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a monopoly on production is hurting high tech industries around the world. the race for the oldest trophy in international school is about to get under way we look at. america's. hello thanks for joining us it's a move that's set to inflame once again the whole issue of separatism in spain so the european parliament has stripped 3 catalan independence leaders off immunity from prosecution it means the likes of former president carlos and 2 other politicians could be extradited to face charges. in self-imposed exile in belgium and the trio are wanted for their role in organizing the 27000 independence referendum spain's government has welcomed the decision as a victory for the rule of law but speak tomorrow there of who is a professor of constitutional law at barcelona university she's joining us from barcelona thanks for your time with us on al-jazeera this is interpreted as a win for madrid by some is that how you see it's. yes it has been as a win for madrid of course because the nudity were tragic but where were the results have been met my different role from the other immunities or or from previously it's a 1st time that the european parliament there is a big distance between the ones that voted for immunity from the ones that did not vote for immunity so just 400 votes when poor immunity wears to release their immunity whereas for the other immunities or previously normally it was $600.00 there was more immunity more unanimously story so this shows that the european parliament really is having unsure if this current question which would be a political question. but how significant is it at all of a visit vote was held and that puja ma as well as the others and as allies are able to draw the e.u. and its institutions into this fight over separatism in catalonia and after all he is a european member of parliament as well. yes he's a member of the parliament saw these see this kind of sad because as an elected 1st one the 3 of them the 3 m.p.'s one of them equally scurrilous to mourn he was the president of catalonia he has been hit from his presidency as the order so all these details are a challenging for for the european parliament because these are m.p.'s who got more than 1000000 bolt so this is not only about their right to gold or their right to be candidates or and yes but this also has to do with the people that voted for them their right to board they were represented not only in the european parliament but also in the parliament in order to come to our government and at the end of that they did this doesn't mean much because at the middle it will be the belgian judge the one who will be deciding if catalyst the president catalyst puts him on would be extradited. yeah and we'll be looking towards spain also to see to what extent spain pushes for in its efforts to have a richer and but let me just ask you about the issue of separatism as a whole in in catalonia we saw a regional elections last month as i'm sure you're aware and separatist did increase their majority in parliament for the 1st time a 50.9 percent a previously a 50 percent so what extend to separatism really remain a source of political uncertainty. yes this is the thing that there is this political uncertainty certainly good because they are not giving their political ads were who are political challenge there are many people in catalonia who wants to be independent of course there are there are many who do not want to be in the president but we would know about this question if some kind of consultation or referendum would be held in a spain in catalonia so until we don't talk to time talk us many people in qatar only as claiming we will not solve it and they saw that judicially after all these politicians who are independent this question will be sought told and this is not what happens normally not only catalonia all over the war until you don't have political rants for even though you don't like catalonia to be in the independent there are many people in catalonia that wants these and many who don't but many most of the talent one consultation on the is in. why we don't have a political answer to these and the fact that the independent these parties who come from the right to the center left so there are all kind of political opinions in the independent this party if they want this majority in the catalan parliament told this process that we still have the telephone in the home ok thank you so much for speaking to us from barcelona thank you very much. now within the next half hour we hope to talk to one of the people directly affected the former regional education minister. will join us right here on al-jazeera moving on and senegalese opposition leader is calling for peaceful demonstrations after his release on monday at least 10 people died during protests against his arrest on charges president is also appealing for calm nicolas haq reports from the car. a night of celebration after days of protests. there he is released on bail. addresses the nation in this press conference by his side are leading figures of senegal's opposition. the people are sending us politicians a message. convictions and beliefs we have it is fun simply to unite the show and bring back politics to its noble cause presenting the people. several people died in scores were injured after he was arrested over rape charges his supporters believe the case is politically motivated. the presence of the military did not deter demonstrators nor did the tear gas nor the police dressed in civilian clothes will the baseball bats restricting the internet to did not stop the hashtag free senegal from trending. hundreds if not thousands of people are gathering here still the flying the security forces who are farming tear gas there's a sense among supporters. that when the end. it's a victory for them and a reminder to the government that they're accountable not to big business in corporations but to the people. demonstrators looted supermarkets accusing president mikey sell of faily the country's poor by protecting big business interests. after days of protests. only addressed the nation realizing that the demonstrations were not just about was months but about many senegalese feeling disenfranchised their generation faced with so many hardships experiences on happiness is quite understandable to me and the same time let's avoid participating in anything that the lasers in the quest for a better future. when you're insecure business when you take the goods of others you don't create jobs you destroy them you don't reduce poverty you make it worse. the president extended the coronavirus curfew until midnight to allow small shop owners longer business hours but for many the protests are not just about the economic crisis or politics but about defending senegal's a long standing tradition of democracy and freedom values protesters say are worth fighting for. and let's get an update now from nicholas is joining us from dakar where it's just after 10 am in the morning hi there so what is the mood the day after. very much a different mood today than yesterday oh just to make sure you're outside the university the security forces are still. members there's going. to be cheers yes look at. people going back to their classes incredible that means that these speeches made by the president and opposition leader to spend some coke has helped to appease the crowd 2 very different tones in those speeches one calling for more action accusing the president for their protests the president himself calling for appeasement and dialogue accusing the coronavirus for these protests but there you have something in common both spend some going myself called for unity these were unprecedented protests rarely have we seen the senegalese people come out on the streets in such large numbers to try to express themselves and also rarely have we seen the military does frankly this heavy handedness in the use of this this play. of course really put off a segment of the senegalese population and so much of the protests that we've seen in the last couple of days are not about on some pro or not about politics itself but really this tradition that senegal has to defend the constitution and its values shortly after the protests. opposition members of the opposition that were once fighting each other united with civil society and other actors created a movement called the movement to defend the constitution and democracy we've seen this in the past in 2012 when the former president of the i want to try to tweak the constitution to run for a 3rd mandate this is the one thing that brings the senegalese out on the streets when it comes to defending this institution these institutions of democracy and also the long standing stability that this country has and so where does all of this lead the country politically ahead of next year's legislative elections nicolas. well it's interesting you say that because yesterday in one of the speeches a month sancho he was quick to point out that there was a need to have local elections local elections that have been postponed twice last year they were postponed because of the coronavirus and make they're expected to take place in june of this year these are mayor elections and these elections are really important because they really we'll. it's in essence for many people here it feels like these elections need to take place to address these deep grievances that local representation that so much are looking looking for so much of these protests or not about who is ruling the country who is the opposition leader but making changes on a local level in their neighborhoods for instance ensuring that in remote areas there's electricity or a functioning hospital that was present not came in on the mandates to reduce inequality any yaz builds some huge infrastructure project with the new airport deep sea port that they're planning to build a new railway line between the core and the rest of the country well it seems that for many poor people that those infrastructure projects are simply irrelevant to them where they want to see is deep changes that ensures that they can have jobs and the reason why we saw so much protest here is because you have a highly qualified young senegalese population that have bachelor's degrees in various you know that have dr degrees or engineering degrees that count find work at home in the last year or remain 2020 we saw droves or young people who set off from the core to make it to the european union to the islands of canary islands they're fleeing economic poverty at home and when you speak to them it seems that they want to find work here and that's what's the challenge ahead for the politicians that will lead the country in these a little local elections that will have in june ok nicholas thank you so much for that update from to car south sudan's government has agreed to a peace deal with opposition groups the agreement signed in kenya includes a cease fire that will put an end to years of violence between the government and an alliance of opposition movements nearly 400000 people have been killed and at least 4000000 displaced in the 7 year civil war in south sudan. the president of the ivory coast has appointed an interim prime minister and despite concerns about the results of saturday's parliamentary elections both the governing party and main opposition are claiming victory final results are expected later on tuesday the opposition says there's been widespread fraud which the government rejects now the death toll from a number of explosions in equitorial guinea on sunday has risen to 98 more than 600 people were injured in the powerful blast that ripped apart buildings in the port city of bots up officials say the explosions at a military base were caused by improperly stored dynamite's along with stubble burning in nearby farms. you're with the news hour on al-jazeera here's what's coming out of this they just set for a political comeback for a man regarded as a hero by the brazilian left. mara security forces crackdown on protesters who violated and nationwide curfew and in italy believe leaders look to keep their winning streak going peter will be here for the action in sports. but 1st for the 1st time u.s. health regulators have issued recommendations for people who have been fully vaccinated against covert 19 the guidelines are for people to weeks after their 2nd dose of pfizer on monday are no jobs and the single dose johnson and johnson vaccine so the centers for disease control says fully vaccinated people can visit each other in doors without masks or social distancing they can visit other unvaccinated people who are living in the same house and are a lower risk of severe infection without masks or physical distancing and they can skip quarantine and testing and they come in contact with someone with cover 19 and they show no symptoms from miami and the gallagher explains what these guidelines mean for people living in the world's worst affected country. well these are century are quite long awaited guidelines but let's give you a snapshot of what's going on in the u.s. at the moment something like 30000000 or so people have been vaccinated that's hovering between 9 and 10 percent of the population of course we need to get to about 40 percent before we get to that magic herd immunity so this is very specific advice for those that have been fully vaccinated in the words if i had both shots and waited the appropriate time so we're talking about here are more elderly members of the population people who perhaps haven't seen their families for the last 12 months remember people who haven't been allowed to visit for instance long term care facilities so for these people this is a boon this is extremely welcome news because this will help their mental condition they can reconnect with their families but there are some caveats if they are going to visit their families it has to be local only c.d.c. says their advice is not to travel also if they're out in public they still need to social distance and wear masks because the science behind these vaccines is not completely yet known it doesn't know if these people can still spread covered 19 despite the fact that they have been vaccinated but these guidelines have been a long time coming i think for those that have been isolated in the way for their families for such a long time this is extremely welcome news for now in the u.k. more than a 1000000 people have been fully vaccinated and more than 22000000 have got their 1st jobs let's bring in paul brown an apology from surgery on whether the c.d.c. guidelines over in the u.s. paul could offer a road map for countries like the u k. i think it's unlikely at this point in time mainly because the prime minister in the u.k. boris johnson has refused to be pinned down on exactly what impact vaccination will have on the why the reopening of the economy in specific terms anyway so for example people have been saying that once you're fully vaccinated surely a vaccination passport could be issued and that would allow you to travel it might allow you to use leisure facilities it might enable the reopening of large sports venues and concert halls for example but so far boris johnson has been very reluctant to actually say specifically whether he intends that happen a couple of reasons why perhaps it's because the vaccine from cells don't have 100 percent effectiveness even the best vaccines are 7580 percent effective and there is a lack of data as to whether those people who are vaccinated can still pass on the virus despite not being infected themselves pass on the virus to those who haven't yet been vaccinated so there's a lot of data that is missing data that they don't know about yet so here in the u.k. at least they're playing very cautious and one of the big issues here is over which vaccination is being put into people's arms certainly in europe anyway because the seems to be a split developing between the central european countries i'm talking about hungary slovakia czech republic who are turning to russia and to china for vaccines in the absence of any vaccines coming in timely fashion from the european union and that's creating an issue of well a lack of solidarity it's also causing concerns because the european medicines agency hasn't approved the sputnik the vaccine from russia for example and there is the suspicion that russia and china are using this as a as a wedge to drive a difference between so. with members of the european union from other members of the european union ok paul thank you so much for that update from surrey in the u.k. let's just take a quick look at how effective the 3 main vaccines are there is the pfizer bio untag job and said to offer around 95 percent protection against covert $1000.00 sometimes after 2 doses that there is the more there are job it's reported to be in 1004 point one percent effective while there is johnson and johnson it's a single those job is 85 percent effective against severe infections let's cross back to cambridge and speak to dip to grow their son he was a clinical epidemiology than a senior lecturer a queen mary university of london thanks for joining us on al-jazeera let me ask you 1st of all about the policies of the c.d.c. has put forward and has the recommended i'm sure you've you've read about what do you make of these policies. i'm a bit concerned by them because i think they're not really grounded in the evidence that we have to correct so you know you spoke about the effectiveness of these vaccines against disease but as of yet we don't know the effectiveness of these vaccines in preventing infection or what transmission particularly in the elderly age groups even the younger age groups is a likely to be between about 60 to 70 percent of the elderly that might be even lower so allowing people to sort of makes it does protective measures really puts other people at risk if they got the infection and passed it on to others and this uncertainty is even higher with the large number of these we have now circulating in different parts of the world many of which we know are associated with a lot of accident victims particularly against symptomatic disease which will very likely translate to the what effectiveness preventing infection breakdown some of what you've said so so what you're saying is that the u.s. could be moving too quickly considering that there is still no proof that vaccinated people can spread the virus and you're saying that there's no data on this yet. yes absolutely particularly you know detail in those elderly people and even in younger people the effectiveness of preventing infection is thought to be 60 to 70 percent is a quite far from the 100 percent and you know i understand the need to sort of allow people to makes because it didn't destructions for a long time but we need to remember that people have been distractions for a long time because we haven't managed to get on top of that bad to make any of adopted several hiders strategies in the face of uncertainty and i'm worried that we're doing that once again and what would be really bad would be if such a strategy let to another sort of increase in transmission or cases which lead people needed to be in destructions but even longer so what would your recommendation be some people say well the numbers are going down people are getting vaccinated and eventually states and countries do have to open up. absolutely and the best attitude to adopt is a strategy with the least amount of uncertainty which countries like new zealand and australia taiwan vietnam have adopted where we bring cases down to extremely low level so that there is no community transmission and then we open up to everyone not just people who have vaccinated and they don't need to worry about things like vaccine effectiveness new libyans because there isn't that transmission happening in the community and most of the population is not at risk. of the new variants to what extent does they exist so if a new variance hendren progress being made or how concerned are you about. i'm very concerned about that i mean there's the general from noble backs johnson and johnson trials from fight. modern ad astra zeneca all of which will potentially let us effectiveness it is against mild to moderate disease particularly against the so-called south africa and we've seen many new libyans and large in the u.k. we have a peaceful ways it's concerned she believes under investigation that is circulating many of those properties we don't even understand yet many of these and all times miss a bill potentially multichannel and many of them are associated with lou effectiveness of vaccines thankfully these are not dominant in many countries yet but if we know now to vaccines alongside allowing high levels of transmission and mixing to continue it's very likely that these moves will start domine to be believed find reservoir is in people who are less protected against them ok thank you so much for speaking to us from cambridge. on the coming hours the u.s. house of representatives as expected to vote on a $1.00 trillion dollars covert relief package the bill purse by the president joe biden was approved by approved by the democratic controlled senate on saturday it includes a $1400.00 check for most americans and $14000000000.00 for vaccine distribution that's expected to pass its final hurdle in congress where politicians voting on party lines rizzo's former presidents always an answer lula da silva to a set for what's been described as a sensational political comeback a supreme court judge has thrown out his conviction on corruption charges be the surgeon who restores his right to contest next year's presidential election monica has more from rio de janeiro. recently. i was leading the polls and $28.00 team the left wing political leader would have probably been elected brazil's president for the 3rd time had not been convicted on corruption charges and banned from running now less back in the political scene as the country faces its worst moment in the cold in 1000 pandemic and he poses a serious threat to right wing president john abell so narrow in next year's elections. that it's good news that comes at the right time because the political situation in the country is so dire with a good idea i would not believe a politician who has already been arrested for corruption and i don't think lula is the right person to run our country. has always said that he was wrongly convicted and imprisoned he says the bribery money laundering in corruption charges were part of a scheme to strip him of his political rights after years of judicial battle a supreme court judge on monday a null licken fiction's against. the decision has nothing to do with lola's innocence or guilt the supreme court judge argued that the former president had been tried in the southern city of quote egypt when he should have been tried in the capital brasilia. it may be a technicality but one that could be shaped brazil's political and judicial landscape the fact is that lula can now run for the presidency and he still has the support of half of brazil's voters according to a recent poll some of them took to the streets to celebrate and to protest against what they call president bows and arrows mishandling of the pandemic. 7 reacted on twitter saying be an element of the charges proves he has always been right. accuse the supreme court judge of acting on behalf of the workers' party and. brazil's political divisions deepening in the midst of a deadly pandemic monica and i give all just syria rio de janeiro. still ahead on the al-jazeera news our calls for a new security measures at the u.s. capitol to prevent a repeat of the january riots in chelsea continue very good recent form of the english premier league peter will be here with reaction from their latest match against everton. how is looking rather stormy across central parts of the mediterranean little area clad him moving across italy into the balkans see some lively storms on this front more of that to come over the next couple days as some wet and windy weather coming through here with some large hail and this some rather wild weather all coast pushing up across the northwestern corner pushing across the british isles as we go on through the next 24 hours where to stay that's like a really wet day across much of the british isles a cloud of rain will sweep through gale force winds potential for damaging winds and some heavy rain at times what's the weather will make its way in scandinavia really tends to snow as it hits the cold air also over the top temperature one degree celsius not as cold as moscow mind you temperatures hit a high than minus 10 in the heat of the day cold even for moscow this time if you will some wintry weather then just around the balkans pushing across garia into remain yes still a few showers life showers there rumbling away across greece but clear skies come back in behind this we go on into worth the day fighting drug costs western side of the med stormy alive which was east of the med and the northeast looking very unsettled as well while snow coming into scandinavia into the baltic states and then heavy rain through much of germany france and northern spain. they captured the hearts of founds around the world but they did for bulldoze put unlike most of those they fold hard. time put themselves in the minds of something more important than the beautiful game footballing legendary considine introduces fivefold of players who bucked the trend and stood up for what they believed in that's their way. and huge season of football rivals coming soon on al-jazeera. 9 years ago out to 0 it was the 1st major network to find evidence of genocide and made. when the tragedy of the ruling was mostly unknown. to fool. it in genocide on al-jazeera. hello again the top stories on the al-jazeera news hour the senegalese opposition leader response uncle is calling for a peaceful demonstrations following his release on monday at least 10 people died during protests against his arrest for allegedly raped charges u.s. regulators have announced new guidelines for a fully vaccinated people it includes gathering indoors with other vaccinated people without masks or social distancing and no need to quarantine if they're exposed to covert 19. the e.u. parliament has stripped 3 cattle and separatist politicians of their immunity from prosecution catalonians former leader carlos peter maher and 2 others are wanted by spain for organizing an independence referendum. well clar up on saturday is one of the catalan members of the european parliament has immunity has been lifted she's joining us from brussels thanks very much for speaking to us on the al-jazeera news hour what is your reaction to this decision 1st of all. well it does expect that. there are other. who make sure that they go the both of these you know. they. were actually. you know a. small respect focus yes. the day but anyway so they have the majority who will get this best however. the fact that these ability to govern sic you should has been better by the results of the phone who these votes but at the get unanimous but our case was the when you know of the lifting the other communities not the least of the immunity that west requests that for our getting caught up with happy to be getting caught with a good many times. you need what's requested google does research. so are faced with that substantial number of our cause the only piece not support that this request and that just puts you know it's a cookie and he learns that this is a bully they've got persecution so we're expecting that they'd was going to. you know we would be a very well to cut we will contest these which is wanted thing i want to hear what will you do and what are your next steps in this case and how concerned are you that you could now be extradited to spain. we were good guests these are not immune to. the just these because. news that these are both the governor's occasional or such. should not have believed that. that will who they sometimes but we have bet its own government and their stock hopes that we were on this deal at the same time. longer. here we have you in court in but i sussed are you made case in scotland. we may have yet and. we have a lot well. for that we share the 4th part of the judges in. the early shall play our earlier saying spanish are thorny as in the spanish government to say that this case should be decided by spain's do disagree and in fact not europe's and not by europe and one of the the any p's who voted for this he pointed out the spanish any piece he said this country is judiciary wants to try you and to others for actions that took place more than a year because before you became members of your own the european parliament. yes these were political actions and the fact that spain is persecuting us could he not only is that proof that spain is in capable of managing what is that they look at the talents we see the probable cause of how democracy we both and a lark they've been using their duty should be to prosecuted our garlics our god leaks well enough that i know that the national and united nations who would be tell you that they shouldn't has they did they denounce these out of the tragedy that they terms never this pain is keeping these for you to go please announce they want to cut more fully because of his own hands and that way they are persecuting expect that certainly is not gotten caught is all of that for you to go problem we've got a long and so. spain is proving that they had incapable of managing peace they were gone thinking governor i mean with them about the goals and they there. were endless persecution against that is you know just another group of that sort of we have other contests that in european current 70000 that we could be years before a leader be encouraged just to trust. that. space would not be a 3rd. of your sense has been by only a picture of the bed beginning and that's why we got this that utopian car right when they got there thank you so much for speaking to us correspondent giving thanks for your time thank you but i. now activists and me and maurice say hundreds of protesters who have been cornered by security forces in a district in yangon have been allowed to leave earlier both the u.s. and the u.n. expressed grave concern for their safety security forces were raiding homes in the city on monday night searching room by room for protesters who staged their 1st nighttime demonstrations defying a nationwide curfew and has the crackdown intensifies the military has stripped the licenses of 5 independent media organizations from malaysia's high court has allowed rights groups to challenge the deportation of me and more nationals were going to 1000 people were sent back to me and more in february including asylum seekers scot idlers following both of these developments is joining us from bangkok in neighboring thailand scott let's start with the situation inside myanmar or what's been happening over nights. well overnight daddy now as you mentioned there was a situation where there was a park the neighborhood of yangon that was pretty much sealed off by the security forces that's because they were trying to get to a couple of 100 protesters young protesters who had been out on the streets most of the day on monday they wanted to go in and arrest them was a bit of a standoff they had patrols going through essentially it happened almost all the way overnight early morning hours they finally fell back the security forces and the protesters were able to leave but it was a very concerning situation that so we had the international involvement because it was completely restricting freedom of access freedom of movement so that's why there was a lot of attention paid to and that's why some of the other protesters came to the streets to call for their release if you will because the they were sealed in this this neighborhood in yangon now today so far you know on tuesday we've seen them come out again in yangon again but also across the country mandalay and down in the south so they have come out despite the stepped up posture by the security forces and one thing they know a lot of this particular what happened last night it is a crackdown on the streets against the protesters out there but it's also an increased. tactic of using intimidation like we saw last night that was flat out intimidation while they were kind of holed up in this part of the city they had patrols going through firing rounds into buildings and also setting off stun grenades so they were clearly trying to intimidate those who are sheltering the protesters but the protesters as well ok and somewhat related to the situation how significant is the development we're reporting about in malaysia after all the 1000 people affected by that ruling have already been deported. when you look at it overall it's a significant development because in the past any immigration decision in malaysia in the courts if they couldn't be question this hearing today allowed this to move forward this move by the immigration department to to deport 1086 men mark citizens back on february 23rd so this hearing is going forward so it's significant because now a court has ruled that it is ok that it's ok to question a decision by the immigration department inside the courtroom obviously this is good news for people moving forward and for about 114 who are still saying they're seeking asylum they can't be deported in this time period of the hearings but those who already were deported it's very unlikely they'll come back for me any more but again moving forward this is set a precedent ok scott thank you so much for that update from bangkok a senior chinese official has said beijing's plans to change hong kong's electoral system will protect its international role the legislation effectively dismantles hong kong's opposition by giving beijing appointed committee control of who can run for office the national people's congress is expected to approve it on thursday in recent years though especially since the polluter is over the proposed let's look to the amendments in 29. and he turned to troublemakers in the city have colluded with external post by opposing this openly advocated hunger dependence and the so double income in china. by exploiting. exploited 3 elections the one who has such chaos proves that there will be those who pose and the deficiencies in the because this electoral system of the one hi sarah. in thailand 18 people have been charged with sedition for anti government rallies held last year another 3 protest leaders accused of defaming the monarchy are being held in jail until their trial next week thailand's pro-democracy protests movement has been calling for the prime minister's resignation and reforms to the monarchy since last year 4 other activists leaders have had their bail denied 5 times and are still in jail waiting for a trial. we always say to that when we decided to join these 5 we giving all we've got even if it means our lives are we going to be in jail and that's in the end even if there are more people in prison even if i'm not the person who ends up in prison those who are outside can keep fighting it's not necessary to have us continue the fight for you is nuclear regulator has issued an operating license for a 2nd unit at its barrack op power plant it's the 1st and only nuclear plant in the arab world you know one reached $100.00 power 100 percent power last year the facility was built as part of the u.a.e. efforts to diversify its energy mix once all 4 reactors come online bill supply up to 25 percent of the country's electricity needs saudi state media say the kingdom's air defenses have intercepted another attack from yemen its missiles took out an explosive drone heading towards a city of its area hosts a number of military bases and has been targeted before by who the rebels the whole earth is also launched a series of attacks on saudi arabia's energy facilities on sunday the u.s. state department has condemned the assaults and urged the rebel group to work towards a cease fire. the who these in our view and in the view of our allies and partners have to demonstrate their willingness to engage in a political process they need to quite simply stop attacking and start negotiating on the ground in yemen the government forces and hold the fighters have been locked in fierce battles near the city of thais here you can see the government troops firing on hokie positions yemeni media say the rebels were forced to retreat but the fighting is taking a heavy toll on civilians in the area. of members of the u.s. congress are reviewing major security changes recommended for the capitol building the proposals come from a report on the security failures that happened on january the 6th and supporters of the former president bridge the halls of congress how does 0 cost to reports from washington d.c. . to security experts who watch the january 6th riot at the capitol memories of the 2012 attacks on u.s. embassies in tunisia and sudan came to mind for my draw jaw dropped because the fact that it happened to see. people in the united states doing this is opposed to what happens overseas keith used to this is president of fabrication designs inc a manufacturing firm that makes reinforced doors and windows for u.s. government buildings his products were not installed at the capitol where a mob successfully broke through using their fists and a flagpole that allowed them to enter through the through the openings of the glass and really fell in need to be stronger perimeter the nonpartisan task force charged with reviewing security after the capitol breach agrees its report recommends reinforcing doors and windows the deployment of mobile fencing and retractable barriers the hiring of more than $800.00. police officers and a more efficient decision making process for security leadership in a crisis more than 5000 national guard troops remain protecting the nation's capital a jarring sight for americans who are unaccustomed to seeing their military at work outside of natural disasters or foreign wars but these troops will eventually go home the plan is to replace them with a rapid response team of local guardsmen who could deploy to the capitol at the 1st sign of trouble and after the suspension of 6 capitol police officers for their alleged role in supporting rioters on january 6th background checks are recommended for all identification card holders who work at the capitol of people are going to be here protecting us we'd like them to go through the same background checks and security assessments 2 months after the riot the so-called people's house still stands behind barbed wire and armed guards security experts say the u.s. capitol can return to its normal look we do it either with additional concrete and steel or we do it with laminated and polycarbonate glass. or you know the you know your that that's right but also all of that can be hidden the cost of the security recommendations run hundreds of millions of dollars and some members of congress have already baulked at the price but included in the report is a warning the threat from domestic extremists is growing and the need to arm a robust defense is urgent hi joe castro al-jazeera washington still ahead on the al-jazeera news hour novak djokovic takes his mom for a spin at celebrations for his latest tennis record that story is coming up right after the break a puter. and oregon a global shortage of semiconductor chips is hurting high tech industries from the makers of game consols to automobiles car plants are reporting production delays of up to a 1000000 vehicles and the problem has highlighted the dominance of 2 of the world's leading chip makers taiwan and south korea from mcbride reports from salt. between them south korea and taiwan have a near monopoly on the world's production of processing and memory chips it's a dominance in a strategic commodity that's been developing over years but now making itself felt as the world becomes increasingly technology driven but from here on out it's going to broader considerately to egypt with everything in sight or. it's not. your electric vehicle in your car. and retrieve it it's getting old like other car makers this general motors plant outside seoul has been experiencing delays because of a global shortage of chips it's been a wakeup call for many world leaders but the investment of time and money needed to become a chip maker means south korea and taiwan will maintain their lead for years to come it's a global shortage that's been made worse by the pandemic when car factories ramped up production again late last year it coincided with a surge in demand for consumer goods also needing chips and a move towards online activities requiring greater data processing that needs yes ever more chips frank wiring is the founder of one of taiwan's chip manufacturers whose business has grown as the island has come to dominate the sector this is a burning portal with a one continual sub why a bell in the porch opinion of the state and other your country on this so buying toys in there and laws your process if we have a problem the war or have a problem it's this indispensable that work well right now taiwan's chips are also indispensable to mainland china providing it with the so-called silicon shield against beijing's expansion in the region but also raising the stakes in the increasing comp. tition between china and the u.s. semiconductor is strong why is strong but it's becoming so strong and so we need to be careful so it is a better to keep it neutral because if a conductor or silicon shield you know distress is being used as a weapon while we are getting off it with the conflict between us and china and that is the dangerous there is actually if you actually get increased action i would rate it you little. extra to rewash type try hard conflict in competition south careers and taiwan's production mastery of a tiny component that makes any potential conflict in east asia a matter of global concern rob mcbride al jazeera seoul let's get an update on the supporters here spader there in thank you very much the race for the oldest trophy in international sport finally gets underway later in new zealand sailings america's cup begins raising was delayed by 4 days because of a coronavirus lockdown in oakland but now defending champions team new zealand will go up against challenges luna rossa in the best of 13 contests team new zealand skipper believes it will be a tight competition between the 2 teams you know it's been a pretty incredible campaign you know obviously it is. been a lot of i suppose changes going along especially with the covert environment you know not being out of the warm up of in you know mixed touched on you know in a lot of different. situations getting thrown at us but you know i think at the end of the day you know we're now on to mars the day we're you know it's exciting and you know we actually get to go on rights and fun of a room we know they're fast because we say leg is there more than 2 months ago when we say we saw them. a few weeks ago it is the american and english butt out. are there no other and i think is to is to live for me i don't know the crystal ball. in italy 30 our league leaders in similar and restored a 6 point lead at the top of the standings on monday where the one will win over atalanta interest closest rivals for the triangle ac milan and you venters won their matches on saturday and sunday so it was important for him to win here screamy are scoring the games only go for enters 7th straight win and sonya conti's men are looking for a 1st league title in 11 years. down deep in 7 i think many were sure that tonight into milan would come undone against atalanta so this is an important win many of the boys are playing for the 1st time under this kind of pressure and they are showing that they are reaching the right level of maturity chelsea's good for instance thomas tickell took over as head coach has continued on monday they hosted everton in the english premier league of the visitors gifted chelsea the lead would have been godfrey only goal in the 1st half and then in the 2nd half giorgio needed a penalty to double the lead and wrap up a 2 know when that's 5 clear sheets and 5 home games were to go chelsea were 4th in the standings. and was difficult in 1st half but we were always in control of the 2nd half we created a lot also his aggressive baldwins transition game and also. with a more with more self-confidence and more rhythm in our in our body position so we had a lot of chances and could have been more so well deserved to win and i'm super happy for the european club association which represents the confidence leading team says it's very close to officially backing you evas plans for a new look champions league u.a.e. for boss alexander to fit in once to reboot the competition in 2024 and have $36.00 teams playing a minimum of 10 games at the moment the final $32.00 only guarantee to take part in 6 matches. it means fans will get to see $100.00 more champions league fixtures and clubs that will receive even more ticket revenue n.t.v. cash and any such agreement would end speculation about clubs breaking away from european football's governing body to start their own super league i would say within a couple of weeks everything should be. pretty much. 0 balls resident chaffering and i have for the competitions also for the former president of african football ahmed has had his 5 year ban from the sport reduced to 2 years but the court of arbitration for sport of mud was banned in november for misusing calf's finances for its own benefit well the news might be welcome by the man from madagascar it still rules him out of running in caps presidential elections later this week instead the path is clear for south africa's patrice what's a pay to take over the owner of 2016 champions league when his mum lady sundowns is now the only man remaining in the race after all of these opponents withdrew in the last few days before owning sundowns made his name in the mining industry in his home country. in the n.f.l. the dallas cowboys have agreed the richest contract in club history with quarterback dec prescott the 4 year contract features a guaranteed $126000000.00 and an n.f.l. record $66000000.00 signing bonus this makes the 27 year old the 2nd highest paid quarterback in the league behind patrick mahoney dallas what we hope in prescott can now lead them to a 1st super bowl title since 1995. never talk about sitting his sights on an a limb pick title in tokyo it's the one award still missing from the world number one's trophy cabinet having secured 18 grand slam titles on monday jock itch set a record of $311.00 weeks at the top of the rankings beating the previous mark said by roger federer he celebrated with fans in belgrade taking his mum for a spin on the dance floor talking which also told al-jazeera that he's now focused on securing gold the with or without he's loyal supporters in the stands in japan. i hear it there might not be a crowd. present olympics you know let's hope there is going to be at least a permitted certain percentage of the crowd allowed there but if not it's fine it's something that we have to just accept it hopefully as a temporary experience for us but you know it still let's hope that there will be against big plates can be organized because you know that's something that is very motivational and inspiring to me you know to be part of that and i'm going to definitely go for golf. that's on the school year again later with another update 3 ok we'll see you later on thank you so much peter thanks for that sports update and that's it for the news hour on al-jazeera we will take a short break we'll be with you in just a moment so how much more news coming your way in the meantime you can always had online log on to al-jazeera dot com for all the latest top stories and information that you need to know thanks for watching it is our. frank assessments the world is on the brink of a catastrophic failure is that a fair assessment you catastrophic. to weiss. informed opinions should we be buying bit coy ultimately it will be sovereigns and governments who are buying this that is the direction this is all headed in-depth analysis of the day headlines the inside story. jump into the story there is a lot going on in this and julian and global community when i talk about the misinformation i think we are more afraid than we are aware be part of the debate don't ever take anybody's one word because there's always a difference when no topic is off the table we have been disconnected from our land we have been disconnected from who we are and would love to hear the new and be part of today's discussion this stream on out is they're. examining the impact of today's headlines it didn't matter you're rich or poor what your religion is you are battling this and damning you're staring at it in the face and you're dealing with it setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions with that are unfolding on capitol hill international filmmakers and world class journalists bring programs to inform and inspire you each and in one of us in the responsibility to change out there's an explosion for the good on al-jazeera. play an important role protecting it when ringback. they want to split from spain and that any you decision could trigger more trouble for kaplan separatist leaders including carl this puts them on. a low that i'm out of my head you know this is our desire live from doha also coming up calls for peaceful protests in senegal after the release of opposition leader was one song called. a global shortage of microchips highlights.

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