Life of a member of your place of worship maybe save the lives of one of your childrens teachers maybe say sure like so please i implore you wear a mass do it for yourself do it for your neighbor mask is not a political statement but it is a good way to start pulling the country together i want to be very clear the goal of mass quarry is not to make your life less comfortable its to take something or take something away from you is to give Something Back to all of us a normal life the goal is to get back to normal as fast as possible and masquer critical in doing that wont be forever but thats how well get our nation back back up to speed economically so we can go back to celebrating birthdays and holidays like. So you can attend sporting events as we get back to the lives and connections we shared before the pendennis it doesnt matter whether or not we always agree one it doesnt matter who you voted for we are americans and our country is under threat and now were now call to do the same thing the generations a proud americans have done when faced with a crisis throughout our history rise above our differences to defend the strand and the vitality of our nation you know thats the character of patriots thats the character of america we have to do this together were in a mask may seem like a small act maybe you think your individual choice wont make any difference or throughout our history but theres terror a nation weve seen over and over how small acts add up to an enormous achievements is the weight of many small acts together and then the arc of history you know i know theres nothing the American People can accomplish when Work Together as one people with one mission we can get this virus under control i promise you we can rebuild our economy back better than it was before we can address race based disparities that damage our country its in our power so lets wear a mask lets get to work thank you may god bless you and for all those whove lost somebody or how carcass out to you we notice like our heart goes out to. May god protect our Health Workers the Health Care Workers and all americans thank you. President elect joe biden taking no questions delivers his coded 19 briefing from wilmington in delaware he said quote i will spare no effort to turn this pandemic around once we. Are sworn in and he spent a lot of his time speaking there about the importance of Wearing Masks we are going to talk to our correspondents about this kimberlee how could that the white house and mike hanna is in wilmington delaware so want to start with you mike i mean the same sort of message that weve heard from joe biden for a long time but we hear it as president elect now and we see the extraordinary contrast with the current president extraordinary its basically his 1st day off to the election back at the 1st thing he does is holds this Coronavirus Briefing announcing the names of his tossed for saddam is just my colleague can be how could will build up on the spot the last time the trumpet ministration held a Coronavirus Task force meeting was october the 20th but if we can take one message away from what joe biden had to say there. And the politicize ation of basic Health Measures were a mascot so most impassioned that weve heard joe biden on that particular issue saying that by wearing a mask you could save the life of somebody packing shelves in a supermarket you could save the lives of one of your childrens teachers you could save your own life this was the absolute thrust of what hes saying and that takes particular resonance at the moment given the news of a potential vaccine that weve heard in the course of the day joe bidens response to that welcoming are to congratulating the team who working on the development of this particular vaccine but at the same time making very clear and quoting the director of the c. D. C. Who made a statement back in october saying that the single most effective weapon against the virus at the moment is a mask not a vaccine joe biden theyre well aware that its 72 days before he takes over as president and is able to as he says translate his plan into an action plan to combat coronavirus and during this period of time hes well aware too that the incidence of cases begin to spike throughout the United States this is a long period of time to wait before he can institute these very urgent measures but already were getting a grand plan of how his action plan looks weve seen details before he released it during his campaign but central to it is an overarching National Strategy this is something that has been lacking throughout the year of this pandemic within the United States its been lifting each particular state for example to deal with a strategy on its own by then wants to institute and National Plan which all states will follow central of course of which is the wearing of mass but also there he is talking about something that the previous said it was the Outgoing Administration had kind of said words of fate or come to. Biden saying that we are going to step up production of personal Protection Equipment this is something that the trumpet ministration insisted it had already done well clearly according to the biden camp it has not and this is now another crucial effort to get p. P. Out to all of those who need it particularly the Health Workers who are now once again on the forefront of a battle against this pandemic mike he set up his Coronavirus Task force as well earlier in the day can you remind our viewers about. Yes indeed this is not cochaired by very eminent Public Health experts say former Surgeon General of the United States a former commissioner of the f. D. A. A very esteemed Public Health professional at Yale University those of the cochairs but interesting to look as well theres a name that jumps out of those who are members of this task force at present and that is dr rich right now very important is that dr rick bright was a member of the trumpet ministration he was head or director of the biomedical at vance research and Development Authority barda this is the premier u. S. Agency against unknown viruses in may he issued a whistleblower report saying that he had been demoted from his position because he insisted on pressing the Trump Administration to take immediate action against pandemic which he says in his report it did not now hes being included in this Coronavirus Task force we heard joe biden within the last few minutes as well saying that others will be added to the force as they go along no doubt hes referring to figures such as dr anthony. Deborah biggs these are people who have been advising the administration up to a point at this stage but perhaps a last message to take away from what joe biden has just said is that what we are going to do is follow the science and adapt to the data that tells us as we go along this is something that has not been done up until this stage and that is a seminal part of what the biden action plan is ok thats mike hanna and from mike hanna in wilmington delaware we go to the white house his committee how could. First things 1st im reading kimberly about another corona virus infection within the trumpet ministration. Yeah. In the midst of the announcement of a vaccine that appears very embedded into the press conference given there by the projected winner of the 2020 u. S. Election joe biden there is news of yet another member of the trumpet ministration testing positive for cocaine at 19 and that is ben carson the hud secretary or. In addition to the chief of staff mark meadows who tested positive in just the last week or so so this is something that we believe has originated from the what was supposed to be a Victory Party at the white house on Election Night and as we have seen many times when there have been these sorts of gatherings there are many who arent Wearing Masks and as a result now we have this 2nd outbreak at the white house so certainly an interesting timing for all of this given this news correct me if im wrong can be but did you say earlier that might parents who heads up the White House Coronavirus toss force was going to be convening that talks will start is just that as mike was pointing out you know we might have should say pointed out we have not heard much from him all this tossed force for a long time and in fact i suspect people will be paying more attention to joe bidens team now. I you know i dont know what people are going to Pay Attention because i have to admit as i heard joe biden speech i was kind of fit on details right now he didnt take any questions which he also didnt really do in the campaign and so i have to admit i was left going wow after waiting all this time for the details i still didnt hear much beyond the Campaign Slogans and follow the science so i hope that somebody is going to give the American Public has some details you know ramping up i mean thats sort of already been done and follow the science and get it get a vaccine well thats already in the works too so beyond the you know a mask is more than a political statement lets all Work Together i mean it seems like every party in the white house says when theyre in control nows the time to get together but when theyre not controlled theyre obstructing i dont know for forgive my cynicism but after waiting and being promised this revolutionary plan that was going to be so different you know i think americans are probably going you know i wish someone would tell us something because so far were still at home our kids are doing Online School and you know unless there is a change what were seeing are the infections going down now as mike hanna pointed out that joe biden is not going to be in the office until january and theres a long time between now and then so it will be interesting to see what mike pence has to say but many would call this now a lame duck administration so the most dangerous thing of all is the fact that there may be nothing happening between now and january kimberlys cynicism is what makes you a good journalist so you never need to ask forgiveness for that kimberly a white house correspondent. Ok we go to nutley new jersey now to speak to Steven Rogers who actually served as an advisor to Donald Trumps campaign back in 26 a nice to see you again stephen. A might leave the covenant in stuff there for a moment weve dealt with a lot of added like to talk about well what this Current Administration is doing right now weve seen a lot of pictures of donald trump playing golf he is now talking about legal action whats your thoughts about what happens next what with regard to that campaign no one denies the fact that President Trump has the legal right to challenge a lot of these state of the totals now say that of course they have to have the evidence that should be presented to a court and then the court will make that this is ins add to as to whether there is legitimacy to the accusations that were made and so i have to wait and see what happens with the court but saying that its very important for the for the 70000000 people that 70000000 americans who voted for President Trump to get clarity and to get closure in the way you do that is to listen carefully and watch carefully the course that the president has taken and look if it does not come out in favor of the president i am confident contrary to what the Mainstream Media is saying there will be a very clean dignified transition of power do you pay any attention to some of the and i know look theres rumor and theres sources leaking will over the place all the time in politics but talk of some of trumps advisers even his wife actually saying you need to think about conceding here. Well you know ill tell you why i Pay Attention to you your broadcasts and im not saying that because the air here i should this quite consistently the media in the United States is a train wreck i mean its all opinionated theres no journalism and you turn it into your broadcast as one of the few others i must tell you youre giving new youre giving facts youre giving important facts so to answer your question directly we have to now by Media Outlets that are giving us facts from both sides and they give us the opportunity to make our own decisions so kudos to you but thats a fact i would say that it was a sudden to think i shouldnt ask that actually because it makes me sound like im dealing in conspiracy theories. So your theory is that they wont it wont come to anything was that donald trump would actually. If he loses these. Legal battles that he would actually take the advice and they i mean this is what is just hanging on the people at the moment this idea of a president grimly hanging on to power when the numbers speak otherwise but yes i i hear what youre saying but as i said the 70000000 people on one of them who supported him i certainly would want to know and perhaps mr biden would want to know if the integrity of this election was compromised but saying that i believe the American People could rest easy President Trump loves this country hes worked very hard for years and keep in mind he could come back 4 years from now and he still will be a Major Political force in america whether in the white house or at a white house and that is very important as we move forward with congressional and senate races you really think he would do that and another for us oh ha ha well we dont know i ive learned not to. Conclude with the president maybe there were not but who knows why that would be quite an interesting time. The extraordinary wouldnt Steven Rogers former advisor to Donald Trumps campaign back in 2016 thank you for your time appreciate that white pleasure good. Lets look more at the transition of power through some models and scenarios which were created actually back in june this was the transition integrity project which gamed out a series of possibilities as to what could happen in the election and the transition did so with a number of former politicians governors and Campaign Managers who provided expert advice i think as a lot of those scenarios did not end well in fact they look a lot like what were seeing now and say from gillman whos cofounder of the transition integrity project who explains the simulations his team ran through right well in june this year we ran a series exercises that basically try to game out what could possibly happen if we had a president who was unbounded by norms and unconstrained by his own party and what we concluded was that you know the results of the game were that absent a decisive victory for joe biden. The threats to the integrity of the electoral process itself and in the transition to a new administration were potentially quite severe as in the games where the Election Results were very close both sides called their supporters into the streets with obviously great risk that there could be contest station a violent country station between competing groups of protesters and in fact you know whats actually happened is that the election is not all that close republicans are claiming its close but in fact its not very close. You know there have been at least 10 elections in u. S. History that were closer than this one including 2016297696 extension 8 so in fact what we have is a situation where i dont think that the trump team has a real viable path to winning this election but im not sure that even thats their goal at this point what theyre trying to do is lay down a marker that the results are illegitimate so that they can continue to contest and fight the biden ministration into 2021 and beyond what he wants to do is be able to have a basis to continue to activate the 70000000 people who voted for him and the many more people who are fans of his and continue to use them to continue his career as a political celebrity i believe that he will continue to do that and will continue to be in the spotlight criticize the existing administration perhaps even seek to run again in 2024 its very possible just as our previous guest was saying now the u. S. Drugs make a fire as us says its covert 19 vaccine candidate has proven to be more than 90 percent effective you had joe biden talking about this earlier pfizer says its on track to seek Regulatory Approval to sell the vaccine by the end of this month we spoke to a doctor from the u. K. S National Health Service stopped or a meta com in leeds who explained how the vaccine would work. What theyve shared with us is that they looked at a sample size of 3 and a half 1000 people in a huff of them the vaccine half of the whole placebo which is just nothing at all really and then they looked at the fist 94. 00 cases all of coronavirus and off them that only 10 percent were the ones given the vaccine so thats why its 90 percent effective so it is really really good they are very caut