President that he has the right to do whatever he wants as president that is as wrong as when president nixon said a similar thing it is not what the constitution provides that is now with the country demands it does not have the right to do whatever he wants turning to the 2nd abuse of power most of the concern betrayal of the nation of outing foreign powers the American People have suffered at foreign influence when President Trump treated military aid that had been approved taxpayers dollars and decided to treat it as his own checkbook to try to further his own reelection chances that reflects what the founders were concerned about and finally corruption of our elections the framers knew that corrupt leaders are leaders acting corruptly concentrate their powers to manipulate elections. And undercut adversaries they talked about it frequently that is why the framers thought electoral treasury particular evolving foreign powers was a critical abuse and and that could support and lead to impeachment now the American People learned last election how dangerous foreign intervention or lections can be. And we showed other clip from president from candidate trump on the on the campaign trail russia if youre listening i hope you are able to find the 30000 emails that are missing i think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press and russia was listening within approximately 5 hours either hours of President Trumps invitation to russia to interfere in our election by trying to hack and obtain the emails of his political opponent russia in fact tried to do that for the 1st time the very officers who were then indicted by the department of justice for that conduct they took candidate trumps invitation now the American People learned a lesson president trouble unfortunately apparently learned a different lesson lets look but i would think that if they were honest about it this sort of Major Investigation this is a by the very simple last. Days that they gave the. President trump answering a question about what did he want president alinsky to do so even after he got caught. He is saying again this vulnerable nation dependent on u. S. Support militarily and otherwise again hes telling them what to do and unlike in 2016 when he only had a Campaign Platform which to extend the invitation to a foreign power now he has the levers of government in his control to not only request it and invite it but to pressure that country to do it and thats exactly what he did and youll hear more about that in the presentation of the House Intelligence Committee and whats most striking as we come back to this issue that the framers were concerned about is there a continuing risk of wrongdoing the fact that president term did this after he was caught shows the risk shows the risk of what will happen if this body doesnt act he really does believe he can act as though he were above the law he really does believe as evidenced by this conduct that he can put his personal and political interests over the nations interest over the Nations National security interests over the nations integrity of its elections so of course we do have an election coming up thats not a reason to postpone this discussion thats a reason we must have this discussion to make sure it is not interfered with to make sure this president doesnt do it to make sure future president s do not do it it is the hope that in these discussions can put aside political rancor this agreement and have a fair discussion about the facts and this conduct not just as it relates to President Trump but as to the presidency itself and future president s my son our children our grandchildren they will study this moment in history they will read all of your remarks they will learn about all of your actions. And that is not a reason to vote for or against impeachment for that of course you must vote your conscience but that is a reason for us to have a fair debate about what the undisputed facts show to recognize that it is wrong it is very wrong and cannot happen again with this president or any president it is a reason to talk about whether we want our children and grandchildren to live in a country where the president elected by the people and put his own personal and political interests over the interests of the people who elected them it is a reason for these debates so again fairly focus on the facts and to make sure the presentations were going to hear will not distort the record focus on process points raise extraneous matters that really are intended to distract rather than focus on what the conduct was at issue here it is a reason to focus on the facts and what is in the countrys best interest. History future generations will be the judge and you mr burke you mr burke is to cast the user airman mr recognize that 30 minutes mr chairman point of order had missed the cast he was ready to cast is recognized the 30 minute mr chairman point of order to cast it was recognized that 30 minutes august chairman the witness would i later rule 17 and my point of order should be heard we have ordered the witnesses use language which impugns the motives of the president and suggest he is disloyal to his country and those words should be stricken from the record taken down. The point of order is not sustained witnesses are not subject to the rules of decorum the ruling of the chair in the same way members are the topic of the hearing is the president s misconduct so none of us should find it surprising that we are hearing testimony that is critical of the president i do not find that the witnesses comments are disorderly i find they are pertinent to the subject matter of this hearing witness would be able to continue except that his time is expired mr cassilis mr chairman its not gentlemen whats your chairman my point of order is not that his words are disorderly they are on parliamentary violate the rules of the house and pointed to be taken down this is not about his conduct hes talking about the motives i mean when the character of the president gentlemen i will suspend the rules of decorum apply to members of the house not to witnesses gentlemen we proceed here so i feel the ruling of the chair that is not a ruling that. There was no there was no as a ruling on a point of order itself in a level that is i wrote to you and thats all. The point of order is not sustained. Heres the ruling the 2 tables of the the motion is made to table the appeal to the chair the motion moves the notion that it was made in writing of the motion of mostly not in debate if not all in favor the monkey do pretty well in theory but the motion tables say i will go for a no no no no motion to table just put it right in 1st then you can all motion you table lose your pollner rules a motion to table is sustained the roll call call the clerk will call the roll mr neither. Mr now there votes im a soft i miss often votes i miss jackson lee i miss jackson lee but im mr cohen mr cohen but im mr johnson of georgia mr johnson georgia votes i mr george mr joyce votes i miss best miss bass votes im mr richmond mr richmond votes im mr jeffreys mr jeffreys was i mr slaney hi mr sisson events i am mr sowell mr suave of a time mr low height mr livers i am mr ruskin mr rask events i mistype all i mistype all votes i missed standing miss demings votes i mr korea mr cravats i missed scanlon i knew scanlon but i missed garcia is garcia of a time mr negus but mr negus votes i miss make fact i expect baffert i mr stanton i mr stanton votes i miss teen i miss stevens i miss my car so how will i miss my car so powell that i miss escobar by this escobar but i mr collins mr collins but its no mr sensenbrenner mr sensenbrenner its no mr shabbat mr savage votes no mr gohmert mr gohmert votes no mr jordan mr jordan votes no mr buck mr radcliffe mr radcliffe its no miss robey miss ruby votes no mr gates no mr gates bosso mr johnson of louisiana mr johnson of louisiana votes no mr banks. Mr mcclintock oh mr mcclintock thats no miss lesko its less give its now mr weston dollar. Mr klein mr klein votes no mr armstrong no mr armstrong thats no mr stevie mr steve events now mr chairman how my record mr biggs you are not recorded so no mr biggs thats now is every member of those who wish to vote could put. Mr chairman there are 24. 00 eyes and 50 nos motion table is carried missions Term Parliament transfer mimic a parliamentary class that is recognized it would not recognize a parliamentary inquiry at this time as the cost is regulus the 30 minutes morning chairman adler Ranking Member collins members of the committee and members of the staff by name steve castor on the Congressional Staff member serve with the Oversight Committee on the republican staff with mr jordan marceau for purposes of this investigation on the shared staffer with the Judiciary Committee mr collins and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Mr nunez it sure is a typical for a staffer to be presenting but again thanks for having me the purpose of this hearing as we understand it is to discuss whether president Donald Trumps conduct fits the definition of a high crime a misdemeanor it does not such that the committee should consider articles of impeachment to remove the president from office and it should not this case in many respects comes down to 8 lines in a call transcript let me say clearly and unequivocally that the answer to that question is no the record in the democrats impeachment inquiry does not show the president drug abuse the power of his office or obstructed congress to impeach a president whos 63000000 people voted for over 8 lines in a call transcript is boni. Of serious misconduct democrats have been searching for a set of facts on which to impeach President Trump since his inauguration when january 20th 2017 just 27 minutes after the president s inauguration that day the Washington Post ran a story that the campaign to impeach the president has already begun the article reported democrats and liberal activists amounting brought up a zisha to stymie trumps agenda and noted that impeachment strategists believe the constitutions a mole humans clause would be the vehicle in the 1st 2 years the administration democrats in the house introduced articles of impeachment to remove President Trump from office on several very different factual bases on january 3rd the very 1st day of the new congress congressman sherman introduced articles of impeachment against the president the same day representative to lead said were going to go in there were going to teach the. President in may 21000. 00 representative green said on m. S. N. B. C. If we dont impeach this president he will be reelected even Speaker Pelosi has said that impeachment is a somber and prayerful exercise as called President Trump and imposture and said it is dangerous to allow voters to judge his performance in 2020 the obsession with impeaching the president is reflected in House Democrats have used the power of their majority in the past 11 months and the Oversight Committee the democrats 1st announced witness was Michael Cohen a disgraced felon who is who pleaded guilty to lying to congress when he came before us the Oversight Committee he then lied again as many as 8 times. Oversight Committee Democrats demanded information about the president s personal finances and even subpoenaed the president s counting for mazhar for large swaths of sensitive and personal Financial Information about the entire trump family the subpoena was issued over the objection of Committee Republicans and without a vote in the ways and means Committee Democrats demanded the president s personal tax return information the reason they cited for wanting the president s tax returns they said was to oversee the irises audit process for president ial tax returns you can judge that for yourself in the Financial ServicesCommittee Democrats demanded and subpoena the president s bank records going back 10 years the Financial ServicesCommittee Staff the republicans tell me the information demanded would cover every withdraw credit card swipe debit card purchase of every member of the trump family including his minor child the reason that the democrats gave for why they needed such voluminous and intrusive personal information about the trump family was get this financial industry compliance with banking statutes and regulations here in the Judiciary Committee democrats sent out letters demanding information from over 80 recipients the president s children is this partners employees is Campaign Business is the foundation or is the main event for the Judiciary Committee was the report of special counsel moller which democrats would believe would serve as the evidentiary basis for impeaching the president. Spite interviewing 500. 00 witnesses issuing 2800. 00 subpoenas executing almost 500. 00 search warrants and spending 25000000. 00 the special counsels 1000. 00 attorneys and 40 f. B. I. Agents analysts and staff found no conspiracy or coordination between the Truck Campaign and the russian government after the trump russia collusion allegations did not pan out democrats focus their efforts on obstruction of justice they criticize attorney general barr for concluding that no crime of obstruction had occurred in the special counsel investigation but in fact it was entirely appropriate for the attorney general to make that call because the special counsel declined to do so not surprisingly democrats moeller hearing was underwhelming to say the least and the sequel with Corey Lewandowsky definitely did not move the impeachment needle either Intelligence Committee 2 is heavily invested in the Russia Collusion InvestigationCommittee Democrats hired former federal prosecutors to prepare for their anticipated efforts to impeach the president now that the russian collusion allegations did not work out democrats have settled on the ukraine phone call 8 lines the president uttered on july 25th with ukrainian president so lansky the Foreign Affairs committee the committee of jurisdiction wasnt the committee levy the impeachment inquiry or Holding Hearings either was the Oversight Committee houses chief investigative entity Judiciary Committee was only recently brought back into the mix after a fact finding concluded instead the impeachment inquiry was run by the House Intelligence Committee and these former federal prosecutors democrats on the Intelligence Committee ran the impeachment inquiry in a manifestly unfair way all the fact finding was unclassified. And that was made clear at the top of every single deposition but the democrats took advantage of the closed door process in the capitol basement bunker the skiff to control access to information secrecy if actively weaponized the investigation allowing misleading public baret of the foreman catch hold with careful leaks of witness testimony democrats refused to invite republican witnesses and directed witnesses called by the democrats not to answer our questions in the public hearings many of these unfair processes continued democrats refused to invite numerous witnesses requested by republicans interrupted republican questioning and prevented witnesses from answering republican questions democrats voted down by virtue of a motion to table with no notice subpoenas for documents and testimony requested by republicans. That democrats never once brought any of their subpoenas to a vote before the Intelligence Committee this unfair process reflects the degree to which democrats are obsessed with impeaching the president the democrats went searching for a set of facts on which to impeach the president him all humans clause the president s business and financial records the mower report allegations of obstruction before landing on the ukraine phone call impeachment inquiry is clearly an orchestrated effort to up and our political system working to politico the speaker has tightly scripted every step of the impeachment inquiry democrats have reportedly convened focus groups to test which allegations whether big quid pro quo or bribery or extortion were most compelling to the american public. Speaker pelosi said democrats must strike while the iron is hot on peaching the president the entire duration of the impeachment inquiry from the dime Speaker Pelosi announced it and september 24th until today has been 76 days as professor turley testified last wednesday this impeachment would stand out among modern impeachment is the shortest proceeding with the thinnest evidentiary record and the narrowest grounds ever used to impeach a president artificial an arbitrary political deadline by which democrats are determined to finish impeachment by christmas leads to a rush process and missed opport