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A coven bees are becoming all too political. And billions. Well. In just that comes for the displaced and the flooding ill be bringing you those stories on how they are coping. And streets turned into rivers and buildings destroyed and power knocked out Hurricane Sally is downgraded but more destruction may still be ahead. Are normally wellings of the sports news is football and go off by all means closer to a return to the English Premier League and reassurance for the International Olympic committee from the new Prime Minister of japan over the delights tojo going. On now thousands of people are settling into a new tent. On the greek island of les boss theyve had to shelter wherever they can since fires swept through their old camp 9 days ago now many of these refugees have been reluctant to move into the new camp fearing that they will get stuck there. Reports from lisbon. They came with a clear message just after 1st light an unexpected wake up call for the thousands of refugees and migrants whove been sleeping on the streets here into account after you know i dont know nancy when you met them coming down. You know hallowed. Ground. But clearly. They cant. Many been reluctant to go to the new tent camp just down the road afraid of the conditions many saying they believe once they enter they wont be able to leave a group of people wearing hazmat suits against the coronavirus of now joined the riot police i think the message here at the moment certainly is one of peaceful force a very clear message from the authorities at the time is up to the refugees and migrants bending here that they need to move to the camp and if they dont do that willingly that force will be used these Police Officers were dressed in protective clothing due to the coronavirus as they motion for people to wake up and make their way to the camp and many started to move telling us they had no choice he said go go go go go go go because it was so of the way problems you know not even here one here 6 months i leave you. But now i go to the go and i dont know how many long time youre leaving one years 2 years 3 years i keep to the go thats. Most here just want to leave the island some people got inside and they said for as fallen to me that is a very bad. Note you know electric no other for a drinking and the 1st hour. Outside the new camp the immediate result of this operation waiting under the scorching midday sun to be registered and tested for the corona virus the greek. Raiment is making it clear this is the only option for the refugees where they can be provided for and where their paperwork will be resumed. Today we are doing the obvious thing is a democratic and Civilized Society migrants are being moved from the streets to the new camp from being abandoned to being cared for from hygienic dangers to control and protection of Public Health from no water to order. Its been 9 days since moria camp europes largest refugee camp burned to the ground since then most of its 12000 people have been sleeping on the roadsides or wherever they can find shelter most have been waiting for more than a year for an answer to their asylum requests now many tell us it feels like theyre somehow starting all over Stephanie Decker aljazeera this was island greece now coronavirus transmission rates across europe have become so concerning the World Health Organization is warning countries not to shorten their quarantine periods some are now recommending as little as 7 days isolation in case of exposure but the w. H. O. Says it will not change its recommendation for a 14 day quarantine motoring the immense individual and societal impact even a slight reduction in the link of garden time can have and giving the figures i have just mentioned go to the countries of the region to make saying if you take due process with experts and explore safer addiction options well the u. N. Health agency has also warned against turning this pandemic into a political football consistent messaging following contradictory remarks on vaccines coming out of the u. S. Or china now says it may have a vaccine ready as early as november but oxfam is concerned about equal access it says rich countries have already snapped up hof of all promise to vaccine stocks well these 3 companies in china are now claiming to be in those final stages of chemical trials for a vaccine but critics are also accusing the government of using a potential vaccine to expand its global influence a trainee who has more from beijing. While the world awaits a Coronavirus Vaccine hundreds of thousands in china are receiving their 2nd job of one being tested there medical workers military officers and Civil Servants were among those given emergency use approval for experimental vaccines earlier this year 9 of the over 30 Coronavirus Vaccines undergoing human trials around the world are being produced in china Chinas Center for Disease Control says 1 may be rolled out to the public as. China is at the forefront of the whole world in the development and production of. There are currently. 19 vaccines in the world that have entered phase 3 and china account. Numbers of domestic coronavirus cases have led to Chinese Companies competing late stage phase 3 trials were brought state owned company sign a farm began testing in the United Arab Emirates in july frontline medical workers there have also been given emergency doses. Vaccines are also being tested in. Thousands and brazil and bangladesh have been given vaccines by the company sign of ak while the Chinese Military affiliated can see no biologics is conducting tests in russia and saudi arabia china says its developing that seems for the common good but there are a few western democracies involved in partnerships with Chinese Companies analysts say beijing is instead. Of friendly nations and using a potential vaccine to expand its influence philippine president. Says he pled to be given early access to a chinese vaccine in ruling out confrontation with beijing over territorial disputes in the South China Sea chinese leaders have promised similar access to indonesia and countries along the river but not everyone is convinced. I dont think the International Community will have. All this kind of action diplomacy is potentially more risky much riskier at a mask diplomacy in china c. D. C. Says vaccine trials are going smoothly and no side effects have been documented but medical experts in the u. S. And u. K. Have described chinas Emergency Use Program as problematic saying effectiveness cannot be proven before all testing is completed between aljazeera beijing well the u. K. Has now introduced a new coronavirus restrictions in the northeast of england as infections in britain rise people in several cities and towns have been told not to socialize with people outside their support bubble. With the speaker i know the whole house knows that these decisions have a real impact on families and businesses and all local communities and i can tell everyone affected that we do not take these decisions lightly we agree with the local councils that we must follow the data. And the data says that we must act now so we can control the virus and keep people safe and i know that the people of the north east will come together to defeat this virus was defeated we must again barbara has more from london. Here in britain the former director of the w. H. O. Anthony costello has been saying that hes got it from credible sources that the government had been considering a new 2 Week National lockdown but backed off it the government saying that was never the case whatever the what we do know is now that the europe director for the w. H. O. Huns kluger saying that we should keep this 14 day target for corn seed for exposure to cover it some countries have already reduced this britain and ireland 10 days france its already down to 7 days hes saying thats not why hes hes also saying that the current number of cases on the up should serve as a wake up call to were saw on september the 11th just a few days ago the whole region with 53 Member States actually recorded the Record Number of cases since the pandemic started so obviously the or thirtys the Health Authorities in europe are extremely worried that perhaps between the lines society is returning to normal without enough countermeasures to stop a 2nd wave this is what everybodys worried about going into the winter months and here in britain how that might impact the Health Service well right now protesters are out on the streets of tel aviv rallying against a nationwide coronavirus lockdown set to begin on friday businesses are being forced to shut down over the jewish new year due to a rise in cases there and have a look at these live pictures now from the israeli capital many shop owners are saying they wont survive after being forced to close a march as well as one of the 1st major countries to implement a 2nd nationwide lockdown at all last 3 weeks. Well lockdown rules across gaza have now been relaxed after a 2 week cafe was lifted most people can now go out during the day but 7 areas remain off limits the pandemic has taken a heavy toll on poor communities and abraham reports. Precautionary measures against covered 19 are relatively new for palestinians in the gaza strip theyve been saved from Community Transmission until a recent surge in cases a 2 week general lockdown imposed at the end of august is now being eased. Movement between communities is restricted with a strict curfew imposed in have infected areas all schools and universities are closed and Mass Gatherings banned for sure stayed home for 14 days but i needed to go by my heart medication the police have advised me to wear the mosque i was holding it in my hand. For many here staying home is a luxury World Bank Statistics showed that even before the pandemic half of girls us 2000000 people lived under the official poverty line. People and children in the house so i live for work to make sure they have food on the table nobody will help us still i know that not many will buy from me because people dont have money to buy clothes. Covered 9000 measures are complicating the already troubled economy gaza has been under an israeli egyptian blockade for 13 years many years are left to choose between hygiene and food but probably dont want to. When the pandemic started here people stocked up on the most needed supplies like sugar rice and wheat they cant buy more now especially now that some are living on less than 100. 00 a month the World Health Organization says gazas hospitals dont have the capability to treat more than 350. 00 coronavirus patients the Health Ministry says its managed to identify most of the impacted areas but it felt the mcguffey of the fish that the authorities in gaza have used the past 7 months of the pain to make to prepare for this scenario the Health Ministry was basically paid to deal with the pandemic it took a while to arrive to gaza as many Countries Worldwide struggle to contain the virus gaza remained stuck with its Poor Health System crowded public areas and difficult economy conditions achieving a balance between protecting health and the economy at the same time appears almost impossible. Well unions and fronts have launched a national day of action protest as anger over the governments handling of the pandemic and the corresponding economic fallout from it thousands of Labor Union Members marched to demand better job security covert lockdowns have triggered a spike in unemployment with the finance ministry estimating 800000 jobs will be lost in 2020. While there is plenty ahead for you this news hour and commuting banned from running for president ivory coasts former Prime Minister says Upcoming Elections should not to go ahead. Dissolving local tribesmen in a wrong the battle between reducing crime and maintaining a tradition. I dont support the believe jean king one of the biggest tournaments in tennis its a new day. Now the f. B. I. Is warning u. S. Politicians that russian act is a trying to influence the upcoming election and theyre doing it by going off to democratic president ial candidate joe biden. Joins us now from capitol hill in washington d. C. Being said in this Committee Meeting today. Thats right and while President Trump of the white house has not issued an official reaction it is likely that the president was not happy with what his handpicked f. B. I. Director told a Congressional Committee this morning Christopher Gray the director of the f. B. I. Told the house panel on Homeland Security that russia quote is very very active efforts in influencing the upcoming president ial elections which is in less than 2 months and that its primary objective was to denigrate Vice President joe biden who of course is a democratic challenger to president trying to unseat him in the white house now this is not the narrative that most of President Trumps administration has been trying to sell weve heard in recent days the president as well as his attorney general william barr trying to play down the Intelligence Communitys conclusion that russia is again trying to interfere to get trump reelected and it and in opposition to that trying to play up other intelligence that says china is trying to get joe biden elected to the white house now Christopher Ray who again is the f. B. I. Director was not going along with that narrative today being very clear with his assessment of the major threat to the upcoming election. We certainly have seen very active very active efforts by the russians to influence our election in 2020 through what i would call more the malign foreign influence side of things social media use of proxies state media online journals. An effort to both so divisiveness and discord and and i think the Intelligence Community has as says this publicly. To primarily to denigrate Vice President biden and what the russians see as kind of an into russian establishment. Thats thats essentially what were seeing. The f. B. I. Director being pretty explicit there how does all of this compare to what happened back in 2016 right well if you recall in 2016 the f. B. I. Concluded that russia had not only hacked into the Democratic National committees servers stealing emails and leaking them but also try to attack local election infrastructure now the f. B. I. Director ray said there is no evidence of russia taking those attacks evidence that those attacks on infrastructure are happening with that at least not yet however he did say as you hear that there is a descent from Nation Campaign and he said that the f. B. I. Has fled their areas accounts on facebook and twitter that were fake accounts set up in russia and that those social Media Companies have deactivated those accounts how does our cast are there for us with all the latest from capitol hill thank you very much. Well i one of the 40 candidates banned from running in ivory coast election says there will not be an election unless theyre on the ballot former Prime Minister insists his candidacy cannot be ignored met denise said. Maintaining this election up to 31st makes no sense thats obvious even participating in this election would mean support from the shore tara who turned thats why a call for unity of action from opposition to stop mr ouattara and his marred venture by all legal and legitimate means. Well as there is on that interest as following the story for us from nigeria he says sorrow wants people to keep up the pressure on president Alassane Ouattara. Gillum solar rays done a lot of issues in his press conference 1st of all he said there will not be a president ial elections in ivory coast on 31st of october he said when he was asked whether he will boycott the election he said no they would be no election and that they would the question of him being a candidate or no candidate doesnt even rise so what hes saying that is that there will be if there is no by war and himself on the ballot there would be an election there and whether asked if he will participate alongside what in the elections he said president ouattara candidacy is illegal and unconstitutional and therefore you would participate what he wants immediately is the dissolution of the Election Commission and that the international and International Observers should monitor all the activities of the Electoral Commission in ivory coast apart from that he also raised the issue of rolling calling on his supporters and supporters of other Political Parties to embark on rolling protests daily protests in ivory coast until what decides to take himself out of contention for the 2020 elections meanwhile he said they are trying to explore possibilities of forming a coalition of Political Parties against president want to so the next few days can determine whether or not this happens and what it will mean for ivory coast. Well avatar again he has more on the political crisis and ivory coast. Theres a tense atmosphere in the city of bonior fighting between supporters of president alice somewhat tara and opposition activists has left people frightened and resulted in the death of a 22 year old whod gone to buy something and. We decided to demonstrate like any ivorian in relation to the 3rd term of the current president a young brother had gone to the shop and when he came back people shot him in the stomach judy not boost says he was also injured by supporters of the president. Going to the fountains in memphis and our youths were demonstrating i stopped and told them to come down suddenly i saw some a link a kids who were very excited coming to get me with their cause they broke my leg. Protests have intensified after the countrys top court cleared the president to run for a 3rd term even though the legal limit is only 2 the court also rejected 40 of the 44. 00 candidates the next months election including former president Laurent Gbagbo and one time rebel leader turned Prime Minister game story but those supporters say people mustnt lose hope. E. D. s launches an urgent appeal for the mobilization of activists and supporters of the parties and organizations that are members of the platform of democrats from all sides and also of the people of the ivory coast to block the forfeiture and dictatorship of mr our son ouattara. That they refused to concede defeat to retire after the 2010 election triggering a civil war his supporters say his continued exclusion from politics and retirees bid for a 3rd term is further destabilizing ivory coast victoria is there. Well yeah spoke with crazy ending his with the Kofi Annan International peacekeeping Training Center and he says president ouattara always intended to run again. He wants to run himself and i think hes always wanted to rent self and it definitely is true that success of course was for to choice you know so immediately let it happen there was enough time for him but apparently to have them nominate somebody and go into the process is you know by you could lead jumped into the fray and i think that gives to me an impression that has always been a long time dissent and a plan for you to run but this is dangerous and i think were beginning already to see their responses from the public that you know were just going to change the constitution and you just kind of take us for granted but you clearly went the African Union and quest and conventions you know that google gives this kind of. Behavior and i think what mr ouattara to please his countrys citizens and all of this of bringing attention to india is most responsible but even more disturbing little is in there now signs from both economic and military office that it and states and the African Union whose protocols mr ouattara deliberately seeks to flout believe the more contradictory is that mr ouattara was here just this week seeking to resolve the crisis in maryland. And i think people must live by the way actions mr ouattara speak. Is placing not released but who. Are friends of russian Opposition Leader alexina valley say traces of a nerve agent from the novacek family were found on an empty water bottle in his hotel room last month and was fast thought hed been poisoned in a siberian airport the 4 catching a flight to moscow and bound he was a to airlifted to jamey for hospital treatment and is now out of a kind of the kremlin deny is poisoning the question of russias president having a person charlie and to has more from london. This team originally thought that he had ingested poison in a cup of tea that he had at the port but they now say he was poisoned even back in his hotel room in the siberian city of tomes with a video has emerged of his supporters sweeping the hotel room using protective gloves hours after they found out the valley had fallen ill in the scene collecting a number of Water Bottles now they say that they wanted to bag up as much evidence as they could to ship it out of the country before russian f. S. B. Agents could take them and tests have shown that some of those bottles did can turn contain the nerve agent and overtook the burra trees in france germany and sweden have all confirmed that involved he was poisoned with novacek but russia still denying this saying that they have yet to see any conclusive medical evidence so germanys drafted in the help of the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons theyve taken their own biomedical samples from the valley and they say they will be testing those samples in their own devorah trees and what this means by bringing in the Global Chemical weapons watchdog is that independent testing can happen and the findings of those tests will be very hard for russia to dismiss now novacek is actually on the list of controlled substances banned by the convention against chemical weapons to which russia is a signatory now Saudi Arabias Energy minister has condemned other opec members for cheating on their Oil Production courses the criticism was made during a Conference Call of Member States the International Energy agency says the United Arab Emirates widely disregarded commitments to cutting its question last month now says it will compensate for over production in october and november the saudis have led the drive to cut production to try to boost crude prices as the coronavirus pandemic demand. I had hair on their. Warnings that burundi Security Forces are carrying out a rampant human rights abuses. And the deadline for the 2020 us census is fast approaching and is more important this year than ever i wont tell you why. I dont support the best golfers in the wilds take on one of the toughest courses at the us open. Hello theyre fighting quite picture across much of the middle east how much is where you would expect for this time of year but we want to see want to again just developing across areas of turkey but i want to point out this little system here this is a very stubborn air pressure it is going to be sitting across greece the next couple days but the winds are actually going to head down the eastern end of the med but there will also likely take some showers eventually saturday across the small southern areas of turkey saudi plenty of clouds will develop later in the day but elsewhere it is a fairly quiet picture 36. 00 is the high in doha feeling quite humid with a 36 the winds are very light of course woman getting back down to 45 degrees and 44 celsius and kuwait Central Africa plenty of showers and thunderstorms but also more of that training for the tools the south quite a a bank of cloud really working its way across on scott it shows that and really as you can see here starting right the way across through much of the bus wanna even more eastern sections of south africa but the touches remain very wall above average certainly for this time of year its mostly clear across into south africa temperatures here a fairly typical i mostly want to coastal areas up towards somalia but forgot you can see it temperatures well above average of my monday a high of 36. Corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. Against corruption corruption is not something to be told that this. Is a. Low country his. Lets destroy this wall. In 2020 the free space over encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. Shine a light on your Anti Corruption hero. Nominate now. For decades criminals made millions trafficking drugs through thailand 11 least explores why the country has now become the 1st in Southeast Asia to legalize medical marijuana. On aljazeera. Program im just on. Thats remind you about top stories here this hour hundreds of refugees are settling into a new tent city on the greek island of Lesbos Police began an operation to move them off the streets on thursday morning thousands have been taking shelter wherever they can some to 5 destroyed the overcrowded morea count a week ago. The World Health Organization is warning countries against shortening coronavirus quarantine periods and follows a recordset to new infections across europe. One of the 40 candidates from running in ivory coast election says there wont be an election unless they own the ballots former Prime Minister soros has called for protests against president Alassane Ouattara to continue. Their heavy rain and the flooding is full cost in parts of sudan and that will worsen the situation for residents in the capital who are already struggling to deal with the west floods in a century more than 650000 people have been left displaced tens of thousands of homes have been damaged a did start to arrive over the last few days but those affected say it isnt enough a 3rd of sudans flood victims live in sin off state levels in the blue nile river have foreign off to some magic thousands of homes but theres now the threat of water borne diseases as families take shelter in schools monitor has more from. The situation is really desperate for the displaced in one of the primary schools in the heart of the town of seeing. Every cross in the school is parked with up to 20 families they ease congestion food deliveries yes come but again some say they do not eat and nuff during the day and they are also concerned that they have nowhere to go back to because the homes have either been damaged very much by the floods or totally destroyed so it will take them a while to go back and piece their lives together but right now the nongovernmental organizations that are caring for the displaced people in the city not a state which seemed is that you straight if it was is there up to thought to 1000 people displaced and affected by the floods in just this state alone so you can understand the magnitude of the problem but the main concern of the agencies right now the residents of up to 18 villages that have been told to limit room down cut off from the rest of the state by the floods they have tried to have a quite some people but many of the people from these villages are not willing to leave their herds and their crops that are still under water behind and they are concerned for those people mostly. Well a state of imagines he has been declared in alabama florida and mississippi after Hurricane Sandy chorused catastrophic flooding that 4 months worth of rain was dumped on parts of florida in just 4 hours and gallagher has the story. Or a cane so he came ashore in the early hours of wednesday morning slamming into alabamas coastline floridas panhandle also bore the brunt of 165 kilometer per hour winds as heavy rain and storm surges led to life threatening floods many residents were forced to evacuate to hotels as conditions worsened and the next theyre scared of the people that were left in their in their office you know things like that just plain everybody got to play. I just i feel for the people that are not you know have business stories here so heres now we can do after making landfall it continues to move at an agonizingly slow pace forecasters say that makes this storm extremely dangerous for much of the gulf coast a lot in alabama showed a scene of devastation with severe flooding and damaged homes logan is still was at home in gulf shores where sally made landfall just rode it out on the 1st 4 we started youre over Windows Start up. By the roof started coming off the side it was written i just wrote it out last month louisiana was hit by one of the most powerful storms on record or again laura killed at least 8 people and cost the state billions and Hurricane Season isnt over until the end of november in addition to sally there are several other named storms currently swirling in the atlantic that hasnt happened since 971. 00 meteorologists here in miami will soon run out of preselected names for this Hurricane Season and be forced to use the greek alphabet thats only ever happened on one of the rick asian floridas governor is warning residents not to be complacent as the storm moves across the state hurricane celie is the full storm to make landfall this year Scientists Say Climate Change is making storms like this wetter and slower a potentially deadly combination and agalloch a aljazeera. Well by contrast hot and dry weather and 3 west coast states as hampering efforts that are contained dozens of wildfires smoke has also caused some of the wilds unhealthiest at quality of hospitals not busy treating patients who are struggling to bring. Reports from portland and oregon. The noxious cloud of smoke and ash choking the west coast has drifted in the upper atmosphere as far away as europe but nowhere is the smoke as bad as here in portland its really bad we have never had an air quality of event like this since 1985 which is when the department of Environmental Quality started tracking our air quality our previous record for poor air was set in 2017 we are 7 times worse than that. This environmentally conscious city is normally proud of its clean and polluted air now it has the worst air quality of any major city on earth and portlanders are feeling it deep inside i am definitely having problems breathing i work outside so unfortunately i am really exposed to even with a mask it still gets to you. Major League Baseball games in seattle were postponed due to unhealthy air Alaska Airlines one of the regions big carriers canceled many of its flights and washington states governor said the file air is breaking all records the air outside right now is that historically polluted levels. According to our department of ecology. The consequences of breathing this filthy air can be done or portland hospital emergency room visits for breathing problems are 88 times higher than usual says county Health Officer andrea hamburg who spoke to us while wearing and in 95. 00 man asked causes a dry cough which is of course a concern during a pandemic i can cause shortness of breath it can cause chest pains couldnt cause an asthma attack so the effects range from mild irritation still very serious and life threatening meanwhile the fires continue to burn in butte county california a family that lost their home 2 years ago to the deadly fire in paradise are reliving a nightmare now their new house has burned and we need to take care now there are being told that every day with all these things happening on the outskirts of los angeles firefighters are combat enough dear splays its led to evacuations of hundreds of people from the towns of arcadia and sierra madre and threatens to engulf the historic mt wilson astronomical observatory. Thousands of homes have been destroyed tens of thousands of people have fled millions of heck theres the forest have burned and the death toll is rising now tens of millions of people here in oregon prowl for d. And washington are worried what the effects of breathing in this dirty year might turn out to be rob reynolds aljazeera portland oregon. China is threatening retaliation for the latest high profile u. S. Visitor to taiwan undersecretary for Economic Affairs keith kraft says the highest level state Department Official to lamb in decades they remember the u. S. Health secretary was welcomes 5 the island status last month and beijing regards taiwan as a renegade province and says this latest a 3 day trip that goes against its one china policy. U. N. Investigators are warning of rampant human rights abuses in burundi despite a change in government they say Security Forces and the ruling partys youth wing are carrying out kidnappings beatings and other violence with almost total impunity alexia brian reports. Was when president ever raced and was sworn in in june he vowed to ensure National Unity pace and social justice but u. N. Investigators say thats not happening dashing hopes of change under a new government what is really striking is that he has appointed 2 high positions in his cabinet 3 people who are under sanction from the e. U. And all the u. S. Alleged participation in Human Rights Violations since 2015 its a strange act for someone whos keen on reconciliation the opposition says in days to me is election victory in may was rigged the Ruling Party Candidate had the backing of his predecessor and longtime friend and currencies are. You an investigative highlighted abuses linked to the election accusing Security Forces and the ruling party is youth when it kidnappings beatings and Sexual Violence one of the findings i was picking troubling was how these violations were aimed at preventing the Main Opposition Party from carrying out their activities and effectively taking part in these elections that. The u. N. Investigators werent allowed into burundi and i inherited a country isolated under International Sanctions and cut off from foreign donors the. Latest crisis began in 2015 when then president and currencies are decided to stand for a 3rd term hundreds were killed and 400000 displaced in months of violence the u. N. Commission later accused Government Forces of crimes against humanity including summary executions rape and torture. Broun day is one of the worlds poorest countries with a troubled history of Ethnic Violence the u. N. Report comes days after a local group investigating past violence opened 8 mass graves in southern burundi suspected of containing the remains of victims shot by Security Forces and 972 sit there certainly dont mean these people who risked in the mass graves of cousy would murdered out of the contempt in irresponsibility of the political power which deliberately chose not to protect its citizens. The local investigators want to interview regional leaders about the suspicious deaths the un suggests victims from more recently also deserve a similar chance for Justice Brian al jazeera. Controversial remarks by kerik and pakistan have provoked protesters to demand his arrest for blasphemy how does the reports from the capital islamabad i dont know of thousands of people are protesting and the Federal Capital if. You can see how that of people have been coming into the protests around you there protesting against the controversial remark made by a shiite cleric very very large for america now all the phony religious part did that come together for their modern day their worn exemplary punishment for that year cleric who had disappeared already by had he even left the country and there warned the government to come down hard just by the bombing. But we demand the arrest of the cleric whether hes in khorat she or anyone else to try him on a blasphemy charge. You know the government should implement the law and ensure that such incidents dont lead to anarchy but theyre also warning that they will continue to order. Across the country to build their own men to pressurize the government enter doing more joy and good. A different paradigm for the government and it will be the right of the government to be able to control the right already i did read. Something big. Top u. S. Government officials could face was crimes charges for approving weapons sales to yemen the New York Times says the state department was aware of a pattern of indiscriminate civilian killings by the saudi and coalition the newspaper also accuses the trumpet ministration of systematically suppressing findings by internal watch dogs in order to prioritize sales well Claire Finkelstein is the director of the center for ethics and root of law at university of pennsylvania she says a recent weapons deal with the u. A. E. May even west and whats happening in yemen. The u. S. Has a long history of supporting both the u. A. E. On the saudis but particularly with respect to the war in yemen this is a murderous war numerous organizations have signaled the fact that there are war crimes being committed there are civilians and children being directly targeted in this war by the Saudi Coalition and the u. S. Is selling weapons to the saudis and the u. A. E. That are being used to the extent that we know in this war now the Inspector General report signals in the body of the report grave concerns about this and suggest that congress should have been notified of this a classified section of the report which of course i have not seen presumably sets this out in greater detail the current agreement with that has just occurred with the u. A. E. Involving weapons sales would presumably exacerbate these problems which have gone on for a while and indeed accelerate them weapons sold to the u. A. E. May find their way to yemen and the u. S. Would then be directly complicit in war crimes and atrocities that are being waged against a civilian population well iraqs government has not or sick campaign to reduce the number of illegal weapons the aim is to reduce crime that some tribes say disarming the president the traditions dostum are reports from baghdad. These are members of iraqs special task force looking for illegal guns in the south Eastern Province are from the sun theyre eager to find them so they search of peoples homes and commercial sites like the factory. Trying to uncover any where people could hide weapons theyve set up extra checkpoints here to make sure unregistered guns are not smuggled out and this is what they say theyve confiscated so far from the dea just on the weve seized more than 30 weapons made 6 arrests and confiscated 4 vehicles without license plate this operation is also happening in the neighboring province of basra which has seen the biggest increase in violence in recent weeks i dont travel few lack of facilities and corruption have led to anger and protests here and a recent rise in targeted killings of high profile activists forced the Prime Minister to travel to basra to reassure people the governments will do more. Targeted killing of prominent iraqi scholar has hama hashmi in july outside his home in this neighborhood in baghdad by gunmen on motorbikes prompted outrage across the country the government has been accused of not being able to protect its citizens from armed groups which is why many are turning to their tribes for protection this is why disarming tribes in iraq is not an easy task your name although. The issue of having weapons in iraq is not a new phenomenon its part of our culture especially the tribal culture so disarming tribes will require special initiative to convince tribal leaders that weapons position has a more negative impact on the entire society and a long history of conflict has also created a market for illegal weapons. Behati is one of the main tribes in the country in baghdad its leader explains why the governments plan wont work. I dont believe they will succeed it is considered an insult to take away the weapons of any thrive veterans are considered the symbol of all iraqi tribes it is because the government blocks power to protect people and enforce the rule for all that they use that thrives to settle their disputes and sometimes we need to settle disputes back in may sound the spite the challenges facing these forces the search goes on to rid the country of illegal weapons or such a Party Al Jazeera backed out. And the sport. Stops playing the major League Baseball game that was delayed by an unwelcome flying objects. That well it is now time for. Thank you he was the worlds most expensive footballer when he left tottenham and is on the verge of returning to the club garth bio is set to fly to london on friday to rejoin top men on loan from around madrid to be joined in a world record 132000000. 00 deal back in 23rd saying i barely gets paid more than 600000. 00 a week viol the subsidized part of his wages that is by only having played a handful of games all season which cost the club around 17000. 00 a minute hes not the only Richard Pryor heading to tottenham his team mate sergio regular on is jew for medical on thursday ahead of a full transfer to the club for a favor around 35000000. 00 the defender spent last season online at severe another player on his way to and going to come tar is leaving european champions by munich after 7 years to join premier League Champions difficult. Club or no country and i can only congratulate you going to plop he gets a top player and also really good person thats why we were all so sad today when he said goodbye to us it was very emotional thats why its important to stress what quality he has as ive said before he is the number quality player that we have lost. To brians new Prime Minister has reassured the International Olympic committee hes fully behind the tokyo games and took over as pm informations are back on wednesday and immediately we appointed the 2 ministers directly connected to the olympics is a positive message to the i. R. S. A was delivered by mori the head of the Tokyo Organizing Committee and himself a former japanese Prime Minister well you know i spoke with the i. O. C. President thomas but he was worried about the governments stance on the olympics i told in the reappointment of these 2 ministers beside me shows the new government strong commitment mr barak was very pleased when he heard about it and said he wanted to fly over immediately to thank the Prime Minister. The new womens Team Tennis Tournament the fed cup has been very named after one of the games erodes it will now be known as the Billie Jean King county king 139. 00 grand slam titles and they spent a lot fighting for equality for women its 50 years since sure invite others broke away from the tennis establishment to form their own circuit which eventually led to the foundation of the womens tennis association. Billy g. The annual the annual womens world cup. And im so honored and im so grateful to be with you today as we launched the next chapter. Rich history and well it is. This is the 1st story major global Team Competition has been named after a woman and the idea for proud to be driving this change your total france up diet and promotes rugged chosen telling these ladies are just too competitive stages are mine and stage and same goes one by polish vida because he was part of the indias going it is team well great finished fall from the day remains 57 seconds ahead of the chasing pack now to the u. S. Open golf the 2nd major of the year has begun at the touristy tough wind foot course in new york state and may be tough but just in thomas fight a look at these are the lowest of around the u. S. Open played at this weekend for a value of 5 under par or 65 percent shot create the field with a few hours of the 1st round when my. Friends in the n. B. A. Playoffs and the l. A. Lakers are getting ready for the western conference finals it looked like i would face the l. A. Clippers but instead theyll be up against the Denver Nuggets who fought back from 31 down twice this postseason. We spent a lot of time look at these. Just the confidence that theyre playing with a chip on their shoulder that theyre playing with it was really noticeable obviously there are a very Resilient Group that really want whites see. Any one of these 3 teams are going to beat us. You know theyre in arkansas record thats whats so boss so thats one of my feet so well we have players that have that in their. Interest group yet so youre still super hungry. You know recognize that respect. The rhythm from me i like kids to the dog just by useful tell you theyre the 1st thing to clinch a spot in the end i was going playoffs i just call it the chris tell us how long as i beat they said i can politics the dodgers or i mean to win the National League west for the. Season for the loss in stronger saves in the firing thats what look pretty good indians in chicago cubs the action was delighted by 7 minutes when a drone was sponsored by the umpires and then landed on the field did eventually to cough up the guy was. Bad so theres going to drive nation out more light. Thanks so much it was once considered a routine affair but this hand the census in the us has been mobbed by Court Challenges and political control of the city now will have an impact on how federal funding for states is allocated as well as states and the house of representatives going to reports from chicago. For more than a century wave after wave of immigrants have settled in chicagos back of the yards neighborhood on the citys south side some striving others struggling. The stock yards that once made it a meat packing epicenter are now vacant but this remains a working class neighborhood where people depend on the Food Assistance health care and housing programs funded by the federal Government Programs that rely on the senses to determine how much money is distributed to communities in minutes i mean they only asked me about my family how many people lived in my home i was never asked about my paper they didnt ask for my Social Security number a lot of people are afraid because they think theyll ask for their papers we met safina salazar at a food drive 150 package meals were collected in an hour back of the yards is a neighborhood with a low census Response Rate so state and county officials have organized food mask toiletry and book giveaways to earth people out of their homes during the pandemic once their volunteers help ensure they fill out census 2020 it serves multiple purposes because there is a need for food. You know we want to have the opportunity to interact with some of these residents and so. Weve been doing this for the past month and. You know i think that it does make a difference in the 10 minutes it takes to complete the census translates into as much as 2000. 00 of federal funding per person a year for the next decade people before the pandemic in the shifting deadline for getting an accurate count for the 2020 census has become a challenge to trumpet ministrations flash funding for housing to and staffing it attempted to put a Citizenship Question on the form of the Supreme Court squash that put the fear in immigrant communities like this one. To compensate for the lack of federal funding illinois like other states has poured millions of dollars into getting and. Accurate census count it when oil is expecting to lose a seat in the house of representatives seats are based on the census well for more than 200 years this was an administrative a nonpartisan process. And unfortunately we have a president states who among his other sens has tried to discourage participation in the census. After living in back of the yards for 30 years some of that time undocumented most of the in a salazar is now volunteering for the census she says she realizes being counted means ensuring their neighborhood gets the resources it needs natasha going to. Chicago. While that is that from a new study a tale for this news out that i will hand you over to Barbara Sarah and allowed to go have another full round of the days news going to stay with us here on top of their. Corruption it is the invisible behind a wall of silence. In the heart of should clear up should use not something to be called in that it. Is going to africa and does go country his. Lets destroy this war. In 2020 the free space award encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this hometown communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. Shine a light on your Anti Corruption hero. Nominate now. Russia now seems to be going off to the main Economic Resource which is a story we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world living president s america 1st policy triggered a trade war that morphed into a technological war counting the cost on aljazeera. This is a story about a small village the society that inhabits it and 2 of its most important characters the villages by the telephone and its annex to. Discovering new filmmaking talent from around the globe you find in latin america delves into this cuban my culture. Its the lines of the outside world. Aljazeera. Quarantine warnings a Testing Center problems and the more cities sent into lockdown the World Health Organization says europe faces an alarming rate of new coronavirus transmission claims a wealthy nations are stocking up on vaccine doses while china is accused of using its research to expand its global influence. In the barbus are you watching aljazeera live from london also coming up. No electorate

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