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Now of course is trying to identify the victims in the early stages of the investigation it was thought they were all chinese nationals but some bare them is families are reported to have raised concerns about the welfare of their relatives including the family of a 26 year old woman who they believe could have been inside the container the deputy chief constable of essex police gave this updates we owe it to those who have died to get this investigation right and speculation is not helpful it may in fact hinder around dressed occasion in its progress. Before to look you commenting on any speculation about the nationalities of those who have tragically lost their lives well this clearly is becoming an International Investigation involving the belgian or thought is where the lorry came from and also the chinese authorities who are pushing the British Police to find out exactly what happened and the focus really is on trying to find out where the lorry started its journey and how those people came to be on it in the 1st place. What the next but still ahead on aljazeera going nowhere well tell you why these trucks have been stuck at nigerias border for months. And basically divided washington d. C. Find something democrats and republicans alike can cheer for. Head of the. Northern sections of the middle east plenty of clouds as you can see streaming east was of the last few hours and still the system just sitting to the top of egypt but it will actually work its way east with plenty of rain showers though through central and Western Areas of iran they tend to die away as we head through sunday and sunday clearing skies to the eastern end of the med so 26 celsius the High Temperature in beirut for this is south across 11 peninsula weve got to 10 which is generally in the mid thirtys the humidity levels still fairly high and certainly that will increase along coastal areas of oman and thats because of this is Tropical Cyclone kyle and this is on its way west its going to take a few days to actually get close to the coast but sunday monday really is the day will begin to see some effects along this coastal area the winds by this point on sunday at about 250 kilometers and. That very closely over the next few days then down into Southern Africa now but its one of 10 which is really on the rise 37. 00 and on saturday and actually for calls to get higher than that is about 8 degrees above the average at the same time you can see in johannesburg 35. 00 on sunday thats 12 degrees above the average for this time of year we could see its got a thunderstorm but really the rain is most like here in cape town with a high of 60. Theres a barber. What you have. As he said. Hes moving with. The stories. Told by the people who live. On aljazeera. Hello again youre watching aljazeera reminder of our top stories this hour at least 30 people have been killed in the latest major bout of violence during protests in iraq thousands rallied in several cities rejecting the Prime Ministers promise for reforms and calling for political change. President says hes heard the message after more than a 1000000 people turned out in protest against his Government Security forces moved in on the huge crowds in santiago firing water cannon and take out. The family of a young vietnamese woman has come forward fearing she was among people found dead in a container truck east of london relatives of the 26 year old say they havent heard from her since receiving distressing Text Messages and what she describes suffocating. In zimbabwe as supporters of the ruling zanu p. F. Have been outs demanding an end to sanctions imposed during Robert Mugabes rule he was removed from power 2 years ago and died last month when we toss to reports from harare. Some traveled overnight to get out in time for the anti sanctions march organized by zimbabwes government they want the removal of sanctions imposed by the us. And United States many they still are being punished by the west because of land reforms by former president Robert Mugabe when many white farmers had their property seized. His successor says sanctions imposed nearly 2 decades ago are hurting the economy. However the sanctions were imposed following human rights abuses and electoral fraud allegations the punishments include travel bans and the freezing of assets of some officials in the ruling sun appear party as well as the armed forces the United States the sanctions are targeted with 141. 00 individuals and companies on its list the americans blame government corruption Economic Policy with the bar with economic crisis some economists say even though sanctions are targeted every citizen and local business is affected any countrys risk reception is breached or restricted measures that have been put by the International Community even if im a 3rd Party Investor i ask questions 1st before i come into the country to say why is this you know country and sanctions so the fact that its in such an increase is the country specific perception and thats one thing you know the americans in the e. U. To it require continue to ignore zimbabwe and say they suffering yet another economic crisis this one the worst in a decade there is high unemployment soaring inflation and shortages of fuel cash and medicines the main Opposition Movement for Democratic Change party says the government is using sanctions as an excuse to avoid taking responsibility does what this government has done to the innocent citizens of this country that is innovative the kind the instructions to must if its a do they into no problems they dont. Prescription of democratic rights they made of innocent citizens action of innocent citizens and then the actions of. The e. U. And usa sanctions will only be fully removed when political and Economic Reforms are implemented and the rule of law is respected. Business owners in nigeria never asked hundreds of millions of dollars since the government closed a Border Crossing with neighboring when in order to say theyre trying to stop illegal goods from being smuggled in and address reports on the nasty side effects. These trucks have been stuck here at the nigeria binny border for 2 months. Caught by a sudden change of government policy theyre not allowed to go forward and cant go back. As a boat has been importing and exporting goods for 23 years he says hes never seen anything like this here come to our government should they hand over to us goods that weve already paid import duty for we have more than 500 trucks on the bin the republic side of the border many of the goods are damaged you lose more if this doesnt and assume some businessmen say they have lost hundreds of millions of dollars since the middle of august when the government ordered the borders to be closed imports. This is one of the reasons the government says its because its illegally imported rice. Officials say the flow of contraband into nigeria is killing its economy and production and opening the door to criminals and weapons. If you must in this. Theyve. Played a big broad. Have been exploited by some. And therefore we have a duty and responsibility to engage in legitimate actions that would be. Better people and more importantly simulate the little people. The port of cotton or in ben in is 120 kilometers from Lagos Nigeria Officials Say many goods from coated or smuggled past customs inspectors summer is the busiest of nigerias border towns connecting the port city of cotton or in been a republic where the countrys commercial capital lagos this used to be a very important trading point for imported goods especially right now in this market i mean town there is little traffic since nigeria closed its borders the government hopes that shutting down the borders will stop because from smuggling illegal got into the country the security clampdown us forced up the prices of goods in markets and there are shortages in some places. The government says the measures will grow nigerias economy in the long term Officials Say in the 1st 2 weeks of the border closures revenues from import duty went to by more than 5 percent but that left many nigerians concerned about rising cost of food stuff. That they want since we dont get regular supplies of food stuff here in same i know food is getting in across the border and no food reaches us here from legal us we are in a fix the government says it wants to stop smugglers and criminals who pose a bigger threat to the country and its economy and all keep the borders closed for now. I did research al jazeera. Along the nigeria ive been in border. Now the European Union has agreed to britains request for another bracks set extension that didnt set a new departure date this will give britains divided parliament more time to decide on Prime Minister bias jonathans call for a snap election on december 12th johnson hopes to win a majority and pass the divorce. Leaders last week for a challenge has more from brussels. Over 2 meetings in brussels this week ambassadors from 27. 00 different e. U. Countries the 28. 00 the u. K. Not of course being included in these discussions have gathered together to try to work out whether theres going to Bree Abraxane extension and if so for how long now they are most of the way there but the final hurdle gyration still to be cleared as they broke up on friday they said that there was full agreement on the need for an extension that was for agreement reached a unanimous consent the u. 27 decision and there was full agreement that this should be done by written procedure and that there was no real need to get the leaders of these countries together in a meeting but they are going to keep on talking over the weekend when they broke up on friday they havent yet decided to how long this extension would be for and they will perhaps make this decision they said on monday or tuesday of next week theyre basically waiting for a sign from london as to whether or not there is going to be a general election in the u. K. Which is strange because in london theyre basically waiting for some kind of indication from brussels about how long the extension is going to be. As of next month u. S. Airlines will be banned from flying to every cuban airport except havana its the latest step by the white house to undo the easing of restrictions under Donald Trumps predecessor barack obama secretary of state mike pompei requested the move that will bar u. S. Flights to 9 International Cuban airports starting december 10th the u. S. Transportation Department Says its a consequence of quote ongoing repression of its people and its support for venezuelas government but a u. S. Court says the secret portions of robert millers report must be released to congress will concluded a 2 year investigation into russian interference in the 2016 election earlier this year but large sections of his findings were withheld by the Justice Department a washington judge says those now must be handed over to the House Judiciary Committee by october 30th democrats are seeking the full report as part of their impeachment investigation of us President Donald Trump Christensen Amy has more from washington. Democrats are particularly interested in any information in that report that could pertain to a possible obstruction of justice charge against the president or you may recall that the mahler report found that there was russian interference in the 2016 election but insufficient evidence to show that president trampers team were involved in any way he also left open the question of possible obstruction of justice for how President Trump handled that investigation his efforts to stifle it remember he fired f. B. I. Director james cole me that raised a lot of questions in the possibility of charges there but the special counsel said that he could not charge the president because it was Justice Department policy not to charge a sitting president thats the responsibility of Congress Congress wanted to go there now the judge is saying they can indeed go there and have access to all this information that was withheld by attorney general william barr this is a major victory for democrats in addition to getting access to all of that information the judge validated the impeachment inquiry in the 1st place now the president and republicans have painted this inquiry as a sham accused democrats of not following procedures because they havent held a formal vote to have an impeachment inquiry but the judge said that was incorrect that there was ample case history to allow the agree to go forward. All right now washington d. C. Is experiencing something it hasnt seen since 1983 baseballs wild series is being played in the city 86 years is a long time to wait for a return to the games biggest stage roselyn jordan has more on the excitement that uniting a city that is more deeply divided. This is the washington the world has come to know thats an ask one of the other folks thats a tough you dont touch me. But right now this is also washington. In the middle of baseballs biggest prize the great series. To really big deal really its brought the city together. Joining forces to push american baseballs Youngest Team the nationals to victory. Its been a long time since a Baseball Team has given washington this much to celebrate the all senators team last competed in the world series in 1933 when the country was in the grips of the Great Depression but even during postwar prosperity and the senators were lousy fans still turned up now with impeachment looming and the airwaves loaded with accusations of political witch hunts and fake news i think any time you get a daisy sports team doing well it really elevates the city and we can always use a little bit of unity in this place i think its bobby but also to get there you know and that they are winning they can. Go rob or something in common hot bats and the joys of seeing in the team anthem baby shark are giving exhausted washingtonians a reason to smile now this is a story about celebrating washingtons unity but my producer reminds me that we need to remain bipartisan isnt that right chris. Rosalyn shorten aljazeera washington. Well sadly for chris and other nationals fans game 3 did not go well for the home team the visiting Houston Astros won 4 to one but washington does lead the best of 7 series 2 games to one and fans will be back in Nationals Park on saturday for game 4 while the number of electric scooters has skyrocketed in paris and with it an unexpected job fishing them out of the river send over the course of 3 hours this team pulled 15 miles an hour he covered scooters out of the water where possible they are recycled this cruises can be hired veyron appen an easy way to get from a to b. But locals are increasingly frustrated about the way theyre discarded around the city. Hall this is al jazeera and these are the headlines at least 40 people have been killed in the latest major bout of violence during protests in iraq thousands rallied in several cities rejecting the Prime Ministers promise for reforms and calling for political change chiles president says hes heard the message after more than a 1000000 people turned out in protest against his Government Security forces moved in on the huge crowds in santiago fire and water cannon and tear gas and on your part it has moved from the capital. Friday was an eventful day not only in santiago but it other parts of the country involved parties so at the National Congress protesters attempted to storm the National Congress it erupting a session of of representatives sending every everyone home is a big concern with so many people out on the streets well over a 1000000 people were out on the streets on the 7th night of a military and forced curfew is that things will remain peaceful this is been one of the reasons people been so angry over the course of the past week since the unrest began has been the heavy handed response from police and armed forces with use tear gas Water Cannons and even live ammunition to to disperse the crowd the u. N. Says it supports an order of bolivias disputed Election Results amid allegations of fraud the libyans have blocked streets and it fires and has calling for their vote to be respected the u. S. Brazil argentina and colombia have called for bolivia to hold a runoff vote the electoral tribunal confirms that the controversial reelection of president evo morales. The u. S. Has Judiciary Committee has been granted unrestricted access to robert millers reports and to russian interference in the 26000. 00 election democrats demanded it as part of efforts to build an impeachment case against President Donald Trump and the family of a young vietnamese woman has come forward fearing she was among fashion 9 people found dead in a container truck east of london relatives of the 26 year old say they havent heard from her since receiving distressing Text Messages and which she described suffocating British Police have not confirmed that the identities nor the nationalities of the victims well those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera this is europe. A one time glamorous picture house for the rich and famous of hollywood now ourselves as the poor unforgotten of Downtown South holland. Carving out a life in the ruins of the abandoned building residents reinvent the movies of themselves escaping their reality and reliving the former glory of cinema. A witness documentary on aljazeera. Are and. They are so gentle and she in a little if im still talking severe were going to end up with a 0 on tough on crime although i think im on the other. Interests but also not. By unscom tied to it so we dont bomb inside the files of the story long long once unless funds are set up. Under some of the media a little bit about going to put my bulldog to how the media is how any good clean into radiance was on monday which. Cynthia the number could you could start with a come if youd like to bring this issue and talk about. It he said again and got. Gun sellers. Have a little bit so its all talking about a fire in quantum bigger lots of another issue as peter. Complete trust on those of us there under the best deal of this. Earth might not be out. Here is a limb biomes might give suburbia a motherfucker dump this be our own private bit of vision ill see. The but it is we have not got something transport yet while maybe ill buy a. Lot he hadnt thought. Of the sultan. Of the number because short scope to give a good shot. And yes because she had so often been momente at smitten house gentlemans barbershops feel a dollar. It helps all that comes does is my palm the little shits up spot for the space station. Isnt that a hobby a man found out except its for free cause. Thats good love of the not clear that he she is a shit single vichy its a list. That sounds mr than its simplest its machine must not impose. A swastika mate in the lives of us our School Tomorrow but next the shit on the overtones of for no. Government can go. On the minds on are them there was often found that number was confirmation does this. But science must tell you its a badass for you not. A liberal and. I dont mean you against him. Or who are just to love him. So done. Again thats what your liberal common. Done prior to the embassy in london bill some done cooking to us be a good mark about on social. Problem as if. The solution. To moving how much garbage the. Little dip and whats expected because. He abuses schlosser doesnt want this new scene it wants and zip to buy a coffee its a station the new english i think it should be nice rendition but. Thats because of either especially my lot in the show storage thats going to host. Part of a no no you can just get. Them on skype. To get. All of the marked up. But its mine ill bite my phone number if you dont have the space station but the mom has gone to the top shelf gonzalez from the edge of the. Missile to stop lights and. You know the. Old at st Thomas Aquinas killing incident its a field by a school of uniform because its not its the you know of the bad boys thats so. Much my guess. Oh this is a i dont know if he is going to sue if you. Remember. Theres a. Bus. Full of us for all. This cinch my. Shins. Been so focused here just for grandmas listening was on fox shriveled up and into wilson field i saw just over the border of. Self. By dr who commits a medical. Device when dished you know that one gets the little storage attention of a couple of placed up for the nose cone just one lung tissue oh yeah and i had the most awful be in the clinch get along isnt enough time go see if it gets. A lot of this ready or whatever money you got. Yeah. But buffalos behest of the scum of the olson he called she telling. You she sees whats on. The moments of the under. The sea of us who want us i think thats been pushed me. Until i see you get it done been. Very few. Here in. This nation. See. This you can see and. Should and will look at you know. The. Second was a step that was good for the country i included. The grand opening by the spider for you had to come here often above a part of the school. Where the event marking. Gave you the love of the roots. Of all. The power of the world. Then by those. Who wish. This is tried to do this is most of us the sure. Into sure. Missed. This summers world how to. Build that is the one who got all of our. Far as. This was. Dispensed to from still with bob on a bottle to my. Dentist from the hose the president of. This. Longer this goes on im going to shift and whats wrong. With that degree of other this new sort of us he was and. Is really starting to see shifts can put thats a community. Also also see it with big is still a missing. I get it to. The comment i get. To. Know to. They havent connected yet when given consists of can get under the hood was done but these are for a bundle ultimate game with. Good marks mitt not quite is refusing to do not like. Student chefs may not for the offer i mean harm someone a place or sponsors come out on vox. Let them. Clean n. T. And they actually had to dance one. On some glock its been used by phone from sponsorship. And done which might seem. At. This never gets a good idea. For this in the sand splinters of the. Us thats not a. Show while. The other guy did have a very out of murder yeah. All of the months of

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