Restrictions as the resurgence in infections effects in everyday life all of the continent. Underscore the man in charge of african football says he will seek reelection it is aiming to stay in the job despite being the subject of an ethics investigation by the world governing body for. We begin with breaking news out of france 3 people have been killed in a knife attack at a church in the Southern City of nice several others have been injured the attacker was wounded by police and is in custody in hospital but its with reports. A place of worship now a crime scene inside not a dumbass silica early on friday people have been praying when a man armed with a knife started to attack them 3 people were killed one of the victims. A woman was decapitated according to the Police Another victim was the churchs warden. But i still imagine him i still see lighting the candles and now im thinking hes not there in. The we are always with him hes always there he spends the day that he shares his life yeah hes not someone who comes and goes witnesses say the attackers shouted out o. Akbar he was shot by police near the church in central nice and is now being treated in hospital for his injuries. But we are heard to once again see that our city is taken like this i want to tell the families of the victims of this barbaric attack that everyone in the community is by your side i want to say that we can no longer with the laws of peace in our country wipe out islamofascism Frances NationalAssembly Held a minutes silence as news of the attacks came through. We revolted with whats going on is an attempt to take friends hostage with regards to its muslims will not fall into this trap we will not fall into this trap. This attack comes 2 weeks after the murder of School Teacher samuel petit in a paris suburb he had been decapitated after showing caricature of the Prophet Muhammad to schoolchildren to illustrate a lesson on freedom of speech and secularism france has now raised its state of emergency to its highest level Prime Minister john key aspects says the governments response to the murders in nice will be firm implacable and immediate Bernard Smith al jazeera paris. Well president obama kaunas in these he has called the incident an attack on fronts so dont get me says the film absolutely its a firm message that i want to share today and its equally a message of unity in france there is only one community the National Community i only want to tell all of our citizens no matter their religion whether they believe or not we must at this moment unite and not cede to the spirit of division i know that all of our citizens are profoundly shocked by what has happened and therefore i call for unity david tacey joins us now on the line from near the scene in nice david so the attack happened around 9 am this morning its just gone for the afternoon there have the details about exactly what happened become more clear. Still not basically we know that the night man got into the basilica when a service was going on and then he used his knife keep capitated woman and then the Church Warden and another woman he chased into a cafe nearby and she died of her when she when the knife as well the police sort of managed to get hold of the attacker. 12 minutes after the pacifica presented by him they shot him during his arrest and theyre now at his bedside he is in Police Custody he is still alive he shouted. From his bed to the Police Offices and you get to hear exactly what theyve learned from his interrogation you can do that interrogation or start it and it will of course be vital for president michel whos in the city to have a briefing from the police to find out exactly what they know about the mans background and who could have aided him in in his attack on the basilica the biggest Catholic Church here in the very center of nice but only a few 100 yards away from the attack here 4 years ago on the crowd to a sort of great scene still day when a truck ran into them injuring killing several dozen of them so its a huge sort of reminder to me to hear that time in the morning time past 9 the Police Sirens and the Police Response to this attack they didnt know what was happening they were out in the streets trying to get some shopping done the last walk with that children before the test you lands tonight comes down tonight for the rest of the month a whole month in lockdown here in france a double crisis for the people of missing facing that lockdown facing. Being in a city where they feel now so vulnerable we had a little earlier bit of what time any mccaughan had to say tell us about what else he said when he addressed the people there and nice and what measures have been implemented in tens of security but the most the most important thing he came here for was to show that he was on the scene he was actually trying to control this crisis trying to work out this got the most most of all 1st and foremost to express sympathy for the loved ones who lost these victims in the attack while the prayer in the church main and the Catholic Church main the basilica here in needs that was a very important point but also to make make it very very clear that he felt this is the values of the republic of the country itself that were under attack and that the country no matter what creed or religion they came from must unite to coalesce around those values of france and to make sure that the sort of attacks do not cause more divisions and in the course more attacks this is the vital thing he was saying but of course his mare. Was saying that this essentially was. An islamic fascist attack and he was more or less saying that this would this would be putting the city on a war footing so that was too aggressive for a custom michael he wanted to tom things down he wanted to share the same grief that every else in the city feels and to make sure that the country unites but stays on guard and stays very carefully on the lookout for more incidents of this kind. Ok thank you david chase there on the line from nice lets talk more about this but its myth is live for us in paris bernard can you talk to us about the context the timing of this attempt why is it such a sensitive time in france. Well this attack today nice comes almost 2 weeks after the murder of a School Teacher samuel patsey he was murdered on his way home from school he taught out in a paris suburb he was attacked by an 18 year old in the streets and had his had to cut off now for that summer party had given a class to some students a lesson about frances republicanism values secularism and the separation of church and state and about freedom of speech and in that class it shown them caricature was the students caricature of prophets muhammad to illustrate freedom of speech this offended some children particularly their parents who whipped up via social media anger towards the teacher criticizing the teacher for showing these cartoons that seems to have been the trigger to send this 18 year old man 50 kilometers from where he lived to near the school to murder the teacher it was a shocking and brutal attack brought out spontaneous demonstrations of sympathy and support for the teacher across france and similar taney asli a crackdown directed by president to money or macron on certain groups of. Muslim groups are viewed by the state as extremist individuals who have been on watch lists have been rounded up and arrested and for example a mosque in a paris suburb where the mom had released her put online a facebook video of the criticism of the teacher because he did that the mosque is being closed down for 6 months and those sorts of actions for example the closing of that mosque have been criticized by others in france is Muslim Community saying theyre all being tarred with the same brush that mosque that we visited that was closed down as a 1000 worshipers now theyve got nowhere to go for the next 6 months why they ask are they being singled out when they are not the people who. Published these videos so there has been this rising. I think perhaps increasing tension in the last couple of weeks over how much you can get away with using freedom of expression to show these cartoons while respecting and understanding peoples needs to practice their own religion ok so those increasing tensions domestically what about internationally though there have been you know some diplomatic spat going on havent there well in muslim majority countries particularly in the middle east and some in in Southeast Asia that have been boycotts of french products in some supermarkets french products have been taken off the shelves and particularly there was criticism of france from turkish president type one who criticized emmanuel after the murder of samuel petit for this crackdown on muslim groups turkey today has been very quick with other countries to condemn these brutal murders and turkey did condemn the murder of samuel patsey although it was criticized at the time for being slow to do so so there has been universal global condemnation of these attacks but also the kremlin for example has condemned the attacks and it says its wrong to kill but he says but the kremlin has also said it is wrong to insult religion too ok thank you for that Bennett Smith there live for us from paris. Several World Leaders were quick to comment on the attacks in the east Turkeys Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the attack offering solidarity despite a uncas running diplomatic spat with paresis bennett just mentioned tweeting in french and then in english u. K. Prime minister Abbas Johnson said he was shocked to hear the news adding that the u. K. Stands steadfastly with france against terror and intolerance the vatican said it is a moment of pain in a time of confusion terrorism and violence can never be excepted on where im from is a journalist and Research Associate at the center for islamic studies at so Us University of london she joins us by skype from london thank you for your time i read in a piece you wrote. In the wake of sun your partys murder and on the governments response talking about how french nationalism is nothing new but it is very towards a form of ethno nationalism should have us all sounding the alarm do you think that this attack will cement the trajectory that france is on. Well 1st of all i think that these conversations which though the line that youre alluding to is about an article referring to the fallout of these tools of incidents in terms of the wider civil rights and Civil Liberties of muslims in france which have been. The issues of discrimination have been raised by you know International Organizations such as Amnesty International and many others. France is facing multiple fires and sometimes when you are faced with one very large fire with right now obviously as people are being attacked and killed that becomes the focus there is a there are the fires which have been burning for a while now and that is a shoot as i mentioned of Civil Liberties when it comes to frances masoom minorities now the problem is you know this isnt the right time to have that conversation because the really and truly the focus needs to be on ensuring that people are not being killed in the street and that is i think fully understandable at the same time these instances cannot be used to silenced very legitimate concerns from a community that has seen. All changed in many ways weve seen a state of exceptionalism that was instated after the 2015 paris attacks with so many people. You know detained. Or arrested with very little justification is necessary because of exceptions being made to what would otherwise be the rule of law so i think my point my point in that piece in my point i guess more broadly is that there are much wider issues of discrimination against Frances Muslim population which do need to be tackled which otherwise can potentially feed into a narrative thats exploited by extremists its very difficult to have that conversation right now and i would add to that the the additional issue is that some parts of. Government at the moment are using. These incident incidents to further marginalize the missing community by tarring them all with the same brush ok you talked about the governments response to the murder of some your party and wanting to keep the focus you know today least on these attacks that happened in nice to that end how or what do you make of the governments the governments response and its efforts at tackling of radicalization and trying to ensure that people feel integrated that integration is happening across communities. So i think the governments response to some in fridays killing was of course highly problematic actually and in many ways i mean we heard government ministers talk about you know coming down hard on people who were completely disconnected from the investigation we heard from your correspondent there about certain organizations being closed down often with very little evidence put forward i mean by city which is one of the organizations that was dissolved yesterday by the government. The had had messages posted on it social media now this is normal as is what i think the largest charity or certainly one of the Largest Charities in france i know that it has a charity that looks asked over 600. 00 people who are dependent on them for for food it being a charity and so many people within that organization so that will though there have been mistakes made in as much as there were retreats of messages were completely inappropriate and i think have been contested internally but to dissolve the organization on that basis felt for many people within that quite excessive the other organization is of course the committee this is the committee against islamophobia in france which is the largest. Phobia organization its really a Human Rights Group which you know the government has quite. Pointedly referred to as a thorn in its side in the past and its not very clear at the moment why this particular organization is being targeted we know that the father of one of the girls from some in fact is classed although she didnt attend class on the day the caricatural as was shown had complained to her dad had died had then raised a complaint with the secy yes for islamophobia ive spoken to them they say that they hadnt even processed that complaint by the time the man. Was undertaken so theyre also in the firing line the sense of course is that the community is being come down upon quite hard i think is is as i said an extension of the fact that the nor the role of exceptionalism thats been stated since 2015 which which essentially means that parts of the interior ministry do not have to provide the sort of evidence you are usually required to provide for arrests for entering peoples homes of putting people into house arrest. I have been doing that for a while so so this is a situation in which there was already a a body of lets say frustration and discontent with the governments handling of these incidents and i think the latest response from the government where were hearing very much about this idea of coming down hard. Which is not always clear who that message is directed to and certainly for some in the community it feels like that net is being cost too widely thanks so much for your analysis Miriam Francois there a journalist and Research Associate and center for islamic studies. This is no stranger to attacks 4 years ago a truck was deliberately driven into celebrating the steel day 86 people were killed and hundreds of others injured in 20153 soldiers guarding a Jewish Community center was stabbed by a knife wielding attacker he was sentenced to 30 years in prison and in 2316 people were injured in a farm blast at a local Government Office well earlier we spoke to yasser last t. He is the head of the justice and liberties for all committee and a Civil Liberties activist he told us the french governments counterterrorism strategy has proven time and again to be a failure. We are in a country that has implemented must surveillance the government said we need to monitor all conversations on the internet we need to be able to predict the terrorist attacks we need extra means or for the state to to prosecute any person preventive justice to put people under house arrest in a ahead of the time the need to act and yet this is happening again just one week after the the beheading of summit but whats going on with this countrys counterterrorism it is listen and this countrys counterterrorism strategy so to quote again the Domestic Intelligence themselves of the repression based mugger is a complete failure i can bring you here this book from. 40 years of failed concerts there isnt and yet were not asking ourselves why is this happening to us and what this keeps happening again and again and again and what are we going to do now to stay at home and dont go out and just do nothing about it this is these are really serious questions and the government yet again would fail to address this question by saying what is not working within the counterterrorism framework of that makes these attacks happening again and again when the why so far nobody is answering because they keep getting these people or what are we going to are these people in there well get them on their motivations when are we going to able to act ahead of time and we put these things from happening i mean i woman was beheaded inside that church that mean these people have nothing sacred there is nothing there are no more you know budrus for them and this is happened again one week after a teacher was beheaded so not the 1st n