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brokered right about to hold elections and unify the country after years of war. matric used to be systematic and premeditated killings amnesty international releases a report on the crackdown on and he can protest. but chief justice protesters in argentina demand on cisse into the death of football star diego maradona who died last year after a heart attack. so it is a stimulus plan that u.s. president joe biden says will give millions of americans a fighting chance the house of representatives has approved a $1.00 trillion dollars they've had 19 relief bill it is one of the country's largest economic relief packages an official has more now from washington d.c. . if you're going to applaud the house deliver joe biden's twice significant victory as president a $1.00 trillion dollar corporate relief bill and all done without a single republican vote in support. this is a momentous day in the history of our country because we have passed historic consequential and transformative legislation thanks goes to the senators who are standing here are great committee chairs and all of our senators who pulled together as one unit beating back killer amendments making sure the bill was as strong as possible the bill has overwhelming support across the country 61 percent approval but republicans claim it spends far too much and delivers far too little we are here today mr speaker because democrats made a choice. i choice to put their own partisan political ambitions ahead of the needs of the working class the deal delivers $1400.00 stimulus checks to every qualifying american targeted mainly at lower incomes there's 350000000000 dollars for states cities and tribal governments 130000000000 for schools 40000000000 for further education and 50000000000 in relief for small businesses the package was a big pre-election promise from biden he wanted to do it with republican support but was happy to push on without it. everything in the american rescue plan addresses a real need including investments to fund our entire vaccination effort more vaccines more vaccinate tours and more vaccination sites millions more americans will get tested including home testing schools will soon have the funding and resources to reopen safely a national imperative biden is expected to sign the bill when it hits his desk on friday the administration says the 1st checks could start going out soon with many people receiving their money before the end of the month alan fischer al-jazeera washington let's bring in matt cloyd asama she is an economist who was previously on the white house council of economic advisors and is currently the senior fellow at the family in-situ joins us from washington d.c. claudia welcome to the program said this is a new and no doubt welcome round of a to americans how important is it. right is very important so when president biden signs us into law on friday it will be historic it is absolutely needed it is one year ago from tomorrow march 11th that the bottom fell out in the united states tragically we are still in a pandemic we are still losing loved ones every day and we are 9 and a half 1000000 jobs short of where we were last february before cove it came it is the massive injection of dollars in a very short time is that maybe 2 trillion dollars how much of a risk is the president taking had there off is on the size of stimulus is too much and could end up having a negative effect on the economy. that's right so this is another 2 trillion dollars after 4 trillion dollars last year this is real money and it makes sense that we are having a robust debate and yet what we have learned what the democrats have learned is that going to small can be disastrous this relief package is the kind of forceful push to a real recovery for everyone that we needed in 20122013 we didn't get it and yes there are risks yes the economy could we could really push it and we might see some inflation but it's really really harmful if it takes years for people to get back to work at their families back on track and to no fault of their own that this pandemic showed up what should we watch out for and how quickly move will be able to assess whether it's worked or not. well the 1st thing is we need to make sure that when people go back to work when they go back out shopping they are safe we are in a very tricky place right now we're putting out hundreds of billions of dollars into people's pockets which is absolutely needed and what if we get people out and they get covert and they get sick and they died like this will not be good so we need to stay the course and as president biden has always emphasized we've got to get the vaccine so we've got to get safe and then and we need to make sure when workers come back that they are coming back in a safe workplace right and that that i think will be the trickiest thing that we have to deal with in the coming months and after that it's really let the american people decide what they need to do for their families with that extra money a little bit extra buffer isn't going to hurt anything so but what i will say we just don't know right into the whole last year has been $1.00 unbelievable event after another last year they've been pretty bad and i think we're seeing a turn for the better but it's going to be a bumpy ride we've got to we've got to hold on and stick together yeah but you're right indeed this lot of criticism out there is no especially obviously from the republican see it said that the bill black is rigged was present. you know like i said we need to have a robust debate i am not an elected official they are they are the stewards of taxpayers' dollars i strongly disagree with the many of the criticisms of the bill there is so much need out there half of us families lost money from employment last year our social safety net is not what it should be in this country so we needed to get money out to a lot of different people we need it for families and the unemployed in communities and small businesses and you can't reach out to all those groups in a meaningful way unless you go big it adds up so i hear them and i do feel like the democrats really kick the tires and try to figure out is this really what we need to be doing and they came down on the side of yes let's get it go on but i can understand the other side i just disagree with it hard claudia's them appreciate your perspective on this thanks very much indeed for joining us here in our you know thank you. here is it sector state says that washington plans to take further action against those responsible for human rights violations in hong kong the warning for monday blinken comes ahead of a planned meeting next week with top chinese government officials he says he'll be laying out his concerns on a range of issues including the enforcement of a controversial security law in hong kong and china's treatment of ethnic minorities. i think it would be very important if china claims that there is nothing going on that it give access to the international community to the united nations if they have nothing to hide show it to us show show the world and so we'll be calling for that and then i think there are series of practical things that are very very important for example we should make sure that we are not exporting and others are not exporting to china any products that can be used for the repression of their people and their minorities similarly we shouldn't be bringing into this country products that are created by forced labor including from changing. a form of brazilian president who is in a lula da silva has slammed what he called the government's moronic handling of the pandemic the country has once again recorded a new daily record of deaths lulu was speaking for the 1st time since the supreme court overturned his corruption convictions on monday the surprise decision paves the way for the left is needed to challenge president john polson are in next year's election has not confirmed whether he will be running. maybe as part of and has approved a new interim unity government as part of a un back till it will be in place until elections can be held later this in libya has been divided between 2 rival administration supported by rebel groups and foreign governments until the recent peace deal by the trainer reports now from misrata. this was their 3rd day of meeting in the city of sirte and peace voted to approve libya's national unity government and what many are calling a historic day the main objective for the interim administration is to lead the country until elections in december the own can. today is a historic day in libya and a great historical transfer of power which will unify institutions unify the country and end the fighting years of conflict and political divisions have weakened state institutions and divided people libya has had 2 rival powers for years the internationally recognized government of national court in the capital tripoli and another administration in the east which was controlled by the warlords lisa huster who launched the failed military campaign to capture tripoli in 2019 with the support of egypt the u.a.e. and russia his forces later retreated towards the east after the un recognized government receives to ports from turkey and june 2020 but not before shelling residential neighborhoods hospitals and migrant centers the attacks have led to accusations of war crimes. after government forces we took western libya reports of mass graves murders in the city of 2 who know where have to this military command center was based according to officials at least 139 bodies have been recovered so for the families of those killed want justice and those responsible to be held accountable before any reconciliation process can begin but for m.p.'s and served wednesday's vote is a new beginning the parliament convenes for the psystar right moments for the sake of reuniting libya and giving confidence to the government that we see a glimmer of hype and an end to the institutional division. but about how this is an important lesson that the libyans have been waiting for in order to unify the country after study there are no longer 2 governments in libya international support for libya's new unified government has been pouring in but the road ahead is filled with many challenges according to the u.n. support mission here there are more than 20000 foreign fighters in libya forcing them out will not be an easy task but without doing that holding a fair and democratic nationwide election in december could prove difficult now traina al jazeera misrata. i still come here and. i'm going to. chile the country that is now leading the world with 19 inoculations the number of infections is escalating. and we meet a special group of footballers swat cutters doing behind the scenes ahead of this year's world cup. it's time for the perfect gentleman. sponsored by qatar airways. how is that still pretty bad across japan recently laci fought a lot of the big area of high pressure is now in the process of getting pushed out of way so there's a high here we are going to see some what's the weather just making its way out of central and eastern parts of china not being a little further east was bumping into our high grassy feeding some wet weather in sioux south korea as we go on through friday heavy at times a little bit of snow there into a north korean notice and that west of weather will continue to drive the race which is be going into where friday secu shoes of positive honshu seeing some wet weather at that stage tokyo should be largely fought and dry for the time being as we go through the weekend the rain will set in here but you can see this is our area of high pressure grassy getting pushed out into the open waters dry weather comes back a behind that dry weather stretches down into northern parts of the philippines central and southern areas of the philippines we've got some rather right to shower was popping off as we go on through the next couple of days i compose a little bit of localized flooding particularly to central parts of the philippines sunshine and showers elsewhere across a good part of southeast asia shall was to ensue were southern areas of india down towards the fos into shrank was well i mean it was have a westerly disturbance for northern pakistan. at ways. now. we will be in teaches daily struggles with isolation and battles with physical hardship. sacrificing their family lives for the education and the future generations. women in the way. al-jazeera. but again you're watching al-jazeera or mind of our top stories this hour and the u.s. house of representatives is approved a $1.00 trillion dollars pandemic relief bill that will provide stimulus checks for millions of americans as well as extended unemployment benefits and tax breaks. for brazilian president luiz and nasiriyah luna to silva has slammed what he called the government's moronic handling of the pandemic country has once again recorded a new daily record of deaths and you were speaking for the 1st time since his corruption convictions were overturned on monday. libya's parliament to prove that a new interim unity government is part of a u.n. back to the place until elections could be held later this year maybe has been divided between 2 rival administrations tilt the recent past. the united states is imposing sanctions on 2 children of mammals a military deed and on the line over violence against protesters washington this president all their assets and his blackness to 6 companies that they control sanctions have already been imposed on iran and other top military figures of the us condemned what it described as here if attacks against unarmed protesters at least $65.00 people have been killed in protests since the military seize power last month. well i understand national says an analysis of more than 50 video shows may miles military is engaging in premeditated killings and deploying battlefield weaponry a warning some viewers may find lower but manny's report to stop. the. neon most military is using increasingly beaten tactics and weapons normally seen on the battlefield its targets protesters and bystanders across the country that's according to new research from amnesty international. the rights group verified dozens of videos like this one and says they confirm security forces are engaged in what it calls systematic and premeditated killing it was around $28.00 and every we started seeing their passion more lethal force people being shot with live rounds and being killed in the process earlier on there had been a mixed use of live bullets and rubber bullets but and now what we're seeing is as a mounting death toll. in this video recorded so much a 2nd in young gone on the sea international says a commander can be seen standing over an officer with an operating a sniper rifle and appears to be giving him his to direct aspire to with specific protests as. well. since last month. military coup thousands of held daily protests across the country. an increasingly bloody crackdown by security forces is so far led to dozens of deaths. according to the u.n. at least 61 people have been killed activists believe the death toll is higher. in another development amas international reports some soldiers deployed to me on my 2nd city of mandalay belong to the 33rd light infantry division that's a division which has been accused of war crimes against the muslim or hang in the west some state in 2017 days. into injury divisions that have been responsible said heinous crimes elsewhere in the country that are now out in the streets shooting people. videos analyzed by amnesty also appear to show civilians being beaten at the hands of security guards but the demonstrators say they're undeterred. be showcasing their was doing it to military rule by continuously adapting their tactics no matter how much violence they. know about a man out as. the u.n. security council has agreed to a statement condemning the military's use of violence are there for much good at such a space is more now from the u.n. . the security council has been discussing a statement on myanmar for 5 days it is a watered down version compared with an earlier draft which had the word coup in it and also threatened future tough action against the military in myanmar they couldn't get unanimous approval for that i asked the un secretary-general for his reaction to the statement new security council statement on myanmar what are your hopes on what effect it will have on the military now i hope that this statement. there will be any increase in conscience in the military in myanmar that it is absolutely essential to release all prisoners it is absolutely essential to respect the results of the elections and to allow for a situation in which we move back to a democratic transition human rights campaigners will be angry that the reference to toughen measures in the future has been removed from this statement they say the time for words is over it's now time for action and more than 130 n.g.o.s have called for a global arms embargo on the me and mar military. to the ivory coast where prime minister commented back yoko has died 2 days after his 56th birthday but he was seen as a possible successor to president have a son with tara is being flown to france for medical treatment last month and then to freberg in germany has more now from africa. he died of advanced case of cancer and this is a man who is seen by many here in ivory coast as a possible successor he's been groomed going by his profile is that the minister of defense the prime minister as well as minister of interior it tells you how much trusted he is. by a loss of what and what the future had in store for him before this now this is the 2nd. loss and what sort of success of a possible successor who has died in the last 8 months he inherited the position from. bali who died 8 months ago and was seen as a possible successor to us in what i want to i gave the reason for his contesting the presidential elections last last year as because he lost somebody you could have trusted to handle the job and as a result the constitution was picked and then he stood and won the election all voice disputed by the by the opposition now. the prime minister the late prime minister may be a heavyweight in government circles but he's not that much it doesn't cut that much figure in politics in the ruling out a tea party he is seen as a lightweight so some of the senior political big weeks out there and but they also knew that this is the preferred candidate of president alassane ouattara. as you mentioned labor's ill has recorded its highest number of deaths from coronavirus in a single day nearly 2300 were rejected a wednesday and in chile infections are rising despite leading the world in vaccinations a lot of america to use in human reports now from santiago. 75 year old lida his wife and his granddaughter arrive to get their 2nd jab at you send people back to nations and. all of us medical students are being inoculate. so that we can help out in this pandemic. i'm thankful to lose my fear of the pandemic to recover somewhat of a normal life thanks to the vaccine. chile has now surpassed israel as the country with the largest percentage of citizens to be inoculated but it will be months before 80 percent of the population is vaccinated and in the meantime a new aggressive wave of covert 19 is forcing authorities to impose more lockdowns it seems pretty clear that a dose of overconfidence mixed with pandemic fatigue are making many people take unnecessary risks new data shows that while the vaccine is helping to keep the elderly out of intensive care units hospitals here in chile are receiving record numbers of patients under the age of 40. brazil it's the worst of both worlds not enough vaccines a few precautions and now record numbers of people dying nearly $2300.00 on wednesday alone in sao paolo a family mourns one of the latest victims to be taken by the virus you're going to miss the kidney now more than ever people have to understand the seriousness of this unfortunately every family is paying for the irresponsibility of others. in order to state capitals 80 percent of intensive care units are occupied in brazil's largest cities there are 90 percent full medical experts warn that many city health systems risk total collapse you are the minister so on but while the president. has called both to complain crybabies of the castle about their garden. by contrast chile's president has just obtained congressional approval to extend the world's longest curfew as part of a state of sanitary emergency declared exactly one year ago critics question whether the real motive for such a long curfew is to maintain crowd control and use the army to patrol in rest of areas of south central chile. the government insists is indispensable to combat the epidemic but as an ocular continue full speed ahead the biggest challenge as we come to convince people not to lower their guard at the end of the pandemic may be closer but it's still far away you see in human al-jazeera santiago. friends have been demanding justice for one of the world's greatest footballers jack emerged on a 6 year old daughter of a heart attack in november we chose to have a brain surgery supporters of the argentinian the little believe his death was caused by medical negligence to his public prosecutor has ordered an investigation into whether there's a case or a wrongful death trial is about is being with the protests as important services she explains why so many are demanding justice. is a man that inspired a lot of passion here in argentina people are thankful for him winning the 986 world cup but his death has not been able to stop that we're right in the center of what a sight as though there were hundreds of fans who came here to demand justice they're convinced that divorce might i don't ask him to rush the people that surrounded him before he says are responsible for his death people look at this road you could see lots of movements around here there's lots of police there's been some small clashes between the police and fans just about an hour ago you know but i want to former wife his daughters were also present here it's like a full pull for all that's going on going with confrontations in cord between deal about honest children his ex-wife among something else but what the prosecutors in argentina are saying is that he's into russia was responsible adult human story that was released recently revealed some audio that were exchanged between his doctor his psychiatric 1st where people are very very angry of what was said for example there were talking about giving him alcohol and drugs so that he could attend to certain events and profit from that his daughter. said that deal was being kidnapped that he was held by just people that were profiting from him that they were trying to get close to him and they were not allowed the other revelation that came out is that his daughters wanted him hospitalized after he had brain surgery well his lawyer and his doctor wanted him to take him to a house and take care of him where he was giving psychiatric medications alcohol and other things and that's why their daughters are taking best people to court. the biggest names in football will be heading to carter next year for the world cup for an organizer trying to make the game more accessible to everybody. looks at what's happening at the grassroots level. jasim is 22 years old and like many young men his age enjoys football he's autistic and his mother says playing the sport in a safe environment has improved his life over the last 2 years and better and after finishing school just some of those like him had no child to take part in any activities so he stayed home and most this time doing nothing but now they come here free themselves of any negative energy or aggressiveness they wait impatiently for this day every week this program really grants them their inherent right to life and i hope it will run forever. justin is benefiting from a sports program here in doha teaching those with special needs several sports including football the ability friendly football program is a relatively new initiative but it's already got the backing of the cathode 2020 world cup organizers and one of their most famous ambassadors form a straight captain tim cahill does a lot of work with the world cup social legacy division generation amazing comes part and parcel with who i am as a person i've had a great career but one of the most magical things is to be able to share. my wealth of knowledge to have fun with the kids according to britain's national to 6 society physical activity can improve social skills communication and anxiety it creates a sense of belonging and it creates an environment where anyone can just quite simply be together and play through that process of having fun and engaging like you see a genuine growth in people's ability to communicate and desire to communicate as well. cattles world cup organizes the aiming to make next year's tournament the most accessible ever as well as providing dedicated areas for those with physical disabilities stadiums will host sensory rooms for autistic people to have a quiet space where they can enjoy the matches it's all about inclusiveness we talk about inspiring the next generation and this is the next generation and as an ambassador and also as a father i want to be a part of this. to mom and i hope more attention is paid to the slice of our youth simply because autistic people are very intelligent and enjoy many of the talents their talents wouldn't come to light unless they're given the choice to interact with the surroundings. with just over 20 months to go until the tournament kicks off the hard work continues to get cattle ready to host the world cup. also making it a welcoming environment for all.

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Qatar , United States , United Kingdom , Hong Kong , Brazil , China , Russia , Santiago , Regióetropolitana , Chile , India , Jasim , Iran General , Iran , Egypt , Libya , South Korea , Mandalay , Myanmar , Philippines , Tokyo , Japan , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Argentina , Washington , Tripoli , Tarabulus , Central Chile , Chile General , Pakistan , Germany , Nasiriyah , Sirte , Sha Biyat Surt , Israel , Bali , Iv Region , North Korea , France , Turkey , Americans , America , Chinese , Libyans , Britain , North Korean , Brazilian , American , Diego Maradona , Joe Biden , Tim Cahill , Al Jazeera Misrata , Alassane Ouattara , Alan Fischer Al Jazeerawashington , Matt Cloyd , John Polson ,

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