Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240711

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His california cabinet member won the election. And nations in Central America and the caribbean rushed to help those made homeless by Tropical Storm into. The transition to a joe biden presidency in the United States is gathering pace with some decisions expected in the hours ahead the president elect is due to announce a task force to tackle what he says is his top priority the coronavirus pandemic on sunday biden visited a Church Cemetery where a family members are buried including his late son donald trump spent the day playing golf outside washington and is refusing to concede defeat his campaign is planning legal challenges in states where hes disputing the counting of votes World Leaders including israels Binyamin Netanyahu and saudi Arabias Mohammed and so man have congratulated biter on his victory well former u. S. President s and republican george w. Bush also sent his well wishes his. More of what george w. Bush has said in a note posted on instagram he thanks guys and for the patriots that message that he delivered on saturday nights and saying that he dont feel cold komla harris to congratulate her on her historic elections of the vice presidency he goes on the we have political differences i know joe biden to be a good man who has won his opportunity to lead and unify the country and i offered him the same things and i offered president strong and obama my prayers for his success and my pledge to help when other republican senator mitt romney believes trump will accept the results if his legal challenges fail but he cautioned trump on the language hes use and i think one has to be careful in the choice of words i think they would you say that the election was corrupt or stolen or rigged but thats unfortunately rather rhetoric that gets picked up by authoritarians around the world and i think it also discourages confidence that our democratic process here at home and and with the battle going on right now between authoritarianism and freedom why i think i think its very important that we not use language which which can encourage. A course in history which would be very very unfortunate lets get more now from rosalynn jordan and shes following developments from washington rose a new day begins over in the United States what we should or should we be looking forward suit in the hours ahead. Well 1st the president elect and the Vice President elect are going to meet with members of their version of a Coronavirus Task force so that they can have a strategy once they are sworn in on january 20th to try to bring the pandemic under control at least here in the United States we also expect a closed door meeting of the Current White House Coronavirus Task force that is led by the Vice President mike pence that is supposed to be happening at 3 pm local time on monday we dont know whether or not there is going to be any appearance by the Vice President or by members of the task force to talk about whats being done right now to deal with the ongoing pandemic what you should also expect that we dont know whether were going to see the president or not as of right now theres nothing on his schedule for monday but certainly people have been remarking that since his appearance in the White House Briefing room this past thursday the only time that the public has seen him has been on his way to his private golf course in Northern Virginia on both saturday and sunday hes been on twitter a number of the president s comments about the Election Results have been flagged by the social media web site for sued for incorrect or inflammatory language about the u. S. Political process came Roselyn Jones and then life as it washington d. C. Thank you. Well the challenges facing joe biden iran precedence its a pandemic the worst school recession the century the Climate Crisis reynolds looks ahead. Once the celebrations by joe biden and kumble harriss supporters have faded the enormity of the task facing the president elect and his deputy looms ahead and im humbled by the trust and confidence you placed in me. Biden has pointed to the covert 19 pandemic now rampaging virtually unchecked throughout the country as his most urgent priority our work to get rid getting covered under control by the time he takes the oath of office the situation may be far worse than it is now there are several months between now and when i actually takes control if the Current Administration doesnt do an about face we will see much more misery much more unnecessary deaths Infectious Disease specialists say biden must work hard to convince the millions of people swayed by trumps rejection of science and math swearing to change their behavior needs to gather the right people around him. Which i know he will do he needs to get rid of those individuals who have invoicing nonscientific and unsound. Bad advice some things will be relatively easy for biden to accomplish by executive action rejoining the paris climate accords reinstating Environmental Protection rules eliminated under trump and reversing the socalled muslim ban but if the senate stays under republican control biden may be forced to compromise on vital matters like the size of an economic stimulus and relief legislation even more difficult to get through the senate will be bidens plans to increase taxes on high earners extend Health Care Insurance to more americans and overhaul immigration laws we know one thing about president elect biden its that hes somebody who has that instead of getting things done reaching across the aisle especially in a place like the senate and i think thats going to be exactly the set of attributes be so important to getting anything done at all its an old cliche to say after an election victory now comes the hard part but for joe biden and Campbell Harris the path ahead is as steep and as difficult as that of any Incoming Administration in u. S. History rob reynolds aljazeera los angeles. Well as biden looks ahead President Donald Trump and his lawyers arent admitting defeat here some of the legal maneuvering theyre working on at the moment theyve requested recounts of votes in places like wisconsin one of the States Joe Biden flew from republican to democrats and possibly georgia where boys and is naturally ahead theyre also filing various lawsuits in other battleground states including pennsylvania nevada and arizona their main allegations are that mail in ballots which lean heavily towards biden have been subject to widespread frauds and that Republican Campaign observers werent skin sufficient access to vote counting centers little or no evidence has been provided to supports these allegations well judith kelly is the dean of the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University she explains what election observers have been looking for in the United States. We here in the United States are also very clear about the fact that in terms of the polling itself. Things went well they were well managed we had a record turnout and it was peaceful and orderly the balloting process was secure or and we have strong tracking systems and all these sorts of things. What was more concerning however was the things that we saw leading up to the election are things that were not used to seeing in american democracy you know never before have we had a sitting president that sort of undermine the confidence in the election or accused opponents of trying to steal the election before the the following had even started or suggested that the election 2 people attack the media or use administratively resources to campaign and these are the kinds of things that the observers called out in their report directly pointing to the president as having undermined the confidence in democracy in the United States its that we will let this process play out you know this is we have a democratic machinery and its functioning it is working and so if there are allegations you know its up to the president to bring that evidence out weve not seen that yet and im sure that the o. C. And other circus will stand by and let that process play out without commenting on it until there is more evidence on the teapot but right now theres not a lot of it on that. Well clarity over the United States political future has seen a surge on asian stock markets markets in south korea japan hong kong and taiwan were all up when trading began on monday analysts say asian investors are optimistic about their Economic Future on to a biden presidency the transfer fees also concedes and threats of legal action remain a combs from certainty stephen iness chief Global Market strategist at x. E. Global Institutional Financial Services company he says the market seems to be responding well despite the onset and say around Donald Trumps plans its amazing really because regard from this blue waves weve seen here are the market was embracing to now almost congressional gridlock but the market seems to like this over in asia the big impulse here is 8 the escalation of u. S. And china trade tension thats just carrying the day were seeing a huge drop in volatility in the region were seeing a strengthening of local currencies and this is just attracting a lot of money back into the asian stocks quite positive day all around whether this holds up in the midst of a global image well thats yet to be seen but so far things are so good today a low President Trump has suggested he could take some legal action market seems to be ignoring that even people in his own Advisory Committee are telling him to concede so you know whether hes going to continue to beating the chest pushing for a Supreme Court to look at these voting procedures im not sure well have to wait and see how that plays out but right now the market seems to be a sage by the fact that ok we have the biden presidency but we dont have a biden presidency thats going to have all those taxes and regulations attached to it because the senate still remains a republican affair. Still ahead on al jazeera shocks to the turkish Economy Finance minister designs and his currency slides to record. And the crown jewel of perus tourist sites reopens after nearly 8 months of closure. But. How the weather remains slushy cold and quiet across central parts so we have got some areas of fog and cold starts to the day here because of this area of High Pressure in the cool wind across eastern parts coming in from a northerly direction of tools west things a little more mobile still seeing bands of cloud and rain but malda are pushing into western parts of years the temperatures getting up to 16 celsius in london in paris and 18 therefore border but we have got bands of sherry right just feeding in across those western powers will see some lesser weather also making its way into scandinavia through norway as we go on through chews day showers theyre making their way across the low countries so well luxembourg belgian the netherlands seeing some wet weather but staying quiet and dry over towards the central and eastern there is over there will be a few showers just around the black sea northern parts of turkey could see some showers right and notice still some showers there across that eastern side of the mediterranean want to show the showers well just lay conses the but its right in coasts of egypt and libya further south well its the usual rough to showers through central parts of africa or way down towards the gulf of guinea in the heat of the day showers bring up that wish i was there for ivory coast the gotta through liberia all the way to sierra leone. Do you feel validated in south way is a type of performative activism. Lets go back to specifically you calling donald trump a white supremacist the lights are on and theres nowhere to hide join me Richelle Carey is up to the front questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate. Front on al jazeera. This is al jazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour u. S. President elect joe biden has outlined his administrations 4 big priorities including the coronavirus pandemic he says the Vice President elects he and the Vice President elects will be pushing ahead with transition plans but donald trump is still refusing to concede defeat says his team is preparing legal challenges to some counts in battleground states that favored spies and. Clarity about the United States political future has seen a surge on asian stock markets candices in south korea japan hong kong and taiwan brawl up on trading began on monday. Turkeys finance minister says hes resigning because of Health Reasons but i was told by eric whos also the son in law of president richard diapered one made the announcement on his Instagram Account it comes 2 days after the Central Bank Governor was sacked turkeys currency the lira has lost 30 percent of its value against the u. S. Dollar since the start of this year seen of course the although is in istanbul and reports of president 31 accepts the resignation it will be a significant move. For sure this resignation is going to be a game changer especially for president are gone and his ruling Party Decides to corner me because the polls the surveys show that the support for the ruling party has been down to 33 percent where people accuse the bad Economic Management for this and its not only the opposition or the investors accusing the government for bad economy management but its also some circles within the our party and we have been hearing that a group of up Party Members were about to decided to resign and switch to other offshoot parties so just looking at today since the morning in the Early Morning tradings the turkish lira which lost 30 percent value against the american dollar has gained 1. 7 percent against the american dollar just within the early trading which is seen as an investor optimism in turkey right now so what is next for the finance minister but are barak is unknown because some circles say that don who may need takes his family as 1st he will not leave him out and he may appoint him as a Vice President as within the new president ial system the president has the right to appoint multiple Vice President s but some say that finance minister is willing to take over the management of the ruling party which will not be welcomed by others but this is seen as a positive news because many have accused the government for the ailing economy. Turkey has congratulated azerbaijans president says his forces have seized an important city in the disputed region shusha is the 2nd biggest city in the going to occur where azerbaijan is fighting with armenia celebrations continues into the night in the as area capital barcoo its military says the fighting in the go in a car by is intensifying but their minions are telling a different story the spokesman for the armenian Prime Minister is denying the city has been captured and says the Azerbaijani Forces have retreated its well we have correspondents on both sides of this conflict in moments well go to some of been surveyed in baquba 1st but up to hamid in armenia near the town of dennis. Losing the strategic city of sure sure would be a. Blow to the armenians are they responding to this. Well we heard this morning as you just mentioned from both the army and defense minister in your run and some authorities. Of the selfproclaimed republican. Well they both saying that is going fighting they say that they have managed that the Armenian Forces have managed actually to push back the forces the authorities of nagornokarabakh saying that this ongoing fighting at the moment in a village just south of the town of shushi does how the armenians call it. Which is on a road leading down from to self i mean you can expect. To fight as hard as it can. To has historical symbolism for anyone you speak to on this side it also is strategic militarily as on a clifftop its only 10 kilometers away from stepanek carried over. There we call it and so it would be a huge military sit back back if they really lose everything or the push back from shushi now if you look also on the political side there is International Move to try to bring to 2 sides together to try to reach some sort of ceasefire that could last to try to have negotiations. Those efforts are spearheaded by russia and turkey now if armenia loses shoes she does have a very weak position if they indeed did negotiating table and then on the domestic level letters for Prime Minister and he called already authorities in the gordon karabakh losing shoes she would also be quite difficult for them politically so you can expect that they would fight as much as they can putting in mind as a by john is more sophisticated is better equipped so it is a very. Local fight for the armenians this indeed. Near the city of the dearness in armenia thank you very much alex cross night to some a binge of aids he is in the surprise johnny capital baku summer were hearing from the as areas that theyve taken italian of shoes show they are many and say not yet but in the middle of all of these claims and counterclaims are the. People who live in the area whats the humanitarian situation like on the ground. Been hearing a very different picture. From armenia and another by john as you saw the celebrations that continued late into the night and people have been coming out in the streets even today at the flag day a National Holiday here another by john waving their flags honking their horns on the streets it is a very different mood in azerbaijan they feel that their president. And they believe this is what. Weve been hearing from various sources that the city of predominant to be occupied by fighters from the armenian side as many people because of intense fighting since september had fled and only a small population was remaining leaving in a couple of days ago so it is not clear how much is still contested there are. Right john people are quite confident that this is going to be the. Forces trying to take the whole of that conflicted region weve been hearing from various sources who have been telling us that because of the fighting that has continued for so long the situation is unclear and to situation is under control once the fighting. Stops completely that is when when you get a clear picture of how people are fairing and people. Whove been displaced. To go back some of binge of aid life in thank you. If the o. P. s Prime Minister idea murdered her sacked his army chief and 2 others the top of his government as casualties mount from a military operation in the north the foreign minister the heads of intelligence and the armys Top Commander were removed 5 days ago. Ordered the offensive against rebels in the Northern Region of tikrit the World Health Organizations Decision Making body is due to meet discovered 1000 cases and that search around the world or 194 Member States will take part in the ministerial World Health Assembly on monday after a shortened session in may the Virtual Conference is expected to focus on the pandemic and related Global Health issues the us has reported 4 Straight Days of new Coronavirus Infection records on saturday more than 126000 cases and around 1000 deaths were reported at least 230000 people are known to have died with covert 19 in the us as total infection count is nearing 10000000. After a year in exile bolivias former president overall moralists is on his way home he was greeted by supporters as he left argentina rouse was forced to resign last november after violent protests and accusations of electoral fraud. Marlas took a plane the same day one of his former cabinet members was sworn in as bolivias new president resource a has promised to rebuild the country the critics fear his policies can be influenced by his former boss traceable reports. A new precedent for bolivia after a year filled with unrest and violence resurfacing was sworn in on sunday surrounded by members of the countrys indigenous communities and foreign representatives at assist says he wants to govern an inclusive bolivia. We want a government for everyone with no discrimination we will stick you need to live in peace in this road democracy is crucial so we can get peoples votes free and Fair Elections for everyone. Accusations of fraud in the elections last year. Ended with the resignation of bolivias 1st indigenous leader in what alice it whatever it is returning to war libya on monday after being in exile here in argentina for almost a year its not clear yet which role if any hes going to play in the new government of we thought of who will have to show he think charge and not have a puppet of the still popular and influential morales outgoing interim president anyone yes who took office after more than his resignation last year was not present at the ceremony but out of made clear his view of her leadership. The 2 objectives of the defector government were to pacify and call for elections that did not fulfill them instead they began persecuting and kill political opponents. During the now you ration the president called for a minute of silence for those killed during the protest last year. Bolivia is deeply divided between poor and rural sectors in the highlands and the richer lowlands in. Jennas communities play a crucial role in the new administration of lucetta saying. We are mayans granny im approaches were i model and pitch was we are people of the culture of life that sparked our wise rebellion now there is a new dawn in our history or empathy for others and collective good replace individual is a. Resurfacing will rule a divided country that is struggling with the impact of covert 19 he was economy minister why model is was in office and responsible for the Economic Growth that empowered millions of people in the country but analysts say the situation is different now. When the mass party was in power in the past there was an economic boom that gave money to help the population latin america and bolivia are in crisis the libya has a 13 percent deficit so its not going to be easy and there are other problems like concerns over racism and region i rivalries have remarriages in the past year small protests have been on the rise in recent days but our says presidency is viewed as a guarantee for bolivias indigenous majority that they will be left behind. And the cedar a strengthening Tropical Storm has made landfall in the florida keys days after killing dozens of people in mexico and Central America rescuers in guatemala find more bodies after landslides triggered by the storm devastated areas in some of the countrys most remote mountainous regions 60000 people have been forced to leave their homes. In lebanon honduras has displaced around 1000000 people the song has damaged thousands of homes forcing many people to take cover in shelters. Tourists and visitors are trickling back into much of picchu after the heritage site finally reopened cruise governments made it off limits in march to coronavirus chawla ballasts has more. Much upi chew is not like any other place in the world as global covered 1000 cases surge and lockdowns cascade into effect its in can ruins have reopened. Much a big tournament but the 1st to enter much of peach you really is a thrill all i can tell all peruvians and all the world is to come we have all the security measures it is very safe to be here and you will be well received. Eunice Co World Heritage sites closed in march because of coronavirus restrictions it officially reopened to this week but with Health Checks and capacity limited to 30 percent or 680. 00 terrorists a day the 1st visit was just yama in october the japanese tourist received a special exemption to into early after waiting for 7 months in a nearby town much you picchu sits 2400 meters above sea level where the peruvian andes meet the amazon basin archaeologists believe it was built in the 15th century as a century front in can empower it remains one of the most significant portals into inconceivable is ation as perus top tourist attraction the local economy relies on the travel as it draws especially foreigners its closure affected nearly a quarter of a 1000000 workers shopkeepers in nearby cusco say they lost more than 2 thirds of their income and yet it has been super terrible because there were no tourists you can only see resident tourists who live here who live nearby and nothing else. Peru is closing in on 1000000. 00 cases of covert 19 with nearly 35000. 00 deaths for a country of 32000000. 00 people thats the highest per capita mortality rate in the world but cases analogy creasing and restrictions easing. Its been quite complicated for all of us who work in tourism the city basically lives off it and its been a very hard blow many shops are closed many people lost their jobs now the gates have reopened provings are hopeful prices days are hit shallop bellus aljazeera. This is al jazeera and these are the top stories yes president elect joe biden has act lined his administrations 4 big priorities including the coronavirus pandemic he and the Vice President elect bush or

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