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Including trips to mars the moon and the development of a space space 5 g. Network installed Brazilian Team flamenco are now targeting success at the Club World Cup in qatar the rio sarge lifting the League Trophy just days after becoming south american champ. But 1st 3 planeloads of yemenis have been welcome back to their country from prisons in saudi arabia 128 men were flown into sun as International Airports aboard red cross planes just a few hours ago to be greeted by he commanders and some family members well they were released as part of an Exchange Deal u. N. Special envoy Martin Griffiths has welcomed the prisoner swaps that come amid a new push to end the 5 year war the saudi you a United Coalition an assault weapons say that santa airport would reopen the limited flights long patients to fiats for medical care well mohamed was at the airport in santa the prisoners arrived. This flight is the 1st flight. For the president before this the 1st offer szell swarup all relays are for president s or for by saudi arabia u. A. E. Little qualification people are hoping this would push forward for achieving all realizing the peace in yemen which has been going through difficult and destructive times throughout nearly 5 years many of those wife talk to hope they will find their relatives. To agree to go out of this International Posts but so far we couldnt know that. The exact number of who though more will be ripe but according to the news that i have heard that some of them have been detained and. Which is the just 40 kilometers from sun are also those who are being detained in areas in the course the lair and the coastline of. There are also fisherman. Are concerned that the they want their fighters to be released also there are thousands of people who are being detained who are thats involved in the war especially those who try to travel outside yemen through the areas which are under the control of the saudi un a little qualification. Iraq is stepping up its response to mass protests across the country the army says its sending commanders to provinces to restore order setting up what it calls crisis cells to quell the unrest in will the announcement came as at least 29 people were killed in syria on thursday when Security Forces opened fire to disperse a demonstration that this followed a night of violence in the city of not just for irans consulate was set on fire tehran is calling for firm action against protesters the protesters accused of backing a government they are against at least 350 people have been killed during the protests pushing for more jobs Better Services at a complete political overhaul so of how to god young men burn the consulate when it was certain fire all the right plumage in a jar started firing on us as if we were burning iraq as a whole the riot police by tear gas intensively on the Security Forces rendered heavily with live polyps. Is in baghdad. The fact that you have now had 2 attacks on iranian consulates in shiite holy cities within a matter of weeks this month that really goes to show how much frustration there is even in shiite majority cities toward the government of iran because of the outsized role that they play in the politics of course you had this attack last night that was an attack in which the antigovernment demonstrators they got into that compound in and they set. The iranian consulate ablaze they burned it before the attack happened the staff at the consulate they had escaped through a back door were now being told that there are the military is going to be sending these security cells to some of the provinces to try to quell the protests we dont really know exactly what form thats going to take there is great concern here right now the perhaps that could mean that there is a crackdown looming that perhaps there will be more violence we just dont know well have to wait and see but also weve been told that there is now a curfew that has been put in place in the city of now for the until further notice so there is so much going on here right now the protests continue to swell but the fact the matter is despite the violence despite the specter of potentially more violent all the demonstrators that we continue to speak with no matter what city they are in they say they are committed to continuing to come out until they have a government they feel that actually represents them. China has accused them of trump of sinister intentions after the president signed a home and rights bill beijing has summoned the u. S. Ambassador the law means washington can impose sanctions on chinese sands hong kong officials to the sponsible for human rights and pieces it also bans the sales old tear gas rubber bullets and other equipment used by Security Forces china has threatened to response. China protests are describing President Trumps decision as a timely thanksgiving present thousands of people are showing their gratitude with a pull u. S. Rally in central home. Leading true democracy activists just a woman says the u. S. Has shown prioritize human rights over big business. For you as president sign on to hong kong human rights and democracy act thats the remarkable achievement of the hong kong was no match for a democrat or republican the new bipartisan consensus from both the u. S. Administration and the congress is to stand at home call to pyro cost human rights and democracy and not be overrun by the trade negotiation. Sarah clarke has more now from hong kong. Up to 10000. 00 people have gathered here in Central Hong Kong its almost a celebration there thanking the u. S. For backing this bill which would as a result could potentially introduce economic sanctions on hong kong if the u. S. Believes that the Hong Kong Government isnt bicycle fulfilling its human rights and democracy commitments and as a result these people here behind me its become almost a Party Atmosphere and of course this is in light of less than a week after the citys District Council elections voted in the prodemocracy politicians in a landslide victory so certainly its been a good week for the Hong Kong Anti government supporters of the protests as you say the fact that the u. S. Has signed this bill its a show of support for what their message is which is an Anti Government message calling for greater political reform in the city its a very different reaction from the Hong Kong Government as well as chinas reaction on both or over similar message that told the u. S. To stay out of their internal affairs they describe this bill is unnecessary and unwarranted and basically interfering in their internal masses theyve also said that they believe this particular milieu a show of support in the endorsing what they describe as the violent protests actions which of power lies parts of hong kong since june so certainly a different a very different response from the hong kong and Chinese Government but the atmosphere in Central Hong Kong on thursday here at this protest movement the prodemocracy movement has been one of celebration. French president emanuel mccrone has rejected an offer by russias to suspend missile deployments he made the comments during a meeting with nato chief stoltenberg in paris russia proposed a moratorium after a ban on the main was lifted in August Stoltenberg is the meeting to address michaels criticism of nato a suffering brain death while questions are being asked about the strength of the transatlantic bomb north america and europe are doing more together than we had done for decades and i can hardly think about any stronger demonstration of the commitment to our Alliance Talk of collective defense to article 5 than the fact that we are actually doing more together increasing theres our forces investing more in our security than we have done for many many years or french president mccraw is insisting that Member States must increase their level of cooperation let be on the up for the finny peace in europe with us our work post i. N. F. Treaty our relationship with russia the subject of turkey who is the enemy as long as we havent resolved these questions we cannot negotiate to realize the cost of the total burden so maybe theres a wake up call thats needed i ask each to consider their priority is to think of the final goal and our strategic objectives we must have a method between us leaders of state and the government along with the Organization Secretary general on the basis of these questions that are asked so we can automatically move forward in the next following week see them on the task about there has more on the reaction to michaels remarks from the president ial palace in paris. Well look theres no doubt. Many nato members who see him as undermining dangerously undermining the credibility of the alliance with the same time his comments of so many focus minds have made other leaders think about nato his future and perhaps come up with some new ideas and one idea thats been proposed by the German Foreign minister. And the idea is to have an expert panel actually review the. Seems to be on side with that he seems to agree that this could be useful and the idea is if it is agreed to at this meeting next week the special summit for the 70th anniversary in london the idea is that this expert panel from outside nato would look at the Alliance Review it and come up with a report next november after the u. S. Election. Theres more cells to come on the news hour including rescue crews search through probabl for survivors after a powerful earthquake in albania at least 40 people were killed well take you there live. And sudans new government scraps laws and calls under dictatorship well bring you the current the reaction from khartoum plants in the sports a day after announcing a 500000000. 00 investments the owners of Manchester City are involved in another big money deal this time in india. Well lets head back now to the unrest in iraq the country stepping up its response to mass protests across the country that protests occludes an attack on an Iranian Embassy well last week a trove of secret reports and cables from iran spy agency were published by the intercepts and the New York Times shedding light on terror ons vast influence in iraq according to the documents iran to use the u. S. Withdrawal in 2011th expand its influence and surveillance operations adding top Iraqi Government politicians military and Security Officials to their payroll both in baghdad and the senate thomas kurdish region of Northern Iraq they have routinely reported back to tehran about conversations with american diplomats the documents also show how iran has protected and paid former cia informants in iraq if kept tabs on u. S. Activists there well lets speak now with mashups wherry hes director of the Gulf Studies Center at Qatar University and joins us live from doha good to have you with us on the program lets turn to the protests 1st of all in the the escalation in the violence and why do you think a rainy an embassy was attacked when the protesters are have been clear in their demands. It was a good change in government in iraq itself in the past few weeks there is no doubt the process of rebirth and iraq and that the process basically talking about a new national identity. Intersects close miss it is across tribes all of these things so what happened now in iraq. Is an evidence that people they are fed up of. Her and interventions and i think they also see that how much this. Outside intervention has corrupted the political atmosphere more and more and it creates a political elite which is more corrupted more related to its interest to the outsiders rather than to the interests of the people and this kind of level of anger increasing increased rapidly in the last few years with the with the expansion of you know corruption and poverty and the need and the lack of infrastructure and the services which the government unfortunately has failed to deliver to its own people i think in terms of and a radiant embassy being attacked or the protests just more angry at the angry at their government are they angry at iran i think both because simply its very interesting to see this happen to the iraqi consulate iranians usually they used to they have this is this is tradition to attack and this is and consulates we witnessed that in the last 40 years now this time. Around and concerts being targeted i think whats interesting those demonstrators there are against both their against their recognize or not because there is the assumption that this government is very weak is actually rely on outsiders and more important they are upset of their arc of the iranian intervention or enter. Business and in iraq and they see that this kind of intervention is not helping iraqis its actually create. Or contribute to see iraq as a failed state that basically bring more to than the Iraqi Society m f if we turn to these these leaks cables for just a moment i mean there are some startling revelations in there and 8 does it does imply that there is iran is playing a big hands in the running of iraq. If this will turn out to be the case i mean how do you see the Iraqi Governments quite intend the protestors how do you see them making efforts to tamp down these protests because those revelations are likely to anger people more rather than less surely. In april 2003 i wrote an article i said in that article that there is a Political Security vacuum in iraq and the only Regional Power can come for that is iran and that thats kind of production approved to be right simply because the United States was not was not showing interest to a lot of elements in iraq they are interested just to see Saddam Hussein disappear and they wanted to control the oil but they have no interest to look at other social political aspects of the iraq iran actually. Worked quickly to fill that vacuum and the sense that the 3 they worked hard the 2 and to intervene in different elements within iraq in society they they were concern is machine with courage with different to grow bored with the christians because they wanted to dominate they want to control the political scene in a very short sentence they want iraq to be weak but also they want to see a state in iraq but weak and can be managed and thats whats happened basically even they have no interest to see a strong you know religious circle in iraq even that was basically helped them to maintain calm and measured as a center for shia cleric in the world so basically it was obvious that you know iranian have a clear plan how to things should be 2 done in iraq and i think the role of the United States lets not forget 2005 the United States. Bush took to to have a negotiation about security of iraq with the United States or with the absent of the Iraqi Government so basically even the americans promoted the role of iran because they wanted that role and the assumption was if iran and intervene maybe a card there would be a list influential so that there were a lot of miscalculations americans was actually playing a big role in this and not. Have your thoughts on the program thank you very much indeed for joining us on the. Now 41 people are now confirmed dead following choose days powerful earthquake in albania rescue workers are trying to find survivors and several countries have sent teams to help but this was the most powerful earthquake to hit the country in decades. Is in albury he joins us now live from one of the worst hit cities tourists sean if you could just tell us the status of that search and rescue operation its not looking good just how are people fairing there in how well are they dealing with the situation. I think people are actually still in the state of shock nothing like this has happened here for 40 years of the last year of quick that caused something terrible but not as many as this one and you can see that in the fact that they still refuse to go back into their homes even if there is no apparent damage to those homes in many cases last night in toronto we saw kilometers of coast stretching out on a highway going from the center of turn towards the Eastern Suburbs and the eastern city of kilometers of cars double parked on both sides of the road and on the pavements with people bedding down inside with blankets they simply dont know what to expect they dont know how long the aftershocks will carry on for how many more buildings will fall and there are lots of reports in albanian media sometimes spirits of another building collapsing here or a hospital wing being evacuated no ones really sure if no ones really sure if these things are actually happening but it is an indication of the psychology now the fear this is the sort of thing people are afraid is happening so many people are going ahead and reporting it we havent been able to verify any of these additional building collapses here today the search and rescue of course here at this particular building the hotel where the 41st victim was pulled out before a as early as today is done it is ongoing in other sites in the us there are roughly a dozen people thought to be still missing so that death toll of 41 will probably go above 50. And john as ever in these situations shock usually is replaced by anger you mentioned that the fear about the state of that size of structures which are Still Standing at what are people telling you about the situations they are in are they angry about the state of construction in the country. Well weve been asking that very question for the last 24 hours because it seems like too much of a coincidence that all the worst damage has happened in high rise buildings that are in the most valuable strip of land the beach front and that is that forms the economic heart of this resort town while other old communist era constructions deep in the city of do this have escaped unscathed it seems like something that ought to be looked into but no official or politician wants to go into that yet the priority is still the search and rescue looking after people who need show to. Helping Public Opinion to overcome the shock in their grief and presumably to preempt some of that anger by showing that authorities are trying to do Everything Possible but sooner or later the questions do have to be asked and what people are telling us off the record is that a lot of buildings on this side of the street particularly between where im standing in the sea which is 150 yards behind me behind these buildings that are Still Standing this particular bit of land which is sand should never have been built upon and if it were built upon there should only have been low d rise buildings but one story we hear again and again including from politicians is that construction. Companies or landowners would sometimes get a permit for 2 or 3 stories and then later on theyd add another 2 or 3 stories and sometimes add a 3rd wave of stories as well all my original foundations that werent built to handle that kind of weight these questions have to be this investigation has to happen i was talking to albania as president yesterday and he said this is something that must happen but it will take time nobody wants to really touch the interests that govern this resort town at the moment ok ed John Psaropoulos there bringing us up to date with events in duress thank you very much indeed. And more than 18000 people remain displaced by floods and kenya Recovery Efforts have been challenged by more heavy rain and landslides in westport quote major roads and bridges so been damaged making it more difficult to provide humanitarian aid see the areas affected at least 120 people have been killed across the country. Sudans government says scraps a controversial law that limited womens rights the cabinets passed a degree nullifying the public order law sets in place by former president Omar Al Bashir thousands of women were forbes in public for wearing trousers going out with scarves or wearing indecent clothing lets get more now from him morgan she joins us live from sudans capital khartoum aber for those who dont know just give us more of a sense of what this public order act is. Well the public order act was an act that was introduced in the mid ninetys by the former government now most of the people into them viewed that as an act to regulate society it dictated how men should wear how women should wear where women should be seated seated in Public Transportation basically people feel like it was oppressing the freedom and the movement and the lifestyle of people here in sudan and thats something that local and International Rights groups have said repeatedly they say that the laws under the act of the public order law made it very hard for people to be themselves women were not allowed to be out in public very late and very late was open to interpretation depending on the security agents it had its own moral police vice police that regulated and went around society to make sure that women did not come back home late that they did not dress indecently according to the invitation of the moral police law that was around at the time so people viewed it as a law that was basically around to constrain on the use of sadam and to try to dictate how they live their lifestyle and how they want about their daily lives and have it just repealing the slaughter said fulfill the demands of sudanese and rights groups. Well the law itself originates from other articles in the penal code now thats article 1525354 those articles basically say that women should not dress indecently it basically regulates the public more the Political Movement of women so the demands a long with nullifying are scrapping that public act order public order act also goes along with trying to get rid of those acts in the court now women staged a protest in front of the of the president ial palace this morning theyre saying that nullifying that act is not enough that there should be more done by the by the Sovereign Council and the council of ministers to nullify other acts in the penal code otherwise this is just a step but not complete fulfillment of the demand that they have been making for years now. Morgan live in khartoum thank you very much indeed the uns high commissioner for refugees says hes seen disturbing conditions in greeces crowded refugee camps for the 4 grandees spent 2 days visiting camps in the island of less force so far and 29000 more than 65000 people have arrived in greece and 80 percent increase only a year before randy is urging other European Countries to accept more Asylum Seekers and sense the camps must improve. I found the conditions in which people live. In extremely disturbing. Very inadequate access to basic services a situation of generalized tension often resulting in violence expression violence against minors violence within the communities themselves but because of the situation the most penalized are certainly women and children in especially the high number of unaccompanied im accompanied children and a very big sense of despair and lack of prospects that makes the situation even more. Worrying and difficult. General strike is underway in lebanon where violent confrontations are threatens what have been largely peaceful protests in recent days there were tense standoff between sectarian and political rivals who do the 6 weeks since the start of the movement protesters are determined to restore a united force against the ruling class reports from parents. A message of peace at a time of political turmoil thanks mothers joined hands after a violent incident between supporters of rival Political Parties brought back dark memories. I know of many was reelected on civil war began in 1975. They called for national unity. The people. Are born after night after the war was gone they dont know what is the they stopped of the war they dont know if its blood will come blood will not give them food will not give them Job Opportunities they walk to the mainly christian neighborhood of i dont go many towards what was the front line that divided the lebanese capital. They then crossed into the mainly shiite neighborhood of shia. It was a warm welcome from a person who seemed to want to leave the past behind was. But it was a different picture a few nights ago there was a standoff between supporters of christian opposition parties and backers of sharp parties in power and hezbollah who have used force against the appetite establishment protestors across the country in recent days start. Doing what they do is just play on the sectarian. The sectarian emotions theyre trying to use the tools on the street of intimidating. Peaceful protesters and this is being used basically to i think. For internal kind of balance of power struggle between the establishment parties opposition parties have been accused of hijacking a Popular Uprising for almost 2 months there have been protests against the political elite who are refusing to give up power that was throughout the cold war and other ability that is why many are concerned the longer this political crisis lasts and the longer it people remain in the streets the likelihood of more violence increases jennifer the better. So to come on aljazeera accusations of Sexual Misconduct one of the key witnesses in the u. S. Impeachment inquiry says his enemies are trying to damage his credibility. Fears of an escalation on the Korean Peninsula as the north resumes testing missiles and well tell you why this ancient sports could help the host nations top medals at the Southeast Asian games. How the weathers looking at the children our little more settled across the middle east weve had some catchy rain in drizzle for a time and some wet weather the next the carrier cloud just spilling out of syria towards iraq easing across iran but not too much right on this for the time being so were getting up to around 50 degrees celsius in terror mid twentys there for baghdad and for kuwait city is a low twentys there in a little further north and you can see theres little more in the way of clouds there into turkey that cloud will thicken up enough for some rain or snow over the high ground elsewhere across the region it is going to be lousy drive with plenty of sunshine and a good deal he says im sure id say across the river in peninsula charles i wanted to show was there just around the northern sections of the gulf and maybe with a little more cloud in play just around the south you must see a few spots of rain but nothing must speak of temperatures here picking up around 28 degrees and light winds very pleasant for the coming days pleasant enough to across the Southern Africa it is lousy try because some lively showers the. More than parts of madagascar Northern Areas of mozambique pushing up into tanzania more heavy downpours there across a good part of the democratic republic of congo and also gonna. As we embrace new technologies rarely do we stop to ask what is the price of this progress what happened was people started getting sick but there was a small group of people that began to think that maybe this was related to become a fish washer in the job an investigation reveals how even the smallest devices have deadly environmental and health costs we think ok well send our you waste to china but we have to remember that air pollution travels around the globe death by design on aljazeera. Our planet is warming as never before with profound consequences for all life on earth but the worlds leading Scientists Say there is still time to act planet s. O. F. Sets out the facts and the Science Behind the issues affecting our planet. And brings you what people across the globe a doing to time the crisis around planet earth or less on aljazeera. This is after sara remind of the top stories this hour the un has welcomed the transfer of yemeni prisoners from Saudi Arabia Group of 128 people landed in santa airports which has been closed since 2016 they were released as part of an Exchange Deal a curfew has been imposed in the iraqi city of nasiriya after 29 people were killed during antigovernment protests Security Forces opened fire on a demonstration the army says its sending its commanders to several provinces to restore order. And 41 people are now confirmed dead from one chooses powerful earthquake in albania rescue workers are still trying to find survivors. Now one of the key witnesses in the u. S. Impeachment inquiry has been accused of Sexual Misconduct 3 women have made allegations against Gordon Sunderland the u. S. Ambassador to the European Union they claim he were tally it is against them professionally after they rejected sexual advances someone has denied all allegations calling them concocted as lawyers said the accusations were designed to ruin his credibility at the inquiry meanwhile Donald Trumps personal lawyer has been accused of pursuing lucrative business deals with ukraine officials while pushing the president s agenda u. S. Media is reporting really giuliani explore deals with hundreds of thousands of dollars as well he pressured ukraine to take up damaging information on Donald Trumps political rival Joe Biden Giuliani says he never accepted a penny lets get more now from Kimberly Holcomb choose life as in washington d. C. At kimberley let starts with the allegations concerning Gordon Sunderland this all comes after a rather dramatic testimony in that impeachment inquiry how do you think these allegations will impact the situation as it stands. Well gordon sagal and just to remind viewers it is really the star witness for the democratic partys case against President Donald Trump and and really the basis in many ways for why they believe that he should be impeached his testimony particularly damning he behind closed door said there was no quid pro quid pro quo but then changed his testimony and said very publicly that in fact that the president was leveraging his office in order to try and get an investigation into his political rival joe biden so now the fact that the has had his credibility challenge with these allegations from these 3 women certainly is problematic for the democrats in all of this the 3 women have accused gordon someone of Sexual Misconduct one of them says that it haunted her that she saw the he had been confirmed as an ambassador and essentially gordon solid is denying all of this on his personal website he has said that these are untrue claims of unwanted touching and kissing and theyre concocted i believe courtenay did for political purposes and thats the problem in all of this the star witness and his testimony now accusations will be pointing fingers coming from both sides and it really is problematic for the strength of the testimony given again this is the star witness for the democratic case one of the key player in that impeachment corys of course the president s personal lawyer Rigi Giuliani and hes been hit with. His own buki tell us about guns. Yeah accusations and this is the problem as well for donald trump in this case the problem is that his personal lawyer Rudolph Giuliani his name just keeps coming up and it keeps coming for all the wrong reasons and that is why it is a problem for the president as he mounts his defense that he did nothing wrong its highly unusual to have your personal lawyer advocating on behalf of the president of the United States but repeatedly weve heard various accounts from a number of different witnesses as theyve testified in open hearings that not only was Rudolph Giuliani the former mayor of new york pressuring ukrainian officials but he also if he wasnt advocating for the president to his political interests he was advocating for himself allegedly allegedly in terms of business deals as youve reported so once again this is difficult for the president because its hard to mount the defense that this was a perfect sort of business arrangement or a perfect governmental channel when in fact it simply wasnt now where things go from here will theyre moving forward and both sides are going to have to deal with this as the next phase of the impeachment inquiry moves forward after the american thanksgiving holiday it will be the Judiciary Committee that will be holding its hearings no doubt some of these news lines will be coming up ok kember whole could live in washington d. C. Thank you very much. Well 2 weeks of public impeachment hearings in the us havent unifies American Voters will suggest these are evenly split analysts say the Republican Controlled Senate is unlikely to try to convict stone will trump and with the president ial election less than a year away it could be up to swing state voters to decide if trump gets a 2nd term in office and as hiz. Joe castro reports many are watching closely. The streets of media pennsylvania are adorned for the coming holidays but as Matthew Cole Forbes awaits the trolley to work headlines from the impeachment hearings in washington threaten to take away some of his cheer i really dont agree with that. I mean theyre going to im not a politician anything like that i just i think theyve been trying to master 0. 10 going to. The 20 year old restaurant worker and business student is among the White Working Class swing state voters who delivered trump to victory in 2016 and called forbes says the impeachment inquiry centered on whether trump inappropriately pressured ukraines president on a phone call has only cemented his support i dont really know what happened at all on that phone call. But i read part of the transcript. And i dont really see what theyre trying to all of you here. Polls show americans remain evenly divided on whether to impeach trump weeks of public hearings have done little to change minds and democrats have privately knowledged that Senate Republicans will have the power to decide President Trumps fate will not vote to convict him so its a foregone conclusion that impeachment will not remove trump from office so what does it all for well he still has to fight for reelection within a year and so his future still very much depends on how the efforts to impeach him. Its off of American Voters ive been hoping my truck gets a beach since the get go im glad theyre finally getting around to it if you believe that abuses of power occur you have to you have to try to hold people accountable with most american showing a clear partisan divide and whether they support impeachment its the rare swing voter who will likely decide whether trump remains in office after 2020 like the voters who helped elect Delaware County councilwoman Monica Taylor to office earlier this month for control of the local government flipped from republican to democrat for the 1st time in 150 years we have a lot of people who are moderate we have a lot of people are somewhere in the middle find themselves somewhere in the middle and i think we are a good example of where that swing vote is going to come from in pennsylvania is us you know its a swing state but even as political analysts say these pennsylvania and suburbs have shifted left in an apparent move both against trump wow areas of the state have moved further right recent local elections in western pennsylvania some republicans gain in strength a sign that the battle for the states Electoral College votes pivotal to whether trump wins reelection in 2020 will be fierce. Castro aljazeera media pennsylvania. A brazilian courts has convicted former president s luis in a sewer do that a supervisor in a 2nd Corruption Case has been sentenced to 17 years in prison he was released from jail earlier this month after the Supreme Court ruled a person can only be imprisoned after all appeals have been exhausted when he was serving a sentence in a previous case of receiving bribes from Construction Companies in return for public contracts he has tonights any wrongdoing. Possessors in colombia remain defiant thousands demonstrated for a 7th consecutive day theyre angry about corruption and propose cuts to minimum wages many are demanding the resignation of president ivan dukie of the santorum p. R. T. Has more from her. When me and unions and student groups called for a National Strike on the under 21st few imagined it would have sparked an Unprecedented Movement the marches that day were the biggest in their caves. And the night spontaneous demonstrations broke out in which as well as poor neighborhoods and have continued now for a week and abated. This generation will cop colombias finally awake and is demanding to be head this time has come to find solutions to our social problems we are not afraid anymore to speak up and show ourselves to the well despite being one of the most an equal countries in the world colombians have seldom brought their grievances to the street. Decades of civil conflict with rebel groups in paramilitaries violent drug cartels in killings of political and Union Leaders had silenced social my lais. But the signing of the peace deal 3 years ago that this arms fire rebels seems to have also opened the door to long neglected the nance i cant think about it now but. Lets immediate concern that my life and the hand that never look like has led at least in the march. To other types that move in and here are related to Education Health care and sat in it but perhaps. That. Colombian president s response has mostly been to discredit and criminalize the demonstrations while playing lip service to their constitutional right to protest. We are living moments of great demand in society but lets be clear the arsonists will not win was violence what they did will not help them at the polls. In recent days riot police have used tear gas and stun grenades to the spurs the mostly peaceful crowds one teenager died after being hit by a gas canister rallies continued i know the pro. So you havent reached the kind that fevered frenzy that weve seen in chile or bolivia or ecuadorian have. They are the kind of the day after. The political social. That many believe its here to. Your cocacola i guess and i think colombias going through a political transition where the piece to the International Contest and a new generation are all playing a role where we dont know yet is where were going with it. While its unclear what they were achieved these protesters believe the time was come to confront Many Political challenges that have been postponed her way through long island on ph d. Just. Burn so overhaul mining laws and boom via could complicate its hoped to gain independence from pappa new guinea regions Vice President s once majority ownership of the Mining Industry he says you redistributes copper and gold mining rights racing stakes held by papa new guinea and the former operator its honest region is holding a nonbinding vote to decide if its a breakaway from papa new guinea armed groups of carried out its new tax in eastern democratic republic of congo to Health Workers were killed in battle in a World Health Organization base the violence comes as residents protest against what they see as inaction by un peacekeepers tasked with keeping them safe. Hungry has charged the captain of a cruise ship involved in a collision and may 27 people died when the mermaids capsized and sank in the river danube ukrainian captain has been charged with misconduct into mass casualties and failing to provide help most of the victims were tourists from south korea. North korea has launched what it appears to be 2 missiles thats according to south korea and it comes just days after the north ordered artillery journals near a disputed maritime border last month pyongyang found to walk its into the sea of japan have just told denuclearization talks with the u. S. Pride is following this from seoul he says the launch comes after a period of relative calm this test firing does seem to be very similar to previous launches no numbering more than a dozen that have taken place in recent months showing the north koreas frustration at the stalled nature of Nuclear Talks with the United States there has been a lull in the test firing the last launch or was nearly a month ago when north korea test fired a multiple Rocket Launcher with their rockets landing in the sea separating the Korean Peninsula from japan but north korea it seems has been looking for other ways to up the pressure its been widely reported by north korean media this week that last weekend leader kim jong un visited an artillery unit on the maritime border between north and south korea and personally directed an artillery test firing which has irked people here in south korea because of course that is very much against the spirit of the declarations that were signed at the end of last year between north and south korea at the height of the summit diplomacy and it just shows how relations have cooled significantly since that time and of course with the clock ticking towards the end of this year which is the deadline that kim jong un has given for some sort of breakthrough in negotiations with the United States or with the ominous warning that in the new year he is likely to choose a different path. Now the future of europes role in space is being decided in spain after todays meetings in seville the 22. 00 members of the European Space agency have signed off on a record budget of nearly 16000000000. 00 over the next 5 years the blockbuster proposals include voyages to the mainland of the planets as well as sending the 1st ever rock sample back from mars they age is also looking into a space based 5 g. Networks it deliver faster phone connections and a way to get early warnings of sawyer storms but argues that any investments in Space Science helps the economy here on earth through new jobs and technology and the agencys director general says getting so many different commitments is never an easy accomplishment. It looks almost so simple after such 2 days of intensive discussions theres a program we have missions Everything Everything looks trivial but. Each and every one who looks a little bit more into detail knows that these are really complicated procedures and im therefore very happy i mean nasa has one government we have 22 so this is already something which is different and im very grateful for all the Member States plus lavinia plus canada to subdue for the support of what were doing. Its for the sport here who are thank you very much Brazilian Team from enco are now targeting success at the Club World Cup to cap off their most successful season in decades or when say the reality lifted the brazilian League Trophy for america celebrating their 7th domestic title in front of their home fans at Rios Maracana the team have also just won south americas cup or Liberty Torres for the 1st time in 38 years from marin county into the Club World Cup in qatar at the semifinal stage. If you win the cup oliver to doris the most important tournament in south america as well as a strong championship the Brazilian League what more could you want but lets see what happens im very happy at flamingo we have 20 more days to work with the team before we go to cats are. Could face liverpool in the final of the Club World Cup next month where the liverpool midfielder for dania will be fit enough to play well thats another matter entirely the brazilian was injured during the reds 11. 00 draw with napoli in the Champions League on wednesday liverpool still waiting to see how serious the injury is the 26 year old has played in 12 of their 13 league games this season whats more the team are about to embark on a run of 10 games in just 30 days. I dont know if he has pain so thats not good oh and he couldnt obviously continue and hes a really hard hard one that couldnt continue so yeah i dont know i dont want to say that i am what i expect because i hope in a moment that its not that its not that serious but you know more maybe tomorrow maybe the day after tomorrow well see. There is a match is the city of announce that theyre buying a majority share in Indian Super League club mumbai city f c it comes a day after City Football Group or c f j revealed a 500 1000000. 00 investment from u. S. Private equity firms silverlake the deal mean c f g now have a stake in 8 clubs around the world now include man city new york city f. C. And Melbourne City or might see united teenager max tyler is back in the senior squad for the 1st time since Cancer Treatment the 19 year old defender had surgery annoying weeks of chemotherapy after being diagnosed with testicular cancer last year hes on the bench for United Europa League game against a star in kazakstan which is about to kick off to have seen his journey back to full fitness and the way hes conducted himself. Its its just its something that hell. Always have with him hes been through something that no one should. Have to go through but hes come through the other and hes an inspiration for all the players and i think davis led the l. A. Lakers to a win against his former team the new Orleans Pelicans despite the birdies davis scored 41 points to help the lakers 281142110 win elsewhere the Houston Rockets beat the visiting miami heat trying hard start for the rockets he made 73 pointers and scored 34 points in total as houston cruise past the heat won 17. 00 to 1. 00 of the score there. The Boston Celtics ended the Brooklyn Nets 4 game winning streak kemba walker scoring a season horry 13 or in points in his return from injury as a celtics beat the nets 121110 boston winning for the 1st time in the last 4 of guy ames. Is now as host of the Southeast Asian games the philippines get to introduce sports they know theyll be good at one of them is the ancient filipino martial arts call arnis. Reports. Korea has take one joe japan has karate and the philippines also has its own martial arts sport at least. 6 so this is why for jude rodrigo is a nice is more than just a combat sport it has come to symbolize the filipino identity so for the past few years she along with other members of the at least National Team have been clocking in long hours to train for their biggest competition the South East Asian games. You really feel are you have a Better Future because if we dont perform well this year you dont perform well in the next few years that are in this world probably not players as much i missed was the preferred duel match of filipinos hundreds of years ago it was originally called out of. Our harness of the hand the philippines is hosting the Southeast Asian games for the 4th time and much is at stake at least players aim to clinch at least 15 gold medals hoping not just to put at least in the spotlight internationally but also so it may flourish as a popular sport in the philippines i want at least the be to being a. Go international we also want our own language to be promoted the spite limitations in resources and government support. Filipino as fleets of always exist in combat sports like that their black belts are Gretchen Miller who is a 3 time Gold Medalist in the sea games her records remain unmatched across asia to this day the athlete. Sports commission now provides food went to the basic which is im glad that happened also they got their food for free like before though we need 11000. 00 beds and i receive i need to buy my own food every athlete stream not really the gold medal but you know at the end of the during the ceremony that year youre the reason why youre the National Anthem is being played you know like everyone would be standing up for your country for your flag. Compared to other sports at least cuts across social classes in the philippines he is a stick to using sticks and knives and disguised as a folk dance at least is believed to have been used by the tubes to fight during the early Spanish Colonial period so it is seen not just as a sport but also an art form that represents the filipinos ability to resist and ensure. Dog and the numerous. Very strong weather in south africa has forced gulf bosses to break with decades of tradition for the 1st 4 and since the European Tour began in 172 players are being allowed to wear shorts temperatures topping 40 degrees at the Alfred Dunhill chart which will be elected creek shorts have previously been restricted to pro events and practice rounds. That is always paul from will have more larger thank you very much indeed rahul well that is it for me and for this news and back with more of the latest news just after this very short break. From ancient embryos to communist leaders. Age old philosophies and the rule of order remain central to the worlds oldest living civilization. In a 2 part series the big picture charts the rise of a 21st century superpower and examines the challenges it now faces from the outside and from within the china complex coming soon on. Some may aljazeera london to a cost center to a special guest in conversation i dont feel because of colonialism unprompted uninterrupted theres a sense of what it must but im still having some legitimacy in terms of spreading that knowledge and technology pretty ago pal me still holds that community make a recommendation for something monumental a horrific past slavery studio to be unscripted on aljazeera. As flames engulf to be honest and the world watched in horror but behind the smoke screen a murky world is devouring the forest and its inhabitants there killing people the personal Police Standing up and defending the 4th back elian sends a message to everybody in the community faultlines meets those on the front line of defending their environment and asks who stoking the flames in both scenarios brazil is and burning on aljazeera. More than 20 killed as the iraq commie tries to quell a new day of antigovernment protests and the targeting of an iranian consulate. And how like he did this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. Welcome back from saudi prisons dozens of yemenis flown home as part of an Exchange Deal. Saying thank you to america thousands rally in hong kong after President Trump signs a lot supporting protestors. And aiming for mars and more europe unveils its new Space Exploration plans

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