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secretary of state says china's treatment of ethnic minorities will be examined her head of his meeting with officials from beijing next week and the new interim unity government is approved in libya its 1st major challenge will be to hold elections later this year i'm german ash with sports the international olympic committee says it is prepared to wait before deciding whether to run out overseas fans at the take your games and after more than a year out injured roger federer makes a winning return to reach the course of finals that qatar open tennis tournament. target and $1.00 trillion dollar covert relief bill has passed in the u.s. house of representatives is one of the largest economic rescue packages in u.s. history and the 1st major legislative victory for the biden administration the president will sign the bill into law on friday it includes $1400.00 checks to individuals earning less than $80000.00 a year or couples i think less than 160000 the bill also has the biggest increase to federal health aid since the obama era of food. able care act around $34000000000.00 in subsidies will go to expanding that coverage around $55000000000.00 will be allocated to increasing covert $900.00 testing the public health workforce and vaccine distribution while 350 $1000000000.00 will go to state and local governments struggling with huge tax revenue shortfalls well alan fischer is in washington d.c. for us alan it's being called the most progressive bill in u.s. history but beyond receiving a 100 dollars check what changes will americans see to their lives. well of course it gives them a bit of hope that things have been very difficult there is the possibility of unemployment benefit running out at the end of march this no means that the 1st checks could well be arriving on their doorstep before the end of the month so that will help significantly as well $49.00 days since the inauguration this is a promise that joe biden made on the campaign trail you'll remember also on january the 5th there was a runoff election in georgia and the 2 senate seats essentially hung on the democrat saying that they would get stimulus checks for people across the state it's something that they campaigned on significantly and they helped it helped them win the senate so joe biden was very keen that this be delivered and he got his victory no he wanted to do it with bipartisan support not a single republican voted for this in the senate or the highway but that's a gamble a political gamble by the republicans because depending on which poll you read there's 61 percent among democrats and republicans in the united states for a new stimulus bill and also joe biden just in the last few minutes has said that the money that has been set aside by the covert relief bill means that they'll be able to go out and buy 100000000 new dos's of the covert vaccine we know he's going to make a national address on thursday one of the things he said was he's going to address what has happened over the past year because a year since the world health organization announced there was a global pandemic but he's also going to paint the path for the future how the united states will recover and how the covered bill will play a significant part in that $1.00 trillion is a huge amount of money to pump into the economy in one go and some economists are predicting it could lead to inflation what is the plan if if that happens. of course some economists means that if you ask 5 a columnist for the opinion you get it opinions many of them have said look there's a real danger with 1 point one trillion being pumped into the economy inflation could be an issue what is inflation it essentially means that the cost of basic goods goes up and therefore the argument on the republican side is there could well be an increase inflation which will hit the very people that this bill is trying to help now the fed the central bank here in the united states has said look we see that there could be a problem here we understand what some of these economists are saying but we have the tools to deal with any possible rise in inflation the other thing to remember that in the last 25 years the average inflation rate here in the united states has never been above 2 percent and another thing to remember many of the economists that are talking now is saying look if you approve this bill which is no going through of $1.00 trillion dollars there is the possibility of you fueling inflation where the same people back in 2010 that said you cannot below the economy to the extent you're talking about because that could fuel inflation and that never happened and so we're now in the position where there are people are saying look this could be a problem the republicans to a degree would quite like to see inflation go up because then they could see look we told you so but they're also aware that if this bill is a success it could hit their hopes of gaining back the house in the midterm elections in 20222022 of the quite quite a thought thank you for that from washington d.c. allan fish. well after confirming the deal to purchase $100000000.00 extra doses of a covert $900.00 vaccine us president joe biden was asked about the possibility of having extra vaccine doses to give to other countries the surplus will. if we have a surplus we're going to share it with the rest of the world we've already decided we're going to work with the outfit kovacs we've committed $4000000000.00 to help get the funding for more of axes around the world this is not something that can be stopped by a fence no matter how high you build a fence or wall so we're not going to be really safe into the world is safe and so we're a story of making sure americans are taken care of 1st over then you can try to help the rest of the world thank you is there well his comments come as more than 100 countries led by south africa and india are appealing to the world trade organization to temporarily waive peyton's on covert 1000 vaccines their cases being heard at a 2 day summit in geneva where the arguing it will ease the inequitable access to the lifesaving vaccines the double tears chief has already called for action to boost vaccine production in developing countries saying each day a shortage continues people pay with their lives for costs $1.00 more than 80 porn ations are unlikely to achieve mass vaccination until at least 2024 but many wealthy countries including the u.s. u.k. and japan oppose the case saying it's not intellectual property that's blocking vaccine access but manufacturing capacity these are some of the wealthy countries accused of practicing vaccine nationalism john hopkins university says many hof the people who've been vaccinated globally are in the united states for me to mina reports from johannesburg. to be sitting on the floor it's been a year since the $1000.00 in fiction was identified in south africa since then more than $50000.00 people have died and $1500000.00 have been infected while rich nations rolled out vaccines the program in south africa's been much slower. another important step is to remember that a quote. swallow. medical south africa and india are leading a movement to suspend the world trade organizations agreement on intellectual property rights for covert $1000.00 vaccines but many high income countries including the united states and those in the european union have rejected the idea they say waving the peyton's would put off private investors and slow down scientific innovation and existing regulations allow drug manufacturers to make their own deals with generic manufacturers while some developing nations like garner ivory coast in the suit to have begun receiving their 1st doses to the u.n. back to vaccine sharing scheme known as kovacs many others in africa are being left behind. there is a capacity for mr companies to produce and i stayed in medical school. it is essential that the wealthy states stop blocking putting in legal barriers and delaying essential kozel ahead. of the world trade organization according to the united nations 3 quarters of all covert 1000 vaccines have been secured by just 10 countries all of them wealthy this is not the 1st public health emergency that south africa is facing and as one of the highest hiv aids rates in the world in the 1990 s. millions of people in this country and other developing nations died without access to the drugs they needed simply because they were too expensive so africa is once again calling for access to cheaper drugs to save lives with some arguing that despite covert 1000 vaccines been tested in africa many nations on the continent still remain at the back of the queue. for me janice book. well back in the u.s. secretary of state antony blinken has been facing questions at the house foreign affairs committee outlining how the biden administration will rise to the global challenges of the day on the issue of china blinken intends to investigate alleged human rights abuses against ethnic minorities i think it would be very important if china claims that there is nothing going on that it give access to the international community to the united nations if they have nothing to hide show it to us show show the world and so we'll be calling for that and then i think there's a series of practical things that are very very important for example we should make sure that we are not exporting and others are not exporting to china any products that can be used for the repression of their people and their minorities similarly we shouldn't be bringing into this country products that are created by forced labor including from changing well let's go to rosen jordan now who's in washington d.c. for us so blinken singled out china as america's number one rival there's obviously many opportunities for deep disagreement but the 2 countries might find some common ground on climate change how do they plan to work together on this. well the thing is the u.s. in terms of secretary blinken has identified china as its number one rival even more so than russia or other countries and that's because the u.s. sees china as exerting outsized amounts of military economic and political influence around the world in a way that the u.s. argues would undermine not only its own influence but the stability and sovereignty of its allies and partners and so in that case we've heard secretary blinken say it several times now in the past week that the u.s. is going to be cooperating where it can with officials in beijing and climate change is what course one of those issues there's a very small working group that has been set up under the auspices of the g. 20 currently being run by the u.s. treasury department along with their chinese counterparts to work on these sorts of issues involving the warming planet but that does not mean that the u.s. as we heard there from blink ins testimony on wednesday that the u.s. is going to be overlooking china's human rights record particularly against its minority weaker community in the western part of that country the ministration is taking the position that the previous administration took which is that what is happening to the weaker community in china is in fact genocide and jaring his testimony what other foreign policy issues had legislative. well basically what you have happening during this hearing is pretty much a panel plea of foreign policy issues everything from ethiopia's treatment of the people who live in the tea grave province to questions about the ongoing political situation in central america to russia's attempts to reach its influence not just in the middle east but across western europe as well a whole lot of range of issues that have come up no one single issue really dominated although certainly you did get some questions about the u.s. efforts to try to get iran to comply with the terms of the nuclear deal of 2015 including by trying to have the u.s. rejoin the deal and then try to enforce compliance of. behavior when it comes to nuclear materials as well as possibly ballistic missiles as well as in jordan thank you for that update from washington d.c. . well coming up on al-jazeera this news our senegalese opposition leader assigns blame for a days of violent demonstrations. unaccompanied and under-age how a policy changes give a new hope to minors trying to cross into the u.s. . and in sport ferrari reveal their new car for the formula one season. the u.n. says at least 67 people have been killed and hundreds injured and me and my auntie coupe protests. police on wednesday once again use firearms to disperse protesters in the city of mandalay people fled the shots were fired the un security council has agreed on a statement that condemns the violence against protesters but has dropped language condemning the political situation as a coup and urging restraint from the military. indian officials say about 100 people for me him are mostly police officers and their families have crossed the border since the protests began many are seeking refuge in the border town of champ high lance corporal top paying is one of them he says he fled me in march because he was ordered to shoot for testers if dispersing efforts did not work he twice refused and feared he'd go to jail if he stayed. the duty of the police to protect the people in fact the shooting of people bothered me and our police and army is against the law so i could not follow those orders. i miss my family i'm married and i have 2 children and every night i could not sleep well. real democracy. returned to my country. 5 young palestinian children arrested by israeli security forces in the occupied west bank have now been released the boys between 8 and 12 years old had been detained when they were found picking flowers near mt hebron the army is accusing them of trying to steal parrots from a nearby outpost under israeli law children under the age of 12 cannot be arrested under any circumstances. libya's parliament has approved a new interim unity government as part of a un backed deal it will be in place until elections can be held later this year libya had been divided between 2 rival administrations supported by rebel groups and foreign governments until a recent piece still malik traina has more from misrata. this was their 3rd day of meeting in the city of sirte and pease voted to approve libya's national unity government and what many are calling a historic day the main objective for the interim administration is to lead the country until elections in december on. today's a historic day in libya and a great historical transfer of power which will unify institutions unify the country and end the fighting years of conflict and political divisions have weakened state institutions and divided people libya has had 2 rival powers for years the internationally recognized government of national court in the capital tripoli and another administration in the east which was controlled by the warlords leave the house to who launched a failed military campaign to capture tripoli in 2019 with the support of egypt the u.a.e. and russia his forces later retreated towards the east after the un recognized government receives support from turkey and june 2020 but not before shelling residential neighborhoods hospitals and migrant centers the attacks have led to accusations of war crimes. after government forces really took western libya reports of mass graves murders in the city of 2 who know or have to this military command center was base according to officials at least 139 bodies have been recovered so for the families of those killed want justice and those responsible to be held accountable before any reconciliation process can begin but for m.p.'s and served once a vote is a new beginning the parliament convenes for this is story for the sake of reuniting libya and giving confidence to the government that we see a glimmer of hope and an end to the institutional division. this is an important lesson that the libyans in waiting for in order to unify the country after there are no longer 2 governments in libya international support for libya's new unified government has been pouring in but the road ahead is filled with many challenges according to the u.n. support mission here there are more than $20000.00 foreign fighters in libya forcing them out will not be an easy task but without doing that holding a fair and democratic nationwide election in december could prove difficult now traina al jazeera misrata. ivory coast prime minister back and yoko who had been seen as a possible successor to president. has died but he died in germany 2 days after his 56 birthday he had flown to france for a medical check last month and then to freiburg in germany president ouattara says he died from cancer well let's go to africa to address who is live for us in abidjan. i think what more can you tell us. well like you said in the introduction he died of advanced case of cancer and this is a man who is seen by many a year in ivory coast as a possible successor he's been groomed growing by his profile is that the minister of defense the prime minister as well as minister of interior it tells you how much trusted he is. by a loss of what and what the future had in store for him before this now this is this 2nd. loss and whatever success a possible successor who's died in the last 8 months he inherited the position from . bali who died 8 months ago and was seen as a possible successor to us and whatever i want to i gave the reason for his contesting the presidential elections last last year. because he lost somebody you could have trusted to handle the job and as a result the constitution was tweaked and then he stood and won the election of voice disputed by the by the opposition now. the prime minister the late prime minister may be a heavyweight in government circles but he's not that much it doesn't cut that much bigger in politics in the ruling out a tea party he is seen as a lightweight so some other senior political big weeks out there and but they also knew that this is the preferred candidate of president alassane ouattara. so with. who could fill his place as a possible successor to. charlie this has been walked out long long ago i should say weeks ago before he died yesterday president alassane ouattara made an announcement appointing a long time and trusted person who was the the head of cabinet a misstep patrick achi who just won his election to parliament as the interim prime minister who should be acting in that capacity so what i will say that because of the condition of the prime minister archie will take that door until such a time that when the prime minister which of his bag and i think of the political leadership here realise that he doesn't stand much of a chance of recovering from his illness and that's why he was there and that's why it could be said that the government sensed this and then put the plan b. in place and that's how it is today. thank you for that live update from. unrest continues in senegal following the arrest and detention of key opposition figure was months a week isn't a week ago speaking to al jazeera says he has committed no crime and that politicians need to listen to the people. from the capital dhaka and more protests are planned for this saturday. for some months on co is one of senegal's rising opposition leaders for others including the state prosecutor he's a rapist responsible for public disorder after protesters are up to following his arrest last week but some girl who is out on bail says the allegations against him are politically motivated. i have committed no crime we can't trust the justice system in the way the case is being carried out against me the trouble nortons by altering the law in the process in order to sentence political opening the prosecutor is not working for distinct but. the government deployed extra security forces including the military to end days of nationwide demonstrations rights groups say hundreds of people are being detained at protests stopped after president monkey cell called for calm and dialogue in a nationwide address but song go is calling for more protests. what we are seeing right now is a revolution but this is not a revolution to overthrow president. it's a smart revolution we need to organize local elections that are 2 years overdue then the parliament election in 2022 so that the people can freely elected and will leaders 2024. songs who describes himself as the anti establishment candidate for the 2024 presidential election critical of senegal's relationship with former corps no power france you cues is the government of corruption favoring french corporations our relationship with friends like in other countries need to be more balanced it has to be a win win relationship not a one way relationship critics say some goes nationalist discourse is dangerous during the recent protests his supporters are accused of burning and looting french supermarkets. those looting are due not because they support me but because they need provisions these are people that walk past the spot markets unable to enter because they can't afford it the looting trolls the feel of the seat. scores were killed in many injured by security forces since some cause arrest last wednesday president blames the economic fallout of the pandemic for the unrest for sanko the crisis calls for political change those that died were 141618 years old they know all the future is at stake in our and to them and all those that are politic are prisoners of much sell we can't give up the fight. but this is a movement that goes beyond politics it's a call by young senegalese tired of being ignored wanting to be heard sancho believes he is the best suited to carry that voice nicholas hark al-jazeera the car . still to come on al-jazeera this news hour 10 years on how the people of. dealing with the legacy of one of the world's worst nuclear meltdown. and catarrh promises to make the football world cup more inclusive than ever we look at how access to the game is being improved for disabled players. hello there we've got a late taste of winter coming in across parts of northern europe here we go with this big massive cloud rolling in from the atlantic but in some rather cold air heading increasingly wet and windy as go through the next couple days across the british isles and that will eventually push its way in across the low countries through parts of france easing across germany rice thinking snow then irakli and on a very strong wind gals will see big al's at times it slides across the north sea ensue norway and sweden and you can see a fair bit of snow there as this moderate she bumps into the cold it readily turns to snow in the process and that's what the baltic states we have some snow in here as well we'll see some snowy weather there across the northern parts of poland down to the southeast have got some snow here as well for good measure just into well northeastern parts of turkey in between it is fog in dry moscow a cold minus 7 celsius sunshine there down across a good part of ukraine then as we push on into friday well that wintry weather continues to fade further east where it's slightly drier weather comes rattling in behind with quite a few showers those showers still stretched across a good part of france but despite in portugal at least here is fine dry sunny and pleasantly warm. the welcome to down from every one of us. even those working quietly behind the scenes. so you can relax enjoy the break in your journey. and when you leave with a smile we know our day's work is done qatar airways welcome to our home. military takeover amy and molly has sparked chaos in the streets want to one east is on the ground investigating what it means for the future of the southeast asian nation on out you see it. every. reminder of the top stories here on al-jazeera the u.s. house of representatives has passed a $1.00 trillion dollar covert $900.00 relief bill one of the largest spending plans in the country's history the bill will provide $1400.00 checks for millions of americans as well as extended unemployment benefits and tax breaks. more than 100 countries led by south africa and india are appealing to the world trade organization to temporarily waive patents on covert 900 vaccines they arguably. inequitable access to life saving vaccines. u.s. secretary of state anthony blinken plans to meet top chinese government officials next week will be the 1st person between us and china representatives since joe biden took office. the head of the u.n. world food program says conditions in yemen are david beasley is pleading for funding to help some of the world's most vulnerable people busy says millions of knocking on the door of famine with hearts of children under 5 projected to face acute malnutrition this year the un's food agency needs $1900000000.00 for food assistance for yemen in 2021 alone the executive director says the answer is simple we have a vaccine to this it is called food libya it is the middle east seen a spokesperson with the world food program she joins me now by skype from yemen's capital. thanks for joining us tell us 1st of all. among the people of yemen right now. the situation is very violent in yemen as we speak millions of people are facing a death sentence because of the wide spread of hunger across the country it's conflict it's a. food prices increasing foot prices it's the ability of the food the deteriorating economy most of the factors when you go to hospital in yemen you'll see so many children in the malnutrition unit and most of it is in the i.c.u. or the mini i.c.u. and the said the lucky ones have needed to the hospital many of them are turned of being turned away because that has not enough beds or the simply cannot afford to get to the hospital. situation is. heartbreaking when you see all of these children with grief potentials we're talking here about 50000 people in yemen facing from a famine like conditions and at alland 5000000 more who are just one step away knocking on the door of famine 11000000. really struggling to get the food that hands of asked for children we have 400000 children who are at the risk of dying if they don't go to feed the proper treatment and add to all of that the shortage of fuel is really crippling the country including the operation of health to. talk about 400000 children potentially dying if they don't receive proper treatment what is that treatment that's needed how are they going to get that and what is the timeframe for that. and treatment is. paramount and a lot of it is like the put the treatment that needs to go into severe acute malnutrition that's the i.d.f. the medicine but most importantly also the preventive measures the nutritional supplements that we give to children so that they don't progress to become severely acute not just the images of children skin and bone this can be averted if we provide the proper nutrition and get the supplementary you know. nutritious. supplies to bed these children can survive that is all possible issue is funding 1900000000 if he needs this. 2020 want to be able to feed people in yemen and for the next 6 months. and that's that's the minimum that we need for the next 6 months we need $800000000000.00 we haven't received from the $800000000.00 except $300.00 so with half a 1000000000 short the supplies are very much needed in the country to the stuff about to save lives you talk about that shortage in funding at the virtual pledging conference last week the u.n. was looking for 3500000000 they raised less than harf of that countries like the u.k. have cut their humanitarian objectives right now. the situation in the world is very difficult you've got. 270000000 people now who are facing hunger worldwide and budgets and economies that are you know suffering from covered but the really important to. be hungry people and especially here in yemen we're losing lives and the country is getting close to a great king point and that just got to live the region and also and definitely we're good to see a lot of. law and specially a generation of children suffering from malnutrition extremely difficult to deal with a crisis like this now but it will be much worse if a full family is clear have been yemen and much more copies of it in yemen thank you for your time and thank you for your work. brazil's former president has blasted the government's handling of the pandemic and his 1st speech to support a sense of corruption charge against him was overturned monday's decision by a supreme court judge paves the way for luis ignacio lula da silva to make a political comeback the 2017 conviction saw him serve 18 months in jail he could become president diable sonars main left wing rival in next year's presidential election though he hasn't said yet if he whether he will run. to set his imprisonment made him the victim of the biggest legalize in 500 years in brazil. if there is a brazilian who has a right to be deeply hurt me but i'm not because i know that the suffering of the brazilian people and the poor people in this country is infinitely greater than the pain i felt when i was imprisoned by the federal police. the pan american health organization has described the uncontrollable number of infections and deaths from covert 19 in latin america's largest country brazil as a sober reminder of the threat of a resurgence in chile infections have surpassed the 1000000 mark despite being the country with the highest percentage of people vaccinated and one of the longest an ongoing curfew you see in newman reports. 75 year old leader his wife and his granddaughter arrive to get their 2nd jab at this and vaccination center. most medical students are being inoculated so that we can help out in this pandemic. but. i'm thankful to lose my fear of the pandemic to recover somewhat of a normal life thanks to the vaccine. chile has now surpassed israel as the country with the narges percentage of citizens to be inoculated but it will be months before 80 percent of the population is vaccinated and in the meantime a new aggressive wave of covert 19 is forcing authorities to impose more lockdowns it seems pretty clear that a dose of overconfidence mixed with pandemic fatigue are making many people take unnecessary risks new data shows that while the vaccine is helping to keep the elderly out of intensive care units hospitals here in chile are receiving record numbers of patients under the age of 40. in brazil it's the worst of both worlds not enough vaccine few precautions and now record numbers of people dying no pride of britain sao paolo the all school family mourns one of the nearly 2000 brazilians 2 who died of the virus on tuesday alone you're going to miss to kidney good now more than ever people have to understand the seriousness of this unfortunately every family is paying for the irresponsibility of others. in all but to state capitals 80 percent of intensive care units are occupied in brazil's largest cities there 90 percent for medical experts warn that many city health systems risk total collapse. while the president. has called on a plane. well forgotten about their cargo. to contrast chile's president has changed congressional approval to extend the world's longest curfew as part of a state of sanitary emergency declared exactly one year ago. critics question whether the real motive for such a long curfew is to maintain crowd control and use the army to patrol in rest of areas of south central chile the government insists is indispensable to combat the epidemic but as an occupation has continued full speed ahead the biggest challenge as we've come to convince people not to lower their guard at the end of the pandemic may be closer but it's still far away. you see in human al-jazeera. the biden the ministration is restarting a program that will allow children fleeing violence in central america to settle in the united states from 2014 to 2017 minors from el salvador guatemala and honduras so it safety in the u.s. under the policy today we are announcing the restarting of the central american miners' program for children to be reunited with a parent who is legally in the united states this program was ended abruptly by the previous administration leaving around 3000 children already approved for travel stranded in phase 2 we'll be working to improve the cam program to expand safe and legal avenues for to the united states meanwhile the governor of texas has ordered hundreds of national guard troops to the mexican border in response to a surge in migrants including unaccompanied minors as heidi jocasta reports it's posing a challenge for the by an administration. u.s. border patrol agents encountered more than $19000.00 unaccompanied migrant children at the border this fiscal year a number on pace to vastly surpass previous surges the miners made the arduous journey from central america without a parent arriving after president joe biden reopened the border to them we felt it was the most humane approach to addressing whatever very difficult circumstances in the region and that means there are more children kids under the age of 18 of course coming across the border the border patrol encountered $78000.00 migrants in january a leap from former president donald trump's final months in office and the highest january total in a decade on tuesday the republican governor of texas announced a surge of state police and national guard troops in response to the worsening situation there is a crisis on the texas border right now with the overwhelming number of people who are coming across the border this crisis as a result of president biden's open border policies the biden administration says the border is still closed to the majority of migrants the few who are allowed in officials say are the unaccompanied children and the asylum seekers who had already been waiting in line in mexico for 2 years these families will live freely in the u.s. until an immigration judge decides whether they can stay but the children who arrived alone are detained inside border patrol holding cells for days or weeks in violation of a court order as they wait for shelter space that's nearing 100 percent capacity the government has cancelled pandemic restrictions of the shelters to fit more children who live here for more weeks until they are placed with u.s. sponsors we're definitely seeing an uptick in numbers but we're also seeing that the administration is very conscious of it and is working very quickly to put resources into place to handle future flows. progressive's urged the white house to improve the conditions of detained children while conservatives accuse biden of inviting a run on the border meanwhile pandemic related poverty in central america is driving more people to leave putting more pressure on biden and on the u.s. border. castro al-jazeera washington japan is marking 10 years since a devastating earthquake and tsunami killed thousands of people it also severely damaged in the nuclear plant that continues to pose a contamination risk or pride. it was the biggest quake japan has ever recorded. creating devastating tsunami waves that crashed into towns and communities along its northeastern coast it left around $20000.00 people dead or missing and it caused a meltdown at the fukushima nuclear power plant that led to more than 150000 people being evacuated from surrounding areas 10 years on and just 10 kilometers from the plant the town of tommy yoker still hasn't recovered u.-turn was just 14 when he was evacuated with his family residents were allowed to return only 4 years ago but parts of the town are still off limits and strewn with bags of radioactive soil but over 30 they used to haul a teddy brought some festival here and this lordly filled with food starts and people further along the coastline away from the contaminated areas lives have been rebuilt and see defenses strengthened the government has turned the reconstruction effort into a symbol of national revival coinciding with the delayed summer olympics but the games remain in doubt and the decommissioning of the reactors poses a challenge for years to come. as of now i think we should keep our current plan to decommission within the next 30 years more than a 1000000 tonnes of contaminated water has now built up at the site amid speculation it might be released into the sea there's widespread opposition in spite of government assurances that the water has been treated during or hanging on they're going to go in and i'm concerned about what will happen to the fishing industry in the next 10 years there's talk of releasing the water and i'm very worried about. for many this anniversary will be a time to reflect on a natural disaster that took so much from this part of japan and that is still dealing with the legacy of it some precedented fools rob mcbride al-jazeera. british health care workers a warning that there may be industrial action unless they work during the covert 19 pandemic is rewarded with an appropriate pay rise the government has recommended that n.h.s. workers be given a one percent increase with menaces saying the country can't afford to pay any more but after a year in which nurses and doctors have been hailed as heroes there has been a wave of public outrage in the office of paul brennan reports. covert 19 has meant a harrowing 13 months for the state run national health service it's placed extraordinary stress and emotional strain on the system and those who work in it and a 2 point one percent pay rise have been promised and expected now the government says it can only afford a one percent increase so this year has been a really tough year for us for intensive care nurses such as becky smith that's insulting and demoralizing feeling valued helps to look after patients better it helps us to put more into our jobs that helps us to appreciate to educate each other to men to reach out to to work stronger together because we feel happier at work we feel valued at work we feel that the work that we're doing is important back to not be valued by the government i mean in some cases the public is really difficult and it is really challenging and it does make you want to give out the actual payoff will be decided by an independent pay review body but the government's stance saw boris johnson come under sustained attack a weekly session of prime minister's questions 2 years ago he made a promise to the n.h.s. here in black and white his document it commits to a minimum pay rise of 2 point one percent it is thanks to the investment made by this government that there are $49000.00 more people in the n.h.s. this year than last year 10600 more nurses helping to relieve the burden on our hard pressed not as the current 3 n.h.s. pay deal finishes at the end of this month but the pay review body isn't due to submit its recommendations until may and that means it could be the summer before staff find out whether they're going to get the rise that they want and that many people feel they deserve the unions say their members have seen their pay cut by between 7 percent and 20 percent in the past decade in real terms and enough is enough none of us want to take industrial action lightly we are. at risk by undermining our ash and. this is just months after they might press on to the actual steps to what. has been a really really huge metal bird on a chair stuck because of everything they've gone through and then after all that to be told that all of that effort all of that skill and complexity and organization by shown to be offered you know one percent which amounts to real terms. is 0 is very very insulting and it's understandable many of them feel so angry about it. for 13 months frontline n.h.s. staff were described deservedly as heroes and the public applauded them in the streets but with an end to the pandemic seemingly in sight the question of how to reward that heroism hasn't yet been answered paul brennan al-jazeera london. still to come on al-jazeera this news hour sports a tennis great return to the court for the 1st time in more than a year. over the all the way. and now his gender with the sport. ahead of the international olympic committee has sat in that perpetuate before making a decision on not allowing overseas fans to attend the games thomas back was reelected as president on wednesday and promised to deliver a safe and secure take your name picks reports in japan say the government has already decided not to allow fans from abroad to cup the spread of coronavirus the local organizers it wants a decision before the torture a day later this month back wants to leave it much later than that. news of a more. this is a decision which will have to be taken as late as possible we need to leave the door open in order to take into account all developments that may take place even a male june there are several stages regarding this decision taking roger federer wants to compete at tokyo 2020 and he's made a winning return to tennis after more than a year out the 39 year old swiss made his comeback at the cattle masters in doha after recovering from a double knee surgery that kept it out for 405 days if not played since last year's australian open he was up against it britain's number 1000 evans and took the opening set on a tie break evans won the 2nd set to level things up but it was federer that came 3 in the decider taking it 7 games to 5 much to the delight of the socially distance crowds that are clearly very happy to see the 20 time grand slam champion back on course he's now into the quarterfinals but. it's going to long and tough road for me. i enjoyed it though you know i must say it's been a huge challenge of mine in my tennis career and to come back at my age is not something that's very simple but i've had i wonderful team around myself that always supported me throughout and that made it much easier but it's great fun and thank you to people to come out. the top seed to dominate same was given a scare by as i'm correct 7 his match the russian produced this fantastic tweener on his way to winning the 1st set on a tie right incredible but same a fought back to take the next 2 sets 6362 the austrian appraise reversal of artists to agree that it's qatar will host the 2022 world cup next year and at grassroots level the country's working to improve access to the game for disabled players to. reports. jasim is 22 years old and like many young men his age enjoys football he's autistic and his mother says playing the sport in a safe environment has improved his life over the last 2 years and better and after finishing school just some of those like him had no child to take part in any activities so he stayed home and most this time doing nothing but now they come here free themselves of any negative energy or aggressiveness they wait impatiently for this day every week this program really grants them their inherent right to life and i hope it will run forever. justin is benefiting from a sports program here in doha teaching those with special needs several sports including football the ability friendly football program is a relatively new initiative but it's already got the backing of the cattle 2022 world cup organizers and one of their most famous ambassadors form a straight captain tim cahill does a lot of work with the world cup social legacy division generation amazing comes part and parcel with who i am as a person i've had a great career but one of the most magical things is to be able to share. my wealth of knowledge to have fun with the kids according to britain's national to 6 society physical activity can improve social skills communication and anxiety it creates a sense of belonging and it creates an environment where anyone can just quite simply be together and play through that process of having fun and engaging like you see a genuine growth in people's ability to communicate and desire to communicate as well. cattles world cup organizes the aiming to make next year's tournament the most accessible ever as well as providing dedicated areas for those with physical disabilities stadiums will host sensory rooms for autistic people to have a quiet space where they can enjoy the manchus it's all about inclusiveness we talk about inspiring the next generation and this is the next generation and as an ambassador and also as a father i want to be a part of this. to mom and i hope more attention is paid to the slice of our youth simply because autistic people are very intelligent and enjoy many of the talents their talents wouldn't come to light unless they're given the choice to interact with the surroundings. with just over 20 months to go until the tournament kicks off the hard work continues to get cattle ready to host the world cup. also making it a welcoming environment for all joining al-jazeera don't. you know messi and barcelona are out of the champions league messi did score a brilliant goal though to cancel out killing a back pace penalty and that made it $10.00 on the night against paris which is how finished but barcelona lost 52 on aggregate so p.s.g. into the quarter finals alongside liverpool saturday manet and 100 salar saw them be sick to nail so they went 34 nil on aggregate against like p.s.g. and liverpool safely through into the next round of the champions league now the most famous name in they just fought for already have revealed their new car for the upcoming formula one season this is the s f 21 which has a completely new engine front wing and days compared to last year's car and that's probably a good thing because ferrari and the thing to bounce back after their worst season in 40 years they didn't win a race and they finished 6th in the constructors table they've changed their drivers lineup as well as carlos science coming in to replace sebastian vettel alongside the charlotte clare the biggest tournament of the season so far tees off on thursday that's the players' championship it's known as the 5th major and it's played on the famous t.p.c. sawgrass course in florida with one of the most iconic holes that's the island part 317th they'll be one notable absence though 15 time major champion tiger woods is still recovering after a car crash last month. tiger's won the prize twice the 1st time was back in 2001 when he did this it's 20 years since he hold that incredible part of the 70 on his way to a one child victory is one of the most famous shots in the game's history but it seems like some of getting sick of watching it including current squad number one dustin johnson. obviously will tiger's par with a poil org every 5 seconds on group. you know all the gold yob so absurd it's just worried about it will be a lot of good so. and it's all square after the 1st day of racing at sailings america's cup defending champions team new zealand took me almost in the opening race of the best of 13 match that was against challenges at luna rossa the same skiff would buy in pick champion pizza burling on it by 31 seconds after their opponents made a mess of the start in oakland the italians fought back in the 2nd race to win by 7 seconds and i just let you know that also wins this evening for us as committed in the league and man city in the premier league and that's it for me charlie thank you gemma that's it for this means i'll be back in a minute with more of the day to. the latest news as it breaks with schools continuously being targeted just pressure to move on talk of nigeria very obvious that the region to translate highest rates of poverty before it would fall behind with detailed coverage of the scenario the inoculation campaign was temporarily suspended because there weren't enough vaccines from around the world these volunteers blessed be routinely tested to private instead they'll be getting regular blood samples we. all want to be hunted immediately tellus going to miss you and visit such a small place where everyone knows everyone it's great easy to corrupt the system. really give out all you really and so. it's a film but helped bring down the corrupt governments and led to the jailing of the former president. al-jazeera investigates stealing car dies. you know without more is very much your culture has been very harmful to the economy and the lives of many people challenging traditional attitudes narrowing the gender gap is helping women in the camargue why escape poverty. we're trying to break these barriers of machismo by giving women access to resources need the women leading the way. women make change and al-jazeera. play an important role. and $1.00 trillion dollar relief package passes in the u.s. house of representatives a victory for a struggling population and the vide an administration. this is the al jazeera live from london also coming up unlocking universal access to corona virus vaccine south africa and india lead the charge at the w t o. p.

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