A dire economic report says coronaviruses cause the worst global slump in nearly a century. 2 attacks in different parts of nigeria and just under 24 hours killed dozens well have a report from the capital. Tensions behind the friendly gestures germanys foreign minister questions israels plans to annex illegal settlements. As one of the biggest boxing fights in history edges closer to me joshua and thomas some have now agreed in principle to work. To decide who is the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world. We are here we go lets kick off this news in the United States where George Floyds brother has told politicians on capitol hill to make sure that the. Death of his brother is not in vain felonies floyd had just testified before the House Judiciary Committee his brothers death in Police Custody did spark 2 weeks of protests across the u. S. And around the world the House Judiciary Committee hearings that it was on spring protest as calls for a fundamental change in the culture of Law Enforcement im here to action to make it stop stop the pain stop being tired george called for help and he was ignored please listen to the cowed im making to you now for the cause of our family and the cause ringing out the streets across the world people of our backgrounds genders in races have come together to demand change on idiom on a short and make necessary changes they make the Law Enforcement the solution. Well in just a few minutes well go live to our White House Correspondent kimberly hell kid for reaction there to those hearings 1st to capitol hill and our correspondent there heidi jocasta so heidi for those politicians in committee now what do you think their take away points are from the people theyve been talking to. Well peter youre hearing these Committee Members from both parties the democrats and the republicans voicing their sympathy to the brother of george floyd philonous floyd traveled straight to the u. S. Capitol from his brothers funeral that took place yesterday and he gave that powerful and emotional Opening Statement talking about the pain of losing his older brother and hoping that his death will not be in vain now republicans voiced their sympathy as well there is a slate of 12 witnesses who are giving their testimonies now throughout the day and what theyre all saying the brother of george floyd as well as police chief and experts on Police Reform is that something does need to change in this country certainly that is the demand that weve been hearing over the last 2 weeks as these hundreds of thousands of protesters have taken to the street and it has pushed Public Opinion in the u. S. To this Critical Mass it seems where 7 in 10 americans according to the latest polls have said that the killing of george floyd is a symptom of a greater a systemic problem what the witnesses and what the politicians here though they dont agree on is what exactly is the solution democrats are considering a series of proposals right now which include creating a National Database of Police Misconduct banning chokeholds and removing some of this qualified immunity that Police Officers currently enjoy from civil civil lawsuits now republicans in the senate have said that they are also crafting their own competing version of reforms it may be similar in nature to democrats but it does not go as far and it does not have that qualified immunity taken away from officers which we know the white house has been opposed to as well as far as the this rallying cry of defunding the police i know weve heard that again and again for. From the police and from protesters on the streets theres also a confusion about exactly what that means the most people would say thats taking money away from some of these Police Departments and investing it in social programs instead however on the far left there are calls of Defunding Police departments completely even abolishing police and were seeing republicans on this committee seize on that extremist interpretation in a way to to to remove the credibility of those who are also championing more moderate reforms peter heidi thank you very much. White house correspondent kimberly hellcat so kimberly weve been hearing from mr pompei to the u. S. Secretary of state whats he been saying. Ill get to that in just a moment just want to 1st talk about something thats taking place here at the white house and that is an effort to potentially draft an executive order this will be in addition to the legislation that is being worked up on in the senate as well as the house of representatives essentially what this would do is create a framework for identifying bad cops if you will of proving trading practices and also looking to other limits a limit or eliminate the choke hold now the white house has maintained that the department of justice is on track with this case that justice will be served that george flow will not have died in vain this is something the u. S. Secretary of state was asked about my pompei oh heres what he had to say. We saw both local Law Enforcement in our department of justice move very quickly to address the particular situation now seeing people say were calling for changes in the way on force in the works its not money its not my space here is the secretary of state but you can see this debate take place in america and we have got a White House Briefing coming up kimberly what do we think will get the. Well i think youre going to hear more on this question of defunding the police of course we have to remind our viewers this is an Election Year and this is a particularly battle line drawn issue for this white house expects the white house to try and inflame this to make the democrats look sort of extreme on the campaign trail in fact the u. S. President even tweeting about this and we expect that kelly machinating will echo something in her briefing to this effect shes already spoken calling me idea anarky chaos the u. S. President saying this radical left agenda is not going to happen so its clear that they are trying to paint the democrats as being extreme on an issue that a more jordi of americans they believe still want to see Police Forces in their communities down to this and as they try to paint joe biden for example as someone who is embracing this even though we should be very clear he is not supportive of this idea he has written an op ed stating just that saying there is a fundamental need for change to combat racial profiling in americas Police Forces but he says the idea to combat this is reforming the police and their practices not defunding ok kimberly thanks very much. Because warren is a civil rights attorney he says the issue of Police Brutality requires a long and systemic change. What were seeing is that folks are rallying to the support of black people listening to black peoples experience and saying this has to stop that is a massive Massive Force and the only thing that the president has going for him here is his base which is relatively small but powerful in the United States and the narrative that if we dont continue to invest in Police Departments black people are going to kill white people thats essentially what the discussion is and its never settle with him although hes being a little bit more subtle now than usual. But i think the end at the end of the day what people are beginning to realize is that the only reason why not enforcement exists to this day to the extent that it does is to the extent that people can continue to convey a narrow narrative of criminality amongst black people so the idea that someone like george floored floyd everybody in congress is going to say that was a horrible thing but nobody in congress is going to say that that is endemic in systemic and its been happening for many many years on in our video and that becomes a problem that we have to resolve systemically and not just with policy reforms. The son of the civil rights icon Martin Luther king jr sat down with a host of zeros the Bottom Line ProgramMartin Luther king the 3rd is also a Global Human Rights advocate just like his dad we asked him about his thoughts on defunding the Police Departments across the United States. Minnesota talking about abolishing the department and really starting all over and that might be the solution for many minneapolis i dont know i think every city every Community Asked just set up its own set of circumstances around the least brutality in misconduct because in more situations than not the police are the ones who start the activity and cause the violence that their reactions and you can watch that interview in full with Martin Luther king the 3rd on al jazeera as the bottom line with Steve Clemons as they delve into Major Political issues facing the United States it airs at these times this week on thursday and friday as well. Plenty more still to come here on the news hour for you including secret burials and grieving families warned to stay quiet yemens few seeds are accused of covering up the real scale of the coronavirus outbreak. And after 34 years of mystery swedens prosecutor names a suspect in the murder of the Prime Minister of parliament. And in sports for the olympics looks unlikely to be slimmed for tokyo next year. The world is facing its worst peacetime recession in 100 years the Global Economy is pretty to shrink by at least 6 percent in 2020 because of the coronavirus lockdowns the organization for Economic Cooperation and development says the fallout will be even worse if theres a 2nd wave of the pandemic the group is made up of 37. 00 free market democratic countries they say the coronavirus pandemic is causing the worst health and economic crisis since world war 2 the o. E. C. D. Is projecting Economic Growth will shrink globally and that the United Kingdom france italy and spain will be the worst hit its advocating a rise in Public Investment in digital and Green Technologies to help hard hit economies and as the secretary general of the o. E. C. D. Earlier he joined us here on aljazeera he told me resources are available to assist developing nations the established economies the o. E. C. D. Economies basically have the Financial Resources to throw out not only the health problem. And that means the people who need the beds and who need the ventilators and who need the hospitals and who need the spaces in who need the stuff they have the resources although some of them came up short at some point but now theyve caught up they also have the institutions they have the systems in the case of developing countries they dont have the institutions or not as strong they dont have the staf they dont have the hardware data dont have the hospitals europe that they dont have enough doctors and nurses but also they dont have. The research that the developed countries have and where we are putting all our hopes that they will develop either a medicine or a vaccine so basically you got to pick up and you have to catch up and you have to compensate for that and of course the way to do that is by supporting these countries by providing these countries with the deficits that they have. The u. K. Is planning to further ease lockdown restrictions despite condemnation from Health Experts who say thousands of lives could have been saved if the lockdown had come just one week earlier the u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson rejecting the criticism. To correspondent rod challenge there for the house of commons so what else was mr johnson saying in the Daily Briefing were. Well he was pressed on comments made by professor Neil Ferguson who is a former advisor to the government a former member of say which is the Scientific Group that has been advising the governments on on its coronavirus handling and what professor ferguson is saying is that in march when the lockdown was brought in the country was essentially ignorance of exactly how far coronavirus had already spread in the country and that it would be in the weeks running up to the lock down being brought in at the end of march. The rate of infection was doubling every 3. 00 to 4. 00 days and that if that lock down to be brought in just a week earlier then the u. K. Would be looking at half the number of deaths that it currently has and i think fans of the moments that would quite so about 25000 people now a bit of background on professor ferguson hes not an uncontroversial figure it was his reports that actually prompted the government to bring in the lock down in late march when he said that if the government did nothing then 250000 people would die he actually had to resign from his position because he broke blocked out himself to go visit his romantic partner but hes still an influential person and when he speaks people listen and journalists questioned Boris Johnson about this at the press conference i should say. But professor ferguson is not saying that we should be 2nd guessing the decision of when lock down was brought in just that the government didnt know the real extent of the infection rates at the time what it did bring that lock down and but lets listen to what Boris Johnson says about what ferguson has revealed today in the press conference earlier. We made the decisions at the time on the guidance of staging puting professor ferguson that we thought were right for this for this country and i think that the you know the questions that are posed are still unanswered and theres a lot of data that we still frankly do not have and i think youd be you know i know you want me to to cast judgment on now on everything that happened in the in the months are gone by i just think that is the course that moment will come of course weve got to learn lessons but i you know i just think that it is at this stage premature the still too much that we dont know. A slight easing of restrictions as well rory i guess its step change week to week month to month because theyve got to keep everyone a safe and as well as they possibly can but what do the talking about as of today what does the word of this was it mean. You know the government is in this bind isnt it it gets fully aware of the cost of the the lockdown is having on the economy on Peoples Mental Health but also. The u. K. Is certainly not out of this crisis yet its Getting Better but its still around and could get significantly worse if people return to normal life too quickly so were getting this kind of piecemeal bit by bit easing of the restrictions and what the government has announced today is that on monday all shops can reopen zoos can start opening again that people can form what are being called protective bubbles and this is essentially a way by which those living on their own or Single Parents looking after families can connect with one of their households so that they can get a bit of relief bit of company a bit of response from what is dragging on and on and the government i think is trying to. Keep on saying step cautiously and is well aware that if things get significantly worse again it may have to roll some of these easing back and then go back to a more full lockdown situation ok rory good to talk to you as a thank you so much for a challenge there correspondent live for us in westminster just listened to the house of commons. Yemen susies are being accused of actively covering up the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in areas they control aid groups say the numbers of infections and deaths a much higher of what is being reported and theyre warning theyre running out of money to help shelob ellis reports. The World Health Organization believes hundreds of people have died of corona virus in yemen with thousands more infected yet the official tally is 112 to its with just 4 from who 3 areas like aaron and. Others. This man says they have waited for help since 8 am its now 3 pm dont look at any of our American People yell at him to stop recording as he continues he says he called health lines Security Officials politicians and no one else had his course in the who think controlled north people are often buried in secret or at night there are reports that families in grave diggers awards not to speak of the cause of death historys also not released if they are taken into recording burials has become an act of heroism and defiance. And. The intentional suppression of the Media Coverage from authorities