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judges give the government full weeks to respond to dozens of petition it's. now it's facing an unprecedented economic crisis and has enjoyed months of public unrest but lebanon does now have a new government the 1st cabinet meeting is now being held in beirut it was finally named on tuesday night but the lineup of specialists and academics may not be enough to appease the anger on the streets for more on this let's speak to them who joins us now live from beirut sanna i believe you are standing where more protests are planned for this afternoon the president is saying the government must restore trust but that seems to be a very tall order indeed. well yes there are many lebanese who do not have faith in the new government they say that it is a reflection of the previous government yes there may be some specialists appointed but these specialists were named by the established political powers who still hold power in this country for over 3 months people have been taking to the streets demanding change or a new leadership people who are not corrupt they believe those who have been in power are responsible for mismanagement and corruption and really responsible for lebanon's near economic collapse the finance minister the newly appointed finance minister even said knowledge that the state is close to collapse and near bankruptcy but it's not just the support of the people or the confidence of the lebanese people this government needs it needs the backing of the international community investors donors people who are countries that are ready to support this government unlike billions of dollars in aid but in order to do that the international community has been demanding structural reforms economic reforms but if those economic and structural reforms are carried out in the public sector for example those in power will lose influence because they use the state's resources to provide jobs or give privileges to their own communities to their own supporters in order to maintain support in order to maintain a power the government palace to is behind as the prime minister has sandia arrived just a short while ago a little known public figure who calls himself a technocrat he is not accepted by the street because they believe he is just a pawn of the political elite he was chosen by the ruling class. lebanon's new prime minister has sunday has finalized his cabinet lineup it took weeks of political horse trading even though those who are fighting over seats are allies and part of the ruling alliance jab's critics call him a pawn of the political elite but addressing the nation he tried to defend his cabinet at a time of mass protests over lebanon's worst economic crisis in decades was a time and only to be him we will endeavor to answer that demands to ensure that we have an independent judiciary to bring back stolen money to fight corruption to protect the poor of social classes from high taxation to tackle and employment and to put in place a new electoral law that brings everyone together and then one national identity that the street has asked for oh news of the government announcement brought protesters who have been demanding a new leadership back onto the streets they gathered in central beirut the epicenter of a 3 month old movement to topple the political class they accuse of mismanagement and corruption protestors disputed insistence that the 20 ministers who are specialists with no political loyalties i'm here because i don't trust this new government that's going to be formed because it came from the people who have been in charge for the past 30 years and in bad doesn't bring good and bad only brings bad. the forgives government has also been criticized for being controlled by the iranian backed hezbollah and for being one sided political opponents of the ruling alliance including outgoing prime minister saad and heidi refused to join the government. they're just playing the same hope that the plagued 100 days ago was sold as a form of they're just stopping us in the face or laughing at us like who are those people and what are they doing on the streets the government faces many challenges in the midst of an unprecedented nationwide multi-sector. uprising deb's government is expected to receive a vote of confidence in parliament but it is the support of international investors and donors that lebanon needs to get out of the economic and financial crisis the last time the un created international support group for lebanon met in december it made no financial pledges and instead called for a credible government that listens to public opinion expressed in the ongoing popular uprising. oh for weeks many lebanese have been struggling to make their voices heard yes seen told the security forces protecting parliament building that the steel and concrete barriers won't be able to protect those in power. i'm here to demonstrate against the corrupt regime that has been. raping this country for 30 years or more they were the only words that have killed each other and the sex groups to kill each other. there is determination to continue their struggle or what people here cold november mission if the government announcement on tuesday sent a clear message that the established parties are still in power lebanon's crisis is not over activists are calling for more protests later today it's not clear whether or not the government formation will quell the street whether some people will decide to give this government a chance because the situation is so bad people are losing jobs businesses are closing it's still too early to say whether or not the protest movement will the momentum will be slowed we'll have to wait and see in the days and weeks ahead but clearly over the past 3 months street action protest action has not changed change the reality in the status quo the balance of power is in the favor of those who hold power and that with all the developments from beirut thank you. now the u.s. senate has agreed on the rules for the impeachment trial of donald trump following namely that tina hours of debate senate republicans blocked every democratic attempt to obtain documents and new evidence trump is charged with the abuse of power and the obstruction of justice she had written the reports on a long opening day that stretched well into the night founders trusted the senate to rise above short term at the last moment senate majority leader mitch mcconnell altered his proposed rules for the impeachment trial gome was the possibility that the evidence collected during the various house inquiries might not be entered into evidence in the senate trial of the democratic party house managers and white house lawyers would now have 3 days and not 2 to make their opening statements that left the issue of witnesses and documents house democrats argue that they were withheld in the course of their inquiries into whether donald trump was withholding congressionally mandated military aid for ukraine in return for an investigation into for vice president joe biden and that these must be produced in the senate trials a leader mcconnell wants a trial with no existing evidence and no new evidence a trial without evidence is not a trial it's a cover up the white house argues that the request for more evidence proves the democrats don't have a strong case against the president they said in their brief we have overwhelming evidence and they're afraid to make their case think about it think about it it's common sense overwhelming evidence. to impeach the president of the united states and then they come here on the 1st day and they say you know what we need some more evidence the white house also argues that the documents and witnesses are privileged in order to shape foreign policy the president must be able to have private deliberations with advisors and that's an argument rejected by the democrats make the argument that the president's conduct here was was it was conduct that every president should be allowed to engage in and i think that most americans don't believe that that mr chief justice i yield back the democrats failed to pass their amendments on the mcconnell's rules though they will be another chance to debate the need for more witnesses and documents but only after opening arguments and the cross-examination of the house managers and white house lawyers he just watch donald trump was reported to be monitoring proceedings while attending the world economic forum in switzerland his position remains unchanged there was a little hope. of them wanting. it's slowly became clear what the democrats are up to they knew this is going to happen but what they were trying to do is get as much evidence and much information on the record into the public sphere as possible in case this is their last chance to specify which witnesses they want to talk to which documents that they that they need there is another verse next week on bringing in witnesses and documents but as it stands according to the rules it might be very generous just a general rather generic i'm generous sort of debate about these things shall we have more witnesses documents the democrats seem to think about is not going to give them the chance to go into detail about each of the witnesses and the documents which is exactly what they did today as things stand though things will remain as mitch mcconnell proposed hands listen to senators today it does seem that they don't think yet that they have the full votes they need from the republicans to call witnesses if things do stay like that the republicans are still on track for getting this entire impeachment process finished before february the 4th and president from state of the union address now the world health organization is meeting to decide whether to declare an international health emergency over the outbreak of a deadly new virus in china china's government is encouraging people to avoid traveling in and out of the city of where it's believed it originated but the fast case has been confirmed in the united states and there are reports that it's now spread to hong kong now speaking to al jazeera the u.n. humanitarian affairs chief mark lowcock says there's also concern the virus could spread to less developed countries. what we've seen so far is small number of cases relatively speaking in mostly relatively developed countries to morrow the emergency director of all the world's biggest most important humanitarian agencies say unicef the world food programme w h o the red cross and so on will be meeting to prepare for the possibility of the coronavirus appearing in which we can more fragile countries who will find it harder to cope just because they're weak or more fragile well adrian brown joins us live now from hong kong adrian i see that chinese officials are also now saying they're at this very critical stage of prevention and control when it comes to this outbreak presumably they're very worried about what happens when millions start traveling for chinese new year. yeah that's absolutely right. i believe we have lost adrian brown we'll be getting him back as soon as we can and we'll go back to that story at that point but right now let's take you to india where the supreme court has given the government 4 weeks to respond to more than 100 legal challenges to its near citizenship law the citizenship amendments act has led to weeks of protests across the country and gives persecuted minorities from 3 neighboring countries the right to apply for citizenship but it excludes muslims critics say the legislation is discriminatory petitions were filed challenging its constitutional validity elizabeth purana is in new delhi for us with more on the court's decision and those continuing protests against the law. after that more than one month of protests and the citizenship act was passed the supreme court 3 judges a 3 judge bench including the chief justice of the supreme court of india began a hearing petitions against the law they have given the indian government 4 weeks to respond to these petitions most of the petitions say that by granting citizenship on the basis of religion that the citizenship will goes against india's secular constitution they have also been protests from the northeastern states and they have a completely different issue with the citizenship you or they don't they receive northeastern states have received the largest number of the day she migrants and they don't want citizenship granted this way regardless of what religion people are from they say that it goes against agreements that it has with the government and the supreme court decided on that that it will hear those issues separately in 2 months the citizens that we'll see around the country are continuing here in the capital new delhi in calcutta now which is the capital of all time for the west bengal among 3 states who have passed which have passed resolutions at the state legislature legislation against the north something like 10 states has said. they want implemented so despite the government saying that they are going to go ahead with this there is opposition from around the country and those protests we are expecting them to continue. still ahead on al-jazeera we look at how cutting off the lifeblood of libya is increasing the suffering of its people. hello significant rain is developing again and a line that's coming out of china stretching across south korea and towards your partner this is all wet stuff this is all rain we've had significant snow recently up in her car and that's where the cold air is and resides for hong schuth in precious little in the way of snow power from the highs and this blue represents rain rather than snow tokyo's nine's but right of the temperature however beijing is 8 is much above where it should be as an average for winter sun and the air is not stirring things this rain significant across shanghai the next wave that is moving out towards honshu the drift there is slowly says was the child will get more of it is time the japan sapporo cools down there is another wind coming in i think more snow seems likely for. not a huge amount not compare was recently but some of the same across the dry bit in the northeast monsoon of southeast asia and india there are still plenty of showers to be seen and in the forecast lanka but it's now rather quieter up from the high ground in northern india nor pakistan and the pool where it has been particularly snowy we've got a day off but it's obviously more coming in to afghanistan as you can see and the bottom measures that front through afghanistan will bring rain showers through the gulf towards bakri and qatar. frank assessments the one thing about these bushfires usage really well the. climate change informed opinions economy i think is actually what's keeping down the trouble float right now critical debate sequel of those 2 school board lawyers all of this argument is astonishingly patronize an in-depth analysis of the day's headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of the new conscious and aware of that struggle against an ethnic sectarian kotor inside story on al-jazeera. hello again i'm. a reminder of our top stories this hour lebanon's new cabinet is meeting for the 1st time president michel and told the session the government must address the deteriorating economic situation and regain the confidence of the people. the rules have been agreed in us president donald trump's impeachment trial after more than 12 hours of debate republicans blocked every democratic attempt to obtain documents and new evidence trump is charged with the abuse of power and the obstruction of congress. and china is urging against travel in or out of the city of will harm as it tries to contain a deadly virus the 1st case of that risperidone infection has been confirmed in the united states with reports that it's also spread to hong kong well adrian brown joins us live now from there adrian what more do we know about this potential spread to hong kong. well we understand that the health secretary of homecoming is going to meet the media in about 50 minutes time and it's understood that she's going to confirm that hong kong now has its 1st confirmed case of this virus earlier on today we heard from the vice minister of china's national health commission he said the virus has now spread to 13 provinces in china but that province also includes taiwan so now this virus is affecting china's periphery if you like macau hong kong and taiwan he also said that it had infected some 440 people and that 9 people have died also outlined the measures that china was taking to try to contain the virus markets selling wild meat and also live poultry had been shut down there are more health checks being done on people leaving as well as entering that city and he delivered that blunt warning essentially saying don't come to the city of han the question now is will he soon be saying don't go to other cities in china there is a growing realisation tonight that this disease is now spreading rapidly across the world's most populous nation at a time when those people are about to celebrate their most important festival of the year andrea and brown that live for us in hong kong with that update thank you wagering iran is looking to work with saudi arabia to resolve the country's problems president hassan rouhani is chief of staff says the relationship shouldn't become like the one iran has but the united states vaizey told iranian state media tehran and riyadh could whack together well for more on this let's go to draw such a bari who is in terror and for us it was said this was quite the surprise statement. well this is something we've heard also from the country's foreign minister mohammad javad zarif this desire to bridge the differences and put aside what's happened in the past between iran and saudi arabia of course this comes at a time when iran finds itself in a situation where it needs all the friends it has in this region this is something the chief of staff alluded to he said that there is no reason for iran not to have good relations with its neighbors including saudi arabia of course iran and saudi have had a very tumultuous relationship over the past few years and it began in january of 2016 when and number of iranians stormed the saudi embassy in tehran and stroy that what was inside because they were angry about an execution of a shia cleric in saudi arabia since then saudi officials have cut diplomatic relations with iran and things have just escalated since then given the war in yemen and a number of other things that have taken place so there is a sense on the iranian side anyways for now that there needs to be a close look at this relationship and there is a desire for iran and saudi arabia attack surely go back to previous relations status that is to have some kind of diplomatic relationship the only relationship they have at the moment is to deal with hard issues between the 2 countries but from the iranian point of view it is clearly time to set aside their differences but of course one of the main sticking points for a rainy and is the war in yemen they want to see an end to that as soon as possible nay say they are ready to go back to stablish the relationship with saudi arabia as soon as that happens and the statement we heard from rouhani chief of staff today just a highlight how important saudi arabia is for iran and of course in the to having stability in this region that are very that live press and tear on thank you. libya's oil production has slowed to a near hold to forces loyal to ward who if they have to blockade imports and stop the pipelines it's costing the country struggling economy $77000000.00 a day short of basic goods and price hikes are expected to follow tiny badly reports from libya as a last functioning refinery in zawiya west of the capital tripoli. alone tanker just off shore from the we all refinery waiting for a shipment of crude oil that may not come for some time we are is 40 kilometers west of the capital tripoli and is the 2nd largest of libya's 6 refineries forces loyal to warlord khalifa haftar a blockaded the other 5 all ports a closed a pipeline servings that we're it's gone from handling 300000 barrels of oil a day 0 it's proving an effective weapon leaving libya's oil industry on the verge of collapse it's something the libyan government cannot solve by itself. i think the government of turkey the government of russia the european union and the united states come to realisation that they stand by us and they stand against this military dictator who wants to control libya. production a slump from $1300000.00 barrels a day to less than $70000.00 and it's costing $77000000.00 a day in lost revenue and the country has been forced to declare force majeure and avoid a legal obligation to comply with international conference some sources believe that khalifa haftar may have agreed at a burning conference to measures aimed at ending the oil blockade were no details will be given nor timeframe nor what he may want in return and every day without a resolution pushes libya closer towards i reckon on that crisis. the wall or controls 2 thirds of the country with well resourced fighters who've been battling to take the capital tripoli since last april libya is already suffering shortages of basic necessities such a gas for domestic use even though it is a producer the oil squeeze will only make matters worse. more than the one meter to violence out of it's going to affect everyone we rely on oil to give us foreign currency without it there will be a huge problem because libyans depend 100 percent on imports from abroad so without oil revenue prices will rise oil is libya's only real industry but it has failed to match the production levels seen joy in the era of more market afy he was overthrown in the revolution of 2011 the country should be as rich as gulf countries and untapped gas and oil fields have a potential to produce 2400000 barrels a day but it has suffered from chronic mismanagement and corruption so we have to show some transparency they have to for some of the organizations. just deny these allegations and stop because the world cannot really ally completely with one side. fuel is heavily subsidized in libya costing around 4 u.s. cents a liter unless the blockade is ended that subsidy is likely to end and prices are predicted to increase significantly and that will only add to the suffering of the libyan people tony berkeley al jazeera zawiya libya. now in colombia riot police and protesters have been injured during rainier the nationwide demonstrations against the president's policy are of course alexander randi as he watched what happened in the capital. protesters repeatedly clash with the police here in the capital bogota in a number of cities across colombia in the 1st day of protests in 2020 a continuation of the national strike that story that's the end of november and continued almost until the end of december people of protesting for a number of reasons but the day protest was called because of the continuous killing of a social leaders in the country 20 were killed since the beginning of the year practically one every day we know that in the clashes at least 90 people have been detained and at least a dozen wounded to true out today both here in and bogata and other cities and this puts to test a new protocol that was designed by the newly elected mayor. cloudy a lot of us to try and avoid violence to confrontations focusing on the use of civil mediators and trying to use anti-riot police as a last force but as you can see in many cases instead the mayor has decided to use the police and their violent confrontations followed. opposition politicians in venezuela have called off attempts to enter the national assembly saying they're trying to avoid violence they ended up holding a makeshift session in a public square away from congress security forces and civilians have been blocking the entrance to the opposition controlled congress for several weeks now that israel has been facing an ongoing political crisis after one writer declared himself interim president and labeled the reelection of nicolas maduro is in adjustments. all prosecutors in brazil have charged 16 company executives with murder following the worst ever industrial accident there a year ago at least 259 people were killed when a dam collapsed unleashing a torrent of toxic mining waste the dams owner and the german firm that certify that safety have both been charged with environmental crimes prosecutors accuse executives of systematically hiding evidence of safety concerns to protect the company's share price. one of the 2 psychologists credited with creating the cia's torture program has testified at guantanamo bay as part of a pretrial hearing for 5 men charged over the september 11th attacks jim mitchell defended his role in the controversial program as a matter of moral courage roslyn jordan reports when jim mitchell was a contractor so he called just for the cia he waterboard khalid sheikh muhammad 183 times on tuesday with muhammad sitting just meters away mitchell testified at the 911 preach well hearing mitchell said his job his interrogator was to make suspected al qaeda members talk to thank the people who are being held in isolation for years incommunicado from their families told that they're going to die there is. lack all ordinary protections of a person in prison. is outrageous mitchell said the bush administration pressured the cia and the f.b.i. to do anything and everything to prevent future attacks he said the cia persuaded him 1st to take on the case of abu zubaida and that his work with other detainees including muhammad only grew with time human rights groups say the statements detainees gave to both the cia and later the f.b.i. were given under duress and never should be used as evidence in the trial mitchell testified he knew defense lawyers are trying to keep f.b.i. statements out of this case but he chose to show up for the sake of the 911 victims and their families just before tuesday's testimony ended psychologist gemma mitchell told the court room this let me tell you i get up today and do it again if the cia were to ask him to take part in its enhanced interrogation program mitchell returns to the stand for more testimony on wednesday roslyn jordan al-jazeera guantanamo bay. and i get messages out of there and these are the headlines lebanon's new cabinet is meeting for the fast time president told the session the government must address the deteriorating economic situation and regain the confidence of the people say no one has more from beirut. a committee will be formed to formulate and draft what is known here as a ministerial statement the government's action plan and its policies which they were presented to parliament during the vote of confidence now this this government is expected to receive that vote of confidence because they were appointed by the ruling alliance which controls the legislature but it doesn't have the legitimacy in the in the streets there is a certain segment of the population in lebanon which believes that this government is not going to change much the rules have been agreed in u.s. president on trump's impeachment trial after more than 12 hours of debate republicans blocked every democratic attempt to obtain documents and new evidence trump is charged with the abuse of power and the obstruction of congress she have a chance he has more from capitol hill slowly became clear what the democrats are up to very new this is going to happen but what they were trying to do is get as much evidence and much information on the record into the public sphere as possible in case this is their last chance to specify which witnesses they want to talk to which documents that they that they need there is another verse next week all my bringing in witnesses documents china is urging against travel in or out of the city of as it tries to contain the spread of a deadly virus the 1st case of the corona virus has now been confirmed in the u.s. which reports it's also spread to hong kong. india's supreme court has given the government 4 weeks to respond to more than 100 legal challenges to its new citizenship the citizenship amendments act has led to weeks of protests across the country and gives prosecuted minorities from 3 neighboring countries the right to apply for citizenship but it excludes muslims critics say the legislation is discriminatory and petitions were filed challenging it's constitutional but as he well those are the headlines the news continues here to inside story stay with us. the grief and the good of global business and politics arrive in davos for their annual get together it comes off to millions of people in almost every corner of the world protested against economic inequality so will the elites in switzerland do anything to close what many say is a widening gap between rich and poor this is inside story. hello and welcome to the program on morphine dennis our economic system is broken rich a good.

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