Transcripts For ALJAZ Decline 20240713 :

ALJAZ Decline July 13, 2024

To the streets joy and it has to be said by Many Office Workers using their lunch hour to join the protest bringing the Central District to a standstill and then it largely dispersed with later on during the afternoon with no outbreaks of violence no clashes that we have seen earlier on that this week there has of course as we know been a big change this week it seems in some some of the tactics being used by the protesters very much more targeting the working week the means of transport of people getting to work be it the subway system or highways and still at the end of this very long week we have some highways are still blocked there are still standoff between populations of students at various campuses around hong kong where they have built buildings some fairly formidable now defenses with police riot Police Standing outside not taking the bomb. In other news iraqs grand ayatollah Ali Al Sistani has condemned attacks on Peaceful Protesters in the country and says that none of the demonstrators demands have been met meanwhile they have been some confrontations between police and protesters in baghdad on friday the Iraqi Human Rights Commission says at least 325 people have been killed since protests began on top of 1st the government has taken some measures to address protesters grievances but many want a complete overhaul of the political system natasha good name has the latest. Ive been here about every day for the last month since october 25th and protesters have been as passionate as determined and as clear in their demands as day one they want the current government to resign and elections to be held the government is making promises all reforms to appease protesters there is a draft of a new election reform a law that needs to be reviewed by the parliament 2 former governors in babylon and basra have been charged with corruption related offenses corruption is a big issue in this country protesters allege that there is a widespread government corruption and as a result none of this oil rich countries revenue is trickling down right down to the poor basic services that theyre left with the day and day out at a few days ago more than 1600 protesters who had been detained were released so the government is trying to quell the protests or anger but there still remains quite a divide between the protesters and the government. Now there are reports that lebanons Major Political parties have agreed on a nomination for the countrys next Prime Minister will demonstrators gathered outside the house of mohamed suffer the angry at the polls sufi has been accused in the pastas involvement in high profile Corruption Cases the former finance minister could replace softer t. V. He resigned amid ongoing protests now the u. S. Is all south korea to pay more for the presence of american soldiers in the country after pressure from President Donald Trump well so already pays washington a 1000000000. 00 but washington says it wants 5000000000. 00 and that demand a straining a decades old alliance. Turkey has deported 7 german citizens it says a link to i saw the 2 men 4 women and a child landed at berlins airport overnight their deportations a part of an effort by turkey to repatriate isis fighters held in turkish jails they flood her to talian city of venice is facing another exceptionally high tide the governments declared a state of emergency their Prime Minister to say calm to its promise and compensation for residents and businesses more than 85 percent of the citys Historic Sites are under water well those are the headlines on aljazeera the caliph is coming up next. The caliphate. A form of rule in a slam. That lasted for almost 13 centuries. From the death of the prophet muhammad. To the overthrow of the last ottoman calif and 920. 00 for. The arabic 10 for caylee for aids relief which actually in essence simply means a success at all or a deputy. The ruler of the islamic world would call himself clifford resort in law the success of gods message. Through the centuries. The title of color is a term that has been used. In the time abuse. In june 2014. A militant Group Calling itself the Islamic State in iraq and the levant or ice or. Declared the establishment of a caliphate. They call rejected by most muslims around the world. By so reached into the past to appropriate the title of caliph. The group claimed its leader abu bakr but the dead. As a descendant of the prophet muhammads own tried. To look into it and i dont know what i should want to cut off when i had a bit of flesh. That could have been opposed and out of the flesh usually they have shabby outward but i dont see any maybe if youd have a look. This is the story of how the title of caliph began in the prophets tribe. And how 9 centuries later the title was used by people of a different race. How different dynasties rosenfeld. Ending with the decline of the ottoman caliphate. This is the story. Of the caliph. Saudi arabia. The holiest city. Was here in the spring of the year 571 but muhammad the prophet of islam was born into a family belonging to a tribe called. More covered less as i am of the just a lot of me to just get out of here. What i can that. Modifies the as well be that then ill be what i use gonna die is not something up up. 61 years later. Homage to medina the capital of the new Islamic States. The problem of success in. One thing seemed clear to you kind of hard to come from the prophets trying. They had the in front of a milk the i that i love being in lefty had the. Lack in how the us and the other to have a shot of your own womb is emanuel its no me other than a few in my day one why and again after. All of that if you listen to him. For 300 years after the prophets death the caliphate remains strong. But by the mid 10th century. The most of the road had from. Divided now between 3 colors all 3 descendents of christ. In centuries to come one by one. Each of those 3 kind of fits would crumble and fall. To or forward. Go to the space. Capital of the under the sea into my youth kind of. Distant from the way you did a study that drew from the mask. In the 7th and 8th century. The death of the 2nd caliph as hakan. In the hof a century of chaos among members of his family. And 1031 the 9th and last minute callus the shan. Was forced to stand down. The uncle of the most of the. A look on the board in the lobby what you know. Yes you know. You know full well. That out of. The. Yeah. Cross the mediterranean the 40 minutes in cairo also fell victim to better inform the in 102106 college attack. Mysteriously disappeared in the book at them hills outside his capital. His death almost certainly at the hands of his own family. Would be the start of the fact that its long claws. From the late 11th century onward. Is increasingly losing control of affairs and that the political and military elite are starting to take over the state. In baghdad. The ambassador was suffering a similar thing. By the middle of the 11th century. Missal jukes a rising turk in a city that seize control of the caliphate. I love the moon well in but out the. 11 via let me. Why in the am i gonna shout son but. The subject rulers were the 1st to take the title song tong. An arabic word meaning authority. And in the trials to come the defenders of islam. Would be sold thongs of known arab birth. Plaquenil fronts. The structure of pope urban the 2nd pointing east. In november 1095 from the city. He launched a Christian Campaign to recapture jerusalem in the holy land from the muslims. The crusades. Clear more was planned by the pope to. Be with you really so its his authority to declare war. And attend 96. The crusaders set out on arduous overland eastward journey. And. After 3 years of demanding travel and fierce battles. They finally reached their goal. In july 1099 kristie and its captured jerusalem. Theres a major massacre listens died jews dead even some eastern christians who the pins in recognize as christians died and the chroniclers from the crusaders perspective present this is vengeance for the blasphemy that these saracens had done to the jesuss holy city of jerusalem. For another century sturdier jerusalem had surrendered to the 2nd caliph of this land. But in 11009. 100 songs to confront the marauding crusaders. A slam faced a burning question where was the count of. The about at that point had no military which they could have sent the father caliphate they had lost their syrian lands to. Local warlords so when they saw the crusaders coming in they probably were quite happy to see that these was up us were now facing a major problem with these clearly quite Strong Military contingency moving in from europe. Large areas of the levant were occupied. Divided by the christians into 4 distinct fiefdoms. But after half a century of crusaders success muslim slowly began to fight back. But it was not the caliphs were led the fight. Damascus syria. In the middle of the 12th century this city was the capital of the zinc its a turkish dentist founded by a magic. The governor of northern living. In 1144 he had secured the 1st muslim victory against the crusaders. Wellwood him out of the heart asked him out of the shadow. We have an interest and that he intended. And to. Be and then to be in kenya. In 1146. Succeeded his father in the struggle against the crusaders and deliverance. 2 decades later he would be fighting over another crisis. One of the habits of the stock full of as putting this all to me. Moving is inky and you say dolphy watch out so let me in such a subtle ascended call what time you can mature of course a lot could be said. After 5 years of not. Should call noted deans kurdish general succeeded both in defeating the crusaders and seizing control of the fata thats kind of. Cool. He was succeeded by his nephew salaheddine. The man known to the west a solid. So he thought that his political career as the was leader of the falcons so he had to acknowledge the supremacy of the father he kept the for 2 years. But in 1171. The last switched his allegiance. Bringing an end to a hospice centuries of the faults of the caliphate and declaring egypts loyalty to the op asa college in baghdad. Why that this is but most certainly is that ive been had one problem that he had no legitimacy so the main selling point for so he didnt throughout his career was about kind of. The cost of jordan. One of the largest crusader forts and the levant. From this powerful position the crusaders began to harass muslim trade caravan. Threatening even make it so. Unified the syrian and egyptian Political Landscape and the only remaining. You would polities with it was say the states so it was natural for them to move again. In july 11th 87 here in northern palestine but the place known as the horns of a dream. Is crushing the crusaders. 00. 00. 004 months later jerusalem surrender. This time not to an arab calif but to a kurd soltani. Michel but can you make me feel beautiful if. And if allowed bessie get. Life and. Let it be when it was leaving be shaken out like a lot of different. Check in. The defeat of the team was a turning point for the crusaders. Driven back to a strip of much to rein in coastline. They consolidated their position with massive costs and strategic points like side 11. But just as this threat to the islamic world was subsiding. A danger of even greater proportions was gathering strength. This time. In beasts. An ancient school in. Built by their basset calif. It was part of a desperate effort to recapture the golden age of the early our best calif. In 1242 and most awesome succeeded his father as the 37th calif. But he would soon face a new danger. The approaching. Boards. Of the patients by the mongols overall was seen as the major turning point in the recent history and when the moments came there was a clear sense of. The way of holding things. They will continue to. Generate 1258. The mongols reached back. Within 2 weeks the opposite cup its. Been brought to its knees. The caliph and the stasi. Execute. The great city reduced to ashes. A 500 year caliphate come to an end. It was a moment that was but a watershed but also a confirmation of a situation which it actually existed for quite a long time. Some spell has evolved that it was if not any great significance because the real power of the abbasids had faded away hundreds of years ago when they were just sitting around in that baghdads palace and that their existence had very little meaning for the majority of. Islam was now in peril. The only remaining hope was the new sotos of egypt the man who looks. Brought the slaves from central asia to form an army for the e. U. Bits. They had supplanted some other deepest interest. In september 1216 here at the in general in palestine. The member army but the mongols and thats. Was a decisive victory for the most. The member looks at save the muslim or. Other tenuous legitimacy. Was about to be strung. That was a member of the boston family who managed to escape from the slaughter in baghdad and make his way to cairo where the mamelukes of egypt subsequently recognized his descendents as kate lives in cairo and derive benefits in the seat from this kind of shadow puppet caliphate. Bolstered by the caliphs indorsement in 12 months you won. The man looks put an end to 2 centuries of christian crusades. Acre. The last crusade the fortress on the mediterranean was captured. Meanwhile in anatolia a new muslim power was on the rise. A power which would carry the banner of islam to the gates of constantinople. In 629 joining the life of the prophet muhammad. The 1st ever battle between muslims and by sun times took place here in. Southern jordan. The fight ended with the muslims defeated and their withdrawal to medina. But the setback would be temporary. The great progress. As of constantinople still back. Stumbled into the paper on that f. And the miss that one alicia 50 how these letter costantini of an m. L. A. Meet him itll have any measure. You can you can only see the stumble if. You read. First of the 10th and 11th century constantinople is described as the apple the ultimate prize that someday muslims will win and often the taking a constant no pulis presented almost apocalyptic terms of something that will bring on the final victory of islam. That final victory would fall to the ultimate ends of turkic most im trying to emigrate from central asia to settle in i told. Them and they give these a month i have the wit to shut lot of my demon of it the protestant on it died in it is that in a quarter to that yet. Then you stumble a little. April 14th 53 minutes army siege to the great city. 7 weeks later the all timmons back for their way to constantinople. And as the victorious. Entered the city through this gate. An 800 year old prophecy had come to pass. This involved importance was known to muslims and also for european christians suddenly one of the major capital those of kristen them had become a muslim. Good just as they tasted the fruits of victory. At the far end of the mediterranean. 800 years of muslim civilization. Was about. To come crashing down. The quran doomsday cultist would hundreds of followers to a tropical paradise. One o one a statistic gates the secretive sect accused of abuse and violence in fiji. On aljazeera. Helen is a problem and with the headlines on aljazeera hong kong has confirmed as economy plunged into its 1st recession in a decade its been blamed on the increasingly violent antigovernment protests and the escalating trade war between the u. S. And china parts of hong kong were blocked off for a day from a bright has moved from hong kong earlier today friday again we saw more of these flash mob type demonstrations in particular here on Hong Kong Island especially in the Central Business district with hundreds of people taking to the streets joy that has to be said by Many Office Workers using their lunch hour to join the protest bringing the Central District to a standstill and then it largely dispersed with later on during the afternoon with no outbreaks of violence no clashes that we have seen. In other news iraqs grand ayatollah Ali Al Sistani has condemned attacks on peaceful protests in the country and says none of the demonstrators demands have been met meanwhile they have been some confrontations between police and protesters in baghdad on friday the Iraqi Human Rights Commission says at least 325. 00 people have been killed since protests began on october 1st there are reports lebanons Major Political parties have agreed on a nomination for the countrys next Prime Minister demonstrators gathered outside the house of mohammad saffi angry at the reports saturday has been accused in the past of involvement in high profile Corruption Cases. Turkey has deported 7 german citizens it says a link to eisele the 2 men 4 women and a child landed at verdun stiegel airport overnight they deportations are part of an effort by turkey to repatriate foreign members held in turkish jails. The u. S. Has all south korea to pay more for the presence of american soldiers in the country after pressure from President Donald Trump well seoul already pays washington a 1000000000. 00 but washington says it wants 5000000000 and that demand is straining a decades old alliance. The flood head to tally and city of venice is facing another exceptionally high tide more than 85 percent of the citys Historic Sites are under water the governments declared a state of emergency there the Venice Lagoon tide picked on tuesday at the highest recorded level and 53 years well those are the headlines the caliph continues next back you for watching. The on from brown. Muslim sitting there well its. One of spains most famous spawning woods. For more than 2 and a half centuries this palace in granada was the scene of the last. The last muslim dentist in the idea of insulin. Sas a jack one day or they dont pick a new or a no not study parcel roads with a straight up and if they get the new york body or they. Qualify to the court of the president of all circles he will not get to do that a pickle michae

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