Transcripts For ALJAZ Inside Story 2020 Ep 139 20240713 : co

ALJAZ Inside Story 2020 Ep 139 July 13, 2024

Could the pandemic threaten the survival of africas wildlife game reserves that rely on tourism are running out of money and the poachers flee will decades of conservation efforts be lost this is inside story. And theyre welcome to the program im nick clegg africas wildlife is one of the continents biggest attractions game reserves and National Parks they welcome millions of visitors every year who want to experience wild animals close up they rely on that revenue to pay for conservation projects but no revenue flow had stopped in time because of cove in 1000. 00 travel restrictions and many rangers who protect the animals from poachers theyve lost their incomes conservationists are now worried that the economic toll could push more people into the illegal wildlife trade will discuss this with i guess im just a moment but 1st this report from out somewhere in nairobi. These lines dont know it but the corona virus is a danger to them. All they probably cant get the virus the pandemic does directly threaten their habitat. I live in a nature reserve. Nicholas co yeah i normally guides tourists who come to see endangered animals. Its near kenyas capital nairobi. The government suspended International Flights nearly 2 months ago no Foreign Tourists have come here since its all a bit boring because if we dont have a legacy of fake plants in the country then im afraid thats lots of jobs after theyre going to be lost. This it is normally eat and sleep in the camp where nicholas works is have to temporarily close normally in camps like this all the beds are fully booked during the peak seasons more than 2000000 Foreign Tourists visited kenya last year most of them come here to see the wildlife that lives in the reserves and the money they spend creates millions of jobs and provides crucial funding for conservation the fees charged for visiting reserves and camps pay for the salaries of rangers who protect the animals from poachers the communities living nearby depend on the incomes of those employed in the sector and if livelihoods are lost people are forced to find other ways to survive things like poaching there for you know household protein supplement. You know cutting down of trees to supplement Household Income that is tied to the harsh economic realities occasioned by covered in 1000. Niobium reserve is unique in that it sits just on the edge of the city conservationists say in the long run if tourism is in the economically viable reserve land will be used for farming or Property Development instead. Just outside the park is a sanctuary for often animals hes walkways they usually teeming with visiting schoolchildren. Wouldnt told us educating local community is key to conserving wildlife and its environment. A mistake to artists come from our country. Whos. Coming because their schools were closed due to theyre going to get us living you have a house condo. Nobody here expect things to change before the coronavirus restrictions are lifted conservationists say theyre looking for other ways to fund the reserves so the wildlife within them and the people around them can have a future. Malcolm webb aljazeera Nairobi Kenya so its pretty clear that Wildlife Tourism is very important to countries in africa in fact the 39000000000. 00 industry is the main source of funding for conservation on the continent for example tourism accounted for 85 percent of south africas funding for Wildlife Services and National Parks in 2018 but the Global Travel safer is projected to shrink by up to 30 percent this year due to the pandemic and an estimated 24000000. 00 tourists jobs could be lost across africa. Well its an important story lets bring in our panel and that im mara standing by daniel soapie hes a chief executive officer of mass omar a Wildlife Conservancy association and then amboseli in southern kenya craigmillar head of security of Big Life Foundation he heads up operations he manages 300 ranges across east africa and also appears in the ivory game on netflix you might have seen him there and also in nairobi come by know whos the c. E. O. Of the African Wildlife foundation a warm welcome to you all and in fact if i could start with you as weve just heard tourism is a huge employer and a fundamental enabler of conservation in africa and now that income stream is just dead in the water so whats been the result of that. Lol when we see these devices teaching gloss you can imagine the while and what isnt finance let me say this other thing about 80 percent in some other countries youve got is almost a 100 percent our own because hubbard says well i want to live lives outside the protected areas 100 percent funded but some require isnt it somehow or another what is one other income supports the Pilot Program of entitlement each of these areas. As a tourist from southeast really just a few in cars are from entailing our footprint across from grisha was under some other Community Aspects incomes Household Incomes the hospital needs needs that the princes of what isnt is what is in these areas in greece is that human are. Poachers from an entire sparks but also it uses human well conflict so its not a war not already in the source all is at an even risk if you want to present the parts its also helps to get completely what id like to say the parts you call the president will put a cross on a guys and he supports the other one point of view its ok that total community is right ok so on that lets bring in daniel soapy and i should say that the number of cave in 1000 cases in kenya is relatively low comparatively but the impact as weve been hearing is very high so as to just alluded to there communities are key to protecting kenyas ecosystems an increase in the cases across africa what impact has this sudden evaporation of tourism had on those communities that youre dealing with. Yeah thanks. On seventys as a vision we have a membership of 15 consultancies were just on by of 814000 individual. Tatums all of us. Have this buffeting the muslim model nationally south from east to west and they actually depend on 100 percent of the symptoms of life. At all and private funding that also support some of their operations so they may get a closure of the international border. The funding situation in their house dries up the communities that have been laying on. The libyan affected. Levels of market has been an. Additional stress for the landowners can not be able to sell against all right so what do you mean for people who suddenly cant earn a living or put food on the table. Its quite difficult. Living on talk of. The model that an hour or so days i have on the milk that is the major food right now that the trend in the laying on the model. Number of them are still able to receive some little flowing income. Through their employment for those who are employed incomes those who are also deceiving the aid hasnt yet to draw is that completely that is still. That is it in a 50 percent. Payment as of now so i mean this it continues it made get to last buy their stuff now or at least the best a level to put food in their temple right and i mean that the pressure is building i craigmillar you spend much of your time out in the field running security voted one and a half 1000000 acres of wilderness tell us a little bit very briefly about your work there 1st of all for the big lie foundation and then tell us what youre seeing as a result of covert 19 and what you think the the risks and threats. Yes. Its like a main roloson choose and searching a more low security. In the areas outside of the protected areas and so if you scan your face comes in there we do this mainly through Community Rangers who are from the area employ them and. Leave them still plugged into their. To their communities are going information so thats the main part of it obviously is lots of other Little Things that take too long to get into here. Essentially were looking at trying to get ways to make wildlife valuable to people so that speaks directly to the situation were in a moment where essentially the value of wildlife without tourism has decreased a huge amount and we need to find other ways to to bring that back up to the mound that makes it worth worth putting up tolerating a lot of a lot of conflict with them. So the moment what were seeing is of quite a big and its not a month ago and when the lockdown was starting a lot of people nairobi and other towns are turning. Back home so the population within our areas the human populations increased. And on top of that of seed the employment rates jumped up so weve actually. Been trying to keep a really close eye on one touching numbers and seeing whats happening across our area as well as outlying areas to try and predict where we might get it. We can say quite yet theres been a spike within i. R. L. Though we did have our 1st 2. 3 poaching at poaching instance for the last kind of 3 months happened in the last week. I suspect they are probably related to the fact that theres a lot of people who 100 the moment but its too soon to say right now what it is about where this could lead. Well weve seen it also in areas outside of operating a scene was seen poaching go up quite quite significantly. So thats a major war in all the success weve got over the last kind of 56 years getting it right under control we really cant afford to get back on that so were going to try to maintain it as we are but you know on a side when the operations are exactly what on the other to have talked about and in that the effect on the economy over the longer time is is whats really worrying and thats what will feed into poaching becoming more of a significant threat to our area and across the whole area the moment were worried about the bushmeat poaching but if it carries on for a long time then you have to start worrying about the trophy poaching say look you know elephants and rhinos well were out see that the risk is a lot odd but the upside for anyone is in desperate situation theres also a lot of a great just very quickly for those who perhaps dont know the difference what is the difference between the bush meat pitching and the trophy poaching. So bush reproaching is approaching to meet theres 2 Different Levels within that the subsistence food for your own table and commercial where youre looking so let me. Subsistence or as a threat but not necessarily anywhere near as much as as either try to coaching or commercial kitchens or commercial bush reproaching is what were really worried about at the moment and trophy poaching is looking for animal parts to then sell not for ingestion so youre looking at elephant ivory rhino horn cat skins claws bones any anything and anything that someone would so and look to get more than what the meats were. So that obviously has been whats decimated a lot of lot of wallet populations and out there over the last 50 years. Thats what we have got under control in this area and most of kenya. Obviously not us early but lot of other partners nato. Were greatly nexus is thanks im going to move to a daniel just on this issue of of bushmeat poaching 1st of all as pressure begins to tell and you know the search for food for the table becomes next to impossible to then alternative is to go out into the bush and get it and kill it how would you deal with that with your communities how can you encourage them not to do that and what needs to be done to help them not to do that. Yeah. Thats why we have the. Zone so that is really fortunate things that we have most of them. And if any of the protected areas. That is out of people who really. Come from nairobi are up this is in their country. So thanks to the effort of their Community Even before theyve. Been very lucky that we get less of the guesses starting from 22 bit. So that is one thing that we are really proud of that community. As an alternative for subsystems. So. Walk. With joint effort. Support from our organization. To provide support to. These operations will continue throughout the next 11 months we. Expect this will last. What do you think is at stake you know theres a report by united for wildlife which says that the main threat is in protected areas and reserves which have been forced to reduce ranger force levels not something that daniel is talking about but there is that have been forced to reduce these ranges ranger levels so what needs to be done whats at stake and what needs to be done to help those areas. I think what is my take is really you know it was such an interest and londons. Time to plan and use in terms of their closeness are looking at our soul riddle what is how can we sustain while that if we cannot sustain the what lead part of is that has needed some chords and sustained while a planets are. On top of the mullahs communitarians of him which amused me daughter missing and of course amused on the Biggest Record is when its become the disease to bother people now trade and seed if we find our arses africans are limited to one well for a number of yes what is it is that has some bridge itself consistent is it traffic or are we on the other what about us futile so letty diseases it is the rule bush and it was subtle. Dol say one like what one Health Organization 60 percent of the diseases funny humans is at risk for one like a nut in our solidify the bus a bit of that in mind is a fictional diseases after a while and certain what luck so how do we want to take that. As human species we are also told that our health is at stake as we humans once you know interacting with the wildlife without proper management. Think that sex is out of it all done it and talked about it for them is our part of it i take it in order for us to sustaining our landlords a majority of our guys and more idiots we need to do is. Follow the new economy forward evolved if we can and on all. Who are all people out there who want to start a trainee and you know written revenue from the discourse is the heart and that is what i. Believe for that but we need to repeat me and probably not only. This is for people to survive im also one that you are going to tell you that im going to jump in thats nice im so sorry were its we got so much to discuss better not that much time said sorry about that were going to jump and i want to take it on as a hang on there because right now as weve discussed thing is a tough time for many gamers as but some see this as an opportunity my goodness my dear its been 4 months i have had the pleasure of being in your company. This South African Company broadcasts safaris live on the internet and people can see wild cats and other animals up close without leaving their homes its founder says viewership has increased 5 fold as you might expect since early march craig just to play devils advocate here perhaps thats the way for perhaps the whole arena needs to be reshaped to find a way to keep the pressure off Wildlife Reserve and you know to find a different way of taking this on to taking this industry on. Without question things need to be reshaped 5 are not qualified to say in what shape or for obviously this year with Virtual Tours as well as you can produce or as you mentioned funding. So theres you that late in may but yeah i do see an opportunity in some ways and thats not just limited to see those are all Global Impact of this and how well you can see the difference its made to to the environment even in you know in 1st world countries so theres opportunities everywhere. As as as a ready set in this is we need to move really quickly and thats quite difficult to whenever im stuck and of course trying to get it done so theres certainly things that need to change. On the tourism aspect it does bring about the question. Past as in the process always being conservation n. G. O. S saying we need to make a stand we need to integrate into the economy conservation needs to be needs to be sustainable in that it relies on tourism funds and tourism needs to be increased this is kind of put us back a long way on what was one of the the real core parts of whats been changing over certainly canada a lot of our era of the last 5 years so there are opportunities there theres people in need of you know im definitely not the right person to say where they are but the craig actually as you go out on the ranges every day and out into the wilderness what is your whats the sense in your heart if you like how do you how worried are you about this if you go out there do you feel a sense of. Despair about whats happening and what could happen. Well yet but yeah you know looking at future its pretty pretty scary doesnt really matter how many ranges you have what the resources what intelligence you have crossed anything if youre serious at that critical number of people are desperate you know youre ready wasting your time and you have to member you know youre looking to start not nutritionally keep it under control youre not looking to to save 100. 00 to animals youre going to keep an entire ecosystem or entire population of wildlife search you can soon as youve got a 1000 people on 3 and theyre all relying on bushmeat theres nothing really can do you can arrest 50 a night. And thats still not going to make a dent in you know whats happening to your to what you have to the area the conservation you call the g. And the whole ecosystem so if things carry on going as they are and the economy just keeps getting worse and worse and not more and more dire then things are going to get really difficult d rice kind of taking us for 5 years to where there was no one like economy ok certain areas i think you want to jump in there and i just want to say if youre going to things images here of a mountain gorillas because its not just the big 5 were talking about its all cement grids and this comes back to also to your point about zoonotic diseases even they are under threat from coven. Yes look i want to just you know i think the biggest of what you dish basically government governments and i know i put them include leaders is a religion regime and your economy that responds to the resources we have. Made a lot of it is enough because we cannot continue and our own job or donations or all in that Case International radicals know what

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