Transcripts For ALJAZ Division 20240713 :

ALJAZ Division July 13, 2024

A house belonging to another commander of Islamic Jihad its unclear what happened to him but his son and granddaughter have been killed while matheson has more now from west jerusalem the situation is very significant also because this is the 1st time since the end of the gaza war in 2014 that israel has used a targeted attack on such a senior figure it has carried out targeted attacks on other individuals but not at this level of seniority. Hong kong police have been firing tear gas and engaging in running battles with protesters across several parts of the city antigovernment demonstrators set up barricades paralyzing streets and public transport the hong kong leader kerry called the protest quote a very selfish act. A large area of eastern australia has been given one of the countrys most serious bushfire warnings the sydney region has been given a catastrophic danger level for the 1st time i winds and rising temperatures are fanning flames close to sydneys outskirts now thomas is at one of those fires on the outskirts of sydney. They spun thoughts into looking for any remaining flames because if i put out all of them it wouldnt take much for a gust of wind spread this far and it reignites i went out in the middle of the countryside here this is 18 kilometers away from sydneys hall the bridge very much within the city limits and its that extensive the flyings the media well look to lots of people live that make this far emergency in australia very different to others that have come the full feel thirtys of Cool Conditions on tuesday trying to stop it and what that relates to is the High Temperature combined with high wind combined with a very high what they call fuel load very dry shrubs and trees with a drought in this part of australia and it means that theres no militia in anything so when flames take calls they travel very very fast at times to be more than 70 set by as burning across the state of New South Wales alone on choose day well this spot was right opposite sean murphy east park and showing you what here when its a cult it all happened very very fast and you tell me about that in about 5 minutes there were sirens and then looked out the front of fames 3 for me this high part of the trains right of my doorstep pretty much. But quite quickly the planes and helicopters in the ample minya helicopter far east were here before i saw the fire and then there was a plane within 5 to 10 minutes and helicopters dropping what i. Just put out a window in the middle of nowhere this is close to 20 minute drive to the center of sydney yet almost yes definitely in sydney. When things go it happened to be a bit of say sean thank you very much many of the fuss of the burning and cross New South Wales on in the queensland and Western Australia on tuesday have been a what i call emergency level that means our forces have been telling people that at that point its too late to leave their homes they. To hunker down and wait for whats called the fire front to pass over them because if they try and escape if they try to get in the quality trouble they put themselves right to risk is the 1st time this much of australia has been under what lead called i cant stop it level of danger and it wont be for some hours before we know where the lives being lost. The former president of bolivia able moralities says left the country to seek asylum in mexico but his flights been diverted to paraguayan he resigned on sunday after weeks of protests following his to speciate reelection more news on the web site al jazeera dot com i will have a quick summary for you in about 25 minutes between now and then here on aljazeera its the caliph but i found for. The caliph. A form of rule in a slam. That lasted for almost 13 centuries. From the death of the Prophet Muhammad. To the overthrow of the last ottoman caliph in 1924. The arabic 10 to 28th 25 which actually in essence simply means a successor or a identity. The ruler of the islamic world would call himself confederacy would have no successor goldsmiths and. Through the centuries. The title of caliph is a term that has been used. And the time of use. In june 2004 to. A militant Group Calling itself the islam ecstacy in iraq in the event or i so. Declared the establishment of a kind of. A call rejected by most muslims around the world. Meisel took root and expanded in iraq and syria. 2 countries flung into violence by the political turmoil and foreign intervention of recent years. The turmoil revived sectarian differences the goldbach of 10 centuries between sunni and shia almost. The you dont look at them as us yes youre nuts and if you look at the. Did he end up so i just miss not talking for all to send it all took is a certain element of it that the public im not you know as a human you know. This is the story of the great split within islam. Of how the split a role is from a dispute of who should succeed the prophet. This is the story of the common. The mosque. Outside mecca and saudi arabia. It was here in the year 622 that a delegation from the town of medina made by on a pledge of support and shelter to the Prophet Muhammad. Shortly after he left mecca. And mcgrady to medina with a group of followers. Over the next 10 years muhammad built the 1st Islamic State. But in june 6th 32. The prophet died and his capital medina. Leaving the young state without a leader. As a tradition says that the muslims on that day were like sheep on a rainy night they were frightened and huddling together and its not clear whether or not the prophet had made any plans for his succession. Within hours of the prophets death senior figures in the most and Community Came to. Other to choose a successor to the prophet a caliph. The debate was long and intense. It was the emigrants from mecca was. Because he was chosen to be the 1st caliph in islam. And it was so with that i will leave him alone what about the last one. The any one that of any and with no well home. Min the value to him and how there was. But though they were from his tribe. The immigrants were from the prophets close family the hashemites. The descendants of muhammads great grandfather passion. At that time in arab society the family was understood as a much larger unit collateral lines uncles brothers cousins and so long all considered to be part of the clan. Senior among the harsher minds. Muhammads cousin husband of his one surviving dont fall to mother and father of the prophets only living grandson. And the same. But when the decision to choose the caliph was taken i was busy elsewhere. At the time of the prophets death we know that he was ali who was in charge of the payroll arrangements. As a jew to full respectful son and all cousin with caring for the prophets body. The next day in the medina mosque i walk was given by on the oath of allegiance by the majority of the muslim community. Ali however was not one of them. What happened that day which saw the seeds of a political divide that would gradually evolve. Into a deep religious because. The division of a slam. Into soon and she. If you ask a sunni or shia muslim about that moment of mohammeds death and the decision about the leadership you will get 2 very different aunts as the sunnies suggest that he hadnt actually made any clear plans for his succession eyes death the shia would say that he had and that he was to be succeeded by his 1st cousin and son in law ali. 3 months before his death. The Prophet Muhammad made a famous speech here and he had the home. An ancient resting place on the route from mecca to medina. A speech that has been interpreted ever since in 2 very different ways. All people of forms whoever ive been mustered. Island he has to be his master. Or. Be the support of whoever supports him. And then enemies of whoever opposes him. And they felt that through time. Theres this moment where if your silly you believe the prophet. Gave alli the leadership of his family if. You believe he gave the leadership of the family but also the whole community. The prophet speech is celebrated by sharon to this day and. Each year a feast is held on the anniversary. To commemorate what she see as muhammad appointing ali to be his successor. But the mainstream majority the sunnis have no such friess. And no doubts about the legitimacy of a buck and the caliphs who succeeded him. Shortly after becoming calif. I will buck faced his 1st major challenge a tribal revolt against the Islamic State. In this moment of peril ali chose unity over division and gave the oath of allegiance to the kind of. And the man. Back that caffeine limited that in more i e n a says shell im ok send it in. For the miss anna. That she handed him a slot in muslimeen. The hoofy and he said the sun harbor will walk a fee was she had a kettle and the kind of slam and the hole. At the bottom. Of a box room last a just 2 years. As he lay dying he nominated almost as a successor. 10 years later and 644. Almost the 2nd caliph. Was assassinated. While leading dont prayers in medina. On his deathbed he dictated how successor should be chosen. 6 of the closest companions of the prophet including ali would come 1st together and choose one amongst. The 4 days of deliberation last month was named the 3rd caliph. Once again ali had not been chosen. Passed over by abu bakar. And then for him the man when hes. In favor of. The new caliph came from a family of the christ tribe called the or my us. The founder always coveted the leadership of christ. Standing in his way was his uncle hashem the patriarch of the hashemites. This rivalry that put fester through the centuries. How thats roots in mecca decades earlier. In the pagan years before the birth of the slack. In the year 610. In this cave outside mecca muhammad received the 1st revelation verses of the koran which set him on the path of prophecy. The emergence of a prophet among the hashemites antagonize the oh my its. And their leader abu sufyan. And. Another now been as a bin man. And them a lot of guy with a muscle. When a noble one of them and i know. For 12 years the maids led a campaign of persecution against muhammad and his followers in mecca. Persecution which culminated in their emigration to medina and 622. 00. But when the prophet returned to conquer america. And realized resistance was futile and joined slammed. By 644. The rising Islamic State had expanded into a vast empire. And the caliphate that come into the hands of an almighty. Off mine. With men was a genius but he employed far too many of his young cousins to me odds where they are stick rat of mecca and theyd been great leaders the pagan resistance and soap or making these characters who were his lovely cousins was also you know a bad political position. A rebellion erupted against off mans alleged nepotism. In 656. And after 12 years as kind of. He was killed and his house in medina. By the un has. A sufficient lead what was at that in and the nest a half of that in a how when and. How and when i can buy that that it was had to and i must the Hutton Islamiyah the wily and yes the. Well the yahoo. And saddam. Almost a quarter of a century after the death of the prophets. The hashemites ali finally became the 4th caliph. Who are bashed out of the cellar and while i was there when i learned the n. R. A. You knew me about it with a mind of enough than you that a problem. Was in my been abused. A sham. Many of us moms relatives were hostile its all his leadership im always demanded that all the 100 of the killers. The dispute quickly escalate. To strengthen his position i removed the capital from medina to his own power base in kuwait from iraq. The Islamic State was now divided into. The east under a hush in my calif and the why. Just under an almighty gov. Mission and that was some benefit in which to me and she out here on the. She out it was it will net you you know enough and that can limit she couldnt doubt and if you did that look meant that more had died then you were in them econet had booted his ship for dead what is it. In 657. Ali marched his army into syria to crush us mutiny. After days of bloody skirmishes and on the last day of the battle. The army of malia was on the 1st shock defeat. In my mind and im also that famous malia. Malia. And then it can. Kind of ingestion of i dont. Know who was. Kind of stocks in another to have got to look out of water when the who had the well i can hold a company that well that it can cull out its. Little enough. To know who. Cover the months achin night at the home a month at the time they have got to be met and then the. Dissidents from malis army how it is fixed on the roof this way to bring an end to the struggle. The moment it was chosen fresh dawn prayers of the 27th of january 661. The 17th day of the holy month of ramadan. 3 assassins made their way to 3 different places to file for. Damascus for malia and for start in egypt from. The last saw the film the office look at the wall of the sofa and saw the finale of the horse that he could deal with teddy especially the one on one edge. The. Not just in iraq. A holy place to she almost say. They believe is buried here. For them he is more than a colorful. He has an immense. Imbued with religious authority that could be passed on only through his bloodline. So when i least that the caliphate passed to his older son. But he would not be long in the post. Can adjust them to 15 hour day care and no lame cool in iraq. Adroit theres a lot while we have theres a lot of media with the car hyla and yet the nazareth has an even highly and he would kill a very well camera hasa and. One at the as john our. Human. Form. The mask us 13 centuries ago the my capital. Though the caliphate remained in the christ tribe. It had passed from the hashemites to oh my yes. And there it would remain for the coming century. The crunch point really comes late in the armies reign when he designated his son. As his successor and this was a real touch point for generating controversy and opposition. Is each succession on the death of ma we are in 6 or 8. Triggered the series of events that resonate to this day. In a defiant show of opposition hossein younger son of ali refused to pledge allegiance to his ear and set off towards mecca on pilgrimage. On the way. He began to receive messages asking him to come to iraq. Where his supporters plan to install a scholar. He gathered together his family and decided to move to confront his fathers. Former capital. Unfortunately for saying his plan got severe myatt governor of iraq and he was able to block his route to the city of kuta and so hussein was trapped without substantial military support at a place called tabbouleh. And it was. In october 618. 00 that hussien and his small band of supporters met their bloody fate. In makati team. In middle of folly when the. Hammer to. Yanni and the math will. Be measured. He and his entourage many of his family were massacred and his head was sent to his eat in damascus. Each year on the anniversary of the battle of karbala. Around the world marked the event and public displays of penitence. Extending sometimes even to ritual self punishment. To atone for their forebears failure to support that hossein. Its really seen as the great tragedy of his law from the she respective this is the vic the great disaster is that the prophets family didnt get to take caliphate into leeds muslims. But 70 years after karbala. The revolt would finally succeed in bringing the caliphate back to the family of the prophet. The hotshots. This december make the heroes of Europe Asia Africa the middle east oceania. To a stage played for legends make connections makes a mistake peak for the on becoming the worlds best city excite will be sure to say i want to be. This peace. Maker thats a good goal. A career doomsday cult is good hundreds of followers to a tropical paradise ive won i won a steam vest to gates the secretive sect accused of abuse and violence in fiji. On aljazeera. He said ill be in doha the top stories on aljazeera at least 3 people have been killed in israeli airstrikes in gaza funerals have been held for a palestinian Islamic Jihad commander and his wife who died in an israeli air strike on their home in gaza overnight israeli airstrikes have also hit apartment buildings and a hamas facility in gaza. The Israeli Military says around 50 rockets were fired from gaza prompting the closure of schools and some transport Services Video released by the Roads Authority shows what appears to be a rocket exploding on a busy highway israeli warplanes meanwhile are fired missiles towards damascus into the neighborhood of mazhar to hit a house belonging to another commander of Islamic Jihad its unclear what happened to him but his son granddaughter had been killed matheson has more from west jerusalem. The situation is very significant also because this is the 1st time since the end of the gaza war in 2014 that israel has used a targeted attack on such a senior figure it has carried out targeted attacks on other individuals but not at this level of seniority the police in hong kong have been firing tear gas and a gauging in running battles with protesters across several parts of the city antigovernment demonstrators set up barricades paralyzing streets and public transport a large area of eastern australia has been given one of the countrys most serious bushfire warnings the sydney region has been given a catastrophic danger level for the 1st time winds and dry conditions are helping the flames to spread under the sorts of conditions there is a significant amount of unpredictability instability and aggressive far behavior and fast bred you we know that under under dis of catastrophic if a fast dance and takes hold if we are not there so quickly that we can bring it under control if it takes hold we are not going to stop it we are not going to control farmers and a catastrophic conditions they have the ability to develop and grow extremely quickly the former president of bolivia able medallists has left the country to seek asylum in mexico but his flight was diverted to paraguay he resigned on sunday after weeks of protests following his disputed reelection those are your headlines the news continues on aljazeera after the calif to check out the website the address al jazeera dot com im back in 30 minutes with the news or 60 minutes of news and comment hopefully you can join us that. Southern jordan. In the 8th century it was a settlement of one of the 2 major branches of the hashemites. The prophets own family of the christ tribe. Known as a bus its these were descendants of and. One of muhammad u

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