Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709

a sham and iraq's prime minister chairs and emergency security meeting hours after surviving a drone attack at his residence inside baghdad screen, so ah, the army general who led a military takeover in sudan last month says he will not be part of the government . after a transitional period, speaking exclusively to al jazeera abdel fertile bore han said he is committed to a smooth democratic transition. once elections are held in 2023, the military to power in october, after dissolving the civilian arm of the government. resource adar has more from saddam's capital cartoon. to day, when i met the army general apples at that were hannah said that a people are free have right to peacefully protest in the cities. and there were several protest going on industries. the at did that, the teachers union said that at least 80 people to they have been arrested by the security forces. there has been been, any casualties reported. however, the pressure at through the streets is really ramping up, and people are putting the barricades and below get a barricade to a dare to block the main roads in the city, which is something that the military definitely doesn't want to see it because it wants to get back to the normal as soon as possible. however, the civil disability, it's obedience, is still there and protests or are going on. so he also to, they have talked about the political crud, ongoing political crisis in the country as well. seen that the talks are on the way with their political parties and the figures, including the also the prime minister, after law hum duke to a reach to a consensus on forming any government. and he said that he hopes to reach to a deal within the next 24 hours despite several obstacles and to they also the prime minister. the also prime minister of the lamb duke has met the representatives of the different political a parties. and he said that he will accept whatever they decide to do. so as i said, the army general abdulla alpha dead al hat has said that he hopes to reach a deal within 24 hours despite obstacles, nor aladdin. and it is our pledge a pledge we may to ourselves, the sudanese people and the international community that we are committed to completing the democratic transition, holding elections on time and mid to not stopping any political activity, as long as it is peaceful and within the bounds of the constitutional declaration and the pos that have not been suspended. we also ask the international community to look at the issue critically and through the reality and wait to see what we do . we are committed to handing over power to civilian government. a government of national competency and we pledged to preserve the transition from any interference that can hinder it. when i asked about him about the international pressure, he says that he's not concerned that his country is going to face any of the any sanction. but says that rather, these are the that the procedural are that, that, that the da steps that are being taken by the international are community. however, we do not know whether these international pressure is really going to force him to hand over their power to the civilian government. here, when i ask about him, he was very much clear and comfortably says that he repeated that again. and again, that he will handle over the power to the civilians. and he hopes that within 24 hours, they will reach a deal. iraq's leaders have condemned what they're calling an assassination attempt on the prime minister as a heinous and cowardly attack on drones. targeted must half hour cantonese residence in the highly secured green zone. in the early hours of sunday and mood abdullah hydrate force from baghdad heightened security needed above durgy green soon. it comes after the prime minister as residence in the fortified area came under attack. the government says for the army, drones were flown over the compound of most of us, carla, me when hit the building. 2 others were shut down. exactly. you got repeatedly mcclung to all of those who were worried. my residence was targeted in a cowardly attack. thanks to god and his grace, all of those working with me and i are doing well, these cowardly rockets and these cowardly drones do not help in building nations, nor can they be part of any future. the government said it's investigating the incident the, as the state department has offered to help in iran, the secretary of the supreme national security council called it a terrorist attack. he blamed for an intervention for what he described as new sedition. the attack came 2 days of the demonstrations against the results of parliamentary elections in october to lift at least one person dead and many injured. pro. iranian parties lost about 2 thirds of their seats in the vote de vacuum, the electoral commission of rigging the results and demand the recount. many of their supporters are members of the popular mobilization forces. the parties military wings. they have since occupied areas near the heavy fortified green's orn that's home to international diplomatic machines and government offices. pro iranian groups are among the demonstrators here, but these protest her as deny. they carried out the attack and say it may have been orchestrated by a 3rd party to ferment violence between them and security forces. through iranian armored groups have been accused of carrying out similar drone attacks over the past 2 years, against u. s. military bases and facilities in the green zone, some protest her said the drone or tag talk did them and the government and no nurse at that in so about better. oh yeah, there are even people behind her. he want to create chaos and divert the public's attention away from the main cause commanding justice for those who were killed on friday and stir animosity between the government and a popular mobilization force. with the some of these protesters are skeptical. they say the attack was fake and that he was l, cause the me of pretending to be a victim that vowing to continue their demonstration. mahmoud abdur had al jazeera but that is a down al county is emily stanley's. he explains why the pro iranian political groups have lost support. it is very clear that the protesters or the doctor is behind. this are the followers of the same political parties and per military groups that are associated with the better alliance, which would be parliamentary coalition, known for its affiliation with yvonne's interest within the piano. and the iraqi politics in general, we witnessed on the last early elections that took place on october 10th alliance, 117 parliamentary seats, in contrast to their 48 seats, which was one and 2018 parliamentary elections. this is a huge loss to their parliamentary and the ones. it also represents a major sent back to their political and social influence, which they believed was an acid that they enjoyed from iraq's victory against isis . and 2017, which they of course were a part of however, and october 2019 and won the total pull. this movement kicked off around the rocks with tests calling for reforms, the magic change and to production, and an end to securing them and regional intervention. again, with a particular focus on iran. it was clear that the process of an activist researchers were facing political violence from the very same armed groups, claimed to liberate iraq from ices. these groups are the ones or give me a full, just thinking and attacking mr. calling his government and denouncing the integrity of the elections which they for years praise and promoted for poles have closed in nicaragua, presidential election, which is widely seen as illegitimate present. daniel ortega is running for a 4th term which is expected to win at least 40 opposition figures including 7 candidates challenging ortega have been jailed or banned from wanting election will also determine 90 out of $92.00 congressional seats. official results aren't expected until next week. a latin america editor lucio newman, is falling the story from neighboring costa rica, the close of closed in nicaragua, amid a very low voter turnout and an apparent response to called by the opposition and in the mineral catholic church for citizens to stay at home and quote, not legitimize a fraudulent election president daniel or treat, or did make a speech, an after he and his wife rosario rodeo, was also the vice president. cast their ballots. he called at the election, free and democratic as always, to co, him, and he attacked the united states and accusing him of terrorism and of financing and attending against his government. however, he did not offer any concrete evidence of these charges, as you know, the and all of the main 3 candidates or his competition were unable to take part in the selection seminar of these candidates or would be candidates, are imprisoned. arrests have been borrowed from running or have gone into exile here in neighbor, in costa rica, whether also thousands of other exiles they demonstrated throughout the day rolling on the international community. does them up to the labor and tried to ensure that there be meaningful consequences to president daniel ortega's actions? earlier we spoke to, to seattle bray dozier, central america analysts at the national crisis group. he says one of the 2 big issues with the elections is that they're happening in a police state. but also on the other side, you have this opposition movements which are incomplete disarray and over the past few years of not managed to nurture. what was the spirit of the age 2018 mass protest movements, and not prioritizing demands of social and political change that these movements brought forward, which is also somehow these illusions and received a lot of nicaraguans. so it will, but this election would not be a test only for ortega to see how many people will actually show up to vote for him . but also for the, for the opposition movements to the show. if they still have a way over the population. the countries social political crisis is actually, i'm sustainable. any does lead to prompted a strong economic recession over the bus. he is just badly recovering dcf, but mostly thanks to global trend in the economy and a lot of resources being funneled as well as more years of government. actually results from basically one sided volt will likely result. first of all, the lack of legitimacy that has continually and internationally, he will definitely change the way for our investment and we get a hold of international loans. so the combination of these sort of continues or deepen isolation to nationally and repression. and certainly will definitely 1st of all. busy from more and more new car wants to leave the country and not only to costa rica, which was a traditional mission country, but increasing. and the also to the us is still a head on al jazeera, libya moves a step closer to holding elections as it electro commission prepares to open registration for candidates, ross adapt or star farmers in the u. s. bush or a move towards a plant based die test, climate change threatens the food supply. ah, ah, look forward to burritos, galleys. the with the sponsored boy cutoff airways, 1st snow. the season has fallen in beijing and this, this massacre had this brought. it is a system that left what fudge 10 centimeters typically throughout this area. it's not particularly unusual, which is a good site to see. the temperature had dipped below normal, but they will recover the whole system. pushing rain east was the korean peninsula . then the answer q she, coker weston hog shoes, snow at the head, only. you'll notice it is subsidiary dealer, but tab beijing 3 will recover. now that code has spent all way down through china . hong kong, seen a drop by about 6 degrees. algebra should be now. so low humidity and generally sunny fine weather but a little bit cold was of this average. and that's true for beijing, but you'll notice it is slowly creeping up. dropping south of that and you follow with that code is gone to the junction with what sitting here already means rain for viet nam may be cambodia as well. lot so much and result and then for the sas a massive it now we went into the rainy season night, settled back in particular and java has been flooding is result given. you can't actually see the borders here because of all the blue. you can imagine the wet season really is showing wetness at the moment and with a ne monsoon, once again, towel battered sir lancaster. that is places where the flood risk is enhanced for the weather sponsored by cataract ways. ah, 25 years ago, a new era in television used in the middle east began in a 2 part documentary series, monday. the 25th anniversary of al jazeera telling the story in the channel. and now it became a recognized global brand in the story of alger, the, the unique ah ah, welcome back. our top stories on al jazeera, the sour sedans military leader says he will not be part of any future government. after the transitional period, general abdel photographer han has sold al jazeera. he's committed to transferring power to civilian leadership. once elections are held in 2023. iraq's leaders have condemned what they're calling an assassination attempt on the prime minister as heinous and cowardly. om drones targeted mustafah academies, residents in the highly secured green zone in the early hours of sunday. and polls have closed in nicaragua, elections present. daniel tay goes running for a 4th term which is expected to win. at least 40 opposition figures, including 7 candidates, had been janet or band from running. official results aren't expected until next week. now to ethiopia, where hundreds of thousands of people have demonstrated in support of government forces babbling advancing rebels. the largest demonstration was held in the capital, addis ababa, the t gray people's liberation front, as captured strategic towns along the road to the capital one at our door, reports bianco, ga ga. noticeable was moscow. software tensile thousands of porters to store their support. we'll be keeping them oh, organized by the citizen ministration. it's also meant to lend support to the armed forces in their war against the to grow robles. i'm gonna allies famous to sing, or teddy couldn't use who was invited to sing impressed with your peers military, and took the opportunity to quote for peace. and i'm glad i was in the battle ground when, when i was told the battle was against my brother. i turned back, i thought i'd let the young people not be sent instead, let's send our elders. negotiation is better with guns. we bring no solution. it's enough. these european government has called the fight against the to go rebels on existence, shall war. prime minister abbey mer to want the nobel peace prize 2 years ago has vowed to bury his enemies. abby also declared a nationwide state of emergency that allows any armed citizen of military age to be conscripted. the military has also asked veterans to re enlist thousands of civilians of sins joined the war. despite the state of emergency declared by the government. these come on the streets of a suburb of traffic on the city's main, broads. remain busy. as residents go about that they live business, or there's an unusually heavy police presence with officers conducting a random security on it into detox. i don't feel any different from the state of emergency was declared commodity prices had not changed. much sick leave you alone after entering the state of emergency, my business is not change much and i can see my customers coming to buy things every day. just as before and not too worried about what will happen in the future, but i hope that our country will at peace soon one. but not every one is confident . the u. s. embassy in the suburb ordered the departure of it's not essential. diplomats on saturday a day after advising all us citizens, to leave a few p as soon as possible. and several other embassies, including those of so derby canada, sweden, and no, we have now done the same mohammed other well, just either i disobey few appear in the coming hours. registration will open for candidates in the be as presidential and parliamentary elections. december's vote will be the 1st time libyans have directly elected a president since the overthrow of mamma qaddafi election is part of a you and batch plan which saw the rival east and west in administrations combine a political tensions continue with the transitional governments. rejection of a decision by the presidential council to suspend the foreign minister. our libya correspondent malik trainer has this update. this is where we start to see the divisions happen. or you know, these election, the presidential candidates will be starting to send in their application starting tomorrow. who's going to run for president? are we're likely to see fatty bershard is the western strong man, former minister of interior prime minister abdul hamid baber. now we're hearing that he intends to run for elections on eastern libya. it's likely that for the for after will run for elections. and also i give a solar is a speaker of the eastern base parliament. and really this is where we're going to start to see these divisions. i mean, it was a very long and difficult process for the united nation support mission to come up with this piece plan to try to bring in all the all besides in order. and they brought in the sooty government, which is leading the country into elections. now, are we going to see these divisions start to rise again? who can run? what kind of powers of the president have, are the legislative branches in libya have yet to agree on a framework, a constitutional framework. so what kind of president, what kind of powers of the president have a, what kind of authority does he have all the questions that are we meant to be on answered? and we're going to have to wait to see what kind of implications this is going to have on the election scheduled to play. take place and just 6 weeks. west africa is regional blank, has impulse sanctions. and molly's transitional leaders for delay elections set for february. the restrictions include travel bands and a freeze on their assets. echo. i says it will consider other measures in december if there is no progress. deal dorothy haile deplored the lack of progress made in the preparation for the election including the absence of a detailed time table of activities for the conduct of election on the agree deeds . they were tory tv tickets. the need to id to the transition thunderbolt in respect of the lives on schedule for 27. february 2022. sir leon's, president has visited dozens of people injured in an oil tanker explosion on friday . nearly a 100 people were killed when the oil tanker collided with a trunk at a busy intersection near the capital free town. witnesses say crowds of people tried to collect the leaking fuel before it ignited? the government has declared the explosion, a national disaster. israel's army has designated 6 palestinian wise groups as an authorized organizations included on the list or palestinian angels. i'll hoc and adam year as well as the research center is will accuses the groups of funnelling money to a group called the popular front for the liberation of palestine. last month, israel's government deemed the 6th globe says terrace organization gathers only power plant is under threat of a shut down because of severe fuel shortages. the energy authority says it will be forced to suspend operations if it doesn't get more fuel immediately. the supply of diesel stopped on tuesday at its unclear why that happened in the 2000000 people in garza will face a 70 percent drop in the electricity supply. if the plant goes offline. now starting on monday, the u. s. will open its borders to fully vaccinated foreigners for the 1st time in 20 months. under covered 19 restrictions, non essential travel to the u. s. has largely been banned in an effort to stop the spread of the virus. its borders were close to travelers from much of the world, including europe, the u. k. china, india, and brazil. restrictions have also been in place of the mexican and canadian borders. travelers will also require a negative called 19 test as he can as some a continues in scotland, the effects global warming is having on our food supply is coming under scrutiny. the you and estimates 800000000 people worldwide, regularly suffer from shortages and hunger. rob reynolds has visited a ranch in san joaquin valley, california. so how are things go with tough? mike wood is the 3rd generation farmer in california's san joaquin valley. he grows 200 hector's of omen trees. but recently he's been thinking of selling the ranch. yeah. the consideration of sale has been right in the front of the gray matter for quite some time. actually, this dolly is a cornucopia of agricultural plenty rich soil in a benign climate produced a vast bounty of meat, milk, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. but global warming is changing the valley. 2021 was the 2nd try us here on record. while some years are wetter than others, repeated drought strains, the capacity of an elaborate system of canals and reservoirs that bring water from far away. it's getting hotter to the valley, he had a record $45.00 degrees celsius in september land where fruits or vegetables might be grown would be left idle. it's not unusual to see sites like this entire orchards ripped up and ground into mulch. these effects aren't unique to california, china, russia, nigeria, brazil, all over the world have their own localized impacts. but the one thing in common is the global warming is causing those impacts and humans are causing global warming. scientists say some of the world's most important breadbasket regions are also the most at risk of failure due to climate shocks, persistent drought and extreme temperatures here in california and other farming regions around the world raise an important question about the future of our species. how can an ever warming planet feed a human population that is expected to grow from 7900000000 today to nearly 10000000000 by mid century? simply expanding farm land won't do. the more forests are cut down the worse global warming gets. sciences say we must adapt or starve our ability to be able to feed the planet is going to require some wholesale changes, both in how we produce food and how we share food across the planet. is going to require that we probably change our diet and move more towards a plant based science. this is the emitter. mike wood is optimistic, one that technology will provide a solution. when i talk about the technology, i'm talking about the ability to produce 50 percent to a 100 percent more than we did on the same acre 40 years ago. hope for the future in the time of climate uncertainty. rob reynolds al jazeera in the san joaquin valley, california trees have been uprooted, and roads are under water in the southern indian state of tamil nadu. this comes after the heaviest downpour of rain since 2015. that's when flooding kills more than 200 people and force many from their homes. meteorologist star expecting more rain on tuesday. a beer is government is leading a campaign to get african americans to come and settle there. the government is offering citizenship and a chance for people to reconnect with their roots. historic buildings have being torn down to make way for new apartment blocks, but local architects want to protect the old properties to preserve the countries traveled history. nicholas hoc reports from monrovia on liberia's, providence island, an african american, is in search of her past, who are pictured from michigan, is stepping in the ruins of the 1st home built by freed. american slaves brought to africa some 200 years ago. it's on providence island. that they founded the republic of liberia, providence island, feels like liberty proud as island feels like healing. um providence, highland feels like joy and anticipation in providence island means is a place where i can remove. i can take the chains from my neck. i can shake the dust from my feet and i can start new. that's what i feel. in the countries oldest church, the young gather to celebrate thanksgiving. the tradition brought by the free slaves, supported by the american colonization society. the founding settlers became the country's elite and they kept many african needed in servitude, transforming their traditions, culture and architecture. according to the truth and reconciliation commission, vis, helped fuel liberia's civil wars. a quarter of a 1000000 people died during the 2 decade long conflicts were in downtown monrovia from where during the civil war, snipers would shoot at people in it's in this neighborhood that yet again, a 100 year old building is being torn down to make way for new apartment blocks now for some, this is library moving away from its past, looking towards the future. for others. preserving these old buildings is an essential act of remembrance of laborers troubled and divided passed. well, this is like there was the end of book so much alike. a shack that the owner, richard tolbert wants to tear down, but architect, joseph jones, sees history worth preserving. you cannot forget about your pass. we'll want the kids the big kiss we're studying architectural, to understand how houses were built in life bureau before and why. almost all of the free sleeves came from americas southern state of south carolina. the servers came here trying to simulate a margaret called shaw their bread, american culture back to liberia, very intensely. we're not to be africans. liberia history does not start with the arrival of african americans. jones believes some of the street names should reference the nation. 17 indigenous groups and efforts be made to preserve the diverse architectural history of the country. as an increasing number of african americans make labor at their home. laura picture believes there's so much to learn from the past in order to build a better future for all liberians. nicholas hawk al jazeera providence island liberian. ah no. again, i'm fully bachelor. with the headlines on al jazeera sedans, military leisure says he will not be part of any future government after the transitional period. general abdel fat albert hon has told al jazeera that.

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United States , Hong Kong , United Kingdom , San Joaquin Valley , California , Brazil , China , Beijing , Russia , Alger , Algeria , Nicaragua , Ethiopia , Mexico , India , Nigeria , South Carolina , Sudan , Libya , South Korea , Moscow , Moskva , Monrovia , Montserrado , Liberia , Iran , Vietnam , Republic Of , San Joaquin , Canada , Michigan , Iraq , Baghdad , Israel , Costa Rica , Tamil Nadu , Sweden , Providence Island , Americans , America , Sudanese , Liberians , Mexican , Scotland , Libyans , Iranian , Viet Nam , Nicaraguans , Palestinian , Han , American , Coker Weston , Addis Ababa , Mike Wood , Al Jazeera Providence , Joseph Jones , Dorothy Haile , Richard Tolbert , Lucio Newman , Mahmoud Abdur , Seattle Bray Dozier , Daniel Ortega , Abdul Hamid Baber , Emily Stanley , Dolly Isa , Reynolds Al Jazeera , Al Jazeera Abdel , Abdulla Alpha ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ 20240709

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a sham and iraq's prime minister chairs and emergency security meeting hours after surviving a drone attack at his residence inside baghdad screen, so ah, the army general who led a military takeover in sudan last month says he will not be part of the government . after a transitional period, speaking exclusively to al jazeera abdel fertile bore han said he is committed to a smooth democratic transition. once elections are held in 2023, the military to power in october, after dissolving the civilian arm of the government. resource adar has more from saddam's capital cartoon. to day, when i met the army general apples at that were hannah said that a people are free have right to peacefully protest in the cities. and there were several protest going on industries. the at did that, the teachers union said that at least 80 people to they have been arrested by the security forces. there has been been, any casualties reported. however, the pressure at through the streets is really ramping up, and people are putting the barricades and below get a barricade to a dare to block the main roads in the city, which is something that the military definitely doesn't want to see it because it wants to get back to the normal as soon as possible. however, the civil disability, it's obedience, is still there and protests or are going on. so he also to, they have talked about the political crud, ongoing political crisis in the country as well. seen that the talks are on the way with their political parties and the figures, including the also the prime minister, after law hum duke to a reach to a consensus on forming any government. and he said that he hopes to reach to a deal within the next 24 hours despite several obstacles and to they also the prime minister. the also prime minister of the lamb duke has met the representatives of the different political a parties. and he said that he will accept whatever they decide to do. so as i said, the army general abdulla alpha dead al hat has said that he hopes to reach a deal within 24 hours despite obstacles, nor aladdin. and it is our pledge a pledge we may to ourselves, the sudanese people and the international community that we are committed to completing the democratic transition, holding elections on time and mid to not stopping any political activity, as long as it is peaceful and within the bounds of the constitutional declaration and the pos that have not been suspended. we also ask the international community to look at the issue critically and through the reality and wait to see what we do . we are committed to handing over power to civilian government. a government of national competency and we pledged to preserve the transition from any interference that can hinder it. when i asked about him about the international pressure, he says that he's not concerned that his country is going to face any of the any sanction. but says that rather, these are the that the procedural are that, that, that the da steps that are being taken by the international are community. however, we do not know whether these international pressure is really going to force him to hand over their power to the civilian government. here, when i ask about him, he was very much clear and comfortably says that he repeated that again. and again, that he will handle over the power to the civilians. and he hopes that within 24 hours, they will reach a deal. iraq's leaders have condemned what they're calling an assassination attempt on the prime minister as a heinous and cowardly attack on drones. targeted must half hour cantonese residence in the highly secured green zone. in the early hours of sunday and mood abdullah hydrate force from baghdad heightened security needed above durgy green soon. it comes after the prime minister as residence in the fortified area came under attack. the government says for the army, drones were flown over the compound of most of us, carla, me when hit the building. 2 others were shut down. exactly. you got repeatedly mcclung to all of those who were worried. my residence was targeted in a cowardly attack. thanks to god and his grace, all of those working with me and i are doing well, these cowardly rockets and these cowardly drones do not help in building nations, nor can they be part of any future. the government said it's investigating the incident the, as the state department has offered to help in iran, the secretary of the supreme national security council called it a terrorist attack. he blamed for an intervention for what he described as new sedition. the attack came 2 days of the demonstrations against the results of parliamentary elections in october to lift at least one person dead and many injured. pro. iranian parties lost about 2 thirds of their seats in the vote de vacuum, the electoral commission of rigging the results and demand the recount. many of their supporters are members of the popular mobilization forces. the parties military wings. they have since occupied areas near the heavy fortified green's orn that's home to international diplomatic machines and government offices. pro iranian groups are among the demonstrators here, but these protest her as deny. they carried out the attack and say it may have been orchestrated by a 3rd party to ferment violence between them and security forces. through iranian armored groups have been accused of carrying out similar drone attacks over the past 2 years, against u. s. military bases and facilities in the green zone, some protest her said the drone or tag talk did them and the government and no nurse at that in so about better. oh yeah, there are even people behind her. he want to create chaos and divert the public's attention away from the main cause commanding justice for those who were killed on friday and stir animosity between the government and a popular mobilization force. with the some of these protesters are skeptical. they say the attack was fake and that he was l, cause the me of pretending to be a victim that vowing to continue their demonstration. mahmoud abdur had al jazeera but that is a down al county is emily stanley's. he explains why the pro iranian political groups have lost support. it is very clear that the protesters or the doctor is behind. this are the followers of the same political parties and per military groups that are associated with the better alliance, which would be parliamentary coalition, known for its affiliation with yvonne's interest within the piano. and the iraqi politics in general, we witnessed on the last early elections that took place on october 10th alliance, 117 parliamentary seats, in contrast to their 48 seats, which was one and 2018 parliamentary elections. this is a huge loss to their parliamentary and the ones. it also represents a major sent back to their political and social influence, which they believed was an acid that they enjoyed from iraq's victory against isis . and 2017, which they of course were a part of however, and october 2019 and won the total pull. this movement kicked off around the rocks with tests calling for reforms, the magic change and to production, and an end to securing them and regional intervention. again, with a particular focus on iran. it was clear that the process of an activist researchers were facing political violence from the very same armed groups, claimed to liberate iraq from ices. these groups are the ones or give me a full, just thinking and attacking mr. calling his government and denouncing the integrity of the elections which they for years praise and promoted for poles have closed in nicaragua, presidential election, which is widely seen as illegitimate present. daniel ortega is running for a 4th term which is expected to win at least 40 opposition figures including 7 candidates challenging ortega have been jailed or banned from wanting election will also determine 90 out of $92.00 congressional seats. official results aren't expected until next week. a latin america editor lucio newman, is falling the story from neighboring costa rica, the close of closed in nicaragua, amid a very low voter turnout and an apparent response to called by the opposition and in the mineral catholic church for citizens to stay at home and quote, not legitimize a fraudulent election president daniel or treat, or did make a speech, an after he and his wife rosario rodeo, was also the vice president. cast their ballots. he called at the election, free and democratic as always, to co, him, and he attacked the united states and accusing him of terrorism and of financing and attending against his government. however, he did not offer any concrete evidence of these charges, as you know, the and all of the main 3 candidates or his competition were unable to take part in the selection seminar of these candidates or would be candidates, are imprisoned. arrests have been borrowed from running or have gone into exile here in neighbor, in costa rica, whether also thousands of other exiles they demonstrated throughout the day rolling on the international community. does them up to the labor and tried to ensure that there be meaningful consequences to president daniel ortega's actions? earlier we spoke to, to seattle bray dozier, central america analysts at the national crisis group. he says one of the 2 big issues with the elections is that they're happening in a police state. but also on the other side, you have this opposition movements which are incomplete disarray and over the past few years of not managed to nurture. what was the spirit of the age 2018 mass protest movements, and not prioritizing demands of social and political change that these movements brought forward, which is also somehow these illusions and received a lot of nicaraguans. so it will, but this election would not be a test only for ortega to see how many people will actually show up to vote for him . but also for the, for the opposition movements to the show. if they still have a way over the population. the countries social political crisis is actually, i'm sustainable. any does lead to prompted a strong economic recession over the bus. he is just badly recovering dcf, but mostly thanks to global trend in the economy and a lot of resources being funneled as well as more years of government. actually results from basically one sided volt will likely result. first of all, the lack of legitimacy that has continually and internationally, he will definitely change the way for our investment and we get a hold of international loans. so the combination of these sort of continues or deepen isolation to nationally and repression. and certainly will definitely 1st of all. busy from more and more new car wants to leave the country and not only to costa rica, which was a traditional mission country, but increasing. and the also to the us is still a head on al jazeera, libya moves a step closer to holding elections as it electro commission prepares to open registration for candidates, ross adapt or star farmers in the u. s. bush or a move towards a plant based die test, climate change threatens the food supply. ah, ah, look forward to burritos, galleys. the with the sponsored boy cutoff airways, 1st snow. the season has fallen in beijing and this, this massacre had this brought. it is a system that left what fudge 10 centimeters typically throughout this area. it's not particularly unusual, which is a good site to see. the temperature had dipped below normal, but they will recover the whole system. pushing rain east was the korean peninsula . then the answer q she, coker weston hog shoes, snow at the head, only. you'll notice it is subsidiary dealer, but tab beijing 3 will recover. now that code has spent all way down through china . hong kong, seen a drop by about 6 degrees. algebra should be now. so low humidity and generally sunny fine weather but a little bit cold was of this average. and that's true for beijing, but you'll notice it is slowly creeping up. dropping south of that and you follow with that code is gone to the junction with what sitting here already means rain for viet nam may be cambodia as well. lot so much and result and then for the sas a massive it now we went into the rainy season night, settled back in particular and java has been flooding is result given. you can't actually see the borders here because of all the blue. you can imagine the wet season really is showing wetness at the moment and with a ne monsoon, once again, towel battered sir lancaster. that is places where the flood risk is enhanced for the weather sponsored by cataract ways. ah, 25 years ago, a new era in television used in the middle east began in a 2 part documentary series, monday. the 25th anniversary of al jazeera telling the story in the channel. and now it became a recognized global brand in the story of alger, the, the unique ah ah, welcome back. our top stories on al jazeera, the sour sedans military leader says he will not be part of any future government. after the transitional period, general abdel photographer han has sold al jazeera. he's committed to transferring power to civilian leadership. once elections are held in 2023. iraq's leaders have condemned what they're calling an assassination attempt on the prime minister as heinous and cowardly. om drones targeted mustafah academies, residents in the highly secured green zone in the early hours of sunday. and polls have closed in nicaragua, elections present. daniel tay goes running for a 4th term which is expected to win. at least 40 opposition figures, including 7 candidates, had been janet or band from running. official results aren't expected until next week. now to ethiopia, where hundreds of thousands of people have demonstrated in support of government forces babbling advancing rebels. the largest demonstration was held in the capital, addis ababa, the t gray people's liberation front, as captured strategic towns along the road to the capital one at our door, reports bianco, ga ga. noticeable was moscow. software tensile thousands of porters to store their support. we'll be keeping them oh, organized by the citizen ministration. it's also meant to lend support to the armed forces in their war against the to grow robles. i'm gonna allies famous to sing, or teddy couldn't use who was invited to sing impressed with your peers military, and took the opportunity to quote for peace. and i'm glad i was in the battle ground when, when i was told the battle was against my brother. i turned back, i thought i'd let the young people not be sent instead, let's send our elders. negotiation is better with guns. we bring no solution. it's enough. these european government has called the fight against the to go rebels on existence, shall war. prime minister abbey mer to want the nobel peace prize 2 years ago has vowed to bury his enemies. abby also declared a nationwide state of emergency that allows any armed citizen of military age to be conscripted. the military has also asked veterans to re enlist thousands of civilians of sins joined the war. despite the state of emergency declared by the government. these come on the streets of a suburb of traffic on the city's main, broads. remain busy. as residents go about that they live business, or there's an unusually heavy police presence with officers conducting a random security on it into detox. i don't feel any different from the state of emergency was declared commodity prices had not changed. much sick leave you alone after entering the state of emergency, my business is not change much and i can see my customers coming to buy things every day. just as before and not too worried about what will happen in the future, but i hope that our country will at peace soon one. but not every one is confident . the u. s. embassy in the suburb ordered the departure of it's not essential. diplomats on saturday a day after advising all us citizens, to leave a few p as soon as possible. and several other embassies, including those of so derby canada, sweden, and no, we have now done the same mohammed other well, just either i disobey few appear in the coming hours. registration will open for candidates in the be as presidential and parliamentary elections. december's vote will be the 1st time libyans have directly elected a president since the overthrow of mamma qaddafi election is part of a you and batch plan which saw the rival east and west in administrations combine a political tensions continue with the transitional governments. rejection of a decision by the presidential council to suspend the foreign minister. our libya correspondent malik trainer has this update. this is where we start to see the divisions happen. or you know, these election, the presidential candidates will be starting to send in their application starting tomorrow. who's going to run for president? are we're likely to see fatty bershard is the western strong man, former minister of interior prime minister abdul hamid baber. now we're hearing that he intends to run for elections on eastern libya. it's likely that for the for after will run for elections. and also i give a solar is a speaker of the eastern base parliament. and really this is where we're going to start to see these divisions. i mean, it was a very long and difficult process for the united nation support mission to come up with this piece plan to try to bring in all the all besides in order. and they brought in the sooty government, which is leading the country into elections. now, are we going to see these divisions start to rise again? who can run? what kind of powers of the president have, are the legislative branches in libya have yet to agree on a framework, a constitutional framework. so what kind of president, what kind of powers of the president have a, what kind of authority does he have all the questions that are we meant to be on answered? and we're going to have to wait to see what kind of implications this is going to have on the election scheduled to play. take place and just 6 weeks. west africa is regional blank, has impulse sanctions. and molly's transitional leaders for delay elections set for february. the restrictions include travel bands and a freeze on their assets. echo. i says it will consider other measures in december if there is no progress. deal dorothy haile deplored the lack of progress made in the preparation for the election including the absence of a detailed time table of activities for the conduct of election on the agree deeds . they were tory tv tickets. the need to id to the transition thunderbolt in respect of the lives on schedule for 27. february 2022. sir leon's, president has visited dozens of people injured in an oil tanker explosion on friday . nearly a 100 people were killed when the oil tanker collided with a trunk at a busy intersection near the capital free town. witnesses say crowds of people tried to collect the leaking fuel before it ignited? the government has declared the explosion, a national disaster. israel's army has designated 6 palestinian wise groups as an authorized organizations included on the list or palestinian angels. i'll hoc and adam year as well as the research center is will accuses the groups of funnelling money to a group called the popular front for the liberation of palestine. last month, israel's government deemed the 6th globe says terrace organization gathers only power plant is under threat of a shut down because of severe fuel shortages. the energy authority says it will be forced to suspend operations if it doesn't get more fuel immediately. the supply of diesel stopped on tuesday at its unclear why that happened in the 2000000 people in garza will face a 70 percent drop in the electricity supply. if the plant goes offline. now starting on monday, the u. s. will open its borders to fully vaccinated foreigners for the 1st time in 20 months. under covered 19 restrictions, non essential travel to the u. s. has largely been banned in an effort to stop the spread of the virus. its borders were close to travelers from much of the world, including europe, the u. k. china, india, and brazil. restrictions have also been in place of the mexican and canadian borders. travelers will also require a negative called 19 test as he can as some a continues in scotland, the effects global warming is having on our food supply is coming under scrutiny. the you and estimates 800000000 people worldwide, regularly suffer from shortages and hunger. rob reynolds has visited a ranch in san joaquin valley, california. so how are things go with tough? mike wood is the 3rd generation farmer in california's san joaquin valley. he grows 200 hector's of omen trees. but recently he's been thinking of selling the ranch. yeah. the consideration of sale has been right in the front of the gray matter for quite some time. actually, this dolly is a cornucopia of agricultural plenty rich soil in a benign climate produced a vast bounty of meat, milk, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. but global warming is changing the valley. 2021 was the 2nd try us here on record. while some years are wetter than others, repeated drought strains, the capacity of an elaborate system of canals and reservoirs that bring water from far away. it's getting hotter to the valley, he had a record $45.00 degrees celsius in september land where fruits or vegetables might be grown would be left idle. it's not unusual to see sites like this entire orchards ripped up and ground into mulch. these effects aren't unique to california, china, russia, nigeria, brazil, all over the world have their own localized impacts. but the one thing in common is the global warming is causing those impacts and humans are causing global warming. scientists say some of the world's most important breadbasket regions are also the most at risk of failure due to climate shocks, persistent drought and extreme temperatures here in california and other farming regions around the world raise an important question about the future of our species. how can an ever warming planet feed a human population that is expected to grow from 7900000000 today to nearly 10000000000 by mid century? simply expanding farm land won't do. the more forests are cut down the worse global warming gets. sciences say we must adapt or starve our ability to be able to feed the planet is going to require some wholesale changes, both in how we produce food and how we share food across the planet. is going to require that we probably change our diet and move more towards a plant based science. this is the emitter. mike wood is optimistic, one that technology will provide a solution. when i talk about the technology, i'm talking about the ability to produce 50 percent to a 100 percent more than we did on the same acre 40 years ago. hope for the future in the time of climate uncertainty. rob reynolds al jazeera in the san joaquin valley, california trees have been uprooted, and roads are under water in the southern indian state of tamil nadu. this comes after the heaviest downpour of rain since 2015. that's when flooding kills more than 200 people and force many from their homes. meteorologist star expecting more rain on tuesday. a beer is government is leading a campaign to get african americans to come and settle there. the government is offering citizenship and a chance for people to reconnect with their roots. historic buildings have being torn down to make way for new apartment blocks, but local architects want to protect the old properties to preserve the countries traveled history. nicholas hoc reports from monrovia on liberia's, providence island, an african american, is in search of her past, who are pictured from michigan, is stepping in the ruins of the 1st home built by freed. american slaves brought to africa some 200 years ago. it's on providence island. that they founded the republic of liberia, providence island, feels like liberty proud as island feels like healing. um providence, highland feels like joy and anticipation in providence island means is a place where i can remove. i can take the chains from my neck. i can shake the dust from my feet and i can start new. that's what i feel. in the countries oldest church, the young gather to celebrate thanksgiving. the tradition brought by the free slaves, supported by the american colonization society. the founding settlers became the country's elite and they kept many african needed in servitude, transforming their traditions, culture and architecture. according to the truth and reconciliation commission, vis, helped fuel liberia's civil wars. a quarter of a 1000000 people died during the 2 decade long conflicts were in downtown monrovia from where during the civil war, snipers would shoot at people in it's in this neighborhood that yet again, a 100 year old building is being torn down to make way for new apartment blocks now for some, this is library moving away from its past, looking towards the future. for others. preserving these old buildings is an essential act of remembrance of laborers troubled and divided passed. well, this is like there was the end of book so much alike. a shack that the owner, richard tolbert wants to tear down, but architect, joseph jones, sees history worth preserving. you cannot forget about your pass. we'll want the kids the big kiss we're studying architectural, to understand how houses were built in life bureau before and why. almost all of the free sleeves came from americas southern state of south carolina. the servers came here trying to simulate a margaret called shaw their bread, american culture back to liberia, very intensely. we're not to be africans. liberia history does not start with the arrival of african americans. jones believes some of the street names should reference the nation. 17 indigenous groups and efforts be made to preserve the diverse architectural history of the country. as an increasing number of african americans make labor at their home. laura picture believes there's so much to learn from the past in order to build a better future for all liberians. nicholas hawk al jazeera providence island liberian. ah no. again, i'm fully bachelor. with the headlines on al jazeera sedans, military leisure says he will not be part of any future government after the transitional period. general abdel fat albert hon has told al jazeera that.

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