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the material. the president is defines and brags about withholding evidence. that's why this. was for a tough process rejecting lebanon's new government descend into ruts and street battles in the capital beirut. and china holds flights and trains out of the city at the center of a virus outbreak that's killed 17 people so far. so the u.n. human rights experts are calling for an investigation into allegations that saudi arabia's crown prince was involved in the hacking of the phone of amazon boss jeff bezos relations between the billionaire and riyadh saudi write off the journalist democracy was killed by saudi agents in 2018 we begin with this report from nicholas cage. 15 months after the murder of saudi journalists. in the kingdom's consulate in istanbul the fallout continues jeff bezos the boss of the world's largest online shop amazon also owns the washington post the newspaper khashoggi wrote for he's now at the center of a hacking probe un human rights experts including agnes kalmadi who investigated murder say they've looked at forensic analysis that points to dart of being stolen from basal says foreign in 20 itin that happened after bass also received whatsapp messages from the personal account of the saudi crown prince mohammed bin some on possibly the experts say to try and influence articles in the washington post the guinea shola expert conduct an. investigation concluded reason medium or high certainty that to show also the hijacking was a videophile send to me stone. and account by the crown prince on the sidelines of the world economic forum the saudi energy minister responded to the allegation is that if there. was a democracy people are concerned. i'm stupid you know that at the same time the wall street journal reported that saudi officials close to the crown prince said they were aware of a plan to hack base also as foreign as part of a broader intimidation campaign against ji but not aware of any attempt to blackmail him well i think is exactly the right way the idea that the conference would have jeff bezos of photos absolutely silly as baseball supported fiancé following his murder in 2018 relations with been some man soweth. baze also 6. alleged last march that the kingdom gained private information from his phone involving text messages between him and a former t.v. news presenter this latest analysis implicates the crown prince for the 1st time i think that it's hard to believe that if they had this successful capability and were brazenly willing to use it against one of the most powerful people in the world that they would stop there the saudis have been accused of other hacking attacks but baze also is by far the most high profile person involved and these latest allegations are expected to only worsen relations between the world's richest men and the kingdom a strategic ally of the us weekly gauge al-jazeera what we heard from the u.n. special reporter when she spoke to al-jazeera here's more from that interview. any show to expo to conduct an. investigation concluded reason medium to high certainty that are so awesome the hacking was a videophile send to me stove top web site. and account by the crown prince we subsequently david kay and i asked independent expert to review the findings all of the initial team of experts and they too i've reached a similar level of conclusion as the. forensic study i wouldn't want to point out i decided that he saw a d.c. court for a forensic expert weighs an incredible means and disposal to reach 100 per cent. so teach you a certainty order so also the action that should be a wakeup call to all of us that 20 are confronting a technology and and a need a street that is extremely difficult to trace even riza best and highest resources at our disposal those allegations place. the crime prend and the center of a campaign all the hacking surveillance and intimidation that's a fair saying in my view based on mine were created to the killing of gemma castro game those allegations today reinforce the call and i have made for sorow independent investigation into the mastermind behind the killing of casualty and particularly an investigation into the nature and extent of their responsibilities at the highest level of the state including by mohammed bin salman . well only i jeff bezos tweeted a photograph of himself with jamal khashoggi fiance from when they were unveiling a plaque last october marking the one year anniversary of his murder and it had the hash tag jamal all right in washington d.c. the 2nd day of doldrums impeachment trial is underway in his opening statement the democrat adam schiff who's acting as chief prosecutor in the trial said the transactions show that he believes these above the law democrats have 3 days to make their case before trump's team get 3 days to deliver their rebuttal trial could potentially and next week trump is all but certain to be acquitted 20 senators from his republican party need to vote in favor of his removal so far none have said that they will do that in an unprecedented fashion the president ordered the entire executive branch of the united states of america to categorically refuse and completely obstruct the house's impeachment investigation such a host cell obstruction of uncrushed congressional impeachment has never before occurred in our democracy and it represents one of the most blatant efforts at a cover up in history if not remedied by his conviction in the senate and removal from office president trump's abuse of his office and obstruction of congress will permanently alter the balance of power among the branches of government inviting future presidents to operate as if they are also beyond the reach of accountability congressional oversight and the law. now let's play another how did your customer joins us live from capitol hill in washington d.c. . at the run of speeches there's no talk us through the main points made by the democrats who. will make atom a shift started out this morning speaking with reporters being very clear that he is speaking to 2 juries he said one of course are these 100 senators who have the president's fate in their hands and of the 2nd are the american voters themselves who are tuning in and watching these proceedings why is that important well because we see shift and his other house and these managers making these sweeping arguments you just heard him with an argument that this is in the context of both america's founding that president trump's accused behavior is the worst fear of the founding fathers of the united states and also forward looking and what sort of precedent this establishes now his fellow impeach managers have now for the last 5 hours or so going step by step through the evidence that we saw developed during the investigative part of this impeachment going through the phone call in which president trump asked the president of ukraine for a favor talking about getting an announcement on investigations into president trump's political rival joe biden and we also saw them bring up some of those new were evidence that wasn't part of the impeachment inquiry these are documents that were just recently turned over to investigators clued in notes from president trump's private attorney rudy giuliani when he was in ukraine when he was trying to pitch the craning government to get involved in this he wrote a letter to president a lot of news olinsky of ukraine saying that giuliani was acting with the full consent and knowledge of president trump also we're seeing references of last week's nonpartisan federal. watchdog report is an agency that found that the security hold that president trump ordered not giving ukraine its $400000000.00 i have been authorized by congress of laying it. this is agency found that this hold was illegal so none of that has been considered previously in a in a political or a judicial environment like we are here today in the capitol and it is certainly evidence that the senators are allowed to consider now but the biggest evidence is what democrats hope to obtain in the future they're hoping that after these 6 days of opening arguments from both sides that then they will have a chance to call nucleate misses that these senators and the american public have not heard from get some of trump's closest advisers who have thus far been barred from testifying by the president himself and order to get those witnesses though democrats need the support of at least 4 republican senators they're hoping that as they make these opening arguments it's those 4 miles that they hope to sway at least to give democrats the opportunity to see what these witnesses have to say next or heidi thanks very much for the time being well u.s. president donald trump is in the air right now flying back from switzerland from davos where he attended the world economic forum white house correspondent can we help it has more. he was in davos switzerland to talk trade with world leaders but in his 1st press conference since the senate impeachment trial began donald trump couldn't help lashing out at his democratic adversaries calling them major sleaze bags that his mind set focused on his defense trumped told reporters he wanted to let members of his administration testify like former national security advisor john bolton secretary of state my pump ale and other top officials he even floated the possibility of showing up himself. i'd love to. know why you have. the front row and stare in their corrupt faces i'd love to do it i don't know. you may convince me to do it trump seemed fixated on the trial back home even as the white house hoped trump would use the world economic forum to highlight accomplishments on trade trampas corey when asked when he'll tariff imports of european cars to the united states have a date in my mind and it's a fairly quick date past threats of tariffs have sparked backlash from european officials and it could hurt efforts to negotiate another trump trade priority reform of the world trade organization and a new trade deal with the united states and european union still trump says he hopes to have a deal before the 2020 presidential election. terms also confirmed he's expanding his controversial travel ban barring citizens of certain countries from entering the u.s. we're adding a couple of countries to it we have to be safe our country has to be safe. trumps ban sparked protests in the u.s. when he introduced it less than a week after taking office. here. and he called it a muslim ban for targeting muslim majority countries like iran and somalia and fought it in court 2018 the supreme court upheld the policy the white house promises countries can be removed from the travel ban list if they step up security but those headlines from trump's impromptu press conference were once again overshadowed at the impeachment trial on capitol hill mr justice one trunk believes could shape his legacy when i finish i think that this is going to go down as one of the greatest things i've done for our country thank you very much despite allegations to the contrary trump insists he's committed no wrong do. wing and efforts to remove him from office are an attempt to undo the results of the 2016 election and influence the next one. but we're going to speak to complain just a 2nd but as you heard the dollar trump used his press conference and that was to lash out against the impeachment proceedings and he also posted about withholding some evidence from the democrats they had a phony concocted story made so here's the story did nothing wrong it was a perfect conversation it was totally appropriate the best lawyers in the world of looked at it the department of justice has looked at it given it a sign of there was nothing wrong so we're doing very well i got to watch enough i thought our team did it very good job but honestly we have all the material they don't have the material. let's speed secondly going live right now it can be what about every last line that we have all the material. yeah what the president saying and what he's veering sort of unashamed about is the fact that he has been blocking a lot of this evidence that the democrats have been requesting this is part of the obstruction of congress argument that is being made on the floor of the senate but the president seems to believe this is within the realm of presidential privilege and he's making it very plain so that is what is ultimately being decided as part of this impeachment trial now in terms of the president i can update you the he has just landed after flying back from davos switzerland we're watching very carefully to see if a few speaks when he does finally arrive at the white house but in the midst of all of that the white house has had a lot to say about the proceedings thus far in fact the president's longtime attorney jay sekulow saying that there's a lot to rebut and we will rebut we will challenge aggressively the case the democrats are putting forward their kucing adam schiff one of the key house managers we've been listening to of misquoting witnesses in order to make his case in fact stephanie grisham the press secretary saying the american people see this for the partisan sham that it really is in the truck campaign manager parsky ellis saying that in fact this is something that americans aren't even particularly focused on and it is working for trouble in that they're trying to raise money in fact they've sent a goal out to the supporters that they want to try and use this as an opportunity to raise 2000000 dollars in the next 24 hours and we've seen these kind of e-mails before not only did the president meet his goal but in fact he exceeded it so we're watching carefully to see what happens this time but certainly the white house making the case that they want to present their case as well on the floor of the senate and so far they have a lot they say they disagree with me the whole thing is a test of insurance for those of us who follow it but also to especially for those within the senate chamber how important is it for the report republicans that this that wraps up before the falls in the state of union address. it's interesting because donald trump was asked that question before he departed for washington in davos he said he's not particularly concerned in fact he said if this impeachment trial still going how come and talk so joint session of congress in the state of the union he doesn't seem to see it as a problem i don't know how uncomfortable it would be for his those that are watching but in fact the president even said he'd be very happy in the case of the senate trial to sit in the front row this or impeachment trial and stare his democratic critics right in the face so it doesn't seem concerned or it can be more later thanks very much to be held at that well more on donald trump's a piece from michael isikoff is the chief investigative correspondent at yahoo news joins us now from new york michael he was speaking 24 hours ago and things have moved on now we have the democrats laying out their case so what do you make of it so far well i did think that. congressman schiff did a pretty masterful job of laying out the case he's quite good and he was he was good yesterday he clearly did a much superior job with the president's lawyers would be that it did but i think at this point. you know we kind of know the story we've heard the story the senators have now or the story and so there is little danger of repetition at this point and i think that. the senators may well feel as this goes on into the night and then tomorrow that ok we get it we've heard your case and we don't really need to keep hearing it over and over again so you don't think we've heard enough to persuade any republicans to be the fences that. look we don't know if so far no republican senators have broken in and said they are planning to convict the president of course we wouldn't expect thinks here that during the trial there is one crucial vote coming up and it's next week and the whole ball game rests on that and that is whether to call witnesses it now appears that the. that the democrats have 3 republican senators who are prepared to vote for witnesses susan collins said she's likely to do so in a statement yesterday lisa murkowski indicated she's. may well do so in mitt romney that's 3 the question is do they get one more and that would make it $5149.00 and this trial can go into a witness phase if it goes into a witness phase it's katie bar the door this could drag on for months they'll be battles over executive privilege court litigation to try to block testimony from people like john bolton it's going to be an ugly mess and it could get quite costly for republican senators if however they don't get that 4th vote if they're if the senate does not vote to call witnesses this could be over very quickly certainly before february 4th so i think at this point all eyes are on that crucial vote next week about whether to call witnesses michael while republicans unify behind trump it is just a case of unfeigned loyalty. well look this is been a question people have been asking and trying to figure out for the entire 3 years of drum's presidency certainly privately many of these senators will tell you they have no stomach for a lot of donald trump's conduct they wish he wouldn't tweet blue way he does they will they wish he wouldn't say the kinds of things he does the divisive kinds of things that he engages in but they have got a loyal there is a loyal republican base that is standing behind trump and that's their constituents so there are afraid politically to break with the constituents who put them there in the 1st place and that's us kind of like iron rule of politics the democrats will say well if they really showed some courage they would do so they would speak out but of course that's easy to say for them to say because it's not their constituents and backers who are behind donald trump all right well michael moore to come from you for the time being thanks very much michael isikoff the but i'm also ahead on the news hour including the threat from libyan warlord one for have to place his tripoli's main airport. opponents of india's citizenship nor have their day in court with the latest from new delhi. and defending champion. so call it the astray and open the eyes of the actual. planes trains and public transport in the chinese city of would have been shut down as authorities battled the spread of a deadly new virus at least 17 people have been killed across china by the coronavirus while hundreds more foreign oil people have also been banned from leaving unless they have a specific reason japan south south korea the united states and taiwan of all reported one case each there are reports also spread to hong kong from where brown now reports. as the disease spreads to more of china's provinces the leadership has issued an unequivocal order to all officials be honest and transparent that now includes the media. state t.v. is devoting more coverage to the containment measures in wu han where the outbreak began 3 weeks ago medical teams have been instructed to intensify their efforts after a warning the virus could mutate and expand my man again we are told we advise everyone not to go to war and we advise one residents not to leave the city and less do special circumstances this will help reduce the flow of people and the risk of transmission but the flow of people to china goes on but kalyan west train station in hong kong most passengers were heeding the advice to wear face masks in crowded places. there are 2 direct trains a day from here to han on wednesday many passengers were canceling trips and seeking refunds. someday. i was supposed to be going to and i had not been back for 15 years now there is this big disease and my aunt told me not to come i think it's pretty serious the way they didn't want to and i'm worried about the huge crowds on the transport system and a possible outbreak of the virus. this is the suspected source of the virus a wholesale seafood market in new hampshire media reports say it's sold of the rioting of wild meat under new measures announced on wednesday the trade in such meat as well as live poultry is now banned the majority of those who've died so far had underlying illnesses and most were elderly adrian brown al-jazeera hong kong the scenes of chaos anger and fighting have erupted in lebanon barely a day after a new government formed the cabinet met for the 1st wednesday promising to end months of political and economic crisis but to protesters they're part of the same political elite they blame for widespread corruption so how to reports now from beirut. the people versus the state lebanon is in turmoil anti-establishment protestors briefly broke through security barriers outside parliament square there is anger over a new government that is slowed like a little because in a way it is so nicely made the authorities are all liars corrupt we don't trust them they can't deceive us they can't form a government the way they want they will not stay in power we will not leave the streets we are hungry and dead and we have nothing left to lose. for hours out-i riot police tried to quell the unrest using teargas and water cannons but the few 100 young men were defiant challenging security forces for hours using rocks stones and firecrackers central beirut has been a battleground in the past week but in the past few hours the confrontations have to harass those that are violent. the most violent and aggressive since the protest movement against the political class began in october anger is escalating among the lebanese who are demanding a new leadership they believe the new cabinet reflects the previous one protesters are not convinced politicians will carry out the needed reforms because that would mean losing access to the state's resources for personal gain they also question whether the ministers appointed by politicians are able to hold corrupt officials accountable. to scandal the remarks mr subban dominion over them this government doesn't represent the lebanese the politicians brought their sleeves to politicking we wouldn't recognise but they are both looking at a little known engineering professor and one time minister as lebanon's new prime minister has the choice of the country's ruling alliance his cabinet line up has been criticised for lacking change and being one sided it convened for its 1st session on wednesday and it now needs to work on an economic and financial programme to reassure the. it's about their future but president michel aoun also told the government they need to regain the confidence of the international community foreign support is needed to unlock billions of dollars in aid the international community cares about one thing today is the ability of his government to deliver on the form will this team prove to be really independent. when will they prove that they can they are not but isn't out of the system. in place. and. opponents of the political class are divided over the way forward some believe the movement should remain peaceful while others support a violent campaign. for a 2nd consecutive night yes senior c. tried to convince the security forces to join their ranks and to stop protecting the elite who he said are responsible for all their pain. orders were carried out and the unrest was eventually contained scenes like these are becoming more frequent it's causing concern about the future of a country deeply divided with those who are defending the status quo and those demanding a new levanon center for their beirut. still ahead here on al-jazeera turn back by mexico migrants from guatemala say they now have no choice but to return home. and how russia claimed the gold might even take the united states on the final day of the winter using lympics peter as details. hello there we've had about one day of fairly calm conditions across areas but it is of course changing we've got a massive task weeping in across much of the south coming in from the southwest and my goodness we have rain and we have some snow now the rain is likely to be very heavy particularly through these coastal areas of the gulf states working its way into the southeast and then of course up to the north into more cold we have got some snow not too bad across the northeast it's fine it's clear temperatures not too bad as well for new york and also d.c. and then there's another very powerful storm working its way into the pacific northwest some very heavy amounts of rain we could have a small coastal flooding and then again pushes across into the mountains northern rockies that is where we'll see the snow but is that modern san francisco 16 celsius for you on a friday and generally not a bad day across much of the south this is tim is moving pretty rapidly tools the eastern seaboard and is fairly mild ahead of that 10 celsius in washington d.c. now talking of mild it's actually a little bit cool in some areas of the caribbean particular across into cuba so on thursday just 19 celsius and have a lot of the chance want to scattered showers and you'll see this amount of showers working the east was pushing on towards the leeward islands really by friday but it does begin to warm up in havana maybe a high of 26. tells the story of thousands of it's caused by combining the fronts to adopt obscene. words. to see. this change of mind. on al-jazeera. a unique perspective on nigeria we have so much more with those docs know how to moneys this most of the week of. through the eyes of a celebrated african photographer to police on the torrential impulse movement in still being us what we just did. it 3 years on how has life changed. rewind ga 30 on al-jazeera. or. you want yahtzee or a reminder the top stories this hour and un human rights experts are calling for an investigation into allegations that the saudi crown prince was involved in hacking the phone of amazon and washington post jeff bezos relations between the world's richest man in riyadh saudi after the murder of journalist mark by saudi agents in 2018. i congratulate democrats have called on republican senators to join them in voting to remove donald trump from office they began opening arguments in the appeals for the trial of a u.s. president whose dismissed it all as a hoax. the fighting is erupted in lebanon barely a day after a new government formed cabinet met for the 1st time on wednesday a promising to end months of political and economic crisis protesters say they're part of the same political elite they blame for widespread corruption. now the supreme court judges in india have given the government 4 weeks to respond to legal challenges to the citizenship floor which has provoked weeks of anger nationwide the hindu nationalist government is accused of discriminating against muslims and of putting unprecedented pressure on the judges before the verdict and as with put on a report from new delhi. after 6 weeks of nationwide protests opposition to the citizenship amendment act came before india's supreme court on wednesday but the groups which filed petitions against the law were disappointed with the judge's decision supreme court. the supreme court the government everyone knows what's happening in the country yet the 4 weeks that was given to the government was done to waste time we don't think the people of india happy with what the court has said. more than $100.00 petitions have been filed with the court which say the fast tracking of citizenship to minorities from 3 neighboring countries but not muslims goes against india's secular constitution but the court itself has been criticised recently for yielding to government pressure on some of the most contentious issues judges ruled last year on india's most controversial religious site. 1992 hindu mobs destroyed the 16th century mosque in iowa sparking riots which killed more than 2000 people despite acknowledging that the mosques destruction was unlawful the supreme court allocated the land for the construction of a hindu temple while giving the muslim community an alternative piece of land to build a mosque was not a. of course it was. a. sentiment. meant. i would like to see critics also point to what they say is the courts in action in indian administered kashmir its leaders remain detained and the internet is still cut off in many places 5 months after the government revoked autonomy the court has yet to rule on whether that is constitutional court is an. advocate sanjay head day has worked at the supreme court for 3 decades and says he's never seen the judiciary under so much pressure from the government this is the 1st government which has been at the receiving end of the judiciary before it came to power it was subject to quite a bit of scrutiny in individual cases. so the day nor the power of the judiciary and. the supreme court has also come under criticism from within its own ranks with senior judges questioning the relationship between the government and the judiciary it's been 2 years since 4 supreme court judges held an unprecedented news conference to raise the alarm about how india's highest court was being they said then that the institutions of democracy won't survive now tested again for citizenship you know i scrutinizing the courts to see if its independence has been preserved and that's al-jazeera. and let's return to our top story those allegations that the saudi crown prince was involved in hacking the phone of his and washington post and jeff bezos we can speak now to glen karl who's a former deputy national intelligence officer for transnational threats at the cia and he joins us now from boston was called welcome to the program these are certainly explosive allegations on the well i guess they are for the average person for an intelligence officer it sounds like business as usual i'm not surprised at all that happened i am a bit surprised that m.b.a.'s himself would allow or the intelligence service would use the head of state's own phone so easily traceable but that they did so doesn't surprise me so when you say you know surprise to what degree does it happen all the time. oh well i teach intelligence and i tell my students that they must always realize that no country has any friends even your allies are not your friends and if you have a national interests that seek to advance or defend then intelligence operations will occur so this is why this kind of operation is widespread too to learn information that can be used against an individual who is deemed to be harmful to a state that is standard procedure and in this case would have would have been the motivations for jeff bezos and the phone to be touched in this way so well i think it's pretty clear it's not that basis is rich that makes him of interest what makes him of interest is that he owns the washington post one of the 3 most influential media newspapers in the united states and therefore with global implications which in seeking truth and i i want to emphasize that the washington post seeks facts it does not engage in a campaign hostile to m.b.a.'s or saudi arabia it publishes facts and the facts have been damning and harmful to saudi image and operations and because of that it is then of some of interest to saudi arabia to have information that could discredit or the washington post or its owner or the information by creating a counter story which is not the truth which is a diversion but that's the motivation certainly because the saudis according the idea absurd and say this should be an investigation. well of course you know if your hand is caught in the cookie jar what you say is well i can't explain or it's not my fault or i didn't really do it don't believe your eyes believe what i say any government will do that 'd in almost all circumstances to try to avoid having been caught red handed or a cell phone handed and that's what's happened this time. to what extent is it possible to cover one's tracks was it seems that it's been pretty easy to figure out what's happened here. yes this has not been the most sophisticated operation i gather i'm not a cyber expert but i know operations and you do want to try to have an operation conducted so that it cannot be associated directly with your chief of state seems to be a rather obvious thing to try to avoid and then i gather that the hacking tool used was not the most sophisticated or at least easily hidden so that seems to be ham fisted but i have to say not surprising again because this seems not to have been the most subtle service or operation going called it's great to get your insight on this day appreciate it thanks very much now forces loyal to libyan war not only for have to say they will enforce a no fly zone if the main airport in the capital tripoli flights a day early just to pull itself to being suspended following a rocket attack on wednesday the government of national accord says have to forces do not have the capacity to enforce a no fly zone of flights in and out of meta have been suspended following the board statement the situation in libya has been raised at the world economic forum in davos where turkey's foreign minister blamed tough to for standing in the way of peace diplomatic at its james bays has more on what was said. a meeting of world leaders last weekend in berlin was supposed to bring libya closer to peace and cement a cease fire in the country and yet there are reports of fresh air attacks on mystica airport in tripoli carried out by the forces of general holy for half the turkish foreign minister has told delegates here in davos that one man stands in the way of peace after didn't make any announcement as he didn't sign the joint statement for a cease fire in moscow this is only the problem only by the comment did not present any additional military force there by the way our personnel is there for training and also education nothing else like very limited number of we don't have any strong military presence in the lack of political progress means the humanitarian situation is bound to further deteriorate the un is particularly concerned about the thousands of migrants from elsewhere in africa trapped in the conflict zone we found solutions for if you want them extracting them evacuating them to other countries. we have managed to expand a little bit the space to work inside libya for those who can't get out but frankly if there is nor progress on the political front if military action is not halted that space will remain very narrow we continue to be clique by that tragedy next door to the european border the next phase for diplomacy on libya is slated for next week in geneva when representatives of general haftar are supposed to meet a team representing 5 days are also raj the prime minister of the internationally recognized government. the u.n. envoy for yemen is calling for an urgent deescalation of violence in the country. the fighting has intensified north of the capital since an attack on government soldiers on saturday saudi led military coalition has launched air strikes on who think it's. killing dozens of people in recent days 15 others have died in fighting between the rebels and forces loyal to the internationally recognized government in santa meanwhile yemen's interior minister has called for the saudi led coalition to investigate saudi's saturday's missile attack which killed at least $116.00 yemeni soldiers who launched a raid on a military camp in mary a province that's about 115 kilometers from sana it was one of the deadliest assaults by the rebels in almost 5 years of war. the attack on our soldiers is not the 1st one not we lost it killed many of our men i believe the arab coalition is the one that controls the skies therefore we need a clear answer from the arab coalition about what happened in the camp before it was attacked we have to write for a clear who shares the skies of yemen along with the arab coalition who have targeted our standards. now for a huge number of people the consequences of a warming planet aren't just a possibility our reality in somalia drought has forced more than 2 and a half 1000000 people from their homes and their farmland turns dry and barren i'm going to do is this report from. dry dusty and parched desert sun is slowly taking over one's full time field since. just 2 years of to the last drought and the country's again facing one of the drives 3 innocence in more than 3 decades. the victims are visible almost everywhere makeshift camps like this one for those affected by drought can be found in almost every city this is by door in south west some money. these people of just arrived from the countryside. however builds a heart for her family from old clothes she says it took them a month to get here but on the name bernard and i wanted our cattle died fast and then the crops failed and we fled hanging out here and but it is team follows as we have had no heading towards sees me at iberia the people of somalia have always named droughts and use the buses total milestones but that was one belts what 10 or 15 years up now they've become the new norm and scientists say that the country has dried up mark foster in the 20th century than at any other time in the past 2000 years. these bought in plains of sundin's 2 and have always known long dry spells but they've always been followed by rain enough at least to rebuild huts so that's can be repaid and milk provided for the children. that's changed 91 year old. sais he has never seen shifting weather patterns the some forgiving. many here and. i don't remember our granaries not having food and people recently this droughts are quite different from what we used to say there's no time for recovery they just keep coming back. just a few months ago to shut up that man had $25.00 goats now she has just 5 the rest with it and died in the current drought. be my welcome my high i thought i wanted nations for a while we should say there's no pasture for the goats and i'm forced to look for grass for them in found and at times i even have to share my food with them. nomadic animal hiding is not just an economic activity for the people of somalia it is who they are. and as the climate changes they too are being forced to change. the world and by door somalia the leader of italy's 5 star movement has resigned putting further strain on the coalition government would you deny or will stay on as foreign minister the popularity of the anti establishment party is collapse incident of government after the 2018 election 315 star m.p.'s have you been expelled all defected because of party infighting. makes goes government has warned undocumented migrants who try to enter the country that they will be turned away with or it is say they mostly prevented a large caravan of central americans from entering the country after waiting across the river as john holdren reports now from tucker newman on the guatemalan mexican border some people say they have no choice now but to return home i stay or go it was a fairly stark choice for a caravan of thousands of central americans a mix to southern border 5 buses rolled up for those who'd had enough of trying to go north said we couldn't do it there's nothing else we can do here the only thing left to go hard was they tried to make it into the country on monday and this happened it was there ever in your same year 2 months pregnant when she fell down i'm sorry i'm not going to you don't know what it is to go in a caravan you don't know the risks you'll run like yesterday's k.f.c. i mean it. would be a bit. you know. that you know the truth is that i wouldn't because you risk a loss and they threw stones at my current they were looking at you they hurt but they can't go home they say they've been squeezed out by violence and poverty now things are in raveling for them and others here clothes food and patients are all in short supply on tuesday many of the young men gathered to plan another crossing they didn't want us all mexican authorities to find out where there's a lot of disillusionment here with mexico president and there's manuel lopez obrador to talk about jobs and the possibility of asylum but the reality for many is a step in deputation i would have you send me your limits is one of the lucky ones of the she and her 2 young children suffered in the clashes yesterday they were let go by migration agents and spent hours walking the back roads in mexico voiding of the pros. we thought we would have to spend the night in a park but a lady came up to me and told me to come home with her because of the children now my goal is to get to tapachula and pass from state to state to make it to day one. she still hiding we had to do the interview with her in a car now she has to find her way through a south mexico loaded with checkpoints in the national guard looking for migrants her freedom here could be short lived john homan how does it to cooma. a former movie mogul harvey weinstein has gone on trial in the united states accused of rape and sexual assault prosecutors painted him as a sexual predator who used his hollywood fame to abuse women for decades although he's been accused by dozens of women the trial focuses on 2 allegations from 20132006. monte python terry jones has died at the age of 77 comedians family says he passed away at his home in london after a long battle with a rare form of dementia terry jones began writing and performing in the 1960 s. before finding success as a member of the comedy troupe monty python's flying circus he also directed and starred in several films including life of brian. so ahead in sports. roger federer cruises through in melbourne peter has the action from the australian open. or not it's get on to the sport peta is standing by thank you very much bernie sprung a major surprise in the english premier league on wednesday beating manchester united at old trafford for the 1st time in nearly 60 years bernie with 2 no winners thanks to a goal in each off from chris wood and jade rodriguez elsewhere and scored a late goal to beat bottom side nor reach to one and a 41 win is over west ham. olympic qualifiers in women's football have been moved away from the chinese city of blue hand due to the coronavirus outbreak of stray near taiwan thailand and china were all due to play a round robin tournament for tokyo 2020 the matches will now be played some 500 kilometers away in nanjing at the start of february. 2 of the biggest young stars in women's tennis or said to me to the australian open defending champion me osaka showed some frustration in round 2 but he moved victorious to set up a 3rd round match with 15 year old coco got off david stokes reports niamey a sucker was cruising in her 2nd round match the defending champion quickly going a set up against chinese shanks i say. but she went to break down early in the 2nd set and lost her cool i i a rare moment of anger from a player who usually appears pretty calm she managed to compose herself though recovered the break and claimed the victory in straight sets a place in the 3rd round secure but an apology to her racket sponsor was in order and my racquet just magically flew out of my home. and getting in trouble it sorry arnold's up next row saka a thrilling tie on paper against america's rising talent coco goff the 15 year old have things a lot tougher in her match having to fight from a set down to beat serrano. i golf will be out for revenge against osaka he peter at the u.s. open 5 months ago 7 time champion serena williams powered her way into round 3 i know problems are there for the top seed ashley party the world number one polo know her choked up at her place in the last 32 as she continues her quest to become australia's 1st time champion since chris o'neil back in 1978 i in the men's draw it was business as usual for the defending champion novak djokovic each the serb showing off his trademark outlet as his a on the way to a 3 sets win over japan's tissue but. i feel it krenov it was up against the mighty roger federer and as you can see it didn't go that well. the swiss strolling through to round 3 dropping just 6 games along the way i but there were a couple of big upsets on day 3 american teddy sang grand edged out italy's number 8 seed but teo parity of 5 sets and another american tommy pull one an even longer match against the 18th seed grigor dimitrov. the 22 year old coming out on top after an epic battle lasted 4 hours and 90 minutes david stokes al-jazeera. the world anti-doping agency has suspended russia's anti doping lab in moscow for a 2nd time an investigation found a serious violation involving deletion and alteration of data last month water banned russian athletes from competing at major international events for 4 years those sanctions are being appealed at the court of arbitration for sport on the final day of the winter youth olympics in was on there was a notable gold medal for russia they beat the usa mil in the men's ice hockey final . 2 of russia's schools with just 15 years of age and big celebrations followed on the ice at the end of the game. there was also a 2nd goal for china's ailing eileen gu she won the women's 3 ski big games with russia's matisse fancher winning the men's event and japan won both gold medals in the snowboard big a with victories for rio. and he noddy a son. a new year of a rugby league begins next week when canadian sides are on to wolf back makes its debut in the english super league just 4 years after they were formed sonny bill williams is toronto's big name signing for the new season and he played for the all blacks at the rugby union world cup but a switched codes and is returning to league after 5 years to not just experience you know the way of life of a few notable to her cheek or to the city. but to experience game day ahead it fades sometimes they probably want to know exactly what's going on but they were pretty colorful when i played in chicago once actually it was a beloved so. people play the team the 6 nations championship was launched on wednesday with the cloud of saracens and relegation still hanging over northern hemisphere rugby the international break could serve as a welcome distraction from the demise of the european champions 7 of the england squad play for saracens including their captain owen farrell i don't think a bit of cool calm i think. dancing you've got enough clarity that we're not we're excited to get into company and get them there open to the saracens supplies coming it's a big thing for them deal with i love doing well i love doing fine rugby ok more sports news again later we'll see you there. if they live for a senior then that is it for this news are we back in just a couple of minutes with more of the best new see them but not. the be. frank assessments the one good thing about these bush fires is that it's really wiping out the politics of climate change informed opinions economy i think is actually what's keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel although through school you've been told what was always on 'd of all this argument is astonishingly patronize a in-depth analysis of the day's headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of the new conscious and aware of youth about struggle against an ethnic sectarian cult or inside story on al-jazeera. we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the wound so no matter how you take it out just to bring you the news and current affairs that matter to. counter 0. a journey of personal discovery i found this which is the copy of a letter c. germany addressed to my grandfather al-jazeera as barbara 0 traces of family links back to the regime of benito mussolini and asks his fascism return to italian politics pressures in the family it makes me sick this letter. by filed. on al-jazeera. i'll just. answer. you when i expressed amount to an investigation into evidence in saudi arabia into the phone of the washington post and as an owner jeff bezos. i don't know this is out there live from doha also coming up in the program he personally asked the foreign government to investigate his opponent the lead democratic prosecutor in president trump's impeachment trial makes a case for moving him from office. honestly we have all the material they don't have the need.

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