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myanmar as an opposition leader promises resistance against military rule. and finding ways to perform we look at how some musicians in new york are playing it say during this pandemic. but we begin in london where thousands right now are protesting over the handling of a vigil for a woman who was abducted and murdered sara ever odds body was found on wednesday and a 7 police officer has been charged for her killing on saturday hundreds of people joined a rally to demand action on violence against women there was a heavy police presence and officers handcuffed several women and dragged them away from the g.m. bob it joins me now from outside police headquarters in london the team just looking at those pictures it's a pretty substantial crowd that they started gathering where you're standing right now it seems they are headed to parliament square. yeah that's right they would hear and they held another protest saussure vigil here at new scotland yard headquarters of the metropolitan police before moving to where they are now parliament square say i'm greek crowds and that is because of the seas that you've been referring to on saturday evening on top uncommon in south london it's us sarah ever awed disappeared now a police officer has appeared in court charged with her abduction and murder the crowd. there it was a peaceful gathering but the emotion was clear they were denouncing what they see as police brutality heavy handed tactics and the tone deafness of what happens in cop and on saturday evening because it was a vigil attended by hundreds of people the police had said it shouldn't go ahead that it was unlawful under covered 19 regulations but a court on friday while refusing to rule that there should be an exemption for protests from the ban on gatherings did actually suggests say that the police should be talking to the organizers to facilitate some call end of events that clearly didn't go well it didn't happen the told according to the group reclaim the streets they said that what we then saw with women protest is being dragged away by male offices with triggering they were extremely upsetting for people so i angry about the issue of assaults on women but also the fact that a police officer had actually been charged with the murder of sarah ever arch just hours before so now these protests have moved on but they say they want real changes to way to the way that the police force operates in situations like that just looking at the numbers then a demon and also a moment messages on these conference clearly a lot of anger how is the government responding to all of us. well before the vigil on saturday the government had launched an initiative to basically survey women around the country now they are under intense pressure pretty patel the home secretary has to take the head of the metropolitan police for a full report on the events of saturday night now the mayor of london city cohen has just put out a statement saying that he has talked to chris adik and her deputy and the answer is that they have given him about what happened and why do not satisfy him he's asked the police watchdog for an investigation into the operational decisions and also the actions of individual police officers the head of the u.k.'s liberal democrat party has said the cross adik should resign the opposition labor party the main opposition party here have not said that she should go they've now said very that they will be voting against the new policing bill which is due to be debated and voted in in the next couple of days voted on sorry in the next couple of days they'll be voting against it because they say that it infringes people's right to free speech and to protest david lammy the shadow justice secretary saying potentially there could be greater punishment for damaging a statue than for attacking a woman who many women's rights and civil rights groups here in the u.k. are worried about that bill very saying that it really is being rushed through so the government on the back foot at the moment they are going to be leaning on the police here to explain why the peaceful vigil turned into scenes which of offended many people many women who say that they have never attended a demonstration but also never expected the police to do what they did. that here on out that that with all the latest for us from. you know moving on an island has suspended the use of the astra zeneca coded 19 vaccine as have other countries juicer concerns about blood clotting that mary was recommended by government advisory committee after clots were reported in adults who've had that jab in norway the norwegian government joined denmark and iceland in suspending the use of that vaccine on thursday although astra zeneca says its own analysis of safety data shows there is no increased risk of blood clots let's not get the details with china hull and london to mean really yet another blow faster than it could but also what we've been saying is this relatively sluggish nation campaign. yes potentially this affects the vaccination campaign there are lots of other vaccines of course on the market but i think more widely than that the risk is that it chips away at trust which is so important to successful vaccine road to successful vaccine take out but anything like this stories like this if they accumulate chip away that trust in a really undermining i think that would be the chief concern arland now joining a fairly short list of countries but clearly with the potential to grow who have temporarily called a halt to the use of the astra zeneca vaccine the original forty's pointing to a report as you mentioned there from the norwegian health authority a couple of days ago about 4 cases among health workers in norway of what they described as serious blood clotting events these were health workers who'd had the jab within a few days in their thirty's and forty's fairly young people that it itself was described as unusual. denmark in iceland taking similar action at around the same time and then the sort of ripple effect of concern taking in bulgaria another e.u. country and even as far afield as thailand also halting its rollout temporarily of the astra zeneca vaccine are they are still thora he's. keen to reinforce the fact that they're not making any direct connection here any conclusive link between the vaccine and these blood clotting events indeed nobody is making that direct link they say they're doing this out of an abundance of caution and that to soon as it can be proven via additional data that there is no that no more than a coincidental link they will look at this again astra zeneca the u.k. based pharmaceutical company that manufactures the job has leapt to the robust defense of its vaccine saying that safety data accumulated over 17000000 jabs now administered of the vaccine show knowing creased risk of pommery in blizzard's or thrombosis if they point out that there is no more instance than there would be. in an unvaccinated unvaccinated population sample size of the same sort of size in other words people who haven't had the vaccine would be expected across 17000000 to produce at least this number of people with some kind of blood clot to give and the european medicines agency is also tread very cautiously pointing to the large amount of safety data about this vaccine indicating that it should be allowed to continue to be rolled out as has the world health organization and indeed countries like the u.k. germany france and the netherlands in the was well all in the last few days going to some lengths to reassure their citizens that the vaccine is safe to hell there with all the names listed for us from london thank you so much. now police in the netherlands have used water cannons to disperse people they're protesting against coronavirus restrictions thousands gathered here that rally in the hague they approved capacity for the protesters just 200 that's all comes ahead of parliamentary elections on wednesday step has. grown to be more his style has been compared with former u.s. president donald trump ignoring coverts restrictions the leader of the anti immigration populist party. is trying to attract voters by calling covert 19 a common flu and blaming international conspiracies for being behind the pandemic. under-served people at the moment are in the hospital right suffering from corona many people in an island have died more than 15000 so it's a serious issue here that's a normal number for a series flu we've had for thousands of years everyone does have complained to hospitals are full they can't cope with the workflow. well those stories are highly disputed would as part of became the largest just 2 years ago but fell apart after racist anti-semitic messages to make public now is stepping into a growing sentiment against a lockdown with an american style campaign based on conspiracy theories tacked on the media. sentiment in the netherlands against lockdowns has grown especially after a nighttime curfew was introduced in january riots broke out in several cities and covert testing facilities were attacked far right parties like form for democracy appeared to be benefiting from this anger economy on the stuff i can go anywhere i want to and even if i didn't go out i should have freedom that has been taken away from us and that is horrible. i like what he says about freedom i want schools to reopen i'm a 1st year student and i can barely follow my studies because it's all online. well good as party is polling around 3 percent of the vote in our anti immigration party the freedom party of us is predicted to win around 20 percent and become the 2nd largest like it did 4 years ago the 1st time it's not about immigration or islam it's about corona yeah it is and i we take a responsible view it as well as a people because we're really in for. the public health as well and making that a big issue not a problem for you that's not about immigration well if you look at the polls it's not that i think are responsible for you that we will benefit from it but it's not it's not like you want to benefit from a pandemic i'm just doing my job his chances to become part of the government are slim since nobody wants to govern with him because of his views on immigration and islam converse and writer of a book about willis says that even though around one 5th of the dutch electorate voted for far right parties their influence remains limited in the netherlands are sometimes called as the middle finger fold people middle finger to the political establishment and want to shock the establishment and how can you shocked by choosing somebody who is always shocking. their politicians in the debates and that is what will this does the main question is how successful a complaint soley based on covert restrictions will be and many in the netherlands are fed up there's also a large group who do take the fight against a virus seriously that fastened al-jazeera in the. still ahead here on al-jazeera election season begins in germany and 2 regional fights taking on added significance. syria's 1st lady is investigation in a case that could she have stripped of her british citizenship. how the weather is quieting down no i stay now for the middle east we saw some very strong winds through the course of the way can as this system made its way across but the skies coming back in behind not looking too bad unless you're in turkey we've got some rain sleet and snow coming in across the turkish mounties quite a brisk way into the eastern side of the mediterranean little dry some showers into lebanon as we go on through were choose day still see some showers there continuing into parts of turkey but i think elsewhere we shouldn't be too bad little bit lifted dust and sand a possibility into the northeast of saudi arabia pushing up into work you wait for the south that is fine and sunny in that sunshine stretches across the good parts of somalia will see want to see showers just drifting in here mind she chance of wanted to shout into central parts of ethiopia but for good part of east africa itself that you can do looking good kenya looking good good part of tanzania also fine and dry southern parts of towns and they will see some showers those showers there extending across into northern areas of mozambique will in parts of madagascar seeing some showers as well as showers structure right across the tropics up into the gulf of guinea now just somewhat to weather the for the cut southern capers we go on through monday it will not drive as well to further east which is because you choose day bright skies behind. it's one of the world's most powerful and dangerous criminal enterprises central to the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people and behind the deaths of many more exceptional access to some of its key players reveals the inner workings of an organization tellingly known to many as the blood alliance inside this in a lower cartel part one of a 2 part investigation people in power on al-jazeera. and again i'm the stars here tender that's monday about top stories here this hour thousands are protesting right now in london over the handling of a vigil for a murdered woman on saturday officers handcuffed several women and drag them away. ireland has become the latest country to suspend use of the astra zeneca curb in 1000 vaccine officials made that call after norway's health authority raised concerns about drug calls. police in the netherlands have used water cannon to disperse people protesting against coronavirus destructions thousands gathered in the hague and comes ahead of parliamentary elections on wednesday. on myanmar security forces have killed at least 30 protesters on the. floor has been declared in 2 areas in the largest city on state television also says one police officer has died from injuries sustained at a protest earlier the acting leader of man was ousted civilian government supporters to stay on the streets he also called on ethnic armed groups to unite against the military. reports. defiant protesters again marched through the streets of mandalay on sunday in strong voice and in large numbers they were clearly on by the violence of the day before that's when the security services shot dead at least 6 people in a crackdown in the 2nd city and injured many more but with the death toll rising a call for revolution from the former vice president now leading a sabellianism ministration in hiding. this is the darkest moment of the nation and the moment when the dawn is close this is the time for us citizens to test their resistance against the dark moments speaking of a new federal democracy the message was clearly aimed at bringing diverse ethnic groups together to overcome the army and their coup in order to win forming a resistance unity plays a vital role despite our differences in the past this is the time we must grip our hands together to end the dictatorship for good. these diverse ethnic groups are scattered across myanmar's borderlands divided they don't represent a significant threat to the military who've been fighting them for decades united they could be a considerable obstacle. but there's long been distrust between these groups and the n l d the national league for democracy bringing them together would be no small task. in peaceful defiance protesters break the curfew to honor the dead in candlelit vigil as across the country you never know the love i mean we come on the street to show that we are against military dictatorship by breaking the kofi order imposed by do. review continue fighting but as the military continues with its brutal tactics on the streets calls for a revolution it's not so peaceful may gain increasing support tony ching al-jazeera well to germany now and exit polls are coming in for 2 regional elections seen as a test ahead of a national voters in september voters have been choosing legislatures in beijing where some berg an economic powerhouse in southwestern germany and also in neighboring rhineland paletta knit while john mccain is in berlin and across all of this for us to make this is all really a kickstart for a big election year in germany does this give us a a sense of what's to come. well if it does give us a sense of what's to come then it's bad news for the main governing party nationally remember as you were saying these are state elections elections to parliaments in 2 states but these are important states in southwestern germany but invert and dark which is as has been said a powerhouse economically and then the highland fires the rhineland innate in neighboring states both of them collectively with an electorate somewhere around 10000000 people that's around one in 6 of all germans who are eligible to vote in september's general election they voted today and if the exit polls are correct news indeed for the christian democrats the vote has been sharply eroded in both states it's worth making the point that they are not the main governing party in either of these 2 states not involved at all in the rhineland platter nates but their vote there has crumbled to its worst ever level if the exit polls are correct the flipside of this is of course that the main governing parties in those 2 states that's the social democrats in the rhineland pull out and it's and the greens in budden vote in back of seen their vote stabilise very clearly with them in 1st place meaning that the popular prime ministers of those 2 states will be looking at the exit polls and thinking ok well what coalition can i form to go forward for the next 5 years and then everybody else all the political scientists will be looking at these exit polls and then the results as they become more so solid more as they solidify this evening and saying what does that portend for the next 6 months and there will no question about it no doubt about it being many serious questions emerging now for the christian democrats about how they go forward there's no question in this country the most popular politician by a long long way is angle americal the current chancellor she is no longer leader of her party she did not campaign in either of these 2 states and. look at the performance people will say seeing the christian democrat vote fall to its worst ever level in the run and pull out of late and also really weaken in bars and virgin back and the questions then will be will who can they choose who might lead the christian democrats away from this problem and there's no obvious answers about either because the national leader is also the prime minister of the largest state in germany a man called arm in lash it many christian democrats they wanted him as a leader of the party they're not sure about him as chancellor candidate and so they look at the prime minister of the various from the christian social union and our angle americans they want to might he be the man to lead christian democrats into the general election the one thing that stands out from these results right now is that the scandal that's growing in the christian democrats circles about what happened with face mask over deals that sort of thing it has cost the christian democrats at the ballot boxes in today's elections no question from a very interesting indeed dominic cain there with all the latest for us from berlin thanks so much john now a police investigation into the wife of syria's president is currently under way in britain also our son is accused of inciting and encouraging terrorist acts during the war in syria the case was opened in response to a dos here by an international law firm and it could lead to her facing prosecution and potentially even the loss of her british citizenship or toby cadman is a human rights lawyer and also the founder of that law firm that submitted evidence against us malice and he says that she has participated in crimes. our group has been working on this all for the last 67 months and said we submitted evidence that sharon's involvement and incitement i mean current commit. terrorism in syria and some of which is what we would call convention offenses and so these are offensive that involve the use of chemical weapons so when she is effectively inside a plea especially they are doing is having an sciences. have resulted in death in syria meeting with troops making public statements glorifying the conduct of the army that has resulted in us and her heart a 1000000 deaths and use of chemical or no forms of weapons and so you know it's not just she is the life of the. president she has actively our allegations are she has actively campaigned actively participated in those crimes and says she must face justice for that once the investigation reach reach the certain stage as soon as she is something fresh recruits obviously expects that great cooperation from the syrian regime and of course requests can be made for exhibition request can be made 2 or 3 you can read next system well that's and it remains is that she will be unable to in syria and she will effectively determine broadcast. we know that she is campaigning to assume this what leadership she sees a future i suppose it will be so it is not insignificant no because well what could result is string of us isn't sure people know we're close we don't want that to happen we want to face trial. well it will be 10 years ago on monday when protests began in syria that would then descend into a civil war more than 13000000 people are either displaced within the country or a sheltering abroad many of them are in camps and lebanon's bekaa valley from whence anahata reports. in the midst of war a generation grew up in exile at least 1000000 children have been born since 2011 when syria's peaceful uprising began before it turned into war home for many has been informal counts like this in neighboring countries in lebanon's bekaa valley life has been one of poverty and uncertainty that the actual there are around 200 children under the age of 10 in this camp where boys and girls whose lives have been destroyed their future is nothing more than 13000000 syrians that's half the pre-war population remain displaced inside and outside the country nearly 900000 are registered in lebanon the highest number in the world relative to its population and as the conflict enters its 2nd decade with no political settlement in sight there could be further displacement. i. try which is actually a serious economy is collapsing and international aid organizations are warning it is pushing millions deeper into poverty many are jobless and hungry the united nations says 60 percent or 12400000 syrians don't have regular access to enough food. but economic uncertainty is not the only challenge there are those who fear for their safety in the absence of a political settlement some are vulnerable where they are and need protection like resettling them in a safe country. about 5 170000 syrian refugees needed. however only 9300 refugees or could this. hurt another country and this is a very low number considering that. despite the battlefield being largely quiet for a year aid agencies say the daily suffering of syrians is worse than it has been at nearly any point throughout the conflict and the hardship has not stopped at syria's borders that. our life has been reduced to this in syria they waiting for a box of aid and here we are waiting for our box of aid we lost hope of going back . for those who have already lost so much it may be a long wait for political change in damascus or for humanitarian conditions to improve to allow them to return home. because of valley eastern lebanon. and i'm moving on and concerts and other performances are actually forbidden right now in the united states thanks to the current virus pandemic but now some musicians have found a safe way to play for a live audience that also doesn't involve an internet connection christensen reports now from new york. violinist charles. and pianist peter do. have played both carnegie hall and the kennedy center. but these days if you're lucky you'll find them playing an empty storefront on a random street corner on manhattan's upper west side. the musicians aren't exactly roughing it steinway donated the grand piano. and they're getting a decent salary thanks to a local philanthropist who came up with the idea this is not typical performance experience by a long shot but it's one of the 1st shows that we've been able to do for an actual live audience and. we're very grateful that we can do it here for people that might not go to a concert hall or an arena and just hear different kinds of music that they might not have like before. still these are precarious times for performers according to the local chapter of the american federation of musicians 95 percent of their 7000 local members are out of work we have never experienced anything like this a certainly art of careers have pretty much disappeared except for online before including things like that but it's just not the same feeling and of course there's not going to work to go around concert halls and performance spaces like the iconic lincoln center were among the 1st places to close in the pandemic and they're likely to be the last ones to reopen not only depriving musicians of their livelihoods. but also new york of its life blood. 60 shows with 100 performers have been scheduled organizers can't say where or when for fear of drawing too large a crowd. word is starting to get around this neighborhood known for the arts just give me this energy that makes new york a bit more the way i think new york feel to be that close and be able to see the performers interact with each other was really fascinating and usually can afford seats that for. a bit like a musical scavenger hunt at a time and a neighborhood where such a performance is the ultimate prize. kristen salumi al-jazeera new york.

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United States , Kofi , Tanga , Tanzania , United Kingdom , China , Manhattan , New York , Syria , Mozambique , Ethiopia , Iceland , Netherlands , Guinea , Bekaa , Béa , Lebanon , Saida , Sachsen , Germany , Ireland , Mandalay , Myanmar , Greece , Norway , Carnegie Hall , Damascus , Dimashq , London , City Of , Somalia , Kenya , Thailand , Denmark , Saudi Arabia , Bulgaria , France , Turkey , Berlin , Americans , Norwegian , Turkish , Germans , Greek , Syrians , British , Dutch , Syrian , American , John Nowa , Dominic Cain , Astra Zeneca , Toby Cadman Isa , John Mccain , Tony Ching Al Jazeerawell ,

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