We have peace at least speaking for myself i have a very 1st real relationship and he has with me im possibly the only one he has that kind of relationship with in the world they call the hermit kingdom i know a lot about his firm and gave them but i have a very Good Relationship if you would have listened to president obama would be world war 3 right now so well see what happens and look we are working our militarily than we ever ever been at i will tell you what i took over the United States military when i became commander in chief our military was depleted our roads or was in trouble you know that better than anybody we had over the plains we had all everything we have ammunition now we have the most powerful military very apt and were by far the most powerful country in the world and hopefully we dont have to use it but if we do well use it really if we have to well do it but you know my relationship with kim jong il is really good but that doesnt mean he he wont abide by the. Right that that was the that was u. S. President trump and he was then speaking to the secretary general of nato thats. When i think weve got that signal back lets take a listen. Replay approximately 500000000000. 00 a year more for protections 500000000. 00 now we only had a month or 2 before the budget so they said oh no no i dont you know theyre very good businesspeople you see how they do want to trade but theyve agreed to pay almost 500000000. 00 a year more that capital to a 1000000000. 00 plus to a 1000000000. 00 its a lot of money looked at that with a number of phone calls and immediately now were to go shooting for that a bit more because United States is facing a lot of money for projects are worth it and we think its fair that they pay and paid more we have a very Good Relationship but we think its fair that they pay more im not sure anybody knows that you know about the 500000000000 that they agreed to pay more. Or yeah i met with them a. 67 months ago id be a little bit longer than that and i said you know pay enough its not fair they were getting 500. 00 their way less than 500. 00 a year i think process begins and i said its not unfair we do a great job here 32. 00 1000 3 soldiers their course us you know many times when youve made it and you have to pay out and they said it in a very good way 35. 00 you go shish and they were very close to being at the end of their budget and we agreed to 500000000000. 00 for our own house around 500000000000. 00 and that got up to close to a 1000000000. 00 from 500000000000. 00 less than 500000000. 00 which has been that number for many many years decades. And i got 500000000. 00 more here so its 500000000. 00 a year thats a lot of money. And still substantially less than it costs are now were at a negotiation theres a bit more and they could do that because theyre very restrictive and if we didnt know about it. I wonder whether the story of federal relief and i dont mean it it. Has to be debated i could go either way i could make arguments both ways but i think its i do think this i think if were going to do it i think its the ship. Were fairly its not fair for the United States to defend it many countries not only that but many countries where we and the rich countries i can tell you this 5 other countries that are at a safe harbor station with you know saudi arabia or who were troops there and theyre paying us billions of dollars ok you never heard of before you never heard of that in your whole life we move troops or we pay nothing to. People to give energy and the world took advantage of us but we do we have a Good Relationship with saudi arabia but they needed help they were attacked. And as you saw we just spoke to a. Contingent of troops they did their begging us billions of dollars and then happy. The problem is nobody ever asked them to do it until i get will nobody ever a obama didnt ask bush didnt clinton did it yes nobody asked i think he said to me but nobody is. I said i know gay but i missed me. And theyre paying as they were already sent us billions of dollars so really the bank so and thats right and theyre happy to do it but we never had a president who would ask thats not right so well and we had many other countries that were doing the same thing well think of things now in some cases euro countries eat up and dont have money theyre poor and this tremendous trauma this tremendous problems think is going to be going on and thats a different situation but we have a wealthy country as i missed your family said dale to Prime Minister rabin a friend of mine james up i said you have to. Have to help was happier with a lot of money your wealthy nation and where you know pay for your own material sense you have to help us have it is doing to do up there are going to do a lot but they were never asked. You have a are worth a cent if youre a very well i think its a very important point you want to stand irish so why nobody probably really knows about it or talk about this is the 1st time ive talked about in public but no where separate is taking us almost 500000000. 00 more and now were starting to go in for billions of dollars and you think it here very young very very happy for all. What would happen if session in a way that any time soon did they say you know i mean you know to position you know my position to the cells its brought up but you know where i also brought up. And i bring it up right now back at iran is killing perhaps thousands and thousands of people right now as we speak thats why they cut off the internet so they cut off the internet so people can see whats going off but thousands of people again killed around record. And frankly i dont know how to get in there iron how you do your business by the press of a get in there see whats going on because the word is that bad sense of people are being killed it around the protests you hear about it its really not just not just all numbers which are a bit big numbers which are really good and really big numbers from you are both the policy in iraq and he morning. Where our evidence a ring. But i think its a terrible thing that i think the world has to be watching but many people are being killed were hearing the action many many people are being killed interest. For protests and for the mere fact of their protest. To general fire the battle with him and. Me were you. Youre talking about the woman who had the arsonist with the young men in the water cycle when youre right that is parents up in their lovely people and ive spoken to the woman who works for government who has their blue Magic Community and were truck where something is happening pretty feel certain that youre going to get them you know that you go. To the job to take you know is dependent on one thing do i want to pick it up. Because were doing very well with general and we can do even better with a flip of a ben and jerrys pay for and china has the worst year by far theyve had 57 years so well see what happens with her very well right now and i gave the farmers as you know what he 8000000000. 00 and had a lot left oh theres a foreign targeted by china. I gave them plenty 1000000000. 00 over a 2 year area and they got them all that was everything that china had to get out i gave them from the tariffs that janet us and i had billions left over beneath it was of you know we have a deadline i have no no reason for the user id so why is it that its better to wait till after the election you were good. I think in some ways its better to wait till after the election with china but im not going to say that i just think that i just said to you. In some ways i like the idea of waiting till after the election for the china to go but they want to make a deal now or well see whether or not the feel is going to be right its going to be right or look jack has been ripping off the United States for many many years again because of leadership or lack of leadership or it was the very thing its like i told you about the military and again when we were. Thank you then and carol every one of these countries are these are rich countries that are they would always say but nobodys ever asked system to that blanket therefore why should we do it now i said well they havent because they were foolish but i am and thats what we are and thats why would somebody arabia with south korea with so many other countries theyre paying a lot of money to do you know this is that they were doing and it will be a lot warmer for us it is their record and thats a big super answer big story of you why i dont have a right to make that a bit whatever go figure a way or if you did your research or or hes or. I know nothing about the general really jerry corporate know nothing about. Its a. War right battle rifle. There are. More on i mean theres you know its been there are russian i think you can have a very Good Relationship with russia i dont think that theres any problem going along with the secretary general speaking with russia i think its a very important thing to do and thats to be talking to her because i strongly also as the president believes that india boards of all over the course of our efforts our biggest paper sit for space and we will strive for the privilege to ship with the russia but we do not base all people than to will try to profile got to be strong we have to provide a credible returns on the fence combined with our also because this is the fairest of bands. And thats exactly what we are doing especially for the arms of control you need to boil your water straits we need to avoid you or are you are saying is they just if it is expensive and never will so were pretty much the. Us invited to the line of feverish bond holding either british before us. The good thing is the neighbor was able to respond the unified way we all agreed that under sharples mileage will support of this is because the treaty will not work with the police because by will not anonymous in together again on the profile failure of us. If i was on a dress code should meet this fall that we will was only a quarter of the way together we will this fall of the fence it way but you have to make sure the baby is still provide credible the purchase i was also in the role we border the science and you were offered roles something i know that the president s very focused on read about as it is you progress on football we were shocked but also in one way we have to find ways to could charm. If you to promise to be bored or the door is home. To say this russia wants to make it you are the arms control and i terminated the deal because they were living up to that and it was an obsolete deal anyway they were really going to put russia wants to maybe it was the recent leaders like 2 weeks ago russia wants to make a deal very much on arms control d and nuclear and thats more absurd it wouldnt really be a good thing and would also certainly bring you know hugo chavez that we may regret later who would be a rebel but russia wants to do something basically absurd when it would be a great thing to do so you know. Were good friends and theres a. You know i dont know perhaps you know do but its actually top story so were just really d i dont know. Anybody else thank you so were really really. Interesting. To read read. What. You are. Write while youve been watching us President Donald Trump there making some remarks after meeting with nato secretary general against altenburg thats ahead of the summit and that will kick off tomorrow now he did cover a huge amount of ground and coming out very strongly against france and president back on for his comments that nato and the alliance is brain dead and then he did question whether or not france might break away from a show he did also come out in support of turkey saying that they have been nothing but but good and that they have been nothing but supportive now when asked if turkey should be an ally of while still be a part of the Nato Alliance and he said it should be discussed among allies well lets go live now to our correspondent john hall who is live for us in london china did we expect the president trying to come out quite so strongly against france and mackerel. Well its an extraordinary press conference that we were expecting no more than statements from mr stoltenberg and mr trump but of course in character donald trump taking the opportunity to discuss a great many subjects not just at issue in this nato summit as you say france their turkey but running the gamut of u. S. Foreign policy through south korea north korea china russia and of course touching on impeachment as well did we expect him to come out so strongly against france well in a sense yes we did because of comments made by Emmanuel Macron in the run up to this nato summit in which he said nato was at risk of being able to coming brain dead on able to coordinate amongst its own members too preoccupied with spending defense spending and not enough time spent on strategic cooperation and all of that was essentially a dig at donald trump who turned up in brussels last year at the nato summit and eclipsed proceedings entirely by berating european members of europe in particular the e. U. And members of nato for not spending enough on their own defense and allowing too much of the burden to fall on france so. Emanuel macron setting the stage for an almost inevitable showdown with donald trump and donald trump taking things off in that press conference there saying ive got on well with emanuel in the past but he does tend to do things that are not good for his own country nobody needs nato more than france does alluding presume to the 2nd world war and again taking issue with the europeans for not spending enough and that despite mr stockton bergs efforts to smooth things over hed hoped to kick this summit off by saying that there is much more money being pledged on the table annually by nato members from europe also a redistribution of costs in terms of the nato budget frankly donald trump has led with the other foot and set the scene for what could be a rather bad. Beaching of nature to laura well johnny you talk about these bad tempers and these tensions weve also seen tensions between. And and with Emmanuel Macron especially off comments that they might not support a nato plan to support some of their countries and if the rest of later didnt support their incursion in turkey so give us a read now on the mood there especially often now that weve heard u. S. Donald u. S. President all trump say that he essentially and would have a discussion about whether or not turkey could be a part of nato with the other allies. Yes well i guess i mean that feeds into emanuel macros comp comments about tape turkeys brain death and of course that was shot back by mr erdogan with the comment that perhaps was tobacco and should consider whether he indeed was brain dead the background to all of this is Donald Trumps decision back in october unilaterally to withdraw u. S. Troops from Northern Syria that allowed enabled turkey to move its forces in to counter the kurds there who sees of course as a terrorist threat it was only mr 2 on the trump informed of his decision he didnt inform other nato members and so that is the background and context of all of this and comes to nato making comments already before this summit gets underway saying nato needs to take another good hard look at individual members threats or just things that they see as threats and consider them on a member by member basis hes very well aware that he has no support in nato for what hes doing in northern turkey against dont forget why p. G. Forces Kurdish Forces who just 2 months ago were u. S. Allies and he has threatened mr irwin to upturn natos policy in Eastern Europe bolstering the defenses of the balkans the baltics rather and poland against russia if he doesnt get you know a support donald trump of course key to all of this who has a sort of one on one relationship with mr hurd one was asked is turkey still a dependable member and he said well look thats for everybody else to talk about far as im concerned i get on very well with mr erdogan and we did a deal in Northern Syria that everybody was critical of now they say its a great deal or not so who says its a great deal we kept the Oil Donald Trump says we kept it away from isolate weve killed al baghdadi the isolate lead it with turkeys help and weve left turkey to the border where they seem to be doing very well so if donald trump is going to be taking a stand against mr erdogan along with nato members at this summit it certainly isnt apparent here well that john howell who will bring us live updates from london i will notice that i thank you very much sanjay. Lets speak now tomorrow on bashara who is al jazeera as senior political analyst and he joins us now live from paris. A remarkable press conference there from president obama trump and now were going into the summit with the french president to leave now said repeatedly has called nato potentially brain dead because of what happened between turkey and syria a turkish leader whos now being accused of blackmailing his allies and a u. S. President who is again questioning the premise of whether or not the u. S. Will defend the alliance and bracing people about spending so right now 70 year is to nato is there a future for the alliance. Well clearly from the way the leaders are approaching it they dont seem to be optimistic themselves thats why the entire 70th anniversary of was in fact downgraded from summit to something we dont know what it is actually like a meeting or something the fact a 70th anniversary of presumably the most successful military alliance in in modern history would not be celebrated as a summit that in and by itself isnt doesnt bode well for the alliance now lets all also remember a number of things that sort of underlying factors here each one of the main leaders of the Nato Alliance has an issue at home president from the most stark example has an impeachment starting tomorrow the to really really find out whether and how in the judiciary present in a court here faces one of the probably greatest strikes in modern history of france in couple of days Boris Johnson is facing elections and upheld by the in fact in that in those elections merkel of course is really leaving the scene for a for a conservative party that is not really finding its footing so all of them have crises of sort and they really dont see eye to eye on the challenges facing the wests or the Nato Alliance in other words is it russia is