caused to my wife, my family and to the other party. i'm sorry for any damage that this does to the reputation of else for and i believe that he's the right decision for me to stand down as captain effective immediately. and the abbey a, the my, me he to have won the 4th game and the role they did it by beating the visiting washington wizards. jimmy butler start on the night with 32 points to leave the heat, 212 to 97. when this is the 2nd street last a full washington author, read a japanese, a prime minister has congratulated a baseball star shots, shall he or fanny for winning the most valuable player in the american league. the angels. that sensation, that was the unanimous went out often extraordinary season. that includes $46.00, a home runs and a 100 runs 27 year old is often compared to babe ruth because of his ability to both pitch and hit add to high level is the 1st japanese player to win the accolade . since it's euro suzuki, back in 2001 and that's those bought for me and to which is and we'll have more for you later on. but for now it's back to hello. thank you very much. indeed. the son of a box for this user to keep it here on al jazeera, i will be back with you after the break. leases. will you stay with us? ah, african narratives. blue from africans perspective. i knew series of short documentaries, by african filmmakers from across the continent. this has been really committed to handle the african direct coming, sued on al jazeera. the world's pollinators are in decline. in this episode of arthritis, we meet entomologists on opposite sides of the planet. protecting insects of all sizes crucial to preserving food chains. i'd have to be okay to see how old industrial sites are being turned into a bug reserves in an attempt to reverse this warring trans hiking and sec to get on on al jazeera. ah, many aspects of afghan culture had been systematically destroyed or forgotten. the afghan films archive has been largely preserved through all of these years. when so much else was burned, looted, or blown up, a small group of people risk their lives to save the national archive. they managed to preserve the films and these records of all of the other afghanistan's that existed saving decades of history. they believe these films had something to give to the present moment. in the 19th sixty's afghan cinema was born, filmmakers went on a way of the dangers to come ah hundreds of refugees go to a temporary shelter along the poland bellows border. they say they don't know what lies ahead. ah, hello, i'm how the my he did this is al jazeera life from doha. also coming up austria 9 says a country wide log stonewall.

Related Keywords

Kashmiri , Paktia , Afghanistan , Australia , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Japan , United States , United Kingdom , Missouri , Washington , China , Austria , Indonesia , Russia , Pakistan , London , City Of , Darjeeling , West Bengal , India , Gaza Strip , Newport , Germany , Iraq , New Zealand , Israel , Nepal , Gaza , Israel General , Poland , France , Venezuela , Nepalese , Australian , Chinese , Afghan , French , British , Israeli , Palestinian , Russians , Japanese , American , Venus Williams , Serena Williams , Hamas Isa , Tim Payne , Sarah Cook , Wu Wei , Allah Moore , Al Jazeera , Pung Choi , Babe Ruth ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709

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port was b, the capital of pop getting is ranked one of the most dangerous things in the world . one a one east investigate the violent gains, instilling fear on the street. on l g 0 in the country with an abundance of results for the grade bar and walk indonesia whose firms forming we moved full to grow and frock. we balanced for green economy, blue economy, and the digital economy with the new job creation law, indonesia is progressively ensuring the policy reform to create quality jobs. invest let to be part when denise is growth and progress. invest indonesia now allow government algebra with all lulu. ah, this is sarah cook right off the top stories for you. this are full and the keys bell roofs of continuing to help asylum seekers cross into your territory to strike the bell russians clearing a makeshift camp on the port on thursday. austria has become the 1st country in western europe to re impose a fool called with 19 marked on the measures. we'll start on monday. in germany, the health minister says the country is facing a national emergency. the indian government has an instance with drawing 3 controversial phone loads, legislation, hand triggered nationwide protests that losses more than a year of the u. k. government is expected to designate hum us a terrorist organization after calling it's a fundamentally and rapidly anti semitic group. home secretary prissy patel is expected to outline the move in washington dc laser on friday. the have us military wing has already been banned in the u. k. since 2001. let's get more on this now from the far. he joins his wife from london and neve. what exactly has prompted this move from the u. k. government or when brito makes his key speech over in washington in a few hours time. the intention is to prescribe the entirety of half a mass as a band. terrorist organization, the united states has done that. the european union has done that in the united kingdom is now a following suit. it's military wing, though, has been designated as such since 2001 by the british government. but speaking to you as a journalist, say ahead of this speech, pretty patel said we've taken the view the we can no longer disaggregate a massive military and political side. and this move, she said, is vital in supporting the security and safety of jewish communities around the world. and as you touched upon that she is expected to say in this key speech that hamas is fundamentally and rapidly anti semitic. this view shaped she says by new intelligence around her masses capabilities and the iep. you touched on their needs that there's more than one bit of hamas and, and already the u. k. government says that the military wing is already bands. they've already been a designated a terrorist organization, was the other bits of hamis that the u. k. government wants to prescribe. what exactly do they do? we go, that's roy and i, massive already commented on the you case, impending judgment by saying that they feel that it's biased towards israel and potentially undermines the other dimensions to a mass as well. yes, of course the organization does have a military wing that we know all see well about it does have a political wing as well as govern the gaza strip since 2007 and a an elections that you there. but it also has a social services wing as well that has been responsible over the years for funneling large sums of money into graphs, roots projects. we're talking about clean water, project schools, orphanages, even providing rent relief for peoples whose houses are destroyed during a st. riley as strikes and the concern is that given this potential blind kids bands, this view that the entirety of hamas is a terrorist organization that it does potentially have the negative impacts on undermining the work of a mass. and us affiliated grass roots, organizations on the grounds, and that the end of the day could be potentially those in need that sofa. as a result of this new designation, pretty battelle though is determine, she's going to see this turn, it's low and hope to get it through parliament. it in the u. k. next week. a k, a need barker, john his lie from london. thank ye, neath a palestinian rights organisation has gold for an impartial investigation after a prisoner died in a hospital while in israeli custody from me. allah moore had spent 13 years behind bars, palestinian center for human rights says is extremely concerned. he had received adequate and timely medical care. you know, science reports form garza pictures of sammy alarm were hanging his home in gaza. and at his funeral, they were supposed to welcome his return after he was released from any really prison had been detained since 2008, and sentenced to 19 years and weapons smuggling charges. he died in hospital on thursday in israeli custody members of his family say they have been his shock since being told of his death record. who is the occupation to blame the neglected him? they detains him and he was perfectly fine. he didn't suffer anything. i was when i haven't seen him for long years, but they always denied or visit him. i just want them to send his body back to gaza . we want to see him. sammy suffered from congenital heart problem. his family and supporters say that was worse and by years of living in hard conditions in prison, the cues israeli authorities of deliberately neglecting his health. these are the b . as a result of medical negligence, that the occupation authorities practiced on the prisoner where he was left for over 14 hours in the crossing while being transported from napa present. the rocker hospital shows the deliberate and intentional medical neglect by the israeli authorities. tommy's fiance has waited for his release since 2008. she hoped they would marry soon after. we urge the united nations in the entire world to support the oppressed prisoners in their cases, they are dying and prisons and jails, and no one cares. sammy's family, say israeli authorities presented most and his mother only so him in prison a few times over his 14 years in prison. in a statement to elgin euro, israel's prison authority, said, all prisoners receive treatment according to the need. set alarm worse, death will be code looked into or checked almost 5000 policy. the prisoners are in is really prison. the ministry of palestinian prisoners does more than 500 of these prisoners suffer medical condition and some are cancer patients. while 227 of them had died in these really prison. since $967.00 sammy's relative say all the was now is to receive his body. but israeli officials have refused to release it until the end of the remaining 4 years of a sentence. in the c o z, iraq god's down in indian controls kashmir family is so put to rest, loved ones, they say, were murdered and buried secretly. on monday police say 4 people were killed in an attack on rebels in the city of srinagar. since then there has been outrage and protests followed by exclamations and promises of a proper investigation. natasha name reports. oh, this is mohammed altov bought 2nd burial in 5 days. on monday, police secretly buried him after his outraged family stage. days of protests, police exude bots, body, and on friday his family gave him a proper funeral. oh good. he was not a terrorist. he was a civilian and a respected businessman. 4 people were killed on monday in the city of srinagar. police in indian administered kashmir. describe a shoot out with rebels, but is one of 2 civilians killed. they were buried secretly in unmarked graves in a remote area. the indian government says it implemented this policy last year because of the pandemic. since then, hundreds of suspected rebels and their allies have been buried this way. fueling it . i government outrage here. ready in missouri from my message to kashmir, betsy anders or from any community is that if this happened to us, it may happen to you also. i want the people to join us and demanding justice because if we don't stand together, the storm will hit every one of us. oh, bats family says his death is part of a history of kashmiri civilians being targeted and branded as militants. so indian soldiers can get perks and promotions. the indian government dismisses any accusation of a pattern of misconduct as propaganda. in this case, police are promising to investigate. minor football arcos bought was killed in the crossfire to why we don't know who bullet has hit m, r's or militants. it is a matter of investigation. everything will be clear after the post mortem report is complete. what's painfully clear to god's family is that he is yet another casualty . oh, among the many thousands of people killed in the conflict in the disputed kashmir region. natasha good name al jazeera, 35 members of afghanistan's women for youth football team. i've arise in the u. k. after fleeing the taliban take over the plane, carrying them and their families landed at stance at airports. the fights was paid for by t. v star kim kadesh, in west members of the team, had been staying in pakistan in businesses are aggressively loving the government to impose tariffs and quality control checks. on tim ports. from the poll, they say the unregulated influx is hurting local brands. traders in the poll say their t is not only better, but fills a gap in the indian market saying this rather has more from in them districts in eastern poll. no soldiers, no guns, but it is paul's eastern border with india. tensions are simmering. an unlikely front line is where for years the 2 countries have been locked in quiet conflict. over one of the world's most precious and widely consumed commodities. for nepalese t plantations. it's a fight for survival. he is the goose that lays the golden egg. there is local production happening. we have local companies here worldwide, people drink tea and it's also good for health. we drink it and we call alarm district. the place to mine for tea in alarms markets, himalayan t is liquid gold fuel for the country's economic engine. but growers from the neighboring indian state of west bengal, or lobbying their government to impose terrorists and bureaucratic roadblocks to take their landlocked neighbors. t off the table where here at nepalese border with india now and dar dealing is just 30 minutes down this road past that checkpoint. now the terrain, the soil, even the plants that the t comes from. it's all the same in this area of indian grover say that there's is the original darjeeling branded only there. t should be allowed to carry the name, the seeds of what some nepalese have taken to calling the kettle. wars were planted more than a century ago when the british still ruled. india smuggled out of china and planted in darjeeling in the 18. hundreds indian growers say their t is the genuine article and importing from the paul is destroying a legacy brand. but indian traders routinely mix nepalese t with and sell it as darjeeling to make up for supply shortfalls and meet massive market demands. in fact, india is nepalese, biggest customer, half of the tea made here and almost all of the premium. great stuff. most similar to darjeeling is bought by india for nipple is owners, india stirring up trouble, is just about protecting market share. i pill that very, very big country with the 10 yard. we have a small, you're going to me and we have a 1000000000 and a 1000000000 defeated with india 1000000000 and 1000000000. and that we don't have anything to sell our product to india when the t is in a very small quantity that is not going to in any good. i mean nothing. but the big thing part, no bug brewing tensions steeped in history at risk of boiling over or a storm in a teacup indian concerns have merit. but no police say t should move as freely between boarders as their people. zane basra, the old euro alarm district, eastern newport, columbia. the constitutional court says for the hold on a debate to see abortion decriminalized proceedings don't because of a challenge, for instance, food. one of the judges spoke about abortion in the media, and other judge who may make a decision on how to move forwards. terminations are only allowed in cases of rape course. there stranger to the women's life or the features shows a severe disability. it's in front runners and to those presidential election have held final rallies before sundays foods, but one candidate was a total cost wants to bring down taxes and reduce the size of the governments less . this bill borage wants to do the exact opposite. if neither of them gets 50 percent of the votes, the 2 men will face self in another rides on december 19th and regional election campaigns have ended in venezuela, most opposition candidates running as part of a coalition. the 1st election, which the opposition agreed to participate in after 3 years boycotts, 2 men, wrongly convicted of murdering civil rights cedar. malcolm acts more than 50 years ago and had their convictions dismissed investigation found the f, b. i and police with held crucial evidence at their trial. phil lafelle reports for washington joint motion with your via red amazon. it has taken half a century from a hammer disease to stand in a new york court room. and here a judge finally claire. his name is elaine. 8 becky, the now 83 year old was convicted of murdering malcolm x in 1966 a year after the civil rights leaders assassination. oh, so i'm very blessed with my family. my friends threw up i think that we. ready have all the judge in new york, vacating his conviction on that of callian islam who was also jailed for murder. but he wasn't in court having died more than a decade ago. the fact that my father, my mother warrant here, i'm not here alive. to see this and her experience, i'm, the exoneration is painful because they suffered a lot and just than the gunfire went off, it is a case that has fascinated the us for years campaigners office documentary makers insisting tale. innocent men were locked up dangerous question as he's in his lamb's trial was ripe with misconduct and misdirection the f. b i and wiping day with held crucial evidence and the man had no connection to major heat. abdul helene, who confessed to the shooting still they would spend more than 40 years in prison between them with them to have had their fingers on the trigger of where the shattered tail mountain they weren't in the room. simply, investigations took betty 2 years and faced huge challenges. the witnesses and police officers involved are all dead and crucial evidence like the murder weapon no longer accessible this law. and most of the men who murder glass never face stuff, and they likely never will. now the question of who was truly behind malcolm x is killing, may never be answered phil laval al jazeera washington. still ahead. so on al jazeera, i'm far it's small, actually sale international circuit. the venue that's about to house tatters 1st ever formula, one grand prix. ah ah ah ah ah, ah, your sand star, serena williams has joined a growing number of people who are concerned about the safety of chinese tennis star pung choi. she hasn't been seen since she accused the high ranking chinese politician of sexually assaulting her rare chandry reports package wise, one of china's most successful tennis stars. she's a former doubles world number one, winning the french open and wimbledon. but she hasn't been seen in weeks. now the united nations and a growing number of her fellow players are speaking out. we would like actually to hear like a video from her or something like a real real prove that. yes that she's, she's all right and everything is fine. ah, yeah, it's a very strange situation and though we really want to hear song, some news, i'm really sad about a, i don't know what to say. we had to talk in the morning for half an hour. we're talking about these and i really hope she's okay and really waiting for some news from her. she's defeated top plays including venus williams, his sister serena express support, the sh. why? saying, i'm devastated and shocked to hear about the news of my peer punch. why? i hope she is safe and found as soon as possible. this must be investigated and we must not stay silent. she disappeared after accusing a top chinese government official of sexually assaulting her. the heads of the globe women's tennis association has questioned the centricity of an e mail, released by the chinese government this week, said to have been written by the missing 35 year old. the letter says she retracts the allegations and she is quote, resting at home. this case has not been reported by the chinese media and any online discussion as it has been censored or removed. or to respond to the mounting questions. china's foreign ministry spokesman had this to say, well, you know, i've not heard of the issue you raised well, this is not a diplomatic question. the us is threatening a diplomatic boy caught of the upcoming pacing lympics sighting china's human rights record. the head of the well tennis association has also said he's prepared to cut lucrative business ties with china. if tennis star punch, why remains missing her marriage? old 3, which is 0, saves the sport here. santa thank you very much to highlight well formula on time bishop leader max 1st stop and o'clock the fastest time in 1st practice ahead of the 1st ever cutoff complete, the red ball driver has a narrow lead over louis hamilton as the season enters its final stretch far a smile reports from the la salle international circuit. ah, a year before kat to her house, the middle east, 1st football world cup formula one is about to make it state you. appearance in the golf state. cat are seizing its opportunity after ra, press, and 5 other countries were cancelled due to coven 19000000000 sale. international circuit is an established venue on the moto g p calendar, but it's had just a few weeks to prepare for this race. the changes requested by formula one were very, very small. the rest of the changes are related to sponsors and you know, beautification, if you, if you will. so what will happen to the tires? what will happen to each corner? how teams will be ready and set up their cars. all these questions add to the excitement, and i think a lot of friends are waiting to see how things will happen here. which is 3 races. laughter sees in cats are kind of picked a better time to enter the sport. tens of thousands of fans will be here to witness the latest episode in one of the f one closest ever season. 7 time world champion, louis hamilton is locked in a title battle with red bulls. max for stop in for stop in is amy to win his 1st ever world title. going into this race. he leads his mercedes rival by just 14 points and the drivers standings. most of the races are really pushing like the whole race flat out. and that is something which not. it doesn't happen all the time in order. and so of course time management and stop it now you're constantly like under pressure or you are the one attacking right. and i think that's just great because it's nice to have leaves now to teams like fighting for when was the weekend. so i'm thinking this gets home weekend is not and not been here before. so we like everyone, not really knowing what to expect just hopeful that the car feels like it did last week. i think we learn some things about where to put the car and i hope that applies here, but it might not this will be just the 1st chapter encounters formula. one story. the country has signed a decade long deal to host a race every year from 2023. far as small al jazeera, doha, australia, cricket test captain tim payne is stepping down from the wall. after being investigated by chris austria for sending explicit text messages to female co worker back in 2017. and hughes comes as a huge blow to cricket, australia, 3 weeks ahead of the ashes series against england. if that 6 year old who was promoted to capt as captain falling the bull, tampering scandal in 2018 will continue to be part of the team. my actions in 2007, i do not meet the standard of an australian critic captain or the water community. i'm deeply sorry for the hurt and pain that i have caused to my wife, my family and to the other party. i'm sorry for any damage that this does to the reputation of else for and i believe that he's the right decision for me to stand down as captain effective immediately. and the abbey a, the my, me he to have won the 4th game and the role they did it by beating the visiting washington wizards. jimmy butler start on the night with 32 points to leave the heat, 212 to 97. when this is the 2nd street last a full washington author, read a japanese, a prime minister has congratulated a baseball star shots, shall he or fanny for winning the most valuable player in the american league. the angels. that sensation, that was the unanimous went out often extraordinary season. that includes $46.00, a home runs and a 100 runs 27 year old is often compared to babe ruth because of his ability to both pitch and hit add to high level is the 1st japanese player to win the accolade . since it's euro suzuki, back in 2001 and that's those bought for me and to which is and we'll have more for you later on. but for now it's back to hello. thank you very much. indeed. the son of a box for this user to keep it here on al jazeera, i will be back with you after the break. leases. will you stay with us? ah, african narratives. blue from africans perspective. i knew series of short documentaries, by african filmmakers from across the continent. this has been really committed to handle the african direct coming, sued on al jazeera. the world's pollinators are in decline. in this episode of arthritis, we meet entomologists on opposite sides of the planet. protecting insects of all sizes crucial to preserving food chains. i'd have to be okay to see how old industrial sites are being turned into a bug reserves in an attempt to reverse this warring trans hiking and sec to get on on al jazeera. ah, many aspects of afghan culture had been systematically destroyed or forgotten. the afghan films archive has been largely preserved through all of these years. when so much else was burned, looted, or blown up, a small group of people risk their lives to save the national archive. they managed to preserve the films and these records of all of the other afghanistan's that existed saving decades of history. they believe these films had something to give to the present moment. in the 19th sixty's afghan cinema was born, filmmakers went on a way of the dangers to come ah hundreds of refugees go to a temporary shelter along the poland bellows border. they say they don't know what lies ahead. ah, hello, i'm how the my he did this is al jazeera life from doha. also coming up austria 9 says a country wide log stonewall.

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