Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240711

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Police confront angry protesters a week after perus president is removed from office. One person has been killed was supporters of u. S. President , all trump, who still refuses to concede the election called a mass demonstration in washington and mexico registers 1000000 corona, virus infections cause 200000. People have died. But we begin with breaking news and a dramatic escalation in fighting in ethiopia. At least 3 rockets have been fired from ethiopia into eritrea, potentially widening the conflict diplomats in the region say 2 of the rockets at the main airports in eritreas capital are smaller. It comes on the 11th day of fighting between Ethiopian Government forces and leaders in the degree region. Its a grain Peoples Liberation front at earlier threatens eritrea. Im kind of mr. I was hinted at, we will conduct missile attacks to foil military movements in a smaller rwanda take every other kind of measures a formal efforts to subjugate the take rate people inside say, gray, or other places. Well, it seems a life of also admitted that they struck 1st switch prong since ethiopia, to launch that offensive in the region. Theyve also said they were behind the rocket attacks on airports in the neighboring harra region. Both sides are accused, of atrocities. With c. P. M. , left dominated coalition politics, anything opiate for 30 years before Prime Minister idea came to power in 2018. Or mohammad that though is in the city of guns are on the boards or over that seagrave region. And he sent through this update. Tell us about that list 3 missiles have been fired from there to a region to the capital or at a tray, or 2 of those missiles hit the airport. There are some other international airport, while another one is a Tall Building housing, the ministry of information, and a number of local media houses. But i witnessed this said that the missile that targeted the ministry of information did not actually hit its target, but well, outside the building. We dont have any word on casualties. But what we know is that this is a community escalation of the conflict that has so far been restricted to the borders of ethiopia, and particularly to the ticket now in international borders. And it is something that could bring in at a trailer, into the conflict. And very quickly, because of the cruel friendship Prime Minister ahmed of ethiopia, and the science of corky, the president of the trade enjoy. And also the fact that the to graze have absolutely no relationship. And a long history of animosity with not just the president of the trip, but eritrea as a whole. This is huge by every measure. The sizes of refugees, of course, since this is done over the past week, the morgan has more important. Hundreds of refugees continue to arrive here at the border Reception Center. Now the center is just about 2 kilometers away from the sudan. If you appear border in sudans last days and hundreds of refugees have been pouring in. Here in 200, a Perception Center with the number reaching up to 90000, just over the past few days alone. Now most of them live in conditions like this out in the open with no shelter and no proper sanitation. And this is raising concerns among aid organizations here, especially medics. That this will create a health crisis. Medics say that most of the people who are right suffer from chest infections as well as malaria infections due to exhaustion from traveling for days, skipping the fighting in the tigra region. Most of the refugees were spoken to speak of the same horror saying that they have seen people being slaughtered, that theyve seen aerial bombardment, which is that made them fear for their lives and flee here to sudan seeking safety and seeking humanitarian aid. Now, medics say that they are quite concerned about the number of refugees and the influx. They say that theyre expecting more than 1000 over the coming days. And thats just here. And its what a Reception Center sudan says that its expecting a total of up to 200000 in the coming week between here in kosovo state and out of state with both border is european. And its calling out for the International Aid organizations to help respond to what its calling is turning out to be a refugee crisis. Well, William Lawrence is a former u. S. Diplomat and a professor of International Affairs at George Washington university. He says the rocket attacks on every trainer, mark a serious escalation in the conflict. The 1st thing that come to mind when i think about this is 1st worse usually store for once at reasons escalated for another set of reasons. And then are settled on different terms than the original and the regional war was started. And also in this part of the world, any war is immediately or Syrian Crisis because of the situation. A lot of the people in the way the words are of and youve got a lot of different ethnic groups here. Theyre fighting immediately effects. So being or tree of ethiopia in sort of counterintuitive ways in some cases. And thats always there. Youve got ethnic animosities, reconsiders, so almost anything as soon as the killing starts and the atrocities start on can spread to other areas rather quickly. It is going to deescalate eritrea doesnt really have a dog that, i mean, even though they share ethnic commonalities with their region, theyre not politically allied. Are also so, you know, if i am eritrea, i want to stay out of this is much of possible and prevent spillover as much as possible rather than jews. Thousands of people are back on the streets of peru protesting the dismissal of former president martin. This kyra the protests have been going on for days now and are among the largest seen in 2 decades. At least one person has been killed in the latest on the rest of the sky has been banned from leaving the country just days after being impeached. And the allegations of corruption, the protesters say his removal is politically motivated. Well, lets get more now from marianna sanchez. Shes live from the capital lima, mariana. What is this really a bait . Well, hala, its really not any more about the impeachment of these corrupt, per se, this is, this is really about the legitimacy of this new interim government led by maybe know who is technically still the Congress President and who is now leading the country and who has now named a new cabinet, a very conservative, a cabinet that people feel that does not represent them. And people feel that this group of legislators, a 105 who voted for the impeachment of these kava has really stolen the presidency. They say that they did not vote for this new interim government. And people are very angry also because a lot of these congressman, 68 of them are facing criminal investigations that go from homicide to abuse, to fraud, to money laundering. So people say that theres a group of, of thugs, really, that have taken over the government, that there is no independence of powers between the executive and legislative and that democracy is, is on the line. So people are on the streets of prove this is the 6th night that theyve been protesting this, this decision by the legislative to unseat a president that had 95 percent of population. And that half house has been unseated for the very questionable argument of moral incapacity. Especially when you have so many congressmen who are facing criminal investigations, people are continuing to protest. They say they will continue to protest until money. Maybe no. The interim president is ousted from government samarium where we have seen 6 nights a process. At least one person has been killed and they saw us. Would you think its going to take since a few situation was likely to happen next . Its a very difficult situation and of on one part, the bishops of all of peru half have asked that the constitutional tribunals interpret or clarify the concept of moral incapacity used. The argument used to unseat these kyra to see whether congress was right or wrong. And then they will have to give out a resolution supposedly they will have a 1st meeting on wednesday. Theres a lot of pressure on the streets so that these 7 justices will the side and interpret what moral incapacity means. That may not be enough. A group of former Foreign Ministers house asked the organization of american states to send a mission that would have been the Electoral Mission for april, for a full elections or general elections to come now as a Political Mission to help them to help mend this situation or or get the parts the both parts together to see if there is a way out. But also theres a group of, of experts who are saying that congress produced the situation. And they have to make the way out by unseating when maybe no which they can because they would need 60 plus votes unseat maybe not. And name a new interim president. That would be somebody neutral that did not vote for the vacancy for the impeachment of martin discover. And that could call and name a new more plural cabinet where people will feel more represented than what they feel right now. Very volatile situation. Indeed, marianas and his brain is the latest from lima. Thank you. Thousands of supporters of u. S. President. Dont want trungpa for whats with rival protestors in washington. D. C. , some courage to supporters to come out on to the streets. Many echoed his claims of fraud, chewing the president ial election. The tassel jazzy wrist Rosalynn Georgian reports is unlikely their enthusiasm will impact the results. The briefest glimpse of u. S. President donald trump just blocks from the white house motorcade drove past thousands of people gathered on pennsylvania avenue on saturday morning for what they called their 1000000 macca mark. Or are the protesters goal, overturn the result of the november 3rd president ial election and give tromp a 2nd, 4 years in office. These demonstrators believe the media, the democratic party, and other Sinister Forces conspired to steal the vote from trump. My mission is to let the pretty country and especially work for should we have not given up on the fact that theres irregularities in voting in there being picked every patriot who can hear my voice. Its a conspiracy being spread by some of the president s closest allies and lapped up by millions who have no control over our own destiny anymore. And so if there is a big corruption by finding an old media, and i say, oh, i mean that literally on a. B. C. N. B. C. C. B. S. , youre going down the line. And just as quickly, being denied by elections, officials from coast to coast in georgia, Officials Say theyve already reviewed about 20 percent of the ballots and have yet to uncover any evidence of voting fraud. And ancyl dania no plans to hold a recount because joe bidens victory is wide enough to avoid one. It may have felt good for Trump Supporters to rally for an end to the vote counting, but with 51 percent of the popular vote and at least 306. 00 Electoral College votes. Its going to be joe biden, who takes the oath of office at noon on january 20th. Whether or not Trump Supporters like it. Rosalyn jordan aljazeera, the white house, still to come on, aljazeera. Hospitals are fall over. Well, no, are getting overrun. You must cancel the normal thanksgiving plans states across the u. S. And as more restrictions as the country hits a new daily high over covert cases. And polls in our own. The ballots, brazilians head to the polls. A municipal elections considered to be a tests of the president s appeal. How each has gone, the flooding rains have gone from the atlantic seaboard. And we now watch the weather coming in from the northwest of that is a cold winter storm. There are going trails shows the picture that you might expect of winter in this part of the u. S. And the cold air will keep spreading across the plain states and catch up with whats relatively mild stuff in the ohio valley. And i think those storms could be significant, quite nasty ones. But once theyve gone through the air slowly will just a little bit in this late fall sunshine. And the next storm tries to work its way in, but that will be more of a rain event. I think moved out of oregon and into northern california. Further south, its fine and quiet showers start to return to florida. But all the action is actually further south than that. And central america. Once again, weve picked up a tropical cycle. It will become a hurricane during sunday in a major hurricane, but how its the coast of nicaragua, the regular sometime on monday evacuations are already taking place in honduras, and thats no surprise because its a repeat, probably hopeless exactly what each did from the point of use potential for wind damage and the amount of right and to get a half a meter of rain for this public rajjo than honduras. What it does after that, i dont know, on counting the cost, the once mighty financial capitals of the world have been reduced to those talents by the pandemic. Can they reinvent themselves . Plus to accuse president fires, the Central Bank Governor up his son in law steps down as finance minister counting the cost on aljazeera the context. These are live for a new day storytelling around the biggest issues weve done, but had to do, we should do it again. My bet is al jazeera and quick minds are over the headlines for you this hour. At least 3 rockets have been fired at eritreas capital in a major escalation of the conflict in northern ethiopia. Earlier, an official in ethiopia, seagrave region threatened eritrea and admitted its forces carried out an attack. Despite the fighting without a suburb or was it was protests on the streets of perus capital return violence missiles, the dismissal and replacements of former president morsi, just carra demonstrations. Have been ongoing for days and sizes of supporters of u. S. President donald trump have been demonstrating in washington d. C. Many akko drops claims of fraudster in last weeks election. Multiple news outlets have to clear joe biden, as the projected winner armenian state security says its falls an assassination attempts on Prime Minister nicole bass. Union police have arrested the former heads of state security and to others in connection with the plots union is refusing to step down despite large protests. Armenians are angry with him for signing a cease fire with azerbaijan and 6 weeks of fighting. The peace still gives up territory in the disputed region. Often the goal cut about to be a series. Well, i think armenians have been destroying their own holes as they leave nagornokarabakh before sundays handover of lands to azerbaijan. European nations continue to struggle with the 2nd wave of the coronavirus pandemic, promising more countries to introduce even tougher restrictions. Its the, his reporters who have been 37000 new infections in the past 24 hours. Another 544 people have died. The u. K. Has reported in the 27000 new cases and another 462 deaths. And the death toll in poland has passed 10000 with a record high of 548, deaths reported on saturday alone, almost 2 thirds of the countrys hospital beds. And i will keep eyes by covert 1000 patients or austrias moving from a nighttime curfew to a fool locked in for 2 and a half weeks starting when choose day. With a 9 and a half hours, new cases reported on friday, a daily records and 9 times the number at the peak of the 1st wave. Me meant to be seen as the sure you shall soon see, nobody wants schools to be closed. Nobody wants gastronomy, trade, tourism and culture to stand still, and nobody wants to be banned from meeting relatives, family members, parents and friends, especially up to christmas. But we must. And im convinced of this, take this step together. So i ask you to help out, over the next few weeks together, we can turn the tide because the more consistently we pull through this lockdown, the shorter we will need it to be summon. Well, the United States says sets, yes, another record for you covert cases reporting more than 880000 infections in just 24 hours. Deaths are also rising fast, and hospital admissions are at the highest levels. Yet some states have imposed and near complete shutdown and heads of a major hole is a the u. S. Centers for Disease Control has forecast that the death toll could jump by another 36 thousands in the next 4 weeks. Lets get more now from rob bren, else. He joins us from the sun, john, these and rob, whichever way you look at them, these are very troubling numbers, particularly given the upcoming thanksgiving holiday. Thats right. Its a very, very dire, very grim picture that we see all across the United States. As the Winter Weather begins to set in, people are no longer able to safely congregate outdoors in the socially distance thats, thats manner. And as the holidays coming up, which generally involve people gathering together in family groups and you know, mixing households with that is also a great concern in a lot of Public Health officials and political leaders around the country in the states. And cities are calling on people to postpone or alter their traditional holiday celebrations. Lets look at some of the numbers now. More than 1000 people in the United States, on average are dying from groan. A virus every day. 2 days this past week, more than 1400 deaths occurred in a single day. That is, how far above the peaks weve seen in past months, the total number of covered 1000 deaths in the United States since the pandemic began is rapidly approaching a quarter. 1000000 in certain states are being hit much harder than others. For example, the midwest is very, very dangerous. Right now, the states of north and south dakota with their numbers of per capita, deaths and positivity rates growing are considered some of the worst places for the virus on the planet. The state of wisconsin also in the midwest record 7777. 00, new positive cases. Just on friday, there is a prediction from the university of Washington Center for health metrics, saying that by the beginning of march of next year, there could be a death toll of 438000. Now all of this takes place as president of donald trump has apparently walked away from any effort to actively manage the crisis or use the powers of the federal government to stem the spread of the virus. A newly published report in the Washington Post cites sources in the white house as saying that trump has not attended a meeting of the Coronavirus Task force in 5 months, and that he no longer missy briefings or has meetings with his own Public Health officials. Like dr. Anthony fauci or dr. Debra burkes, this of course makes the prospects for a president elect biden much more difficult if the Current Administration does little or nothing to stem the spread, then biden will face a very serious and much more bleak picture. When he takes office as president on january 20th, a very troubling situation in deede reynolds that bring us up to date live from los angeles. Thank you. Mexico has become the latest country to register 1000000, coronavirus infections. And saturday, it reported more than 5800 sneak aces and 635 deaths. Officials in mexico city, even post 15 days of tighter restrictions on bars and restaurants. In the reports. In mexico, the staggering numbers are a reminder of the human cost of the pandemic. More than 1000000, people have now been infected with the culprit 19 virus. Official figures say nearly 100000, people have died the 4th highest in the world after the United States india, brazil. Im angry that after all weve lived through in this world, some still dont accept the reality. This really exists or not actors, and the patients here are dying. Having partially lifted restrictions, the authorities in mexico city have come down again, closing bars and restaurants for 15 days. The measures come off the hospital admissions in the capital and surrounding areas. Rose from 20 to more than 100 a day is one of them because its important that everyone knows that the measures were working with are vital in stopping this outbreak from growing in the. The battle against the pandemic is being fought in the context of continuing violence across mexico, both criminal and political, these residents in better cruise demanding justice, after their mayor was kidnapped and killed because of images in this league, were asking that they investigate this terrible murder the murder of our colleague, which should not go unpunished. We hold the National Government directly responsible for this well, in the Southern State of tabasco, theyre clearing up and trying to rebuild their lives after being hit by hurricane etta. Why should i go to the shelter . So i can get infected. No, it doesnt make sense. They dont think about that. About the coinfections. Many of the just want to say with our family, us over some institutions are still open to the public, albeit in a limited way. They include mexico citys famous anthropology museum. We have to get used to the new normal. We cant think things are like they used to be. And getting used to it means that we should be very respectful of the right of others to be healthy. Its world renowned collection of ancient art in artifacts providing a poignant reminder of life. As it was long before the pandemic struck. Aljazeera, brazils president s job is about to face his 1st political test since coming to parity years ago. The country will vote in municipal elections later on. Sunday. Full sonora has been criticized for his response to the pandemic. Is candidates are expected to do badly, want to report from rio de janeiro. Even brazilians have a difficult time keeping track of so many needs. 19000 candidates are running for mayor and half a 1000000 for city council in more than 5000 cities. Thats why some have adopted monikers to help them stand out. Like john bailey, some panna in admirer of u. S. President donald trump, in brazils president jade ball. So narrow he took on both their names, sort them out of dropped balls on that oak and about the walsall. And i heard about it out there. Trump, in boston, auto defend the values that i believe in church, family and country. For the 1st time in history, more than half of the candidates are black. More than 30 percent are women, and there are 3 times more transsexuals running for office than 3 years ago. Like a son that i distance the rights of that is populism central in whiteness. Quickly as not leading to a reaction by women, most people of color, the people who are feeling threatened or to bring down our laws and political ground to these new bobbins movements. And so we can also see these new generation of activists in brazil going to point to us. Recent polls show bolsa, not as popularity declining, mainly because the government reduced by half the 110 dollars monthly emergency aid, which is being distributed since the beginning of the pandemic. Show that both are not as candidates in brazils main cities like british and natal, bellowed his auntie and some powerful could lose in the 1st or 2nd round that will be held on november 29th. But whatever the outcome, brazil still faces, major problems and employment is at a record 14 percent. Most schools are closed and there are fears of a 2nd wave of the pandemic which has already killed more than 164000, brazilians. Meineke, an i. Q. Of all jazeera rio de janeiro. Reporters without borders has cautiously welcomes a decision by egypts to release 5 journalists from prison. But says much more needs to be done. Only 2 of them have actually been let go, and dozens remain in prison. Last month, a group of american and european politicians called on president of sisi to release activists, lawyers, journalists, and prisoners of conscience. One of those journalists is al jazeera is mahmoud hussein. Hes now been held in an egyptian prison for more than 1400. 00 days without charge or trial. His detention is in violation of both egyptian and international law. And how long hes in it with the headlines here on aljazeera. At least 3 rockets being fired at eritreas capital in a major escalation of the conflicts in northern ethiopia. Earlier an official in ethiopias to grey region threatens eritrea

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