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hundreds of migrants cross from guatemala into mexico on their desperate journey to the united states. so that in the united states senate republican leader mitch mcconnell has announced the rules that will govern president donald trump's impeachment trial and they're designed to end the proceedings as quickly as possible trump's lawyers have filed papers calling the case against him flimsy it to all schools of impeachment accuse the president of abusing his power and obstruction of congress the trial is scheduled to start all choose day and let's unravel it let's go live to every tansey in washington d.c. she what more do we know. rites of the trial begins on tuesday with the discussion off this resolution which we just got hold off from mitch mcconnell mitch mcconnell the senate majority leader and we had hugs for some time now that the republicans wanted to get this all over and done with other time of the state of the union address president trump's address to congress on february the 4th this is an immensely quick schedule that has been proposed and which is likely to pass by mitch mcconnell 1st of all that each side the house managers who want to impeach don't trump and the white house lawyers will get 24 hours in total to make their cases those 24 hours and it will be spread out. from 2 on 2 days to session days to make their cases. they have 24 hours to make that case so conceivably the democrats would begin their case wednesday afternoon and then they could go up to 12 hours say for example look at even longer and then split up with more hours on thursday the republicans with that make their case aware of the white house lawyers about that case friday saturday all the opening arguments would be done by the end of this week as you can imagine as you mentioned chuck schumer the senate minority leader the democrat is saying this is ridiculous is way too quick bill clinton had 24 hours to make his case before they got 2 days so this is a very expedited schedule we understand that the democrats will introduce various motions on tuesday to try to amend this but it's very unlikely that they're going to get very far i think they should we should also add that bill clinton's lawyers didn't didn't use up all that time and even though there is a sort of worst case scenario that i will still be talking of 3 or 4 in the morning given that frankly this whole process is for public opinion and public consumption you do wonder whether the democrats really will bother with that given what's the point of trying to make the case to the public give them give all of the republican senators republican don't. it sounds like your quips donald trump what's the point of all getting into that we may not even become these long long days i was suggesting was adjusted by this and it both sides have 24 hours over 2 days to make that case that is then followed by 16 hours of cross examination that is done by by written questions given to the chief justice who's presiding over this who will then ask the house managers the white house lawyers the questions about. 16 hours of cross-examination ben there will be a debate for hours on whether to introduce witnesses and documents something that democrats very much hope to do and then there will be an up or down vote on whether to do so a simple majority vote on whether to introduce witnesses documents if witnesses if it is the side of the witnesses will be allowed then each witness will be deposed and that deposition will then be considered by but by senators and then they will vote upon whether to hear from the witness at the trial so that's those are the broad outlines of what we're hearing but certainly one thing given mcconnell is likely to get the votes on tuesday is almost certain then that all the all the opening arguments will be concluded by the end of this week before we get into cross-examination next week. looking in from the outside she had it's a complex process is that this issue of witnesses one would have thought that process would require witnesses to be present so why is the debate about it. well i mean the question i suppose is how have the cases been made i mean clearly the white house doesn't want to it is because again they want to get this done as quickly as possible and they certainly don't want the key witness that the democrats are hoping to have from john bolton who in the past has referred to what donald trump and reid giuliani were up to with the ukrainians as as a drug deal they want to him to him to testify so this is you know. presumably we presume because they don't want john but it's also because he's a bit of a you know as we've known over the over the years he's someone you can't really predict what he's going to do so they don't want perhaps as you say the democrats say look this is a trial we should have witnesses and also since the house proceedings are more evidence has come to light and we should have from those witnesses on us for example the russian the soviet born of ukrainian businessman who was a close associate of rudy giuliani for example and he has new evidence of that sort that stops that's the issue here we are hearing that even though the white house has a very confident front they are making contingency plans if if the votes are that remember only 4 republicans have to vote with the democrats to get a witness if they for example for republicans in swing swing districts who want to be seen to be taking this impeachment process seriously sarah you know what i think we should hear from from john bolton will have on us then what we're seeing that there are some machinations the washington post just rip just reporting last year out of the white house suggested well maybe we can get john bolton to testify in private because of confidential information that he may have to admit that there are contingency plans under way from the white house what to do witnesses are eventually called and there are indications that some republicans at the very least want to be seen to be interested in witnesses so they can convince their constituents that they are taking the impeachment process seriously even if they in the end they virtue of course who knows which way things will turn as you have the time being thanks very much. european union foreign ministers have agreed to look at ways to support a cease fire on libya but only if a tentative truce holds it could include a monitoring mission and restarted a naval operation to uphold a u.n. arms embargo lexia prime as its real. the future of the shop is that a mock is in tripoli is being discussed thousands of kilometers away in europe the foreign ministers are trying to work out how to secure a shaky truce that's been in place in libya since earlier this month and i want to stress once again the fact that we are not the state in a cease fire. we are no troops. which is stable and you know. several times a day on sunday in berlin world leaders committed to stop interfering in libya's civil war and to uphold a weapons embargo that's been in place since 2011 but the talks failed to deliver serious dialogue between the warring parties warlord khalifa haftar and the un recognized administration in tripoli. and now all have come to realize that there is no military solution to the crisis in libya despite the fact that haftar and his forces do not believe in diplomacy nor a political process we hope that after hours allies and supporters have also come to this conclusion and would recalculate their moves in order to revive this political process. half dozen battling to take over the capital since i and fighting have killed close to $300.00 civilians and displaced hundreds of thousands more but this civil war is also a proxy conflict each side has cerebral powerful international backus analysts say europe is trying to prove it's still relevant and united european ambassadors have been given 4 weeks to present concrete proposals on how to implement the un arms embargo which has been repeatedly violated by both sides. in a way libya is a kind of cancer a kind of tumor which is growing throughout the region it's spreading. despite the diplomatic efforts have to as forces continue to blockade oil ports in the aist causing output to almost 00 oil is central to libya's economy its largest export and a financial lifeline for the government in tripoli oil itself is. it vital in terms of supplies the power stations are spittle and other key facilities the libyan citizens use daily so i expect also deterioration in humanitarian terms in libya in addition to what we've seen throughout the gruelling war the un is inviting top generals from the 2 sides to geneva next week and yet another effort to end the armrest. al-jazeera to me says president has chosen a former finance minister to be the next prime minister and. now has a month to form a coalition government but it needs to gain the approval of a hung parliament a previous nominee was rejected earlier this month fails to win parliamentary backing there will be another election and you government protests service great again in baghdad and several other iraqi cities at least 5 demonstrators and 2 security officers have been killed in southern iraq hundreds blocked main roads in a number of cities and nearly 500 people have died since protests began in october imran khan has this report from baghdad. in one of the main squares in central baghdad police and protesters confront each other it began in the early hours of monday as protesters tried to block the road leading to the square they want a change of government and accuse the current one of corruption a cool had gone out to protesters to block main roads in baghdad a major highways in the south cutting off access. police use live ammunition and fight a gas in attempt to disperse the crowds in the capital but a standoff sued lost in several i was angry iraqis determined to get their message across one side of the fence if you had was and i got the idea isn't just blocking the roads all the people here often straighted so we make noise here to make sure that we are heard a lot about to show them the days do you want to move for months no one has listened to our demands they're killing us it's just bloodshed throughout the day took took 3 wheelers have been ferrying to gas victims to makeshift hospitals like this one. i went to tyrone square in baghdad and the people wanted me to help them i was also attacked by tear gas i fell down the security forces have been using tear gas and live ammunition to iraq's national security council has authorized the arrests of protesters but so far that's had little impact on the movement there wasn't the same level of violence elsewhere in the country as the wars in baghdad and the roadblocks in the south the protesters considered a success the real question for the protest movement is where do you go from here once you started blocking off roads in the south of the country effectively cutting off the cell from the rest of the country where do you escalate your demands being listen to and that's really angering the protest movement now it really remains to be seen whether the blockade of the roads is going to work and whether the government will listen as a result of it and al-jazeera baghdad. 3 katyusha rockets have landed inside the iraqi capital so heavily fortified green zone 2 of them fell near the u.s. embassy no casualties have been reported it's not known who fired them a grenade has exploded at a wedding in sudan killing 7 people including 3 children it happened as crowds gathered for the event in the capital khartoum dozens of people were injured and witnesses say the grenade was being carried by a soldier but there was no sign it was deliberately that. now the spread of a new and potentially deadly virus appears to be accelerating in asia south korea has become the latest country to confirm to confirm a case of corona virus that originated in china the patient numbers have tripled and 3 people have died since it was 1st detected in the chinese city of han betray you reports now from beijing. just stop at hospital are working around the clock to identify a mystery virus which has been linked to stars sylvia cooper spiritual center and at least 3 people have died and the number of those content have the virus is crowing the chinese officials say the outbreak is under control. all the identified new cases a 15 it been ticks to a designated hospital and we have concentrated resources experts to treat the patients in one place sheba. the virus which causes pneumonia like symptoms originated in a woman seafood in meat market cases have been confirmed in beijing and shenzhen and found in chinese visitors japan thailand and south korea this week marks the official beginning of china's busiest travel season hundreds of millions are using public transit ahead of chinese new year celebrations checks are being conducted in railway stations and airports but that hasn't always the growing concern about the spread of the virus people here are looking to the gun will do more to keep them safe but god i don't think the government is doing enough because i'm just not here enough details about it i don't think they will give us the true number of those infected i'm worried and that's why i wear a mask when i'm out others say they trust the government's handling of the virus i believe the government or give us past and accurate information i think they're more worried than the public they were have to figure out how to deal with it so i'm not worried but the outbreak is bringing back an easy memories of the 2003 sauce outbreak which killed almost 800 people worldwide and left more than 8000 sick authorities initially withheld information about the epidemic leading some to question the chinese government's transparency around the new virus british researchers say they could be as many as 7100 cases the world health organization has sent a research team to work on for us to fully otherwise the extent of human to human transmission we need to collect more and more information so this is obviously the new diseases and so many things we still don't know videos are circulating on chinese social media passages being tested on flights from move on but the government has appealed to the public to remain calm 8 people were arrested earlier this month for spreading rumors about the outbreak online but preventing the spread of the virus may not be as straightforward as controlling the spread of information katrina you al-jazeera beijing. still ahead here on out there why gun rights rally in the u.s. state of virginia prompted the governor to declare an emergency. and i'm nicholas hawk off the coast of decor senegal join me next as we follow the senate believes navy special forces that are patrolling their territorial waters try to fend off the threat of piracy. but. we've got some wintry weather just making its way across northern parts of japan clearing out of the way want to through wintry flurries right sleet and snow pushing out so. will the postle conscious well as well as you can see. there for tokyo and for soccer we're getting in sioux falls and 5 for a soul a little colder than that but lots of sunshine here into central parts of china where we're going to see the main weather activity as we go on into well wednesday this area cloud right thickening up becoming quite intense at times as well some heavy rain pushing over towards shanghai but you can see by wednesday japan is largely dry southern parts of china also lost the dry a lot of dry weather to the southeast asia the philippines the last set that over the next couple of days we do have a rash of shabbas as well but it's spec's more to the days i was really into a good part of borneo maybe southern sections of somalia also sings mother have a right pushing down towards java as well at least for a time but lots of sunshine in between also sunshine to see where india at the moment a little more cloud across those northern parts least for a time up just a little bit of rain into the northern plains on tuesday we have got some shallow is that the sri lanka. in a 2 part series. algy 0 observes the lives of 2 children. over 20 years. where insights into circumstances that shape lives. in a rapidly changing world. 20 years of mean continues with good morning go syria on al-jazeera. war. i don't know what remind of our top stories this hour in the u.s. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell has proposed rules for president donald trump's impeachment trial there's no guarantee new witnesses and evidence can be called the democrats say they will offer amendments. antigovernment protests have escalated again in iraq as the deadline set by demonstrators for reform passed at least 5 protesters and 2 security forces personnel killed in southern iraq 100 boats main roads in a number of cities. the world health organization has called for an emergency meeting to address a corona virus outbreak that originated in china number of people infected has tripled to more than 200 fishelson confirmed evidence of human to human transmission. hundreds of migrants from central america forced their way into mexico by wading through a river at its southern border they've been stopped from crossing a border bridge connecting guatemala to mexico security forces are patrolling the area mexico is under mounting pressure to stop people from reaching the u.s. border president over trump is threatening trade another sanctions if they do john holdren is in ciudad who dug on the guatemalan mexican border and he says that most people don't want to stay in central america. we spent most. of them on the mother 2 young children as they tried to work out how they're going to get into mexico they actually wanted to get here for asylum she said that she can call the kids by going to guatemala city some of the home during times when the story. would be trying to see all the see basically don't think it's enough. so everyone is in the bridge to do the bridge between guatemala chapters about the down south and south mexico 3. actually handling the petition to the mexican government. you need. them to get the government. or not everyone thank you reynolds it's. the beach was only about. what you did and they came up on the side of the national guard. militarized police . use actress state might pump a promise more support for venezuelan opposition to the one glider the 2 men met in antiterrorism summits in colombia called unwillingness to help remove president nicolas maduro from describing his role as a terror regime several countries including the united states recognize quite a finance weight is needed when other signs around p s he has more from the summit in bogota. the issue of venezuela was front and center in this regional conference against terrorism where the u.s. secretary of state mike compel accused venice well of being a failed state and a supporter of terrorism saying that the government of nicholas about bhutto is sheltering and assisting groups as the land the last active rebel group from colombia or dissidents of the former rebel group are far and also accusing my daughter of assisting cells of its ball or the iranian proxies operating he said in latin america tanks to nicolas maduro and that's why he praised the government such as colombia and another a number of governments in the caribbean and latin america that have decided to label a terrorist organization. the really regime. this is an acceptable one of the surprises here was the arrival of a dog the leader of the venezuelan opposition who arrived here in colombia defying a travel ban imposed by the government of nicolas maduro he met with pompei on the sidelines of the conference and talking to journalists he announced that there will be new actions that will be taken by the united states to put more pressure on the government of nicolas maduro but no concrete new sanctions have been announced. we undertook this tour precisely to find the tools to take action against the dictatorship and to continue back in the years long struggle of the venezuelan people quite also announced that on wednesday he will travel to brussels to meet with the chief diplomat of the european union joseph burrell and will then travel to davos in switzerland for the world economic forum where he could meet with the united states president donald trump the question is though if this trip would will do anything to break the deadlock in venezuela where the military still stands behind president maduro and where my daughter himself seems to stand on firmer ground where he was for example a year ago the last time that wedo tried to ramp up pressure against him thousands of gun rights activists have rallied in the u.s. state of virginia are opposing plans to introduce new gun control laws there including universal background checks abrams on the right. thousands of gun owners surrounding the state capitol in protest against new gun control laws. it's legal to own and carry weapons in public in virginia and most did in order to show defiance to a package of new gun control laws working their way through the democratic controlled legislature so we came to support these folks and to talk to people and find out what's going on with them the rally was held amid heavy security the governor banned weapons from inside the capitol grounds and called a state of emergency wanting to avoid a replay of this. violence at a 2017 white nationalist rally in charlottesville that killed one person gun violence has hit close to home in this state recently last year in virginia beach he disgruntled city employee shot and killed 12 people. organizers of monday's rally were eager to give off the impression they were peaceful law abiding gun owners and everybody outside this was you could bet your boots that probably aren't well i haven't heard one shot at you not home would thank goodness i've heard one shot. guns aren't the problem there were worries of potential violence of outsiders and teeth and anti-government militia groups coming from the outside trying to maybe stoke violence here at this rally but we have seen absolutely none of that so far it's been a completely peaceful event here large numbers of people all of whom say here that they're out here with their guns to show that this is their right and they want to keep that right and protected gun owners like bill gardner who brought his assault rifle to the rally a gun he says he does not use for hunting you hear all these parents and start talking about what do you need a ride with this deer or this animal has nothing to do with them it's a choice. gun control advocates canceled their plans for a counter rally on monday to avoid provoking confrontation. this was a day for those who love their guns to show that they are holding on to them tight don't plan to like. richmond virginia the organization the mothers this represents has lodged a complaint with the european court of human rights against netherlands it alleges the dutch government failed to protect men and boys in a un safe set injuring these for evidence a massacre in bosnia in 1905 last year the dutch supreme court upheld a ruling that the state was partially responsible for 350 deaths more than 8000 muslim men and boys were killed at least 10 people have died after a c.t. area collapsed during a religious festival in ethiopia it happened in the city of gone dog during the ethiopian epiphany celebration name is tim cat hundreds of people were sitting in their wooden structure when it collapsed more than a 1000000 attend the ceremony of yeah most of the world's piracy attacks are now taking place in one area the gulf of guinea the number of ships being hijacked has doubled there in the past year west african navy chiefs are meeting in senegal to try and find a solution as nicholas reports now from dhaka. senegal special forces on patrol on newly purchased boats it's a training exercise but the threats are real more hijacking attacks take place in the gulf of guinea than in any other waters in the world. the brits operating here are looking for sailors to kidnap or merchant ships to hijack the only way to stop this is to patrol our territorial waters to secure our borders and 2014 huge reserves of oil and gas were discovered in waters senegal shares with mauritania a potential of billions of barrels of oil in a trillion cubic feet of gas the navy fears that once it starts to flow this new found wealth could come under attack from piracy gangs as it happens regularly in the niger delta and so it's been a buying spree for dozens of new high speed boats. it's posts like this that are used by the canyon in the gulf of aden to try to fend off pirates also by the colombian police trying to stop narco traffickers and while this is it and the tools to stop piracy that alone will not stop armed robberies here in the gulf of guinea. the heads of the various west african navies are meeting indycar to find ways to cooperate more closely on security 90 percent of global trade takes place in these waters easy to do many teams. maritime and security is a threat to the stability of the coastal countries and despite the growing menace and the political will to tackle it effectively little has changed. the number of attacks has doubled in the gulf of guinea and although the united states is pulling out many of its troops from west africa the us government is funding the region's navy fleet this issue goes beyond the borders of africa it's a world while issue that we've seen in asia in the middle east this well however specifically for africa we have seen that with the pullback of the international troops many of the nations are being required to step up and protect their own territorial waters. the piracy gangs are often made up of fishermen who are struggling to earn a living and who have no access to this newfound wealth sinegal has not yet suffered from such attacks but once the oil and gas starts to come on stream possibly in 2023 the navy wants to be ready nicholas hawk al jazeera to car. so this is out there these are the top stories in the u.s. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell has proposed rules for president donald trump's impeachment trial there is no guarantee new witnesses and evidence can be cool the democrats say they will offer amendments she every time she is more what the process will look like. if it is the site of the witnesses will be allowed ben each witness will be deposed and that deposition will then be considered by but by senators and then they will vote upon whether to hear from the witness at the trial so that's those are the broad outlines of what we're hearing but certainly one thing given mcconnell is likely to get votes on tuesday is. almost certain then but all the all the opening arguments will be concluded by the end of this week before we get into cross-examination next week. government protests have escalated again in iraq as the deadline set by demonstrators for reform passed at least 5 protests is and 2 security forces personnel have been killed in southern iraq hundreds blocks main roads in a number of cities the world health organization has called for an emergency meeting to address a corona virus outbreak that originated in china the number of people infected has tripled to more than 200 and officials have confirmed evidence of human to human transmission a grenade has exploded at a wedding in sudan killing 7 people including 3 children it happened as crowds gathered for the event and call to dozens of people were injured witnesses say the grenade was being carried by a soldier there was no sign it was deliberately detonated hundreds of migrants from central america have forced their way into mexico by wading through a river at its southern border they had been stopped from crossing a border bridge connecting guatemala to mexico security forces are patrolling the area makes care was under pressure to stop people from reaching the u.s. border president donald trump is threatening trade and other sanctions if they do. a pro done rally has wrapped up in virginia without incident despite security fears and leading to a state of emergency more than 20000 tourists marched peacefully around the capitol building protesting against a proposal for tougher gun laws the state legislator is that considering new controls including a ban on assault style weapons you would start with headlines here and i'll stop it is inside story by for a. while leaders meeting in berlin agree to stop sending weapons to libya and for new talks and the civil war but on the ground the fighting goes on so will the many foreign countries feeding the conflict back off and who has the power to stop libya's slide further into crisis this is inside story. hello and welcome to the program dennis now libya's civil war is now in its 6th year a host of countries is involved with turkey russia and france just to name a 3 providing support to the 2 sides vying for power the un backed.

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Charlottesville , Virginia , United States , Shanghai , China , Davos , Switzerland General , Switzerland , Bogota , Cundinamarca , Colombia , Beijing , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Russia , Ethiopia , Ukraine , Mexico , India , Netherlands , Guatemala City , Guatemala , Sudan , Dhaka , Bangladesh , Khartoum , Al Khartum , Guinea , Libya , South Korea , Senegal , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Philippines , Iran , Washington , Tripoli , Tarabulus , Somalia , Senta , Oromiya , Thailand , Iraq , Ciudad , Durango , Baghdad , Geneva , Genè , France , Venezuela , Berlin , Germany , Venezuelan , America , Chinese , Russian , Iraqis , Iranian , Ukrainian , Iraqi , Soviet , Dutch , Guatemalan , Han , Chuck Schumer , Mitch Mcconnell , Tyrone Square , Reid Giuliani , Nicolas Maduro , John Bolton , Joseph Burrell , Sylvia Cooper , Lanka Ina , Rudy Giuliani ,

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