Was that pakistan would never start a war im anti war we meet with global news makers the stories the world is their own. Hi emily could be here in the stream today bolivia the nation is still dealing with the fallout of a disputed election so how will the country emerge from its political crisis we want to hear what you think share your thoughts with us via twitter or in our live you to chop. This i am a journalist and them. And you are. On thursday bolivias congress is expected to debate in the election bill that would nol a disputed october president ial vote the bill would also appoint an electoral board tasked with organizing a new vote in the coming months this bolivias 1st indigenous president and longest serving leader stepped down more than a week ago under pressure from the military police and protesters who allege that he rigged an october 20th election in his favor questions though still surround the circumstances which led to his resignation and the declaration of a new interim president as protests from morale assist supporters continue and more than 30 have been killed in clashes with military and police the expresident moralists now in exile in mexico has vowed to return so with us to discuss whats going on in bolivia and la paz diego general advisor to Bolivia Ministry of communications also in the pas. A journalist and then when a site is aljazeera correspondent we just returned from reporting in bolivia welcome everyone to the stream its really good to have you here i want to start with the word that is in so many peoples minds and tongues and on their fingertips on twitter so here with 2 tweets this 1st from our community. If the military intervenes that is called a coup elsewhere on the internet of course other opinions her to says there is no coup in bolivia. People got tired of the bo dictator. Violating the constitution he was in power for 14 years and he wanted more he lost a referendum where people said no but he manipulated the authorities to become a candidate anyway that is not democracy so the 2 opposing views there are coup or not a coup doesnt matter at this point. Well i think that in todays world where were looking for a headline to simplify something. Its not its and i think its much more complicated than that i think that one would at least committed many mistakes to reach the place where we are right now it is you know he was basically left alone by many of peace orders at that point many of the people within his cabinet resigned in parliament the same thing happened however and in spite of the minutes that someone from the military asking that has a very strong teaching in latin america and america has been lost so you know military dictatorship something bold of the military and the government and i mean to countries like maybe for example and in this time it doesnt bring a very good note so i dont believe in simplifying things i think its such a much more complex process that happened with what i lose with him making lots of mistakes like the referendum. You know in 2016 and the regularities that happened in this election but at the same time i now understand why so many people especially in countries in latin america believe that who was involved in getting out of office because the military when you were involved. So did i want to bring you into the conversation a few headlines that are circulating online and read a few of them off to you this from the Washington Post but libya is falling into the grips of a brutal right wing regime another this from salon who was behind the right wing bolivian botton that after a violent and bolivia twitter bots tried to nudge americans to the side of the bolivian a far right and this last one from the gray zone bolivia coup led by christian fascists paramilitary leader and millionaire with foreign support so these are headlines circulating at least in the western press diego what do you make of that because he became the general advisor to this new interim government to help 3 days ago pretty new in the role whats your take on how this is playing out. I have to do. To be really. Happy with all this news the 1st think i have to say emphatically as a that this is not a coup this is i have to say outright on the letter. Does is a very tired of the main theme we need to stress on is on the elections on elections they are on and these they edible as a big fraud that something are we have to say 1st think 2nd think is after that in and the 9 or the part amount of libya. Main places i believe we have a lot of multitude a lot of people. Saying about our lives as well as dont do that we have to repeat the lation we have to have a new relations. I have to stress on that in the 9. Principal of places and believe me out we have all this can also meetings of popular meetings demand in our new elections 3rd of all on after all of this hope you are in full interventions we have of the military on the Police Actions intervening thats something we need to turn their stand is not that the police come 1st or. That the military starts this question they came after all of this Popular Resistance and we have to say that we need to understand that the president made a fraud and that the people the dino want this final result they went to the streets and day 104 i would say that their right to to to intervene in the role and yes well i think that those are good point but if its been proved. In the International Media and now suddenly we have a coup and then also the. Haitian government i mean if theyre not maybe would have a conservative government but that but there is no signs or both of them i look. Around because the government has only one week in place and the government really not taken any any positions that could be. Very thought of a system or whatever like that you may be conservative yes but also because the government is going to be very short and only to call election should im sorry let me i mean in the past few days and ive been there chant people died in cochabamba. Second. Half in sync i doubt it was. 8 People Killed again in repression from i was in both of them we had and we saw military Security Forces in general shooting a total stores that maybe had improvised weapons and maybe had some slingshots among other things i think situation is much more complicated than what youre seeing it and were also seeing a government backed youre saying that its going to be short but getting has not been elected and right now and at this point the most important thing is to call for elections because the government is not only transitioning i mean people are dying and theyre making important the stations of governance for example among them changing gas negotiations with argentina breaking relations with venezuela and cuba among so many other things and those are decisions that should be taken by an elected government and thats why elections at this point im mandatory in order to pacify the country and at this point im not seeing any rush from the government to start making this more. I want i want to pick up what i said and ill go back to you there oh but i want to pick up on what that is aside because this news came out recently just overnight bolivian interim government proposes an election bill as death toll mounts and so as we mentioned at the very top of the show there due to discuss this there are no date has actually been set for when that election will be but in the meantime even when as has been speaking there is a News Conference on wednesday and this is what mandalas had to say from mexico city where he has now had a listen. This year after the coup between november the 11th and the 19th we have nearly 30 People Killed by bullets and id like to quickly highlights that this massacre is part of a genocide that is happening in my beloved bolivia. This parable we hope that International Organizations will allow us to go back to bolivia and yes i will go back there i want to tell my comrades it may not be immediately but there are lots of ways to go back and i will go back i hope they guarantee us our lives just that im not scared about all the threats intimidations we already know that storm some of those hes thought. So what do you make of that he wants to come back. Well of course he was to come back. And hes welcome he nobody said kissing him yet of any any crimes except last night when we heard him speaking with porter and telling him that all the city seemed relieved. But the protesters had to prevent the c. P. C. Police to have access to food. So that was the 1st time when the government said hey this is something this is a crime and were going to sue you but that process has not yet started this is right when she says that 8 people were killed in the center of the country and 8 were killed here in very nearly in. The last of our neighboring city but we have also to understand that those why were those killings in sucka thousands of people wanted to cross a bridge and maybe get to conserve under the sea and there was fierce of violence and maybe that. Protesters were going to attack other civilians so it is a hard decision for the police and the military to do i left them in and maybe more violence. Or should i try to stop them it is hard and in the past 2 days ago when people were killed they were killed because they were attacking as fuel and the gas plant they had set fire to cars that were inside the plant and they wanted to blow the plant if that would happen maybe now we were we were counting the deaths by constant because there were millions of gallons of. Gasoline fumes there and these protesters were trying to set that on fire so its hard to make a decision what should the police and the military do in that in that situation but then we have of course people that are killed. I think i wanted to out of something that its really important to see if we see all the problems are growing were going to see more violence thats something that its not in discussion. The rezone when she says that all is going to get complicated of course but we need to see the 1st moment they need shisha in all of this problem and the initiation of this problem is a fraud. Its a president making a product thats something we need to understand i understand perfectly that the police now at this moment is killing people yes yes and this is something in a tragic you know we need to understand something that its really real thinks are go in a complicated are going more complicated and its something we have got to meet. But also to say that the 1st moment this is a moment we need to to to see with a clear eyes on the 1st moment is the floor if you make everything at that its going to last that its going to common the next. Months or days its going to be quick course so eventually it several things and to say i want to bring it back and someone is chatting live on on you tube and picking up on one of the things that vehicle mentioned and the echo said if theres fraud theres fraud ed in here on you tube says wheres the proof of crimes by them on alice can you back up for some of our audience members who are confused and who say we havent seen proof of any either irregularities or fraud. That is a oh yes thats very well i mean theres the oil yes reported that there where we regularities by for me the most striking thing that really needs to be best to get it is that when the counting process began for about 20 hours or 23 hours the system completely halted and when it went back up i mean it was completely benefiting what i list party and thats something that has angered many people thats one of the reason why people took to the streets i mean i think that what you know im really trying to put things in perspective here about who was what levy what he meant when i started going to believe. 20 years ago and you spoke to members of Indigenous Community there are many women couldnt even get enough light because they were discriminated against because they wore a skirt well even when i listen to weight change that said he has many many positive things within his government but something you know that did go wrong during the election and needs to be investigated and need to be clarified and that what happened there is also part of whats happening today however and this is extremely important and does not justify whats happening in the country right now you have an interim administration that at this point needs to pacify the country they need to get reassurance to the people even those who did not vote for anyone or at least indigenous communities that did not vote for him or what and is but there is now a faith that theyre not going to be respected that theyre not going to be repressed presented because they were callous like the indigenous black with birds because they fear of whats coming next because they see a bible and crops are being brought in into the president ial palace because they see the repression that is happening to their communities and im not seeing a government that is condemning it. At this point where were seeing groups with of people carrying the coffee into law passed and theyre literally being repressed with tear gas by the police honestly i mean how do you believe youre going to have to fight it. If this is the attitude of the interim administration whose main priority at this point should be not only to pacify the country but calling for elections as soon as possible so one of the People Holding up those bibles that you mentioned was the interim president jennie and i think as she spoke on november 15th that i want our audience to have a listen to how she described the changes that were would be made by her government hell isnt. It is not a government that seeks then it is not a government that seeks a rematch i think we have gone through unfortunate situations for many years given that this is a state of law nonetheless you understand the claim of the supporters of ousted president evo morales because we are in a state of law that should not be any restrictions on freedom of expression restrictions on freedom of press restrictions on the right we have to think differently and what is worse restrictions on our citizens right. What do you make of those restrictions or did the lack thereof she says that there will be not especially in the press well look in bolivia we used to have those there in government president little moralists. Really leaving the to do most versions. Cope with the prepress etc and now we have a transition that is very hard and very difficult but we have to make this. A more complex explanation as that as i said before now we have supporters of president morales blockading all the entrances to the city so for example in the park we have Food Shortages we dont have fuel so theres not public transport or any kind of transportation right. We dont have because we cook with. Levy or we cannot have access to that so it is a very difficult situation so that so the president i mean. The big challenge here because prison morales is pressuring from mexico to his base to his supporters to do all these things because putting more on this was to prevent. The calling of elections the less the least interested in having having elections everyone is because hes not going to be in the ballot so hes what hes doing Everything Possible in his hands to polarize even more the country to get more violent to avoid and to prevent to have elections so yes the government has been killing people and this is very tragic and very negative and something that we should criticize but in the other hand we dont have to forget that what our list is calling to his supporters from mexico to do these things attacking as planned with explosives so. If you have no money what the proof of that where where does that come from well you know the videos and everything so it is only it was broadly. Supported i think in these things got the plans. Because they are located in the free so the. No i understand that is why i more so i was asking of being evil medallist asking for that to happen there are totally that though i want to share this this is a tweet from a low way on twitter who says evo can stop by preaching to his fellow Indigenous Community although i think it would be better if hes allowed to complete his term and then barred him from Political Activities in the near future but i know you want to clarify what you meant no no yes i dont need to say that from. Mexico more or less has made many calls to his base. To go through the streets and. Diego. I think there is at least 5 we need to fulfill our duty is duty is called elections the 1st duty we have is to this sign a new president will ready done that the 2nd one is to decide on a new electoral tribunal or the target with a 3rd one is to make a lation us on the 4th one is to have a new us and believe with the new president were doing that this were trying to to do that thats the i would say main course of the situation destined on earth of course it couldnt be so easy theres a descendant curve and i would say that at this moment this is in the last moment just to the part of government of just to the part i meant are cooperate in a with this kind of a strategy with this destruction a strategy of course there are dead people when we have to be really really sad or with this final. Resolution also of life but we need to understand that at this moment of course we have to send out of course lead it by everyone i list with some components of the 1st one is there a tone of what i was the 2nd one is not to do an election as role has said on the 3rd one is to consolidate to 2 presidencies if we stay at this moment and just let menton it just cry in a because. There are some origin says some social or desist we are gonna be in nothing to facility of do in elections we need to understand that were not to stand up power when not gonna stay out of power for months or 4 years we are going to call for a new election and the must and the mass the president s party could participate thats something we need to know thats really a democratic process of course some people and this is the final part i need to say some people. And thats something that we need to trigger that but this people were also. When a little say with weapons they were talking that. The police is not that just that they were victims and i knew i had i think i hear what youre saying and 30 so we would be remiss if we did not mention that at some of these protests which have been peaceful others have been attacked including journalists and so im going to play a little clip of the unfortunate events of what happened at one of those protests have a look at my screen here. At least i dont think. I was just throwing tear gas by the police on purpose because whats happening in the middle of the last hour where people have been protesting peacefully a Police