To stay at home. And panic buying in malaysia after take some of the most drastic steps yet as infections why. The Drug Administration is promising up to a trillion dollars to help the u. S. Economy whether the coronavirus pandemic proposal includes a 1000. 00 check for every u. S. Citizen within 2 weeks the number of u. S. Cases of the disparity illness has surged to nearly 6000 and the death toll as reached 100 family hala good has the latest details from the white house. As ordinary americans cope with the Economic Impacts of coronavirus the white house announced it was pushing congress to make a media Cash Payments to struggling americans what weve heard from hardworking americans Many Companies have now shut down whether its bars or restaurants american state cash now and the president wants to get cash now and i mean now in the next few Weeks Congress has already put forward a bill to provide sickly as well as Food Assistance to children and the elderly it still needs to pass the Republican Controlled Senate before us President Donald Trump can sign it into law. But the new proposed payments which also need to be approved by congress would be part of a package worth more than a trillion dollars. Clude help for the airline and other Industries Hit hard by the slowdown in business this is worse than 911 that for the Airline Industry were going big with this invisible enemy we dont want airlines going out of business we dont want people losing their jobs the Hotel Industry has also been hard hit tuesday maryon the Worlds LargestHotel Company started furloughing thousands of employees as their hotels see fewer customers but its not just the economy that has the white house worried it says Public Health remains a priority on standby in new york the army corps of engineers to increase Hospital Capacity in response to the pandemic new york remains one of the states with a high cluster of coronavirus cases my hunch is it would probably be quicker if its done at the state or local level but if we can do it quicker we should we were prepared to do that but i think at this point the key is speed still there are signs it will be weeks if not months before life returns to normal beloved events like the Kentucky Derby horse race now delayed until september. And in an Election Year the ohio president ial nominating contest was also called off the American Red Cross on tuesday also put out a call for blood donations the Coronavirus Task force here at the white house says the next 2 weeks will be critical for containing the virus thats why its urging young people to abide by Public Health warnings to ensure more vulnerable americans arent exposed kimberly healthy at aljazeera the white house. Correspondent particle haynes joining me live from washington d. C. Party were in the middle of a Health Crisis in the United States and the white house is focusing on the economic and pardons. Well really right now thats what we can see for ourselves if you just walk through the streets of washington d. C. Or most of the cities and towns in this country a lot of restaurants are closed so these are people who dont necessarily have a lot of savings the waitresses and the chefs and and the bartenders so they dont necessarily these are not high income jobs for the most part they dont tend to have a ton of savings and so what we saw in just the last couple days is some states and cities come forward and say all the restaurants are closing all the bars are closing some can do takeout so thats the at the immediate Economic Impact people who dont know how theyre going to pay their rent who no longer have a job the issue about the health how the Health Care System is holding up is not nearly as front and center and a large part of that might be because we truly dont know how Many Americans have come in contact with the coronavirus because there simply arent enough tests despite what the president said days and days ago that anybody who wants a test get a test there be there are reports that theyre being rationed at most hospitals were now starting to see states and cities use their own labs to come up with tests to be able to test for people were starting to see a couple of drive through Testing Facilities but the number of people being tested is still in the thousands were talking about a country of more than 300000000 so how widespread is this epidemic we do not know because the u. S. Didnt produce the tests enough tests fast enough. This is a package this Financial Aid package that were talking about it sounds like a great deal of money but is im getting the feeling this isnt just going to be a standard rubber stamp visit this is going to be although time is of the essence this is going to take time in order to get it processed and get it to people. It really is and thats because we have 2 different parties running the 2 different branches of the legislature so youre going to see very different approaches now theres some talk within the republican circles that they want to balance out the Industries Like the cruise ships and the airlines as you heard the president can really stories say that possibly Casinos Hotels and then youre going to see some democrats say wait a minute we bailed out the banks and the Car Companies during the financial recession because those were systematically important its pretty hard to make the argument although yes they do give a lot of jobs its hard to argue that the country cant function if they dont have to senos so youre going to see an argument by exactly who should that money go to your d. C. And democrats say it needs to be direct cast of low income americans your senior public and say you know lets look at the industries as well so theyre going to battle over this and the yes they say they want to do it quickly but both sides have proven that when they are when they negotiate they can play hardball so theyll be under pressure to get it done but trying to make those compromises theyre still pretty far apart but if another thanks very much indeed. Well the corona Virus Outbreak is causing schools restaurants and factories to close across the globe as governments rush to contain the pandemic workers halted for Car Manufacturers in europe including votes they move forward and nissan u. S. Unions have called for car plants to shut down for 2 weeks airlines are dealing with a collapse in air travel as passengers council their flights and stay at home but western countries are taking measures to kick start economies as we mentioned at the top of our bulletin the u. S. Is seeking a one trillion dollar aid package its going to include 250000000000. 00 in checks for u. S. Citizens as well as a bailout plan for airlines and hotels spain france and the u. K. Have also announced measures worth hundreds of billions of dollars to help their economies where the crisis well jake kovco her gaga is a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics is joining us on skype from washington d. C. We appreciate your time so thank you very much indeed given the nature of the pandemic that the world is facing at the moment is it the right thing for governments to do to be focusing on stimulating the economy by supporting for example airlines and Car Companies. Well i think that the main thing that governments have to do is to ensure that people have money in their pockets because basically certainly in a country like the United States where once you begin to rollover large quarantine measures a lot of people are going to lose their jobs and theyre going to lose their source of income but they will still have mortgages to pay they will still have you know various other bills to pay food and the like and in the United States but you do not have access to general government paid sick leave or government instituted work sharing arrangements where the government will pay a large percentage of your wages to your employer to keep you from being laid off this is what you need to do because we need to recognize that the economic measures required to contain this virus is truly dramatic for the lives of millions of people around the world its often been argued that small and medium sized businesses are actually the backbone of the economies of many countries around the world what are the dangers that they are going to get sold or decide when the money is doled out and the big banks the big Car Manufacturers and the Airlines Start moving in. No i mean i i absolutely agree with that point theres always a risk particularly here in the United States that it is the sectors in the industries and the businesses with the biggest lobby aeration is and those that have the highest political contributions that gets the government bailouts i would therefore much rather see that the u. S. Government spent a lot of money on generating Employment Security by basically promised same small and medium sized businesses that they would pay a significant percentage of the payroll of employees provided that burns didnt lay them off. And then we can discuss whether or not particularly hard hit sectors Like Airlines and others should also get a special type of bailout but certainly thinking that the only help that the Business Community quote unquote should get is to the large corporations is fundamentally misguided and will lead to very widespread on employment in the United States for many of us one of the issues that weve got is that simply the context of this its difficult to get a handle on the size of the impact on the economies around the world that this pandemic is having can you give us some comparison about how bad this could get compared to previous years. What i mean we do have the 1st macroeconomic numbers bailable from china that includes the period in which parts of china was under the direct lockdown and containment measures fighting the coronavirus and those indicate that chinese g. D. P. Capital investment in other measures may have declined by as much as 20 percent. During this virus attack thats obviously very sobering in my opinion for many European Countries right now where the virus is not particularly you know is actually national in scope which arguably it never was in china as well as the United States because it highlights that the declines in g. D. P. Is so scared it with this crisis may very well exceed by a significant margin those that we saw in the great financial crisis in 200820092 compare god to senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics we appreciate your time thank you very much indeed the u. S. State of new jersey suffered 3 deaths and now has 267 coronavirus cases have all his on his injuries and sitting across the river from new york or strict local measures in place. Were here in jersey city a city of about 250000. 00 people and were along this promenade here that on a normal lunchtime would be packed with people workers that are coming out to eat their lunch outside on this promenade that you see behind me there as you can see less than 10 people there right now why because all of those Office Buildings you see there are pretty much empty right now as everyone has been asked to leave and go work from home that has been the meeting from the governor of of the state of new jersey to see its very very quiet here as it is in much of the cities such as this but its really the epicenter here in the state of new york and new jersey new jersey has 178 cases of corona virus one of a 5 year old that just came in today but just give you an idea how fast that it has happened here in new jersey 11 days ago the state of new jersey only had one case today 178 so its growing so fast lets get to new york the behind me there you see the midtown manhattan that you see behind me there thats new york city new york city 463 cases of coronavirus in the state of new york 950 so what youre seeing here is what we saw as the governors of both states both new jersey and new york got together on monday they both are upset with what they say is a slow response from the federal government in washington and so they got together and they said to unilateral action to say both new jersey and new york are going to be going on to what they say all restaurants closed here in both states bars closed as well and theyre telling people to stay home stay home do not go outside in fact a neighboring town of hoboken just a couple miles a clump of kilometers for im at right now right now they actually issued a curfew no one can go out from 8 pm. Until the Early Morning hours so theyre hoping to get this contained here but the worst is certainly ahead according to both governors of these states. While the pandemic is exposing the cracks in the u. S. Health system in a country where paid sick leave is the exception self isolation means Economic Hardship the high cost of treatment leaves many reluctant to get tested and thats contributing to the spread of the virus and intensified debate around Free Health Care mike hanna reports from washington d. C. Washingtons usually bustling 18th street is eerily quiet many of the restaurants here have shut down others are offering only Takeout Service the reality behind these closed spaces is the loss of hundreds of jobs restaurant workers are fictive lee being laid off as few of the businesses offer either paid or sick leave gregory alan has worked in the Restaurant Business for 13 years he shows a workers manual typical of the industry which makes no mention whatsoever of paid sick leave he cannot afford private insurance and says he would not seek Health Care Even if he tested positive for the virus absolutely not i think its crazy you know i heard that the 1st person i got tested or not the 1st person one of the people that got tested for her a virus has a 3000. 00 bill and i can afford that health care should be free the potential cost to the individual is prohibited of the government says it will cover the cost of testing for the virus but then there are 3. 00 other elements firstly the patient needs to go to a doctor that will cost 200 to 600 dollars then theres the issue of cat scans or x. Rays that will run the cost up to Something Like a 1000. 00 but this is only the beginning of the expense. These turn out to be merely initial costs and then if you need to go into the hospital you know then a hand up probably spending anywhere from 50. 00 to 100000. 00 and if you dont have Health Insurance youre unlikely to do any of the 3 spend the 200. 00 and 500. 00 in certainly spend the 50. 00 to 100000. 00 and so people are going to try to self medicating and now is going to be a serious problem for all of us. The issue of Free Health Care has been one of the central issues in this Election Year but democratic senator Bernie Sanders is the only president ial contender who advocates this with no reservation some believe the nations experience of this pandemic could impact on future decisions by congress so i think we will in fact see some kind of change and we realize that its how important it is for each american to have access to care in a crisis now whether or not we can translate that into a noncrisis situation i can answer the argument about Free Health Care is likely to continue long after these restaurants once again open their doors. Mike hanna aljazeera washington dr gregory a polands direct mail Vaccine Research group and editor in chief of vaccine he joins us on skype from rochester in minnesota thanks very much indeed for being with us its fairly clear that the statistics are key to the research thats going on to try to find some sort of solution to this crisis but what kind of problems does it create when people as we heard in mike hannas package there are simply not able to afford to go to the doctors and report themselves the how much of a skew does that give to the statistics. No definitely as you point out does the fact that we dont know the denominator we only know the numerator how many people have been ill enough to come for testing or to seek medical care that is why the dynamics of an outbreak like this are hard for people to grasp you start seeing a few cases like you reported in new jersey there is a lag time of 71012 days and then no if peo