Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240712 :

ALJAZ News July 12, 2024

Hospital his return to the white house and then. Correspondent whos been at walter reed all day then what who knows what happens next. Well what we know is that the president s going to be closely monitored and you narrated us beautifully through that moment because although i dont have a monitor and cant see the image what i know is that donald trump ascended on those staircases that are on either side of that balcony and into the residence a its notable that he used that entrance because its not typically the entrance that president s use usually thats a ground floor entrance but guess what harder for the cameras to see that so donald trump clearly wanted people to see him as the accident and enter the white house making once again a big show a better spectacle as we often say this is the same balcony i believe that we saw him when he was talking about the Abraham Accords and the Foreign Ministers of bahrain and u. A. E. Were there so this is something notable this is a special and significant balcony and the president chose this for making his return from the hospital in terms of that all important photo op because this is what is going to play on the t. V. Screens throughout the evening here in the United States this is what hes going to project to American Voters who are set to cast their ballots in 4 weeks for the next president of the United States donald trump trying to win reelection and its going to be tough hes behind in the polls hes had a lot of criticism already over his handling of covert 19 now the fact that he has caught it hes not yet recovered this presents an enormous challenge for this president kimberly how is in bethesda maryland where the president s no longer is hes now moved back to the white house can be well talk to you again later i do want to bring in mike hanna one of our other correspondents in washington d. C. As we look at this live shot of the white house with the president has just returned he returns mike presumably to a very different white house not just as kimberly was talking about where he will be in there where he will work where he will presumably isolate. The number of his stuff who have tested positive as well its a vastly different place. Its a very different place over the last 10 days a number of infections related to the white house have been reported the white house just a few blocks over my right shoulder there the latest his press secretary confirmed that she was positive for the coronavirus in the course of the day along with 2 of the systems we know that at least 3 journalists who work at the white house have tested positive but also kemal one must mention something here too a number of weeks ago it was confirmed that 2 members of the staff tested positive for the coronavirus now we understand that there was no internal message sent to the white house at that particular time in fact the 1st time that a message was stent to the general staff at the white house it would appear was last night when a message was sent out to all Staff Members saying if anybody is feeling ill or was running a temperature please do not come into work but this is in a way astounding that throughout all this period of time you had already had infections at the white house a number of weeks ago as i said but this past 10 days has seen that number absolutely leap in terms of those who have been involved or have been present at the white house at some stage a getting infected so this is a real critical issue now the other issue that we need to discuss kemal is the protocols for testing at the white house now throughout this whole period the testing method has been an antigen method which is convenient because its very easy to take and the results come back within 15 minutes so people arriving at the white house for cabinet meetings what have you they will be tested before going to the president however Research Indicates that this form of testing has a very high false ratio some put as much as 48 percent returns in correct results now this of course is an issue because this is a protocol that the white house has been using throughout the months on. The coronavirus now President Trump himself was finally diagnosed with a p. C. R. Test which takes longer to administer and the results take hours if not for the average citizen days before they come back now the question is whether the white house is going to continue with a testing protocol that is incorrect a large amount of the time or whether its going to go back to a p. C. R. Regime which would of course have massive impacts on the work flow within the white house people would take longer go inning cabinet members would need to be tested the day before they came so all of these issues would have to be worked out in the days ahead but it highlights too as well the almost arrogance with which the white house has dealt with this coronavirus masks still not mandated within the white house its left to individuals choice now all of these issues one must take a look now now that the president tested positive his wife is positive a number of right off members are positive is there going to be a change in how the white house deals with this issue and the way the administration and President Trump himself view the coronavirus at large thank you mike hanna lets pause for now we are getting a tape replay just now remember we couldnt see donald trump disembarking marine one because the camera was on the other side of the helicopter as it landed looking at the white house these pictures now being replayed to us of donald trump leaving walking across the south lawn posing for photos some of his usual sort of thumbs up and. Making a fist and i guess a strongman to show his strength he walks up the steps and just to reinforce what mike was talking about about masks about testing within this white house we should see it on this shot as donald trump heads up to the balcony on the south side of the white house he takes his mask off. Someone who has been in hospital with coronavirus for the last 3 days and he takes his mask off for a photo opportunity you would presume and then heads into the white house now reading on twitter some of our producers making the point that this is the white house this is not just the residence of the u. S. President there are a lot of people who work here kimberly was telling us earlier about some of the housekeeping stuff about the press secretary about other people who have tested positive in the last 24 to 48 hours now someone who is known to have the virus is returning to the white house and has taken their mask off on that balcony and i think you will see in a moment when he turns and actually walks back in i dont think we saw him put it back on obviously no cameras inside the white house for us to 100 percent confirm that but these pictures just or only about 5 maybe 10 minutes ago at the most donald trump having left marine one standing on the south balcony of the white house solution i would assume that was saluting the helicopter as it lifts. The south lawn again and he stands while looking quite stoic i guess and again showing his own strength or trying to project his own strength it was important when he went to walter reed in the 1st place that he walked to the helicopter today half an hour ago he walked out of Walter Reed Medical Center to his s. U. V. Which took him to the helicopter he walked on to the helicopter and then was flown 10 minutes back to the white house. Judging by the way he hit the flags and his hair moving there i would say that was the moment marine one took off again the great win created by the roses on marine one as it left the president salutes. Making the point again i must say without his mask on and we know that this president. Has a big focus on aesthetics on the way he projects him self and for this moment the return to the white houses official residence he stood there with no mask he saluted and he went back into the white house those pictures a short time ago. And right now for that live shot there we go. Someone else heading out on to the balcony there so much will be going on at the moment lest we forget 27 days until the u. S. President ial election and our focus has been on the health of the president and just exactly how long he would be in hospital in the end 3 days is in hospital he has been in hospital my canner in washington d. C. Might kill talking to you earlier about the lets not forget the health side of things the fact that the president s been in hospital for 3 days with a contagious disease that has just walked back into the white house without a mask on. Well its quite astounding in a way from our looking at the replay of those particular pictures of the president walking up the steps standing at the top of the balcony and then taking off that mask that really is quite remarkable because as youve been mentioning the president does live alone in the white house obviously his wife is there but theres a large number of staff who work within both the residence and in the west wing where most of the work places are so the man having just emerged from hospital and one must know too as his own doctors say he is not out of the woods yet this man is still recovering he is still infected with the coronavirus and yet he is prepared to walk into the residence without a mask so once again theyre going to be a lot of questions about this and the question of course that immediately comes to mind is to what degree has he been humbled by the fact that he was afflicted with the coronavirus the fact that hed walk into his residence with no mask is certainly an indicator of an answer to that particular question but there are as i keep mentioning a large number of people who work in the white house and they had previously been. Reports of infection among white house staff a number of weeks ago were the 1st reports and as we kept on saying in recent days there has been a mess of increase in the number of infections of those who have either been to the white house or been in contact with people from the white house so this is going to be an issue in the days ahead remembering as well the a period in which the virus will take to take hold that period of time with which it incubates there are still a number of people who have been connected to the white house in recent days in whom may still be incubating so there are many many questions and i think above all the what must be remembered is the attempt by the president in tweets and by. Many of his supporters to contend that he has defeated the corona virus its too early in his infection the fact that he has gone home does not mean that he is no longer suffering from the virus so i think that if you will these issues must be taken into account as we continue to discuss what happens next what happens in the next few days what happens in the next few weeks much more to talk about and we will do that again with you later on my camera in washington d. C. 12 minutes past 7 in the evening that is 1600 pennsylvania avenue where the president is once again in residence about 1015 minutes ago here arrived back in the white house stepping off marine one off to his 3 days being treated for the coronavirus at Walter Reed Medical Center where we heard from his doctor. A doctor who provided an assessment of the president s health but declined to share results of his lung scans shown on the old so said trump would not be fully out of the woods for at least another week and that he would be getting treatment at the white house as well over the past 24 hours the president has continued to improve hes met or exceeded all standard hospital discharge criteria to receive another dose of him does appear here today and then we plan to get him home its been more than 72 hours since his last fever. Oxygen Levels Clothing ambulatory saturations and his work of breathing are all normal. So he may not entirely be out of the woods yet the team and i agree that all are evaluations and most importantly these clinical status support the president safe return home will be surrounded by world class medical care 247. Very pleased to welcome dr bob. Who now is a senior clinical lecturer at the university of Exeter Medical school joining us from boston the u. K. I know its late there so i know youve been waiting a long time especially while weve taken all these pictures were really to appreciate you staying with us. Lets talk about what we just heard there from the doctor at walter reed he was saying that despite the fact that the president may not be out of the woods yet that the medical Staff Support his move back to the white house what do you take from all of that it doesnt sort of sound like and it cant be that hes well and hes going home because you dont get well from current virus in 3 days or you can. President trump may have had a mild infection and it clearly shows that hes made a pretty good recovery if all his test results are to be believed so it is really possible to be unwell for a few days and get better you do not have to have a prolonged illness some people of course have a very long and severe illness but there is a lot of variability in do how long anyone is ill for but you can still be contagious and i think thats probably the point after a lot of people are looking at it i mean he just walked into the white house took off his mask and and went in he will he may be better quote unquote but hes still probably be contagious. All without a doubt and i feel very sad i feel sad because President Trump may wish to do whatever he wishes to do but he is a leader of one of the most powerful nations on planet earth and as a result some responsibilities come with that and of course as your reports were saying there are people who work in the white house the president is infected and most probably infectious and therefore even he even if he was pretty good and pretty are not infectious tested and proven it would be good to wear that mask to show he doesnt want to generate the next case thats very important what about his ongoing medical treatment weve heard a lot from doctors about what hes been taking he received the 3rd of 5 planned doses of them disappear can you tell our viewers exactly what that is about what thats for so ramadan is a very is a antiviral drug and the evidence for the use of ram does appear is not clear its not clear at all the only marginal benefit of using ram does appear has been that you can be discharged home 2 days earlier so it doesnt look like it is the wonder drug that its made out to be and furthermore we also understand that he was given x. A medicine which is a steroid now the evidence for the use of dexamethasone is for when you need continuous oxygen support for your lungs because you got a viral pneumonia at that point at that stage excess matterson has been shown to be of some benefit but to put it finely neither decks of medicine nor around as a very are magic bullets. On the take some of his own and this is been the controversial point and youve made the point there that he if hes been given it and it sounds serious thats what you give when a patient is particularly unwell i mean without being a doctor in the room and knowing exactly whats going on what is your take on that is it possibly just a case of well hes the president we give him the top shelf stuff so that we get rid of the soon as possible well that whenever president s prime ministers and such people become ill we are often put under a lot of pressure to do everything and do a lot more so i would say empirically speaking that he was probably overtreat good or would create good but with what we also know are safe drugs so im not at all concerned that maybe he had are or were intervention after all hes the president of the United States so for him to have had x. Amount this on as well as around as severe as well as goodness knows what howards i just say well part of the course for being a brat president makes sense doesnt it doctor thank you so much for your time we appreciate your expertise and experience that youre staying with us of late hour. Just after leaving the hospital and this was it at id say its about 40 minutes ago now that its happened this was donald trump walking out of Walter Reed Medical Center in bethesda maryland. Unaided walking fairly comfortably it looks like just headed past the media there a few questions shouted at him before he got into his s. U. V. To head to the helicopter now just before he walked out he was back on twitter as he has been a lot today. And this is what we saw will be back on the campaign trail soon. We might see it in a 2nd anyway so it will be back on the campaign trail soon there is the fake news only shows the fake polls so the type of talk which weve come to expect from the president to say everythings ok ill be back on the campaign trail before you know it. Then he headed to the helicopter his motorcade headed it was only a couple of minutes drive really and headed back on to the helicopter as he went back to the white house so hes talking about getting back on the campaign trail Vice President might pence hes out doing the same sort of thing hes spoken to donald trump ahead of his release from hospital and this is what pence told journalists about that. President told me. He was headed back to the white house he told me that it is your job were looking very much forward Vice President ial debate. Takes in this election never been higher. Joy never been here and i look forward to the opera. In the 4 years President Donald Trump is the one. Vice president my parents who will square off against comma harris later on this week in the one and only Vice President ial debate will talk about that a little bit later 29 days left no 28 now i think its down to before election day the latest polls not looking very encouraging for donald trump this is an n. B. C. Wall street journal poll which puts the president 14 points behind joe biden the biggest gap so far between him and his opponents so lets talk about his opponent Us Democratic nominee joe biden whos campaigning in Miami Florida and thats where we find out he gallagher to talk about this what is joe biden up to at the moment. Well joe biden spent the day is basically reaching out to latino and hispanic voters of course hes been asked about the situation with President Trump but what were seeing from the Biden

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