Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240712

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The killing of george floyd by police in the u. S. And warnings of a big chance for peace between israel and the palestinians because of israeli plans to annex parts of the occupied west bank. And support the n. F. L. Apologizes for not listening to players when they spoke about racism. We the National Football league. Elite says it now stands behind protests against race and justice following the death of joy. And we begin with the latest developments out of libya while Khalifa Haftar has said he supports a cease fire with the u. N. Back to government after months of fighting its been proposed by his allies me gyptian president. Following talks in cairo whats being called the cairo agreement includes a ceasefire for monday and the exit of all foreign fighters after his forces have suffered several setbacks in recent weeks. Well on the american in the fight against criminal militias interior ism we will expel the moose and rees from libya so we can achieve the hopes and aspirations of the libyan people to have a new day of prosperity this will reflect positively on neighboring countries enter the region as a whole or libyas u. N. Recognize governments been gaining ground and says it started an offensive to capture the city of sirte and the strategically military base of joy for thats the major stronghold of hostiles forces in central libya Government Troops have seized the town of bani walid and the nearby city of tal horner as they continue their advance eastwards ok our libyan correspondent mark word of the war head is joining us live from the capital tripoli im awkward lets talk about that meeting in cairo 1st of all what do you think was the purpose of all of that. The government of National Accord here in western libya says that. This proposal but have to for talks and for. Peace negotiations is not accepted in fact this spokesman of the army led by the government of national called mohamed ignore nor has just posted it that he said that quote unquote we do not have time for this nonsense by have to he means of course there that their proposal by digit president for peace talks to end the conflict they are there to rate that have to himself supported by egypt and the United Arab Emirates rejected the. Civil proposals for cease fire and the past including the one proposed by turkey of russia in january. There is no confidence here is a key because it seems that there is no confidence yet in the backers on the regional back or is it supporting the warlords to have that especially each of the government officials here tell us literally that they cannot trust egypt or trust any peace proposal from egypt from the egyptian president namely as long as. Has been supporting get have to was weapons and fighters in violation of the United Nations Security Council arms embargo imposed in libya. Since 2011 as you know rob according to the United Nations egypt it has been supporting have thought it was weapons from the. Borders with libya and also. Now it seems that the. Personalities that spoke today the president president. And the speaker of the pro have to talk rubys department i give us a lot and have to himself the 3 of them spoke about what they call the foreign intervention in libya they mean there turkish support to the government of National Court but the government here it applies to that saying that the military and Security Agreement to cede to between the government of National Accord and turkey. Is the government says that it has the right to seal to strike agreements with that tookie as long as it defends the capital tripoli again aswat his calls the aggression by half that his forces or by the military Campaign Launch of the white house for his forces for the past 13 months now the government officials here say that when the when we asked them about their response to the proposal that came out from cairo today they say that did not take the deal i have or the proposal by the egyptian president does not have or does not is not met by by the government response or the government is not responding to this proposal as long as the government is accusing the egyptian regime of violating get the embargo by supporting the world war 3 for have to supplying him with weapons and fighters while hunting for half toes in cairo of course the government of National Court and their forces are making significant gains in libya at the moment just bring us up to date with what the latest is on bot. Well the Government Forces are dancing west of the city at city especially after the reinforcement arrived from the city of misrata and from many other cities in the worst of libya the Government Forces say that they have. Proceeded there near a wish to area about to 80 kilometers west of the city of city meanwhile eyewitnesses and local sources in the city of city say that they have been witnessing get movement but have to his forces today moving out of the city towards the towards the east of the. City moving towards the job for military bases thats the main ng stronghold of have to his forces after the last many years in western libya but generally speaking it seems that after the major setback that have to his forces have been suffering after the series of losses they suffered losing good many. Towns and bases in western libya it seemed that they might to regroup and a military base and center in libya the question now is whether or not the Government Forces will chase them to recapture the Strategic Oil christened in center live in libya also i have to mention rob that the government sources told us that the last 8 fighters progovernment foreign fighters today in todays fighting they were killed by a poor health drawings they believe that the art of immorality supplied drones. Go ahead giving us that update from tripoli thank you very much indeed ok here are some of the main events that have happened in the be of this year in january tripolis u. N. Backed government was defending itself from attacks by Khalifa Haftar its forces which were closing in on the capital after us forces control the area in red here and un by Government Forces the areas in blue now when turkey scenting fighters and military equipment to support tripolis government in january important territorial gains began this is the picture by may Government Forces had seized air base used by hostiles warplanes to attack tripoli tripolis government then recaptured most territory surrounding the capital after recapturing the city of tal who not lost his last major stronghold in western libya now rival forces battling for control of the city of Sirte Gadhafi hometown. Is director of the Brookings Doha Center hes joining us now. Good to have you with us lets talk about this meeting that was happening in cairo how much of that was an attempt do you think to try to find some sort of political solution to the all of this with a cease fire and how much of it was actually about protecting Khalifa Haftar are i think a lot of it most of it was about protecting Khalifa Haftar and its international sponsors. Plenty of opportunities in the last 56 years for political resolution had emerged and yet it was consistently have to that had turned down the chance to engage with those initiatives his international sponsors also did not support many of these initiatives i think in the context of what has just been reported about military advancements in the last week the cities of defeats that have to have suffered that over the last 2 months and his practical exit right now. From the west of libya suggests that in fact the Cairo Initiative about kind of declaration as what it was called is more about trying to salvage what remains of half the project trying to protect what that means of his military forces in the east and to try to actually address the rift that had emerged in the last few weeks between him and the very man that dissipated with him in the press conference that they get us out of this is no secret i get asylum had put a number of political ideas on the table in the last few weeks and those create a lot of tension between him and after that so the egyptians it seemed to me up stepped in to try to address that if to buy them some time try to create. Some sort of a momentum to slow down the cities of military defeats and these advancing forces which if they did so that in the next few days they could very well over the next few weeks take all the control over the major of oil export and production facilities. In the east of libya and that would begin the process of have thought of total collapse in my opinion so this is a rescue mission by president assisi for a project that he and his regional allies had invested billions of dollars in a lot of Political Capital and now is the time to try and. Contain the damage and beis themselves some time to go back to the negotiating table in the event that there is the the start of a process if you like of the opportunity of some sort of political resolution to this but. Still doesnt have the confidence anymore of those who have been supporting him and the foreign governments like united out of amulets and russia and so on whats the likelihood that we might see them bringing pressure to have somebody put in to replace huffed at that negotiating table that president basically what a lot of people have been speculating about inside of libya in the last few weeks have to be in the stubborn person that he is the individual who cannot be trusted who seems to want to defy logic and the advice of those who support him and have extended the lifeline of military equipment intelligence and capital abroad should their on out of options what should he in fact change his mind when he leaves cairo and heads back to. The east of libya over the next few days. There is speculation that in fact is the regional sponsors and the tribal base that he has relied on for so much support over the last few years might force his exit in fact that our reports about discussions on the way people out of ewing in their options you know the kind of catastrophic military defeat that is forces have suffered in the west of libya cannot be underestimated and its bound to change the calculus of a lot of political military activists both in the east of libya but also outside to yourself we appreciate to your opinion on this thank you very much indeed telling yourself director of the Brookings Doha Center. 30 more ahead on the news hour including within lebanon to hear whos comparing the country to a sinking ship. A sinister side of a coronavirus outbreak well look at how criminals have become more brazen in chile. And in sports the rare sound of a full football stadium the game returns in vietnam with no limits on found. Dozens of people across the u. K. Are taking part in marches in solidarity with the black lives matter protests thats an honor of george floyd who was killed in Police Custody in the u. S. These are live pictures of londons Parliament Square protesters raising their fists and taking a new fire observed a minutes silence for the victims of Brutal Police brutality in the u. S. The demonstrations will continue on sunday with once planned in several other cities lets go to john holl in london there are of course lockdown restrictions to some degree in england but it looks as though the crowd is largely ignoring them. I think that is a point of of concern as you say theres very little evidence of social distancing taking place here a lot of must wearing going on but not in strict alignment with the lockdown restrictions in place as you say and that is a cause of some anxiety for senior politicians and Health Officials as well who urged people not to turn up here and if they do to observe social distancing the restrictions say no gathering in groups larger than 6 well both of those genes if you like are largely be naughty and i think that is a point of concern these protests have been growing through the week as you said not just in london but in other cities growing in 3. See and a number theres no sign of that slowing down people are angry people are determined to show their solidarity with the events of the United States but also taking the opportunity here in the u. K. As weve seen in other countries to point out to call out Police Violence police abuse of institutionalized racism as they see it in this country as well the sorts of things you see on banners being held messages like silence violence the u. K. Is not innocent no justice no peace no racist police all pointing to perceptions of police abuse that have been going on in this country people will tell you here for years so those are some of the anxieties that are on display here concerns about racism in the police force in this country solidarity with whats happening in the United States but also a heightened sense of concern if not in this crowd here but elsewhere certainly about what this may do for the spread of coronavirus im of course join and thats a significant point isnt it because corona virus is still a major issue in the u. K. Its something the government is still trying to deal with as well as dealing with bragg brags that theres a lot going on for Boris Johnsons government at the moment to handle it in the. Yes yes absolutely britain one of the worst affected countries in the world theres no doubt about that things are not improving nearly as fast as people would like them to be and of course the run of virus is a little context. Sorry about the. Language thanks thanks guys sorry about the language there but you get a sense of the sort of volatility of the crowd here and some of the emotions on display coronavirus very much the context within which all of this is happening it has added to racial tensions in this country new analysis as confirming statistics that black asian and minority ethnic groups socalled brain groups are far more likely to die from coronavirus than their white counterparts evidence as well of just proportionate handing out of fines and penalties by the police towards the a and e. Groups over white people who adds to a disabled volatile sense within which all of these hes taking place at a very difficult time and hes going to. Join us thanks very much indeed that is join a whole life for us in london a quick apology to any viewers who might have been offended but any of the language that was shouted or vera join us shoulder there obviously join us reporting live this very little control that we can have over the crowds under those circumstances. After nearly 2 weeks of nationwide protests against Police Brutality several u. S. States are taking steps to reform Controversial Police practices chokeholds and next was strained so banned in minneapolis where george floyd was killed after an officer knelt on his neck for nearly 9 minutes some of the states have also banned the practice and i felt commissioner Roger Goodell has apologized for the way the u. S. Football league has handled players protests against Racial Injustice and Police Brutality Colin Kaepernick and others began kneeling in 2016 as the National Anthem was played bryant reports. When n. F. L. Quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the National Anthem 4 years ago the move divided the sport and the country in some corners he was celebrated for highlighting issues of Police Brutality and systemic racism people are really feeling theyre actually men and really feeling like you know what this might not be something i experience ideally basis but its not right that these other people are going through this but by others he was criticized threatened he lost his job with the San Francisco 49 ers and hasnt been hired sense now the head of the u. S. Football league has admitted it mishandled the situation with the National Football league in it we were wrong for not listening to n. F. L. Players earlier and encourage all to speak out peacefully protest. Read the national. Believe lives matter the price relations are especially explosive in the us right now are likely going to take her bright young man and the active kneeling has taken on new significance since george floyd died in minneapolis after a Police Officer knelt on his neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds as he big. Is venting. The n. F. L. Apology follows the release of a video by several players who included the specific demand that the n. F. L. Say black lives matter what would it take for one of us to be murdered by Police Brutality was through the mind organizer of the players video Michael Thomas of the new Orleans Saints has praised the n. F. L. Though some believe the apology isnt sincere its looks like more p. R. Hes responding to what players have said matches the players started all wrong calling happening he never mentions calling government you midges the players this is what in a tragedy is that the same protest of our cities across america were in a fill stadiums with you know season to games more than any other leg the n. F. L. Has struggled with the issue of race 3 courses of its players africanamerican but nearly every team is white u. S. President donald trump has previously called on owners to fire any players who knelt during the anthem one of his latest weights and caps with no kneeling evidence of americas deeply felt divisions the Football League now hoping its sports can help bring the country together and brian aljazeera. Ok lets go straight to lebanon protesters are gathering as the economic crisis there worsens is enough is live in beirut is it just before you joined us on air we saw some very significant action immediately behind you to tell us whats going on. Heightened tensions in central beirut as you can see behind me these are antigovernment protesters there was a call for protests earlier today people started to converge on Martin Square which really has been the epicenter of a protest movement and now the Lebanese Army is standing in for tween the protesters and supporters of parties in the Ruling Alliance so you can see them behind the armies that line so really a lot of tension in the street the army the Security Forces theyre out in force this is not the 1st time weve seen scenes like this over the last few months in fact ever since the protest movement against the political establishment began in october there have been incidents of violence like this one the divide is deep people on this side of the divide they want to new leadership they want to they believe those in power who have been in power for decades are corrupt theyre blaming them for running levanon say economy into the ground on the other side of the divide supporters of parties in power in particular the shop parties amel and has a lot of that is their stronghold that is the neighborhood that their supporters control so this bridge which this man archery in the center of the capital has long been a front line so you see how dangerous the divide is in a country like lebanon where yes there is a government but that government has so far been on a vote to tackle the deep economic crisis many people here many of these young men. They have lost their jobs recently their unemployed businesses are closing down so an economic meltdown in the country plus these pensions really do not are not really good signs for stability in the days and weeks ahead. For you to do so can you tell us how this compares to previous protests that weve seen. Im not i wasnt able to hear you well but let me try to show you a better picture of how ok what the situation like is on the on the ground so people started to arrive approximately an hour ago to Martyrs Square as they wanted to reiterate their demands that theyve been. Asking for for months now they want a new leadership they believe that the government the new government which was formed and took office earlier this year alone has had enough time to come up with a plan to save this country levanon isnt deep economic crisis the country has defaulted on its public that for the 1st time in its history the foreign currency deserves a reserve are dwindling their currency the local currency the lira it has collapsed it lost 60 percent of its value over the past few months and the majority of people here at least those who work are in their salaries in lira so theyve lost the purchasing power in the supermarkets theres inflation people are unable to purchase food according to the world bank 45 percent of the population this is a country of approximately 4500000 people 45 percent live in poverty 22 percent in extreme poverty so you have a state which doesnt have enough money it needs cash and the International Community and really not bailing this country out until politicians in power carry out much now. That reforms something that theyve refused to do so far because if they carry out those reforms the political elites those in power will lose their ability to exploit the states resources so you have a government seeking assistance from the International Monetary fund the i. M. F. Saying those talks are not really making much progress because the politicians have still not agreed to reform peoples wanting Better Living conditions and you have supporters of the Ruling Alliance who believe people here are or are working on behalf of foreign embassies theyve started to accuse those on this side of the divide of working for foreign embassies so a very tense situation. And the right really quite deep. Xina just very briefly and as long as you are safe too long sentence can you tell me does it look from what youre seeing as though these protests are going to continue its a government refuses or something cannot come up with a solution. A solution is very difficult to find at this point in time the political divide ill just give you an example what these young men were chanting they were chanting insults and they were insulting the leader as has a lot this is an iranian. That basically has a veto power and cabinet along with its allies controls parliament and its supporters are standing on the other side of the front line and he is considered to them a religious leader so when they chant insults like this it will only provoke supporters of hezbollah. To to attack them and weve seen this before and when people its and this is what people were very worried about. When the divide on the street turns sectarian as well because we have to remember this is a country of the political system is based on sectarian shares and government and. And if a certain sect feels. Being as a target from another sect then this is what happens what are you doing here. So we right tool. Yes but im going to see by nobody in the us i just could match up. 7 a lot of georgia stuff and we have to move dont. You see the situation is quite they are breaking the wrong place 0 how the army is going to be able to contain the saying let me interrupt here its clear that the situation is getting tense or theyre going to leave it there of the moment thank you very much. Ok its time for the weather heres johnny with the latest on Tropical Storm cristobal and i understand it said making its way towards those low lying levels in the southern part of the u. S. Yeah it is this is going to be quite significant still when it comes to that as you say rob its not going to be particularly strong trouble storm it will be warm but i mean the show starts way where is on the satellite this is the satellite now the good news and heading towards the gulf coast of the u. S. So that isnt the good news but the good news is its pulling away from mexico so that means finally there will be some reprieve that already of course as you would expect particularly around new orleans they have been preparing for this the federal authorities the states case the floodgates have been shut dozens and dozens of them and theyll continue to make the preparations of course people are being warned about the storm systems that will continue to work its way through these warts the gulf of mexico it is expected to strengthen in the hours ahead it will get of course closer to the the coastal areas of this of course very low lying this whole region we have got Tropical Storm warning in place for louisiana and at the same time is going to be about the storm surge as we go through sunday the winds potentially with this storm system could be as strong as 95 kilometers an hour its going to funnel all that water into these low lying areas that there are already many storm warnings and stuff storm surge warnings in place really from the coast of florida right the way across to areas of louisiana and as you can see throughout sunday very close to shore its expected to come on shore make landfall in the lace evening hours on sunday and continue to work its way northward so this really is a rain making event but the winds will be strong the cocos and damage but its all about the flooding that could happen you have jenny thank you very much indeed ok still ahead on aljazeera protecting their land at all costs native americans are voting to defend themselves no more than ever. In sports the brazilian football though taking the long way home to complete his latest transfer. Isolating times the listening post cuts through the noise youve been looking at another side of this story the information around the outbreak but the misinformation separating propaganda from fact its reality has truly. Exposing deal to try and for manipulate the rhetoric and shift blame but they cannot manipulate the listening post your its like going to the media on aljazeera. Examining the impact of todays headlines extraordinary times require extraordinary measures but these should not be at the expense of our privacy setting the agenda tomorrows discussions. Live in these walls and now theres no live in the wall global experts in discussion in this democracy why are people not voting International Film a cuz and. This. On now just. Oh. You want to know does it out of mind of the top stories this are libyan wall of play for how fatah has said he supports a ceasefire with the un backed government its been proposed by his ally egyptian president Abdel Fattah Elsisi office forces have suffered several setbacks in recent weeks but the government taking control of key cities and towns. Thousands of people have taken to the streets of beirut is the economic crisis worsens in lebanon the government government seeking billions of dollars but so far talks with the International Monetary fund of made little progress. Thousands of people across the u. K. Are taking part in marches in solidarity with the black lives motto Movement Following the killing of george floyd in Police Custody in the u. S. 8 of americans experienced some of the highest rates of death at the hands of the police in the u. S. When the austin and looting began in minneapolis last week a native american patrol was formed to protect their neighborhoods but the reports. And i screamed you know hey get out of there lynette this dirt is a grandmother with an auto immune disease who decided protecting the native American Community in minneapolis was worth the risk of covert 19 exposure she describes how she helped stop a burglary at the minnesota Indian Womens Resource Center the one that we got down and held it down and we got the bag back and that bag had every inch of brand new i pad same thing. Like that but tonics. She had a bar in her hand and she wouldnt let it go and i had my my foot out and it pushes a big girl since the horse and the looting began last week in the aftermath of George Floyds death about 300. 00 volunteers have joined the American Indian movement or game patrol carrying sticks bats and flashlights the patrol has managed to protect vital sites such as a Health Clinic gallery and an Affordable Housing development under construction only one building a nonprofit catering to Indigenous Youth was destroyed it opened just last year we are capable of. Taking care of yourself were looking everywhere people our organizations our families or hoshis over like minneapolis has one of the largest urban native populations in the United States and it was here in 1068 that the American Indian move it was founded in part to combat Police Brutality among minority groups native americans of experience one of the highest rates of death at the hands of the Police Members of the Community Say their relationship with the Minneapolis Police Department Remains fraught theres a lot of trust building with to reestablish that. Even the imagery for the police within our with their children because children have been hurt in this from the ashes of destruction there is a home the community has raised almost 200000. 00 to rebuild the youth center set on fire last week. Aljazeera minneapolis. Joe biden has formally clinched the democratic partys president ial nomination to run against donald trump in novembers election in the us early results from primary votes held this week give him that required number of delegates the former Vice President s main challenger bun sondos dropped out of the race 2 months ago joe watkins is a formal white house aide hes now a republican political strategist and hes joining us from philadelphia thank you very much indeed as always for for being with us on all jazeera so far it seems as though joe bidens tactic up to this point has been essentially to sit back and let the president make inflammatory statements for which in some cases hes been criticized if joe biden can present himself to the u. S. Public as a unifying candidate how does the president come to that. Well i think joe biden will lowell will do that and and that will help him some but the president likewise will take advantage of the people in america that what lauren order dont like being thats taken place in the aftermath of these protests and who support the president s stance with regards to calling out the National Guard and other special agencies to protect american property and american citizens from looting and other kinds of vandalism. To the challenger joe biden is that right now during this road of irish and demick he hasnt really been able to get out in the campaign the way a candidate normally could and likewise the convention the Democratic Convention this summer which would normally be a showcase for joe biden and an opportunity for him to really build support and relish accordant help unify the party may not take place or at least not in the way that it would normally take place given the growth of virus pandemic so those are challenges that he faces he doesnt have the next platform to go out and talk to people and to respond to what president trucker is doing hes got a very carefully pick his brain use and those menus are few and limited so thats a challenge for him right now Going Forward clearly the president tom can be blamed for many of the major events which have happened in the u. S. Coronavirus and and so on but he has been criticized heavily for the way for his reactions to it that in many cases people say have inflamed the situation have done very little to try to unify the country is that something that the white house feels that it needs to try to address. I dont think so i think the white house looks at its base right now at the president s base he does very very well among noncollege educated whites and i dont think that those voters are distorting him in any kind of numbers so i think for the most part hell stick with his message he knows where hes strong he knows what states hes going to need to win in order to win the Electoral College in the member of the 2020 so i think for the most part youll see the president stick to his message and there wont be much change from that would be guard joe biden his challenge will be to not only unify is base support but to energize them to show up to vote because at the end of the day goals d are important but what really matters is turning out an election day and given the coronavirus pandemic and some of the changes in election that we may see we dont quite know how thats going to affect the vote on election day but we do know that turnout matters and it joe biden is able to turn out his base especially africanamerican voters and all those voters that right now are relatively energized they also shocked about election day it will be a very competitive election for joe biden but to not get the turnout he may poll well like youll be clinton did with all the various groups but what really matters of course again is that straddle election day and who joe biden choose running mate will matter greatly if he chooses an africanamerican woman thats likely to energize the africanamerican base in his favor so choice for Vice President is going to be very very important. Let me just ask you briefly i was reading an article just recently that was suggesting that previous president s of the United States have represented their voters in the white house and to the rest of the country the fundamental difference with donald trump is that he essentially embodies the beliefs of those who voted for him whats the best you think the president has actually has too narrow a focus and hes not doing enough to try to pull in new voters which joe biden has going at least by polling figures that weve seen over the last few weeks may well be starting to pull in. So it will be a delicate dance because on the one hand both candidates will want to retain their base and then build on the basis they have and for President Trump of course part of his challenges is muting the base of joe biden so for instance joe biden right now is going to get the majority of the africanamerican vote. Last time donald trump got about 8 percent of the black vote in 2016 election but if President Trump is able to get 11 percent or 12 percent or 14 percent of the africanamerican vote thats a serious danger him and you just look back to what he did at the super bowl which is a big event in the United States he bought t. V. Advertising with an africanamerican woman saying thank you President Trump for what you have done with sentencing reform because of what youve done is set sentencing reform my sense was reduce i was let out of prison and President Trump will look to to soften the edge with regards to the number of people in the africanAmerican Community that are against him so if he gets like i said 10 percent 12 percent 30 percent thats a significant gain for him so there in lies the challenge for both these voters joe biden cannot afford to lose progressives who supported Bernie Sanders he cant afford to lose africanamericans he cant afford to lose women he cant afford to lose any of the people that charlie comprise his base just as President Trump cant really afford to lose any of the people that make up his base in the south in the midwest and clearly among noncollege educated white voters and if he can make some small gains with reduced it or not for him generally but less so not for him thats to his advantage as well so its going to be it does get dance for both candidates to see if they can build on their current base of support joe watkins always could get your thoughts on this joe watkins have republican political strategist we appreciate it thank you very much. The u. S. Government has backed down on the threat to ban Chinese Airlines the decision follows china allowing 2 american carriers to fly there once a week tension remains between china and the u. S. Over restrictions imposed to control the coronavirus. India and china say they want to peacefully resolve a border dispute generals from both sides a meeting close to the site of a recent standoff in the himalayan region india accused china of encroaching on to its side of the border several times last month each country sent thousands of troops to the front a year francis says its killed the leader of al qaeda in north africa the French Defense minister says. Died in an operation on thursday in this town of to selly in northwest money several people from his inner circle was also killed dozens of french troops have been deployed in mali since 2013 the World Health Organization has changed its advice on the wearing of mosques to stop the spread of coronavirus the w. H. O. Now says everyone should wear them when theres a risk of transmission and where social distancing is difficult such as on public transport but the head of the w. H. O. Is emphasizing that mosques alone dont offer protection from the virus the president of brazil is threatening to follow donald trump by cutting ties with the World Health Organization after it warned governments about the risks of lifting lockdowns too soon jailable d so now to accuse the w. H. O. Of ideological bias has often echoed trumps virus policies despite brazil i mean the worlds 3rd highest number of infections. Chile is ranked the safest country in south america but the rise in unemployment due to the pandemic has also led to a rise in crime those in poor communities are demanding protection as our latin america at its embassy in yemen reports from santiago. Armed assailants on roads and highways and stopped drivers to rob them gangs of young men and women forcing people out of their cars to steal their vehicles in broad daylight. Police breaking down doors looking for culprits this isnt new and since cold 19 and lockdowns arrived in chile people say they feel less safe. 24 year old eric killing house and recently became one of the latest statistics while walking home from work through this park about isnt people who elect you know the guy appeared with a face mask like we all were now and pointed a gun at my head give it to me give it to me he shouted i was in too much shock to react until he threatened to fire the gun then i gave him my mobile phone. My things have been increased all over the capital santiago drug traffickers are hiring deliveryman to transport drugs instead of fast food because theyre allowed to operate during quarantine. But organized crime is making far more sinister inroads especially in chiles poorest areas. Tina runs one of at least 70 soup kitchens that have sprung up in a lab in that now i mean its a pallet he would pull with infections are soaring as fast as unemployment. Many here have been out of work for at least 2 months a Community Organizer helps raise donations to provide 200. 00 lunches a day but in many poor income neighborhoods Authorities Say that there is growing evidence which has been confirmed to us by some locals who declined to be on camera that organized crime is now beginning to try to play the role of robin of what theyre doing this by giving away food or financing some of the soup kitchens in. Bid to win over the hearts and minds or at least the loyalty of people in desperate need. Not been tennis mayor says they also want to win the local silence you know. What ive seen is that theyre giving away food to people who are infected with covert 19 and they use social networks to publicize what theyre doing they said victim of the director of Public Security and order tells us police are responding to the crime wave by installing hundreds of new cameras and drones to gather intelligence in real time festival to buckle during quarantine and curfew its more complex for the common delinquent to carry out traditional crimes so theyre resorting to most serious crimes and that generates more violence. Indeed criminals here are becoming increasingly bold which raises another concern that in times like these have deep recession and need many could be tempted to believe that resorting to crime is just a fireball when you have a family to feed. You see in human aljazeera sente al kut household of ministers hoping plans for new talks with other gulf states could help end the land sea and air blockade imposed on the country its 3 years since neighbors saudi arabia and the United Arab Emirates along with egypt and bahrain isolated qatar mohammad. Funny says qatar is open to dialogue. Yes there is a proposed initiative and theres a positive atmosphere around it and we hope that it leads to positive results khan who not. There was a negotiation between saudi arabia and qatar which i talked about last year unfortunately that negotiation though it shaved some success the general public also noticed however it ended abruptly from the saudi side they may have their reasons but from our side the reasons were not clear because the negotiations started positively it ended abruptly and things escalated shortly after. Norway has played an Important Role in previous negotiations between israelis and palestinians and now norwegian politicians say the prospect of any peace deal is bleak as israel pushes ahead with plans to annex parts of the occupied west bank now always foreign minister has been speaking to our diplomatic editor james bays it was seen at the time as a diplomatic triumph a moment of hope as Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat and israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin shook hands on the white house lawn and signed up to the all slower colds they were named after the capital city of the country norway where the diplomatic efforts started at 1st in secret but now the chances of peace of the bleak history being at any time since the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatening to annex parts of the west bank. In an interview with out 0 always foreign minister tells me that could threaten the whole oslo process with hussein that creating 2 separate states but we cannot see an extension that would be in contravention of International Law and it would directly undermine the potential for a 2 state solution so bad is the very clear message from us norways still plays an Important Role a committee it leads the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee is now the only place where Key International players meet with israeli and palestinian representatives and the country is a candidate for membership of the un Security Council we from norway side and others stand ready at any point in time to facilitate if the parties wants us to and there we see that there is there there is the room to try to work with the parties even though it is the stream lee difficult no way is competing for a seat on the un Security Council if you are elected how will you leverage that historic role and what will be your priorities on this issue well its something that we talk to our all u. N. Member states about because we can bring to the table something that is quite unique we have experienced we have a network we have a way of working that has always been for the long haul very patient that we work in behind the scenes theyre usually for a very long time before it even though anyone knows that it is the process going on norway is in a tough race for the Security Council there are 3 countries canada arland and norway competing for 2 seats the election is on the 17th. If norway does succeed it some bastard on the Security Council is a veteran diplomat mona youll she and her husband tell you a rude lawson hosted the very 1st then unofficial contacts that led to the all slow accords 27 years ago james pays aljazeera of the United Nations. Still had an aljazeera in sports more reaction to the n. F. L. As apology for not listening to its players when they spoke out about racism. Frank assessments tourism but the income stream is dead in the water whats been the result in poaching quite significantly informed opinions there has been a very aggressive political rhetoric that has become very normal in Israeli Society indepth analysis of the days global headlines its time for new policy say countries like not only disintegrating but hes threatening their stability over all continues inside story on aljazeera. Then latest news as it breaks the Early Warning and evacuation same trap for granted many deaths and now people face a struggle to rebuild their lives with details coverage on confines its so cold in the middle of a deepening cold war between china and the United States from around the world by the government close to bankruptcy many say such initiatives will not be enough to deal with what Prime Minister has found yet warns could be a major food crisis. Time for the sports heres father rob thanks so much the n. F. L. Says it will now encourage its players to speak out and peacefully protest against racial and justice the league has faced criticism from many of its star names what would it take for one of us to be murdered by Police Brutality. But ill back in jr and patrick my homes were among the players demanding action from the n. F. L. The n. F. L. Had previously banned players from dropping to one knee jerking the National Anthem a practice started by calling capper nick we did national league. Racism in the systematic aggression of black people we have a National Think only if we wont for not listening to the players earlier and encourage all just speak out. Read the National Football league leave lives matter a capper nick 1st took any a while play in the n. F. L. 4 years ago its a gesture thats been repeated many of the protests sort of follow the death of george ford in Police Custody in september of 2016 capper nick knelt during the pregame National Anthem to protest against Racial Injustice the San Francisco 49. 00 ers player left the n. F. L. At the end of that season and hasnt played since in 2018 team owners ruled that players could no longer kneel during the anthem without being subject to punishment kaepernick took legal action against the n. F. L. Claiming he hadnt been signed by a new team due to his political beliefs that clues in case was settled out of court last year. Several members of the Jacksonville Jaguars n. F. L. Team took to the streets on friday to march in protest after the killing of floyd a peaceful march started outside the clubs home stadium and ended outside the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office where former jaguars wide receiver Ernest Wilford now works as an officer. And others know is that these atrocities have been forced out. They have been allowed to manifest because of years of systemic indoctrination and oppression. Urge you today brothers and sisters to know this history. Weve been talking to professor Kenneth Shropshire from the Global Sport Institute at Arizona State university he says in the past Many American athletes have been fearful of speaking up. But the dirt the absence of protest occurred because of the commercial viability that occurred a greater risk will abu the kurds by virtue of being racist a political by the idea that unite and gauge these kinds of activities that was the Great Success of object Jack Nicklaus Arnold Palmer o. J. Simpson and certainly most famously Michael Jordan so it really hasnt been until these recent times when issues have gotten so severe that athletes of that the level of low bron james it seems like Minnesota Lynx inflect the miami heat it seems like the same goes rams if they have stood up and led to the most famous of all no phone jeopardy i think though always be this this grief this is good about the way the n. F. L. And all because next matter is one of the situations where of the past cant be changed the imagery that the n. F. L. Has once be difficult over. Certainly reflect on the words of a Bishop Desmond tutu in moments like this if if youre not supportive if you dont speak that you are supportive of the wrong side so i think its important that athletes engage i think its important that the Sports Enterprises that leads the teams the gates to try to move these issues especially focused in the United States on Police Misconduct for bad of the u. S. P. G. A. Golf tour believes his sport has a role to play in taking on racism carol diviner the 3rd one of only 3 black members on the tour has been talking with commissioner jay monahan about the way forward and whoever is a part of the p. G. A. Tour thats like a lot of their voice to be heard right now just because its important to the world the scene from the p. G. A. Tour aspect that. They you guys cant do without us and we cant do without you i think you are just going to keep talking like we are right now but we do that and i think theres other conversations with black people like that that were already happening interested happening. Top level football is resumed in vietnam with no restrictions on sounds attending games. I believe was suspended in march 2 to the global spread of corona virus but with no crowd of virus desk recorded in the country and just 328 confirmed cases football has come back without social distancing measures or limits on crowd sizes of football is still suspended in brazil due to the virus but that doesnt stop former brazil striker fred making a big effort to complete his latest transfer the 36 year old cycle for more than 600 kilometers from his old club cruzeiro to the doors of cement say in rio it did the right to raise cash for families and workers and flamin and say affected by the pandemic. Ok and that is all your support for now rob back to you thanks very much indeed and thats it for me rod matheson for this news hour im going to be back in a moment with more of the days news stay with me if you can. Join our Global Community because the price is just slapped isnt the place that blessing upon my sin upon human Health Equals Global Health keeping you up to date is watch out for situations where we have a human rights prices that persist beyond the help prices on your questions is a dialogue just nothing we are now approaching a crossroads this is an opportunity that we must miss the stream on aljazeera. From view of the past might sound great if you happen to be a hindu but where does this leave non hindus nasiriyah room became acutely aware of the challenges facing her muslim daughter growing up in increasingly pro hindu surroundings shes written a book about one of the things you can do to protect her from this environment i dont do about india the map and show our neighbors our you know your china. Pakistan and sri lanka so that all the neighbors and then i say what if somebody called you chinese you laugh and say right im an indian im going to tell you more to somebody called the book of daniel love and say im not a biker buddy so kind of made it out you know that you could read any of the so because of course the assumption being that the dots a way that prejudice would play out there take your of pakistani or go through pakistan that is what is happening on an everyday basis. Of police to help sinton secret to the outside what i never expected anything like this its a one in a 1000000 chance to be the recipient of a message in a bottle essentially this desperate night adventure leads to the official closure of chinas notorious labor camp system. I dont know how they survived the letter from a son just a witness documentary on aljazeera. Libyas u. N. Backed government says its aiming to recapture the city of sirte from all of us forces after taking control of several other key towns. Backs a cease fire proposed by his ally egyptian president sisi and calls for a national dialogue. Im about to send and this is obviously a live from doha also coming up large crowds of protesters clashed with the military

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