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Exposure as protests in chile and to a 7th week. Donald trumps political rivals of late at what they say is overwhelming evidence of the u. S. President s misconduct in office the 300 page impeachment report says trump used his power to seek help from ukraines president to benefit his reelection bid i did your castle reports from washington d. C. House intelligence chairman adam schiff presentation of his committees report on donald trump offered little more than was already known but its a key moment in what could be the impeachment of a president this is not about ukraine this is about our democracy this is about our National Security this is about whether the American People have a right to expect that the president isolationist. An act of their interests with their security in mind and not for some illicit personal or political reason so americans should care deeply about where the president and states is betraying their trust in him betraying that oath that he took to the constitution to protect our country and defend its institutions according to the report President Trump solicited interference from ukraine to benefit his reelection conditioning a white house visit for the ukrainian president and 400000000 dollars in u. S. Military aid on a Public Statement that ukraine would investigate joe bidens family for alleged corruption trump denies he did anything wrong a white house spokeswoman released a statement saying at the end of a one sided sham process chairmanship and the democrats utterly fail to produce any evidence of wrongdoing by President Trump this report reflects nothing more than their frustrations chairmanships report reads like the ramblings of a basement blogger straining to prove something when there is evidence of nothing the evidence came from 17 witnesses including state department and white house insiders who testified trump ran a Shadow Campaign that undermined official u. S. Foreign policy toward ukraine there was also the partial transcript of a phone call in which trump asked ukraines president for a favor the biden investigation republicans rebutted with their own report offering a very different reading of the facts they say the testimonies are here say that the phone call was perfect and that the democrats efforts to impeach the president are an attack on a duly elected leader to laura provides nothing except a dreary drowsy appraisal for this country to watch as the impeachment process slowly drags on with no direction no focus because theyre having one big problem and the big problem is the president did nothing wrong and they cant prove. The process will now shift to the House Judiciary Committee which will draft articles of impeachment likely to focus on abuse of power and obstruction of Congress Americans have been evenly divided on whether to impeach and remove trump from office both Political Parties are claiming to be protecting american democracy how do you know castro aljazeera washington the us is threatening sanctions against senior Chinese Communists because of their treatment so if we can muslims the house of representatives passed a bill calling on President Donald Trump to condemn abuses against the Minority Group it urges the cause or all detention camps in the Northwestern Region of scenes young and it names members of scene jones communist Party Washington says are responsible for abuses ship returns he has been following developments from washington d. C. 471 bipartisan support for this bill condemning the treatment of muslims and shown during calling for the closure of those cameras also battling the export of surveillance equipment to the u. S. U. S. Companies heavily involved in that also calling for the secretary of state to come up with a report with its assessment of the state Department Assessment of whats going on whats at what what scale of human rights abuses there is in the view of the state department giving the white house 120 days to come back to congress with a list of people to sanction who they feel are responsible for the alleged human rights abuses that that is the key part and that would mean that something i mean the u. S. Actually sanctioning senior members of the politburo of the Chinese Communist party is a pretty big deal as you can imagine having said that they are as we saw with the signing of the hong kong legislation last week the president does have an out when it comes to that he can sign this and it looks like because theres such a veto proof majority in both the house and the senate for this legislation he may have no choice but to sign it but he can sign it but have a signing statement which says he reserves the right not to sanction anyone because of National Security in the end the president is in charge of Foreign Policy as far as u. S. National security is concerned so he can decline to in fact sanction anyone. Well china has odes the u. S. To stop the bill from becoming law saying its a domestic issue adrian brown has more on chinas reaction and whats what beijings next step will be. Well a short time ago we did hear from the Foreign Ministry in beijing on wednesday morning not surprisingly they have spoken out very strongly against this bill warning the United States not to interfere in chinas internal affairs and im calling on congress to basically correct its mistake in their words and not to allow this bill to become law as to what china does next well there are a number of options at its disposal they can carry out all sorts of sanctions against u. S. Officials in china or they could restrict their travel in china now when President Trump signed into law the hong kong democracy human rights act last week we saw just a few days later china barring u. S. Warships from talking here in hong kong it also announced it would sanction a number of u. S. N. G. O. S here in hong kong but it hasnt really specified what more it can do but there is no doubt that what youre looking at here is what in many ways a cold war looks like and this is not the beginning this is not the end we are in the middle of a deepening cold war between these 2 superpowers cracks are appearing in the worlds biggest Alliance Leaders are in the u. K. For the 70th anniversary of nato and divisions are becoming clear the u. S. And french president s have disagreed on several points including nato as rule and the return of foreign fighters from syria diplomatic editor james baines has more. Its supposed to be nato 70th birthday but theres no celebration instead an atmosphere of disagreement and division with the u. S. President who once called the Alliance Obsolete now saying he fears that france might leave nato and i heard the president you know to break through to a lot of different were. Very proud. When you make a Statement Like that is very very very nasty statement to essentially 20. 1 of the countries those comments were particularly pointed as President Trumps next Public Meeting was with the french president there were uncomfortable moments when they were asked about European Countries including france not taking back their nationals no prisoners in syria having fought for eisel. Would you like some nice isis fighters you ok give them you you can take everyone you want to live a. Very large number fight with you on the wrong are focused on the. Community and begun. To that you have foreign fighters coming from europe if you can get all of them we have in the region the number one problem of the 4 and 5 this is the fine print. And you have one more like you does he. This is where he. Was one of the great khali answers. So the trouble disagreements are not the only ones at this summit the french leader attacked turkey because of its recent incursion targeting the could see in northern syria. This and the feel of the homes of the. We needed to keep. Things now i find a good though. Im fine with a. Shot of the. Turkeys present to one later met with his u. K. Host Prime Minister johnson as well as president barack raul and the german chancellor merkel hes threatening to block natos plans to protect poland and the Baltic States unless others agree with him on syria. But i dont differ that despite all the differences which exist and which we have to address also have to discuss the future of nato and the things we have in common strategically but i am relatively optimistic about this meeting on top of all the other problems im told there is currently considerable tension between chancellor merkel and president mark roll over European Defense and europes role in the state of the alliance right now is full of division it is a multidimensional mess james. London well after a day of tense exchanges nasal leaders gathered for a reception at Buckingham Palace they were welcomed by Queen Elizabeth but disapproval off their lines hasnt just come from World Leaders they were also process in london against the nato meeting as seen barbara as more. This protest has brought together people campaigning on a variety of issues denouncing donald trump some of them belong to antiwar groups like the stop the War Coalition on the campaign for Nuclear Disarmament denouncing nato and its policies there are kurdish and pro kurdish protesters here. Protesting the actions of president do on particularly in syria but it symbolically being led by people who work for Britains National Health Service the n. H. S. The Public Health system which according to the protesters is under threat in the future in a trade deal between President Trump and Prime Minister johnson and their saying its clear that the u. S. In such a trade deal would put pressure on the on britain to allow greater access for American Pharmaceutical Companies to sell their products at a higher price Boris Johnson says thats nonsense that the n. H. S. Would not be for sale this is crucial because its the number 1. 00 issue that the public identified in the Election Campaign even ahead of brecks it at the moment the conservatives are around 10 percent ahead in the opinion polls but if there is a sweep up if president chant does actually go further in his statements that could harm Boris Johnsons prospects. Still to come on aljazeera my community is working in a guatemalan forest fear its very existence is under threat. Pressure is going to multiply minister to step down immediately for the murder of a journalist. Something of a wintry look to our weather across parts of the middle east at the moment certainly so its a sliding down towards syria lebanon and maybe pushing a little further south which into iraq as well whats a cloud showing up here at cloud will continue to just ease its way southwards and eastwards as i went for the weather 5 celsius there for ankara pushes down its northern parts of syria over towards lebanon some tyrant right here beside me over the high ground we are looking at a fair bit of snow just driving its way through south of that it is generally dry and cleopatra sunshine 21 celsius there in kuwait city 20 eights in karate 11 degrees in the comparable Winter Weather roberts was the highest ground meanwhile a little bit of cloud across southern parts of the Arabian Peninsula dance awards the gulf of aden seen some rather wet weather and of course we have a system out in the arabian sea that looks a lot its a bring some flooding rains and its removing to the latter part of the weeks to come thursday somalia seeing some very nasty weather reality to see fighting across northern and southern parts of the country receives a very heavy rain recently to the eastern side of south africa up towards botswana looking at more of the same come thursday. And investigation of how Foreign Companies planned africas Natural Resources the trash that is showing pork and. The question is revealing how new medias officials demand cash in exchange for favors. With confidential documents provided to aljazeera by wiki leaks vigorous a big new committee for interest i was part of the crunch and i am not dealing aljazeera investigations the anatomy of a braai. This is aljazeera a quick reminder of the headlines for you know us House Democrats have released a report laying out the case for the impeachment of donald trump it says the president used his powers to head get to ukraine to help him with the 2020 alexion the white house is called the report a one sided sham the u. S. House of representatives has passed a bill demanded sanctions on senior chinese officials over the treatments of the weaker of Muslim Minority china condemns the bill and denies the allegations and the 70th anniversary of nato has turned into a tense war of words the u. S. And french president sarkozy dont several points including nato as role and the return of i saw fighters. At the International Criminal courts chief prosecutor is renewing efforts to open a formal investigation into war crimes in afghanistan the court will hear the appeal on wednesday after the request was rejected earlier this year prosecutor Fatou Bensouda says the Afghan Governments the taliban and the United States all face accusations of abuses alleged to have been committed since 2003. Now the number of civilian casualties in afghanistan reached record highs earlier this year with around 4300 people hurt or killed between july and september un says armed groups and progovernment troops which include International Forces were responsible for about the same number of deaths Brown University estimates that more than 31000 civilians have been killed since the u. S. Invaded afghanistan in 2001 but the white house says the i. C. C. Has no jurisdiction to prosecute any americans and has threatened to deny these as to the court staff and judges well Tony Berkeley has more from one of the villages in afghanistan hoping to see justice from this appeal this is a graveyard in the village of jogger in eastern afghanistan close to the pakistan border 70 people here are buried who were killed in the village mosque one there were a prayer by either a suicide bomber or planted bomb either by i saw or by the taliban its not clear yet but what is clear is they were all innocent victims and so far in this war 31000 innocent victims are being claimed they have not had a voice now the International Criminal court wants to give them that voice thats why theyre trying to bring an investigation of potential war crimes in afghanistan even though that their request for an investigation by the chief prosecutor for 2 bensouda was thrown out by its own judges even though they said there was merit in the cases presented to them they said it did not serve the interests of justice because it would be too complicated too difficult and perhaps too expensive to deal with that investigation on the ground because theyve accusing the taliban the u. S. Forces and the Afghan Government of committing acts of war crimes so trying to investigate that would be very difficult mrs brown suitor said that the United States was possibly responsible for a number of crimes which included their Intelligence Services and their military services. Which included torture cruel treatment rape and Sexual Violence against conflict related detainees the United States they deny this they say that this is concocted they refuse to comply with any investigation and also will be difficult for the taliban and the Afghan Government to do that the taliban have been accused of killing 17000 civilians since 20097000 of them targeted and the Afghan Government has been accused of allowing torture against prisoners so getting all sides to agree to an investigation will be extremely difficult but its drawn condemnation from many human rights organizations who say this will be a precedent if the i. C. C. Does not allow this investigation to go ahead it will be giving in to bullying and threats and it will set and give a signal to governments everywhere in the world that they dont have to comply and theres no fallback and no justice that could be used against them so if you ask the people in afghanistan what they want most its not justice for the individuals now its its peace they want a lasting peace which will not necessitate war crimes and it will not create any more innocent victims. Police in the philippines say the number of people knowns i have died in typhon community has risen to 11 there are concerns however that that number could rise as officials continue to receive reports from affected areas as ivan made landfall on monday in eastern parts of the country but has since weekends. Experts ensure they have warns the daily use of tear gas by police could have serious side effects for nearly 7 weeks protesters have been demonstrating often leading to clashes with Security Forces or latin america editor of the soon human reports from santiago. The famous 16th century biochemist paracelsus once said that the difference between a beneficial and a toxic chemical was doakes and the dose of the tear gas that is being fired every single day in this and other parts of chiles capital is massive. The tear gas has become much stronger more toxic more there with bicarbonate of soda to alleviate pain isnt working anymore. The chemical agent is chloro binzel dean of melon on a trial or c. S. For short which isnt a gas but a solid mixed with a dispersal agent. But its a cattleman bearing again and her husband or counts is that its making them ill they live right above whats nicknamed ground 0 where theyve been demonstrations for nearly 2 months even with their windows taped and shut the tear gas seeps in. Its been very difficult for my health because its our grieving miasma we have headaches lightheadedness all those things too well ive only left my house once since october 18th and i was sick for 3 days because the air outside isnt breathable im worried about the long term effects. And so she should be according to several studies carried out in the United States to begin with tear gas exposure is meant to be limited to 10 seconds not hours for weeks on end even after the Security Forces are long gone you can still smell the tear gas especially if its windy the residues of these crowd control weapons remain on the ground on the dirt and on just about Everything Else that you can. See here if you dont have a doctor along from the get go put dallas medical school warns that over time c. S. Decomposes into cyanide especially at high temperatures and if youre going to use this kind of toss to to restore order which sometimes its necessary. Just should do it with current quit with with Knowledge Research investigation is urgent to measure the amount of cyanide from his arms. And because of the absence of serious studies cancer cant be ruled out either he says there was unlike many of their neighbors cadman and catalogs say they cant hear about catman is a writer and works from home and loves living here she just hopes the price wont be too high. To see any human santiago. Regional officials in mexico have visited the sites where 23 people were killed in a weekend gun fights at least 100 heavily armed gang members fought with Security Forces in the town of noon on sunday the battle contributed to a National Tool of 427. 00 dead in 24 hours the highest on record residents of the town say drug cartels are trying to reclaim the territory after being pushed out 5 years ago then they moved the decimal took the import weve had for a long time the warning from the northeast cartel would rumors and its presence in the north of the state even clashes in other towns the warning that they want to into the started here will they love it over the gang see our region as a perfect site to carry drugs into the us and above all else be able to sell it its been many years since they carried drugs through our state which is force them to go to other states or lose the drug which later in the up on the street. Villagers in guatemala as mayor barrys fears say a Government Program allowing them to make money from the forests helped protect it but it could be under threats with big businesses looking to take over david mercer wont see the peace in a region a mets with the People Living off the lands and guarding it. Deep inside the rain forest in guatemalas northern potential region edom a town searches the forest floor for riches at a town you know earns a living harvesting shot today a palm frond used in floral arrangements in europe asia and north america the value belief is part of the prize in a unique Conservation Strategy starting in the 1990 s. 9 communities won the right to make a living from the forest as long as they do so sustainably rosa says that her peoples dependence on the forest gives them a powerful incentive to protect it. There have been many changes to our quality of life people make twice as much money harvesting shows a timber as another big allowing us to invest in social programs and infrastructure and we help all the communities by giving them Building Materials for their schools the Community Concessions now generate more than 5000000. 00 a year and have created thousands of jobs in agronomy carpentry and tourism poverty rates have fallen and migration to the United States is virtually unheard of all the while the areas under Community Management boasts near 0 deforestation rates over the past 14 years. Weve had visitors from colombia the us mexico and many other countries around the world who value our model in colombia they want to replicate it to help protect whats left of the forests were proud of what weve achieved outside of the concessions there are threats to guatemalas forests clearing land for agriculture has given guatemala one of the highest before station rates in the americas during the Easter Holiday in 2015 baileys and farmer set fire to 3 hours of force here along the border thousands of Community Members from guatemala came out to battle the flames stopping the fire from spreading into their Community Forests Neftali Salazar helps cut and maintain 27 kilometers of fire breaks near the baileys boy. His community is responsible for patrolling and protecting more than 25000 hectares of forest with little help from authorities so you know. If it wasnt for concessions to forest here wouldnt exist would be a wasteland there be villages and pastures and the kalar answers would be governing things its because of small groups like us that there are still green areas here with. Roses Community Concession and others are coming up for government renewal over the next few years and with big business eyeing their forests rosa and her neighbors are worried empowered locals have kept the forests intact but convincing politicians to do the same has not been easy david mercer aljazeera in guatemalas my a biosphere reserve. The heads of an e. U. Mission to malta has called for the Prime Minister to quit its his handling of a journalist sophia and says every day joseph stays in the job he makes the problem worse the fokker reports from valetta. Bolter is shaped by centuries of see an island fortress in the mediterranean. Outside the office of the Prime Minister police are erecting new defenses the gulf between the public and those in power is widening by the day arriving in multiroom choose day a delegation from the European Parliament here to review the crisis they purge joseph must got to step aside immediately everybody recognizes including the Prime Minister himself studies made some serious errors of judgment. And i would say that you know staying on longer than necessary is also a judgment error. Prone minister of state must get resigned on sunday bowing to public pressure but he wants to stay on until january the 12th when i successor will be chosen. To test a say hes too close to people implicated in the murder of journalist and blogger. They want him gone now. Never forget that their i mean their friends like everything was collapsing wrong andrew carolina remembers the day his mother was murdered killed near her home by remote controlled car bomb 2 years ago there was just the burned carcass of my mothers car. And now its been turned into something thats almost beautiful to look at he believes the office of the Prime Minister had a direct hand in his mothers death and they know that we know that the Prime Minister himself has been implicated in this assassination on thats called its intolerable for a country to have as its Prime Minister someone implicated in his most powerful critics assassination. 3 men arrested for the murder waiting trial the investigations now closing in on those who may have ordered the killing one of maltas richest men youre going fenech was arrested and charged in connection with a journalists murder he denies involvement after his arrest implicated the maltese Prime Ministers chief of staff keith as a coconspirator he was on last week and was interrogated for 2 days by police before being released without charge to other ministers have also stepped down and been questioned by police many protesters blame the Current Crisis on a culture of secrecy the permeates the very foundations of multi society Law Enforcement and politics in a country dominated by 2 main political rivals while many welcome the resignation of the Prime Minister few expect any real lasting structural change. Between the Business School as between big business between organized crime and politicians has existed for a very long and this created the whole environment for such a serious thing stalker this is the world that daphne. Explored investigating corruption at the highest levels she delved deep and paid the ultimate price leave park out 0 for a letter. This is al jazeera and these are the headlines u. S. House democrats have released a report laying at the case for the impeachment of donald trump it says the president used his powers to get ukraine to help him the 2020 Election White House has called the report a one sided sham i need your castro has more from capitol hill. The House Intelligence Committee has been giving its stamp of approval on this report and now it is now passing that report on to the Judiciary Committee which is significant because it is the Judiciary Committee that will draft articles of impeachment basically these are the charges that trump would face once this goes to a trial in the senate the u. S. House of representatives has passed a bill demands and sanctions on senior chinese officials over the treatments of the weaker Muslim Minority the legislation also calls for the closure of detention camps in the she injun region and it names members of c. Jones communist party who washington says are responsible for abuses china has condemned the bill and has denied the allegations the 70th anniversary of nato has turned into a tense war of words the u. S. And french president s argued on several points including nagels role and the return of i saw fighters. The International Criminal courts chief prosecutor is renewing efforts to open a formal investigation into war crimes in afghanistan the courts will hear the appeal on wednesday after the request was rejected earlier this year prosecutor to bensouda says the Afghan Governments the taliban and the United States all face accusations of abuse is alleged to have been committed since 2003. Police in the philippines say the number of people known to have died in typhoon community has risen to 11 there are concerns however that the number could rise as officials continue to pursue courts from affected areas. And regional officials in mexico have visited the sites where 23 people were killed in a weekend gun fights at least 100 heavily armed gang members fought with Security Forces on sunday the bats of contribute to a national top 127. 00 dead in 24 hours that ship states stay with us the listening post is up next. The Worlds Largest oil producer has failed to trade on the Foreign Stock Exchange was it transparency valuation over ambition we want to happen or the Worlds Largest oil producer and you dont list in the Worlds Largest Stock Exchange that definitely says something aljazeera investigates the politics of oil in the middle easts most potent economic with Saudi Aramco Company and the state. On aljazeera. And no. Secret chinese girl ok lets try this try to tell. Me eleanor its this might write. About tell us is that trying to decide to write history. Hello im Richard Quest but in europe the listening post here are some of the media stories that were covering this week big news that beijing didnt want out there somebody inside the communist party wants the outside world to know what is happening in st john the conflict of interest the

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