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get the votes on tuesday is. almost certain then that all the all the opening arguments will be concluded by the end of this week before we get into cross examination next week european union foreign ministers have agreed to look at ways to support a ceasefire in libya but only if the truce that holds the conclude they could include a monitoring mission and to restart your naval operation to uphold a u.n. arms embargo both sides agreed to deescalate at a summit in belen on sunday antigovernment protests have escalated again in baghdad and several other iraqi cities at least 5 demonstrators and 2 security officers have been killed and one com reports now from baghdad. in one of the main squares in central baghdad police and protesters confront each other it again in the early hours of monday as protesters tried to block the road leading to the square they want a change of government and accuse the current one of corruption a cool had gone out to protesters to block main roads in baghdad a major highways in the south cutting off access. police use live ammunition and fight take gas in an attempt to disperse the crowds in the capital but a standoff sued last in several i was angry iraqis are determined to get their message across. the idea isn't just blocking the roads all the people here offer straighted so we make noise here to make sure that we are hard. days do you want to for months no one has listened to our demands they're killing us it's just bloodshed. throughout the day took took 3 wheelers have been ferrying take gas victims to makeshift hospitals like this one. i went to tyrone square in baghdad and the people wanted me to help them i was also attacked by 2 gas i fell down the security forces have been using tear gas and live ammunition. iraq's national security council has authorized the arrests of protesters but so far that's had little impact on the movement there wasn't the same level of violence elsewhere in the country as the was in baghdad and the roadblocks in the south the protesters considered a success the real question for the protest movement is where do you go from here once you started blocking off roads in the south of the country effectively cutting off the south from the rest of the country where do you escalate your demands being listened to and that's really angering the protest movement now it really remains to be seen whether the blockade of the roads is going to work and whether the government will listen as a result of it. al-jazeera baghdad. china has just announced that a 4th person has died from a new virus the new corona virus appears to be spreading more quickly in asia south korea has become the latest country to confirm a case patient numbers have tripled and 3 people have died since it was 1st detected in china a grenade has exploded at a wedding in sudan killing 7 people including 3 children witnesses say the grenade was being carried by a soldier but there was no sign it was deliberately definite hundreds of migrants from central america forced their way into mexico by wading through a river through southern border and they'd been stopped from crossing the border bridge connecting guatemala to mexico security forces are patrolling the area. a pro-gun rally has wrapped up in virginia without incident despite security fears leading to a state of emergency more than 20000 activists marched peacefully in richmond to protest against a proposal for tougher gun laws security was upped after threats of violence by hate groups the state legislator is considering new controls including a ban on assault style weapons and there's a headline news continues here on our desire after 20 is me. ok. killing to kill dogs who are. going to go high she doesn't seem almost born that. you hold ill bred this shoura. this is rosemary his she is in 2002 up here just 10. and this is where she lives her senior for the slum community in the brazilian city of rio. and even up a senile can. push by a fellow mob i just watch you all get up and about their house the mud on both of them we have it all there my. mother told me i was going to the region. we 1st met rosemary when she was a baby born in 1992. this is the story of her life so phone who's now own ability said she. did she can. rail can then there was still a bit already there no way to. know who from phones. resentful. and her men who burn pools keep them in the. movie of the bus so. the comparison to develop him and. give us a gun. and the falcon will be made in the fall and found that they. don't pay for that but from an efficient magic. they say to kill down the seeds in the morning. they were. on them on the side of. quando shammy allophonic well on the one hand. someone at school who thought. i looked it wasn't us i hope i do mate but i have a complaint but i have a. bunch of i hope they. can get out they know. the neighborhood. sympathized. he stepped into hope and her extended family. if one could go you would begin. all over you and wish. you would you. still. doing. this. oh yes give us a coke or oppose feed you. play you don't want to this is cool with. me and. this fish to bruce's of rio de ever since he was a boy. for the feeling bullish. i love. this book you bought the build up. a bullish so did i say oh this is where you distort the key to all the good. will fiasco and i told you q when you laugh. a little quirky. until it has only. a fool to do what. is good lizzie good she was easy as she is it is easy if you believe there should be the here. to fulton telling thing you can gallop always on. the. road this is a man. and say i want to go i. don't want to pass on i want to finish. my scores or. my dreams went down 50 on the way down you know on. going on. there are. going to be a mansion and. billionaire but her family could i get my father to put my full near where my fellow who did you. think it's going to get the right to you be a thief if there's any thought of the whole different to give. that up old boy up. well you give it to. 2002 and rosemary is now 10 or. the family have moved into a new house. and california like you know me i still need the. heat kill on my wall to wall by fish caught. my big question matt. like. your. dad you see a male and the. killings just do all who are. key to how long. for a short while rosemary's parents have got back together. uncle. who is in time by then i think of them and. was a step in a sawmill mill the religion for him as a condition i would i have been a muslim and the manner in launching or want to. go to her mom who want. to do us a simple sum for us. out because frankly me with the loop the commune the a guy who's a man in our who've to be deprive i me moves some his school due to the become super plea sure the became huge it's condo of a more of a few who wished of a moon the for the short on hulu to muck could i'm told up a memo to have my own for love quem i was some overfull to fellowship inch complain do continue no bill still quite a ship out of sheer them what our community live ok dick in it measure vaster * of a quarterback who knew got premier backpack caring he spade to come your morning to to caylee faking lot to jean keep us from own dishes it's a on and sure a light do is fill my hand at a or hood siro acne aged to look like they are gay or do e.c. care absolutely love up at have a lists am man it's at lud ak this deal list sec add either am a would have now the lavish there's the of plus am will oh it's out every eludes me me egg then i instead cowgirl if parents could reduce my name now the and grow the math for the globe route group what the neighbor who's helped is no longer around there's a new influenced when rosemary's life card you when you thought in your live who flew out there were say oh but i'm the same what are the ok his speeches over jail their speech or what. is a local community leader and d.j. . this year history group comes to the neighborhood through a network of loudspeakers. fossil so you feel so you can still see you through something you know. he's built a playground in the middle of the favelas. to continue to be a man's place considerable. for the faithful. they will see could also do want to tell them do you. feel you want to. feel closer to us up to the sink. and then not only in scotland turning them into the. bitter. sweet. simple. you're just a little mini wash some. good giggle meant that michael garcia gushing repercussions from you. see this coming up on oprah often will. feel that ash 00006000 but this is the milk jeff do you want to get with this amazing lot i can feel sad that. i was in bed while boy. who got in she had to go to seattle. now. that. the youth. got left by putting their own. ass on iraqi yeah i don't doubt by this time they split i am. legend that i made my demands and. i see that the squad with them dampening them would demand that b.s. . if i knew that. i could also get out that i was out on a school acceptable but it was really good a good image a good bit of what would be this is all good to give up in the actually da i was going to be there love every. yes well we're you know you see it in water well i was a bad boy who would argue it was always you don't want to educate is. too much you don't want to go without those emotional think but you can say it was. good looking good about bush when in. the camp. that he came out i believe you and can you believe that the. how did he see to not be senile can stand at the end of the season offer to. be an i.e.d. . and ok i will not cause i'm not joking they symbolize that happen while he was laid off my guess is because. of what i now you can't get them back i said to him do you see me again that it was. as or less than 6 months ago. and they think that that was a concert of sad. jane selling that. she. was going to this day i was seized this stuff. was fussy. she didn't say for decent the bank is pulling teeth. i'm sure it is triple it's yours you might say. some. ah. ah. you know little superman i want to go. to wish my you know him then we don't always a. dozen delicious worship issues of national trust god and you judge you. because you also did you will show if you don't believe there's a link there for that issue. in 2012 at the age of 19 rosemary has a 2 year old son. insists is the. more. affluent of the boys ok very sad to us was going to miss a man all the way also a deep voice something mr l. and some of the alamo but you don't do any damn thing about young ella. well i was even speaking to somebody but to me i mind see there's just a negative 0. 00 of the gas and there's one that i love ali. oh god that's so kind of course i want to. call it if you. have killer lou this is booted off in dollars does seem to want to do more with your friends ilk a tickle me. rosemary is pregnant again with her current boyfriend wallace you learn. well as study. but wallace is prone to disappear for weeks on end. you can peg. any time. it does allow yourself you can feel like you're fully gone shall. name wasn't there so console good sheffield don't. go to no good thing feeling they're. still there has just taken the form. of she's no longer with him rosemary is scared of what the boy's father might do if he finds out. the vehicle chemists cards you need the part a good laugh as well me. always will feel embarrassed because it is. good cheeky line bunch when i come out for myself with guys who did get him out of bed the mere vojislav begin to have your stuff. thought you was good bloke but appeared if i didn't get it was a one point taken up out of silicon no. question but. i. kept this up about the vocal father duvall talked to something told me that he'd gone say sauce mom well just get it done we're going to have beautiful oh no no it's time i who. feel. like. 5 days later when this is back. to movie. feel good to just say jeez i'm. a man. of a. misnomer obese. think you've been recorded a message there can't be she get help. for me i feel this isn't it it's you know who feel. who suffered this again goes back east and suddenly years old you know you follow him can give you a few miles you need. your bluff and vision if i didn't know. he is a mood to do today i do know it's not my body could you. be using. his plan should you commemoration wish me. luck. for the missing soul to the. us. soil ball soup for example soup on dish. or a i. there was 2 fish want to go on couldn't a shawl. but i couldn't find think they should want to be miserable so what can you assume a. lot of plain chalo paltai can also tell appeal before. you. unifies in the live in english one. because the busybody cars are going along ok there's somebody being kind to. others of the snowfall. in recent years drug traffickers have moved into the favelas. armed officers have now arrived to restore order. it's called pacification. and also over to dodge a still shell possibly carbonation way and put on one member who passed to pick up the local comedy value. only wish i was right but you know and also. because of budget cuts so can be a little well put up when you guys net. bush would love to. be can. mine the poison. is of. q. i've been with turquoise there millfield zone is secret that's our stock was a jar. you know my only is this i wish was in la who was for bridge is. so good to have been there for miles of the launch. almost got into one bad thing to deal with. the passage of time as the time when i was in india i. shoulda. got a good deal for damage and now i work a scene she. is you them a show. you tell me when they disappear i love the disillusion i seem to have i mean the last game she should is off on again lucy round because you put on days and the you sit around her like they don't know he came out hello french cozy cheer up this soon. became. capable of this i had a vision down filed people talk of who. didn't even. want to play the cyberwar learned by dropping. a lot of business built by. dr jack. wallace has again gone missing. simply very large done. i think you love of the sky you see for music your children. the same person. oh just be fully. sing on on last night we learned that rise a married has been taken to hospital she's having a miscarriage and cut worked it out as their anger is since it's lord schiff as a principal presenta and as a correspondent with any breaking news story rolled to hear from those people who would normally not to get their voices heard on of international news channel for one moment all be very proud all for as when we covered they nepal earthquake of 2050 a terrible natural disaster in the story that needed to be told from the hot of the affected area to d. than to tell the people story it was very important of the time al-jazeera explores prominent figures of the 20th century and how why both ways influenced the course of history the cell's said he did not get enough credit for ending a budget he wanted to be the big historical figure but he was mandela the biggest icon in the world the prisoner and the president who came together to end up apartheid in south africa nelson mandela and f.w. de klerk face to face on al-jazeera. it's being dubbed the project to this injury. is the real cost china seems silk road project. one o one east investigates. which is iraq. and. al jazeera. and. who are. i don't like and how the top stories here on al-jazeera and u.s. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell a surprise rules for president donald trump's impeachment trial is no guarantee new witnesses and evidence can be called them chris say they'll offer amendments she has her time she has more. if it is the site of the witnesses will be allowed ben each witness will be deposed and that deposition will then be considered by by senators and then they will vote upon whether to hear from the witness at the trial so that's those are the broad outlines of what we're hearing but certainly one thing given mcconnell is likely to get the votes on tuesday is. almost certain then but all the all the opening arguments will be concluded by the end of this week before we get into cross-examination next week antigovernment protests have escalated again in iraq as the deadline set by demonstrators for reform passed at least 5 protesters and 2 security forces personnel have been killed china has just announced that a 4th person has died from a new virus outbreak and south korea has become the latest country to confirm a case of the current of ours patient numbers have tripled since it was 1st detected it was initially believed the infection could not be passed from human to human but officials have not confirmed that it can. european union foreign ministers have agreed to look at ways to support a cease fire in libya but only if the truce that holds they could include a monitoring mission and restart the naval operation to uphold the u.n. arms involved both sides agreed to deescalate at a summit in berlin on sunday a grenade has exploded at a wedding in sudan killing 7 people including 3 children witnesses say the grenade was being carried by a soldier but there was no sign it was deliberately detonated hundreds of migrants from central america have forced their way into mexico by wading through a river its southern border had been stopped from crossing a border bridge connecting guatemala 2 months ago with countries are under pressure from the u.s. to stop people from reaching its border. a pro gun a rally has wrapped up in virginia without incident despite threats of violence from hate groups well than $20000.00 activists protested against a proposal for tougher gun laws the state legislature is considering new controls including a ban on assault style weapons all right your state with headlines got more news here on out is there a 20 is me. i want you on that down. not going to happen at all. can. tell there's a. posh well. it's. those ones out that isaac the hook on a compass a new. name for kids who can't. it's only known to rosemary feels able to talk about the causes of the miscarriage it's. very well a follow on to. but he made him gosh. but he had to kill washed kids to quit give them what enough of them to now face saw south afraid he could do something beautiful in my eyes is something on the way and alone washy just was a new kind of feed. angle. you brought they know see the whole must and will say who do i see. and a fair welcome to all with i mean you look at them feel did you divide thinking what it was i think the big wash was a little new bill swinging joy spread a couple of old died before they didn't get involved i.e. . sort out. he's not going to send the most of. them is a biggie for they know. if. you've got looking for me tom is your more here. boss then my friend. oh i think one side marco. you know my eyes on me and for the shameful thing. you know said darkness i don't recall seeing it before when i might see it published ok more couples to. ohio come. them without you there with you want to show you off there should. be included like the police for your hand sure going to go sure you want all the law you want i wanted i mean all. that you know jewish guy to buy this if you're going to bell some day i. think this is a. nonstop bus did it last. there's a new man in rosemary's life. the one that says. he's quickly become part of the family with these earnings as a council laborer moved into a new home. but i saw a. biomass down. there who. i. was. always sure. they believe me is. all. you know it was a low police. we didn't buy that. you know it you'll feel look because a man is a cell phone hogs. the russian with. the debate i wish to read some of those. but this is not by this. at the moment the by the new beside us a school was good soil sucking them but. my dad was a new me and that kid and i know him out there wish to see him up i see. muscle moved to racine or when he was 16 from the pool northeastern state of pa yuba. but i have yet. to finish that pm and i don't think thank you know they think. that all good byes. lab or the i can think up by. myself in the city feel i made all the kick you know he. did some songs like to present my old. car just like you was going to find your brain will soon be rubles you. will see god i love this shit i was sick back then i just got the bullshit i want to go good little bobby was there to do long goodbye got. out i do love i just like. good morning. america rosemary's mother gina also lives with a man from the north east you see eleanor. he too i dreamed of a better life in the city. oh listen up because. i mean look at me to. save me his way into. the. filth we use a large kinds of water the memory. comes . oh of course the baby did come on late edition same up though. done son get total money just don't a question as. we love but thought she. meant some of the kids it was nothing to pose on the night to come. home to their dad who stick up in allegro that you don't mean this is funny associate him in any part of new meaning to keep you guys well you don't know enough cause saucy and told him to keep missing. his head. yeah yeah kid just the stuff you learn a little you know be beautiful to see he simple do you are he. will kick me i'm ok woman due to time by of my son am i going to miss l. a b.b. of course i didn't take it down much that i'm. sure the want to smell. would work on future a girl on. the site you know know your. bliss there are as you may have been a she did but you don't count a few minor things so if something was not be going. by the only name you certainly don't not know that they have to move to another lie the article doesn't speak up what are you going on with nobody seems to think that i and people michael turtle were there are 2 words and they're going to exact a religion mollies or do you feel that you're doing is beyond. from religion or into the. brothers or you're the character that i was up all off for. the rather unique wrong number of your. country. who my i want my son all your parodies my theory. you're gonna. be hearing i don't know really being ready to leave. open the will see one of the rules for the. numbers i want where the book is i want to see on. this one you. say. and then you see a similar. vision on the london scene it was a buzzing near the. scene number. in the minds close. to. me in my head and can go. a little you see it on and see. the city. it was so yes. i change the subject he. committed or you know. yeah. order is there or is it about up or down it's. simple it's a vision because of possible days on the south as a ticklish woman in quezon. if you ask a guy. i think it will bring good. way to show him we get it done. in the caucus so i guess a couple of. days now we're going to. let us. know ok we'll bust heidi off off. that body here. so. this is not made. to. do in. the way that there's no i was. there. and there's. the motion to lean being told jesus it's so wrong cause a fog of food in the voice you can't believe some duck you shall mimosas meaningless good bye this is bring the kid that shall hold its own destiny hunk of our lives. must dissolve tiny room. and down by the thought that this a fan. of the moon this and that was born with i am indeed more fun than myself we were. bargain. too long funny don't babble i'll big words in the world in a former. teacher you nancy were serious puzzle with your father who survived a. completely truthful man you don't. think by going will be. but i judge that yes this well i think i got what it would you did a search and. it's 3 years since the so-called pacification began. but the drugs have returned to the upper parts of the favelas. their own my god. we can no longer still open. them with believed her. then we confront more stuff because police says if the thief got his bookie is to say nothing. and with good will is. going to get the shawnee few couple of the most they can call from this. day bill is no fuzzy. money. to buy has not come. from a porch this whole thing popped along. some levity by shawn to talk with you look at don't. want you know how do the men do we present the can short unwashed. from the police guy can learn them or had the right have one but as you please. not them illegal someone too little. help us a much time squeeze the same loss you know. what happened there was an. i'm the only communicable pan money. south of me want to know. my point gone up and down the. memories that they feel to the tsunami folk will find moot. the moment we do. show kids in physical and we exist. but i. those things up. there with the obama's somewhat fuzzy. memory for all of them example if you are. full. he should. all get offended by the minute we thought. it was good thing is good news also bill we will. lose simple business that we're going to. visit they'd love going down but for me the city. must play for fun to. play a silver all my. cards invisible says local school. dodger told us in the mood for me to kill for pig god this is something the soul of the moon. is why you'll come loose a political will to. california law would she make you go to move those the one you so pissed off because one of those. one local things down you will kill us in school. you. know. who killed fluffy they keep going down the hill on my sofa they will help us a form that came is a double whammy really getting schooled in the way to keep it up what you've been dug up to look. at what is going to skid a militia showing up to fill the shah in. the city will give the buses you mean to show. you some good no i don't see the state. i visit them to wind up being you know of those who might last kept. us in. well soon. sick up to sort of keep because the looting going on so this is the. local no i don't. but made a lot of them in the. eye and one another on. the problem segments of the government a. lot of bands. come in so many and this isn't just the playbook. it wasn't set. to get africa by the event. ever quest for me to this chap but. i mean that down washes you pretty. much diluted kalachakra. so keep them from bench. bandsaw bottom. that is always tough but i. know all. about you but. you. know because. the bigger they. go follow keel over so firmly into much fuller. you see for all of my fellow. jews. you have to go off line bus from what you call me leave. off. your folly call a sloth. in the middle of the cell if you say yes but i'm usually. cold but you. know wolf i. must git out. camas it. is so because a long. island also has to do the scene over who gets it. is and should best be useful. hank. i don't recall seeing who find one dime of the unpublished something. the last time in. my school what the field closely he's got a kid name in it isn't. built on the fast money muscles. coming off the. top bone. he. said that's good for its. racket akela i was thinking that it was a good. stuff i just saw the full set. 3 so please. don't just decide in a situation that is so they don't tell anybody it was too late to play so this is a whole summer day of 00 lady sophie doing the washroom burchill not sci fi any other man in the meantime can go. to the museum you betcha dog watching to see it t.j. get hopelessly from with though his image of you that is not is that you know it all he knows who he is in the bush and the only young couple just sort of you that he was used in the time to the beginning. of this transition to the long run most of the good will from nice. to spend. this is. one of the. i'm places i've got some quotes of weather into eastern parts of canada now he said pounds of the us as well our weather system now in the process pulling out of the way dry up bright clear skies coming in behind at least for a time so that's a picture as we go on into chews day 23 degrees celsius stephanie all candidates say on the chilly side it should be lousy stalking sunshine fine and dry that dry weather extends across into west central parts push up across the rockies we have got some snow coming in here civic northwest also seeing some rain which will tend to sleet and snow over the sierra nevada some wintry weather to say north of the border into basi pushing across that western side of canada may make further progress as we go on into a weapons day and by wednesday some of that wintry weather will slide across the northern plains pushing up its rules midwest central areas seeing some rather wet weather since the snow freezing rain a possibility and some heavy rain down towards the deep south so we'll see some wet weather pushing in here to the east at that they should be driving plenty of sunshine new york around 4 degrees celsius about where shippey plenty of sunshine say into the carriage bay but this weather system here just making its way out of the gulf of mexico will bring some what's a weather across a good part of cuba over the next couple of days. capturing a moment in time. snapshots about the lives. of the stories. providing the clips into someone else's well out dated one due to poor. inspiring documentaries from impassioned filmmakers to write in a witness on al-jazeera from cali the coffee from pal says most of the trade deal is china capitulates can beijing deliver tens of billions in extra trade russia seeks to isolate ukraine with a pipeline via turkey plus south korea's duds struggling to climb the social escalator counting the cost of now just $3.00 of them. if you want to learn what the world might look like very soon raghad 100 and hungary's in the stream example of the predicament the whole world is going through. since mass immigration story we had paunch clashes between a cultures and the problems that the culture that these. cars should say to raiding us is or is not comfortable with european culture this is not like good fascist. triumphal march. dreams of conquest and of global tried. this is very very uneventful glide towards the precipice without resistance we are pos the danger has already happened. it was then just 10 years ago. now this is it. this is al-jazeera. and this is a new life and coming up in the next 60 minutes the u.s. senate's republican leader proposes a swift impeachment trial for president trump democrats immediately call it a cover up. china says a 4th person has died following a new viral al break as it confirms human to human transmission in. mexico detainees dozens of migrants who cross the border from guatemala on their desperate journey to the united states. attempting to build momentum for the venezuelan opposition might pompei only meets one quite a.

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