Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240713

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The virus is doing a shock to workers around the world will look at how some of the newly unemployed here in the u. K. Are coping. And in the u. S. President transcends conflicting messages in small new jersey becomes the latest state to order its residents to remain at home. But a grim announcement from italy in the last few years has highlighted how far its and the rest of europe is from containing the coronavirus its own government says nearly 800 people there have died from the virus in the last 24 hours thats the largest one dates also in any country since the outbreak began in china late last year in asia where things has appeared to be improving a 2nd wave of infections is now appearing singapore reported its 1st see debts after managing to keep a lid on the outbreak while hong kongs leaders say more travel could mean more cases that the u. S. Has caused its borders of mexico and canada so all nonessential travel all residents and states that make up around a quarter of the countrys populations have been told to stay at home rich allans begins our coverage with a look at the situation across europe. This military convoy in northern italy is carrying a grim cargo 30 coffins with the bodies of 30 coronavirus victims headed to a small village for chromate because there are too many covert 19 dead in the nearby city of berg and with italy recording its deadliest day of the outbreak yet with another nearly 800 deaths that could be more convoys like this needed. Spain now has the 3rd highest number of infections worldwide with around 25000 the death toll has passed 1300 now to help madrid and barcelona are converting Exhibition Centers into field hospitals for the sick germany has had a spike in confirmed cases up to more than 16 and a half 1000 there are now temporary fences on its border with switzerland the German Government is considering whether to bring in a full nationwide ban on going outside where much of europe has already gone with its lockdown and social distancing measures the u. K. Is following economically culturally and socially this is a country that has been transformed in just a few days. By order of the governments the u. K. Is now pretty much closed pubs cafes restaurants gyms museums Nursery Schools and universities all shut for the foreseeable future the capitals buses and metro system are empty dont use them unless your job is critical people in london are being told this usually teaming metropolis is quiet. I think its good news that is good news in terms of that theyre looking after people that lesion on their wages the fact that theyre theyre stopping hopefully all spreading by closing down the restaurants i think i think theyve done the right thing we went out last night for the last. Sort of tipped up a little bit harder than we should have i suppose so i just sort of people going along and it said for the Small Businesses but hopefully the government kick in and sort of support people along the government is trying to stop a wave of panic buying that has stripped supermarket shelves bare this week. Be responsible when you shop and think of others buying more than you need means that others may be left without and it is making life more difficult for those frontline workers such as our doctors and nurses and n. H. S. Support staff who are working so hard in such difficult circumstances. To prevent total collapse the government will prop up businesses and guarantee 80 percent of all wages its an unprecedented temporary nationalization of the u. K. s economy rory chalons aljazeera london well lets get the latest never join a whole he joins us live via skype and join or another day of grim statistics there for italy but europe on the whole really is struggling to contain the sunday. This virus is moving very very quickly through europe theres no doubt about that the area the epicenter of this virus this epidemic according to the World Health Organization and theres a sort of staggered range of infection rates growing exponentially in the u. K. s or a 25 percent rise in fatalities in the past 24 hours to 233 that puts it by some counts just a few days maybe a week or so behind france that also saw a 25 percent rise similar numbers similar percentage rises in switzerland in the netherlands spain is probably the 2nd worst hit country in the e. U. To italy 5000 new infections in the last 24 hours and a 30 percent rise in the death rate that in spades that week now into its particular set of restricted lockdown measures but all eyes of course implacably focused on its all in on italy and gossip lot is happening that 2 weeks now we to restrictive measures in italy italy breaking records every day now for all the wrong reasons 793. 00 deaths in the past 24 hours far far higher than any day death rate we saw in china at the height of the prices there and clearly concerns now about people not wholeheartedly keeping to those restrictive measures particularly in the north need is in the north looking for a further crackdown further unfortunate measures the army is out in some places in the north if you listen to scientific opinion the suggestion is that there is a to distribute lag time between the enforcement of these measures and noticeable differences in the infection rate in society that might mean that it is a few days away from turning point here at turning point that they very badly need. Well the u. K. Has been one of the countries in europe that has been more reticent to impose these these very strict measures that we are seeing increasingly across europe just tell us a bit more a by the u. K. s response because the death toll is rising and the government says putting gradually more measures since a place where its incredibly difficult isnt it imposing these sort of restrictive measures on peoples freedom of movement on their Civil Liberties in in a liberal democracy 5 you can all of these e. U. Countries so politicians are to tread very carefully johnson started off by asking people to knock out there in big numbers pubs and restaurants to need to close but he urged people not to visit that make of a sense so hes had to crack down and close everything close the schools close the restaurants close the bars the theaters and so on the big issue here as elsewhere is compliance this is not legally enforceable the police cant do anything about it while a lot of people are paying close attention to these measures theres anecdotal evidence that a lot of people are and so it may well be that in a matter of days Boris Johnson the government will have to come back armed with legally enforceable measures to give the police the power to be able to crackdown themselves ok john how their brain is up to speed via skype thank you very much indeed. Well here in the u. K. The governments us were hearing from joan has been announcing sweeping measures not just to contain the virus but also to support people who lose their jobs because of the outbreak the results enclosure of so many businesses but many will still struggle and many others may fall through the cracks of the governments plans for rule that says speak noted c tom king bassy he writes on politics and economics for the Guardian Newspaper good to have you with us on the news are the governments in recent days has been adding measures to its package of supports for the economy and president it figures 330 odd 1000000 pines do you think this is the right move to be making at this time. Well i think this has been a drastic intervention which reflects the seriousness of the crisis the government is saying across all sectors of the economy it will pay 80 percent of peoples wages up to 2 and a half 1000 pounds so this is a very substantial intervention from the government this probably a bit more to be done in some areas but we shouldnt deny that this is a huge move thats putting the british economy on life support and indeed car not to metaphor as well but as is always the case that it doesnt cover everyone does it it who are the people who arent affected by this move 330000000000 seems like an awful lot of money. But still people may struggle because theyre not going to see a part of it. Well the 330000000000 is that she the support loans that are available to businesses the government says theyll be no can. Wage support which will continue for at least 3 months to begin with and could well be extended now best some are some areas where people are less able to meet those for self employed and thats around 5000000 people in the u. K. They will be able to access through the welfare system the legal minimum for sick pay which is just 94. 00 pounds a week and thats going to be very tough for very many families especially those. In fact many reds a far higher than the 94 pounds a week and what about people who are already reliance on income supports i mean because the u. K. Does have this being viewed as a cross parts of europe quite a generous welfare state that people are trying to live on it i mean they have to worry about this coronavirus break care but theres still struggling to make ends meet and that the support that they have. Why i dont think that the welfare state in the u. K. Is considered particularly generous certainly not by western european standards in fact one police generous in western europe and in fact in realtor ms compared to average wages unemployment support is particularly low just 73. 00 pounds we keep lower than 4 pounds for the legal minimum sick pay now come is taking some steps for those who are in receipt of welfare payments theyre just taking some of the. Floors and ceilings within the universal Credit System as it snowed in order to get a bit more money into peoples pockets but we should be clear that many people are going to find this they very very tough time its my expectation that the government will act probably next week to expand support for the selfemployed and for people who are renting and how much more can be done because we have been hearing from government says certainly in the western world for some time that theres no money left they dont have the funds to be able to to provide says Certain Services theyve been cut over the years and at what point does the tap have to get switched off do you think these measures these incremental measure is hundreds of billions from here there and everywhere do you think will eventually come up against the wall. But i mean its a great question i think i think the reality is that there is measures to cut back on expenditure have lots of been political choices thats what this crisis reveals thats actually poverty homelessness under from the Public Services those are all political choices made by governments in recent years we should all expect a huge expansion in National Debts and will be paying for this crisis perhaps for decades to come but there the alternative which is a complete economic and social collapse is far far worse and what we know from history is that in difficult periods in our history its possible to expand the National Debt very considerably indeed my expectation is that by the end of this year the National Debt will will have spiked from 85 percent of National Income today to perhaps as much as 150 percent of National Income by the time we get to syria 2021 but thats something that the british economy can bear it does mean that in the period afterwards were going to have to see higher taxes for the wealthy for some time but the alternative is clearly much much worse which would be the complete collapse of the project on a b. And b. Disastrous social consequences that will be there so i dont think its going to be a limit were going to its limits certainly not in the short run ok great to get your thoughts that some capacity talk is say the economic implications of this crisis at thank you very much. There is a lot smaller still to come here on the aljazeera news hour had a warning of things to calm some parts of asia the fall they have turned the tide over seeing us economically the casey. Anthony report from mexico just one of the many countries were plunged into is and could spell disaster for the economy. Well as we mentioned earlier in the news our more u. S. States are establishing unprecedented locked and rules tending tens of millions of americans to stay at home new jersey has become the latest states of full california your illinois and connecticut still ruling out sweeping measures it means all but essential businesses will be closed people are only allowed to leave their homes to go to the supermarket pharmacy or gas station well lets get more now from heidi jewel castro she joins us live from mary lands an idea thats 5 u. S. States we have know on locked in responding of course to this growing this growing pandemic just talk us of the latest numbers were hearing from the United States stays instead of the in terms of the infection rate the fatality rate just where is the u. S. On this famous curve. Well the Johns Hopkins university is compiling the data here and they report that the latest number of cases in the u. S. Is 23000 plus there has been a sharp spike in some of the hot zones in the u. S. Including in new york which as a state accounts for more than 10000 of those cases and as far as the number of a tallit is were looking at 288 was the last number reported so these states certainly are taking these restrictions that are becoming more and more serious by the hour in fact now one in 4 americans are under the state orders to stay indoors and then of course we have the u. S. Economy that is also just hemorrhaging the u. S. Labor department expected next week to release its latest unemployment reports with an expected 2250000 americans applying for unemployment for the 1st time these are people who would have been laid off just in recent days because of businesses that have been forced to be shuttered due to the coronavirus of course all the u. S. Stock gains that country have seen since President Trump took office has been wiped out since coronavirus hit the United States and the president said earlier in his Coronavirus Briefing that legislation is pending in congress for an economic rescue package were working quickly to pass additional legislation that will provide messer relief to Small Businesses and effective investors and give direct payments to our great workers and hardworking American Families is never been anything like were doing on the hill right now. Well that was tom speaking earlier one of these daily press cers and we are hearing quick conflicting messages in the United States arent with the president s on 100 looking about the economy and how you things hes doing tremendous things never will bounce back in the state governors. Who are really talking about shortages in hospitals and portuguese looks owns what are what are americans making of these conflicting messages that getting from the president some from governors in the medical community. Well theres certainly a lot of confusion which according to the c. D. C. s guidebook for responding to Public Health crises this is the most dangerous thing for the government to be spreading which is confusion because as you said you know state governors are issuing these Massive Movement restriction orders there are state Health Departments telling people that they should not be tested for corona virus because of the lack of medical equipment and personnel to carry out those tests that people who may be exhibiting symptoms should assume that they have the corona virus but that they will not be tested unless they get to the point of hospitalization meanwhile the federal government touting an expansion and availability of the testing as well as saying that president from saying he is optimistic again he talked about this drug cocktail that is being that is approved to use to treat malaria on twitter earlier this morning he is saying that this may be a game changer against the coronavirus and the nations top medical doctor who is part of this task force on coronavirus correcting the president yet again today saying that the president is focused on hope but that the Scientific Community is still searching for proof. There joining us live from maryland thank you very much indeed. Now the World Health Organization says it is working with scientists across the world on at least 20 different vaccines to prevent covert 19 lets take a look at what is being worked on right now i President Donald Trump says the u. S. Is speeding up testing of drugs that are already available and could possibly help lying there one being an antiviral treatments another one used to combat Malaria Research has a role so working into 2 medications used to treat a v. A. But so far the results havent been too promising and a u. S. Biotech company is among the 1st to develop a vaccine human trials are set to begin this week over in china which released the genetic sequence of the virus for scientists to study theyve approved testing of a vaccine as well but the process that to approve any treatment will take a long time this means a new vaccine may not be available for another 18 months or pressure of the Research Scientists working on a drug for the coronavirus at a u. K. Science facility she says the industry is no collaborating to find a vaccine. In the past. Vaccines have taken maybe 11 or one half years to develop. Drugs you take antivirals usually take more than that maybe even a decade however these are special circumstances and scientists all over the world including ourselves and diamond are collaborating to speed things up we are working on a protein from the coroner virus and this protein is absolutely essential for the corona virus to to to multiply and directly kate and for this reason we think it will be a good this protein will be a good drug target we are working with academic labs and industry labs in the u. K. And around the world in order to get this work done for instance we are making this particular protein in the lab and sending it out to labs so then they can also look for their own drug leads so its not just us doing it however traditionally the model is a competitive one Science Science Group compete against each other to make publications and for their own personal glory and i think well have to for now get rid of that mentality. The number of coronavirus cases is still wives and of course Asia Thailand has reported its biggest daily jump and infections with 89 cases where singapore has recorded its 1st 2 fatalities in the thirtys in hong kong and china say theyre preparing for a 2nd wave of new infections as residents start to become complacent to a cupola as more. Soldiers on the streets of the thai capital taking up the battle against a growing number of coronavirus cases thailand reported its biggest single day jump in infections led by those who attended a boxing match at an Entertainment Complex earlier this month. Around 5000 people were among the crowds and have since dispersed across the country the whole way there was news about other people from the boxing circle was sick they did news was headlining all over the place and i was stressed as i realized i might have it as i have never felt any of these symptoms before. The spike increases the number of infections by 25 percent taking the total past the 400 mark from the start of the year thailand has been vigilant in trying to keep high risk visitors out of its borders its a tough call for a country which relies on tourism and now another setback to its economy as the government imposes a partial shutdown of its capital singapore also reached a grim milestone with the announcement of its 1st 2 coronavirus fatalities on saturday theres been a surge in cases this week but the Health Minister was quick to reassure the nation i know singaporeans will be worried and anxious we must stick our reach and not give in to office we have announced a series of save distancing measures yesterday and the most all to necessary precautions to keep ourselves and our families safe. In south korea a slowdown in infection rates this week proved short lived with 147 new cases reported on saturday south korea is still the 2nd most affected country in asia behind china its rate of infection is significantly down from the peak at the end of last month but Public Health officials warn that any recovery remain fragile and cluster infections could still emerge and theres hunger the you may feel that the Current Situation has improved a lot compared to the past but we continue to see Group Infections and inflow from Foreign Countries i myself breaks at various workplaces. South korea has been fighting the virus through widespread testing without resorting to the lock downs. Heavy restrictions of movement which helped china contain the spread of life in china is slowly returning to normal after reporting no new local infections for the 3rd day but the authorities have warned that imported cases have risen by more than 200 percent this week with an increase of dozens daily all from overseas the government is taking measures to screen and quarantine passengers arriving into the country many of them students from europe or the United States hong kong had managed to prevent a rise in cases even at the peak of the outbreak in china but the city is now facing a surge in infections with the number of cases more than doubling in a week the rise was mostly due to residents returning from overseas but the government is highlighting another issue people in hong kong have been vigilant from the start on the streets and in Public Places its hard to find someone thats not wearing a face mask but after months of taking precautions staying away from crowds and social distancing many are now dropping their guard and that the government says is the biggest risk to the city and the main reason theyre expecting a 2nd wave of infections pollen are Jazeera Hong Kong and south africa the number of people infected with coronaviruses wasnt shortly to 240 the countrys Health Care System is already struggling people worry the pandemic overwhelm it entirely for me the miller reports now from johannesburg. Doctors detected the 1st case of covert 1000 in south africa earlier this month over the past 2 weeks more than 150 people have been treated for the virus as the government tries to contain the outbreak many are worried 28 year old stepson quater is one of the 7000000. 00 South Africans with hiv he says with an already compromised immune system his priority is to keep safe it feels like its another. Reload of a sort their reaction be really ill evolute and something that is got a lot of fear and words People Living with hiv it was in their denial of seeing what if they get infected whats going to happen why dont you choose that whats the next steps millions like to pull have no option but to use often overcrowded public transport while private taxi operators have promised to disinfect and provide Hand Sanitizer many have been slow to implement the new guidelines Public Hospitals and clinics are normally crowded with people waiting for hours to see a doctor they are concerned the corona virus could easily spread when you come to our part of the world our Public Health care systems are broken our intensive care units are full even before we get to covert 19 so again theres a real danger and this is why i think we need International Support for africa we need a mobilization of resources poor water and sanitation infrastructure in parts of south africa mean that many may not be able to wash their hands as often as they should increasing the risk of contracting cold 1000 in upmarket suburbs like this one homes in spaces a large states a wide its easier for people to keep apart but for millions of others the reality is quite different. Thousands of townships across south africa overcrowded dozens of families share one toilet streets aligned with rubbish and people have little if any space to themselves the government is using t. V. Radio and the internet to spread awareness as quickly as possible and as promised quarantine spaces for people who dont have their own its closed schools and banned gatherings of more than 100 people compared to europe and asia african countries have fewer reported cases of the virus but some experts worry that poorly equipped Public Health systems of failing to spot the true total and warn the continent should prepare for the worst from aljazeera Johannesburg South africa so its come on the news are suspected cases of coronavirus from some of riots at a prison in northern sri lanka and acts of kindness we look at how volunteers are helping people cope with the stress of the coronavirus. Hello and welcome back were seeing colder air sinking southward across europe temperatures around the balkans up into the twentys just on saturday but now were seeing temperatures for him right by sarajevo 7 bucharest 8 degrees celsius and chilly elsewhere moscow there barely freezing as a maximum temperature meanwhile across more Western Areas of low Pressure Center which been across the iberian pictures still in evidence still looking bra bashara here as we move on through into monday the risk of showers continues but it across northeastern areas so barcelona could be wet at Times Central parts of europe turning to can draw in fire a lot of fine weather the come as a big area of High Pressure sits across these Northern Areas and still here in seattle across more southeast narrows with a mixture of rain and snow with those temperatures still pretty low although athens you noticed it up at 17 degrees we should by sunday have lost the storm across parts of algeria extending into tunisia so relatively quiet conditions expected plenty of showers across the ethiopian highlands across west africa scattered showers but nothing untoward to move through monday wanted to those pushing further inland and then across southern portions of the continent weather conditions looking pretty makes we got some heavy showers to your congo down towards zambia and some heavy rain at times expected in south africa. The grim consequences of mexicos bloody drug most watched the people around you mr governor youve got people who are with the narco through the eyes of the journalists determined to report the truth your government is full of narky she said thats how the article should start 6 years on we revisit the reporters still risking their lives lately this being another outbreak of violence of more of course rewind the deadliest beat on aljazeera. London is one of the most important cities in the world and decisions made here have an impact on around the globe and so here at aljazeera we will show you the true impact of those decisions on people but how it affects their every day but. We are free to put them on air and to really engage those stories because we know that all audience is interested not just in the mainstream news but also the more hidden stories from parts of the world that often go on the reported. The move. To the on the. Quick rise over headlines here for your knowledge is iraq italy has seen his biggest daily jump in the number of deaths from the coronavirus since the i put began there a month ago 793 people have diets in the past 24 hours taking the total number of deaths there its almost 5 times since. Countries across europe are struggling to contain the virus just by tens of millions of people being on the looked out in spain recorded music on phones in the cases of mice and 20 forest switzerlands infections of the lats on a quarter to 6 1100 cases. And authorities in home comment china say theyre preparing for a 2nd wave of provirus infections as cases are imported overseas residents become complacent spoil this us singapore has recorded its 1st 2 deaths from the virus. Affairs of a global recession thanks the pandemic are growing and countries are struggling for ways to shore up their economies i want trillion dollar relief packages being debated in the u. S. Senate focused on providing tax cuts saloons for businesses but it also includes individual payments to americans of up to 1200. 00 each on the other hands the u. K. Approach more than 380000000000. 00 a slightly more focused on individuals that includes paying up to 80 percent of workers wages for at least 3 months up to 2900. 00 a. Well as more on the economic angle know we can speak to Robert Scotts hes a senior economist at the Economic Policy institute and joins us now live by skype from mary land good to have you with us on the use are a trillion dollar leaf package in the states you think this will be enough to help the economy there. I think not for 2 reasons this is really a continuation of the trump administrations continued graft and corruption is primarily a giveaway to the wealthy and to those who dont need help in this recession coming recession is and also is too small so its going the wrong places to look and why they say is this because the approach in the states is more focused on shoring up Companies Rather than helping individuals were status available for receiving and in the United Kingdom in a way. Exactly the 1st one of the president s mouth when he started talking about relief 2 weeks ago was a tax cut well it tells you immediately hes looking to help businesses and the wealthy we should be giving cash to people who dont pay taxes you know in fact in the bill being considered in the senate they dont give relief to anyone who doesnt pay taxes at all you have to earn at least 2500 dollars and actually pay taxes you get a cash payment from from you know going to full payment until you pay at least 1200. 00 in taxes thats just upside down and the well its interesting that you make that point because the suggestion was when steve minute to nines that getting cash to americans as quickly as possible i think he said in his press conference that the suggestion was that every american would get it youre saying thats not the case its absolutely not the case where trump is trying to do here is to write a check to middle of high income americans the people hes trying to recruit to vote for him in the next election it is absolutely corrupt politics and so do you think it will pass the senate. I dont think the bill is going to pass the senate in this form no there were what so what sort of measures a year expects in congress to come up with then because if there are going to be changes made do you think you are like to see changes which would help individuals rather than large companies. Absolutely in the United States we have to remember that house of representatives the peoples house originates spending legislation thats controlled by nancy pelosi a democrat she hasnt been part of these discussions and she comes back tomorrow i expect or demand that we see much more spending for work sharing representative rush either to leap has proposed that Congress Issue payments to all people in the United States the moment debit cards or cash cards they can go they go to everyone including the undocumented and people who live in territories as well as people who pay taxes and participate in the work system but it is says rather like theres a lot a lot of politics coming into play here and that this is this is a political decisions that are going to be amazing and it will look terrible if a bill fails to get through congress because democrats dont like something republicans refuse to pay for it still dont think its time for the. Country to come together not for the common good rather than for votes in the process on lines. Well as the chief of staff for president obama once said that you never let a good crisis go to waste i think both parties are looking for opportunities to do things for their constituents in this case i think the republicans and democrats with the wealthy i think the democrats are going to step in and insist that really bill which is desperately needed by both parties surely provide substantial benefits to those who are most in need ok great so get your thoughts thank you very much indeed robert stuarts a senior economist with the a comic policy Institute Thanks very much for joining us from maryland thanks for having me. Now its a 50000000 jobs in the Global Travel and Tourism Sector are at risk because of the coronavirus pandemic and in mexico right now the easter holidays are critical to the local economy well john home and travel to the coastal town of acapulco to see how its being affected by the sight break. Its because sun and sand give more than 4000000 people work its Tourism Industry is vital for the country now its under threat. By a man these are years in the resort town of acapulco is wondering if this easter usually high season it will instead like now. I mean. This is my work my family depends on it i have a wife and children who depend on me so i hope they can control the coronavirus and we have a good easter. The 1st signs arent great some consolations already magda and family here but plan to cut their holiday sure carrying around some of it yeah but not here. Were going back home tomorrow because were already nervous and seeing on the t. V. That something could happen and the truth is theres very few people here. Other famous resorts like cancun cozumel and los cabos depend on International Visitors especially from the neighboring u. S. But no cruise ships are coming from flights to down this beach or many other parts of mexico would usually be full of tourists come easter instead this time around a lot of people are going to be wondering if their jobs and their means to provide for their families are going to be able to survive this. I could pull calls taking measures spraying down buses week lauren checking tourists and they going to her tells will be it with this the moment or instructions from authorities who are similarly ineffective misapply ones ordering bows to close state ones them reminding them. Restaurant owners salvador says this is the last place he wants to be right now but hes got little choice. Were not in a new neither and were scared too but someones got to serve the tourists because if we dont die of the virus will die of hunger instead. Some remain optimistic that i could. When temperatures and humidity will offer protection but and i mean. No the coronavirus is not going to arrive in a couple of writers just get to cold climates and here is too hot even got a sales pitch have a look at the merchandise here in acapulco its warm come here to pass your quality. Even if its head in the sand thinking it chimes with the rest of the citys attitude to hope and hold out. Average on home and joins us now live from mexico city john theres quite a concern in picture paint there in mexico and those concerns are really reflects it across the region. Yep definitely aside from the medical concerns is definitely an economic picture here there is in acapulco you have the restaurant here say they say well if the coronavirus doesnt get us then hunger will do it instead and a lot of people are things like that so look people here in the mexico city some Big Companies in mexico have said that they want their workers to take at least a month off but theyre not prepared to pay them while theyre doing that so thats a concern for the people here the vast number of mexicans that work in the informal economy sector will they going to do if that money doesnt come in on the other hand on the medical sector weve been speaking to medical professionals today that say that theyre worried about the lack of basic equipment that theyve got to work with the protection for themselves face masks and other things and also the lack of information thats been coming in president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador government and he himself has been criticized for sort of taking a more relaxed approach to this than other countries hes been spotted this week going out shaking hands and hugging people in southern mexico outside on the streets so in terms of sort of practice what he preaches in terms of social distancing he hasnt really been doing that let me just tell you about another impact thats been coming in across the region and that bolivia has just said that its going to be suspending its elections there its president ial elections it hasnt given a new date and thats particularly significant because if you remember that country hasnt had an elected leader for the last few months its president next president ever more ollies was asked to resign by the by the army was suggested that he resign by the by the army and since then theres been a lot of political tomo in that country so thats a really big hit there that its not going to be defined that theyre not going to go to the polls and decide whos going to be the next elected leader now in other countries in the region that has been sort of locked down. Especially in Central America and south of the door what the model of honduras theyre not taking the flights at the moment theres curfews been announced in guatemala honduras also in colombia theyve announced that this next week theyre going to start a general quarantine a lot down in the country one country actually thats been relaxed possibly with like minutes has been brazil in which the president that you will see not only has been saying that he doesnt want everyone to get hysterical about this and for it to really affect the economy hes been going out like the mexican president and shaking hands even while hes his Health Minister has been saying that come the end of april there could be a collapse of the Health System sort of mixed signals being said that in america like in americas biggest economy brazil so thats the picture from here sadly is a truly Global Pandemic thank you so much thats john woman bringing us the situation in latin america the riots broke a says a jail in northern sri lanka over a suspected coronavirus case and mate said a new right appropriate isnt were angry that patients suspected of having the virus were still being kept at the jails hospital and this comes after sri lankas government supposed a nationwide 60 hour curfew on friday so far sri lanka has reported 65. 00 cases 26. 00 of them in people who had returned from italy and an alfa mantis has the latest from the capital colombo. Tensions had been building with a suspected case of corona virus within the prison population and there was a lot of concern that this particular inmate or the or the suspect of the coronavirus patient had not been moved off site so things had been bubbling and they reached a head from the reports were hearing during the course of the day today there was a sort of a faceoff between the prison authorities and prisoners reports indicating that prisoners had busted out of some of the cells some of them had sort of got on top of the roof of the prison and there was sort of chaos reigning in the prisons obviously the special task force being called in according to some reports that we heard and they obviously had been some shooting that had taken place obviously to bring the situation under control and within all of the meal a were hearing that one prisoner was killed and up to 3 others had been injured obviously tensions are high throughout the country given the sort of fears with the coronavirus we are on an island wide curfew that was declared at 6 pm on friday evening right throughout monday but basically were now hearing that in most parts of the country that curfew will be lifted on monday but there will still be 3 districts where the curfew will be reimposed including the capital colombo construction workers a racing to finish an Isolation Hospital for coronavirus patients to the capital. Motivational posters to be placed around the site to inspire some sense of laborers building the 510. 00 facility is the mosul zone hospital bills and record time during the worst of chinas i break president Vladimir Putin says the pandemic is under control in russia but the official number of cases is increasing with 253 recorded as of friday. The number over dead from the code of our city of iran has passed 150123 deaths were reported on saturday there are more than 20000 cases of the farmers across the country that despite that as and has some rouhani says hes considering lifting some restrictions and the beginning of april iran is the worst affected country in the middle east. Same service in tehran has more now on president rouhani is and since. Were since the beginning of this outbreak for the iranian government there have been 2 Major Concerns the Economic Health of the country keeping in mind this is a country that has been debilitated financially by american sanctions for years now and the 2nd consideration has been for the government a public that has lost patience with it a public that sees it as relatively speaking unpopular so really the president here trying to strike a balance between addressing this Public Health crisis and maintaining the economic stability of the country Going Forward and maintaining the social political stability remember this is a country that has lost patience with its own government over a series of crises that the countrys experienced in the last few months and this is also a president who in one of his 1st appearances since the outbreak was announced in the country came on state television spoke to the iranian people and said that in his estimation the outbreak would be over in a matter of 3 days now that was weeks ago having said that the latest figures might suggest some reason for cautious optimism let me give you what the latest numbers are from the Health Ministry in the last 24 hours the new number of cases is 966 down from 24 hours previous and the new number of deaths is 123 down from 24 hours previous still very large numbers still striking figures in terms of the spread of this virus but this does indicate a relative downward trend. Qatar has a nice is closing all parks cafes restaurants and beaches in the latest measures to combat the coronavirus also szell gatherings have been forbidden including weddings and funerals patrols will be deployed to question anyone breaching the restrictions on the small state has 460 infections the highest number in the gulf region. Clearly gross but and no it is now evident that corona virus is more contagious than we could have imagined it spreading among individuals rapidly and widely this is beyond anybodys imagination and it doesnt require more than getting in contact with a person within a proximity of one meter and it only takes a few seconds also studies have shown it can remain on surfaces for a number of hours if not days. Still ahead so knowledge is sierra remembering the Country Music greats they knew when to hold them and when to fold and. The shocking treatment of disabled people in Eastern European state run cabins in this cages you can not have access to a toilet or water and the bureaucratic indifference to their plight she has his hands and his states tied to the bed 5 years after fast highlighting such abuses people in power returns with a 2 part investigation to continuing mistreatment and neglect europes recurring shame hard to on aljazeera the us is always of interest to people all right well this is been going on for a number of hours with tear gas being used pushed by other reports stories from an International Perspective we try to explain to our mobile audience why its important how this could impact your life at the height of the storm the water was so high that we didnt fall by hey this is an important part of the world people Pay Attention to what were going here now to do is very good at bringing the news to the world from here. The all the are. Lets give you all a bit of a break from the coronavirus now bring up state on some of the days other news stories and slovakias the Prime Minister has been sworn in to lead a sensor right coalition in the country eager massive it is cabinet and the countrys president s will protect the face masks during the ceremony in bratislava is ordinary people hearty on a quarter of the popular votes in february elections the center left party which had been a para lost popularity after the murder of an investigative journalist and huge Anti Corruption protests. Were for years and for more recycling an informal recycling industry rather inside garza has been taking in some of the strips Plastic Waste and making money but reason lay the industry has been suffering due to the israeli blockades now and environmental experts say the consequences of that could be long term and damaging sorry false it reports. In the skies over gaza migratory birds look for an easy feed drawing them here a giant landfill east of gaza city they arent the only one sifting through the more than 2000 tons of solid waste dumped every day across the road at all nasser and his team represent the 1st layer of gazas informal Plastics Recycling industry they each earn about 9. 00 a day. Out about them for. A ship to start them off. The workers i have here they separated all out it could be used for pipes coat hangers blankets even furniture. Others collect plastic from the streets bring it to people like Mahmoud Shihab and his factory its shredded washed and reformed into hoses for electric cabling irrigation 5 years ago there were more than 70 plastics factories like this now there are fewer than 10 mahmoud blames the israeli economic blockade for cutting demand and hampering the Electricity Supply but he says gazas hamas leadership needs to do more. When the government needs to tell people how to dispose of plastic properly and at the same time send plastic to factories like ours in big amounts its much better than throwing in the garbage. Given gazas other challenges widespread poverty repeated conflict between its armed groups and israel its unsurprising that recycling hasnt been a priority but that means more than 90 percent of the plastic discarded more than 300. 00 tonnes a day is simply dumped and this is what that looks like on the ground or more to the point in the ground and thats why garzas plastics problem is also a chemical contamination problem some 2 thirds of the waste here is organic as it rots away it takes with it toxic material from plastic and other waste its mixed in with that further degrades garzas already tainted soil and water and threatens its food chain. From the health. Of the. Catastrophic environmental conditions that we are living here. In one small area of gaza city though there is at least an effort underway a Pilot Project to encourage separation of waste such projects have been tried before and shelved but it is at least a step towards reducing garzas plastic problem are a force at aljazeera gaza. Attributes are flowing in for the u. S. Country music star kenny rogers sees dies at the age of 81. 00. While rodgers was best known for his hits the gambler just been listening to lucille and of course the jet with dolly parton islands in the stream he won 3 grammys and a Lifetime Achievement award for his contributions to Country Music his family say he diets from Natural Causes at home in georgia. And before we go a reminder that challenging times like these can bring out the best in people around the world volunteers are trying to help those on the front lines of the pandemic regular mama takes a look at how the crisis is inspiring acts of kindness. As the world comes to terms with an outbreak they hoped would never come out r. T. Theyre trying to figure out how to best protect Health Care Workers during a time when theyre needed most. Covert 19 has the 2 a shortage of supplies and medical staff say theyre running out of testing kits and protective gear needed to help patients it could be some combination of we dont have enough shields but we have enough masks so we dont have enough mass but we have enough shield so its prompted online uses to help jeffrey zines factor his started producing 2000000 face masks a day for medical staff in new york his next challenge he tweets will be distribution. Panic buying has led to empty shelves in some places fears are growing there isnt enough food to go around. Grocery stores are lending a helping hand by designating specific hours to Senior Citizens and disabled customers to shop and volunteers are stepping in to assist the elderly people are able to submit requests online for grocery delivery pharmaceutical deliveries whatever it is that they need from outside if they dont want to go out and we send a volunteer to pick it up for them we make sure to minimize physical contact so all money is slid under the door the groceries are left outside that concern echoes across borders this restaurant in berlin closed a few days ago but the chef and staff are working to prepare dishes for nearby hospitals. And we thought people will work for 18 hours and sleep on their desks or in the waiting room how they be taken care of how can we make sure they eat well and stay healthy and then max said hey i cant do much but i can cook while schools are shut in georgia are in the United States bus drivers are still on judy ensuring children get a hot meal all parents are at work our main focus is to see that the children are bad no matter who they are. And musicians have set up washing stations to protect the homeless right here doing our part to ensure. People access to this basic necessity for this fandom and. For many who are in self isolation there is a need to keep spirits up with song. Hes still got it or a message of appreciation to those jury in the crisis and to all our Health Care Workers we salute you. Its unclear how long this Global Pandemic will last but Human Connection and the kindness of neighbors goes a long way for him mohammed al jazeera. I am i will be and to the seas are on an uplifting those still remember stay safe wash your hands ill be back in just a moment. So me al jazeera london Broadcast Center 2 special guests in conversation people think that racism is having personal vitriol towards black people and theres no understanding of what systemic racism is unprompted uninterrupted success comes with a physician if youre not upsetting people youre not saying anything f. 100 meets ennio. There is not a family in britain i believe that has not been touched by empire studio be unscripted on aljazeera when the news breaks the word awful was dealt with it ends up getting wobbly its going to presentation and Economic Development when people need to be heard but the leadership world where of the potential for parity of the bar of weeks before the public were told it was dangerous al jazeera has teams on the ground the syrian army seems determined to defeat the rebels and continues advanced was this is a good bit to bring you moued winning documentaries and light news. Overthrown and exiled their point again saying if you all got this wish me to give you an intimate film about the struggle of the elected leader of madagascar to return to his country and reinstate his presidency you know is that the truth which should change by and we say that not only just think she is that the interesting change return of a president on aljazeera. Told a number told stories from asia and the pacific on aljazeera. The all. Italy reports nearly 800. 00 deaths in just 24 hours a dramatic illustration of high for europe is from containing the coronavirus. A mama hitting and this is al jazeera life from london also coming out. Of london remains one of the few major cities in europe with few rules on movement but nevertheless the city is slowly just and. In the u. S. President trump says conflicting messages on new jersey becomes the latest states to order its residents to stay at home. And a warning of things to come

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